J4 V.: 9-" t TWENTY ' TWENTY PAGES. bricks. IHt Ul5rAlt.il !K$'J, fob f 'Sunday, May 1 2 (To-Morrow) VILL BE i 20-PAGE THREE-PART NUMBER. IiOOK AT MCOmiBUTORS Fob To-Mobbow Sidney Iiuakn, Rer. Geo. Bodges, BUI Nye, E. L. Wakemnn, Beverly Cmmp( F. G. Carpenter, Henry Norman, Mary J. Holmes, Emma Nevada, Olive Weston, Shirley Dare, Bessie Bramble, Lillian Spencer, Clara Belle. . W. Harnett, Mnry Gay Humphreys And Many Others. SEE WHAT THEY WRITE ABOUT. Sev. Geo. Hodges discusses popular amuse ments. IEscma Nevada tells of the adventures ot a Prima-Donna. Bill Nte discusses society with "Ward Mc- Allister. Pbank G Cabfenteb deals with the women of Burmab in his usual fascinating style. 3IABY J. HotitES describes Venice the beauti ful. Shirley Dake talks about dress; and gives lady readers some valuable toilet hints and recipes. Ienet Norjian' describes the Great Wall of China and the Country of Go; and Magog Eeveely Chump tells all about the tropical Isle of Trinidad, Olive Weston- presents the homo life of Ellen Terry. Xtt.t.tan Sfenceh entertainingly talks about religion in Cuba. X Ix Wakbman pictures the trials of the Irish fisher folk. Clara Bells gives the public a glimpse of ' General Sherman's family circle, and the home life of Colonel IngersolTs charming daughters. OTHER CONTRIBUTORS furnish Paperi of More Than Ordinary . Interest for To-Morroir's 20-Page Three-Part Number. leading Deat Mutes of the Nation tell of the . habits, aims and future of that afflicted class. Why Men Brink is the title of a paper that trill be read with aridity by all who take an in terest in the liquor question. Pictures of Samoa, by an educated native, throws new light on these coveted islands. A. Fairy Tale for the little ones is furnished .by Ernest H. Helnrichs. All the news of the world will come by special cable and leased wires to complete the Mammoth Magazine-like Number to be issued To-Moreow. ARC Vflll Reading "Metamorphosis," itud IUU the new serial by Sidney IXSKA, author of the "Yoke of Thorah," etc. It is carried forward with interest in to-morrow's issue. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1M6. Vol. 44, No. 93. Entered at PIttsbarg Postoflice, November 14, 16S7, as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average net circulation of the dally edi tion of The Dispatch for six months-ending May 1, 1SS9, 28,051 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of (be Sunday edi tion oIThe Dispatch for April, 1SS9, 46,143 Copies per Issnc. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FEES Df THE UNITED STATES. Daily Dispatch. One Year . I 8 00 Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter . ZOO Daily Dispatch, One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one year 10 00 .Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, per quarter. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one month ....................... 90 Eukday Dispatch, oneyear 150 Weekly Dispatch, oneyear 1 25 The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or including the Sunday edition, at 3) cents per wee t. PITTSBURG, SATURDAY. MAY 11, 18S9. ' THE BEST POLICY. In the interesting interview with Mr. Carnegie, which is given elsewhere, he expresses his confidence that the most important discriminations against the interests of Pittsburg will shortly be rectified. "We cannot agree fully with Mr. Carnegie's opinion that compet ing lines are unnecessary. "We believe every competing line that is added to Pitts burg's interests to be worth indefinite sums in permanently regulating rates. If Mr. Carnegie's expectations of improved rates are fulfilled, we think it will be found that the influence of competing lines will have much to do with that satisfactory result. But laying aside what, in the present , state of affairs is largely an abstract ques tion, if would be a most satisfactory out come of the recent agitation to have the freight rates rednced on the points which Mr. Carnegie mentions in his interview. To place Pittsburg on a parity with other points in ore and coke rates is especially desirable as furnishing the very basis of Pittsburg's industrial prosperty. The ore question especially is one to which reference has often been made in these columns. We believe that to place that fundamental and at the same time-low-cost freight on aproper basis would cheapen the cost of pig iron lere fully 60 cents per ton. No Pittsburger needs to be told that such an economy would place our city's supremacy in the iron and steel trade beyond all question. Certainly, whether Mr. Carnegie's hopes are sanguine or not, the railroad officials should perceive that they can do no better than to give these points a careful and pa tient investigation, and to take such action as shall give our industries the best possible chance. Bight in this city is the source of their prosperity. In the present era of nar row margins to dry up that fountain of their own net earnings would be the worst possible policy for the railroads. Beyond this the step that will leave all parties in the most creditable position, and renew the ties of good feeling, will be the voluntary concessions in rates that will give our city the full benefit of her natural advantages, as a tree recognition of what is right and fair. These considerations should commend themselves tc the railroad officials who have to determine these questions. It is better for all of them to cultivate friendly rela tions with Pittsburg than to permit the feeling of injustice and discontent to crystal- lize into positive antagonism. ofye Mmm -. ' K0T BELOW COST. . .-, '; A statement Is' going the rounds of the ' 'ojPKti tjo the effect that the recent reduction s c yjmMft mttr irftn .Kir th. Thrtmns TrAn fVmviOTnr ii KHf-Tff. ' .-w .r...v .. uteatca'ao.meei me saies.ui Doumera iron ;-' in the Bast, which have recently been made at low figures. The idea is somewhat plainly stated to the effect that this large iron cor poration is selling pig iron below cost in or der to drive the Southern iron out of the market, after which it will restore prices to a practical basis. If this statement is true, it is only neces sary to remark that the Thomas Iron Com pany is pursuing a very foolish policy. If Southern iron is sold below cost, the penalty for sueh sales will fall most severely upon the people who sell it; if it is not sold below cost, the Thomas Iron Company by throw ing away money to meet this competition is only depleting and destroying its own resources. The policy of cutting prices to a ruinous level, in order to head off competition, is only practicable when competition can be finally excluded. But this is .impossible in the pig iron industry. Any one who has $250,000 capital can build a furnace either iu the South or Pennsylva nia. While that is possible, tire money thrown away in ruinous prices,'' is a dead loss to those who sell at less than the cost of production, The loss can fall on no one else. We do not believe that any considerable amount of iron is now being sold at less than the cost ofproduction.- The reduction in the rates of fuel in the anthracite region recently made the cost of producing iron quite low. There is no doubt that the mar gins on which iron is sold are now very slighi But no one in the pig iron industry is throwing money away by selling iron at prices which will not replace the cost of making it, for the very good reason that they all know that whenever they do, they will only be inflicting a loss upon them selves. EHTORCE IT EQUALLY. It is difficult to imagine any more re markable examplp of that specious talk which Captain Maryatt called "fiopdoodle," but which in the slang of the present day is described as "cuff," than the arguments used before the Senate committee investi gating the claim that the Canadian rail roads are placed at a disadvantage over those of the United States in the operation of the inter-State commerce law. These claims take a somewhat stereotyped form. It is said, first, that the Canadian railroads have been largely aided by the Government of that province. Next we find it asserted that they are not subject to the regulations of the inter-State commerce law. Finally, the argument has proceeded to the length taken Dy Mr. Roberts' testi mony the other day, in which he claimed that the Canadian railroads, have an ad vantage over the American, in the fact that the Canadian railroads never pay any divi dend to the stockholders, while the Ameri can railroads do so. In all this there is a rather remarkable concealment or ignoring of the real facts in the case. If the befnddling of the case is unintentional, we only exalt the sincerity of the railway magnates at the expense of their intelligence. The same remark ap plies slightly to the majority of the Senate Committee, with regard to the first question which they ask to all the witnesses: "Should the inter-State commerce law be enforced against the. Canadian railroads -doing business in the United States?" The answer is simple. The law should be en forced against all corporations doing busi ness in the United States, whether under Canadian or United States charters. The assertion that it cannot be enforced against one class of roads as easily as another is an entire misstatement of the truth. The only means of enforcement in which the inter-State commerce law takes part as against the American railroads are com prised in damages for discriminations, the assessment of fines for the violation of - the law and imprisonment for flagrant cases among the managers of the railroads. It is just as easy to enforce these remedies against the Canadian railroads as against the United States' roads. The fact is that no remedies have been enforced against either class. During over two years of the existence of the law, violations have been flagrant and unquestioned. The Canadian roads have violated the laws no more than the United States' roads acknowledge that they have. ' Tet, during these two years of violation, it is a fact that not a .single case is- on record in which one of these remedies has been brought to bear. The whole thing, therefore, can be summed up in a few words: When the law is en forced against the railroads located entirely in the United States, it can be enforced against the Canadian roads as well. If it is not enforced against one class, the plea of its non-enforcement against the others, in order to shut out 30 per cent of the railroad facilities of the great Northwest, is pure charlatanism. A Q00D APPOINTMENT. The appointment of 8. D. Warmcastle, Esq., to the Internal Revenue Collectorship, which was announced yesterday, is inter esting as indicating the'strength of political influence, but it is also important in its per sonal nature. Between two such candidates as Warmcastle and Case the President conld not make a bad appointment. Mr. Case has been irreproachable in the discharge of the many position's which be has held, and his retention in the responsible position of As sessor is a gain to this city. -Mr. Warmcas tle is an especially favorable example of young and fresh blood in politics. The bus iness position which he has won by his own efforts indicates his abilities; and in politics he has invariably been known as an out spoken and successful advocate of reform. If the influence of Senator Quay and Mr. Bayne always results in such appointments as that of S. D. Warmcastle, the pnblic can never object to its exertion. A GOOD COMMISSION. As the Dispatch has exercised its occa sions of speaking very plainly in regard to the manner in which this Administration falls short of its civil service reform prom ises, it is no more than justice to say that in the appointment of the new Civil Ser vice Commissioners, the President has shown a sincere intention io fulfill his pledges. Beyond that he has established a Commission which, in comparison with that appointed by President Cleveland, redounds entirely to the advantage of the present Administration. Messrs. Roosevelt and Lyman as the Republican members of the Commission, and Mr. Thompson as the Democratic member, certainly indicate that the law will be faithfully and intelli gently applied. Such a hope is more firmly based than it conld be with Messrs. Ober ly and Edgarton. on the commission tinder the previous administration. The appoint ment of Edgarton by Cleveland was a prac tical avowal to all who knew anything ol the appointee that his work on the com mission would be in the direction of nulli fying the law.! A similar expectation was allowable by 'OberlyVpoliticalrecord, but was Jiappily disappointed by the upright and fceiored characterof , Illinois poll-' ticiasMr. Hoosevelt, the" :3Sepuiilicisapi TfiE PITTSBURG pointee of President Harrison1, is known to be a practical and intelligent reformer. Mr. Thompson, the Democratic appointee, Isless known, hat.his character is under stood to be above.reproach. President Har rison's Civil Service Commissjon Is certain ly a long stretch above President Cleve-. land's management, and affords a practical guarantee that the Civil Service Com mission will not be used to make the law a dead letter. rGOEMAlTS STS0NQ QUALIFICATION, The proposition that Senator Gorman shall take ex-Senator Barnum's place on the Democratic National Committee, causes the St. Louis Republic to cry out: "Gormani Never 1 1" The Republic is apparently of the opinion that a free trade party wants a free trade campaign manager; That quali fication would be essential if ideas ruled in practical politics. But in the D6mocratio party, as much as in the Bepublican, the campaign manager desired is not one who is faithful to the party ideas, but the one who can bring in the contributions from the millionaires and pujl the wires that will work the practical politicians. As Gorman can do this rather better than Barnum did, he is the evident successor to the Connecti cut manager, whose purchases of mules made his most successful record No better evidence of the justice of the outcry against the money power as ruling parties is needed than the fact that the election of Barnum shows that the money power is supreme in the Democratic as in the Bepublican organ ization. BISHOP POTTEB'S BUGLE CALL. A very healthy symptom is found In the interest which the nation at large has taken in the remarkable speech made by Bishop Potter at the Cen tennial celebration in New York City. The echoes of that great festival are dying away, the speeches of most of the orators are already forgotten, but the solemn warn ing ot SishopPotter that the people and the Government, which is the people again, of these "United States have not remained true to the high ideals and standards of the founders of the Republic is being still dis cussed everywhere. , Immense editions of the speech in pamphlet form have already been sold, and the demand is rather increas ing than decreasing. So long as the weighty words from such an eminent and impartial counselor as Bishop Potter are accorded this sort of considera tion it cannot be said that the American people are heedless of their condition or averse to hearing cogent but unpalatable words of warning. Even the condemnation of Bishop Potter's utterances to be found in certain quarters serves a good purpose. It locates with sufficient exactness the forces which are operating to the injury of the re public There are many who do not like Bishop Potter's views on the same ground as that which makes a saloon keeper without a lioense dislike the Brooks law. It is well the people should be alive to the necessity of guarding their liberties. They can guard them all the better when they know who are the friends and who are the foes of the re public. THE BALB-EKOBBEBS' TURN", The Missouri individuals known as -leaders of the "Bald Knobbers" of Ozark county, had a bad quarter of an hour yesterday in the jail yard, where by the blundering of the Sherifi's officers deputed to hang them, the execution was, what a correspondent de scribes as simply "a bungled butchery." The ropes broke; the victims were really twice put through the awful ordeal, amidst most terrible writhing and groaning. As the "Bald Knobbers," like the "White Caps" in other quarters, had counted on their influence to escape the penalties of their unlawful acts, yesterday's scene was a terrible disillusion. As a lesson to the ele ment, part cowardly and part imbecile, which resorts to mob law and secret plotting and midnight violence as- a substitute for the law of the land, the Ozark executions shonld serve a useful purpose. That they ,were barbarous in their manner will not, ever, be excused, even by the thought that such bungling adds new horrors to the gal lows and to the crimes which lead to it. Replying to the criticisms upon the failure of New York City to erect the prom ised monument to Grant, the New York TForZd says: "The impression seems to be that, inasmuch as General Grant only fought to save New York City, the citizens of the metropolis shouldered his monu ment." This is, of course, the best case that the esteemed World can make for the place of 'its publication; but it fails to state the case correctly. The impression is not what it says; bnt there is a very decided im pression to the effect that inasmuch as the citizens of New York secured the burial of General Grant at Biverside, by the promise of a $1,000,000 monument, they ought at least to pay 25 per cent on their obligations by putting' up a $250,000 monument. The presence of Private Secretary Leach and the son of his father, Dick Quay, as Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the State Bepublican Committee, does not look as if the junior Senator were losing his grip on the throttle of the machine. The report that Mr. Go wen is interested in the Starr case for the purpose of crippling the Pennsylvania Railroad by. forcing the Pennsylvania Company to erect elevated tracks inAUegheny, is a rather flagrant case of the cock-and-bull order. In the first place the Pennsylvania Company wishes to build elevated tracks, but an intelligent view of the public interests makes sunken tracks preferable. Next, both Mr. Gowen and every one else who knows anything on the subject, knows that the" Pennsylvania Bailroad is not to be crippled in that way. Finally, Mr. Gowen is. a very good attorney, and the people who think that therejshould be a punishment for criminal negligence concluded that he wonld make' a good advo cate of their views. Mb. Pabnell's testimony with regard to Mr. Patrick Ford, seems to seriously damage the market value of the latter gentleman in the campaigns in which it is desired by American political managers to vcatch the Irish vote. . ' Colonel Elliott F. Shepabd re cently gave a dinner to some Southern and Northern gentlemen, and then published in his paper what was stated editorially to be, "a verbatim 'report of the many remarkable speeches made by representative leaders of Northern and Southern" gentlemen at a private dinner' in this city," The jour nalistic enterprise involved in giving a private dinner and having a short-hand re porter behind the screen to take down the speeches, leads . to the hope that in time Colonel Shepard will strike the great jour nalistic feat of inviting a prominent man to stbp at his hoUse-andgiving full reports in, his paper; of the manner in which the guest makes.hiitoile, , , ErpKKiVEMis heretofore made, in PeiuR EiSPATOH, SATTJKDAY, sylvania, with regard "to the' sugar beet in dustry, have not been successful; but Clans Spfeckels' last enterprise in Philadelphia seems destined to make a successful example of a sugar beat.. Thk act that Senator Stewart's speech on the indebtedness of the Pacific rail ways is being distributed about the country under the SenatoriaAfrank of Senator Stanford, which is said by-ihe New York TTorW to show the purpose for which Stanford occupies a place in the United States Senate. It was well enough known before what Stanford was in the Senate for; but the same fact seems to have about an equal bearing upon the powers which pnt Stewart in the United States Senate and keeps him there. D. Websteb Flanioan, of Texas, in forms the administration that he wants to be a Collector of Internal Revenue. Flani gan has no Intention of allowing any doubt on the part of the administration as to what he is there for. . Ninety in the shade and 35 at high noon are not Unbearable degrees of temperature when approached gradually. But the square chunks of the two kinds of weather to which we have been treated in the last two weeks were iuu uurujji, iur enjoyment, xtow tnai the atmosphere has been cleared by the hail and thunder, let us hope ihat the weather can conduct itself in a more equable 'man ner, While Other points as to the effects ot the recent frost may be in doubt, the intelli gence comes in very decidedly from the dis tricts of Illinois and Indiana that the cold snap has not killed off any of the crop of of fice seekers. - , The number Of new natural gas com panies that are being formed to supply manu facturing concerns, should warn the present companies of the good policy to be followed by putting their rates for domestio service low enough not to offer a premium upon new competition in that most profitable branch of their business. The old bear story has a very pertinent application to a present contest. The pubho can stand aside and cry, "Go it, Ben; go it, Porter," with the utmost enthusiasm and sangfroid as to iow the contest eventually comes out. .Having turned the $6,000,000 investment, in the South Penn Bailroad into a dead,' issue, the Pennsylvania Bailroad now in-f tends tojmt $6,000,000 more stock on its own j road; thus the amount ot stock is kept even,; whatever the actual operations of the rail- road may be. PEOPLE OF PEOHLNEtfCE. -Geoeqe Banceott, the historian, who is now 89 years old, has sold his riding horse. Mr. Bancroft has been for many years an enthusi astic equestrian. He feels that he never again Will be strong enough to mount a horse. Miss Aunold, the sister of Mrs. Humphrey Ward and the original of Hose in "Robert Els mere," has been visiting Mrs. Edward H. Coates in Germantown, Pa. The resemblance between the two sisters is great, but Miss Ar nold is taller than Mrs. Ward. Some surprise has been expressed because Mrs. Harrison, wife of the President, has figured touch a small degree In newspaper gossip. The fact is that Mrs. Harrison has personally requested Washington correspond ents to refer to her as seldom as possible. They have treated her, therefore, with the courtesy her retiring disposition craves. Hadji Hassein Hhouli Khan has ex hibited a great admiration for Sir Julian Pauncefote. The representatives of Persia and England converse together in French, and Sir Julian says that the Persian is a very clever man. So far has their friendship gone that they have arranged a trip to Lenox together late in the summer. Eveby conceivable scheme has been worked J to have the President and the Cabinet photo graphed in a group. Personal friends of the Chief Executive and members of the Cabinet have solicited it as a personal favor to photog raphers, but all overtures have been refused. General Harrison and Mr. Wanamaker are es pecially averse to having their photographs displayed in public places. Lewis Wundeb, the Superintendentof the Inquiry Division of the Philadelphia Postof lice, has just completed his fortieth year of service as a postal official. He was appointed a stamp clerk In 1849, during the administration of President Taylor. -He has served under 12 of the 20 postmasters that Philadelphia has had, and during his long term of service has not been suspended. Mr. Wunder is 61 years of age, and is hale, hearty and good for another quarter of a century of active work. Eeastus WnfAN, the capitalist orator, is a Canadian by accident only. His parents were natives ot Troy, ana his father, who was a good, honest laboring man, went to Toronto in search of work before the future hot gospeler of com mercial annexation was born. Young Wiman had a very hard time of it, and it was only his indomitable pluck which elevated him from the situation of a newsboy to the place of man ager of Dun's Mercantile Agency. His present salary is said to be something like 0,000 a year, so that he is one of the best paid employes in New York, HIS QUEER COMBINE. A Jamestown Preacher Publicly Proclaims His Disbelief la the Bible. Jamestown, N. Y., May 10. The Rev. Henry Frank has caused a sensation in the re ligious community by publicly proclaiming that the Bible Is not inspired and therefore not infallible. Be is a converted Hebrew, still young. While pastor of the First- Congrega tional Church here he became a convert to Dr. J. G. Townsend's new theology, resigned and took the pulpit of the Independent Congrega tional Church. Socially Mr. Frank stands well, while his congregation in numbers will compare with any in town. In his denial of the divine oriein of the Bible Mr. Frank says: "The higher criticism now proves that the gospels were not written at all by any of the authors to whom attributed. Criticism corn pels' us to admit that we cannot take every statement in the Old or New Testament to be absolute, but that the entire story of Jesus must be examined elsewhere, and only that ac cepted as true which history does not force us' to declare1 is untrue. Therefore the statement that the Bible is an infallible book of Divine revelation to humanity, an unqualified and absolute guide to faith and practice, and the only book in all the world containing a so-called revelation is unhlstorical, uncritical and un qualifiedly false." Mr. Frank's congregation are blinking at'his boldness, but say they will stand by him through thick and thin. An Architectural Curiosity. From the Detroit Free Press. B The first honse in Chicago to have front and back stairs was such a curiosity that it drew like a circus. The owner of it refused to let his hired man and girl eat at his table, and pub lic opinion almost drove him out of town. Not Explicit Enough. From the MJn nenpolls Tribune. A"Chicago paper, under the head of "Per sons and Things," has two paragraphs, one referring to General Butler and the other to General Badeau. May we ask our cotem porary which is the '"person" and which the "thing!" Colonel Shepard Calls a Halt. From the Mew fork Mall and Express. Admiral Porter and General Butler, hush I The war was ended a long time ago. DEATHS OP A DAT. John P. Sanlsbary. "WlillljrOTOjr, bL'.Mayii6.-JohnP. Sauts bury, Secretary Of state, died this morning, t his home in Dover. He hid been 111 alnta hU return irom the .New York OeHtfiBll celebration, lie-! WHiueciuegb ayu iu waasceuor wmtrn dbuis fearr. who was united. Hutu -- DoU. : ww? !' jwfif A KS&SSOtet Mlr"ll, 188& ; TBI TOPICAL TAUKI8. Tho Infant Appetite Straw Hat Pheneaeva A Millionaire's Idea ill Hall! IN these very hot days the average man has, little appetite for solids. But the weather aoej not seem to affect the appetite of an esteemed infant whose acquaintance I value highly la the interest of science. For Instance this babe, .aged 13 months, two days ago started out on a gormandizing tour by biting out a diamond from an elder sister'srlng and swallowing it. This, was not discovered until yesterday, A few hours later he was dis covered in the act of devouring horse-radish, and when the bottle of this mordant condi ment was taken from him, he devoted his at tention to a package of baking powder, which he broke open and .then swallowed two hand fulls of the contents. Naturally the babe rose with the occasion. For half an hour after the baking powder episode tho babe waS nlsslng. His absence at last alarmed his mother Mid she started to search for him. She called him loudly, but no .answer came. He was not in the parlor, din ing room, kitchen or bedrooms. Where could he bar Only one place Mmalhedj-thS" cellar. Thither she flew. The infant was there. He had turned on the snigot of a a ten gallon carbon oil cab and was to the best of his'' ability absorbing the fluid as it fell In a Continuous stream. Nobody seems to know how much oil the babe inbibed, but it is gratlf yinc to State that it apparently did him no harm. In spite of the eminent propriety of seeking comfort and coolness in a straw hat, as yet only one or two summer tiles have been seen on the streets. . It Is curious to note how the straw hat comes into use every year. No man likes to be the first to don a roof of straw, but at last some extra-courageous mortal starts the ball. After he has sported the straw for a day or two you will see dozens of men following bis example. In a week the dozens will have increased to hundreds. It is always the same. V Simpijcitt and stinginess very often are to be found in the character of a millionaire. The former quality is lovely; the latter is not. Not long ago a Western millionaire was visit ing friends in this city, and. Just before starting for home, his hostess suggested that a lunch basket nicely stocked might prove an agreeable companion for htm during the Journey. The millionaire declined, however, saying that he had some of the lunch he had brought with him from the West still uneaten. He was induced to bring out the remnants of the lunch. The basket had been filled with cake and bread and butter originally. Since the filling three weeks had elapsed. The bread was as dry as a shingle with a fine polish upon it, while the cake was about as palatable as sawdust. But the man, whose check for $8,000,000 would be honored, was content with the shingle and sawdust, and went his way rejoicing, ... HAIL I 'When thunder rolled but yesterday, And eke there blew a gale, A man perspiring In the dust Exultant cried: "All ball!' Alul. he no umbrella had. Nor shelter or avail, And he was drenched because. the storm Beplledtohlmwlth, "Han,!" SOMEWHAT MYSTERIOUS. The Qnnv-Sherman Row Settled, bnt Hart' Coramtulon Still Withheld. Prom the Washington Post. The ever-to-be-remembered row which Sena tor Quay kicked up when he learned that Hon. Alphonso Hart, of Ohio, was to be appointed Solicitor ot Internal Revenue, and that Hon. B. F. Gllkeson, of Pennsylvania, was not, is in a fair way to a Settlement. Benator Sherman was completely exonerated. It Is understood, from bad faith in the matter, though a cloud still hangs above the heads ot Congressmen Butterworth and McKinley. Mr. Gllkeson is being urged for the judicial vacancy made by the death of Judge Thomas Settle in the Northern district of Florida. Benator Quay will be quite content if the appointment can be made. . Mr. Gllkeson Is at the Riggs. He Is about the size and build ot Major McKinley, has a strong, intelligent face, and a modesty which will not allow him to be considered as a candi date for any place. Ho came down here April 1, and went home a few days later under the impression that he was the Solicitor of Internal Revenue, when to his Intense surprise another man stepped between him and the office. Bat it is kind of queer Mr. Hart has not yet re ceived his commission, and bis appointment seemed settled beyond a doubt three weeks ago. What is the matter with Hartf Mr. Gllkeson Is a lawyer of many years' practice and high reputation, and he comes of a oruiiant ancestry oi lawyers. EMMA ABBOTT-'S TOMB. She Will Erect no Imposing Dlnnsolenra for Her Lots Hatband Rod Herself. Philadelphia, May 10. Emma Abbotthas contracted with P. Relnbardt & Co., of this -city, for a monument to be erected to the memory of her late husband, Eugene L. vVeth erell. The monument will bo composed of various kinds of marble, and underneath will be a vault capable of holding two bodies. Miss Ab bott has expressed the intention of having her self cremated bo the, urn containing her ashes will bo placed alongside her husband's body. Above the vault will be a canopy of white marble, supported by four pillars in Gothic style and surmounted by a winged female figure symbolical of Hope. The monument is to be erected in Gloucester, Mass, and will cost $85,000, which, together with the plans she has made tor improving and decorating the lot, will bring the expense above 5100,000. THE STANDARD OBJECTS. Petition Piled to Enjoin Toledo Trustees Prom Buying Gns Lands. Toledo, O., May 10. The Standard Oil Com pany showed its band to-'ay in the gas fight, when Charles' F. Curtis and Dewey, Rogers & Co. filed a petition with the Clerk of the Court asking that the trustees of the City PipeLine be enjoined from buying gas lands and Issuing bonds. The cause for this action is that the act passed by the Legislature was unconstitu tional, as well as the election by which the enabling aet was indorsed. Among other things the petition avers that the business of furnishing heat and fuel to. private citizens is not of such a public nature as will warrant the levy of taxes.- It also sets forth toe claim that the city owns no gas lands nor wells. They Don't All Die Young. Washington Post. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, is nearing 60,. bnt his four scora years sit lightly on him, and at the banquet of the Sons of Veterans at Bangor Wednesday evening he responded to tho first toast, "Our Fathers," as though he were but a boy yet. One can hardly realize that half a century ago he was Speaker of the Maine House ot .Representatives, or .that while John Tyler was President he represented Mainein Congress. It is not truo that the good always die yonng. Reliable. Testimony. from the Boston Globe.l Admiral Porter is a great hero, and has done many wonderful things. We know it, because he says so himself. A Fashion They Can Follow. From the Baltimore American.'! The announcement that the Prince of Wales never pays a tailor's bill is glad news to tho Anglomaniacs. AFTER MANY" YEARS. The l,ong that once 1 dreamed about, The tender, touching thing. As radiant as.tbe rose without The love of wind and wing; The perfect verses to tho tune -' Of woodlawn music set, . As beautiful as afternoon, Remain unwritten yet. It Is too late to write them now The ancient fire Is cold; Bo ardent lights Illume the brow, '- As In the days of old. I cannot dream the dreara again; But when the happy birds Are singing In the unnyraln, I think I hear its words. I think I hear the echo.still Of long forgotten tones. When evening winds are on the hill ' 4 -And sunset fires the cones, . -Bnt only in tbe'honrMunreme - t: With songs of Iinflan'd ?... . ' Thelyricsbffaelea-fafa stream, . aaweeseesNirsM , . i -n. .i cM&ss&'VJwwr-JUsAM, ART AMD ARflSTS. Tie 151. Keceptlsa Gives by the FHtrtarg Society Last Night. The one hundred and fifty-first reception of the Pittsburg Art Society -was held last night, lh-the Pittsburg Club Theater. In spite ot tho inclemency of the weather the friends' of "the society and most of the-best known lovers of art from the two cities were present. Around the walls of the pretty little hall there were numerous etchings and water-color pictures. exhibited, which had been furnished, to the society by the New YOrk Etching Club. All of tbem were production of Edith Lorlng" Gctchell, and most of them, were well wortny tho admiration and favorable comments which were bestowed by tHe guests. But there had also been a very One pro gramme arranged for the musical entertain ment of the evening. Some of our best local talent, both in 'instrumentation and song. rendered the selections of the programme. Mrs. A. Israel and Mrs. Josian cohen mayed as a piano duet Mendelssohn's concerto, "An danto Presto;" Mrs. B. B. Trauerman sang a song from Mozart's opera, "Figaro's Wedding?' Mrs. Enoch Raub, nee Bertha Floersheim, performed a piano solo. Other musicians were Mr. Charles Cooper ant) Mr. S. Floershoim. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S SOCIAL. The Children of the Daqaesne School En tertain Their Friends. The school children of the First ward school gave a grand entertainment last night, con sisting of recitations, singing, musical rendi tions and dramatic exhibitions. A first-class pfogrammenad been arranged for the occasion and everything went off very successfully. Amonir the nerformers were the folic Among the performers were the following named children r Miss Kate Erisman. William Aland, J. LvCurley, G. and M. O'Brien, F. Mc Carron, J. Hazel J Hibbert, Magnire, Hill, Miss Sadie Teener. Misses Bradr and Camp bell, Masters Nee, Aland and Curlev; Miss Sadie Cadey, Miss McDonough, Miss Kate Donahue, J. McMahon, Misses Gaffoy and Guckenhelm, Miss Mary Logan, Misses Rice, Madden and Wise; Tessie Gaffer, Miss Klein, Wise, Hutchinson, Broderlck, Maguire. Mrs. Ida Farrell aoted as accompanist. MUSIC AND A LECTURE. The Entertainment Given by Child Post, G. A. K.. Last Night. A musical" and literary entertainment was given last night by the Colonel James H. ChUdsPostNo.230, G. A. R.,' at tho Eleventh ward school. A large audience was present and an excellent programme was presented. A lecture on "Six Weeks Among Mexicans" was given by Dr. George MacCord, or Post 230, and songs were rendered' by 12 pupils of the Eleventh ward schools. ' The others taking part were W. R. Ford, George Berger, S. Nolan, Hooper Bros.. Mrs. Emma B. Belgbel and Miss Mattie Troupe. The exercises consisted ot recitations and vocal and instrumental selections. A Mnslcnl Entertainment. A musical entertainment for the benefit. of Branch 88. C. M. B. A., was held last evening in Klopfer'sHall, Lawrence ville. Euchre Pnrty at Glendale. Miss Emma Fralicb, of Glondale, gave a euchre party last evenlnginhonorof Miss Flor ence Dwart, of Johnstown. CARELESS LETTER WRITERS. Reasons Why Their OUsalvea Fall to Beach the Persons Addressed. Washington Poit.1 Carelessness Is a more frequent cause of mis directed letters than ignorance. Persons write all sorts of things on their envelopes. -One man absent-mindedly writes "My darling wife" on his envelope and drops It into the box: an other writes "Yours truly," and signs his own name; many give only the name ot the State, and not a few foreigners address, for example, "John Robinson, America." One of the young ladles in this office, who. is gifted with a won derful memory, once traced a man and deliv ered to him a letter thus meagerly addressed. Two years later a letter came for the same man, but was directed to the wrong city. This young lady remembered not only the man's name, bnt his street adaress, and sent his letter to him. Although nearly a million letters go through her hands In a year, it is said she never forgets an address which she has traced out. The result is, she knows the addresses ot mil lions of persons whose correspondents do not know'as mudh abbut them. Perhaps the most interesting phase of these young ladies' work is that which relates to the tracing of persons' Intentions by association of ideas. For example, a letter is addressed to a certain street and number in Niagara. There is no sueh street in Niagara, but there is in Saratoga Niagara and Saratoga are both re sorts. The lette is sent to Saratoga and the person is found. Another lotter is misdirected to Summerfield, Mass. The writer of It had a season of the year in mind. The young ladles send bis letter to Springfield, and find the per son to whom it is addressed. IT'S OKLT MAESH GAS. Great Hopes Rnlscd and Dnsbed at the Spreckels Sngar Refinery. Philadelphia, May 10. The digging of the well at the Spreckels sugar refinery, which it was thought contained a natural gas spring, is being proceeded with vigorously at the foot of Reed street, on the Delaware river. It was thought yesterday that tho flow will not prove what was expected of it. The impression pre vails that the gas is of the kind which is always forced out of swampy ground when a heavy pressure is placed upon iw and it Is supposed that the immense weight ot the foundations forsthenew refineries has had Something to do with it. The ground was formerly very swampy.butwas recently filledin.Mr.Sprecxels does not believe that natural gas has been dis- ig thi city. well will be developed to its fullest capac: White Indorsed and Shims Condemned, Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Gbove Orrr, May 10. At a largely attended prohibition amendment meeting hero last night resolutions were adopted commending Judge White's actions in the License Court and condemning Representative Sniras, whose action, the resolution said, "was a step toward the Intimidation of the Judiciary in the free ex ercise of their sworn duties," To be Conducted by Mr. Wnles. "The'Llop of Peru" will bd given by tho Bos ton Ideals at the Opera Honso again this after noon. In accordance with a suggestion of -Manager Foster, Mr. Leonard Wales will him self conduct the opera. An effort will be mado to remedy some of the imperfections in Thurs day night's work, and a more satisfactory pro duction of the new opera may be expected. Impossible to Ascertain. From the St. Paul Pioneer Press.1 i"" Admiral Porter (to Ben Butler) Were you looking at me, sahf Ben Butler That's a thing they tell mo con fidentially that no fellah can find out.' PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS." Wild cats at times make the night hideous at Belleville,-Miffin county, A SWAem of bees lodged on the barbershop of John Runyan, at Pottstown, making things quite lively for a time. TBAMPSwero never so plentiful aleng the old Lancaster pike. They herd in the hedges and Infest the Bryn Mawr scenery.. Samuel Pbobst. of Clinton county, has among his parlor bric-a-brac an ax which be brought from Switzerland, in 1833. HenbyDkeisbach, of Cherryville, North ampton county, aged 80 years, has died of a broken heart from grief at the death of his son, which occurred three weeks ago. . See miles from Kntztovn. Berks county, Is a tare having an abundance of stalactites and stalagmites of different colors and varying in size from the small Icicle to,tbe pillar of an ancient temple. Mb, Reskoth, a McConnelsburg hotel keeper, being tronblcd with an acbmg molar; went to a tlnshop, grasped a pair of stout pincers, fastened on to tho tooth, and at the second effort yanked it out. At the burial of Mrs. McPike, in Altoona, a couple of days since, a ladyand gentleman rec ognized each other just as the coffin was being lowered. They had been the bridesmaid and groomsman at the wedding of the deceased, 23 years ago, and bad never since met. In MeadviUc, last Snnday, a family living; close, by a church amused themselves by hold-' in a band-mirror at such an angle as to throw flashes "of sunlight into the eyes, 6"f the" wor shipers. The minister stood it as long as ho could, andjthen walked to the Weuse, rang tbc beUasd ntiae4 tfce haisrs tfcatH the aet SUI 'rASAAAiaa A WsMsdsl tttttlkA tslVM 4akAaM iTf't A Efliffl JTV ITfM HI HI Is WH si key que CUKIOUS C0SBEBSATI0KS. A Itallaa. bey having four ears fannd asleee on a Philadelphia doorstep a fewl eveaiafSBtfo.; -jrr A. Chieago paper reierrea io a State Senator as Mr. thos-h-joaes, and he has sued" for 175,080 damages. A young ssaa naed lieatherers, of Plttsford.MIch., died from the effects of drink, lng maple sap t4 excess. All the men In Hermansville, Mich.', are wearing whiskers now. The only barber la the town went to OkHhoma. Ex-Sheriff T 0. Kennedy, of Mound City, 111., 80 years of age. has Just married woman nearly 60 years younger thanmmselr. Brazil sends us 69 per cenfr of the total amount of coffee imported, and-the cost per pound Is slx-tenths of a cent cheaper than any other. s ,. ,j. ' An Ohio church deacon exclaimed, "ConsarnitalltoTexaar'and the verdictio the church Investigation was: "Nbtjgufltyt but In bad taste." . 7 "! A new strike of rich ore Isrepertei n me iu uup mine, in i;oiorauo(A"v pouna cnuns taken out it was estimawa. run iu.uou ounces silver. A Bay City, Mich., constable serve a commissioner's notice On a woman that place Saturday and she threw a cup of tea in hia face. He fled. Mr.Pulver, oi North Vineland.'N. last half century. The total consumption io uaia amounts io 1,0X1 dozen. There is one barroom in New York - decoration .and furniture of which cost $200,068, There are scores of them that are fitted np at an expense of over $50,000 each. mwt went ton. hotjpy II ! 1 1 tuvBaiK. thefts! Bay City, Mich., will have a matckjs factory in operation in two weeks, and It is eofrfj;.. pected 100 boxes of matches will be made and V boxed op every second it Is in operation. v There is in the poorhouse at Albany, Ga-, a negro who says he Is 122 years old, and that he used to see George Washington of ten, and "hist my hat and say howdy to him." . A Virginia woman, who keeps a toll gate on the BerrysviUe highway has had to shoot three tramps thus far this spring, and she looks forward to an unusually brisk season in that line. Four locomotives, to be run by soda, which takes the place of fire under the boiler, have been built in Philadelphia. They are for service on the streets of Minneapolis, where steam engines are forbidden. - Outside the President's mair 500 letters" -come to the White House every day. It re- nnlrpi lnnrm f nnA n m.n tft wnrlr till mid. night to answer them. Lice Halford replies to the most important ones by dictating to MIM Sanger, who type-writes what he says. A Mt. Pleasant (Mich.) doctor, whosa' nose was pierced by a rifle ball last week, per formed an operation upon it. In healing one of his nostrils was closed np, and after two trips to Detroit and finding no relief, the doe tor proceeded to bore a hole up through his nostril, and now can smell a dinner as far away as anybody. A peculiar attempt to evade both the customs and quarantine regulations is reported from Windsor to the Customs Department. AT railway car containing a horse, several sheep and several bales of hay was duly reported at customs. One ot the" officials found a thorough bred bull wedged In between the hay and the' rear of the car. ., One of the novelties which an Augusta (Me.) firm is sending out are electric spectacles. At the end of each bow is a miniature thermo electric pile, in which the electricity is gener ated by the beat of the brows. The current passing along the bows ana rims, wnicn are nigniy- magneuzea, Is said to bo hlcblj bono flcial to the eyes. "t Undoubtedly the largest bass ever caught In the Hudson river was taken near Peekskill on Monday last. It weighed 70 pounds. New York market men heard of the big catch and telegraphed to get it, but the fisherman wouldn't send it to New York to be exhibited on a fish stand. More money was ob-f-. 1 talned for it by cutting the bass into steaks and-T selling it in Peekskill. It was over Ave feet -long. A queer divorce suit is on trial at Grand Rapids. Both complainant and defendant1 are ( members of a .theatrical company and were ac-.. -' customed to playing a piece in wnicn they tooic i parts as principals in a marriage ceremonrnnS t, der their stage names. The coniplalnrcrtf claims that the husband got a real JusticVrof 1 the Peace to perform the ceremony one night I when the company was playing in an'OhioV town, ana alter (no piece ciauncu ner asms wife; that she was unconscious of the marriage and that it ought not to be binding because the real names ot the parties were nt used. News has been received at- the City of Mexico ol a discovery of great archaeological importance in the State of Chiapas, near the ruins of Palanque, being nothing less than a large city hidden-ln the depths of the forests. Some buildings are five stories high and in a good Btate of preservation. There is a well paved road several miles in length still per ceivable in the midst of a tropical forest. Very lew particulars have been received, but the re port comes from good sources. Palanque is said to be a mere vintage in comparison with this lost city of prehistoric times. A St. Louis tailor promised a customer that he would have his new suit done in a few minutes. The young man said: "All right. Pa" going across the street to take a bath. Send the clothes over there." The tailor agreed and the young man went to his bath. One of the attendants offered him t5 for his old clothes, the offer was accepted and the transfer made. The young man finished bis batb, but the new garments didn't come. He waited and grew impatient. He was kept in the bathroom for five mortal hours before the suit came. Then he took his-departure vowing never to trust a tailor's word again. , ' A curious illustration of the treasures' of the soil, often overlooked for a long time, is the discovery ot mineral wax in Utah. It was discovered three yers ago on the Una of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, covering an area of 150 acres. Over 1,000 tons a year are se cured. It looks like the wax that is made by bees, and can be used for the same purpose. It Is mixed with paraflne in making candles, and is used in the insulation of electric wiies. It needs no refining for ordinary uses. The dis covery is a hut to our land owners that their farms often contain riches that are overlooked. The Pennsylvania farmers worked the oil fields for generations without a dream of the wealth underfoot. PDNNY MEN'S FANCIES. , That's the Trouble. Harry Talways pay as I go. t Larry (feelingly) Yes, but you don't gol-j Time. "I am very closely attached to yondear- est," he softly murmured. jm "Yes. I feel that you are, bnt stop now," please.? tVe'rn too near the house." JltnncavolU'Triim tun. Am Virginians have formed a club in Nejrjl YorS, Theflrst Virginian ciuDwas meoneinatj Pocahontas defied when she asked old Po wh'attanf not to decrease the Smith family, JfuinsapoKjt Tribune. ,r. T$ A tht nMnMft "Mission. Teftnlieiv Anil -. now, Hong For, canyon tell me the meaning oft thowordj "Goto," io frequently found &) to Holy Scriptures? . - Hong Foy Yesse msml Him slice Samey, Come off." Drake' t itagcaine. He Knew Her. Mrs. Hendricks Bertie, yourmother Is calling you. ' Bertie Teaser-Yes'm, I know It. But I guess she don't want me very bad. sirs. Hendricks She's called you seven tunes. already. Bertie Teaser Yes, I know; bnt she haia't yelled Albert, " yet-Time, . Better Prices for Gas. "That's TipkinsV'l darter. Her mother used to do the washln ic . Brown's folks, you-remember." & ' 'It l2 They must er made money somehow." 'am "Yes:,hemade a pile out of natural gas in jm lav." . J "Natural- gasl Why that's what kept.Mia, sol poor here. He never did anything out lajjruiiua anagas, and never made a cent nyH.'"-a-. A BAEID K-IOBT, A lie Will fly On wings of light And leave a dismal trail, "While truth, ' Forsooth, Wonld Iosethe light, in Tx-in? -with a snail. j)ansvilUBrtiitJ A celebrated American college president was conducting a lesson in mental phflosophyTI Ah -ramie- centiemen. Ibave an lmnresslonjljj said Be, as he touched bis head with his iorcangegl "Can you tellmeirbat an impression isi'j, Ho answer. "Wnatr No one knows? Nobody eanltcu mall whataa impression 1?" exclaimed' thedoctor,'Q loeUar unaad down the class. ''Ikaow,"sa4d one of the young, Keajaj.'Au taweiosiHa.deat la a nn 9i,22z.Wl -r !' atmm 3m wE fe, 5T 4 3 3 1 i i I f At'TE. -. -l,s;