Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 11, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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" V -. Off T " " J "" 'alBssHR
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Auction Sale of Sdme Bemarfc
able Oil Paintings,
Historical Scenes of Early Pittsbnrg
JPut ia Colors,
Connoisseurs Attending the Sale Bo Some
liTelj Bidding.
Hany connoisseurs ia art attended the
auction sale of household effects at the man
sion of the late John Scott, President of the
Allegheny Valley Railroad, at the corner
of Shad j lane and Forbes street. This led
to spirited bidding for some historical old
paintings which Mr. Scott had possessed
ever since he bought them from the cele
brated artist who made them, but -which, ac
cording to the railroad magnate's trill, had
to be sold -with other of his possessions.
Neatly all the wealthy families of the East
End were represented at the sale.
By all odds the most valuable oil paint
ins placed under the hammer Tras that en
titled "A Democratic Procession." It was
one of the masterpieces of Blythe, the Pitts
burs artist of olden times, whose fame was
world-wide. The picture is about 2430
inches in size, and is framed in heavy
carved oak. It was finally knocked down
to John Newell for $150. Some persons, es
pecially older inhabitants of the city, hare
been known to estimate its real value as
high as $500.
The painting is a remarkable one. It is
the representation of a scene in Pittsburg
politics in the campaign in which JlcClel
lan ran for President The artist has
painted upon the canvass a faithful picture
of the old office of the Post, at the corner of
Fifth avenue and "Wood street, where the
First National Bank building now stands.
Passing in review before it is a Democratic
'procession, which Blythe has car
icatured. The more distinct faces in
the line are intended to represent Jndge
Shaler, John Irwin and other prominent
(Pittsburgers long since dead. A notable
feature is a wagon in which are little girls
dressed in white. A sign on the wagon
reads "Soft Soap." The grand marshal
rides an old white crowbate of a horse,
which is in the act of backing into an awn
ing post. The marshal flourishes a whisky
bottle instead of a sword. An old fellow in
the rear is beating a drnm for dear life.
Blythe painted two faces in the upper
story windows of tne Post office. One he
intended tor Colonel James P. Barr, the
editor, and the other a printer's devil. A
bulletin board in front of the office reads:
"Latest News Little Mac is in consulta
tion with "Woodward."
Another of Blythe's works was sold for
J45. It was an oil painting of "Old Pap
Beitler." It shows this pioneer Boniface of
the East Liberty valley stirriug up the fire
in his old-time hostelry. -He is stooping
over the great, old-fashioned cadaverous
fire grate raking up the red hot coals with a
long poker. His weather-beaten face is
shown to good advantage and is said to be
exceedingly life-like.
It appears that all old inhabitants who
remember "Pap" Beitler (and there are lew
left) delight to tell of his peculiarity to let
nobody stir the hotel fires but himself. The
artist caught him iu his most familiar atti
tude. The- picture is 12x18 inches. Beit
ler's Hotel was the popular stage coach tav
ern and road house in East Liberty in ye
olden time. It stood on Penn avenue,
where Liberty Hallnowstands. Many years
before the construction of the Pennsylvania
Railroad or street railways sleighing and
driving parties from Pittsburg always took
dinner and danced at Beitler's
Mr. Scott's auctioneer also put up three
paintings by Hetzel. Two were fruit pieces,
and brought $45 and $50 each.
Some persons expected to see a still more
famous painting by Blythe auctioned off,
they being under the impression that Mr.
Scott was the owner of it. It is entitled,
"An Evening at Homewood." It is a very
large piece, worth probably $500. It repre
sents Judge "Win. Wilkins, Mr. John Scott,
Andrew Carnegie and some other well
known citizens of Pittsburg during war
times as members of a card party gathered
around a table in the mansion of Judge
"Wilkins at Homewood. Judge Wilkins is
familiar in the country's history as Secre
tary of "War and United States Minister to
BuKsia, Congressman and jurist. His
father, John "Wilkins, was burgess of Pitts
burg just 100 years ago.
Mr. Scott, however, did not own this
painting. It is said that Andrew Carnegie
bought it several years ago, and that it is
sow in Mrs. Thomas Carnegie's home at
Homewood. There is now in progress a
collection of all Blythe's works, with a
view to a grand exhibition some day.
Bayers secured bargains in many other
things that were sold at the Scott mansion.
For instance, a new piano, worth $450, was
knocked down at $175.
A Toungstown Tooth Who Ho Lain About
""'" a JUOBlB' ,,
Yesterday afternoon a 15-year-old boy I
named jonn juynananwas arresteam tne ;
Republic Iron "Works, on the Sonthside,
and locked up in the Twenty-eighth ward
station as a vagrant. The boy states that
his home is in Youngstown, O., and that he
ran. away with two other boys about a
month ago, and he has been lying about
the mills ever since. -
Inspector McKelvy sent a telegram to the
police anthorities of Youngstown, inquiring
about the boy's parents.
Truly a Strange Story.
An innocent reporter of an evening paper
Was imposed npon yesterday. Somebody
told him that Franklin B. Gowen, as one of
the big owners of the Beading Bailroad,
the bitter enemy of the Pennsylvania Bail
road, is leading the prosecution in the Fed
eral street accident, in the courts of this
county, because he has hopes of getting a
verdict which will compel the Pennsylvania
Company to abolish grade crossings and
build elevated tracks in Pittsburg and Alle
gheny; that this will cost so many millions
that the Pennsylvania Bailroad will become
financially embarrassed; that the Beading
road will thereby be on top; and the re
porter printed it all.
Overturned n Motor.
The Southside Electric Bailroad Com
pany are looking for a number of boys or
men who threw one of the electric motors
off the track, causing the company a great
deal of trouble in replacing it. The police
are notified, and the boys will be looked for.
1U1MESE W0ME, 82Jgfc8
'amusements and oiufnew habits, together with
tht peculiar relation of husband and uMin '
JBvrman, are Oescribea oy Frank U, Carpenter
stn K-morrovTM iusfatch.
Colored Anti-Prohibition Meeting AJax
Ran It and a Minister Tnlka toll
Broadnx and Brjce Break la.
The colored people's anti-prohibition mass
meeting was held last night in Lafayette
Hall. The meeting was called to order by
Ajax Jones. Thirty-one persons were pres
ent, including about half a dozen Prohi
bitionists. Fully one-third of the audience
was white. The President introduced as
the speaker "the Ciccra of the "West," the
Kev. B. C. Christy, of Indiana.
Mr. Christy said he did not believe in
drunkenness. He favored temperance, and
had never been drunk in his life. He did
not believe, however, in prohibition, and
upheld his position by reference to the Bible.
He mentioned Christ nsing wine, and main
tained that moral suasion was the method
by which to make man good, and not force.
During the progress of bis, speech he said
that there is no authority in the Scriptures
for prohibition. One ot tne prohibition
hearers exclaimed that there was no alcohol
mentioned in the Scriptures.
Mr. Christy replied that strong drink was
referred to.
Broad-Ax Smith, who was present,
shouted: "Give us a passage 1"
The speaker quoted a passage in Deuter
onomv, in which strong drink is mentioned,
triumphantly adding: "There, nowl I
guess you'll turn about four shades blacker
than you are!"
Broad Ax Who you call black? Tou'se
black yourself!
Mr. Christy I guess it's no disgrace to
be black.
Broad Ax Don't call a man black then.
I ain't anv blacker than you are. My color
jess as nice as your's is. You want to be
white, and can t; that's what's the matter
with you I
Mr. Bryce, the Prohibitionist, arose and
said that he was on the prohibition side
and wanted to give a fair hearing to both
sides, and would like the Chairman to keep
Mr. Christy said that the Prohibitionists
were the last people to give a fair hearing
to any one.
Ajax Jones stepped forward and re
quested the Prohibitionists to wait until the
speaker was through; then they could throw
down the gauntlet and enter the arena.
The speaker continued, stating that John
"Wesley considered it no harm to go to a
tavern and drink his mug of beer or mug of
Mr. Bryce exclaimed: "Give us the docu
ments for that?"
Mr. Christy retorted: "You wouldn't be
lieve it if I did." Further, he asked, who
are the leaders of the Prohibition party?
He said thevwere rundown disgruntled,
disappointed men of every political party,
with the exception of a lew local men. In J
the category be placed St. John, .Neil .Dow,
Brooks and others.
Toward the close Mr. Bryce told him to
look out; that it was "lightning back
He replied that, for the last few weeks,
when the Prohibitionists were meeting, it
was likely to burn them np with hot
weather. On the first of the meetings of the
other side God sent a cool rain, to show his
When Mr. Christy had finished Mr.
Bryce called for Broad Ax Smith; but Ajax
Jones ponnded the table with his fist, in lieu
of a gavel, and exclaimed: "This meeting
stands adjourned."
Jacob Brnbaeli, of Allecheny, Sends a Bul
let Throneu His Heart Despondency
Was the Canse.
Jacob Brubach, aged 21 years, son of
David Brubach, a blacksmith on North
avenue, Allegheny, committed suicide
about 6 o'clock last evening at his home, 72
Bast street, by sending a bullet through his
heart. He and his brother had been
working at their father's shop nil
day, but young Brubach went
home early. His 12-year-old sister was in
the house when he arrived and says he went
into the parlor to write a letter. A few
minutes later she heard a pistol shot and
ran into the room, where she saw her brother
lying on the sofa with blood streaming from
a wound in the left breast.
The little girl ran to her father's shop and
told of the shooting. They promptly sum
moned Br. P. "W. Heron, but his services
were not needed, as the bullet pierced the
heart and death was instantaneous.
Lying at the side of the young suicide
was the revolver and tta unfinished letter.
He had evidently began writing to explain
the cause of his action, but fearing that he
would be interrupted before he could carry
out his intention left the note
unfinished. The letter and the
revolver were taken in charge
by the doctor who, at the request of the
family, refused to make known the con
tents of the missive. The suicide was care
fully planned, for the young man opened
his shirt and placed the muzzle of the re
volver, a 32-caliber, directly over his heart.
The only cause assigned by the members
of the family is despondency. He had been
greatly attached to a young lady, Miss
Annie Both, and secured a position forher at
the home of his uncle, Judge Gripp. He
visited her regularly, and it is said gave her
his earnings to save for him. They had
planned a trip to Cleveland to visit the
girl's parents, when he received a letter
stating that she had gone alone, and that
their relations must cease.
It was reported that they were engaged to
be married, but a brother of the deceased
denied that they contemplated marriage.
The house where the suicide was com
mitted is directly opposite the home of Mrs.
Landenslager, who ended her existence the
other day by jumping from a third-story
For tbo Sonthslde ! Rented nnd It Will
Soon be Beady for Patients.
The committee of the contemplated Pitts
burg Sonthside Hospital yesterday dis
tributed 100 subscription books among the
people of the Sonthside for the purpose of
giving everybody a chance to show in
terest in the hospital and aid the project
The committee yesterday rented the house
0f Mr. Comtesse, on South Twenty-second
street, wnicn has about 14 rooms, and it is
expected that patients
will be received
there by June L
Cheraller Scovel Agrees With Mnnnuef
Foster to Sine To-NIgbt.
Chevalier Scovel and Colonel Foster have
made peace, and the Chevalier will be heard
in the garden scene from "Faust" at Mile,
de Lussan's farewell to-night. The pro
gramme has been changed in consequence
of his singing. It is now as follows: Sec
ond act from the "Bohemian Girl," garden
scene from "Faust," and second and thud
acts of "Daughter ot the Regiment."
They Hear an Address on the Illegality of
liquor Dealing;.
The temperance meeting in the Bingham
Street Church last night was well attended.
"Will J. McConnell spoke on "The Illegali
ty ot the Liquor Traffic and the People's
Bight to Get Bid of It." A number of
(drinking men were present, and seemed to
be greatly interested in the address. Mr.
McConnell will speak in this church to
morrow night.
Twenty Tears a itTIncr.
Samuel Leonard was killed by the fall of
slate at Alliquippa mines yesterday. He
had labored iu that mine 20 years. He was
60 years old.
Dr. B. M. Hanna. Eye. ear, nose and
threatdisease&exclosively. Office. 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa.. U-a i '.S&sa
Hew 10-Pot Furnace in Wilmerding
for Electric Supplies. :
IT WILL EMPLOY 2,00 to 300 jfelf,
Ti -
Be Built at Once and Operated as Only the
Second of Its Kind. "
A glass manufacturing establishment,
known as the East Pittsburg Glass Com
pany, is a new acquisition to the number of
Pittsburg industrial concerns. The glass'
company concluded negotiations with the
East Pittsburg Improveme'nt Company yes
terday for the purchase of aboftt two acres
of ground in "Wilmerding, and the building
of the plant will be almost Immediately
The glassware manufactured at the new
establishment will be entirely confined to
such articles as are used in the putting up
of electric lights, incandescent lamps and
arc light plants, electric light globes, shades
and similar electrical appliances made of
glass will be made there. '
There is at present only one glass factory
manufacturing those articles in the country.
That is tne Corning Glass Company, at
Corning, N. Y. This branch of the latter
concern was called into existence by the.
Edison Electric Company, and until the
Westinghouse Electric Company became
the latter was the largest customer the
Corning Glass Company had. The "Westing
house people, however, do now a business
which necessitates a supply of 10,000 glass
globes for incandescent lights each day,
which the company has to buy and pay a
profit on. It is chiefly for the purpose of
saving the expense of purchasing the lamps
that the new glass company will be started
up. The gentleman at the" head of the East
Pittsburg Glass Company is Mr. A. L.
Reineman, who was formerly Superintend
ent of the lamp department in the "West
inghouse Electric Company. It is, how
ever, understood that Mr. WestinghouFe is
interested in the new glass company and
lends it his financial backing.
A gentleman who is interested in the new
concern stated as follows to a Dispatch
reporter regarding the proposed manufac
ture of glass globes, etc, yesterday:
"The great reason why the manufacture
of such articles should be carried on in
"Wilmerding is principally on account of
the advantages the East Pittsburg Improve
ment Company ofier in the way of natural
gas. The use of that fuel for making elec
tric light globes is very important. It
produces a better article, on account of the
absence of sulphur in natural gat, and inas
much as "Wilmerding is only about six miles
from Murrysville, the gas can be easily had.
"The Corning people have so far had a
monopoly ot electric glassware manufactur
ing in this country, but when the East
Pittsburg Company gets in operation I
think it will be a strong competitor on ac
count of superior facilities."
The company will soon commence to build
a ten-pot furnace, and from 200 to 300 men
will find employmont at the place. ' The
erection of the plant will commence next
week, and the operation of the furnaces will
start next fall.
Old Sol Gets in His Work on Three People
A Young Girl on the List.
Jacob Foem, an unmarried man, 40 years
of age, suffered a sunstroke at 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon while unloading some
goods froin a car on the Allegheny Talley
Bailroad, Forty-eighth street. Dr. Sands
had him removed to the "West Penn Hospi
tal. His condition is considered serious.
Ella Bay, a 9-year-old pupil at the
Forbes school, was overcome by the heat
yesterday afternoon. She was playing in the
yard at recess when she fell unconscious.
She was carried into the school house and a
physician called from the Mercy Hospital,
nearby. He bad her removed to the hospi
tal, and in a short time she had recovered
sufficiently to be taken to her home at 345
Fifth avenue.
Yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock patrol
wagon No. 3 was sent to Jane street, above
Twenty-fifth street, to take a man who had
suffered a sunstroke. Before the ai rival of
the patrol wagon, however, the manhgd, it
was said, recovered somewhat, an ' een
taken to his home on Scott allej ,ween
Penn avenue and Dnquesne way. Sue only
particulars obtainable about the case were
that the man worked for Pickering) the fur
niture dealer, and that he was carrying
some articles when struck.
The Conncilmnnlc Finnnco Committee Pro
tects Soldier Peddlers.
The Finance Committee met yesterday
afternoon with Mr. Magee in the chair.
The oidinances increasing the salary of the
Building Inspector from $1,500 to $2,600,
and raising salaries of fire alarm operators,
were referred to the Chief of the Depart
ment of Public Safety. An ordinance pro
viding for more help in the city clerk's of
fice, was referred to the city clerk for infor
mation. An ordinance relating to peddler and
vehicle license, giving the police authority
to arrest all persons lound peddling with
out license, was returned with a negative
recommendation, on the ground tbat it con
flicted with a city ordinance giving old sol
diers the privilege to peddle without 11
cense. The petition of John O'Beilly for
damages, oy reason ot an accident to. nis
buggy caused by his horse becoming fright
ened at a dead dog which had been on the
street lor two days was returned witn a neg
ative recommendation.
Messrs. Robertson, Anderson and "Wight-
man were appointed a Standing Committe
on Claims, and Messrs. Ford, Holiday and
Magee a committee to audit the sinking
lund account.
A Meeting to Stir Up Two Kinds of 6ym
pntby for an Institution.
A special service in behalf of tbe Chris
tian Home lor Women, No. 133 Locust
street, Allegheny, will be held at Emmanuel
Church, corner of North and Allegheny
avenues,Allegheny, to-morrow evening. It
will commerce at 7:45 o'clock. A sermon
on behalf of the institution will be preached
by the rector, the Bev. M. Byllesby, and a
collection made for its benefit.
This institution is a part of the work of
the "Women's Christian Association. Its
object is to provide a refuge for young girls
who have gone astray but desire to
return to the right. Its work has for
years been quietly but effectively carried on
under many difficulties. It is 'little before
the public from tbe character of the charity,
but it has peculiar claims on the sympathy
of Christian people as the only institution
of the kind in the two cities. It is hoped
that there will be a large attendance and a
liberal offering.
The officers of the Home for 1889 are:
President, Mrs. F. R, Brnnot: Vice Presi
dent, Mrs. William Nelson; Secretary, Mrs.
Joseph F. Smith; Treasurer, Miss M. A.
article in lo-morrow't Dispatch, in which the
native-born ton of an English missionary de
scribes the people ot the island and their prog
ress in Christianity and civilization.
Cabinets 99c. a dozen at Anfrechfg
Elite Gallery, 510 Market street Pittsburg,
iior wiinyjuayx. jonng cauaren.
Many Matters of Mbcb and Little Moment
j. Tersely Treated.
A hot argument 92 In the shade.
Dissatisfaction Is not ambition.
MX.Y showed her temper yesterday.
Aob goes to the grave bef oro beauty.
Question x)I the day "What's the score?
Rusk uses a gold pen. Clarkson's is plane.
T.C. Jenkins left for New York last even
ing; This section certainly got hall Columbia yes
terday. ,
Climbiko the Eiffel tower most be a sort of
giddy amusement
That painted ship upon a painted sea must
have been In water colors.
A.tanqlkd thread the thread of life, and
far more knotty than nice.
Since it was prophesied, that shower yester
torday ushered in Wiggins reien.
MbS. East End calls her young husband
Fad, because he Is the latest out.
It Is rather contradictory that a shallow and
talkative man is fall of sound argument.
3. F. Ceows charges J. L. Orr with perjury,
alleging that he testified falsely in a recent
The Allies are nowgettingthereas expected,
with ooin ieei tne otner fellows' feet, how
ever. THAT-nnVnown lover who sent his "Western
girl a live serpent by mad must be Adam some
thing. Ab deaf as an adder was probably first said of
the business man involved in a column of
J. B. TraMONS is charged before Magistrate
Gripp with stealing a watch from 6 Second
Though a man lose everything but hope, he
can live on that to the miserable end, and tfcen
die. hoping.
The man who saw the largest hailstone fall
will please bring it to this office as a guarantee
of good faith.
The Glenwood W. C. T. TJ. meeting will be
addressed by B. O. Christy, Esq., on Sabbath
evening at 7.30.
"Is it warm enough" bang! "Is ii warm
enough tor" bang! bangl "Is It warm enough
for straw hatsT"
IBeehiiardt says American actresses are
Beginning to show talent. This is a new name
for Potter's tights.
The difference between a spring suit and an
Italian is that there isn't any. They both
shrink from water.
One who has a fund of philosophy need
never sigh for a bank account He can draw
on his imagination.
A Detroit journal offered a prize for the
best snake story,-and the sale ot whisky in
creased 100 per cent
Ben Butleb says Porter ran Away from the
Battle of New Orleans. Somebody must have
pulled a cork on him.
Justice is always severity. If every man
had his dne, it would consist, sot in what he
has. but m what he has not
The stationary engineers will hold their
annual picnic at Idlewlld on May 80. A special
train will leave the Union depot
Geokoe D Yes, there is a kind of fish in
India tbat climbs trees. The man who bet you
a box of cigars is also up s tree,
MatobPsabson is dissatisfied over the fate
of his raidlne ordinance, which was defeated
in Select Council on Thursday night
The announcement that the Rev. far, Scott
is quartered at the White House creates the
snspicion that Baby McKee is a cannibal.
Mbs. and Db. Daniel T. Bat, of the United
States Geological Survey, are visiting Mr.
Charles A. Ashburner at bis residence on
hHiland avenue.
The Pittsburg Committee held a short meet
ing yesterday to classify articles that were in
doubt for the benefit of the Weighing and In
spection Bureau.
The Pittsburg Association of the Allegheny
College, will hold their annual banquet at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel May 17. Judge White
will act as toast master.
Secretary. Maetin. of the Amalgamated
Association, went to New York last night to
attend a meeting of the Executive Committee
ot the Federation of Labor.
The Union Pacific have put on two fast daily
trains to San Francisco and Portland instead
of tbe Golden Gate special. The time to both
these cities has been reduced 13 hours, '
Next week the International Bailroad As
sociatioh, of Texas, will be reorganized. A
number of new roads will be admitted and a
successor to J. Waldo will be selected.
Darkened is the blue horizon.
Gloomy and somber is our fate;
Let us drown our cares inulzen.
The Georgia melon crop is late.
This world is but a fleeting show,
Please ring the certain down,
For when sad actors older grow.
They learn that each Is clown.
The messenger of the Pittsburg Poor Board
who took a Canadian pauper back to Hamilton
has arrived home. He denlea that be was put
ont of Canada for attempting to land the
Young Harry Lev claimed to have been
abandoned by a man named William "Weiss, of
Bedford, while hunting for his nncle, John
Emery, of Allegheny. He was sent back to
B. C. Cnnisrv, Esq., will address an open
air meeting in front of Salisbury Hall, Twelfth
street, Sonthside, to-morrow at 4p.it. The
meeting will be under the auspices of the
Moorhead W. O. T. U.
Hon. G. P. STEOME.'Pecretary of the E. B.
A., will lecture in their hall on Penn avenue,
near Thirteenth street Sunday evening.
Prominent Southern members of theE.B. A.
will also make addresses.
John Galbbaith, a young man aged 18
years, was in Allegheny yesterday searching
for his uncle, Joseph Bradley. He could not
locate tbe man, and Secretaiy Hunker fur.
nisbed him with a ticket to his home at Prim
rose. The Boston Ideals will give a sacred concert
to-morrow night at the Bijou Theater for the
benefit ot the Society for the Prevention of
Crueltyto Children. They have a permit from
Clilef Brown, of the Department of Public
The High School Committee met last night,
but transacted only routine business. The
County Superintendent of Schools asked for
the use ef the High School chapel for the
Teachers' Institute from Auirust 2S to 30. The
request was granted.
At 2.30 yesterday afternoon a window in the
Philadelphia Company's building, corner of
Penn and .Ninth street on the eighth floor, was
allowed to remain unfastened, and a piece one
and a half by two feet fell the whole distance,
coming down edgewise, and only missing a man
about one foot
Mary Sieqee. aged 65, who has been for
warded by the authorities at different times to
Cincinnati and Alliance, has been sent to Al
toona on her way to New York. She is sup
posed to be demented, and at one time owned
valuable oil lands about Franklin. She has a
habit of carrying a big roll of bills in her stock
ing. i, LETTER FB0M C00LET.
The Local Agents Will Try to Fix tbe FUli
Ins: Clnb Rate To-Day.
The local Passenger Agents' Association
will meet this morning to decide on the
fishing club rate for the summer. A leUer
has been received by the association from
Judge Cooley instructing them what to do,
but the agents refused to give the Judge's
decision in advance.
, A lively time is expected, but what the
wrangle will be about no one seems to
know. The trunk lines, especially the B.
& O., will sell excursion rates for the Paris
Exposition and the Philadelphia Art Exhi
bition. An Accident's Cartons Cause.
An examination of the natural gas pipe
which exploded Wednesday night at the
forks of the road, in Lawrenceville, damag
ing the conduit of the Citizens' Traction
Railway, shows that the leak was caused by
the cable rubbing across the exposed sur
face of the pipe. This rubbing was so con
stant as to actually wear away the iron.
Every time the cable became slack it
dropped across the pipe.
It Wns Too Hot.
Shoenberger's mill was. shut down yester
day on account of the heat. At Carnegie's
Union Iron Mills the men were only able
to work three heats..
n R P Q Q anrf health, together with invalua
UnCOO tie toilet Mutt far la4iee, furnUh
Shirley Dare with material tor an inter fUncr
pafierinto-morrow'iJmPATCiL. ,Ai; (au
MA:T 11, 1889. -,- -' , -, . J ;, 33H
i . x-- .llm&EL
Chicago Ship3 it Here in Refrigera
tors, in Season and Ont.
Whether the Law Says They May or Not,
So Saf the Posted.
Eating game during the hot season is
practiced very extensively by epipures, no
matter what the cost may be, or the liability
the restaurateur takes in serving X In
some portions of Pennsylvania the game
laws are rigidly adhered to, and the recent
action of the Union Leagne Club in resolv
ing that no game shall be served on the
table after the limit of thelaw has expired,
is especially commended by local lovers of
William Bown, the well-known sportsman
and handler of sporting goods, said, when
asked if the game laws were violated in this
section of the State to any great extent:
"In many cases they are, but tbe country
and mountain people are not to blame; it is
the city sports who are the violators. They
go out camping, and carry with them a full
supply of guns, ammunition and fishing
tackle. If the fishing is not good, as a di
vertissement shooting is indulged in, no
matter whether the law is violated or npt.
"I am glad that tbe Union League has
taken such action, and I think if our asso-'
ciation the Western Pennsylvania Sports
man's Association should take hold of the
matter, it could accomplish a manifold
"Woodcock is the first game which can
legally be shot, and its season begins July
i. This is too earlv for any feathered game,
as it is too hot for tbe birds to be in con
dition as an edible."
Dave lauber. caterer, said: "I am
against all shooting of game fowls in tbe
spring; especially the duck, which is much
better eating in the fall. When a water
fowl is killed in the spring there is a
"fishy" taste to it which is very obnoxious
and unpalatable. We do not nave a great
demand (or game here, but should such a
call be made tor a big dinner or a swell
supper, our most practical plan and surest
point of securing it is Chicago, where all
manner of wild game is sold the year round.
"The refrigerator men seem to 'stand in
with the Illinois officials, as they are never
molested by the minions of the law for
openly violating the mandates. They re
ceive in large quantities the game from the
Northwest, where there are no restrictive
measures relating to the shooting of game.
"Brook trout is sold in and out of season,
but not to a very great extent during the
illegal period." ,
Mr. J. B. Schlosser Will Take Charge of a
Long Branch House.
Mr. John B. Schlosser, formerly of the
Hotel Dnquesne, has gone into partnership
with Mr. Henry Walters, of New York, the
proprietor of the Howland House, Long
Branch. The hotel is one of the finest seaside
houses in the country, and has 300 rooms.
Mr. Schlosser will leave for Long Branch
in a few days; but the hotel will not be
formally opened until June 22.
Last night Mr. Schlosser left this city for
Chicago to attend the annual Convention of
Hotel Keepers to be held there next week.
A Woman Burned While Teaching; Another
to Light Natural Gas.
About 7 o'clock last evening Mrs. C. S.
Straub, whose residence is at the corner of
Liberty and Bural avenues, was giving a
servant girl instructions as to tbe manner of
lighting natural gas. They seem to have
gone wrong at some pointin the programme,
tor there was a violent explosion that
wrecked the range and Mrs. Straub was
severely burned on various parts of her
body, not necessarily fatal, however.
Slay Locate Here.
Charles L. Work and Enos Shaner, rep
resenting the Asphalt Block Company, of
Philadelphia, are in the city looking for a
site to locate an asphalt factory. They had
decided on a place a few miles up tbe Mo
nongahela river, but the limestone was not
the proper kind. They are now thinking
of locating near Greensburg.
His Shall Was Fractured.
James Brown, an employe of the Lucy
Furnace, suffered a severe fracture of the
sknll yesterday by a piece ot metal falling
upon him. He was removed to his home on
Forty-eighth street, where he lies in a crit
ical condition.
fehe Isn't Dancing Now.
Miss Lulu Lane, who was arrested at a
dance by Detective Coulson Thursday night,
on a charge of larceny, is still in the Cen
tral .station. No word has been received
from her father in Ohio.
Ktebers' Spring Sales. ,
Some beautiful new styles of pianos just
received at H. Kleber & Bro.'s. Among
them that wonderful and unique wood, the
tortoise shell walnut Conover upright grand
piano. Also some fine Steinway uprights
and parlor grands. Such is the exquisite
beauty of these instruments that the Messrs.
Kleber & Bro. sell three to four of them
every day. In point of fact, the great bulk
of the pianos are bought at Klebers', as
people want something extra good and fine
for their money. The Messrs. Kleber &
Bro. have also just received a Splendid lot
of popular opera pianos and Emerson
pianos and the famous Bnrdette organs, and
that grand vocalion church organ. Klebers'
place-is 506 Wood street.
Envious, and No Wonder. '
It took us just five years to attain the
prominence we have reached fn th'e eyes of
tbe Pittsburg public. Our rivals we don't
recognize them as competitors blow hard r
and long of the big bargains they show in
men's suits, and since we started advertising
our $10 suits they follow like sheep in our
footsteps. It's a clear cose of jealousy.
We've proved our genuine worth to one and
all, and now that it's conceding the P. O. C.
C. name "the lowest prices forfineclothin?,"
we mean to hold on tight and retain the grip
we purchased only after using a liberal sup
ply of pure American grit and down-right
hard work. Come and see the four big bar
gains we show to-day. No. 1 is men's suits,
at ?10, sold elsewhere at 518; No. 2 is nobby'
children's suits at $2 and $3; No. 3 is men's
stylish pants at $2 SO, and No 4 is a big
thing in derhys for men at $100 in five new
shades. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court Honsc.
Exceptional Real Estate Sale.
Buyers will be interested in knowing that
the Dispatch property, probably themost
valuable piece of real estate now in tbe
market, having two tronts 30 feet on Fifth
ave". and 240 feet deep to Virgin alley, wilr
be offered for peremptory sale at theSnerifTs
office at 2 o'clock to-day.
If you are tired out and weary.
And feel so drowsy, dozy, dreary;
There is for you'one single hope,
Go take a bath, and don't forget it;
Not only take the sponge anl wet it,
But also use: Dretdoppel Soap.
To be continned next Wednesday.
UCTHIOP thtMaavHfuLk fullv dtteribed
latanorett, rnxo-Msmsowa vmrAtua. a
, GRIAT GRIASEIS HEARBT. xkw AvrwminBuaxts. Jjfflfa
Oil laNHsHkoriu Towwalps TIM There Ara
Berricks AH Aronarf Wells Tbat Don't
Coast la tbe Markets.
It would appear that the producers of pe
troleum are getting' quite modest, and that,
although field news is quite bearish of late,
as reported, if by no means gives fall de
tails oj what is going on, Por instance,
what does the world know about the opera
tions In Stowe and Babinson townships,
within sight of this city? And yet derricks
are getting thick, and can be seen from
every eleTOtioa of consequence in that sec
tion. Almost all the land In these town
ships is leased at rentals ranging from $1 an
acre up some a long way up
And they are getting good wells there.
The Aiken is said to be large, and the
Oliver, on Moon run, is known to De good.
Grease has been found in the well on tbe
James Moore farm, a mile or so this side of
Montour run. but the operators seem dis
posed to keep the thing as quiet as possible.
The Schmid well, nearer the run, bored
some years ago, is known to contain oil, but
the lessees seem to be in no hurry to realize.
Since its boring much industry has been
exhibited in securing leases. There is a
new rig built on the Pine Hollow road back
of McKee's Bocks, and the roads through
all, that section are cut np badly by the
heavy teams that transport pipe and other
well supplies.
The drillers on the well on the Arbuckles
farm, between Cbartiers station, on tbe
Pittsburjrand Lake Erie Hallway, and the
Stcubenville pike, met wjth a mishap a day
or two since, striking a fissure at the depth
of 900 feet, which has made the hole crooked.
They.have since been doing some heavy
shooting, in hopes to find renewed solidity;
but, so far, to no purpose. At first25 pounds
of dynamite were used, and then shot after
shot with pure glycerine was tried, until 125
quarts were used, and now it is thought the
work must begin de novo in another place.
The business promises to demoralize farm
ing as badly as the laying ont of a new town
does when it gives fanners the lot-selling
fever. A good many farmers cannot wait
slow growth of crops for revenue when they
can make $5 a day hauling well supplies.
Let Us Have our Attention.
We are now opening out for inspection a
large lot of new pianos of the favorite and
well-known makes, Decker Bros., Fischer,
Knabe, Estey and others. These names
have been associated with onrs for years.
Knowing by experience that they are the
best, we have held on to them steadily, and
with them have built up a trade that far
surpasses all others in tne same line of bus
iness in this community. If you will call
in and examine them you will be pleased
with the workmanship and improvements
in the case and action not found in some
other pianos. These makers have the capi
tal and experience, and never fail to add an
improvement that will beautify the case,
strengthen the durability or purify the tone.
Thus they keep ahead of .all others. Ton
can buy them at reasonable prices and easy
terms. Come in and see ns. In addition to
our new goods we have an immense lot of
second-hand pianos and organs. It's almost
safe to say that among them you will find
any name or make you want, and at prices
irom 515 or 520 upward.
S. Hamimoit,
91 and 03 Fifth avenue.
Velvet Carpets at $1 n Yard.
The great sale of velvet carpets at 51 a
yard is making business lively at Groet
zinger's Penn avenue carpet palace. Come
in and look at them before it is too late.
They are worth ?1 60 per yard. They sell
on sight; people who don t need them for
present use are buying. We store goods
without charge until you want them. Ths
Sahitabium and Water Cure. The only
Eastern institution in which mndbatbs are
triven. steam-heating ana electric iignts.
Baths, massage and electricity br trained
manipulators. . Address John S.'Marshall,
M. D., Green Spring, "O.
Artistic Wall Papers. .
N The largest and most complete stock of
fine wall papers ever shown in this vicinity
can be seen at 414 Wood st., Pittsburg.
John s. Kobeets.
For Your Luncheon.
Do you want something delicious for your
lunch? Then get some ot Marvin's Boyal
fruit biscuits. Grocers keep them, tts
Thousands of Hnts,
All kinds, at bargain prices at The People's
Store. Campbell & Dick.
Beeb, Ale and Malt Extracts for sale by
G.W.Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave.
Dbapeet nets, Spanish, Chantilly and
escurial flouncings at exceedingly low
prices, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
B. &B.
Our pure linen 'M-in-IST" (at BOc)
doesn't crease like the ordinary wash tie.
Boggs & BxthiZ
Aiiii persons afflicted with dyspepsia find
immediate relief by using Angostura Bit
The advantage lies with tho buyer that makes
comparisons. Special offerings Brilllantine
Plaids and Stripes, with solid shades to blend,
the most serviceable fabric shown, dust and
water proof, ranging from 60c to SL
Black and White Blocks and Plaids are in
demand. We have them in 36-Inch goods at
40c; better varieties in 40-inch goods at 50c,
Cocand 75c
The many special weaves in Black Dress
Goods tbat meet the wants of the mostfastidl
ous we have on sale. All tbo best grades in
Wool and Silk and Wool Fabrics to suit the
Leading styles choice fabrics that you will
soon need. Many ot these at the low price of
12c are domestic reproduction of 35c and 40c
foreign goods.
Housekeepers can rent with great advantage
in Damask Sets-Napkins, Towels, Covers and
Table Draperies in Linen Stock. Don't forget
to examine Curtain Stock.
Money in $2 SO, 83 00 and f 5 CO Curtains; Brus
sels and Irish Point, 93 and op.
Plain plaited or Smocked Blouse effects and
Striped Flannel Waists for Ladles and Children.
605 AND 607 MABKET ST.
strictly pure grape Jdlce. in pints and
quarts, for family use and church purposes.
For sale by the case or single bottle bv
JNO. A RENSHAW &CO- Family Grocers.
aplS-ws Liberty and Ninth sts.
D celebrated Bedford
ps is now put up
bottles and sold
only in Uuart and half-
la cases pi a ox, aaa
Jp quantity b
JLA.W lu ,
apM-fS;'. Ceraer,
-:-SK3fo' mm
. --: ?fV -ff I
'Lib. hdrne fcWfc
: "Mm
Summer goods in demand all over the stent
Especially so in uress uoods Boom, where tbt
Challfs and Mohairs are running a race, abost
equal thus far-other thin dress stuffs, lightest
wnAlm In rnlnn mil In titarlr M rmualfaj i ".
- ,
plain and plaid and bordered styles.
The Cream White Dress Stufis, a cosrpleto
stock of themselves soma at 40 cents a yard
quite a variety at H cents, and more at U.
Fancy Striped Flannels cotton and wool -mixed
ones, fancy stripes and plaids this the -
weather for them. To make buying easy wa-
start these Scotch Flannels at 23 cents a yard-
you will probably like the better quality best.
The fast black ideahas taken deep root as a
good idea, and it is, especially for articles for .
summer wear, two articles especially the faat j,-'
Black Hosiery and the last Black Satmes.
hundreds of pieces of our celebrated Henrietta
Satlnes have been sold In this wash goods de
partment. The white figure fast blacks are the'
finest goods ot the kind; also a new mate of
American Satlnes at 23 cents a yard that are
beauties and cannot be distinguished In finish.'.;
from ths best French good J. '
-..- if
r, ,...- D ,. .... ;
extreme styles In handles, plain and fancj
sllka; also lace and net covers, the new Coach-
IngPanuoU. London styles, areourownim
nortation! which means thev are vftnrs at loir
Men's fancy Flannel Shirts, White FlaanelJ
Shirts, English Cheviot Shirts, Woven Jersey
Shirts. Headquarters here for Shirts and
Underwear for summer wear.
Black Surah Silks, 19 inches wide, at 45c, SBe,
63c; 24 and 28 inches wide at75c These represent
the best Black Surahs that are mads at these
prices, either on this or the other sldsofthj
ocean. i
Not an everyday affair the All-silk Black .ill
Grenadines at 75c and SI a yard.
Ladles' Dusters, in striped Surah .SUks,'
Mohairs and Lusters, in the Suit Boom, for
ndfng and traveling wear. . ,
Wash Suits Ginghams, Satlnes, Lawns, also
Wrappers, fn these materials ana the i mora '
dressy Challfs Tea Gowns all In the Suit De.''
A good time to buy Jackets in thlsClosif'4
Boom-K 00 Jackets at Jo 00; 310 CO Jackets at Jm
$3 00.
Not an old style in the lot. ""
In Black Jackets prices ran from (8 00 ta
Children's Fast Black Bibbed Cotton Steek?
ings23 cents a pair. A notice Is sufficient
later on they will be hard to get. Lowest prices
for good Stockings the rule all the way through
this big hosiery department.
"-- ;A'
India Silks at 45c, If you want them; but the!
' js:
27-inch Indias at 65ents are better value twice
. . A . -vsJS
over, DOtn as io wear ana jyeauKe.rti .
won't buy better goods in many places f
these India Silks of ours at 65 cents.
- V?
. ' , I i
-- IssslsB
It iJ
.P A
.T 4 - . jrt .i-r-L.