Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 04, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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and Vegetables Quieted
Weather Influences.
Southern Strawberries in Bonnlifol Sop
plj and Lower.
Fiuidat. Maya, ISSO. J
In fruit and vegetable lines trade for the
week has been quiet, owing to chilly, wet
weather. Heary frosts have produced a
scarcity of asparagus. Everythirg above
ground was nipped yesterday morning.
Strawberries from the South are in abund
ant supply. A good article should retail
at 20c Jobbers hare been selling a fair
article at 10c to-day. Cucumbers and radishes
home grown are in good supply at rates cheaper
than last Saturday. Golden wax beans and new
peas from Florida are in the stalls.
Country butter has been drifting downward
the past week. A peddler who pays weekly
visits to our markets reports a great abund
ance of choice butter through his bailiwick.
Said he: "Isold to stores to-day a very good
article at 16c, and furnished the very best made
at 26c. The latter price was obtained for but
ter that would have brought 35c a few weeks
ago." The peddler who reported the above
Eaia mat ne naa never En own poultry as scarce
through the region he visits as it has been the
past few weeks.
The fish trade holds up unusually well, con
sidering that Lent is two weeks away. Trade
last week was fully as good as .'t was the clos
ing week of Lent. Tberearea yetnosignsof
a falling off. At the Diamond Market butcher
stalls aa improvement in trade ver trade of re
cent weeks was reported. The average con
sumer is evidently returning to the old re
liable meats after a long fast. Eggs grow
firmer, but retail pnees are the same as a week
Florists report a slight decline from trade of
last week. It ist o be remembered, however, that
last week and the previous week there was a
boom to tbe floral trade, and more decorations
were disposed of than ever before in the same
Unusual activity in tropical fruits has been
reported by jobbers for the week past.
Following are the latest retail prices for
Saturday market basket supplies as furnished
by leading dealers.
The prices called for at the Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin
steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure
for very fancy, which are very often no bet
ter than tbe 20c article: sirloin, best cuts.
from 11! to 2Uc; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c;
chuck roast, 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c;
boiling beef, 6 to 6c; sweet breads, 2oc per
pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, oca
pound: calf livers, 25c apiece; corned beef
irom o to iuc per pound, v eai lor stewing
commands 10c; roast, 12V to 16c: cutlets. 20o
er pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12 to
oc: hind quarters. 15 to 20c. A lee of mut
ton, hind quarter, of prime aualitv. brines
12c; fore quarter, 8c; loin of mutton, 15c
Vegetables and Fruit.
Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck;
potatoes, 15c a half peck; celery, 10 to 15c a
bunch; new Bermuda potatoes, 25c per
peck; new Bermuda onions, 15c per quart:
tomatoes, 40c per quart box; new cabbage, 5
to 25c; apples, loc to 20c per half peck:
bananas, 15 to 25c a dozen: lemons, 20 to
:c per dozen: oranges, Zoioc; onions, 15c a
half peck; spinach, 20c per half peck; lettuce, 7c
per bunch, i for 25c: radishes, 6 to 10c per bunch;
cranberries, 15c per quart; cucumbers,10to 15c a
piece; mushrooms, 7oc a pound; asparagus,10o a
bunch, 3 for 5c; new beets, 15c a bunch; straw
berries, 15c to 25c; cauliflowers, 25 to 50c a head;
golden wax beans, 85c a quarter peck; green
beans, 25c a quarter peck; peas, 2oc . quarter
Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
Choice creamery butter, 30c Good country
butter, 25c Fancy pound rolls, 35c
The ruling retail price for eggs Is 15c, or 2
dozen for 25c
The range for dressed chickens Is $1 25 to
$150 per pair. Turkeys, 25o per pound. Spring
chickens 2 per pair.
Fish and Oysters.
Following are the articles in this line on
the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon. 40o pound; white fish, 12e; her
ring, 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel, 45c
to 60c a Pound: shad. 80c aniece; sea Knlmnn
40c a pound: blue fish, 20c; perch. 10c;
halibut 2oc; rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake
trout. 12c: lobsters, 25c; green sea turtle, 28c
Oysters: standard, Jl per gallon; select, $1 60
to SI 75; N. r. counts, $1 75 per gallon; snaps,
80c: shell oysters, 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c
pound; dams, Jl 25 gallon; scollops, 60c a
La Prance roses, (1 50 per dozen; Bride
roses, $1 63 per dozen; Perles, Jl 00 per dozen;
Nipbetos, Jl 00 per dozen; Bennetts, $1 50
per dozen: Magna Cbarta rosea, 60c; American
Beauty, 2550c apiece; Mermets, Jl O0l 60 per
dozen; De Wattville, 11 50; carnations, 35c a
dozen; Lilv of the Valley,75c per dozen: Maiden
Hair fern, 50o per dot fronds. Bermuda
Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen: tulips, 75e per
dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; lilacs, 25c
a spray: daffodils, 75c per dozen; Dutch hya
cinths, 20c apiece: pansies, 25c a dozen; Jacgue-
wuut ruses, ti w a uozen.
Wheat Recovers Some of Its Lost Ground
Corn Bcorea an Adranoe Oau About
Steadv Hog Products Quiet
nnd the Feeling Easier.
Chicago A Tery fair business was trans
acted in wheat to-day, and the feeling was
stronger, with part of yesterday's decline re
covered. June showed more strength and ad
vanced IJfc and closed about le higher. July
opened a shade stronger than yesterday's
closing and gradually improved, advancing Ws
and closed about lc higher than yesterday.
There was nothing special in shape of out
side news to cause the firmness, which was at
tributed to a change in local sentiment, that
perhaps prices forthepresentwerelowenough.
At any rate there was less pressure to sell, and
the speculative offerings were not as heavy as
yesterday. "With fair buyings, partly by
"shorts." and for investment for quick turns,
the market was well sustained. Duluth and
Minneapolis are both lower to-day. Advices
from Dakota report no rain.
A fair business was transacted in com, and
the feeling developed was firmer. The stronger
tone was attributed mainly to the active ship
ping demand and to smaller anticipated re
ceipts. The near futures were relatively firmer
and the premium of the more deferred deliver
ies was narrowed somewhat. The market
opened at yesterday's closing pnees, was firm
and advanced c, ruled steady, closing Kc
higher than yesterday.
Oats were quiet, but steadier, and prices K
y2c higher. The amount of new business was
not large, and a good part of the trading con
sisted in selling May and buying J une and July
at c difference.
Little interest was manifested in hog prod
nets, and the feeling was easier. Tbe receipts
oi nogs were larger tnan generally anticipated,
accompanied with a moderate decline in prices,
and this feature had a tendency to enlarge the
offerings of products, especially for July deliv
ery. The general surroundines of the trade fa
vored tbe bear element, and the market lacked
support. Prices tavored buyers ind averaged
lower on all descriptions. Trading centered
mainly in July.
The leading rutures ranged as follows:
Wheat-No. 2 June. 78?8OX7S?i0SOVc;
July. 777SJge77578Kc; August, 767e
7676$Jc; year, 7bc
Cokn-No. 2 June, 3134&3434Kc; July,
8135K34Ke35c; August, 3S85
Oats-No. 2 June, 2223c; July, 222J233
Mess Poek, per bbh-Jnne. Sll 67&11 65
11 52KQ11 65; July. JU70U 75; August, $11 70
U 8oll 7011 &
Lard, per 100 s. June, S3 S06 856 S0
6 85: July, SS 8i6S!)6 858 77K; August,
SO 7fe-
Shobt Ribs, per 100 lbs. June, S5 955 97c;
Julv. $6 02H 056 008 05; August, $6 10
6 12f 07H6 12& .
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No.. 2 spring wheat, 8182c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 7176c No. 2 red, 80
SOJc No. 2 corn, Siy,c lio. 2 oats. 22Mc;
No. 2 rye. Vtiic No. 2 barley nominal. No.
1 flaxseed. Jl 56 Prime timothy seed. SI 3201 So.
Mess pork, per barrel, 11 65311 6a Lard,
per 100 lbs. SG SO. Short ribs sides
(loose). $5 906 00. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), 15 2o5 60. Short clear sides (boxed),
$6 25Q6 87K. Sutrars unchanged. Receints
Flour. 12.000 barrels; wheat, 12,000 bushels;
corn, 325,000 bushels; oats. 224,000 bushels: rye,
7,000 bushels; barley, 17,000 bushels. Ship
mentsFlour, 19,000 barrels; wheat, 140,000
bushels; corn, 502,000 bushels; oats, 118,000
bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; barley, 10,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was weak; fancy creamery, 20ac;
choice to fine, 1819c; fine dairies. 1618c; fair
to good. 12 Ha Eggs firm at UK12c
flow Broker McrTee Brings Down
Stocks When He Goes for Them.
An Argument From the Country in Favor
. of Opening Diamond Street.
New York Flour steady and moderately
active Corn meal more active and steady.
Wheat Spot quiet and JiHc higher; options
dull, Jmc higher and strong. Bye dull;
western. 4950c Barley quiet. Barley malt
dull. Corn Spot moderately active and
stronger; options moderately active and
stronger. Oats Spot firmer and quiet: options
firmer and fairly active. Hay steady and
quiet. Hops quiet and firm. Coffee Op
tions steady; closed 6gl0 points up;
sales of 41,250 baps, including May,16.8016.85c;
June. 16.95c; July, l7.1017.15c: August,
17.2017.25c; September, 17.3o17.40c; October,
17.40c: November and December, 17.50c: Febru
ary. 17.65c; March, 17Jb17.60c; spot Rio
steady; fair cargoes, 18c. Sugar Raw dull;
sales, 200 bags; molasses, 87 test,
at 6c: refined quiet and steady. Molasses
Foreign strong; New Orleans quiet.
Rice steady and auiet Cottonseed oil oniet.
Tallow steady. Rosin steady and quiet:
strained, common to good, tl 12J1 15. Turp
entine dull at 43c Egtrs in fair demand
and firmer; western, 1213c; receipt. 11,769
packages. Pork quiet; mess, SIS 00013 25;
extra prime, $12 00ial2 25. Cutineats quiet;
pickled hams, 10U10Kc: pickled shoulders,
6&5c; pickled bellies, 6iffi7c Lani
stronger; moderate demand; sales western
steam, $7 157 17K, closing at $7 17U bid;
city. S6 65: Mav. S7 15. dosinrr at S7 16: Jnnn.
S7 16; July, $7 187 19, closing at S7 19; August,
17 11 bid; September, S7 257 26, closing at
$726 bid. Butter easier; moderate demand;
western dairy, 1017c; do creamery, 1522c;
uiud, 4afic. VUCC5Q uruanum oeiter de
mand; western, S9c
St. Lours Flour active and steadv. Wheat
better. Mav sold lc lower early at 765c, re
covered to "C, and later was neglected. Tho
other options improved on strong cables, un
fa verable reports from the Northwest, and
with advancing markets at all points. The im
provement was slow and trading moderate,
though the close was firm, with June J
and Jnlr and Anp-nst XHritsJlt alinvo netAprf.v
"No. 2 red, cash. 77Kc; May, 76X77c closing at
77c;June, 7&V6l7oc, closing at 75V75cbid;
John McKee is theJDavy Crocket of the
local brokers. When he goes gunning for a
stock he generally brings it down. He was
hungry for Wheeling Gas yesterday, and
although he bagged considerable of it he had
to fight for every share he got Seeing that
he was determined to have it, the other bro
kers did nothing but run the price up on
him. Hut as that was business, and no
more than he expected, he neither kicked
nor backed out until he got about all he
wanted. His first bid was 33, at which price
five shares were handed over to him. This
opened the ball. His next bid was 33, at
which he raked in 100 shares. At 33 he
got 20; at 35 60; at S3, 125; at 33, 10,
at 34, 25 shares were entered to his account.
Els persistency attracted general attention
and was the only live feature of the market.
After it was all over Captain Barbqur said:
"When John makes up his mind that he wants
a thing he never rests until he gets it. He has
sand enough for two or three brokers."
Black & Baird yesterday put the finishing
touch to a real estate transaction Involving
5100,000 cool cash. Details of the deal were not
quite ready for laying before the public but
tbe property was described as "lying on a big
hill between tbe rivers," which locates it some
where above the city, probably on tbe line of
the main pipe of the Wllkinsburg water works,
as there are several tracts there that answer
to tbe veryindefinlte description. But no mat
ter where it is, it is a big deal, and furnishes
additional proof that real estate Is still in lively
While the architectural appearance of Pitts
burg ha improved to a wonderful degree
within the past dozen years or so. The future
promises still greater advances in the same di
rection. Among the buildings in course of
construction are those of the Commercial Na-.
tional Bank, the Oilman National Bank, the
Fidelity, the Vanfiergrift, the Gregg, and sev
eral others of 'almost equal importance. All of
these will be imposing in Mze, highly finished
and provided with the latest appliances for
comfort and convenience. This is at once an
evidence of prosperity and of an improved
taste on the part of our citizens. The new
Pittsburg will be one of the cleanest and hand
somest cities in the Union.
Country people appear to be as deeply inter
ested in the proposed Diamond street improve
ment as tbe city folk. They say the introduc
tion of cable cars, with two tracks, on Flitb
avenue, renders it dangerous for them to drive
over that thoroughfare to attend the markets.
The widening of Diamond street would not
only relieve them from this danger and annoy
ance, but would give a fresh impetus to the
country trade and largely increase the revenue
of the city. This is a new and forcible argu
ment in favor of the improvement.
'It would be impossible to tell just how much
money this cold, damp spell of weather has
cost us, bnt it is considerable," remarked an
East End gardener yesterday. "A large pro
portion of seed put in the ground early has
rotted, and replanting will be necessary, and
such vegetables as managed to thrust them
selves into the light give very little promise of
amounting to anything. But it is not too late
to repair damages, and a warm rain, followed
by clear, sunny weather, will bring things
around all right, except that the crops will be
late. SofarasI have investigated.no great
harm has been done to the early fruits and ber
ries. Another freeze, however, would make
almost a clean sweep of them."
Bomlne Business Vp to the Average, bat
Discounting Rather Slack.
.Local bankers reported tbat everything was
quiet in their line of business yesterday.
Checking and depositing were up to the aver
age, bnt the borrowing demand was light.
Rates were steady at 66 per cent, call and
time There was a sufficent supply of small
notes for actual requirements, and Eastern ex
change was dull. The Clearing House report
was smaller than had been expected from tbe
accumulation of New York business, but it
was large enough to indicate a respectable vol
ume of general trade. The exchanges were
52,289.908 14 and the balances 5459,113 62.
Money on call at New York, yesterday, was
easy at 2 to 4 per cent, last loan closed offered
at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 2 Ster
ling exchange qniet but firm at S4 87 for 60-day
bills and S4 8SJi for demand.
Government Bonds.
U.S.4Xt. ftg 1067gi31O7K
U. 8. 4Xs. coups 108 (giosg
U. 8.4s, rcg 129X0129S
U. 8. 4s, coups 129M129
t .. Hid.
Currency, 8 per cent. 1895 reg Jtl
Currency, 6 per cent. JS96reg. 124
Currency, 6 per cent, 1897reg. va
Currency, 0 per cent, lwsreg. VSi
Currency, 8per ceilt, 1899 rex. 132
Sales of foO, 000 registered 4s at 12ft and of 5,000
New York Clearings to-day, S157,164,205;
balances, $7,432,968. .
BoSTON-Clearings, $16,579,201; balances, $L
951,319. Money, 2 per cent
Baltimobe Clearings, $2,144,441; balances,
Pun, vdelphia Clearings, $13,922,522; bal
ances, $2,414,280.;
Chicago Money unohanged. Bank clear
ings, $14,921,000.
$2,694,426; balances,
for George Schmidt to John Schuster a house
on Taunehill street for $1,810 cash.
Mellon Bros, sold to Joseph Lament, of Lin
coln ave, Twenty-first ward, a six-room house
and lot 65x100, Mellon's plan, for $4,000. Mr.
Lamont will movo into his new bonse at once.
Alles Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold a
mortgage of $900 tor three years on property in
the Thirteenth ward at 6 per cent.
Black ABalrd. No. 95Tonrth avenue, sold
for Miss Eate Boegle to J. L. Fisher a two
story frame dwelling, No. 73 Hahon avenue,
with lot 16x100 feet for SL500.
W. A. Herron 4 Sons sold lot No. 3 in the
John L. Hoffman plan at Edgewood station,
Pennsylvania Railroad. 60x120 feet, for $900.
Cl O. Frazier, corner Forty-hfth and Butler
streets, sold for Edward Failer a frame dwell
ing of five rooms, lot 21x137 feet to a 20-foot
alley, situate No. 420 Taylor street Sixteenth
ward, to Mrs. Anna Maria Baur for $1,850 cash.
James W. Drape & Co. placed two mortgages
amounting to $90,000 on manufacturing prop
erty in tbe citv and in an adjoining county at 6
per cent; also'a mortgage of $2,500 on a farm
near Freeport, Pa., at 6 per cent
J. R. Cooper & Co. sold for George S. Martin
in Maplewood Park plan at WJiklnsburg,
seven lots in addition to those already sold, for
Eggs Firm Butter WeakPonltry
Scarce Potatoes a Drug.
Br Louis-Clearings,
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day was
Parts Three per cent rentes, 87f 60o for
the account
Berlin The statement of the Imperial
Bank of Germany shows an Increase in specie
of 8,820,000 marks.
Oil Dull and Weak Lambs Still Beluse to
Tbe oil market was both dull and weak
yesterday. The highest price was 86c the low
est 85o, and tUe close 85Kc a drop of half a
cent from the opening. Scarcity of certificates
and high premium doubtless prevented a worse
slump than it e xperienced, aa there was a total
absence of outside support Tbe feeling at the
windupwas decidedly bearish. There seems
to be a growing indisposition to trade pending
the experiments of the Standard in refining
the Lima product Until that mooted point is
settled, one way or another, a radical change
seems to be out of tbe question. A broker
said: "The longs, who have been gratified with
high carrying rates, will probably miss the
golden opportunity of selling at the top of the
advance. I look for lower prices to-morrow."
Field news was not generally important The
last well bought by Mr. Herron, of Herron &
Sons, In the Turkeyf oot region, is doing 60 bar
rels per day. Mr. Herron said he was much
gatifled, as he would have bet It would be dry.
e has not found a dry hole yet The .Bobbins
well, Washington county, was In the sand and
flowing at intervals at tbe rate of 200 barrels a
day. TbeAikin well, on the Hogartyfarm, at
Taylorstown, was doing 150 barrels per day.
Tbe Legionville well has been drilled deeper;
it aid lsi oarreis in the last 24 hours; tnere was
considerable salt water in it Fisher-Gardner
No. 3Turkeyf oot, was doing 200 barrels a day.
The Butchers' wildcat well, west of Brush
Creek, was dry.
........86 I Lowest
83 I Closed
c closing at 75V75'
Juiv.73B744C closing at 7474ftc; August,
73K74c, closing at 74J74ic Corn firm,
but trading light; No. 2 cash, SOJieSOKc; May!
8O;03O3c closine at S05&: Juno. SuKiffi.li
closing at 30Kc bid; August 31c closing at
S2c bid; September, S3X33c closing at SSK
Condition of the Market at the Xast Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
Friday. May 3, 18S9. J
CATCTjs Receipts. 900 head; shipments,
BOO bead; market nothing doing: all through
consignments; no cattle shipped to New York
HoQS-Recelpts, 2,000 head: shipments. 2,300
bead; market firm: Philadelphias, $4 905 00:
pigs and Yorkers, $4 05 00; 7 cars of hogs
shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 2.200 head: shipments,
2,200 head; market firm and a shade better.
By Telecraoh.
New York Beeves Receipts, 2,100 head,
including 41 carloads for exportation alive, 41
carloads for the market and 38 carloads for
city slaughterers direct; Inactive but firm, with
small, ordinary to good steers at $3 854 50:
bulls and Cry cows at $2 003 25; exports to
day and to-morrow, 1,050 beeves and 4.1S0 quar
ters of beef. Calves Receipts, 1.200 head; un
commonly dull at tbe lowest market of tbe sea
son. With at least L000 to sell after tbe closing
hours: veals sold at $3 254 25 per 1U0 lbs.; but
termilk calves at $1 502 50. Sheep Receipts,
2.700 head: slow at steady prices; unshorn sheep
sold at S5 005 60 per 100 lbs.; clipped do at
S3 0034 50: unshorn vearlinirs at . srvfffi m.
clipped do at S3 500 00: spring lambs at $4 00
5 50 each. Hogs Receipts, 2.400 head, nearly
all for slaughterers direct; nominally steadv at
g5 105 4a 3
Kansas Cttt Cattle Steady on demand;
beer and shipping steers closing strong and lOo
higher; cows, stackers and feeding steers
steady; good to choice corn-fed, $3 854 10
common to medium. S3 003 75; stockers and
feeding steers, S2 003 60; cows, SI 753 00.
Hogs Receipts, 1,670 head; shipments, L564
.head; market steady to a. shade lower
0SU? cjjo'ce- 454 50: common to medium.
$4 2o4 4C. Sheep-Receipts, 923 head; shiS
ments, 510 head; market slow and weak
good to choice muttons, S4 004 40; common to
medium, $2 503 75.
St. Lotos Cattle Receipts. 800 head; ship
ments, SO0: market stronger: heavy natives
selections. $3 80(34 40; fair to good do. S3 O0S
S 90; fair to good stockers and feeders. S2 10
3 00: rangers, corn-fed,J270360;grass-fed,$l 90
2 80. Hogs-Receipts. 2,000 head; shipments,
8,100; market stronger; choice heavy and
butchers' selections $4 604 65; packing, me
dium to prime, S4 40ffl4 60: light irradesr ordi
nary to best $4 454 60. Sheep Receipts. 4.700
head; shipments, 1,600 head; market slow: fair
to choice, J3 00Q4 41
Chicaoo Cattle Receipts. 6,000 hud:
shipments, 4.000 head; market strong and
higher: beeves. $4 404 60; steers, $3 404 80;
stockers and feeders. $2 603 65; Texas cattle,
J3 00S 7a Hogs Receipts. 18,000 head: ship
merits, 7,500 head; market lower: mixed. $4 55
472& heary, J 4 72; lipbt,H 60485;
sUps,$3 504Sa Sheen-Receipts. 6,000 head;
snipments, a.ow uwuj uiaiM.ei.ieaay; natives.
S3 00S5 30: Western. 8 14064 SO; Texans, $2 25
4 35; lambs, 765 8a
Buffalo Cattle steady at Monday's prices
for libt .raedljms; nothing doing in heavy;
receipts.-lmds through; 6 loads sale. Sheep
and lambs dragging and lower for sheep: lambs
slow; receipts, 8 loads through; 35 loads sale.
Hogs active and 510obighen about all sold:
receipts, 85 loads through; 22 loads sale; York
ers, S5 0o5 10; mediums, $3 005 05.
CrucntNATi Hogs scarce and higher: com
mon and light $4 004 75: packing and bntch
en. $4 654 70; receipts, 1500 head; shipments,
TT. BarUfCHnterettina ike'lch in U-morrouft
Dispatch. Tht article givei a very armulng
toccpuntof,acUuntaii'SBerttnet Munla.
Clans Spreckels, the sugar king, said in a re
cent interview: "My own idea is that in a few
years we will import no sugar. Not only does
the beet grow to perfection in California, but it
can as easily be grown in Pennsylvania and In
all of the Central States. In California we get
from It 13 per cent of sugar to 9 per cent that
tbe European beet produces. A short time ago
the few remaining shares of a $5,000,000 stock
company, of which I own a majority, were sub
scribed in Ban Francisco and a new company
incorporated, which will be amply able to sup
ply America with beet sugar."
To this may be added the fact that Kansas,
as stated in an interview with a Butler county
farmer, which appeared in The Dispatch a
few weeks ago, is producing enough sugar
from sorghum to supply Its own wants. There
is no good reason why Pennsylvania should be
behind other States in the movement to obtain
a home supply of this necessary article.
HODS 47,297
Average 47,297
Shipments 93,466
Average .'... 83.468
Clearances 1,636,000
Refined, New York. 6.85.
Kenned. London, 6S.
Refined, Antwerp. 1SJ.
New York closed 85.
Oil Citv closed 85K.
.Bradford closed 8$4.
A B. McGrew a Co. quote: Puts, 8; calls,
abxtTv. xtaiivv uuieu j: lajkneeu, fl 40, i3aiT'
trinc firm: prices ranee at 8?fi!10?&. Iron eot.
ton ties, SI la Provisions quiet and easy.
Philadelphia Flour dull and weak.
"Wheat very dull and prices largely nominal;
sales uncraded, in grain depot SI 05; No. 2 red.
May, 90091c; June, 8990Uc; July, 8S84c;
August 82K83Jc Corn firm under light
offerings: No. 2 hich mixed, in Twentieth
street elevators, 43K6844c: No. 2 mixed. May.
42i2Jc:June, 41Ji42ic; July, 42J43c; Au
gust, 4243c Oats Carlots more active
and prices firm; sales ungraded white, choice,
34c: No.3white.3030Kc; No. 2 white. 32
32c; futures quiet and firm: No. 2 white.
May, 31K31Jc: June, 31332c; July. 82K
82c: August 8132c Provisions dull and
steady. Butter steady and In fair demand;
Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 23c Eggs
firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 13c Cheese steady;
part skims, 67c
Cincinnati Flour unchanged. Wheat
dull; No. 2 sred. Sic: receipts, none; hlpments,
none. Corn steady: No. 2 mixed, 37c Oats firm;
No. 2 mixed, 27c Rje in light demand; No. 2.
48c Pork steady at $12 25. Lard steady at
S6 62) Bulkmeats and bacon steady and un
changed. Butter easy. Sugar steady and firm.
jeggs oareiy steady, uneese nrm.
Milwaukee Flour easier. Wheat firm
casb, 77c: June, 77c; July, 78Jic Corn
firm; No. 3, 34Kc Oats dull; No. 2 white
26c Rye Jinn; No. 1, 43Kc Barley quiet;
Na 3, 63c Provisions firm. Pork Cash Sll 65
June, Sll 65. Lard Cash. S6 80; June, $5 85,
Cheese easy; Cheddars. 9Q10c
BaltHiore Provisions steady. Butter
dull; Western packed, 1518c; creamery, 22
25c Eggs firm at 12c Coffee dull; Rio. fair.
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, S4 CO. Re
ceipts, none; shipments, 174 bags.
Wool markets.
Philadelphia The market is quiet, prices
nominal and unchanged.
St. Louis Arrivals gradually improving in
amount and under a good demand the market
was firm.
New York Wool steady and dull; domestic
fleece, 8238c; pulled, 23S9c; Texas, H29c.
Bostok There have been c.ioq ,(.
week of all kind of wool amounting to 2,137,200
pounds, of which L1E9.000 are of foreign grades
and the rest domestic It will be seen, there
fore, that the business in domestic wool has
been very small. Bnt few manufacturers have
been here, and those who havebeen have taken
only small Interest In prices there are no
changes to note. A few small invoices of new
clip have been received, mostly Tat sheep wool.
Fine washed fleeces are very quiet at previous
prices. Ohio wool is offered at SlgacforX
and XX, and Michigan at 2930cfor X. A
small sale of No. 1 Ohio combing was made at
39cand in unwashed combing there have been
sales of Kentucky and Missouri three-elchths
blood at 27MS0c Territory. Texas and nth.--
unwashed wools are qniet, with small sales of
Territory at 1632c; Oregon at I620c, and
California at 1725c Bales of Michigan fat
sheep wool have been made at 25BK7o lur
medium, and Zl22c for fine. Pulled wools are
quite active, and sell at 3038c for super, and
at 2528c for extra. A good demand for Aus
tralian Is noticed, and sales have been made ot
879,000 pounds at 3841c. In Montevideo there
were sales of 650,000 pounds at 295SVc Forty
thousand pounds of Cape wool sold at 15K
S7Je in bond, duty paid, Carpet wools aro
quiet and steady,
Metal Markets.
New York Pig iron steady: American.
815 00017 6a Copper weak: lake. May. SIS 75.
Lead strong; domestic 88 75. Tin dull and
easier; Straits, S S3.
ne-Zua.KftI emmmeetnpymorreuft DM
patch; Jtitvrmenin mat outfter- haaviett
BHd (LS.. vMadli 1 JI - u uM
trw WH nnff VrWVT9
Stock Denllngs Restricted to a Few Shares
The Ontlookfor Philadelphia.
There were small and apathetic audiences at
both of the stock calls yesterday. Philadelphia
Gas was hammered down in tbe morning to S3,
bnt recovered some of the loss in the afternoon,
selling up to 38 and closing steady. It was
freely offered. Tbe feature of the day was
Wheeling Gas, which, under lively bidding by
John McKee, advanced a point on liberal sales,
and closed strong at the best figures. Electric
was a little more active, going at 57 and 67.
The Tractions were steady and quiet Ten
shares of National Marine Bank changed bands
at 107. Switch and Signal and the mining
stocks were weak and neglected. The total
shares aggregated 1,238 shares, of which Wheel
ing Gas furnished the bulk. T
Concerning Philadelphia Gas, which con
tinues to attract considerable interest, a broker
said: "I cannot see anything in the situation of
the company to justify tho lowprice at which
it is selling. Therefore I am compelled to
attribute it to manipulation on the part of a
clique who have orders for the stock, but are
trying to hammer it down before loading up."
Another broker held that tbe opening of a new
field was a tacit admission that the old wells
were giving out adding that the rejuvenated
Murraysville well would soon subside. Tho
same experiment badbeen tried In other places
and always proved disappointing. It was gen
erally admitted that the meeting on Monday
would have an Important bearing on tbe future
of the stock, as it would probably elear up
some knotty questions which have been hang
ing over it like a wet blanket Bids, offerings and
sales are appended:
Bid. Asked.
Pitts. Pets. AM. ex..
Allegheny Nat Bk....
Commercial N. Hank..
Pitts. U. B. ofCom'co
Marine Nat. Bank....
Boatman's Ins
People's Kflir Co..
Philadelphia Co.. ......
Wbeeuntr u w
Central Traction
Citizens' Traction
Pittsburg Traction....
Pleasant Valley R.B...
Pitts. & Western K. K.
P. & W. B. .it pref...
LaNoria Ulnlnjt Co...
Westlnghonse Electric
U. Switch ft Signal Co.
Westlng'se Air B. Co-
Sales at the first call were 200 shares of Phila
SS1. 100atSS.2iKlev
Central Traction atsn.
Shared Philarinlnhli Hna
sold at 3SX. 20 at SS& 100 Wheeling at 83. 5 at
S3.20at33, 60 at 83& 125 at S3& 10at8 25
at 34,10 Marino Bank at HMTIttsburgand
Western preferred at 18 90 Central Traction
at 29.
Henry M. Long sold 200 shares of Electric at
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 255,921 shares, including Atchison,
18,410; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
16,900; Louisville and Nashville. 7.260; Missouri
Pacific T.295! Northwestern. 8.375: Northern
Pacific preferred, 7.380; Oregon Transconti
nental, 14,010; Reading, 24.700: Richmond and
West Point 19.370; St Paul, 27.020; Union
Paciflc, 14,200; Western Union, 8,171
Bid. Asked.
- o
6 63
"i- 105
106 107
35 ....
..;? g n $
75 .,.. ' 7454
KJ( 55 65$
175 r200 ITS 200
10X 10X 10)f ....
iX ,92 ,gK
K ST5f S7 B8
im 129 A
How the Rothschilds Are Gobbling tbe Oil
Trade of Russia.
North British Dally Mall.
The great Paris firm of Messrs, Rothschild
seems to have seriously taken the Russian
petroleum trade into its meshes, evoking there
by tbe wrath oi the patriotic Russian press.
Messrs. Nobel still apparently maintain their
independent position, but tbe smaller firms are
gradually being drawn into the net of the great
French financiers who have already made a
firm footing for themselves on Muscovite soil.
The Rothschilds export annually by rail on
tbelr own account over 2.500,000 poods
(one pood, SS pounds English) of petro
leum, while - no less than 41 private
firms supply them by contract with
13.500,000 poods, in addition to which 1,500,000
poods are sent by way of the Volga, thus mak
ing a total exportation of 17,600,000 poods per
annum. Taking tbe total consumption of
petroleum in Russia at 20,000,000 ponds, and
the foreign exports of other firms at 12,000,000
or 32,000,000 poods in all, it would follow that
more than half of all the Russian petroleum in
tbe market is already in the hands of tbe Roths-
ennus. nut mis is only the commencement, as
it is currently stated that ten more firms nave
quite recently concluded negotiations with tbe
Rothschilds. For all the petroleum which
the latter thus take on commission from the
smaller private producers, a certain sum is
deducted for leakage, storing and so forth,
averaging 15 copecks per pood, and amount
ing to nearly 2,500,000 roubles per annum. Tho
whole of this amount is not of course, so much
clear profit to the Rothschilds, as the actual
expenses probably do amount to 1000,000
roubles; but the system is not a good one for
tbe Baku producers, whose position reminds
one somewhat of that of the Russian peasants,
who sell their corn in autumn to the landlords
at 3 roubles the tchetvert, and buy it back again
in spring at 5 roubles for tbe same quantity.
But such an arrangement as that above-named
docs not suffice for tbe Rothschild firm, who
are using tbeir best endeavors to acquire pos
session of the petroleum district itself.
The firm continues to receive offers from
many solid producers to take over their whole
business, but up to the present the Rothschilds
have shown no great eagerness to do so. The
reason. of this disinclination is not tbat they do
not wish to augment their undertaking, but be
cause tbey see f nrther tban tbe Russian firms
think. Tbey ask themselves why tbey should
tbus spend millions in order to buy up the more
important producers, since by so doing they
would merely acquire ground already exhaust
ed with antiquated machinery and ancient
plant It is far better for them to take their
money to virgin soil. By following such a
policy they have already acquired about 120
acres of land which has never been worked,
and where almost any amount of naphtha can
be obtained without any deep boring. Thus
It appears that the petroleum industry is
rapidly becoming a pure monopoly; and
once the Rothschilds have made themselves
master of the market they will fill it with goods
of their Own, and at their own pi ice; and who
then can say what will be the limit of their de
mand. Already, savs our corresnondent the
Rothschilds have spoilt the Russian petroleum
trade by flooding tne foreign markets with in
ferior articles from all sorts of producers. It
will be quite impossible to compete with the
American petroleum in this manner, and the
Baku firms fear that tbe reputation of their
petroleum, which tbe great Nobel firm bad done
so much to improve, will be very considerably
lowered. Great surprise has been expressed
among them, too, that the Minister of Finance
should have opposed the passing of a law last
year which was proposed to forbid the acquisi
tion of petroleum land by foreigners.
They Break Under Covering by the Shorts
and Purchase for tbo Long Account,
Bnt Rally and Close nt the
Best Figures.
NEwYonK,May3. The stock market was
again fairly active and generally strong to-day,
but there was not tbe same uniform movement
that has characterized tbe dealings of the
previous days, and some stocks to-night are
slightly lower than last evening. The great
feature of the day was the buying of the
grangers' stocks, and they again led in the
point of activity and strength. The covering
of tbe shorts and purchases for the long ac
count by the western operators who have so
lately been of a bearish turn of mind still con
tinued and Burlington still felt the stimulus of
tbe remarkable increase in its earnings for
March, bringing the rest of the stocks of the
roads in that section of thaxountry with it
The fact of the probability of a renewal of the
negotiations between tbe union and Northern
Pacifies was not known until after the close of
business. There was a decidedly bullish feel
ing upon the street this morning and made
Union Pacific once more one of 'the leading
strong stocks.
There were $2,750,000 gold engaged for export
to-morrow, and while this bad some effect to re
strict the upward movement it could not stop
it, and its influence soon wore away though
there was an attempt to get np a slight scarcity
of money in the last part of the day upon the
strength of it The beats, as on vesterdav.
made a demonstration against tbe list in the
forenoon and actually succeeded in getting
some stocks down to a shade below thair open
ing figure at noon, but there was alarge amount
of Burlington called in which had been loaned
and it commanded a premium for use at one
time otli per cent per diem, and steadily rose
and reached a point within 1 per cent of par be
fore the close. A feature of the dealings also
was tbe heavy foreign buying of St. Paul, al
though the stock moved up only fractionally
but displayed a marked strong tone throughout
the day. The activity In Richmond and West
Point was a marked feature of tbe early trading
but after the nature of the probable action at
to-morrow's meeting was known, the stock fell
away and steadied down.
Tho opening prices were generally from to
per cent higher than last evening's figures
and these gains were further Increased in the
early trading by fractional amounts with
Lackawanna, Richmond and West Point and
Union Pacific leading. Tbe bears, however,
succeeded In bringing the general list down to
about tbe level of openiug figures before the
end of tbe first hour, after whicb there was a
period of stagnation, the only feature being the
weakness in Pullman, wbich declined about 4
per cent The grangers then came to the front
and developed marked strength which lasted
until the close, which was active and strong at
the best figures. Pullman is alone in showlnga
material loss to-night, being down lper cent,
but Burlington is up 2lA Oregon Navigation,
2; Chattanooga, 2; Union Paciflc 1& and
most of tbe others fractional amounts.
Railroad bonds were not in such nrgent de
mand as vesterdav. but the business done
aggregated $1,834,000, and a stiong tone was
noticeable throughout tbo day, resulting in
advances all through the list There were very
few marked changes among the active bonds,
however, and the important gains are generally
among the neglected class of bonds. The Bur
lington, Quincv and Denver 4s rose 2 to 91,
Denver South Park firsts 2 to 89. Denver
and Rio Grande Western certificates 2 to
87, Gulf Colorado Santa Fe seconds 2 to 95.
The following table snows tbe prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
Open- Highlit!-,
Am. Cotton Oil 55
Atch.. Top. ft S. P.... 43 433f
Canadian Pacific H MX
Canada Southern S3 S3
Central of New Jersey. XH 96Jf
Central fi-lflo
Chesapeake ft Ohio ... 17ft 17
C. Bur. ft Quincv..... VI 'A ma
O., Mil. a St. Paul.... CGJi
c, iiu.ftst. p., pr....ioe
C itockL4P........ WV
C St. L. ft Pitts 17g
O., St L. ft Pitts, pf.. Ziii
C. St.P..M.ftO W
C, St. P..M. ft O., pr. 94l(
C. ft Northwestern. ...VTiH
C. ft northwestern, pf. ....
C. CC.il
Col. Coal ft Iron 25
Col. ft Hocking Val .. 19X
Del.. L. ftW. I38H
Del. ft Hudson 137M
Denver ft KioU
DeuverftBlaG., pr... 48
E.T., Va. &Ua
E.T.,Va.4Ga.. Istpf70
E.T.. Va.ftGa.2dpf. ....
Illinois Central.. . ,
Late Erie ft Western.. 18K
Ear Corn the Strongest Cereal Factor
Hay the Weakest.
Office of Pittsbttho Dispatch,
Friday, May 3, 1889. (
Country Produce Jobbing; Price.
Eggs are tending upward, with 12c as the
outside figure. Butter is drifting in the other
direction on account of liberal receipts. The
advance in apples bas brought abundant sup
plies to markets, and-prices are off from a few
days ago. Potatoes are slow as ever. Tbe old
stock is being worked off by farmers at what
ever it will bring. A. countryman from the
Panhandle region reports tbat potatoes can be
bougbt there for 10c a bushel. A year ago they
sold at 8L Poultry was never scarcer through
Western Pennsylvania tban it Is at this date.
Strawberries are in supply above demand, and
a reasonably good article can be bougbt to-day
for from 10 to 15c per quart Sweltzer cheese
is slow. The knocking out of so many saloons
in this city's baillwicthas had a depressing in
fluence on trade in Limburger and Sweitzer
cheese, so dealers report
BDTTZB Creamery, Elgin, 2526o; Ohio do,
232oc; fresh dairy packed. 1819c; country
rolls. 1720c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter,
S0K31c; No. S white, 2830c; No. 2 mixed.
KTB No. 1 Western. 70375c; Na 2, !5?66c.
Baulky No. 1 Canada, 9e3e6c: No. 2 Cana
da. 85-8Sc; No. 8 Canada, 7073o; Lake Shore.
Floue Jobbing price J, winter patents,
to 6005 75: spring patents, tS 008 00; winter
straight 4 755 00- clear winter. S4 6004 73:
straight XXXX baiters'. S4 0004 25. Rye flour.
3 S03 75. '
MixLFxxD-MIddlings, fine white, 15 00
18 00 V ton; brown middlings, $11 6012 60;
winter wbeat bran, !13 0013 SO; chop feed,
15 0016 00,
Hat Baled timothy, choice, 14 0014 50;
No.ldo,$130013 25; No. 2 do. Ill 0012 50;
loose from wagon, 818 00018 00: No. 1 upland
prairie, 310 00010 50; No. 2. 88 C08 50; packing
So.$560650. '
8TBAW-Oats, 88 000825; wheat and rye
straw, $7 00750S 00.
Beans $1 75J51 9a
Beeswax 2S30c ft & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 16 50427 50; common,
S3 604 00; crab cider, t8 008 60 ft barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ft gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cneese, 9K10c;i Ohio
cheese, fall make, 1212Kc; New York, fall
make, 1212c: Limi-urger, 910c: domestic
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Jc; angar-cured
bams, medium, lie; sugar-enred hams, small,
llKc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10Jc:sngar
cured shoulders, 8c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8cr sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, llc; bacon shoulders, TkT; bacon
clear sides, 8jc: bacon clear bellies, 5c: dry
salt shoulders, 6c: ory salt clear sides, 7c.
Mess pork, heavy, 814 00; mess pore, familv,
$14 60. Lard Refined- in tierces, 7c; half
barrels, 7c: 60-B tnbs, 7K 20-B pails. 7c;60
B tin cans, 7c: S-& tin pails, 8Jc; 5-ft tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c SmoCed sausage, long,
5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Pigs feet,
half barrel, 84 OOj quarter barrel, Jl 90.
1 Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to550 fts,
6c: 550 to 650 is, &c: 650 to 750 lis, 6Kc Sheep,
Sc f ft. Lambs, 9c $1 ft. Hogs, 6J4C Fresh
pork loins. 9c.
bushel; split do,
Sweltzer cheese. 9Ki
Dried Peas Si 2oi
Kqqs 1212e fl dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 80c 9) dozen; duck eggs, 15c $
FHTJITS Apples, 82 002 50 ? barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c f) ft; cranberries, $45
f! barrel, 50cSl 00 per bushel; strawberries,
1015c a quart.
Feathers Extra live geese. 60060c; No.l
do.. 4045c; mixed lots, 80S&c $1 ft.
Hohey New cron. 16ai7c: buckwheat 13
Hominy S2 652 75 ft barrel.
Potatoes Potatoes. 8035c ft bushel; $3 75
4 00 for Jersey sweets; seed sweets, $2 50
2 75.
Podxtbt Live chickens, 756800 $ pair;
unurawn cnicxeng, lutgiizc ft a; drawn, li'0
15c ft ft; turkeys, 1820c dressed, ft ft; ducks,
live, 6070c V pair; dressed, 1314c ft ft; geese,
live, 81 001 25ft pair.
Seeds Clover.cholce, 62 fts to bushel, 85 60 ft
bushel; clover.large English, 62 ft-.SO 00: clover,
Alsike, 88 50; clover, white, 89 00: timothy,
choice. 45 fts, $1 65; bine grass, extra clean, 14
fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lis, 81 00; orchard
grass, 14 lis, $1 65; red top, 14 fts, 81 25; millet
60 lis, Jl 00: German millet, 60 fts, SI 50; Hun
garian grass, 60 lis, 81 00; lawn grass, mixture
of fine grasses, $2 50 ft bushel of 14 lis.
Tallow Country, 4$5c; city rendered.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 60a
6 60 ft box; Messina oranges, S3 5004 00
ft box; Valencia oranges, fancy. $8 60
S 50 ft case: bananas, S2 60, firsts; SI 60, good
seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, S4 00460 ft
uuuuruu, now iiira, triw m uouuu: uaies, QV
6c ft pound.
Vegetables Radishes, 30c ft dozen; mar
rowfat peas, S3 00 53 crate: new cabbasre. 82 25
2 60 ft crate; onions, SI 001 25 $ barrel;
onion sets, fancy Erles. $2 603 00; Jerseys,
82 002 50; turnips, 4060c ft barrel.
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. SS'i
Lake Shore ft M. S 103U
Louisville ft Nashville. 69
Mlctilgan Central 87
Mobile Ohio
Mo., h.. ftTexas 126
Missouri i'aclnc. ...... 7214
ew lork Central. ...J07M
. Y L.E. ft V 2SS
K.I., L. E. 4 W.prel 71
H. 1., C. StL
N. X C. ft St L. pr.
N.Y.. a ftStli.2d pr ....
JX. Y., O. ft W 17
Norfolk ft Western
Northern Pacific X
Nortnern Pacific pref. 61
Ohio ft Mississippi 23
Oregon Improvement MM
Oreeon Transcon 83'i
PacincMatI 3B
Peo. Dec. ft Evans 2JH
Phlladel. ft Iteadlnz.. Kii
Pullman Palace Car. ..131
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 26K
Ktchmond ft W.P.T.pf SOU
St. Paul Duluth
St. Paul Dulnth pr.
St p., Minn. ftMan
St.li. ftSan Fran
St. L. ft San Fran pr.. 62
St. L. ft San F.lst pr.
Texas Pacific 21
Union Paclnc ea'A
Wabash 15'
Wabash preferred ZbV
Western Union
Wheeling ft L. E 66
National Lead Trust. -'X
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur
H uuney s DKpnenso:
Jiemoera new
nlshed by wbltne;
Fourth avenne.
ft Stephenson, brokers, Ko 57
lore BtOCk .EX-
Mining Stocks.
New YORK, ifay 8. Mining quotations
closed: Amador. 100: Bodle, 165; Caledonia,
810; Cowolidated California and Vltglnia, 400;
EtCrfeto, ISfcGould&Carry.'JW; Mexican, 4;
Matafti, 1; Sierra, 'U eva-s. '489, Snail Hopes,
j. i. .'v.u'a . - . - 1
Other Oil Markets.
Oil City. May 3.-National transit cer
tificates opened at 85c; highest 85c; low
est S5c; closed. S5jc
Bradford, May 3,-National .transit cer
tificates opened 1st 8c; highest, 85c lowest.
SoJ-Jc; closed at 85c
TrrusviLLE. May 3 National transit cer
tificates opened at 85c: highest 85Jc; low
est 85c: closed, 85c.
New York, May 8.-?etroleum opened
steady at 85c, bnt after the first sales became
dull and tho price sagged off slowly to 85c A
slight reaction followed, on which the market
closed steady at 85c. Sales, 420.000 barrels.
Hlil. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad UK HV
Reading Railroad 22 IMS 22H
Bufialo, Pittsburg and Western Jl 12
Lehigh VaUey 53JJ S3Jf
Lehlgli Navigation Btti
Philadelphia and Erie JU
Allegheny Valley bonds, 113H
V. Co. 's New Jersey 2225
Northern Paciflc 25K 2a5(
Northern Paclflo preferred Wi Si
Boston Stocks.
Atch. ft Top.. 1st 7s. 116X
Atcb.ftTon.B.lt.. KH
.Boston s Aioany...2t
Boston ft Maine 18J
C. B. 4J 09
CInn. tian. ft CleTe. 25
Eastern R. it tlli
runts jrerejn. ma. vt
K.CSt J.ft O.B. 7S.120JJ
Mexican Cen. com.. Wi
i. V. ftJiewEng... iZH
X. Y.&JJewEn 7s.l26!i
Ogd.L.Cham,com. S
Old Colony 12M
Kntland preferred.. 40
Wis. Central, com... 17K
Wis. Central pf,... 39
AlIouezM'ECbfnew) I
Calumet ft Hecla....207K
Osceola 9l
trewBDic mew- ..... J
Qulncr .
Bell Telephone.,
Boston Land....
Water Power...
Tamarack ,
The Real Estnte Bniinen Shovra Tbat It
Has Staying Qualities.
John F. Baxter sold to Samuel J. Durbin, lots
Nos. 241, 242 and 243, Size 40x137 feet, fronting
on north side of Kelly street, in Bank of Com
merce addition at Brnshton, for $1,200.
E. D. "Wingenroth, 100 Fourth avenne, sold
tot the heirs of Rev. Joseph Hunter, deceased,
three lots, aggregating 66x94 feet, in the Hun
ter plan, at the corner of Hill and Water
Mreets, WUklasfcutf,
W JV . aJ&
Tlie Iron Industry cf Sweden.
It is said that 859 iron mines are at present
open, although 233 are only worked sufficiently
to avoid the forfeiture of the concession. Tho
number of rolling mills in Sweden is put down
at 217, wbich turn out about 24,000,000 kilos, of
bars, the iron being generally refined by the
same process as the Lancashire works. In tbe
Uanncmora district, however, the iron masters
adhere to the system introduced-from Holland
by Luis de Gcer In the Seventeenth century,
and which requires 17 to 23 cubic meters of
charcoal for the production of one ton of iron.
Altogether about 6,400 hands are employed in
tho Swedish iron mines and rolling mills.
Prices of Iron In Germnny.
Tbe following are the current prices for iron
compared with the average prices at tbe same
season of tbe year for the last fire years; Best
Rhenlsh-Westpballan foige pig, 67s. (47s.):
German foundry pig, No. 1,63s. (59s.); Bessemer
pig, 67s. (51s.): basic steel pig,r 47s. (423.1: Rhen-hb-estohallan
bars, 130s. 6d. (110s.); Rbenleb
Weetphalian angles; 136a. (llSe.i-SIlesian joists,.
130 . (127S.); Rhenish-Westplialfdn boilerplates,
lifc. (um. ); Rbesih-WeetpI)Kan wire, life. W.-flMs-n.-wlre
nails. 186s. (Hte.lt RlHniih.Wot-
2i..iii .. . u uu ito.1 7..M-..a iu.r
ytatttma bwh-j raw, aw. i,jwj
New York City has been so given up to Cen
tennial doings the past few days that markets
are hardly quotable. Coffee options advanced
20 points yesterday. Sugars are firm enough to
go higher soon.
Grees Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, l&19c;
old Government Java, 27c, Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, S0KSlc; Santos, 1922J Caracas
coffee. 20H22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c;
high grades, 2628c; old Government Java,
bulk. 32K33tfc;Maracalbo,27K28JjC, Santos,
22243; peaberrv, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25Kc; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio.
22Kc; ordinary, 2lc.
&PICE3 (whole)-Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c:
cassia, 89c: pepper. 19c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers prices)-110 test 7c;
Ohio. 120, 8Xc; headlight, 160. 8K water
white, lOc: globe, 12o; elalne, 15c; carnadine,
llKc;royaline, 14c.
oxBura "jorn syrups, anisic; cnoloe sugar
syrup, 33SSc; prime Bugar syrup, 3053c; strict
ly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48ci choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c;mlxed, 4042c
SoDA-Bl-carb in kegs, 3J4c; bi-carb in K'.
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 58c; sal
soda in kegB, c: do granulated, 2c.
CANDLEs-Star, foil weight, 9c;stearine,per
set 8Kc:parafflne, ll12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6V
7c; prime. 5K6Kc; Louisiana, 66Kc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 6j7c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign FRUrrs-Layer raisins, 12 65: Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: Caifomia Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7KSc; sultana, 8c; currants, -new, 4fac
Turkey prunes, new, 45c: French prunes,
8K18c;Salonlca prnnes, in 2-ft packages, 8c;
cocoanuts, per 100, SC 00; almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap..
12K15c; Sicily Alberts. 12c; Smyrna rigs, 2k
lCc; new dates, 66c; Brazil sots, 10c;
pecans, ll15c; citron, per "ft, 2122c; lemon
peel, per ft. 13014c; orange peel, 12J$c.
-u..o. .uv..o Fl""i oi.v.v, ye io, uu;
apples, evaporatedjSi6)ic: apricots, Callfor-
nca, eraporaieu, iodise; peacnes, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cuernes, uiiumeu, iKftoc; rajpuernes, evapor
ated, 2424Uc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries, lugihc
Bugabs Cubes, 99c; powdered, 9
9Jc; granulated, Oc; confectioners' A. 8!c:
standard A. 8fCe: soft whites. 8Ji0S?c: jellow,
choice. 7KSjc; yellow, good. 77c; yel
low, fair7Kc: yellow, dark, nic
PlCKLES-Medium. bbls. (1,200), M 60; me
diums, half bbls. (600). $2 75.
Salt-N o. 1 $ bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. a bW, $1 05:
dairy. bbl, SI 20; coarse .crystal, M bbl. Jl 20;
Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, ?2 80. Higcin's
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00.
Casned Goods Standard peaches, Jl 30
1 90; 2ds, SI 3C1 35; extra peaches. SI 501 90;
pie peaches. Cue; finest corn, $1 001 50; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7O90c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7b
85c; marrowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, SI 401 60: Bahama do,
52 (5; damson plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25;
egg plums, S2 00; California pears, 52 50; do
greengages, S2 00: do egg plums. $2 00; extra
white cherries, $2 90; red cherries. 2 lis, 90c:
raspberries, $1 401 50; strawberries. SI 10:
KuuaeucrrieB, tx ii-l ou; tomatoes, SKJ!Kc;
salmon, 1-B, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; euc-cotisb,2-ft
cans, Aoakerl, 99c do green, 2fts.
81 2501 60: corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75; 14-6 can?
S13 50: baked beans. SI 4001 4,v. inhnnr 1 n.
Si 751 80t mackerel? 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50:
sardines, domestic. s, $4 1504 50; sardines,
domestic, Ks, SS 258 0: sardines, imported,
Us, Sll 601J 50; sardines, imported, Ms, $18 00;
sardines, mustard, J4 Ott sardines, spiced, 84 25.
Fisn-Bxtra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 W
bbl.; extra No.l do, mess.. J40; extra Na 1
mackerel.shore, S32; extra No. 1 do. messed. S36:
No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock. 4)c If) ft.; do medium, George's cod,
Be; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 0K7c. Herring
Round Shore. $3 00 f bbl.; split, $7 00; lake, $2 50
fl-100-ft. half bbl. White fish; J7 100-ft. half
bbL Lake tront, S5 60 ?) half bbl. Finnan
haddock, 10c ft. Ireland halibut. 13c W ft.
Pickerel, yi barrel, S2 00; K barrel, SI 10: Po
tomac nernng, jo j Darrei. sz 00 f y. narrel.
OATMEAL-S8 0OQ6 GO $ bbl.
Miners' Oil Na 1 winter strained, 6S80c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
The Market Continues Active, With Price
Irregular bnt Strong.
SpeclaLBeport by Cable for the American JIana-''
LONDON. May 2.
Scotch Pig Barely steady market, buf busi
ness fair.
No.l Coltness 55s. Od. f. 0. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Summerlee 54s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow
Na 1 Gartsherrie 52s. 60. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Langloan 55s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Carnbroe ..47s. 6d. f. 0. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Sbotts JSa. 6a. f. 0. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Glengarnock 52s. OoV at Ardrossan.
No. 1 Dalmellinzton ...46s. Od. at Ardrossan.
kNo. 1 Eglinton 44s. 6d. at Ardrossan.
Bessemer Pig Market active, with prices
Irregular but strong. West Coast brands qnoted
at 60s Bd for Nos. 1, 2, 8, f. o. b. shipping point
Middlesbrough Pig Irregular market but
trade active. Good brands quoted at 88s. Sd.
for No. 3.f. o. b.
Spiegeleisen Firm market, trade qniet.
English 20 per cent quoted at 80s. f. o. b. at
Steel Wire Rods Market is steady, but de
mand moderate. Mild steel. No. (J, quoted at
6 0s. Od. f. o. b. shipping port.
Steel Rails This market is firm, but busi
ness is less active. Standard Sections quoted at
4 12s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point
Steel Blooms Firm market and demand
fair. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 2s. 6d. f. a b.
shlpplngpolnt ,
Steel Billets Tfiis market continues firm
but quiet Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted
at 4 10s. f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Slabs No material change since last
week. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 2s. 6d. f. o.
b. shipping point
Crop Ends Demand moderate and market
steady. Run of the mill quoted at 2 15s. Od. f.
0. b. shipping point
Old Ralls Dull market and prices rather
weak. Tees quoted at 3 7s. 6d. and double
heads at 3 12s. 6d. c. t f. New York.
Scrap Iron Prices have grown weak on a
dull market Heavy wrought quoted at 2 6s.
f. o. b. shipping points.
Manufactured Iron Firm market,andthe de
mand better.
Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.bX'pool) 2s 6d
" common bars 0 to 0d 5 17s 6d
" blk. sheet singles 0 0s 0d 712s 6d
Welsh bars. f.o.b. Wales.:. 6 5s 0d 0 OsOd
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York,
2s. 6d. Liverpool to New York. 9s. Od.
To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered
on for 13 years. The aches and pains which
she experienced in almost every part ot her
body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body was almost unbearable. la
fact she suffered with all those diseases and
conditions peculiar to women. For three
months her mind was unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be."
came very weak and emaciated, so tbat sho(
onlv welched 98 pounds. No one expected her -
to live, much less get entirely cured. After A
receiving three months" treatment with thai
physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti-1
tute, 323 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of S
her disease, she says: 4
"I never want any one to suffer as I have fori
too past ij years, ine condition 01 my cases
was much worse than bas been aescribed. and!
I am only too glad to testify to my complet
cure by tbe doctors of the Catarrh and Dys-J
pepsia institute. ,
The above lady physician can be consulted
by la dies suffering, from, diseases peculiar to
tbeir sex. The medicines used are positively-'
curative, and are so prepared as to allow the
patient to u;e the treatment herself. Thev '
treat successfully Catarrh. Rheumatism. Dys-;
pepsia, aroncnitu, .ostnma, mooa, luaney
oau r emaie -diseases.
Office hours. 10 a. M. to 4 p. x and 6 to 8 P.,
if. Sundays, 12 to 4 P. it Consultation free;
to ail. ap26-D
I Would Have Been Dead,
Said Mr. Henry Robertson, "had I kept on In, J
tbe way I was going. I bad chronic bronchitis '1
and a weakness of my left lung that was fast
approaching consumption. I coughed and had
great pressure and tightness across my lungs,
with pain about my shoulder bladesL Mv ap
petite was very poor, and I had sour belching M
of gas from my stomach all the time. I doctored &
with the best doctors I could bear of, but was ;
fast getting worse. My kidneys also became
diseased. I had pain across my back, bloating'
of the bowels, and the water was highly col
ored with a red, brick 'dust sediment I became
melancholy and discouraged and thought I
could not live. Finally I began treatment with
the physicians of tbe Polypathlc Medical and
Surgical Institute, who are specialists for
chronic diseases, and although confined to the
bed when I commenced treatment and am 66
years old, my Improvement was very rapid, and. '
I feel that these physicians have saved my life. 1
I am getting stronger every day and feel almost
mce a young man again. '
62 Marcellus st, Syracuse. N. Y."
Any one wishing to verify tbe above testi
monial can do so by writing to Mr. Robertson.
CAL INSTITUTE is permanently located at
420 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours,
10 to. 11-30 A. it., 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. it Con- 5'
sulfation free. my3-S j
i 111 r
are! Inttnaa Itching
ud itloffia t moat as
lghtl worse by
criueaii8 ji u-
B lowed to eontlnae
tumors iona hdu
Drygoods Market.
New Yore: Business In drygoods continued
active witn jobbers in seasonable fabrics and a
good distribution was made in staple goods
adapted to tbe season's wants. In both cotton
and woolen fabrics there were some transac
tione for future delivery. The market was
without special incident
End of u Fast Train.
The famous Golden Gate special of the
Union Pacific road will be withdrawn after
May 8, and in it stead a double daily ser
vice to the Pacific coast will be pat on. A
new time schedule will go into effect Hay 5.
French politics, is ably shown by Henry Mav
nie, in an illustrated article in to-morrouft
nTUINfi PI PC 5"trnde,wl.lel.on
iiuiiiiiui lklvbled and Bieerat?.
3IK.NT stops the ltehlng sad bleeding, heal
n!i.ratlnn. nnd In mAatrftAsreilloTeaue ta.
mors- Sir:riiOi-Tiii.TrUoiaiijdrnjil.ormiitolto
1st iAArtn an TMtrlDt of nrM. SO AU. t. hax i S bOZSf. ll2.
Addreai Ictun. OB. SWATHE SOX. nsueipnu. ri
Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers!
Good In all parts of the world.
On'mortgages on improved real estate in su
01 ituw ana npwara. Appi v at
mb4-34-l No. 124 Fourth avenue. -.
Isue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeVI
iuorvaa a u., new jor. passports procureov
Our little girl when but three weeks old
broke out with eczema. We tried the prescrip
tion from several good doctors, but without
any special benefit. We tried S. S. S., and by
tbe time one bottle was gone, her bead began
to beal, and by the time she bad taken six bot
tles she was completely cured. Now she has a
full and heavy head of bair a robust healthy
child. I feel It but my duty to matte this state
ment H. T. SHOBE, Rich Hill, Mo.
45Send for our Books on Blood and Skin Dis
eases and Advice to Sufferers, mailed free.
The Swift specific Col,
f el-7-TTS D rawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
fill GOll u( MIS.
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts-1
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established asdl
most prominent physician In tbe city, devoting!
special attention to ail coronic diseases. roraj
MCTDni IC and mental diseases, physical-;
IMUII V UUO decay, nervous debility. lack of I
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired men3
ory. disordered sight self-distrust bashfulnesa. a
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, un-g
poTensneu oioou, lauing powers, organic weac-9
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-d
niiing ice person xor ousiueas. society ana mar-a
nage, permanently safely and privately cured.!
blotches, falling bair, bone pains, glandular!
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,!
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood;?
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1
IJDIMAdV kidney and bladder derange-j
U II I linil 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca-j
tarrbal discharges, inflammation and other!
painf nl symptoms receive searching treatment
nrtrmnt relief and real cores. '
Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment 00.J
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if I
nire. umce nours a a- . to a p. m. ounaiy
10 A. X. to 1 P.M. onlv. DR. WHITTIEK. 81i
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31K-Dsnwfc
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Hemes
Golden Specific
It can be given lu a cup of coffee or tea without
the knowledge or the person taking it: is abso
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
speedy core, whether the patient Is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken u olden specific In their coffee without
their knowlodge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from their own free will. IT NEVER
FAILS. Tbe system once Impregnated with the
Diwcmc, itwcomesin niter lmpossiDiutTioriue
liquor appetite to exist. I'orialebyA.J.Eaokln.
Sixth and Ptnn ave.. Pittsburg: E. Holden & Co.,
63 E. Federal st, Allegheny. Trade supplied by
fieo. A. Kelly , Cd.. i'ltt'burg. la flcfr-58-TTS
a posrrrvMs cukes
For LOST or railing
ii ah nuuu, a ervon- a
ness. Weakness of!
Body ft Mind, tack or Strentrth. Vizor and
Telopment caused br Errors, Excesses, 4c. Book; a
JIODK or SK1T-TBIATMENT. and Proofs mailed!
(sesiea) rre. Address JC1UE JIEUIUAL, coa
AUU1Q, . m aKi--TIMWK
For menl Checks the wort cases' In threes
days, and cures in nve days. Fries Jl CO. at
Ja5-29-TTSSu 412 Market street ,
111iww stAAA 41 mf-
fects oTyouthral er.il
rora. esxlr decav. lost 1 1
tnanaood . etc. I irln sena a TiJnablo treatise (Maled)
fftrrfaming itm KnfUCUiiW9 XUr UUU1IO CIUV. A4TJ-. W4i
ehanre. Adun-s,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn
N Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 21 jars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 2 of feed, 1 of barley, 3
flour, JL of bay. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and
St Louis, 5 cars of oats. By Pittsburg and
Lake Erie, i cars of hay, 2 of corn, 1 of wheat
Sales on call: One car No. 2 y. s. corn, 41c. 5
days, regular; 1 car No. 2 feeding hay, $?, 5
days, regular; 1 car h. m. s. corn, 40c 10 days,
regular; 1 car No. "2 y. e. corn, 43c, 10 days, regu
lar. The strongest factor of cereal markets is
ear corn, ilay is the weakest Flour is weak
and will rind a lower level before many days
unless a change comes. Already there is some
cutting on quotations, Ouo jobber has Issued
a May day circular proffering to furnish the
best Bprlug patent for Sd in wood. Lower grades
of flour suffer rnoBt from tho decline, bnt hold
ers are willing to make concessions all along
the line from prices of a week ago.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red. W95c;
Na 8 red, 85988c.
.. Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4248c: high
mixed ear,4041c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 41
4etfo.2yeUw,'Ud. 4f41: hteh MlX8
-Vm"!"!."?" ? .
ats jr ev nrtw,. mmk a enta: jr. 9,
CapiUl, JlOO.OW.Vith privilege of $500,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLERV... President
W.J.BURNS Vice President
JOHN W.TAYLOR.. , Cashier
Is the PUREST, BEST "nd CUanett
Of all Druggists, but beware of taitatieflj.
flili ml f Till
ood Ponfler.
A. nnralT Vi.etaHii
iCnmDonnd that cxnsls
(all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es awl ptasalee, as4
ueapre( tkkilmi.
Health, Energy and Strength secured by
AHORANDA WAFERS. These wafers are fa
OUaJLUnxxn srscmo and the only rellasIeMj
r safe remedy for tne permanent core of ls-MtoMJtl
no matter how long standing, .Nervous
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by thtf 1
alcohofor tobacco, Sleeplessness, Mental Ihtn
ion, Softening of tho Biaia resuldn; la. Ism
and leadin; to mlieir, decay and death, Frew
Oid Age, Barrenness, Spermatsrrhcea, Tfniriwi
Dreams. Premature Docay of Vital Power, 0
by over exertion of the brain, self-abtwe or
indulgence. 75 cents, per box or tltoM
$1.00, sent by mail prepaid on reoeift ot'tim
Ri-r lui-YAfl ta ilA MmnT.ta 4-nhnM. .JtjJ
every purchase of six boxes at one taao'w
give a
vrarnEN guarantee to refum the
if the wafers do not benefit or elect a '
cfcre. Prepared only by the BOSTON XfDICJ
INSTnUTiL Pot sale only- hrfOSM
fLJLVINti SON. 412 Market Stotwfel
forth, Fa., F. 0. Sox 37. to Warn tli'i