Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Hr.HemingPays Judge "White
a Manly Tribute,
He Claims His Honor Was Deceived
by Designing Persons,
Certified Checks for $25,000 in Fees for the
Judge's Son X. 0.,
Joseph B. Fleming, the -wholesale drug
gist, and Henry Metzger started for Europe
last evening to stay six months or more.
Before leaving Mr. Fleming consented to
make a statement abont the License Conn
and attempt to explain why he was refused
& license. Said he to a reporter:
"I am disgusted and discouraged, and am
going to Europe to see if I can't recover my
fronted cheerfulness. I have refused all
along to be interviewed for fear I might say
something that would prejudice my case;
but sow that it is certain no rehearings will
be granted, I wish to make a few statements
about my position, by way of comment.
"It makes me ieel very badly to have a
legitimate business, that cost me 9100,000 in
advertising to establish, knocked out at a
tingle blow without any reason; but when I
see that same trade in the First -ward turned
over 10 two
men who never spent a dollar in advertis
ing, I can't help but ieel that I have not
been accorded justice. I was born in the
First ward, GO years ago, and have always
borne a good reputation; yet foreigners can
come in and reap the benefit of my trade by
law. X regard this feature of the trans
action as an outrage, and it is the one thing
above all others that disgusts mo and fills
me with a desire to get out of the country
for awhile. When foreigners arc favored
-at the expense of native-born citizens,
surely something is wrong with the ma
chinery of government
"I want to put Judge "White nigh before
the community. I have nothing against
him, for I believe he did his work con
scientiously, though he is inconsistent in
some particulars. The man who questions
his probity doesn't know him. Judge
White is incorruptible; in fact I never saw
a man who is as careful of his honor; but he
has permitted himself to be imposed upon
by politicians and other designing persons.
"Iiet me give you this incident to illus
trate the honesty of the Judge: His son
John has been my attorney for a long time,
and, with at least 20 other reputable men, I
put my application for license in his hands.
J. was willing to pay him $1,000 to secure it
for me, and I saw certified checks that he
was to receive if he could carry the applica
tions to a successful issue. Now, John
White is a poor man, and if his list had
been granted he was sure of $25,000 in fees.
-Jpi addition, no possible objection could be
ljsed. to Jhe men -on his list, and yet not
one of them was granted a license. The re
sult is the son of the Judge didn't get a
cent, while the rest of the legal gang roped
in the plums. It never occurred to me be
fore, but I am almost led to believe that the
Jndge refused me a license so that it could
sot be said by anvone that he favored his
own son's clients.
"In this connection I wish to cay that the
Jndge is reported in some of the interviews
as saying that I often called at his home. If
this is reported correctly, he is mistaken.
We live near each other as neighbors; bnt I
.sever called on him, for fear he might think
I was 'working him.' I should often have
been glad to have called on him, but I kept
away for this reason.
"Jt is strange, indeed, that two men who
save 'done time' should be granted licenses,
while such reputable men as Tom Sheridan,
of the Both House, Tom Delaney and others,
in the Diamond, were refused. I am told
that a well-known city official is a partner of
one of these fellows, and this doubtless ex
plains his success. In fact, I could tell'some
stories I have heard about how licenses were
Bccured that would raise the hair. How much
truth there is in these stories I do not know.
"It is current talk that certain people
receive percentages from some saloons. As
proof of this it is cited to me that since
these saloons got licenses a new set of bar
keepers, in the interest of the outsiders,
were put in. But Judge White, under
stand, has nothing to do Vith this. He was
imposed on, and if the Judge had had any
idea what was going on the names of these
saloon keepers would have been Dennis.
Of course, what I have said latterly is the
talk I hear from other people.
'Judge White declared that he would
grant no more licenses; but here is Fallon
in the First ward, who I understand was
sot in the business before. He was de
feated for Council. Dunne the canvass
saloon keepers who opposed him were
warned, and I notice they have lost their
licenses. But the defeated Councilman got
there just the same.
"One of the points made against me byB.
C Christv was that I advertised extensively;
hut there is a wholesaler on Federal
street, Allegheny, who did the
same thing, is granted a license.
I never knew it was a crime to advertise be
fore, and it is surprising to me that the
newspapers would allow such a blow at
their business to pass unnoticed. It is these
facts and inconsistencies that discourage
toe. I have always conducted a legitimate
business, and complied with the law. I
built up a trade at great expense, and it is
handed over two Germans and an Italian.
"In conclusion I want to say how I got
into the liquor business. Twelve years ago
people were making plenty of money, spec
ulating in liquor. It was all the rage, and
finally I was induced to invest in a lot. I
soon discovered thai I could not realize the
cost price on it, and I kept it for three
"Still the prices did not improve, and I
was forced to ship it to Europe to avoid the
Government tax, which was fast consuming
any profits there might be in it. At last I
concluded to sell it in bottles, and, finding
there was money in the plan, I continued
it I imported the finest liquors from
Europe and brought from California the
best wine. I sold both among the best peo
ple of the two cities, and in every instance
they got a superior article. I prided myself
on keeping the best, and guaranteed it
When a man bought from me he could bank
on what I claimed ior the liquor. But
along comes Judge White, and verily, my
business here is discontinued; but lor a year
only, I hope."
Three Attempts to Overthrow Jndge Wake's
Decisions WlITBerebeSometblDcDefl
nite To. dart Pointers.
Jndge White did not appear in court
yesterday. He remained all day in his Se-
wickley residence. This was adisappoint-
taient to Jotiah Cohen and Scott Ferguson,
the attorneys for the .wholesale liquor' Jeal
ders, who were on hand in the Court
House to see what formal disposition His
Honor would make of the applications they
filed for rehearings in license 'eases. If
Judge White is not on the bench to-day,
Mr. Cohen says they will formally apply to
Judge Magee for action on the applications.
Morton Hunter. Esq.. yesterday anDlied
to Judge Stowe for a mandamus on County
Treasurer Hill to compel him to issue
wholesale licenses to a number of his clients.
In his petitions Mr. Hunter recites the
formal demand made on the Treasurer, with
the presentation of the bonds and the tender
of the money, etc., and the refusal of Treas
urer Hill to comply. He holds that the
wholesale act of 1872 is still in force and
was not repealed by the Brooks law, and
under it the Treasurer should issue the
licenses. The dealers for whom the pro
ceedings are brought are J. C. Boffom &
Co., Kobert Dunwoody. H. L. Berger.Will-
,iam F. Kaiser. Georce Gotthart, John Z.T.
Bobitzer, John Stewart John Thier, Ii. C.
Dittler, John Wilson, Peter Lohnes and T.
J. Blackmore. In the case of H. L. Berger
a mandamus was also asked for on Clerk of
Courts HcGunhegle to compel him to regis
ter the bonds when tendered.
Judge Stowe granted a rule on Treasurer
Hill and Clerk of Courts McGunneple for
them to show cause why the mandamus
should not be granted. May 18 was fixed
for hearing the case. Whatever decision is
then made will be carried to the Supreme
Messrs. Bobb and Fitzsimmons, attorneys
for the bottlers, returned from Philadelphia
yesterday. They believe they willreceive a
reversal of Judge White's decisions.
The attorneys saw Chief Justice Paxson
and Justices Sterrettand Clark in chambers,
and asked leave to present their cases at
once to tne court now in session in jnnaoei
phia. Judge Paxson was at first inclined
not to grant a hearing, because of lack of
time, but when the case was presented with
the questions to be raised in it, he concluded
to allow the case to be presented to the conrt
at once in the form of a paper book, the
court agreeing to decide the matter as speed
ily as possible and render an opinion on
June 1 at Harrisburg. The attorneys ask
the court to decide that under the various
acts creatine and regulating the businessof
-bottling beer, porter, ale and domestic wines
tne court can exercise no discretion in grant
ing or refusing to grant a license further
than to discover whether the applicant "is a
citizen of the United States and of Pennsyl
vania, and has complied with the require
ments of the act of May 24, 1887, and the
rules of court adopted to enforce the same.
Tito first Guns Heard in Temperance.
Meetings Afcnlnst Sblrns.
Last sight there was a well attended
meeting in the West End M. E. Church,
under the auspices of the W. C. T. XT. in
that section of the city. Mrs. L. S. Jack,
President of the union, occupied the chair.
Speeches were delivered by Bev. H. C.
Beacom, T. P. Hershberger, L. S. Jack and
W. B. Siegler. Some of the speakers de
nounced the attempt to investigate Judge
White, and the following resolutions were
adopted by a unanimous vote:
Whereas, The reputation of Hon. J. "W. F.
White has been wantonly assailed in a resolu
tion prepared with a view of bis impeachment,
and giTen to the public through the press,
Resolved, That we hereby express our confi
dence in the private and official integrity of
Judge White, and we accept his decisions in tho
License Court as the decisions of a conscien
tious and fearless administrator of the law.
Resolved, Tbat we believe the inspiration of
this movement to be the saloon, in its despera
tion, seeking to intimidate the judiciary into
compliance with its demands.
, Resolved, That w e deplore the fact that there
could be found a member of the Lecislature of
this State willing to lend his came, influence
and position to .such disgraceful proceedings.
A machine That WIU,AbolIsh tho TJnintelll-sible-Volccd
Some three or fonr months ago an item in
The Dispatch, complaining of the unin
telligible manner in which brakemen on
passenger trains called out the names of
stations, induced Mr. George W. McKen
zie, of Beaver county, to invent something
that would let passengers know when they
neared the different stations without trying
to solve the fog-horn-rteam-escape-pipe notes
of the brakeman's voice.
The gentleman has patented a machine,
operated on the same plan as the "card ad
vertisement clocks." When a train leaves
a station a card in one end of the car will
display the name of the next station where
the train will stop.
The cards will be worked either by the
engineer, irom his air pipes, or by hand.
An electric bell will call the attention of
the passengers to the cards.
The Weslinghonse People Explain
Origin of the Electric Story.
Several- officials of the Westinghouse
Electric Company, who were asked as to the
truth or falsity of the report, that the State
of New York had bought three of their
dynamos to be used for the purpose of -executing
criminals by means of the alternating
current, positively denied it. Mr. A. T.
Bowand, Secretary, said:
"The story was circulated by a rival con
cern in New York, who are endeavoring to
throw a cloud over our enterprise, which has
proved to be the most popular in the United
States. We have done more business in the
two years since our company has been
started than the Edison ever did within five
years, and they are now trying to create a
public opinion in their favor."
Ad Ex-Allegheny Snloon Keeper's Stranee
Conduct Yesterday.
Louis Hespel, of No. 32 Third alley, Alle-J
gheny, was arrested yesterday by Officer
Alexander for reckless shooting. He had
taken a revolver from the bureau drawer
and fired three shots into the floor.
His family were badly frightened, and
his wife held him until the arrival of the of
ficer. Hespel is an ex-saloon keeper, and
has been despondent for several days be
cause he was refused a license It is not
known whether he contemplated suicide or
merely wanted to frighten his family.
Crowe. While on Trial, Is Arrested, Charged
With Embezzlement.
B. F. Crowe, of Allegheny, was arrested
on two charges of embezzlement as he left
the Court House. He was on trial for
forgery, and was out on bail.
Mary Paturvan, of Green Tree Borough,
alleges that Crowe collected $110 in rents
for her that he never paid over. D. B.
Dothett, agent for the estate of Kobert
Cown, of Butler county, also accuses him of
collecting $48 in rent and failing to hand ii
Tnesdnv Nlgbt'a Sewickley Meeting.
By some unaccountable Inadvertence on
the part of the reporter, some mention of the
pointed and interesting remarks of Dr. John
Douglass at the meeting to indorse Judge
White, held at Sewickley Tuesday evening,
were omitted from the report in yesterday's
issue. The list of vice presidents also given
in The Dispatch was incomplete, follow
ing being the full nnmber:
Dr. R. J. McCready, William Miller, John
McfcJwain, Samuel McCleary, William barker.
Rev.lW. O. Campbell, D. JX. Thomas Hare.
Bev. James Allison, John Ward, D. C. Herbst,
Andrew Burns, Jacob Brobyer, N. J. Wilson,
Alex. Moore, Captain George W. Cochran,
John Richardson, R. J. Fretwell. R. M. Erwin,
Rev, A M. Campbell, Bev. Charles L. Colgne,
Bev. J. M. Scott. Bev. R. A. Benton, Bruce
Tracy, Bev. Robert Hopkins, George H.
Cbnstr, William F. Shannon, Dr. J. B. Chant
ler. Dr. R. J. Murray, Dr. George Woods, John
Reibert, M. Scott Jones, T. E. Wakeham, Prof.
J. F. Carney and Dr. Bracken.
Beech am's Fills cure bilious and nervous Ills
Peaks' Soap becures a beautiful complexion
fJ"; XWsf
-- THE
A Rumor That the-Grand Property
May Pass Into the Mercy Order.
She is the Daughter of Banker Drexel, of
The announcement that another heiress
had entered the Order of the Sisters of Mercy
in this city started a rumor yesterday to the
effect that it was probable the Order wonld
make an offer to theTJrsnline Sisters for the
purchase of their magnificent convent build
ings in Oakland, which were to have been
offered for sale some time ago. The build
ings and grounds, which came within an ace
of being put under the hammer, are valued
at anywhere from $250,000 up, and it was
stated that the tTrsuline Sisters were not re
luctant to sell.
No positive information could be obtained
about the matter last evening. X reporter
called upon Mother Sebastian, the head of
the Mercy Order; hut that lady would not
be seen. .
The heiress spoken of is Miss Catherine
Drexel, daughter of the late F. A. Drexel,
the well-known banker of Philadelphia.
She arrived in this city Sunday, not yester
day, and was immediately driven to the
mother house of the order on Webster ave
nue. At the convent her wealth is esti
mated at $2,000,000, not $6,000,000, as has
been stated, while the Philadelphia papers
say it is $3,600,000. The nuns at the con
vent will not say anything abont the novice,
beyond the fact that she is there.
''It is, of course, impossible to see Miss
Drexel. She is a full cousin of Sisters An
tonio and Hilda, of the same order, who
were also left fortunes at the death of their
father, Dr. Gallagher, of Philadelphia. Sis
ter Antonio is at St. Xavier's and Sister
Hilda is now inliawrenceville. The former
is a well-known Catholic writer and poetess.
She is a regular contributor to all the lead
ing Catholic magazines and papers, and has
written the book, "Flowers by the Way
side," by "Mercedes." These three for
tunes,' with that of Sister Inez, -who is the
Mistress of the Novices of the Order, and
was a Miss Casey, of Erie, will make the
Mercy Order the richest religions communi
ty in this country.
Miss Drexel is" quite young, and very
pretty. Since she came into possession of
her fortune, she has been contributing $100,-
000 annually to the Catholic Indian Mis
sions. This money has been given through
Bishop O'Conner, of Omaha, who was the
religious counselor of the family. Bishop
O'Conner was stationed at St. Paul's Cathe
dral here some years ago, and while in this
city was the chaplain at the convent on
Webster avenue. At the death of his
brother, the Bt. Bev. Bishop Michael
O'Conner, Father O'Conner removed to
Philadelphia, where he was stationed at
Holmesbnrg, to which church the Drexel
family belonged. He
with them, as their pastor, and, when ele
vated to a bishopric, he continued to act as
the family advisor. The girls were devout
Catholics and attended mass regularly.
When their father died he left $1,200,000 to
Catholic charities, and the remainder of his
fortune went to his three daughters. As
they lived quietly and without any display
of wealth, they concluded tbat they could
continue tne charitable worK their rather
had started. They began to give liberally
to the church, and every new enterprise re
ceived their support. Among the many
great things they have done was the erec
tion of the Industrial Home for Boys at
Eddington, Bucks county.
Some time ago a rumor was circulated by
the Eastern papers to the effect that Cathe
rine Drexel was considering the matter of
becoming a recluse in a convent. She did
not deny this at the time, .bnt, on account
of her retiring disposition, she shrank from
Since then Bishop O'Conner has had a
number of talks with her, and as a result
she announced to her family, abont a week
ago, that she had made up her mind to be
come a novice in the Mercy Order, just as
soon as the family sailed for EuroDe, which
was supposed to be about the 7th inst. The
family did sail from New York yesterday,
bnt before they had left Philadelphia the
yonnger sister was in Pittsburg. She
for six months. If, at the end of that time,
she is considered to have the necessary qual-
lncauon ior me lUB&jng in a eoou mcmDer
of the order, and is still determined to be
come a nun, she will be given the white
veil. At the end of two years she will be
voted upon. If there is no objection, and
Bhe still wants to become a Sister of Mercy,
she will be received and given the black
veil. After the ceremonies of the profession
are over, she will be a regular member of
the community. ,
It was only a few months ago that .her
youngest sister was married to Mr. E.De
Murrell. The wedding was the great event
of Philadelphia society circles, and was at
tended by Bishop O'Conner and a number
of the prominent Catholic clergy. Mrs.
Murrell, her husband, her sister Lizzie and
her uncle, A. J. Drexel, sailed for Europe
Bishop O'Conner was in the city about
two weeks ago, and at that time he made
the arrangements for Miss Drexel's recep
tion into tne .mercy uruer.
As the money left to Miss Drexel will
have to be turned over to the order, maDy
are the conjectures as to what will be done
with it. In addition to the probable pur
chase of the TTrsuline property, part of the
money may be used to pay off the debt in
curred by tho building of the Industrial
Home for Working Girls, connected with
the convent in this city. An addition is
also being built to the house at St Xavier's.
Almost every holy day in the year new
novices are taken in this order.
The Collection! for X Catholic missions
Amount to Over $2,500.
Bt Bev. Stephen Wall, rector of St.
Paul's Cathedral, has reported to the Bishop
of this diocese that the collections for the
negro and Indian missions, which were
taken up in all the churches of the diocese
about a month ago, amount "to (2,660 21.
St. Paul's Cathedral contributed ?110; St.
Patrick's Church. $87: St. Michael's. S78:
St. Mary's. $76; Holy Cross, $75; Sacred
Heart, $60; St. Peter's, $52; St Augustine's,
$50; St. Philomena's, $50; St John the
Baptist, $46; St Bridget's, $13 50; St.
James', $38 60; St Peter's Pro-Cathedral,
Mr. WUherow In a Company to Mine Coal
Near the Galf of California.
JP. Witherow went East las't evening.
He stated that recently he had joined a
cbmpany with W. 8. Scott, of Erie, and
some New York capitalists to mine a field
of anthracite coal, 600 miles square, neat
the Gnlf of California, thathey purchased
from a Butch colony.
Mr. Witherow said it was their intention
as soon as the details of the organization
are completed, to build a railroad 80 miles
long, and to sell the coal along the Pacific
coast The veins are eight feet thick and
,very productive.
- lSe!" TTna
"v .T""S&-'-.-5,--' -- - 'r iI iVr-'iae!ST"
kotes amotions.
Hoar Matter of Mack and XJule Moment
Tersely Treated.
A cheap summer trip on a banana peel.
The wind probably first blew through Sam
son's whiskers.
Gxoboe Fbaitk; aged 12, is missing from his
home in Allegheny.
Kate Field wants to abolish treating. She
prefers to go it alone.
The Board of Awards met yesterday and re
ferred numerous bids.
Feed Gbakt Is a chip off tho old block, for
lie makes an exquisite bought
Saloon licenses in Omaha aro so high that
the drinkers can't come down.
Now they say Potter's nose Is sunburned.
Well, why shouldn't it be scarlet.
It is intimated the President has no use for
Dudley. "Every dog has, his day."
H. H. Picking, Traveling Passenger Agent
of the B. fe O. at Somerset, is in the city.
J.H. Moore will addfess an amendment
meeting oil Dnquesno Heights this evening.
It is no wonder so many of the boys are taken
home in cabs after eating a swell dinner a-la-carte.
John Bebo, a business man of Jeannette,
was arrested on a charge of false pretense yes
terday. That French official who fired at Carnot
probably knew it was loaded. Camot was un
harmed. A chip broke on the Citizens' line yesterday,
and threw Gripman George through the
Jebome Bonaparte's cook has gone from
Washington to New York. This is a bitter
pill for New York.
THE'Dnke of Edinburgh is suffering from
dyspepsia, and his enemies aro inquiring where
his "close" nobs got It.
It will be simply appalling when tho warm
weather begins to get its work in on the Carter
divorce case In Chicago.
The Crosstown Street Railway ordinance
will be considered at the meeting of the Alle
gheny Councils this evening.
Brakeman James McKelvey had his
right hand crushed, coupling cars on the Fan
handle, near Sheridan statiqp.
There is a grand washerwoman's competi
tion now going on in France. Here is a splen
did chance for political dirty linen.
The man who died in the Homeopathic Hos
pital from alcoholism was recognized by his
wife as Charles Stewart Haley, a laborer.
Mabtlaxd's Prohibition Convention re
solved that cider was worse than either whisky
or brandy. It Is. It is, indeed, far worse.
Senator Inoalls and family passed
through the city yesterday bound for home.
thinks Harrison is just a littletut slow.
Bev. B.W. Christiah; tho colored preacher
of the Madison Baptist Church, is against pro
hibition and will speak here to-morrow night.
Miss Oklahoma Daisy refused to allow a
committee to lynch the man who shot her in
the arm. Her deadly Intention, was to marry
Little 7-year-old Charlie Bnowden showed
great nerve in leaping from a 20-foot trestle, in
Allegheny, to escape a freight train. He broke
a leg.
President Fordyce, of the St Louis and
Texas road, and Jeff. Chandler, of St Louis,
passed through the city last evening bound for
New York.
George Waonee and William Wagner,
two brothers, had some trouble over a board
bill, and George now sues William for assault
and battery.
The V. O. T. IT. No. 2 met and resolved that
Judge White had been mahened and that his
course deserved the unqualified thanks of all
good citizens.
That Italian ice cream seller who struck a
customer while he was eating probably only
anticipated the customer. Justice Gripp will
test the case.
Genebai, Lew Wallace says he is in
tensely fond of 'horse racing and baseball when
conducted honestly. Wonder how he amutes
himself these days?
FiREMAN.CnARLES Whittakeb snatched
a little clrl frcm the track just in time to save
her from being struck by the TJniontown ex
press at Blssell yesterday.
Sarah Serxhabst complains that she
hardly earns enough to get a bile of bread
between her teeth. As she takes tho cake for
thinness she ought to eat that
Agent. O'Brien investigated 15 cases of
cruelty last month, and 60 children were legally
provided ttit Nine cases of Cruelty to animals
were mresngatea wiin no result.
Patrick Carr, a blacksmith employed at
James Arthur's shop on Virgin alley, Alleghe
ny, was kicked on the head by a horse yester
day and badly injured. He lives on Howard
Bishop Potter says Harrison hasn't given
a moment to statesmanship. The Bishop is
not a politician, or he would, know only the
party that is out has Uarirto devote to states
manship. ,
Thet were doing some blasting in the cellar
of Harry Wainwrigbt's house on Butler street
yesterday, when there was a premature explo
sion. The house was shaken and some win-,
dows broken.
Commissioner Tanner Is impetuous and
grossly generous, but he recognizes one broad
and saddening truth; the ex-soldicr is prollflo
just now, but alas, in a few years he will be a
memory, not an issue.
The Moorhead W. C. T. IT. No. 2 will bold
an open-air meeting at the top of tho incline,
Dnquesno Heights, to-night It will be ad
dressed by J. Howard Moore, the silver
tongued orator of Kansas.
Thet were out in tho garden, Maud, and ho
whispered in choked accents: "Tell me, tell
me, dearest where I stand!" "You are stand
ing," said she, with soulful soulfnllness, "upon
papa's onion bed," and he turned radish.
The bazaar which was to have been held Fri
day evening next under the auspices of the
King's Children Mission, in the McClure Ave
nue Fresbyterlan Church, Allegheny, has been
postponed. The illness of Bev. Mr. Butchard,
pastor of tho church, is the cause.
Secbetabt op "War Peoctob instructed
an army officer to take a commanding position
during the Centennial march and figure out
how long it would take to mass American
troops to answer the bugle call. Tho army offi
cer is still figuring, and it is feared he struck
Battery B at a lunch counter.
A meeting of representatives of the various
councils of AmericanMechanics in the two cities
will be held in the Moorhead building this even
ing, to make arrangements for the State parade
at Harrisburg on July 18, Harry Stitcs, of Har
risburg, has been elected Chief Marshal, and (3.
P. Lang, of Allegheny City, Chief of Staff.
The Moorhead School Board, Eleventh ward,
has elected Miss Maria C. Bauersmith
teacher of writing and drawing, to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of Miss Anna
W. Bauersmith, her sister, who is'to be married
in Jnne. The board adopted a resolution ex
pressing its appreciation of the services of the
retiring teacher.
About 100 members of Vino Cliff Council,
No. 107, Jr. O. XT. AM., had a supper at De
lany's Hotel Tuesday night, as the result of a
contest between the members to see who could
have initiated the largest number of new mem
bers m six months. The council was divided
and the losing side paid for the supper.
Speeches were made by Scott Dibert, Br.
Langfltt Dr. Irwin, Captain DeWald and J, F.
'TWAS a man from Philadelphia,
And he said that be could not
Get a single bloomin' copper
To show the way to the depot
Then a careful jude from Boston,
Got a blast from down below, '
When he asked that same policeman
To show the way to the depot
But there came a man from Pittsburg,
And the cop said 'twas a go.
When he asked him very kindly
To show the way to the depot
The Stonemasons' Strike.
The stonemasons' union No. 9 held a
meeting in Hibernian Hall yesterday
which was attended by abont 600 striking
masons. Several communications were re
ceived from non-union contractors who
agreed to pay the price demanded, 40 cents
an honr. It was decided to allow all who
desired to accept the terms, and fully 200
men will be at work to-day. They will each
contribute 50 cents per day toward the sup
port of the strikers.
The New General Manager.
Malcolm A. McDonald, the new General
Manager of the Pittsburg and' Western
Bailroad, whose election to that position
was mentioned the other day, will arrive
here this week and take charge of the road.
His salary will be $12,000 a year. Mr.Ic
Donald is a son of Senator McDonald, oh
Indiana, and is general agent of the Cairo
ana v mcennea railroad.
?r . -PV.5 -Jii
- c THURSDAY, MAX &,':
Is It True This Solidified Form of
Milk Finds Few Takers
Very Interesting Suggestion as to Cheese
Prohibition, if bo.
It is said the knocking out of saloons in
this county has diminished the sale of cheese
25 per cent Certain articles of food and
drink seem to be associated. An English
man would not thank you for cold roast
beef unless he could have mustard to put on
it and most people want mustard with a
ham sandwich. With many, perhaps most
people, breakfast wonld be incomplete
without coffee, and with most, coffee is not
complete withont cream, and with others
without sugar; some do not consider the
beverage finished unless complemented by
sugar and cream both, and others still add
rum or brandy.
Apple sauce goes with goose, cranberry
sauce with turkey, waffles and mashed po
tatoes with chicken, etc. The experience of
food caterers among civilization seems to
group certain kinds of food and drink to
gether, either on gustatory or sanitary prin
ciples, of which "hale" and cakes, beer and
pretzels, etc., are also examples, and certain
wines are designated for table use; and,
it would not be in good form to use any
others at meals, no matter whether the ap
petite craved them or not These sticklers
probably attach the same weight to fashion
in this' instance that they do to the convey
ance of food to the mouth with the uroner
instruments. Of course the shoveling of
food into the mouth by means of a knife
blade is objectionable on the grounds of de
cency, where no butter knives are put on
the butter plates, or where the butter is not
distributed to each guest; but the offense of
drinking coffee, chocolate or tea from a
saucer, it would seem, might be put on the
catalogue of social sins as a pardonable one.
What is the connection between cheese
and stimnlants, vinous or spirituous? If it
be demonstrated that they go together, what
is the corollary? Do spirits create a taste
for cheese, or does cheese create a thirst for
spirits? There may be more in these ques
tions than is appreciable by superficial ob
servers. If the cunsnmntion of spirits as
beverages be an unmixed evil, and if it
should be shown that indnlgence in cheese
creates a craving for whisky, might it not
be well to abolish the manufacture of
It is admitted by sound constitutional law
yers that, if a majority in a State consider
the manufacture of anything an evil, that
majority may suppress it, without regard to
vested rights, vested tastes and all historical
notions. Some extreme temperance people
regard the cultivation of rye, or other grain
good for distilling purposes, apples, hops,
etc., an evil; but, if the use oi cheese is
calculated to develop an appetite
for stimulants, its manufacture should
surely be prohibited, as the list
of JJirticles from which alcohol
can be gotten is so great, that no hope can
be entertained that the source of supply can
be cut off. It can even be gotten cheaply
out of sawdust, and, were ail fruits and
grains destroyed, there is fear that the
world's forest would soon be denuded, and
when such wasthe case what would there be
to prevent a thirsty world from tearing up
even railway ties to get a supply .of eye
opener? The possibilities one shudders to contem-
why not shut down cheese factories, until
scientists shall determine the status?
CongTOivnan Dorsey. Says Soma
Missions Will Soon be Filled.
Congressman Dorsey, o Nebraska, was
on the limited last night, fleeing from
"President Harrison'told me yesterday,'
he said, "that by allowing Democrats to
hold their places until their commissions
had run- out, he intended to establish a
precedent for other Presidents to follow; but
I think the next man. who goes in will make
the officers walk the plank. I had a long
interview with Wanamaker before I left. I
submitted to him a list of Democratic of
fice holders that I wanted turned out.
"I understand some important offices will
be filled in a few days, among them the
German mission and some big consulships.
It is practically settled there will be an
extra session of Congress in October."
Ho Gives His Statement of the Trouble
With Mr. Holland.
Mr. Malone yesterday explained his side
of the trouble with Holland.
He said: "I did not discharge Holland,
but according to the contract between Hol
land and Treasury Department, Holland is
to have 80 cents per yard for hauling stone
from the depot to the building. He was to
get the unloading and loading done the
best be could. Since then I have fonnd out
that the Government has been paying 80
cents for the loading and unloading, which
means that the Government is paying
double the amount they should have done
according to contract"
Tho Secret Sorvlce Officers Call Attention to
Spurious Notes.
A bogus five-dollar bill is at present being
extensively circulated in and around Pitts
burg, and the secret service officers are call
ing attention to the spurious paper.
The imitation is considered very excel
lent The size is the same and the coloring
is so deceptive that it requires an expert to
detect its faults. There is a great differ
ence, however, in the official stamp, and the
false note can be easily distinguished by
the fact that the official stamp is much
smaller on the imitated bill than it is on the
genuine one.
Fennsylvaala Time .Table to be
Shaken Up.
The new Pennsylvania summer timetable,
will go into effect on Sunday. Some im
portant changes ore contemplated, bnt what
they are in detail is not yet known.
It is the intention to run one section of
..the fast line east at 8:10 instead of 9 o'clock.
The other section may be held until 9
o'clock as at present. The 3 o'clock express
east in the morning will be 20 minutes later.
These, changes have been decided on, and
some other radical ones will be made.
An Old Soldier's Pension WaitlDK for Him In
This Cllr.
The Special Pension Examiners of this
city are looking for Ed Evans, who was in
the dispensary at Camp Parole, Annapolis,
Md., in 1861 and 1865. He can hear some
thing to his advantage in the way of a pen
sion by addressing them and claiming his
A Serloas Runaway.
A horse ran away rft Thirty-first street
yesterday, and taking to the sidewalk it
knocked down Alice Wilson, a little girl,
and kicked her in the back;- A. J. Beed
was badly hurt and taken to a physicians
office, John Calvert was also injured, and
two other men received "bad cuts about the
Mr. Reed Steps Oat of the Combteatlea
The Dealers Are Victorioni It Was
Arranged Yesterday.
The milk combination between the Pro
ducers' Union and the Chartiers Creamery
Company was buried yesterday afternoon,
and tho great lacteal trust has gone to
Yesterday was the day on, which the
farmers were to come into town and
straighten the account for last month's
milk. When the accounts were balanced,
the farmers fonnd that they would get but
very little money for their milk.
Said one of them:
"The farmers shipped about 66,000 gal
lons to' the Chartiers Creamery Companv,
and Mr. Beed got f3,200 for that milk. Of
course ne win get the pront from the milk,
bnt we will hardly get anything."
"Well, how much do you think you will
be paid per gallon?"
"I am not sure of the amount, but I do
not think it will be more than 6 cents. The
scheme has fallen through. Mr. Beed un
dertook too much, and he began the wrong
way. He thought the thing was easy, bnt
he soon found out that he had an elephant
on his hands. He has tried to do the best
in his power. I think he made a mistake
by antagonizing the dealers from the very
start This made them determined to do
without him. They got their milk from
Ohio, and of course Mr. Beed could not
compel them to buy from him, because they
could get milk somewhere else.
"At the meeting this afternoon the con
tract with Mr. Beed was nullified. He told
us that he was willing to release us and give
us the opportunity of selling and shipping
our milk to anybody we please. There was
no ill feeling at all. Mr. Beed came to the
conclusion that he could not sell all the
the milk we could ship him,and he released
us from the contract.
"I do not know what we will do now. It
is likely that our organization will fall to
pieces as a result of this, and a new one will
ber formed in conjunction with the dealers.
However, I believe there is a meeting of
the producers to be held next Saturday, and
it will then be determined what to do next."
Of Pennsylvania's Medical Men Will be
Held Hero Next month.
The thirty-seventh annual session of the
State Medical Association of Pennsylvania
will be held in this city next month. The
session will last four days, commencing on
June i. The Bijou Theater has been se
lected as the place of meeting.
Among the physicians of Pittsburg who
will take prominent part in the session are
the following named gentlemen: Dr. J. B.
Murdock, President of the association; Dr.
E. A. Wood, as Chairman of the Committee
of Arrangements, will make the address of
welcome, and on the second day of the ses
sion he will read a paper on the subject:
"Ptomaines as a Factor in aDisease Class."
Other papers will be read by Drs. J. M.
Batten, William H. Daly, Samuel Ayres,
J. Milton Duff and J. Chriss Lange.
On the fourth day of the session, after the
general adjournment, a visit will be paid to
the Dixmont Insane Asylnm.
A Question.
Can asthma be cured, and does it en
danger life? In many cases it is entirely
curable. Even in aggravated forms it can
be greatly modified, and this latter from
persistent paroxysms tends to degenerate
into organic heart disease or catarrhal con
sumption and finally a breaking down of the
air cells. It is therefore in cases fatal from
complications. Asthma may be inherited,
arise from catarrh, dyspepsia, Bright's dis
ease, etc. This point, however, is of no im
portance to the patient as compared to its
curability. The asthmatic suffers the horrors
of being almost choked to death in the
spasms, each attack being a veritable
struggle for breath; face anxious, pallid,
speechless and chest muscles rigid. The
above are some of the horrors hanging like
the sword of Dampcles over the head of the
asthmatic, ready at any moment to be pre-
cipuaieu upon its unioriuuaie vioiim.
In asthma, dependence on medicines
alone ends, as a rule, in disappointment.
Here nature's forces, with diet, special ex
ercises, combined with the internal treat
ment, add tenfold to its effectiveness. In
other words, treat the man and the disease.
Where can we find a more powerful agent
to draw out impurities, reduce fever, in-
V flammations, quiet the nervous system; and,
on tne otner nana, so euecuve a ionic in
hardening the system, breaking up the
tendency to colds and equalizing the circu
lation, when judiciously applied, as water.
Does not this lack of system, this bringing
together and combining these great col
lateral agencies with the internal medica
tion account largely for the want of suc
cess in the treatment of asthma? Dr. S. G.
Moore, 31 Arch st, Allegheny, for 11 years
has devoted his entire time to nervous
and chronic diseases. His specialty is
catarrh, bronchitis, consumption, asthma,
heart, liver, stomach, kidney and bowel
diseases, female diseases, diseases of the
blood and nervous system.
Dr. S. Moore.
Deae Sib I wish to state publicly to
you how grateful I feel for the wonderful
effects of your treatment in my case. I suf
fered over four years with asthma and was
also badly affected with dyspepsia. My
night's sleep was usually taken in a sitting
posture propped up by pillows. Those who
have asthma will know what that means. I
took treatment from several general prac
titioners withont effect, and finally got to
believe my case incurable. Hearing of
your skill as a specialist I consulted yon.
My progress was gradual, your system of
inhaling and outside treatment and sys
tematic manner of handlinc my case gave
me confidence in you, and I may add that I
am cured both of the asthma and dyspepsia.
Yonr friend, Kev. J. H. Shisip.
Teouiville, Pa.
cheokic fheu2i0kia cubed.
Dr. S. O. Moore r
Deab Sie In 1884 1 had typhoid pneu
monia, and after seven weeks confinement
I could sit up, bnt did not regain my
strength, and then gradually began to go
down again. I was so reduced in weight
and strength as to be capable of but little
exertion. Knowing that you made a special
ty of treating chronic diseases, I deter
mined to consult you. you gave but Blight
encouragement I determined to intrust
the little life left in me to your care, and I
am only too thankful to say that mv trust
was not misplaced. I began very slowly to
improve, and now, after over six months of
suffering, I feel that I am entirely cured of
that dread disease. Sincerely yours,
Daniel l. Hebe,
'Wildwood, Allegheny countyKPa.
FromE. N. Merrill, Unlontown, Pa.
In December, 1883, while doing mission
work in West Virginia I was taken ill;
growing worse from day to day,. my friends
became greatly alarmed and I returned
home. We called in an experienced doctor,
who said I had congestion of spleen, liver,
stomach, brain, and that my left lung was
badly congested. To my question, he said
my case was so serions and complicated tbat
he could give me no hope. Without en
couragement or hope of recovery, and being
bedfast almost, I had about given np, when
my friends suggested that I should send to
you. Like a drowning man who snatches
effort, and, thrqugh the blessing of God and
the enorts ot my stilled physician, jl was
gradually restored to a good degree of
health, and I may add, to the great surprise
as well as pleasure of my many friends. I
wonld say to those who are suffering from
any form of chronio disease that they wonld
do well to call on Dr. 8. G. Moore, No. 34
Arch street, Allegheny, Pa.
Beek, Ale and Malt Extracts for sale by
G. W. Schmidt, 93 and 97 Fifth Ave.
Royal Worcester (68S) Corset
The silk corset ior snmmer wear; the most
comfortable. Jos. House & Co.js
Pean Avenue Stores.
i rm AYCuuv Mw.nt i Bjy-xflr ,.., wi ' . 4 ... . t th "m 1 m 1 m
Piano aad Orcan Trade
At the present time, and during the spring
season thns far is and certainly has been a
contradiction of any complaints of a general
dullness in trade, for, while our last year's
trade was a large one, this year's is a steady
increase upon it, and to account for it is the
easiest thing in the world; here, it is: We
handle the instruments of the day, or, in
other words, the instruments that are made
to meet the requirements of the present ad
vanced and musically cultured era, require
ments and excellences which the instru
ments of even five years ago no morn meet
than do those that were made for onr grand
mothers. These demands of perfection in
tone and durability have'been so uniformly
supplied by us in the ever progressive
Decker Bros.',Bjiabe & Co. and Fischer
pianos and the Estey organ that Hamilton's
position as leader in the trade is no mystery
at all, and the more so when this ever ad
vancement has been made also as an ag
gressor on high prices, these high grade
instruments being sold right along at prices
no higher than usually asked for inferior
and antiquated goods.
You should call and see our upright
pianos, ranging from $190 to 250, and yon
will be convinced of onr claims. If you
have an old instrument of any kind we will
take it in exchange for new one, and make
easy monthly payments when desired.
S. Hamilton,
91 and 93 Fifth ave , Pittsburg, Pa.
An Excellent Flan for Visitors to Paris.
Mr. J. Harvey Wattles departs for Paris
in June in the interests of his father, Mr.
W. W. Wattles, jeweler and importer of 30
and 32 Fifth ave. He has already some fine
orders to fill for his customers during his
stay there, and will be glad to receive any
others which may be intrusted to him.
He also offers to pack and ship any ar
ticles which may be purchased by Pitts
burgers while abroad tbis summer. This
plan will save much expense and trouble,
as he will ship all together, thus "lessening
cost of freight and deliver right to your
house. Office in Paris 21 BueMartel. Ths
Smyrna Rags Cheaper Than Ever Offered In
This City.
The special sale of 20,000 Smyrna rugs
will continue during the coming week. We
have four sizes, commencing at $2 and run
ning to $7 50 each each size 33 per cent
lower than market price.
Edwaed Gboetzinoee,
Ths 627 and 629 Penn avenne.
35 Cents Worth at "3 Cents.
Books of all kinds. Home Series, 500
different titles at The People's Store, 5 cents
per vol. Publisher's price, 25c
j Campbell & Dick.
IiA. Peel A del Fumab are a high grade
Key West Cigar, .manufactured lor those
smokers who can appreciate Havana tobacco
in its natural condition. Sold from 56 50 to
?12 per hundred. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth ave.
25c Sotines for 17c
Very choice goods, 12 yards, for ?2, at the
bargain counter of The People's Store, along
with 5-cent books.
Campbell & Dice.
Corsets! Corsets!
Fina summer corsets, 75c and SI 00;
Warner's corsets, $1 00; Equiline Health,
Si 00, and 100 other styles, at Bosenbaum &
Dr. F. H. Smith, Dentist.
Painless extraction. AH kinds of dental
work at reasonable prices. 504 Penn ave.,
Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to 5 p. m.
Angostura Bittees is known all over
the world as the great regulator of the di
gestive organs.
Tho advantage lies with the buyer that makes
comparisons. Special offerings Brilllantlue
Plaids and Stripes, with solid, shades to blend,
the most serviceable fabric shown, dust and
water proof, ranging from EOc to $L
Black and White Blocks and Plaids are in
demand. We have them in 36-inch goods at
40c; better varieties in 40-lnch goods at 50c,
65c and 75c. --
The many special weaves in Black Dress
Goods that meet the wants of the most fastldi
ouswehave on sale. All the best grades In
Wool and Silk and Wool Fabrics to suit the
Leading styles choice fabrics that you will
soon need. Many of these at the low price of
12c are domestic reproduction of 35c and 10c
foreign goods.
Housekeepers can refit with great advantage
in Damask Sets Napkins, Towels, Covers and
Table Draperies In Linen Stock. Don't forget
to examine Curtain Stock,
Money in 62 SO, $3 00 and f 5 00 Curtains; Brus
sels and Irish Point, 55 and up.
Plain plaited or Smocked Blouse effects and
StrlpedFlannelWaistsfor Ladies and Children.
Your memory with the facts that among onr
Three Great Specialties, Kid Gloves, Corset
and Hosiery, you aro giTen only the best quali
ties, which insures entire satisfaction to all.
Aside from tho novelties we have in these
three departments of our store to offer you,
we desire to call your attention to our most de
sirable line of
Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs, Fine Etch
ings, Fans, Scarfs ana ticnus.
new. All the latest styles and
Ladles' Silk Gloves and Mitts for summer
wear in fine qualities.
A pleasant fitting room for the accommoda
Hon of ladles desiring to have Corsets fitted, in
charge of a competent Utter.
612 Pwrw Avsarui, PrrrsBuao. t
C - "V
-T'T '
i r
In the large Cloak KoomJhriniJow
you will see the samples of .Tuxedo and
Lenox Suits yon will vsee"themf to
greater advantage by coming inside?
They were a success last season and 5,
will be mora popular than ever thlaj
This ready-to-wear Suit businessthaa e. jr.
grown very rapidly, especially since wo
got our new Cloak and Suit building;
every requisite light, space and pri
vacy, so that ladies can try onSoits if
desired. $10 Suits In cloth to Paris
Dresses at J125. Wash Suits In French
Satine and Scotch Zephyr Ginghams,
In exclusive styles. This Suit Depart
ment will surprise you by the variety of
costumes In stock.
The Blouse Waist?, like the Parasols,
are all in" readiness a little more sun,
shine will start them.
Some of the choicest and handsomest
of tho Paris Robes are still 'here la
Dress Goods Department. As to'En
glish cloth patterns doubtful if you
will And any assortment outside of this
department. English Serges, navy,
blue, for steamer and traveling wear.
As to the quick sala Dress Goods,
you will find some new ones here this
week. 50-inch Imported Suitings at $1,
a half dollar less than usual pnce;.thea
sea the all-wool Debeges, 30c ayardt
better ones at 40c and 50c; the new 25c ,
Dress Goods; the special lot at 40c; tha '
stylish Side Borders at 75c; the 50c
Cashmeres will be hard to get again for
as little money; the SI 50 quality Silkv
Warp Henrietta Cloths are woven and
dyed to our own order. Other desirable.
- weaves la new woolen dress stuffs InVT
the plain effects and, tha Ereatestraifr'" . 1
- ' " 'lit
ety ever shown in printed stuffs. Uhal-
. "
lies and Cashmeres lowest niices, too
no old styles; then the Mohairs, plain
and fancy, striped and printedIIgat
and dark" colors. Did you know that
the finer to finest dress fabriesvare al
ways to be found here 3 an&Stayard
kind doesn't cost anything to look at
them? Every kind of dress material A
here in this big department,rexceptins
'trashy stuff. ,
All kinds of Wraps, Short and long;
plain and fine, (3 or $100 Wraps, It ,
Jackets to $25 Jackets; that's the way
In this Cloak House of ours; two-floors
of this building devoted to this Cloak
and Suit business. A big roomful of tho
prettiest and newest Suits and Jackets
and Coats for children and outfits for
babies. - '
Scotch Table Linensthlsweek, Cloths
and Napkins to match (the Dunferm
line Damasks); we have a great trade
In these goods; new patterns to show
you. Time of year now to provide linen
bed clothing; we have an qualities in
Sheeting and,FilIowcaslng, and also tha
ready-made Sheets, Cases and Shams. . -
Our less-than-remnant prices in Wash
L. ''
Goods have kept extra clerks -busy
among the Satines and Gtaghamsvanbvp -
the assortment of finer goodsMsTstlfi-
$ '
very large. You'd rather pick fromlto
pieces than from 20. .
Tha Curtain Boom still continues to
take care of the crowd, and that means
twlco as many clerks as ever before.
Cable Dye Fast Black Cotton Stock- 'M4
lags are cheap at 25c a pair.
Mora new Hats and Bonnets this week, n
-Hinmmer styles now. Come and m-"
jt ". - "-
them.v -y 4 f
. it.-sH
fci&sp -?
fiWfcrf '
i 7