Ill CRIMINAL. & ItSeems Probable That the tl w Doctor Had Verv Good Rea- sons for Vanishing, ItsENSATIONAL CONFESSION 5 fMade by a Toung Man Who Was Arrested on Another Charge. 'M. Ithe tbuke misteei now explained. A Bodr Wu Placed In the lake, bat It Warn That of a Womnn-A Wlerd 311 d night Ride Tho Police Hare Discov ered Evidence Confirming the Slorr Doctor Cronln Said to Hare Been Seen by a Friend at Toronto He Pretends to Ham Unearthed a Great Crime. The mystery surrounding the disappear ance of Dr. Cronin, of Chicago, is in a fair way to be dispelled. A young man arrested by the police has made a startling confes sion. He says that, in company with three men, one of whom he believes was Cronin, he took the body of a woman in a trunk to the lake and deposited it there. He was paid $25 for his share of the work. A woman is missing from the locality described, and the police hire discovered other evidence confirming the story. Chicago, May 10. The most startling information in the mysterious case ot the missing Br. Cronin came ont to-night. Thursday evening the Twelfth street officers arrested a young man who was trying to sell a white horse and a wagon in a livery stable near the police station. The young man offered to part with the rig for the sum of $10, and the suspicions of Foley, the livery stable man, were imme diately aroused. He telegraphed to the station and the horse trader was taken into custody. He gave his name as John Brown, and after answering the routine questions always addressed to prisoners, his face blanched, bis bands began to tremble and be fell in a dead faint. The officers wondered at the time that their prisoner should appear so much con cerned, but the reason was apparent next morning when he sent for Captain O'Don nell, and said be had something to tell him. He was taken into the Captain's office, and, in the presence of several officers, volun tarily unfolded the story oi bis connection with the trunk mystery. A Strange Confession. To-day policemen investigated bis story, and found it corroborated by many circum stances tending to show its truthfulness. Brown said his real name was Prank G. "Woodruff, and that be was working for .. Dean & Co., livery stable keepers at 406 "Webster avenue. His story told in bis own ' words it as follows: Wednesday nicht, while I. was in the Owl Saloon on State street I met a man there that I had been very well acquainted with several yrs before. The man was Billy King. lis; real name I think is William H. I first met bim he called himself Harry UoUworth. jWe had a number of drinks in the saloon and then started together toward Madison street. We exchanged confidences and among other things I told him that I was ont of money. I told him how I bad lost considerable money playing cards, a great deal more than 1 could afford, and that I wanted to secure something to do that wonld pay me better than working in Dean's livery stable. He said to me- "I can put yon on the way of making some money, and that easily, too." I asked him what it was, but be said be wonld not tell me then, but would later. Just before we separated he said that be would call me from the stable some evening and tell me how to make the staff. Stealing " Team. Just at dusk 1 went to the front part of the stable, he walked past and motioned to me. I went out and walked down the street with him. He asked me if I could get a horse and wagon out of the stable without any one's knowing it, and told me he would give me $25 if I would do it. 1 told bim I could and we agreed upon a place of meeting at 2 o'clock. I went to bed as usual abont 11 o'clock in the room over the stable, but as soon as the boys were asleep I got ont of bed as noiselessly as I could and walked down the stairway to the floor where the horses are kept. I had taken the precaution to leave the wagon outdoors in the alley in the rear before going to bed, so all I had to do was to get the hone ont of the rear door. I chose the white horse, because I knew it was a good roadster. I muf fled its feet carefully and walked it ont over the sawdust, opened the rear doors and had it in the alley without making the least noise. I found King waiting for me at a corner on State street. Itmnkitwas the corner of Webster avenue. He got in with me and we drove to gether to a barn in the rear of a big bouse on State street. We drove up the alley, between State and Dearborn streets to the barn doors. King said very little to me while we were to gether In the wagon, but I remember that be was smoking at the time and seemed very anxious about something. As we wheeled up in front of the barn, the door was pushed open by someone Inside, and two men came out. One was Dick Falrburn. I know Dick quite well, and hire known bim for a number of years. The other man, I am tfure, wu Dr. Cronin. Answers the Description of Cronin. Although it was quite dark at the time, I bad several opportunities to look closely at his face. He had a mustache and a llttle.'goatee and answers Dr. Cronin's description in every other way. I bad never seen Dr. Cronin to know that it was he, and I did not bear any other men address bim as Cronin. They called bim "Doc." They went into the barn together , and returned with a trunk. It seemed to be tan ordinary traveling trunk with an imitation leather or paper covering. They lifted it into the wagon and then dunned in. We drove straight through the alley to the first cross street, turned on that and then went tip Dearborn to the park. As soon as we reached the park we turned into the Lake shore drive and started north. I tept the horse on a run all the time. 1 heard several expressions in tho conversation between the men which convinced me there was a body in the trunk. In the first place, I noticed that Cronin was anxious for us to hurry. Two or three times he said "Get out of here, boys: get out of here quick,'' arid each time Dick answered. That's all right; that's all right, Doc. We'll hurry up when we pet started." 1 noticed that the trunk smelled, as it there was decaying flesh within it, and when the horse got a whiff he snorted. We drove nearly to the north end of the parte, then stopped a minute near some bushes. King and Falrburn wcro with roe. We left Cronin at the bs.nk.and I remember as I looked at bim that one of his eyes was blacked as if he had been bit with a fist. A Horrible Sight. At tbe bushes we lifted the trunk out, and I heldthe" horse while it was opened. I then saw that my suspicions were correct, and that there was a body in the trunk. They lifted It out in several pieces. 1 cannot say positively whether it was the body of a man or a woman, except Irom one circumstance I heard King say -Here's where we'll leave Allie." Fair burn answered, "Yes. and if yon had let Tom alone we would .have had Doc in here with f her.", These.remarks passed: While they were carrying thecontents out of the trunk back in tbe cushion, I noticed that each piece was carefully wrapped up in cotton or something that looked like cotton. King lifted the trunk Into thewagon. took ont his pocket book and counted ont S2Sfroin a large roll. He paid me the money and told me to drive on and get rid of the trunk and get the jr horseback in tbe barn. Jfc After I lttt them I began to Jeel rather isnucy ana whipped tbe horse into a gallop. Y-ise wnoietnpirom the Barn, we naa seen out .DM sua and ihe was in a bufltr. At the We fcj.1 . i"- w- 1 we pulled out of the track into the bushes and permitted bimto pass. I don't think he saw us. After I left the boys, I drove on a run, as I said, but had gone not over a block ont of the park before some one yelled at me. I did not answer, bnt instead urged the horse to go faster. I don't think I was over 15 minutes on tho road. Finilly I dumped out the trunk and turned back. Jt broke open as it fell. I re turned to the barn. King's Dubious Pedigree. "Where did you first meet King," was asked of Woodruff. "I first met him at Port Huron, Mich. 1 think he had then been following the races. He looks to be 32 years old, and always goes neatly dressed. Falrburn Is an alto gctner dif ferent sort of a fellow. He is plnckv, but without honor or confidence. Ho is a thief and has served time In tbe penitentiary. He is 45 J cars old, 5 feet, 4 or 5 inches high, with a mus tache turning gray, and graylJ his bair, but bald on the top of bis head. He was dressed, that night when I last saw him, in a rough twoed suit." "How did Cronin lookf "As I said, I never saw Cronin upon the street to know him. That uigbt bo looked like a man quite weil along in years. But I noticed most particularly the black eye and tbe mus tache and goatee. The eye was badly swelled. He wore a derby hat and black clothes." "Have vou seen the three men since Sunday morning ?" "I saw King on Monday on Wabash avenue and talked with him several minutes. From expressions that he then used I feel sure that Cronin is In tbe city and that King knows his whereabouts, and that if King can be found he will tell where Cronin is." The prisoner was taken out of the station with Captain O'Donnell Thursday night and again to-day. He pointed out theslace where he left the trunk and fixed the identi cal spot where it was found. He pointed out the barn, which proved to be in the rear of C28 North State street. The officer en tered it, but could and no evidence for or against the story. ' What tbe Prisoner Suspects. Woodruff says be suspects from the con versation he overheard between Cronin, Fairbnrn and King that the trunk was that of a woman whose death resulted from an operation periormed by Dr. Cronin. He reached this conclusion from the anxiety evinced by the doctor to get the body out of the way and from tbe fact that Cronin had apparently been recently struck by some one. "Woodruff first read of Cronin's disap pearance in Tuesday's prper and also read the story relating to the finding of the empty ttunic He was greatly frightened and thinking that the officers were certainly on his track took means to get out of the city. He had some money remaining from the sum given him by King, but decided to obtain a little more. The result was his arrest for attempt ing to sell the horse, which happened to be tbe identical animal he used on the memor able night. At a late hour to-night it was learned that a pretty brunette named Alio or Alice Villavaso has been missing from tbe neigh borhood near which is located the barn where "Woodruff is said to have met Dr. Cronin and the latter'a companion. CRONIN IN CANADA. He Ir Met by an Acquaintance on the Streets of Toronto. rSFECIAI. TELEOrUM TO TBS SI8PATCIM Toronto, May 10. Dr. H. P. Cronin is in Canada. He was seen to-day by O. T. Long, who for three years was in timately acquainted with tbe miss ing doctor. Long was walking down Toung street shortly after 11 o'clock this morning, and when opposite the Arcade came face to face with Dr. Cronin. Stepping up, he said: "Cronin, what are you doing in Toronto when your friends in Chicago are bunting tbe earth for your" "Now. look here. Long." he replied, "for God's sake let up on me. X have already had enough notoriety, and don't want to' be both ered. "Why can't you let me go. You know I have always been your friend, and L shall ex pert that you will say nothing abo-ut having seen me." Cronin declared that be had unearthed a great crime in Chicago during tbe past few months, bnt he wonld give no detail!), and said that his life had Been settled as l.he penalty, Cronin said be was bound for Ki;.gara Falls. A woman who accompanied him wtire a dark gray traveling dress and a turban bat. She carried in a shawlstrap a brown paper parcel. BONN WILL RECO YE B. The Injured Striker Makes a Statement Only a Few Rails Made at Dnqncsne Revolver! Are Drawn. There was not much excitement at Du quesue yesterday although seven Lt interest ing incidents occurred. "While a. ferryman was bringing a skiffload of bread across tbe river for the men in the mill, someone in tercepted him and threw the contents of the skiS into the water. About 7 o'clock in the morniing, while three men were on their way to vj ork, they were accosted by several striken, who or dered them to return home. The men de clined, when two revolvers were dj-awn and the non-union men 'promptly' retrea ted. The deputy sheriffs were notified, but vr hen they arrived the strikers had disappeared. A press representative visited "William Dunn, the striker who was shot by John Galloway at Homestead the other day, and fonnd him resting very easy. His. chances for recovery are considered veryf.iir. Dunn was asked to make a sta lenient as to the cause of the shooting, and s r id: Galloway had got off the train t.ndlwent over to bim and accused bim of bei tig a black leg. Galloway then reached in his p ticket for a revolver and I walked up and slapjM'd him in tbe face to defend myself: then Galloway pulled out his revolver and pointed ltat me and tired two shots, the first one missing mo and tbe second one passed througli my body, as you see, and know. Now, in regard to me having a revolver and reaching In my pocket for it I wish it understood that I bad none at all, though someone claims to have seen one drop from my pocket. Dr. Gladden denies the report that he visited tbe city the other day for the pur pose of furnishing bail to secure tbe release of Galloway. He said he bad been asked to give a certificate that Dunn -would re cover in order that bis assailant anight be released. Although every wheel in the mill was running yesterday it was learned that only a few rails bad been made. John "W. Beddo denies the statement pub lished yesterday that while crossing the river in a skiff with a number oi.'menhe was driven back by the strikers. Snvious, and No Wonder. It took us just five years to nttain the prominence we have reached in t be eyes of the Pittsburg public. Our rivals- -we don't recognize them as competitors 1 ilow hard and long ot the big bargains thej' show in men's suits, and since we started a dvertising our $10 suits they follow like shet !p in our footsteps. It's a clear case of jealousy. "We' ve pro ved our genuine worth to one and all, and now that it's conceding t!ae P. C. C. C. name"thelowestpricesforfine clothing." me mean to hold on tightwad ret ainthegripl we purrnasea amy aucr unug a uuerai sap ply of pure American grit and down-right bard work. Come and see the fo ur big bar gains we show to-day. No. 1 is men's suits Iat $10, told elsewhere at $18; N o. 2 is nobby children's suits at $2 and $3; If o . 3 is men's stylish pants at $2 50, and No. t is a big tbmg in derbys for men at SI it i five new shades. P. V. C. C, cor. Grant and .Dia mond sts., opp. the new Court H onse. B.&B. Great values to-day in our ladies' glove departm ents. Two specials : Our $1 glove. Our 75c glove. See them. Boggs &: Buhl. Ko Sacli Bargains Ever seen as the books at 5c, an 3 the dress goods, 5c, 8c. 10c, 15c and 25c, at- The Peo ple's Store, down in the basement. CamwAxi, Dick. LaMatilde Imported Cigars from $10 to $10 per hundred. G. "W. Sch.uidt, 95 and 97 JFi fth ave. Make no Mistake In buying your furniture, go to tbe manu facturer, and save money. There is only one in the twin cities and their goods and S rices defy competition. There tore go to r. Seibeft & Co., cor. Lacock and Hope streets, "netr railroad bridge, Allegheny. ,r - 'V i ,''. S4 1 w HAS HISIANDS FULL. Governor Beaver's Time Fully Occu pied With the Passed Bills, MAKING LAWS OP MANY OP THEM. His Signature Attached to no Less Than Fifty Billi Yesterday, SEVERAL OP THEM BATHER IMPORTANT. The T. H. a A. Bill.One of the Fortnnite Ones of the Tint Lot Out. The large number of bills left by the Legislature for the Governor to sign is rap idly being disposed of. Fifty was the record yesterday. The most important one was probably the bill providing punishment for bankers who receive deposits while cog nizant that their banks are insolvent. f SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TITS MSrTCH.J HAEBlSBUKG.May 10. GovernorBeaver is rapidly dispatching the bills which do not involve constitutional points or are not ot doubtful propriety. To-day he had filed in the State Department about 50 acts signed by bim. Among them is the bill providing for the incorporation and regula tion of Toung Hen's Christian Associa tions, which caused considerable discussion in the Senate and House, owiug to its al leged sectarian character. Another bill approved provides for the punishment of bankers who accept deposits while cognizant of the insolvency ot the institution with which they are connected. The Governor also signed a bill contem plating the forwarding to the Department of Internal Affairs complete returns of the various taxes levied in wands, boroughs and townships. These returns are to be secured by tbe commissioners of the several couuties and by the Board of Bevision of Philadel phia AT THE IXPESSE OF THE STATE. The purpose is to ascertain how much money is appropriated for the support of the poor, construction and repair of bridges, what is tbe amount of the tax on personal property, occupations and lor licenses, the amount of tax on real estate of corporations and real estate of other corporations. The bill was introduced by Senator Brown, State Lecturer of the Pennsylvania Grange, and is intended to show more fully than any re ports of taxable property have yet shown the inequality of taxation and the discrim ination against owners of real estate. Re ports must be made by the 1st of Jnne in each year. One of tbe bills approved by the Governor authorizes insurance, fire and marine insur ance companies to insure against loss by lightning, tornadoes and cyclones. Another supplies an omission in the act for the Gov ernment of the National Guard of the State, which fails to provide a per diem pay and expenses for cavalry. Another puts a definite value on insurance policies. Another pro vides means to prevent the spread of con tagious diseases among domestic animals. CAUSED BY A. MIKE DISASTER. The Nanticoke mine disaster, which in volved the death and burial of 27 persons, whose bodies have not been recovered, sue gusted the drafting of a bill by Senator Hines providing for the recovery by coal mining corporations of bnried coal miners if the courts decide from evidencesubmitted that they are recoverable. This measure the Governor to-day approved, as well as the following bills: To punish bribery at Constitutional amend ment and other elections, providing a fine not exceeding $1,000 and a penalty not exceeding one year fur each offense; providing that no disposition ufpropertr made for any religious or charitable use, shall fail for wantof 'a trus tee. McFarlane's hill providing additional means of escape from fire in buildings: Fen rose's bill providing that there shall be no ex ceptions in favor of any person from the acts of Assembly limiting the time within which writs of errors or appeals mnst be sued out; to confer additional chancery powers on tbe Courts of Common Pleas;, au thorizing tbe issuing of executions obtained before a justice of the peace to tbe amount of 3100 and upward without issuing an execution: empowering president judges of Courts ot Common Pleas of counties not forming sepa rate judicial districts to hold Courts of Quarter Session in tbe absence of associate judges; pro viding for the APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY COEONEES to act in the aosence of coroners; to provide for the laying ont and opening ot roads to in closed lands kept for driving parks, county lairs, grand army and soldiers' encampments, re-unions or places appointed by court for the holding of elections. En tan's Dill, on be ing tendered tbe legal fees therefor to credit at least once in every three years on the record the amounts of interest and principal paid there on, and providing penalty for failure to meet the requirement of the act. Cooper's bill author zing water companies to increase their capital stock from 51,000,000 to $2,000,000; to provide punishment for the injuring or defacing of statues or monuments;etnpowering chief clerks of County Controllers to administer oaths and affirmations; authorizing the Governor to ap point a commission to revise and codify tbe laws relative to the relief of the poor of tbe State, suggested by tho Governor in bis last message; to prevent tbe employment of incom petent miners in the anthracite regions by requiring their examination by a board of practical miners: to provide for the election of assessors In cities of tbe third class every three years; to protect county buildings from defacement; to enlarge tbe jurisdiction of Orphans' Courts in cases of testacy; empowering boards of prison in spectors to fix the salaries of deputy wardens, keepers and other persons employed in and about jails; authorizing tbe appointment of deputy constables in townships on petition of citizens: authorizing county commissioners to exonerate county treasurers, whose term ex pired prior to the passage of this act, from tbe payment of interest on money lost by the fail ure of banks in which tbe funds of tne county were deposited. KILLED BY A WILD HORSE. Mrs. Geo. McCnndleisDIe From the Effects of n Ennnwnr Accldenr. A telegram from Camden last night stated that a very serious runaway accident oc curred there last evening, which resulted in the death of Mrs.' Geo. McCandless, aged 74 years, of Shftdyside, and widow of the late Geo. McCandless, formerly real estate agent, and injuring Mrs. Fred. Mason very badlv. The story of the accident is best told by George McCandless, Jr., son of Mrs. George McCandless. ,, "I came to Camden last evening with my mother and sister to visit a relative out in the country, and hired a two-horse buck wagon from Lylse, Bailey & Co. and started lor the country. "We had not gone very far until the horses started on a run, throwing mv mother, sister and myself, injuring ns all more or less." Mrs. George McCandless was taken care of by friends, and lived till 5 o'clock this evenintr. She lived at Shadyside, in the East End, with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mason. She leaves two daughters and one son, namely, George McCandless, Jr., -Mrs. Fred Mason and Mrs. Samuel Gaulee. George McCandless, Sr., was well known In Pittsburg np till the time of his death, having lived here since 1822. Smyrna RucCheaper Tlinn Ever Offered In This City. The special sale of 20,000 Smyrna rugs will continue during the coming week. "We have four sizes, commencing at $2 and run ning to $7 CO each each size 33 per cent lower than market price. Edwakd Groetzutgek, Ths 627 and 629 Penu avenae. Excursion to Cincinnati to tbe Encampment of tbe Sons of Veterans. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati at an ex tremely low rats on "May 13 and 14, good to return Mav 20. Inclusive. For further !n- , formation apply at ticket office, corner r"ssss."ii",'!'.'",F'i jps ciiV,?k.'..B. . I TANNER ON PENSIONS; The Corporal Makes a hpeecb Before the Scotch-Irish Congress How He Will Reduce the Sarplas Pensions Whenever Possible The South Should Assist Their Erring, Bat Needy Soldiers. Columbia, Tenn., May 10. Dr. Kelley was the first speaker before the Scotch-Irish Congress to-day. Dr. Kelley traced in a masterly manner the birth and growth of constitutional, liberty, which be claimed sprang from the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians in Cromwell's time. He spoke of tbe famous men of Scotch-Irish descent who had held high rank in the wars of this country, and eulogized them all. Dr. Kelley was followed by Commissioner of Pensions Tanner in a lenothv sneerh. Commissioner Tanner prefaced his remarks with some allusion's to the many incidents that American history affords of the mag nificent manner in which on American soil the representatives of tbe Scotch-Irish races have upheld thcreputation of thee nation alities. He paid a compliment to President Harrison, the broad-gauged patriotic states man, firm in the determination to be Presi dent of the whole country, no less anxious for the prosperity of Tennessee than of In diana, ot Mississippi and tbe Carol inas, as well as ot new xorit and utiio, ana pre dicted the happiest results as proceeding naturally from the high plane of elevated statesmanship on which the President moves. THE BLUE AND GBAY. He then spoke of the relations of the blue and gray, of the soldiers of the Union and Confederate armies, and declared that how ever dear the ambitions which were swept away by tbe smoke of battle they were proud, on both sides above all other things of the fact that they were citizens of the "United States of America. -The history of the nations of the past, he said, Could furnish no such exhibition of the unification of a people so recently and apparently permanently rent asunder, and en gaged in such a mighty and sanguinary strile. "When Lee surrendered at Appomat tox, the settlement of the Question at differ ence between the two sections of the country could have been left the two lines of men dressed in blue and dretsed in gray, and they would have been settled honorably, amicably and lastingly, and the politicians would have been out of business during the whole of the reconstruction period. Speaking of the pension list Commission er Tanner referred to the fact that thousands ot pensioners were drawing pensions rang ing from $3 75 to $4 per month, but felt thankful that there rested in his finger tips some power, and said that as soon as possi ble be intended to call in every one of these certificates and reissue them on the basis of the truth that no man ought to be down on the pension roll of the United States for less than the miserable pittance ot $1 per week, even though this might wring from the hearts of some the prayer, "God help the surplus." THEIB HAEB FATE. Mr. Tanner spoke of the hard fate of the Confederate soldier. The crime of secession, and it was a crime, rested not upon the shoulders of the many, but upon the should ers of the few1. The youth ot the South, the bone and sinew of the Confederate battle column, drew in the doctrine of State's right with their mothers' milk, and God above who judged us all, would ac quit them of crime. The sympathies of his heart went out toward the thousands who had fallen by the wayside, and it was the moral and religious obligation of the States of the South which passed the ordinance of secession to assist the disabled Confederate soldiers. The speaker was here interrupted by the statement that Tennessee had made such a provision for her soldiers. Mr. Tanner re plied that be was glad to bear it After he had concludeda number of other gentlemen delivered brief but pleasing addresses. SAD AND SINGULAR CASE. A Veteran and His Family Fonnd In a Desti tute Condition. Agent O'Brien, of the Humane Society; Major Hunker, of the Allegheny Poor Board, and Health,Officer Bradley, of Alle gheny, were working jointly on a queer case yesterday. A report had been made that a man and wife were living in filth and squalor at 120 Biver avenue. On going to the house they found John Zella and his wife, people of abont 70 years of age each, living in two rooms, with a daughter of 12 years, 18 dogs and a score of cats as compan ions. Zella is an old soldier, a Grand Army man and a pensioner, drawing $12 a mouth. One of the dogs, Mrs. Zella said, had been with Frank Small wbo w&s a relation of Mrs. Zella while he was in jail awaiting execution. Zella is sick, suffering with swollen limbs. He was willing to go to the Soldiers' Home, and Agent O'Brien decided to send him to Dayton. The daughter he will, place in the Home for the Friendless and Major Hunker will send Mrs. Zella to the Oitv Home. Health Officer Bradley will send the Fall master after the animals to day and will then have the house disin fected. Envious, and No "Wonder. It took us just five years to attain the prominence we have reached in the eyes of the Pittsburg public. Oar rivals we'-don't recognize them as competitors blow bard and long of the big bargains tbey show in men's snits,and since we started advertising our $10 suits therfollow like sheep in our footsteps. It's a clear case of iealonav. "We've proved our genuine wnrtli in n nrl all, and now that it's conceding the P. C. C j. name -me lowest prices for fine cloth ing," we mean to hold on tight and retain the grip we purchased only after tisinga liberal supply of pure American grit and downright hard work. Come and see the four big bargains we show to-day. 'No. 1 is men's suits at $10, sold elsewhere at $18; No. 2 is nobby children's suits at $2 and 3; No.3 is .men's stylish pants at $2 60, and No. 4 is a big thing in derbys for men at $1 00 in five new shades. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and uiamonu sis., opp. tne new Court House. fi Old Country Rye, Bread. Parties who have traveled in continental Europe declare that Jilarvin's pure rye bread is the only bread that they are able to get in this vicinity which is equal to that of the old country. Marvins baker's are na tives of Germany and the bread they make is certainly delicious. All grocers keep it. ITS The People's Store Stockings. You may range the town for bargains and then come to us any day in the year for our fast blacks at 30c We always have them. Campbelx & Dick. Bewildering. This word is the only one which will ex press the variety of patterns and colorings to be found at the wall paper store of John o. jxoDerts, 414 wooast., Pittsburg. Men's flannel dress shirts. Great variety of patterns. James H. aikeiT & Co. , 100 Fifth ave. Men's neckwear. New styles. James H. Aikejt & Co., 100 Fith ave. Smoke the best La Perla del Fnmar Clear Havana Key "West Cigars, 3 for 25c. G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Hen's flannel shirts ibr boating, fishing, etc; James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fiftb ave. DIED. BEUBAOH Oh Friday. May 10, 1889. at his father's residence, No. 2 East street, Alle gheny, Jacob H. Brubacii, aged 21 years. Funeral from the residence of his father on SUNDAT, May 12, 1S9, at 2 o'clock P. it rTv J1?1'1 Beuth jmurtea U Uttg de scribed by Bevtrltl Crumn in. fa.-vw t Dispatch, wit A as aeeount af nthr 7. "TZSS: "5X" 5? "C"!!? J3)ife!A .(jL-r Ar. A jo....f.L lj '.. . , x j v ..-E3 u."ix ., j. i - r,it't .: THE FLOODS CAME. Continued from First Page. tensive. The storm that broke at il o'clock opened with a flash of lightning that struck one of the efectric light wires on .Fifth ave nue and put oat the lights for n long distance. The rain filled the conduits and poured into the "Washington street power house in such a volume that the syphon could not handle it and it was necessary to stop the machinery in a short time, ihe vault being filled. The conduit of the Fifth avenue line was filled by the rush at Jones avenue and at Soho. The cellars along the strqet were filled. That under the house of Adam Sicman, op posite the power house, had three feet of water in it. Mr. Sieman says the change in the grade when the cable line vras built is responsible for the trouble, and he talks of bringing a suit for damages. Giest Broth ers' cellar, at Elm street, had over three feet of water in at, and a large quantity; of flour that was intended for use in their bakery was badly injured before it could be re moved. Mrs. Eupper, at "Washington street, had a stock of toys stored in her cel lar, which were damaged by the rush of water. Almost every cellar along the ave nue had from one to three feet of water in it, and the total loss will be considerable. ON THE KAILE0ADS. All Train Are Delayed The Tracks Cot erod With Water and Debris-Several Washouts Reported. On the Pennsylvania Bailroad all trains were delayed between "Walls station and the Union depot. There was but one wash out, a small affair at "Walls, but the rush of water over the tracks had left dirt enough to make operating the road a trifle unsafe and all trains were stopped. At Twenty eighth street was one of the bad places, the dirt piling up thick. Ben Venue caught it and there were scores of other places where the rails were covered. Men were put to work at once to clear it up. The Eastern express No. 1, due in the Union Qepot at 11:55, and. making western con nection, was stopped at "Walls and was still laying there at 1 o'clock. The accommodation that should leave at 12:10 pulled out at 12:40 this morning, but no one knew how far it would succeed in getting. The trains are scattered along the road in various places, and there will be, many a man late in getting home. So far as could be learned, and the reports were in good shape, no one was hurt. In the yard the side tracks along the hill were covered with dirt washing over the hill by the ton and the water flooding the tracks. The Ft. "Wayne suffered one washout. This was at Woods' Bun, Allegheny. All the trains got past except the Erie express, coming to the city. It was held for an hour, but finally got over. Between Allegheny and Sewickley the track was obstructed to a certain extent by dirt washed over the rails, but the trains were kept running. The Allegheny Valley Bailroad got out its accommodations on time, the last going at 11:30. It is reported that the train will meet a washout at Sandy creek, and it will hardly get to Hulton, the end of its run. The Panhandle reports the usual land slides between Temperanceville and Bir mingham, with a freight blockaded on the track. There was no otbertrouble reported. The express due in Pittsburg at 1:50 A. m. left Dennison on time and has not reported yet The roundhouse in the Union station yard is surrounded by debris. Many of the locomotives are hemmed in, and it was necessary to change engines for some trains. The roundhouse will not be cleared before daylight. The express on the Cleveland and Pitts burg, which will leave Pittsburg as soon as the eastern express on the Pennsylvania Bailroad gets through, has orders to'go over the Ft. "Wayne by way of Alliance, as there is a landslide at Beaver. ON THE S0UTHSIDE. STJHs Closed Up A Street Car TJne Covered by a Wall Ont Penn Avenue People Have to Yncnle Their Homes. The Southside suffered severely from the flood. Oliver Bros.& Phillips' South Fif teenth street mill was flooded so badly that tbe works had to be shut down. All of the side streets were covered with water to the depth of a foot or more, and many of them are left under a foot of mud from the side of the hill. South Twelfth street, the old "Welsh road and Brownsville ayenue were the worst. . In the "West End, Main street and "Wabash avenue were flooded, but no serions damage was reported. On West Carson street, how ever, about 50 feet of the retaining wall slipped out on the street and stopped the Chartiers branch of the "West End street car line. This happened about 40 rods below "Woods' mill and will prevent traffic for a couple of days. At 11:30 o'clock the Thirty-third street sewer became choked and the water came down the hollow in a perfect flood, carrying everything with it. Two houses at the' cor ner of Penn avenue and Thirty-third street, belonginc to George Smith and Henry Googan, were flooded and badly damaged. The occupants were obliged to move their furniture to the second story. Four houses on Butler street, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets, belonging to a Mrs. Connelly, were washed out with water from the Allegheny Cemetery. No. 9 engine bouse, at Fifty-second and "Bntler streets, was flooded badly, several inches of water being on the floor of the house. A leak was sprung in a city gas main at the corner of Thirty-seventh and Charlotte streets. Some one ignited the escaping gas and the blaze was thrown a height of 15 feet. No serious damages were reported from the East End. DAMAGE IN LAWEENCEVILLE. The Cable Cars Had to Stop Bis; Sewers Overflow and lilt Conduits House Blown Down Cellars Filled Up. The damage done by the storm last night was probably greater than that caused for several years. Both cable car lines were compelled to suspend operations about 11 o'clock. Out Penn avenue, where the water rushed down the Twenty-eighth street hill, the sewers became choked and the conduit of the Citizens' line filled up with sand and gravel to such an extent that the cable had to be stopped. The cellars from Twenty-fifth to Thirty second street were filled with water, and in some houses along the low part of the ave nne the water was two inches deep on the first floor. Considerable damage was done in this respect, as people had no time to lift carpets, tbe water came in such a rush. Early in the evening the end of the house of Andrew Boyce, on Thirty-fifth street, was blown out, damaging the building to the extent ot about $100. No one was injnred. dVER IN ALLEGHENY. Woods' Ron Overflows Its Banks Cellars Flooded Fences Washed Away Fire men Called to Save Property. The storm in Allegheny was particularly severe, though no reports could be learned of any accidents or harm to human life. The greatest consternation was felt by the residents, in the "Woods' Bun district, where the sewers were utterly unable to carry off the large volume of water that rushed from the surrounding hills to the low lauds. Fences and outbuildings along the hanks of the usually quiet stream were torn from their fastenings and swept away by tho swollen stream that had grown to many times its normal size and carried everyting before it The inhabitants became panic stricken and could do, nothing to stem the flow of water. Cellars were loaded aad fears were enter-taincd-of the foundations-"of some of the bpijdiflwe fetewshTd::awRy, particularly. 'fjns ..'U-irAiij.s .is--an.-., .... u. -.. - as some of .the dwellings are not of a very substantial order. Tbe whole neighborhood seemed, to be out" and looking on at the grand rush ot waters and more or less terror was caused by the excitement. At last about 11 o'clock some one called out the fire department and box 6 was struck, the people being ot the "imoression that the firemen could render some aid toward securing at least temporary safety. One district re sponded, and the ropes and hooks of the companies were usedjn tying up fences and outbuildings. The presence of the firemen had a tendency to allay the fears of many women and children, and altogether bad a wholesome effect. Numerous cellars were flooded with water, and while the Lincoln engine was doing duty at the scene of the "Woods' Bun flood, their own cellar at the house on Kerr street was filled wit,h water to the depth of six inches. WIEES SWEPT DOWN. Tho Dig Telegraph Companies Badly Crip pled Eastward. Both the "Western Union and the Postal Telegraph companies suffered from tbe effects of the storm last night. Chief Oper ator Bender, of the "Western Union, said at 10 o'clock last night that the storm had been severe along the coast, and most of their wires were down about New York. At that time they were "holding their own," and hoping they would not be cuttoff en tirely from the- metropolis. Locally, and west of Pittsburg, the wires were all right. Mr. Bender stated that the storm reached Chicago abont 9 o'clock in the evening, and he expected some of the wires would be blown down there. The Postal Telegraph Company did sot fare as well as its competitor. Superin tendent Hughes was seen shortly after, and they were reaching New York by way of Buffalo. All ihe direct wires were down, and the men couldn't see to put them up in the dark. They had one wire to Phila delphia, and one each to Baltimore and "Washington. Mr. Hughes said that the storm had passed through Northern Pennsylvania about noon yesterday. The wires in the vicinity of Bradford, Olean and other neighboring towns were torn down, but the men had had time to repair them. The storm came on so suddenly in the mountains of the State as to leave the company in bad shape. They couldn't reach Bedford and other mountain towns. Mr. Hughes stated that if it had been daylight the workmen could have easily put up the wires. He expected that by 9 o'clock this morning they would be in full running gear once more. GARDEN i-ARMS RUINED. Batcher's Baa. Even at Its Headwaters, Does Real Business. Beyond the Allegheny City limits out Butcher's Bun, there are some very neat little truck farms lying in the valley. Hard ly one of them escaped more or less damage, and that of Mr. Blumenshine and that of Mr. "Woelfel were almost completely de stroyed. They both lie on the flat, and the run arose over its banks and covered them with a rushing torrent. Vegetables and flowers were uprooted and washed away, and the entire spring planting was ruined. Their losses cannot be estimated, though it will not amount to a great sum. The labor involved in the work aid the spring start, are the items ofexpense, and they cannot be repaid. No effort was made to secure their prop erty other 'than to move that on tbe banks of the stream to a safer place. Communica tion seemed to be cut off from the district for a time, as East street on its lower end was covered with 20 inches of water, all the cars on that line of street railway being blocked at Chestnut street No loss of life was reported, In the Pleasant Valley district the great torrents of water reminded the older resi dents of tbe flood of 1876, when, by tbe breaking of a sewer during a storm, several lives were lost Mud in bulk was washed down from the-steep hills thereabouts and:' rapidly filled the, sewers and choked them, and the streets became the only avenue of escape for the volnmes of water. Travel was entirely suspended. A CHILD IN DANGER- A Neighbor Eaves Mr. murphy's Infant From Water In the Kitchen. The bluff back of the Yellow Bow on Sec ond avenue, gave way about 10:30, a sewer breaking. The rush of water and mud broke in the rear door of the bouse of "W. J. Mur phy, 269 Second avenue, covering the kitchen to a depth of 4 feet, the stove and furniture being buried. The flood pushed on through, carrying; the debris into a room in front of the kitchen and then into the front of the house, where Mr. Murpny has a grocery store. Both of these apartments are covered to a depth of 6 inches with sand. His loss is about $200. "When the flood struck the house an in fant child of Mr. Murphy was in the kitchen and could not escape. Nicholas Brown, a neighbor, rushed in and got the child out. He then took an ax and cnt a hole in the floor, letting the water run into the cellar. It is thought that if the pressnre had not been relieved in this way the house would have been carried oil its foundations. The houses ot Mrs. Charles Chaplin and Mrs. Thomas Raymond, a ter doors above Murphy's, in Yellow Bow, were also struck bv a slide from the bluff. The door of Mrs. Chqplin's house was broken open by the tall and the kitchen filled with debris, while Mrs. Baymond's honse was flooded. The Galvanizing Manufacturing Com pany, on Second avenue, was forced to close at 11 o'clock by the rush of water. NAEEQW ESCAPES. A Woman Chopped Oat of a Flooded House In soho. There was an average of from seven to eight feet of water in the houses which cling to the Soho hillside along that dangerous hollow between Fifth avenue and Forbes street. Several narrow escapes are reported so suddenly did. the roaring torrents of water pour down the steep declivity upon them.' This broke in windows and doors, and, upsetting furniture, continued to rise on the floor until pictures upon the wall started to float In one house a woman alone in the lower floor was caught by the quick flood and could not reach the door or stairway. Neighbors chopped open the window and rescued her. It was a thrilling night in that locality, bnt no lives were lost. Twenty cable cars were still lying at tbe foot of the Soho hill at 2 o'clock this morn ing. The mud had completely blocked them. These cars were bound east and west IT gTKIKES A CAR, Tho Electric Zlg-Zac Smnshes a Window, Sparing a Reporter. "While a street car of the Birmingham Passenger Line was coming down Carson street at 1020 last night, just when the heavy storm was hanging over the city and the streets were as clear as daylight, light ning struck tbe car and broke one of the windows. A young man who sat at that windotvwas slightly touched himself. He writes this item, though, without a shudder. For a moment or so he. seemed stunned, but the effects soon wore off. THE U1YKES RISING. Three Feet or n tiala Shawn la tbo Mo. nongnhela Already; At 1220 last night the Monongahela river had already advanced three feet, and was rising rapidly. Old rivermen watched the leadened 'skies and wondered when the storm wouldcease. They were afraid if it raised much longer there would be a flood tfaat wssM overflow' tBfDH aoa oaaMgsrooal rn,'s ,r;& iriJ5 aiuisa. t. Two Little Girls Swej )t Into gpriflgGardea , Ran and Drown et (A Pathetic Tragedy of the Awful Dow upour. Conrad Schafer and his Jamily, occupying a bouse in Spring Garden borough, were afraid last night tb at the storm would wreck the house and took shelter under a tree. The rain was pouring down in tor rents and swept away Schaefer's two little daughters, aged 7 and' years. The children were carried into Spring Garden run and drowned. Louisa Schaefer, agitd 7, and Gertrude -Scbarfer, aged 3, were drowned in Spring Garden run last evening ,', and their mother is expected to die. The family live in a h onse on the hillside in Spring Garden boro ugh. The effects of the wind and rain storm last night appeared to be about to carry tl le house away, and the family, consisting C f the mother, two daughters, and an ll-ye:ar-oldson, fled from it, leaving the father, ( 'onrad Schaefer, in the house, as he was con: fined to bed with a broken leg. The torrents of waters wept down tbe bill side, and in a momecnt enveloped and carried away the fleeing family Mrs. Schaefer and her two children were swept into the run, but ithe boy saved him self by clinging to a fenc e against which be was dashed. The screams of the dr owning mother and children brought aid, bt it only the mother was saved, and she was .so terribly braised that she is expected to di e. SOME DANGEROUS FLASHES. Policeman Thompson Shi it Ont of a Patrol Box Electric Lights 'Pat Oat Telephone Wires Get Crossed. About 4 o'clock in the: afternoon Officer Thompson was in the patrol box at "Wylie avenne and Elm street when a flash of lightning came in over tb e line. Thompson was knocked out of the box; bnt was not seriously injured. Telephone and electric light wires crossed on Fifth near Pride street, about 730, and the telephone wire vras burned through. As it fell one end struct: "Willie Monroe on the back of the neck, knocking him down and burning him severely and leaving a scar three inches in length. He was carried into Jones' drugstore and was able to go home in a short time. The wire in the meantime bad dropped on the slot and was sending out a shower of sparks. A cable car was approaching but was stopped in time to prevent an ugly accident. One man wanted to pull the wire out with an iron hook, but he was pulled away and the crowd threw stones until the wire was knocked out of the way. The stable, outhouse and a number of animals, as well as grain, belonging to Fred Hsmpe, of Lower St. Clair township, were burned last night, the place being struck by lightning. The damage done bv the fire amounts to about $20,000, according to Mr.Hampe's estimation, and only a very trifling amount of that sum is covered by insurance. The stable is situated on Barkbamer street, in the Twenty-seventh ward, and the lighting struck the place at 10:40 o'clock. There were nearly 30 horses, two cows and a large amount ot feed in tbe place. Every- thing was at once aflame, and when the alarm was sent in the blaze was fast consum ing the stable and the feed. The firemen did not get up on the hill until nearly 12 o'clock, and when they arrived all was in ruins. Eighteen horses were burned, one cow was killed and 700 bushels of oats, seven tons of hay, four tons of buckwheat, a number of waeons and harness were all -, destroyed by the fire. A small blaze on the roof of Andrew " Brach's house, rear of No. 1415 Penn ave nue, yesterday afternoon, occasioned a sti'n. alarm sent into Company No. 15. At 5:15 fast evening there was an alaym. of fire from box 145, which" was occasioned by a chimney fire at a bouse 145 Edws jds alley, Southside. Little damage was done. IN OAKLAND AND SOHO. Mountains of Bind Over the Cable T racks and Conduits Fall. In Oakland the streets were wild and turbu lent with water.liketheraeingrapids, and the cable cars would have had to cease 'running independently of flooded power hou sea. The slots and conduits were filled with 'rater, in some places to the depth of two feet, and this, with mud, sand and stoneti, Tendered running impractible. No cars passed Soho street after 10 o'clock, and at 2 this morn ing about 16 cars were "strick" there, unable to move either way. In some places the mud had washed over the tracks like a huge mountaiu. Great crowds of people grithered about where the cars were delayed, -and those wbo had along distance lo come wfere compelled to secure hacks or wane home. Butldttle Hindrance rio Travel. The local railroads suffereld but little from, the storm.. iThe only troutyle reported oc curred at Laughlin station I where the owl train ran into a landslid 2 and the engine jumped the track. The en tine was retracted and the train completed fits trip. In the mountain districts freights are being held back by the storm. THE STORM INNEW TORE. A Terrible Panic. Cyclonic Wind, Heavy Rain, Bat ao Deaths. New Yobk, May "VO. The people of this town have to-day hayf experience in layers, with some new sensations at the close. Pre dictions of a fair day were followed, and as the earth rolled over, the sun and heat be came blinding, stifling, discomforting. The mercury swelled until in tbe thermometer tubes it reached 92 degrees, and that in places that were lihady. The storm that! was pending broke first over Pennsylvania, then swept New Jersey, and at last broke over the bay and rivers and upon the ci ty that was .sort of hushed and waiting foe the onslaught In an in stant the lower city was charged, and the wind swept between the buildings at a speed of 50 miles an hour. The wind and rain lasted until 7 o'clock, when all w?.s again calm, but there was a,.' terrible panic while it lasted, and ever sines', the reports -pi the" damage have been pour ing in. The area covered by tbe reports is South ern New York, Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut and ' Massachusetts. No deaths are reported in this city, but many painful casualties. The storm this afternoon interfered with the working of the telegraph wires radiating from this city. There had been much de lay, and relays have been a necessity on tbe long circuits. At 1020 o'clock to-night a second ntorm seemed to be prevailing in ths South, and that section was cut off from New York for a long time. Wind, Ilall and Lightning. I SFXClAI. TH.X OttJlir TO Till DISPATCH. J Naw Castle, May 10. A terrific wind, bail and thunder storm passed over this city abont 2 o'clock this afternoon, breaking window panes and blowing down shade fcrees. ifunug iuc Bburiu hue raiucuce vf - x-County Treasurer James Beynolds was struck by lightning, and Mrs. Beynolds and. a daughter were stunned by the shock. ' B. & B. ' coats and caps; fancy ready flannel. Coats, $3 60; caps, 60c. Boggs & Buhl. Tennis shrunken Corsets! Corsets! fine rammer corsets, 75e aad $1 00; "Warner's corsets. $1 00: E9Hiliae: Health.-' 'i w, afldiw otber Kyls,-at jKeaeaMBMox. &-!&&. ' cjaiv pv j v$ .V r I, ; t i "S.--5 1 k