Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 09, 1889, Image 1

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    . -
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Will lift reaned
advertise In The Dispatch.
It readies every homo and
Is read by everybody. If
you are In business let the
tuDiic known
Ke Demands the Publication of
His Letters to Judge White,
Who, He Says,
The Court Ruins a Councilman, Who
is the Victim of a Conspiracy.
war an iktestigatiox is mcessaey.
Hon. George Sulrns Makes HI Last State
tncDt He Pointedly Denies Judge White's
Statement Challenge the Production
of Hi Letters FaUe and Anonymous
Allegation Deprive a Good Citizen of
Reputation and Business o Profes
sional Prestige or Political Favors
Craved The Bur Demands an Investiga
tion Liquor Men Wrre Not Concerned
Is the Impeachment Proceedings He
Claims There Are Still Good Reasons for
an Inquiry Into License Conrt Methods.
Hon. George Shiras has made, what he
Bays, is his last statement in regard to the
impeachment proceedings against Judge
"White. He insists that His Honor has not
correctly reported the letters sent to him in
regard to the Schad case, and demands that
they be produced. He farther says that an
investigation is considered necessary by the
Bar, and that it alone will settle forever the
controversy which wiU surely arise inxe
gard to the methods of the License Court.
Habbisbubg, May 8. Hon. George
Shiras makes what he says is his last state
ment in the "White affair unless there is
some new development. It contains a de
mand on the Judge to publish the two let
ters from Mr. Bhiras ana make some revela
tions concerning their contents and concern
ing his backing in the effort at impeach
ment. He says:
"Tuesday's edition of the Pittsburg pa
pers contain- the following as the part of the
Harrisburg interview with Judge "White,
and the same has been duly copied through
out the entire State: 'Shiras wrote me a let
ter before the examination of Schad, im
ploring me to give him a license as a per
sonal favor to him (Shiras).' 'Mr. Shiras
firsf wrote to me from Harrisburg, early in
Mpring, concerning Mr. Schad. He said
the gentleman was a candidate for
icil at his request, and could do him
-a good in his ward, and asked me to
y., him a favorable consideration.'
It IsAbsolnteIrvt7ntrae.
"To this I would reply that the only as
sertion in the entire statement that is true
was the ftvet that a letter was written about
that time. The assertion that Mr. Schad
was standing as a candidate at my request
(having been a Councilman for years), or
that I asked a favorable consideration of his
case because he could do me much good in
his ward, or that I implored his license as a
personal favor, are absolutely untrue, and I
challenge the production of the letter. The
first letter was a simple interrogative,
whether the Court had changed its views on
the question of granting licenses to Coun
cilmen, and was apparently indicated by a
newspaper slip enclosed in the letter. On
this point I requested information that I
might advise accordingly, having permitted
s friend to run on the advice that the Court
would not declare it a barrier in obtaining
a license. This was the substance of the
first letter, and in no way contained the
statements attributed in the interview; Let
the letter be published.
A Question of Yeracltr.
'In the same paper is the following: 'His
second letter to me was after Schad had been
given a hearing in defense of the charges
made against him, and Mr. Shiras made a
great many excuses for him and pleaded
that a refusal of a license would be a great
injury to himself. He implored me to grant
the license as a personal favor to him
(Shiras), and intimated it would be a dam
age to him as a lawyer to have this man re
fused.' "This is worse than misleading, it is un
true. Mr. Schad was heard in court one
Saturday morning, just after my return
from Harrisburg. It was more by accident
that I actually appeared for him, as an
other attorney had consented to represent
me. X considered Mr. Schad's character and
his hotel above reproach, and was therefore
completely taken back when the Court, in
substance, -said during the hearing that he
was a man of bad character, his house dis
orderly and the worst place in the ward, and
that he had not told the truth last year and
this, and that he had violated several of the
license laws.
Ruined by Anonymous Enemies.
"Mr. Schad's denials were treated with .
contempt, and when he left the courtroom I
knew he was a man deprived of character
and business by the false allegations of un
known persons. Inside of two hours I dis
covered it was a joint conspiracy of unli
censed liquor dealers and bitter personal
and political enemies. Affidavits were at
once prepared refuting in detail every dam
aging charge made, and in transmittingjhe
same to the Court it took up in detail each
charge and showed its falsity. In not a
line of this long letter was there a demand
for his license as a political favor to save
my reputation as a lawyer. It was a plea
for justice a demand that n man of irre
proachable character should sot be injured
by secret enemies and hit fate sealed in a
court of justice.
"These and these alone were the motives
that moved xae. and in such a way did I
express myself. That such an effort of mine
should now be referred to by the Court as a
craving for political favors or professional
w'prcstige is an outrage. X demand the pub-
Hlication of this letter. If Judge White
jexpects to escape furtherjscrotiny by making
personalities of this character take the
Ivhceof a dignifiod pie. ifor aa iavestiga-
bv all who
uiroujju a jus,
tion ol his record, he misjudges the state of
the public mind.
Backed by Reputable Attorneys,
"Neither the liquor dealers nor a single
disappointed man are responsible for the
present state of affairs. The impeachment
resolution was the work of five good and
reputable attorneys, and the bar is as largely
involved in the movement as any body of
tnen in the community. If the correctness
of the above interview is questioned I shall
forward from here the affidavits of Eobert
Simpson, Harrisburg-correspondent of Thk
Pittsbueg Dispatch, and that of Mr.
Henry, another correspondent, in which,
under oath, they will certify its correctness.
I still adhere to my position that there were
good and sufficient reasons for an investiga
tion, that vindication or conviction might
follow. There has been no jury and no
verdict, and matters now stand in a de
plorable state. It is unnecessary to say
that I would never have entered upon this
proceeding had I not expected a conclusion
that would be satisfactory in its finality.
My hands are now tied, my motives lost
sight of, misunderstood or left doubtful
in the minds of many.
An Investigation Necessary.
"Judge "White is in the same situation so
far as an absolute vindication is concerned.
Cannot the friends of the latter see this?
Legislative committees are appointed every
session and nothing thought of it. .To-day
"Warden "Wright can show a verdict in his
favor, and the . instigator of the charges
bears the odium, if any attaches.
"The worst feature of the present situa
tion arises from the manner in which the
whole object sought for will be lost sight of
Parties in a position not to appreciate what
they are doing will bring it about. The
friends of high license, low license and
no license are beginning to wrangle over the
matter on questions of sentiment. The atti
tude of the bar and of the business men who
tavor my action is forgotten, as was plainly
shown by the nature of the proceedings at
Sewickley recently. Had the committee sat
and had their finding been favorable to the
acensed, no demonstration of the publio
could have been too large, commendatory or
enthusiastic. My voice would have been
among the most sincere, for Judge "White
can never say that I was inimical to him
personally, or that T had ought than confi
dence In his ability as a Judge or his probity
as a citizen.
An Explanation I Required.
"If he declines to hear in private and
whatsoever place and circumstances the
character and number of the charges which,
in my opinion and many of the bar, require
explanation, denial or refutation, that, of
course, settles the matter. To those public
spirited citizens who propose getting up
meetings indorsing the high character of the
accused and applauding his decimation of
the saloons, I would say they either misun
derstand my position or they have a very
intemperate way or advocating abstract
questions of temperance and judicial in
tegrity at the expense of one who claims
that his past life and present motives re
quire some consideration. The liquor men
have absolutely nothing to do with this
question, however much existing circum
stances make them interested spectators.
In conclusion, I will candidly ask the public
what but good could have resulted from the
proposed investigation, and if the absence
of one is not fraught with an endless train
of' evils, including public disquietude, per
sonal, social, political, religious friction
and contentions ?" Simpson,
A Little Minnesota Tillage Devastated by
the Fire Sconrge.
"Winona, Minn., May 8. The village
of Elba, about 18 miles from this city, was
totally destroyed by-fire Monday afternoon.
The fire originated from the prairie fires that
have been raging In that vicinity for two
weeks. The large mill, known as "The Elba
Flouring Mill," with a capacity of 60 barrels
per day, was totally destroyed. The hotel
was also completely burned, with all its con
tents. Efforts were made to save some of
the buildings, but the prevailing high wind
carried the flames beyond the control of the
Several business houses were wiped out
beyond recognition. Many residences were
also demolished. Altogether more than
half of the little village was devastated.
The fire got the upper hand of the inhabi
tants, they having no fire apparatus, and
burned until it had burned a swath through
it. The loss, while it is not very great in
dollars, is keenly felt by those affected, as
they were a poor class of people, most of
whom earned ajllvelihood from the roller
Chicago Police Drag; the Elver The Bloody
Trunk Not a Factor In the Case.
Chicago, May 8. Captain Schaackand
six officers dragged the river on either aide
of theFullerton avenue bridge for six hours
to-day, in a vain effort to find some trace of
the body of Dr. P. S. Cronin, the Irish pa
triot who it is said has been killed by poli
tical enemies. The work will be resumed
in the morning.
' The police are in a quandary. It has
been pretty -definitely settled that the
bloody trnnk found in Lake View last Sun
day morning has no connection with Dr,
Cronin's disappearance. "Without the trunk
the mystery surrounding the man's disap
pearance becomes as unfathomable as ever.
It is said that a heavy reward will soon be
offered for Dr. Cronin's return, dead or
alive. The belief that the man is still
among the living is shared by most people.
They Are Said to be la a Starving CondU
tion In the Anthracite Region.
"Wilkesbabre, May 8. The Joint Ex
ecutive Board of theKnights of Labor issues
a heartrending appeal for the miners and
laborers in the anthracite region. It says:
People bordering on starvation, and beads ol
families who worked only five days on an aver
age for tbe last fonr months; no credit to .bo
bad anywhere; nine or ten families have had
no meat Eince Christmas, and bread is scarce
in inany.homes.
The pith of the circular is that companies
be compelled to make rednction in the price
of powder used. Last year the companies
made a profit off the men on powder of ?2,
275,840. The crowding of foreign labor
into tbe regions is also severely condemned.
He Slade Love to Her and .Succeeded In
Borrowing All Her Wealth.
Helena, Mont., May 8. Mrs. Mary
Alner, a buxom widow, came here a month
ago from Chicago with $2,600. Alter her
arrival she met George Morrack, who told
her that he was a wealthy mining man, and
offered to invest her money for her. He
made love to her and she reciprocated his
affection and promised to be his wife.
She gave him her all, ?2,500, to invest for
her, and it was agreed that they should be
married in Portland. She left for that
place two weeks ago, and he was to follow
in a few days, but failed to materialize. The
man was a .stranger here, and nobody seems
ui jioww asyuung i mm.
Tho DnquesneTronbleMny Result In Harder
-Win, Dunn Badly Injured by John
Galloway, a Shipping Clerk
nt the Iron Works.
"William Dunn, one of the strikers at the
Allegheny Bessemer Steel Works, was shot
at 7 o'clock last night at Homestead, by
John Galloway, the shipping clerk at the
steel works. Dunn is very badly injured,
and may die. Both men reside in
Homestead. Galloway continued at
work as shipping clerk after the
strike was inaugurated. He left for home
last evening as usual on the train which
reaches Homestead at 7 o'clock. When he
stepped from the train at the Homestead
station he was accosted by "William Dunn,
whom he says called him a "blackleg" and
a "scab," and finally slapped him iu the
face. A crowd had collected, and when
Dunn struck him Galloway pulled his re
volver and fired two shots.
The first shot did not take effect, but the
second entered Dunn's right breast, just be-(
low the lung, passing through the body, and
came out above the hip. The .greatest ex
citement prevailed. In less than five min
utes 500 people gathered about tbe station.
Constable William McBrum and 'Squire
Oeffner promptly placed Galloway under ar
rest, and by the latter's request, brought
him immediately to the city and placed him
in jaiL
Dunn was carried across the street to
John Schmidt's hotel and Dr. Gladden
summoned. He was afterward removed to
his home. After making a careful exami
nation of the wound Dr. Gladden stated
that Dunn's injuries were verv serious, and
he could not state whether he would recover
or not.
The report of the shooting caused intense
excitement among the strikers at Duquesne.
Fifty or 75 of them left for Homestead im
mediately to visit Dunn and learn the par
ticulars of the shooting.
Galloway has a wife and five children.
He has been working at the steel works
since the firm began operation. Some ten
days ago he was deputized by Sheriff Mo
Candless. Dunn has a wife and seven small chil
dren. He is popular with the workmen,
and at his home in Homestead last night
there were at least 100 men anxious to render
him assistance.
At the works yesterday all was quiet.
Those who have access to the mill say there
are at least 250 men at work. Three hun
dred rails were made yesterday. The strikers'
committee say there are not more than 75
men at work in the mill, and while the pros-
Sects are very discouraging for them, they
eld a meeting to-day and decided to re
main firm.
Seven Proprietory Ralhvny Companies
Form a Combine at St. Louis.
St. Louis, May 8. A great railway
terminal trust has been formed in this city.
It is to be called the Terminal Bailroad
Association of St. Louis, and it will absorb
by purchase the Union Railway and Tran
sit Company, of Hast St. Louis, the
Terminal Bailway. of East St. Louis, and
the Union Depot Bailway Company, of this
city. It is to secure the transfer of the lease
of the Bridcre and Tunnel Company, now
held by the Missouri Pacific and theWabash,
and assume the obligations of $670,000 fixed
charges. The purchase monev is to be pro
vided for by the issuance of '$7,000,000 tyi
per cent bonds, $5,000,000 to be used in pay
ment for terminal and $2,000,000 for the
erection of a new Union depot.
There are seven proprietory companies in
the trust the Missouri Pacific, Yandalia,
"Wabash, Indianapolis and Si Louis, Ohio
and Mississippi, Louisville and Nashville
and Iron Mountain. The new company
will be made up from a representative from
each one of these lines. It will control
terminal and depot facilities on both sides
of the river, and other lines will pay on a
wheelage basis.
A Car Leave the Track and Is Demolished
by a Collision.
Cleveland, May 8. The northbound
passenger train on the Valley Bailroad,
which was dne here at 230 o'clock this aft
ernoon, entered the city limits on time, and
was running along at the rate of 30 miles an
hour when the smoker left the track. It
turned to the right and collided with a car
loaded with coal on a side track. There
were 14 passengers in the smoker at the
time,two of whom were injtantly killed and
four of whom were painfully injured. A
half dozen other passengers were bruised
and cut, but not seriously.
The front end of the smoker was demol
ished, the roof being over the coal car and
the floor beneath it after it had settled. The
dead and Injured were brought to the city
at once and were provided for by the rail
way officials. It is said that tbe smoker
was an old one and mnch out of repair. The
train consisted of a baggage car, a smoker
and one coach. A lady in the coach was
thrown against a seat by the shock and one
of her ribs was fractured.
Jury Disagreed In tbe Case of tho
Election Low Violators.
Little Rock, May 8. To-day, in the
Federal Court, the jury in the Highuight,
Martin and Anthony election fraud case
announced their inability to arrive at a
verdict, and were discharged by the Court.
A new trial of this case will be the only
means of ending it, unless abandoned by the
Government. In view of the large number
of witnesses who testified in it and the enor
mous" costs, it is quite a serious undertaking
to rehear it.
It is rumored to-night that the jury stood
six for conviction and six for acquittal. The
grand jury this afternoon presented two in
dictments against parties, not yet made
public, and, not having any more business
before it, were discharged.
Objections Bailed on the Fart of the Former
to Taking New Evidence.
"Wheeling, May 8. The. Legislative
Committee to investigate the Gubernatorial
contest met at the State House in Charles
ton to-day. All the members were present
except Secretary Joseph Sprigg.
"W. P. Hubbard, of Wheeling, appeared
for General Goff, and as soon as the proceed
ings were inaugurated moved to strike out
all the evidence presented on behalf of
Judge Fleming, on the ground that it was
not taken within the limits of the time pre
scribed by law. This was taken under ad
visement by the committee after several
hours' debate. The committee will meet
again to-morrow.
That I the Charge Bronsht Against a West
era Railway Company.
Yankton, Dak., May 8, E. M. Coafes
has begun suit for damages against the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Bailroad
Company for appropriating his coal car and
using it for carrying linseed for a Sioux
City firm. Damages are placed at 15,000.
Mr. Coatee will aIo bring a criminal
action again saperintenaent Jieardsley
forUreetiy,' ,Tk Mir was plainly lettered
Harrison Too Slow Doling Out Pap to
Republicans in the' South.
Senator Quay Says He Knows Nothing:
About Appointments.
Clsiksw fill Behead Many Luetics Democratic Post
muter To-Day.
Southern Republicans grumble at the
President for being so slow in giving out the
fat offices. Northern Republicans grumble
at the appointment of Governor Thompson
from the South. The President states flatly
that he won't be hurried, and there is a
more or less discontent among applicants
for fat positions. Senator Quay sits down
quietly and fans himself. He says he knows
nothing about appointments.
"Washington, May 8, The shilly-shal
lying of Mr. Harrison with the Southern
Republicans continues. The local offices of
the States where faction is most prevalent'
are doled out one at a time, and a pretext is
sometimes sought for doing even so much.
If he puts in a carpetbagger for District
Attorney in South Alabama, he gives tbe
new native element the Marshalship inTSast
Louisiana. Then the biggest of the post
office plums in Alabama, that of Binning
ham, is handed over to the new issue
crowd. The appointments of Collectors of
Internal Bevenue ore held back for the ex
piration of their te-ms, ostensibly to let the
old officers wind up their affairs, but really
to give the President time to digest his
plans. The applicants are so numerous and
their claims so conflicting that it is hard to
decide between them. An instance will"
In the Fourth North Carolina district
there are three leading candidates, two of
these, Messrs. White and Young, have
nearly evenly divided the official and other
indorsements between them. Bnt latterly
Young has lost ground. His main strength
there was the colored Congressman from his
district, the only one elected In the South,
and the personal popularity of his brother,
the late Isaac J. Young, the last Republi
can collector. Both tbe Youngs Were rich,
and have given freely to the party.
"White, a former collector in a district
merged in the Fourth, is the tavorite of the
white man's wing of the party, if such a
distinction may be said 'to exist. A third
candidate, General Philemon Hawkins, has
not so pronounced a Republican support.
The railroad influence, it is said, is a large
factor in whatever strength he may have
worked up. White is from the Coast and
Sound country, the. Albemarle region, the
others from toe upper end ol the district.
Personally, there is little room for choice.
The Democrats would possibly prefer the
selection of Hawkins or Young. As stated,
Harrison will probably
In North Carolina there are two judicial,
districts, Eastern and "Western. Interest
centers in the latter. J. E. Boyd, the last
Bepublican Attorney, is leading candidate
for the position. He and the latest man in
the field, Thomas Settle, son of the late
Judge Thomas Settle, stay at the same
hotel. Boyd is large, fine looking, muscu
lar, and has a round, strong, full voice
which can be heard from one end of the
Ebbitt lobby to the other in ordinary con
versation. He was a Confederate soldier, a
Kuklux who left the order and joined the
Bepublican party, is a good lawyer, bold
partisan editor and stumper and an inimit
able story teller. Boyd, like young Settle,
is one of the best educated of the Southern
Republicans who came to this city.
Qnny Say He Know Nothing
About Appointments.
Washington, May 8. Senator Quay
sat in his room at Chamberlain's this even
ing, fanned himself leisurely, received his
many callers, more or less distinguished, in
a courtly manner, and to all inquiry re
garding appointments pleaded the most
complete ignorance. He had not the faintest
idea, whether Judge Gilkerson would get
fbe Florida judicial plnm or not. Judge
uucerson nunsen s&i Close at band, an
amused auditor of the inquiries about his
case. Both he and Senator Quay looked as
though they would be very much surprised
to wake some fine morning and discover
that either of them had been recognized by
the President.
Senator Qnay made a brief call on the
President to-day, and was for a short time
at the Postofflce and Treasury Departments.
He declared, however, that he knew abso
lutely nothing in regard to the prospects of
"Western Pennsylvania for appointment.
Notwithstanding the height of the mer
cury,.it was a very cold day, not onlyifor
Pennsylvania, but for the rest of the world,
in so far as the announcement of new offi
cials is concerned. Senator Quay is not
certain that he will find it possible to leave
the city to-morrow, as he had intended.
The tlme'of his departure is now a matter of
The President Say Bo Won't Be Hurried In
Making Appointments.
"Washington, May 8. The President
isgiving solicitous applicants and their
friends to understand' very plainly that he
doesn't intend to remove officials whose
commissions havn't expired until he has
filled the places of those who' have served
Out their terms. He says he has more than
he can do to fill the vacancies.
Some of the candidates have gone home
on being flatly informed that he wouldn't
reach their cases before next autumn.
He Will Cut Their Tenure Short Demo
crats to Bo Beheaded.
"Washington, May 8. General Clark.
son has returned to his desk at thePostoffice
Department. He scanned his ax closely to
day, put an extra polish on its edge and has
it in excellent working trim for to-morrow,
when, it Is said, a large list of headless
Democrats will be presented to the publio
as an example. Mr. Olarkson feels recruited
by his journey and will, proceed against the
enemy wth renewed vigor. "
Waiting for Copy.
Washington, May 8. Senator-William
E. Chandler has signed as bondsman for the
new Public Printer, Mr. Frank W. Palmer,
of Chicago, and the bond of 180,000 has beea
accepted. Mr. Palmer will assume chsjwe
I fit the office as aeon aa-aa investory ofsthe I
stock and material on hand has been com
pleted. Mr. Benedict, the retiring printer,
will go into business In New York.
Governor Thompson's Appointment Dlwatl.
Be Many Northern Republicans,
Washington, May 8. Although Mr.
Harrison seems to run the machine pretty
well and with little" regard for the civil ser
vice reformers, his course does not give sat
isfaction to the average Republican. There
jis some complaint that he gave the South
toe JJemocratfo place on the Civil Service
Commission, and that part of the 8outb,too,
least favorable to his own administration
and his alleged policy for building up a new
Bepublican party in that section. There is
no personal objection to Governor Thomp
son, the appointee, bnt it is pointed out that
he' was Mr. Cleveland's pet, recommended
for this very place by the late President and
backed up by all the power of the Solid
South and a certain element in the Demo
cratic party of the North.
- 'There is no politics in it,"" said a dis
gusted Repnbliean to-day, "or if there is, it
is Democratic politics, and we thonght that
this was to be a Bepublican administra
The Came of the Destruction of 46 Build
ings of Various Klnds-One.Half of
a Chicago Snbarb Wiped Oat,
by the Flames Ex
cessive Heat.
Chicago, May 8. Boys who were play
ing around the "West Forty-eighth Street
Presbyterian Church, in the recently an
nexed town of Mbreland, atU o'clock this
afternoon built a bonfire close to the build
ing. A furious-blustering gale was blowing
over the prairie at the time, and in a mo
ment the church was in flames. The blazing
brands fell upon a row of seven two-story
houses, and set them all afire.
The whis'tles of the 'Northwestern car
shops were blown and the 500 employes raced
across the prairie with buckets and axes.
There is no fire department in Morelandand
the people telephoned to Chicago for help.
At i o'cloclc Marshal Conway with 15 en
gines and 7 tracks started on their long race
to the fire. Behind the engines were two
patrol wagons filled with officers. "When
ther reached the snbnrb two solid blocks of
-houses and stores were ablaze. The heat
was irigntiul. .Many hremen were pros
trated. Those of Engine 21 were badly
burned. A man who was caught stealing
silverware was chained to one of the patrol
At 6 o'clock the fire was under control.
.Forty-six honses had been destroyed. The
joss is $zuu,uoo. Three hundred homeless
people are bivouacked to-night on the
prairie. Ninety policemen in charge of
Lieutenant Beard are patrolling the burnt
district. The heat the past wees has been
terrific and everything is as dry as a match
box. Unless rain comes soon it is feared
there will be still heavier losses from fire.
Mr. McCalley, of Pittsburg-, Capture the
1 Fen and Key of the Order.
. Habbisbubg, May 8. At the meeting
of the Emerald Beneficial Association to
day, the Finance Committee reported the
fund from levies on account of death bene
fits and per capita tax to be $21,742 17;
amount paid out $20,104 28. These officers
were elected for the ensuing two years.
Siate Spiritual Director, Rev. M. J. McBride,
of, Harrisburg; President, E. T. O'Friel, of
.Aitoona; Vice President, Joseph BayerPhila-
deiphla; Captains, Charfes Dougherty, Scbuyi.
kill county; John Price. Luzerne county; Secret
tary ana .treasurer, j. a. jucuauey, nttsourg;
Mcualley. J
Assistant Secretary. F.
H. Kelly, Aitoona;
Marshal, John Dawson, Pittsburg; Assistant
Marshal, Charles Qilmartin, Fittston; Sergeant-at-Arms,
Hugh Boyle, FittsDurg.
The following named were elected dele
gates to the International Grand Branch for
the ensuing two years:
Rev. G. L. Benton, of Steelton, Joseph L.
Bayer, Philadelphia; William A. Carney, Pitts
burg; J. A. Donavan, Pittsburg; H. Q. Drue
ding, Philadelphia; a B. GlDson, Pittsburg;
William A Golden, MUlvale borough; James
r. ureen. uami
City; p. fi.-Kell
Cambria City; J. Kelly, Mahanoy
y, Aitoona; John P. McLaugh
ilDhla: JamesMor&n. MansfiAlri
lin, Hew Phil adel
11. Wllkesbarrfi! G
C. J. O'DonnelL Wllkesbarre; G. F. Btrome.
Bev. Father McBride appropriately in
stalled the officers-elect, each ot whom ad
dressed the convention.
A Man on Trial for n Murder Committed
Over Thirty Year Ago.
Salt Lake Cur, May 8. The trial of
Howard O. Spencer, for murdering Ser
geant Pike in this city over 30 years ago,
was commenced in the District Court to-day.
A short time before the murder Pike and
Spencer had trouble in Rush Valley, and
the former hit the latter over the head with
a musket. The Sergeant was brought to
this city for trial in August, 1859, and
while the examination was pending Snencer
.stopped him on the street and shot him.
jai was wougnt inac owingito ine-iapse 01
time it would be Impossible for the Govern
ment to make out a case, but the testimony
adduced thus far is very strong, and it is
doubted if the defense will be able to over
throw it Spencer is a Mormon, and is con
nected with the leading Mormon families
here. The trial excites great interest.
No Farther Action Taken Agnlnst tho Al
leged Burlington Dynamiter.
Chicago, May 8. The cases of Brod
erick, Bauereiseu and Coding, the "Q" dy
namiters, came up in the Federal Court this
morning. They had been indicted for con
spiring to interfere with the United States
mail by blowing up trains on the Chicago,
Burlington and Quinoy Railroad. The de
fendants were engineers on that road and
were on strike. On motion of the United
States District Attorney these indictments
were stricken from the docket, defendants
having been convicted in the State courts.
Bowles and Smith, who were indicted at
the same time, who turned informers, were
allowed to go on their own' recognizance.
This Is the last step in the great fight of last
year between the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy Bailroad and the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers.
A Chicago Suburb Which Could Not Btond a
81,000 License Fee.
Chicago, May 8. The big suburb of
Hyde-Park, through its Board of Trustees,
to-day rescinded the $1,000 saloon license
law adopted some weeks ago. The saloon
keepers, by trades with various elements in
the village of 50,000 population, succeeded
in restoring the old figure for a license
There has been a deadlock lasting for
weeks in the Board of Trustees since $1,000
became the standard.
Election of Railroad Director.
Cleveland, May 8. The annualj meet
ing of the Pittsburg and Canton Railroad
stockholders met at Canton to-day and re
elected all the old directors, F. "W. Hop
kiat, pi New York, and M. Churchill, of
zanesvule. being! added to she. beard. SO
othr buiMM was transacted.
Opening Session of trio Scotch-Irish
Congress in Tennessee.
Form a Pleasing Theme for a Numoer of
v Liyely Addresses.
Ex-Governor Proctor Knott Delivers tie Chief Oration
of tbs Day.
The fjcotch Irish Congress opsned at
Columbia, Tenn., yesterday. Many visitors
were present from all parts of the country,
including many distinguished personages.
The harp of Thomas Moore was a conspicu
ous feature, and a poem was read in its
honor. Proctor Knott, Eobert Bonner and
others delivered addresses.
Columbia, Tenn., May 8. True to her
promise of the preceding evening, nature
brought forth a morning of unrivaled ioyeli-.
ness, in which a warm sun and refreshing,
rbreeze strove for the mastery. The city In
boliday attire, has thrown open her gates -to
welcome the clans rallying at the sound ot
the piebroch.. Nearly all of the business
houses of the city are artistically decorated,
as are many of the residences.
American flags, bunting, Ireland's green
banner and the Scotch pieid are the chief
ingredients in all the displays. From all
parts of the cpuntry there is a great con
course of people iu attendance. The suc
cess of the meeting is now assured, both as
regards numbers and prominence of the par
ticipants. Long before the appointed hour
crowds began to wend their way to the
Athenenm grounds, famed for its slopes,
and shaded by oaks of towering grandeur,
where a large tent had been stretched.
The platform within the tent had been
literally beautified with'buntingand arches
of roses, interwoven with daisies and held a
portrait of James K. Polk, one of Ten
nessee's noblest, and the harp of Thomas
Moore, the Irish poet and patriot, which
was kindly forwardedwto the congress by
Hon. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia.
At 11 o'clock the mammoth pavilion was
like Ireland's cup of sorrow, "filled to over-
llniviniy lirtf tint v-f nil ' fn. itHl inn
stream of humanity pressed in. Soon after
the orator of the day, ex-Governor Proctor
Knott, of Kentucky, Dr. John Hall, of
New York; General Joseph F. Johnson, of
Alabama; Judge Scott, formerly Chief Jus
tice of Illinois, and other distinguished
visitors, followed by the Harp Thomas
Moore, borne aloft and having an escort of
the military of Columbia, arrived and took
their places upon the platform.
Then the President, Colonel E. C. Mc
Dowell, of Columbia, introduced to the
audience Rev. John Hall, who offered the
opening prayer, invoking God's blessing
upon the convention.
Next came the address of welcome, deliv
ered by Colonel McDowell in a- few well
said sentences, at the close of which Hon.
Joseph F. Johnson, of Alabama, was nomi
nated and chosen temporary chairman of
the Congress, which position he accepted in
a happy speech of a minute, which he com
mented upon the valor of the Scotch-Irish
on both sides of the late struggle between
the North and South, mentioning particu
larly a regiment from North Carolina and
one from Pennsylvania, both composed
largely of Scotch-Irish, which met in deadly
combat at the battle of Gettysburg, when
the t enacity and bravery of the Scotch-Irish
was illustrated by the enormous loss suffered
by each of these regiments.
It was then moved and carried that A. C.
Clark, to whose-activity the success of the
present gathering is to a great extent due,
be elected temporary secretary. A Com
mittee on Organization and one upon by
laws and constitution was then left to the
appointment of thechairman. By request,
Mrs. Margaret Smith, of the Athenium, re
cited a poem upon the harp of Thomas Moore,
written for the occasion by the poet Wallace
Bruce, as follows:
UVII.UJ.. ., MWV JW. ,U... V .uw
The top of the morning to Ireland
And tbe Bcotch-lrlsh Congress to-dsy I
All hearts respond at the banquet
When the Harp or Tom Moore leads the way.
The bells of the Shandon are ringing
Their music rrom over the sea, .
But sweeter the Harp of her poet
In the mountains of old Tennessee.
The sons of the Shamrock and Thistle
, still cherish the visions of yore.
And the Harp of old Tara awakens
Again to the voice or Tom Moore;
Each string-, with memories sacred,
Is tuned to Liberty's key;
And the songs that float down the ages
Are always the songs of the free.
It sings of the "Exile or Erin,
Bother exiles are xlles no more,
For the Isle of old Erin has drirted
Close nnder Columbia's shore.
"Where liberty is, is my country"
Has guided her over the way)
And Columbia holds In her borders
The heart of old Ireland to-day.
Manhattan and Plymouth and Jamestown
Can boast orthelr heritage true.
Bat MecMenburg's Tame Is Immortal
When we number the stars In the bine;
Tbe Scotch-Irlsh-Pnrltan-Fathers
First drafted the words of the free,
And the speech of Virginia's Henry
Is the crown of Our Liberty's plea.
The sons and the grandsons of heroes
Who fought for freedom and right
With Joy hall tbe dawn of the morning-.
"Msvournecnl" Awake to the light I
The maidens of Lome andKlllarney
Are swelling the chorus to-day.
For the castles of Oban and Blarney
Are only Just over the way.
Then welcome, a thrice hearty welcome,
To legendry, lyric and lore,
"With a pledge and "Qnld Hielan' welcome''
To tbe voice and the harp of Tom Moore;
A toast to the shamrock and thistle.
And sunshine both sides of the sea,
As Erin clasps hands o'er the ocean .
With Columbia In fair Tennessee.
Immediately following this recitation,
which was well received and applauded,
came a song by some of the lovely pupils of
the Athenenm. A motion -was then carried
returning the thanks of the Scotch-Irish citi
zens of the United States to Hon. T. T.
Wright, who originated and pushed to suc
cess the movement which is reaching now
its culmination. The band then played a
medley of Scotch and Irish ballads, thrill
ing and appropriate to the occasion.
Proctor Knott having been introduced by
the Chairman, with eloquence and learning
gave a history of the origin of the Scotch
Irish race, their development in character
and thought, tracing with a master hand
the causes which led to the peculiar love of
ecclesiastical and olvll liberty for which
they are noted, and which made them the
champions Of freedom from tyranny and
despotism In every form, and closing his re
marks with pTaise for their sturdy and self
reliance, bravery and virtue, while conceal
ing none of their faults.
The speaker let fall dne remark which in
dicated a humorous vein, la speaking of
the Scotch history Jie -said they-at one time
had no name for money and knew nothing
of its value, and that some of their descend
ents nowadays knew little of the value of a
dollar, being-hard to convince that it is not
worth five.
During the interim between the morning
and evening meetings the visitors were en
tertained by being driven around to South
side Park, where more than 50 well bred
and trained trotters and pacers, headed by
old Tom HalUBrown Hall and Duplex.
I were lea around toe traas ter tue-ir inspection.
Others, among them Mr. Bonner and Dr.
Hall, were driven out to ZIon Church, about
seven miles from .the city, where is to be
found n large church and thickly settled
neighborhood, composed almost exclusively
ui me auuwu-Axisu race, an me lamina
comprising this settlement being more or
less related.
At tho evening session the President an
nounced the committees. Bev. Dr. Wilson
Phrftner nt Rinrr Ktnf. T V" dolf-traMd a.
'brief extemporaneous talk. Robert Bonner,
of New York, made a few remarks and said
he liked Columbia because they called him
General down there, while Captain was his
title farther north. Rev. Dr. McCloskey, of
Princeton, gave an address in which he
made an effort to show that American edu
cational institutions of to-day are modeled
alter the Scotch-Irish plan of co-ordinate
alliance of religion and of high education.
Dr. John Hall, of New York, and Dr. Mc
intosh, of Princeton, wm deliver addresses
Wonderful Explosion and Phenomenon
Lntvrencevlllo's Gn Sensation- This
Morning How the Great Cable
Wa Barely Saved.
Probably ihe most woaderful phenome
non that has appeared, in connection with
all the unexpected manifestations of natural
gas let loose, was that which startled Law
renceville at midnight and early ihis morn
ing. Shortly after the midnight hour,
by some means of ignition at
present unknown, a great quantity of gas
was exploded in the conduit of the Citizens'
Traction Company, near the Forks of the
Road. It blew tbe huge iron covers of a
dozen or more manholes high into the air,
and went off with a report, or rather a roar,
that made the many who heard it imagine
the first symptoms 'of an earthquake had ap
peared in their midst.
It is described as a marvelous explosion,
that tore the conduit and opened fissures in
the earth between this and the great leaking
main of the Philadelphia Natural Gas Com
pany, so as to afford perfect communication
for tbe gas between the two.
And then, after the explosion, there kept
coming sufficient volnme of the gas to burn
with a very great blaie. Indeed, the con
duit was all aflame. For a distance of near
ly 160 feet the blaze rose to a height of at
least six feet from all the uncovered man
holes, and from out the narrow slot it
burned equally high, a blade of fire of
terrific heat, looking, for all the world, as if
it had burst through the earth itself, and as
if it might be burning tip from the internal
fires of the globe through this straight, nar
row fissure at the surface.
The heat of this gas flame was so intense
that, long before tbe expiration of the hour
in which it burned, it had made the paving
stones above too hot lor weii-snod man or
beast to tread upon them. It burned
through the thin iron shell of the conduit,
and, with its first explosive force, tore holes
underneath the 'track, so that it is doubtfnl
if the line can be repaired in time to be op
erated to-day.
Indeed this whole division of theTenn
avenue traction road would have to lie idle
for several days had not the officials at the
power house taken the precaution to keep
the cables running so that they could not
be ruined by the heat. As it was, the cable
was badly damaged.
, The only possible means of stopping tne
conduit fire, or preventing it from spread
ing, was the shutting ofi of the great nat
ural gas main, which was done for that dis
trict about 1 o'clock this morning. The
full significance of the damage wrought
cannot at this hour be stated.
The Benatolnvestlgatlng Commltteeut Work
In San Francisco.
San Fbancisco, May 8. The Special
Committee of the United States Senate to in
vestigate the relations of the United States
with Canada met here to-day. Senator Hoar,
of Massachusetts, presided. General Nelson
Failes, in command of the Division of the
Pacific, spoke at length on the subject of
the coast defenses. He said Puget Sound,
"Wash. T., bad never possessed any
defenses, although its ports are
within the sound of the guns of British for
tifications. The defenses of the Columbia
river at Fort Canby, "Wash. T., and Fort
S trass, Ore., are practically obsolete and
useless. The same state of affairs were said
to exist in this harbor.
The statement was made that the naval
vessel of foreign power provided with mod
ern armament would easily lay off the
Golden Gate and throw shot into the center
of San Francisco, eight miles distant. By
the aid ol maps ana charts. General Miles
explained in detail how the fortifications of
this, harbor could be made use of. He as
sured the Senators that this harbor was the
easiest in. the United States to naturally de
Several. Small Villages In Dllchlgan Wiped
Out by the Flames.
Ishpeming, Mich., May 8. Forest
fires have destroyed the villages of Bruce's
Crossing and O'Brien in Ontonegan county,
burned half of the village of Spauldingj
about 20 buildings, and 12 houses in Stam
bangb, Menominee county. Fires are
burning in half of the counties in the north
ern neninsnla. The damage to standing
Lpine in Ontonegan. county will be enormous
uniess-more rain comes.
A dispatch from Norway says: Norway
and vicinity has been surrounded by fires
for two days. Fire to-day reached the Vul
can mine, two miles from here, burning
over 2,000 cords of wood, an engine house,
and 20 dwellings, most of which were owned
by employes of the mine, who lost every
All of HI Appointees Dlnst Pass a Civil
Service Examination.
Washington, May 8. Mr. Eobert P.
Porter, superintendent of the eleventh
census, says it is a mistake to imagine that
because the civil service rules do not apply
to the census office that he is going to make
appointments, wholesale and without regard
to qualifications. He says:
"When I begin to make appointments,
which will'not be until next year, I propose
to be governed by the followirfg consider
ations: First, those who have had experience
in the last census will have the preference;
and second, those who have passed the
Civil service examination, for I propose to
have an examination and make appoint
ments based upon the results of such an ex
He Say That He Is Devoting BI Attention
Strictly fo Business Matters.
St. Loots, May 8. Colonel Dan Lamont,
formerly Private Secretary to President
'Cleveland, arrived in St. Louis to-night
from Birmingham, Ala., and will IeaAre in
the morning for New York. To a reporter
Mr. Lamont said he was out of politics, and
that his trip was of a purely business nature.
He declined to discuss political affairs.
Trial Trip of Ihe Charleston.
Santa Basbaba, Cal., May 8. The
United States cruiser Charleston, whlchJs
tomake her trial, trip here, arrived from San
Franelcco shortly after 6-30 P..M., making,
under easy steam during the last pottiea of
her trip, a little mere was 11 ka-rts.
01 any kind can beat 9
satisfljsd by adverttstafc is
i of The Dis-
Many Conntr
Isresented at thr
Swoe( Voiced Sankey Electrifies tlo Ya'
Delegates Wl Corns From Fir-Off lands to lean
- Froai Americans.
The twenty-eighth annual convention of
Young Men's Christian Associations opened
yesterday in Philadelphia. Over 1,000
delegates were present, representing many
lands. Ihey were warmly welcomed by pea
eral Howard, who presided. The pre
liminary exercises were fall of interest.
Ira D. Sankey, the singing evangelist, stole)
the hearts of his auditors. An organizationy- '
was effected by the election of officers and'
the convention will get down to business tor -day.
Philadelphia, 3Iay. 8. The twenty
eighth International Convention of Youns
1 Men's Christian Associations opened to
day. Association Hall was beautifully -'
decorated with flowers and flags, and was in
complete readiness, even to a post office and
telegraph office. Tlje LOOO arriving dele-- ,
gates, as they rushed in from various'parts
of the world, were met, their carpetbag
taken, and made at home in a jiffy.
General Howard, of Governor a Island,
called the assemblage to order and there)
were twp supreme moments in the openinc
of the convention. The first was when the
full voiced Sankey, in tones thatwere ne.vef -heard
to better advantage, sang a beautiful
solo by Horatius Bonar, "Some time I catch,
sweet glimpses of His face, but that is all.'
A stillness akin to that of midnight in a
sanctuary pervaded the room, and an incip
ient outburst of enthusiasm was instantly
checked by a "determined sh" from every
part. The second height of religious senti
ment, almost sublime in character was
scaled an hour later. The crowded house,
to a man, was bent in silent prayer. Then,
outbursts of fervor and prayer in single sen
fences, each bearing a different burden,
were heard quick and fast from delegates
on every part of the floor. Suddenly the
soft strains of an organ were heard and the
voice of the incomparable hymn singer, Ira.
D. Sankey, began singing, scarcely above & '
whisper, "Nearer My God to Thee."
The heads were still bowed, and from tha
verv vitals of the room, floor, walls and.
ceiling, the well-known hymn swelled,
muffled and almost mournful. The spell of
silence that followed was broken by a prayer
by the second ranking general of the army
of the United States, Q. O. Howard, tha
successor of the great Hancock of Governor's
The delegates represented every State and
Territory in the United States,- and France.
Germany. Sweden, England, Ireland and
Japan. Among the distinguished represents
atives present ,are itevrxgaMie-von;
Schlumbacb, the German Moody; Henry J.
McCoy, Secretary of the San Francisco'
branch, who has been very successful in tha
work there; M.H.Hodder, of London; Baroa
von Stark, of Berlin; Karl Fries, Stock
holm; E. Hoffer, Secretary of the Zurich;
Association; Robert Burns, Secretary X)f tha
Aldersgate branch of the London Associa
tion: Robert McConn, National Secretary
for Ireland; Viscount Michima, a Japanese
nobleman of Tokio, and John T. Swift,
Secretary of the association which is doing
in Japan the same work that Secretary Mo
Con aughy is to do, in India. From tha
South and "West: T. A. Licklider, Atlanta;
John L. Wheat, a leading citizen of St.
Louis, who presided at the Interna
tional Congress of 1883 at Cleve
land; K. S. Chipley, Louisville:
T. S. McPhuters, St Louis; "W. C. Ken'
drick, President of the Louisville associa
tion and the leading jeweler of the South;
H. B. Chamberlain, Denver; State Secrev
tary Caldwell, of Arkansas; Thone Miller,
the blind "Singing Evangelist of Cincin-.
nati:'' Russell Sturgis, of Boston; Luther
Gulick, who has charge of the school for
gymnasium instruction at Springfield; Bew
Dr. Patton, of Princeton, were among New
England's quota.
AfterCincinnati Russell.General Howard!,
made a brief speech in which he said that
the object of the convention was for mutual'
study. The results of such meetings thus'
far have been beneficial, and have served to
vivify and enthuse all hearts and better
prepare the delegates to go back to their
homes and to educate them. The intrinsic
effect has been to emphasize the gains and
divest old methods of superfluities. These
conventions, when successful, are epochs of
progress to the participants, and through,
them a source of development to all whom
they meet. He emphasized the effects of
mutual counsel, gave reminiscences of a
council of 20 years ago, and outlined the
great things accomplished by the various
conventions that have been held. He re
ferred to the recent inaugural, andvald
that this convention stands at the beginning;
of a new era, and spoke of the character
of Washington as set forth by history,
which tells us that he abounded in knowl
edge, fellowship and jjrace. If he were
here he would give us his blessing; Let us
abound in his good qualities. General
Howard then proceeded to introduce the
foreign delegates, first presenting Robert
Burns, of Aldersgate, who said that in past
years the association on the other side of the
water had received many valuable sugges
tions and
and they hoped to continue to be instructed.
He then read a letter of greeting from Mr.
George "Williams, the President of the Lon
don Association, the mention of whose name
evoked a storm of applause. Robert Mo
Conn, Traveling Secretary for Ireland, was
next presented. He said that he owed much
to America ar he became a Christian
through Mr. Sankey's instrumentality
at a Moody and Sankey meeting.
Baron Von Staik was next introduced.
He is the youngest looking of the foreign
delegates, and in broken English expressed
his pleasure at being able to be present.
Karl Fries, of Stockholm, then made a few
remarks in very excellent English,
referring to the close connection between
Philadelphia and Sweden through the early
Swedish settlers, and he also read a letter of
greeting from the National Secretary of -Sweden.
In the afternoon there was an address. of
welcome by Francis W.Kennedy, President ,
of the Philadelphia association, ana s
spouse by the President of the convention.!
xa we evening rnuus j .u.mju, ju. u-j
President of Princeton College, delivee43S
an address onmodern unbelief among youajf
men and its antidote. -
The following officers were elected for the
convention: ;
President, Humphrey B. Chamberlain, Den
ver; Vice Presidents. John E. Irrtae, St. John.
N. B.: Dr. Pred W. KellyJ Montreal; Alfted
woouwortn. jsosioai unarie js. Alexander, if-4
San Fraaclsco; Prof. Chfalea W.Dabaay, Jr., L
Continued on
... . m -&2:a
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