"j$ i '- m ;-3" ?&' A& W Tt 14 THE PITTSBUBG DISPATCH, .STUTOAT, MAT 13, 1889. v r, - I P Opinions About the Some . Club's Eecent Work. ANSON'S LATEST VIEWS About the Injustice of the Classifi cation of P layers. B0LLIV1FS LATEST ESCAPADE. Comment on the Proposed Ellingsworth Dempsey Battle, IHS FUTUBE OP BOXING DISCDSSED "Dryden, I mean Alexander's Feast Dry den, in one of his beautiful little odes, tells os that "hope with goodly prospects feeds the ere." This sentiment is, indeed) consol ing in many phases of daily life; not only to the men of fortune and fashion, bnt also to the humblest plebeian. Bnt at this stage of the struggle for the National League baseball pennant perhaps hope's goodly prospects are more consoling to the admirers of the local ball club than to any other class of citizens. Judging from the straggle so far there it, indeed, much to hope ior. "Whether half of it will ever be realized I know not, but probably it is better to lire in hope than die in despair. We need to hope for better work if onr baseball horses are to cnt anything like a respectable figure in the race. That they can do so is just as certain as we lire if the team was fairly into good con dition. It Is this Improvement of condition that we all hope for, and, if that is realized, depend upon it the team will keep champions and non-champions moring round like a cat on a hot skillet When the season first opened I pointed out the poor condition of onr pitchers, and in a measure predicted that tbe results would not be cheering. It was thoccht that a few days would find al! tbe pitchers in good condition, but Instead of that matters seem to hare become worse. It is a pity, and I feel sure that both the admirers of the club and lovers of baseball generally will regret It. It is not unreasonable to say that, whn in condition, the Pittsburg pitchers are equal to any in the country, and better, as a let, than thole of the majority of League teams. This is a statement which, I think, will be t accepted generally, and. If it is true, there is no reason why, providing the pitchers are all right, the home club should not be among the leaders from start to finish. Already the playing of our team has taught us that they can hit the ball and field just as good as anybody. However, the unfortunate condition of our leading pitchers ought to prompt both players and officials to make better efforts to guard against such occurrences next year. The Xjeasoe Race. If excitement is what the enthusiasts of the national game want, they surely have a good supply of it at present Ho kind of race could well be any closer at the start than the League race. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Pitts burg and Cleveland are all jumping off with a Tim that is pleasing to see. The race is at such an early stage yet that nothing outside of mere conjecture can well be said. It seems to me, however, that New York is just as strong as it was last year. Keefe is in harness again, and he and Welch will be formidable opponents for anybody. If there were books on the season's contest, judging from present indication, New York ought to be favorite. ' Philadelphia would be an extraordinary team were its hitting power in proportion to its pitching power. This defect howerer, will keep the Quakers from tbe top. Boston has done nothing daring the week, and I am still Inclined against its chances for the pennant Cleveland so far has been a surprise, but it wonld seem fair to wait until the various teams have become steadied before comparing the Baby with any of them. Washington may be destined to bring up the rear. Tbe team is. apparently no stronger than it was last year. Chicago is rarjldly improving, and the Hoosiers only a trine better than last season. Anion's latest Kick. Captain Anson, of the Chicago club, has finally declared himself in no uncertain way on the classification rule. He has to a great extent pointed out a new objec tion Co the system: the obiection re lates directly to the exchequer of the club and, therefore, is backed up by considerable earnest aess. Mr. Anson has discovered that the classification plan it neither wise in policy nor just in principle. Jftake occasion to draw at tention to this declaration now because when the rule was first adopted I raised similar ob jections In this paper. Almost singlehand I have insisted on these objections, believing them to be founded on common sense or logic. The objectors to tbe plan are increasing every week and it will be to me of the great surprises of next fall and winter if a very radical change is not made in tbe plan. Of course, I have always argued that the object of the plan was all right Jts mission was to cut down salaries. Bnt the means is one thing and tbe result is another. The principle of a one man classification by what is known as "players' averages" Is of the unsoundest mind, and as sure as we lire there never was and never will be an unsound principle that will lead to per manent success. The Chelsea sage, Carlisle, in one of his beautiful books, says that a lie can not always exist and If this la true we may add that trutt is immortal. It follow?, then, that any system founded on false or untrue princi ples or notions must eventually lead to in creased troubles. Bo far it seems to me that the effects of the classification plan are in this direction. Aside from the theoretical features of the question, which have already been argued in these columns, Mr. Anson cites the case of Bastian to sbow what a great injustice is being done the Chica go club. Tbe latter is sadly In need of a short stop and Bastian desires to join tbe club. Chi cago wants to buy him and pay him a salary he desires, but the classification specter looms up and forbids any such satisfactory deal between tbe players and the club. Classification says to Bastian: "I hare put you well down the list and you cannot hare what Anson says you are worth. Of course, you are to work tor him. and he is able to judge as to the quality of your services, but I won't allow any deal ex cept my terms are occeptcd. Certainly I'm not financially interested in the Chicago club, but that don't matter to me. My object is to stop you, Bastian and Anson, from making terms catislactory to yourselves." A Donble Injustice. There Is nothing exaggerated in the above because it is practically how matters stand be- , tween Bastian, Anson and classification. Even r If the first named does accept the lower terms 1 dictated by Classification the foregoing argn- ; mentis not at all affected. It Is apparent that , thsre is at least a double Injustice. Bastian Is being punished because of a rule which says that he is sot worth as much as the Chicago clnb thinks he Is and even wants to pay him. Tbe club is being unjustly treated because of a ruie wmen claims to mow more airout wnat it seeds than It does itself. At least this is a ri diculous state or things and It Is sate to say that any other club than Chicago would hare deemed tbe circumstances just as unjust as Anson and Chicago hare done. It is a fact that big salaries are going along just as much as crer, and it may truthfully be added that they will continue to do so. The lions of the game hare so far been kept quiet oy their getting almost everything they wanted. It is only tbe modest and, to a very great ex tent, players of every day use that are appar ently the Tictims of tbe rule. It ever the Players' Brotherhood had an idea of doing any thing for the benefit of tbe players It has an opportunity now. I don't mean that any rule can be changed at nresent but something can be done toward forming definite plans of action lor the proper time. The Derby Surprise. It has often been said that nothing Is so un certain as the "glorious certainties" of the Eturf. They seem to be as numerous and just as startling as the unexpected results in baseball. rA week ago anr of ns could hare f secured listeners to bear us talk about the probabilities of Washington whitewashing I the Giants for an entire week, but I question if B anybody wonld hare listened to our talk about Spokane defeating Proctor Knott and winning Stfie Kentucky Derby. We might and proba- i tu wvuu, uto Des considered tbe victims 01 a hallucination had we taked about the cu&e Spokane beating the rec 01 drWell, these things hare all occurred this -wrek. They are now real andjiard facts of history, and doubtless they will often be referred to-wlth regret, Spo kane, indeed, surprised both the talent and the public lam quite free to admit that I was one of tbe surprised. Simply because Spokane did not appear to be even & danger ous horse in the race. On the other hand, Proctor Knott has been such a wonderful per former that one was hard to convince that any thing In the country could beat him. However, he was beaten, and while I don't want to detract any glory in the least from Spokane, T am of opinion that a better horse than he is ran second to him. There is every reason to beliere that had Proctor Knott not swerved when approaching the distance he could hare beaten Spokane handily. The sturdy son of Luke Blackburn got out of his course a little. Whether this was or was not the fault of Barnes, his jockey, lam not prepared to say; but I do say that Knott lost the race by that mistake. According to accounts he was going full of running and comfortably in the lead, when he turned his head a little. He at once dropped behind before Barnes could get him steadied. The jockey, of course, saw the gravity of the mistake and made a tremendous effort Tbe horse responded gamely, and when the wire was reached he was only beaten by a nose. With a finish like this who will say that Proctor Knott couldn't hare won if all bad gone wellT And if he had not raah a mistake what reason is there to suppose t&at he couldn't hare finished the race one-half or at least a quarter second better than Spokane's record? The horses will meet again, and most assuredly I cannot believe Spokane Is superior to Proctor Knott until they have met again on even terms and an honest victory gained. Elllngsworlh and Dempsey. Joe EHingsworth has once more come to tbe front and if all stories are true he and Demp sey are to meet in 'Frisco. For some time past Ellingsworth, who will be 'remembered as the New York amateur pugilist has been declaring himself. He has often stated that he would like to be a full pledged professional and that he thought he could defeat Jack Demnsey for the middle weight cbampionsbip. Of course Ellingsworth is a good man and if he is as good as he used to be will make it warm for any middleweight He is well sclenced and a good hitter, but if he It no better than be was and If Dempsey is no worse than be used to be. I cannot tee where Ellingsworth's winning chance comes in. It seems safe to say that Ellingsworth Is not the equal of McCaffrey in boxing, and if this be true Ellingsworth will have the hardest task he ever had in his life to hit Dempsey and the latter will almost be able to hit Ellingsworth when he chooses. These expressions are made assuming that Dempsey will be in his best form. He may not be as good as he has been, howerer, and I will not be surprised if he is not Dempsey has had a long spell of "running around" and this must hare some effect How ever, if Dempsey cannot gain a 'victory from Ellingsworth I don't know what he would do with Mitchell. SnIIIrnn'i Latest. Few people who hare taken any interest in the proposed Sulliran-Kilrain fight will be sur prised to read of John L's latestlescapade. In. tbe language of one of bis friends "he was making things howl" at New York on Friday. It does seem that drunkenness is chronic with Sullivan and his sprees are so frequent that there is no novelty at all in bearing of or read ing about them. True his friends hare steadily declared that be has not been drinking at all and that the reports to the contrary Mere circulated by his enemies. A plea of this kind in the face of Sullivan's public carousals is ridiculous. Sullivan's latest, howerer, only shows him to have lost almost all moral forti tude, or if that phrase is too ethical, all will Sower seems to hare left him. The attio day between him and Kilrain is fast approaching and Sullivan is about 230 pounds in weight At most his weight ought not to exceed; 190 pounds when he enters the ring. Personally,! think that too heavy, but It seems customary to have men as big as pos sible. Welt if he fights at 190 that .means he must be reduced 40 pounds in about two months. In view of Sullivan's prolonged dissi pation it may be safe to say that if he can go through the ordeal of training required by his condition ana can appear in the ring In first class shape he will be tbe most wonderful man we have had in the pugilistic world. It really does seem strange to me that his backers cling to him so stead fastly if a battle Is really meant The amount of money alleged to be at stake is so great that one would naturally think Sullivan's' sprees would not In any way be tolerated. An other change has been made in his training arrangements. He is now to go with William Muldoon to the latter's farm, near Chautauqua Lake. The Coney Island clan has therefore been abandoned. Muldoon's place is ten miles from a saloon, and It Is expected that this con dition will keep Sullivan sober. It maybe that it is too late to put into operation a method to keep him sober. He may be physically ruined now. Kilrain -will return to this country as soon as he receives the pounds, shilling and pence which he expects to get from bis Condon benefit While he has not been in strict train ing, he has been exercising daily. i "Will Boxing Decline r Henry Sampson, the English authority on boxing, makes the following interesting state ment regarding the boxing boom in England: Just now I stated my belief that the present boxing boom will not bare a very prolonged existence that is, as an attraction for folk who until comparatively recently never were attracted by it Tbe reason for this belief is that there is not enough talent about to en courage the dilettante sort of a patron to per severe and become in the fulness of time a real lover of the science. Men like myself and others whose names will suggest themselves, that always were fond of a bit of boxing be cause they understood it, and who would and did endnre some inconvenience and discom fort so as to get what they wanted, will still remain; out they are not one In a thousand as compared with the mobs who now gasn to see glove fights, and whe are just as well pleased when thoroughly well humbugged as when tbey hare a real good dish set before them. With all the demand and all the groveling before it on the part of writers who, when boxing was down, roundly abused it webarenotyetdereloped anything in the shape of a real first-rater, measured as boxers ere measured when Mace, Wormald, Napper, Nolan and dozens like them got their creden tials. All four I hare mentioned could not only spar in a way which would have made them certain winners in any competition for points at thier respective weights with nowaday boxers, but tbey could do much more. They could fight with bare knuckles were well tried in battles which brought qualities into play such as are seldom or never required in the trials of to-day which have brought about a race of feather-bed champions. Eren these thread paper creatures, the best of whom might faint if asked to fight half a dozen rounds in which hugglngs on the ropes and heavy falls on hard ground, as well as severe punching, had to play their part, are none too numerous. Now a man who can brag, and who haa braggarts at his back, is champion almost before he has earned the right to rank with what we used to call novices. Besides lack of -SKill, I am much afraid there is a noticeable lack of pluck among some ot those who. If long tongues and loud months were boxing skill and capacity to endure punishment wonld be far greater heroes than ever were Belcher or Pearce, Crlbb or Gully. Itis really wonderful bow some of the champions ot now manage to take their beds and be seriously 111 whenever there is an opportunity for them to obtain real distinction. Three or four years ago I saw one much-bepuffed modern boxer do his best to knock out and seriously Injure a poor little fel low not much more than half bis size, under circumstances that gave more than usual ad vantage to the bigger man. Since then, when ever this bigger man has been about to meet men of his own weight who seem at all danger ous, he has become either sick or has done something to make tbe judicious grieve that such skill as be possesses should bave taken up Its abode In so contemptible a corpus. It Applies at Home. I quote the above because to the letter it ap plies to the pugilistic or boxing condition of things In this country. But it seems to me that tbe opinions expressed, by Mr. Sampson have been more or less known here for a long time; experience has taught us already to a great ex tent what he is now complaining of. A year or so ago when boxing was at its highest pitch here, we had a country full ot champions who daily wanted to fight anybody or everybody f our ronnds for the receipts and the cham pionship." Boxing Is going back a little, that is, public boxing, and just as It declines to do tbe number of so-called pugilists. If there was no boxing at all it might be difficult to find ten prize fighters In tbe country. As long as there are gloves and receipts depend upon It the bowling boxer who defies the world and claims all kinds of championships will be with us. Pbikglx. CHEAP FLOOR COVERING. Art Square. We hare 5,000 ingrain art squares, 1 by 3 yards, from $1 each up. This is a positive reduction oi 33 to 60 per cent from former prices, to close them out We will want room ih a few weeks for large new stock of goods, consequently now is bargain time all over the bouse. EDWAED GltOETZIlfGEB, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Combination Patterns 100 entirely new combination dresses will be opened on Monday, the 13th inst They are worth $30; our price until close, $15 each. iVWFSu Huotjs & Hackx. ED MOKRISWAS PIE. Anson and His Boys Had a Picnic With Him, -and. PITTSBURfl ONCE HOBB LOSES. Bostons Seat the New Torts br the Latter's Errors. , THE BABIES AGAIN BEAT THE HOOSIEKS - tBFICXaI.TXLXaiULXTOTBXStSrATCB.1 Chicago, May U. The drizzling rain which came down -from the leaden clonds to-day started a fungus growth on the Chicago-Pittsburg game. It sprouted lich ens, mangoes, horse-chestnuts and white lilacs. It made the ground look like a brickyard. It filled tbe air with a Eepul chrio smell, and it made everybody feel as though he was in a cave which was leaking at every pore. It was a good day to sit in the jaws of a rail fence and shoot ducks, but aside from this there is no especial reason why the day should go on tbe books at all The Chlcagos won because they couldn't help It After they had been shut out in the first Inning tbe Pittsburgers began to slug Hutch inson's "Home, Sweet Home" delivery. Han Ion was the nrst to take a good whack at it He knocked the bars out of the first verse, and then Beckley slugged the chorus over the fence. The only thing Dunlap found when he came to bat was the bass violin and the clario net KNOCKED THE PIDDLE OUT. He caught the dropsical fiddle in the paunch and dropped it over the Harrison street wall for another home run. Then Maul banged tbe clarionet away out with it Into the center field for a base. It now looked as though the Chl cagos' orchestra had been knocked out of shape. The visitors had piled up three earned runs. Old Anson grew very red and the patter ing rain pattered throngh tbe pat hands which he patted on the pockets of his pantaloons. Carroll and Miller went out from Pfeffer to Anson. Both sldejs were shut out in the second in ning, tbe feature of tbe fielding being a one hand stop by Pfeffer ot a screaming old shot from Sunday's bat Up to this time the Chl cagos had been unable to do anything with the grinning red-faced Morris. But in the third inning they began to feed off him. It was a cold lunch in tbe drizzling, sticky rain, but the spectators seemed to enjoy the banquet Ghoulish looking Hutchinson sank his fangs on the ball for a base. Ryan was not so hungry, and sat down. Van Haltren, howerer, was ravenous. He was swinish. He stuck his fork In the ball, which looked larger than a man hole, and then swiped It with his knife. THEY ENJOYED COLD LUNCH. The spherical looking pudding went, up into the air with a noise that sounded like a cough of a horse in a chnrch stable, and after soaring in a diagonal direction, dropped among the hoopskirts and tomato crates in a vacant lo in Harrison street. Two runs came over tbe plate. It needed only one more to tie the score. Morris took a reef in his trousers and wiped the rain out of his eyes. Then be gave Duffy his base on balls. Anson plucked the wishbone out of the ball for a base, sending Duffy to third. Pfeffer, who was also hungry, was given a pudding, which he dropped with a soft mellow noise away out In center field. Duffy crossed the plate and the score was1 a tie. The crowd yelled uproariously. Anson was now on sec ond. Farrell popped up an easy fly to Smith. Old Anson trotted out on the base line to make a demonstration in order to disconcert the effervescent and carbonated "Pod." He "jumped in front of tbe shortstop, waved his fat rea arms ana openea ms race, amun sunpiy squeezed tbe ball and before the "old man" knew what he was about he was folded in a seat double play from short to second. THE CBOWD SOAKED. Old Anson ground his chops and turned a vindictive blood-thirsty glance toward the grand stand. The visitors were shut out in their half ot the inning. A phenomenal running pick up by Pf efier being the feature of the fielding. After Burns bad been retired in the fourth, Qombert, tbe lusty young man from Monon gahela wbc has been doing some terrific batting daring tbe past week, lifted the ball over Maul's head for three basses, and scored a moment later on Hutchinson's second safe drive to the center field. Ryan's ground ball to Miller caught Hutchinson on second, and Van Haltren's long fly to Maul retired the side. The visitors again took the lead in their halt of tbe inning. The rain was now falling steadily and the ball was difficult to handle. Maul got his base on balls and was advanced to second on Carroll's sharp hit to Hutchinson. Little Mil ler then caught tbe ball between the eyes and dropped it among tbe carriages for three bags, sending Maul over the plate. Barns' fumbleof Smith's hard hit let Miller borne. Then Pop Smith started to steal second. Farrell threw so wild that the runner reached third and on a passed ball the renerable sprinter from Pitts burg crossed tbe plate with the sixth run. Morris and Sunday struck out MAUL -WENT IN TO PITCH against the Chlcagos in the fifth. The change was advantageous to the visitors for an inning at least for the Chlcagos were shut out in tbe fifth. After two of the Pittsburgers had been retired in their half of tbe inning Dunlap mado a safe hit and was driven around tbe rest ot the circuit by Maul's furious hit to the left field for three bases. Tbe score now stood 7 to 4 in taror of Pittsburg. Maul now lost control of the slippery ball. He struck Qumbert out but spoiled this bit of good work by sending Hutchinson, Bran ana van Haltren to bases on bails, with the sacks loaded little Duffy dropped the ball Into left field for two bases, sending Hutchinson and Ryan over the plate. Then Anson smashed a scorching grounder to Dunlap. Tbe Eastern captain got down on his marrow bones, stopped the bail, and he fired it on a straight line to Carroll to catch VanHaltron, who was tearing down the base line. The big catcher muffed the ball, and the runner scored. Pfeffer got his base on balls. Farrell's Sounder to Smith caught Pfeffer at second,but uffy scored before the ball could be returned to the plate. Burns 'closed the inning by striking ont The visitors went out in order In tbe last half of the Inning. The score now stood 8 to 7 in favor of Chicago. Singles by Onmbert Ryan and Anson and a doable by Dully gave the home team three more runs in the seventh, the visitors not being able to get a man past second. Tbe grounds were now so wet that Umpire Lynch called the game. CHICAGOS. 8 B P X XlPrTTSBUKG BBtll Kyan, ..- 2 VanH'tn,nr 2 Duffy. r.. 3 Anson, 1... 0 Pfefler, 2... 0 Farrell, c. 0 Burns, a.. . 0 Humbert, 1. 2 Hutc'ion, p 2 2 0 1 1 2 1 212 1 1 0 6 0 0 2 0 2 0 Sunday, r... 0 0 Hanlon, ra.. 1 1 Beckley, l. . 1 1 Dunlap, 2... 2 2 Maul, p&l. 1 2 Carroll, c... 0 0 Sillier, 3.... 1 1 Smith, s 1 0 Morris, p & 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 Totals.... U 12 a IS S ToUls.. ..7 7 2115 2 Chlcagos 0 0 3 10 4 3-11 JfitLburgs 3 0 0 3 10 08 Earned runs Chlcagos, 8; Plttsburgs. 4. Two-base hits Uufl'v. Three-base bits Miller, Mant Qumbert Home runs VanHaltren, Beckley, Dunlap. Sacrifice hits Kyan 2, Dnffy, Farrell, Smith. Double plays Smith and Dunlap. First base on balls Chlcagos, 8; Plttsburgs, 2. Hit by pitched ball-Beclley. fctruck oat Chlcagos, 2; Plttsburgs, 7. Passed balls Farrell, 2; Carroll, Time of game One hour and 30 minutes. Umpire Lynch. COSTLY "ERRORS. . The Giants' Mistakes Giro Boston a Good Game. Boston, May 1L A wild throw by Murphy in the eighth inning and a muffed fly by Con nor let In three runs to-day, and gare Boston tbe game. The contest was full of brilliant plays. Hatfield surprised ereryboay by his effective pitching. Boston's hardest hitters could do nothing with him, except Brouthers. Score: BOSTOX. "BIB T X XIKIWTOBE. B B F A X Brown, 1.... 2 0 1 Iohntton.m. 10 2 Kellv, r..... 0 0 1 liroolhers.1. 0 2 12 rtlehd's'n, Z. 0 0 0 Kay. 3. 0 0 1 Quinn. .... 0 14 Bennett e .. 0 0 S Clarkson, p. 1 l 1 Georce. m.. 0 0 Tlernan, r.. 0,0 Connor, 1... 1 2 vvara, a..... x u Blchd's'n.2. 0 O O'K'rke..!.. 0 J Whitney, til Hatfield, p.. 0 1 nuxphy, c .. 0 3 Totals 4 42715 2 Totals 3 92711 2 Bostons 1 000000304 NewYorks 0 00800000-3 Kara edrnn New Yorks, J. Two-base hit Brouthers. Three-base hit Clarkaon. BscrtncehlW-H. Klchardson, Ward, 2;D.JUch ardson, Hatfield. Murphy. Stolen bases Brown, Hatfield. First base -on balls Brown, 2: Brouthers. Ben nett, Clarkson, Hatfield, U'Konrke. Whitney. First base on errors -Bostons,l;.New Yorks. 2. Btrnckout Brown.2; H. Klchardson, Clarkson. Quinn. George, 2: D. Klchardson. Willi pltsh-Hatfield. . Time -Doe hour and minutes. Umpire Carry and Fessenden. NEARLY SHUTWT. The Hoosiers Drop Anoilier Game to the Babies. Cle vel AND.May U. Indianapolis was Bared a shutout to-day in the ninth inning by Sat cliffe's mnff of a thrown ball at home plate and singles by Buckley and McOeachyaada double byGetzein, The game wasrery exciting. The attendance was 1.800. Score: CLSVXLA'D B B P A XlrKDrANT'S'B B P A X Strieker, 2 0 2 2 McAleer, in. 1 2 2 MeEean. s.. 1 1 0 TwltcheU, 1. 0 1 1 Faatz, 1... . 0 0 12 Kadrord, r.. 0 2 .1 lebesn, 3.... 0. 2 '1 Satclirr, c. 1 1 8 Beatln, p... 10 0 beery. 1 0 11 UlSSSCOCE,S. U Z 0 Dally, C....0 0 3 Snlllran, m. 0 0 1 Bnekley, till McGeac'v, rl 1 2 Basset L 2.... 0 0 1 Schoen'ck,!. 0 0 U Qetzeln, p.. 0 1 2 Totals 41127 13 2 Totals 2 7 2717 2 Cleveland! 0 040000004 Indianapolis., 000000002-2 Earned runi-Clevelands, 3. Two-base hits-Strieker, Mitchell, Glasscock, Buckley, Getzeln. Sacrifice hlts-Strlcker, McGeachy, Bassett Stolen bases-Strlcker, 2; McAleer, MeEean, Badford, 2. ...... First baseonballs-Cleveiands.1; Indianapolis, 4, Struek out-Clevelands, 6; Indianapolis, 7. Time-une hour and 40 minutes, TJmplre-Barnum. AN EASY TASK. The Phillies Touch Up O'Day and Beat the Senators. PnrxADELPHlA, May 1L The Phillies had an easy task in defeating the Washlngtons this afternoon. O'Day was both wild and ineffec tive and his support was decidedly loose. The local players fielded superbly and batted hard, while the visitors played without any dash or go. Banning came in to catch at the beginning of the seventh inning. Score: PUILXD'A. B B T X X WJLSITTON. B B t X E CIcmenti, c. 4 leleha'y,2,. 3 Fogarty, m. 1 wson, r... 1 Mnlvey, 3... 0 Andrews, 1. 1 Farrar, 1.... I Mailman, s. 1 Bufflntou, p. 2 3 S 4 2 2 3 2 0 1 2 2,2 111 0 2 Hov. m 0 l 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 n Shock, 1 0 uarney, r... o Myers, 2 1 Wise. 0 Morrill. 1... 0 Sweeney, 3,. 0 Mack, c... 0 O'Day, p... 0 Banning, c. Vo Totals 14 16 27 10 11 Totals 1 7 27 15 5 Phlladelphlas . 0 2 0 2 0 0 7 3 0-14 Washlngtons 0 0 0 Oil 0 0 01 Earned run-PhlladelphiasLS: Mfashlngtons, 1. Two-base hits Thompson, wise. Three-base blts-Delahanty. Fogarty, 2. Home run Clements. Sacrifice hits-Murrey, Farrar, Ballman, 2; Bufflnton, Morrill. Stolen bases-Fogarty. Donble plays Delahanty unassisted. First base on balls-Off Bufflnton. 4; oil O'Day, . Hit by pitched ball-Fogarty. Struck out-By Uufflngton, 2; by O'Day. L Passed ball-Mack, 2," Time-Two hours. Umnlre McQuald. A Letter From Phillips. President Nimick receired a letter from Manager Phillips yesterday in which the latter talks about tbe condition of the team. Con way's arm is still sore, and Staley will be saved for two games at Boston. Conway and Morris may probably pitch the other two. Manager Phillips criticises the work of Umpire Lynch, who so far this season bas steadily decided close questions against Pittsburg. It seems that Lynch, ih his imperioasness and bigotry, means to make it Very warm for the local team. Dawn to Sixth Place. Tbe following table shows the correct stand ing of the League clubs up to date. It will be seen that Boston and Philadelphia are tied for first place, while .New York Is close behind. The local club is falling somewhat rapidly and is now in sixth place: o0'S': J'.'a: W2.S3 ; r ; tr " s :.::::.": 23300008 22300007 42 20000S 26 2-00009 000 0-23IS 0 0 0 0 2- 3 i i 00003 1-4S 0000020-2 s 97! 8"s eioss CXtlBB. Plttsburgs Indianapolis Chicago: Cleveland's .-.. Bostons Phlladelphlas New Yorks Washlngtons,.... .SCO 4K .53) 616 .616 ,671 ,167 Games lost., ASSOCIATION GAUSS. The Browns Simply Pulverize the Balti more Lot. St. Louis. May lL-The Browns fairly slaughtered Cunningham to-day, and they won with ease. King pitched la excellent form and was well supported. Outside of Tate, Cun ningham was well supported, considering the heavy hitting of the champions. The game was witnessed by fully 4,000 people, but It was too one-sided to be Interesting, Score: St. Louis 2 5 0 14 0 4 2 2-20 Baltimores 0 002010104 Base hits St. Louis, 19: Baltimores, 12. Errors St. Louis, 3; Baltimores, S. Pitchers King and Cunningham. 1 At Kansas City -' Kansas Cltys 1 0101200 1-6 Columbus 1 0 0 6 2 0 0 S -12 Earned runs Kansas Cltys, 2: Columbus, 2. Base hits Kansas Cltys, io: Columbus, 8. Errors Kansas Cltys, 8: Columbus, 4. Pitchers McCarthy and Mays. At Louisville Athletics 1 00000000-1 Loalsvlllei 0 12000020-5 Base bits-Athletics, 6; Louisvtlles, 12. Errors Athletics, 3; LoulsrlUes, 0. Asioclntlon Record. Per Per Won .Lost. fit. Won-Lnst-fit St. Louis IS 6 .7 Baltimores. ...12 S .600 ItrnnWlvni 10 R AM Athletics 10 9 .826 Cincinnati s. ..10 11 .478 Columbus 8 13 318 LoulsrlUes.... 4 17 .194 Kansas Cltys. .11 10 .M5 HOLLAND'S DECISION REVERSED. The Association Directors Give the Athletics the Disputed Brooklyn Game. Cincinnati, May 11. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association was held here at the Grand Hotel this afternoon after the arrival of the Brooklyns from Louisville. President Wykoff, who was Louisville's proxy, took the chair. There were also present Presi dent Borne, ot the Columbus club, and Secre tary Stern, of the Cincinnati club. Treasurer W. H. Whittaker, of the Athletics; President C. H. Byrne, ot the Brooklyns, and Umpire Holland all testified as to. the incident at Ridge wood last week, and after the evidence was all In the board passed the following resolution: Resolved. That it is the opinion of the board ot directors that the game played at Ridge wood, N. Y., on Sunday, May 5, 1889, between the Athletic Baseball Clnb and the Brooklyn Baseball Club, Umpire Holland erred In decid ing the came a draw, and tbe board of direc tors hereby reverses the decision and gives the game to the Athletic Baseball Club by a score of nine runs to none, as provided .for in Rule 61 of tbe Joint Playing Rules. President Byrne preferred charges against Curtis Welch, under Section 63 of the Consti tution, for conduct unbecoming a ball player on the field. In Trnlnlng. Professional Baseball Catcher Strike harder, Dempsey; my hands are a little soft and I want to be ready to hold the ball when the season opens. Lift. JtoB a finely cutseat-fitting suit leave yonr order with waiter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in' the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su Combination Dresses - For $15, worth $30 each; 100 of these; en tirely new designs; latest coloring; opened this week. HuorS & Hackk. mwfsu Silk gloves and silk mitts black sad colors cheapest at Sotesbaum & Co, 'a. 1EITWE TIH ABOUT. i T Frank A. Bnrr Writes of Er-Politt-cians Who Are-Iow Seeking A FORTUNE IN THE METEOPOLIS. Bow Jim Scene Dropped $11,990,000 Into tbe Tiger's Month- BIG FEES PAID NEW lOBELAWXEBS rCOBRESFOITDIIfCE OT HI DI8FATCB.1 New Yobk, May 11. "See Naples and die," is an old expression given to illustrate the very limits or natural and artificial beauty. "See New York and live," is now the coming proverb with most of those men with big hoards who have Ohtgrovvn the primitive conditions of their early lives in professional and political pursuits. It is not unnatural that men who have made large fortunes in the great West or South should seek this, the financial center of the New World, for their residence and base of operations. Hoit of them have done so, until the great money mart of this continent is con trolled by those who began far away from here and hard down on the ladder of life. Some have lost, bnt most of them have won in the mighty contest that is going on "here, day in and out, year in and year ont. Very few of the old-time New Yorkers play in the rapid game of speculation that is constantly going on here. The penchant oi the Vanderbilts is for railroads; that of tbe older families for real, estate. The Astors especially are given to accumulating real property to hold, and so extensive are their operations that, strange as it may seem, they are frequently cramped for ready money. HERE IS AX XLLTSTBAXIOZT. Qnly a short time ago a gentleman of abundant means needed $100,000 in ready cash. He had frequently borrowed that and even larger sums. Therefore, he gave himself no concern about it until about the time he needed it, when he walked con fidently into Mr. Astor's office on Twenty sixth street, and asked for the loan of $100, 000 for a short time. Mr. Astor looked up at him with sadness in his eyes and in his tone of voice. "My dear friend," said he, '1 should be delighted to accommodate yon, bnt really I do not know where I am going to get the money topay my taxes." I saw Jim Keene walking along Broad way with Leonard Jerome, whose daughter married Lord Randolph Churchill and is, one of the leaden of social life in England. V. TsMm. IB (TAttlni .A anrl !, inn. sinoe ceased to push in the hustle which is, constantly going on in toe metropolis, where competition in all the realms of life is severe and heartless. He now contents himself with a quiet clnb life with old time friends. -Mr. Keene occupies a different sphere. He came here a few years ago from the Pacific coast, and although not yet an old man, as the world counts men's ages, he is looked upon as a back nnmber around the old haunts that used to know him so well. A friend strolling with me who knows him said: TOBK BT THE TIGEB. "Mr. Eeene dropped $11,000,000 into the tiger's mouth," as Wall street is termed by many people. He came here from Cali fornia with great wealth, lots of courage and a desire to bo regarded as one of the money kings of the world. He was a dan gerous customer to many of the big.mea on the street, and as they could not combine with him, they combined against him, and eat him np. One would naturally think that a man with $11,000,000 would be satis fied with hfs pile, bnt they rarelvever are." "Is Mr. Keene poor?" I asked. "Very poor for a man of his ambitions. I think his family has a competency which he gave them in the days of plenty and can live at his ease the balance ot his life. But what is independence without action to a man who started with several millions with an ambition to be tbe eqnal of Jay Gould, Huntington, Enssell Sage and others?" It is not of the Western financiers who have congregated in New York that I de sire to write just now. It is of those profes sional men who take another vein of en. deavor and work it to the limit Perhaps it is not unnatural that men who have been in public life as lawyers and politicians should desire to find clients where fees are very large for a minimum amount of labor. SHE PLACE FOB LAWTEK3. Wayne MaoVeagh, who "established an office here alter he left Garfield's Cabinet as Attorney General, once said to me: "Host all big lawsuits in this country find their terminus or beginning in New York, and a man who desires to enjoy the cream of his profession must have connec tions there." This suggestion led me to look at the men of distinction in the law from distant States who have settled here within1 the past few years. It was not difficult to discoverthem and their places. Only a day or two ago I saw a half a dozen of them on the street one afternoon. First ex-Secretaty Brlstow, of Kentucky, came strolling leisurely along. He has changed considerablr since he was influ encing in Grant's Cabinet for better or worse some of the most remarkable features of our national life since the close of the .Rebellion. He was an officer in the Union Army, and General Grant after the war made him District Attorney of Kentucky, ills native State. He then brought him to Washington as Secretary of the Treasury, where he started the floodgates of scandal in General Grant's administratlombrstriking the Whisky King in its most vital point. The fight was a bitter one, and Bristow won; yet not without the loss of a prestige which he could never regain. He made the fatal error of becoming a Presidental candidate while engaged in a great public duty. Justly or unjustly, many people thought he made this dnty a vehicle for his own ad vancement General Grant always thought so, and never forgave him.' During this controversy there was a very dramatic scene at the White House one morning. A DRAMATIC SCENE. Late one night the story was brought to General Grant s ears that Bristow was going to have his son, Fred, arrested for complici ty in the whisky ring frauds to help his own candidacy for the Presidency. Bristow heard oi the rumor the next morning, and immediately went to the White House and said to the President that if he thought Jiirri guilty of any breach of faith with him in any particular his resignation was at his dis posal. Grant refused to consider it, but never again had cordial relations with tha Secretary of the Treasury. The harsh conditions of that contest hroucht Bristow to Neyr York to nractice law, and he has made a winning here so far as money is concerned, m aoes not mingle in politics at all, and very little in any character of public life. He lives quietly uptown, and attends strictly to his law practice, finding in its exactions oblivion from the disappointments of a political career begun brilliantly and ending in strife and bitterness. General Tom Ewlng, of Ohio, is another eminent public man who sought relief from his political losses -and gains in the giddy whirl of tbe metropolis. The most con spicuous part of hia life was spent in aad for his native State, where his whole family succeeded in making their mark. He was A GOOD SOLDIER, with the rank of Major General, and came to Congress with a good show for a great publio career at a time when big men and big questions were up for consideration. He at once took a leading place. While in the House of Representatives he was nominated for Governor, and General Augustus Y. Bice, who was in the tame Congress with him, a one-legged soldier, was nominated on the same ticket with him. The Democrats offiured this soldiers' tfek'et. 33m? were "beaten Jjy Ofiarley Foster, the "Hwtler," and siaiev that time General Swing has fbrsworai political effort' and settled down here to win money at the law. He lives quietly up at Youkers, on the. Hndson, and is content to look upon pnblio lileaa a Vanity Fair, which he has quit forever. Ex-Governor George Hoadlly, from the game State, is another conspicuous example of the disappointments ofpoliticalendeavor. So long.as he was content to pursue his pro fession in Cincinnati, beseemed to be happy in his Western horj, but he was elected Governor by a curious tarn in the wheel of fortune and two years of power left a long ing for a broader sphere of publio action which he could not get. He therefore came to New York into aq established firm to forget in the whirl of its rapid life the fol lies and eccentricities of popular applause and criticism. A PBIQHTITIi EXAMP1E. Milton J. Southard, who was a member of Congress for several terms from tbe Buckeye State, is another frightful example of the uncertainties of publio life. As soon as he got out of Cougress he could not stand the narrow limits of country life In Zanesville and he came to this great city to make money at the legal profession. He married over in Jersey and has his home there. Jliltorr-Saylor, who was for some time acting speaker of the House of Representa tives after Michael J. Kerr's death, also fretted and fumed in the narrow limits of Cincinnati after he got out of Congress un til he reached this city with an ambition to practice law here. ' Frank Hard, also of Ohio, one of the ablest men that State ever sent to Congress also spends much of his time here in the, pursuit of legal business, now that he is out' of political life. Colonel Bobert G. Ingersoll was enticed away from a lovely life in Peoria, HI., in. 1876 to the disappointments of Washing ton only to end with a law office in New York, where he makes a great deal of money and has a fair amount of enjoyment. John S. Wise, of Virginia, whose life's ambition was to be Governor of the Old Dominion, as his father had been before him, served one term In Congress and then, being beaten for Chief Executive of "Vir ginia by Fitzhugh Lee, soon tired of his old home and reached the metropolis as the attorney of a big corporation at a large salary. WEHxtro a Vudge's ophtiojis. General Eoger A.Pryor, aho of Virginia, is a conspicuous illustration of the ups and. downs of political life. A General in the Confederate army, a brilliant member of Congress before the war, he found after the war no happiness in 'the old associations which first Drought him into prominence. He drifted into New York in search of power and money. His early experiences were not pleasant. He came here at the time when the Tweed ring had its iron hand on every feature Of life. It owned the Courts, the Legislature and every other de partment of government The Judges were corrupt and oftentimes Ignorant General Pryor was poor, and necessity often compels men to work in fields they would otherwise shun. He was obliged to take references or almost any small commission from the Courts. Judge MoCunn was then on the bench. A rough and ignorant man, unlettered in the law and in almost everything else. He en listed this talented Virginian's favor in writing his decisions, and it came out in later local proceedings that General Pryor wrote nearly, if not quite every important decision that this Jndge made. Tbey were so universally sound in law, as well as per fect in diction, that McCunn was regarded as one of the strongest Jndges on the bench. When the expose came he died of a broken heart, and although General Pryor's asso ciations with him and the courts had been entirely honorable, he was 'not benefited during the storm of indignation which fol lowed the death of the Tweed King. COUXSEL 70B TIXTOK. His first appearance in a great case was as one of the counsel of Theodore Tilton in the Beeoher trial., His work there attracted Sublio attention and from that day he has eenavery successful man at the law and in every other phase of life that he has chosen to cultivate. Dan Dougherty, of Philadelphia, the silver-tongued orator of Democratio nominat ing conventions, finding no chance for polit ical advancement in tne Quaker City and very little for big legal business, is now a familiar figure among the legal lights of this great financial mart John E. Dos Passos, of Philadelphia, is another example of the tendency of attorneys to practice law where money is easily made. So also is Charles W. Brooke, of the Qua ker City, who, having'run for Congress and District Attorney on the Democratio ticket and been beaten, came home to make gold at the bar. General Butler, of Massachusetts, is, I believe, the only big legal light from New England who has a prominent office in this city. He has an ordinary lawyer here in his absence, but he keeps an eye to the big cases fn which there is money, and can be brought here at any time if the fee is large enongh. . CLEVELAND AS A XAWTEB. Study the latest and most significant ad dition to the bar of New York. The man who little more than two months ago was the Chief Executive of the nation has hnng ont his shingle and is now one of the big lawyers of this city. After the glamour of public life in Washington had ended the humble city of Buffalo, on the lake, where his whole career both as lawyer and poli tician was made, had no charms for the ex President when his season of power and glory had ended. The same is true of the great Conkling. who settled here to find in the hazards and exactions of a lawyer's life sterling relief from the regrets of a' pnblio career which should have entitled him to the respect and admiration of the 'nation. Other characters of lesser note from dis tant States have also, drifted hither. Bat in looking over the list I was struck with the number of men prominent in public life who seemed to have lound a residence here as soon as they could no longer bask in the STJKSHIirE OS" POLITICAL TAVOB. One of them said to me that the reason men of superior legal attainments came to New York was because work here was com paratively easy. Most of it was done in the office, while large fees were many times as easily earned as in any other place in the United States. Another one explained that a man was unfitted to live in the humble surroundings of a country home or an inland city after he had once gone out and tasted the'exhilara tionof power andof communion with people from all parts of the country. This I take it to be true, and therefore as you look along the great thoroughfares of New York or glance into the law offices you will find men seeking relief from political disappoint ments in the business of great corporations for big fees. After all, life is a curious study here, and you get a new phase of it at every turn of the haphazard existence that is found in eyeryline of human endeavor. FbaxkA. Bubk. 1558 Telephone 1S3S. Is that Dickson, the tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue? Yes. Send around to the hotel and get my last spring' suit and put in as good shape as that last one you cleaned and repaired for me; saved me from buying a new suit Yours, etc., Chables Dodge. Xxcnnlon to Cincinnati. B. & O: B, B. will sell excursion tickets to-morrow, May 13;-d Tuesday, May 14, at rate $840 the round trip, good to return until May 20. All the new shades and colors in awn ings at Hamaux & Son's, 637 and 639 Penn -ave. Black Goods Handsome novelties for summer wear, entirely new effects. See window display. Hughs & Hacee. Kwrsa Beeb, Ale aad , Halt Extracts for sale by G. W. BefaaMt:i mi WTifth ave. . FLUSHED TBE IASTEE BOMIt A Setter fiog tar Snle Became He fere Vt HlsHlstresa' Headgear. New York Graphic The wife of a New York newspaperman, wio lives ou Columbia Heights, near Cran berry street, Brooklyn, is anxious to dis pose of a beautiful, trained Irish setter dog. Her husband i3 an amateur Nimrod, and tbe dog was presented to him by a friend a few days ago. This is the reason she wants to get rid of the animal: Her Easter bonnet, a marvel in its wa?, and for which she paid $30, had a bird's wing on it. When she returned from chnrch last Sunday she carelessly threw the bonnet on a lounge. Tbe dog was in the room at the time. Catching sight of the bird's wing he immediately "set" the bonnet. Before the lady could realize what the dog's actions signified he had ponnced upon the bonnet and torn it to pieces. Now, she says, she is going to make the dog pay for her headgear by selling him for what if cost. A CEISIS IN HVE MIDI.. TTnoiaal Demands Canse a Short Snpplrof Blonde Tresses. London Life. There is said to be a crisis just sow in the false hair trade. The" great hair jdressers of London, Paris and Vienna have placed orders for hair which it will take the sup plies of five years to satisfy, and the amount of fair hair brought into the market is be ginning to fall short When the hair was worn in a short coll on the nape otthe neck, as was the fashion a few years back, little false hair was used, and the complaints of the hair dressers were loud and deep. Since ladies, however, have taken to pile their tresses on tbe top of the head an ad dition is required by those to whom nature has not been bountiful in the matter of locks, and hence an increased demand, which the introduction of the catogan has only served to stimulate. Ezxbaobdikabt bargains in cream, pink and blue ribbed vests, 13c up, this week, at Eosenbaum & Co.'s. JIJllftlilB sSSBiH lilll rnFNV Mi IP IB' This Company Is inaposltion to furnish anything frora a gallon of Milk or Cream ta any amow4 desired. In connection with the Creamery they always have In stock a large line ot OHIO STATE CHEESE of their own manufacture. As this is the largest establishment of the kind (exceptiag MM$? in this part of tbe country, they can furnish the lowest market rates. ' Making their own ice and having their own refrigerators at the Creamery enables them Mr always ship goods In first-class condition. P' UFRMPQ Cor. Old Ave. and Boyd SV 1 I IfeMlftlWIfcai Wj P. B.-WE GUARANTEE STEADY HUPPLT. A LIVE The credit business in Pittsburg has certainly become a; live issue. So much so that so-called Cash Houses ia many instances have closed their doors, and the days of many; more are numbered. The Credit System of doing business; has certainly taken front rank, shoulder to shoulder, with tha best business houses in the city. And why not? A man gets) his yearly salary by monthly or weekly installments. He pay his annual rental of house by monthly installments, or, if he, so desires, pays the Purchase Price of the same dwelling in a!j like manner (interest included); in the course of time he be comes the happy possessor of his own property. Likewise with the many pieces of xeal estate offered to-day by small weekly or monthly payments, so also with Pianos and Organs, and last, but not lease, the proper furnishing of a comfortable, home. Truly, indeed, it is a LIVE ISSUE, and the com fort attained from the same is very evident in many house holds. Thousands of people weekly attest this fact, and by making their .homes more comfortable live the happier. It would be a pleasure to us should any reader of those few lines take time to see our large and varied line of BEDROOM FURNITURE. 9 Our own make of Parlor and Library Furniture. Remember that we are the only Credit House , in Pittsburg that manufactures their own goods in this line, and rather than make shoddy goods, will lose the sale, because shoddy goods will not wear. ' J t " The Largest Line of Bedding Is also kept by us. Springs and Mattresses innumerable axe, in stock in this department We make a special study, as comfort should be the first essential when resting. Our line, of ICE CHESTS AND REFRIGERATORS Are unquestionably the best for the money ever offered. See them be fore purchasing elsewhere. We have also the DAVIS SEWING MA CHINE, which is without doubt the handsomest and best Sewing Ma chine to-day in the market, beside being 20 less in price than any other in the market Remember that, while we are originators of the Credit bystem, we also do a tremendous uasn business. Call as early in uw day as possible to make your selections. HOPPER BROS, k CO, 307 WOOD STREET. 30,f A,.iiaV ;OtCR, OILsTXX" li k texrjr8Km;MsTniojr. - The Beags'ter VaMhfcea Talaabli zVlaLe and Wtaa tbe Case. Savannah Kewi.l A gentleman1' dwnd a very valuable . mocking bird, of whick he thought a good deal. The bird was stolen. Thegentlemaa was very much put out over it, and hunted everywhere to recover .it He heard of a visitor from the North, who, had purchased a mocking bird and was about to leave the port on a sailing vessel. The gentleman concluded that he would go down to the vessel to see if the bird was not his. Upon reaching the vessel, SHre enongh he found a man with a mocking bird, which he at once recognized as the one he had lost. He told the visitor that the bird belonged to him, and the visitor asked his how he could recognize the bird frora, ay other, and was unwilling to give it np antil teM evidence had been given of ownership.- The Savannahian finally said that be would make complaint before a magistrate and if he did not prove by the bird itself he would not make any further claisa to it So together they went before Magistrate Bailford, who had hia office at the time ia m little building where the, Custom House now stands. The complaint was made, and the claimant of the bird said that he would prove that the mocking bird was his by tha bird itself. The magistrate was somewhat surprised, and asked: "How are you going to do that?" The gentleman replied that he would whistle an air, and if the bird took it np and followed him It ought to be sufficient evidence of ownership. If the bird did sot follow lum, then he would make no further claim to it. He whistled the tune. "St. Patrick's Day in the Morning," and the bird joined in and whistled it through without any interrnp tion. The magistrate said : "I am satisfied the bird is yours. I don't want any further evidence of the fact of ownership." The visitor was charmed and wanted the bird badly, and offered $100 for it, but the owns refused to part with it for any amount. Not only does Dabbs show the best of taste in his photographs, but he has the rare) gift of always seeing the best lines of the! human face. i-IUSDUrg. m7rM jr ISSUE JL3DIDKES0.S I. J t-J V v ''Stir 1 --at lNSSK " -JHsf ,&'A ia&M, V ', rtL'J 'rt r-)