Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 06, 1889, Page 5, Image 5
r & THE PITTSBUKG DISPATCH, MONDAT, MAT 1839. 'vy I HOPEFUL ONCE MOEE. The Army of Office Seekers Confident of Soon Being Satisfied. SOMETHING MUST HAPPEN SOON, Despite the Fact That Harrison is Fright fully Slow and Has MADE TflEM VERT ANGRY AT HIM. Pennsylvania's CoaHant Waiting for Quay to Get QrqrHisSnlVs. Hope springs again in the breasts of the office seekers who are jetting so angry at President Harrison for his slowness in turn ing out Democratic officeholders. They think some important appointments are sure to be made this week, now that the Cen tennial jamboree, is over. Pennsylvanians are among the anxious ones, ErXCUI. TZLIGRAM TO TBS DISPATCH. J "Washington, May 5. Execrations on the President for the extraordinary slowness of his movements in the appointment of Re publicans to office have been lond and con tinned for the last 24 honrs, or since the close of the week with so more important appointments than his own brother and his lriend Alexander. But hope seems ta spring eternal in the breast of the office seeker, and this evening the crowds in the hotels appear to have almost forgotten the disappoint ments of the week, show an inclination to pardon the President on account of the fatigue necessarily attendant on his Cen tennial trip, and are canvassing with in terest the probabilities of a good lot of an nouncements for the week now begun, THAT IS EXPECTED THIS WEEK. There seems to be a conviction that a Puolic Printer, a Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, two District Com missioners and possibly two Civil Service Commissioner will be appointed, It ap pears to be a prettv general conviction that Palmer, of Chicago, will get the Public Printer plum, and Meredith, as everybody thinks, has had the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in his possession, figuratively speaking, for several weeks. Meredith is another personal friend ot the President to be well placed, and if Palmer be appointed his selection will be dne to his close friend ship with Halford, the President's Private Secretary. It is generally agreed that no former ad ministration has shown so strong a disposi tion to take care of its personal friends and relatives in the first month of its existence. MENTIONED FOB PBEFEEMENT. For Commissioners of the District, to suc ceed Webb and "Wheatly, no one seems to have any knowledge of the identity of Mr. Harrison's selections. The District govern ment was never in a much worse condition of demoralization, and there is a general hope that first-class business men will be appointed, but past experience invites de spair rather than hope. For the Demo cratic appointment, "William Dickson, a local leader, popular with both Democrats and Republicans, is the most conspicuous. For the Bepublican succession there is a legion of candidates. The most recent is ex Congressman Hazleton, of Wisconsin, -who, after the expiratiou of the Forty-eighth Congress, remained in Washington as a .lobbyist. Not being successful asa member f ofthe "third House," he wants to be Com ' missloner, and claims 100 Representatives and 30 Senators as his backers. Notwithstanding the beginning of active work by the Civil Service Commission, with more than can be done demanding attention, Jfr. Lyman is yet the entire commission. The crowding ot work, probably, has caused the report that two commissioners will be appointed this week, hut no one has a guess to hazard as to who they will be. , PENNSYLVANIA NOT IN LINE. Any number ot candidates for govern mental positions from other States declare they have been promised appointments this week, but none of these are from Pennsyl vania. In the beginning everybody ex pected to see the appointments for the Key stone State railroaded through at limited express speed, but there seems to have been a striki and a tie-np of some kind, not ex actly apparent. Senator Cameron has aban doned the whol business, in which he never evinoed more than a very indifferent inter est, and Quay has been generally reported to be sulking in a rural tent, somewhere west ot Harrisburg. Bayne is the only one of the new managerial triumvirates left on the scene of action, and rather as a sentinel than as a warrior battling for appointments. Not a whisper can be heard anywhere of possible Pennsylvania appointments, of any importance, in the near future. COKTEMPT TOE A COURT MARTIAL. Even Conservative Papers Denouncing ibe Verdict In Lydecker's Cnie. rsrrcuu. tzxeqbavto tux dispatch. 3 Washington, May 5. Contempt for the Xydecker court martial grows in force, and if the gold-laced and epauletted gentle men who composed the court wonld bnt deign to promenade the avenue in a body and let their identity be known, they wonld narrowly escape mobbing. They would cenaimy De roogniy nanaiea it tney would penetrate to those sections of the city where the poor are forced to huddle together, and to which the water system cannot be ex tended on acconnt oi a lack of a nan tit v. These poor people give ample evidence of their exasperation at the disgraceful an nouncement that the influence of the wo men and dudes of the army and navy circle was sufficient to compose an almost com plete exculpation of Major Lydecker. The Sunday morning newspapers ablv second the daily issues of yesterday in their criticisms of the verdict. Even the con servative fleraloT, the present issue of the old National Intelligencer, expresses a de cided opinion. MOEE LAND FOB- BETTLEES. Bad Elver Indians Willing to Yield Up Their Reservation. Pieeee, Dak., May 5. Numerous in stances are known where settlers are now taking land on the Sioux reservation, oppo site Pierre, under the severalty act, which denotes that they are prepared ta sign the treaty as soon as the Commission arrives' This is the case with the Bad River Indians along the proposed railway route from Pierre to the Black Hills, where the most desirable land is being picked out. Recent reports from Cheyenne confirm the rumors that the Indians in council de cided to accept the terms of the treatv at once. Snrveyors will start from Pierre on the 16th to make a survey from Pierre through the reservation to the Black Hills. The new road is called the Midland Pacific, and is thought to be backed by the Illinois Central Railway. A EAILEOAD COMBINE. The Manitoba and Canadian Fnclflc Quads Effect an Agreement. St. Paul, Minn., May 5. Private ad vices from Montreal show that the rumor of an agreement between the Manitoba and Canadian Pacific railroads has strong foun dation. Sir Donald A. Smith and "Sir" George Stephen, the Canadian Pacific Bail way's two biggest men, have become direc tors of the Manitoba, and it may be stated With authority that J. J. Hill either has or vill at once become a director of the Cana dian Pacific Kallvrav. Another rumor, with BDParent good foun- m dation is that the .Burlington is in on the utieal. .. A KEMABKABLE POWER; Fattier and Danshter Who Care Bhenssa. UiBj nod Neuralgia by Laiing op qf Bunds Strange Effect TJp the Operators, ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THX DlBFlTCn.l Beavbb Tails, May K. In. the little hamlet of Fetterman.a suburb of this place, lives a family named Texter, the father and daughter of which possess the remark able gift or faculty of curing the most obstinate cases of rheumatism, neuralgia and kindred pains by the laying on of hands. For years the old gen tleman, Mr, Bobert Texter, has exercised his peculiar gift, and hundreds in this neighborhood will voluntarily testify to the remarkable cures he has performed. When the patient is brought into his presence he utters not a word, asks no questions nor will he allow the afflicted to speak, He then advances, blows gently upon the face of the patient, rnbs the afflicted parts gentlv, and almost instantaneously the pain disap'pears. As a rule but one visitation is needed and the cure is permanent. In some cases, though, two or more applications are necessary. He has never been known to fail in effecting a cure. What is remarkable is that after the treatment is accorded the patient, Mr. Texter is completely prostrated and suffers for sometime the same pains that he or she whom he has relieved was suffering with. It is on acconnt of this prostration that Mr. Texter, who is now quite old, has given up the practice of his peculiar gift, yet he has transmitted it to his daughter, Mrs. William Patterson, the wife of a very respectable workmgman employed at the Hartmau Manufacturing Company's works, and she practices it with the same degree of success that her lather did. Scores of remarkable cures are related, and all from persons of the highest respect ability and undoubted veracity. Both families are honest working people and do not seek notoriety. What is more, they will not take any money for their cures. Mr. Texter has a large family of sons and daughters, but to one only, Mrs. Patterson, did he transmit his wonderful powers. CAME TO MEET HEE DEATH. An Englishman Sends for Hit Wife, nnd Upon Her Arrive?! Murders Her. rsrECXU. TXLXGBAM TO THI DISPATCH. 3 Youngstown, May 5. John Dunn, re siding here, left for Cohoes, N. Y., last night, receiving a message that his father, Samuel C. Dunn, -had murdered his mother by cutting her throat The murderer is a native of England, 60 years old, and had been in this country about six months. A week ago his wife, 50 years old, came from England and joined him. The couple had a quarrel yesterday, and neighbors lound the woman dead on the floor, with her throat out from ear to ear, and Dunn kicking the lifeless body with bis hobnail shoes. Dunn went to a saloon, and after securing several drinks gave himself up to the officers. ALL LANDED AT LAST. The Balance of the Dniimark'a Passenger Arrive In New York. New York, May 5, The passengers of the steamship Danmark, which foundered at sea, who had been left at the Azores, by the Missouri, were landed at Castle Garden from the steamship Wieland to-day. There were 320 of them. Their experience was simi lar to that ot the rest of them, who were brought here about two weeks ago by the Missouri. A man named Ramos Anderson died on Friday when the vessel was about 600 miles out, but his body was brought to shore and is now at Castle Garden awaiting the dispo sition of his widow, who lives in Gowen, Mich. The immigrants have left for various parts of the country. THEI WILL EEBUILD. The Arm Sell Company Will Have the Finest Flnnt In the Country. rSFZCIAL TELEQUAM TO THE DISFATCIM Youngstown. May 5. The Arms Bell Company, whose nut and bolt factory was recently destroyed by fire, had their losses adjusted last night, the insurance companies paying them $39,654 50. The company will probably rebuild, an3 will hold a meeting the coming week to de cide upon plans. The new plant will con tain the finest machinery in the country. A Widow' Son Drowned, rSFXCIAI. IILEOBAM TO THI DISFATCIM Bbownsville, May 5. James Marshall, aged 16 years, disappeared yesterday, and it was thought lie had gone to Pittsburg on the packet. To-day bis body was found in the river under a skiff, where some little girls had seen him playing yesterday. His mother is a widow. Republican Primaries at East Liverpool. ISrECIAL TEIXCItAMTO THX DISPATCH. 1 East Livebtool, May c. The county Bepublican primaries were hotly contested here Saturday afternoon and evening. The fight was on State Senator, Treasurer and Commissioner, and the in dications are that Metsch, Martin and Mc intosh are elected. The Brewery Syndicate at Work. San Feancisco, May 5. It is stated here that the big English syndicate, which has been trying to buy up all the important breweries in the East, has ofiereL$2,500,000 for the Philadelphia brewery, in this city. The offer has not yet been accepted by the stockholders. New Iron mill Tor Youngstown, rsrxcur. txxxgbau to thz dispatch. Youngstown, May 5 The Globe Iron Company have practically decided to erect a hoop iron mill and finishing mill in the works of the Malleable Iron Company, of which tbev have secured control. Will Observe the Sabbath. Hueon, Dae., May 5. After to-day all Sunday trains will be taken off from the en tire Dakota division of the Chicago and Northwestern .Railroad. It covers a track age of 800 miles. Choking Catarrh. Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep with all the horrible sensations of an assassin clutching your throat and pressing the life breath Irom your tightened chestT Have you noticed the languor and debility that succeed the effort to clear your throat and head of this catarrhal matter? What a depressing Influ ence it exerts upon the mind,clouding the mem ory and filling the head with pains and strange noises.! How difficult It Is to rid the nasal passages, throat and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can testify who are afflicted with ca tarrh. How difbcult to protecftbe system against its further progress toward the lungs, liver and kidneys, all physicians will admit. It is a terrible disease, and -cries out for relief and cure. The remarkable curative powers, when all other remedies utterly falLof Banfohb's Rad ical Cube, are attested Dy thousands yrho gratefully recommend it to fellow-sufferers. No statement is made regarding it that cannot be substantiated by tho most respectable and reliable references. Each packet contains one bottle of the RAD ICAL Cube, one box of Catarrhal Solvent and an Ikfeoved Inhaler, with treatise aad directions, and is sold by all druggists for tL Potter Detg fc Chemical Cobfosation, Boston. ft subduing I KIDNEY PAINS With their weary, dull, achinc life. less, all-gone sensation, relieved In j ono mlnnte Dv tne Cutlcnrn Anti- rain Plaster. The first andonlvnain- subdulnc piaster. Absolutely unrivaled tea an instantaneous ana mraiiiwe antidote to pain. Inflammation and weakness. At all druggists. 25 cents; fire for Hi or, postage free, of Potter AIBUB JlXB WHEmgAIitOBrOSATION, .Beeton, Ifirf-jav I THE 8TAWAK1),$ w PTB- I, WIU Now Swallow Thar Other Monopoly! the Lead, Trust, ST. Louis, May -Messrs. Rogers and Thompson, of the Standard Oil Company, ar rivcrin St Louts $bjs morning and are quar tered at the Southern Hotel. Arepoxtercalled and found Mr, Roew aflba, and. i & rieajnrp communicative. "We are here.', said Mr. Rogers, "principally on personal matters, feu, IncJflentaUy to look after other affairs," "Gasr "No: we have no financial Interest in the St. Louis Qas Trust, Yon, can state, on my an.- I thorlty that the Btandard Oil Company. corporation, is In na wise connected with, or interested in, the St. Louis gas deal." 'How about the Lead Trust!'! "Mr. Rogers smiled and said: "That is an other matter. I will admit that we are here to look after lead matters. It is natural that we should do so, even if on a purely personal trip, for we are largely interested In lead," "Do you contemplate absorption of tne ot. Louis white lead companies, not now in the trustr "That Is a question I am willing, but unable, to answer. We shall certainly meet the at Louis lead men while here, for business reasons. What may come out of the conference I am as ignorant of as up outsider at present, A lead combination, however, with St Louis out, would be like the play of 'Hamlet,'' with tyVr let left out There are trust? and trusts I do not know that the combination of Interests among lead men can be classfled under the head of trust but I do not know that there is no intention of squeezing anybody in the jeaa market which is now resuming its wonted heally tone. Missouri is a great lead State, and leadmen naturally gravitate this way." "Hqw Ha you regard the action of the State Legislature passing a bll prohibiting pool; and trusts r "Without alarm. It is merely history repeat ing itself. There were laws enacted against combinations nearly 200 years ago." Mr. Rogers oould not be Induced tp state anything more definite, bnt it is known her? that the local ead men meet Messrs. Rogers and Thompson to-morrow, when something more definite will likely be ascertained BROTHER CARTER Atfi EIGHT. His Appointment as Marshal in Tennessee Satisfies Both parties. Nashville, May a The nomination of Carter Harrison, brother to the President, as United States Marshal has been universally commended in this section. Not until after Harrison was elected to the Presidency did any one, vutside of a very limited circle in his im mediate neighborhood, know that the Presi dent had a brother in this locality. After the election and Citizen Harrison visited his dis tinguished brother nothing seemed more nat ural than that he would be given some position suited to his modest taste. From the first his name was spoken of In con nection with the marsbalship of this district, .Upon his own merits be standi hig in. the com munity where he is best known, and It was thought that be would have been given even a higher position. His nomination, is universally commended both by Republicans and Demo crats. IAE BIT OFF BI A HOG. A Plucky Womnu haves a Babe from Being Torn to Pieces. N rsrxciAL tsxeobam to thh dispatch,! Tiffin, May 5. -A two-year-old child ot Ben Stnber, at Bettsville. was attacked by a vicious hog and had its. ear bit off and body badly torn. A plucky woman rashed up and drove the animal away with a clnb, and saved the child from being torn to pieces, Dkess Laces. A special offering of ex cellent value in chantilly and guipure flouncings, drapery, nets, etc. mwfsu Htjous & Hacks. B, it B. A marvel in mohairs. Extraordinary quality, 27-inch brown, blue and gray mix tures imported mohair, at 25 cents. A 42-inch line at 50a. A 51-inch line, extra good, at 85c. Bog a 3 Ss Buhl. Flannels. The largest and best-selected stock of fine French flannels we have yet shown; checks, plaids, stripes and figures, from 55c to ?1 a yd. HrGU3 & HACKE. jiwrso; PlNK.blue, cream, ladies' ribbed vests 14c, worth 25c, at Bosenbaum & Go's, OtrriNO Cloth. Three grades of this now popular wash fabric at 12)40, 15o and 18c; beautiful patterns. JTWF3U HUOTJS & HACKE. DIED. BLAIR At her residence. 15 Arch street Al legheny, at 6 p. u., Mav 4, I8S9. Martha Assy, wife of Frank L. Blair. Funeral service at 2 t. M. Monday, May 6. Interment private. No flowers. CZABNIECKI On Saturday, May i, 1889, at 9.30 p. Ji., Maey Elizabeth, daughter of James H. and Rebecca Czarnieckl, iu the 4th year of her age. Funeral from the parents' residence, 204 Juniata street, Allegheny, on Monday, at I p. M. Interment private. CONWAY On Saturday, May 4, 1889, at 12:45 p. si., Charles Conway, aged S8 years. Funeral Monday, May 8, from his late resi dence. Spring Alley, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, at 8.30 A. M.; to proceed to St Patrick's Church, where services will be held at 9 a.m. Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend, 2 DIUGUED On Sabbath, May 5, 18S9, at 6 o'clock p.m., Charles H. Siugctd, in his 41st year. Interment -at Columbus, O., on Tuesday afternoon, May 7, HACKETT At his residence. Harrison street, between Forty-eighth and Forty-nlnth streets, on Sunday, May 6, 1889, at 7:15 p. jr., MichaeLj Hackett, In the 63d year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter. McDONALD-On Friday, May 3, 18S9, at 11 o'clock p. Jt, Hugh McDonald, in the 60th year of his age. Funeral from the residence ot his daughter, Mrs. M. D. Hazlett, 48 Fremont street, on Mon day, May 6, at 3 o'clock p. m. Interment private. 2 NEELY On Sabbath, May 5. 1889, at E o'clock A. M., Geoboe-Neely, aged 73 years. Funeral will take place this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock p. jr., from bis late residence, Marshall Township, Allegheny coun ty. Friends of his family are respectfully in vited to attend. SPANG On Sunday, May 5, at 2 45 P. x Jacob Spanq, aged 40 years. Funeral takes place from his late residence, Prospect street, Thirty-second ward, city, on Tuesday afternoon. May 7, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. SULLIVAN-On Sunday, May 5. 1889, at 6.15 p. m., Bridget Sullivan, in her 80th year. Funeral from her late residence, No. 62 Web ster avenue, corner Chatham street, on Tues day, the 7th Inst, at 8.30 o'clock A. K. Ser vice at St Paul's Cathedral at 9 a. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. ANTHONr MEYEB, (Successors to Meyer, Arnold 4 Co., LlmO UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER? Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tel ephone connection. mylO-h53-srvrF JOHN L. TREXLER 4 CO., Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Livery and Boarding Stables. Kos. 378 and 380 Beaver ave. Residence, 681 Preble ave Allegheny City. Telephone 8416. mh23.itThsu FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMUjAX A. JK. 0 tT. B. MURDOCH, MA SMITHFIELD ST. OIU Telephone US. deB-H-stwi" CHOICE FRESH FLOWERS. BEDDING-OUT HARDY ROSES AND PLANTS. LAWN MOWERS. JOHN B. & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 289. 603 Bjothfield St. apSO-jrwr TEPRESENTEU JN PITTSBURG IN lSd ASSfeTS . . J9jD71,l68S. Insurance Co. of Worth Amerieeu juesses aaiastea asapaia wJWIIjLIAs4 L JONES. M fourth avenue, ! -tPZMtAYjanJE. - NSW APYEKTiSEMESTra. vAfflw & mmm, JEWELERS, Since their removal to their new ?torBi have Hdde$ RICH CUT GLASS and FINE DEC QP,TEL gHINA tp their assortment; of poods. We have fine Game and Fish Sets, Salad and Ice Cream Sets, Fruit Sets, Soup Sep, J'lates, Cups and Saucers, etc All strict ly first-class and he very latent styles. Oar new number is 37 FIFTH AVENUE. GN OF 0IQCLPCK ON SIDEWALK, ap29-MWF i 0OMH ?md GET t&p greatesl; bargains ever offered in these SsAjLlEjEL GREATEST BARGAINS -IN- Silks, Dress Goods -AND- Hosiery, Of the stock of J, R, ANDERSON, with 1,000 Pr. Lace Curtaina -AND- 968 ROLLS CARPET, l H. LATIMER, 1& Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. myl-Mwrau DINING ' OUTFITS, a jSl This picture suggests the tri flaily family meeting around the dining board. The Dining Room Furniture should therefore be the most comfortable, artistic and sense-gratifying in the house. Our Sideboards, China Closets, Extension Tables, Buffets, Butler's Trays, Chairs, etc., are the heirs of the designers of all ages, embodying their best ideas of form and practical, util ity, but with the superiorsadvan tage added of the low prices which modern woodtaorking machinery and co-operative labor, enables us to give to our customers. OJcClintock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVE. ap23-MWF This Trade Mark Is on Our Windows. LADIES, LOOK TO YOUR FURS And bring them to us now for storage, before the destructive moth makes further headway. Seal Garments, Robes and Small Fnrs of every description, stored , and insured against xoth and FIRE. N. B. We are dome all fub repair work cnEAPEB now, in order to keep our workmen busy during the dull season. LADIES' BEATJTIF ULENGLISH S AILO R YACHT HATS, just received per steamer Etruria from Mrs. A. J. White's London store. Also, for men, in same shipment. Tress & Co.'s and A J. White's new and delicate brown shades in Derbjs. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. myl-Hwr T ADIES SHOULD .INVESTIGATE In. Kelloig's Frencli Tailor System of dress cutting. The only system In America tbat cuts be Wortb bias dart; front, back, sleeves and skirts, witaoat renttlne. Lessons not HsMted. Dresses est aad fltteeV Mi Bankrup Dry Goods apa J 1TSW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'P'f ' T. 4.....I..... . ....if. .. ...n-J-i LftDES- ingrain Largest line, greatest variety and lowest prices of any house In the city, from 25o up to Jl in cotton. Lisle Thread from 50c to 31 i5 a pair, , the, aboyo lines enrnprUine Jish. medium, and hea y weights. ASK TO BEE OUR 81 Black Bilk Stocking for 75o This Week. THBEjSTgSo ' Balhriggan Hose for Ladies That was ever sold at the price. These have been selling at 35c a pair right along. FuIIUnepfqiijIdren's II ONYX II Very larjre assortment Plain with plain, and doubja knee, ribbed with plain and donnle knee, one-and-one-rib and Seyen-and-one-rib, different weights., Wfi nave ins? received another lot of those Ladles' Bibbed Balbriggan Draw ersjlighi; wei$to,only 7Po & p?.ir, ALSO THOSE WED IISLE TOS at 33c each, or three for Jl, Jn white and pink, Judging from the former sale ra these num hers, they won't pe wtb, us lane. The Best 25o Ribbed Bajbriggan Yest in the City, Ladies' Short or Knee Balbriggan Prawers. Jteal French Goods, only 7?qr pair, Ladies' nod Children's Underwear Of every description, all kinds, weights and Sizes. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVJEUVE, myS-p BUTTER, a BUTTER, :': BUTTER. EV3RY TOUND WARRANTED PUR? Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Orfioea, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone U26L PITTSBURG, PA, Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prioes see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhlS-irwT WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekin SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see ns. wholesaleIxclusively fe23-r83-n m m WMs S&MPU&U Your Opportunity to Save Money. . mi CARPETS AND CURTAINS "We have special bargains in these goods, which we wish you to see, knowing it will save Ton dollars if you do so. Our stocks are com plete "with some Terr marked bargains, running through Body Brussels Carpets, 75c, 85c, $1 and $1 25. These are perfect models of beauty. The best line of Tapestry Brussels at 60c ever brought to this market; equal values in finer grades. New designs in 3-plies and Ingrains. Large lines Mattings for the warm weather. Hall and Stair Carpets. New-' Bugs in various sizes. Mats of every kind. Carpet Squares. Oil Cloths, 4-4, 6-4, 6-4 and 8-4 wide, at low prices. "We pride ourselves on onr Lace Curtain display nothing; like the values ever before shown In this market, 60o to ?20 a pair; are our latest importation; extra good at $1, really made to sell at $1 SO. See the styles and qualities of onr $1 25, $1 50, $2 and up to (5. Certainly lor genuine bargains these are unsurpassed. Turcoman and Chenille heavy Curtains and Portieres, S3 50 ud. Silk and Oriental Curtains. New Curtain Lace, 12Uc up. New Screens and heavy Curtain material by the yard, "Window Shades, spring fixtures complete, at 50c; plain Dado or Sideband. Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain Poles and Trimmings in great variety at right prices. Oar entire third floor devoted to these departments. Take elevator. SILKS AND DKESS GOODS Special offering of Black Dress Silks, from 50c up. Good Gros Grains. 65c, 75c and 87Jc 24-inch, Jl, $1 12 and $1 25. Pure Silk and will not cut, very superior qualities, $1 50 to 52 50 a yard. Black double-twilled Surahs, 62Je, 75c; are special values. Baratheas, Badzimirs, Merveilleaux, and other new fancy weaves, 870 and $1. Colored Dress Silks, 50c up. Special bargains. Royals, at 90c. Plaid and Striped Surahs for combinations. 26-Inch plain and fancy India Silks, 60o and 62)c. Satins, all colors, 25c up. flushes and Velvets, 50c up, in every color. New dress fabrics opening daily at very close prices. Elegant French fabrics, plaids and stripes, 50c, all wool, rare novelties for combinations, up to 52 50 a yard. Better bargains than ever in the staple Cashmeres and Henriettas, all wool and silk warp,' from 85o to $1 25. New opening of plaids, stripes, mixtures and fancy weaves, 25c and 37Uc. Our Black Goods stock fall up. A great many novelties, weaves all first-class" dyes; and onr popular 46-inch wool Henriettas, COo, 65c, up to 11 25, Cashmere, 45c up. Nan's Veilings, Drap d' Almas, Albatross, Serges, Grenadines, etc., honest goods at cask prices. HOTJSEFURNISHING GOODS Table up, wim JsupKins to milieu as equally low uguies. uujuicu aauiins, uc squaw uy weights, 75e, 90c, $1, and up to finest Marseilles. Colored MItcbeHne Ojnilts at $L50are sogers' double ana tripie-piatea Jimves, jorKS ana spoons, otcei llnives ana .cores, witn a great variety ot Eitcnen utensils, at lowest pneex. HATS AND BONNETS An immense stock for this week in every conceivable shape. You cannot fall to find what you want or what is becoming. Ribbons, alhcolon, for trimmines. Flowers of all kinds. "Wreathes, Boses, Sprays. Grasses, eto.." everything risht for trimmint?. at crices to nlease. Beadv trimmed Hats and Bonnets added daily.- ' SPECIAL BARGAINS in Spring "Wraps of every kind. Cloth and Stockinette Cashmere Capes, Silk and Stun Suits, correct styles and Ion- prices. CLOTHS AND CASHMERES for Men and Boys' wear, newest spring styles. Spring Underwear for Hen, Ladles and Children. Muslin Underwear for Ladie e Hisses. Parasols and umbrellas. Latest tilings out. Donets and Bustles. "Samples lent on request. Mall orders promptly executed. "W"i:l.x..x a..:m: 165; s,-,- HW APVJ5RTTSEHBNTS. GIVEN -AWAY! GIVEN AWAY! GIVEN AWAY I Thousands of valuable and substantial Souvenirs presented tp our patrons. All we ask, in return Js that you Clip Our Advertisement lyrora ope of the papers and bring or send ft tons at the time yon mafce your purchase. As explained; in the papers during the week we do this in order to solve the questions: "Does Advertising Pay?" and "Which Papers are the Best for Us to Advertise W" A complete list of Souvenirs will he mailed free of charge to any address, Write for . CORSETS! Illustrated Catalogue and Price List Qf Corsets will be mailed free of charge to any address. Write for It. It would be hard work to name the style, however little worn, that is not represented on onr shelves. The simple truth is, that we have about the largest assortment f Corsets to he found in the city. As for prices, we don't fear com' petition. It is long since we were under sold, and, as a general thing, onr prices all Along the line are lower than anybody else's. -ww- Fleishman & Co's. NEW DEPARTMENT ST0BES, 504,506 and 508 Market st. PITTSBURG, PA. P. S. Opening. Watch for our Rosebud DISPATCH. myC-D Bob That's Jmmensel "Who's victim, Cbarlle? , Charlie Your'e off this time. This is one of Nicoll's 120 suits. He don't trust. Bod Come off. Charlie It's a factl I saw bis advertisement and thoueht I would try what he could do. This is the result. Bob Say, meet me at noon; I want a suit, guess I will try him. Charlie All right. The above conversation was overheard on a Fifth avenue car. It speaks for itself. rtfal&Cr 313 SMITHFIELD STREET,. Opposite New Postofflce. ap29-xr VI I I '"NT A INSURANCE CO., XLl JL JLN -3. Hartford. Conn. Assets, January L 1887 Sja,HH,SS 0 EDWARDS & KENJTEY, Agents, on Fourth avenue Pittsburg, 1alW9-MF HAY 7, ORDER W the 9moa) Linens, 20c and 25o up; Cream and Bleached, 31o and 37Jic up. Our 50e Damasks are 16!7 and 169 ireDERAfc KEW ABVERTISlbrarTri. CONCEDED JTHAT WE ABB THH WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, And it is a well-known act tbat we carry the Largest Stock of TXntrJmmed Hats, the Largest Stock of Bibbens and the Largest Stock of Flowers. That the prettiest Trimmed Bonnets and Hats in town are to be fonndin thebandsomely appointed show rooms of Styles the Latest, Workmanship the Best and Prices the Most Popular. CLOAKS AND WBAFB. Ladies' Fancy Cloth Jaelcsts, tailor made, WW. Peasant Garments, new shades, V . Embroidered Cashmere Fichus at f 1 49. Planus! Jeanls Bloqses, large assortment, ?19, BILK8. Fancy FJcnred China Silks at te a yard. Black Qros Grain Dress Silk at 71c a yard. Black Faille Francaisse Silk at 89c a yard.. Colored Satin de Leon at 7o a yard. DBESS GOODS. 24-inch Persian Challies, 5c a yard. Elegant Dress Satlnes, 8c a yard. Best quality Dress Ginghams, c a yard. Black and Colored Henrietta Cloth, 23c a yd. FLUSHES. J.00O Pieces 611k Plushes, all pew shade', Ua a, yard, AFMONB, Ladies' Muslin Aprons, best value in town, at lfc, INFANT OUTFITS. Infants' Embroidered Cashmere Short Ccata at ft 24. Infants' Embroidered Cashmere (Cream) Long Cloaks at 1 29. Lace, Embroidered and Corded Caps, in ex- cjolsite and pretty designs, at 24c, 43c and 74c HO USEFUBA'ISHINGS. (Basement.) A large, varied and most extensive assert, ment of Tin, Wooden, Iron and Agate ware, colored and plain Glassware and Crockery, to Which we direct special attention as being ex ceptional bargains, and procurable only ot us. All children accompanied by their parents and visiting this department get ft pretty Japanese Kite free. & Successors to MORRIS H. DANZIGER. SIXTH ST. AND PENN AVENUE. myd-HWF DON'T WASTES YOUR TIME AM) MONEY in looking around a dozen or more stores, if you want to buy Furniture, Carpets, House Fur nishing Goods, Baby Carriages, etc., etc., but make a bee line for Keech's Mammoth Fenn Avenue House Furnishing Concern, where you will find all these goods in the grandest variety, and at prices guaranteed to be from 20 to 30 per cent below all competi tion. KE E CH'S, CASH and CREDIT HOUSE, 923 and 925 Penn Ave., Near Keren Stbekt. Open Saturdays till 10 p. k. n jS-xwy P .A. 07 IE KTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avenne.abOTe Hmithfleld, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hlu 1889. w va. opeciai values is owe, oc, iuc, uc sou up. vrnite yauu, ui luca, cu?k extra fine. Beady-made Bolsters and Pillows, Mattresses and Feathers at lowest prices? -Jackets, Newmarkets, Beaded Capes, Jerseys, , s:e:m::px,"wsi STREET, .AT.LTOHENY, PA, XIW ADVERTISEMENTS. A RIABKABLE STAMT. Mrs, Buniap's Strange Story-i' Snatched From a Fate "Wocw Than Death by Dr. Smith, the Mag tjetio Physi cian, AT 602 PENN AVENUB. Mrs. Bobert Dunlap, who resides at Hosat Pleasant, Pa,, has been a great sufferer for the past ix years. Upward of six years ago io began to suffer from constipation, which was accompanied by pain in tha small of tba back, which extended to the head and eyes, fjhe complained of a pain In the eyeballs which was aggravated by moving the eye. When ever she was obliged to be on her feet for any length of time she was tormented with a drag ging sensation throngh her hips and most dis tressing pin in the lower part of the bowels. Six months from the beginning of her snffer ings she began to be annoyed with piles. At each morement of the bowels pile tumors came) down which bad to be replaced. As the months and years went by her sufferings increased un til life became a burden to her. She had en hansted the Bkill of several physicians and bad become thoroughly discouraged. She suffered; SeTsrely from hemorrhage of the bowels, which was almost a daily occurrence. Mrs. Sunlap bet came extremely nervous, an the oread and fear of the suffering that v & knew she mnst pass through dally constantly haunted her. Added to the terrible suffering produced by the piles was Jthe torture caused by displace ment of the womb, which doubly increased her agonyt she had great pain on top, throngh tha fore part of the bead, attended by a bearing down sensation, with pain throngh the llmba and bacx, accompanied by a general lassitude) or weakness. About six weeks ago she saw a notice In one of the daily papers of the re markable cures that are being made by Dr. Smith, the magnetic physician at 02 Penn ave nne, and decided to consult him. She did so and began treatment at once, and toIay Mrs, Dunlap is enjoying good health. She was en tirely cured of piles and of female weakness 1 fonr weeks. Dr. Smith cures all forms of female com plaints without ihe use of Instruments or ex. Eosure of the person; be also cures ruptures or ernla, piles, fistula or fissure without the usa of the knife, detentionfrom business or pain to the patient. All chronic diseases are cured bv Dr. Smith. Bbenmatlsm. neuralgia, fits, stam mering, dropsy, nervous debility, no mat ter from what cause, Kidney troubles, scrofula, skin diseases, blindness, deafness, constipation, dyspepsia, paralysis, varicose ul cers and veins, weakness and irritation of tho nerves of the brain, sleeplessness, heart dls eass, diseases of the blood of every description, and all kinds of tumors. He tares cancer in less time and with less pain than by any other method. Dr. Smith also performs all surgical operations. He is located at 602 Penn avenue, and may be consulted free of charge from 9 A. M. to 7 p.m. He will cure you after all other means fall. STEAMEKS AND EXCURSIONS. NOBD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent. Express Bteamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre Bremen. Ss.Lahn, May & 11 AMI Ss.Aller.May 15, 8 A Bs.Elbe. May 11, 2 p x Werra,May 18,8.20 Alt Elder, May 14, 6.30 A X I Hs.Baale, May22,nooq First Cabin, Winter rates, from S 100 upwarn. MAXSCHAMBERQ burg. Pa. OELRICHS&CO, 2 York City. & CO, Agents, Pitts. Bowling Green. New ja29-71-D pCK ABD USE. MEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA OTJEES3 TOWfl, JfBOAl P1EK 49 310BTH EIVKB. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Auranla, Slay 4, 8:WAmBothnla,MayS,Ud9AX Gallls. May 8. 11 A x SEtruria. Msy 33, 3 r x ?Umbzia.Msrlll2:3PXlAaranla, June. 7AX ServU, May is. 8 A X ' Uallla. June 5, 9.30 A X tTIUs steamer will not carry steerage. (ThpflM itMinpri rarrv flrfttliis nitftftpn trer Anlf Cabin passage, SSQ, f30 and tiod: Intermediate, I 15. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of nrone xt verr low rates. Europe at very low rates. VEKftotrn, BKOWN CO., General Agentil i 4'Hnwlinz P-fcen. Naw Ycrk. J. J. McCORMIcX-' fourth are. ai sp22-0 A State irie To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. KROM NEy YORK EVErtHURSDAY. Cabin passage $35 to SM. according; to locaUost Of stateroom. Excursion S63 to SOD. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTCT BALDWIM t CO.. General Agents, S3 Broadway, Mew Yor. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. nin22-D -ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA. Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. Prepaid Intermediate, $30. Steerage, f 191 Passengers by this route are saved tbe ex pense and inconvenience attending transfer to Liverpool or from New York. J. J. MCCORMICK, or A. D. SCORER 4 SON, Pittsbure. mbl5-99-xWT ANCHOR LINE. Atlanile Express Service; LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamshlnj-CITY OK BUilE," from .New Yorlr, WEDNESDAY. Slay a J one IS, July M. Aag.U Saloon passage. SSO to $100: second-class, S30. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londonderry, Liver pool, ISO and SSO. Second-class, $30. Steerage passage, either service, ta). Saloon excursion tickets st reduced rates. Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount Issued at lowest current rates. For books of tours, tickets or information. Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. S. Y., C J. J. MCCORMICK. Fourth and Smtthflcld: A. D. SCORER ft SON. 41S Smlthaeld St., Pittsburg; TV. SEMPLE, Jr., 185 Federal St., Allegheny. ap-O-jrwT 9 WM, SMPU'S, really sold at 65c Full 7-4 wide, 75c and -W' w-1 Silk and Cashmere "Wraps, Embroidered :$&-ih &&'.&? i&fc&s!