5 -i . w Fr ?ry . - ?m 6 PITTSBURG- DISPATCH? SATURDAY; MAT 11, 1889. -rA 1 - Chicago 'lightning Strikes Pittsburg's Ball Team. STALEYIS WAILOPEDHAED Umpire lynch Fines Him $10 for Strategic Pitching. A SCHEME 10 SAVE THE GAME. Senators Bant Oat the Phillies and the Hoosieis Win. KEWS ABOUT CLUBS AHD PIAXERS rsrxciAL TK.IGBAX TO the DisrATcn. Chicago, May 10. Bis; yellow sulphur ous looking clouds were stacked up in tbe west and north when the Chicago and Pitts burg teams came out upon the field this aft ernoon. The heat was oppressive. There was a breeze from the west, but it was the same old sirocco that has been blowing over Chicago for the last fire days. 'Hie game, which was a remarkable one so long as it lasted, was begun in a dead calm. Forty-five minutes later it was broken up by a furious storm of wind, rain, hail, lightning and thunder. Perhaps the terrific cannonading of the Chicagos drew the yellow clouds over the city. It was heavy enough to draw most anything. For half an hour tbe home howitzer and mortar kept up a fnnons fusillade against the brick wall. Then the storm burst in all its fury and spectators and players had to run lor their lives. The first inning passed without incident Anson opened the second with a terrific drive to the left field for two bases. Pfeffer got his base on balls and then both runners were ad-, vancedabase by a wild pitch. Farrell rapped a single over Smith's head, and Anson and PfeSer scored. Farrell then tried to steal sec ond and was caught. Barns followed with a single, and old Silver Flint reached first on a wild throw by Smith. GUWBEET WAS CHEESED. Gumbert, who made such a tremendous hit in tbe second game, now came to bat. He was loudly cheered. With a mighty sweep of his corn colored club he caught the ball on the stitches and sent it flying to the farther end of tbe grounds, driving Burns and Flint over the plate ahead of him. Ryan followed with a single, but was thrown out while trying to steal second. Van Haltren retired the side with a long fly to Hanlon. The Chicagos shut the doors on the Pitts burgers in their half of the inning, the feature of tbe fielding being a lightning double play by Pfeffer and Anson. Staley must have been pitching a ball as big as a custard pie, for everybody took a crack at it The first thing Daffy did in the third was to knock the upper crust off, when he dropped the ball over the Harrison street wall for a homer. Then old Ans,with a face leaking from his exertion in the deadly beat, lifted the plate and what was left of the pie over the Congress street wall for an other home run. Pfeffer got his base on balls, stole second and scored on Flint's single to right. The visitors went out in order in their half of the inning. The clouds were now hanging low and there were flashes of lightning in the North. Tbe Pittsburg men began to play for rain. They moved abont the field with grave deliberation ana cast anxious clances at the sky. Staley went into the cupboard and brought out another pie. He passed it down to the elate where Rvan stood. Ihe shortstop tore both crusts off and sent the filling against the porches and stoops in Harrison street. Staley now began to take bis time. The thunder was rumbling and the sparrows were chirping in a frightened way. The Chicagos, on the other nana, were nervous ana excitea. xney wanted to clinch tbeir victory before the storm came. Van Haltren struck out as fast as he could. This made Staley mad. He began to pitch the wildest balls he knew how in order to fill the bases and keep the side from going out. Um pire Lynch FINXD HIM TEIT DOLLAES for his strategy. Then Duffy struck out. Anson, however, was out for ail there was in it and made a swipe for two bases. The Pitts burg fielders did not care about fleldingithe old man ontso he scored on a combination of errors by Kuehne and Miller. PfeSer retired the side with a ground ball to Smith. For Pittsburg Carroll got his base by being hit by a pitched balL Dunlap followed with a single, and after Hitler and Kuehne had been retired "Pop" Smith cleared the bases with a high driver over the left field fence for a home run. Farrell got as far as third base for Chi cago in tbe fifth inning. Forfittsbarp Sunday made a clean drive to right Hanlon fly was caught by Duffy. Then Bcckley sent a furious grounder to Anson, who fumbled it, the runner reaching first Then tbe rain, which tbe visitors had longed for. began to fall, ft came down in big drops and drove everybody to cover. Captain Anson looked worried. He was out of humor. It looked as though the game would hare to he postponed. IT PAIBED UP TOO SOON. Forten minutes the rain fell furiously. Then the clouds drifted away ana the game was re sumed against the protest of Captain Dunlap, who declared that rain was still falling. Car roll made a safe hit filling the bases. Dunlap popped up a short fly to Farrell and Miller re tired his Elds' without a run, with a little fly to Gumbert The Chicagos had just finished the sixth inning without scoring when the storm burst with terrible fury. Tbe wind tore the cham pionship flag from tbe Congress street pole and shattered tbe flagstaff at tbe clubhouse. The horses hitched to the posts at the farther end of the ground became unmanagable in the roar of the storm and ran in every direction. One cab and a buggy were wreckea inside the grounds while three cabs were overturned ana shattered in Congress street Ram and hail fell in blinding sheets. The grand stand rocked in the gale, spectators in the private boxes scrambled downstairs the best way they knew bow, some of them narrowly escaping being blown down. Tbe wind scooped the mud out of Loomis street and plastered it over the stand. For three minutes tbe storm raged with terrific violence. Then it ceased, but the grounds were by this time under the water. The score: CHICAGOS. I B r A II PrTTSBDRG B B P A B Bran, s.... VanH'tn.m Doffj. r.... Anson, 1... riefler, 2... Farrell, 1 .. Hums, I.. . Flint c... Uumbertp. Totals .... 0 0 o Sunday, r... 0 110 uanion, m.. u u l u Beckley, 1. . 0 0 3 0 Carroll. 1.... 112 0 i o l Dunlap, Z, Miller, c. Adeline, 3, smith, s... btaler, p.. 114 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 110 2 c 1 1 0 3 1, 0 0 J 4 1 10 10 IS 4 Totals .. J 415 8 4 Cblcapos 0 5 3 2 0 10 Plttsburgs 0 0 0 3 0-3 Earned runs Chicagos. J; Plttsburgs, 3. Two-uase nits Anson Sacrifice hlu Pfefler. Hanlon, Carroll. Home runs Anson, Kyan, Tuuffy, Gumbert, Smith, Double nhvi-Pfeffer. Anson. First base on balls-Anson, Pfeffer 2. Hanlon, Miller. Hit by pitched ball-Carroll 2. btrnck out Van Haltren. Daffy, Farrell, Gum bert, bmlth. Pased ball-Miller 1. "Wild Dltchee-bUley 1. Time of game One nonr and 30 mlnntei . Umpire Lynch. THE BABIES' MISTAKE. Untimely Errors by Cleveland Give the Hooalera a Game. Cleveland, May 10. Indianapolis won to day because the fielding errors of the Cleve lands were made at a critical stage of the game, and because Umpire Barnum made one or two bad decisions. Score: CLEVELA'D E B P A Zj DTDIAJTr-'B B B F A Z Stricter. 2.- 0 2 3 1 0 McAleer. m. 0 1 1 0 0 McKean. . 1 2 2 X 1 Twltcbell. 1. 1 1 1 0 0 Seerv. 1 1 (llasscock,. z Denny, 3 ... 0 Sullivan, m. 2 McGeae'y, r 0 Mevers,c.... 0 Bassettl... 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 6 111 0 2 Faatz. 1... .12 7 0 Hartford, r.. 1 0 2 0 0 rtbeau.3.... 0 2 0 10 Zlmmer, c. 0 0 6 0 0 timber. D.- 0 0 14 0 Schoeu'cfc.1. 0 Boyle, p o Totals ..... 4 1023 S 3 Totals .... 6 27 20 2 Denny out for interfering with fielder. Cleveland! 0 100000034 Indianapolis. 1 0000301' t Earned ran-Cleveland. 3. .Two-base hit Scboeneck. ,' Eacriflcehlu-btrlclter, Grnber, McGeachy. . 5,-1 Stolen bases-Strieker, Faatz, Radford I, Salll- ij?.DoubIe plays Glasscock, Busett and Bcaoe- i"f First base on balls-CIevelands, 4: Indianapolis,!. Struck ont-Clevelands, 2; lndlanipolls, 3. Passed ball Meyera. Wild pitches G ruber. Boyle. Time one hoar and 33 minutes. Umpire Barnum. THE BOLD SENATORS. They Shut the Phillies Oot In aUcht-Hlttlng Game PhtAdei.piiia, May 10. Washington shut out Philadelphia this afternoon in a game that was characterized by light batting and sharp fielding. Fearson was very effective, the Phillies mating only four hit In as many in nings. The Phillies had made one run in the seventh inning, when a terrible wind storm arose, putting an end to further play. The score: riHLAD'A. B B r A Zj WASH'TOX. Hljfl E Deleha'y.2.. 0 0 Koirarty, m. 0 1 Th'son. r... 0 0 Mulvey, 3. 0 1 Andrews, t 0 0 Karrar, 1 ... O 0 Hallman, a. 0 1 Schrlver, c 0 1 Gleason, p.. . 0 0 Hoy, in...,. 1 Shock, I O Carney, r... 0 Myers, 2 1 Wise, O Morrill. 1... 1 Donnelly, 3.. O Mack. c... O Fearson, p. 0 12 0 12 0 110 2 2 2 0 0 4 ISO OOO 0 3 2 0 0 2 Totals 0 4 IS 6 2 Totals 3 SIS 10 1 Philadelphlas 0 0 0 0 0 00 Washington O 0 110 13 Earned run-Washington, 1. Sacrifice hlts-Dclehanty, Fojrarty, Thompson, Hallman, 2; Schrlver, Gleason, .Morrill, Don nelly. Stolen bases Fogarty, Myers. First base on balls-By Gleason, 1; by Fear son. 1. struck out Bv Gleason, 5. Passed ball Mack. Time One hour and IS minutes. Umnlre McQuald. WOS" IN THE FOURTH. New York Defeats Boston bv Heavy Hitting at tbe Right Time. Boston, May 10. New York" won to-day's game in the fourth inning by heavy hitting by Gore and Dan Richardson. The contest was exciting throughout Keefe pitched his first League game of the season and was magnifi cently backed up. Ewing and D.Richardson excelled in batting, and with Gore's fielding were the features of the game. Attendance 5,500. STWTOBK. B b r A z BOSTON. B B T A I Gore, m 1 3 Tiernan, r.. 0 I Connor, 1... O 1 Ewlng, c... 0 3 Ward, s 2 2 SIchd's'n.2. 1 2 O'K'rke.,1.. 1 0 Whitney, 3.. 1 1 Keith, p 1 1 4 0 0 Brown. 1.... 0 0 S 0 0 Johnston,m. 0 0 4 0 1 KeiiT, r..... o z Kroulbers,l. 1 0 Rlcbd's'n, 2. 2 2 Rav. 3....... 1 1 4 2 0 1 2 Oj 2 0 3 0 0 3uinn. S.... 1 1 anzcl. c... u 0 Badbourn, p 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 Totals 714 27 3 2 Totals S 7 24 7 4 NewYorks 0 10S0100 7 Bostons P 320000005 Earned runs Bostons, 3; NewYorks, 5. Two-base hit Gore Three-base hits -Gore, D. Klchardion, 'Whitney. Stolen bases Johnston, Kelly. First base on balls Brown, Johnston, Kelly, Brouthers. H. Richardson, Bay, O'Bourke, Ewlnp, Connor, Badbonrne. Hit by pitched ball-Broutbers. Struck out Bostons, 4: New Yorks, 3. Passed ball Ewlng, 1; GanzeL Time Two hours. Umpire Curry and Fessenden. Harry Wright's Case. A morning paper announced yesterday that Manager Wright was only manager in name and that he had not signed a contract for the season. "Yes, it is true, I have not signed a contract for the present season, but what does that signify T" said Mr. "Wright to a JPreu re porter. "My last contract was signed three years ago. and it gave the Philadelphia club and myself tbe right to renew or cancel it at its expiration. "We both agreed on terms, and it was not necessary for me to sign a new con tract, as the old one stipulated that my assum ing the management was to be considered con clusive evidence of my desire to remain another year." "Besides," continued the veteran, "I have been in tbe employ of Messrs. Reach and Rogers for tbe past five years, and with me the word of either is as good as his bond. I am manager, absolute, and am interfered with in no way." League Record. Per) Per Won. Lost Ct Won. Lost. Ct NewYorks.. 8 3 .615 Cleveland... 8 8 .500 rhlladelphlas 7 5 .SSS'cblcagos..... 7 7 .500 Bostons 7 6 .539Indlanapous 7 8 .467 HtUburgs... 8 7 -533 Washington! 2 9 .IS) ASSOCIATION" GAMES. Cincinnati Captures Another'Garao From the Champion Quakers. Ctncinnatl May 10. The Cracinnatis 'won their third straight victory from Ihe Athletics to-day. Smith was batted very hard, while Duryea proved very effective against the vis itors. Tbe batting of Beard and the fielding of Curt Welch were the leatures. Score: Cincinnati! 1 2 0 5 0,1 0 0 -10 Athletics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Base blts-Clnclnnatls, 14: Athletics, 7. Errors Clnclnnatls, 1; Athletics, 2. Pitchers Duryea and Smith. At Louisville Brooklyns 1 0 1 0 2 0 6 0 -10 Louisville 0 0000022 2-e Base hits Brooklyns, II; Loulsvilles, 12. Errors Brooklyns, 1; Loulsvilles, 8. At St Louis Bt. Lonl 1 4 13 4 0 0 3-15 Columbus 1 0120010-5 Base hlU-St Lonls, 17: Columbus, 4. Errors St Louis, 5; Columbus, 7. Batteries Chamberlain and Devlin, Baldwin and Gartrleht. , At Kansas City Kansas Cltys 0 00110010-3 Baltimore 1 0 2, 0 10 00 4 Base hits Kansas Cltys, 11: Baltimore, 7. ' Errors Kansas Cltys, 2' Baltimore 3. Pitchers Swaruel and Kilroy. Associntlon Becord. Per Won.LostCt. 8t Louis 17 s .739 Baltlmores....l2 7 .632 Brooklyns.... .10 7 .5bS Kansascitys..U .571 Per - Won.LostCt Athletics 9 8 .530 Clnclnnatls. ..10 11 .476 Columbus. .... 5 13 .278 Loulsvilles..,. 3 17 .150 KEYSTONES DEFEAT M'KEESPORT. The Colored Players Metaphorically Anni hilate Their Opponents, rsrscuL ttleqium to thi stsrATcn.i McKeespoet, Pa., May 10, The baseball park was crowded this afternoon, and it was expected that the McKeet ports were to battle with their victors In the Keystone colored club of Pittsburg, but it was wrong. McKeesport sang it to tbe Keystones to the chorus of 20 to L and wiped up the baseball park with the colored boys in the blue clothes. Keystone got one run and should have been whitewashed as the run was secured through a wild throw. The game was one-sided from the beginning. Keystone played well, but Is weak, especially in batting and fielding. Their battery is good, and is the club in itself. Baker, pitcher for the home club, struck out two men in each inning but one, making 16 in all, while Keystone struck out but two men and got but 5 base hits to 16 of the same for the home team. Berger distinguished himself by making a borne run, while Torreyson made two three-base hits in one inning, and was fol lowed by excellent batting by Gibbons. In tbe first inning Miller, of the home team, stole 'to second and was spiked in the forehead, a gash being cnt which required six stitches and was carried off tbe ground. The battery of the Keystones is good, bnt the outfield Is poor, Callahan and Berger will act as battery at East Liberty to-morrow. Barr gave great satisfaction as umpire. The score: M'KEESP'T B B r A KITSJONIS BBFH Morton, m. Torreys'n,s l'rorins, r. Burger, 3.. Gibbons. 2. OulDa, 1... Hartman, c Hart. 1..... Baker, p... 10 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 3 Rov. m 1 0 O 3 0 0 0 11 1 4 0 3 0 6 0 0 o o Thompson s uihl r..... Allen, ! Green, 2..,. White,-3.... Puller, c.k Ross, I...... Contlne, p. 2 2 1 1 8 0 015 2 2 10 0 118 8 0 1 o 1 Totals .... 20 14 27 25 2 Totals...;. 1 2 2719 7 McKeesports I 5 0 9 0 0 2 0 1-2) Keystones 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Earned runs McKeesports, 7. Two-base hits Torreyson, Frovlns, Berger, 2, Gibbons 2, Quinn, Hart Koy. Three base hlts-Torreyson 2, Hart, Home rnn-Berirer. Wild pitches-Baker. 1; Contlne 4. Btrnck out-Baker 16, Contlne 4. Passed balls -Fuller 5. Umplre-llarr. X GOOD GAME EXPECTED. Speculation as to To-day's Meeting; of the McKeesports and Athletics. The game at Liberty Park to-day between the East End Athletics and the McKeesport Clnb is exciting a great deal of interest and a great deal of speculation is rife as to who will be the probable victor in the contest Both clubs are very evenly matched, and neither of them has been defeated this season, in fact they have had regular picnics at tbe expense of their opponents so far. Manager Torreyson's team has the advantage of being composed of men who have nearly all bad some professional experience, and tbe majority of his team wonld all him nmhililr hftn ttlarlne In Mntnit nf th xnlnorJeagues this season, had be not made it worth their while to remain la McKeesport and piay in tee uounty league. The chief difficulty the McKeesport team experieaeed so far, according to 'feeimblic McKeesport, has been tbe difficulty to get a team strong enough to give Torreyson's slug gers a good game. On tbe other hand tbe Ease lid. Athletics is a team composed of young men who do not receive any renumeratlon for their services, lint are In the field forthe tun of the thing. Manager Edwards, however, has a great deal of confidence In his material, and will present his strongest nine this afternoon, and the outlook is that tnere will be a very close game of ball at Liberty Park. Tbe following is the makeup of the two nines for to-day's game; JS Z. MhMics. fosition. McKeetport. Schoyer Catchers... Berger Oliver. Pitchers ..Callahan Lauer First base Quinn D. Barr. Second base.. .Nightengale Gray Third base Torreyson Qumbert Short-stop.... Miller Tener Left field. Hartman Swift Middle field..:. ....Gibbons W. Barr. Right field Provlns Umpire-W. G. Taylor. Game called at 4 p. M. WON ON A FOUL. I Lonls Jester and Harry Umlah Sight 10 Spirited Rounds. ScbAkton, Pa, May 10. A prize fight "be tween Louis Jester, of "Wilkesbarre, and Harry Umlah, of New York, for $500 a side and a purse of 3500, took place at Falls, "Wyoming county, this morning, shortly after 8 o'clock. It was won m the tenth round by Jester on a foul. Jester, who was tbe lighterman, had the best of the fight from tbe start knocking Umlah down in nearly every round. The latter, got first blood in the fourth round. The fight was one of tbe most spirited ever conducted in this region. William Oldfield, of Nantlcoke, was the referee. A START AT 'FRISCO. The BIx-Dnv Pedetrlnns Make a Good Commencement. San Feascisco, May 10. The six days' go-as-you-please race opened at Mechanics' Pa vilion at 10 o'clock last night Under condi tions of the race contestants must cover 625 miles to sharo in the gate receipts and 2,500 added money. The score at 11 o'clock last night was: Gus Guerrero, 9 miles; E. C. Moore, 8; James Albert, 8: Hart, 9; Taylor. 9; Tom Howarth, 9; Vint 8; Campana, B; Oofty Goofty, 5: Faulkner, 9; Frank Edwards. 7; Brown, 4; Clinton, 7; Fink, 6; Clark. 7: Hawley. 7; Davis. 7: Peterson, 7; Crozier, 8; Klatt, 8: Hearn, 9; Morgan, 7. A BAKER'S DOZEN. That's the Number of Peds In the New Tork Rnce. Nrw York, May 10. Only a baker's dozen of the walkers still remain in tbe race at Madison Square Garden. Connors has not been walk ing since 6 A. it, and will probably not resume. Herty has increased his lead over Cartwrlght by several miles since 2 o'clock this morning, and looks as fresh as ever, while Cartwrlght still appears to be sufferlngwoefullyfrom want of sleep. Taylor, the Vermont pedestrian, still goes abont the track in his historic linen trousers, but is now tbe last man in tbe race. Hegelman and Noremac, in third and fourth places, are rnnning very evenly, there being bnt a few laps between them. From present appearance the race is In all probability Herty's. Baseball Notes. Conway is not in form yet Pitcher Tttcomb is to be released from New York. Dalrthfle is doing the best batting for the Denver team. O'BiuEf, the Washingtons first baseman has 1 Deen released. And still tbe Cleveland babies do not look like tailenders. Gumbert may be ranked among the big hitters by and by. Oh, my! but Staley needs help. He cannot pitch all the games. The home talent are keeping home runs going, but so are the other fellows. Staley was evidently Die for Anson yester day, une nome run ana two aouDies. The Wheeling-Springfield game scheduled for yesterday will be played to-morrow. Old "Pop" got his home crack in yesterday. Seven more of them would have tied the score. The Western clubs of the League will play their first games this season in the East on Monday. Tra Keefe, the pitcher, signed with New York yesterday. It is understood that he ob tained his terms. The East End Acme team wants to play any team in Western Pennsylvania whose members are not over 16 years old. To-DAY'a Association games: Brooklyns at Cincinnati; Athletics at Louisville; Baltlmores at St, LouiS; Columbus at Kansas City. To-day's League games: Pittsbnrgs at Chi cago; NewYorks at Boston; Washingtons at Philadelphia; Indianapolis at Cleveland. After all there does not seem to be much difference between a bad pitcher with a good arm and a good pitcher with a bad arm. President Byrne, of the Brooklyn team, denies that George Smith is to be released, or that Arthur Irwin is to be signed to captain the team. A Constant Reader Itwasnot stated that Dunlap made a home run. His hit knocked the ball over the fence and brought in tbe run which ended the game. The St Pauls have accepted the challenge of the American Bines, and they want to hear from the Pittsburg I'reti club. Members of amateur teams ought to re member tbat tbe surest way to get tbe scores of their games into this paper is to have them in tbe office early. The O'Donnell baseball clhb has reorgan ized with the following players. Overhold and McKeon, catchers; Leech and McKim, pitchers; Maginnis, first base; Davis, second base; Shelby, third base; Sullivan, left field; Micks, middie field;Morrison, right field. This provea a strong nine last year ana tney neia their own against some of tbe crack clubs of the Allegheny County League. Envious, and No Wonder. It took us just five years to attain the prominence we have reached in the eyes of the Pittsburg public. Our rivals we don't recognize them as competitors blow hard and long of the big bargains they show in men's suits, and since we started advertising our $10 suits they follow like sheep in our VVOHVJfli O.V 0 tt ViVAi VAOV V JGAiWUSY We've proved our genuine worth to one and all, and now that it's conceding the P. C. C. C. name "the lowest prices for fine clothing,' we mean to hold on tight and retain the grip we purchased only after using a liberal sup ply of pure American grit and down-right hard work. Come and see the four big bar gains we show to-day. Ho. 1 is men's suits at $10, sold elsewhere at 518; No. 2 is nobby children's suits at (2 and $3; No. 3 is men's stylish pants at $2 60, and No. 4 is a big thing in derbys for men at $1 00 in five new shades. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia mond sts., opp. the new Court House. Excursion to Cincinnati to the Encampment of the Sons of Veterans. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati at an ex tremely low rate on May 13 and 14, good to return May 20. inclnsive. 3Tor further in formation apply at ticket office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street Best Tel vet Carpets ai Cheap ns Ingrains The special offering of 10,000 yards best Yelvet carpets at ?1 per yard (sold at 51 60 everywhere) will continue dnring the com ing week. Borders to match all patteris. Edwaed Geoetzinoeb, ihs 627 and 629 Penn avenue. LA Pekla del Fumab are a high grade Eey West Cigar, manufactured for those smokers who can appreciate Havana tobacco in its natural condition. Sold from $6 50 to $12 per hundred. G. w. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. Don't Fade. Our fast blacks are warranted. Cheapest are 30c; finer ones for 40c and cOc. The .People's Store. Campbell & Dick, Hen's neckwear. Kew styles. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Direct From Paris. A large case of new goods, direct from Paris, has just been cleared through the Custom House by Mr. W. "W. Wattles, Jeweler,of 30 and 32 Fifth ave. Some ot the most beautiful onvx clocks ever seen in this city are in this shipment A new bronze bust of rare beauty is also worthy of special note. See our magnificent window display of French novelties for confirmation of the above. 30 and 32 Firi h ave. Ths GEN. SHERMAN umitA CZaraeH wUh a AeUaWvX teetefor the Svmdau Utue of Tbe Dispatch. Colonel InecraolVt otVZt o . r... -- .... s, 4& - J. tfurfn,. ' fmfwi.ji iyw vf wiwwvjr'jrw vmrwt CWW.WI 4! AMONG THE KTJNNERS. Three Air-Tigbts Go Through on Nashville's Course. HAEEI GLEHH'S PAST TIME. Five Good Eacesat Louisville Over a Dusty Track. SDLLITAH'S HEW TBAIN1NG QUABTEES. A Ihely Pnw Fight at Serantoa the Bli-Day Baces. NASHVTXIE, May 10. A good day's racing was witnessed at "West Side Park to day. The day was hot, the track good and crowd fair. The first three races were "alr tights" for the favorites. The fifth, raoe was a fine one, Harry Glenn going in the fast time of 1:46. First race, selling, six furlongs The race was a "cinch'' for Orderly, who won in & ranter bv rhalf a length, California second, three lengths in ironi 01 ukv nngei, inira. 'lime, 1U7. Second racey selling, nine-sixteenths of a mile Gwendoline got the start and fairly run away from the bunch, keeping the lead all round and winning by three lengths, Lilly Kin ney second, Fete Holland third. Time, 57. Third race, selling, nine-sixteenths of a mile Schoolmaster opened in 'the books as a long shot, but was soon made the favorite. He went to the front at the turn and won by a neck, Festus second, two lengths in front of Echo, third. Time, 1:04. Fourth race, selling, five furlongs It was anyone's race until within a few jumps of tbe wire, when the jockeys made a dashing finish, Pauline winning by a head from Lucy Howard, a length in front of Little Bess, third. Time, 1 Fourth race, mile and 70 yards Lela May got off first but was soon supplanted by Bankrupt, who kept the lead till near the finish, wbere Harry Glenn came up and won by a neck, Lela May second, a balf length fn front of AristL third. Time, 1-4 Sixth race, five furlongs Lady Blackburn got the best of the start and kept it until tbe stretch, wbere Riley took the lead and won by a length and a half, Forever second, a half length in front of Timotby, third. Time.lKBK- Following are the entries and pooling for to morrow's races: First race, selling, pnrse W0, tor 3-vear-olds and upward that bave run and not won at this meeting, eleven-sixteenths or a mile Dock Wlct 103 pounds, (10: Cassandra 99L to: Lucy Howard 112, and Kedar Kaon 112, 3 each: Little Bess 103, Red Leaf 112, and California 116, K each; Con signee 97, farnell 1M. Ueldelheira 104. Echo 10S, Ernest Kace 111, and Holland 112, (4. Total, (31. becond race, purse S400, for 2-year-olds lht have run and not won at this meeting, nine-sixteenths of a mile Miss Blonde 106 pounds, si;; Lilly Kinney 104. Ill; Bomalne 111, tlC; Rhyme 106, k; CortezlW, $!; Huntley 104, II: Blackstone lo It; total, sa Third race, selling, purse 1 100, for 3-year-olds and npward that have run and not won two or more races at the meeting, fifteen-sixteenths of a mlle-UollghtlT 105 pounds, SIS; Uardner 101, 112; MetaSLT. J. KuskSS. Eva Wise 104 and Kedar Kahn 110. (3 each: Big Three 118, t5: McMurtry 110, S4: California US, S3; LemanlM, S2: total. f72. Fourth race, purse $500, for 3-year-olds and up ward, a free handicap of fio each If not declared out, mile Heron 105 pounds, SM; gantalene 115, (48; Cartoon 107, $24; Harry Glenn 110, $23; White Nose 103, $14; Colonel Hunt 102. 114; Boaster 95, $9: Beu Harrison 95, $9; Charles Beed 90, $3; Bt. Al bans 90. $3. Total. $221. Fifth race, 1'reeland prize, a handicap sweep stakes for 3-j-ear old and npward; $5 entrance to accompany the nomination, with $45 additional to start, fl.OU) added, Tif which $200 to second and $100 to third; closed with 32 entries; mile and a quarter-Huntress, 112 pounds, $25; Long Chance 107, $9; Gilford 96, 13: Olive M, $5: Big Three 95, $5;Thos.J. Kusk90V$3. Total, $58. AT LOUISVILLE. Fairy Queen Win the Hnrstbonrn Stakes Easily. LoTnsvnxE, May 10. Second day; of the Jockey Club meeting. There was beautiful weatber, a good attendance and fine sport. The track was deep in dust, which at times en veloped tbe flyers. First race, selling, pnrse $100, 2-year-olds, half mile L H won bv two lengths. Babbit second, two lengths ahead of Ealavalla. Time,' SOX. Second race, pnrse two, 75 'to seconi, three- quarters oi a miie in an exciiint; nnisu oeneaict and Valuable ran a dead heat, with Laura David son third. Time, l:15Jf. The money was divided. Third race, the Hnrstbonrn stakes for 2-year-old fillies, fl,000 added, of whlcb an to second and 1100 to third; closed with S3 entries, five furlonps They ran in a onnch to the stretch where Fairy Queen came through, and held the lead easily to the finish. Tbe race was for second place, Fly Away taking It by two lengths, Daisy F third. Time, 1:01. ' Fonrth race, maidens, all ages, the Flnzer Brothers' purse HO. $75 to second, $25 to third, seren-eiithths of a mile Josle M won, Copperfleld second, Maylaps third. Time, V&H- Fifth race, selling, for 2-year-olds, half mile BrlceFUwon, Silence second, Fast Time third. Time, 60. ' ' Entries for to-morrow's events: First race, handicap, one mile-Brown Princess 104 pounds, Kold'UrlOS, Brandolette 97, Marchln 109, Lotion 100, Brldgellght 98, Unlucky 90, Lizzie B100. Second race, Selbeck handicap, one and one slxteenth miles-Hyp ercritellOpourids,Strara way 110, Llberetto 115, Clay tstockton 109. Lottie Wall 106, Prince Fortunatus 101, Maori BS,.Lavlna Belle US, MoUic's Last 108, Meckie H 96, Long Boil 103. Third race, selling, three quarters of a mile The Dude, Springtime 100 pounds, J. C. Burnett 101, Jakle Toms ill, Anna Burge loo, Dolores 109, Clamor 113, Tillle Jaynes 100, Walter H 109, Willie M 03, Courtney F lot Kind Cole 109, Betty L 103. Fourth race. 2-year-olds, Sve eighths of a mile Lord Feyton 113 pounds. Lnlle B 110, Jflnkle T 105, Mount Lebanon 108, JoNevlncelOS. Lamantan 108, HllolOft. SnsleL 105. Portugese iOS. Fannie W 103. .. . J Fifth race, selling, nve-elthths of a mile Casta way 107 pounds. Bravo 110, Uletlu 101, Irish Dan 107, Mandoline 96, Lizzie L 111, Pat Donovan 110, Bonnie King 108, Arundel 124, Jim Nave 104, Charley Norte 90. A LIST OF FLYERS. Bndd Doblo Complete! Hi String lor the Grand Circuit, Budd Doble has a formidable list of trotters and pacers to campaign with this year. He expects to take all, or at least the majority of tbe following, through the grand circuit: Trotters. Becord Trotters. Becord. Oliver K .2;iM JlewtonB 2:17 Lady Whitefoot....2:18!4 Jack 2:19? Veritas 2:37!f Dlxie..Flvemlleslnl3:l7 Miss MaJoJica.Mo record Limit. No record Hendricks... ..No record Kenwood No record Marguerite. ...No record e...!o record Pacers. Ladv uuuion z:zr Amy Lee 2.23; Nntmetr 2:25 Ueneva ":Ui Maudlen 2:25ft BcIleS 2:29 Knight 2:29)4 llsta 2A9H Johnston MU Kd Annan 2: 17k, urosjean z.w Alacll 2:30 Marie Jansen 2:30U Bhallamont Girl.. ,2.30k Chimes E 2:17 Budd Dob e xc2:19M Attorney, Jr..Noecor THHOUGH AT PIMLICO. Good Racing Marked the Finish' of the Spring Meettor. Baltimore, May 10. The Plmlico meeting closed to-day with a fair card and good racing The weather was warm and track in splendid trim. " . First race, five furlongs Fanily J won, Tennes sean second. Insight third. Time, 1:05. Mutuals paid 52 S5. Second race, one mile Tbe Bourbon won, Joe Lee second, Tom Hood third, Time, 1:43. Mutual) paid (52 25. Third race, one and a quarter miles Buddhist won. Time, 2.I7K. Fourth race, one mile Bess won, Defense sec ond, Boaz third. Time, 1:K. 'Fifth race, three-quarters or a mlle-Iagowon, Al Heed second, Homo third. Time, 1:17. English Rnclnc. London, May 10. This was the first day of thi Kempton Park spring meeting. Tbe race for the Kempton Park Great Jubilee Stakes, a handicap of 8,000 gulneas,iihe second to re ceive 200 sovereigns and the third 100 sover eigns ont of tbe stakes, for 8-year-olds and upward, winning penalties, one mile, vis won by General Byrne's 8-year-old chestnut colt Amphlon, by Speculum or Roseberry, ont of Suicide. Lord Cholmondelay's 3-year-old bay or brown colt Screech Owl, by Wisdom, out of Noisy, was second, and Mr. J. O'Neill's 6-year-old chestnut horse The Rejected, by King of. Trumps, ont ot Accented, third. There were IS starters.' He Was a Ringer. "Captain Boll," the trotter that appeared at the Exposition track last year, .has been de clared a "ringer." The horse, and Thomas Cameron, of Marion. Ind.; C. McBride and Foster Wick, of Butler, bave been expelled. The horse Was discovered to be Foster, otroed in Marion. At the time of tbe race Tbe Dis patch intimated the horse was a "ringer." ThoQght Well of Spokane. During a conversation yesterday afternoon Captain 8- 8. Brown, tbe well-known local horseman, said that ho saw Spokane, the win ner of Thursday's derby, run last year and thought him a good horse. The Captain pre ferred to know a little more about the djils of the derby race before eiMMelas aw ovkioB are A about It HebasnorecMtisfefacMoaxefard SsrJItlHsstryneiables. . , ,"' ,&; a M-'LAUGHLIN REINSTATED. Tbe Famous Jockey Exonerated and Hlahly Fra!acd nt Nnahvllle. NASHvrMJt, TKirar., May 10. After the first race at Westslde Park 6-day, General W.H. Jackson, one of the judges, announced their final decision In the matter of tbe McLaughlin episode of yesterday. He stated tbat tbe ac tion of the jndges yesterday in declaring all bets off and ruling McLaughlin and Terra Cotta off the track, was the only course open for them in view of the fact that Terra Cotta was pulled when it was apparent that be could have won. But upon more extended investiga tion it was found tbat Terra Cotta was pulled under instructions from the proprietors of the -stable to allow Sanalene (Terra Cotta's stable companion) to win In accordance with racing rnles and customs, and this, with the previous good character, honesty and unimpeachable In tegrity of Jockey McLaughlin, and tbe fnrther evidence that there was no intention of fraud on the part of McLaughlin, led the Judges to declare McLaughlin and Terra Cotta reinstated and to exonerate the proprietors of the Chica go stable from all blame. General Jackson's allusions to the high character of McLaughlin brought ont shouts of approval from the crowd. Santalene was given second money and Terra Cotta third. Snlllvnn'a Training; Quarters. New YObk, May 9. Charley Johnson has all but decided upon training quarters for John L. Sullivan, and the probability is tbat tbe big fellow will get into trim on tbe Coney Island boulevard about a mile from the ocean. He will be under the caret nl eye of Johnson all the time, and with two trainers, yet to be se lected, will prepare him for tbe battle on July 8. An unoccupied bouse has been engaged, and it will be fitted up at once. Sullivan passed to-day very quietly about town with friends. FAST TROTTING. Horace Brown Think Tbat Guy Is tbe Quarter Champion. In conversing with Horace Brown the other day I found that he thinks if any trotter living can speed a quarter In 30 seconds Guy is prob ably the one to do it. Horace drove Clingstone against Guy at Hornellsville, N. Y., exposition races last August, where they trotted for a special purse, Guy proving the winner in 223 and 2:2 Horace said: "In one of these heats I had a good deal the best of the send-off, and sent Clingstone away boiling, making the pace very hot around the turn, but Guy came to me very fast, and swept by in a twinkling, al though almost to the outside rail, and yon know what difference that makes on a balf-mile track. I never found a horso of anything like relative speed go by as' fast as Guy passed Clingstone, and yet Cling was full of trot tbat day." This opinion, coming from tbe man who drove Belle Hamlin a half in 172 should carry considerable weight when people are looking for tbe next record breaker. But it should be borne in mind that to get the very fastest mile from a horse it is necessary to keep bim out of beat races, and prepare him specially for single tilts against the watch. To this day It is a debatable ques tion among horsemen whether'thg fastest mile Jay-Eye-See was capable of giving was ever obtained, for the season he trottea in 2 JO he was shipned here and there, and sent heats over all sorts of tracks for gate money. There fore it is contended by many persons that if he had been taken to such a track as Cleveland and kept there for the single purpose of making a shining mark, Maud S might have had bnt one instead of three miles to her credit better tban his measure. Horseman. The Froposed Yacht Race. New Yoek, May 10. Earl Dunraven's letter regarding his objections to the New York Yacht Clnb's action is expected on the Servla Sunday. Commodore Smith, Chairman of the committee, says that be expects tbe Earl's let ter will pat all doubt about tbe race at an end. Nathaniel C. Moore, of Baltimore, will present a design to the New York: Club for a yacht to compete with the Valkyrie. The center board is embraced and tbe rig will be tbat of a sloop. There Is no overjut. The design is similar to the Baltimore of 1651,, which was the fastest of her day. Fald the Bets. Nashville, Tknk., May 10. Brady Barr, the bookmaker who was barred the otber day for leaving the city without paying, bets made in his books, bas returned and straightened np the matter and been reinstated, THE WEATHEE. For Western PenruyU vania, light rains and local thunder storms, cooler in northern por tion, stationary tem perature in southern il III oortton: carfoole winef. For West Virginia, cooler, threatening weather, followed by thunder storms, varia ble winds. PrrrSBUEO, May 10. 1889. The United States Signal Service officer la this city furnishes the following. r Time. Ther. Ilirr. Mean temp 77 Maximum terop.... SO Minimum temp..... n 8:00.1.. it, 12.-0OA. X. 1:00 P.M. 2.-00 r. v, 5:00 F. M. ,.78 ,.87 ,83 Kange. .......... .,,. a Precipitation 0 8:00 P. M 63 Elver at S r. v., 3.7 tMt; a fall of 0.3 feet in 24 hours. I Elver Telegrams. rSFZCIAIi TELIQRAUS TO TBI DISPAJTJS.I Beowhsvuxk River 4feet 7 inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer SOP at 6 P. M. 'MoEOANTOWN-River 4 feet 6 Inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 88 at 4 P. Jf. - Wabbeit River 1 3-10 feet and falling. Weather clear and warm. Boston Stocks. Ateb.&T0D..Ist7s. 116X Atch.LandUrant, 7sl08 Atcb. ftTop. B. K... 41 Boston & Albany.. .514 Boston & Maine ISO. C. 11.40 KJi Clun. San. & Cleve. 24 LtsurnR. K .. S3 Eastern H. B. 6s ...jllSld Flint fere M 24 Flint Fere M. cfd. 95 K.0..SU.0.B.7J.1U Little K. ft Ft. 8. Ts.lOS Mexican Cen. com.. 13 M. U.. 1st Mors. bds. 69V N. Y. NewntT... X. Y. N. .E.7S....127X OKd.SL.Cham.com. S Old Colony 112 Wis. Central, com... IS Wis. Central pf.... 41 UlouezJIgCo(new). 1 Calumet A Hecla....209 Copner Falls 9lf rranKuu... Huron ... . 9 ,. 2 ,. 9 , J .109 Osceola, i'ewablc (new) (luincT Boston Land..., .Tamarack Tutt's Pills Tbe dyspeptic, the debilitated, whether from excess of work of mind or body, drink or ex posure in Malarial Regions, will find Tutt's Fills the most genial restora tive ever offered the suffering invalid. Try Them Fairly. A. vigorous body, pure blond, strong nerves and a cheerful mind will result. - Sold Everywhere. TTSStt A CURE GUARANTEED, Health, energy and strength secured by using Amoranda Wafers. Theso wafers are a cuar. anteedsneciSoand the only reliable and safe remedy for the permanent cure of impotency, no matter how long standing, nervous neural pa, headache, nerrou3 prostration caused by the use ot alcohol or tobacco, sleeplessness. mental deDrusslon. softentn? of the Drain, re sulting In insanity and leading to misery, decay , anu aeain, premature Ola age, oarreuueu, spermatorrhea, barrasslDg dreams, premature decay of vital power, Caused by overexertion of the brain, self-abuse or over indulgence. 75 cents per box, or six boxes tor H, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Six boxes is tbe complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at oaetime we will give a WKIT1EN GUARANTEE TO THE MONEY REFUND If the wafers do not benefit or effect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by tbe BOSTON MEDICAL 1N8TITUTE. For sale only by JOStEPtt FLEMING & SON, 412Marlcet street,! lttbarg, Pa O. Box 37, to whom all e .uom noaiu He w&- kctressad. 'A ,i-lS; ? pT . !l.' Bie-JSr rn .- I . ittp Vti Mm 'VirillV m .i .vi.ti , 1JEW ADTERTISEUBbJTSj Tije PEOPLE'SSTOM WASH GOODS The largest stock fa Western Pennsylvania. 200 feet of shelving devoted to the choicest kind of bargains, such as: ' Good, desirable Challis, c; a better grade at 8 c. Challis with fine wool filling, 18c and 25c. r , Fine Mohair Challis at 25c, worth 37c. ., - -"..- -""""---- -, - Jbine Scotcn z,epnyr oingnams Checked Nainsooks, Victoria Fine French all-wool Challis, 50c. y TUfictPc anrl Pnloreri.Lawns from 8Vic.iin. .."iSSS other things in White Goods. - ? fffapB Fine Dress Flannels, Tennis Suitings, Negligee Shirtings, in'whicajj special bargains are offered. -Ji A fine line of Figured Canton Flannels, for draperies, curtaiSj Big bargains in Table Linens, 1 1 in1 TJ as! CnfAn fit? 5 j lit 1 uuu JJCU uyivauj Quite' a drive in Bleached and voric jviiiis, worm i2c, ior 10c. TttiAn .QfaiV Cnvf.Tin ore all omr1p5. TJ "R P.rrmln rnnntar will 10th, including' books, of the Home CAMPBELL & DICK,- Freemasons' Hall, Fifth. Avenue. H A mnrm M..!.1 -..no.TtviatT AUirVCX yitH.LH-111 LALIUIH-III. ill a Jk4k.jr ill- ,.... w " , that the, 'Ivory, "tested against a certain well known brand of !!.. .1. ...... t,n 4-1. A MmA mniinf nf MMncinff finwprann MV 2Ma -. ........ .. "two-tniras vie lasting capacity, t'l J ,., JSA.,7.. :... -th ."' "" "' ""- fAc4vd T tTiprpfnrA rnncirlr thP kWW M.W.WW. .w..w... a-.... Professor of a iwnun nT? There ara many" while "soaps', Mch represented to Jfae " jost-as good as f he ' Ivftgp (ft they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable quaKtirtVfJyjj the genuine, Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. . M - Copyright 18S6, by 2539w - jHZomr CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS From 18c np to the finest. Come in and see all tbe scarce Bronze, Myrtle and Sags Shades ia Wide Bimmed Milan Hats. We actually have ths largest variety of SUU HATS- In the city. Our own shape, the "Success," is more popular every day. The ladles havo taken it unanimously and we are kept busy filling orders. . , Children's Shirred Sun Hats, easily washed, in white, light blue, cardinal and pink. Children's Laee Caps; In all the new shapes. Children's Fauntleroy Hats, in lace and embroidery. ..,., Children's Trimmed Hats, freshlr trf mmed every day by experienced artists. -All sorts of daintv flowers for trimming bats are to be found in our Millinery Depart mens. 137 nicest XimDroiaerea buu jjbi-v vaa . LADIES' NECKWEAR I Our stock in this department is complete. Satin Enchings, Tinsel Edge, 10c a yari,y a it it.. .n;,, , TTametifoliPil and Emhrnfdered Lawn Ties. ' Immense assortment of Windsor Ties for new shades ana plain colors. "Unending novelties of Neck Enchings in SASHES! a P 3 J 11 1. JS Surah cashes', wun iringea euus, su waua w"i" " "- ... "e all the popular .shades. We continue to sell those 3 inch Satin striped sashes at 25o per ..J a U Klit . a Parasols and Umbrellas .f, For sun and rain. Eitra good valaes Glorias, with silver hooks and caps, 26-inch, Up, I $1 75 and $2. Glorias, gold ho'oks and caps, $2 60 and $3. La Tosca, long handles, siher and gold tops. 24-inch, 51 38 and np. In silk, with gold and silver tops, from S3 np. Th litrit novelties in Lvon's best Silk Umbrellas, with detachable handles. Chil- dren arid Misses' Parasols at all prices, from 25c to ?2 50, in Sateen, Striped and Plaid Silk and Satin. Ladies' Coaching Parasols, in Plain Satin, Fancj Stripes and other Silks, from $1 to 7 CO. Lace-covered, in Ecru and Black, from43 to $12. Tn rnce onr immense stock of BEADED WEAPS, we are sellinir them at ths lowest prices yon ever heard of, and are then purchased. bgeibavBi$l 510 TO 514 MARKET ST. Established 1849. Telephone Call 1073. FBANKJ. GUOKERT, Contractor and Manufacturer of BANK, OFFICE. STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES, Doors, WaiMCoatiBj. Ceiling and Hard Wood wort o: every description, ior Duiramc ana decorative parposes. Mantels. Cabinet aad Furnitare oi Special Deetgns. Drawisfls aa4 Bstiaate t ataitbed ob Hftrta. OSes aed iMtorr.'As&.SBaBan sereMi i imd. Tt SeveMH' arBae. Pitts. taar-uw-ns. DEPARTMENT. -- t"ji . '-- -:- .. .'S3&SZ&7ZSS in an enaiess variety 01 s lyics.! Lawns, India Linens and a hnndwdi Napkins, Table Covers (tapestry'andj 1H Unbleached Sheetings, such as NeWjj nrpn in tTl( riaSPITlCnt Ctrl Fr? r?!Hl Series, 5c. Caxton edition, bound, 2 ic ' f. mjtfXT ? 4 1?iini4nr rifle nrnvprl frt ffl. m , r r. r-i j :ir J. ' mar. is, vie ivory ooap wiu uv unc rf rt. ci-13.1 aeraincf ivriirh it VT3S r -& "- "- . TvnwV a V POOQ laiindrV SOaO. .w- -"' O JOHN "W. LANGIiBY, Chemistry, University of Michigan. WAPNTMri ' Procter k Gamble. Must have light, pretty Hats for everyday wear. . What you want for the youngsters is something that will look well, wear well, and not cost much. We have just the thing. We show an immense assortment of Ladies and Boys in new plaids and dots 84 Lace, Tinsel and Crepe Lisse. SASHES !' ' . A waaAoli JvABa ft wA4iTv tin j? hTlt mmtfji allowing 10 per cent discount on each os rt AND 27 FIFTH AVEi mv7-TT3gn . BEST BBANDS OF WHISKY FROM SB TO S8 PER QALL02f. 2L u FANDRrESBEW. to A OHIO STREBT, iXliXQSSXX, PA, . q Oil 3 ys Xj k A f - ' . " jj - - Tsgi $$( 5.' - ,v yLc V