www" -f'F ... :&- 1,77" T -i" :?: esfT? ? P. V. 5 '5 . - "7 K -A L' pEUSEET BASKET. BJ,Jt nt m J rnflai1a Trnrlo rsiiUBSOI OaiOOU lHUBViuwu .ttiwiu in Staple Heals. fOISTEES DONE, CLAMS IN PLENTY. UjDearth of Strawberries tut a Sufficiency , On tne nay. IaCTITE TVEEL7S TKAPE IN FLOWEES office of PnrsBrBG Dispatch, 1 In the line of staple meats trade has fallen off the past week. Local receipts of cattle at East Liberty were the lightest this year, and not more than one-third the weekly average of last fall. A-Diamond market butcher reports that the License Court rulings nave knocked him out of a trade which amounted to 5100 per week. Said he: "My vest customers were saloons. I am sure that X put over SO pounds of meat into the Done bar rel this week for which I would hare found ready sale at 8c a pound if my customers had not been knocked out." The demand continues good in the lines of fish. Shad are in better supply and down in price. The retail oyster trade is practically over. N ew York counts are still on the mar ket for restaurants. Clams are in (rood snpplr and equally good demand. A leading; dealer reports that there is no better food for the stomach that has been turned wrong; side out by booze than the clam. Frogs are scarce and higher. Fruits nnd Dairy Products. At the fruit and vegetable stalls business was reported only fair for the week. Straw berry supply has not been up to demand for a few days past A full supply is expected to morrow. Tomatoes and asparagus are drifting to a price which the average consumer can afford to pay. Butter should sell cheaper than at any time this year. The buyer who pays more than 2a cents for the best made will not get the worth of his money. Th best creamery is suld in job lotsat22cents. Egs have advanced, and In a re tail way are 5 cents higher than last Saturday. Florists report an improvement in their lines over last week, with prices unchanged. Fol lowing are the latest retail prices for Satur day's market basket material as famished by leading dealers: Meats. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling beef, S to 8c; sweetbreads, 20 to 60c per pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a pound: calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef from 6 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c; roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 15 to 20c; hind quarters, 20 to 25c. A leg of mut ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings 12Kc; fore quarter, 8c; loin of mutton, 15c; . giblets, 5c per pound. Vegetables nnd Fruit. Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck; potatoes, p5c a half peck; celery, .10 to 15c a bunch; new Bermuda potatoes. 25c per H peck; new Bermuda onions, 15c per quart; tomatoes, 35c per quart box; new cabbage, 5 to 25c; ancles, 15c to 20c per half peck; bananas, 15 to 25c a dozen: lemons. 20 to 25c per dozen: oranges. 2540c: onions, 15c a half peck; spinach, 20c per half peck; lettuce, 7c per bunch, 4 tor 25c; radishes, 5 to 10c per bnnch; cranberries, 15c perrjuart: cucumbers,10tol5c a piece; mushrooms, 75c a pound; asparagus, 1 bunches for 25c; new beets,15c a bunch; straw berries, 15c to 25c; cauliflowers, 25 to 50c a bead; golden wax beans, 35c a quarter .peck; green beans, 25c a quarter peck; peas, 2oc a quarter peck. Batter, Begs nnd Poultry. Choice creamery batter, 25c Good country butter, 25c Fancy pound rolls, 30c The ruling retail price for eggs is 20c The range for dressed chickens is 75c to SI 00 per pair. Tnr keys, 20c per pound. Spring chickens si per pair. Fish In Season. Following are the articles in this line on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Call forniaalmon. 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her ring, 4 pounds for :5c; Spanish mackerel, 45c to Sue a pound; shad, COc apiece; sea salmon, ' 4Pa. pound; blue fish, 20c; perch. 10c; halibut, 2oc; rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c; lake trout, 12c: lobsters, 25c: green sea turtle, 2Sc Oysters: N. Y. counts. El 75 per gallon; "lams, 1 25 per gallon; scollops, COc a quai frogs, 2 50 to $2 75 per dozen. Flowers. La France roses, SI 50 per dozen: Bride roses, 1 25 per dozen; Ferles, 1 00 per dozen; Nlphetos, 1 00 per dozen; Bennetts, SI 25 per dozen: Magna Cbarta roses, S5c; American Beauty, 2550c apiece; Mermets, SI 00(21 50 per dozen; De Wattvllle, 1 50; carnations, 35c a dozen; Lilv of the Valley.Toe per dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen; tulips. 75c per dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; daffodils, 75c per dozen; panties, 25c a dozen; Jacque minot roses, $1 00 to $2 00 a dozen. LITE STOCK JIAEKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. OFFICE OF FlTTSBtmo DISPATCH, "1 Fbidat. May 10, 1&9.J Cattle Receipts, 560 head; shipments, ..480 head; market nothing doing; all through consignments; no cattle shipped to If ew York to-day. Hoos .Receipts, 2.200 head; shipments. 2,100 head; market firm; all graded, S5 005 05; fire 'cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; shipments, 600 head; market nothing doing, closing with a .dull feeling. By Telegraph. - New York Beeves Receipts, 61 carloads export alone, 53 carloads for the market and 36 carloads for city slaughterers direct; slow i trade, with a downward tendency toward the -finish: ordinary to prime steers sold S3 954 65 per 100 pounds: a few tops at S4 75; poor to good dry cows at SI 603 25; balls, 32 603 75; exports to-day and to-morrow: 1,510 beeves, 80 sheep and 6,340 quarters of beer. Calves Receipts, 1,000 head: easier at 45c per pound for veals and 33ic for bnttermilk calves. Sheep Receipts, 5.500 bead; slow trade and a frac tion lower for ordinary and common sheep; market firm for yearlings and SDring lambs; clipped sheep sold 4 255 00 per 100 pounds; a few unshorn sheep at $4 50, and a bnnch of choice spr'ng lambs at S6 50 per head. Hogs Receipts, 2,400 head: no sale on live weight; nominally steady at $5 005 30. Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts, 2,195 head: shipments, 1,572 head; beef steers weak and heavy; dull; 510c lower; cows steady; stockers and feeding steers firm; good to choice cornf ed. S3 S54 10: common to medium, S3 253 45; Blockers and feeding steers, S2 253 GO; cows, SI 753 25. Hogs Receipts, 10,301 head; ship ments, 5.123 head: dull, weak and S10c to medium, S4 2504 45. Sheep Receipts, 120 head; shipments, 500 head: steady to firm; good to choice muttons, $4 08(25 00; common to me dium, S2 50Q2 75. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 11,000 head; shipments, 5,600 head; market steady for light and 10c rower for heavy: beeves, 54 00 i.66"- S3 40 SO? stockers and feeders. 2 5062 00; cows, bulls and mixed. S2 CO ?-ife.T?xs Eteers w BOSS 80. Hogs Receipts. 19,500 head; shipments, 7,500 head: market 5c lower for heavy, light steady; mixed. S4 50 - iTJKi heaT H i5i "B". "O 85: skips, S3 S04 6a Sheen Receipts. 3,000 head; ship ments, C00 head; market steady to strong: natives, 14 005 00;Western.S3 50Q4 75; Texans, S3 003 50: lambs, 4 755 80. ST. loins Cattle Receipts. 600 head: ship ediu ments, 300 head; market strong; choice, heavy native steers. S3 9004 70; fair. 3 20g4 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, 2 203 20: rangers, corn-fed, 2 803 50; grass-fed. S2 00 2 50. Hogs Receipts. 5,300 head; shipments. 3,300 bead: market firm: choice heavy and batchers' selections 4 604 CO; packing, me dium to prime, 4 404 60: light grades, ordi- Tiary to best, 4 6004 60. Sheep Receipts, 600 head; shipments. 200 head; market steady; tf air to choice, 3 004 00. ; C-ftiUFTJLUO Cattle Receipts. 931oads through, . Ik -7 on sale; prices unchanged. Sheep and lambs Y Receipts, 6 loads through, 6 loads sale; mar ket dull, prices unchanged. Hogs Receipts, '25 loads throngh. 10 sale; lorkcrs and pigs sold actively at 5 10; mediums, S4 85Q4 90. CEScnticATl Hogs lower; common and light. S4 004 70; packing and butchers', S4 60 4 6a; receipts, 2230 head; shipments, 1,330 head. Metal Markets. New YOBK Copper weak: lake,May. 13 25. Lead dull and steady: domestic, 3 92j. Tin Irregular; Straits, -S20 6U London Pig tin Market irregular, business moderate: Straits 89 15s Od for spot; futures ntr,nth ton 10 Od. Copper Business has Increased, 'and the Market Is steadier; Chill bars are now quoted at 34 15s Od for spot, 38 10s Od for future delivery; best selected En- . ,cllsh, 44. Lead Steady market but demand g Market held steadier, more doing; ordinary ISIlesian quoted at 17 J8s 6d. Tin plate Hrelyteftdy mark, trade moderate. - - . MARKETS BY -WIRE. Wheat1 'Open Unsettled, bat Steadies Vp Before the Close Corn and Oats Higher Host Products Active at Extreme Figures. Chicago In wheat to-day a large specu lative business was transacted and the feeling was somewhat unsettled. Jnly opened at about yesterday's closing figures, declined, under free offerings, lc, became stronger, ad vanced lc, eased off and closed about xjfi higher than yesterday. The early weakness and decline was attributed to large offerings, influenced. It was claimed, by the expectation that the Government report would bo bearish. When the pressure to sell ceased, a gradual re covery followed, caused by good buj ing. Corn was fairly active but rather unsettled, prices fluctuating frequently within c range. The market opened at yesterday's clos lngprices, was easy and declined Jc upon free selling by a local operator, reacted, influenced by the active shipping demand, ruled firm and closed a shade higher than 'yesterday. Oats were active, stronger and higher. Frlces advanced Kie, and outside prices were maintained at the close. A fairly active trade was reported in hog products and the feeling was steadier. The shorts purchased to some extent and there was some Inquiry on Investment accopnt. The market opened easier, owing to the "weakness in hogs. Later the market showed more strength and advanced, extreme figures being fully supported to the close. The leading ruiures rancea as rollOws: Wheat No. 2 June, 83$8iK6S2?S4Kc: July.8OKS0Jie7K8OKc; August, Tth)4 7T3i7oc; j ear. 76X77c COB-v-tto. 2 Junl, S435K34355". July. 85353iS435c; August, 36K 3tc OATS-No. 2 June. 23K2423K23c: July. 23K24K2324Kc; August, 23K24c Mess Pork, per buL-June, Su 951217K 11 9512 17K; July, S12 10012 30012 02k 12 27: August, $12 12K12 S212 1012 32K. liakd, per iw ns. June, 90 xvo sj- 6 906 95: July, SS 957 00; August, 7 02. 7 U7J3K7 IK.HB' 00. SHOE! itTBS, per iuu bs. jnne. uv 6 12K;Julv,S6 12K6617K8 106 17; August, 6 1&26 22X66 15622KT Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, SCS6Ki No. 2 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red. &bSSKc No. 2 com. 3535c No. 2 oats, 23c No. 2 rye, 41)c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 53. Prime timothy seed, 1 S3. Mess pork. per barrel. 12 10iz 15. . .Lard, per 100 lbs. SO 92K6G 95. Short ribs sides (loose). 6 05 3'D iu. .Lfry saitea snouiaers tooxeai, $0 za$$ 5 50. Short clear sides (boxed), 6 25g6 37K Sngars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receints Flour. 10,000 barrels;wheat, 6,000'bushels: corn, 171,000 bushels: oats. 89,000 bushels: rye, 1,000 bushels: barley, 8,000 bushels. Shipments Floor, 9,000 barrels; wheat. 24,000 bushels; com. 276,000 bush els: oats, 53,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels; Daney. 10, uw ousneis. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weaker, but not quotably lower. Eggs weak at lljc New York Flour steady and quiet. Wheat Spot firmer and dull; options dull. Barley quiet. Barley malt dnlL Com Spot less ac tive and higher: options fairly active and stronger. Oats Spot higher and strong; op tions firmer and fairly active. Hay steady and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady, un changed to 6 points down, closed firm 515 points np; sales, 41.750 bags, includ ing May, 16.4016.60c: June. 16.500 16.70c: July, 16.6516.S0c; August. 16.8016.90c: beptember, 16.9517.00c; October, 17.0O17.10c; December, 17.0517.25c; January, 17.10c; Feb ruary, 17.1017.15c; March, 17.1517.S0c; spot Rio steady; fair cargoes, lSJfc Sugar Raw stronger and quiet; refined quiet and un changed. Molasses Foreign quiet; 60 test, 29c; New Orleans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cotton seed oil dull: crude, 41c; yellow, 50c Tallow quiet. Rosin steady and quiet. Tur pentine dull at 40c Eggs easier and in fair de mand; western, 1313c; receipts, 4.870 pack ages. Fork quiet: mess, 13 2o13 60; extra prime, S12 0S12 25. Lard dull and steady; western steam, S7 32K: city. 6 70; May, 7 30; June, 7 30; July. 7 33; August, S7 81, closing at 736; September. S7S9. Butter quiet and lower; western dairy, 914c; do creamery, 13 17c; FJgins, 18c Cheese firm. St. Lours Flour aulet and steady. Wheat Cash firmer, but quiet; options higher; the opening was strong, as weather conditions were still not considered favorable, but declines at other markets started selling and there was a rapid break; outside points reacted later and caused a rally here, with the close firm at i c above yesterday; June, 78c closing at mixed, cash, S2K32c; May.32c; June, 32c. closing at 32c uid; July, 32&Sc closing at closing at 33-Kc;Bep- uats June, 2.40c Flaxseed, 1 45. Provisions strong. Philadelphia Floor doll and weak. Wheat very dull, offerings light and prices steady. Com firm, but no trading in options, and export business checked by "mall supplies. Oats Car lots firm; futures quiet, but firm. Butter dull and unsettled; Pennsylvania prints, extra, 2122c Eggs dull and weaker; Pennsyl vania firsts, 14c GrKCmi? ati Flour In fair demand. Wheat scarce; No. 2 red, 8990c; receipts, none; ship ments, 1,500 bushels. Corn dull and weaker; No. 2 mixed, 3536c Oats strong; No. 2 mixed, 27Xc Rye scarce and firmer; No. 2, 48c Pro visions quiet and unchanged. Batter dull and lower: fancy creamery, 20c; choice dairy, 10 13c Sugar quiet and steady. Eggs and cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat steady; cash, 7979K; June, 79c; July. 80Jic Com steady; No. 3, 34c Oats dull: No 2 white. 27V2Sc Rye firm; No. 1.40KC Barley dull; No. 2, 5152c Provisions firm. Pork, 12 10. Lard, $6 9a Cheese easy; Cheddars, old, 910c Baltimore Provisions dull. Batter easy; creamery, 19c Eggs strong at 14c. Toledo Cloverseed doll; cash, 4 25. - PENNSYLVANIA 1NYENT0ES. ThoListof Patent Granted to Citizens of the .Keystone State. rSr-ECIAL TXLEGKASI TO THE DISPATCH.l "WASHING! ejr, May 10. The following is the list of patents Issued from the United States Patent Office for the week ending May 4 for the State of Pennsylvania, as famished by Milo B. Stevens & Co., solicit ors of patents and claims, Glover building, Washington: Hermann Albrecht, Philadelphia, machine for cutting meat; Lewis D. Armstrong, Lock Haven, apparatus for reclaiming soda-ash; Hiram P. Ballou, assignor to L Jones, Bristol, circular rib-knitting machine; John P. Cole man, Swissvale, electric signaling apparatus; Alex. K. DeGood, Hillsborough, nest dox for fowls; James M. Dodge, Philadelphia, assignor to Dodge Coal Storage Company, Naugatuck, reversible loading and unloading conveyor; Luther R. Faught, Philadelphia, chill for car wheels; Frank P. Gordon. Roblnsonvilie, axle box and spindle; Win. W. Griscom, Haver ford College, assignor to Electro Dyna mic Company, Philadelphia, distribution by secondary batteries; Samuel M. Gnss, Pottstown, assignor of one-half to J. 8. Amnion. Reading, peel for beating furnaces; George Holgate, Philadelphia, cunng and pre u curing anu pre innter, Philauel- serving meats; xtuaojpn .ni. nuDier, .ruiiauei phia, electric rallway;Bidncy D. King, Pittston, device for steadying cars, (2) street railway car; George R. Lelbersperger and G.W. Bailey, Saegerstown, fan for rocking chairs; George G. Lyon, Bradford, expansible frame; Lewis Miller, Philadelphia, piston for hydraulic presses: Allen R. Parkeson, Monongahela City, cable railway; John W. Parmelee,Wilkesbarre, device for case hardening axle-boxes; William RennysonlNorriston,type writing and matrix making machipe; Israel M. Rose, Philadel phia, lighting device; John W. Scull, deceased, assignor of one-half to A Scull administrator, Philadelphia, book-stapling machine; Philip M. Sharpies, West Chester, centrifugal liquid separator: Laforest A. Shat tuckjBloomsburg. fountain pen; Jas. Simpson, McKeesport, pipe welding bell; Jas. H. Simp son, assignor to Carnegie, Phlpps t Co. (linii ited), Pittsburg, manufacture ot tnm buckles; (2) blank for turn buckles; (3) making turn buckles; (4) die for making turn buckles; (5) machine for making turn buckles; Benjamin F. Snavcly, Harnsburg, waterproof, air mat tress; Jas. Sutherland, Philadelphia, calico printing machine; Wm. Swindell, Allegheny, open-hearth melting f urnace; Caleb M. Thomp son, Greenville, sand reel; Hamilton E. Welsh, Harnsburg, Pa., foot stove. Velvet Carpets at SI a Yard. The great sale of velvcf carpets at Si a yard is making business lively at Groet ,xinger's Penn avenue carpet palace. Come in and look at them beiore it is too late. They are worth SI B0 per yard. They sell on sight; people who don't need them for present use are baying. TVe store goods without charge until yon want them. xhs Smoke the bestXa Ferla del Fumar clear Havana Key West Cigars. Three for 25c G. "Wi Schmidt. 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. Wnll Papon Of all grades and an infinite Yariety of pat terns, at the wall paper store of John S, Roberts', 414 "Wood street, Pittsburg. BURMESE W0MES, 2fiS& amusemenU and butincta habiti. together tekh 2rs(ir deieribed by Frank (J, Carpenter: m to-mrrovri umrjL-ivu.. ,, w B3c; August, sansic temoer. myMTeP, closing at jhc steady: No. 2. cash, 23c bid: Mav. 24c; 24Vc:Julr. 24ebid. Rye in demand: No. THE PITTSBURG A LIYELL'INTEREST. The fieal Estate Market Holding Its Own and a Great Deal More. GOOD DEM AKD AHD BRISK TEADffl G New Methods of Production Necessary to Cheapen the Price of Iron. PAILUEE OP THE BAKER 'OIL "WELLS The real estate business is surprisingly active for the season, and bids fair to bo a lively issue all summer. At the beginning of April fears were expressed that alter the moving period the market would reach the top and begin to weaken, but the present activity in this line of trading shows that those who held these pessimistic viewB were false prophets. The fact is well recognized by business men generally that there is no better or safer investment than land at a fair valuation, and with this feeling upper most, it is sheer folly to talk of a depression either in demand or prices. At present there is a pronounced inquiry for large properties, and several parcels of this de scription have recently changed hands at Shadyside, Oakland, Diamond street and elsewhere. Some of these were in whole or in part unimproved, and will be sub-divided and put on the market. C Prices paid for these properties were by no means extravagant, but entirely within keep ing with the facilities, improvements and other requisites for comfortable living acquired by the purchasers. The fact Is that, except in a few cases involving important business prop erty, for which there was more or less competi tion, fancy prices, as commonly understood, have seldom been exacted. But few proper ties have been sold within the past year that would not bring a higher figure if put on the market now. This shows that, while values in many instances were pretty steep, they were not above the views of men who were able to recognize a good thing when they saw it. These considerations lead to the conclusion that the real estate interest of Pittsburg is in no dan ger of a collapse, but, on the .contrary, affords every evidence of being in a healthful condi tion and destined to an expansion to be meas ured only by the amount of available property in and about the city. While there has been no reduction In the price ot iron here in consequence ot tho recent cut mads by the Thomas Iron Company, values are less steady in sympathy with the movemen t Following are the views of a leading Pittsburg broker on this subject, as expressed to The Dispatch representative yesterday: "The Thomas Company made the cut as a matter of self-protection against the Southern makers. I think the effects of the reduction will be local, from the fact that the step was taken to hold their trade rather than to extend it. If they shall be able to supply their customers they will be doing well. The general trade will have to look for other sources of supply, the same as it has been doing. The cut will hold good for a year, no matter if iron advances $5 a ton. In the latter event the Thomas Company would reap no benefit from the advance, but other concerns -would. It has been stated that the cat would put many of the furnaces out of blast, but I do not look for such a result at least, not at present. Stocks must be worked up before a shut down movement can take ef fect. The reduction may hold prices on their present level, but I do not look for a corre sponding drop all along the line. "Looking to the future of the iron business, one thing seems certain a lower range of prices. With the raw material in great abun dance in almost every State and Territory of the Union, and especially in Pennsylvania, I can see no reason why iron should be held at its present figures, low as they are by com parison with former years. Either this must be done or production must be kept within the demand. There are several ways of bringing this about One Is a redaction in freight rates. As it is, the railroad companies are getting more money for carrying ore than the furnace men are getting for their product; that is, their profits are larger. Then we must devise cheaper methods of produc tion. I don't mean that wages should be reduced, for they are low enough, and in many cases too low, considering the exacting nature of the work; but cheaper fuel must be found and more direct processes devised for turning oat the metal. Under the system now in vogue they say it is handled entirely too much; the relations between the furnace and the casting department are too distant; the metal should be run Into the mold from the furnace. This would quicken, and, therefore, cheapen, the process of manufacture and make it possible to sell iron at prices which now seem impos sible. All these improvements will come in time, and when established, the consumption of iron will be increased to a degree that will require a large addition to the milling capacity to torn it out in sufficient quantities to meet the demand." It will be interesting to Pennsylvania oil pro ducers to learn that the wells at Baker, on the Caspian Sea, according to a gentleman con nected with the trade there, show a rapid diminution in production, and the phenomlnal gushers are such only for a very short time. Some of the most famous have ceased to pro duce In paying quantities, and it is his opinion that the time is not far distant when only pumping wells of small production will remain in the Russian fields. If or is theteldof the extent generally supposed, as experimental work has demonstrated that the area Is circum scribed. Another interesting fact not hereto fore known here Is that the oil in the Baku fields is in pools, or, as is termed there, in pock ets, which Is demonstrated by the. compara tively short life of the wells which no amount of agitation can prolong to an important ex tent. UP AND DOWN. Some of the Favorite Stocks Wcnkcr,0 then Hold Their Owa. Notwithstanding hot weather and want of en thusiasm at the stock market yesterday trading was of fair proportions, amounting to 1,078 shares, contributed by fonr stocks. The feel ing was weak at the opening, nearly everything dealt in showing a declining tendency, and this became more pronounced in the afternoon, Philadelphia Gas declining to 86, Fittsbnrg and Western preferred to 21 and La Koria to 1. Electric was the only exception to the general depression, opening at 63 and closing at 56 There was no movement in Tractions, which were about steady. Bridgewater Gas was bid up to 60J& without sales. Wheeling was firm. Bids, offers and sales follow: MOItNTJTO. JLJTEBNOOW. Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked. Pitts. Pet. S.&M. Ex 525 Commercial N. Bank .... Citizens' .National Bk. BrldKcwater Gas bQi .... Ohartlers Val. Gas Co. Ohio Valley Gas People's X G & P Co.. 18 g PbllidelphlaGasCo.. . Soft 3d wneennr u n " control Traction. , 29 Citizens' Traction Pitts tm rjr -Traction. .. . Pleasant Valley K-K... 11ttt. Western K. K. P. W. B. E. prer.... l.a.Norla Mlnicir Co... -Westlngtiouse Electric U. Switch ASisrnal Co. ISZJi UK 21K $ 565, 23 Westlnz'se Airji. sj.. Sales at the first call were 145 shares Phil a. delphia Gas atS6, 110 at 36, 100 Pittsburg and Western preferred at 22; 40 Electric at 66, 100 at56and35at&3K: In the afternoon 100 shares Philadelphia Gas sold at6, 163 Pittsburg and Western common at IW .5 preferred at 21 150 La Noria at 1, 100 at IK, o Electric at 66and 5 at 66 L F.Stark sold 150 Philadelphia Gas at S6& The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 186.275 shares, including Atchison, 36.455: Erie. 4,050: Lake Shore, 4,600; Louisvillo and Nashville, 6.450; Missouri Pacific, 8,230: Northwestern, 6,750; Oregon Transcontinental, 24.700; .Reading, 7.9o0; Richmond and West Point, 10,650; St. Paul, 14,350; Union Pacific 5,850. QUIET AND EA8I. The Money Market la Good Shape but Wl th orn New Features. The local monetary situation was quiet and easy yesterday. Checking fell off a trMe, bnt depositing was hj to the average. XeryUtM 'paper wi offered for discount, and when ae- 103 61 fit 31 S6 "36J 313? ffiS 23 29U ewMaiiv-wa a aiBjteT iw,, in meung ri i 1 1 1 na inn tin r a .2U&. .w.."1 . itiMa-'-trmi2r. ' DISPATCH, SATURDAY, were .78T,678 $, and, the balances S294.415 IS, showing a lair movement In general trade. iloneyoncallat New York, yesterday, was easy at 14 to 2K Per cent, closed offered at Z. Prime mercantile paper. 85M- StS"111 f x" change dnll but steady at i 87 for 6Way bills and $4 SS for demand. Government Bonds, u. a. 47rejr.... .ifflijS i V. 8. 4s. coup , 1M129 Bid. Currency, 6 per cent, 1803 res I21 Currency, Spercent, 1896 reg 1JJ Currency, 6 per cent, ISOTreg 1TO Currency, 6 per cent, I898reg J Currency, 6percent, 1899 reg Bales of (60, 000 registered 4s at 129& . New YOEK-Clearings, Jil3,652,621: balances, 51,722,391. Cntarfbo Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 59.823,000. ST. LOTJIS-Clearlngs, t2,520,667; balances, Pnn.ADEi,pHiA Clearings, 112,410,520; bal ances, $1,627,773. Baitihore Clearings, 11,702,720; balances, 332,039. London The amount of bullion gone into the Bank or England on balance to-day is 67,000. Bar silver, 42 S-lOd per ounce. Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 60o for the account. Berlin The statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows an Increase in specie of 4,180,000 marks. A UTILE STRONGER. Oil Braces Up Under the iDftnence of tho Pipe Line Report. When the oil market opened yesterday there was a better feeling among the brokers than for several days, caused, presumably, by the pipe line report for April, wblch-was rather bullish, showing the amount of stock to be, In round numbers, 14,679,000 barrels. The reduction dur ing the month was about 600,000. The decrease In certificates was greater than that in stock. The statement of the Tidewater Pipe Line sli 0 ws Total barrels to April 30. fH Less sediment and snrptus... ilr'5. Net quantity of oil 3?-522 Net quantity Aprill S-Zrl Met redaction for April J&SiJ Amount received for April Si'SE Amount delivered to refiners ; 2l6,g3S Amount for which it Is liable 392,806 The report of the National Transit Company follows: Acceptances , 11,0J3,SS Credit balances 3,089,729 Total liabilities 14.152.7S9 Gross stocks., "'EhfB. Sediment and surplus 'sS'S? Receipts from all sources S 5 Total deliveries SJ'Sj? Reduction In net stocks., SE'Sxi BedncUon from both line , 730,799 The market opened at 82jic and almost im mediate! v dropped to 82c, from-nhich point it soon rallied to 82c It then sold down to 82Kc where It held until the close, which was at82c, with a prospect of an Improvement to-day. Trading was moderate. Carrying was flat to 25 cents. Features ot the Market. Opened S2WI Lowest 82 Highest. syj I Closed ffifi Barrels. Knns 52.814 Average 46,617 Shipments 64.332 Average 69,693 Charters : 73.016 Average.. -'S? Clearances 1,452,000 Refined. Mew York. 6.85. Refined. London. i'A. Refined, Antwerp, lflX- New York closed 82X. Oil City closed 82M. Bradford closed Sitf. A. B. McUrew & Co. quote: Puts, 82; calls, Other Oil Markets. On. Cmr. May 10. National transit cer tificates opened at 82c; highest, 82c; low est. 82c; closed, S2c. Bbadtobd, May 10. National transit cer tificates opened at 82Wc; closed, 82c; highest, 82c: lowest. 8Zic. TmiBTrxxK, May 10. National transit cer tificates opened at 82c: highest, 82Jc; low est, 82c; closed, 82e. New York, May 10. Petroleum opened steady at 82c and moved up to 83c in the early trading. The market then became doll and sagged off slowly, closing dull at S2c Sales, 396,000 barrels. M0TE3IEKTS IS REALTY. Sales All Along the Line Money Loaned on Mortgages. Graebing & Lyon. No. 135 Fourth avenue, placed 14 purchase money mortgages, amount ing to $16,000, at 6 per cent, on property in West Bellevue; also a mortgage of 2,700 on property in the Seventh ward, city; also one for $1,000 on a farm in Ohio township, Allegheny county; also exchanged a farm of 250 acres in Indiana county for property in Allegheny county. Con sideration, 515,000. v J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold for Geqrge B. Martin lot 72, in the Maplewood park plan, Wilkinsbnrg, having a frontage of 40 feet on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to Washington lane, to O. C. Roos, for 100; also lot 70, comer Maplewood and Grand avenues, 40x120 feet, to Walter R. Maund for $150; also lot 71, in the-same plan, to Rev. J. H. Edie for $425 cash; also lot 34, corner Grand avenue and Coal street, same plan, to William Bess for $450. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth avenne. sold for Charles Holmes to William A Blnn, lot No. 88 in the Henderson plan. Eleventh ward, Allegheny City, 25x110 feet, for S450. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Thomas Sullivan for P. J. Urllnp. lot No. 15 in the Urling fc Blhlman plan on Penn avenne, near Winebiddle, in size 20x100 feet, for $1,500 cash. They also placed a mortgage of $1,700 on a property on Lincoln avenue. East Liberty, for three years at 6 per cent. Samuel W. Black & Co. sold to Colonel Samuel W. Kilgore for $6,750 one of those elegant new two-story and mansard eight-room brick dwellings, being No. 6 on the east side of Oakland square. Fourteenth ward. The price includes sewering, grading and paving. In quiry ior inese dwellings is on tne increase, owing to the fact that a cable loop is to be run within 60 feet of the square. Allesi Bail ev, 164 Fourth avenne. placed a mortgage for S3.00U at 5 per cent for three years on property in the Sixth ward, Pittsburg. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold for J. Sam Oebling to Justin Heide, lot 24x37x 44 on Penn avenue, near Thirty-fourth street, for$l,000 cash. James W. Drape it Co. sold the house and lots Nos. 4506 and 4508 Penn avenne. near cem etery gate, for $4,350 cash. They also placed a mortgage of $1,500 at 6 per cent on property in McKeesport; also one of $3,000 at 6 per cent on a suburban property. They also sold an inter est in a large business and dwelling property and an extensive business In a manufacturing town near the city of 520,001 L M. Pennock & Son sold and settled a mort gage on Homestead property for $5,000, five years, at 53-10 per cent: one of $2,500, three years, 6 per cent, on property in the Eighteenth ward, city, and one for $800, Ave years, U per cent, on property in Tarentum. W.W. McNeill & Bro.,105 Fourth avenne, sold for George and Rebecca Foden, to Mr. John Hllgri, lot 25x130 on Ganwisch street. Six teenth ward, city, having thereon two frame houses, one of five rooms and one of four rooms, for $1,625 cash. They also placed a mortgage of $1,300, for three years, at 6 per cent on city property. - ATCHISON ATTACKED On the Strength of the DIrectora Report Plttsbnrg nnd Western Weak and Strong by Spells A Dnll Close nt Lowest Figures. New Yobk, May 10. The stock market to day was again a professional one from begin ning to end. The local operators v, ere inclined to follow London and commission people were doing literally nqthlng, but the poor impres sion made by the Atchison directory embold ened the traders to- attack that stock in the hope of bringing out long stock on stop order, which to a certain degree was successful, and the Block was hammered down 1 per cent below the closing figure of last evening. St Paul was only moderately active, and notwithstanding the calling in of loaned stock and a premium of 1-32 of 1 per cent for use. the stock fluctuated only ii per cent throughout the day. The drive at Atchison brought out good support at the decline, and after the first rally the stock was compara tively neglected for the remainder of tho day. Transcontinental was again one of the leaders in point of activity, but like St. Paul fluctuated over an extremely narrow range, while It maintained an exceptionally strong tone. Dullness and stagnation were special features until near the close, when a drive was made at Richmond and West Point, which yielded over 1 per cent. Burlington also exhibited a droop ing tendency at this time, bnt its loss was con fined to a small fraction. The strong feature of the day was the Chicago Gas Trust, which took a start toward 2 p.m. and rapidly roso 2 per cent, it , is said that puts at 49 have been soia upon tne siock, ana tne Dnying was to protect these privileges. Among the special ties there were a few marked improvements, and while Manhattan was 'strong, Pittsburg and Western was weak, aran and retired to !41K, though it ralli-eintr:Tho market finally auu ana a(hw. at -awmis hbc lowest MAT 11, 1889. prices, which, however, were only slight frac tions from the opening figures in most of the list In the unlisted department there was but little feature, everything being heavy, but Cot ton oil and Brunswick retired to 22. Railroad bonds were quiet, the sales of all issues aggregating $1,525,000, of which Denver and Rio GrandeWestem certificates contrib uted $100,000. The tone of tha dealings was not pronounced, but was rather heavy at first, re covering later in the day. Denver and Rip Grande Western certificates rose 2 to 89, while Reading second Incomes lost 2 at 6f and South Carolina seconds 6 at 50. The following table snows tne prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Open- High- liow- lnir. Am. Cotton Oil 5434" Atctl.. Top. & 0. F.... 431a Canadian Pacific 54 Canada Southern. 52H Central or Hew jersey. 93) Ctaesaoeake A Ohio ... 17 C, Bur. ft Qulncy..... V7H C, Mil. bt. faul.... 66M C, MU.Jt Sit, P., pr.... 107)4 C, ICocKL &V JM C, St. h. A Pitts .... c, st. i.. .tritts. pr. .... C. St. P.. M. O C, bt. V..M. iO.. pt 93 C ft North western... .UW est. est. 4V is 107 a UK 17 107U S3H 92 107X 92 106 U.& .Northwestern, pt C. C. U & I 68 - 63 68i uoi. coal ft iron Col. ft Uocklng Val .. IS licl.. h. ft W. 138)4 Del. ft Hudson 13G Denver ft Mod Denver & Rio U., pr. E.T., Va. Ua E.T.,Va. &Ga lstpr .... K.I.. Va.4Ga.2dpf. 23 Illinois Central 1W4 Lake Erie ft Western.. IS), Lake Erie ft West. pr.. 5S Lake Shore &M. S 1MK Louisville ftNsshvllle. 674? Michigan Central Mobile ft Ohio 11 Mo., K. ftTexas Missouri Pacific 72K Mew York Central i. Y L. E.& W 28K 13 l&Ji 17 137 133), 23 114M 13H 68M 103K 67K ii" fix 21 114K U'A 38!i 103 67 ii" 27 1 jn.y., l jeftw., prer M. Y C. A St. L X. 1C., U. ft St. L. Of. ' N.Y.. CftSt.L. 2d or :; N.Y&N.VZ 43J ilii 43X it. Y., O. ftW MorfoIkA Western Norfolk ft Western, pi. iVi Northern Pacific Nortnern Pacific nref. S2) Oregon improvement, 65 Oregon Transcon 35X Pacific Mall 361 Phlladel. ft Beading-.. 14V Pullman Palace Car.. .13711 Richmond ft W. P. T.. 2654 Richmond ft W.P.T.pf 80)1 St. Paulftllnlath St. Paul ft Dalntli pC. 83 St. f Minn. 4 Man.. .101 M St.L. ft San Fran "SSi St. L. 4 San Fran pf. St. L. ft San F.lst pr. Texas Pacific SI Union 1'aclflc SI Wabash j i . Wabash preferred Z7H Western Union b&H Wheeling ft L. 66 H National Lead Trust.. 22 tan 62)i 55 .15 Xi 441, 183 iSH S0'4 si" 101"$ 2.A 52 SW tt'4 SIM 36)4 44 187K MX 82 101 H MM ei 27 fan 21 27& 86 65 HJi Philadelphia Stocks. Closlncanotatlonsof Fhlladelnbla stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fonrth avenue, change. AIGUUCTB JIC1T A UJk OhWk AA- Bid, Asked. Pennsvlvanla Railroad .. 52 bzh 22 53H 52H Heading Railroad 21 15-13 Buflalo. Fit tsburjr and Western IW Lehigh Valley 53 Lehigh Navigation 52)2 Philadelphia and Erie 29 Allegheny Valley bonds, UZ'4 V. Co. 's New Jersey 223 Northern Faclfic 25K Northern. l'aclflo preferred HH Z5K 61 mining Stocks. New Yobk. May 10. Amador. 100: Aspen, 1,000; Bodie, 150; Caledonia B. H., 310; Colorado Central, ISO; Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 800; Sunkin, 105: Deadwood T.. 100; Eureka Consolidated. 175; EI Cristo, 130; Gould & Curry, 280: Hale &Norcross. 465; Mexican, 495; Mono. 150; Mutual. 140: Opbir.525; Fly mouth, 950: Savage, 200; Siera Nevada, 370; Standard, 105: Small Hopes, 125; Union Consoli dated, 499; Yellow Jacket, 44a Business Notes. THE German National Bank has Increased its surplus to $405,000. The Germama Savings Bank will clear through the German National Bank of Fitts bnrg. Every bank and private banking house in the two cities, Braddock, McKeesport and Homestead now do their business throngh the Clearing House. Another attempt was made yesterday to sell The Dispatch building' on Fifth avenue. Attorney Emery, representing the Foster heirs, bid $100,000, bat it was not quite up to the mark, and the sale was adjourned until this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Under a rule of the exchange all checks given in settlement of transactions are required to be certified, bat this rale has of late been more honored in the breach than the ob servance. It will probably be enforced here after, as there is considerable pressure in that direction. Dividends have been declared as follows: Bank of Fittsbnrg, 3 per cent, semi-annual; Third National Bank, Pittsburg, 4 per cent, semi-annual; German National Bank, Pitts burg, 6 per cent, semi-annual. The Second National Bank of Pittsburg yesterday begau paying to its shareholders the usual semi annual dividend of 4 per cent. BRITISH IRON. The Market Generally Active, With Prices Steady to Firm. Special Report by Cable for the American Manu facturer. Londou. May 9. Scotch Pig Market Irregular and business moderate. , NclColtness 55s. 6d. f.o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 51s. 6d. f.o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsheme 52s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Langloan 51s. 3d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Carnbroe 47s. 3d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. IShotts 53s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Glengarnock 61s. 6d. atArdrossan. No. 1 Dalmellington ...46s. Od. atArdrossan. NclEglmton 43s. 3d. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Active trade, market irregu lar. West Coast brands quoted at 49s 6dfor Nos. 1, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig A firm but quiet market continues. Good brands quoted at 39s. Od. for No. 3. f. o. b. Spiegeleisen Firm market, the demand improving. English 20 per cent quoted at 82s. 6d. f. o. b. at works. Steel Wire Rods Market continues firm but quiet. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at 6 Os. Od. f. o. b. shipping port. Steel Rails This market is active, with prices strong but somewhat irregular. Stand ard sections quoted at 4 10s. Od. f . o.b. shipping point. s Steel Blooms Firm market and demand better. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 2s. (3d. f. p. b. Shippingpoint. Steel Billets This market continues firm with a good demand. Bessemer (size 2x2) qnoted at 1 10s. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs Demand fair and market firm. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 2s. 6d. f. o. b. ship ping point. crop Ends Steady market and trade fair. Run of the mill quoted at 2 15s. Od. f. o. b. ship ping point. Old Ralls Dull market and prices un changed. Tees quoted at 3 6s. Od. and double heads at S 12s. od. c 1. f. N ew York. Scrap Iron Prices have not changed, and little is doing. Heavy wrought quotcdat 2 5s. f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron Firm market, but busi ness la less active. Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 5s Od " common bars 0 0s0d517s6d " blk. sheet singles 0 0s Od 717s 6d Welsh bars. f. o. b. Wales... 5 5s 0d 0 0s Od Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, zs. od. Liverpool to JN e w x ork. ws. wu Wool Markets. Philadelphia Wool is quiet and un changed. New York Wool quiet and steady; domes tic Heece, 82Q38c; pulled. 234339c; Texas, 14 2So. St. Louis Receipts, 60,692 bales; demand continues active and market strong. Arrivals, however, are only moderate in character and quantity and and fair in quality. Boston-, May 10. There havo been sales dur ing the past week of 241,000 pounds of all kinds of wool, of this amount 955,500 pounds were foreign. r The movement in domestio grades has been small, bnt there has been more Inquiry from manufacturers, which may result in larger business next week. Fine washed fleeces nave been sold more freely, and one or two large lines havo been moved, notably, 150,000 pounds of Ohio XX at 83c; 00,000 pounds of XXX at 85c:50,000 pounds of Michigan X at 2930c for three-eighths and 272Sc for one quarter blood. In washed combing and ftalainn floopH Tinthlner has been done and values aro nominal. A small lot of new spring Calif ornlassoldfat 18Kc; there have been some arrivals of these wools of late. There is nothing doing in Texas and all other brands of unwashed have been dull.' There is a large supply of pulled wools here. They are offered at comparatively low prices and manu facturers aro turning their attention to them. There were sales this weekof supers at 3038c, and of extra at 2723c. Australian wool Is In good demand and sells at 8840c for merino and cross breds. English and Irish wools are selling more freely at 8887c. Montevideo Is quiet at 29S0c Carpet wools are steady, with rather more doing; sales, 483,000 pounds. i- rtDCCC and health, together atlh invalua UrfCOd bietoilet Mnt or izoW, urnfcA SMrUftf Dare with materiel for m tolerating i"fry''"jl"vi t"t "5ztzZ -? -, -. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Tropical Fruits BoomingStrawber ries Scarce and Higher. EGGS EISLNG ANDB0TTER FALLING. Heavy Eeceipta of Grain and HayCorn and Oats Are Firm. FLOUR IS STILL IN BUYERS' FAT0R Ojtice of PrrTSBtmo Dispatch, l Fbidat. May 10, 1889. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Produce commission men report trade cool and weather hot. Tropical fruits and hen fruit are the only articles ln'produce lines that hold up well in price. Old Ohio cheese has finished its career tor this season, and Ueir York will soon follow. Bottom Is almost ant of batter trade, owing to immense supplies from the country. There has been a fall of folly Cc from last week's prices, and stock goes begging at the reduction, according to reports of some dealers. The hot weather ot the past few days, together with the fact of light arrivals in New York, has given a decided stimulus to the lemon and orange trade. Steeper prices in both lines cannot be far away. Strawberries were in excessive supply at the beginning of -the week, but have been scarce for the past few days. Shippers were disappointed with prices the fore part of the week and since then have been withholding stock from this point; A carload from Tennessee is due this evening; there will probably be plenty to-morrow. BUTTEB Creamery, Elgin, 2122c; Ohio do, 2021c; fresh dairy packed. 1819c; country rolls, 1618c; Chanters Creamery Co.. 20022c Beans-SI 751 90. Beeswax 2830c ft ftf or choice; low grade, 1820c Cidek Sand refined, $0 07 50; common, $3 5U4 00; crab cider, $8 0038 50 ?) barrel; elder vinegar. 10012c fl gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, B10c; New York, fall make. 1212Jc: Llmbnrger, 910c; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 9K12c. Dried Peas $1 251 35 t bushel; split do, 3Kcf. Eggs 15lflc ?1 dozen for strictly fresh; gortse eggs. Sue dozen. Fkuits Apples, $2 002 50 barrel: evap orated raspberries, 25c ?t lb; cranberries, $45 $ barrel, oOcgSl 00 bushel: strawberries, 20 &25c a quart; pine apples, $1 752 25 ft dozen. Feathers Extra live geese, 60G0c; No. 1 do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c fl St. Honey New crop, 16j217cs buckwheat, 13 15c. JHomtny $2 G52 75 ?1 barrel. TotatoeS-3035c fl bushel; Bermuda pota toes, $3 509 00 $ barret. Poultry Live chickens, 7580c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c $ S; drawn, 14 15c ft Sir turkeys, 1820c dressed ft A; ducks, live, 6070c ft pair; dressed, 13014c ft Si; geese, live, $1 0001 25 ft pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fis to bushel, $5 60 ft bushel: clover, large English, 62 Bis, $8 00; clover, Allske, $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; tim othy, choice. 45 Bs, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 &s, $1 00; orchard grass, 14 fts, $1 65; red top, 14 Ss. $1 25; millet, 50 fts, $1 00; German millet, 50 fts, $1 50; Hungarian grass. 60 Sis. $1 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, $2 GO ft bushel of lfts. Tallow Country; 4K5o; city rendered, 65J4c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. $4 60Q 5 00 ft box; Messina oranges. $4 5005 00 ft box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 ft case: bananas, 2 10, firsts; $1 50. good seconds, ft bunch: cocoanuts, $4 001 50 ft hundred; new figs, 8K9c ft pound; dates, 66Kc ft pound. Vegetables Radishes, 25040c ft dozen; marrowfat peas. $3 00 ft crate: new cabbage, small crates. $3 00; large crates, $6 00 ft crate; onions, SI 001 25 f) barrel; string beans, $2 00. Groceries. Coffee options advanced 15 points in New York yesterday. "Packages are unchanged. Bngar, which has been easy for a few days, again gives signs of firmness. Geeen Coffee Fancy Rio, 22023c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 22023c; Mocha, 80K31:; Santos, 1922Kc; Caracas coffee, 2OK022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La guayra, 2122c: Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 262Sc; old Government Java, bulk, 32X33c; Maracaibo,272Sc; Santos, 2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25Xc: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary. 21Kc. Spices (whole) Cloves, 21023c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70SOc. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, SKc; headlight, 150. 8Kc: water white, 10Kc; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; camadlne, HKc; royaline, lie Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c:jrime sugar syrup, 3033c:strict ly prime. 333oc; new maple syrup, 80c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 34c; bi-carb In s, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2a Candles star, fall weight, 9c; steariae, per set. 8c: parafnne. 11012c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6Ji vc: prime, of4,ioyJc; .Louisiana, oisoc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5 starch. PAffic &7c; gloss Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10: California London layers, $2 60; Muscatels. $2 25; California Mnscatels, $1 85: Valencia, new,-67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes, new, 4J5c; French prunes, 8K13c; Salonica prunes, in 2-Ib packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, $3 00; almonds, Lan per Si, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12KQ15c; Sicily filberts. 12c: Smyrna figs, 12JJ 016c; new dates, 5tlc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. 11015c: citron, per Si. 21J22c; lemon peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12Kc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6V6&c: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated. 15018c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared. 1012c; cherries, oitted, 21022c; cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated,. 2421c; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries,1012c. Sugars Cubes, 99c; powdered. 9 9Kcj granulated,9c; confectioners' A. 88c; standard A. 8c: soft whites, P4i$ci yellow. choice, 74ssc: yenowgooa.vaic; yeiiow, fair, 7Kc: yellow, dark,7tic Pickles Medium, bhisr (L200), $4 50; medi ums, half bbls. (600), 25 73. Salt-No. 1ft bbL 95c; No. 1 ex. ft bbl, $1 05; dairy, ft bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20: Hmgin s Eureka, 4 ba sacks. $2 80: Higgin's Eureka. 16-14 & pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches $1 CO 1 SO; 2ds, $1 8001 85; extrapeacl.es, $1 501 90: Bie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $101 50: Hfd. o. com. 70090c: red cherries, 90c$l 00; Lima beans, $1 10; soaked do, 85e; string do do, 750 85c; marrowfat peas. $1 1001 15; soaked peas, 70075c; pineapples, $1 4001 50: Bahama do, $2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. $1 25; egg plums, $2 00; California pears. $2 GO; do greengages, $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2 Bis, 90c; raspberries, $1 4001 50; strawberries, $1 10: gooseberries, $1 2001 30; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; sne cotash. 2-Si cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 Sis, SI 251 50: corn beef, 2-fi cans, $1 75: 14-11 cans, $13 60: baked beans, $1 4001 15; lobster, 1 ft. $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-S cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, ifl, $4 1501 50; sardines, domestic, lis. $8 258 50: sardines, imported, ls. $1150012 50; sardines, imported. Ks, $13 00; sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines, spiced. $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft bbL; exf a No. 1 do, mess, MO; extra No. 1 mackerel, sbore,i$32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c J) ft.: do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6J7c Herring Round shore, $5 00 ft bbl.; splir, $7 00; lake, $2 50 ft 100-ft. half Dbl. White fisb..$7 00 ft 100 tt. half bbL Lake tront. $5 50 f hair bbL Finnan haddock. 10c f) Si. Iceland halibut, 13c fS. Pickerel. H barrel, $2 00; J barrel. $1 10: otomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 50 ft H barreL Buckwheat Flour 22$c ft ft. Oatmeal $6 SCQS 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860o ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Floor and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 41 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago. 3 cars of hay. 1 of bran, 1 of feed, 1 of barley, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of wheat, 4 of bay, 4 of corn, 2 of oats, lot bran,! of middlings. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of oats, 2 of hay, 8 of wheat, 10 of rye. -By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of flour. Com and oats are the firm fac tors of cereal markets. Liberal snnplles and good grazing weaken bay markets, "but prices are a sbado better than last week and for some time past. Tha situation as to Hoar continues in the bu)ers favor. Sales on call at the Ex change to-dayr One car No. 2 white oats. 32JJc, 5 days, P. &L.E.: 1 car w. w. bran, $1360, 5 days; 1 car h. m. r. com, 40Kc, 10 days. Wheat Jobbing prices No,2 red, 94W5cr No.8red.8688c. Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 42943c; high mixed ear, 4041c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 41012c: No. 2 yellow, shelled. 40(E41c: hlcb. mixed, shelled. 39Wc: mixed. sbeOed, IBtJOPc. Oats-N.-2.wb, saufSSc; extra. No. 3, StattKc: No. 3 while. sSffte: No. 2 mixed. 27 . " .5i -Mf-tv-U . Yl J '..J ' ( '.t . JC- .tf. 11 Bye No. 1 Western, 7(XJ75e: No.2. 65956c Barley No. 1 Canada, 95je8a: No.2 Can ada. 858Sc:No. 3 Canada, 70g(72c;Lake Shore, 784t)S0c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, $5 605 75; spring patents, $5 0680 00:- winter straight, $4 7505 00; dear winter, $4 504 75j straight XXXX bakers', $4 OOgl 25. Rye flour, $3 503 75. MlLLPEED-Mlddllngs, One wbite, $15 00 16 00 ft ton; brown middlings. SU 6012 50; winter wheat bran, $13 00013 60; chop feed, $15 0016 0a Hay Baled timothy, choice, 514 60015 00; No. 1 do, J13 25013 50: No.2 do, $11 0012 50; loose from wagon. $18 00018 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 0010 50; No. $8 008 60; picklnjr 5o,$560g66a Straw Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye Straw, $7 0007 5008 00. Provisions. Sugar-cure bams, large, 10c; sugar-cured1' hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small, llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. IIc;bacon shoulders, TJc; bacon clear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders. 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c. Mess pork, heavy. $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 50. Lard Refined In tierces. 7r; half barrels, 7Jcr 60-ft tubs, 7 20-S palls, 7c; 60 S tin cans, 7Hc; 3-ft tin palls, 8c; 5-& tin palls, 7c: 10-ft tin pails, 1ic Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c. Fresh pork links. 9a Pigs feet, half barreL $4 OC; quarter barrel, $1 90. Dressed Blear. Armour & Co, furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 fts, 5Kc; 550 to 650 fts, 6Vfc:C50to750Bs, OKc Bheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs, 6a Fresh pork loins. 9c. PICTURES OF SAMOA &!& article in to-morrow' Dispatch, in which tha native-corn ton of an English missionary de scribes the people of the island and their prog ress in Christianity and civilization. cBffssrbxo X am satisfied that Cancer u hereditary in my family. My father died of It, a sister of my mother died of It, and my own sister died of it. My feelings may be imagined, then, when the horrible disease made its appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating In wardly In such a way that it could not be cut out. Numerous remedies were used for it, but the Cancer grew steadily worse, until Itseemed that I was doomed to follow the others of tha family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from the first day, forced out the poison and con tinued its use nntil I had taken several bottles, when I found myself well. 1 know that S. S. S. cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol. Winston, N. C. Nov. 26, '88. Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Diseases. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, fel-7-TTS ezema.Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT If ilmpl mppllcitioo of " Swings Ootmot" without tnr ttterail medicine, will eon aj cm of Tetter, Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Einmm. Ringworm, file, Itch, Sort-, Plmpletilryilpel all SKIN DISEASES bo mutar how ooitluto or Ions ituiUiii. Sou bj dmsjfju, r lent by mill tor 50 as. 1 Bom, JIJi Addrcu. Dx. fr.tiriiSo.,PMUdtlpM.,r. Aakroudraulitfcrlt. CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital, 8100,000, with privilege of $500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. GALLERY President W.J.BURNS Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh23-59tTS THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BMK HATE ON HAJTD AND ISSCE BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circu lar Letters of Credit for Travelers Good In all parts of the world. ap27-83-ws WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE S CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekin , SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest pricea call and see us, wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83.D M ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in soma oi i,uaj ana upwara. Appi" at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-3i-ri No. 121 Fourth avenue. fswmmmm A PERFECT Blood Puriflep. IMLlH&i A. uurely Vegetable 1 Compound that expels I all bad humors from tha (system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ao2-5S UROKEKS FINANCIAL. GEORGE T. CARTER, 6 PER CENT GOLD 1NVESTMENTBONDS, 511-515 Hamilton Bunding, mvIO-TO-D Pitt3bnrg. PaC TTTH1TNEY & STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drezel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap28-l MEDICAI- DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN' AVENUE. PITTSBURG, P.., As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From P1We NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCPlni IQ and mental diseases, physical IlLn V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack of energy; ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bash! nlness. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, f allingpowers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN SST&S blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange Unilinll 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Wnlttier's life-long, extensive erperienco insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9A.M-to8p. x. Sunday, 10 A. H. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 811 Penn avenue. Pittsburg; Pa. apfr31K-Pnwk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in three days, and cures In Ave days. Price SI 00. at J. FT.KMINO-B DRUGSTORE, Ja5-28-TTSSu 412 Market street. MEN ONLY A POSITIVE CUKE Tor LOHT or PaUlne MAN HOOD. Nervous ness, weakness BodT AMlnd. Licfcof Strength. Vlror and De- veloyaeet, oaaMd bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Boot, MOO or BSLF-Tbiatmist. and Proofs mailed (seated free. Address ERIE MBUICAL; CO.-, DSSMSi I. - ! SVTMjtWkl DRY GOODS vk NOTIONS. , 3 3 V ".' u if, rW P f z v -. iKisisaHkf .rtx . , ." " " -i Si. .. JJ'Aa.iJL473lS.i.Hj(, .. ? t,v.-i ta.1 .uiii.A?ju,... . i... rs:3.'...- . ii mMfe