l?' f J. tjf t THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. t j r " SECOND PART. PAGES 9 TO 12. PITTSBURG, .SATURDAY, MAT 4, 1889. A SERIES OFSHORT STORIES By J. Marsden Sutcliffe, ENTITLED THE ROtfMCE OF jLN" INSURANCE OFFICE, Beiko Passages rsr the Expeeiekce op Me. AUGUSTUS "WILLIAM "WEB BEE, Formerly General Manager of the Universal Insnrance Company. ALL BIGHTS RESERVED. An Did Man's Darling. It was the close of market day, in the early autumn, at Chelderton Magna, a thriving little town in the "West of En gland. Most of the farmers had already set out for their homes, -while those who still re mained behind were either looting to their saddle girths or seeing to the yoking of their horses preparatory to their departure, well satisfied with the day's business. For In this year of which we are writing, crops had been above the average, and the war with Bussia had sent prices up to a figure that in these days of foreign competition and cheap food provoke a sigh in the breast of the agriculturalist, Trho looks back npon the period as a veritable Golden Age that has vanished, leaving no prospect of return, time? And then, too, there was the trans fer of Mr. Bobson's account from Matthe son's bank to Englefield's. That also re quired an explanation. Light was.thrownon the question at last, and it came from the oracular lips of Mr. Pringle, who, as editor of the Chelderton Times, was supposed to know everythinc. "You have grown silent all at once, Mr. Pringle," said old John Lovatt "I do be lieve that yon could clear up things a bit if yon tried." "Perhaps I could, if I tried, bnt there is no knowing," answered Mr. Pringle, with a laugh. "Come, out with it," said old John Lov att adding, with a wink at the company, "I can see you know something." "JSb no," jaidMr. Pringle deprecatingly, "you are wrong, John. I really cannot say I know anything at least, not to call know -ing you understand," glancing around at the company. "I just heard a whisper the other day, and tnough x laughed at it at the time the thing was so very absurd I be- Notwithstanding the general exodus, the I gin to think now there must be something in At UUIJtUVlUJ nuU)Jbl IU1UUI "But you don't tell us what the whisper is," said Mr. Meekin, who had sat open- snug little parlor of the Golden -Lion was well filled. It was the hoar when the local tradesmen were accustomed to meet to dis cuss the news, which they took good care to have well flavored with the odors of steam ing pnnch and fragrant tobacco. There was Meekin, the draper, Pringle, the editor of the Chelderton rimes, Ham lin, the jeweler, Higgs, the miller, Missel ton, the job master, and that well-known disciple of jEsculapius, Dr. Badcliffe, with several others, all comfortably settled in their places under the smiling presidency sf honest old John Lovatt, who, as he was wont to inform new comers, had "lived in Chelderton, man and boy, for 70 years, and had kept the Golden Lion more'n 40 years." A hale old mac, and an honest fellow to boot, was old John Lovatt. Such gatherings as the one going forward in the little parlor of the famous hostelry were of nightly occurrence. Bnt it was on the evening of market day that the inn par lor was to be seen in all its glory; forthen the company was not only more numerous, bnt the kindly feelings springing out of com mon interests that inspired the band of con vivialists would come uppermost as the day's transactions fell under discussion and questions were asked each man of his neigh bor touching the trade that had been done that day. Sometimes it would happen that the financial embarrassments of some among their customers would form the staple of their conversation, and many a hard-pressed farmer, who wondered a few days after one If these meetings how it came about that , vll his creditors began simultaneously to dun" him, might have found a clew to the ystery that perplexed him in these fo rmal gatherings in, the inn parlor-of the HuenXiion. The tenor of the conversation on the even . .g Is question, since it bears on the story, may be gleaned by the reader himself if he will condescend to be a listener. "I was obliged to threaten him with pro--' ceeumgs it ne didn't pay up," Jlr. .Meekin was saying. "We agreed npon that last market'day. "Well, when he came in to day, I quite expected a new version of the old tale: that he was holding his wheat and did not care to sell till the top price was reached, and then I should have it down in a lump. Bnt no, he came in blustering hot. and witba great oath flung down his check and told me he would see me . But there, it is no good repeating all the bad language he used. He is a terrible man to swear, is Martin Bobson, when he is put out." "Was it much?" asked Higgs doubtfully. He was not one of Mr. Martin Bobson's creditors, but he was as much interested in the discussion as though he were. "It was a hundred and twenty odd pounds," replied Mr. Meekin, looking con templatively at the ceiling, and watching a ring of smoke that hehad just projected from his mouth eddving upward till it broke. and trying to look as unconcerned as though checks for "a hundred and twenty odd pounds" were an hourly occurrence at his establishment "Have you presented it?" asked Mr. Pringle, joining in the conversation for the first time, with his curiosity as the local news purveyor suddenly roused. "Trust Meekin to do that," said Dr. Bad cliffe, with a merry twinkle in his little fer rity eyes. "I sent it round at once," said Mr. Meek in loftily, accepting the doctor's covert sar casm as the highest praise that could be passed on his business habits. "And it was honored?" asked Mr. Pringle, still pursuing his interrogatories. "They took it like a baby takes milk," answered Mr. Meekin. The conversation at this point became more general, and it soon appeared that something like a meeting of Mr. Bobson's creditors was assembled at the Golden Lion. All had the same tale to telL In accord ance with the agreement arrived at last market dav. they had written to Mr. Martin Bobson, of the Bed House farm, demanding payment, and the debtor had called upon them that day, one by one, and discharged every claim in full, flinging out terrible oaths withal at the heads of "a set of beggar ly tradesmen," as he described them, who had shown themselves so "suspicious of the honor of a gentleman." A rough calculation was made on the spot by Mr. Meekin, assist ed by the assembled tradesmen, which end ed In Mr. Meekin astonishing the company with the information that Mr. Bobson, of tne xteo. nouse larm, had paid sway that "Y.i evpri and orjen-mouthed. looking at Mr. Pringle wim growing astonishment as he delivered himself of this exordium with pompons slowness and deliberation. "Cannot yon speak out plainly?" said Dr. Badcliffe, who knew Pnngle's way of making a communication, and judged that he had really something to say. "Man alive, yon are as slow as one of your own leading articles." There Was a general laugh at this shaft, which had the effect of putting Mr. Pringle on his mettle. "Well, if von will have it" he said. "I heard that Mr. Englefield is going to marry "Mr. Englefield going to marry Madeline Bobson!" said John Lovatt slowly repeat ing the astonishing communication in a puz zled, distracted tone. "I ridiculed the rumor when I heard it, exclaimed Mr. Pringle, "bnt what I have heard to-night lends some color to the state ment" "Going to marry Madeline Bobson!" cried John Lovatt again, still unable to take in the news. At this moment the door of the parlor was suddenly thrown open, and a young, showily-dressed man entered, and, exchanging salutations with the company, took his seat and called for a long clay and "whisky cold, if you please." The conversation tbat had centered round the affairs of Martin Bobson, of the Bed House larm, suddenly ceased with the ar rival of the newcomer, and the talk veered round to the all-sorbing topic of the war. The latest arrival in the inn parlor was familiarly known in Chelderton Magna as "Tom Leyton, the vet" Mr. Leyton had settled down in Chelderton Some two years before his introduction to the reader and though it was an up-hill fight with him -at first he was reported to be doing well in his profession. He possessed that hail-fello--well-met air that seems in some mysterious manner to link itself on to men who affect the stables, and was hichlv ponular with .1.1.... t. me uneiaertonians as well all in a minute, to the tune of quite a thousand pounds, and Englefield's honor his checks, why you see it is as simple as the multiplication table. People will talk." "But Mr, Bobson does not bank with Englefield's," exclaimed Mr. Leyton, con temptonsly. "He banks with Mattheson's." "Did bank with Matthesons, you mean," said Mr. Pringle. "But he has been paying his bills to-day with checks on Englefields. He has paid a thousand pounds to-day to gentlemen present in this room. How much more he has paid no one knows." "Am I to understand, Mr. Meekin," said Mr. Peyton, "that Mr. Bobson is no longer indebted to you?" "Neither to me nor anyone else in Chel derton that I am aware of." "Then he has paid everything?" said Mr. Leyton, unable to suppress his astonish ment "That is so, and with checks on Engle field's." Mr. Leyton was fairly nonplussed. He was not ignorant of Mr. Bobson's embar rassments, seeing that on several occasions he had lent him money to meet his weekly wage bill, which sums "were still owing. He knew of no way by which Mr. Bobson could have satisfied the claims of his cred itors, and the more he pondered upon the problem the more puzzled he became; The transfer of Mr. Bobson's account from ,Mattheson's bank to Englefield's added to the mystery. What could it all mean? People will talk, as Mr. Pringle had ob served, and the young veterinary was much too shrewd not to perceive that Martin Bobson's apparent accession to something like fortune had supplied the gossips of Chelderton with a choice morsel. Once the news got abroad that Mr. Bobson had liqui dated all claims, paying with checks on Englefield's, and the local busybodies would not be slow to jump to the conclusion that the banker had become enamored of Miss Bobson's beautv and was about to marry her. And raok his brains as he' the bright light of the moon when the rest of the household were in bed. Bnt when Mr. Leyton arrived at his own house he found a visitor awaiting his arrival, who for the timepnt all thought of Madeline ont of his head. "Bless my life, Osborne, Is It you?" he cried, with a touch of schoolboy manner in the cordiality of his greeting. "I am awfully glad to see you. Xou have come to make a good long stay, of course." "Only till Monday." Osborne replied. "The fact is I have sold my practice, and offered mv services to the Government I leave for the Crimea next week." There was a tinge of sadness in Osborne a tone as he spoke, and Mr. Leyton, scanning his friend's face closely, could see that his month was tremulous with emotion difficult to control. It was clearly impossible, he thought, to ride over to the Bed House farm to-night The projected interview mmt stand over till a more convenient op portunity. Mr. Levton at once connter-S manded the order he had given to have his horse saddled, and made arrangements for the comfort of his guest There was no man for whom Mr. Leyton entertained so warm a regard as for George Osborne, and the impending departure of his friend for the East, while it added anew cordiality to the welcome he extended to him, filled his mind with strange and unac countable forebodings. For, though it is not in the nature of youth to take a gloomy outlook npon the future, Leyton knew that it was among the contingencies of "glorious war" that he might never look on the face of his friend again. "'After supper was dispatched, and the two men had lighted their pipes, and were snugly ensconced before the brightly burn ing fire, Osborne broached the errand which had brought him down to Chelderton. "You know, Leyton, he said, "that the only ties I have to life are my old father, and my little Emily, who is now a sweet bonnie little thing of 5. I may return all SV & If t ' V m "dSs ylf Sttf&t. if"! Jr r"W I A .rffWtSMtiSwffT' ? " jtt . iAiiii ' I1J 1 IHJimii - "Jin 1ll "f "nigh on a thousand rjonnoV 'Where on airth can he hare pot itfmm?" demanded old John Lovatt, eagerly. "Higgs do you know anything about it?" But the miller could throw no light on the knotty problem. He had made Mr. Bobson an offer for his wheat at the begin ning of the week, bnt the offer had been de clined; Mr. Bobson declaring his intention to "hold" until prices went up still higher. "Not that his wheat was worth 1,000," added-Higgs in explanation. "What puzzles me is this," said Mr. Meekin; "he has paid us all by checks on Englefield's bank." "That is true," mnmmred Hamlin, "and we all know he used to bank with Matthe son's." t , "Perhaps he has come into a little fortiu'," said Higgs, laughing softly at his little joke. All Chelderton Magna knew that Martin Bobson had been going steadily downhill for years past, having succeeded in dissipating the considerable means to which he succeeded on the death of his father, known in all the country-side for a careful, saving man. Itwas known, more over, that the tenant of the Bed Honse farm had no expectations, so that the miller's remark produced the effect he intended. There was a general laugh, which soon subsided, however, in face of the problem that was so mightily exercuing the minds of the gossips. If Mr. Bobson had not been blessed with a lucky tylnnrall lj. La J t-m. .&.....&. ! !... Jng Ms creditors at bay with ail kinds of acpccioBi excuses tor months past, to come iintO- Chelrlfrtnn Kiiru nnrl u-ttW 1,1 tcbecks tout.. Jikg the leave from their fTtvtrees were bUg shodiw as well as with the farmers, among whom his practice chiefly lay. lie was tall, well-built, with a fair skin, and features that would be best de scribed as more striking than handsome or pleasing. The rumor ran that he was the accepted suitor of Madeline Bobson, of the Bed Honse farm, which may perhaps ac count for the sudden silence that fell on the room when he entered. "What is this you were saying abo Miss BoTjson?" suddenly asked Mr. LeytonT addressing himself to tjie host of the Golden Lion, when he had lighted his pipe and taken a preliminary sip of his whisky. "I heard you saying something about her mar rying as I came in. "Who is she going to marry?" John Lovatt shitted uneasily in his seat at this sudden challenge, bnt contented him self with puffing more vigorously at the long churchwarden that he held in his hand, while beating about in hi mind for an answer to this unlooked-for demand. "Plague the pipe," he said, recovering his tongue at last; "it won't draw." "Hav6 a fresh one, and then answer my question," said Mr. Leyton, coolly. Bnt John Lovatt was not in the mood to be hurried into a repetition of the remark tnat tne young veterinary had overheard. "He's a deal too peppery a fellow for me to put my head into that noose without think ing over it first" Lovatt remarked after ward. "As Mr. Lovatt does not seem inclined to be communicative," said Mr. Leyton, when the awkward panse continued, "perhaps some other gentleman will kindly oblige " embracing several members of the company with a swift eager glance as he spoke. "I do not know why there should be anv concealment about it," said Mr. Pringle. "We were not talking treason, though yon happened to overhear a remark that was not meant for yon. To cut the mattershort, some of us have heird that Mr. Englefield the banker, is going to marry Martin Bob son's daughter, and Mr. Lovatt was express ing his astonishment as you entered. That was alL" "Yes, that was all," exclaimed John Lovatt iu a burst of admiration at Mr. Pringle's dexterity in rescuing him from wnat ne leit was an awkward dilemma. "Who has set this about?" demanded Mr. Leyton, speaking with greater heat than the occasion seemed to warrant.There was a heavy cloud of anger on his brow, which boded ill for the author of the rumor in the event of its being traced horn. "Haven't you been in the market to-day that you have not heard it yourself?" re sponded Mr. Pringle evasively. "No, I have not," said Mr. Leyton, hotlv. "But that is neither here nor there. Miss Bobson is my promised wife: and I should like the man who says that she is going to marry anyone else to say it to my face." "Well, you ought to know if anyone does," said Mr. Meekin in a soothing tone. "So I ought and so lN3o for that matter " replied Mr. Leyton. "It Is a lie, and you may tell your informant so." fJust so " said Mr. Meekin, still bent on pouring oil on the troubled waters of the young man's passion. "I was just about to say when you ..came in that if anybody knows everything that goes on at the Bed House farm it is yourself, Mr. Leyton." "Xhatis all nonsense," cried Dr. Bad cliffe. " JTou utedn't make a fool of vour- t V a T)...1- 11, ... . . fieii, JL4CVUJU. . aa Mr. Bobson the Bed Honse about" "But I don't see what Mr. Bobson's diffi cnlties have to do with Miss Bobson marry ing Mr. Englefield," said Mr. Leyton. "I think ier name might be kept ont of it" "You see It is in this way," said Mr. Pringle, who was not disposed to leave the lead In the conversation to the doctor. "We all know that Mr. Bobson has been in his time a very embarrassed man. No unkind ness is meant, bnt we all know It" "Go on,"aid Mr. Leyton, "I am listen ing. What of It? "What has Miss Bobson got to do whh it?" "Well von jsee. when Mr. "Rnhsnn lm fa their head over ours in debt comes: to market to-, I ftis, MtBssB day, srtrfteewybedy's rf srwise pays trntCl hMSt&L. ii i i MIHIIin I Win I in a -FiSwFTJi vrF' ' might, Mr. Leyton could not prevent the suspicion rising in his mind that for once the'gossips might be right Martin Bob son's windfall perplexed him sorely, and nrrlv thnuph he beat about for an ex planation, he could find none more probable than that Mr. Bobson had bartered Made line's hand away in consideration ot re lease from his financial difficulties. This thought maddened him, as he sat ruminating upon the strange news in the inn-parlor, and he resolved that he would have his doubts laid to rest by riding over to the Bed House farm and seeking an in terview with Madeline Tierself at onoe. Hav ing armed himself with this resolution he hastily gulped down the contents of his glass, and made for the door without the lormality of waiting to wish his neighbors good night , "Going?" asked Mr. Pringle, observing the hasty movement But the lond slamming of the door behind the retreating figure was all the answer that Mr. Leyton youchsafed to give. "A hot-headed youth, that," exclaimed John Lovatt, as the sound of footsteps died away on the street "It is easy to see that he believes it," added Mr. Pringle, laughing at his own discernment; ana. then, added, jocosely, "Miss Bobson is not the first who has thought it 'better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave.' " II. Mr. Englefield, the bare suspicion of whose rivalry in the affections of Madeline Bobson had exercised so disturbing an effect on Mr. Leyton, was an 'elderly widower of 0 odd years. The late Mrs. Englefield, who had died soon after Mr. Leyton settled in Chelderton, had been an ailing woman since the birth of her first child, which had only survived its birth a few hours. Other children had fol lowed; but the poor mother had the un speakable sorrow of bearing her maternal anguish in vain. "When the last hope of presenting her husband with living off soring died away, a deep and settled mel ancholy brooded ever her gentle spirit, and weakened her already frail constitution. She blamed herself for their childless state, and she passed away at last, dying less from the encroachment of disease than from a heart that was broken by the shattering of its main ambition. These facts at least in their broad out lines were known to Mr. Leyton; and when once the possibility of a marriage between the elderly banker and Madeline Bobson found a lodgment in his mind it toot root rapidly. There was a feasibility about the idea that filled him with alarm. Madeline Bobson was dowered with great beauty, of thesort that might tempt an even graver man than Mr. Englefield into the indiscretion of marriage with a woman who was socially his inferior and nearly 40 years his junior. She was well-educated and pos sessed of ladylike manners, qualifying her to grace a higher position than would tall to her lotas the wife of an insignificant veter inary surgeon. But that which would probably constitute her chief charm in Mr. Englefield's eyes was her rude health, and the probability that she would become the mother of healthy children to 'whom would pass the Englefield wealth. Tom Leyton had no reason to doubt Madeline's affection for himself, but he was not so confident of her firmness of purpose, when the double temptation was brought to bear upon her of rminin? for herself the hllh nnnitinn that Mr. Englefield could give her, and of lifting her family, and particularly her father to whom she was passionately at tachedabove the reach of the cares of sor did poverty of which she had had much bitter experience. Mr. Leyton believed tbat Madeline was capable of making any sacrifice for the sake of her father, and when that sacrifice came to be eilded with the splendors of Oakhlll, where the banker lived an prince, he feared that the bait might prove too strong. It was this fear tbat caused him to quit the Golden Lion in hot haste to ride over to the Bed House larm, that he might learn the truth witbont delay. He knew that long before he could reach the farm, which lav some distance out the household would have retired to rest; but he also knew that a handfnl of gravel thrown at the window of the room where Madeline Slept would bring her to his side. Often in the long summer nights, when returning from a distant visit had he tried the same expedient, and tasted the sweetSvpf a stolen interview, as they waaaerea arm in armaown tueiane that led to the heaetead. It Tiad seemed to iim that' these kisses were sweetest that were ea- right please God I shalb But there is no knowing." "I hope so, most fervently," Leyton cried. "Indeed there is no doubt of it Come, George, you were not wont to be hipped. There h no good looking at the dark sloe of thincrs. But why have you sold your prac tice? You were doing well, were you not? "res, I was doing well, so far as the prac tice was concerned. I have sold it for a good long sum. But since I Tost my wife 12 months ago, the house, the work, the whole thing, has grown hateful to me. Everything reminds me of her. I must go Bomewhere do something not to forget, for that is im possiblebut to ease the continual pain of remembrance." And his eyes grew misty as he spoke, and for some moments silence reigned in the room, while Osborne strove with the feelings which nearly mastered him. Presently he spoke again. "I have made my will and appointed you sole executor. "Will you act?'' "Of course I will, if the need Bhonld ever arise," said Leyton. "Bnt this is uncanny talk. Cheer up, you will come back ail right" "I have a premonition otherwise," said Osborne, earnestly. "Don't attempt to argue about it I have a presentiment that evil will come of it; I cannot define it; it is too vague, bnt there it is." "Then why go?" asked Leyton. "Because I must Say no more, old fel low. I don't expect you to understand me. I scarcely understand myself; only I cannot, utuuu us xuHve ueea jiving ine past 1J months. Something impels me to go to the war. There I shall find If not forgetful ness and peace at least distraction, and I may do some good. At the same time, I cannot rid myself of an uncomfortable feel ing that something terrible is going to hap pen if I go. Yet I must go. I don't feel as if I were a free agent. I mnst go, and that is an aooui it. ' Leyton looked what he felt astonished and perplexedj but he knew his friend well and how vain it would be to attempt to turn him aside from his purpose. "Onlv tell me in what way I can serve you and send you awav with an easv mind, and it shall be done,'' he said, filling up a pause in the conversation, as Osborne sat with his gaze fixed on the glowing embers in the grate and his mind abstracted from his surroundings, wrapped in moody reflec tion"!. "I forgot to tell you." he said, suddenly waking ont of his trance, "that I have placed little Emilv and mv ftW in a pretty little cottage at Sonning. Poor old gentleman! his mind is nearly gone. He scarcely knows me nowl They will be two children together. I want you, Leyton, if you will, to keep an eye on them both while I am away. "Will you go -and see them sometimes?" "Certainly I will," replied Leyton, heart ily. "Command me in anything." "God bless you, old fellow," said Osborne, grasping his friend's hand, while the tears .rushed to his eyes. "Will you go to Sonning with me on Monday?" he asked again. "I would like to introduce little Emily to you myself. She will take to you better in that wav." Then he added, huskily, 'If anything sho'u Id happen, she will trust you as she would me." "Make no Jnore words about it, I will go with yon with pleasure." And Leyton kept his promise. "When Monday came he accompanied his friend to the quiet little village in Berkshire, staying there two nights. On "Wednesday he went uuwa wim iiis inena usDorne to Portsmouth and bade him farewell, and, after seeing the Aa1 ms 11 J CHI I'l R ,," " "u opiiaeaa, ne returned to Chelderton. Eor the first time since Saturday Levton's thoughts were now tree to return to Made line Bobson. And yet with the mental pictures he was weaving of the beautiful si ren who had won his heart another face would obtrude itself on his mind. It was the face of George Osborne's father the face of an old man who had entered on the last stage of senile decay. Where had he seen that face before? His memorv wnnid nnt serve to help him to an answer to the ques tion that persisted in forcing itself upon his attention. The face continued to haunt him until he reached home, where ;he found a dainty little note awaiting him from Made line. He opened the missive with eager, almost trembling hands, as if he dreaded to learn its contents. But there was nothing In the note to breed fresh alarm, or to give a ircou lease kj me oia tears. j.t was couched in Madeline's habitnal style of restrained affection, and simply announced her father's intention to give a harvest home supper, followed by an impromptu dance, on Thurs day, and expressed Madeline's anxiety that her lover would not fail to be there. Leyton thought that Madeline had never looked more ravishlngly beautiful than she appeared on the night ot the harvest mnwr. and though she seemed a little careworn, there -was nothing tin that circumstance to excite his few; lor wilfcVtfce" sordid anxie- Eed House farm, Madeline had too often had good reason for losing the natural sprightliness of her disposition. A sudden pang smote Tom Leyton's heart at the thought of losing her, and he found himself wondering how he"could bear it, if he were compelled to surrender so much loveliness. Eor Madeline Bobson was more than a beauty; she was a handsome woman of a brunette type. Her features, though not absolutely faultless in their contour (human features rarely are except in novels), were good, and when lighted up with the anima tion imparted by a warm heart and an act ive intelligence, they appeared incapable of improvement She had the commanding presence of a tragedy queen, which her lully developed figure and the proud poise of.a queenly head on magnificent shoulders enabled her to sustain with natural grace. She wore a rieh dress of dead gold silk, simply trimmed, with a low-cut bodice, that harmonized admirably with her dark skin. when Leyton arrived at the Bed House farm she gave him her cheek to kiss, be neath which the warm color glowed like the sun-ripened blush that burns in the velvety skin of the peach. Bnt Leyton's jealous fears were stirred anew, as he noted the luxurious prodigality with which the Bob sons had made their preparations for the evening's entertainment He found him self again confronted with the old question that had tormented him when he heard of the rumor connecting Madeline's name with thit of the wealthy banker. To what sonrce was Martin Bobson's sudden prosperity to be ascribed? The more he pondered the question the more feverishly anxious he grew for the hour of explanation. The opportunity came at last At the close of one of the dances Madeline put her arm in his and proposed an adjournment to the garden. Leyton went in search of a shawl, which Madeline lightly threw over her shoulders, that glistened like old ivory polished to great brilliancy, and then they went forth into the balmy air of a warm autumn night "Let us sit here," said Madeline, when ihey reached the summer honse, in a dis tant part of the garden. "My own 1" said Leyton, fondly, as he seated himself by her side and leaned for ward to kiss her oheek. But with a quick movement Madeline's lips met his, and she nestled closer to him until she lay with her head upon his breast, while the rich mellow light ot the harvest moon bathed her face and neck in soft effnlzenceof rforions llirht The air was still, save forthe sounds of revelry within the old farmhouse, which bounded faint like the strains of far-off mwic so still that they could hear the beating of their own hearts. "Ohl Tom, if this could only last" Mad eline cried, after they had remained for some time in a silence more eloquent than speech. And a heavy, weary sigh broke from her. ""Why should it not last?" Leyton asked caressingly. "Why are you so poor, Tom? And why must the heart go one way and the hand be given where the heart loves not?" And Madeline burst Into a stormy passion of tears at the prospect she had thus conjured up. Then it was true! The gossips of the Golden Lion were rieht after all! Mr. Englefield had sought Madeline Bobson for his bride, and she had been promised to him I Madeline had often rehearsed this scene with her lover in her own thoughts, study ing what she would find to say when the time came to make the disclosure, and how she would gather courage to sav it and how Tom would take it. But when the time came all her prearranged plans broke down. The overmastering sense of love, and the pacg at her heart as she reflected that these were the last moments she would ever pass with her lover, the last moment of peace she would ever know, prompted her to speak as she did. The pain at the woman's heart taught her to make the disclosure in the only way that could soften the blow to her lover and win some measure of his sym pathy, even while she felt that in his heart he mnst despise her for her pusillan imity. Madeline continued to weep convulsively, and it was long before Leyton could calm her sufficiently to learn the story from her lips. She told him t length amid many sobs and tears, while her bosom recked nothing of the night air that played upon it, and heaved wildly with the violence of her emotions. It was the old story, more often enacted in real life than many readers will perhaps be disposed to think a mar riage of convenience; redemption from all the sordid cares of novertv at the Rftrrifinn of a daughter's happiness. Not at first had Madeline consented. Mr. Bobson had reasoned persuasively, com manded, threatened and wept by turns: but not until the oldraan went on his knees be fore his own child, had Madeline faltered in the firm negative that she had 'given to her fnther's proposal. Then at the sight or the old man, with his long snowy loots waving to and fro in the agitation with which he besought her, while the tears rained down his cheeks, to step in between him and despair and earn his lasting grati tude and his dying blessing, had she suc cumbed and give'n her word at last Even then her consent was made conditional: that Mr. Englefield should be told that she was already plighted to Tom Leyton, and that she should be allowed to tell him herself. "And you did tell him?" asked Leyton, hoarsely. "I did, indeed, Tom. I told him that I loved yon and tbat I did pot and could not love him, for I should love you always." "And what did he say?" said Tom. "He said that he thought more highly of me lor the confession, and that he was quite aware ot the sacrifice I was making, but that he didn't doubt that so good a daugh ter would make an excellent wife." "Anything else?" asked Tom bitterlv. "Oh, Tom, I don't deserve your anger, though I must seem in your eyes very wicked. Believe me that I have stood out against it as long as coma, out tnere is no help -for it none. Oh, why was I ever born?" And Madeline's tears broke forth afresh while she covered the hand of her lover with passionate kisses. Leyton rose at last and made as thouzh he would go. Madeline flew to his arms with a bitter cry, and as the light shawl that she was wearing fell from her, Tom gathered her to his breast and kissed her kissed her on brow and cheeks and lips, kissed her shoulders and neck and then tore himself away. With one powerful wrench he had released himself from her embrace and flung her aside and was gone. The still evening air heard the sonnd of a bitter, mocking laugh as he went. Bnt Madeline heard it not. An hour afterward search was made for her, and she was lound where Tom had lelt her, too stunned to think or to realize what had happened, conscious only of a dull, dead pain at her heart A month later Madeline went t forth from the fine old church at Chelderton Magna on the arm of her husband. Madeline Bobson had become Madeline Englefield. As the joy bells rang out their merry peal, Tom Leyton gnashed his teeth in bitter despair and savage anger, vowing to him self that the dav would coma fnr vnnirpnnox later. But, as it turned out, Tom Leyton, in his schemes, of vengeance "reckoned without his host" Eor, though circum stances so far favored him, that within 12 months of her marriage to the wealthy banker at Chelderton, Madeline Englefield became Madeline Leyton, the Higher Ven geance that sometimes seems to sleep was not slow to avenge the sin; and partly by tbat activity displayed by that enterprising private inquiry agent, Mr. Doggett,and partly by a curious network ot circum stances, jnttice was enabled to take count of a heartless and cruel crime. A HEROINE IN PETTICOATS., ITo be Concluded Xezt Saturday. PULLING SNAKES' TEETH. How Skillful Dentists KeraoTe Hie Fans of Polionon Serpent. "An odd phase of animal dentistry," said a chemist to a New York correspondent, "is the removal of the fangs of poisonous snakes. Formerly these were broken off by using a piece of wood and a hammer. This gave satisfaction in most Instances, but not al ways. On several occasions cobras whose fangs had been broken off have struck keepers r neighboring animals with serious and even fatal results. The reason lies In the fact tbat the glands which secrete the virus are separate from the fangs. They are pratically little poison bags situated in the gum and connected with the fangs by short tubes. The fangs are channelled so as to be half hollow, when not in use they are folded back, and close the tnbes by their position. "When the reptile employs them, they are thrown forward, the tnbes are opened andtheglands excited to the utmost. It was found that when the fang is ex tracted, it pulls away with it the tubes and the glands in whole or in part The present practice is based upon this fact "The serpent is securely fastened, the best method being to hang him up by a stout cord tied around the neck. The waist is fastened to a bar to prevent squirming. The month is forced open, or when the snake opens it in rage is held open by a piece of wood placed far back between the jaws. The dentist clutches the fangs with his forceps as far down upon the roots as he can possibly reach, andpnlls slightly, twist ing the instrument The fangs come out without much difficulty, and with them are always the poison tubes, and almost always large pieces of the poison glands. The wounds thus occasioned heal in about four days, leaving a small, smooth scar. The glands seem after this to become absorbed by the reptile's system. The cobra is the easiest snake to operate npon, being heavy, slow and stupid: the fer du lance of the "West Indies is 'the most difficult being light, quick and very fierce. The rattlesnake, copperhead, moccasin, adder and viper come in between the two extremes. It is wonderful how similar all these snakes are so far as their death-dealing apparatus is concerned. They all seem to have been turned from the same general model." Remarkable Experiences of a Pittabbrg Lady During tbt War Adventures in Field and Prison Pen. 'Jmr-f7:1Xl!fl'i ,&& feof the seK that the day would come for vengeance on the man tbat had robbed bint of his promised bride. 'When that day comes I will have my vengeance, and will not spare," he mut tered to himself. "He has won her, bnt he shall not keep-her. He is as prond as Luci fer, and I swear before God to bring his pnde low. 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,' as the old law says. All that I suffer now he shall suffer too and more for to his suffering shall be added shame shame!" he added, fiercely. Even as bespoke his sternly rigid mouth relaxed into' a sinister smile, as a light broke across his mind, kindled by the re viving tonch of memory. He saw before his mental vision the worn, aged face ofGeorge Osborne's fathere anu iaai otner iao "o strangely like. xn. , resemblance had baffled him before, but h knew it now. and in the bare aet of memo rv he saw the gsm'idsa ofjpettible veBgeMwe, THE AMEEICAH A. A Glob Formed for the Promotion of Its Proper Pronunciation. Charles Dudley Warner In Harper's.i In an intellectually-inclined city (not in the Northeast) a club of ladies has been formed for the cultivation of the broad A in speech. Sporadic efforts have hitherto been made for the proper treatment of this letter of the alphabet with individual success, especially with those who have been in En gland, or have known English men and women of the broad-gauge variety. Discern ing travelers have made the American pro nunciation of the letter A a reproach to the republic, that is to say, a means of distin guishing a native of this country. The true American aspires to he 'cosmopolitan, and' does not want to be "spotted" if that word may be used in society by any peculiarity of speech, that is by any Am'erican peculi arity. It is in vain that scholars have pointed out that in the use of this letter lies the main difference between theEnglish and the American speech; either Americans gener ally do not care if this is the fact or fashion can only wort a reform in a limited number of people. It seems therefore necessary that there should be an organized effort to deal with this pronunciation, and clubs will no donbtbe formed all over the country, in imitation of the one mentioned, until the broad A will become as common as flies in summer. "When this result is attained it will be time to attack the sound of IT with clubs, and make universal the French sound. In time the American pronunciation will become as superior to all others as are the American sewingmachines and reapers. In the Broad A Club every member who mis behaves that is. mispronounces is fined a nickel for each offense. Of course in the beginning there is a good deal of revenue from this source, but the revenue dimin ishes as the club improves, so that we have the anomaly of its failure to be self-supporting in proportion to its excellence. Just now, if these clubs could suddenly become universal, and the penalty be enforced, we could have the means of paying off the national debt in a, year. HE WOULDN'T BAI DEABEST. Little Tiord Fanntleroy Bpnnked by His Mother for a Qnoer Reason. Boston Letter to Chicago Tribune, The envious, whose howls are always elicted by other people's success, assert that Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett is affected. It is quite true that she has her oddities. A lady here in Boston tells of an occasion when she chanced to ocenpy rooms at a hotel it was several years ago immediate ly adjoining others tenanted by Mrs.Burnett and her family. She had scarcely taken possession of her apartment when phe heard a scampering of small feet through the partition wall, and then came a child's cry of "Mamma Mammal" "Whereupon ensued a series of audible slaps and squeals, and finally a woman's angry voice, saying: "How often shall I have to tell you to call me 'Dearest,' and not 'Mamma?'" The humor of this lies in the fact that according to Mrs.. Burnett's account so often repeated to her friends, the boys fell of their own accord into a prettv way of balling their mother by their father's pet name lor her. It will be remembered tbat Little Lord Eanntleroy himself copied, so Mrs. Burnett says, after her son Yivan does likewise. One cannot help wonder ing if the youthful nobleman of the romance was likewise spanked into calling his mam ma "Dearest" The Bight Man In the night Place. Washington Post The appointment of Mr. Dennis T. Elynn to be postmaster at Guthrie, Oklahoma, has greatly increased our respect for the politi cal sagacity of the present administration. "Webclieve there could be no more graceful recognition of the great body of settlers in Oklahoma than the appointment of a man whose name is Dennis. Boiled Into the Moss. Kansas City Globe. G. "W. Miller, an Arkansas City gentle man, fell from the first Santa 1'e train as it pulled into Guthrie. He rolled over once or twice and was the possessor of the first Guthrie town lot For once a rolling man gathered 160x10 feet of moss. AFIELD OF GLORY ftfSk number of notable prize fighU have taken place,-U praohicalto detcribed oy O. -if. B. in an illuttratcd article tn to-morrew't Dis patch. Carpenter' t tetter in to-morrow DISPATCH, n U!?T!A oraifrwerfw and man in the heart ig-yronmata jmuhnhw rWBITTSS VOB THX SISr.lTCB.1 If you are not built that way you do well sot to aspire to situations where you are forced to play the hero or heroine situa tions that cause nations to boil. Dumas' hero, the Count of Monte Christo, gives thrilling experiences sufficient to make the reaaer uncomtortaoie, inongn conscious mat the creation is a figment of the imagination, but a lady in Allegheny City, Mrs. Lottie McCaffrey, known to old-time newspaper men as Mrs. Lottie Becgough, and previ ously as Miss Lottie Biley, can tell a story that with little embellishment would rival Dumas', leaving the diamonds and improb able situations out, for hers is a story of sober fact and not fiction, attested not only by herself, but by documentary evidence and that of living witnesses in this city and in various parts of the Union. But before telling Mrs. McCaffrey's story, it may be well io introduce her to the reader. Her maiden name was Biley. Her father's name was "William Biley. She has a sister living in New Castle, Jane Biley Graham, distinguished for scholar ship acquired under the tutelage of Dr. John Black, father of Colonel Sam Black. A brother, Harvey Kiley, began active life under General Albert Sidney Johnson, when he went to Utah to suppress Brigham Young, Amelia & Co. Harvey subsequently served in various capacities, semi-military and civil, and was at one time in charge of a street railway company in New York. Of the military bent in the family and in a great measure elucidative of Mrs. McCaf frey's narrative, it is pertinent to remark in this place that of brothers, brothers-in- law and other immediate relatives, there were 14 enlisted in the Union army during the Civil War. When quite a young girl, Hts. McCaffrey enlisted jbr three years, or "during the war," to serve an apprenticeship to the art of typesetting, and she speaks feelingly and animatedly of her associates, many of whom have laid down the composing stick here and may now be scrambling for fat takes upstairs, "where the wicked cease from troubling," and where, it is supposed, none are ever under the necessity of "carrying the banner." Borne Here, Other Over Tender. As a compositor, Mrs. McCaffrey's asso ciates were the Hon. Bussell Errett, James M. McEweb, William Anderson, "Judge" "William Bamsey, D. B. Fergu son, B. B. Hunnecutt, Bartley Campbell, Captain Smith, David L. Fleming and others well known 23 years ago, but gener ally out of harness now. Mrs. McCaffrey says the happiest period of her life was the time she spent as a compositor working among 33 to 35 men, who always treated here with the deference dne a woman. She was the only woman in the office, and says she extorted fair treatment simply because she never presumed on account of her sex to ask for privileges not accorded to all. She states that she never scrambled for fat takes, but took the lean with the fat, and set manuscript or reprint as the case might be. Once when asked to help break a strike she agreed to work if paid the wages de manded by the Typographical Union, and her persistence broke the strike the other way. Mr. McEwen tells of a time when a strike was made against her simply because she was a woman. He was a strenuous member of the union himself, bnt, s foreman at Haven's, demanded something more specific than an objection on account of sex. He states that Lottie had been black balled on her application for membership in the union, and as no member thereof would file charges against her he refused to discharge her, and a spirit of gallantry finally won the day in her be half. As a newspaper compositor Mrs. Mc Caffrey states that she made as much money as tne average compositor, $2uio$zo a week, and Bhe evidently took, better care of her earnings than the average printer, as she owns considerable real estate and her name would go a considerable distance on paper where she is known. Mrs. McCaffrey says her experience proves that women can get the same compensation as men for work, tint to do it they must do the work as men do, and if they neglect to cultivate the necessary physique, they will fail. Many times, she states, she was 18 hours out of 2i on her feet and at times they were so swollen that she stopped with Hughey, on the Sixth street bridge, and taking her shoes off walked over barefoot Frequently when some male compositor felt "tuckered out," she took his cases and snbbed for him, and when Josiah Copely finally asked her to set type for 33 cents a thousand, because other women would' do it for that money, when 45 cents was paid to men, she walked out of the office and finally fell In with Mr. Mo- Ewen, at Haven's, and there formed a friendship with him that is likely to subsist until mortality puts on immortality. She got $18 a week thcre,and remained two years with Haven's, when she was enabled to fix herself so as to be able to work for her self and has been her own employer since. Married Into the Profession. "When 18 years of age Miss Lottie Biley married John T. Bengougb, an old-time city editor, and this union was the occasion of her forming the acquaintance, not only of many notable people in this State, among others Simon Cameron, with noted officers in the Union army, but also with the chiefs of the Southern Confederacy, and it came about In this wise: Governor Plerpoint, of "West Virginia, saw a chance to change a Democratic paper to the Btpublican side of the fence, and Induced Bengough to buy it It was named the Fairmout National. By and by Bengough's military ardor got the better of him, and he enlisted in theTwellth. Virginia Begiment, and was stationed at Winchester. Mrs. Bengough took charge of the paper, putting a man named Boyd, irora Weeellng, next in line. About this time her tribulation began. The women of Fairmont ruled that it wasn't the thing for a woman to thus run business and she" lost caste. Soon after that the foreman, Joseph Powell, said: "Mrs. Bengough, here is a printer who would like to get work, but he is a Democrat and a rebel." Mrs. Bengough said, jokingly: "I don't know that it will look well to employ him," and he didn't get work. A lew evenings later Mr. Boyd Invited Mrs. Bengongh to spend an evening with his family, about 300 yards irom where she lived. She remained until 10 o'clock, when Mr. Boyd offered to escort her home. Her orevions mVnthnwt- experience made her slight the ofter, but as the nfght was inky dark and 'times were unsettled, she took the middle of the street, trusting to her trained ear to hear anv thing suspicious In order to escape it Pres ently she thought she heard something at the side of the street, and looking that way thought she saw a white-faced cow. She quickened her pace and noted that the white patch did so also, and soon she divined, that it was the white shirt front of someone who Was taking more interest in her movements than she appreciated. She knew she conld run, and she broke for home with a thorough acquaintance of the route. The white patch followed, and with such celerity that he stumbledagainsther door just as she turned the lock. When she had him safely leaked out she demanded to know what he wanted, lawyers, she learned that her pursr was the printer who had been re fused work and he had pnrsaed her with a sharp knife in his hand, stating that he intended to cut her throat The next morning she asked the Federal au thorities for a-gnard, and it watched over her outgoings and incomings as long as she stayed in Fairmont. Her newspaper night wandering saved her life. Some Border Hie. Soon after this the rebels blew up the B. & O. Boilway bridge, and the courthouse bell was rung to call the people to the hilL Encumbered by a baby and the care of aa aged mother, Mrs. Bengougbs experience for a time was a trying one, as she had lsarned that the rejected compositor wrt still thirsting for her blood. She finally found refuge in the house of a man named Showalter, where a considerable number of Unionists' had collected for mutual safety. She made arrangements to leave Fairmont, and pnt her mother under the care of Col onel Bichey while she went to visit her husband at "Winchester. It was the last time she saw him alive. She found him ia the woods in the command of General Milroy. There had been a sword . presentation to General Milroy, and ia company with her husband, Mrs. Bengough wcut u see it at wa uenerai s neaoqttarters. Here she transgressed the rules of military -etiquette in a manner that gave her husband much nneasinesi she was only a girl la years but General Milroy, learning that she was a compositor and. consequently not afraid of greatness, not only forgave her but commended the frankness and spirit with which she conducted herself in his presence. Colonel Northcutt assigned her quarters in a deserted mansion owned by one of tht chiefs of the Confederacy. Coming back to Fairmont Mrs.' Ben gough closed her business affairs and left for Pittsburg. She state's that it was a rather doleful experience. The people were hot overly friendly, and the only one to bid her goodby was Lieutenant Parkinson, who" paid her $10 he had borrowed of her and lent her a revolver, so that she might re press unfriendly curiosity. In return she mended his uniform, and after parting never saw him again. The country around ' Fairmont was laden with blackberries, and Mrs. Bengough made herself a favorite) with the soldiers by baking pies for them. They would save their fat pork rations, and she rendered them into lard. The Unioa -soldiers had made quite free with her house in her absence, bnt she thought them too sociable when she found it full of them, " with their feet sticking out of the windows. After receiving from her a lesson in eti quette, they desisted and the entente cor dials was restored. She only remembers the names of two Johnston and Gump. Mrs. Bengough's loyalty was only once questioned, and that was when she pleaded lor a man who was captured as a bush- " whacker, bnt she finally prevailed on the ". men not to narm mm, and hiring him to the chin with blackberry pie, she sent him ' away, exhorting him to take the Unioa '. side thereafter. She never knew what effect her exhortation had, but she says he was too miserable to afford any comfort ia his killing. , On a gloomy day in March, 1863, amid a driving snow storm, Mrs. Bengough left Fairmont and came to Pittsburg, and some months later learned that her husband had been killed on- the Bomney road, during the three days' fight at "Winchester. He wa ft Lieutenant '"nuiier 6ac,e.ral .Mflroy.. He "' was killed by a sharpshooter, having, with his command, lain down to sleep, and was killed as he lay. Her Bonmnce Begins. Accompanied by a sister of her husband, Miss Celia Bengough, principal of the Hi?a School in Toledo, Mrs. Bengough went to "Winchester to recover her husband's body and bury it, so that it could be subse quently identified, and from thenceforward she and her companion met with vicissi tudes that only "the love that kisses the lips of death" can support Arriving at the headquarters of General Mulligan, on New Creek, Va,, the ladies were assigned 4uuura m a uig omiamg, wnicn they sub sequently discovered was occupied as a bar racks bjr the soldiers, and they awoke dur ing the night to find the large room filled with men. Celia was greatly excited by the situation, but Mrs. Bengough's previous contact with the sterner sex, as a compositor, came to her aid and she suc ceeded in calming her companion, and with heads under the quilt, they managed to get along without incident until the soldiers had filed out in the morning. MulUgaa furnished them with a pass into the rebel lines and assured them he had personal friends among the Confederates who would see that they were respected and properly treated. After walking a few miles night overtook them and they pnt up at a house, the proprietor of which engaged to take them to Winchester in a wagon for J20. Food was scarce with him and they started before breakfast On the wav. in a. rn In the mountains, they heard something like distant thunder and were astonished, aa there were no signs of rain in any direction. Months afterward they learned in Castle Thunder that the sound was that of cannon at the battle of Gettysburg. Their escort went as far as he thought it safe to be seen in company with. "Yankee" women, and after they left him they finally found their way into the pres ence of two noted chiefs of the Confederacy. General B. E. Lee and G. T. Beauregard. General Lee gave them a pass, which ii still in Mrs. McCaffrey's possession. He re quired them after they had accomplished their work to report at his headquarters, . and disobedience in this respect caused them much subseanent suffering and m. .. prisonment in a rebel prison. Woman's Betonrce laTrdable. ' Starting along the Bomney road, the women met with more rebuffs than sympathy in their mournful errand, and finally near nightfall did what many a woman has deae under less trying eirenmstances sat dowa ' and took a good cry which they found a great relief.- The rebs had taken pofseesdea of the quarters lately occupied by Unionists and.theyhadtosleepin barracks occupied byconfeds. They paid a fancy prioe far a breakfast of salt junk, but were allowed to pursue their missioa. Surgeon McCandless had buried Bengongh and had sent Mrs. Bengongh a letter ot in struction as to the place, and they found it ' after traveling over a hill littered with the ' bodies of horses, mules, nnexcloded stalk '' and thousands of letters the slain soldiers had gotten from home Thirtr eanaos bi Ignging to Early's command had been lelt ..Of on the field, and they sEt a gun that the ,li reoeis naa noisted oy meaner Diock aaa - lac&ie niga up on a crag in a gap in oiuer to repel tne union advance, and n&tt. never, found it convenient to remove it They lound tne Doay ouried near ;ariy s ao gun. Two rebel officers prowling in the viciaity were very inquisitive, but the wotae bluffed them, and While Celia sat oa tM crave Mrs. Benzough gathered flowers, aed.i thev acted as nnconcernedlr as powIbIl' .' After all their trouble they learaed tfcet. the railway between Winchester and Mar- j tlnsbnrg had been torn up and the bedy could not be shipped. Going back to Ww boarding house, they fouhd a sonrwoBMin charge, who refused to give them anytWaj : teeac. a. man wua x eaerst unnom ei seemed desirous of cultivating their ae-l quaintanee, bat they treated him coldly m kept him at a distance, having beeeme m pleioas ot their surroundings. He fJiisMy 1 waikes ctees pa toes aaa aroppee a aeeaj and be told herto open the dW and he I at their feet statiasr that hewaenssul -would tell heK BM rfae4; aed imMW I MeAdowj. of some Pennsylvania. U WA..A i&41i..l.uIi . I u - -- A II .t.- . -t 1 ike ? ; m ana in anmi am. ' Wk Jtvm rt im9 .n.. ' d..jT 1" U Saia rrr i i i'ai i - . nf " . ,, "