THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, MONDAY, MAY 6, , 18681 ' " " , :; ,, . - . ,V ' 'V . 8 $ f AL1IAGE DENIES IT. He Does Uot Favor Miscegenation, and the Man Who Says He Did, IS EITHER A VILLAIN OR A FOOL. Other Dajs Lived Over is the Subject of His Discourse. BPEKD MOEE TIME IN BEJIIKISCEXCE IIEFXCIXL TXLXGSAX TO TUX BISrATCn.l Bbooexyn, May 5. At the Tabernacle to-dayjthe Iler. I. DeWitt Talmage, D. D preached a 'sermon on the subject, "Other Days Lived Over,"andmadereference to the falsehood that be had advocated miscegena tion ot the white and black races. The vast congregation sang the hymn beginning: Our God, oar help in aces past, Our Iiope for years to come. Dr. Talxnage's text was Deuteronomy viii., 2; "Thou shalt remember all the way which tie Iord thy God led thee." He said: Before entering on my subject I wish to say that some newspaper correspondents, referring to a recent sermon in which I welcomed for eign nationalities to this country, hare said that I advocated as a desirable thing the inter marriage of the white and black races. I never eaid so, I never thought so, and anyone who so misrepresents that sermon is either a villain or a, fool, perhaps both. Bat to open this morning's subject I have to say God in the text advises the people to look back upon their past history. It will do us all good to rehearse the scenes between this May morning and our cradle, whether it was rocked in country or town. A few days ago, with my Bister and brother, I visited the place of my bojhaod. It was one of the most emotional and absorbing days of my life. There stands the old house, and as 1 went through the rooms 2 said: "I could find my wav here with my eves shut, although 1 have not been here in 40 years." There was the sitting room where a large family group every evening gathered, the most of them now in a better world. There was THE OLD BAX where we hunted for Easter eggs and the place where the horses stood. There is where the orchard was, onlythree or four trees now left of all the grove tnat once bore apples, and such apples, too. There is the brook down which we rode to the watering ot the horses bareback and with a rope halter. We also 'visited the cemetery where many of our kindred are waiting for the resurrection, the old people side ty side, after a journey to gether of 60 years, only about three years be tneen the time of their going. There also sleep the dear old neighbors ,wbo used to tie their horses under the shed of the country meeting bouse and sit at the end of the pew singing "Duke Street" and "Halerma" and Antioch." Oh they were a glorious race of men and women who did their work well, raised a splendid lot of boys and cirls, and are now as to their bodies in silent neighborhood on earth, but as to their souls in jubilant neighborhood before the throne of Goo. I feel that my journey and visit last eek did me pood and it would do you all cood, if not in person then in thougnt, to revisit the scenes of boyhood or girlhood. "Thou shalt remember all the way in which the Lord thy God led thee." Youtn is apt too much to spend all its time in looking forward. Old age is apt too much to spend all its time in looking backward. People in middle life and on the apex look both ways. It would be well for us, I think, how ever, tii spend more time m reminiscence. By the conmtmen of our nature we spend most of the time looking forward, and the vast major ity of this audience live not so much in the present as in the future. I find that you mean to make a reputation, you mean to establish jourself. jnd the advantages that you expect to achieve absorb a great deal of your time. But I see no harm in this if it does not make you discontented with the present or disqualify you for existing duties. LOOKING BACK. It is a useful th'ng sometimes to look back, j&nd to see the dangers we have escaped, and to nee the sorrows wc have suffered, and the trials and wanderings of our earthly pilgrimage, and to sum up our enjoyments. 1 mean thiB morn In" " God mayhelp me, to stir up your .-lory of "the p"ast, so that in the review you nay be encouraged and humbled and urged to pray. There Is a chapel in Florence with a fresco Dy UuiOA. It was covered up with two inches of Ktuccoantil our American and European art! n went there, and after long toil removed the covering and retraced thelresco. And I am aware that tbe memory of the cast, with many of you, is all covered up with teu thous and obliterations, and I propose this morning, to far as the Lord may help me, to take away the covering, that the old picture may shine out again. J want to bind in one sheaf all your past ad vantages, and I want to bind in another sheaf all your past adversities. It is a precious har vest, and I must be cautious how 1 swing the scythe Among tbe crrcatest advantages of your past life was an early borne and its surroundings. The bad men of the day, for the most part, dip their heated passions out of the boiling spring of an unhappy home. We are not surprised to find that Byron's heart was a concentration ot tin. when we hear his mother was abandoned, and that she made sport of his infirmity, and often called him "the lame brat." He who has Ticious parents has to fight every inch of his way if be would maintain his integrity, and at last reach tbe home of the good in heaven. Perhaps your early home was in the city. It may have been in tho dajs when Canal street. New l'ork, was far up-town and tbe site of this present church was an excursion into the country. That old house in the city may have been demolished or changed into Stores, and IT SEEMED LIKE SACKIXEGE to you, for there was more meaning In that plain house, in that small house, than there is in a granite mansion oraturreted cathedral. Looking back this morning you see it as though It were yesterday the sitting room, w uere me luveu uues sat uy tne plain lamp light, the mother at the evening stand, the brothers and sisters, perhaps long ago gathered into the skies, then plotting mischief on tbe floor or under the table, jour father with a firm voice commanding auiience that lasted half a minute. Oh, those were good days ! If you had your foot hurt, your mother always had a soothing Falve to heal it. If you were wronged in the street, your father was always ready to protect you. The year was one round ot frolic and mirth. Your greatest trouble was like an April shower, more sunshine than shower. The heart had not Decn ransacked by troubles, aor had sickness broken it, and no lamb had a warmer sbeepfold than tbe home in which your childhood nestled. Perhaps you were brought up in tbe country. You stand now to-day in memory under tbe old tree. You clubbed it for fruit that was not quite ripe because you couldn't wait any longer. Ton hear the brook rumbling along over tbe pebbles. You step again into tbe fur row where your father in his shirt sleeves shouted to the lazy oxen, "ion frighten the Ewallows from the rafters of the barn, and take just one egg, and silence yonr conscience by baying tbey won't miss it. You take a drink again out of the very bucket that the old well fetched up. Yon go for the eon sat night and find them vtagclng their heads thruugn tbe bars. Ofttimes in tbe dusty and busy streets you wish you were home again on that cool grass, or in the rag carpeted ball of tbe farm house, through which there was the breath of sew mown hay or the blossom of buckwheat. SOUL STIEEING MEMORIES. Yon may have in yonr windows now beauti ful plants and flowers brought from across tbe seat, but not one of tbem stirs in your soul so much charm and memory as the old ivy and the yellow sunflower that stood sentinel along the garden walL and the forget-me-nots playing hide-and-seek raid the long grass. Tbe father, who used to come in sunburnt from the fields and sitdown on the doorsill and wipe the sweat from bis brow, may have gone to his everlast ing rest. Tbe mother, who used to sit at the tloor a little bent over, cap and spectacles on, her face mellowing with the vicissitudes of many years, may have put down her gray head on the pillow in tbe valley, but forget that homeyoa never will. Have-on thanked God tor it? Have you rehearsed all these blessed reminiscences? Oh. thank God for a Christian father: thank God for a Christian mother; thank God for an early Christian altar at which . thank G you wei ' earlr Ct Ibrinj Story of 3 were taught to kneel; thank God for an v Christian home. t bring to mind another passage in the his. y ot your we. ineuay came wnenyouset up your own household, me uays passed along in quiet blessedness. You twain fat at tbe table morning and night and talked over your plans for the future. The most insignifi cant affair in your Ufa became the subject of mutual consultation andadnsement. You were bo happy you felt you never could be any bap pier. One day a dark cloud hovered over your dwelling and it got darker and darker, but out Ot that cloud tbe shining messenger of God descended to incarnate an immortal spirit Two little feet started on an eternal Journev, and you were to lead tbem a gem to flash in heaven's coronet, and you to polish it; eternal ages of light and darkness watching the start ing out of A tfJSWLY-CBEATED CEEATUSB. Yon rejoiced and yon trembled at the re sponsibility that in your possession an lm- mortal treasure was placed. You prayed and rejoiced and wept and wondered and prayed and rejoiced and wept and wondered; yon were earnest in supplication that you might lead it through life into the kingdom of God. There was a tremor in your earnestness. There was a double Interest bout that home. There was an additional interest why you should stay there and be faithful, and when in a few months your house was filled with the music of the child's laughter, you were struck through with the fact that you had a stupendous mis sion. Have yon kept that vow? Have you neg lected any of these duties? la your home as much to you as it used to be? Have those an ticipations been gratified? God help you to day in, your solemn reminiscence, and let His mercy fall upon your soul if vour kindness has been ill requited. God have mercy on tho parent on tbe wrinkles of whose face is written the story of a child's sin. God have mercy on tne mother who, in addition to her other pangs, has the pangs of a child's iniquity. Oh, there are many, many sad sounds in this sad world, but the saddest sound that is ever beard is tbe breaking of a mother's heart. Are there any here who remember that in that home they were uniatthrul? Are there those who wan dered off from that early home, and left tbe mother to die with a broken heart? Ob, I stir that reminiscence to-day, I find another point in your life history. Ton found one day you were in the wrong road; you couldn't sleep at night; there was just one word that seemed to sob through yonr banking house, or through your office, or through your shop, or your bedroom, and that word was "Eternity." You said. "I am not ready for it. O God, have mercy." The Lord beard. Peace Ranm to vonr heart. In the breath of the hill and the waterfall's dash you heard tbe voice of God's love: tbe clouds and the trees hailed you with gladness; you came into THE HOUSE OP OOD. You remember how your hand trembled as you took up the cup of the Communion. You re' member the old minister who consecrated It,. and you remember the church officials who carried it through the aisle; you remember the old people who at the close of the service took your hand in theirs in congratulating sympathy as much as to say," Welcome home, you lost prodigal;"and though those bands are all with ered away, that Communion Sabbath is resurrec ted this morning; it is resurrected with all its prayers and songs and tears and sermons and transfiguration. Have you kept those vows? Have you been a backslider? God help you. This day kneel at the foot of mercy and start again for heaven. Start to-day as you started then. Arouse your soul by that reminiscence. But I must not spend any more of my time in going over the advantages of your life. I just put them all in one great sheaf, and I wrap them up in your memory with one loud harvest song, such as the reapers sing. Praise the Lord, ye blood bought mortals of earth! Praise the Lord, ye crowed spirits of heaven! .But some ot you nave not always had a smooth life. Some of yi on are now lu -the shadow. Others bad their troubles years ago. ou are a mere wreck of what you once were. t must gather up the sorrows c of your past life. but bow shall I do it? You say that it is impos sibles you bave nan so man) troumes ana ad versities. Then I will just take two, tbe first trouble and the last trouble. As when you are walking along the street, and there has been music in the distance, you unconsciously find yourself keening step to the music,so when you started Hf e j our very life was a musical time beat. The air was full of joy and hilarity; with the bright, clear oar you made tbe boat skip; you went on, and lite grew brighter until after a while suddenly a voice from heaven said. 'Halt!" and quick as the sunshine you halted; you grew pale, you confronted YOTJBFIBST SOKEOW. You had no idea that the flush on your child's cheek was an unhealthy flush. You said it can't be anything serious. Death in slippered feet walked about the cradle. You did not hear the tread; but after a while the truth flashed on you. You walked the floor. Oh, if you could, with your strong, stout hand, have wrenched tbat child from the destroyer. You went to your room and yon said, "God, save my child! God, savo my child!" The world seemed going out in darkness. You said, "I can't bear it; I can't bear it!" You telt as if you could not put tbe long lashes over the bright eyes, never to see tbem again sparkle. Oh; if you could have taken that little one in your arms .and with it leaped the grave, how gladly you would bave done itl Oh, if you could let your property go, your houses go, your land and your storebouse go, how gladly you would bave allowed tbem to depart if you could only have kept tbat one treasure I Bat one day there arose from tbe heavens a chill blast that swept over the bedroom, and instantly all tbe light went oat, and there was darkness thick, murky, impenetrable, shud dering darkness. But God didn't leave you mere, juercy spoice. as you took up tne cu: and was about to put it to j our lips, God sail "Let it pass." and forthwith, as bv the band angels, another cup vas put into your bands; it was tbe cup of Gou's consolation. And as you have sometimes lilted tbe bead of a wounded soldier, and poured wine into bis lips, so God put His left arm under your head,and with His right hand He poured into your lips the wine of His comfort and His consolation, and youlooked at the empty cradle and looked at your broken heart, and you looked at the Lord's chastise, ment, and j ou said, "Even so, Father, for so it seenieth good in Thy sight." COMFOBTED BY GOD. Ah, it was your first trouble. How did you get over it? God comforted you. You hav been a better man ever since. You bave been a better woman ever since. In the jar of the closing gateot tbe sepulchre you beard the clanging of the opening gate of heaven, and you felt an irresistible drawing heavenward. You bave been purer of mind ever since the night when tbe little one for the last time put its arms around your neck and said: "Good night, papa; good night, mamma. Meet mo in heaven." But I must come on down to your latest sor row. What t as it? Perhaps it was your own sickness. The child's tread on the stair, or tbe tick of the watch on the stand disturbed you. Through tbe long, weary days you counted tbe figures in tbe carpet or the flowers in tbe wall paper. Oh, tbe weariness, the exhaustion! Oh, the burning pangs! Would God it were morn ing, would God it were night, were your fre quent cry. Bat you are better, or perhaps even well. Have you thanked tbat Gou to-day you can come out in the fresh air, that you are in this place to hear God's name, and to sing God's praise, and implore God's help, and to ask God's forgiveness? Bless the Lord who healeth all onr diseases, and redeeineth our lives from destruction. Perhaps your last sorrow was a financial em barrassment. 1 congratulate some of you on vour lucrative profession or occupation, on ornate apparel, on a commodious residence everything you put your nanus to seems to turn to gold. But there are others of you who are like the ship on which Paul sailed, where two seas met, and you are broken by tbe vio lence of the waves. By an unadvised indorse ment, or by a conjunction of unforeseen events, or by fire, or storm, or senseless panic, you bave been flung headlong, and where you one dispensed great chanties now you have bard work to make the two ends meet. HAVE TOU JFOEGOTTEir to thank God for your days of prosperity, and tbat through your trials some of you have made investments which will continue after the last bank of this world has exploded, and the silver and gold are molten in the fires of a burning world? Have you, amid all yonr losses and discouragements, forgot that there was bread on your table this morning, and tbat there shaU'be a shelter for your head lrom the storm, and there is air for your lungs, and blood for your heart, and light for your eye, and a glad and glorious and triumphant reli gion for your soul? Perhaps your last trouble was a bereavement, Tbe heart which in childhood was your refuge, the parental heart, and which has been a source of the quickest symnatby ever since, has sud denly become silent forever, and now some times, whenever in sudden annoyance and without deliberation yon say, "I will go and tell mother," tbe thought flashes on you, "I have no mother;" or tbe father, with voice less ten der, but as stanch and earnest and loving as ever, watchful of all your ways, exultant over your success without saying much, although the old people do talk it over bv themselves, bis trembling band on tbat .staff which you now keep as a family relic, his memory embalmed in:gratelnl hearts, is taken awav forever. Absolutely Pure.. This powder never vanes. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow den. SoM only means. ROYAL tBAIONG POWDER CO, 108 Wall St, N. Y. , .. ocm45-TWTSu gOYAt CROYAttr.WI J B POWDER Or, there was yonr companion in life, sharer of your Joys and sorrows, taken, leaving the heart an old rum, where the chill winds blow over a wide wilderness of desolation, the sands of tbe desert driving across the place which once bloomed like the garden ot God. And Abraham mourns for Sarah at the cave of Machpelah. Going along your path in life, suddenly, right before you was an open grave. People looked down and they saw it was only a few feet deep and a few feet wide, but to you it was a cavern down which went all your hopes and all your expectations. BUT CHEEK UP. In the name of tbe Lord Jesus Christ, the Com foiter. He is not going to forsake you. Did the Lord take tbat child out of your arms? Why, He is going to shelter it better than you couli He is going to array it in a white robe, and with palm branch It will be all ready to greet you at your coming home. Blessodthe broken heart that Jesus heals. Blessed the im rtnnata erv that Jesus compassionates. Blessed the weeping eye from which the soft band of Jesus wipes away the tear. I was sailing down the St. Johnriver.Canada, which is the Rhine and tbe Hudson commingled in one scene of beauty and grandeur, and while I was on the deck of the steamer a gentleman pointed out to me the places of interest, and said, "All this is interval land, and it is tbe richest land In all the provinces of New Bruns wick and Nova Scotia? "What." said I, "do you mean by Interval land?" "Well," be said, "this land is sun merged for a part of the year: spring freshets come down, and all these plains are overflowed with the water, and the water leaves a rich de pos!t,and when the waters are gone the harvest springs up, and there is the grandest harvest that was ever reaped." And I instantly thought, "It is not tbe heights of the church and it is not tbe heights ot tbe World thSt is tbe scene of the greatest prosperity, but the soul over which the floods of sorrow have gone, the soul over which tbe freshets of tribulation have torn their way, tbat yields the greatest fruits of righteousness, and tbe largest harvest for time, and the richest harvest for eternity." Bless God that your soul is interval land. A OLOBIOUS ETEBNIXY. But these remlniscenses reach only to this morning. There will yet be one more point of tremendous reminiscence, and that is the last hour ot life, when we have to look over all our past existence. What a moment that will be! I place Napoleon's dying reminiscence on St. Helena beside Mrs. Judsou's dying reminis cence in the harbor of St. Helena, tbe same island. 20 years after. Napoleon's dying remi niscence was one of delirium, "Head of the army." Mrs. Judson's dying reminiscence, as she came home from her missionary toil and her life of self sacrifice for God, dying In the catin of the ship in tbe harbor of St. Helena, was. "1 always did love the Lord Jesus Christ.'' And then, the historian says, she fell into a sound sleep for an hour, and woke amid the songs of angels. I place tbe dying reminiscence of Augustus Caesar against tbe dying reminiscence of the Apostle Paul. The dying reminiscence of Au gustus Ccesar was. addressing his attendants, "Have I played my part well on tbe stage of lifer' and they answered in the affirmative, and he said, "Why, then, don't you applaud me?" Tbe dying reminiscence of Paul the Apostle was, "I have fought a good tight, I bave kept tbe faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which tbe Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me in tbat day, and not to me only, but to all them that love His appearing." Augustus Cajsar died amid pomp and great surroundings. Paul uttered bis dying remluiscenoe looking up through the wall of a dungeon. God grant tbat our last hour may be tbe closing of a useful life, and the opening of a glorious eternity. FOR SICK HEADACHE Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. M. W. Gray. Cave Spring. Ga.. says "I have used it with perfect success in habitual sick headache." Cloak Depaetment. All the latest styles of wraps, jackets, mantles, etc., in large assortment. Hugus & Hacke. mwtsu B. fc B. Our 52 50 Paris novelty silks arc the handsomest silks ever shownf They were imported to sell at 56 and $8 a yard ; going at 2, Bocgs & Buhl. Black goods ior summer wear elegant imported robe patterns entirely new de signs, exclusive styles. mwtsu Htjgus & Hacke. Elegant cabinet photos, any style, $1 SO per doz. Panel picture with each doz. cabi nets. Lies' Popular Gallebt, 10 and 12 Sixth st suiiwf Cabinets 99c a dozen at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg, for thirty days. Bring children. 15 DOCTOH8 FATXiED To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered on for 13 years. The aches and pains which she experienced in almost every part of her body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting pains across the small of ber back and lower part of her body was almost unbearable. In fact she suffered with all those diseases and conditions peculiar to women. For three months her mind was unbalanced, and for monthB she was confined to her bed.! 6he be came very weak and emaciated, so tbat she only weighed 98 pounds. No one expected her to live, much less get entirely enrid. After receiving three months' treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti tute, 323 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of her disease, she says: I "I never want any one to suffer as I bave for tbe past 13 years. Tbe conditirai of my case was much worse than has been described, and I am only too glad to testify t(my complete cure by the doctors of the CatArrh and Dys pepsia Institute. , "MRa THOMAS HATTONPutnam, Pa." The above lady physician can be consulted by ladies suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. The medicines usfd are positively curative, and are so preparedftas to allow the patient to ufe the treatmdnt herself. They treat successfully Catarrh. Bbeumatism. Dys pepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Sidney and Female Diseases. Office hours. 10 A. M. to 4 T. M., and 8 to 8 p. 21. Sundays, 12 to i p. X. j Consultation free to alL ap2C-D I Would Have Been Dead, Said Mr. Henry Robertson, "bad I kept on in tho way I was going. Ilbad chronio bronchitis and a weakness of my left lnng that was fast approaching consumption. I coughed and had great pressure and tightness across my lungs, with pain about my houlder blades. My ap petite was very poor and I had sour belching of gas from my stomach all tbe time. I doctored with the best doctors I could bear of, but was fast getting worse My kidneys also became diseased. I had pin across my back, bloating of the bowels, and tbe water was highly col ored with a red, brick dust sediment I became melancholy and Miscouraged and thought I could not live. Flnallvl began treatment with the physicians of Abe Polypatbic .Medical and Surgical Institute, who are specialists for chronic diseases, fnd although confined to the bed when I commenced treatment, and am 66 years old, my imrfrovement was very rapid, and I feel tbat these dhysicians have saved my lite. I am getting stronger every day and feel almost like a young man1 again. I HmniYROBEItTSOH- 82 Marcellus sr, Syracuse, N. x," Any one wishing to verify the above testi monial ran do so? liy writing to Mr. Robertson. The POLYPATHIO MEDICAL AN D SURGI CAL INSTITUTE Is permanently located at 420 Penn avenud, Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 10 to 1120 A. M.1 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Con sultation free. ( iny3-D THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Beeeham's Pills For Bite and Nervous Disorders. " WortUa Guinea a Box "-but sold I for 25 cents, BY ALL DRUGGISTS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 3Ti RKAD THE THRILLINQ NA& 1T1VE JUST PUBLISHED? HAVEYOI BA' "A WOMAN OF S0REK," By ANTHONY dOULD. For sale by all tho principal newsdealers, or forwarded upon receipt of tbe price, Fifty Cents, by tfre AJf-EKlUAX HfiWH COMPANY, my5-78 New York: Crrr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I NEW ADVERTISEMENT'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . , v j " v . SEW ABYZRTISBMILHTS. &&. gr M To Judge a Diamond. ONE per cent of the purchasers of Diamonds know intrinsic values. Ninety-nine" per cent form relative judgments. Given only a stated price it is impossible for them to deteot shades of difference except by critical comparison. To judge, therefore, between two diamonds in different stores, both should be sent home upon appro bation and placed side by side. Previous judgments are then often reversed. Only thus can the finest stones l)e secured. A wise caution places little value on the adjectives of the dealer, in view of the"absence of any fixed standard of quality. His assur ance, "the finest diamond of its size," needs confirmation, first of his experience and then of his judgment His sincerity may also merit a thought. "We prefer that the intending buyer should be his own judge. "We urge upon him the caution of close comparison in small pur chases as in large. We -will always send diamonds for examination, reference being given. THEODORE B. STARR, 206 Fifth avenue, Madison Square, New York. Correspondence invited from in tending purchasers. my6 Don't Take Babble! Insist on Quality! You can't by any possibility get your money's worth out of poor quality clothingl It's a bad invest ment,-and brings a disappointing result! Short wear, short temper, and a heavy drain on your pocket book! There's a heap of difference be tween ready-made clothing! Put ours alongside; it will demonstrate to you how it excels. It's made with a single eye to long and satis fying service; stylish as possible; reliable beyond peradventure. These 'are important items to you if you need to keep your eyes sharp about you, and make expenses tally with small wages! We don't care how high your wages, our goods are economical for you. Do you need a slateful of figures to prove that reliable clothing pays? Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. my6-p RAILROADS. PANHANDLE KOUTE-NOV.12, 1883. UNION station. Central standard Tint. Leave for Cincinnati and bt. Louis, d 7:30 a,m., d 8:00 and d 11:13 p. m. Dennlson, 2:45 p. m. Chicago, 12:03. d 11:13 p. m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., 12:03, 6:10 p. m. Steabenville, 5:55 a. m. Washington. 6:53, 8:35 a. In., 1:53, 3:30, 4:53 p. m. Bulger, 10:19 a. m. Hurgettatown, Sli:35a.m.. 5:23 p. m. Hans field, 7:15, 11:00a. m.. 6:30, d 8:33; 10:40, p.m. Mc Donalds, d 4:15, d 10:00 p. m. From the West, a 1:50, d 6 00, a. m 3:03, dfii55 p.m. Dennlsou, 8:35 a.m. Steabenville, 6:05 p. ra. Wheeling, 1:50, 8:43a.m., 3:05, 5:55 p.m. Bnrgetts town, 7:15 a. m.,8 9:05 a.m. Washington 6.W, 7:50, 9.55 a. m.. 2.35, 6:20 p, m. Mansfield, 6:33, 0:00 a. m.. 12:45 d 6:20 and 10:00 p. m. Bulger, 1:40 p. m. McDonalds, d 6:35 a. m d 9:00 p. m. d dally; S Sunday only; other trains, except Susdar. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINE3 Febrnary 10, 18S9, Central Standard lime. .TKAIN9 DEPAKT As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7:25 a. m., d 12.-3J, d 1:00, d7;4S, except Saturday. 11:3) . tn.i Toledo, 75a. m., d 12:Su, d 1:00 and except aturday. 11:20 p. m. ; Crestline, 5:45 a. m.; Cleve land, 0:10, 7:25 a.m., 12:35 and d 11 :05 p.m.: New Cas tle and: Youngstown, 7:05 a. ra.. f2i20, 3:45 p.m.; Yonng-stown and N lies, dl2:S0 p. m.; MeadviUe, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:05 a. m 12:20 p. m.; Nllei and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: Masslllon, 4:10 p. m.: Wheellns and Bellalre. 0:10a. m., 12:35, 3:30 p. m.; Beaver Falls, 4.-00, 5:05 p. m., 8 8:20 a, m.; Leets dale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEGHENY Bochester, t:30 a. m.i Heaver Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m. : Enon, 1:00 p. m.; Lects dale, 10-00, 11:45 a. ra., 2:W, 4:30, 4:45,:301 7:00. 9:00 p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p.m.; fair Oaks, 8 11:40 a. ra.: Leetsdale, 8 8:30 p. m. TRAINS AHH1VK Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:50, d6:00, d6:55 a. to., d 7:35 p. m. ; Toledo, excent Monday 1:50, d 6:15 a. m., 7:33 &, m., Crestline, 2:10 p. m.i Youngstown and ew Castle, 0:10 a. m 1:25, 7:35, 10:15 p. m.; Miles and Younestown, d 7:55 p. m. ; Cleveland, d 5:50a. m 2:25, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 8:00 a. m 2:23, .& p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25, 10:15 p. m,: Masslllon, 10:00 a. ni.; NUes and Jamestown. 8:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a, m., 1:10 p. in.. S 8:25 p. m.: Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. AJilUVK ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a. m.: Conway, 6:.; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 7:10a. m., 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 6:30, 6:11 7:45 a. ra.. 12:00, 1:45. 4:30. 6:3a 9:00 p. m.: Fair Oaks, S 8:55 a. m. ; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. ra.; Beaver Falls. S 3:25 p.m. 8, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except Sunday, fell Money Saving, Trade Invigorating Bargains AT DOUCLAS MACKIE'S. A superb collection of India Silks, all newest shades and latest designs, will be put out at 60c a yard; they'd be cheap enough at 75c And the lovely Striped Surah Silks that we askOoa -yard for, selling all over at 70c We've also eot a very rich Black Surah Silk, 27 inches wide, which we'll offer at 75o a yard, correct value at 81 00, Then we'll show four numbers of Guinet's world renowned rich Black Silks at 75o87c, JI 00 and ?l 25. Their actual value Is Jl 00, SI 25, ?1 60 and V. 75. COME AND SEE THEM. With these we'll place on our counters one lot extra rich, 21-inch Royal Black bilks at Jl 00; would he cheap at $1 60. j Stacks upon stacks of All-Wool and MohaJrChMlies, in loyely patterns and colbrs, will range from 18c to 60c this week. TOW GOODS SEYERAL TIMES DULL Woolen Dress Goods. La'dies' Beaded rem Wnm. TacVnta. Parannla Tarn r!nraln Portiera, etc., etc, etc All at prices calculated to save you money, and permanently Increase our ever-enlarging business. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. mv6-MWJ, MADE ONLY By "n THeJQIJ Gec4Macbeth&Co.Pitisburgh,Pa. PARENTS &BbL ' ;.'"' iW 1 Before you buy your Youths', Boys', Children's and Misses SHOES! Come and examine my carefully selected stock of good solid leather Shoes, that for style and prices have no eqnal. Children's grain box tip button - 9 75 Children's best box tip button 1 00 Children's fine kid button 1 00 Misses' grain sewed button Misses' bright pebble button Misses' fine kid button Youths' heavy s61e tip button Youths' fine sewed tip button Youths' extra high button Boys' tap sole lace shoes -Boys' heavy sole tip button Boys' fine sewed tip button 1 00 1 25 1 35 z 00 I 35 1 50 1 00 I 35 1 s Good Shoes, solid leather, every pair warranted. G.D.SIMEN'S, 78 OHIO ST,, ALLEGHENY. my6-MW JOHNFLOOKER & CO., 3TAITDTACTUEEES OF Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Pish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc. WORKS East street. Allegheny City, Pa. OPTOE AND SALESROOM-6D Water St., Pittsburg. Telephone No. 1370. my3-xws roit SALE BY FLEISHMAN & CO. 504 TO 508 MARKET ST ap21-31-Mwr Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Arti ficial Eyes, Medical Batteries. All American and European Patented Eye Glass and Specta cle frames. Glasses perfectly adjusted. KORNBLUM. OPTICIAN NO. 60 FIFTH AVENUE. Telephone No. 1688. ap7-S5-DSU ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. ' J. B. Golden, 6102 Butlur street, city, says: "I was able to throw away my crutches after using: one half a bottle of the Anchor Rheu matic Remedy, I consider my cure marvelous and beartLVy indorse the remedy." Price 50c. We would be triad to bave von Cive tbe Anchor Sarsaparilla a trial. 'Tis the ideal blood purifier, and is especially adapted enriching the blood and invigorating the sys tem. Our Beef. Wine and Iron is also meeting the wants of the public. 'Tis the best tonic in tbe market, and we confidently recommend it as such. Our price ot each 76 cents; six bottles H. KW7 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, nXXtfBTJRG, PA, Transact a General BanMng Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, m STERLING, Available In all pat ts of the world. Also issue Credits IN DOTjLABS For "use in this country, Canada, Mexico, "West Indies, South and Central America. p7-91.srv7P nBflTlffffTSliiiK THE LARGEST CT0RY JN THE WORLD. T MEDALS flSS Of HOHOUHL j y fSSrJt&AjP BEHIEB tr wgypouiios per dai , jr sou) EVERWHEBE 1 ,jf AVOID IMITATIONS I.IM&WBAII I iVa?w- W . ' -W ' 5 DR. WOODS, SPECIALIST IN THE CURE OF RUPTURE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. This eminent specialist has been located per manently in Pittsburg at- Hotel Albemarle, Penn avenue and Slit street, going on two years. The doctor treats chronio diseases and de formities only, and uniform success result from his superior skill and improved methods. RIIPTIIRP HERNIA or BREACH, for liur I UIIL., many years regarded incur able (and many still believe It cannot be cured), by means of a painless treatment, is cured com Bletely in from 30 to SO days under guarantee, ases that have existed more than SO years have been cured in six weeks, without deten tion irom ousmess or pieasnre. UP ART LUNG, LIVER. STOMACH or nCMn I , BOWEL DISEASES, by new method and without nauseous drugs. nVQPPDCIA with its terrors, is a thing UIOrLrOIH, of the past. Long expe rience has demonstrated that this disease can be cured entirely when science and common sense principles are applied. BLOOD AND SKINIe ttons. Pimples, Blotches, Bone Pains, Ulcera tions of Tongue, Throat and Mouth, Old Sores. Weak Back and Glandular Swellings, are eradicated for life and no traces remain. Ca tarrh, no matter of how long standing or bow many doctors have failed to cure, is cnrable by the new scientific methods discovered by Dr. Woods. Relief speedy and cure rapid and sure. Advice free to all who call. Examinations are also free to those who wish treatment. Nervous diseases, diseases of the blood, skin, liver, stomach, etc, which require medicine only are treated successfully by correspondence. Send i cents in stamps for question list; All communications are sacredly confidential. Medicines furnished without extra charge, saving much exnense to sufferers and insuring their being genuine and properly prepared. DR. R. A. WOODS, HOTEL ALBEMARLE. PENN AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M..2 to 5 F. M.. 7 to 8 p. M. myl-41. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA BAILHOAD ON AND after November 2s, 1833, trains leave Union Station, Pittsbnre, u follows, .Eastern Standard Tlmei MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally for tbe East, 3:00 a.m. Man train, dally, except Sunday, 6:33 a. m. Sua day, mall, 8:40 a. m, ut j express dally at 8:00 a. m. ai&ii express aaiir at i:w p. i Philadelphia express dally at m. at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dally at 9:00 p, m. Ureensbnrg express 5 UP m nr p. m. week days. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. I tnrooeh trains connect at Jers 1 connect at Jersey aty Annex' for Brooklyn. N. with boats of "Brooklyn Annex' for Brooklyn. N. Y avoiding donble ferriage and Journey through N. Y. Cltv. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally 8:20 p. m. Western Express, daily..... 7:43a. m. I'aclflc Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:90 p.m. Fast Line, dally 11:33 p. in. For Unlontown, o:VS and WS a. m. and 4:Z3 p. ra., without change or cars; 1.00 p. in., connect ing at Greenabnrg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 12:20. 8:15 and 8:20 p. m. WKST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION, From FEDERAL ST. STATION, AllegbeayClty, Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 45 a. m. Kxnress. tor Blalrsvllie, connecting for Butler Butler Accom 8:20a. m., 2:23 and 5:45 p. m. Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. Freeport Accom ...4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m. On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p. nu North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. to. and 5:00 p. m. Aiiegneny junction Accommodation connfwtlnr for Untler ng for Butler S:zo a. m. Blalrsvllie Accommodation ll:30p. m. Trains arrive at FEDEBAL STBEET STATION i KxDress. connecting from Butler.. .10:35 s m. Mall Train 2:35 p. m. Bntler Accom 9:25 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. Blalrsvllie Accommodation 9:5 p. m. Freenort Aecom.7:40a.m.. 1:22, 7:20 and lliOOp. m. on Sunday io:ioa.m, ana; mi p.m. Sprlngdale Accom. 6:37a. m., and 3:03 p. m. Nortb Apollo Accom 8:40a. tn. and 6:40 p. m. MONONBAHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station. Flttsourg, as follows: For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and Unlontown. 11 a. m. For Monongahela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and It a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 6:40 p. m week days. Uravosbnrg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 1:50s. m.. 2:00, 6i20 and 11:33 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Comer Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUGH, J. K. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent. T5ALTIM0KE AND OHIO KArLKOAU JD Schedule in emct November 29, 1888. For Washington. D. C Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, '11:30 a.m., and "10:20 p.m. ForWasn lngton, D. C, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, 7:00 a. m. For Cumberland, t7:00, 11:30 a. m., and "10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle, t7:00 and "11:30 a. m., tl:0O, f4:00and '10:20 o. m. For Unlontown, t7:OUll30 a.m., tl:0Oand4:0O p. p. For Mt. Pleasant, t7:00 and tU:30 a. m,, tliM and t4:00 p. m. For Washington, Fa.,7:3H :30a. m., :S5, f5:30 and 8:30p. m. For Wheel ing, lao. t:S0a.m, "3:33, 8.30 p. m. For Cin cinnati and Bt. Louis, "7:30a. m., S:30p. m. For Columbus, "7:30 a. ni., "8:30 p.m. For Newark, 7:30, 19:30 a. m., "3:35, "8:30 p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, r9:30a. m.. "3:35 and "8.30 p. m. Trains ar rive from New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 7:10 a. m. and "8:50 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, 7:45 a. m. and 9:10 p. in. From Wheeling. "7:45, '10:50 a. m t5:00, "9:10 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Balti more, Washington and Cincinnati. For Wheeling. Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:53 p m (Saturday only). Connellavllla as. at S8;SO am. 'Dally, iDally except Sunday. (Sunday only. The Pittsburg Transier Company will call for and check baggage lrom hotels and residences upon orders left at B. A O. Ticket Office, corner Flfib avenue and Wood street. W. M, CLKMENTS, CHAS. 0. 8CULL. General Manager. Gen. Pass. Act. PITTSBURG AND LAKE EMJS KAILBOAD COUPANY-Suhedule In effect February 21, IsSO, Central time: P. & L. K. K. B.-l)iPABT-For Cleveland. 5:25, 7:40 A. jr.. -1:20. 4:15. 1:30 p. jr. For Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, 6:25 a. m., "1:20, "8:30 p. M. For Buffalo, 10:20 A. M.. 4:15 "9 :Mr. 11. For Bala manca, "7:40 a. v.. 'lao, 'VsX r. u. For Beaver Falls, 5:25, 7:40, 10:20 A. M.. "1:2a 1:30, 4:18. 3:20, "C:30 P. M. For Chartlers, 4:25, '3:35. 6:50. JTiOO, 7:15, 8140, "9:05, 9:25, 10:20 A. M.. 12:05, 12:45, 11:25, 1:45, 3:30, 4:45, '5:10:20. '8:2a 10:30 r. it. Abkivx irrora Cleveland, 5:30 A. X.. InXL :40i"S:OOP. n. From Cincinnati, Chicago and tit. Louis. "1:00, "S:0OP. M. From Buffalo. 5:30 a. M., "1:00, 6:40 P. . From Salamanca, "1:00, "8:00 r. M. From Youngstown. 5130, "8:50, 8:20 a. M., 1:00. 5:40, "8:00 P. li. From Beaver Falls, 5:30, 6:50. 7:20, 8:20a. K., 'LOO, 1;33; 5:40, :00. P. M. From Chartlers, 5:10, 8:22, 3:30, 1:42, :S0, 7:08, "7:30, 8:30, 8;20, 10:10 A. it., 12:00 noon, 12:30, "1:12, 1:35, 3:0, 4:00, 4:35, S:00. 5:10. 8:40, ":U P. H. P., JlcK. &V. K. B.DIPABT-For New Haven, 5:30 A. m 3:30 P. u. For West Newton, 5:30 A. M., 3:30 and 6:25 p. if. For New Haven.7ilOA.ii., Sundays, only. Aitiuvi-From New Haven. 10:00 A.M., '3:05 P. M. From WestNewton,S:15. '10:00A. m.,'5:05p.m. For ilcKeejport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. 3:30, 4.05, S:25 P. SI 17:10 A. M. From Elizabeth and McKetsport, (:U A, 1L. 7:30, '10:00 A. M '5:05 P.M. Dally. Sundays only. ' E. HOLBUOOK, Oeneral Superintendent. A, . CLABK, General -Passenger Agtat. City ticket office, 40lBmithneld street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY KArLKOAI Tralna leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Klttsnnlng Ac. 8:55 a. m.; Niagara Ex., dally, 8:45 a. m., llulton Ac. 10:10 a. m.; Valley Camp Ac, 32:06 p. m.; Oil City and DaBols Ex press.2:00 p.m. ; Hultcn Ac., 5:00 p.m. : Klttannlng Ac., 4.00 D.m.; BraeburnEx.,5)p.m.: Kltuin lng Ac., 5:30 p.m.; Brae burn Ac.,6:20p.m.: Hul ton Ac, 7:50 p. to.: Buffalo Ex., dally, 80p. m.; Hnlton Ac 8:45 p. ra.: Braebnrn Ac 11:30. p.m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40p.m. and 8:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY. O. F. P. A. I DAVID MCUAKGO. Gen. Sunt. P1TTSBUKG AND CASTLE SHANNON B, K. Brimmer Time Table. On and after May . 1880, until farther notice, trains will run as follows on every dav, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Ltavtug rittsburg-6:t0 a. m., 7110 a.m., l:tx)a.m sso a.m., li:3Qa,tn., lt)p. m., 3:p. m., 8:10 p. m.. 6:30p. m., ;J0p. m.. S:p. m.. JI:30p. m. Arllngtou-5:40 a. m., ra. m., 7:10 a. m., 8:00 a. ra., 10:20 a. m 1:00 p. ra., J:40p. m., 4:20 p.m., 8:10 p. nu, 5:50 p. m ., 7H0 p. m 10:30 Ii. m. Sunday trams, leaving Plttsburg-10 a.m., 2:5 p. m.. 2:30p.m., 8:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 1:30 p. m. Arllngton-:io a. m., U m., 1i50 p. m., too p. m., :30 p. m., 8S0 p. m. ' " JOHN JAHK, Bupt XJITX8BURG AND WESTERN BAILWAx j. irains (Uet'l btan'dtlme) Leave. Arrive. Butler Accommodation 7110 am 7:23 pa 4:00 nm Liar Ex. Ak'n,Tol.,Cl'n, Kane Kutier Accommoaauos, Chleigo Sxpress (daily).. .. Newcastle and Gneavlllel UiM am Eellenople and Fozbnrg Ao. 5 am Kntler AeeoBamodatlon ollJy.1"" Tarougn coash and deeser to l-tt am 70 am sao an 11:30 pm 4:W fam 40 hm I :40 Sm WUaago iU AN OPEN SOME IHSIDE IHF0RMAT1QH Facts and Figures That TO THE PUBLIC- Like the tireless and undauntable mountaineer, who, hav ing reached the summit, looks' back, with a feeling of pride and satisfaction at the dizzy heights he has climbed, so do we to-day take a retrospective glance at the broad expanse of business we have passed since the opening of the spring season. Though the weather has not been all that could be desired, business was and more, Indeed, "When to the sessions of sweet silent thought. We summon up remembrance of things past," We cannot help but feel highly elated at the panorama that passes before our mind. Our daily sales register tells the story. Every department in our store looms up with won derfully increased sales over the corresponding period of last ' year, and it would be strange, indeed, did we not stop once in this mad stream of trade, and, like the explorer of the sources of the Nile, searchingly look for its course and origin. What can it be, is the question we ask ourselvesj that actuates purchasers from near and far to pass the doors of other establishments and wend their steps toward Fifth avenue and Smithfield street KAUFMANNS'. Why this popular tidal wave this unanimity of opinion this universal destination of purchasers? We don't know. One thing, however, is certain, viz: It must be a powerful magnet that attracts these crowds of intelligent men and thoughtful women. Maybe it's because we offer superior inducements; maybe, because we always give you better value for your money than any other store in the city; maybe, because we show the largest stock, most fashionable styles, most depend able qualities; maybe, because our methods of dealing are the fairest, our maxims the most straightforward. .,, Be this as it may, the fact remains that the people are good judges, and, by the liberal patronage bestowed upon us, clearly express their approval and appreciation of our efr forts to please them. And right here leE it be understood' that the same enterprise, liberality and honest dealing that has characterized the conduct of our business in the past, will con tinue to govern it in the future. Our policy of having strictly ONE PRICE, and multiplying sales by reducing margins to the lowest possible minimum will be strictly enforced. In quantities we shall seek to lead in every line of goods handled, but in qualities we shall aim to keep only that which we can recommend. Opposition we fear not, but rather welcome. We shall stand ready at all times to meet any legitimate competition in prices that may be offered by "Going Them One Better," Buying and selling in large quantities we have no difficulty in so doing, as the following few of the many bargains now offered at our store will readily prove. SPRING CLOTHING. Men's good and substantial Everyday Suits- at $5. Men's strictly All-wool Business Suits at $8. Men's nobby All-wool Cassimere Business Suits at $10.. Men's real Scotch Cheviot Business Suits at $12. Men's fashionable Imported Wide Wale Dress Suits $15. Men's fine Imported Cassimere Dress Suits at $18. Men's genuine French Broad Wale Suits at $20, Those who prefer their clothes made to order should leave their measures in our Custom Tailoring Department, if a perfect fit, faultless make, and a big saving of money have any charm for them. French Worsted Suits made to order at $30. 'Exquisite English Cassimere and Corkscrew buits, made to order atV $35. Martin's celebrated Broad Wale Suits made-to order for $40. Over 2,000 pieces to select from each pattern being new and stylish. A WORD TO PARENTS: If you have Boys to clothe, where can you do it cheaper, better and more satisfactorily than right here in our handsome and spacious Boys' Department? Beautiful Kilt -Suits, sizes a to 6, at $i 50, $2, $3, $4 and $5. Nobby and fine Short Pant . Suits at $1 75, $2 50, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7 and $8. Elegant and stylish Long-Pant Suits, sizes 12 to 1 8, at $4, $5, $6, $8, $10, $12, $14 and $15. Boys, your ear! We never forget you. A Genuine League Ball and Bat we give gratis with every suit As for our Shoe, Hat and Furnishing Goods Departments and our Cloak and Wrap Bazaars, a few words will suffice. Uniformly low prices prevail everywhere. Polite and experi-' enced salesmen are ready to serve you, and you are welcome ' at all times whether you wish to buy or not If you live at a distance, use C. O. 'D. to all the States and At any event, in justice to yourself, don't buy, before havm seen our goods and prices. Respectfully, . KAUFMANNS' MFipth Avenue and -&. LETTER, DIRECT FROM HEADQUARTERS Will Interest the Reader. PITTSBURG, May 6, i88g. the mails. We express goods' Territories of the Union. Smithfield Street, f ,, Y 4 . 'JOni lifflMil A iK J, jjji" JH - i.4.,,wLf, iafc.-.. . . .-i-ti..:..-...... .i..iLtotJmmie&k UBBBSKBOBIE!ZmmmmJiiam"mmSkmm ""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers