Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 07, 1889, Image 8

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A Lanje Audience Greets the First
Appearance at the Grand.
The Tenor Afflictei ly Troulles of Both
Throat and Pocket.
The performance of Gounod's master
rork, "Faust," by the Boston Ideal at the
Grand Opera House last night tras excep
tionally interesting. It interested an un
usually large and choice Monday night
louse until after 11:30 o'clock. It had been
nade interesting in advance by being an
nounced as Mile, de ussan's first
and only assumption of Margherita
in Pittsburg this season and as
the debut on our boards of a new star tenor,
the Chevalier Edward Scovel.
The performance was opened by the an
nouncement that this doughty knight of the
high C's had so strained his throat on Sat
urday evening in Cleveland that the in
dulgence oi the audience must be craved on
his behalf and it was exceedingly interest
ing to watch the manful struggle between
'the tenor and his ticklish throat as the opera
Still more interesting was it at the begin
ning of the last act, with Margherita asleep
on her pallet of straw, Mephistopheles at the
end of his lines and the conductor's baton
poised in mid air all waiting, waiting for
It was interesting to hear the ensuing an
nouncement from the management, that
"Chevalier Scovel had been taken snddenlv
ill and seemed unable to finish the opera;
bnt he would be able to go on, if at all, in a
Jew minutes." After waiting awhile the
third interesting announcement for this
one evening was made, to the effect
that Chevalier Scovel was still too ill to
proceed, hut that Mr. Baxter, who happened
to be in the audience, would finish the role,
though he had not time to don any more ap
propriate stage garment than Mephisto's big,
red cloak. That made a very interesting
But the most interesting thing about this
performance was not known to the audience
at all. itlr. bcovel, who was interviewed
after the curtain finally fell, obligingly
showed his swollen and (inflamed throat to
the writer in proof that he had sung at
all on this evening only with much pain
and difficulty. But he just as obligingly went
on to state that it was not for the sake othis
throat, but of his pocket, that he declined
to finish the opera. Manager Foster, he
stated, had omitted
of paying his salary for a week" or two past,
and he had gone' on the stage that night
upon the express condition that a certain
sum was to be paid him before the opera
was over. As the house was a large one he
thought Manager Foster ought not to walk
off with a pocketful of money and leave
him in the lurch, singing with much diffi
culty and no pay.
"It is a shame!" exclaimed the gallant
Chevalier. "There are those poor chorus
girls weeks behind in their pay, crying in
the corners, but afraid to stand up for their
rights. I won't stand it, for my part. Even
if I can get money from other sources,
should I wish to, I earn my own living by
my own work, and I propose to get what I
Manager "Wilt, of the Grand, stated that
he had that evening handed over to Colonel
Foster a share of the receipts more than
twice the amount that Mr. Scovel claims
was to be paid him. Manager Foster had
left the theater by this time, and his side of
the story was not obtained.
"Upon the general features of the "Faust"
performance tberefTneither space nor need
to say much. In most respects it was a du
plicate of that given by the Ideals at
their holiday engagement The church
scene was given this time, though
not in a church interior as it should be
Mr. Clark's Mephistopheles was the same
weak-kneed, big-voiced individual, with
very little fiendishness about him except
his false intonation. Miss Claire mani
fested decided improvement, "both vocal and
dramatic, in the role of Siebel. Mr. Mer
tens sang Valentine well. Mr. Ad. Liese
gang handled the orchestral and choral
lorces carefully and effectively.
M'lle de Lussan's Margherita had many
points of high excellence. It was a natural
and forcefnl impersonation.best in passionate
and tragic moments, though in earlier scenes
scarcely rising to the exquisitely innocent
girlishness of Goethe's conception. "Vocally
her work was quite beyond reproach,
altogether delightful. Chevalier Scovel,
taking all circumstances into account, up
held the high repute he won in Italy and
especially in his several seasons as one of
Ccrl .Rosa's leading tenors. His acting was
easy and impassioned; he dressed and looked
the young Faust to perfection.
A frequent tendency to retard the move
ment was about the only vocal
fault not entirely attributable to his indispo
sition. His enunciation was most aatisfy
ingly clear (rare virtue in American sing
ers!) his phrasing and style were eminently
artistic, and the range and quality of tone
he produced under such trying conditions
did credit to the method of his venerable
maestro, Lam'perti, of Milan.
Bnt the Bloody Hatr Does Not Seem to
Have Belonged to Him.
Chicago, May 6. The supposed bloody
mystery attached to the disappearance of
Dr. P. H. Cronin, who was a member of a
great number of Irish societies, partly dis
appeared to-day. Hair supposed to be his
and found in a bloody trunk on the prairies
near Lakeview was taken this even
ing to the barber shop where
Cronin frequented. The employes
declared unhesitatingly that the hair was
not Cronin's, that his was much coarser,
not as long, and was inclined to be kinky.
Police Captain Schaack,who casmet Cronin
frequently, expressed a similar opinion.
The bloody cotton in the trunk, anothersnp
posed clue, proved valueless. It to-day
turned out to be ordinary batting, and not
the absorbent article such" as the doctor car
ried in his surgeon's outfit
The people with whom Cronin boarded
deny that he was a drinking man, claim
that the hair found is really the doctor's,
and persist in the theory that Cronin must
have been murdered. Several well-known
gentlemen, friends of Cronin, adopt the
same view. Many people, however, are
skeptical concerning the affair, and express
the opinion that the doctor will turn up
all right shortly.
Wound Up With a Fljht and OneMnnWns
Killed Outright.
Phuxtpsbtjbo, May 6. There was a
fight at a Hungarian christening near
Houtzdale last night. One man, Joseph
Teeser, was killed outright and others were
severely injured. Seven persons were ar
rested. The Hungarians, Baldy and Joseph
Uenyak, charged with the murder of Teeser,
nade their escape.
A Fraudulent Pensioner Arretted.
Charleston, TV. Va., May 6. E. J.
'angnter, yf Glen Elk, a suburb of th
was uxtsted this morning on the
' of fraudulently representing himself
ioner. Slaughter is now in jail,
he action of the United States
. ?6P. Corset at 81 75;
'ity all sizes to-day.
"" HOENE & CO.'S
un Avenue Stores.
An Ex-Confederate hari South Carolina
Wonld Furnish Ber Quota of Loyal
Men In Case of War How the
Floe Episode Occurred.
rTTi-PT.IPQTn-V R f! Wnvr R nnMi
r Sherman's interview, published here yes
terday, in reference to the Stars and Stripes
in the South Carolina regiment in the.Cen
tennial parade, has raised a storm of ex
cited indignation, which is directed about
evenly between General Sherman and the
General who had command of the South
Carolina troops. Sherman is not exactly a
favorite in South Carolina. A prominent
ex-Confederate who took part in the parade
in New York said to The Dispatch cor
respondent that he didn't care much about
what Sherman said. He said:
If Major McLean, of the Old Guard, or some
other Union soldier had called our attention to
it and kicked us for our stupid blunder I
wouldn't bare a word to say, but Sherman
makes me sick. I don't think he likes South
Carolina. If he will come down here we will
put up a United States nag on the ruins of
every house he burned on his journey through
the State, and on every tree which his bum
mers used to bang niggers on to make them
tell where the family had buried the household
silver. The Old Guard, of New York, the
Boston Lancers, the Boston Tigers and the
First Connecticut Regiment, who have visited
South Carolina since the war, can tell whether
they saw any United States nags when they
were down here.
The trouble is that the militia in this Bute is
not pronerly organized. There's not a single
regiment or battalion in the service that has a
stand oi regimental colors iiKetnemew mrs
regiments. The companlesarescatteredand sel
dom parade in regimental formation. When
they do each company carries its own flag, the
flag presented to them by their lady friends.
That's how the South Carolina contingent came
to parade without the national colors. The
Brigadier who commanded them forgot all
about regimental colors, or probably bad never
heard ot such a thing. It was simply a blun
der, that is alL
As for devotion to the flag of the country,
you just let a war break out between the
United States and anybody else and I think
you'll find South Carolina will furnish three
volunteers for every one furnished by Ohio or
New York, in proportion to her white popula
tion. They may forget to turn out with the na
tional colors on a holiday parade, bnt you'll
find no better defenders of the Stars and
Stripes than that same brigade who did not
have the national colors on their picnic
How a Convict at Gibraltar Won His Free
dom and Passage to America.
rsrECULt.'nxzo&Aic to tux msrATCH.i
New York, May 6. "Gonzales has been
released for acting executioner." This was
the cable dispatch from Gibraltar about the
ex-convict that arrived on the steamship
India that puzzled the authorities at "Wash
ington the other day. They supposed there
was an error in it, and that it meant that
Gonzales had been released by the acting
executive officer at Gibraltar. It was dis
covered to-day that the cable was literally
correct, Gonzales, alias "Monkey," robbed
a baker's shop in the town of Gibraltar, for
which he was sentenced to ten years penal
servitude. When he had served three years
of his time the prison officials found them
selves with a condemned murderer on their
hands and no one to hang him. They of
fered to commute the sentence of any pris
oner whb would act as executioner.
Gonzales volunteered, and when the time
came he did the hanging in the most im
proved fashion, thereby gaining his liberty.
He is still locked up on board the India,
and at a special meeting of the Emigration
Commissioners, to be held to-morrow, they
will decide whether he may land or not.
Bain Has Stayed tbe Flames After a Loss of
Over Sl.OOO.OOO.
Dultjth, Hiss., May 6. Eain has
eased the forest fires to some extent. A
heavy continuous rain is needed. Every
incoming train reports afresh list of dam
ages, and the total will probably reach over
$1,000,000. On both sides of Pike Lake sta
tion after the rainstorm the flames fanned
themselves into fury, and the pine trees
spread and shriveled up like mad.
For miles on each side of Ashland the
forests are one sheet of blizing fire. West
of Northern Pacific Junction the fire has
done a great deal of damage, completely
cleaning out the timber from some locali
ties, and destroying thousands of ties and
poles and hundreds of cords of wood.
Tbe Charleston's Trial Trip.
Sax Fran Cisco, May 6. The United
States cruiser Charleston is expected to
leave here to-morrow morning for Santa
Barbara channel, where her trial trip will
take place.
- To-Day' Trial Lists.
Common Fleas No 1 Frailer vs Storiji; Rob
inson etalvs Hooper et al; Koenervs Pick;
Nutter vs Johnston; Hamilton et al vs Alle
gheny Valley Railroad; Nestor vs Geyan, ad
ministrator; Barnes Bros, vs Elliott; Fen-ell et
aljrs .Mercer: GradnervsKaplan;Sweet Co. vs
wilbert et al; Dinjress Co. vs Buntlne; Wem
oritz vs Morrow; Fulton vs Christ; W ley vs
Getty; Powers vs Christy.
Common Pleas No. 2 First German Evan
gelical Lutheran Church vsMneller etal;Lydick
vs Rea: Dunn vs Thompson; Brown, receiver. vs
Marshall fcCo.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Col.
Getz, Peter Lazarwitz, George Anderson, B.
F. Crone, Lizzie Daffy, Daniel Sbeedy-John
Goetz. J. A. Steele, Jr.. John Stringer, Henry
Werbel, Moses D. Silknetter. M. F. Edwards,
Cornelius Shouvelin, Cass Lyttle, Mary Sauer.
Weak stomach,Beecham'sPills actlike magic
Peaks' Soap secures a beautiful complexion.
Balbrlg-gnn Underwear for Slen and Boys,
Complete assortment $1 a suit up to finest,
Penn Avenue Stores.
Those $10 Salt.
Ever since we began selling those men's
fine suits at (10 (worth 18) we have had a
steady rush at our stores. They are really
the biggest bargain ever offerea, and it will
pay yon to come and see them. The mate
rials are cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds, Ban
nockburns, blarneys and corkscrews, all
sizes to fit anyone; cut and trimmed in the
latest styles o'f both cutaways and sacks, and
never intended to sell for less than $18.
Come and take your choice of over 5,000
suits at ten dollars ($10). P. C. C. C.
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
See the Bargains la All-Wool Suitings
SO cents, 40 cents and. 51 a yard. All are
greatly under usual prices.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
k . Penn -Avenue Stores.
IiA Peel a del Fumar are a high grade
Key West Cigar, manufactured for those
smokers who can appreciate Havana tobacco
in its natural condition. Sold from $6 50 to
$12 per hundred. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth ave.
New Imported Jerseys In Cloak Room.
Blouse fronts and tight-fitting backs, just
received, in cream, white and colors.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Natural Gas Bills Reduced
75 per cent "We carry the largest, finest
and most complete stock of gas apparatus of
any firm in the world, to use with or with
out meters.
O'Keefe Gas Apparatus Co.,
34 Fifth avenue.
Tuxedo and Lenox Salts,
For ladies and children, in our suit de
partment, the great summer outing cos
tume. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
CALDWELL On Tuesday, May 7, 18S9, at
ld5 A, ., William F. Caldwell, S3 Re
becca street, Allegheny, in tbe 8d year of his
Notice of funeral hereafter.
Continued from First Page.
burg who may sit in License Court next
year, and it will make it harder for them.
"The movement, I have no doubt, came
from the liquor interest, and its backers
have made a great mistake; for it will injure
their interests greatly, and they should
have sense enongh to know that the reaction
will be against themselves. I repeat : It
was a harsh, unjust move, against a consci
entious Judge.
"And now," continued Judge Ewing, in
a kindly tone, moving his comfortable chair
a little closer to his listener, "now let me
tell yon how Johnny Stroup got his license,
and perhaps it may explain away a point
upon which I see they are attacking Judge
Solely Responsible.
"I am responsible for the fact that John
ny Stroup received his license," said the
Judge, who had now dropped entirely his
airot what might be called legal harshness.
"Years ago I was on the bench, when John
ny Stroup came before me for sentence,
and I did not see him again
until last year, when I sat upon the License
Bench with Judge White, and Johnny
Stroup stood before us and asked that a li
cense be granted him. I sat there quietly,
while Judge White questioned him pretty
sharply, and I asked him but one question,
and when Johnny turned to me to answer, I
saw his lip trembled just a trifle, and I saw
he thought I was to be his adverse fate.
"Well," continued Judge Ewing, "I
leaned over to Judge White and said:
'Judge. I will be personally responsible for
Johnny Stroup, if you agree to give him a
license;' and Judge White did agree to do
so, and I am glad to see that no mistake
was made, and I know that is the reason
why Johnny Stroup got his license this
year; because he deserved it
"Now," he continued, "wasn't it a mar
velous thing that the whirl of time again
placed me on the bench, and give me an
opportunity to do this?"
"Yes, it was," and the interview had
John Stroup'n Rejoinder.
Clever Johnny Stroup was found in his
new quarters on the Diamond, amid a maze
of mirrors, tables, chairs and unfinished
carpenter work, and when he was told the
substance of the above, he answered the
first question promptly:
"Johnny, what have you to say to the
charge that you knew you were to receive a
"I can say that it is not true. I have
made no extensive preparations; but even
those I have made have cost me almost all I
have. I knew I had conformed to the very
letter and spirit of the law, and I was will
ing to take mv chances.
"I would nave hesitated, however." he
said, "had I known there were only 93
licenses to be granted. I would not nave
applied, I assure you. I would have been
afraid to risk my all on the chance of being
one or the 93."
George Schad, the Allegheny Councilman
Who Was Refnsed the Liquor License,
Explains His Relations With At
torney Shims, and la Una
able to Believe Judge
White's Story.
Councilman George Schad was found by
The Dispatch reporter at 930 last night
in front of his suspended -saloon on Main
street, Allegheny, near Herr's Island. He
looked at the newspaper man incredulously
after hearing an account oi what Judge
White had said to our Harrisburg corre
spondent "What are you giving me?" he asked
sternly. "That's all bosh. Somebody has
been putting up a job on you."
The reporter reiterated the reliability of
the interview. "It's all Tosb," was all Mr.
Schad would say, and it was fully ten min
utes before it commenced to dawn on the ex
saloonist that probably the reporter was
telling the truth. Then he talked:
"Yes, it is true that Mr. Shiras is mv at
torney," he said, "but I know nothing
whatever of any letters that he sent Judge
White on my behalf. When you say that
Mr. Shiras introduced the impeachment
resolutions in the Legislature becaus I was
refused a license, that is silly. t It is non
sense. If Judge "White says he did this,
whylknownothingabout it I don't be
lieve Judge White did say so.
No Correspondence.
"Mr. Shiras has been my attorney for two
years, representing me in the License Court
the session before the last as well as the last
No, I did not see him or write him after I
was refused license.'r
"Judge White says that Id one of the
letters he received from Mr. Shiras, the
young attorney asked him to grant you a
license, Mr. Schad, as a personal favor, be
cause, as he intimated, you could do him
much good politically. How about that?"
"I have bnt one vote down here," replied
Mr. Schad, "It's hardly likely that I could
give Mr. Shiras such immense aid with that
one vote."
"Ko; but you are & Councilman, Mr.
"Yes, sir; I have just been elected for the
third term. That don't look as though my
neighbors consider me the bad man Judge
White did when he refused me a license?"
"A man that can be elected to Councils
three times must have considerable political
influence," insinuated the reporter.
"I don't think so," replied Mr. Schad
tartly. "You're a reporter, maybe. Can
you make your readers do as you say?
That's the way often with a man who has
been elected to Councils and his constitu
ents. It's all very silly. I could not help
Mr. Shiras so much as all that"
Contradicting: tho Court,
"Has Mr. Shiras' political strength been
weakened any in your ward because you
were refused a license?"
"I don't know. How could it? Mr.
Shiras couldn't get my license pulled
through. He did all he could, no doubt
He is not to be blamed."
"Judge White says you misrepresented
things to him when an applicant last year,
and tried the same thing this year."
"That is not true. He has got the evi
dence I gave in his possession, and he
ought to know. I have 17 rooms.. A
man who knows that made affidavit
to that effect I swore to it on the
stand. My place has always been or
derly. I should have had a license. I
told Judge White I would not be sworn I
into Councils if he would give me license.
I meant it, and I have not been sworn in
"Then are yon not going to take your seat
in City Councils?"
"I have not done so yet"
As the interview closed, the Councilman
elect again held up his hands in astonish
ment at the bare thought of his license re
fusal having caused all this fuss, "I don't
believe it," he said.
Tbe Temperance and Religious Bodies
Speak In the Judge's Support.
The attackupon Judge White seems to
have stirred up the temperance and re
ligious elements in the community to a de
gree. At the Centenary Methodist Church
mass meeting last night the following reso
lution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved. That It Is the sense of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union of the Eleventh
and Thirteenth wards, that the course of Judge
White in tbe License Count of this county de
serves the heartiest support of all law-abiding
citizens.and that tbe attack upon his character
as a man and a Judge by impeachment and res
olutions is an offense to morality and a block In
the way of enlightened progress.
The Methodist Episcopal ministers, at
their regular weekly meeting yesterday, ex
pressed themselves on the same point as
"Whereas, A resolution has been introduced
' in the Legislature ot this State looking to the
impeachment of Judge White for his action in
the License Court in this county; therefore.
Resolved, That we condemn said movement
as ill-advised, unfounded and disgraceful.
Resolved, That we most heartily indorse the
action of Judge White in his conscientious and
fearless Interpretation and administration of
the now existing laws
Resolved, That we recognize in this move
ment tbe recklessness of the saloon element in
its efforts to strike down or intimidate judic
iary, the most sacred and trusted bulwark of
the liberties of the people.
The Methodict Protestant ministers, at
their meeting ip the First Church on Fifth
avenue, put the matter in this form:
Resolved. That we think it singular, and our
suspicions are awakened by the insinuations
concerning the private and official character
"of Judge White, following so closely after his
very able and judicious enforcement ot the
license laws of our Commonwealth. We wish
to enter our protest against any unfairness in
dealinr with this jurist, whose fitness for his
high office has never before been questioned,
and we wish to say, with emphasis, that his In
terpretation and enforcement of tbe Brooks
law enjoys our hearty and unqualified ap
proval. There will be a pnblic meeting in ap
proval of the Judge in Sewickley, his home,
this evening.
When be Said that Allegheny Saloon
Keeper Obeyed the Law.
A reporter of The Dispatch mentioned
to Mayor P earson, in Allegheny last night,
what Judge White said in his Harrisburg
interview about his (the Mayor's) statement
that Allegheny saloon keepers had .all.
obeyed the law.
"What the Judge probably'said to your
correspondent," explained Mayor Pearson,
"was that I told him that I wrote him no
note. I did receive a letter from him in his
official capacity before the License Court
opened, asking me to furnish him with
such information as I could, so
that it would be useful to him
in examining applicants. I had not an
swered this letter yet, when X accidentally
met Jndge White at the dinner hour at the
St Charles Hotel one day. He told me in
a conversation that he intended to reduce
the number of licenses very materiallyjthis
year. I replied that as far as Allegheny
City was concerned that I believed, with one
or two exceptions, all the liquor dealers to
whom he had granted licenses the previous
year had tried to obey the laws.
"And I meant what I said," continued
the Mayor. "I knew that with but few ex
ceptions the. law was kept rigidly in view
by the saloons over here. Look at Lime
grover's, on Ohio streetpwhich was refnsed
this year. Four times the amount
of business could have been
done there had the proprietor
been disposed to evade the Brooks law.
Shriner's Hotel was a similar instance.
When the License Court convened a year
ago had perhaps the worst reputation
of all the low saloonists over here. I was
therefore surprised when I saw that a license
had been given him. But the past year I
must give this same saloon credit, for tbe
police have had less trouble with it than
some others."
Hd Did Not Seek Judge White on License
Matters at Any Time.
Hon. John Dalzell was telephoned, at his
residence at Hawkins station last night. He
"I do not care to be interviewed over the
telephone ; but I emphatically .deny that I
had anything to do with the Shiras resolu
lution, which may be inferred from Judge
White's talk. If he Bays that I went to see
him in company with Mr. C. L. Magee in
regard to somebody's license, he is. certainly
in error. I have no hesitancy whatever in
saying that I did go to the Court House,
however, during the sitting of the License
Court for the purpose of seeing the Judge
in regard to a matter entirely foreign to
"While on my way there I met Mr.
Magee by accident, and we walked up to
gether. Mr. Magee did not state his busi
ness with Jndge White to me, nor did I
state mine jo him. " Whether he was there
in the interest of an applicant or not I do
not know, but I do know that we were not
bent upon the same errand.
"I would dislike very much to be mixed
up with the affair, and would prefer to say
nothing about the interview until I see it in
the morning. I did not know anything
sVtnnfc trip TPKrtlntinn until T TAnd It In Twin
Dispatch. To infer that I was one of the
people back of it wonld be doing me an in-
justice. ixiii nub ill Byiupaiujr niui
movement in its present shape."
Attorney Robb Will Appeal to tbe Supreme
Court for the Bottlers.
Attorneys John Bobb and Fitzsimmons
went to Philadelphia last evening, repre
senting the bottler, to appear before the
Supreme Court in their behalf.
Mr. Bobb stated that he would raise the
point of law that as long as a reputable
wholesaler could give evidence of good
moral character, and evinces a desire to
conform to the law in every particular, that
it is not within the discretionary power of
any Judge to deny such a, man a license.
On this ground Mr. Bobb will ask the
Supreme Court to quash the License Court
proceedings so far as the bottlers are con
cerned, or else to give them another hear
ing. He said further that the other whole
salers are represented by lawyers and they
will make a similar effort
So Says Herman Strnub, tbe LawreneevUle
Brewer, as to Gotham.
Mr. Herman Straub, the Lawrenceville
brewer, stated that he had not heard of New
York brewers taking any particular part in
the Pennsylvania struggle at present but
stated that if they are disposed to spend
money to defeat the prohibitory amend
ment, they would be given ample opportun
ity. He said that of course all brewers were
interested in its defeat and it was to be ex
pected they would all spend money.
Mr. Straub was not disposed to discuss
the situation, .being engaged at a social
gathering when seen.
The Liquor Men Will Begin Their Cam
paign la Another Week.
Brewer Straub (not Herman, but the
other one) went to Philadelphia last night
to attend another committee meeting of the
liquor men. The present state of their
finances will be looked into and the cam
paign on the liquor side will begin in an
other week.
Mr. Straub-stated that he was at a loss to
explain the impeachment movement unless
it wnsdone for political purposes. He does
not think it will prove a boomerang against
them. -
Saushlne Demands Xlgut Attire,
And the whis suits at The People's Store
tickle the lancy of the misses and children.
As much pains is taken in getting up nov
elties in this line as is shown in ladies' at
tire. Cheapness goes hand in-hand with
beautiful effects. Campbell & Dice.
Smoke the best La Perla del Fumar
Clear Havana Key "West Cigars, 3 for 25c.
G. "W. Schmidt, 95 arid 97 Fifth ave.
Tbe SI 2? Quality Printed India Silks at 65c
A yard are the silk bargain of the season.
You can't afford to miss these.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s -
Penn Avenue Store,
Indications for
West Virginia fair
slightly warmer
southerly winds.
For TTesfern Penn
sylvania; fair, slightly warmer, except in
western portionstationary temperature,
southerly winds.
PrrrsBxmo, May 6. 18S9.
The United States Signal Service officer in
this city lurmsnes me louowlng.
Time. Ttier.
8:00 a. v re
lZlOOA. C 75
1:00 P. K
2:00 r.K 78
Me&ntemn 68
Maximum temp.... 78
Mlnlinnm temp...-, 3
Kanee .... 28
S.-00 P. M
Precipitation 0
8:00 F.M 72
Hirer at S r. U., 6.4 Iwt
a fallof0.1fcetlnzi
Kivor Telegrams.
Bkowusville Elver 6 feet and stationary.
Weather clear. Thermometer70at7p,K.
Wareen Blver 3 2-10 feet and falling.
Weather clear and warm.
MoEOAifTOWW River 5 feet and stationary.
Weather clear. Thermometer 73 at P. M.
Are Still a Snf ject of Contention In the Leg
islature Appropriation for Allegheny
Institutions Some Amendments
to the Brooks Law.
Habbisbtjbq, Mav 6. Senator Hines, of
Luzerne, scored a victory this afternoon in
having placed on the calendar of the Senate
the bill which provides for the consolida
tion of the Wilkesbarre schools. In the
event of its passage it will not be effective
until 1890. The House refused to concur in
the Senate amendments to the Soldiers'
Orphan school maintenance bill, which pro
vides that the commission could rent the
present school buildings and not pay more
than 6 per cent per annum for the use of
A conference committee consisting of
Messrs Walk, of Philadelphia; Skinner, of
Pulton, and Kaufiman, ot Lancaster, was
appointed, and will meet a similar commit
tee representing the Senate. It is thought
that the agreement will be reached, and the
committee will suggest that the children be
placed in the normal schools, or some of the
other State educational institutions.
Bemembered by tho Legislature
Passing Appropriation Bills.
Haebisbtjeo, May 6. The Morganza
school appropriation bill passed finally in
the Senate to-night, and the bill appropriat
ing 550,000 to the West Penn Hospital to
pay off mortgage passed second reading.
The joint resolution providing for a sur
vey ofva route for a ship canal to connect
the waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio river
was passed.
Ready for Benver's Signature.
rritoK a STAvr coBBisroNDijrr.i
Haeeisbtjeo, May 6, The Senate this
afternoon passed finally the municipal bill
providing for the government of cities of
the third class. Before the passage of the
measure the school features of the act of
1874, which were inserted a few days ago,
were removed, for the reason that they
would make the bill unconstitutional. It
is now ready for the signature of the Gov
ernor. One Chance Left to Them.
Haebisbtjeo, May 6. In the Senate
this afternoon a House bill was favorably
reported relative to the revocation of liquor
license, and requiring that saloon keepers
be given five days' notice of the proceedings
against, them to show cause why their
licenses should not be revoked.
, They Don't Want It Amended.
Habbisbttbo, May 6. The President of
the Philadelphia Law and Order Society of
Philadelphia, and a number of its members,
were here to-day to oppose Mr. Cooper's
supplement to the high license law.
Tho Rallrond Investigating Committee.
Ne-w Yoek, May 6. The Senate com
mittee which is to investigate the alleged
ownership by Canadian corporations and
capitalists of American roads reassembled
this morning. Commissioner Albert Pink
was the chief witness, and the examination
was confined mainly to questions relatingto
the operation of the inter-State commerce
law. -
Tbose 810 Suits.
.Ever since we began selling those men's
fine suits at $10 (worth $18) we have had a
steady rush at our stores. They are really
he biggest bargain ever offered, and it will
pay you to come and see them. The ma
terials are cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds, Ban
nockburns, blarneys and corkscrews, all
sizes to fit anyone; cut and trimmed in the
latest styles of both cutaways and sacks,
and never intended to sell for less than $18.
Come and take your choice of over 5,000
suits at ten dollars (510). P. C. C. C.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts,, opp, the new
Court House.
Cabinets 99c. a dozen at Aufrecht's
Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg,
for thirty days. Bring children.
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homes for more than a quarter of a century.
It Is ued by the United States Government.
Indorsed by the heads of the great universities
as the Strongwt, Purest and most Healthful.
Br. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only
dealers in wines, liquors and French c or
is for family use. Bole agents for San Gab
riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND
SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a soec
alty seffi-bUK-TTa
VV can hang paper, at W.lf.'z'ABI.ETT'B,
SKilala street, Braddoci, fa,
mg papi
fUU- VtElGHf
7, . 1889. ' , - ;? - -ffc
The Two Greatest
' They are good sense and good
health. Use your good sense
this spring and get good health.
Most folks need spring medi
cine. Have you taken yours?
' Paine's Celery Compound is
the best spring medicine. Your
good sense should tell you to'
take it-
The eminent Dr. Phelps' pre
scription, it is a scientific medi
cine. It is purely vegetable. It
gives you the two, things you
most need this spring pure
blood and strong nerves. J
And there's another reason
for your faith and confidence in
Paine's Celery Compound. It's
the medicine everybody is taking
this spring. It's booming all
over the country. 'Twouldn't
do that if it wasn't the right sort
Let your good sense talk. It
will say, " Gain good health at
once, to-day, by using Paine's
Celery Compound. Ifs just
what you need now."
!. Jt1 V-ia OPTICIAN,
Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka
Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose
blades fitted to other eye glasses.
Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind
of lenses ground and spectacles made on the
premises. 908 PEN1T AVENUE, PITTS.
Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia.
Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Arti
ficial Eyes, Medical Batteries. All American
and European Patented Eye Glass and Specta
cle frames. Glasses perfectly adjusted.
Telephone No. 16SS. ap7-86-nsu
bpecialty Correct fitting of lenses and
frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye
Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own
factory and workmen are our inducements.
WH. E. STJEREN, Optician,
Almeria and Malaga Grapes,
Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
23 Slaetti Street, DPittstmre.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, etc.
ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order
and warranted. Always on hand a
large and complete stock. jaS-TTSSu
For sale by all the principal newsdealers, or
forwarded upon receipt of the price, Fifty
Cents, by the
my5-8 NryYOBgCnT.
summer Time Table. On and after Slay I,
1839, until farther notice, trains will run u follows
on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard
time: Leaving PlttiDurg:3 a. m., 7:10 a.m.,
8:00 a.m.. 9:3b a. m.. 11:30 a.m., 1:40 p. m 3:40 p.
m., 5:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m.. 9:20 p.m.,
11:30 p. m. Arllnfton-S:40 a. m., 6:3) a. m., 7:10
a. m., 8.00a, m., 10.33a. m 1:00p.m., 2:40 p.m.,
4:20p. m., 6:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 10:30
J . m. Sunday trains, leaving l'lttsbnrjc 10 a.m
2:SUp. m.. 2:30 p.m., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30
p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m., 1:50 p. m , 4:3)
p. m., 6:30 p. m., 8.00 p. m.
Schedale in eflect November a, 1888. JTor
Washington. D. C. Baltimore, Philadelphia and
ew York, '11:30a.m., and 10)p.m. ForWasn
lngton, D. C,, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New
York, f7:00 a. in. for Cumberland. t7:00,
11:30 a. m., and10:3 p. m. For ConnelhTllle,
ff.00 and '11:30 a. m., tl:O0, 14:00 and JO:20d. m.
For Onlontown,t7:00.tn:3Oa.-., tl-OOand '4.00 p.
p. For Mt. Pleasant, t7:O0 and t-:30 a. m,, tliOJ
and 14:00 p. m. For Washington, Pa.. !&,
19:30 a. m ti& H.30 and SOO p. m. For Wheel
ing, V-.&. to .30 a.m.. "3:33, 'S-i) p. m. For Cin
cinnati and 8t. Louti, "7:30a. m., 3-a0p. in. For
Colnmbna. 70a. m 8:30p.TO. For Newark.
7:30, t9:30a, m., 'Z-.S, :30 p. m. For Chicago,
7:30, tt.SOa. m J:3S and 8:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive from Mew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington, 7:10 a.m. and s.M p. m. From
Colnmbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, 7:45a. m. and
9:10 p. m. From Wheeling, 7145, 10 .50 a. m.,
15.00, 9:10 p.m. Through sleeping can to Balti
more, Washington and Cincinnati.
For Wheeling, Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:55
p m (Saturday only). Connellsville ac at i3;39
Dally. fUallyexcept Sunday, ssnnday only.
The Pittsburg TranIer Company will call for
and .check baggage lrom -hotels and residences
noon orders left at (i. & O. Ticket OElce, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street.
General Manager. Oen. Pais. Aft.
station. Central Standard Tine. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louts, d 7:30 a.m., d 8-03 and
u una p. m. ucnxiisou. z:u P. " vuugu,
S n.
32:05. dill-
p. m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. rn., u.a,
6:10 n. m- Htenbrnvill KUm.
SO&, !:S,B., 1:51, 8130, 4:5J p. m. Bulger, 10:10
h. iii. jiurgctuwiTD. su:aa.in., a:p. juau
fleld, 7:15, 11:00 a. m.. 6:30. d8-35s 10:40, p-m. Mc
Donalds, d 4:14, d 10:00 p. m.
From the West, t 1:50, d 6:00, a. m 3:06. d Sku
p.m. DennlioL, 9:35a.m. Steubenvllle, 5:05 p. m.
Wheeling, 1:50, 8:45 a.m., 3:06, 5:55 p.m. Bnrgetts
town, 7:15a. m 89:05 a.m. Washington 1:55, 7:50,
9.55 a. m.. 2:36, 8:20 p. m. Uamaeld, 5:35, 9:00
a. m 12:45 d 6:20 and 10:00 p.m. Bulger, 1:40p.m.
McDonalds, d 6:85 a. a., d 9:00 p. m.
d dally; 8 Sunday only: other trains, except
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
lime)i Klttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex..
dally. 8:45 a. m.. Hnlton Ac, 10:10 a. in.; Valley
Camp Ac, 12-05 p. m.; Oil City and Do Hols Ex
rress,20 p.m. ;Hnltn Ac, 3:00p.m.: Klttannlng
Ac, 4aX)p.m:; Braeburn Kr., 5:00 p.m.; Klttaan
Ing Ac, 5.30 p. m.t Braeburn Ac, 6 :20p.m.: If ul
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally,
S:50p. .; Hnlton Ac. 9:45 n. m.: Braeburn Ac,
11:30 n. m. Church trains Braeburn. 11:40 m.
and, 8:35 p. m. Pullman Bleeping Cars between
Pittsburg-and Buffalo. E. H. OT Ex. O, F, A
-iwt'jiiii9- iasl9 -Sr
Are Being Purloined and Pirated
by Jealous Rivals,
but success slips through the fingers of imitators The public knows
that it is the unapproachable and matchless opportunities presented by
Kaufmanns' that causes their puny, self-asserted rivals to squirm, squeal
and scowl. To demonstrate how futile it is for chagrined competitors
to successfully emulate our methods we have just placed on sale th
following unexampled two bargains:
Men's Fine
Dress Suits,
The Suits are made
of fine all-wool Cas
simeres, Worsteds,
Ch evio ts, Cork
screws, Wide and
Narrow Wales, Tri
cots, Serges, Yacht
Cloths, etc., in large,
small, broken and
interwoven plaids,
checks, some stripes,
fancy mixtures and
plain shades, etc.;
are cut in soft roll
and button-up sack
and cutaway frock
styles, made and
trimmed equal to
custom work, while
the fit is perfection
S15 to $18
- - a -,
Elegant Hall Stands, Fully
Rye Feet High.
To make this special sale onethat will be long remembered by our
patrons, we have concluded to give a beautiful Mahogany Hall Stand
free with every purchase of one of the above $10 75 or 7 85 Suits.
Our jackage wagon will deliver these hall stands free of charge at your
residences, if desired.
E lOf V O f DoQ,t th!nk yu've Deen left out in the cold. We
E) J W still continue to give a genuine League Ball and
Bat free with every Boy's Suit
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
after Norember 1SS8. trains leave Union
Button, Pittsburg-, as follows, Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ves
tibule dally at 7:1S a. m.
Atlantic Express dally for the East, 3:00 a.m.
Man train, dally, except Sunday, 8:33 a. m. Sun
day, mall, 8:40 a. in.
Day express dally at 8.-00 a. m, '
Hall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 1) p. m.
Eastern express dally at 7:13 p.m.
fast Line dally at 9:00 p. m.
GreensburjrexpressSiiOp. m. weekdays.
Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days.
AU through trains connect at Jersey City with
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. H. Y,
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through N.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Hall Train, dally S.Wp. m.
Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m.
Pacta o Express, dally 11:45 p. m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m.
Fast Line, dally.-. 11:35 p. in.
ForUnlontown, o: and onSa. m. and 4:25 p.
m., without ebauRS vf cars; 1.00 p. m., connect
ing at Greeniburir. Trains arrive from Union
town at S:4S a. m.. 15.33. 6:13 and 3:3) p. m.
Mall train, connecting for iilalrsvllle... 6:43 a.m.
Exnress, for Ulalnvllle, connecUng for
Butler 8:13 p. in.
Sutler Accom 6:3) a. m., 235 and 3:15 p. m.
Bprlngdale Accom 11:40 a.m. and 8.3) p. m.
rreeport Accom 4-00, 8:15 and 10: p. m.
OnSnnday 12:50and 9:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accol 10:50 a. m. and 5 -00 p. in.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation
connecting for Butler. 8:3) a. m.
BlalrsvUle Accommodation 11:30p.m.
Trains arrive at FED EKA L bTKEET STATION :
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m.
Mall Train. 2:35 p. m.
Butler Accom 5a. m., 4:40 and 7.-20 p. m.
Blalrsvlllo Accommodation ..9:32 p.m.
Freenort Accom.7:40a.m.. 1:32, 720 and 11:00 p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Bprlngdale Accom 6:37a.m., and 3:0! p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5-40 p. m.
Trains leave DnlnnitatIon.Pltunarg, as follows.
For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and
Unlontown. 11 a. -m. lor Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, '-03 and 11 a. ro. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:W
p. m.,- week days.
Dravosbnrg Ac., week days, t-20 p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8.50a. m. IrOO,
(.20 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 8:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenne and Try
street and Union station.
,-! now GeaHPasi'rAf-ent.
Tjinsi'Ui.ti aSD WES
JT Trains (tet Stan'dtlme
1. A .lW.ll
BuUer Accomintiu . . ...
Day Ex. Ak'n,Tol CVn,ane
Bailer Accommodation
Chicago Express (dally)
N ew Castle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople and Foxbnrg As..
6:00 am
7:10 am
71 pm
4.-00 nm
7) am
930 am
iftao pm
1:30 pm
1 -40 pm
11:05 am
9:36 am
5:30 am
210 pa
1 mouc&CMudslifrtC)UM9 T,
jsnuer Accommodation.
I :w pm
Men's Fine
Suits, Worth
$11 to $14
Don't confound
this offer with tbe
stereotyped phrase
of "Suits for so
much, worth so
much," so frequent
ly indulged in by
the Pittsburg cloth
iers. There is no
imagination or fic
tion about this sale.
It's a straight, down
right, bona-fide offer.
But call and see for
yourself. You'll
find these suits in
sack and frock styles,
in fine all-wool ma
terials; make and,
fit being first-class.
COMPANY Schedule In effect February 24,
1M9, Central time:
P. & L. E. K. K. DlPAKT For Cleveland, 3:25,
7.40 A. M.. 130, 4:15, tHO r. X. For Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, 5-25 jl. M., lr20, 9:r. x.
For Buffalo, 10:3) a. jr.. 4:15 9:30 r. M. For Sala
manca, 7:40 jl. m.. ISO, "a-SO r. . For Beaver
Falls, 5:23, -7:40, 10:20 A. X.. 1-2R, 3:30, 4:15. 5-20,
8-30 P.M. For Chanters. 5-23, 535, 8-50. T7.-0O,
7:13, 8:40, 9:ue, 9:25, 10-20 A. M.. 12-05, 12:45, 11:25,
1:45. 3:30, 4:43, 5:10, 5-20, 8-V 10-30 r. X.
ARMTz From Cleveland. 5-30 A. X.. 1.-00.
5:40. 8i00 P. X. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
SC tools, n-oo, S.-OO P. X. From Buffalo. 5-30 A.
M., 1.-0O, 5:40 P. X. From Salamanca. 1:00, 8-00
P. X. From Youngstown. 5-30. t-SO, 9-20 A. X ,
1-00. 5:40, s-00 p. X. From Bearer Falls. 5-30,
8:50, 7:20, 9-20 A. X., '1-00, 1:35; 5:40, 8.-00. p.x.
From Cbartlers. 5:10, 5:22, 5:30, 16:42, 8:50, 7:03,
7:30, 8.30, 9-20. 10:10 A. 11., 12.-0O noon, 12-30, li!
1-35, I.E. 4-00, 4:15. 5-00. 5:10. 5:40, 9Tl:p. X.
P.. McK. 4Y.K. K.-D-PART-ForNewHaven,
5-JO A. X., 3.30 P. X. For West Newton, 5:30 A.
3.30 and 5:25 P. X. For New Haven. 7-19 A. x.,
Sundays, only.
ABRITB From New Haven, 10-OOA.X- '5:05 r.
X. From West Newton,6:15, 10:OOA. X.,5-05p.x.
ForMcKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. 3:30,
4-05, 5:25 P. X.. 17:10 A. X.
From Elizabeth and McKeesport. 6:15 A.
7-30, 10:00A. X,. 5-05P. x.
Dally. ISundajs only.
E. HOLBKOUK, General Superintendent.
A. E. CLARK. General Passenger Agent,
City Ucket office, 401Smlthneld street.
February 10, 1889, Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: For Chleago,d 7l
a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00, d7:45. except Saturday. U I
p.m.: Toledo, 73 a. m d 12:20, d 1:00 and except
Saturday. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline. 5:45 a. m.: Uara
land,8:10,7 a.m., 12:35 anddll .-05 p.m.: New Cas
tle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p. m.;
Youngstown and N lies, dl2) p. m.; MeadvlUe,
Erie and Ashtabula, 75 a. m., 12:3) p.m.; Nile
and Jamestown, 3.13 p. m.: Maislllon, 4:10p.m.;
Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10 a. rn-12:35, 3.30 p. m.;
Beaver Falls. 4:00, 5.-05 p. m., 38:20 a. m .: LeeU
dale. 3:3oV m.
ALLEGHRNY-Kochester. e) a. m.s Beaver
Falls, 8:1 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3.-00 p. m.tXeets
dale, 10:00, ll:a. m., fcCO, 4:30, 4:45, -JB, 1M, JM
p.m.; Conway, 10:30p.m.: Fair Oaks, 3 11 HO a,
m.: LeeUdale, S8-30p. m. .
TRAINS ARRIVE Union station from Chicago,
except Monday 1 l dSKlo, d6JS a.m.. d 7J pi
m. : Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 6:35 ;. m., 7:3
P. m.. CresUlne, 2:10 p. mj Youngstown ana
New Castle, 1:10 a. m., l5s, I4 10:15 p. m. ; Nlles
and Youngstown. d 7:35 p. m. : Cleveland, d 5:30 a.
xn 2:23, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, i&
a. ra 2 45 p. m.t Erie and Ashtabula, lrjg,
10:13 p. m.: Maislllon. 10-tn a. .; NUes an
Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.: Beaver Falls, 7 JO a.
l:lon. m S8:2Sp. m : Leetsdale. 10: p. m.
ABKIVE ALLhGHENY-From Enon, bffi t,
m.t Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.t Beavsf
Fills. 7:10a. m, 8: p. m.t Leetsdale, i-M, 8:15.
7:45 a, m 13:00. 1:45, 4J0, 8J0. -08 p. m.:.Falr
Oaks, S 8:55 a. m.; Leetsdale, S Sp. m.; Beaver
Fllla. MS:n- In. ..
s, Sunday oyi d, dally; otter Into, i
j 4,.i. i-
-HI l.ls-U-.. 1.---M-PPP I i-F- T ST- .
Jiyviw rffs-tyyX-