;' J ' mmmts&mi BMP& AND PQETEY. How Will Carleton Was Induced to Become a Writer of Poems by A PHBEKOLOGICAL TKEE AGENT. Dictating His Great Success, Betsy and I Are Out. A POET WHO DESIRED CRITICISM rmuTTSS roB Tax dispatch.; How strange are the circumstances which shape man's destiny, that prompt him to the first move on the line of action that leads to his ultimate success or failure in this world. Who can tell which is the se same which shall open np belore him his sphere in the world, for which he is pecu liarly adapted and designed by his Maker. Should many men of prominence tell the world what led them to start in their pres ent successful career, the tales woulc indeed be interesting. Among the acquaintances of the writer is an excellent gentleman, now growing old. a. poet, phrenologist and fruit tree agent, 31 r. A. S. 3IcCoy, a resident oi the town of Spnngboro, Crawford -county, this State. As lie travels through the country, selling trees, he combines his poetry and knowledge oi purenology with, Ms prolession as a tree man. teelikg THEia nujirs. Entering a bouse, a few words often dis closes his identity as a phrenologist, and tlie whole lamily have to have their beads "bumped," maybe, and their future told. In his" travels he has had many strange experiences and has "bumped many protnineut men's heads, among them beingtbat of Will Carleton.the farmer poet. He not only examined his head, but advised him to write poetry and what kind to write, and even wrote his first poem of note, "Betsy and IAreOut,"at his dictation and criticised it for him. The story in his own words is given below, with many other interesting Jacts about Poet Carleton: "It was in the summer of 1870 that I first met Carleton at Hillsdale, Mich. I was there with Mr. Joseph Soper"canvassing trees. I will tell you what I can remember of him from so long ago. ".Mr. Carleton had just been graduated from the college at Hillsdale the summer be fore, and was at the time that I first saw bim acting as editor, or connected with the Hillsdale Standard. What opened an intimacy with him then was this: One day, while canvassing, I found on the street a beautifnl lady's knit nightcap. Itctruck me as being so comical that the rhyming in spiration immediately took possession of me. I went to the Smith Bros.' hotel, where I was boarding, and composed a poem from the incident and took it to Mr. Carleton for publication, which he did gladly. cahleton's pabexts. "After making his acquaintance and before examining his head, I made the acquaint ance of his parents, in Hudson, Lenawee county, Mich. a worthy couple the father a sturdy practical farmer, but the mother, whom Will strongly resembles physically and mentally, I found an original lady, de cidedly full ot strong, practical common sense; comical, witty and full of oddities; kind hearted, energetic and full of poetical emotion, and a perfect lady. Jnst the kind of a mother to produce such agenius as Will Carleton. I stooped over night with the old people once while there. "Will Carleton wasrestless and ambitions at this time. His heart and brain was on the rack for position, or some chance where he might have unfettered freedom to grow and realize all the intense yearnincs ot his heart. He was dissatisfied with his posi tion on the Standard, and while I was ex amining his head he asked mv advice about himself and the best course for his success mtlie future. I answered, 'Ton are like Syour mother in strong common sense, wit, pathos and originality,and why not take rural subjects, such as the va rieties and experiences of farm life; for, from what I find of your physical and mental make up, you are un deniably qualified to succeed in that channel ana make a sensation in the world.' His eyes and countenance lit up as he said, 'I never thought of that idea. I believe I will try it, for I like and am interested in larmers ondfarming.' HIS FIBST POEM. "I left Hillsdale soon after this and was gone several weeks. When I returned I met him again and we went together one evening up to the college to the 'Alumni' evening exercises, where I saw that he was a general favorite. During the progress of the exercises he 'was repeatedly called upon to take a part and finally made a short speech. It was witty, eloquent, pa thetic, alternating from tbe comical to the serious, and so original that I was strongly impressed with him. It was at this time that I was at his room, when he said, 1 have struck out in a new channel. I have taken yonr advice. I have written out an incident; please read it, criticise it, and tell me what you think of it.' It was 'Betsy and I Are Out,' which his poetic brain had Just manufactured into shape. If I remember right he had two or three verses of it written in pencil, but asked me to write as he dictated which I did. Then he asked me to criticise it. My criticism was more praise of its merits thin anything else. He was not above the desire to have the productions of his brain criti cised, but was quite diffident and modest about their merits, and yet had a firm belief in himself and his future. Such was my first and longest intimacy with him, which was a good many years ago; and,if my mem ory hasn't proven treacherous to me, you have my pleasant remembrances of him as the long years intervening has left it to me. JL SXBlKtNG APPEABAXCE. "His personal appearance, while young, was striking and attractive a little above the medium height, slender in build but sinewy and graceful; head large, forehead high, and very broad in the region of ideality, constructiveness, imitation and xnirthlnlness; forehead slightly receding, with the perceptives as a group leading; large, thoughttul, expressive eyes, cose in clined to Roman; large mouth and mobile. Put vour hand over the lower part of his mouth and chin, and yon would say what an intellectual, beautiful head; take Vour hand away and you change your opinion a little for he hasn't a beautiful mouth and chin, but a grand head and face meets you end von long to know more of them. "When I saw him in Warren, Pa., three years ago, his physical appearance had changed a good deal. He had grown stout sad fleshy like his mother, and looked more manly in personal appearance, and his dark line hair was sprinkled with gray. Of late years I have had no intimacy or association with him, and if I have mis stated anything to you concerning him it was not on purpose, but through the failure of ' once tenacious memory." Claude Lowest. r " " GILKESON FOR JUDGE, : ' t The Backs County Politician May Eventually . be Sent to Florida. Washington, May 4. Florida appli cants for the Florida District Judge ship seem to have settled down to the belief that tbe President will, as the Attorney General has suggested, appoint an outsider to the office. . They seem to think that B. Prank Gilke t1 son, of Pennsylvania, whem Qnay tried to make Solicitor of Internal Eevenne, will be a, the man selected. This would please Quay ST and Hamilton Disston, too. Disston's can $T, didate, Gunby, was thought by the Attor ney eeneral to oe too young. uMookisk awnings, elegant, brilliant, fast ; colors, at Maaaax & Sea's, 637 and 639 tfPmTe. tutj UNLUCKY THIRTEEN. ' Three Member of a Frnnkford Thirteen Club Die In One Day. Philadelphia, May 4. The popular superstition concerning the ill luck of social parties .of 13 members was illustrated on Thursday in Prankford, when the fourth anniversary of a club of this character was marked by the sudden death of three mem bers and the serious injury of four others. The victims are all members of a Thirteen Club composed exclusively of members of Jerusalem Lodge Ko. 506, A. T. M. The first death was that of H. Clinton Xonker, of No. 4755 Penn street,Frankford, who dropped dead with heart disease on Thursday morning while seated in a doctor's office. His associates assembled on Thurs day night for the-purpose of arranging for his funeral, and while returning home in a coach two members of the club were killed and four others injured in the grade-crossing accident at Bridesburg. CONFESSES HIS CRIME, But Throws tbe Chief Responsibility Upon the McClellsndtown Outlaws. rsrXCIAt. TELEGRAM TO TUX DtSFATCH.1 TJniontowit, May 4. About a year ago Ami Myers, a farmer living just across the line in West Virginia, was robbed of 53,000, and his nephew, Webster Myers, was ar rested for the crime. He now makes a con iession that Sullivan and Iiewis, the leaders ot the McClellandtown band, were the prin cipals in this robbery, and that he was to get one-third of the spoils for giving them tbe information concerning his uncle's hoard. He only got $20, and now tells to get even with them. The Preston county grand jury has found a true bill against Sullivan and Lewis, and will take a turn at them when Somerset and Payette counties ore through with them. SEAELF. KILLED BY CORSETS. Congestion of tbe Brain Caused by Tleht Lnelnc A Warning; to Girls. Philadelphia, May 4. Too tightlT laced corsets nearlv resulted in the death of Maggie Sullivan, a yonng girl living on Valeria street, above Sixteenth. She fainted on Spring Garden street yesterday, and was carried into a house in an unconscious con dition. After her corsets had been loosened she revived, and explained that she had squeezed herself into 24-inch corsets upon the advice of her dressmaker. Dr. G. M. Bradfield said that the girl was suffering from congestion of the brain and heart trouble, resulting from tight lacing. After being in a dazed condition for about half an hour the girl recovered sufficiently to go home. INDIANA MINERS OUT OF WORK. All tbe Evansrlllo Operators Close Their 3Ilncs Acnlnst the Men. rsrzcijx Tn.ro ram to thx dispatch.! Etajtsville, Ind., May 4. All the coal mines in this city, some six or eight, were closed to-day by the operators against the miners. The miners refused to accede to the demand to take 65 cents for digging when they were getting 70 cents. Hence this action on the part of the operators. This will throw aDont 350 men out of em ployment. The shutout is likely to last some time, as it is the season of the year when little coal is in demand. CARPET TARNS TO BE ADVANCED. Spinners and Manufacturers Sny They Have Been Slaking no Money. Philadelphia, May 4. The Tarn Manufacturers' Association at its last meet ing passed a resolution favoring an advance of to 1 cent per pound on the different grades of ingrain filling yarn. The reason given for this action is that the recent pre vailing prices of yarns have been fonnd un remunerative to spinners and have tended to depress the values of manufactured carpets. 1,0 st nn Eye In a Peculiar Way. rSFECLU. TELEGRAM TO TBS DISFATCH.l "Waesa-w, 2J.Y., May 4. Charles Viver, of Buffalo, an elderly man, had his right eye snapped out this morning by a coil of brass escaping from a vise and one end hit ting the ball of that orb. He was an organ repairer, and came to Buffalo .in December from Hartford, Conn., where he had been in the employ of Johnson & Sons. Cat Into Fifty Pieces. rSFXCMI. TELEGRAM TO THX DISPATCH.1 Wheeletg, May 4. Iiucien Beall, one of the best known young men in the city, fell from a train on the Pittsburg, Wheeling and Kentucky Bailroad, at the foot of Eighth street, at 7 o'clock this evening, and was cut in 50 pieces. He was a son of Grafton Beall, and aged 27 years. A Place Conch Held TJp nnd Robbed. Ettseka Spbings, Abe., May 4. The Harrison and Eureka Springs stage coach was held up by highwaymen this morning in broad daylight a short distance west of Green Forest, Carroll county, and robbed. The mail sack, containing the registered packages, was cut open and the- contents rifled. An International Joke. From the Jiew York Telegram. 1 The proposal, seriously made, to knit the two great Anglo-Saxon nations together by marry ing some American girl to Prince Albert Victor, eldest son of tbe Prince of Wales, is comical enough to keep both countries in good humor for a year. It might relieve the British exchequer somewhat if Prince Collar-and-Cuffs should marry the daughter of an American millionaire. That any American girl could be found so representative of the country that the people would greatly care whether she marries this scion of British royalty is absurd. The knitting would soon ravel out. Sir Edward Sullivan, who proposed it, must be a mad wag. LECHXER 6i SCHOEKBEBGER'S Orcans, S25j Bargain List Pianos, 840. 1 Lighted Newton piano $ 40 00 1 J. &C. Pischer piano 60 00 1 Chickering piano................. 50 00 1 Chickering piano.... 75 00 1 Haines Bros.' piano. 125 00 1 Chickering piano 125 00 1 Emerson piano 150 00 1 Miller piano I 165 00 1 Steinway piano. 175 00 1 Marschall & Mithauer piano 175 00 1 Knabe piano..................... 185 00 1 Bradbury piano 200 00 1 Geo. A. Prince organ 25 00 1 Mellor & Hoene organ 25 00 1 Storey & Clark organ 50 00 1 Mason & Hamlin organ 85 00 1 Carpenter organ 85 00 This list includes some splendid instru ments in good condition and will last for years. All are fully warranted. Must be sold to made room for new goods. These prices inclnde stool and cover. E&sv pay ments. Please call at Lechner & Schoen berger's, 69 Fifth avenue. tusu -A Qnlet Little Chat. A short distance from the postoffice cor ner two gentlemen were seen conversing in a quiet way in regard to the elegant manner in which Dickson, the tailor, 65 Pifth ave nue, corner "Wood street, second floor, reno vates, repairs and alters gentlemen's wear ing apparel. Don't forget Dickson. Tele phone 1558. McKee, the Jeweler, Has Removed To 420 Smithfield street, one door below Diamond street. Give him a call: he can save you money. A complete, new and much larger stock than ever before diamonds, watcnes, silverware, etc 8. Cornelias O'KeeTe, M. B Xewu&ses, 436Peanave. , -,.,- THE Jt3-DUplag attvertttementt one dollar per tgvare for one interUon. Clauified advertise menu on thttpage tuch at Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inter tion, and none taken for lett than fifty eenU. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBANCS OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where' advertisers already have accounts with Tux DIS PATCH. ' PITTSBURG. THOBIAS MCCAFFREY, t&a BnUer street. FJJIL 6. bTUCKET, 24th street and Fenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY AGO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. BTOKELV, Fifth Avenue Market House, EASTBKD. J. W. 'WALLACE, 6121 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. SlCALLISTEB A SHE1BLEK, 6th av. ft Atwood It. SODTOsms. JACOB BPOHN, Ko. 2 Carson street. CHAS. 8CHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 9 Federal street. H. J. McBKIDK. Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEUS ABON, Ohio and Chestnut Its. J. T. STEVENSON, Arch and Jsckion streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and lrwlaaves. O.W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver avef. 1'EKKYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny avet. WANTED. Illolo nets. WANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS BARBERS at CENTRAL HOTEL DAKBEtt SHOF. Inquire lmmedlstely. mrS-M -TT7-.ANTKU-A YOUNG MAN WITH TASTE VV (ordrawlnrln an architect's office. Ad dress ARCHITECT, Dispatch office. m5-77 WANTED-A GOOD COAT AND PANTS MAKER Immediately. Call st CHARTIER3 AVE., Chartlers, Fa., on F. ft L. E. It. li. my4-B9 THTA.NTED OFFICE HOY MUST BE VV bright, Trillin and write a good hand; furnish reference; wages S3. A.M. C, Dispatch office. my6-55 WANTEH-YODNG MEN TO LEARN THE art of ventriloquism, at small cost. Ad dress VENTRILOQUIST, S3 Uesaca street. Alle gheny city. myS-SO-SU WANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN TO sell Dr. O'Eeefe's clll; steady work; can make tl2 to $13 per week. DR. O'KEEFE ft CO., Fifth ave. JuyMIS TrTTANTED-FATTERN MAKER-ONE WHO VV can work In wood or brass. Write or ap ply to BEAVER VALLEY MFG. CO., LIM.. West Brldgewater, Fa. my5-7 WANTED EOY ABOUT 16 YEARS FOR office work: must be quick at figures and must write a good hand. Address, In own band writing. G.. Dispatch office. my5 54 -rTJANTED-A FIRST-CLASS DRAUGHTS VV MAN well np In steam engine practice. Address FAX Dispatch office, stating age, ex perience, salary expected and references. mj5-8 WAN TED-MAN "WHO UNDERSTANDS cutting ont and managing a furniture factory; will give one-half Interest in the nuslnesi to right man. Inquire 49 WATER ST., Pittsburg. my5-l37 WAiJTED-COMFETENT DRUG CLERK TO take full charge or store: salary and Inter cstln profits, with good chance to become owner; give age and references. Address C. A. 8., Dis patch office. my4-B8 w 'ANTED-A MAN 25 TO 40 YEARS OF AGE, of first-class business ability, who Is will ing to work hard lor a good salary: bondrrqulred; give age and previous occupation. Address K, Dlccatch office. my5-7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A GOOD marble cntter and a first-class marble polisher. Address, stating loweit wages will work lor. no time for correspondence, DUNNING MARBLE JlND GRANITE CO.. Erie. Pa. apl3-M -TTTANTED-A YOUNG MAN NOT UNDER VV 25 to familiarise himself with our business and work his way up: must be energetic and come well recommended; f 12 weekly to begin. Call after 10 Monday, H. A. SCHROEDER, McCance Block. mj-5-66 -TTT-ANTED-S FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND VV granite salesmen; must have experience In this line; one for tbe city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience. DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Fa. mh2S-7S WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, latest and best shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic, etc., thoroughly taught for as per month: instruction private for both sexes; open -dally 9 A. M. to 9 P. 11. apl3-63-TTSSu WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLERK FOB general store; salary to be 35 to S45 per month, according to ab luy: one who speaks French and German Dreferred, and must give reference: apply only in writing. Address BOX 253, CrelghtonP. 0., Crelghton, Pa. my5-ns WANTED A GOOD COACHMAN ONE that can milk and understands gardening to go to the country: stay all tho year round; must come recommended: wages, 35 per month and house rent. Address M. i,.. Dispatch office, btate w' ether white or colored and size of family. my&-eo WANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers In our line; Inclose 2-cent stamp: wages S3 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati! Ohio. ap?-85-TTS6u WANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE THE new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; greatest novelty ever produced: erases ink in two seconds; no abrasion of Daper: 200 to SCO per cent profit: one agent'sales amounted to (620 In six. days; another S32 in two hours: territory absolute ly free: salary to good men. For terms and full E articular address J. W. SKINNER ft CO..Ona iska, Wis. my5-29 Female Help. WANTED-EXPEEIENCED GIBLS TO AS SORT rags. H. MARCUS. 63 Poplar alley, city. myJ96 -TTT-ANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE VV WORK in family of three. Inquire at 43 RACE ST., Allegheny. m?4-4 -VlTANTED-GlELS-M EXPERIENCED PA W PER box makers at J. WRIGLEY'S, 203 Boblnion St., Allegheny. mjS-57 TTTANTED-EXPERIENCKD HOUSEKEEPER VV for a small household, without children; German, or French preferred. Address P. O. BOX 583? Pittsburg, Pa. myS-114 WANTKD-A DRESSMAKER TO WORK ON sdrts, atLatrobe, Pa., mnst have experi ence and be able to take charge of that part of the work. Address P. O. BOX &3. Latrohe, Pa. myS-130 WANTED-ALL LADIES WHO HAVE FINE furniture needing repairing, refinlshlngor npholstermg to go direct to headquarters: tele phone 162S. HAOGH ft .KEENAN, 33 and 34 Water street. my2-94 TTTA.NTED-LADY AGENTS-BEST LINE OF VV ladles' and children's furnishing goods; two new Inventions this spring: fioo monthly; stamp for catalogue. E. H. CAMPBELL ft CO., 484 Randolph St.. Chicago. ap9-7S-TTSu WANTED-THREE GIRLS TO GO TO HOME WOOD. East End; a good cook, a competent chambermaid and an experienced nurse; a Protestant nurse preferred; good wages to right parties. Address, S. A., P. O. box L05S. Pitts burg. mys-ics Stole and l'cmnle HelD. TrTANTED AGENTS; MEN OR WOMEN, TO W sell Missouri Steam Washer to families; ar guments lu its favor numerous and convincing; sales made without difficulty; profits large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense If not satisfactory: write for illustrated circular and terms. J. 'ftURTH, 64 Beeknun, N. Y. no25-w80-su Situations. WANTED SITUATION A3 GABDENEB nnderstands care or greenhouse by a single German man. Address H. I., Dispatch office. my5-&9 WANTED SmJATION AS BTENOGRA PHEK and typewriter by a vounrladv. thoroughly competent. Address G. W. B., Dis patch office. myS-61 WANTED SITUATION BY AN EXPE RIENCED D. E. or 8. E. bookkeeper; can five good references. Address BOOKKEEPER, '. O.Box 686, Johnstown, Pa. ny5-31 -VTrANTED-SITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN VV as clerk ormanager in general merchandise store: 12 years experience: good references: city or country. H. AX., Dispatch office. myS-1 Booms, Houses, Etc TTTANTED-BY A YOUNG GENTLEMAN-A VV nicely furnished second story front room in Allegheny. Address T., Dispatch office. myS-69 -VTTANTED-FOR GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, VV two second-story communicating rooms with board. In pleasant location, either Pittsburg or Allegheny: references exchanged. Address H, Dispatch office my5-53 -TTT ANTED TO RENT A NICELY FCB W NISHED house along the Pennsylvania or B. ando. B. B.'s and within 10 miles of Union station. Pittsburg. Address, stating terms, etc, O. P., East Liberty P. P., Pa. myo-llt Boarders and Xodcers. TTTANTED BOARDERS AND ROOMERS; VV first class table, and a few good rooms. 1S2 FOURTH AVE. Siy5-2S WANTED-TWO GENTLEMEN FOB A well-furnished room at 37 RACE STREET, Allegheny; terms reasonable. my5-23 TUTANTED-BOARDEBS-TWO GENTLEMEN W to occupy an elegant furnished room, sec ond story, with privilege of bath: first class board. For terms raquire at NO. IS PARKWAY. Alle gheny, near federal st. mye-iat PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, WANTED. Boarding. "YTTANTED BOARD AND BOOM BY A VV young married couple; strictly first-class; lNTED BOARD AND BOOM B young married couple; strictly first- lly located. B. H. K.t Dispatch office. 119 centrally myl-113 Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 45f, S AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; U4 Fourth ave. ja3)-2-sn WANTED-MORTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN either city: lowest rates of Interest. SPEN CER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield St. tnh23-7 -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN VV in sums to suit at M, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apia-i TTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-81 -TTT ANTED-MORTG AGES-SI, OCO, 000 TO LOAN VY on city and suburban properties at 4)4, 6and s per cent, ana on larms in Allegheny ana naja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK7 ft bON, 105 Fourth avenue, api-iu w ANTED-TO LOAN MONEY WE HAVE over-one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4H per cent; no tax: we will-also loan money on improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette, Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken, for loans of any amount. BLACK ft BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave Je3-a9-su Miscellaneous. WANTED-GOOD LOCATION FOR DRUG store; In or out of the city. Address DRUGGIST, Dispatch office. iny3-24 WANTED-A RESPECTABLE FAMILY TO adopt a pretty girl bab7, S months old, bright sndattracUvo. Address BABY', Dispatch office. myfcll7 WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) or Stewart ft Co. 'a fine cabinet photos for L at SO and 92 FEDERAL ST., .Alle gheny. my5-87-Trsa W ANTED-TO SELL AN INTEREST IN painting and glazing business; shop, tools and tradealltnhand; terms easy; rare chance. BOOM 35,61 Fifth ave. my5-6 WANTED-A FEW PUPILS FOR PBIVAlE instruction In studies preparatory for col lege, or coaching In an) department, to address STUDENT. Dispatch Office. y5-2S-TTSU WANTED-LEARN THE ART OF GENTLE MEN'S garment cutting; no trying onre Snlred: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and aturday, 7to9r.li., 614 Wood st. URL1NG ft SON. apSU-M WANTED - EVERYBODY HAVING HAD pictures taken at 69 Federal St., AUe., to know the negatives are stilt there and xnd will be duplicated at fl per doz. by HENDRICKS ft CO., 68 Federal St., Allegheny. myS-M WANTED-EVERYBODY TO GET ONE DOZ. fine cabinet photos fori 99 cents at AUFREOHT'S EL1TEALLERY, 515 Market St., Pittsburg. Pa,, for 30 davs only; elevator: come, rain or shine; bring children, myt-lU WANTEO-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 630 Smithfield St. noll-uwrsu "TTTANTED-CnSTOMERS FOR CASH BAR W OAINB-Elgln, sllverlne watches. S,t7, S3: .Elgin gold ladles' watches, 120, 123, S25: nickel clocks 75 cts.: 1847 Rogers' knives and forks, SI 75 per set. JOHN MITSCH, Jeweler. 130 Federal St. apH-MWTSn , FOE SALE iaiPHOVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Kealdenecs. Fi R SALE-JLOOO-SECOND AVE.. ABOVE Trv St.. briek honiiA of 5 rooms and attic: lot isxiw: rents lorsizu per year: terms easy. n. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth arc my4-51 POB OB SALEWYLIE AVE.-NEAR ERIN bT. a bargain brick honea A rooms, rood cel lar, nat. and art. gas: lot 22x110; price, (3.500. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth uc my4-51 F OK SALE CARSON ST., NEAR TWENTY FIRST. 2-storv briek house. 12 rooms, side Eorcbcs, greenhouse, etc: lot 80x120. G. J. LEICHNER, BeaLEstate, 2208 Carson at. my3-15 FOR SALE-4 FODR-STORY BRICKS AND 4 four-story frames; lot 48x100 fu ; cor. Ninth and William sts., 8. 8 3 rents for S2.0o0;easy terms; 514,000. D. BEHEN ft SON, 4112 Penn aTe. my5-51 .. TTHIB SALE-PRICE 813,000 IF SOLD AT ONCE, JP 4 brick and 4 frame dwellings; big lot: corner Ninth and Railroad sts., Southslde; rental $2,000 per year. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave.; telephone 167. my562 FOB S ALE-S5.S00 WILL BUY FOUR HOUSES, each containing 4 rooms, gas and water. and will rent so as to pay 10 per cent; lot 30x100, located on Gam street. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fourth aye. apM-W-su TTOR SALE-WYL1E AVE.. NEAR SOMER3 JO St., good two-story frame house of 6 rooms. attic bath, range hot and cold water, hardwood mantels, good dry cellar, etc; lot 24x100 to alley: 13,000: on easy terms. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-5l FOR 8ALE LOCUST ST.-NEAR MILTEN BERGER, an elegant pressed brick dwelling of 9 rooms, wide hall, vestibule bath, w. c, ranged marble mantels, Inside shutters, nat. and art. gas, plenty or closets, good laundry with stationary tubs and h. and c. water: good rsewer age; lot 24x100. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave my4-51 FOR SALE-ONE OF THE GREATEST BAR GAINS ever offered In tbe Seventh ward, on Elm St., near Wylle ave., neat, -well-finished two story brick house of s rooms, finished attic hall, vestibule good cellar, both gases, etc. : also In rear and fronting Congress st. n two-story brick house of 7 rooms and ball, well finished through out. For price and terms see J. K. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-61 East End Reslaences. FOB SALE ELEGANT BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, bath and all conveniences: on Ripper St., near Penn ave. cable; lot 44x13); price SAeOO. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my3-74-Tursn FOB 8ALE-I32.600-AN ELEGANT RESI DENCE, desirably located on a paved avenue with good sewerage In the heart of Shadyslde; lot 114x400 feet. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave ' ap2i-i9-8u FOR"8ALE-OK TO LET-ONE HOUSE OF 6 rooms and one of 9 rooms, with bathrooms and all conveniences; No. 1 location and cheap; pos session at once. Inquire at NO. 6100 BOND STREET, E E. my4-18 FOR BALE 11,200-TERMS S500 CASH, BAL AN CE 100 the first year and S200 a year there after will buy a 4 room house with 2 acres of ground on Leamington avenne W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. , ap21-19-su T7IOR 8ALE-816.O00-SUBSTANTIAL NEW JO and attractive brick residence of l2rooms.wlth large lot; nothing better lor the money In the East End: is desirably located on one of the main avenues. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave ap2l-19-sn T710B SALE NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS C splendid location to start practice; modern house large lot, first-class neighborhood: East End; Immediate possession; 111 000. HART ft WILKINSON, Germania Building, Wood st. myS-US FOB SALE-ON O'HABA ST.. E. E.. LOT 42 xlSO; elegant frame house of 8 rooms, bath, etc.; slate mantels, nat. gas and all conveniences; this is a good property and in one of the most de sirable neighborhoods. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. my5-72-MTTFSn FOB SALE-LOVELY NORTH HILAND AVE NUE residence, with acre of gronnd,frult, shade trees, lawn, etc.; adjoining the beautiful property of Chas. Lockhart, Esq. : Immediate pos session. Apply for cards of admission to HART ft WILKINSON, Sole Agents, 119 Wood st. , myS-lOO 1TIOR SAT,E-3,0C0-TERMS TO SUIT PUR- CHASER, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second, 3 attic rooms and all conveniences: well finished throughout; desirably located in Oakland. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. ap2l-l9-sn FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE). NEAR NEG LEY, good brick house of8 rooms, batb, nat. gas. etc: front and back stairways, front and back porcnes. marble and elate mantels, tile hearths, elegant shade trees, with lot 50x145, S3. COO, or with lot 25x145, 8,500. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave my5-70-Mwrssa FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE., OAKLAND, lot 34xL7 to 20-ft. alley, new brick honse re ception hall, bath and 12 good rooms: electric bells, nat. and artificial gas all through thebouse: good cemented cellar, bay windows and elegant Sorclies: good front yard; 112,000. THOS. L1G ETT, 114 Fourth ave my5-70-Mwrssn FOR SALE-7,50C TERMS St.000 CASH. BAL ANCE S25 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain ing 9 rooms, oath and all conveniences: Is ele gantly finished and located in one of the most de sirable neighborhoods In the East End. W. C. BTEWABT, U.4 Fourth ave ap21-19-sn FOB SALE-S10.000-TERMS TO SUIT PUB CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second and 3 attic rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has fine pis fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot; located on a paved avenue In a well-lui- g roved and desirable neighborhood. W. O. TEW ART. 114 Fourth ave ap21-19-Su FOR SALE-ON PENN AVENUE, NEAR LIN DEN, fine lot 46x179, with good brick house: reception hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitch en and large pantry on first floor: five good rooms, batb, etc, on second floor; large finished attic and cedar closet on third floor: electric bells, sneaking tubes, slate mantels, alldlng doors between parlor and library and reception hall and parlor; elegant front porch, bay windows; an elegant neighbor- 3&&Z&!Fuffl85g&. mrT respect- myS-TZ-srrwsu Hazelwood Residences. FOB SALE LYTLE ST.. GLENWOOD cheap, two good irame dwellings of 4 rooms, finished attic and cellar each; lots each 24X120; easy terms. J. R.. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave my4-51 Allegheny Residences. T7OB SALE A NUMBER OF DWELLINGS JP located on Ridge ave, Lincoln ave. North are., and other good streets In Allegheny. Parties desiring topurcnasewlU And It to their Interest to see W. C. BTEWABT, U4 Fourth ave. beroie buying; apa-19-sn JTOK 8ALE-S8.000-EASY TERMS, NEW, SUB J? STANTIALl attractive Queen Anne dwell ing, containing 11 rooms and all convenience!: lot 50x160 feet, located In a desirable neighborhood In lower part or Allegheny. W. O; STEWART, Utronrt&ayasser- ' ' al--Io. SUNDAY, IdAT 5, FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Alleahear .Residences. FOB 8ALE-S8.O0O-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms, batb, statlpusry washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all im jroyements, located on Ackley St., head ot Monterey st. W. C. STEWART. U.4 Fourth ave. apil-19-su FOR SALE 7,000-ON FEDERAL ST.. ALLE GHENY, will buy a flnethree-story brick house orio rooms, hall, vestibule bath, laundry and attic stationary washstand, hot and cold water, both f:ases, heater In cellar, good range marble man els, Inside shutters. Slate root, etc.: also frame honse oM rooms on rear of lot: this property Is well sewered and a big bargain: possession at once. EWIN G ft BYERS, No, 107 Federal street. my4-19-TU8Su Suburban Residences. FOB BALE-AT SHERIDAN STATION, F. C. ft bt. L. B. B,, 11 acres of land, frame house orchard, etc.: two gas mains run through the place: this land can be divided Into lots eligibly situated and would afford a good Investment. LASHELL ft BANKIN, 67Fourth ave myS-14 w OR SALE-WILK1NBBUBG. B MINUTES from itfttlnn. new frame dwelling 7 rOOOlB. finished attic reception hall, porches front and back, water In kitchen, nat. gas. good sewerage; fronts on 60-rt. macadamized street: good side walks; lot 52x120; price only M.00Q, ana terms to suit. J. r. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 T7IOB SALE-t20,000-SUB3TANTIALj BRICK -K . residence containing 12 rooms and all con veniences: lot 192x264; this property Is desirably located In Wilklnsburg; faces two good avenues, and the ground alone If laid off In lots will sell for the money; ownfr refused several years ago fA 01O cash. W. OdTEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap2l-i9-Bn FOR SALE-CRAFTON, P., a ft ST. L. B. B., a handsome residence containing large rooms, reception hall, attic, bathroom, pantry, laundry, with stationary tubs, hot and cold water, furnace natural gas, splendid well and cisterns; about one acre of ground, with trees, shrubbery, etc. For further particulars address GEO. GLASS, 83 Wster st my5-lS FOR BALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND, WITH fine house 7 large rooms, fruit and shade trees, grapery, etc., sprlnghouse, wster In kitchen; stable, chicken house, etc.: a beautiful place, sit uate at Howard station. P. V. ft C. B. R.. near Homestead; a great bargain if sold soon: by O. R. TOUDY. Real Estate Insurance and steamship Agent. 1721 Carson St., Southslde. Would proba bly take other property In exchange. ap28-130 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lota. FOR SALE-LOTS-1 HAVE A NUMBER OF lots on Carson st. and other streets; almost any locality; very cheap; terras easy: by O. R. 10UDY, Real Estate Insurance and Steamship Agent, 1721 Carson St., Southslde ap28-l30 East End Lots. FOR SALE-DALLAS, P. B4 B., 3 MINUTES walk from station; lot 8250. MELLON BROS., jgfflBtatlonst,, E. E. my3-75-TnrBsn FOR SALE-SEVERAL CHOICE LOTS DESIR ABLY located on Fifth' ave, Bhadyilde W. C. BTEWABT, 114 Fourth ave ap21-19-su FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST lots In tbe East End; will pay you to see us before buying. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave . apa-19-su FOB 8 A L K-S7.600 LOT 110X175 FEET, lecated on one of the finest avenues In the East End; Is worth 110.000. W. O. BTEWABT, 114 Fourth avenue. ap2l-lj-su FOR BALE-t5W-550-NICK LOTS AT HOME WOOD, P. R. r77 on Finance st., 3 minutes' walk from station: 50 trains a day. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my4-S6-Tussu FOR 8 ALE LARGE LOT 120 FEET FRONT ON Jackson St., near North Hlland avenue: cor ner lot and well located: price only 82,000. MEL LON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my3-73-JIFsa "CWR 8ALK-BOO-t300-CHEAP, LOTS IN BEST A.' location, 25x175; property in this neighbor hood advancing In price rapidly; near Negley ave. and Penn cable cars. Nineteenth ward. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E. E. my4-S5 FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed: price ranging from 8406 to (600. Inquire ofD. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave, East End. no28-y78 FO R S A L E A GOOD INVESTMENT-IK acres, between Rebecca st. and Falrmount avenue, new Penn cable and Negley avenue; property advancing rapldlyr will sell now at ft, 0CO. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my3-72-TUF6u FR SALE-A LOT WITH MORE IMPROVE MENTS, at less cost, than Is generally oflered; centrally located, convenient to schools, churches and business bonses: plenty or room for large house; this can be bon ght at veryreasonableprlce aud easy terms. MELLON BROS., E. E, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 612 Smithfield st, my5-41-TTSSu fTIOH 8ALE-830, 000-10 ACRES OF GROUND, X1 suitable for laying out In lots; Is perfectly level, well elevated ana desirably located In the heart of the East End. In a neighborhood that will undoubtedly bestrlctlyflrst-ciassiis within 12 min utes walk of Fifth avenue cable cars: has a front age of2,800 feet; fine brick dwelllngof Sroomaand a frame of6 rooms: terms 810,000 rash, balance to suit purchaser. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave myS-12-su , A Hazeltropd Lots. TTIOB SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS AT HAZEL JD WOOD: choice lots. 20x130 each: fronting on 60 foot streets; location unsurpassed; terms to suit buyers. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave my41 Forms. FOR SALE 147 ACRES SITUATE IN WEST MORELAND county. 1M miles northeast of Ardara station, only 18 miles from Pittsburg; has 30 acres of coal, is good wheat or stock farm; well watered; house of 5 rooms, large bank barn: land Is rolling, and all under cultivation: price 810,010; this is the best farm for the money on the Penna. R. B. W.C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-SU F IOR SALE-200 ACRES AT AKDABA STA TION, Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from Pittsburg (as a whole or to suit purchaser), has a large Sana stone quarry openea. a large sana Dam and aoout 100 acres of level land suitable for man. nfacturing purposes; adjoins Carnegie Bros, ft Co.. and only five miles from the new Westing house Works at Wllmerdlng. W. C BTEWABT, 114 Fourth avenue. ap21-l9-su Snbnrbnn Lots. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK. WILKIN S-BURG-Lots, 40x120. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 117 Fourth ave. ap27-78 FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOSJ PARK. WILKINS BURG Lots, 40x120 and 40x240, on your own terms; these are the most desirable lots on the market, J. K. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave ap27-73 FOR SALE AT COBAOPOLIS, P. ft L. E. B. R., a lirge number of choice level building lots on wide streets and alleys; fine location: these lots are above overflow and will be sold on reasonable terms. LASHELL ft RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. my5-14 FOR SALE AT EMSWORTH-P., FT. W. ft C. By., beautiful building lots, only six minutes from station: lots each 60x120; boardwalks, excel lent water, line view, good natural drainage: one of the choicest locations on the Ft. Wayne road; S rices very low and terms easy. C. B. COOPER ; CO., 107 Fourth ave. my4-51 FOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, LOTS Maplewood Park, Wilklnsburg. elegant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240; f 150 to 8400; 110 to 820 down, balance L 82 and 83 per week; these are the most desirable lots on the market; 56 trains each way dally; they are bound to double in value within the next 90 days. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave, or on the grounds every Tues day. Thursday and Saturday from 3 to 6 r. at. ap27-78 FOR SALE-AT LESS THAN COST OF THE house US acres of superior land adjoining Monongahela City; coal, limestone, springs, fenced, highly Improved: 6 acres in fruit; a now, large brick mansion of 14 rooms, marble mantels throughout, inside shutters, bathroom, cellars, everything complete and modern style; cost 113, 000: large irame bank barn; also fine horse and cow stables, smokehouse sprlnghouse outbuild ings: 1 mile from railroad station and town: only 812,000, on time; must be seen to be appreciated. ED. WlTTISH, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. Pa., 'newllst." my3 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-90,273 ACRES GOOD VA. TIM BER and mineral lands In 3 tracts, on K. R.. rivers and good floating streams, average price n 75 per acre. E. H. BUTERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa, ny4-79 FOR 8 ALE BY ORDER OF ORPHANS' Court of Beaver county will be sold at 10 o'clock Tuesday. May 7. 1SS3. at public auction, the valuable property at Klasola station. Lake Erie It. R., formerly owned by Thos. J. Morris, deceased: there are 48 acres for sale divided into four tracts of 12 acres each ; these lands are fertile well situated and every way desirable; one min ute's walk from railroad station: six trains each way dally; convenient to churches, postoffice and public schools; natural gas, abundant water sup ply: only half a mile east of the thriving town of Fhllllpsourg: terms of sale one-half cash on con firmation of sale by the Conn, balance In oneyear from that date secured by close Judgment bond, with Interest, Train leaves Pittsburg for K1A BOLAat8:40. city time. my5-108 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. T710R BALE-SALOON AND HOTEL FUH JJ NISHMENT complete: 22 rooms: good lease; can give possession Immediately. Address B. M. WILSON, St. Charles Hotel, Bteubenvlile n. myS-27 FOR SALE-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquor business in city of 30,000 in Ohio: es tablished trade best location In tbe city, cheap rent, bar attached with all necessary fixtures; want to sell on account of bad health. Address D., Dispatch office. my4-9 -TTIOR BALE-THREE LICENSED nOTELS JD One in Beaver county, on line of it. R., price 83,000; one in Lawrence county, on line of It. R , large house newly papered and painted, price 86,000: one In Ohio of 15 rooms, price 85,000; above hotels are centrally located and doing a good business. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. my3-26-TTSSu -1710K BALE-8LO0O WILL BUY ONE-FOUBTH J Interest In a safe and conservative and profit able business which will nrore a magnificent In vestment to one who can a)low tbe profits to re main In the business for a' few years as the con trolling Interest wishes to Increase the facilities: will not necessitate personal attention, but will Firovlde an opening for one seeking It: liability United to Investment: reason for selling need of asa; price atked Is slightly less than actual In TeLBint. Jiddraaa-OPPOXTUNITY. Dlanatch .- . . , , --- 1 1889. FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE A GOOD LO CATION: good bargain to a qulckbuyer: rea sons given for selling. Call or address W. H. WOOD, 416 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. , myS-49 FOR BALE-DRUG STORE, ON LINE OF railroad; population 1,200: no opposition; terms reasonable: reasons good. Address SUL PHONAL. P. v. Box 900, Pituburg. my2-64-xhSStt FOR SALE-A LICENSED HOUSE IN CEN TER of the city; first-class business loca tion: rare opportunity to make big money. Ad dress In your own name J. W. J., Dispatch office. my5-118 F lOR SALE-A GBOCEBY-A RARE OPPOR TUNITY: Will sell at tnvnlrn nr Inmn: beat location on largest avenue in Allegheny; a great bargain If sold Immediately: owner Is moving wess. juua a. Ki, o., .Aiiegneny r. u. my4-88-KWT8SU 1710B BALE A FIRST-CLASS SALOON : doing a flrst-clast business: half block from tbe N. C. B.B. depot: price 81,500: cause of selling is to dissolve partnership. Address HOWARD ft LUBY, 401 N. Calvert street, Baltimore Md. TTOB SALE GOOD PAYING BUS1NU3 FOB J lady that can sew for about SLOOO-. n tat little confectionery and Ice cream business, 8200: bakery with horse and wagon, 8400; stores or all kinds; 100 business chances. SilKPASDft CO.. 54 Firth ave my3 Business Stands. FOB SALE-J BRICKS. 8 ROOMS AND STORE ROOM each, and 3 lots, 71x103 ft., Franks town nve, E. E.;8A600. DBEHEN ft BON. 4112 Penn ave. my5-51 FOR BALE A SMALL HOTEL, FURNISHED, with bar attached: 36 rooms; all modern im provements: best reasons for selling: notronhle to Jet license; five hours' nde from Pittsburg. For urther Information address E. L. B.. Dispatch office. my5-U FOB SALE-810O,0O9-THE LARGEST AND best located piece of property suitable for retail trade In Pittsburg: owner has been holding for 1140,000, but will take the above price if sold at once; particulars to principals only. W. O. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap21-19-Sn FOB SALE-BEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth ave.: also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Smithfield st. and other food streets: will take pleasure in giving full par lculars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. U STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap2l-l9-su FOR BALE HOTEL. FURNITURE AND lease with extenslro transient trade: 50 rooms furnished In good style; most modern brick house lu this growing city, population 18,000, In center of tbe great oliand gll fields: fine bar busi ness; license furnished at once; price 86,000: bar gain and easy terms. C. H. FOLBOM, Lima. O. ap27-32-S5u F IOR BALE-!xll5 FEET. LOCATED IN THE heart at Pituhnrr. within 3 minutes' walk of postoffice. Is now renting for 86,500 a year, and Improvements only cover hair the ground; this is without doubt tbe choicest piece of property In the city, and IT properly Improved would pay 8 per cent net cm investment: price (120,00): fnll particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 114 irourtn ave. mya-ii FOR SALE-PLANING MILL AND LUMBER yard: located in a lively town In Ohio, 63 miles from Cleveland and 100 miles from Pittsburg, on the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad and the Ohio canal, surrounded by a rich farming section; building new and machinery In first-class order; good established trade for 14 years; poor health the only reason for selling. For further particu lars inquire at aid nAsnifltfiua avi,aii6" gheny City. my2-73 FOB SALE ONE OF THE BEST FLO UB mills In Pennsylvania, having a capacity or 150 bbls. dally; mill has been remodeled through out during the past year, everything new and of the most aporoved type; natural gas for fnel, water power if wanted, and coal near by; enough wheat received at mill from neighboring farmers to run, more than half capacity; no salesmen employed, and good prices realized; steady trade all the year round, and demand for offal, etc.. always In excess or supply; excellent shipping facilities and market for flour near at hand; the onjy reason for selling is old age on the part of one of the owners and HI health or tM other: tbe mill has always made money, and is w riay. and would undoubtedly prove a good thing for a live man. Full particulars can be bad by ad dressing WM. M. BELL, Real Estate Agent, Mc Keeaport, Fa. n.yS-127 Dlnnafactnrinc Sites. T7IOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE-ONE X1 of the finest manufacturing sites at Buena Vista, on the line of the B.'ftO. R. B. aud op posite P.. McK. ft Y. B. B., 28 miles from Pittsburg, containing about 40 acres: has a frontage on railroad or three-quarters ora mile and same distance on the Y'oughlogheny river; natural gas line within a short distance and wells being drilled in near vicinity: abun dance or coal and coke near at hand, and shipping facilities excellent; liberal terms will be ottered to any manufacturing concern desiring to lo cate at this point. For full particulars address WM. M. BELL. Real Estate, Agent, McKeesport, Pa. i t my5.128 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOB SALEWE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE lot of No. 1 second-hand engines andbollcrs, all sizes, from 2 h. p. up, taken In exchange for new; we got them cheap and they will go cheap; also new engines and boilers, every size and style at rock bottom prices. HA RMK'S MACHINE DEPOT. 97 First ave fe3-y77su Miscellaneous. FOB SALE - A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO. used only tour months, of first-class make: must be sold at once; party leaving the city; great bargain. Address M. A. T., Dispatch office. my5-103 F lOR SALE A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO, used only-four months, of first-class make: must be sold at once; party leaving the city: great bargain. Address M. A, T., Dispatch office. my5-105 F IOR BALE-AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE, the best mixed paint, varnish, stains, special chair paint, furniture polish, gold paint, bronze, putty, glass, brushes, etc O'BRIEN'S PAINT SHOP. 292 Fifth ave my4S FOR SALE BROADWAY PUBLISHERS having list over 10,000 canvassers sacrifice their business for 83,800 cash this week; manu facturers cost present stock over 83,000; own other property worth many thousands and no debts; satisfactory reasons. MANUFACTURERS. 153 Fourth avanue New York. my 4-77 Horses. 'Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR SALE-ALDERNEY COW, JDST FRESH, gentleands good milker. MRS.J.C.BUFFUM. 22SNorth Hiland ave, E. E. my4-17 FOR SALE-HORSES JUST" ARRIVED AT Exposition Driving Park: 50 head extra fine driving, business and saddle horses. Inquire ror JAS. McKEOWN. my3-41 T71ORSALE-83S0WILLBUYALARGEYOUNG D horse 8 years old, and atrald or nothing, a rour-passenger barouehe in good repair, and a good set of harness. Address P. O. BOX 724, city. ap21-19-sa FOB SALE-2 GOOD HORSES. 6 YEARS OLD, well broken to harness; will not scare at any thing: will be sold cheap for want or nse. For particulars call at E. GKOETZINGER'S, 627 to 629 Penn avenue. my5-90 FOR BALE -HALF PANEL-BACK BA BOUCHE, glass doors, side bar buggy, two sets single harness, one set double harness, all food as new, and one good family horse 16 hands lgh. bright bay, perfectly sale and good driver; all sold for one-half Original rostas owner has no use for same. Address HORSE, Dispatch office. my5-63 TJIORSALE-HORSES-WILL ARRIVE MAY 2, JD at the Exposition Driving Park, 20 head ot extra fine Kentucky horses, among them some extraflne roadsters and saddlers of especially fine quality, with all tbe various Kentucky saddle 5 aits and harness combined. The owner, J. C. WYMAN, a responsible horseman, or Lexing ton, Ky., refers to Jas. A. McNally and Porter ft uonaiason. 01 mis city, ana invites inose in ueea of anything in his line to Inspect stock. my2-70 PERSONAL. PERSON AX-BOOKS WANTEIl-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let ns know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK BTOltE. Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-23 XJERSONAL FRENCH COURSE, CONVEB X. SATION, llteratnre etc., either private or In class, by an experienced French gentleman lately arrived from Paris: special conversation lessons for travelers to Paris: ladles'classes; high est references. Address PROFESSOR, Dispatch office my$-33 "PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, JL mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? -Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order: spring styles now readv. telephone 1558. mh8 PERSONAL TRUTH AGAINST THE world To the thousands of men and women who suffer with either headache backache dys pepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, neuralgia, scrofula, blood poison, old rores. discbargee etc.. and other weaknesses from whatever cause Ta-va-zon Specific Remedies are nnequaled. They positively Cure when all other means fall. By their use dis eases disappear like dew before the midday sun: Indorsed by the leading physicians of Europe and America; are pure safe aud reliable for all dis eases that flesh Is heir to. See sworn home testi mony at DR. GRIFFITH'S CHEMICAL CO., 301 Grant st., cor. Third ave, Pittsburgh Pa. Cut this out. my5-121 LOST. LOST-PUG BITCH PUP-PLEASE RETURN toI53FLAVEL ST., East End. my5- LOST-OR 8IOLEN-1N TWENTIETH WARD, E. E. on Good Friday, a black- onyx brooch, set with 18 rose diamonds. Finder will be liber ally rewarded by leaving same at DISPATCH OFFICE, orat632ROOPST.. E. F. mv3-13 MEETINGS. IM P O R T AN"T-MEMBERS OP THK Twelfth "Ward Humboldt Building and Loan Association are requested to attend Its flfth annual meeting Aionday. May- 6, at 8 o'clock p. K. OHAS. QOLDBECK, "Pres't, B. BTADELMAN. Seo'y, myM NOTICE-THE MEMBERS OF Lv TJ. NO. 211, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, are hereby requested to meet at their hall THIS (Sunday) AFTER. NOON, at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Brother John File Members of all other local' anions are cordially invited. iiy order oi President. Lr, V.K.HUBT.'K.S, TO XET. Cltr Residences. mO LET-COTTAGE HOUSE Off M&'ASg JL 1NGTON, cor. Gray and Dllworth streets; has ten rooms, large lot: Is supplied -"'"nt gas and city water; will De divided to snlt two fentnts. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.'S OFFICE, 10 and 12'Wood St. ap-17 rpc IO LET A BRICK DWELLING OF BIX JL rooms ana nnnnea mu. iiiSwith jraction roaa, now onuiuup, "".'"';-, ii.i range hot and cold batb, w. c. and natural gas, rent 22 per month: vwater free. Inquire ON PREMISES, Wylle ave, ono square above Kirk Patrick st, "M" . East End Residences. TO LET-QUEEN ANNE. FRAME 7 ROOMS, hail ttn ttv tinndrr. etc.: Winebiddle avenue near Liberty station; 820. D. BEHEN ft Dun. siu-reunave. ,j-- Allegheny Residences. TO LET NICE 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. ALL conveniences: cheap rent: Second ward. Al legheny: street cars handy. W. W. MCNEILL ft nito. juo x ouna ave. uj- T0 LET-IN ALLEGHENY-NICE 4-ROOM house nearVerner station, wat free 10 75: corner storeroom, with 5 living rooms, good stand, for business, also another storeroom suitable for meat shop or other business, near Verner station. at low rent: 5-room house with large lot. Jack's Bun station, 810. MAGAW ft GOFF, 145 Fourth ave. myS-94 Suburban Residences. TO LET-MY HOUSE. THIRTEEN BOOMS, at Laurel Station. Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-OR FOR SALE-A 10 ROOM DWELL ING house one ;acre ground, shade and fruit trees, and all modern conveniences: tbe most healthful place.ln the county; six miles np West Penn R. R.: 3 minutes' walk from station. For particulars inquire 8. MUSGRAVF, No. 44 Fourth street. ap28-22-MWT8n ADartmenl. T IO LET-2 FURNISHED EOOMS-AT 31 ISA BELLA ST., Allegheny. myai TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH kitchen, tableware, etc. 41 LOGAN ST. and 164 FOURTH AVE. mj5-17 TO LET-SOME FINE UNFURNISHED and 8-room flats for housekeeping; nat. gas: two store rooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH ST. myS-lS-MSSa TO LET-PLEASANT. AIRYROOM3 ON FED ERAL St., Allegheny, to lodgers, bath and both kinds or gas. Address PERMANENT, Alle gheny Postoffice my4-73 TO LET-LARGE, DOUBLE PARLORS. UN FURNISHED, single or en snlte: bestloca tlon In city for physician or dentist; rent reasona ble. At NO. 30 FEDERAL ST. my5-10 TO LET-FURNISHED BOOM ON PARK; cold and warm water, gas. use or bath: 15 minutes' walk from Pittsburg Postoffice; street ears. No. 261 NORTH AVE.. Alleghany. myS-78 Offices. Desk Room. tc TO LET-DESK BOOM IN NEWLY FUR NISHED office with electric lights, etc.: fine location opposite Court Honse. Inquire COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGENCY. 163 Fifth avenue. mjM8 TO LET-HANDSOME OFFICE BOOMS, single or en snlte on second and third floors: also, centrally locatedodge rooms; fresh painted and newly papered; directly opposite City Hall. Inquire T. MELLON ft SONS' BANK. 512 Smith field st. myS-4I-TTSSo Business stands. mo LET-ONE LABGE ROOM, WELL JL lighted front and hack; second floor; office room on first floor: rent low to good tenant. NO. 108 MARKET ST. my5-3l NOTICES. pOMMERCJAL MEN TAKE N OT1CE- A married gentleman who can furnish un surpassed references and bond is open for an engagement at a moderate salary. Is highly versed, in accounting, commercial law and mathematics; also a fluent speaker, experi enced stenographer, and fine rapid pemr an. Correspondence solicited. H. D. BEED, my3-ll . Care Box 6S3. FTTHE BONDS OF THE PITTSBURG AND WEST END PAS3ENGEB RAILWAY CO, due this date, after which interest ceases, will be paid on presentation at the CltjrTflaTings Bank, of Pittsburg, Pa, JOHN C. RETLLY, President. V"J Pittsburg. May 1, 1SS9. m89 AUCTION SALES. TJTJRNISHMENT OP A FINELY FUR JT NISHED b ome at auction TUESDAY MORNING, AT 10 O'CLOCK, at tbe rooms No. 311 Market street. Handsome plush suit of six nieces, fancy rockers and reception chairs, fine cabinet, pier mlrror,pictnres,bric-a-brac.cartains,ete, walnut chamber sets, fine marble tops and toilet glass on washstand, fine folding bed, chiffonier, leather conch, fine library chairs, table and bookcase, clocks, rugs and decorated toilet sets, fine ball rack, bedding, lamps, sideboard, bullet, leather chairs, brnssels and ingrain carpets, linolenm. laundry and kitchen goods, china closet and dinner set. Tbese goods are scarcely used and are now on exhibition, HENRY AUCTION CO, my5-97 Auctioneers. PROPOSALS. TDROFOSALS FOR SUPPLIES TJ. 8. J Engineer Office, 507 West Chestnut street, Louisville Ky.. May 2, 1883L Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office until lP.H. (local time), on Monday, tbe 3d day ot June, lsS9, for furnishing and delivering coal, ice and forage required for the Louisville and Portland Canal, and offices at Louisville, Ky., during the fiscal year endinc June 30, 1890. Tbe attention of bidders is Invited to acts of Con gress of February 28, 1885, and February 23, 18S7, volume 23, page 332, and volume 24, page 414, statutes at large Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manu facture, conditions of quality and price being equal. Tbe right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Specifications and printed forms for proposals will be furnished on application to the undersigned. AMOS STIOKNEY. Major of Engineers, U. B. A. my5-2S5.6,7.8,jel,2 KESORTS. LONGVIEW SCHOOL-FORMERLY HO TEL. Longview will be open for the reception of summer boarders by July 1, 1839. For circulars and Information apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, my2-9&TTSu LongylewBchooI.Brookville.Pa. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN My wife. Margaret Gilchrist, having left my bed and board without just cause, I, atter this date, refuse to pay any bill contract ed by her. my3-22 JAS.M,, GILCHRIBT. pASINO MUSEUM. "WEEK OF MAY 8. 8IGN0R ANDRIAS FERNANDEZ, Celebrated Musician, late of Imperial Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. JONES AND EDWARDS. LUCY FORRESTER. T. J. HEFRON. Esquimaux Family. Little Dot. Andy Sweltzer. Madame Jane. Chicken Mill. Happy Family. May 20 "Christ Before Pilate." my5-113 KEATING HOUSE, Perrysville Plank Road. Cars of tbe new Electric Road run within a mile of the house, from Allegheny Postoffice, every 15 minutes, for termina ot tbe road. LAST CAR FOR CITY AT 1030 P. M. AS-Snppers to order. P. O, WEST VIEW.Allegbeny county. Pa. my5-118 JOE KEATING, Prop'r. HOTELKEEPERS TAKE NOTICE. First-class opening in new botel In city of 6,000; only one other hotel in tbe city. Address ap30 50-TUWSU HOTEL, Dispatch Office. WALTEB J. O3B0UBNE. RICHARD HAB20W3. BARROWS fc OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, .SO Diamond street. Telephone No. 8U se2-k5B-TTSSU "PARIS-VISITORS INTENDING TO SEE JT the Exposition should apply now to B. H. willan, 159 Rue Lafayette who has comfort able rooms and good board at his ''Home From Home;" -prices modorate; good attendance; reference. J. B. T, 186 Steuben st- West End. my5-13-5,8,12,19 F:CTJR8IONTO GERMANY-BY N. G. Lloyd steamer Main, from Baltimore May Tieketsfortaa round trip from herein Blading extensive tour of Germany, first class, 140; steerage $ MAX 9CHAMBERQ i CO, fiK SfiaHbfleM street, PHtofrw. Fa. - V 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WALTER MORRIS. C.L. STRAUS, STRAUB& MORRIS; REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Cor. Wood St. and Third Ave., iM Offerf or sola the following desirable properttetr East End Residences. ta&CGO Ws hare two very elegant residences) for sale at this flenre, situated on Negley aye. nne. 120,000 will bur a commodious residence. witS large lot, on Hlland avenne $13,000 A. comfortable, home-like residence, with large grounds, also situated oa Hiland avenne. SM.000 Two-story Queen Ansa brick dwell ing; of II rooms, with all modern conveniences) honse thoroughly complete; situate oa Negley avenne 513,000 El&ant brick residence of 11 rooms, thoroughly complete and very convenient; lot 0x215; situate within S minutes' walk of station at Shadyslde. This Is an exceptionally desir able property. 87,000 Two-story and mansard brick dwelling: situate on Penn avenue, -near Negley avenue contains 8 rooms, bathroom, tile hearths, stone walks, etc. 127,080 Handsome brick mansion at Shady slde; all necessary outbuildings; lot 150x399) situated in best part of bbadyslde. $8,000 each, or 111,000 for tbe two Z-story and mansard brick dwelling, finished In superior manner, with all modem conveniences, bath room, laundry, etc. Property situated at Mey ran avenne, near Louisa street, Oakland. $5,500 Almost new brick dwelling of 8 rooms, finish ed in good style: lot situated corner Ward, and Wllmot streets, Oakland. 10,500 each 2 new brick houses, lots 2oxl00( ' all modern improvements, Oakland avenue Terms to suit. $4.500 New frame dwelling, eight rooms, bathroom, laundry, cemented cellar, porches) square from Liberty avenue, and five minutes' KA walk from cable cars. East End Lots. $5,100 Lot 68x220 feet. Boulevard Place, H EL, corner Thomas street and Linden avenue $12.000 Lot 150x150, situated corner of RIppey and St. Clair streets. Paving, grading and cost of water and gas pipes paid by present owner. FAIRMOTJNT PLACE We offer for-sala eighteen lots in this plan, none with less front age than forty feet, at prices that must sell them to parties wanting to build good homes. Handsomest location in the East End. LOTS on Winebiddle avenue. Frlendshlo Grove and Park, Conrad street, and other avek nnes on which the Gross properties front, have been placed in our hands for sale Parties wanting strictly choice locations for homes cannot do better than look at oar plans of these lots. City Residences. H650 Two-story brick, slate-roof dwelling on Roberts street; contains seven rooms, bos . and cold water, etc. ( $4,500 Two-story brick residence on Chatham street, baying also alley entrance fromWyllo avenue niWr-i HV9WIJ UI1IA UKUU " '"."'"III streotrlarge lot. side entrance: bouse contains eight rooms and finished attic, batb room, etov NCity Lots. WE bate some very desiraDftrtrtaTTIeM prop erties for sale on Fourth and Penn avenues. Allegheny Residences. $8,500 Two-story brick dwelling on Jackson street. Second ward. Allegheny, containing eight rooms; everything in excellent order? bouse cost more than this; terms to suit pur chaser. $15,000 Allegheny Park property. House modern and very comfortable. Owner will trade for desirable country residence close to station. $5,500 3-story brick dwelling. No. 75 Perry abruct, cuuwuiuiK otuuuia, iauuuvui, bvjacutj'a , sbuat, aula cuutuite, crc. $10,000 2-story brick dwelling on Buena Vista street; everything modern; situated near parks. $7,600 Two-story and mansard brick dwelling on Sampson street; contains 9 rooms, laundry, uau.ruva?e ew. $6.500 Three-story brick dwelling of nins rooms, inside shutters, marble and slate man tels, both kinds of gas, bathroom, etc;hasbeen offered and refused $600 a year to rent; situated on River avenue $5,000 2-story frame dwelling on Jacksoa street, Allegheny. House built In a superior manner and has large lot 21x170 feet, running through to Davis alley. Is oflered at this pricey to close estate $9.000 Monterey street property Front building brick, containing 9 rooms, and has slate roof, bathroom, cemented cellar, etc, Building facing on alley. Is a two-story brick of 4 rooms in good condition. Allegheny Business Prop erties. We offer for sale the very desirable business property, situated at southwest corner of Ohio and Sandusky streets, having a frontage of 223$ feet on Ohio street and 90 feet on Sandusky street. Price and all particulars on applica tion. The attention of capitalists is directed to the property we offer lor sale bounded by South avenue, Allegheny avenue, Rebecca street and Sturgeon street, together with, all tbe buildlnzs thereon, lately occupied by the A. J. Nellla Manufacturing Company. Prices and all par ticulirs on application. We also have for sale several desirable busl ness properties on Beaver avenue, Allegheny, at present rentals are paying over T pes cent net. MATTFACTURING PROPERTY on Ohio, street, running back to West Penn railroad! lot has 120 feet front on Ohio street Price and all particulars on application. Allegheny Lots. The Henderson' mansion and grounds have been placed in our bands for sale and ws now offer to the public at moderate prices some of the handsomest lots In Allegheny City. Call for prices and other particulars. Suburban Residences. We have some Terr handsome property tot sale at Ingram, Craf ton, Idlewood, Oakland, Bellevue Avalon, Hawkins, etc., etc, at prices to suit aU. MONEY TO LOAN on good mortgages at 43. 5 and 6 per cent, according to valaa ot property and amount wanted on same Fire Insurance. We also renresent In our office a line otjrr: strictly first-class, prompt-paying Fire InsarJ nM ffnmnanles. amonz tbem the Americas at, New Jersey, the People's ot New York, tB.... Lion oCEngland, etc, and solicit insurance 'cm M Losses adjusted and paid through thioce .' We also have a number of handsome bwlaV . - city and suburban towns. , J THO!. W. AraBTIT, ' A. A. STRAUB. KOBT. J. MORRIS . Telephone, 783. BoIiclUneA3ts, STRAUF& MORRIS?; CORNER WOOD 8T. 8, THIRD ATF,1 ni iP2J ' ,'.'-. 7 rik.Xftt- ! i-" 'airt 1 feJS.t ? S". jA, " A A .. H' .. .ttl. .- .S. 0 . . P. i, Ji.mJKiI. T '. t ., ?T. ri. ' 1 3. Ju. e?ju 1 j- t.- Tf