Transient Advertisements, INCLUDING WANTS, TO LtTS, FOR SALES. ETCVFOR TO-MORROW'S ISSUE Should be handed in at the main advertising office of The Dispatch, Fifth aTenue, up to midnight. FORTY-FOURTH YEAR. NO LIQUOR Mr. Skiras Says the Impeachment Resolution Is . Backed by Lawyers Alone. - THE PTJEITY OF THE BENCH AT STAKE And a Legislative Investigation Necessary to Quiet Humors and Innuendoes. SOW THE NEWS STARTLED THE COMMOTIO1!. 'The Allegheny Delegation Divided in Its Opinion on the Important Subject. :Wuy the Eesolution Wasn't Bead, but Was Postponed Until Monday Philadelphia Members Furnished the Leak The Judges' Salary Increase Bill Dependent Upon the Impeachment Proceedings Allegheny County Members Holding a Club in Their Hands Which is Eespected Deiamater Doesn't like It Because He Was Xot First Consulted Andrews Noncommittal The Local Bar Association Expected, to Take Action To-Day Ylews of the Lawyers of the City Who Care to Talk Latest Piases of the Sensation Judge White Leaves Atlantic City, hut His Whereabouts" Are Unknown A Humor That He Beached the Citr Late Last Night- Hepresentative Shiras was prevented yes terday from offering his resolution for the proposed inquiry into the acts of the Alle gheny county License Court by the ob jection ot a single member. It will be re Hewed on Monday, though. The publica tion of the preamble and resolution in yes terday's extra Dispatch created unnsnal excitement. Mr. Shiras, in a statement pre? 'pared for publication, declares the matter is not instigated by the liquor men, but that the best Pittsburg lawyers are alone re sponsible. ITROJt X 6TAIT COEBESPOJTDENTO Haebisbtjbg, May 3. Captain Evans, f Bedford, was angry this forenoon. The House, in a sportive mood, had declined to grant him leave of absence. That and his general dislike for business out of order kuicd Ivtm to object to the consideration of Mr. Bhiras'rcsolution to investigate Judge "White's official actions. Original resolu tions .not being in order, the objection was sufficient to prevent consideration. Mr. Shiras went down and talked to him, but he shook his head. Then Mr. Shiras went to'Chairman Andrews and explained natters to him. Mr. Andrews did not throw his influence into the scale in Mr. Shiras' favor, and, it was learned later in the day, would not until he got fuller in formation. He and Senator Delamater will sot talk for publication. Others say they consider the subject A Very Dnncerous and Delicate One, and would have been better pleased had they been counseled with in advance. The first information concerning the more Against Judge White was given the Phila delphia delegation, who were lobbying for the Judges' salary increase bill, which the Allegheny delegation Were generally oppos ing. "When asked by some of these the rea son for his opposition, Mr. Shiras said it was all because of Judge White, but some thing might happen within 24 hours to .place the Allegheny delegation squarely on record concerning that gentleman. If it did, Mr. Shiras and others who were at heart in favor of the salary bill might be in s position to support it How the Information Leaked Ont. There was but one conclusion to draw from a statement like this. The Phila delphians, Mr. McManes included, drew it, and while they were not noisy about it, they leaked, and the result was the publication of the matter, though exclusively in this morning's Dispatch. Mr. Shiras was urged by friends this afternoon to rise to a question of personal privilege, and, while stating his position, to read the preamble and resolutions be had f" prepared, in order to get them squarely be fore the House. He thought it wiser sot to do this, and instead determined to do nothing further until Monday evening, , when original resolutions will be in order. Y-? The House in general is at sea in the 'matter, as theniembers have had no oppor- iunlty to learn the details of the charges, ,, and whether they are specific or general. " , The Allegheny Delegation Divided. The Allegheny connty members are di vided. The proposed investigation is favored by Messrs. ltobison, Marland, Lemon, ' "Weaver, Lafferty, Chalfant, Bicharus and Bulger. Ex-Speaker Qraham says: "whatever Judge "White's errors may liave been, I be lieve him to be a man of incorruptible in- tegrity." ? Mr. Marshall said he would favor an in- W Testigation if specific charges were made, ft tut did not want to go on a wild goose j: chase. -Dr. McCulIough was of much the same way of thinking. P ,Mr. Stewart said he knew of no bribery I being charged, and if the basis for the charges was only Judge. White's disposition ot the liquor cases, investigation would be. stelecs, as tbeJBupreme Court has decided thYlower court has complete jurisdiction, and. its decisions are not subject to review. Tie Fa!t Wllb the lnw Alone. In a somewhat nimihr strain w-isltepre- :; tentative Jones' talk. He fiought the fault .vu witn tne jaw, noi nu "j ""Bc l ... .t 1 . .!.!. !ia T.J.. ! ' Judgesl be said, should not have been vested cpy 'ine xiegjsiature wtvu "' uvu: IM. -XK f HIM qWIH "l IW T. - ", 1 . "" .,. -- - . r - ji ' -. i .TP USHCM - ... , . -' r - -. flu,..;. 1 3irA.KfAau.fa T7Mtdf , .3!M1 MEN IN I!. of the investigation concur in. this expres sion. ' The Senatorial delegation from Allegheny are of the opinion that nothing has yet been shown that demands an investigation. Ap parently Representative Bobison was -Mr. Shiras' only confidant among the members of the Legislature, and Mr. Shiras is warmly supported by him. Mr. Bobison says that while the charges are not specific in the pre amble and resolutions presented by Mr. Shiras, there is a strong probability that they could be made very specific, should the House decide to order an investigation. Sir. Shims pxplalns His Fothton. Representative Shiras says the investiga tion he proposes should be indorsed by the House in the interest of Judge White. He made a statement to-night for publication, which is as follows: "The object in presenting such an unusual and unexpected resolution was for the direct purpose ot having such action taken as would eventually settle, once and for all.the unfortunate rumors and inuendoes so prev alent in the community. Any candid man, of ordinary observation and opportunity, must have been confronted with such sto ries in the past few weeks. Tt should, be distinctly understood that I in no way sub stantiate the truth of sueh allegations. The extent of my responsibility begins and ends with the declaration that they exist, and on that point I am willing to share the fullest criticism if mistaken. The Sensitive Point of tbeFabllc "The public, properly enough, are very sensitive on matters affecting the purityand probity of the bench. The greatest calamity that can overtake a community is the loss of influence in the judiciary, and the bar is as quick to resent unjnst imputations as it is determined to properly investigate them. A Legislative Committee is not such a terrible thing, when we consider its primary object is the vindication ot the accused if inno cent, his impeachment if guilty. "A Judge under almost any circum stances has the public confidence, and in this instance it is reinforced by the fact that many will naturally believe this a hostile movement on the part of the rejected liquor dealers and their disgruntled friends. If there is one declaration I would put before all others regarding the motives that led up to this step, it is the fact that Not a Single Manor Denier, wholesale or retail, was aware of this move ment. My advisers, whether they were well or ill advised, came from among the most reputable members of the Pittsburg bar, and from among our prominent business people. "Between now and Monday evening, when original resolutions will be in order, the members and the community affected will have ample time to consider and weigh the objects and possible benefits of such an in vestigation. Should my county consider it ill advised or unnecessary, I will quickly defer to such an expression; if they desire it, neither political nor personal sacrifices shall stand in the way of my demanding ie. Fair play to the accused should be an important element in the minds of all in deciding the question. Investigation committees white wash the guilty, but they never indict inno cent men. Why an Investigation Is Necessary. "The bitter and.unrelentiug enemies that existing circumstances have produced will enconrage many an idle rumor. An in vestigation compels proof and forever silences the unfounded suspicions of creda lous enemies." Representative White, son of Judge White, took the whole matter very coolly. He said to The Dispatch correspandent that he had had no communication with his father on the subject. The Jndge had been In Atlantic Citv until very recentlv. when Mr, White visited him, but is possibly now in the Bermudas. Mr. White said: "My impression is that .Mr. Shiras has intro duced that resolution simply for newspaper notoriety. He has sought for that, repre- senting as he does, a strong German ele mentso strong, in fact, that the Germans control the elections. I am not surprised at his offering the resolution, but I am sur prised that he, as a member of the Alle gheny County Bar, should offer any such resolution, and I can only account for it, as I have Mid, on the theory of his desire for newspaper notoriety." BrstPSOJr. THS BAH MAI DISCUSS IT. The Bar Association Exacting to Hear From the Shiras Affair. The regular meeting of the Bar Asseck ttoa will 1 Iwld.tlii. aitk&wi af 2 e'clwk. -6tlV' r JfMJvJA ' JIk WA'I For to-morrow'iC o'clock r. , " Q V x l? W MkD L JL ForliMof branch offices Tin the varlossdis- jy w trlcta iee THIttD PAGE ,' VMH PIT-TSBUEGr, SATURDAY, MA 4,' 1889 TWELVE PAGES. ' TEE QENTSVij;J Bev. B. E. Woodburn, D7 D., will deliver an address on 'Legal Ideas.' Several members of the association 'noti fied Secretary Breck yesterday that they would make an effort to have the Shiras resolution, which was to have been present ed at Harrisburg yesterday, brought tip for discussion. The annual picnic of the association will beheld at Eock Point, on Monday, June 17, The association has decided not to invite membersof the bar who are not members of the association. Accordingly attorneys "not Troposed to-day will not be invited. IMPOETAOT OPINIONS. Judge Ewlng, the Father of Shlra, B. C. Christy, Eiq., nnd William Yot,Eq.. Take Jadge White's Fart. In this city yesterday hardly any other topic was talked about on the streets, in the hotels, barber shops and stores, on the street cars, or anywhere, but the sensation sprung by the Hon. George Shiras IIL, in his effort to. have the Legislature impeach Judge White. Everybody was willing and anxious to talk radically about it, oneway or the other to everybody but reporters. The moment there was "a chiel amangthem takin' notes," that moment nearly every mother's son of the talkers subsided and ceased to have the semblance of an opinion. There were some, however, who said they had opinions, and were willing to have them printed. These, however, were neither judges nor lawyers, for the most part It is reported, thongh, that Judge Ewing ex pressed himself as follows to a friend, who repeated it for publication: I think-there shonld be a general uprising of the people to express their disapproval of the resolution and their faith In Judge White's in tegrity. Judge White and I frequently differed last year on many minor points in reference to the granting of licenses, but I am entirely in sympathy with him in his action in the Li cense Court this year. I believe hp has per formed a public duty In such a manner as to deserve the sincere thanks ot every citizen who has the public interest at heart. OTHEB JUDGES AEE HUM. Several attempts were made to get expres sions of opinion from Judges Stowe and Slagle, but they quietly shunted inquiries onto side tracks and went on their way. Judge Slagle said it was rather a delicate matter for him to discuss, and Judge Stowe replied with a pleasantry that he had no more connection with the subject than has a transit of Venus with tariff reform. George Shiras, Jr,, one of the most prom inent lawyers of the Pittsburg bar, and father of George Shiras III., the member of the Legislature who introduced the resolu tion yesterday for the impeachmentof Judge White, was seen by a Dispatch reporter last evening. He had very little to say on the subject, but stated that he believed Judge White is -an able and competent Judge and is free from corruption, "I have no opinion to express on the sub ject," he continued. "My son may have some facts that I know nothing about, and lor that reason J. must decline to express my views of his action in the matter," ME. CHEISTT'S EMPHASIS. B. C. Christy, Esq. There is no more danger: of them making anything out of Judge White than there is of your being judicially 'banged before sunrise. Ho js not obliged to make answer and can lie back and langhatthem. Of conrse there were -mistakes made. There were last year and will be next year, Jndge White said he expected- to- make swie mifc stakes, but there t no power to revise him. Jadce White did hot overstep his judicial power. For example, look at Washington and Mercer counties. There the Judges re fused all the applicants, and no one doubted their power to do so. In regard to the allega tion that Judge White received Information from private sources, I don't for a moment doubt its correctness. He must have received Information from the police department of tne city. What better source for good information would he havet They knew much about tbe reputation of certain saloons and saloon keepers. William Yost, Esq.. of Yost & Behman, said he hoped the investigation would be pushed to the uttermost; hoped tnat Judge White would see that it was pushed, "for," said Mr. Yost, "it willbring out phases that people do not understand in this whisky businets. One of the prosecutors in the case is both a wholesaler and a bottler, and thev are distinct. Last year he was granted licecse for both, but thongh he did both a wholesale and a bottling business, he never lifted his bottling license, and conse quently saved 500. The attention of the Conrtwas called to the matter, and that is whyhe did not get license this year. Judge White can afford to let them make all the disturbance they feel like, for I know he does not care to be re-elected judge." SOME OF THE LAWYERS. Most of Them Rattier Noncommittal, Thongh Several Speak Oat Plainly In Defense of Hli Honor Wherein They Decid edly Differ. Ex-Judge Fetterman declined to express any opinion relative to the truth or falsity of the charges alleged against Judge White, but he remarked that no matter what be came of the affair its results would be seri ous in some respects. Major W. B. Kegley said: There is noth ing in the matter, and I think the proceed ing very foolish. S. M. Baynjond, Esq., scouted the idea that anything criminal in the matter could be brought home to Judge White, though he, Mr. Raymond, did not contend that the Jndge's discretion was as penetrating as it might have been, and thought he might have listened too attentively to advisers who .might lave had axes to grind. Mr. Baymond was more concerned for the fate of the proposition to amend the Constitution in regard to qualifica tions for voters, which amendment is to be voted on the same day with the pro hibitory qne. Mr. Baymond stated that the change suggested in the election laws would turn cities over tied hand and foot into the power ot political The impression begins to prevail very generally that the prohibitory amendment will be defeated and that its mate will go through, and some people think the unlimited power of politi cal bossism worse than free booze. LACKED ACQUAINTANCE. N. W. Shafer, Esq., said the'trouble with Judge White was that, like many preachers hp saw but little of humanity as a whole! and could not realize that what some call sin might possibly have its uses, serving by contrast to throw virtue into stronger relief. Some preachers of pure design and great probity lail because they do not study humanity. They think if they could bring all the world to their creed that all would be well, whereasit is just possible that tbe result would be whitewashed corruption and the green soum of stagnation would smother in tellect. A preacher, to be a success, must study humanity, and so must a Judge. Jndge White's practice before he went on. the bench was mainly on the civil side of the courts, and he missed opportunities; of learuiniFthat there might be a modicum of virtue on a side of humanity. He judges more from report than from knowledge. This is evident from the rulings in these license cases. I have no doubt His Honor was too much influenced by reports from people who had private Interests to serve. George H. Quail, on the basis of what wm published in the first edition of The iiMPATCH, was.mspeeed to think, it MifU ha tnnrp npnEAtlnnnl limn nthprwise. but when the lull report pame he shook his bead and admitted that where so much smoke was seen there might be lively combustion be neath. WAS IT INCONSISTENT? Mnjor, Robert Lyon was inclined to think. mat a-stuay or tne -wertc was enougu convince anyone that -something was wrong, and he fnrther attached much importance to fhe'faet that the mover in- the Legislature was Representative 'Shiras, who,-the Major thoughtrWas,not acting without powerful legal as well as financial backing. At Chartiers and on tne South side generally there are many people who sing "on with the dancel" people who are' not regular drinkers, and it is the distribution that they most complain of. Mr. Schmid, feed dealer in Chartiers, though a temperate man, says that according to the Judges rulings some drinking houses must be nec essary, else "whv grant any licenses at all? Admitting as he did by granting some, how comes it that a busy center like Char tiers, which is the bnsiness entrepot of a large section of country between the Pitts burg and Lake Erie and Pittsburg, Cincin nati and St. Louis Railroads, is not allowed' a single saloon? Mr. Schmid would not go into the business himself, either. IT MIGHT HAVE WOEKED, The fact is that had there not been a single license granted more satisfaction would have been generally given to the npnnlp Tint rlpnlpra " J people not dealers. Ex-District Attornev Bobb said: "I think Judge White made mistakes; but that in mostinstances he hit it about right." C. E. Cornelius, Esq., thought that unless something more serious than the criticisms on Jndge White's discretion were advanced the1 prosecution might as well hang their harps on the willows, but from the source it emanated Mr. Cornelius was disposed to. think they considered themselves in possession of stronger ammunition than disclosed . so far. Referring to the remark of some one that it would break the Judge's heart, and that he would give up his commission voluntarily, Mr. Cornelius said that the Judge wasn't that kind of a man; that he would ficht like a tiger, and his opponents would find a man of immense ability to combat. T. B. Patterson, Esq., said he had no opinion for expression. OPINIONS INGENERAL. Solid Citizens Inclined to Doubt tbe Wisdom of the ImpencbmentMoTC Other Who Arc Favorable to Some Radical Action. The following opinions, gathered at ran dom, carry their own comment: Alexander Murdock I believe that these proceedings against the Judge will create a sentiment in favor of him among tbe most of people, and those who instigated the measure wiU be surprised how wide they have shot from1 the mark, when they expected that public" oolnlon would be with them. These charges are certainlyvory grave; butl do not see where they are true. Mr. L N. pew I am a great believer in Jndge White, and I think he is aU right As far as I am concerned, 1 do not think that there are any charges against him that are founded upon facts. Bev. Carl Weil, pastor of the Bloomingdale German Protestant Church-I have been expecting something of that kind all along and I do not think that Judge White has any cause to be much surprised at it. He must have bad some kind of a presentiment of that sort or he would not have left the city in such a hurried manner. He reaped Inst What he sowed and that is all about Jt, His partiality manifested Itself In I, almost every decree and jut&M&was certafulj Sn not allowed to enter Into the distribution of licenses. I hope theLegislatnre will takeanch action in regard to the matter that the people wtll regain their confidence in a Judge as the impartial representative of the law. ALWAYS HAED TO PEOTE. Captain Richard Barrows, Secretary of the Pittsburg Qoal Exchange It is a difficult mat ter to prove 'charges in a frialf or Impeachment, and in fact it is almost impossible, Although I have no love for Jndge White, 1 do not be lieve that the charges against him will amount to anything. When .an at tempt was made to impeach President Andrew Johnson it failed for the lack of one vote. The President of the Senate, Ben Wade, of Ohio, had the deciding vote, and cast it against the impeachment. If he had voted the other way he wonld have been President of the United States for over three months, or until tbe next election. Tbat is what probably in fluenced him in taking the action he did in the matter. It Is a very difficult matter to nrove. and in the case now pending against Judge White in order to impeach him it will require a three-fourths vote of tbe Legislature, President Smith, of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union, did not believe the Jndge would be Impeached, but intimated that he thonght he ought to be. for manifest bias. He had not heard the sentiment of the mem bers of the union, but believes that the major ity, if the matter Is put to a vote, will condemn the judgment of Judge White in the granting of licenses. CHIEF BEOWN. Chief Brown, ot the Department of Public Safety, said: "I have not read the charges, but from what I have heard of the matter think that the disappointed saloon keepers are at the bottom of this scheme, and I think they ate making a grand mistake. As far as Judge White's actionlnref using licenses is concerned, there is no doubt that he had a perfect legal richt to do as be did. Of course some people were refused who, probably, should have had license; but, then, there is no way for them to get licenses now, unless Judge white wants to grant them. If this matter is pushed it will ave the effect of making prohibition possible, so my advice to the saloonkeepers would be to let the matter drop. Dr. W. H. McKelvy To my mind it looks as though it would be a strong bid for carrying tho amendment in this State. The Brooks law is undoubtedly a Rood one, but 1 think that a very grave mistake was made inputting one man dn the bench to interpret it. Personally, I think that the entire bench should sit in tbe license court, and then if there is any respon sibility in their finding all the Judges wonld have to shoulder it, instead of placing the onus on an individual Judge. Percy F Smith I do not know what is back of the resolution of Mr. Shiras. I do not be lieve the liquor men are behind it, but I think that Mr. Shiras has started the movement on his own responsibility For the sake of the Allegheny Bench, which ought to be Dure and untarnished, I would not like to see Judge White Impeached. On the other band, I am at a loss to explain why reputable whole sale men, retailers, oottlers and brewers were knocked out, While certain people I might mention were granted licenses. It looks to me as if there was something wrong, and an in vestigation may do no harm. I do not believe that Jndge White received money. If one compares his reasons for granting licenses with tbe list granted, some big Inconsistencies are scon discovered. HERE'S A WAGER. Oharles H. Gill, of the St. Charles Hotel-I will bet two to one Jndge White will' not be impeached. Tbe Judge is all right, and this movement will not amount to anything. Charges of corruption are not mado against him. and yet it is known that be could have made a fortune ont of, it in bribes if he had been so inclined. Tbe charges made are too trivial to be considered. C. E. Ohilders If Jndg9 White had kept his opinions to himself on the bench, and gone ahead and made his decisions no one could have found any fault with him. The frequent comments and remarks made by the Judge were most injudicious, and In England a higher court Mould eauashthe proceedings at once. The same equitable proceedings should apply Frank Shreffler, of the Seventh Avenue Hotel The impeachment movement is all right. George Johnston, of James A. Henderson & Co. If the charges made against tbe Judge are true he should be impeached. how so make sympathy. Isaac BrVan Voorhls, Esq. If you'wsnt to create sympathy, for a man jump on him. I don't believe Judgo White acted altogether right n granting license, but this impeach ment movement will not hur him. I heard the other day of an amusing thing that occurred in connection with the License Court. An apjJf- FEEE TEADE FEARED By Many of the Mannfacturers and Easiness Men of the New South. THEIR ALLIANCE FOE PROTECTION. Ohio Hot as Big a State as It Might Be Un der This Administration. HAEEISOH'S BROTHER GETS AlTOFPICE. in Appointment That Stirs Up Considerable Bad Blood in Buffalo. t s Free trade is the bugbear of the new South. The new movement for a protective party in that section, made up of those men whose interests demand protection. Is re ported growing rapidly. President Harri son is Considered to be in full full sympathy with it. A 600-pound sunfish has been caught4 at Cape Lookout, the largest, it is thought, ever captured. Experiments in manufacturing sorghum are to be thorough ly carried out this year by the Government officials in charge. tSPrCIAL TELEGRAM TO TOT DlSPATCIt.! Washinoton, May 3. -The presence of Governor Eoraker and ex-Governor Foster, of Ohio, in the city, served to enliven the dullness of things a little, to-day, but not a great deal, as those distinguished gentle men do not exhibit any haste in their move ments. At any rate, they are of special in terest only to Ohio, and Ohio isn't as big a State, under this administration, as she has been under others. The most important visitor at the White House to-day came with that energetic ex Pennsylvanian Beprcsentative Evans, the new Bepublican member of the House from the Chattanooga district in Tennessee. He was Colonel A. S. Collier, a newspaper man, a wealthy manufacturer, and a radical Democratio protectionist. He aqd Mr, Evans had a somewhat prolonged conversa tion with the Presfdent, principally upon 'the subject of the new movement in the Sonih to organize a protective tariff party Regardless of existing party lines. r TWO OV THE NEW LEADERS. Evans on the side of the Republicans, and Collier for the Democrats, are two of the leading spirits of this movement in Tennes see, and it would be difficult to find two men better fitted fr tbe work. 'Ihe two import ant points of this movement are Chattanooga, Tenn., and Birmingham, Ala. "But Birmingham is not Alabama, and Chat tanooga is not Tennessee," said Representa tive Dates, in conversation on this subject with the correspondent of The Dispatch. When these words were quoted to Colonel Collier to-day, he said: Well, if they are not those States, they are tbe business and financial centers of them, and where the money and the busi ness are the dominating politics will be. There is no use in trying to-disguise the fact mat we vote xor tne Dest interests ot our pockets. We are not going to support a theory or a principle which will make us poor when the opposite theory will make us rich. Yes, I don t mind saying that I am in lympatny witn the movement to form a'pro lecttve tariff -party f tbl South, and it is probable we will be compelled to find our party home in the Republican fold. THE ISSUE A DIEECT ONE. "The Bepublican is confessedly tbe party of protection, while the dominant leadership of the Democracy is tavowedly in favor of free trade as soon as that can be gradually accomplished. The new South depends for her prosperity almost wholly upon the de velopment of "her vast mineral resources and the growth of manufactures, and that devel opment andgrowth would be very slow, or would never come at all, under the parental guidance of such fellows as Mills, the Breckinridges, Oates, Carlisles and the rest of them. We must get rid of the supersti tions of Southern tradition, and look at things in a plain, practical way. We must accept the methods and theories which have built upthe'tfortb, I do not care to speak of the work we have done in this direction, but I think when wc can show practically the force of this movement, even the most sanguine will be surprised. It is my im pression that the President is in thorough sympathy with us, and that his treatment of the South will tend to give strength to our movement" taking care op his relatives. President Harrison Appoints His Brother to a Federal Office. SPECIAL TZLEOBAUIO TUB DISPATCH.l Washington,, May 3. President Har rison does not appear to be greatly influenced by Bishop Potter's quotation of General Washington's words, in which the Father of his Country warned an office-seeking friend that.he should "never suffer connec tions of blood or friendship to have the least sway on decisions of a publio nature." To-day the President appointed his old friend and campaign secretary, D. Q. Alex ander, to be District Attorney for Northern New York, and his own brother, Carter B. Harrison, to be United States Marshal for the middle district of Tennessee. Mr. Alexander's appointment was purely a per sonal matter with Mr. Harrison. Hot a single Bepublican Senator Or Bepresenta-i live recommenaea it, anu mo party leaaers in Buffalo united in urging the appoint ment of Jerome Fisher. Mr. Alexander has lived in the Stat but three or four years, and is not known in politics at all. There is the ugliest kind of feeling in the New York camp to-night. Mr. Harrison's Tennessee brother was recommended by the politicians of his dis trict, and nobody cared to oppose him. There are half a dozen more relatives and friends of the White House family on ihe list who are to be provided for. One of them was a Missouri delegate to the Chicago convention who flopped from Gresham to Harrison under promise of an office, and another is a man in Congressman Flood's district, near Elmira, who is recommended by Mrs. Harrison's sister. The man is a Prohibitionist, and the appointment means a fight among the Bepublicans of the town, EXPERIMENTS ?HH SORGHUM. Extensive Preparations to Find Ont What ThcroI Inll.t Washington, May 5. Experiments in growing and manufacturing sorghum will be continued this year under the auspices of theAgricnlturalHepartment Prof. Wiley, chemist, has this week laid out the work for afield on the Maryland experimental farm, eight miles, northeast of Washington City, the labor on which will be performed by employes of the Maryland Agricultural College, upon the grounds of which the sta tion is located. On one plat in the field are planted 250 lots of pedigreed seed taken from stalks grown in Kansas, of .which analyses were made. Over2,000 stalks were thus analyzed, and the teed of the 250 show ing the highest percentage of saccharine matter saved for seed, to determine whether or not this excellence is. hereditary, nnd can be perpetuated. On another plat are planted 40 varieties of seed, the ground being enriched by Indiffer ent kinds ojfertilizers. la the field are two strips where no fertilizer, is used, tbe inteo- tion being to determine tbe bwt'kisd of I seed and the best fertilizer. Still a third plat is planted with four kinds of seeds which showed the best results in experi ments already made, and they too will bo treated by the various fertilizers manu factured. f An exact duplicate of this experiment in all details will be made at Steiling, Kan., the seeds having been divided for that pur pose. Portions of the experiment will be repeated at Bio Grande, H, J.j Kenner.La.; Cedar Falls, Iowa, and at several points in Kansas. Prof. Wiley will leave here for Kansas Sunday night to select these experi mental stations and supervise the prelim inary part of the work. A MAMMOTH SUNFISH. Largest Specimen of the Kind Ever Re ported, Wclg-hlns 600 Found. Washington, May 3. One day last week the lighthouse keeper at Cape Look out observed on the sand near by a monster fish which had been stranded during the night By the aid of the lifesaving crew the fish was secured, bnfno one could tell of what species it was. Information of its capture was sent to the Smithsonian Insti tution, and a description was asked for. Before this was received a gentleman ar rived here who had seen the fish and ex pressed the opinion that it was of the Mo Inrotunda family, the common sunfish. When the fish arrived this was be the case. It weighed 500 pounds, and it supposed to be the largest specimen ever caught It will be skeletonized nnd placed in the Kational Museum. A NEW JACKTHE EIPPEB, The Horrible Attnck of n Colored Fiend Upon Women of Hfa Own Kace An Excited Community l Search' Inx for tbe Perpetntor. rSFECIAL TZLKOltAH TO TBS DISPATCH. Ocaia, Fla., May 3. On the 30th ult, two miles south from Ocala, near the old Tampa road, at midday, Etta Burly, a girl of 20, while working-in a corn field, was at tacked by one of her own color a burly negro tramp unknown in the neighborhood in a savage manner. He informedher that he had watched her for three days with a murderous intention. In her struggle she lost the greater part of her clothing, while he hacked away with a kniie. cutting her clothes nearly off, but fortunately not wonnding her serionsly. Her screams bronght aid, and the villain then made off into a hummock close by. After a careful search by scores of en raged negroes he could not be found. The entire colored population is up in arms. Since this occurrence two girls were at tacked on Friday evening, but the dastard was then driven off. On Saturday night at dpsk Etta was subjected to another attack from the monster close to her home. After knocking her down he proceeded to rise'his knife. Had the cuts been effectual he would have disemboweled her. Fortunately the strokes of his knife only cut her cloth ing. The father and brother ran to her aid and the latter fired his gun at the would-be murderer, but without effect His remark was before leaving that he had to kill her somehow. Ho reason can be assigned. The girl and her family are respectable.harmless people. Bodies of armed colored men are scouring the woods, and should the demon be caught they are determined he will not have a chance of trial by jury: It is report ed at a late hour to-night that one viotim, a young colored girl, has been found in the woods dead and slashed in a horrible man ner, v- t A QUESTION OP RESIDENCE. The Contest for tbe Estate af Inventor Ben Jamln Hotchklsa. New HAYiar, Conn., May 3. The fa mous Hotch'kiss will case over the estate of the late Benjamin Berkeley Hotchkiss, in ventor of the Hotchkiss gun, who died in Paris in 1885, came up in the Superior Court to-day, the defendants entering a demurrer. After long arguments by both sides Judge Fen nest er rendered his decision. The case hinges on trie question of domicile, and in volves an estate valued at $12,000,000. The widow claims that the deceasedwas a legal resident of Hew York, in which case she will receive $6,000,000, and the father of the deceased $6,000,000. The contesting relatives claim Paris as his leeal residence, by whioh, if sustained, they "expect to secure at least $2,000,000 each. Legal proceedings have been insti tuted in New York and Paris, and the prob abilities are that the case will be in the courts for several years unless compro mised. ' A KICKED PREACHER. He Is Arrested on a Charge of Sending Anooymons Letters to Tonne Toadies. (FECIAL TELIOBAJI TO TIB DISPATCn.1 ODm, III., May 3. John S. Watkins, a Baptist preacher, and Lincoln Parrish, two young men living near Fairman, were arrested this afternoon and taken before United States Commissioner G, P. Duncan, at Centralis, on the charge of sending obscene literatnre through the mails. The prisoners, on account of a supposed snub by two young ladies living in their neighborhood, became enraged and threat ened to "get even," as they expressed it Last Saturday each lady received an anony mous letter of a disgusting' character. It was suspected that Watkins and Parrish were the guilty parties, and this morning friends of the young ladies went to young Parrish and he confessed, claiming that Watkins did the writing while he was sim ply an innocent looker-on. W0BK 0E DROWN. Wilkesbarro Whltecnps Reform na Idle, Worthless Young Man. rSFZCIAI. TBLZOBAM TO TBI DISPATCH. WiLfcESBABBE, May 3. Perry Tobias, aged 26, of Plains, refused to work, depend ing on his aged father for a living. He was a victim of drink; Whitecaps warned him that he must reform and go to work. Tobias paid no attention. Last night he was walk ing home from, a tavern when a party of men disguised as. Whitecaps icaught him, tied his feet and hands and threw him into a creek. One Whitecap held his head above the water to prevent him drowning. After being in the water 20 minutes Tobias begged for mercy, and said he would be a better man. He was then liberated. To-day Tobias went to work for the first time in six months. Whitecaps have warned him that if he breaks his promise he will be drowned the next time. BACK IN HI8JLD PLACE. A Brother of Powell Ctnyton Reinstated In Hie Former Position. Washington, May i-William H. P. Clayton, the new District Attorney for the Western district of Arkansas, appointed to day, is a brother of the Clayton who ran against Breckenridge for Congress in the last election and whose subsequent murder created a sensation. He came from Pennsylvania originally and during the war served in the Union army. He lives at Fort Smith, and was displaced by the Cleveland administration from the which he was to-day ap pointed. METAMORPHOSIS, && ne ituJfco. vHU commence in to-morrouft DIS PATCH. It it written in that author1! happitii Kik,: Mmi the opmtog ohaptort, SOME OTHER MAN. A. TIlfMOE SALE. Admiral Porter 8ur General Butler Did Not Refer t Hint am a Coward He Knows tbe Officer Who DU- graced Himself at w New Orleans. (SPZCTAI. TILrOJUX TO THI DISrATCH.1 Washington, May 3. In his Boston speech on Wednesday night General Ben Butler, in eulogizing the exploits of Farra gnt at tbe capture of Hew Orleans, spoke of "Farragnt and his brave officers and sailors, heroes all save one, a high offi cer, who ran away." Colonel French, on the same occasion also referred to the un heroic officer, and the younger generation especially are speculating as to who the rnnaway was. The attention of Admiral Porter was called to General Butler's speech to-day and to a paragraph in a Bos ton paper which hinted that the Admiral himself might be the man. "Oh, no," said the Admiral, "General Bntler knows my record too well to make such a charge against me. I haven't the slightest idea that he referred to me. There were three officers who failed to take their ships past the fort who were censured by Farragnt in general orders. One of the three, a commander, undoubtedly did be have badly, and ran away. The others were not properly censurable. One ran his ship aground after she had suffered severely from the guns of the fort and she sunk there. The other officer handled his ship well until she was cnt up and disabled so that she could not go ahead with the rest The two last mentioned officers were- exonerated by Far ragnt when he understood the circumstances as I made them known to him. I will not give you the name of the officer who ran away. I have no donbt General Butler means the same man I do. I never could account for that naval commander's conduct Once in another engagement I knew him to do a very daring act in cutting a ship out from under the enemy's guns, bnt on two other occasions he discredited himself. He lost caste with his brother officers after his misbehavior at Hew Orleans, but in later years partly regained his standing. I agree with General Butler that the credit for the capture of Hew Orleans isdne to Farragnt" BES REMAINS FISALLI ISTEBRED. The Family of the Dead Chicago GIrlFlnnllr Give Up Hope. Chicago, May 3. The burial of the re mains of Miss Wilhelmina Stahl, whose phenomenal condition since death has ex cited so much wonder, took place to-day at Norwood Cemetery. The medical examina tion of Thursday having revealed nothing new and indubitable proofs of the extinction of life being present, her mother and sister yielded up the last hope. The home, situated on the publio highway, and but a step from tba Northwestern Railway station, has been the scene of such trying annoyance from the perpetual calling of the idly curious that only immediate friends were allowed to be present The corpse, over which a simple prayer service was con ducted by the Bev. Linskel, had tbe same alabaster look it has worn since Monday, when the flush faded. Not the slightest discoloration or odor was detected, although nine day3 had elapsed since death. At the side of the coffin sat the mother, with the traces of a terrible and Jong-drawn-out nervous strain marked in delibly upon her face. The sister upon whom the mother leaned, showed evidences of her grief in eyes out of which the light seemed to have entirely died. Although death undoubtedly triumphed, it is yet the .belief of the family that life was present until Sunda or Monday. STUDENTS ON A STKIKE. Two of Their Number Mast be Reinstated or They Will Qalt. Lafayette, Ind., May 3. The stu dents of Purdue University, with the ex ception of the juniors, are up in arms against the faculty. Wednesday evening the juniors gave a publio entertainment under the sanction of the faculty. There was the usual opposition from the Mower class men. Torpedoes and resonant bursting; naner bass interspersed the enter tainment, but were not down on the regular programme. A huge torpedo was exploded at Prof. 0. J, Craig s feet while be was pro nouncing the invocation. It cut short the prayer and spoiled the effect, as far as the audience was concerned, of that portion of the invocation already uttered. ' Prof. Craig's nerves were badly shattered, and in view of this fact a meeting of the fac ulty was called, at which a sophomore and freshman were suspended. The students, in retaliation, met last night and to-day passed decisive resolutions. The sophomores an nounce their intention of leaving the col lege unless the suspensions are reconsid ered. Lower classmen sustain them in their action, and,.as the members of the faculty are determined in their course, serious trouble is apprehended. TflEI CEASE TO COMPETE. The Western Union nnd Postal Telegraph Companies Agree Upon a Tariff. SrXCTAL TXLZOBAX TO THZ DISrATCH.l New" Yobk, May 3. In accordance with an agreement recently soade between the Western Union and the Postal Telegraph Companies, revised tariffs have been issued making the rates of the two the same and reducing in a nnmber of cases long distance rates and increasing short distance rates. The extent of the advances in any case is 5 cents upon any ten-word message. The Tate between New York and Chicago has been advanced to 40 cents from 35 cents. The reductions made have been princi pally between the Pacific coast and the. ter ritory west of Indiana and Mississinni river and between, points North and the far South. The extent of the reductions is from 5 to 23 cents on messages of ten words. This revision amounts to an equalization of rates by the Western Union and Postal companies. Under this arrangement the Mutual Union Company, which has been used by tbe Western Union to meet compe tition, is discontinued and all Mutual Union offices not closed altogether will be made Western Union offices. WOMAN'S CLOTHES rotft Dispatch to- a-brfght and tolerating manner by Mrs. Frank Leslie, who speaks of the influence Iranian's dress hat exercised upon the world. EXPLOSION IN A HIM. One Man Fatnllr Irjnred and Two Others Receive Severe Shocks. JOttsville, May 8. A destructive gas explosion occurred at the Beechwood col liery, near this city, to-day. The fire boss, in making his daily round, ne glected to put up the "Cau tion board" at tbe entrance of an abandoned gangway in which gas had accu mulated. James Nolan, a carpenter who was making repairs, knowing that the fire boss had passed, and seeing no danger sig nal up, confidently entered the gangway with n naked lamp. Tba flame of the lamp came Iz c-ontact with a gas. and a terrible explosion ensued, blowinrr out doors, diverting the air current ana raising dense clouds of dust and smoke. Nolan wis blown against the face of tbe rocky gangway and. his skull was fractured, a leg broken in two places and his back and hands burned to a crisp. He cannot live. Two miners named Lewis and Sweeney were dragged ontuaooEseious, but were not'wriowly in jured," , x . . ' '- r - Driven ft rl T jNoDiesai Offers to BaKLvg j Birthrigkt 9 r7' . . J?V r svw . t r ' ama to x HOW MONET CAaPfc&E A. C0IHB 1 Zl Dispossessed by an A other, Ceani Carlo De Corti e3 TO TEAKSPEE HIS TITLE FOR SONET. He Wishes U Aflspt Seas Wealthy Asertaw fl4 Tafl-EsnterXiad. Any wealthy American, who wishes to pay for the privilege can secure a noble Italian title and an impoverished guardian or adopted father by opening negotiation with a representative of Count De Corti, who ad Vfcftisjs such an opportunity for sale. The title is genuine and guaranteed to hava no flaws in it 1SPXCIAI. TZXXOBAll TO- TEX DISrATCH.l Hew Yobk, May 3. Tho following ae -vertisement appeared about a week ago is sV leading daily paper of this city: v '4 A NOBLEMAN WOULD TRi' -""" title, by adoption or otherwise, in for pecuniary advantage. L. A. C, 190, ,. An evening newspaper young man ui cided to investigate. To-day, after several days' exhausting trials, it can be stated that the advertisement is strictly bona fide, and ' that the titled personage to whom it refers is one of the foremost aristocrats of Europe. The intelligence thathe intends to renounce his forefathers' title will not fail to produce' a sensation in Europe and this country, in both of which the noble family is equally well known. The following startling story "may serve to discover an amateur ready to pay handsomely for the title. May "the rich American" turn up, is the last hope of Count Corti: A CUST03TEE IN VIEW. The first move undertaken by the reportef , in order to ascertain the tacts conEe'cted with the advertisement, was to write a letter, to "L. A. C," requesting information whether or not the transfer of the title could be done legallv, and what the conditions were. The reply arrived thus: Fbiivit. Dear Sib In reply to yours. The gentle man for whom I advertised is in Paris, but I have as much interest as lie to keep things' strictly private. Will yon please call upon me to-morrow, from 10 A. Jt. to 12 3L, or appoint any place you wish to see m e. Respectfully, MBS. JlORETTT, 19 West Ninth street Hotel Griffon. Mrs. Moretti when called upon gave the history of herself, the title, the titled man and the reasons why the title is offered for. sale. Mrs. Moretti said that she arrived" here about three weeks ago. Her friend am? protector in Paris had asked her to offer his title in the American market. He was a most liberal man as long as his star wat shining, and she considered it her sacred duty to stick to him in his unfortunate days.' A VERY CHECKERED CABEEB. Count Carlo Be Corti this is the name oi the checkered nobleman was, fy his time, the foremost cavalier at the court of Yictoi Emmanuel, His nobility is the jrfost ancient in the Latin"McerJJitbenrneld tEeiglifest. court places, and wav known as a viveur ot excellent taste. His horses, which ran on the tracks of Rome, Paris and London were , famous, and his hospitality known to all foreigners of prominence abroad. He was at tbe head, that is to say, his name was borrowed to be printed at the head of financial firms or industrial enter prises. This, it seems, did not snit Count Carlo's'brother, Count Ludovico De Corti, the well-known Italian statesman. Count De Corti, who was at one time the Italian Ambassador at Washington, and formerly arbitrator in the Alabama question, was a i strict and haughty nobleman. He did not -like his brother engaging in enterprises where he had to mix up with common peo- , pie of the bnrgeoise, and was especially an. gry because Count Carlo had sold his estates in the province of Navara, is Italy. 4 DISPOSSESSED HIS BBOXHEB. It came to an open clash between the two brothers, and when, about two years ago, Count Ludovico died, nobody was aur- irised to hear that he had omitted to men ion his brother's name entirely in his will. Count Ludovico had made his nephew, a son of his sister, sole heir to his vast for tune, under the condition that he takes the title of Marquese De Corti, to which ar rangement the King of Italy had given his consent Thus it was provided that the family of Cortis should survive, as the Count was a bachelor. There was no use of litigating this will jnder the Italian laws. uouni uorti, wno is now in nu mm year, became resigned to his fate, but said he wo,uld take revenge for his dispossession. Soon after this tbe catastrophe in the finan cial condition of the Count occurred. He lost every cent ha possessed in the crash of Panama shares, in which he had been in duced by Count De Lesseps to invest the re mainder of his once princely fortune. Hs was penniless and without friends. A BtBTHBIOHT FOB SALE. Then the Count decided to convert his title into money. He took up his residence under the assumed name of Mr. Charles Meyer at 20 P.ue Duret. Paris, in a poor quarter. Everything was converted into money, and all the arrangements perfected to make an adoption legal under the laws of the country. Then Mme. Moretti sailed for America, which was considered the best market for titles is the world. According; to the law of Italy, every single man can -adopt anybody, and everybody whoso parents are deceased can be adopted, The law only requires that the person who adopts be SO or over CO years of age, and has no illegitimate children. A LITTLE D1SSER TO J(B3. HAERIS03T. The First Ladr of tbe Land Dines With u Old Acqaalntasce. tSPxaAtrnXOBAUTOTHX EUPAICH.l New Tobk, May 3. A dinner was given last evening by Mrs. J, J. Tan Nostrand, of Brooklyn, in honor of Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, at the house of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. William B. Leonard, 193 Co lumbia Heights. Mrs. Van Nostrandhas been a warm personal friend of Mrs. Har rison for several years, and Mrs. Harrison's first visit to Brooklyn was to accept her hospitalities. Mrs. Harrison was accompanied by Mr. Bnssell Harrison and his wife and Mrs. McKee. Covers were laid for 22, and tho guests included, in addition to the meafcers? of 'Mr. Leonard's family, Mrs. Becretarv v Tracy, Mrs. Wilmerding, Miss Traey, m Eev. Dr. Leonard, of Washington,' Commodore Ham say and Mrs. Raasay, the Retf. Dr. Charles H. Hall, Gen eral Eodney 0. Ward and Dr. S. Fleet Spier. Carriages were called at 103 s o clock and soon afterward Mrs. Harrieoa was driven back across the bridge tetke residence ,of Mrs. Morton, of wheat ske it still a gsesil Mrs. Morton took her driviBf in Central Park this morning. She will re turn to Washington in a special oar oa'lAe Pennsylvania road to-night, OLIVER OPTIC, 1 t wlI-on -L- contrfbtUat to the eotumm 0 Ss-won-sw'1 fits-js patch: on AfrtH9- aMouwt a; a TfrawssV gvajtfm, o wnrm wtys wsay 4 rAy. A ... . - . n L5 -.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers