X&:IHsplau advertisement one dollar per tovare or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, 'To Let, etc, ten cento per line or each inser tion, and none taken or lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For tho accommodation of the trablic, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transientadvertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have account With TUX DIS PATCH. THOMAS McCAFFKKY, 3X8 Butler street. EMIL O. bTUCKEY, SUh street and Penn are. . G. bTUCKEY A CO., Wjlle aTe. and Fulton It. "32J. STOKELY, Plfth ATenue Market House, UIBTISD. j. w. -WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKX.A2TD. JICALLISTEK AEILE115LER,5UiaT. &AVwoodlt, SOUTHBIDE. JACOB SPOHN. Ko. : Canon street. CUAS. bCHMTARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY;. A. J. KAERCHEK. 59 Federal street. H.'J. McBRIDE. Federal and Ohio street. FRED H. EGGEliS. 1T2 Ohio street. T. H. EGGEKS A SsON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F.STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRV, Western and Irwin aTes. G. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bearer ayes. PERKY M. G LEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ares. WANTED. Slnla Beta. "W' "ANTED-A GOOD BARBER AT 404 FERRT bt., city. myli-67 -TV7"A1TED A GOOD BARBER V ATEL at S3M PEN JJ AVE. IMMEUI-myll-60 WANTED-EUKAND B01i AM TOUMJ nan for -wrapper desk. HORNE A WARD. myll-8 TTTANTED A GOOD BARBER IMMEDIATE LY LY. CUAS. KIlChCH, Ifl7 Penn aTe., nttsbnrr. myll-59 "TT7-ANTED A MECHANICAL ENGINEER; V V one that can surrey preferred. Address U. D., Dispatch office. my8-M "T7"A TED-PIANO PLAYER-GOOD MNG V ER, for saloon. Apply to THOMAS CULLEN, Bellalre, O. myll-6 TTTANTED TWO CARPENTERS. INQUIRE VV atNO.30 VINEhlBEET, oratHANCOCK b"T., Thirteenth -ward. myll-S2 -VTANTED- CARRIAGE PAINTERS AND 2 VV blacksmith helpers at CENTRAL CAR RIAGE WORBLb, 4 and 66 Twelfth st. myll-5S T7"--ITED COACHMAN FOR LIVERY; VV none but experienced need apply. T. 11. MU11ELAM), eiOOPenn are.. East End. mys-12 WANTED-ONE EXPERIENCED VISE hand and one rood lathe band. Address BBILL1AM ULAbS VoBKS, Brilliant, Ohlo.l myll-14 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BARBER (COL ORED), -who Is sober, irenteel and polite. Apply at once to L. C. JONES, Box 90, Union town, Pa. myll-57 WANTED GKEEM3AND MOLDERS AND coremakers; steadv employment to rood men. Apply to JOHNSON FOUNDRY CO., Johnstown, Pa. myll-S6 "TTyANTED-MAN TO TAKE OFFICE AND VV represent mlr.: tSOperweek; small caplul required. Address, with stamp, MAN UFACTUIt ER, Box TO, West Acton. Mass myll-l-ws WANTED A CARRIAGE TR1MMER-A good, sober. Industrious mechanic: must be well recommended; cood wages paid. Address CHAS. J. EL1G 4 CO., Wheeling, TV. Va. tny-9 "YTrjANTED-ACENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING VV powder nd pure spices: gifts with goods; coke -worker", miners or mlllmtn can makemoney In their spue ttme. YAMAbHlKO TEA CO., 83 Jackson st.. Allegheny. Pa. Ja26-86-TTS WANTED BAH WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic, etc, thoroughly taught for 15 per month; Instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evenlnc. mylO-TTBSu XtT--IiTEU-'vv'E DESIRE TO ESTABLISH A V V general agency In Pittsburg or Tlclnlty to gsAontrol the sale of a staple article of dally con sumption; any energetic man -with small capital may secure a permanent, paying business. For particulars address GREENWICH MANUFACT URING OO, 86 Vesey St., 2f. Y. myll-33 -rrjANTED SALESMEN WE WISH A FEW VV men to sell our goods by sample to the .wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers In our line: inclose Z-cent stamp: wages S3 per day: permanent position: so postals answered; atnn- advanced Tor wages, advertising, etc. t CTENN1ALMAN'F'GC0., Cincinnati Ohio. ap?-85-TTSSU, -TTTTANTED-AGENTS FOR OUR NEW PA VV TENTnreproorsares: sizes 23xl8xl8;welrlit GOO lbs.: retail price (39; others In proportion; highest award (sliver medal) Centennial Exposi tion 1888: rare chance; permanent business: our prices lowesti we are not in the safe pool; exclu sive territory given. ALPIN SAFE CO., Cincin nati, U. ap3-72-W8 Female Belli. WANTED MILLINERS APPLT AT ONCE. WM. SEMPLE'S, 165 Federal St., Alle gheny. myll-8 Male nnd Pemale Heln. WANTED-AN ASSISTANT TO "WIVES; needed by all; agents send stamp. R. G. LEWIS. Chllllcothe, O. aplS-lS-B m-ANTED-A WAITER FOR PRIVATE FAM V V ILY, 6 farm bands, vegetable gardeners, 60 cooks and chambermaids, Sou house girls, so lor hotels and summer resorts. 2nnrse girls, working housekeeper. MEEHAN'S, 645 Grant st. my6-D -VT ANTED SEAMSTRESS, WAITRESS VV chambermaids, cooks, loo house girls, Ger man and colored gins, male and female help for hotels, waiters, drivers, farm hands, gardener, MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. ap-106-JCThs -T7-ANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY: 175 PER V V month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell onr goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample esse free, we """GJI081 "" -we say. Address STANDARD ElLVEBWABECO.. Boston, Mass. felS-3-D Situations. TTTANTED-A POSITION BY AN AMASTJ- VV ENSISand shorthand writer: can operate aCallgraph or Remington: hest of references fur nished. Address C. N. RAMSEY, Greensburg. Pa. myV-34-TTSsu Business Opportunities. WASTED-SUPERINTENDENT WITH H.8C0 cash (controlled by himself): salary tlSO. MERCHANT, 15 Fourth are.. Hew York. myl0-74 Booms, Bouses. Etc TTrANTED-TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE V V or a large lot near Superior station. P., Ft. W. & C. K, R-. suitable for building a good house. Address T. M., Dispatch offlce. myll-Sa Bonruins. -rrrANTED-BOAHD IN COUNTRY CONVEN- YV IENTto R. R. station for family of four. . mvu-H Klnnnrinl. -rrTANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN V all amounts: money at low rates and small expense. C. H. LOVE, BS Fourth aTenue. myll-31 WANTED-MORTGAGES MON EY TO LOAN In sums to suit at 4), 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth are. Tel. IC7. apl9-14 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP- ERTY. over ft,000: )i tier cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., KFourth avenue. mh2-a!2-D U19-81 WA N T E D -rMORTGAGES IN ANY amounts: 4V to 6 per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO- 89 Fourth avenue. Ja3K5-irrhS -rjrrANTED-MOKTGAGES, IN LARGE OR VV small amounts, on Improved city or Alleghe ny county property, at lowest market rates. THOS. LIG GETT, N o. 114 Fourth a ve. mylO-71 WANTED-RENT3 TO COLLECT IN BOTH cities and suburbs: to this branch of the business we pay special attention: established 3S63. W. A. HERRON 4 bONS, 80 Fourth ave. my4-29-TTS TTTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT VY GAGES on Improved real estate in sums to suit at 4K. 6 and 6 per cent. L. O. FRAZ1EH, Beal Estate Broker, Forty-fifth and Butler its. my-s7-TUS -TTTANTED-MORTGAGESIMORTGAGESl-IN Y large or small amounu on Pittsburg. Al legheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. myll-so-viws -TTTANTED TO LOAN 500,OK. IN AMOUNTS Y of R 000 and upward, oncltyand suburban nronerty. on 4H percent, free ortax-t also smaller amoMtsatSand'ipercent. BLACK A HAIKU, 85 x ourtn avenue. w-mi-i. nTANTED-MOBTGAGES-tl, 000, O00TO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4H, Sand t per cent, and on larros in Allerbenyand aaja cent counties at 6 per cent. i. M.PENoCK & bON. 10a ourtn avenue. ap,-f41 VTT-ANTFD-TO LOAN 3(W) ON MORT VV GAGES: POO and upward at 6 -per cent; toco, ooo at 4.H per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining cauntles. S. H. FREN CH, Its Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D -vrTANTED-TO MAKE LOANS-WE HAVE Yr from smnnn t, si nn. coo to loan on mongares KwW property in the city or county or adjoining k "counties; all the details attended to in person and s-witnoui puMicity. jaS. W, LUtAfj. et uu vn ssHWRicaae, sriwaourf sys-svjsnji WANTED. . Plnnnclnl. WANTEDi-MORTGAaES - LARGE OR ... m"- EU. WlTTlSH. -410 Grant street, ntUburg. apS4-47-D XTrANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN VV In sums to suit, at 4K 5 and per cent. GRABBING & LYON, 135 Fourth are. anfl-el-D Ullscellnneons. "TITANTED-SEE AD. AUCTION SALE OF VV East End lota. W. A. HEBRON SONS, 80 Fourth aTe. , ap3u-3S-myi,I,Ml WANTEU-A SECOND-HAND TWO-HORSE family carriage -with three seats, panel sides and back. Address A. B.. Dispatch office, stating price and -where it can be seen. myS-7-Trs WANTED-LADIES. TO KNOW HAUGH Kecnan repair, redntsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 3i WATER 8T. 'Phone 1CS. my-82 TITANTED-MEN LEARN THE ABTVOF VV gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7 to 9 r. M., 14 Wood st. URL1NG A SON. ap3u-6S WANTED-EVERYBOD Y TO GET ONE DOZ. fine cabinet photos for 99 cents at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 616 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa., for 30 days only; elevator: come, rain or shine; bring children. mys-lll WANTED-MARRIED OB SINGLE MEN TO invest In building sites at Maplewood Park, Wilklnsbarg; lots fexlM; 10 to IS) down, balance (1 to Bper -week; act quick before they are all gone: 70 sold In one week; call on the agents, who will pay your fare and take yon to see the grounds. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. my9-8-TTSSu FOR SALE IMPROVED SEAL ESTATE. CUT Residences. FOR BALE-tiBSO-CONGRESS STREET; 4 ROOMED brick dwelling: large, nice lot; easy terms. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. m.yll-10-TTBSU -I7K)R SALE HO00: FORBES STREET: 9- A! 1 wvMr.l hnek dwelllnr house; rood lot: a big bargain. GEORGE bCHMIDT. 157 Fourth avenue. myll-w-TTSSu TMR SALE SECOND AVE.: 3-STORY BRICK i1 bouseofI2roomt:lotSOx80ft.: between Wood and Smlthfield streets. L M. PENNOCK &SON1, 105 Fourth aTe. myii-4juij T7IOR HALE-SECOND AVE..NEAR REDOUBT JD alley, lot 40x80 reet. with two dwellings; can be bought at a very reasonable price. TV. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave. 4ny4-90-4, 8,11,14 FOR SALENO. 161 WATER ST., ONLY 17,000, opnosltc the new IS. A O. freight depot: lot 20x100 ft., with a small brick dwelling now paying a good Investment. W. A. HERRON A SONS, N o. 80 Fourth ave. myS-2-6, 0, 11. 14 FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WARD-PROPERTY convenient to -Central Traction Cable Road; desirable location; price low; enhance ment sure. Call soon and see these bargains, BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-26-D F OB SALE-GOOD INVESTMENT-FIVE NEW two-story five-room brick honses, Just com pleted: on Trent St., two minutes' walk trom wylle ave cable cars: win rent for 16 per month each: call soon. SPKKUEB A ULOSSER. 419 Smlthfield st. my7-51 FOR BALE-ON WASHINGTON ST., NEAR Wylle, lot 10x102 to an alley: good two-story brick of 6 rooms and attic: natural gas, slate roof, good sewerage, outside washhouse: all In good condition; only 6,250. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 T7IOR SALE-(99)-10 PER CENT INVESTMENT JC Lawrencevllle, 2-story frame 6 rooms and fine attic: also 2-story frame, 4 rooms and attic; total rents S390 per year: lot 22x100- terms reason able If sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. mylO-53 FOR SALE-HOLMES ST., NEAR MCCAND LES8 ave.. Eighteenth ward, three new frame dwellings 4 rooms and cellar each; lot40x 100 feet to alley: rents for (35 per mo. ; a good 8 per cent investment: price 63,601). L. O. FKAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. my9-87-Ths FOR 8ALE-E. J. SUGDEN'S BEAUTIFUL residence, N'o.21 Fortieth St.: a brick house of hall, vestibule and 12 large rooms and finished attic, bath, range, double parlors, sliding doors, both gases, and in fact every modern convenience for a complete home: lot 25x125 ft; price (7.600, one-third cash, bal. to suit: be sure and examine this property before buying elsewhere: any agent procuring me a purchaser for this and any other property that I have for sale, I win divide the commission. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st Telephone 5514. my9-26-Vf-BU oat End Residence. T7IORSALE-THENEW HOUSES AT COLTART L1 Square, Oakland, are for sale by VV. A. HER RON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Superin tendent on the premises, ap20-85-WB FOR SALE-ONLY 83,200-OAKLAND GOOD location: a nice new brick house bf 5 rooms, with slate mantels. Inside shutters, etc. ; elegantly papered; call early. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 i ourth ave. rayll-25-D FOR SALE-AT HOMEWOOD. P. R. R.. S minutes' walk to station, SO trains per dav. a nice 7-room frame dwelling; slate roof, large lot, 48x135: on Grazier st. MELLON BROS., 6349 Sta tion st.. E. E. my8-2-XTbs FOR SALE-A NEW FRAME HOUSE OF 7 rooms, finished attic reception hall, nantrv. gas, etc on a paved avenue in the East End corner lot: price only 3,600. ALEXANDER A .!..., ais vtooa street. myll-21 FOB SALE-t3 800; ELEGANT 7-ROOMED brick dwelling house; bath, slate roof, slate mantels, natural gas, papered throughout; lot2x 126. nicely fenced up: terms moderate. GEO. bCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. myll-10-TTSSu FOR SALE-A 6-ROOM MANSARD HOUSE X square from Llbertv avenue-and 3 minutes walk from Penn cable. Sixteenth ward; rents for (174 year: good Investment: only II, 600. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E. E. myS-2-MThs FOR SALE CT. 700 WILL BUY A NICE frame dwelling on Broad St., one sqr. from Penn cable, between Hlland and Negley avenues; large lot, 24x145; rear facing on Klrkwood st. MELLONBROS.,6349Stationst.,E.E. mj8-3-ThS TpOK SALE-BOQUET ST., OAKLAND, ELE JU GANT mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath. Inside w. c. hot and cold water, etc: lot 21X175 ft.: price IS. 000: terms reasonable. bPEN CER A GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. myll-22-TUS8u FOR SALEIN TWENTY-FIRST WARD, E.E., lot 44x90, with frame house of 3 rooms, good stjne foundation and cellar under whole house; city water, etc : 8 minutes' walk from East Liber ty station. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. myS-71-MTuThrs FOR SALE-EAST END. CRAIG AND CEN TER aves., splendid residence of 12 rooms; handsomely finished; combining all modern con veniences; choice In all respects: lot 100x142 ft. to a 20-ft. alley. L M. PENNOCK. A bON, 105 Fourth ave. myU-43-EOD FOR SALE AN ELEGANT HOME-7-ROOM brick house, slate roof, bay- window, bath, dry cellar: In good order; on Margaretta street, convenient to cable road: near public school: price So, 603. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st., E. E. mys-ioo-wrs FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE.. NEAR NEG LEY, good brick bouse of 8 rooms, bath, nat. gas. etc.: iront and back stairways, front and back porches, marble and slate mantels, tile hearths, elegant shade trees, with lot 80x145. $8,000. or with lot 25x145, 96,600. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. , my5-70-M-wrssu TJiOR SALE- 92,700 WILL BUY A N EW FRAME A? dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, hall, vesti bule, front and rear porches. Inside shutters, nicely finished and grained all through: lot 22x100 feet to alley; convenient to Ben Venue station, P. R. R. : terms to suit. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-filth and Butler sts. my9-87-ThS -TTOB SALE-ON FIFTH AVE., OAKLAND, JD lot 34x127 to 20-ft. alley, new brick house, re ception hall, bath and 12 good rooms: electric bells, nat. and artificial gas all through the house: good cemented cellar, bav windows and elegant porches: good front yard; 12,000. THOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave. my5-70-MWFssu FOKSALE-ONHAILMAN ST., E. F-. LOT 26 xl20 to an alley: new frame house, 4 rooms on first floor. 3 rooms and bath on second floor, and 2 good rooms in finished attic good cellar, front Sorch whole front of bouse: also small room over all and vestibule; also lot adjoining 24x120. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. my5-71-MTnThrs FOR SALE A HANDSOME EAST END stone residence, carriage porch, hardwood staircase and reception hall: tower laundry, bath, lOclegant, large rooms; all the latest Improved con veniences, aspbalt paved street, good location and near P. R R. For further particulars call at office. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-26-D FOR SALE-SEVERAL GOOD BARGAINS AT Oakland In brick dwelling houses, near cable line, ranging in price irom , w o,u: are Tery desirable properties; they are on Firth avenue, Forbes st,, Meyran avenue. Dlthrldge, Fillmore and other good sts. : these properties are very desirable properties and are bound to sell; come and let us show them to you. i H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. myll-31 TJIOR SALE-VERY FINE EAST END RESI X DENCES and resldental sites, on several of the most desirable arennes In that part of the city ; full particulars as to location, prices, terms, etc, can be learned at our office or one of our emnloyes would be pleased to wait upon any prospective customers and show the properties: correspond ence and interest solicited. J AS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Plluburg. myll-48-D TTOR SALE-AT f4,2oCNlCE, NEW QUEEN JD Anne bouse In the East End, close to Hiland avenue, Penn avenue cable cars and JEast Liberty station. 6 rooms, finished attic room, lath, lava torjJ cathedral doorway, bay window, marblo mantels, tile hearths, hall, cellar, porches, etc., etc.: a beautiful bouse; Just finished: possession at once; terms to suit. J AH. W. DRApe&CO., Agents, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ray9-13 FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL ROUP ST. RESI DENCE containing 9 elegantly papered rooms. 4 of which are on the first floor (parlor, library, dining room, kitchen and ball), bath, laundry, natural gas: all modern conveniences; lot 42x170 feet: this fine home Is in one of the most desirable locations In tbe East End. convenient to P. It, R and Fifth ave cable cars, and will be sold cheap, as owner Is leaving the city; call at office. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. my4-62-MVTTh s FOR SALE NO. 841 SOUTH HTLAND AVE NUE, Last End, a modern built 2-story and mansard brick residence with porches, etc, 10 rooms, all the modern conveniences, hot and cold water, Inside w. c bathroom, etc., both gases, heater In cellar: lot 65x140 to a Sv-foot alley, -with good stable and carriage house; all In perfect order: the location is unsurpassed by any in the East End. being on theline of the Pittsburg Trac tion Co. and sear Pa. R. R. and the Citizens' Traction Line; this is certainly the most desirable property now offering for sale: It must be seen to be fully appreciated: anyone desiring to lock at It will befaralatied with a pass to look at it on ap plication at oar oSee. C H, LOVE, 93 Fourth atewr.-- - ayli-a FOR SALEIMPROVED KEALfeSTATE. Enst End Residences. FOR SALE-COKNEK XAUEEL AVENUE and Cedar street, Bloomfleldt lot 41x100. with 4 small honses: good Investment, -very cheap. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. myll-10-TTSSn TWB SALE-MEYRAN AVE., OAKLAND, JD only (3,700 for nice little home 5 rooms, front and back porches, with lot 20x100 feet to an alley. SPENCER A GLOSSER, 419 bmlthfiehl st. myil-22-Tussu Hazelvrood Residences. FOR SALE-SYLVAN. NEAR HAZELWOOD avenue, fine two-story frame dwelling, 9 rooms, attic large reception hall, slate mantels. Inside shutters, nat. and art. gas, bath, w. c, laundry, slate roof; house In peifect order: loca tion and surrounding! first class; lot 60x120, with beautiful shade trees; 3 minutes from station. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. my4-93-TTS AIlesTbeuy Residences. FOR SALE-DESIRABLE ALLEGHENY RESI DENCE, Federal St., near the parks; will exenange tor nrst-ciass suouroan property, a. J. PENTECOST, 41S Grant St. myll-M FOB SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tion, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price; easy terms. JNO. H.M'CBEEBY, 95 Fifth ave. i ap9-46-TTS FOB SALE-ON ALLEGHENY PARKS-FINE new brick dwelling, two stories and mansard; has all modern Improvements; front and side en trance: cornerlot. A.D. WILSON,55 Federal St., Allegheny. my9-4-ThS T7IOR SALE SECOND WARD. ALLEGHENY, JD No. 77 Logan St., close to Ft. Wayne shops, 6-room frame house and finished attic; grained throughout; water In kitchen; sewered; inside w, c: price, (2,000: easy terms. Apply 304 FRANK LIN SJC. Allegheny: myll-12 Suburban Residences. FOB SALE-NICE COZY SUBURBAN HOME for sale cheap; house 8 rooms, over an acre of ground, plenty of good irult and water: only a few minutes from railroad station. A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal st,, Allegheny. my9-4-ThS FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD STATION. P. R. R., frame dwelling with all conveniences: 1 acres or land, abundance of fruit and shade trees, etc.:onlrone minute from station. E. D. WINGENKOIH, 100 Fourth ave. iny7-48-TTS FORSALE ATEDGEWOOD. P..FTW.& C.R. R , 12 acres choice land with comfortable 9 room brick house frame stable with fruits, etc.; beautiful surroundings: Tery desirable in all re spects. L M. PENNOCK &bON 105 Fourth aTe. myll-43-EOD FOR SALE RURAL HOMEMODERN frame house or 11 rooms, over an acre of beautiful land, ornamental shade and tmlt trees, shrubbery, etc.: five minutes from railroad sta tion, and near the city; a bargain. ALEXAN DER A LKE, 313 W ood st. myll-21 FOR SALE AT BELXEVUE-AN ELE GANT country home near to railroad and the proposed electric road: has all the modern Im provements; water from a never falling spring all through tbe bouse lusiac w. c u&iu, etc. . a. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. myll-31 FOR SALE-H700-A GENUINE BARGAUf at North Mansfield, 3 minutes' from station, a fine 9-room brick house with basement kitchen and finished attic; 2 cellars: 2 bay windows, with nne view: nat. gas, gooa water, etc: corner lot. mitt-Al luoxzuo. l. j. Wilson, 149 ifourtn ave. T7AOR SALE-W"EST BELLEVUE, ONLY TWO JD minutes' walk from station, P., Ft. W. A C It. R. : lot 175X150 feet, with modern frame bouse of (rooms, attic cellar; slate roof; natural gas; wash and summer .house, with outbuUdlugs: price only (5,500. I, M. PENNOCK A bON. 105 Fourth arc myll-43-SOD FOR SALE AT BELLEVUE. ON JACKSON St., near Bearer road, well located; good new dwelling of 9 large rooms, natural gas and other conveniences: lot 80x176 feet to an alley, with fruit trees: an easy distance from the station and convenient to Electric road. W. A. HERRON A bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. myU-99-11,14,17.21 FORSALK-BKLLEVUE BETWEEN BEAVER road and station, handsome residence, wide hall In center 14 rooms, hardwood finish, large porches, bay "Windows, bath and w. c stationary washstands, closets, pantry, laundry, furnace cemented cellar, cemented walks, stable for 4 horses, etc. lot 140x290: choice fruit and shrubbery: especially attractive and cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave my7-70-TTS fT'OR SALE-dLbOO-THE FINEST FINISHED JC house In Sewlckley: 8 minutes' walk from Roseburg station; lot about 220x250 ft, : bouse of 11 rooms, bathroom, 2 w. c : inside shutters, nat. and artificial gas: laundry: hot and cold water with washstands throughout house: fine chande liers; bouse finished In hardwood, electric bells throughout house; nice lawn. etc. etc.: cement cellar: good water and fine view : this Is a bargain ; good reasons for selling: call and see pnoto graph. I. J. WILSON. 149 Fourth ave. myll-55 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. FOB SALE LOT CORNER SECOND AVENUE and Ferry street. 70x80 feet: (20,000; cheap. SPEN CER A GLOSSER. 419 Smlthfield st. my7-S2 FOR SALE-CHOICE LOT ON HOME ST.. near Butler st., Seventeenth ward: conven ient to traction line: 20x100 feet to an allev: nrice XtOOt terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER. Forty-fifth nd Butler sts. my9-87-ThS T7IOR SALE (35 PER FRONT FOOT. ON J? Wylle ave. ; cable cars will pass tbls property; 300 feet frontage by 100 feet deep: perfectly level lots: big bargain. See plan at ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. my9-92 TOB SALE-650-(50 CASH, THE REMAINDER JP (50 semi-annually until paid for: lots 20x80 ft., fronting Hatfield St.. near Forty-seventh st : the best lots for tbe money la the market. TV. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave myS-2-6, 9,11,14 TTIOR SALE-60 LARGE BUILDING LOTS ON JD Mount "Washington, 10 minutes walk from Incline plane, on Boggs, Washington and Chess avenues; city water, natural' and artificial gas. gure air, good title: will be sold at public Bale on aturday afternoon. May 18. at 2 o'clock P. n. on the premises. Positive sale to close account with the heirs of the estate Plans, etc.. from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave, Plttsbnrg. myll-tS-D Enst End Lota. F HE lOR SALE-EAST END LOTS AT AUCTION, Slav 11: see ad. in other rnlnmn w a ERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. apou-33-myi,3,6,ll FORSALE 50 BUILDING LOTS-AUCTION sale on Beatty and Euclid streets; see ad. in other column. TV. A. HERRON A SONS. Fourth ave. apSO-38-myl. 3, 6, U FOR SALE-ON SHADY AVE.. E. E-. LOT29X 126 to a street, having thereon ood brick house 9 rooms and bathroom; (8,500. THOS. LIGGETT, 1 14 Fourth ave. my5-71-UTuThF3 FOR SALE-A LARGE LOT ON ELYSIAN ave.. near Point Breeze and Ton-ens station. wxiuu: price oniy (vw. Station st., E. E. MELLON BROS.. 6349 mys-z-HThs FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT CORNER LOT, 60x120 feet, near bbadyslde for only (2.000; a great bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. myll-48-D FOR SALE -AT A BABUAIN-2 LOTS ON A good street at Oakland to a quick buyer; will take (900 cash: this is a bargain not often to be had. C H. LOVE, 93 Fonrth aTenue myll-31 -jmOR SALE-A CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 24x JO 1091 on Holmes St., near Fifth ave.: Point Breeze and Torrens station. P. R. R.; Price (550. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. tny8-3-Ths FOR SALE-7 ACRES OF NICE LEVEL ground in the East End. with a frontage of 600 feet, on P. R. R.: suitable lor building lots: terms, etc, from ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. myll-21 FORSALE PARK AVE., 16 LOTS-(3,500FOK all, near Shetland ave. Twenty-first ward, 25x122 feet each: 4 jrood speculation and rare bar gain, SAMUEL. W, BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave mylO-53' FOR HALE-ON WALNUT ST., NEAR HI LAND are. : lot 60x220 to Elwood st. : a beau tiful location, jrood neighborhood, Tery conveni ent; 5,000., THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave mylO-71 FORSALE ON CORNER SOUTH HILAND are and Walnut St., beautiful Building Bite. 108 ft. front by 140 ft. deep, ongood terms and oflered below market price THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 FOR SALE 2 ACRES OF NICE, LEVEL ground at East End, 3 minutes' walk from railroad station nui cui. up lubajnjie iota. Merms and particulars from JAS. W. i.-jar. E A CO., 129 rourinave, jrituourg. JUJU-SO-JI TJIOR SALK-AGOODLOTON SOUTH HIUAND JD avenue East End, 25x120 feet to a 20-foot al ley: unusually pleasant location: flnebousesaU around. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fonrth avenue Pittsburg. myil-48-D FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R . convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from (406 to (000. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn aye., East End. no28-y78 FOR BALE-ON -EDWIN ST.. WITHIN 3 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars: good building lot. 30x120 to 20-foot sewered alley: both gases and city water on the street; good neighbor hood: only (1,300, 1500 cash, bal. in 5 years. 1HOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fonrth ave. mylO-71 FOR SALE - ONLY FIVE LOTS LEFT IN" that desirably located block 'on Falrraount avenue, near Negley avenue, and 5 minutes' wait to Penn ave. cable: 25x175; price each, (300; prop ertsadvaneing in price rapidly In this location. MELLON BBOS..t349Btatlonsf,,E.E. my8-2-KTbS FOR SALE-A LOT WITH MORE IMPROVE MENTS, at less cost than is generally ottered; centrally located, convenient to schools, churches am d business bouses: plenty of room for larra house; this can be bought at verv reasonable price and easy terms. MELLON BROS , E. ET. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 512 Smlthfield st. mys-41-TTBsn T7K)R BALE-ON ONE OF THE FINEST JD streets in tbe East End: 50 feet front, 150 reet deep to an alley: -well sewered: within five min utes of two cable Unes; also close to r. It. It, station; excellent neighborhood; this can be bongbtata low price and easy terms If bought within a few days. MELLON BROS., E. E or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt-, 512 Bmltbfleld St. myS-43-TTS Allegheny Lota. FOR BALE CHOICE LARGE LOTS IN "Osgood Place" near street ears and schools; city water, natural and artificial gas, tic: 13 neat handsome houses now on this plan, -costing about , 090: low prices and easy terms.1 BAMUH, w, BLACK cu 89 fourth aTe, ( .-!"?. .y . -,. . . . ' tpw Allegheny Lota. FOR BALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHEB, 43 N. Diamond it. mh7-9S-D FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTSI LOTSI-IN ALLE GHENY, near terminus of Pleasant Valley ears and on line of the protected electric road, head or Clifton incline plane.Cllfton and Highland avenues and Center st.: public sale on Monday afternoon. May IS. at Jf o'clock, on the premises: perrect title; terms to suit. Free tickets for free ride by street cars and incline plane can he had from JOHN a. MCCBEEEY, 95 hits ayenue or JA8. W. DRAPE A CO., Auctioneers, IS Fourth aTenue Pittsburg- myll-48-D Snbnrbnn Lots. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK-LOTS 40x 120. J. R. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth aye. my-8-TTSStt , FOR SALE-LARGE SUBURBAN BUILDING lots, with a frontange of 60 feet. Emsworth, P.. Ft. W. O B. R : price low; terms reason able ALEXANDER A LEE. 313 Wood st. myll-21 OR SALE-2 ACRE and 5 ACRE PLOTS OF ground for suburban homes near tbe city and railroad; (550 to (1,000 in plan of MarysvUle: easy terms. Plans from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. myU-48-P FOR SALE-15BEAU1IFUL BUILDING LOTS In the Lorenz plan, adjoining Temperanre Tllle 5 minutes' from streetcars, at (300 to (450; rapidly Improving and deslrabl location In every respect: very reasonable terms. ALEXAN DER A LEE, 313 Wood St. myll-21 TTKIK SALE-LOTS THE PITTSBURG NAT"L JP Bank or Commerce has a Tery few lots left at Wilklnsburg, all well situated and very desirable; alBost Edgewood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have quite a number pleas antly situated on tbe hillside commanding a beau tiful view of tbe whole valley; they will be sold freeortaxesforl8S9onTerTeasyterms. Applyat the BANK. le27-fl-WB FOR SALE MAPLEWOOD PARK, TVIL KINSBURG, laid out by Geo. S. Martin; ele gant building lots. 40x120 and 40x240; (150 to (0 each; (10 to (20 down, balance (I to (3 per week; these are the most desirable lots on the market and are bound to double in -value within the next 90 days: 56 trains each way dally; call on the agents, who will pay your fare and take you to see the grounds. J. 11. COOPER & CO., 1U7 xouriu ave. my9-8-TTS8n Parma. FOR SALE-NICE FARM OF B5 ACRES, CLCE to railroad; fine large orchard, water, dwell ing house and outbuildings, etc. etc. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myll-43-D FOB SALE-75 ACRES RICH, LEVEL LIME STONE soil. 8 miles from Pittsburg at It. R. sts,. fine modern brick residence 13 r, Drlck sta ble fr. tenant bouse -orchard, ornamental trees, etc. ED. W11T1SH, 410 Grant st. mylO FOR BALE-ABOUT 8 ACKtS OF GOOD land, beautirullv located, near Shields sta tion, P. Ft. W. A C. R. R., will sell at about half the price asked for the same class of property near It. C. U. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue myll-3t FOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY 28 acres with large orchard, abundance of water, excellent dwelling house spring and car riage house and all other necessary out buildings; t minutes' waia iruni rauroaa station; wouia cjl- I change In part for -city property. Terms, etc.. Pittsburg. .:. r . . . --. wm., . ,-- - - myn-io-w FOR SALE-FARM OF 25 ACRES IN BEAVER Co., Pa.; good frame dwelling, I rooms, pan try, porches, etc.; good frame barn, granary, well and cistern, picket and paling fences, large young orchard: convenient to stores, schools and post office: good oil and gas territory: improvements first-class and good productive soil: price (3,609. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-flrth and liuUer sU. my9-87-Ths FOR SALE-FARM OF 132 ACRES, IN THE Pine Run gas field, 2X miles from Apollo and Leechburg, W. P. B. tC: underlaid with tbe Leecbburg vein of coaltin the center of a gas pro ducing territory: producing wells on all adjoin ing farms; farmhouse, barn and other outbuild ings; orchard, etc: must be sold within 30 days; owner moving West. ALEXANDER A LEE, Agents, 313 Wpod st. myS-29-TTS JUJsceUaneona. FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CTTY.N. J.-HOTELS, boarding bouses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for salo by I. G. ADAMS A CO., real estate agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. an5-9-D FOR SALE-ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF 4M ACRES In Thirty-fifth ward, Pittsburg, to be sold at public sale Monday, May 2a at 3 o'clock p. M. Full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue Pitts burg.. myll-48-D TTIOR SALE-LOTS-LOTS-LOTB-LOTS- LOTS In Second ward, S rices, (WOtofKS. eGunnlgle plan Allegheny; all sizes; of lots at Char tiers; cneap; easy terms. LOTS Out Wylle ave, on line of new cable road; low prices; terms easy. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO., myll-42 105 Fonrth ave. FORSALE-BYTHOS.MCCAFFBEY, 3509BUT LERST. (10.SOO Cor. Seventeenth st. and Penn ave,, one story brick horse-shoeing shop on Penn ave.:.wlll rent for (430: and two-story brick of 7 rooms, bath, w. c and attic: will rent for (450: lot 21 ft. 10 ln.xlOO ft. deep by 2SK feet front on Spring alley; at terms to suit; any reasonable oilers will be ac cepted. (3,290-At Hoboken. TV. P. B. R-.lot 40x165, fronting on Freeport road, with a new frame bouse of eight rooms, hall, water, nat. gas, front and back porches, fruit trees, grapevines and other wise Improved; (500 to (1, 000 cash: balance to suit, x (1.450 On liawley ave., near Fortieth St., lot 20x100 with frame bouse of 4 rooms, cellar; at terms to suit or (1.400 cash. (250 to (400 each for 39 lots on Klncald and Roset ta sts: (10 down, balance In monthly payments of from (5 up. (1,200 Lot cor. Mathilda and Dearborn sts., lot 44 76-100x100 ft., (600; lot on Dearborn st . 4th lot from Mathilda, size 26x100 ft.. (SCO each: lot on Dearborn near Fitch, size ttxluo, each (7C0; lot cor. Dearborn and Fitch, lot 24x100 ft., one third cash, balance to suit, (7.700-N os. 5137 and 5139 Butler st.. Eighteenth ward, lot 40x100 ft., with frame bnlldlngof 8 rooms used for dweUlng. and tbe latter used for black smith, wagon and paint shop: also stable In rear, water In house nat. andartlllclal gas; at terms to suit. (3, 350 Nos. 2011 and 3)13 Penn ave., lot 24x100 ft. with double brick dwelling of 6 rooms and double attic In each, at (5,350, terms to suit, or(5.C00cash. (325-On Miflln, near Main St., Sixteenth ward; lot 10x100 ft.; half cash, bal, to suit. (1,000-On East End ave., Brushton sta 2 lots 25x130 ft. each; perfectly level; or will seU one lot for(oW. On Clay St., near Forty-ninth, lot 22Kxl00 ft. with a good frame, shingle roof and stone cellar house of 4 rooms, kitchen and attic and 2-story frame shingle roof, part stone cellar, house of 4 rooms; the whole rents 8300 per year; half or third cash, balance to suit purchaser. (1,650-on Butler st.. Eighteenth ward, next Byran A McCabe's stables; lot 20x119 ft. to an alley; terms to snlt. (1,600-On Forty-seventh St.. lot 20x139 ft., run ning through to Holmes st,; at terms to snlt pur chaser. If yon want to buy or sell property, place any in surance have any business requiring a notary, anyagentsecurlngmebonafidepurchasersforany or all properties I nave for sale 1 will divide com mission with them. Call or address THOS. McCAFFBEY, Notary Public, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 3309 Butler st. Telephone 5,514. Offlce open evenings. Call or send ror large list of properties all over both cities and county. myll-61 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. TTtOB BALE-SOUTHWEST CORNER OFWTLIE JL? ave. and High St., lot 25x69 ft., with buildings bringing in a fair Income. W. A. HERRON bONS, 801 ourth ave. myS-65-6,8,11,14,16 FOR SALE-THAT VALUABLE BUSINESS property, corner Firth ave. and High St., 5 brick housevwith lot 58x65 ft.; rents for (1.603 price (20,000. SPEN CER &LOSSEB, 419 Smlth fleld st. my7-51 FOR SALE -381 FIFTH AVE.; BUSINESS property; brick dwelling, 8 rooms and store room: also 2 brick houses 4 rooms each in rear- lot 24x90 to an alley: rental yearly, 1364: price (8,250; terms to suit, juauu .u-aauci, ih rourth a aTe. Ttl. 167. my"-49-Tuwg FOR 8ALE-(8,500-ONLY (LOOO CASH, BAL ANCEon long time and easy payments; lot 24x120 ft., cor, Penn ave and Twenty-seventh St., with large 3-story building now renting to good advantage. Full Information from W. A. UElt KON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. my5-2, 9, 11. 14 FOR SALE-A SMALL HOTEL-24 ROOMS: electric bells throughout the bouse; every thing In good condition; 'Us a chance ror a live man that understands his business: no agents: principals dealt with only. HOTEL THIEU No. 318 Pennsylvania are, N. W., Washington, D. C. myll-4 FOB SALE AN INVESTMENT ON GOOD street, within 5 minutes of postofficer lot 40x125 to an alley: four-story brick building; rented ror 5 years, at (1,500 per year, to good, re sponsible tenant; pays over 6 per cent net on sell ing price and bound to Increase In value. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mvl0-71 TTIOR SALE-A FULLY' EQUIPPED EIGI1T " t PP'i'ff3 work5-.J.oc.,,e'Lat btoneboro. Pa., on L. fa. A M. S. and TV .. N. Y. A P. R. R. every thing In first-class condition, having been built within tbe last year: works running full time on specialties: cneap fuel: excellent railroad, rarlll ties. Particulars, address SIONEBORO SPE CIALTY GLASS CO.k Btoneboro, Pa. my9-25-Thssn TTIOR SALE-BOTTLING WORKS-THE BO1? JD TLINGwnrks and business of J. A K. Lang don, together with the pronerty on which it is situated, in the thriving city of Youngitown. O.. is offered for sale Owing to the fact that Mr. John Langdon has been a sufferer from lung trouble and was compelled to-takeup his residence lu Colorado, he Is unable to give the business his personal attention, nnd now for the first time offers this lucrative business for sale. The busi ness is well established with a magnificent trade and the goods manufactured command a hlgber price than those of any other establishment on ac count of their superior quality. Aside from car bonatlng we manufacture bitters and cordials that meet with no opposition, and in which wo command a large trade In Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois. Tbe plant hss all modern Improvements, and everything connected with It Is In first-class condition. The residence contains 7 Urge rooms, is In first-class condition and has all modern Im provements. The property and business will be sold cheap. For further information, etc. in quire or J. 4 K. LANGDON, Youngstownr6. myll-34 Bne-IneM CThanrea. T75A4)i;B?OT',8Ht-E ANO gents' fur- ,JD JiBHUNG store for sale. In a nearby grow ing manufacturing town, doing a aaah business! 1 10?.!' Si If n fOT ?2llBf JAS. W, DRAPE Aifr'f"''"wti,M.rjMs.i) BBriaeas) ChnHCe. FOR 8ALE-BAKEBY, DOING GOOD BUSI NESS: horse wagon, storeand fixtures, etc: centrally located! AISLES A BAILEY, J4 Fourth ave. TeL 167. myJ-50 -COR SALE-GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR JD- lady that can sew for about ILOOttiieat litUe confectionery and Ice cream bnslness. W:Jjakery with horse and wagon, (too: stores of all kinds; 100 DuVlnes?Shances.sSlEPABD4 CO.. 54 Filth ave . mya FOR SALE-THREE LICENSED HOTELS One in Beaver county, on line of K. K.. price 83.000; one In Lawrence county, fin line or R. B large house newly papered and painted, price (8,000: one In Ohio oris rooms, price to.000; above hotels are centrally located and doing a good business. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fonrth aye. my3-26-TTsan TTIOR BALEA GENERAL HARDWARE, JU housefurnishlngand builders' supply busi ness In one or the most popnlons manufacturing towns In Western Pennsylvania; on llneorrall road; value of entire stock abont (4,000: could be reduced to (3.000: no opposition; the only store ortne same kind In the town r the place is boom ing on a solid basis: tbls is an excellent opening: Ill-health the only , reason for elllng. rDllJ,rPa,r tlculars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 1 Fourth ave., Plttsbnrg. ayll-18-D Blnnnfactnrintr Sites. TTIOR BALE-CHOICE OTS F6R DWELL JD 1NGS or manufactory, 128 feet front on Strawberry lane, by lOOieet, near Preble ave, Ninth ward, Allegheny; easy terms, WM. A. B1PE. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-60-MWS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Dorses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc. F" OK SALE-2 GOOD HORSES, t YEARS OLD, well broken to harness: wlllnot scare at any thing; will be sold cheap for want of use. For particulars caU at E. GROETZINGER'S, 627 tp 629 xenn avenue mjro-o-u T7iOR SALE-LARGE BROWN FAMILY HORSE A" 7 years old: perfectly gentle: can recorameuu Lhls good qualities for safety: to be sold for want of burg. Applyat NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE. my9-7-Tis FOR SALE-SINGLE RELIABLE COACH ERS, line saddle horses and drivers, Jersey cows and bulls, from 2 yrtrs to 7 years or age. given on trial for perfect satisfaction; horses and cattle right from Kentucky. Apply at 1 BEA VER AVE., Allegheny. my2-72-S Machinery and metals. TTIOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. JD IBall engine I msll dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc VKLTE A MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-secondst. 1ei6-163-rT8 TO LET. CltT Residences. T O LET-LIBERTY AVE.. NEAR FORTIETH .JL. ah, sjakcuiu na.u, uc n.o ,........ , rooms, finished attic, half, vestibule natural gas: rent (19 per mo. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. my9-87-ThS, rrro let-9 liberty st., a two-story X brick dwelling or 10 rooms, double parlors, bathroom, vestibule and ball,, both gases, hot and cold water, washhouse, yard, etc. ; reasonably low rent. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth aTe. myll-24-D TOLET-WYL1E AVE., NEAR ERIN ST.. A 2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 10 elegant rooms, bath room, hall, both gases, h.and c. water, laundry, etc.; good neighborhood: shade trees In front; reasonable rent. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth are. myS-33 Hazelwood Residences. TO LET-HAZELWOOD, B. A . R. E., A cozv 6-room frame house; rent (16 month. x. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth are. i myll-43-EOS Allegheny Residences, TO LET-HOUSE ON MARSHALL ST., AL LEGHENY, In flats of 3 rooms each. Apply, In evenings, at 344 RIDGE AVE., Allegheny. myU-9 rpo LET-NO. 35 LOCUST ST.. ALLEGHENY A. City, good 8-room brick dwelling, all modern Improvements; rent low to a good tenant, C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. myll-31 TO LET-IN THE SECOND WABD, ALLE GHENY, brick house of 6 rooms and finisned attic; all conveniences: no water rent; Immediate possession. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. myll-21 TO LET-143 SOUTH AVE.. COR. GRANT ave, Allegheny, a two-story brick dwelling oriOroomsVelc; large lot, size 160x165: suitable for boarding house; low rent. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-24-D Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT HULTON. BRICK HOUSE OF 11 rooms, hall, good cellar, etc : fronts on Railroad ave: rent low. I. M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-X0D TO LET EDGEWOOD, P.. FT.W.4C.K. R..12 acres choice land, fruit, etc.; comfortable brick house of 9 rooms and frame stable; beautiful surroundings. I. M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-Z0D TO LET-(99)-IN SEWICKLEY-THK BRICK residence of James Adair, Broad street, one square from station; completely furnished; im mediate possession. SAMUEL W.BLACK& CO., 99 Fourth ave. myS-27-MTTS TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayneroad, aU mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 Offices. Desk Room, tfcc TO LET DESK ROOM IN OUR MAIN office from (5 to (15 per month, with use of desk room, etc C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. myll-31 TO LET-OFFICE BOOM ON WOOD STREET, near Fourth avenne: ground floor: large front window. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood street. myll-21 TO LET-ONE LAKG15 BOOM. WELL lighted front and back; second floor: offlce room on first floor, rent low to good tenant. NO. 108 MARKET ST. my9-76 TO LET-VERY CHEAP CHOICE OFFICES IN the new building cor. of Federal and Isabella sts.. Allegheny. Call or send for particulars. V. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. my 9-1-Ths TO LET-HANDSOME OFFICE ROOMS, single or en suite, on second and third floors; also, centrally located lodge rooms; fresh painted and newly papered: directly opposite City halt. Inquire T. MELLON A SONS' BANK. 512 Smith field st. my5-41-Trssn Business Stands. , TO LET-STOREROOM AND DWELLING ON Frankstown avenue between Park and Lin coln avenues: good business stand and low rent. Apply toF. orVANGOBDER, 6014 I'cnn avenue. xnyiu--jaw a TITO LET-93 WATER ST. OR 118 FIBST AVE., X warehouse running through frorast, tost.: each floor 20x160, with flne tile floor; offlce on first and second floor: Inside w. c; washstands, new elevator; fine business location; rentlow. BLACK BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave my9-23 PERSONAL. PERSONAL DIVORCES QUICKLY AND quietly. If you desire a divorce for any cause state particulars: advice free: confidential. ROB ERT WHITE, Attorney, 145 Broadway, N. Y. my9-SS PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth (LOOO, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh ATe. Hotel building. my3-23 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or danehters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floorr Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mh8 FOUND. FOUND-THETRUTH AGAIN STTHE WORLD Cured after 12 years Intense suffering from diseases or tbe liver and kidneys by Ta-va-zon Remedies after lallnre to obtain relief from physicians. See sworn testimony of Mr. J. S. Young, Allegheny Clty.and hundreds of others, at DR.GRIFFfTH'S CHEMICAL CO., 801 to 307 Grant st cor. Third aTenue. Pittsburg, Pa. A word to the wise: Go now; be enred; bring this with yon. myll-64 DIVIDENDS. TnntB Nationai. Bank. PITTSBURG, May 9, 1899. J DIVIDEND NO. 60 A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT has been declared this day, oat of the earnings of tho last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. m)1141 W. STEINMEYER, Cashier. OFFICIAL PITTSB ORG. Offic of -I Department of Pcblic Safety, Btjueait op Frni:. Pittsburg. Pa. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE P CEIVED at tbe offlce of tho City Control ler until MONDAY. May 13, 1859, at 2 r. M., for repairs of engine Iiouses Nos. 2 and 6. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of F. U. Saner, Architect, corner Sixth and Liberty streets. Bonds In double tbe amount of bids must ac companyeach proposal, said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Cleric The Department of Awards reserves thencht to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROTVN, Myl-60 Chief Department Pnblic Safety. QEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS Q will be received at tbe office of tho City Controller until May 13, 18S9, at 2 P. v., lor altering and repairing; No. 7 Police Station. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police Bonds in donble the amount of each bid will be required; said bonds to be probated before tbe MVyor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of. Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ' XO. BROWN. ICMef of tie Def&rteeest of PabUe Safety. J8 OTICE-HEADOTJARTERS LIETJTEN 1 ANT James L. Lysle Camp No. 2, Soas of Veterans: General Order Iio. 2. You are Jaere- by notified to appear at headquarters in full uniform on Sunday afternoon at I o'clock: sharp to attend the funeral of onr late brother. Jacob Brubacn. Sister councils are respect fully invited to attend, by order of CAPT.JOHN YOCHEM. A. H. CARGO, Financial Secretary. myll-'O THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE stockholders of tbe Pittsburg and Falrport Terminal Company held at the office o the com- g any, Coal Exchange Building, corner Braith eld and Water stfe., Pittsburg, Pa.. MONDAY, MAY 27, 1889. 2 p.m.. to elect directors. Tote upon the lease of the company's property to the Pittsburg, Falrport and Northwestern Dock Company, and consider such other busi ness as may do orongnt up. A. J. inuaAo, C. a WIGHT, Sec'y. President myll-28 EDUCATIONAL. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTI TUTE. Trov, N. Y. Examinations for admission to this, the old est School of Engineering in the United rotates, will bo held In on June 5, 1889. Can didates will be examined In the following sub jects: Spelling, English grammar, geography, arithmetic, algebra, through equations of the 2d degree Including radicals and in plane geometry. The examinations will be wholly written, and a fee of S3 will be required of each, candidate. Place of examination given about May 2a See this paper. For further Informa tion address D.M. GREENE, Director, ap30-73-TTS Troy. N. Y. LEGAL NOTICES. SOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters testamentary on the estate of les Callery, deceased, late of Pittsburg, hare been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make tbem known, without delay. J. D. CALLERY, WILLIAM V. GALLERY, Executors. ap!3-69-S ESTATE OF PETER WALTER, Jb., De- ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra tion en tbe estate of Peter Walter. Jr., late of Allegheny City, State of Pennsylvania, de ceased, bare been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make tbem known at once to Mrs. Alice Walter, at No. 61 Che'tnnt street. Allegheny Cltv. Pa. MRS. ALICE WALTER, GEORGE L WALTER. Administrators. aplH3-s AMUSEMENTS. TVT A V INAUGURATION OF THE inn. X NEW EXPOSITION BUILDING. FESTIVAL. EVENTNGSJ &; AirERNOONsgyonaiSaTd SEASON nCKKTBJoJtoBtoIr The sale of tickets for Single Concerts will be gin on MONDAY, May 13. at 9 A. m. S12 0, $8 and $5 for season tickets. PRICES S3, 52; 51 and sue tor single tickets. Boxes seating six, S100 for tbe season. The celebrated Stelnway Grand Piano used at the Festival concerts. my9 B LJOU THEATER. Matinee to-day at 1 FRANK MAYO IN DAVY CROCKETT. Next week Fat Men's Club. myll TJ ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, MISS MAY TRfiAT, The Wonderful Dog Trlx, and Clifton's Ranch King Company. myo-20 -RAND OPERA HOUSE. yr BOSTON IDEAL OPERA COMPANY. T'o-day's Matinee "Lion of Peru." To-night "Grand Combination Bill." Week May 13-Rice's "The Corsair" and "Evangeline." myll MONONGAHELA AND OHIO RIVERS Transportation & Excursion Co., LIMITED. Steamer MATPLOWBR Can be chartered for excursions, picnics and evening parties. Offlce, No. 118 WATER ST. myll-4TT8 LN, CLARK. Captain. FOR SALE! FOR SALE! WHITELEY PLACE, VVILKINSBURG, PA. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! BY McOune & Coulter, . AT LESS THAN AUCTION PRICES. 67 BEAUTIFUL. LARGE SIZE BUILDING LOTS Commanding an excellent view of the Monon gahela and East Liberty valleys. Lots have a frontage of 40 to 65 feet on 60-foot streets, and extend back in depth 131 to 190 feet to 20-foot allevs. Has 900 feet frontage on Penn avenue. Lots are comparatively level and dry. and are in eTery way desirable for building purposes. Natural gas on premises, ready for use. No undesirable lots. Boardwalk from station, at which 95 trains stop daily. TERMS: 110 cash; balance 1 per cent of .the purchase money weekly, without interest. First Bale will take place SATURDAY, MAY 11, at 2 P. M., on tbe premises, and at 2 P. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of each week thereafter. Free conveyance from sta tion. Persons not able to attend the sales on the above days will be taken out at their con venience, and will have plans and particulars explained to them by McCUNE & COULTER, Agents, my3-ll-Ths 98 Fourth aTenue, Pittsburg. PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from tbe city, situated on the bluff overlookUg Dlvis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc Tbe use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on the grounds. myll-15-D OAKLAND SQUARE, tfi.500 each, moderate cash payment, balance $500 per annnm. elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, ball, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art lire places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed tbls summer; a beautiful park, (on which are sev eral hundred beautiful shade trees), tbe whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with aspbaltum;on each side of and facing the park are the above described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en hancement of values sure. myll-39 CURTAINS. We make a specialty or cleaning and dyeing lace curtains; also dry cleaning Damask Turk ish portiers and all kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dve Works, M. MAY SONS & Co. ap2-TTS 66 SIXTH AVE. CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street, Je9.n57.TTa Allegheny. Pa. rITHER LESSONS PRIVATE AND IN (A etesses given by Mr. HENRY HERZ, 88 Madison avenue, Allegheny. Over U years, teaefierof ilther In the .first music houses and ehoetelaLae: highest reteretWeS. Musis' urttgedjaxttwatlMr. -,' ,- -J7 J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RS CEIVED at tha oIIIca nf Cltv Controller ua-- tilWEDNESDAY. the 15th day Of May. A. D. 1889. at 12 k.. for tbe furnishing- of ice for of fices tn Municipal Hall. Also, for the furnish ing and setting of curbing aronnd the Second avenue, park. Plans and specifications can ba seen at tbls office. Each proposal must be ac- 4 companied by a bond probated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. EL M. BIGELOW, Chief Dept PuBlla Works. myU67-s PROPOSALS FOR MACHINERY-U. a X Engineer Offlce, Cincinnati, April 27, 1888. Healed proposals, in duplicate, for furnishing; and delivering tbe operating machinery for Lock No. 8, Monongahela river, will be re ceived at this offlce until 13 at., local time, ob Thursday, tbe 6th day of June, 1889. Approxi mate weights: wrought iron, 17,02t Bs.: cast iron, 80,618 lbs.: steel, 788 lis. All information furnished on application. The attention of bidders-is Invited to the acts of Congress ap- SrnTed Feb. 28; 1835, and Feb, 23, 1837, VM. E. ERRILL, Lieut. CoL of Engineers. my8S,9,10,ll,3LleI r ENGINE AND BOILER MAKERS Offlce of light-house engineer, ninth and eleventh districts, Detroit, Micb., April 29,1889. Proposals will be received at this offlce until 4 o'clock, P. Jr., on Thursday, the 6th day of June, 1889, for furnishing tbe boilers, machinery, etci, for steam fog signals for Presque Isle, Cheboy gan, Ola Mackinac Point. Simmons Reef, Bear er Island, Manlstee,PointIriqnolsandManlton, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Twin River Point and La Polnte, Wisconsin, and Two Harbors, Minnesota. Plans, specifications, forms of pro posal and other Information, may be obtained on application to the undersigned. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. WILLIAM LUDLOW, Major of Engineers, U. B. A., Llght-House Engineer, myll-2 THE PENJISTI.VASIA RAILROAD CO. Office. 233 South Fourth street. PniLADELPniA. Mav 10. 1S89. riEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO O the undersigned (and marked on the out side "Proposals") will be received at this office) until 0 A. M. May 20, 1889, for furnishing all labor and materials and performing tbe work neces sary to complete tbe foundations for tbe pro posed car repair shop at Wall station, on the Pittsburg division, P. R. R. Proposals to state (1) price per cubic yard for excavation; (2) price per cubic yard for masonry. Plans and specifications can be seen at offle of J. F. Stuart, Assistant Engineer, Wall sta tion. This company reserves tbe right to re ject any or all proposals. WM.H. BROWN. myll-3-EOD Chief Engineer. -aOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Mt, Washington (Thirty-second ward) School Board, until FRIDAY, May 24. 18S9.atl2o'cloclC noon, for the erection of a two-story, eight room brick Scbcol Building. Plans, specifica tions and all information will be furnished by F. J. Osterling. Architect, McClIntock Build ing, SIS Market street, Pittsburg. Bidders will be required to furnish sufficient bonds, and the Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Address proposals to the Secretary, O. S. HERSHMAN, care Chronicle Telegraph, Pittsburg, Pa. myU-18 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND SEW ER pipe dealers Sealed proposals will be received by the Councils of tbe borough of Greensbnrg, Pa., until the 20(h day of May, 1889,'atl2x.,forthe furnishing of sewer pipe, and for the construction of a system of sew erage for said borough; about six miles of salt glared, vitrified, single strength sewer pipe will be required. Bids will be received for the material and work separately or as a whole. Flans and specifications of the work and sizes of pipe required can be seen in Municipal Hall, in said borough, on and after Wednesday, May 8, 1889. The board reserves the right to reject any or aU bids. CYRUS T. LONG. Borough Engineer. my7-27-p AUCTION SALES. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. - FREE RIDE TO AUCTION SALE OF 35, BUILDIHG LOTS CLIFTON AVE., HIGHLAND AVE. AND CENTER ST., ALLEGHENY, Close to terminus of Pleasant Valley Car line, and on tbe route of tbe projected electric cars, adjoining Clifton incline plane, only 4 cents fare to Pittsburg postofflce and intermediate points. (These lots all lay nice on good streets and present some of the finest building sites In either city, being thoroughly in tbe country with pure air and no smoke and overlooking the city; natural and artificial gas all around; city water, shade and forest trees, eta, etc. Tbe sale will take place on MONDAY AFTERNOON. MAY A at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect. free tickets on Pleasant Valley cars to the Eroperty can be obtained from JOHN H. MO REERY, 95 Fifth ave., or from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Auctioneers, myfl-3 123 Fourth aTe.. Pittsburg. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF THREE PIECES OF LAND, ABOUT.4J ACRES, On the- Washington turnpike and Catherine and Conntb streets, Thirty-fifth ward, Pitts burg, near terminus of West End street cars, one piece of about i acres on Catherine and Corinth streets, and two pieces of about 3 acres, on the Washington turnpike, near the tollgate. Sale will take place on MONDAY, May 20, 1889, at 3 o'clock P. M., on the prem ises. Terms One-half cash, balance in one year, with interest and close mortgage and bond on tbe premises. Positive and peremptory sale to close up an estate. By order of F. D. GIEST, Assignee. MILLER iMcBRIDE, Attorneys. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Azents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myll-49-s BY W. A. HERRON A SONS. AUCTION SALE 50 BUILDING LOTS, One-Half Square from Hiland and Stanton Avenues, ON BEATTY AND EUCLID STREETS, NINETEENTH WARD, On the premises, SATURDAY, May U, 18S9, at 3 o'clock P. 3C We will sell the plot as a whole or in lots to suit. Their location is un surpassed, high and well drained, sewerage) complete; near Penn avenue cable line or 10 minutes from East Liberty station, P. R. R. Price low. Terms easy; made known at sale. W. A. Herron &Sons, 80 FOURTH AVENUE HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. ap27-76-27myl,3,8,U BY JAS. DRAPE & CO. PUBLIC SALE, OF 60 Large Building Lots On Boggs, Washington and Chess avenues. Thirty-second ward, Pittsburg, only 10 minutes' walk from Mt. Washington Incline Plane. As it is desired to close up tbe interests between the different heirs, the entire blocks will be ex posed to public sale on SATURDAY, May 18. at 2 o'clock p. it., on the premises. The lots are all large, fronting on fine, wide avenues and streets, and are in a good and fast improving neighborhood; city, natural and artificial gas, good drainage, pure, bracing air, etc Lots will be sold singly or in blocks, on very liberal terms of payment: f 10 down on each lot at sale; title perfect. Plans, etc, from x JAS. W. DRAPE & CO Agents and Auctioneers, myll-50-D 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. A UCTION SALE Grand closing ont sale at Public Auction of our entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, and everything in store, must be closed out by May 18. Sales commencing at 2 30 and 7.30 p. JC H.HANNACH & BRO., Nos. 10 and 12 Fifth ave. myll-68 ' IANOS, ORGANS. S. HAMILTON. SI AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. ap30-74-l WAI,TKRj.OSBOtrKXE. rtlCtTASDUASBOWS. TJARROWS & OSBOURNE J5 JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street. Telephone No. 8U sez-kavrrsoa c. .BALPH, BUTLDINa CONTRACTOR, , 41 Seventh are&ae, -. . .t , -, ,, L7xr -" j X.. rz 'VflfKsSSk-.-. 5T: . JKr A. tsfl - -. .&-. .,- t. .asi-r,r. A?ffi- i?i jA..i " . t. i.' t