Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 09, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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. t-: -,
&$ Stfpafrfr.
Vol. 44, Ho. 8L Entered at Pittsburg Pcutofficc,
yovember 14, 18S7, as cecond-class matter.
Business Office 97 tod 09 Fifth Avenue.
Kews Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 DlamondStreet
ATeroto net circulation of the dally edi
tion of The Dispatch for six tnoathi coding
Wayl.lSSO, .
Copies per Issue.
Annre net circulation of the Snnday edU
lion of The Dispatch for April, 1SS9,
Coplea per Issue.
Datlt Dispatch. One Tear s 8 00
Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00
DAILY Dispatch, One Month... 10
Daily DisrATCli, Including Sunday, one
year. 10
Dailt Dispatch, including Sunday, per
quarter. 2 SO
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one
month .'. 80
SuksaT DISPATCH, one year 2 50
WixkA Dispatch, one year 1S5
The Daily Dispatch li delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, or Including the Enndaj-edition,
at 20 cent per week.
The announcement that the original milk
combination has gone to pieces, is a. cor
roboration of what The Dispatch toii its
members concerning their policy all alone'
They sum tip the whole story of what must
befall any attempt to engross the market,
with the words: "They (the dealers) got
their milk from Ohio, and we fonnd we
conld not prevent them from getting a sup
ply." Bnt there seems to be a combination about
as undesirable in its character, to take the
place of the old one, if there is any founda
tion for the assertion that the members of
the late shippers' organization are going to
Intercede with the dealers' association to
let their recent agent join the new clique.
"What combination is there in this town
whose assent is necessary to let a man con
duct the milk business successfully? If
there is any sneb in the shape of the milk
dealers' association it is time that it were
broken np.
In order to do that, if the milk shippers
lave any business sense which their late
career .surrounds with doubt they should
instruct their agent to continue selling milk,
not for the illegitimate purpose of squeezing
other dealers, but for the legitimate and
profitable one of building np the largest
business possible by the most moderate
charges for distributing the milk.
Mr. Joseph Fleming's view of the license
business is a refreshing departure from the
usual attitude of the rejected. He at
tributes his defeat solely to the Judge's
excessive integrity and care to avoid even
any appearance of favoritism, and points
out that like himself, every applicant who
retained the Judge's son for attorney was
rejected. "While this is a rather extreme
application of the Boman father principle,
it is much pleasanter to bear' Mr. Fleming
testifying to the Judge's purity, even
though he has Buffered an annoying and
probably costly defeat, than to hear the
vague talk oi corruption which was so fre-iuentlastweqb,-
but utterly failed to pro
duce any definite excuse for its existence.
Mr. Fleming is a disappointed man; but he
does not let his disappointment make him
unjust or revengeful. Such an attitude
certainly offers better ground for reopening
the case than some others that bave been as-
craiosmxs fob pabis.
The industrial exhibit contributed to the
Paris Exposition by the United States is
said to be very inadequate. As a corre
spondent'with a rather Unkindly feeling for
Connecticut says: "The section is in
adequate if it purports to exhibit more than
the industries of a single town like Hart
ford." It is, of course, unfortunate that
the magnificent industries of this country
are not properly represented at the great
Exposition to which so many peode ot all
nations in the world are now on their way.
But after all the United States is, to a great
extent, showing in the most practical way
to the whole world ber industrial potency
the year round.
An interesting exhibit that might have
been made has probably never been thought
of. A collection of American curiosities
might lave been sent to the Exposition.
"We do not refer to the fat women, skeleton
men and elephant- boys of the museums.
These would be very tame and commonplace
compared with such national curiosities as
the New York Alderman, the ubiquitous
practical politician, the society actress, the
tank dramatist, the St. Louis critic, the
Mail ani Ezpreit editor, the postoffice arch
itects, "Wall street kings and sensational
preachers, all of whom America could fur
nish in large numbers and great variety.
The country would spend a pleasant summer
with all these curiosities under lock and key
in Paris.
The claim? of the New York Timet that
the Centennial celebration there demon
strated the presence in that city of a genuine
public spirit, is good in its way. One sar
casm might refer to the public spirit exhib
ited at the Centennial ball, but taking the
remark as it is meant, it is rejoined by the
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette that as New
York spent $300,000 and took in 53,000,000,
almost any city could afford that kind of an
exhibition. The remark seems to be just
enongh. Yet it does take considerable pub
lic spirit for a city to go into money-making
that way. In proportion, there was about
the same income from our Centennial last
fall, and it could have been made to yield
bigger results. Money for exactly such
purposes is now needed to complete the
manufacturers' bnilding of the Exposition.
Our citizens should come forward with the
funds, certain of getting the money back in
one form or another.
The fact that Illinois and some other
"Western States are following the example of
Indiana in discussing legislative regulation
of telephone charges is an interesting indi
cation of the times. The Philadelphia Presi
remarks upon the absence of any disposition
atHarnsburg to follow the example. If
there had been any indication on the part
ot the Legislature of a disposition to regu
late any corporations in the public interest, 1
the omission in this case would have been
more singular. As it is, the Pennsylvania
Legislature is strictly true to its own.pre
xjedents. As bearing closely upon this subject of
regulating charge, it is pertinent to note
the cogency of a-paragraph going the rounds
that there is no monopoly in telephones in
Sweden, which are in consequence supplied'
on commercial principles at competitive
prices. The companies make . reasonable
profits, but the service is so cheap that
nearly every country store, as well as every
city house, takes advantage of it. It looks
as if it would pay this country to send a
commission to Sweden and find out bow
they do things there. It would be bafe to
wager that one of the first discoveries made
would be that the absence of a monopoly
carries with it the absence of some millions
of watered stocks on which dividends must
be earned by exorbitant rates. This would
permit fair profits to be made by supplying
telephones at about one-fourth the charges
assessed in the United States.
A rather peculiar difference between Mr.
Cleveland's Centennial speech, as it was de
livered, and Mr. Cleveland's alleged speech,
as revised for publication, is noted by the
Sun. The speech delivered said that if the
people "have wandered" or "have been mis
led" they will correct the error. The revised
report makes it read if they "should
wander" or "should be misled." The latter
form the brilliant Sun praises as containing
"nothing Pharisaical or 'Mugwumpian,"
while it regards the former as "the regular
old-fashioned cant."
This indicates the belief of the brilliant
Sun that it is "pharisaical" to point out the
errors of the time and to insist on reforms.
We never beard before that this was the
function of the Pharisees. We were under
the impression that they were loud of dis
playing religion in high-toned sanctuaries,
and making profit out of the vested interests
arising from the gain of turning the Temple
into a .place where active commerce was
transacted. Between Judge Gresham's use
of the term, when he said, with regard to the
use of money in politics, that "the Pharisees
are doing this," and the view of the esteemed
Sun, there is a great gulf.
In this connection we observe that Mr.
Jay Gould's remarks, in response to Bishop
Potter, evoke from another cotemporary the
comparison of Mr. Gould to the juryman
who "got some of the pork." This in en
tirely incorrect bi)th with regard to Mr.
Gould's share and his position in the case.
Mr. Gould occupies the position of the man
who appropriated the hog and escaped con
viction by means of bis judicious distribu
tion of the proceeds.
It is astonishing what a din of growling
and grumbling always seems to follow a big
public festival in New York City. - The
latest howl in the wake of the Centennial
celebration comes from the Governors of
the States, United States Senators and other
distinguished guests of New York. It is
claimed in their behalf that they were
treated with scant courtesy, and just as if
they bad been mere common people. They
did not cet front seats in the best stands
every day, and hardly any of them reached
the choice luncheons spread in upper cham
bers for the elect in the "Wall street cele
bration. In a great Bepnblio like this it is very
pitilul to see any of the aristocrats merged
with the common herd, and forced to pay
for their dinners out of their own pockets.
It is no wonder that the dear creatures are
angry. But they ought to have observed
how the members of the New York Legisla
ture and the Board of Aldermen obtained
their rights. The shrewd New Yorkers de
manded the earth before the celebration
came off, ana they kicked and kicked and
kicked until the Centennial Committee gave
them a large slice of the best things in sight.
They bad a free grand stand in a choice po
sition, free tickets" to the banquet and to the
ball, and generally about all they conld see,
eat and drink for nothing. The Governors
and Senators are making their moans too
late. An hour's bluster the day before is
worth many weeks' weeping after the event
That is what the New York patriots in the
service of the sovereign people discovered.
Are not the farmers and market gardeners
about here rather tiddly taciturn? This is
the time of the year when the bullish
farmer tells us that his fruit trees are so
heavy with blossoms that the crust of the
earth has sunk six inches in their vicinity;
when the bearish farmer tells the man at
the village store that he can't pay his bill
for some time because the wheat crop is
already ruined by the drouth. The astonish
ing fact to be notlSed hereabouts is that the
farmers are not dealing at all in superla
tives. They are for the most part silent.
Out in Illinois the reverse is the case.
There one half of the farmers are saying that
the first blossoms have been ruined by a
recent series of frosts, and the other half are
contending that if the frost killed some of
the germs it is probable that an abundance of
them remain uninjured to load the trees
with fruit This is the good old'style. "We
fear it is going out The peach growers of
Delaware, we notice, have not as much as
hinted once that the peach crop is bound to
be a failure. The perjuries of the peach
growers have hitherto added largely to the
picturesque quality of current fiction. But
the vocabulary of the greatest liar on earth
is bound to run out at last, and so the
peaches will have to come along without
the usual prelude of poetic perjury about
frosts and worms and blight
The railroad, the telegraph and the news
paper have made an end to much of the glib
romancing of the agriculturist It is better
for all parties. In this region the fanners'
silence is pretty sure to presage prosperity.
Ik' certain quarters the license discussion
has become even hotter than the weather;
and, whatever restrictions are to apply to
the service of liquors, there are evidently
those on both sides of the controversy as to
the Court who do not go in for equally dis
creet regulation of speech. In this state of
the case the communication in to-day's Dis
patch from the well-known lawyer, Mr.
McClung', considering the License Court
proceedings from a purely legal standpoint,
cannot fail to be of interest The dispas
sionate manner and intelligent grasp of the
more important phases of the subject which
characterize Mr. McClung's letter raise the
question considerably above the plane of
mere personal controversy. The point
brought forward that "judicial discretion"
not "arbitrary discretion" is to be exercised'
in respect to licenses, and that it bears upon
the case, is decidedly interesting.
Ms. Lxqaixs is reported as asking
"Who is Halstead?" This is a weak copy
of Secretary Chase's indorsement of the edi
tor's letter as that of "Halstead, M." We
think Mr. Halstead will be able to let Mr.
Ingalls have some information bearing on
bis identity.
It is interesting to notice that. General
jEanry B. .Jackson, in a speech at Savannah
the other day, declared: "The Confederates
were the supporter! of the Federal Constitu
tion. The North rebelled against it,' not
the South." This apparently makes it
necessary for General Jackson to reconstruct
history to the extent Of alleging that the
faithful South conquered the rebellious
North and tbuipreserved the Union and
the Constitution. Some of our esteemed
Southern coteiaporaries should now give us
another sermon on the weakness of sectional
politics in the North.
The extremists on both sides of the liquor
question are now engaged, each in assert
ing that it is very wrong for the other to
make personal attacks, and each in illus
trating the bad taste of such things by a
little personal attack of its own on someone
of the other side.
The facts as reported with regard to the
land-grabbing winked at by Marshal
Needles indicate that a town site can pass
through a Needles eye without difficulty,
no matter what a camel might do. Painful
as it may be, some one should sit down on
Needles. V
"It makes one melancholy to think of the
great men that were in that little, poverty
stricken Bepublic of 1789. They can't be
matched to-day." This remark from the
Chicago A'etcs is another example of that
much frowned upon offense of pessimism in
the first degree. The esteemed News is
plainly Unacquainted with the disinterested
statesmanship of Thomas V. Cooper or the
high-minded legislative policy of the Hon.
Michael Lemon.
There is a reckless American who adver
tises himself as expecting to circumnavigate
the globe, in order to prove the skill and
daring of American sailors. What he really
will prove is the foolhardiness and idiocy of
ont American sailor.
A Cork "jarvey," which, translated,
means the driver of a jaunting car, 'was yes
terday "knocked" out by a professional
pugilist Contrary to the usual custom in
such cases, the "jarvey" refused to resucl
tate. This has proved so highly inconveni
ent to the pugilist that be is now in jail for
manslaughter. Lights of the profession will
clearly have to select their subjects with
more care.
With the problem confronting the Presi
dent of 150 consulates to fill and 1,300
people who wish to fill them, be will soon
be in a state of mind to enyy Judge White
for having finished up with the license list
The acquisition of the white lead com
bine by the Standard Oil Trust is to be
credited to the knowledge ot the latter or
ganization, that it will need a large amount
of white lead products to put an appearance
of whiteness to its own character. Whited
sepulchres have for some time been in fash
ion among the Standard Oil magnates.
The conference report on the. soldiers
orphans' bill permits the syndicate a hope
of a contract for maintaining the orphans
for six months after Junel. After that they
will be in their own bean soup.
Beport has it that President Harrison
has invited Dudley to the White House.
Letters to "Dear Old Sam" and other boys
in Indiana will probably soon cheer them
by information that Dudley is dining at the
White House onc more, "and by the hope
that they will be able to participate in the
That Carter divorce case has been a great
drawing card for the Chicago courts. But
it is expected that the crowds will lessen1
now that it is announced that Mrs. Bawson
takes an interest in it Mrs. Bawson some
times emphasizes her interest in divorce
Cases with her revolver.
The City of Paris makes good her name
by proving herself the fastest on record,
.Lord Tsannrsos has so far regained his
health as. to be able to take out-of-doors exer
cise. '
Mb. Ashmead Baetlett has begun the
record of climbers of the Eiffel Tower. His
time is 21 minutes.
Biexkewicz is the name of the leading
Polish novelist. His characters are Poles, but
by no means sticks.
Hattie Blaise, youngest daughter of Sec
retary Blaine, was recently confirmed at St
Johu's Episcopal Church, Washington.
Secretary rusk Is one of the hardest
workers at Washington, It is said that he is
the only Cabinet officer who uses a gold pen.
Max O'Rell is coming back to America on
another lecture tour in the fall. One may hear
the chestnut tree already rattle its branches.
Word comes of the death of John Kidd, the
last survivor of the passengers of the Forfar
shire, who were rescued by Grace Barling in
Mb, T. P. O'Oonhob says that the Prince of"
Wales never pays a tailor bill. The advertise
ment his patronage affords Is all the remuner
ation Poole wants. '
R. B. Sears the tennis champion of Ameri
ca, says that, comparing the playing of men
and women of equal grades in the game, the
latter would be entitled to a discount of 60 per
To Colonel Shepard belongs the credit of
perpetrating the best mot of the season. He
says in bis newspaper: "Just now it seems that
the Centennial ball was a bat." This joke will
be understood by pious people when it Is ex
plained that "oat" is the slang expression for a
jamboree or spree.
"Sydney Luska," whose real name is Mr.
Harlan, has written a new story, entitled
"Metamorphosis," which is running in the Sun
day Dispatch. It is one of Mr.Harlan's ablest
works, and is full of promise for something
still greater from this interesting and per
severing young novelist Mr. Harlan is now
only about 25, and, considering his youthful
ness, his work is quite remarkable.
A good show add good business at Harry
Williams' this week.
The attraction at Harris' next week will be
that amusing skit, "We, Us &Co."
J. C. Stewart's musical comedy, "The Fat
Men's Club," at the Bijou next week. This
will be the final attraction of the season at this
popular house. A clever and very amusing
performance may be expected.
At the Opera House next week Bice's famous
burlesque company will appear in "The Corsair"
and "Evangallne." The former will be given
the first half of the week and the latter the last
half. The sale of seats begins to-day.
This morning at 9 o'clock the box sheet for
the sale ot reserved seats for the two concerts
to be given by the Mozart Club and the Boston
Symphony Orchestra at Old City Hall, May 15
and 18, will be opened at Mellor & Hoene's
music store.
Friday at noon the sale of season tickets for
the May Festival closes. On Monday next at 9
A.M. the sale of tickets for single concerts be
gins. The official hand, book is now in the,
hands of the printers and will be Issued the end
of next week. This will be a handsome volume
of oyer 100 pages, containing programmes, with
analytical notes thereou, and biographical
sketches of the singers. The book will be pro
fusely illustrated, and in every way be in keep
ing with the high standard set for the festival
by the management.
Oentli or J. M. Roberts.
Mr. J.M.Eoberts. Commander of Post 3.G. A. Ti
died at his home' on'Copeland street, Bhadyslde, I
yesteraay. aa was awrat eg year! or age. and for a
number of years be was bookkeeper for the Pitts
bur U Company. iIr..Koberi was well known
among U A. K. men. , He h a candidate for the
Commandershlo of Post 3 with Major Sidney Omo
hundro, who died a few weeks since. '
A Man Reporters Beteat An Echo of the
Sewlckley Meeting The Law of Cora,
peaiatloa aad tan Tale of a Barrel.
A itah Whom newspaper rep6rters cordially
detest Is he who begs that some particular
abuse may be. as he terms It "written up,"
and afterward, -when, the reporter p6sslbly at
the expense of much trouble and hard work
has complied with the request, coolly professes
to have no Interest in the matter, no thanks to
give; Ho Is a common pest. Every reporter of
a year's'experiencs has met him.
A very large specimen of this species not
long ago approached a certain newspaper
writer of this city and asked blm to draw the
public's attention to the flagrant misbehavior
of a street, railroad corporation. The writer
agreed to do to, and being properly conscien
tious, investigated the subject for himself
thoroughlj before writing a line. He then
treated the railroad to a little sober advice, and
It was startled intoarge Improvements at once.
Some days afterward be met the man who
had asked him to do this work, and was sur
prised that he did not even so much as allude
to the subject. The writer asked him It he had
seen the artlole in question.
"No," replied the impudent bore, "I don't
read your paper."
The people who ask most favors of a newspa
per are not its regular readers. This may be
hard to believe,- but ask any veteran newspaper
proprietor or editor and he will confirm it.
The sun delights to spend Its rays
Upon some ugly spot.
To make a rainbow of a haze,
Or gild a chimney pot.
The monarch ocean. condescends
To kiss a muddy shore;
And oft a pretty nostril lends
Its beauty to a snore, f
I know that all tlAs Isn't news,
But It may help you when
Ton wonder pretty women chooso
To marry ugly men.
As the enthusiastic White meeting of Se
wlckllanswas making the dust palpitate on the
Beaver road on Tuesday flight, a young lady
rushed Into a house not far from the scene of
eloquence and said to her mother: "They are
making an awful noise at Choral Hall! It must
be a full house."
"How can you say so," her mother grandly
replied, "when you know that nearly all of
them are Prohibitionists." '
There's a story from the old times when the
Prohibition idea was not so strong in the rural
districts near here as it l&o-day.
At a certain farm in Moon township there
lived a good man who had the misfortune to be
linked to an intemperate wife. She 'would
drink, so the veraolous chroniclers of Moon
township inform me, any two men under the
table. At harvest time in those days it was
considered Indispensable to have a barrel of
gooa old Monongahela whisky for the farm
It happened one year that when the harvest
came around the old farmer's wife had been
celebrating rather heavily, and yet her desire
for ardent spirits was unappeased. The ques
tion which 'agitated the old farmer's mind was
how to keep the barrel of whisky from the har
vesters out of reach. He was afraid that If
she and the whisky were left alone in tho
bouse together there would not only be no
whisky, but also no dinner for the harvesters.
He took counsel, and the result was that .the
barrel of whisky was slung up to the center
beam of the barn and lashed firmly In such a
place that It could only be reached and lowered
to th'e ground by a man who could climb ont to
it Then he and the help went into the field
with the comfortable assurance that the barrel
of whisky was beyond the old lady's reach.
But she had seen the barrel rolled out to the
barn, and as soon as the men were away from
the house she went ont to reconnolter. She was
somewhat irate when she saw the barrel hung
up out of'her reach. It took ber ten minutes to
decide on a course ot action. Then she returned
to the bouse and picked out a clean washtub:
With this tub and her husband's rifle she re
turned to the barn. She placed the tub direct-1
ly under the barrel. Raising the rifle to her
shoulder she fired at the barrel, sending a ball
clean into the center of the barrel.
Down, came a stream, ot the golden juice of
the rye, playing a tune on the tub, which made
the old woman smile sweetly.
There is no need to go into details. When the
harvesters came in from the field they found
the old woman asleep beside the tub, Borne
whisky was left, but the dinner was not cooked.
Hold n Resrabar Meeting and Decide to
Issna Some More Stock.
Philadelphia. May 8. At the regular
meeting of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany's directors to-day It was decided to make
a 6 per cent allotment of stock. The present
capital is. 106,615,400, and the new issue will
make the capital stock about $113,000,000. The
stockholders of record to-day will, according to
the resolution passed, have the privilege of
subscribing to the new issue to
the extent ot 8 per cent of their
holdings. This subscription may be made any
time between June 15 and July 1, and holders
of fractional parts will be entitled to a full
share of the new stock. The stock may be paid
tor July 1, or one-halt may be paid then and
the balance September I. The new stock will
be issued in November, and 4 per cent Interest
will be allowed on payments made in July up
to the time stock shall be issued. The allot
ment blanks will, as usual, be negotiable in tho
The money will De used for improvements to
the line and construction. All requirements
of the company this year will be between $11,.
000,000 and 12,000,000, and only 60 per cent of
this can be spared from the assets. The com
pany's business Is increasing very fast and re
quires increased expenditures. The tonnage,
it is said, is increasing at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum, and locomotives and cars must be
provided to move it. Third and fourth tracks
are required in many places and will absorb
some of the money.
Beading- Saloonlsts Say the Brook Law Is
Unconstitutional A New Point.
Beading, May 8. William H. Johnson, one
of the saloon keepers upon whom rules were
recently taken to show cause why their li
censes shouldnot be revoked for selling liquor
on Sunday, has filed an answer in which he de.
nles the allegations in the petition, and again
sets up the unconstitutionality of the Brooks
law for the reason that it denies the right of
the accused to be heard by himself and counsel
and to meet the witnesses face to face, and
does away with the trial by jury.
The representatives ot the committee on
Public Safety announce that it any of those
summoned make untrue answers they will be
prosecuted for perjury. It is also announcod
that the constables who have made falsn r.
'turns will be prosecuted for perjury.
The Way They TJso Water in Kentucky.
From the Norrlstown Herald. 1
A Kentucky man has designed an apparatus
by which he claims that water may be success
fully burned In a common stove. Next thing
the men in that State will get to drinking
A Pointer for Very Yonng Men.
From the Chicago Inter-Ocean.
When a young fellow is in love with a girl of
23, and he is only 20, all he will have to do is to
wait five years and the tables will be reversed.
Girls don't grow old as fast as bpys after they
pass 23.
Room at tbe Bottom of the Blver.
From the Boston Herald.'!
Omniboat is tbe latest word.' It describes an
excursion steamer. There's always room for
more passengers on an omniboat so locg as the
steamboat inspector Isn't around.
She Is a very modest maid,
The little maid I sing,
And blushes of the rose's shade -Her
dimple-doited cheeks pervade
When compliments I bring.
She thinks she Isn't pretty, thongh
Therein she's very wrong. .
Ber month Is Jnst a Cupid bow.
And her bright eyes such darls do throw,
One can't withstand them long.
She thinks that no one care's for her,
Ho lover's heart she'll gain;
And here, again, docs sadly err,
For there Is one, Ican'aver,
Bound fast In Cupid's chain.
And though het thoughts no one should doubt, 1
I mny not all, you see; .. ' v-
Torwhat.tthlnkthejnostabou't, ,, J
A&dAow am going to find oat, ,
Is what the thinks of met
A Question of Railroad Rates Leads to Ar
guments in Pavor afAnnexatloa.
Nbw York, May 8. At yesterday's- session
ot the Senate Commltte's Investigation of the
workings of the Inter-State commerce law,
Charles Francis Adams, President of the1
Uplon Pacific road, said the law was In many
cases a cruel one. Those who obeyed it lost by
the operation, and those who evaded it profit
ed. He thought tbat a common railroad law
between Canada and the United States and a
legalized pool would be a good thing, and
would tend to bring about a solution of the
present troubles in reference to Canadian
President James J. H11L of the St Paul, Min
neapolis and Manitoba Railroad, was asked by
Chairman Oullozn if much foreign trade went'
over the Canadian Pacific Road. He said that
it did, owing to a difference of ' five or sit cents
a hundred pounds from its western terminus to
Omaha in Its favor.
Chairman Cullom asked whether or not the
road in question was not trying to get an outlet,
across the State ot Maine, and alter a cross
question or two, Chairman Cullom asked:
"What if we made Canada a part of America?"
"Well, I think the Canadians would make
good Americans," answered Mr. Hill, with a
Mr. Erastns WIman spoke strongly In favor
of commercial reciprocity, and figured out how,
in the event of that as an assured fact Cana
dian territory -would at once be built up by em
igration from Europe and largely from tbe
United States. This closo Interchange ot Ideas
and peoples must eventually bring about one
grand republic. Any attempt to shut ont the
Canadian lines from operating in this country
wonld be a serions blow to Western American
farmers, and would be badly received by the
Canadian people, according to Mr. Wlman.
"Is It policy for the American people." asked
Senator-Blair, "to help with their resources to
buildup a great nation with hostile, or, at
least, alien connection on the north of nsT"
"The tie whlcli binds Canaaa to Encland is
but a sentiment The State of New YorK to
day, in a certain sense.is far more important to
England than all of Canada. Canada cannot
stay as she Is. She must either become an in
dependent republic or join with ?ho United
States. There are many forces at -work In
Canada. The hopes of a great party there rest
entirely upon ond old man. After the death ot
Sir John MacDonald will come the deluge."
A Practical Criticism of the Work of Agrl
cnUnral Colleges.
Washington, May 8. W. O. Atwater, in
charge ot the work at experiment stations
established by the Agricultural Department,
assisted by A. W.Harris and AC. True, of
his division, is preparing a bulletin which will
be published this year, giving a'history of the
department, its present organization and a
sketch of the progress of education in agricul
tural colleges and schools.
It is acknowledged that the purpose for
which agricultural colleges were established in
the several States and to which the Govern
ment contribted by liberal grants of land and
money has not been realized. Tbe colleges do
not educate men for the farms but for nrofes-
sions, and the tendency of their teachings has
been to draw young men from the farms in
stead of fitting for jvork on them. The curri
culum in most case's is too' extensive for the
average farmer's son to understand, and In
most cases also the expenses are too great for
tbe average farmer's son to meet Tbe conse
quence Is tbat the class for whom tbe colleges
were assigned have received almost absolutely
no benefit from their existence.
In connection with the State University ot
Minnesota, an agricultural school was opened
last fall, tbe course of Btudy comprising two
years of 24 weeks each. The graduates of tbe
common district schools of the State are qual
ified to enter, and they are taught tbe practical
things ot farm lire, including shop work, agri
cultural chemistry and veterinary science, in
addition to the literary branches of learning.
When the 'school had been open but a few
weeks its accommodations were all taken, while
tbe agricultural college proper had been strug
gling along for years with barely enough
students to form a single class.
City of Porta Breaka All Record Between
Hew York and Qucenstovrn.
New York, May 8, The steamship Cltyot
Paris, of the Inman line, which arrived at
Sandy Hook at, 11:15 o'clock to-day, has broke
all records from' Queenstown. Her corrected
time Is 5 days, 23 hours and 7 minutes. The.
best previous record, which was made by the
Etrnrla, was 6 days, 1 hour and 69 minutes.
It is the first voyage across the Atlantlo made
in less than six days, and there were many men
In maritime- circles who prophesied that tbe
trip would never be made in less than that
time. On the first day out from Liverpool tbe
City of Paris covered 415 miles. The next day
she progressed 494 miles f urther.on her jour
ney. Then on the third day she still further
increased her stint and went 603 miles.CTbe
fourth day was tbe best of all and the City of
Paris made 611 miles. On the succeeding day
she made 604 miles, and in the last fraction of a
day she went 392 miles.
The City of Paris not only broke tbe record
for the entire voyage, but also made the quick
est single days run' having accomplished 511
miles in one day. The longest run previously
made in a single day was 60b miles, by tbe Urn
brla, of the Cunard Hue. The City of Paris
was commanded by Captain Frederick Wat
kins and brought a large number of saloon
passengers, among whom was David Dudley
Field, who, though 85, refuses to go slow. The
wbolerrdistanco run by the City ot Paris was
2,855 miles.
Secretary Noblo Declare Tbat Sales of
Iiots by Companies) Are Illegal.
Washington, May 8. Secretary Noble has
received the following telegram dated to-day
from Special Agent Pickler at Oklahoma:
Great comnlalnt here aralnst Semlnote Town
Site Company on account or its chancing (10 for
registry or lots here, oi which W. W. Wltten and
others telegraphed you yesterday. Just informed
that some company has been selling lots to settlers
at Udmont at auction as high as (50; will Investi
gate. By direction of Secretary Noble Commis
sioner Stockslager immediately telegraphed
the following:
J. A. Pickler, Oklahoma:
Bales or town lots by town site companies or
other private individuals or organizations are
worthless under the law ana the people should be
eo informed. H. il. StoCkslaoxb,
Just informed L
Arc Light for Philadelphia.
The Westlnghouse Electric Company has
obtained tbe contract to pnt 600 arc lamps
along the streets of Philadelphia. The lamp Is'
of the Waterhouse patent
The French army is making trial ot a small
electric lamp, wblch is to be employed in
searching tbe field of battle for tbe wounded.
Already a great deal of diplomacy and in
trigue is said to be on foot to get the post of
Poet Laureate when Tennyson dies. The salary
is 72 a year.
The street car drivers who bave been on
strike in Vienna, and who have finally suc
cumbed, average about 60 cents for a day be
ginning at 7 in tbe morning and ending at mid
night or 1 A. m.
An association of endormeurs has been un
earthed in Belgium whose occupation is to en
gage a single railway passenger in conversa
tion, offer him a cigar prepared with chloro
form, which puts him to sleep, and rob him.
The newest feature of personal adornment
is made up ot hairs from the tall of tbe African
elephant made into watch guards and brace
lets. The elephant is now becoming so scarce
that bis relics are said tr be very fashionable.
Prop. Fresiniis, of Weisbaden, after a long
series of chemical analyses, declares that an
egg contains as much nourishment as a pound
and an ounce olcherrlea pound and a quarter
of grapes, a pound and a half of russet apples,
two pounds of gooseberries and four pounds of
pears, and tbat 114 pounds of grapes,127 pounds
of russet apples, 192 pounds of pears and 327
pounds of plums are equal in nourishment to
100 pounds ot potatoes.
AN old safe In the British Legation at Toklo,
neglected for many years because the key was
lost, was forced open recently, and among its
contents were found the medals of gold and
silver sent by the British Government 23 years
before for presentation to those natives who
bad assisted in the defense of the British Lega
tion against air attack made upon it by a mob
in 186L An attempt will be made to present
tbe medals now, but most of tho men for
whom they were Intended are dead or cannot
be found.
Berry, the English hangman, is now an ap
pointed officer, and consequently does not feel
himself under any official restraint regarding
his conduct. He bangs by the hiece; all over
the country, wherever he is called. He makes
himself so prominent at levees and emoklpg
concerts tho days before and after executions
tbatit has become a matter of public scandal
and.a.motlon has' been made in the House of
Commons that tbe hangman sbalt'be placed
under the control ot the Home Office, afed sub-,
jectea to .Bucntestnecioea as may pe ceasta
ered decent. .. s ;
Tho Real Point at Iaaae as to the Idcesae,
Court Judicial Biicretlon Quite a Dif
ferent Tblnsr tfrom Arbitrary Discretion
Wherein tbe Method of the Court
Were Open to Criticises.
To the Editor of The Dispatch!
What is the issue Involved in our License
Is It, as seems to be assumed by many on both
sideswere too many or too few saloons licensed
in Allegheny county? H this is all there is of
It little attention need be given to It The ex-.
cltement will in a f ew days die out: the disap
pointed parties will get over their soreness,
and matters will go on in the old way.
But )s this all?
.If Judges are wise they will not look to the
winning parties for discriminating approval,
and for the same reasons, aslong as complaints
are confined to parties smarting under defeat,
tbe judges can afford to ignore or disregard
them. But when tbey become numerous
among any class of Intelligent people outside
of the directly interested, it is well to-look into
the matter and show either that their are no
good grounds of complaint, or take steps to re
move "tbem it they exist. ' It appears to
ni useless to deny tbat there are
many complaints and criticisms coming
from such sources, and we, therefore,
propose to consider the matter loom the stand
point of a disinterested party, or "rather from
that of a party not interested in the cases con
sidered by tbe Conrt, but only in the general
principles involved. We do not desire to retry
tbe license cases. We speak only after it has
been announced that final Judgment baa been
entered In all tbe cases, and onr purpose is to
learn wisdom for guidance in the future, not to
influence any decision already made or affect
any case already considered. We desire to re
view tbe acts of the Court without passion and
without prejudice, and without influence from
bias in favor of or against any class of people or
any kind of business.
In order to do this and consider the matter
as alone a legal proceeding should be con
sidered, we must In the present case reject as
worthless the opinions (first) of those who
want the Court called toacconnt as a means ot
compelling more licenses, and (second) of those
who justify a conrt In "knocking 'out whisky
sellers" witbont regard to method; and who, in
their eagerness to lessen the demoralization of
liquor drinking, wholly forget that there .are
other kinds of demoralization, and that we
cannot afford to cure the evil of Intemperate
drinking at tbe expense of impaired confidence
in the administration of jnstice. We wish to
proceed upon principles which will commend
themselves to every fair-minded man, regard
less ot whether he believes tbat many more
licenses should bave been granted or that few
er or none should bave been granted.
The question is: Did tbe parties who appeared
before tbe License Court get what they were
legally entitled to ? If tbey did tbey must sub-
What hen are they legally entitled to? Cer
tainly they.are not all entitled to license. Just
as certainly no single one ot them can claim
tbat he is entitled to license, and it must be
conceded bv everv fair-minded person that it is
legally and logically possible, that every man
should have been accorded bis legal rights, and
'. jet no man be given a license.
They were entitled to three tbingSL (L) An
investigation judicial In its methods. (2.) Tbe
exercise of a legal or judicial discretion. (3.)
The entry of an honest judgment.
If they got these they have gotten justice as
nearly as human organizations can attain to it
and must ask no more.
No one has presented anything which justi
fies a charge of corruption or intentional un
fairness; and therefore we pass' the question as
to honest judgment as conceded in favor ot tbe
Were tbe methods ,of investigation judicial
in their nature?
It is not easy to see how this is to be affected
by the difficulties surrounding the matter. It
a court acts at all, it should act as a court, and
it duties are imposed which It cannot get
through with acting in this way, tbenthe Court
is not responsible for tbeir non-performance.
Butconcede something to the necessities of the
case, must npt the enthusiasm of anyone who
wishes to regard our courts as presenting
model methods of investigation be dampened by
a view of the procedure In Allegheny County
License Courts up to the present writing?
Sufficient time was not given. Applicants,
were practically denied counsel. The Court
appeared as their accusers and frightened the
nervous and left none but the brazen in fit con
dition to answer questions knowingly. Had
the same methods been applied In any other
judicial investigation the whole community,
including tbe Judges, wonld bave seen the im
propriety of it.
So far as we are concerned, we are willing to
let the dead past bury Us dead, but, as to tbe
future, call a halt. Let us bave no Investiga
tion or one which will give some assurance tbat
the truth has been arrived at. It this isrnot
done in the Interest of the parties, let It be
done in tbe Interest of the Court ana of those
who wish to retain confidence in the adminis
tration of justice.
Did tbe Court confine itself to the exercise of
a judicial discretion? Judicial discretion Is
perhaps most frequently defined by simply
contrasting it with arbitrary discretion. It has
been well defined by tbe courts as "a discretion
to be exercised In discerning the course pre
scribed by law; never tbe arbitrary will of the
Judge." It has long been the eljry and pride
ot our system of law tbat it leaves so little to
tbe will of the Individual who sits as Judge.
Tbat system, centuries since, clearly recog
nized the weakness of human nature, and has
always striven to answer the petition "deliver
us from temptation." No man in this age can
conceive of a case which tbe law leaves abso
lutely to the discretion of the Judge. It may
be that there is no appeal from his decision,
butit does not follow from this tbat there are
no rules to guide him. No suitor is or should
be compelled to go into court submitting to tbe
Judge, and saying I am here to receive what it
may please you to bestow upon me. He goes
there asking as aright that be be given wbat
the law .says belongs to him, and there should
be absolutely no motive or temptation to exert
personal influence. (This, of course, does not.
mean mat ne can aemanu anyining out a lair
hearing, unless that hearing demonstrates his
right to something more,)
Such is human nature tbat if Judges assume
or are given more than a judicial discretion,
corruption and oppression will follow as surely
as effect follows cause. Not necessarily in
every individual instance, but still the rule
No one will of course assert that all guiding
rules were ignored by our License Court; but
was there not enough of assumption by the
Judges of tbe right to do things for the same
reason tbat the Almighty chose the elect "out
of his mere good pleasure" to suggest a
Perhaps this attracts more attention, because
those who have been Interested in and observed
tbe matter have of late years thought tbey ob
served a tendency on the part ot many Judges
to substitute personal will for law, and lay
down what they think the law should be, in
stead of "dlscernlngthe course prescribed by
the law." Many perhaps could look philoso
phically upon some arbitrariness in the License
Court were tbey certain it would go no further.
But the trouble Is, that wbat a court has the
right to do when sitting for one purpose it has
the right to do when sitting tor any other purpose.-
Tbe License Court arbitrarily cutloose from
all precedent In tbe manner of conducting its
investigation?, and here we have perhaps the
most palpable instance of arbitrary discretion.
No man can understand the line of distinction
which enabled tbe Court to determine between
a fit and an unfit party. The Court itself by
refusing rehearings, although it is conceded
that mistakes must have been made, admits
thattha line is so shadowy and indistinct that
it will not attempt to hunt it up again. Tbe
defenders of tbe Court's action claim for it the
right to refuse lew.'tainy or all, I. e., claim
boldly the right to exercise an arbitrary dis
cretion. The Court's action cannot be justified
on tbe ground of necessity. There never was
and there never will be a necessity for a court
acting other than as a court. It is Idle to tell
us tbat others have done tbe same, or worse.
So much tbe more reason for checking the
To say that some judges bave refused all
licenses, and, therefore, Allegheny county
Judges may grant such as they choose is to beg
tbe question. It is simply to reassert the right
to exercise an arbitrary judgment
Logically it Is much easier to see how, in the
exercise of a judicial discretion, no licenses
may be granted than to see how the result in
Allegheny, county was arrived at It may be
that what we contend for may result .In fewer
licenses. So ba li. We are no: fizbtinir for
license, but for a court controlled by dennite I
ruies. xi inose rules result in prumuifiun wo
then knqw where we are; There ia not to-day
anywhere in this land a freer field for tbe exer
cise of tyranny than In oar courts If we permit
the judges to act simply as seems rightin their
own eyes. Human nature cannot resist the
temptation to oppress. Improper uso of such
power Is as sure to come as the morrow. That
which Is begun with tbe purest purpose will
end In tbe grossest wrong.
Let us not, because we are dealing with some-'
thing tbat Is under the ban. Ignore the begin
nings of evlL Whatever it is dealing with a
conrt is a court and should act as such.
Pittsburo, May 8. " S. A. McCltoq.
" Xovr T,hls Is Lnuclmblc.
From the Philadelphia Record.
In picking-out a place tqlle to, this coming
summer, don't forget the particular merits of
breezy Philadelphia a resort between two
I good bte rivers, with tbe tip-topmost park
i, bills aad groves on this oosUnsat
-fllTT YORK H01ES.
. AFasaHoPray Walls Hla So Starves,
nrew tomc Btnauu: swtcuts.1
Nstw;Yobk; May 8. Little Herman Carveli;
10 years old, related In the Tombs Police Court
to-day how be had been maltreated by his fa
ther, William F. H. Carveli, a religious fanatic.
Whilffthe boy told bis Story Mr. Carveli shonl
ed prayer after prayer from tbe prisoners' pen.
and begged the Lord to deliver hlra from bis
enemies and policemen. Mr. Carveli and Her
man started' down tbe bay in a rowboat last
Monday morning. When well from shore Mr.
Carveli stopped rowing and began praying. He
prayed all the afternoon and evening and till 9
o'clockTuesday morning, while little Herman
cried for food.. He eventually landed tbe boy
at tbe Battery, rowed out into the East river
and prayed till sundown. In the evening Mr.
Carveli took Herman, to a Y. M. C. A prayer
meeting. He paralyzed the nice young: men
present by calling them a lot of "blanked black
legs and thieves," and' they bad Mm arrested.
At the station house the boy said tbaf neither
he nor his father had eaten for 48 hours. Car
veli will ba examined as to his -sanity. He is
tbe son of J. S. Carveli, Canadian Member of
Parliament from Prince Edward's Island.
He YIeJded Gracefully.
At 11 o'clock this morning Judge Barrett
handed down his decision that Tbomas F. Gil
roy, ot Tammany Hall, was the rightful Com
missioner pi Publio Works. At 11:15 the whole
Sheriff's office, ex-Congressman Cochran and
other bfg Tammany warriors and a small army
of reporters, heelers and lawyers marched over
to tbe office of D. Lowber Smith, of the Connty
Democracy, who thought he ought to be Com
missioner of Public Works till May 1, 189L
The whole crowd was admitted by Mr. Smith
without challenge. As soon as Mr. Smith read
Judge Barrett's order, he surrendered without
firing a gun. Every one was surprised by this,
because the bolts and bars and Connty De
mocracy militia, wblch Mr. Smith has had
about his offices since the appointment of Mr,
Gilroy, were supposed to mean that Tammany
Hall couldn't have the County Democracy's
last Dig municipal plum without fighting tor it
He Will Fnit 100 Days.
George Francis Train completed the twen
tieth day of his fast this noon. He says he is
just one-fifth done. His pulse Is fall and regu
lar, and altogether he seems to be In fine con
dition. His weight has fallen from 198 pounds
to 171 pounds. He will lecture again next Sun
day night
A Centennial Deficit.
Colonel Crnger, chairman ot the Army Com
mittee of the Centennial celebration, said to
day that the expenses of the committee for the
two parades would be between (120,000 and
1125,000. Tbe receipts from tbe sale ot stands
will not be more than $50,000.
He Denerved HI Sentence.
Daniel Smith, who has long made a practice
of forcing small boys to beg for him, was sent
to tbe penitentiary for four and a half years to
day. He was arrested several weeks ago at tbe
instance of little George Wright's father.
Smith picked up young Wright in the street
and taught him to steal and beg. When the
boy was Unsuccessful Smith burned his neck
and arms'with nitric acid, so that bis wounds
would excite tbe compassion of charitable per
sons. Young Wright will recover his health,
although hojs deformed for life.
Bared by Her Bnalte.
An express tram on the Long Island Hallway,
near Rockvllle Center, struck a buggy contain
ing Edward L. Vermilya and bis wife last
night Mrs. Vermilye was thrown against a
board fence. She struck it bustle first, and did
not receive even a bruise. Mr. Vermilye was
dnmped on tbe.otber side of the fence and bad
his face badly gashed. The bone was killed
instantly and the buggy was smashed to flin
ders, ,
Carmen at tbo Opera House De Lusiaa'a
Farewell Other Attraction.
Tbe Boston Ideals were greeted by a fair
audience last night at the Grand Opera House.
The; opera rendered was "Carmen." The play
famishes few opportunities for the display of
such vocal powers as take a popular audience
by storm. The orchestral parts surpass the
vocal In this respect, and the orchestra made
the most of the fine opportunity furnished by
the opera. It is 'doubtful if anythingpresented
on tbe Pittsburg stage this season has sur
passed tbe mu&Jc given by tbe orchestra at the
Grand last night Mile. De Lussan as cigarette
girl and gypsy maiden was at her best. She
approached very near to that highest art which
conceals art.
The farewell of Zelie De Lussan to America
and the close of the Boston Ideals' season will
be marked Saturday night by the presentation
at the Grand of a grand combination bill, with.
De Lussan as' the principal soprano. Tbe pro-'
gramme as arranged Is as follows: Second act
of Balfe's "Bohemian Girl." including "I
Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls." "Heart
Bowed Down," the quartet and gypsy dance;
second act of Bizet's "Carmen," including tba
ever favorite bull fighter's son?, and tbe second
and third acts of Donizetti's "Daughter of the
Regiment,''' with De Lussan as Marie,
Sbo Spend $85,000 an a Receptacle for
the Abea of Her Husband and Herself,
New York, May 8. Emma Abbott has con
tracted with a Philadelphia firm for a monu
ment to her late husband, Eugene Wethereu,
tbat will cost 535,000. It will be erected at
Gloucester. Mas-, and will be composed of
various species of marble,
Beneath it will be a vault to contain two
bodies. Above is a canopy, supported by four
columns of Gothic style, on the top of wbloh
is a figure of Hope. Tbe wbole is 64 feet high.
When Miss Abbott dies her body will be
cremated and tbe asbes will be placed near the
remains ot her husband.
A farmer, of Chester county was found dead
in a pigpen, tbe other day, with av "pigs in
clover" puzzle in bis band, .
Samttei. Billiard, ot South Bethlehem,
while dancing in front ot a saloon to the mutio
of a German band, recently, fell and broke a
leg. He was evidently dancing the "break
down." A colored family in Mlnersvills were all
made sick the other day by drinking beer from
a bottle tbat bad contained Easter egg dye
stuff. Tbe result is that the people have be
come suspicious of bottles and have taken to
The story is told of a Butler county man who
begged a bundle of straw from a neighbor.
The request was cheerfully granted, but the
ungrateful suppliant bundled up hay Instead
and spread a thin covering of straw about it to
hide bis meanness, but a neighbor detected the
fraud. This is not the case in everyday life.
We usually find our neighbors with a thin
covering of bay to bide the straw.
A oektlexanJ living near Beaver Falls is
said to have the power of curing rheumatism
"by gently blowing upon the patient's face, and
rubbing tbe afflicted parts in silence." Que
blow and rub make a cure, but after each case
he suffers exactly the came pains as be has
treated. He accepts no fees. The people of
that section don't take kindly to this heroic
treatment as they think the cure is worse than
the disease.
Michigan capital has bought 150,000 acres ot
Mississippi timber land, and Is looking all about
for 150,000 more to buy.
iNlSSSthe United States sent abroad 52,-.
000,000 worth of sewing machines and (6,000,000
worth of steam-engines.
Stxtiei hundred of the finest cigars ever
made were sent from Cuba to New York for
Centennial smoking and cost just SSOO.
Repairs to Pennsylvania's fences cost about
55,000,000 each year. In some cases the in
closures are worth more than the land they
protect, t
The largest crane In the world is at the
Chatham (England) dockyard. It lifts 840 tons,
stands 125 feet high and has a radms of 75 feet
8 inches.
Twenty factories, with the aggregate cap
ital ot 51,560,000, have been established in Flor
ence, Ala., a town' ot some 2,509 people, daring;
the seven months just past.
Kangaroo leather has become so Important
an article of commerce that the Australlcws
have set about presetisg tfee animal by fetWd
dlag tbe aJaaghter sf K treta 'fee 1st ot JaMUfy
to the 1st ot May.
A Buler45.yeaxs old, does a little'ser
lee lor a Georgia pkyslclan, who has 'had" hisa
since IS. v - ;
A Chinese theatrical troupe has been
organized at Portland, Ore., to make a tour of
the United States.
In tba gravel on a farm near Van
Buren, O., recently, an Indian skeleton was un
earthed, with a jar and some wampum shells.
A wild turkey was killed in Madison
county, Florida, recently which weighed 65
pounds. One of its drumsticks lasted the fam
ily lor two or three oays.
AToccoa, Ga., paper announces the ar- T
rival of William Bowers, whose name wbl go '
down la history as one of the only two
Georgians who voted tor Abraham Lincoln in
A Georgia paper records the death of
Moses Austin, -colored, of Butts county, age 110
years. Tne most wonderful part of '.the item,
however, is that ha never saw George Wash
ington. -i
" Sumter county, Georgia, had thamest
destructive hail storm it bad ever "Seen last
week. Tbe hall was said to be tbe size of ben's
eggs, and tbe fruit trees, corn and cotton wero
Utterly destroyed. $3$f
J. W. -Griffin, living near Eochelle,
Gahas been bitten twice by rattlesnakes?"' He
says he can cure any snake Dite. - In 1867 he
killed 377 snakes, and th next year 382. -He
expects a bigger record this year. -" '
Ban Antonio, Tex., people suffered '
Short-lived water famine last week, owing to V
break in tbe machinery at the pumping station
Water was sold along the streets at 5 cent per'
bucket, but, as It was drawn from a stream into
which several sewers empty, there was little)
demand, for it.
In a Tarrytown sanitarium is a petrified
prehistoric lizard, 11 feet and 1 inch long. It
Inches broad at the shoulders and 9 inches at
the bead, and weighing 300 pounds. Its color
is gray and its substance sandstone. Tbe speci
men, wblch Is almost perfect, was exhumed on
the shore of Cbarlestown Lake, five miles from
Farmersvnie, Province of Ontario, In July last.
John B. Huard, of Fall Biver, Mass.,
on going to bis hencoop, which is situated
under his barn, espied a rat turned on lt3 back,
balancing an egg, while another was engaged
in pulling tbe rat by the tail along toward a
hole in tbe wall. Mr. Huard obtained a gun
and fired a cbarze of scatter-shot killiasrboth
animals, Ona weighed a pound and a halt and
tbe other two pounds.
Two dogs, a Newfoundland belonging
to John Halland, and arfox hound owned by a
man named Mason, fought at the shore ot
Highland Lake, near Winsted, Conn., tbe other
afternoon. The' fight ended by the big New
foundland dragging the bound into tbe lako
and -holding his head under water until he was
dead. The fox hound was worth (50, and
Mason will sue tbe owner of tba Newfound
land dog; which was tbe aggressor, tor tho
value ot the drowned bound.
An unusually large number of vipers
infest the neighborhood ot Wardnell Wood,
Newlcgton, England, nearthere, where several
of these dangerous reptiles have been killed
during tbe past few days. No less than ten
vipers. Including one or two snakes the less
dangerous specimen of its species nave been
killed, and the cottagers who live in the neigh-'
borbood eagerly seek after tbe vipers when, "
dead, from which tbey extract oil, which they
declare- to be a ante antidote to ablte from a
Sug and Raspberry Williamson, while
plougbing one afternoon lately near Abbey
ville, Ga., came across an adder about 12 Inches
long. Tns circumference ot the snake some-. .
where near the middle of its body being out of. '
proportion, tbe boys decided to make an exam
ination. They gave the snake a gentle tap on.
tbe bead, and a large toad was vomited from its
hot airless resting place. To all appearances
the toad was dead, and was pitched into a
fence corner. About sundown, nowever, when
tbe two young men were preparing to go home,
they looked to see what had become of their
unfortunate victim. To their surprise the frog
was batting its eyes and getting ready tor its
nightly hop, as it anxious to swallow some
thing itself. :
The returns for accidents on the rail- '
ways of the United Kingdom, during the year
1888 are interesting. Eleven passengers rere
killed and 694 Injured, as against 2$ passetbers
killed and 638 injured In 18S7. There we''
injuries from other causes than those d
'collisions and mechanical defects. Ofser
ot the companies there were 3SV death:
2,100 injuries. Fifty-three persons perish. s,
erade crossines. Tha total Is nearly 1000 kA?
and 8.000 injured In connection one w ,-T
another with the railway system. Tfceror wefeV
35 collisions between passenger trains and ML
between naraenzer and freieht trains. There'.
were 288 failure of axle, tha greater part be-i
longing to engines, in lora tne rail way aeatns
were 1 in I8,v,uw passengers carried, ittsu
now i in u,uw,uuu.
The Farriers' Company in order to proj
mote progress in tneir art, nave arrangea vnta ;
the Royal Agricultural Society to hold a borse-j
shoeing compctltionat tha forthcoming show
at Windsor. The works ot old writers on the
subject ot horseshoeing afford interesting
study. Xenophon never mentions horseshoes. '&'
He recommended only a stone flooring in them
stables to harden tbe hoofs, as did also Virgil. 72
Perhaps tha first mention of an iron horsesboa f.
occurs in connection with Childrich, who livedo,
A D. 481, and from a drawing of that shoe it 1st -3 -apparent
that It did not differ materially from A
the shoe of the present day. In tbe middle ot '
the last century La Fosse, farrier to the Kirig'if
ot France, advocated a half-moon shoe, or, tip, .
in order to bring tbe trog on the ground, a the -ory
which has its advocates to-day.
The great tun designed to hold cham
pagne In tha Paris .Exposition and now being
dragged along tha roads toward its destination
by 12 yokes of oxen recalls tba history ot tbe
tun ot Heidelberg. The first was begun in 1343;
and was made to contain 21 pipes. Another, bej
un in 12S9 and, finished in three years, bad a
iameterof 18 feet and held 128 English hogs
beads. A third was made to hold 600 hogs
heads. In 1664, and was destroyed by the French
tour years later. Tba ona wblch at present Is
mouldering away and, according to Longfellow,
ia "next to tha Alhambra one ot tba most mag
nificent ruins of the Middle Ages," was begun
in 1751. and was capable of holding 283,000 bot
tles. For nearly 20 years It was kept steadily
replenished. At every vintage the grape grow
ers used to meet and dance on its top. It was
24 feet high and 88 feet In its longest diameter.
Tba biggest vats, however, have never figured
in history. In one English brewery there Is a
cask said to be capable of holding twice as
much as the tun ol Heidelberg. It is 38 feet la
diameter and 40 feet high.
" '
Fly-paper A kite.
French as she is printed in American
newspapers Is full of unmarked graves.
When an Indian dies bis relatives pay his
debts. And yet some people thlnt Indians can be -civilized.
Sidney Wollett can repeat 300,000 vines
of poetry, and bis friends are gradually dropping
away from blm. " -T-'.-
What He Lacked. Cbolmondelej (sigWkf
lug) I wish I were a rumor. - - o jSe
"Wherefore?" asked Reginald.' . ' SefS
That I might gain currency." responded tb
wretch. ' Kt'jfes '
"What's the matter, little boy?'v ", -JiS&k
That feller hit me." ?JWi'
Well, I wouldn't cry If I were you.M .,? J- -''Course
you wouldn't 'cause you're jthj
enough to lick him." 'U
A Good Beaton. Mamma Ho ward, "are
you going to take part In the .tree-planting at
school on Arbor Day?
Boward (emphatlcally)-No, I hain't; there's
'null switches growln' round our school now,
"I'm awfully sorry, don't you know, that '
these Knickerbockers are not more the fashion.
Gives a feller an opportunity of showing' a -calf."
. .
"Oh, your conversation does that I" 't
JTecessarr Precaution. Mrs. Basse (ta-
ber mald)-How Is the weather to-day, ilarie? Jtr"
Maid fresh and windy. Madam. , j?,
Mrs. Passe Very well: you will please pot a, i-i
healthy flush on my cheeks this morning: lam'
going out. ,2
An -Unpardonable Error. Father IK?
Sand. Hid rrnrrr. !! m h discharged you fofi
swindling him. This U a terrfble disgrace to the',!
Son-1 couldn't help li father. He gave ma
some lead toput under the scales, and I made a
mistake and put it on the wrong siae.
A Long Ceremony. "Better not wait fori
Charlie any longer. You know what It Is when aj
fellow lliill!nnnfef fflrl."
Ah, there they arenowl He Is just hlddingj
her roaAntrht '
"Allrlghtrletusgo and have a game of btUJ
lards. We'll luitbare time." tsi
Business Changes. "A year agoljaflHol
said, 'Isold out my drug business and wentUojj
Wall street, and la less man a wceajg.iimajii'
doubled my capital. That's maklngmoney,fas
eh?" , -.JHF
"Yes, Indeed. Yon most be very rich nowt" '
"Well, no; not very. At tha expiration, of JUie
seeeaa wee JU len aii subh, aao. mm now cuts
itfceaal14 0iw."