Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 04, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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np r
rotes iSdpoetents
Many Singnlar Beliefs Traced to
Their Original Source
The WarninjB to be Read Out of Trivial
To try to peer into futurity is a human
weakness. "We know not what a'day may
bring forth, hut we would naturally like to
know. To read the sicns of the times, and
he enahled thereby to avoid future risks, is
an unmistakable sign of true wisdom; hut
a great many good people hare neither the
skill nor the patience to do this, but are
fain to hare recourse to persons who pretend
to be fortune tellers, to divination of some
kind or other, or to the observance of cer
tain signs, which are supposed to be augu
ries of good or evil fortune, or ominous of
coming events. We shall deal in the pres
ent paper with the last of these only, says a
writer in the Newcastle, Eng., Chron
icle; and, before launching into the some-
it what wide subject, take the liberty to pre-
xnise that not a little of the philosophy of
omens is contained in the Scottish proverb:
"Them that follow freits, freits iollow,"
meaning that a fantastic belief in impend
ing evil paralyzes the endeavor that might
prevent it, and so tends directly to bring
about the misfortune anticipated,
osinrs to depend oit.
At the same time, there are some omens
that may be depended on in a general way.
Thus a clear sky at sunset prognosticates a
fair day, and dark, heavy, lowering clouds
indicate coming rain. In the moral world,
pride goes before a fall, and write and ex
travagance before ruin. But superstition
J philosophy and truth reject everything of
we tin a, except sucn as ougnt rattier to oe
called causes of the events than mere fanci
ful premonitions of them. All the world
over, however, the belief in omens still pre
vails extensively, and the Northeast of En
gland and Southeast of Scotland the an
cient kingdom of Xorthumbna has its full
proportion of credulous people, who, in
epite of the good sense which they display
in their usual walk and conversation, has
not yet got above the standard of the fool
ish Israelites in Isaiah's time, who songht
unto them that had familiar spirits and
unto wizards that peeped and muttered.
But to proceed with omens, the first we take
concerns augury by means of a cinder flying
out of the fire.
"When household coal is full of gas, the
bubbles produced in burning not unfre
quently burst, and throw off hot sparks or
flakes, which are apt to burn holes in the
carpet (if there is any), or might even set
the house on fire, if not promptly stamped
out. If the explosion is a slight one, as
sometimes happens, the spark or cinder sig
nifies a coffin: if it rattles, it means a nurse.
J In the former case, the cinder is hollow and
t oblong; in the latter, it is round and means
prosperity. Bnt if the cinder is oral, it is a
g cradle, and predicts the advent of a baby.
p Candles and other lights are supposed to
i burn blue and dim when invisible beings
V. are present, especially if they be evil spirits.
K 'A letter at the candle," as it is called,
JS caused by a hair, or some other foreign sub-
stance, collecting some of the half-melted
(' tallow round it and preventing it from dis-
LBolving; is regarded as the forerunner ot
cine strange news. "A-spail atthe candle,"
f which is a similar appearance, in the shape
, of a chip, or rather shaving ot wood, cnrling
l away from the flame, prognosticates death
1 in the house generally that of a person who
J sits opposite to it, or of someone very near
I. and dear to him or her. It is known in some
L places as a "winding sheet"
The howling of a dog at night under the
Trinuow oi a sick room is looted upon as a
-warning of death being near. Many also
believe that dogs can see death enter the
houses of people who are about to die. But
the dog, when he howls, is often merely
serenading the moon, or replying to the
voice of some of his own species, equally
music struck with himself, a few miles off,
or he is perhaps lamenting his hard fate
because he has been shut ont in the cold,
instead of being allowed to sleep indoors.
The tim-marking propensities of the
common cock during the night season hare
long been the subject of remark. The bird,
in ordinary circumstances, begins to crow
after midnight, and 1 also crows about
daybreak, with usually one intermediate
effort. Dr. John Fleming, in his work on
the "Temperature of the Seasons," says: "It
seems impossible to overlook the connection
between the times of crowing and the mini
mum temperature of the nicht; nor can the
latter be viewed apart from the state of the
dew-point, or maximum degree of damp
ness." Other circumstances, however, ex
ercise an influence, for it cannot be disputed
that the times of crowing of different indi
viduals are by no means similar, and that
in certain states of the weather, especially
boforeraln, the crowing is continued nearly
nil dav. "When this latter is the ra
the cock is seen to strut up to the front
door and crow very loudly, indicating
that a stranger is coming; but, when he
cries at some unusual hour during the
sight, it is usually a challenge to some
other bold chanticleer, who has been heard
crowing in the distance, through the other-
I wise silent air. The cock, it may be stated
in passing, is not the only annunciator of
friendly visitors. Old ladies, and likewise
fir young ones, see strangers in their teacups
t? in the shape of bits ot stalk floating on the
surface, and thev can tell to a nicetr
whether the visitors to be expected are tall
or short, fat or lean, by the length and
thickness of their representatives from over-
',. leea. The crowing hen is reckoned as ominous
of evil, as expressed in the Scottish proverb:
"Wnussiin weyves an' era win' nens are na
The magpie is deemed a bird of evil
omen on both sides of the borders. Its un-
Juckiness has been accounted for by its be
ing tne onlr bird which did not go into the
Art witn jsoan necause it liked better to sit
outside, jabbering over the drowned world.
Mr. Henderson tells a good storr about the
first lesson he received respecting the por-
tents to be drawn from magpies. He -says:
"Weliao xrememDer, wnena boy 10 or 12
years old, driving an old lady in a pony
carriage, to visit a friend in a becluded part
of the county of Durham. Half our jour
ney was made -when, without a word of
-warning, the reins were suddenly snatched
out of my hand, and the pony brought to a
stand. Pull of astonishment, I looked to
my companion for some explanation of this
assault on my independence, and saw her
gazing with intense interest on a magpie
then crossing the road. After a pause some
Seconds, she exclaimed with a sigh: "Oh,
the nastv bird I Turn back, turn back 1"
And back we turned, the old lady instruct
ing me on the war in the following verse.
which certainly justified the course we had
One is sorrow, two mirth.
Three a wedding, four a birth,
Five heaven, six hell.
Seven's the de'il's a!n scl'."
Some people are said to be in the habit
'of making a cross in the air -when they
4ee a magpie crossing tneir patn,
Kef mind to take off their hats and do rever-
Fence to the bird, on catchinc sicht of a sin-
igle one, which, as above, denotes sorrow, in
f the hope that bvthis deront sirn and that
"polite attention they may be freed from the
'risk of encountering the evil the bird fore-
abodes. .Mr. Henderson tells an anecdote
illustrating the good effects attending to a
magpie's warning. It relates to a gentle
man with whom his informant was well ac
quainted, a man of education and good po
sition in Yorkshire, a county magistrate
and a landlord. "One day in the year 1823,
he was riding to York, with a view "of
depositing his rents in Chaloner's Bank,
when a magpie flew across his path. He
drew up his horse, paused a moment, and
turned homeward, resolving to defer his
jor-ney till the next day. That day, how
ever, the bank railed, and it only remained
for the gentleman to congratulate himself
on his prudent attention-to the magpie's
That rats leave a sinking ship is oneof
our most trite proverbs. Many sailors still
believe in its truth as devoutly as in their
Bible. If a rat is seen making its way
ashore, along a rope or plank, from a ship
lying in port, ten to one some sage tar will
prognosticate the loss of that ship and re
fuse to sail on board of her. A remarkable
case in point happened once in Sunderland.
The Centurion, of that port, belonging to
Mr. John Grimshaw, of the Improved
Patent Ropery, was being loaded in the
"Wear, when a rat was seen by some one
making its way ashore from the vessel along
a rope. Acting on their firm conviction,
the crew immediately left the vessel. A
second crew, on being made aware of the
ominous circumstance, likewise deserted.
At last, however, the Centurion was got to
sea, on a London voyage; but she was un
fortunately lost, on her voyage up, at the
entrance of the Thames, though the crew
was saved.
A spider descending upon you from the
roof is a token that you will soon have a
leeacy ""from a friend. Fuller, in his
"Worthies," refers to this belief: ""When
a spider is found upon our clothes, we use
to say, some money is coming toward us.
The moral is this: Those who imitate the
industry of that contemptible creature may,
by God's blessing, weave themselves into
wealth, procure themselves a plentiful es
tate." But the money that a man makesby
his own exertions is a very different thing
from that which comes to 'him in the form of
a legacy; and that, according to the com
mon notion,is what the spider promises.
"When an experienced old shepherd sees
the first lamb in the spring,he notes whether
its head or tail is turned toward him. If th
former, he will have plenty of meat to eat
during the year; if the latter, he looks for
nothing beyond milk and bread, and greens
without beef, and perhaps braxy ham. At
lambing time, when the young creatures
comes into the world with its nose and fore
feet first, he expects he will have good luck
for the season; if the tail, the revese.
It is a eood omen for swallows to tare
possession of a place, and build their nests
around it; while it is unpropitious for them
to forsake a place which they have once
tenanted. My father would never permit
them to be meddled with, or even allow
their nests to be pulled down when they had
quitted them for the season. Every upstairs
window in our house sheltered a swallow's
hamlet, six or eight nests in one window
being no uccommon sight. It was difficult,
under such circumstances, to keep the win
dows clean; and it was much against my
mother's will that the birds were tolerated
and encouraged; but she durst not order
their eviction, which would have greatly
displeased my father, and so the swallows
had fixity of tenure as long as we remained
there, which was 21 years. I do not believe
my father had any definite notion about the
martin and the swallow being God Al
mighty's bow and arrow, according to the
common rhyme, but he must have had a
misty idea that the house martin, which is
its proper name, brought good luck to the
place, or at least that its banishment would
be not unlikely to bring bad luck to it in one
form or other.
Many a North-Country dame mother,
nurse, friend or simple acquaintance
never hears a person sneezing, and, partic
ularly a child, without ejaculating the brief
prayer: "God bless theel Sneezing to the
left has always been reckoned unlccky; but
to the right, prosperous. Others say that
sneezing from noon to midnight is good, but
from midnight to noon unlucky; and some
have even been known to go to bed ag ain if
they sneezed while they were putting on
their shoes. A single sneeze is a bad sign;
but two or three sneezes in quick succession
is a healthy one. Sneezing at meat forebodes
mischief, unless someone present at table
does not immediately cry, ''God bless you!"
and, if he is a Catholic, also make the siin
of the cross. Both Hebrews and Gentiles,
all the world over, have believed sneezing
to be ominous, and have been in the habit of
invoking a special blessing on persons when
thev sneezed, either with a view to prevent
evil consequences or to bring them good
"When vour cheek burns, it is a sign some
one is talking about you. "When your ears
tingle, lies are being told about you. If it
is the right ear, the gossip is to your credit;
if the left, the contrary. "When your ear
itches, you are certain to have some news,
cither good or bad, according to which ear
it is. When your nose itches, something
will soon happen to vex you. If the right
hand itch, you are going to shake hands with
a friend, or receive some money due to you;
and if your left does so, you will soon have
to pay away some cash. If you have any
white marks on your nails, commonly called
"gifts," you may expect to get as many
presents as there are marks, as soon as these
get up to the nail ends, in the course of their
natural growth. "When your right eye
itches, it is a sign of good luck; when your
left eye, of bad luck, but there is this excep
tion, that
Left or right,
Brings good at night.
If yon shiver, some one is -walking over
your future grave.
The popular omensof death are almost in
numerable, and the appearance of any one
of them is, .according to rustic credulity,
sufficient to foreshow the decease of any
ordinary person in the middle or lower
classes of society; forcommon people must be
satisfied with common things. Even super
stition knows how to pay due deference to
rank and genealogy, and cunningly insinu
ates herself among the aristocracy, by con
tributing her mysterious influence to en
hance the honors of birth and station. Thus,
among the elite, death omens assume a
special and distinctive shape, and, becoming
a sort of household dependent, are never
heard of but when they appear to do suit and
service to the respective families with which
they are connected. So that the family thus
supernaturally honored, while disdaining
all vulvar omens of mortalitv. beholds the
appearance of its own with dismay, feeling
assured that death will soon visit some of its
members. Some of these family omens are
curious and interesting. Lac re telle says
that, when a prince of the royal family of
France was about to die, a lady dressed in
white was seen to wander round the palace.
Some of onr old Northumbrian, Durham,
and Yorkshire families have had their
special barguests; and scarcely any of the
proud Scotch or Irish chieftains but had his
banshee to howl round his castle walls on
the eve of his demise.
If a corpse does not stiffen after death, or
if the stiffness disappears before burial, it is
a sign that there will be another death in
the family before the end of the year.
He who hears a loud stroke upon the table,
as if by a wand or club, or three successive
strokes, or the noise as of a bullet dropped
upon the table is a doomed man himself, or
will soon hear of the death of a friend.
The death watch is one of the most famil
iar signs of the near approach of the Sine of
Terrors. Mosf people have heard its peculiar
tick, tick, and been almost frightened to
death themselves, when lying in bed sleep
less, or sitting watching a sick person seem
ingly near his or her end. Bettor informed
people know that it is merely a small kind
of beetle, and that its tickine is nothing
more than the call of the male to its mate.
This long-accredited omen has now in a
measure ceased to be heard, owing to the
substitution of iron bedsteads for the old
wooden ones, in which the insect used to find
row' DISPATCH (n a bright and interesting
manner by Mrs. Prank Lethe, who tpnks of
iht influence woman are na exercutn upon
me worm. j- . , -4
How He Wooes Good Fortune With
All Manner of Charms.
A Cross-Eyed Man EringsfTil, hat a Cross
Eyed Woman is Lucky.
The element of superstition is very strong
among ball tossers. This is due in a large
measure to the fact that in former years the
class were most illiterate men, who knew
nothing but how to play ball, and whose
superstitions have become traditional in the
fraternity. The "mascot" and "hoodoo" is
recognized in everything, and almost every
act is believed to exert a potent Influence
for good,or bad in the result of a game.
Nothing brings more joy to the player,
says a writer in the "Washington Post, than
to have the coach which is conveying him to
the grounds meet a wagon loaded with bar
rels, provided the heads are in them. It is
a sign of good luck, and he goes into a game
with a confidence that is in itself half the
victory. He is a different plaver and will
play in a manner to set thebleeching boards
wild with delight But woe betide him if he
meets a cross-eyed man. He will keep the
scorers busy marking down errors opposite
his name, and his work will be character
ized by a listlessness and carelessness that is
begot of the knowledge that it is perfectly
useless for him to attempt to play. He is
under the influence of
and cannot get rid of it On the other
hand, when one meets a woman similarly
afflicted he is delirious with joy, and if it is
the day of a game he will follow the woman
for squares and endeavor by every artifice
he posses to attract her attention and make
her look at him. There are some who are
uncharitable enough to say a player will
not take this trouble unless the woman is
comely, bnt they all deny it
"When "Wizard" Sha'w played on the
"Washingtons, he would never gp into the
pitcher's box except from the rear, and he
could never be induced to step into it with
out kicking a pebble out He kept a sup
ply on hand, and before the game enough
would be put in a corner of the box so he
could kick one out when he started to pitch.
Shaw had another peculiarity ot always
talking to the batter, and although he did
this for the purpose of diverting the atten
tion of the batter, it became such a fixed
habit that he could not avoid doing it when
Jack Farrell. when he, captained the team
here, used to possess an idiosyncrasy that
many of his colleagues have. He would
make a little monud of pebbles near the po
sition he was playing, and bnsied himself
dnring'the game throwing them into the
field. He limited himself to a certain num
ber each inning, and it was a common sight
to see Captain Jack during the morning in
dustriously endeavoring to find the same
pebbles be had thrown away the day before.
Many times the other members cf the team
undertook to play
and as he made it a practice to pick up all
the stones near his base, the boys took good
care he should have a lull supply by plant
ing a bushel or so every day for him Jo pick
up, rqu uoc tuurmug, woea lie was a iimo
late arriving, he found a choice collection
of brickbats, cobblestones and tin cans
nicely arranged near the base. It cost him
half a dollar to get a boy to remove the
debris, and for a time Farrell stopped
searching for stones when the other men
were around, but he could not break the
fancy, and to-day he is a persistent follower
of it Many other ball players have the
same habit, and they say it keeps their
mind on the game, and they are not diverted
bv the audience.
"Billy O'Brien, the big, hard-hitting first
baseman of the Washingtons, has but one
superstition. ."When he first came here he
discovered a little bunch of clover near the
base, and thereafter he made a practice of
placing his glove over it at the conclusion
of each inning. So leligiously does he be-
I tffcOTA 4A 4TH 1 1 llklHM L! J) ll
Aleve tuai MJ1B TU1 UflUK lllia UUU 1UCK
that when the season commences he plants a
lot of clover seed near the base, and he is on
hand when the grass is trimmed to see that
his clover patch is not disturbed.
There are many other instances of indi
vidual attempts to influence the fates. Some
players wear charms, those from the Sonth
usually carrying rabbits' feet and the others
charms of all kinds and varieties. Ad Gum
bert, of the Chicago club, used to wear a
garter when he was with the Stenbenville
club, but he would never tell where he ob
tained it The recent journey around the
world has furnished the men who made it
with a choice collection of articles supposed
to possess soothsaying properties. Ed Crane
has a monkey he proposes to make his spe
cial divinity during the season, and Fo
garty, of the Philadelphias, carries with
him a lock of hair which he obtained from
a dusky maiden at Honolulu.
A number of players wear rings they be
lieve possess magic powers, and if they are
given to them by some friend alter a lucky
game it makes the present all the more
valuable. But under no circumstances ever
give a ball player an opal. They regard
the stone as an omen of bad luck, and will
get rid of it at the first opportunity, even if
they accept it, which is doubtful.
flayers do not like to receive presents of
flowers jnst before they go to the bat, for the
reason it "hoodoos" them and they cannot
hit the ball throughout the remainder of the
A well-known League player, at the be
ginning of the season, puts a black thread
in the toe of the stocking of his right foot,
and nlthough he declares it is done to dis
tinguish them, his- companions insist that
unless he gets it on the right foot he says he
cannot play.
The carrying of mascots by the various
clubs has gone out of fashion Bomewhat
It originated in the wild and woolly "West,
and for the next two years alterward every
first-class club had a mascot The stvle ran
to freaks of nature, and a dwarf, a hunch
back, or a giant was sure of an engagement
and a good salary. The only clnb in the
country to-day that has a mascot is the Chi
cagos. Spalding picked up a Bengalese
boy on his late tonr, and proposes to make a
mascot of him, but the games of the last few
days would indicate he is not realizing the
expectations. The Stenbenville club used
to carry a rooster with them, but some irrev
erent boys in a neighboring town killed it,
and thereafter the club was simply a mat
for the other clubs to prance over.
The recent trip of the Cuban Giants fur
nished them an excellent opportunity to
lay in a stock of rabbits' feet, the animal
being killed in the traditional manner by
the light of the moon. "When the "Jints"
were here they were besieged by the colored
population of this city and fabulous prices
were offered for their good-luck emblems,
bnt they steadfastly refused to part with
There are numerous other cases of mas
cots and believers in good and bad luck,
bnt as the game advances each, year, the
class of ballplayers are improving and are
men of better education than formerly, and
are losing a greatmany of the peculiarities
which formerly distingnished them.
It is a matter of ordinary prudence to
break up a cold at once by the timely use of
Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, an old curative
lor sore lungs and throats, and a sure rem
edy for coughs.
Bin The Bulletin to-day. Permanently
enlarged to twenty pages. A. splendid
Carpenter' letter in to-faorrouf Dispatch, in
which he poHrayt nature and man in the heart
of line Himalaya Mountain. - "-
T- Z,r "-- -r- - ----v-; . ... .. T . , - . ,
MfflStftntd- MffifcRfflf
ALIstcrrntenta Granted to Citizens oftho
Keystone State,,,
TVA'sHnrGTOir, May 3. The .following
is the list of patents issued from the
United States Patent Office for the past
week for the State of Pennsylvania, m fur
nished by Milo B. Stevens & Co., solicitors
of patents and claims, Glover Building,
"Washington, D. C:
Henry Aiken, Homestead, shear-knife; Lewis
Ange-rtne, Sweden Valley, handle for dust
pans; Henry Arndt and F. Stntzman. Willlams
port. treadle saw feeder; William Beckert Al.
leeheny. bed; John D. Bowman, Altoona,
pressure regulator: cnaries uraitnwaue,
more, grass receptacle lor imn muncn;
1 nomas O. Bnntinir. East Mauch Chunk, bottle
stopper cover: William Burnley, N. E., as
signor of two-thirds to C. A Hitchcock and a
A. Davenport, Erie, combined telephone and
telegraph system: Henry H. Clever, Clevers
burp. lifting Jack: Geo. C. Day, assignor of
one-half to G. M. Condit, Nineveh, alarm
lock; James 31. Dodge, assignor to Dodge Coal
Storage Company, Philadelphia, apparatus for
unloading boats; Darien W. Dodson, Wilkes
barre, carriage-driving mechanism; Robert P.
Doland, assignor of one-half to A. B. Dunkle,
RtnoitAn f ai.i1 an) tr&nnfr mechanism lor roll-
mill plants; Harry SI. Jjounieoay ana tu.
Pittsburtr. insulating cutout Joint; Jonas
Fisher. WilHamsport. machine
or bundling
kindling wood; John W. Gilbert
urtrnnrtr John W. lilioeri.
assignor to E
White Dental Manufacturing Company,
Philadelphia, dental plnggor; Robert OGra
ham, Philadelphia, bedstead; Cornelius Ham
ilton, assignor to J. H. Wilson, Philadelphia,
gas governor; Charles L. Heverin, Philadel
phia, hydrocarbon burner, (2) hydrocarbon
burning oil; Herbert Hopkins and J. R. Perry,
"Wilkesbarre, stove: Henry B. Hughes, Phila
delphia, goldbeater's hammer: Julian Kennedy,
Latrobe, hydraulic shears, (2) hydraulic ma
chine; John F. Kinesley. Athens, die for mak
ing eyeban; Edwin X. Lloyd assignor to Joly
Stopper Company, Philadelphia, bottle stopper;
Charles A. Marshall. Johnstown, assignor to
Johnson Company, of Kentucky,- tunnelyoke
for cable railways; William H. McCnrdy, York,
animal releasing devise; Vincent J.McDonn ell,
Philadelphia, Pa wrench; Terrance Mc
Sweeney, Allegheny, cas burner for stoves or
fireplaces; Almeron Miller, Meadville, Pa., de
vice for skimming milk; Arthur J. Moxham,
Johnstown, street railway crossing; Alpheus
Peterson. Horsham, gate; George W. Porter,
Allegheny, elevator oar operating device;
George J. G. Rehf uss and M. O., assignors to
Jolly Stopper Company, Philadelphia, bottle
stopper; Alfred C. Rex. Philadelphia, coin
operated toy car; Henry Roeske, Philadelphia,
filter; Frederick Snyder, Lancaster, letter box
alarm: Ira B. Stofiel, Natrona, and C. R. Cuth.
bert, Pittsburg, shoe lace fastener; Charles
Taylor, Elizabeth, assignor of one-half to O. D.
Levis, Pittsburg, journal bearinfe for vehicle
wheels; William H. Thomas. Jenklntown, at
tachment for bolts; (21 latch for sliding doors;
Edward M. Ware, assignor to L D. Ware, Phil
adelphia, rack attachments for bedsteads;
David B. Wbltebill, No. Clarendon, pauge
cock; William S. Zelgler, Butler, heating and
ventilating apparatus; Ami Zuablen, Philadel
phia, machine for engraving watch or other
American Passengers on a German Sleam
hlp Remember April 30.
NE-wY0BK,May3. Those fewunfortunate
American citizens who were unable to take
part in either Centennial on this side or on
the other side of the Atlantic because they
were in mid-ocean, did not, after all, permit
April 30 to pass without celebration. There
were a number of prominent Americans on
board of the Nord-Deutscher Lloyd steam
ship Lahn, which arrived this morning from
Bremen and Southampton, and these were
the patriotic sons of their country who cele
brated in mid-ocean.
On April 30, Centennial day, the Lahn
was a little over halfway across the ocean,
in latitude 43 19' north and longitude
49 24' west Centennial Day had been the
topic of the conversation in the cabin of the
Lahn ever since the weather had been ex
hausted, and great things had been prom
ised, and so it came about that the first
thing that the American passengers of the
Lahn heard when they awoke on the morn
ing of April 30 was "America." The mag
nificent steamship was decked out in her
greatest glory. Flags waved from every
available inch of the rigging, and the
bridge, on which stood Captain Hellmers,
was a feast for the eyes.
The early part of the day was spent
quietly. At midday the last preparations
were made for celebrating, and the hour ap
pointed was 6 o'clock, right after 6 o'clock
dinner, and the place the main saloon.
Little American Sags were distributed.
Everything was American at the dinner.
After dinner was over the ceremony wag
opened by prayer. Then followed musio by
the band and then speeches were in order.
Mr. J. A. Bostwick, of the Standard Oil
Company, was a passenger on the Lahn.
He made the principal speech of the day.
They Are Preparing to Celebrate the AnnU
versnry of the Hny Market.
Chicago, May 3. To-morrow will be the
third anniversary of the Hay Market not,
and that the anarchists of the city propose
to give the day observance is evidenced by
a printed address or circular which has been
issued from some secret establishment Chief
of Police Hubbard found a copy of it in his
mail to-day, and another was found lying
upon the pedestal of the Hay Market police
monument, which is to bo dedicated on the
30th inst The circular is of an inflamma
tory character, in that it lands the virtues
of the condemned and executed Anarchists,
and denounces all the officers of the law who
had anything to do with securing their con
viction. It, however, d6es not counsel a resort to
force or the doing of any overt act It
speaks of meetings to be held on the anni
versary of the riot The supposition has
been that the Anarchists would make some
demonstration on the day of the unveiling
of the monument Chief Hubbard was in
terviewed concerning the circular this after
noon. He says he scarcely thinks it possi
ble that the Anarchists will attempt an
armed outbreak upon the day the statue is
unveiled. He says every precaution will
be taken to seenre the safety ot life and
property upon the day.
Four Children of a Poor (linn Burned to
Death Beforo Ilia Eyes.
Baltimore, May 3. A distressing ac
cident, by which four children of Charles
"Williams, whose ages ranged from 6 to IB
years, were burned to death, took place last
night at Abingdon, near Harford station,
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The
family, consisting of husband, wife and five
children, retired to rest about 10 o'clock
last night An hour later the neighbors
saw the house burning, and made ineffectual
efforts to quench the flames. Mr. and Mrs.
"Williams escaped with the baby, who will
probably die.
The parents, seriously burned themselves,
stood watching the fire whieh was approach
ing their sleeping children. The house
burned to the ground and consumed chil
dren, furniture and all. These people are
left with no children excepting the baby,
no money, home, or clothing. "Vice Presi
dent King, of the Baltimore and Ohio, sent
a dispatch offering aid to his afflicted em
ployes. FDNERAL OP HON. w, fl. BARNUAI
Attended by Ex-Prealdcnt Cleveland and
Other Prominent Politicians,
Limb Bock, Conn., May 3. TheTuneral
over the remains of the Hon. "William H,
Bamnm was held it 1 Pi M. in Trinity
Church here, to-day, the remains being
buried in the family lot There were special
trains from New York and Hartford, bring
ing mourners from all over the country,,
among them many -prominent politicians,'
including ex-President Cleveland, Senator
McDonald and Colonel Bright, of Indiana;
Calvin S. Brice, J. "W. Savin, Dr. Chis-holm.GeneralLeFever.ex-GovernorLoomis,
CM. Jordan, Colonel E. B. Dickinson,
and many other personal and political
friends of "the dead man.
The service was performed by the fiev.
Mr. Putnam, .assisted by the Rev. Mr.
"Walker. The bearers were three nephews
of the deceased, M. B. Richardson, A. L.
Bichardson. and George M. "Walton, Sidney
jnjup-n &nn i-tearee .w . uonarev.
- u 3. ." U.S fl. yfc ! a.
Statement in Detail of Pittsburg's
New Tnnnel Bailroad
Opening Up 1,000 Miles of New Beads to
Pittsburg Shippers.
Concerning Pittsburg's newly projected
railroad the Pittsburg, Cannonsburg and
State Line which is to tunnel through Mt
"Washington, Mr, A. B. Paul, one of its di
rectors, has this to say to a Dispatch re
porter: "We propose, as soon as possible, to
accomplish our purpose in building this
new line. "We have had assurances from
capitalists of New York as well as Chicago,
that when the managers have secured sub
stantially the right of way and ffi.OOO per
mile of local aid, a syndicate is ready to
take the bonds and stock of the company
and build the road. The efforts of the local
companies of "West Virginia and Pennsyl
vania are now being directed to that end.
Surveys have been made; a large portion of
the right of way is secured, and committees
of citizens along the line from the lower
bend of the Ohio river to Pittsburg have
been appointed to assist the local com
panies in securing the remainder of the
rights and local subscriptions.
"It is proposed that the road from Pitts
burg to the State line (40 miles) be built as
a 'suburban road', under the same rules and
regulations as other roads running in and
out of Pittsburg, and the present managers
of the enterprise have given a guarantee to
this effect
"The terminal facilities in the city of
"Wheeling, by the terms- of a contract be
tween the citizens of Ohio county, "West
Virginia, with the Union Bridge Company,
have been secured to the company; and or
dinances have been secured in "Wellsburg,
as well as Brook county, to occupy streets,
alleys and highways.
""By the plans outlined, the capitalists
first spend their money, the people along
the line receiving the benefit ot this expen
diture before they are called upon, and not
having any old roadbed to pay for, the usual
complaint of the local subscribers being
cheated or defrauded out of their money will
thus be, in a great measure, obviated; as the
plan leaves it to the option of the subscriber,
upon first payment, to say whether he will
become a stockholder or simply make a do
nation. It is expected the company will be
ready to ask the business men, capitalists
and others of Pittsburg for aid in a lew
days, arrangements for which are being
"Two routes are proposed,one via Bridge
ville to Cannonsburg,and one via Upper St.
Clair; leaving the matter to be determined
by cost of construction, distance, local aid,
future business, etc., which route will be
"The line, when built, would connect at
"Wheeling with 11 new and old roads,
through the Union bridge and Union depot,
comprising in newly built roads of about
1,000 miles. This would insure to the road
a new outlet for the Pittsburg coal, coke
and mannfacturing business, and a competi
tion that would place all this business on
equal footing. The road ought to be built and
owned by Pittsburg capital, for the benefit
of Pittsburg.
"The line,asnow located to Cannonsburg,
passes through one of the richest agricul
tural regions around Pittsburg. Through
the now actually famous gas and oil regions
of Washington county, and only a few miles
from the Taylorstown district. There is
good coal in abundance on almost the entire
line.. The efforts to develop this coal region
would be futile unless the road is built. It
would open up some of the finest stone quar
ries in the State for building purposes. It
would shorten distances east and west for
that section, and the managers predict a
fair business for the road as soon as built,
with lots ot local and a share of the through
passenger and freight traffic."
The Old Lioness to be Rebnllt at Cincin
nati Some Coal Moving.
The marks registered 8 feet in the river
yesterday. The Ark took a small tow and
the old Lioness to Cincinnati to be rebuilt
The machinery of the boat will be placed in
the new hull. The Dick Fulton also started
down the river with a good tow.
The Convoy returned with a broken shaft,
and the Maggie was sent to take charge of
the tow.
Ifo Fnvors a Dress Uniform.
General "Wiley returned from New York
yesterday. He favors a dress uniform for
State occasions. The boys, he said, made a
fine showing, bnt he says the New Yorkers
have better armories, and take more pride
In their militia than Pennsylvamans.
imp wJ f OR
&& Kim
. j
Made instantly with boiling water or milk. No cooking required.
Prof. IL OGDEN DOREMUS, (Bellevue Hospital Medical College),
writes: "No choicer, purer or better cocoa caa be made."
Sold bv GEORGE K. STEVENSON & CO,, and all ieadine erocers &nd
.... i.A' -lL-iS'..ct t
.arueKiws.'at.i per,iu..xin ryyc iwr 7iu..un. -
3?mamii&m&mjmv -
Tbo Coke
Trade Remains, In
Condition as Last
About the
rsrsexu. txlxobjui to TBzptsrATca.1
CONireiiSViLLE, May 3. The Courier,
in its coke review, says:
The coke trade continues Its eraliact effort to
J brace up. Production a littlebetter than holds
There is a tendency among small operators to
drop ont and allow the larger operators to
supply the market duringthe present era, of low
prices. The two largest firms in the region,
the H. C. Frf ck and HcClnre coke companies,
ran fall time last week. Others were not so
fortunate, one firm, Ralmey & Co., getting in
bat three days. The iron trade gives no Indi
cations ot a boom; neither does it show any
signs of a collapse. So long as it. grows no
worse, the coke trade of Connellsvtlle will
continue to retain its present characteristics,
namely, a fair demand at poor prices. The iron
trade in Middle and Eastern Pennsylvania is
very sluggish, in Pittsburg and the west the
furnaces are running very steadily. Prices re
main without any change, the boldest bear
operators fearing to cut anv further.
TiiA nnerationa of thn 77 nnlcn til&nt nf thA
f Connellsvllle region for the week ending on
Saturday last snows ll.ioi or tne ia,2BS com
pleted ovens in blast and 2,162 idle. The active
ovens averaged a trifle over five days. The
production of last week is estimated at 99,027
tons against 0&727 tons for the previous week,
and but 21,221 tons lor the week prior to that.
Tftere has been no serious break from the quo
tations of the past two weeks. Prices continue
to rule as follows: Furnace cot e.fl OS; to deal
ers, SI IS; foundry coke, SI 25; crushed coke,
SI 60, all on board cars at ovens, per .ton of
2,000 pounds. Freight rates from ovens to
.rittsnurg, vu cents per ton; to ctuenaneo vai
ley, u so; uieveiana, sz eu: umcago,
S2 75: East
St. Louis, S3 60; Philadelphia, $2 89. Foundry
prices at Western points are quoted as follows:
Chicago, U 23: St. Louis, U 70; Louisville, SI 70;
Kansas City. 6 75;Toledo, S3 75; Detroit 81 IS;
Milwaukee, U 20; Buffalo, U 00.
An Allesed Discovery of a Fnel Gas That
Will Lend Them All.
Findlat, May 3. For six months past
V. H. Coons and Charles F. Graves, of this
city, have been working on a process for
converting Ohio crude oil into fuel gas, and
they now claim to have succeeded and ob
tained a perfect success with their process.
They obtained their patent yesterday and
believe they have a fortune in it They
claim that from one barrel of crude oil they
can produce 4,000,000 cubio feet of gas,
eaual to the supply consumed by 60 stoves
in SO days, so that at the present price of
Ohio crude petroleum and price obtained
for gas they would makef30on every on bar
rel of oil. The gas produced by their pro
cess is pronounced equal in heating power
to natural gas, and far superior to it as an
illuminant Although it has the same
pungent odor peculiar to Ohio natural gas,
it is claimed to be absolutelynon-explosive.
A room may be filled with the vapor and a
match lighted in it without producing any
explosion. It will burn in any stove the
same as natural gas.
Under this process the gas may be manu
factured on a large scale and supplied for
heat and light throughout a city the same
as manufactured gas has heretofore been
furnished, or it may be made on a small
scale for buildings. It opens up a vast
possibility in the use of Ohio oil, and will
enable almost any city or town, no matter
where situated, to have the advantages of
gas for fuel at a merely nominal cost Both
Mr. Coons and Mr. Graves are practical
men. and as they are backed by an abund
ance of capital, they will proceed at once to
introduce the gas into towns where they can
obtain: franchises as fast as possible.
Walk and be Happy.
In purchasing furniture, go where you can
get the best goods for the least money, and
you can do this by walking a short distance
from our principal retail streets, to the man
ufacturing establishment of M. Seibert &
Co., cor. Lacock and Hope streets, near rail
road bridge, Allegheny. D
All Style Boys' Raits.
Jersey cloth, Lord Fauctleroy, sailor,
kilts and long pants. Elegant variety of
moderate prices at the People's Store.
Campbell Ss Dice.
Gibson, Large, Quckenheimer, Finch,
Dillinger, Overbolt Hannisville and Sher
wood pure rye whiskies.
100 and 102 Market St., cor. First ave.
G. "W. Schmidt will sell you one quart
of 1880 Pure Eye Export "Whisky for ?1.
95 and 97 Fifth Ave., City.
Whiskies, wines, brandy, gin, etc., etc.
Schuetz, Eenziehausen & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st. , cor. of First ave.
The greatest handkerchief bargains ever
offered, this week at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
YotT can buy 60 delicious imported cigars
for $4 CO at G. "W. Schmidt's, 95 and 97
Fifth Ave.
number of notable prize flghts have taken
place, U oravhtcalli
eaity aetcrxoe
' described by O. M. S. in
an uiuuraiea
in to-morrow via-
IL x! i ?..? .
Sk aDi!a.u t.
A Good Beason for Making a Public
The Boston Traveller, under date of Jan
uary 12, 1889, has the-tollowing:
"Yes. I am perfectly well now, but I
wouldiiot for anything be in the condition
again I was in a short time ago."
The speaker was Mr. S. "Weisbrod, whom
the writer found at his residence, No. 107
"Warwick st
"At first," he continued, "I noticed that
I was constantly catching cold, but later I
seemed to have a cold all the time. My
nose would be stopped, and there was a con
stant discbarge irom it I could feel the
mucus dropping back into my throat
Mr. 8, Weitbrod, 107 Warwick St.
"I was continually hawking and spitting,
especially the first three or fonr hours after
getting up in the morning. Physicians told
me my trouble was catarrh. My nose and
throat got so bad, and the disease was so
disagreeable, that I tried in every way to
get rid of it but got only slight temporary
"I noticed that I had a heavy, racking
cough, which kept gradually getting worse.
It became hollow, and would be especially
bod in the morning. Any change in the
weather would cause my head and throat to
stuff up and my cough to ahnov me more.
At night I had smothering spells, and
would have to sit up in a chair for hours in
order to get my breath. There was a feeling
as though something was bound so tightly
around my chest that I could not breathe.
X was a'raid I had asthma.
"I kept losing in flesh and growing thin
ner. My cough became hollow and more
persistent, and I could not walk even a
short distance without gettingout of breath.
"My friends have since told me that they
thought I had consumption, and that they
never expected me to recover.
"A short time ago, having read the state
ment of an acquaintance in the papers, I de
cided to place myself under tbe care of Dr.
Blair and bis associates. Iwill simply say tbat
tbe result was a surprise to myself and my
family, and that I now feel wen and strong.
All tbe disagreeable symptoms of my disease
bave left me, and Ihave gained in strength and
On banding the above notes of what he had
said to Mr. Weisbrod, he remarked:
'It may sound like an exaggeration to some
who have not been through what I bave, but
tbat is exactly how I felt, and I will willingly
state so personally to any one. 1 make this
statement because I am pleased with my , re
covery." A DAN0EE00S WAT.
Trodden br Many, Perhaps, Without Know
log It.
"When catarrh has existed in the bead and
upper parts of the throat for any length of
time, the patient living in a district where
people are subject to catarrhal affection, and
the disease has been leftuncured.the catarrh
invariably, sometimes slowly, extends down
the windpipe and into the bronchial tubes,
which tubes convey the atr into the different
parts of the lungs. The tubes become affected
from the swelling and the mucus arising
from catarrh, and in some instances become
plugged up so that the air cannot get in as
freely as it should. Shortness of breath fol
lows, and the patient breathes with labor
and difficulty.
In other cases there is a sound of cracking
and wheezing inside the chest At thij
stage of the disease the breathing is usually
more rapid than when in health. The pa
tient has also hot flashes over bis body.
The pain which accompanies this condi
tion is of a dull character, felt in the chest,
behind the breast bone cr under the shoul
der blade. Tbe pain may come and go
last a few days and then be absent for sev
eral others. The cough that occurs in the
-first stages of bronchial catarrh is dry,
comes at intervals, is hacking in character
and usually most troublesome in the morn
ing on arising or on going to bed at night.
and it may be the first evidence of the dis
ease extending in the lungs.
At first there may be nothing brought up
by the cough; then there is a little tough,
tenacious mucus, which the patient finds
great difficulty in bringing up.
Sometimes there are fits of coughing in
duced by the tough mucus so violent as to
cause vomit) ng. Later on the mucus that is
raised is found to contain some particles of
yellow matter, which indicates tbat the
small tubes in the lungs are now affected.
"With this there are often streaks of blood
mixed with the mucus. In some cases the
patient becomes very pale, has fever and ex
pectorates before anv cough appears.
In some cases small masses of cheesy sub
stance are-spit up, which, when pressed be
tween the fingers, emit a bad odor; in other
cases particles of a hard, chalky nature are
spit up. The raising of cheesy or chalky
lumps indicates serious mischief at work in
tbe lungs.
In some cases catarrh will extend into the
lungs in a few weeks; in other eases it may
be months, and even years, before, the dis
ease attacks the lungs sufficiently to cause
serious interference with the general health.
"When the disease has developed to such a
point the patient is said to havi catarrhal
consumption. "With bronchial catarrh there 's
more or less fever, which differa with the differ,
ent parts of the day slight in the morning,
higher In the afternoon and evening.
Sometimes during the day tbe patient bas a
creeping, chilly sensation, which may last from
hall an hour to an hour, tho surface of the
body feeling dry and hot During tbe night,
near the morning; there may be sweats. Bach
sweats are known as night sweats.
Tbe poise is usually more rapid than normal,
and tbe patient lutes flesh and strength. A
fresh cold is all tbat is needed at this point to
develop rapid consumption. In somalnstances
the catienc loses strength and flesh slowly.
Tbo muscles gradually waste away. Then the
patient gradually regains some of the strength
only to lose it again.
A ti eak stomach and a dlslika for f ood,which
seems to have lost its taste, cause the patient
to think tbat he has a disease ot the stomach
Instead of theluncs. With these diarrhea usu
ally occurs and there U the same disturbance
oftbe kidneys. In bronchial catarrh the voice
often becomes weak, husky and hoarse. There
Is a bnrnlng pain In the throat with difieulty
in swallowing.
"Are located permanently at
Where they treatwith success all curable cases.
Office hours 8toll A.M.i2to6 P. x.t 7 to
p. x. (Sunday Included).
Specialties CATARRH, and ALL DIS
- -i "
';CeultatIon, X 06. Addt eWall HaM te
'" - s. aijws. wtrjLUAu a tiAix.i 4
T ! iTllfinil tl M M nil n TM.llllm.i. w -
mrmr a n1lB,Byv m .,-,....., a, ,
skw ABTTgiraioaarrg.
Comes as near being a fine piece of
PLUG TOBACCO as It is possible
to make It, and is known as a
We are sure that OKU TRIAL wiU
convince you of its merita
43-Ii0ok for the red H tin tag on each plug,'
"What's Wana-
maker's Price?"
Old Honest!
If it's a quality -worth sell- -
ing it will be the lowest rely i y
on that.
Very likely it seems odd to 4
many that we don't advertise T
prices. When we can hang -V
the quality up in the newspa- y 4
pers with the price, so that .
you can make a fair compari- ?t
son, we will. ' $
We've got past the appren- 4
ticeship .stage of being mer- V
chants long ago. Dark meth- &
ods in business will not pay.
It's the people who do the "p-
buying. 1 hey 11 not accept
keenness or cuteness for solid
We propose to gain" confi
dence by the superiority of "
our goods. Though we had '
the opportunity to sell an in
ferior article at half the price
of any store in the city, we
wouldn t keep it. -
It must be dependable or
Wanamaker & Brown haven't
room for it in their store. We
don't want you saying about
us "They fooled me on this
There's no short cut to bus
iness success. We'll have the
lowest prices in the city for
reliable clothing. The other
we'll let alone.
1,000 styles for measure
& Brown,
Sixth street and Fenn ayenue.
HB.L.F.BTJEKE, Druggist ,
Dxar Sib Having suffered many years wits
Bright1 s disease, ana trying all kinds of pre.
scrfptions and patent medicines, I heard of
Pratt's Aromatlo Geneva Gin, and the first hot
tie I took cave me more relief than all the other
medicines put together. I can highly recom
mend it.
Wholesale and Retail
Azent in Pittsburg, U Market street.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to aad
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark; etc.
General agents. 307 Walnut st- Philadelphia.
Full Information can ha had of J. J.'McCOB
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smlthseld street.
LOUIS MOESER, US Smlthfleld street.
mhlt66rw i '
route to London and the Continent.
Express Steamer Hervlce twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Ha-rre),
e. May L 7 a x I S.2lbe, May 11.3 X
a May 820 AX 1 Elder.May 14,5-30 A X
Ss.Lahn. May 8. U A X I SsJLller.May 13. 6 AX
First Cabin, Winter rates, from UaOnpwaro.
hurr. Pa.
York City.
Bowling Green. New
Mtr. awKTrmc.
AnnnlA. MiT sa'
(Bothnia, Mmy 22, 11 .SAX
Gallia. Mat a 11 a viirih. Mkv2S. 1
tUmbrl.lUrLLJiaopn Ainnu. Jnnel. 7AX
z. T
6rTU,Hyl8. SAM iGalUa. JaneS, SJOAX
STnij fttefttBHP will WA M-w .taraA.
i"w. steamers car
Cabin tiittR. tin.
Ma. uteerags ticket
itoroofl at TVtT Inw rta
VEiiiiON H. BKOW H CO., General AcsstS,
, . . i HowltaK Green. Hew York.
J. J. MCCOBM1CK. A rent. . .
Voorthave. aadWthfleldit., Plttibarf.
State Line
To Elamw. Belfast, Dublin
and Liver&Ml.
raosr sew yorkt every imdat.1
CaMa twutr SSS to SSO. aeeordiBxto logattej
Meetste to as Dees Jtaroe i Lewett Bttoc.1
r .' Mlr94wr, StflM. .
ij. J. Mwy wMtOI Atat 1
! -A
h . -7-
-r.9 j- a, jiaa&r Hufj? f
: .r 4v'KMraCL51.UE'C&acf3&J2&,v)4fe-.Katej