-k ". MAT M THE HOOF. v Full Eetums of Week's Transactions "at liberty Tards. CATTLE DEPRESSED AND LOWER. Sheep ana Iambs Follow Suit, Supplies Being Above Wants. HOGS STEADI-rfiODCCTS DBOOPING. Office of Ptttsbcbo Dispatch, 1 Thcbsdat, May 2, 1SS9. J With returns all in it seems that local cattle receipts were 300 head less this week than last and through receipts 240 more. In this week's receipts were tea loads of stack ers from Chicago. There v ere lew primes in the market; The ontsiOe weight was little above 1,400 pounds. Markets were sluggish and at last accounts a number ofloads were unsold. There is a differ ence of opinion among stockmen as to decline. The general view is that prices are off from 15c to 20c from rates of last week. Some dealers hold that fine, smooth butcher stock, weiring about 1.200 pounds, hold up to prices of a week ago. The beeves which meet the wants of the local butcher trade suffer least from the de moralization of the cattle markets. The steer that is wanted by our local butchers of late months must not pass beyond the 4c line, femootb, well-fatted stock, weighing from 1,100 to 1.250, appear to meet the general de mands of our home trade, and hence for this line of cattle markets hold up best. It is never theless the fact that even this grade has suf fered in a measure from the general depression of cattle markets. The best price obtained for cattle this week at Llbertv was M SO. Good butcher cattle.frora 1,200 to 1,400, sold at prices ranging from S3 80 to 4 10. Receipts of calves show no decline. The total this week so far was 1.300 head. The outside prlM for calves was4Jc and this was only obtained for a few choice ones. hich were no index to the market. The general range was SKc to 4e, and at these figures markets were in favor of buyers. Sheep and Lambs. With receipts more than 8,000 bead less than fast week, it would be supposed that markets would be firm. The facts are the reverse. This season's live stock trade is an exception to all rules and experiences. In tie face of diminished supplies markets have been slow all the week at a full quarter's reduction from prices of last week. Prime wethers weighing 120 pounds were sold at (4 35. The outside price for spring lambs was 7c, and it required a very fancy animal to bringthis hgure. As with cattle so with sheep and lambs-markets have been depressed all the week. Hoffs At Chicago to-day hogs are a trifle higher than yesterday. The price there for tops is (4 80. At Liberty receipts have been light all the week, and markets are stronger to-day than they were on Monday. There was little trouble selling all that came to hand, with $5 00 as the price of tops. The situation of trade for hog products has few elements that are encouraging. Trade shows drooping tendencies all along the line. The trouble all the past season has been that the prices of bogs were too high to furnish any margin to pork packers. In almost all provision lines margins are so narrow to the packer that, except on special cuts, he has been n orking for glory more than profit; Following is the report of the week's trans actions at the East Liberty Stockyards: HECEIFTR. CATTLE. HOGS. SILEXP Thro1. Local. Thursday 8S0 .... 3,675 1.320 Friday 540 30 1,573 4,0 fcaturday bSO SCO 1,990 2,533 bunday... .. 920 4,3-jO 2.750 Monday. 140 110 1.C50 770 Tuesday 500 1J0 l,42o 1,430 Wednesday 3, 1,950 1,100 Total 2,940 1,50C 16.57.-J 10,140 Lastweek 2,700 1,800 17,535 18,500 Thursday..... .... 6 1,016 1,000 FridaT 26 7S3 SO t-aturday r 4.3 206 Monday. LIE 3, MI 4,838 Tuesday 191 607 1.GU Wednesday 94 1,004 1.568 Total J, 449 7.374 9,311 .aftweefc .. 1,772 5.423 12,049 Br TelecraDh. New Toek Beeves Receipts, 1,330 head, including 70 carloads for exportation alive and dead, and 14 carloads for city slaughterers di rect; no trading in beef cattle; steady for dressed beef at 6&7Vc: exports today, 675 beeves. 100 sheep and 740 quarters of beef; to day's Liverpool cable quotes American re frigerator beef dull at TVc per pound. Sheep Receipts, 3,400 head, and 4,000 bead were car rienover yesterday; slow and fully 15 carloads remain unsold; poor to very choice clipped sheep sold at3ocper pound; a few common unshorn do at lc; clipped yearling lambs at 45JJc;a tew ordinary nnshoru earlings at 6J$c; spring lambs at H 005 50 each. Hoes Receipts, 5 600 head, nearly all for slaughterers direct; the few sales on rho live weight were at $j 105 40 per 100 pounds, and the market closed dull at the range. Kansas Cttt Cattle Receipts. 2.233 head; shipments, 1,5S0 head: market slow and weaker for heavy drfssert beef and shipping steers, which were 1015c lower; light weight 5loc lower; cows steady; stackers and feeding steers steady; good to cnoice corn-led, J3 &04 15; common to medium, S3 0003 65; stockers and feeding steers, $2 003 60; cows, fl 753 25. Hogs Receipt, 7,249 head; shipments, 2.13S head; market strong and active and 2K5c higher; good to choice. 54 454 50: common to medium, f4 254 4a Sheep Receipts, 636 head: shipments, 426 head: market weak; good to choice, ti 004 75: common to medium. 53 253 75. St Louis Cattle Receipts. 6,000 head: ship ments, none; market steady: choice heavy native steers. J3 U)l 40: fair to good do, S3 00 4 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, (2 50 5 10: crass-fed. $1 9062 80. Hocs-Recelpts. 3,800 bead; shipments, none; market slow; choice heavy and butchers' selections. H 504 60: packing, medium to prime, S4 354 50: light grades, ordinary to best, $4 454 60. Sheep Receipts, 3,400 head; shipments, none; market slow; fair to choice, 53 004 6a Chicago - Cattle - Receipts. 15,000 head: shipments, C.000 head; market weak and lower: steers, S3 004 30; Texas cattle. 52 503 70; stock cattle. J2 853 6a Hogs Receipts. 17, 000 head; shipments, 8,000 head; market active and a shade higher: heavy and mixed, H 55 4, 721 light, SI GO 65. SlieeD-Receipts, 6.000 head: shipments, 1,000 head; market 5 10c loner; natives. $3 255 10; .Western, S3 40 5'00: lambs, S4 755 75. x Baltimore Beef cattle Values unchanged, quality a shade off: best beeves. 44 2-5c; pcnerallr rated, first quality, 33Kc; uedlani, 33Kc; ordinary thin steers, oxen and cows. 2 2Jic; most of the sales -were from 2J3Jc; 'receipts, 1,220 bead: sales. C90 head, bheep Receipts, 2,403 bead.-Jsheep, 25c; lambs, 68JC BurFALO-Cattle-No fresh receipt, nothing 'doing. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 16 loads ' through; 22 sales; dull, only fpw lambs sold. nogs oiow. sc lower on Yorkers; receipts, 2 loads through, 11 loads sale; mediums, So. Cincinnati Hogs higher; common and lifjnt, 004 70; packing and hoteliers'. H 04 85; receipts, 2,720 head; shipments, 1,615 Iiead. " Indianapolis Cattle steady at $3 004 4a Hogs quiet atSl 554 7a Sheep steady at $3 00 100; lambs, 8SW7 75. Drycoods Market. INewTobk. May2. The drygoods market reopened, after a closing of practically three days, with an accumulation of mail orders in the bands of acents and numerous retail buy ers in the jobbing houses. In the latter an 'active trade developed, which was stimulated by1 special bargains in all departments and two or'three small drives id prints. The market at first hands was unchanged, and few visiting buyers were on hand, but some large contracts were made for tpeoialties. There was a hrm tone to most descriptions of cotton goods. SIS for 810. Ve are "giving away 518 men's sails for $10 to-day and to-morrow. These suits are of , this season's make, and of our own man ufacture You can take your choice of 75 different patterns, cut iu &acks and one, three and four-button cutaways, long or short roll, just as vou prefer. Materials in these suits are cheviot, worsteds, diagonals, cassimeres, Bannocbburn tweeds, blarneys and serges. You will never have an oppor tunity to buy stylish and well-made cloth ing as low as you can buy from us to-day and to-morrow. We aust sell our goods. P. C- O. C, cor. Grant nd Diamond sts., opp. the new-Court House. Ton can bny 50 delicious imported cigars ,)for$4,0at Q. W. Sckaridt', 95 and 97 :ifth Ave. NABKETSJBY WIRE. , WhentWenk nnd Lower Under Local In fluence Bnd Jfewn From Dakota Corn and Onts Strong and Htchcr Bog Products . Active Chicago The wheat market was weaker and prices lower to-day. July opened HSlic lower and declined lc more, recovered He and closed lc lower than yesterday. May closed 2c lower and June 2Jc lower than yes terday. The influences, brought to bear noon the market were favorable to both class of traders, but the results favored the bear side. .Foreign and domestic markets were weaker. On the other hand, advices from the Northwest report dry weather, and some advices indicate irre parable damage from recent storms in Da kota. Corn rnled rather quiet the greater part of the session, though there were times when the market exhibited a moderate degree of specu lative activity. The market opened a shade higher than the closing prices of yesterday, and final quotations were He higher than yes terday. Oats were moderately active, stronger and higher. Prices advanced J4V hut closed easy at KC below the outside. Trading was active in-me&sporlc and prices fluctuated considerably. Offerines were quite free early, and prices receded 15lXc Later quite a good demand prevailed and the market exhibited considerable strength, with liberal buTlng by local operators. Prices were ad vanced 3032Kc but settled back again 6e7c, and closed steady. A moderate trade was reported in lard. Early the market was weak, with some desire to sell by local operators, and prices receded 25c liter the demand improved and prices rallied 57c, and closed comparatively steady at out side ngures. An active trade was reported in short ribs. Prices receded 25c Later prices rallied 710c and closed cteady. The leading rutures ranged as rollows: WnKAT-Ka 2 June. lK81K"85i7Sc: July. 78T67SK7bV77Kc; September, 77 77K6767bc; ear. 7b75c Corn No. 2 June, 34S4c; July, 34342c: August, 35V35J6S5KXc OATS No. 2 June, 2222522W:22c; July 2222XeS2a Mess Pork, per bbk-June. til 45U 67K 11 45U 62$; July, SU 60U SOQll 42 11 72K: August, $U 75U 82$. Labd, per 100 Its. June, $8 S2K?6 85; July, S6 856 S7; August, S6 806 92K&S W& SHOBT RIBS, per 100 Bs. Jnne, 5 92K5 97K 5 92M5 7M: Julv, 16 02K8 07K&5 97K8 6 05; August, S6 1266 12K6 056 12K. Cash quotanons were as rollows: Klour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 79S0c: No. 3 spring viheat, 77c; No. 2 red, 7i 79c No. 2 corn, 33J-ic. No. 2 oats,' .22Jc; No. 2 rye. 40Kc. No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, f 1 6ril 57. Prime timothy seed, SI 351 Mess pork, per barrel, 111 5011 55. Lard, per 100 lbs. tG 80g6 82K. Short ribs sides (loose), $5 906 00. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 15 255 50. Short clear sides (boxed), SS 256 37K. Sugars cut, loaf, !9Kc: granu lated. bc: standard "A," 8JgC Receipts Flour, 20.000 barrels; wheat, 14,000 bushels: corn. 256,000 bushels; oats. 238,000 bushels: rye, 13,000 bushels; barley, 25,000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour, 6,000 barrelsr wheat, 26.000 bushels; com, 389,000 bushels; oats, 231,000 bushels; rye. 5,000 bushels; barley, 8,000 bushels. 9 On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter maiket was steady; fancy creamery. 2122c; good to choice, 1920c; fine dairies, 1920c; fine togood,1417c Eggs firm at 10Kllc New York Flour Irregular and moderately active, closing steady. Wheat Spot fairly active,lc lower aud weak; demand chiefly for export; options active, 11C lower and heavy; July, 84 5-16SS5Jc, closing at 84c; Au gust, Sic. Rje quiet: western. 4952c Bar ley dull; Canada, 6774c Barley malt quiet; Canada. 90cKSl 10 lor old and new. Corn Spot fairly active, strong and fc higher; options dull and steady. Oats Spot fairly active and stronger; options active and firmer. Hay quiet and steady. Hops firm and quiet. Coffee Options 2030 points up; closed steady; sales of 74,250 bags, including May,16.7516.80c; June. 16.8agl6i90c; July, l6.9517.00c: August, 17.05fflI7.15c; September. 17.25R17.S0c; October, 17.3517.40c: November,17.4017.45c; December, 17.40ai7.50c: January, 17.60c; March, 17.50c Sugar Raw quiet and steady: fair re fining, -6?c: centrifugal, 96 test. 7Jc; refined steady and quiet, Molasses Foreign firm; New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet; rellow. 5052c. Tallow steady. Rosin quiet. Turpentine dull and weak:, offered at Xc Egcs in fair demand; western, 1212c; re ceipts, 15,653 packages. Pork more active; mess, J13 0013 25: extra prime, $12 0012 25. Cutraeats dull; pickled bellies, 6K5c; picklH hams, IVAQWic Middles quiet; short clea-.f055. Lara lower: closed steady: sales western steam. $7 15617 17tf. closing at 57 17J Diu; ciy, so oa; iuav, ia&i id, closing at 57 17; June. 57 147 16, closing at $7 17; July, 57 17, closing at 7 18; August J7 21; Septem ber, 57 247 27,-closing at J72C727. Butter in lower demand: -western dairy, 1018c; do cream ery, 1522c; El gins, 24oS Cheese stronger and in better demand. St. Louis Flour quiet and easy with light demand. Wheat lower. It was a steadily sink ing market all the session at unfavorable ad vices and May closed 3c and June 2c lower than yesterday: No. 2 red, cash. 79c; May. 7780Wc, closing at 77Uc; Jnne, 7576c, closing at 75c; Jnlr. 73Ji74c closing at 73c; August, 73JJ 73J74Jc; closing at 737c Corn firm; No. 2 mixed cash, 30Vc; May, 3030c, closed at 30Kc:Junc, 30c; July. 31c closed at 31c asked: September, 33Jc Oats higher; No. 2 cash. 23)c bid; May, 23c asked: June, 23c bid. Rye. 42c Barley quiet; Iowa, 40c Flaxseed, SI 45. Provisions steady. CntCTKS ati Flour quiet. Wheat steady; No. 2 red. 84c; receipts, luo bushels; shipments, 1,000 bushels. Corn in good demand and firm: No. 2 mixed, 87c Oats firmer: No. 2 mixed, 26 26Xc Rje steady; No.2,48ffi49c Pork-Demand ligiitat$12 25L Lard steady at Sfl 62$. Bulk meats and bacon quiet. Butter steady. Sugar firm. Eggs and cheese steady. Philadelphia Flour very dull; prices weak and unsettled. Wheat Carlots steady but quiet; options dull and nominal. Corn Steady but quiet. Oats Spot dull; futures quiet butsteady. Bntterdull and weak; Pennsylvania prints, extra, 2526c Eggs firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 12Kc Milwaukee Flour steadv and dull. Wheat weak; cash, 76c; June, 76c; July, 77J4c Corn easier; o. 3, 34c Oats quiet; No. 2 white. 26SC6c. Rje Arm; No. L Xc Bar ley easy: No, 2, 54c Pork. S15 55. Lard. S6 82K Cheese easy; Cheddars, 910c Balttkobe Provisions steady. Butter dull ana easy: Western packed, 1516c; cream ery, 2225c Ejrps firm at 11&612C. Coffee ... .. n- ,- T' mtm tffn . ., ' T dull; uto, lair, ltisc. Toledo Cloversecd dull and lower; cash, S3 97. Receipts, none: shipments, 8 bags. PITTSBURG IRON. The Dcmnnd Increasing and Prices Firmer Curtailment of Production. The past week has witnessed a decided im provement in this important branch of local industry. Abetter demand has not only stiff, ened prices, but encouraged makers to hope for an advance, which is only a question of a short time It will not bo large, bat sufficient togive a better tone to th market. Another cause of the improvement is the shuttini: don of some of the mills and curtailment of production. This has already relieved the trade of a dead weight, and if continued until supply and demand are about equal, will necessarily result in a strong and active market. This is the outlook. Makers and brokers almost unanimously agree that the worst is over. PiO IltON Neutral Gray forge, Sll 50, cash; wtito and mottled, 14 00C14 50. cash; all ore mm. ia ,oipio iai, casu; no. i lounary, $17 25(517 SO, cash; No. 2 foundry, Si6 00, cash; No. 2 charcoal foundry, S21 0021 50, cash: cold blast charcoal, S25 002S 00, cash; Bessemer iron. $16 7517 00. cash. . Fkrho-Masoanese Eighty per cent. $55 00 56 00; speigel-eisen, S28 0028 50 for20per cent cash. Mamjkacttjbed IBON-Bars, 11 751 80, 60 days, 2 per cent off. Muck Bak $26 60. Billets Bessemer steel, $27 00 cash; nail slabs, $27 75023 00; domestic bloom and rail ends, 19 0019 GO. NAILS-Carlotsl2dto 40d, flSr 60 days; 2 per cent off for cash. Weouoht iBOlf Pipe Discounts on steam, gas and water pipe: Mack. to 1-Inch,65per cent, to 12 inches, 67$; galvanized, Y. to l-inch, 47K per cent; 1 to 12 inches, 55 per cent; oil well casing, 60 per cent; 5 Inch cas ing, 37K per net foot; 2-inch tubing, lSc; boiler tubes, C2f, and oil well casing, 60 per cent off large lots. Merchant Stkkl Tool, 8c; crucible spring, 4c: crucible machinery, 6c; open hearth machinery, 2Jfc KAILFASTENINGS-Snikes, 2.20c per pound, 80 daysjsplice bars. 1.8001 85c per pound; square nut trackbolts, 2.753 JL85c and hexagon nnt,2.90 2.85c f. o. b. PitMburg. Old Rails American tees, $24 00824 50 Steel do. $18 60 for short, $19 50 for Jong. Steel RAiM-Heavy sections, 23g29 cash, at works. Scrap Iron No.1 wrought, $J121 25 per net ton; cast scrap, $15 50I6: wrought turnings, 51S 14. net: cast borings. $1213, gross: car axles, $25 0025 60, net; old car wheels, $19 0019 60, cross; rail ends, f 19 G020 00; bloom do, $19 CO, cash. Beelp Ieon Grooved sizes, $1 65, eash; sheered, 2c Metal markets. New YoKX-Pie Iron quiet and nominal Copper eftfrfer; lake, May. 14 26. Lend dall and Aimer: domestic, B 67K- Tin quiet and steaaj;atra4t3,S0 40. THE LANDS AND HOUSES. Some Important Deals, With More of the Same Sort on, the String. THE DEMAND STILl, YEEI ACTIVE. Westinghouse Stocks Under a Cloud, With Philadelphia in the Tan. OIL ADYAKCES MEAELI TWO CENTS Several important real estate transactions were consummated yesterday, showing that business is still in full vigor. Among them were: A "Westmoreland county farm, 52.100; a blocfc of fine houses on Stanton avenqe, Allegheny, $12,260; a brick residence on Fifth avenue, Oakland, $8,100; 12 lots in Reserve township, $200 to $276 each, and two lots on Penn avenne, Twentieth ward, $1,000. Progress was reported in two or three large deals that have been on the string for several weeks. This shoirs that interest in real estate is being kept up. "One of the most Interesting features to me of the license business has been overlooked," remarked a piominent citizen yesterday. "I refer to the devotion to law which the disap pointed men and tlJelr friends have shown. Hundreds were thrown out of business by the word of one man, but they didn't rebel; they didn't attempt to incite riots; they dldn'tmatte attempts on the life of the Jndge; they didn't parade the streets to excite sympathy for their cause. Xike loyal citizens they bowed to the majesty of the law as represented by the Court. In any other country in the world this would have resulted in riot If not revolution. Whle lam opposed to the liquor traffic as a great publio evil. I cannot refrain from giving these men full credit for exhibiting one of the best qualities of American citizenship obedience to the law under trying circumstances. Their splendid forbearance has raised them several degrees in my estimation." People may be met almost any day on Fourth avenue with pockets full ot money, looking for "snaps" In real estate. They have no connec tion with any of the syndicates that are gob bling property right and left, but act upon'their own hoot In the belief that lauds and houses afford the best and safest investment for their surplus cash. While this feeling prevails the land trade of Pittsburg can never be lifeless. Business just now is a little sluggish, by com parison with the bnskttimes of the winter and early spring, but there is considerable inquiry, with a fair amount of sales. That the interest will keep up all summer there is no doubt. The demand for building loans continues un checked. Money to be thus applied is sufficient to meet the demand. . The Improvement of sub-division property is going forward rapidly. This is especially notice able in the East End, at Shadyside, Roup and Dallas. It is now becoming necessary to have Something more to show to intending pur chasers than naked sod, and sub-dividers have Decome, in a manner at least, improvers. Side walks, grades, roads and numerous trees are the common adjuncts to a properly handled bit of outlying ground. This is a good way to at tract customers and insure quick sales. According to reports from New Zealand there is a good opening there for several kinds of Pittsburg machinery. Binders and corn drills are in great demand, and have a large sale. A large number of horse hayrakes are yearly sold. The very superior cheapness and lightness of the American nearly gives tkem a monopoly of this instrument For the past three seasons a number of cleaning machines have been on the market, and their lowpricc makes them favored by farmers. They are being sold at less tban half the price ot the English machine. Disk barrows and cheap hillside plows find ready sale. M0TEMLNTS IN STOCKS. Philadelphia nnd Electric Sold Down The Traction Strong nnd Wanted. Weakness in Philadelphia Gas was the only notable feature of the stock markeryesterday. Instead of profiting by the vacation it suffered to the extent of a full point, selling down to K with liberal offerings. Wheeling Gas was strong and wanted. Electric was another weak brother, 100 shares selling in the afternoon at 57 The Tractions were strong and in good demand. Switch and Signal was fractionally weaker and neglected. LaNoria was a shade firmer, bnt the expected boom was detained on the way. The remainder of the list was quiet and unchanged. The total sales were 1.090 shares, distributed as follows: 420 Philadelphia Gas. 200 Wheeling Ga. 160 Pittsburg Traction, 115 Canual Traction, 125 Electric and 70 Pitts burg and Western preferred. Bids, offers and sales follow: 1IOBNTKC. AFTERXOCra. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Keystone Bank or r'g .... 61 Third Hat. Bank 162 Cliartiers Val. lias Co. 63 54 .... 54 People's NO P Co 18 rhliadelphUCo 39 39 ffltf 39V Wheeflnr Oss Co & 34 .... S3), Central Traction 30 30X 23J( 30 CI tliens' Traction 76 .... 76 Pittsburg Iractlon.... 55 67 65 S5J4 Fltts. June K. K. Co.. U 25 Pitts. & Western K. K. 10J 11 P. W. B. K. prer.... KH .. 18 19J( X.Y. & CGas Coal Co 37 LaNoria Mlnlcjr Co... IV 2 2 Westinrhouse Electric 67tf 68 Rii S3 U. Switch ASiltnsl Co. 25 Z5V 25 25X U. S. &B1JT. Co. pid... 60 -Wcstlng'seAlrBVco.. IIS 13) Sales at the first call were 220 shares of Phil adelphia Gas at 40; 100 f. o. SO, at 39K; 200 V heeling at 3S 25 Electrio at S60 Pitts burg and Western preferred at 19. In the afternoon. 100 shares of Philadelphia Gas sold at 89K: 160 Pittsburg Traction at 55: 10 Pittsburg and Western preferred at 18; 100 Electric at 67; 115 Central Traction at 30. Henry M. Long Bold 250 shares of , Phlladel. phia Gas at 40K; 25 Contral Traction at 30 and 10 Pittsburg and Western preferred at ID. QUIET AND EASY. Local Financial Matters Moving Along In the Customary Channel. Host of the banks reported a fair volume of counter business yesterday, checking being the feature, but the ainonnt of paper, offered for discount was small Now that business is fairly under way again this Important element of prosperity Is expected to increase. There was no change in rates, which were steady at 50per cent on call and time. The Clearing House report was of pratifying proportions. the exchanges beins 2.493,156 61 and the bal ances $379,523 31. New York checks will pour in to-day. after the long vacation, and will probably cause Manager Chaplin to put forth a statement without a parallel in his experi ence as umpire of tbe associated banks. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 22)$ per cent, last loan 2 per cent, closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 35205 Sterling exchange strong and active at i 67 for 60-day bills and 4 SSJi for de mand. Government Bonds. U.S. 454s. reg 106ai07K ti s. jur- conns lOSWiaiiHaZ U.8.4S, rcg. I23!iiaiv U.S. 43, coups 129J128X Bid. Currency, Spercent. 1895 ree 121 Currency, 6 per cent. 1896 rec. 124 Currency, epercent, 1897 ret; 1J7 Currency, epercent, iwsreg. rssjf Currency, epercent, I89arc 132 The registered 4)4.3 are quoted ex June 1 and In terest ot lii per cent. NEW Tork Clearings to-day, $94,933,414; Daiances, o,iiu,u BOSTON-Clearings, 116,766,013; balances, $2. 104.56L Money, 23 per cent. BALTIMOBE-Clearlngs, S2,582,640; balances. $320,231. Philadelphia Clearings, 1S,840,231; bal ances, 1,491.160. CHioAoo Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, JW.MO.OOO, St. Louis Clearings, J4,495,065; balances. J586.693. IiONDO!-The amount of bullion withdrawn from tbe Bank ot England on balance to-day was 100,000. 7he bullion in the Bank of England decreased 1.50.000 during the cast week. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability 4s now 3i per cent Paeis Three per cent rentes, 67f 72c for the account, Tbe weekly statement for the Bank of Frwicd shows an Increase of 2,060,000 francs cold and 2,200,000 francs (liver. Mining Stocks. New Yokx. May 2. Mining quotation closed'. Amador, 100: Aspen. 105; Bodle, 166' Cale4ofiia, & PL, 810; Consolidated California . tn li- To. riAMiln....... m tArt. , bu YjrEiBtti, loiwiHuiiu, x., xw: jureKa I (jofisolldated, 390; El Crista, 150; Gould A Curry, j yr PITTSBURG- -DISKSTOB?r JKIDtjl MjlX -371389. 226; Halo A Nororots. 426; Eoraestake, 780 Horn Silver, 100: Mexican, 410; Mono, 180; Ophlr, 485: Quicksilver. 650; Savage, 260; Bierra Nevada. 340: Standard, 100; Small Hopes, 120; Sullivan, 125; Union Copper, 100. SCORED AX ADVANCE. The Oil Market Opens Dp Strong nnd Actlvo Scarcity of Certificates. There was a good feeling among the oil brokers when the market opened yesterday after the three days' vacation, and they at once went to work with a vim, both sides feel injj confident that they were all right. The initial quotation was 84c. From this point it gradually sold up during the day, with a few small breaks, until Just before the close it reached BGc, the highest point touched. It then broke to 85c, rallying a little in the last few minutes, and closing at 86 a gain of lc for the day. The market was mainly sustained by fear of a scarcity. Brokers in the forenoon paid from. SI to So for oil with which to make clearances although it seemed on Saturday that all had been supplied at 2a cents premium. In tbe afternoon there were no loans, so far as known, under SL Trading was of fair proportions, but tbe longs were not disposed to make extra ordinary exertions to realize, with the market in their favor. The April report shows there'were completed 415 wells, with an aggregate production of 6,287 barrels which is a decrease of S79 barrels from last month, while the number of wells completed was 78 more than in March. There were 81 dry holes, which is 19 more than in March. There were 600 wells drilling, an in crease of 42, and 283 rigs up and building, a de crease of 36. The average of February pro ducing wells was 10V barrels, for March 19.7 barrels, and for April 15 1-6 barrels. Drilling was more active, but new production fell off. Tbe Legionville well was reported doing 135 barrels a day. McKeown No. 8 and Aiken No. 8 was due. Tbe McKeown-Jones well at Turkeyfoot were reported dry. Two wells at Murdocksville are due to-day. FEATURES Or THE 1IAEKET. Opened 84Lowest ,MH Highest. 86)4 Closed S3 . Barrels. Bnns 7S.961 Average 46,839 Shipments. 114,831 Average 72,461 Charters... ' Average 30,436 Clearances , 1,102,000 Keflned. New York, 6.85. Keflned. London. S& Keflned, Antwerp. ia)i. New York closed 85. Oil City closed 86. Bradford closed 85. A. B. McGrew fc Co. quote puts 84; calls, 87J. . Other Oil Karkets. On, Cmr. May 2. National transit cer tificates opened at S4Kc; highest, 8tc; low est. 84Jic; closed. 85Kc Bradford. May 2. National transit cer tificates opened at S4c; highest, S6c; lowest. 84c; closed at 86c TmjBYrLLE. May 2. National transit cer tificates opened at Silic; highest, S6c; low est, 84Xc: closed, 85c New Yorur, May 2. Petroleum opened steady at 8 and after a slight decline in tbe early trading strengthened on covering by Western shorts and moved up to SBJ& closing strong at 86. Total sales,'.899.000 barrels. NEITHER DEAD N0E SLEEPING. Heal Estate Keeping to tbe Front as a Idve, Issne. Samuel W. Black t Co.. 99 Fourth avenue. sold a block of five houses on Stanton avenue, Allegheny, to a prominent Fourth avenue bus iness man, for an investment, for 512,250. C. Behringer & Son. 103 Fourth avenue, sold for Paul Hammell et al to William and A. HUler, a farm of 104 acres in Westmoreland county, near Derry, for 52,100 cash; also a lot at Qlenfield for Miss Ella Beurmann to A.B. Dnnlap, for $160. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for Dr. John Logan ' to Mrs. Sarah A. Morgan a new two-story brick residence of 8 rooms, with all modern conveniences, on Fifth ave nne, near Halket street, Oakland, with lot 25x 127 feet io a 20-foot alley, for S8.100. Alles A Bailey, 161 Fourth avenue, sold for luaujm t a.uuu, jiKoauexrs piau ot lots, lie serve township, adjoining city line, 12 lots, 22x 100 each, at urices ranging from S200 to $275. L. O. Frazler, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for the Gross estate two lots, each 20x100 feet to an alley, situate on the east side of Edmnnd street, near Penn avenue, Twenti eth ward, to the Pittsburg Homestead, Loan and Trnst Company for $1,000. I. M. Pennock & Son sold and settled a mort gage on suburban property for 122,500, five years at 6 3-10 per cent; no tax. Also sold lots Nos. 34 and 85 la Byrne's plan. Eighteenth ward, each 25 feet font, on Fifty-seventh street, and 333 feet deep to. Wm. M. McMillan for $750. The total salesof stocks at New York yester dav were 245,002 shares, including: Atchison, 22,980; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 16,700; Louisville and Nashville, 13.320; Missouri Pacific 6.195; Northwestern. 20.950; Norfolk and Western, 8.255; Oregon Transcontinental, 9.700; Reading, 15,907; Richmond and West Point, 3,210; Union Pacific, 16,300; Western Union, 9,514. Business Kotcs. The Iron City-National Bank has declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent: TnE main for the Wilkinsburg water works crossed the Pennsylvania Railroad yesterday.' ' Tbe Diamond National Bank yesterday de clared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent, payable on demand. The Fidelity Title and Trust Company has assumed sole charge of making transfers of The Beal Estate Savings Bank yesterday de clared its usual dividend, and Increased its sur plus from $33,000 to $15,000. It is in a flourishing condition. Bitegess HcCltjee, of McKeesport, has re fused to sign any more ordinances for improv ing streets, unless tbe damage claims are settled before the work commences. The Board of Directors of the Monongahela National Bank yesterday decided not to declare a dividend, bnt placed $10,000 in the surplus f nnd, leaving $6,728 65 of undivided profits. This is satisfactory to the stockholders. Oliver Bbos. & Co. and the Republic Iron Works yesterday closed the purchase of a large block of torritoryin theBelleyernon natural gas field, including a well flowing at heavv pressure, and will immediately proceed with the con struction of a pipe line to connect their works therewith. ACTIVE AM STBOM. Stock on the Jump With tbe Grander in the Lead Tbe Bcnrs Knocked Out-Advances nil Along the Line. New York, May 2. The stock market to day was again moderately active and showed a strong front almost throughout, and material advances were made over the list with the Grangers in the lead. There was good buying for both tbe foreign and domestic account, and the Boston stocks especially wero very promi nent in the upward movement, and although the bears made a powerful demonstration against the list in the forenoon, the impression made upon values was only fractional. The opening was strong after tho three days' holi day, and most stocks showed advances over last Saturday's close of from ttoner cent. while Atchison responded to the rise in Boston of tbe past two days with a gain of c The interest in tho speculation was centered in the Western stocks and Atchisou, North western, Burlington and Rock Island took the lead. The early demand stimulated the list and the opening gains were supplemented by further advance all over the list, and Pullman, which was selling ex-dividend, almost recov ered the dividend in tho first hour. The bears, however, resisted the advance with vigor, and making their attack more especially upon Union Pacific and Reading, brought the list down fractionally from the best figures. The Statement Of tbe Bnrlinitnn nnH Onlni9 lor March showing a gain of nearly KioaOOO. again stimulated the bujing, and under the lead of Burlington and other Western shares, material gains were made before noon. Even weak spots like Union Pacific and Chicago Gas recovered tbe losses of tbe first hour. In the .afternoon the market became less active, bat tbe upward movement met with no set back though, except in the coal stocks, which became the favorites, and especially Lackawanna, the gains were for small fractions only. Burlington, Louisville and Nashville and Missouri Pacific, however, were still very Froniinent. Western Union also came to tbe ront on a rumor that a syndicate had offered to buy Mr. Gould's holdings, and Manhattan, Texas Pacific and the Wabashes were higher In sympathy. The rise culminated toward 2 f'TVhsn bahy was sick, wd gave her Castoria, non sue was a voiia, sseorieaioruasoria. When she became Miss, sbe'dung to Castoria, When she had Children,sbe gave them Castoria apB.77-MWTSa TS5W? o'clock when some realizing caused a reaction of slight fractions from the highest figures. Beyond the activity In Burlington there was no feature of interest in the final dealings. The close, however, was firm to strong, though quiet at about tbe best prices of tbe day. The unlisted department was very quiet, and Brunswick is a shade lower at 20. The great majority of the active shares are materially higher to-night. Burlington rose 2 Manitoba ljfi. Canada Paclfio 114. Hock Island IK.. Mis souri Pacific lVf, Oregon Transcontinental 1, -rLackawanna I and others fractional amounts. itailroad bonds were also more active ana de cidedly stronger, tire salesof all Issues aggre gating $2,471,000, of which the Texas Paclflo second Incomes furnished $221,000. Ft. Worth and Denver firsts $106,000 and ihaDuluth, South Shore and Atlantic firsts, 8100.UOU, There was no change in the temper of Ihe dealings throughout the day. , The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock. Exchange. Corrected dailj for Thi Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: . cios-Upen- High- liow- Inr Ins. esu est. Bids. Am. Cotton Oil S3& .-. ... UK Atch.. Top. S. 0. ',... 43 42X 43 Canadian Paciflc UK 94 UH Sin Cand Southern. 52 S3 C2K i"H Central or. New Jersey. MH 80 KH 96)4 vcuinuiraeuic. Chesapeake & Ohio ... KH C, liur.l Qulncr..... 85 97H p.. Mil. St. Paul.... !) .iosS . 93)2 v., wu.iLih f p... ..AIM? y., itocsi. trnil C., St. U & Pitts.. U, St. I.. &P1U8. pt. 37 ZJK BK y.. St. P.. .11. & 0 33H 333f 5J C., bt. PM. & O.. pf. 93 94! 83 CJt Northwestern.. ..I3( 107H NMf C.& .Northwestern, pf.139 139 139 C.CC.41 68 MX M Col. Coal A Iron Col. Hocking Val .. 18)4 19K 19)f Bel.. L. AW... I3"3 13SK 137 Bel. & Hudson U8H 137)2 133 DenverAKloU 17M KH "K UenverAKloU., pr... 48 43 48 E.T., V,4Ga 8)4" 'A 'A E.T.,Va.&Oa.. lstpr .... ' E. T.. Va. 4 Ga. 2d pr. Illinois Cenvral 114 114 114 Kke Krle Western.. I8VC 18M 18 Xke Erie ir West. pr 58iJ 89)4 63K J.akeShore AM. S 103 103)2 103 Louisville NashvUle. 68 69)3 68K Mobiles; Ohio .Mo.. K.. ATexas... KK 1S K Missouri Paclflo. Jl K 71 -New York Central 107H 107H 107 . Y.. L. E. & V ti i3 28 w. Y.. l. z. & W.nref 71 7W vuj ?. Y., C &St.L . Y., U&St. L. pf. Jj.Y.. C. ASt.B.2dpf '. y..o.& w"...:::::: n -a n inorrolk & Western IJorfolkJfc Western. nf. S3H 833$ K Northern Paclflo...... S5J 25H 2W Nortnern Paclflo prer. 60 61)4 60' Ohio Mississippi... . S3 23)3 22 Oregon Improvement. 49V 60 X Oregon Transcon 32J S3H S2H PaciflcMall 37 37 38)4 Peo. Bee Evans Phlladel. A Keadlnir.. 45 44K Pullman Palace Car"..lJ)$ Wit 1S3 Richmond & W. P. T.. 2SH 27 mi Richmond & W.P.T.pf 79 S0H 79Ji St. Paul A JJnlnth St. Paul A Uuluth pf. St. p., Mmn. A Man.. .101 1023s 101 St. L. & San Fran.. St. L. A San Fran pf.. GOV M-V 60 St. L. A San P.lst OT. Texas Pacific 21 2I 2IM UnlonPaclflc 63 CO S9K Wabash 14X 15 14)4 UK 2! 60 co Uii is 23 28V MM SSH 66 66V 21K 21M .vaoasn preierrea.... Western Union Wheeling-A L. E , National Lead Trust.. Ex-dividend. Philadelphia Stocks. Closing qnotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney AStcphenson, brokers, No. 57 'Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Itailroad 534 53V Keadlns Kallroad 2!H 23 11-18 Bnflalo, Pittsburg and Western 11)4 12 Lehigh Valley 53X 54 Lehigh Navigation 63 o2)i Philadelphia and Erlo 29 Northern Pacific 25K 28 Northern Paclflo preferred 61)4 61 Boston Atch. A Tod.. 1st 7s. MS A.AT. LandOr't7s.08 Atcb.ATop.K.B... 43 Boston A Albany.. .216 Boston A Maine.. ...181 C B. AU 97 Clun. San. A Clerc. 24 Eastern R. It 81 Eastern K. 1C Bs 125 Flint A PereM 28 K.C..3t.J.AC.B.7s.m Mexican Cen. com.. 13 N. y. ANewEng... 43S N. Y.ANewEng 78.12054 Stock. Old Colony. mn Kntland nreferred.. 37 Wls.Central.com... 17 Wis. Central pC... 40 AUouezM'gCo(new) 1 Calumet A Hecla....207X Osceola , 9H rewablc (new) 2'4 vuincr ......... Hell Telephone, Boston Land... Water Power.., . 47 .233 . x . 7 .lOiii . 26 Tamarack , Ban Diego Rapid Drcreaso In Stock of Wheat. rSriCIAL TKLXORJLMTOTniDISPATCH.l New YOEK,May 2. Special reports to Brad streeVx show that stocks of wheat at Minneap olis, St, Paul, Dulutb, at Minnesota, and Da kota interior railway elevators and at railway .elevators in Northern Iowa and Western Wis consin, aggregated 12.477,000 bushels last Satur day, against 13,992,772 bushels one month pre viously, a decrease of 1.515,000 bushels during April. On May 1, 1888, like stocks amounted to 25,785,000 bushels, or 18,808,000 bushels more than this year. LATE NEWS IN BEIEP. At a meeting of tbe newly elected directors of the Mexican Central Railroad yesterday the old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year. , Abner Mellen. mannfacturer of bedding supplies at 142 and 144 Worth street. New York, bas assigned to Gordon McKay, without prelerences. At Albany, N. Y vestei day John Collins, an engineer, shot bis sweetheart, Sarah Gard ner, and then shot himself. He is dead, and the woman will also die. The Democrats ot the Nineteenth Congres sional district of Illinois have nominated Judge J. B. Williams, ot White county, to succeed K. W. TownsbendV lately deceased. The President has granted a respite until May 17 in the case of Nelson Colbert, who was to be hanged in Washington to-day for the murder of Philip Wentzell, in October last. The steamer Weser is reported as being passed at Dover yesterday morning with all aboard well. The reported yellow fever aboard is denied by the North German Lloyd Steam ship Company. The firm of W. & H. Erdtmann, Importers and manufacturers ot colors, lithographing and printing inks at 252 and 254 Pearl street. New York City, have made a general assignment- to Clemens J. Kracbt, with $952 prefer ences. Tho English Tories qnote as a proof that the Irish are not so destitute as reputed, tbe fact that out of the 35,000 subscribed for the Parnell defense fund, some 27,000 were raised in Ireland, thus making their liberality a point against them. The steamship Vlendam, which amved at New York yesterday from Rotterdam, reports that on April 23 she passed jl raft made of planks and spars nailed together. There was no one on the raft, and no clew to its identity could be ascertained. -A dispatch from Melbourne, Australia, says that a monster meeting of Irish sympathizers was held in tbat city on Tuesday. Mr. John Dillon made, an address which created great enthusiasm among his listeners. One thousand 'pounds was subscribed to aid the Irish cause. -The Sixth and Seventeenth Regiments of Ohio Infantry reached Washington yesterday morning, and spent the day in Tislting tbe variom places of interest in the city. Many other members called at the White House, and the War Department was a source or great in terest. The regiments are homeward bound from New York, and left Washington for Ohio last evening. -The first of the long-time weather predic tions issued by the Signal Office appeared yes terday, as fallows: The general weather pre diction indicates thatfair weather will continue in the Gnlf States during Friday and Saturday, with a slight rise in temperature. Fair weather is also indicated in the central valleys. New York and .New England States, during Thurs day and Friday, with no marked changes in temperature. Almost a panic was caused during the burning of an extension of tho Catholic Col lege in Germantown, Philadelphia, yesterday, when It became known that two brothers, Ig natius and Michael Kemmerle, aged 85 and 70 years respectively, were in a part of tho balld- ing. Presently the two men appeared at a window and Michael jumped to the ground. His brother was about to follow him. when the flooring gave way under him, and he sank into the burning mass of debris. Michael was, badly injured by his jump. A Shave for 1-15 of n Cent. Colgate fcCo.,'N.Y.. will mall you a sample of Demulcent Shaving Soap sufficient for a month for 2 cents. 3?OE boys' waists, shirting, etc., double fold fine American cheviots, choice pat terns, last colors, three grades, 12c, 15c and 20c a yard. Hraus & Hacke. Mwfsu, You will find al G. "W. Schmidt's the oldest and thefinest Pennsylvania Pure Bye Whiskies and Kentucky Sour and Sweet Mash Whiskies. 95 and 97, Tilth Ave, B.&B. 100 pieces new and elegant fine Imported wide Seotch zephyrs at 15 cenW, to-day quarter dollar goods at IS and choice. Booas & Btjhx. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Strawberries in Supply Abore De mand New Cheese Firm. POTATOES AND APPLES IN DEMAND. Corn FirmOats Steady Wheat and Flour Quiet Hay Weaker. GBAIff EXCHANGE 0JT MONOPOLIES OFFICE 0 PTTTSBUEO DISPATCH, I THURSDAY, May 2, 1888. ( Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Apples are moving out more freely, but sup plies are coming in large enough to keep prices down. There is a better demand for potatoes tban for soma time pasvbut -prices fall to turn upward. Eggs are at 4 standstill bnt firm. Strawberries come in too freely for demands of trade, and prices are drif tmg toward the aver ago citizen's poclcelbook. Florida string beans and marrowfat peas are in good supply and de mand. New cabbage Is plenty and slow. Tropi cal fruits are in good demand and show an up ward drift. Creamery butter holds up un usually well for the time of the year. Sealers have been carrying light stocks for a week or two, fearing a break in markets. 8tocks are so bare tbat there is a difficulty meeting, de mands. Choice grades of new cheese are not in supply up to demand, but it will notbe long until the difficulty will correct Itself, as quality is steadily improving. BnrrEB Creamery, Elgin, 28Z7c; Ohio do, 2i&25e; fresh dairy packed, l20c; country rolls. 1821c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 2829c. Beans Si 7&31 SO. Beeswax 2830c fl & for choice; low grade. 1820c. Cider Sand refined, J6 607 E0; common, S3 604 CO; crab cider, $8 008 50 $ barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c fl gallon. x Cheese New Ohio cneese, 910c: Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1212c; Llmuurger, 810c; domestic Sweltzer cheese, ll12ic Dried Peas SI 2ol 35 f) bushel; split do, 2?3c 13 - Eqgs llH12c dozen for strictly fresh: goose eggs, 30c 1 dozen: duck eggs, 15c $ ozen. FBtrrrs Apples, 82 002'75 ft barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c fl ft; cranberries. $i5 fl barrel, S0c$l 00 per bushel; strawberries, 1525a a quart. Feathebs Extra live geese. 60Q60c; No.l do., 4045c; mixed lots, S035c f) ft. Honey New crop. 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Hominy S2 652 75 $1 barrel. Potatoes Potatoes. S035c $ bushel; 53 75 4 00 for Jersey sweets; seed sweets, $2 60 2 75. Potjitby Live chickens, 7SQ80c ?! pair; undrawn chickens, 10012c fl ft; drawn. 14 15c fl ft; turkeys, ISfiKOc dressed, fl ft; ducks, live, 6070c 9 pair; dressed, 1314c fl ft; geese, live, SI 001 2o f) pair. Seeds Clover.choice, 2 fts to bushel, $5 CO fl bushel; clover.large English, 62 fts.fS 00: clover, Alsike, $3 50; clover, white, $9 00: timothy, choice. 45 fts, 81 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c: blue grass, -fancy. 14 fts, f 1 00: orchard grass, 14 fts, SI 65; red top, 14 fts, SI 25; millet, 50 fts, SI 00; German millet, 50 fts, SI 50; Hun garian grass, GO fts. SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 12 60 f) bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered. 65Hc. TropicaIi Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 50 5 50 fl box; Messina oranges, S3 604 00 ft box: Valencia oranges, fancy. 6 50 3 50 f) case: bananas, S2 60, firsts; SI 60, good seconds, fl bunch; cocoanuts, S4 0O4 GO ft hundred; new figs, 810c fl pound: dates, 6 6c fl pound. Vegetables Radishes. 30c V dozen; mar rowfat peas, S3 00 ft crate; new cabbage, S2 25 2 60 f) crate; onions, SI O0l 25 fl barrel; onion sets, fancy Eries. 12 G03 00; Jerseys, S3 002 GO; turnips, 4060c fl barrel. Groceries. G been Coffee Fancy Bio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1834019c; old Government Java, 27c, Maracaibo. 2223c; Mocha, a31c; Santos, 1922; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La gnayra, 2122c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 21c; high grades, 2628c; old. Government Java, bulk, 32$33Jc;MaracaIbo,27K28Kc, Santos, 2224:; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25Kr; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, iu$c; ordinary, afic cassia. Ohio. 120. 8Kc: headlight. 150. 8Kci water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, HKc; royallne, .14c. oykufs uoj Corn syrubs. 26i?29c: choice sugar syrup, 333Sc:primesugarsyrup,3033c;strict ly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c. N. O. MOLASSES Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 4012c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb, .assortea packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, ljc: do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine,per set, 8Kc: parafflne, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6 7c; prime, 6Ji6Jc: Louisiana, &26c Htabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, &7c; gloss starch, 67a Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: Calfornia Muscatels, SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c: Ondara Valencia, JK8c; sultana, Sc; currants, new, 4&c Turkey prunes, new, 4oc: French prunes, 813c: Balonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, 56 00; almonds. Lan., per ft, 20c do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12 1hc: new dates, 6X6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per ft. 13314c; orange peel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 646c; apricots, Callfor nea, evaporated, ls18c; peaches; evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries, logelzc. Sugars Cubes, 99c; powdered, 9 9c; granulated, 9c; confectioners' A. 8bc; standard A, 6c: 10ft whites. &Sc: yellow, choice. 7KSc; yellow, good. 7j7c; yel low, fair. "Hex yellow, dark, 7ic Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), Si 60; me diums, lyilf bbls. (600). S2 75. oaxiT no. 1 fi uui, owjiiu. 1 ex, m uui, i uo. Canned Goods Standard neaches. SI 1 90; 2ds, SI 301 85; extra peaches, SI 5D1 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, SI 001 60; HftL Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c31 00; limi beans, fl 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7&Q 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 10gl 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 60; Bahama do. S2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, 2 00; California pears, S2 -50; do greengages, u w; uo egg pinms, 14 w; extra white cherries. $290; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, $1 401 SO; strawberries. Si 10: gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-&, SI 752-10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, toaked, 99c; do green, 2fts, SI 2ol 50; corn beef, 2-fi cans, SI 75; 14-B cans, J13 50; baked beans, $1 40Q1 to; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 80; mackerel 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 GO: sardines, domestic. K3. W 154 50; sardines, domestic, K'. t8 258 GO: sardines, imported, 3,Ul 5012 GO; sardines, imported, ks.S18 00; sardines, mustard, $i 00. sardines, spiced, U 25. FMH-xtraNo. 1 bloater mackerel, J38 p bbl.t extra No.ldo, mess. $40; "extra No. 1 niackerel.shore, $cc; extra No. 1 do. messed. S36; Ko. 2 shore mackerel, S24, Codfish Whole pollock. 4Kc fl ft.; do medium, George's cod. Be; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67Ke. Herring Ronnd shore,-S5 00 f bbl.; split, (700; lake, J2 GO ft 100-ft. half bbL White fish. $7 9 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, S5 60 f) half bbL Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Ireland halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel. j barrel, 12 00; barrel. Jl 10. Buckwheat Flot;r-22c f ft. Oatmeal S6 30i 60 1? bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, SS60c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain. Flour and Feed. Beceipts as bulletined at tbe Grain Ex change. 23 sirs, principally hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 11 cars of hay, 3 of bran, 1 of straw, 2 of oats. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars ot hay Sales on call: Ope car Ko. 1 timothy hay, 813, 5 days, B. 4 0.; 1 car No. 2 y. e. com, 42i 10 days, ?K& L.E.; 2 cars packing bay, S3 GO, spot, P. AL. E. Corn is the firm factor of cereal markets. Oats are steady. Hay is weak. Wheat and flour are quiet. The following was presented by E McCracken and unanimous) adopted by the Exchange: Resolved, That the thanks of the Grain Exchange and Flour Exchange of Pittsburg are due to- the Hons. John C. New myer, John TJpperman, Samuel Steele and other members of tbe Senate who opposed and TOted against tbe passage oT Bill No. 62, gen erally known as the grade crossing bill. And further. Resolved. That-we as a body, respect fully ask these honorable members to use their, influence" and votes to defeat any specious amendments or reconsideration pf this nefan ous bill, tbe passage of .which would Interdict the entrance of any new railroads into our city, and hence provo materially detrimental to Its progress. , ' Whisat Jobbineprices No.3 red, 988Wc; No.3red,8588c Corn - No. i2 yellow ear. 4142c; hteh mixed e&r,4Qf41ci Noil yellow,1 shelled, tft 4So:Ko.'2 yellow. sbclledV 4e41:-high mixeC Shelled, 46c; mixed, shelled, 389890, 4e; extra. No. 3. lie; Ufa. 2 mixed. lie; Ho. 3 white, : 27i ni-Vn i wam. neis No. 2. 5fiSSC Baslet Ko. 1 Canada. 95068c: No. 3 Canv da. 850680; No. 8 Canada, 79872c; Lake Shore, PLOUR-Jobbing prices, winter patents' Jo 758 CO: spring patents, 16 006 26; winter straiRht, $5 OOffif 26; clear winter, 54 7585 00: straight XXXX bakers', U 2504 60. Bye flour. 88 5003 75. .,, MrxwEED-Mlddllngs, fins white. $15 00 16 00 ft ton: brown middlings, Jll&OgBSO; winter wheat bran, S13 09313 50; chop feed, S15 00lff00. . ,--. HAT Baled timothy, choice, S14 60ai4 75; Ko.ldo,S13SO14 00; No. 2 do, SU 00012 60; loose from wagon, $18 66020 00: No. 1 npland prairie. S10 56011 00; No. 2. JO 50010 00; packing do. 85 600660. Stbaw Oats. $8 000625; wheat and rye straw, $7 0007 5008 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Kc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small, HJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOJf c: sugar cured shoulders, 8c; s near-cured boneless sBoulders, 9Mc; sugar-cured California bams, 8Mc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8Kc; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9e: sugar-cured dried beef rounds, HKc; bacon shoulders, 7J: bacon clear sides, 8e: bacon clear bellies, 8K dry salt shoulders, 6Kc: dry salt clear sides, 7?c Mess pork, heavy, $14 00: mess porK; familv. S14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7c: 60-ft tubs, 7Kc:30-ft pails. 7c; 60 ft tin cans, 7Kc: 3-ft tin palls, 8c; 5-ft tin pails, TKcflO-ft tin palls, 7Kc Smoted sausage, long. 5c; large, 5c. Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel. $1 90. Dressed Meat, Armour A Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 fts, 5K: 660 to 650 fts, 6Ve; 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, Sc ft ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, e&c. Fresh pork loins, 9c Wool Markets. St. Louis Wool Receipts, 60,382 pounds; offerings larger, demand good and market firm. Whisky Market. There is a good demand for finished goods at 1101 Sleepless Nights "For nearly a month. I was not able to sleep, but after using FAax'a Celxxt Compound for two days, in somnia fled and strength return ed." E. G. Smith, ClaussenTS.C 'I have taken only a part of a bottle of Palne's Celery coiri- pound, and It has entirely relieved me of " sleeplessness, from which I hare, suffered" greatly." Mes. E. AUTCtrrT, Peoria, HL "For a longtime I was m nervous and worn out that I could not work. I tried many medi cines, out none gave me relief until I used Palne's Celery Compound, which at onco strengthened and invigorated my nerves." Haslet Sherman, Burlington, vt. Paine's Celery Compound quickly quiets and strengthens the nerves, when irritated or weakened by overwork, excesses, disease, or shock. It cures nervousness, head ache, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, melancholia, and other disorders of the nervous system. Tones up the Shattered Nerves " For two years I was a sufferer from nervous debility, and I thank God and the discoverer ot the valuable remedy, that Palne's Celery Com pound cured me. Let any one write to me for advice." Gkoesb W. Bouton, Stamford, Conn. Palne's Celery Compound produces sound and refreshing sleep. A physician's prescription, it does not contain one harmful drug. Like noth ing else, it is a guaranteed cure for sleepless ness, U directions are falrhmily followed. . $1.00. sir for $5.00. Druggists. Wells, Eichardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. DIAMOND DYES gdJE: LACTATED FOOD IS? & jFZ&S. mhl7-153Konr BUTTER, :: BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PTJRS Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Offices, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1426. PITTSBURG, PA, Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. DW3-MWT 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, OPITXeiBTJRG. PA. Transact a. General BanMiig Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STEELE Available la all puts of the world. Also Issue Credits IN DOLLABS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, "West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-91-MWT ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO,, CHICAGO, SOLE MANTJFACTURER& This is now conceded to bs the best in the market, as witnessed bvtbe fact tbat we have lust secured tbe DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held in Philadelphia, CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUAXTTT,, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly routed beefV REMEMBER, ARMOUR'S- jnhil-MWT Tlyl ONEY TO LOAF - On mortgages on improved rel estate iaiaa .ab4-34-D " No. 134 Fourth avem. Oats No; 2 white, a T "i ., siw, ABYmHssauHfrsv WHOLESALE HOUSL -& inccDu unRMC i rn WUUL.I II HUllnl. mrmimm. Cor. Wood and Liberty St, ?A JBporwaJUM riewwnin Special offerings tiifaweekia '$3 crr.vra vt.tthmw . q DHHSS GOODS, sA.ixMmm SEEBSTJOKBB, - . " GINGHAMS, PRINTS, ' andOHBVIOTa" Tat larzestaaeorit and lowest prieea oaJI'J sad see na, wholesaleIxclusively, ; fe23-rf-P BROKERS FINANCIAL. w H1TNEY t 8TEPHENB0N, CT FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Brezsi, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured RAILROADS. MMSYLVAMIJL KAILKOAO UX aSTS alter November 28. 1883. trains leave1 Unloa BUtlon, PltUbnrji as lollcnrs, atern Btandsrd Timet MAIN LINE EASTWARU. New Tork and Chicago Umlfed oUfuUraaaYe tllrale dallv at 7:14 a. jn. Atlantic Express dallr for the aat, J:00.m. Man train, dallr.except!iandar Sa.m. Sa dav. mall, :. m. Car express dallr at SX) a. m. Mll express dIly at 1 10 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at4:30 p. m. Eastern exDress dsllv at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dally t 9:00 p. m. Greensboro express 5:10 p. m. week dsyi. j j Uerrv exnress 11:09 a. m. week days. T 0 Allthronch trains connect at Jersey dtywUsC Doaisoi --isrooEiyn Annex" lor crooKiyn. jf;2t avoiding double ferriage and journey thronjcfi Nil Y.Clty. r Z Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally. 8:20; Western Express, dally 7:43 a. I'icWc Express, dally U:4Sp. Chlcaro Limited Express, dally 8:30 p. fast Line, dally 11:56 p. in. SOUTMWESr fENN KAILWAX. .v' For Unloatown, o:ti and oaSa. mnd 4t2SpZ m.. without change or ears: 1.09 p.m.. connect, lag at Oreensburjr. Trains arrive from Union" town st 9:45 a. m.. 12:20. 8:13 and 8:3) p. m. WEST PEN NSTLVANIA UlVlSlOa. From FEUEBAL ST. STAT1UN. Allegheny CltT. Hall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... S:4S r. m. Exoreu, for Blalrsvule, connecting for Butler .............. S5p. m JSutler Accom 8:3) a. m., 25 and 5:p. m. liprlngdale Accom..... ' ::)a. m. and 6:20 p. m. Freeport Accom ...4:00. 8:l5aad0JOp. m. OnSnnday .. 12:50 and 9:20 p.m. North Apollo Accom..... 10:50a.m. and t.-OOp. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler Si20a.m. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 11:30 p.m. Trains srrlve at FEU ERA L STREET STATION I Express, connecting from Butler WJJa.m. iaii xrain. ....2:4 p. m. Butler Accom I3i m., 4:40and72Sp. m. Illalrsvllle Accommodation 9ul2p. m. Freenort Aeeom.7:40 a. m.. 1SB. 7d0 and 11 M0 p. m. On Sunday 10:10 a. m- and 70 p. m, Sprtngdale Accom 6.37a. m., andS.-03p. m. North Apollo Accom 8:ia. m. andS:40p. nu alONONQAMELA 111V1S1UN. Trains leave Union station. I'ltunnrg. as rollows: . For Monongahela City. West Brownsville and Unlontown. lis. m. For Monongahela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and Us. m. and 4:40p.m. On Sunday, IMp. m. For Monongahela City, 5:a p. m.. week davs. Ilravosburg Ac. week days. 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, SOa. m 230,. SIiand ll:35p. m. Sunday. 9:40 prm. Ticket offices Corner Fonrth arenas and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUUH, J. B. WOOD; General Manaarer. Gen'IFass'rAcent. PrrrsBUKG and lake eijie kailkoai COMPANY Schedule in effect February 24. 1H83, Central time: P. & L. E. K. K. UxrART For aeveland. 335, 7:40a. X.. lao, 4:15. S-.aip. M. For Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis. 5:25 a. M.r 10, -90 P.M. ForBatfalo. 10B A. M.. 4:159a0r.M. For Sala manca, "7:40 A. K.. '1:S "9:30 r. M. For Beaver. Falls, 8:25, -7:40. 10:20 a. m.. 10. 3:30, 4US. 5:20. 8:30 T. M. For Chartiers. 5:25, "5 JS. 60, T7SJO, 7:15, 8:40, 9, 925, 10-J3) JL. H.. 125, 12:48. 115, 1:45, 3:3a 4:45, "5:10. 3:31, "8:2a. 10OOT. H. Abbivx From Cleveland, 5S A. 3t. 1M... 8:40. "Siao P. Jf. From Cincinnati, Chicago and. Bu Lonls, l.-O0,.-8:O0P. M. From Buffalo. 5:30 A. v., la)O,5:40r. u. From Salamanca, '1:00, "8:09 P. M. From Yonngstown. 5:30. 80, 9:20 a. m., 1:00. 5:40. s:0O p. Jt. From Beaver Falls, 530, 8:50. 7:20, t0 X. M.. 'IiOO, 1:35: 4:40, "8ma P.M. From Charters. 5:10, 5:22, 5:20,. :A tirlzOi, 70, 8dn, 90. 10-.10A. 11., 12:00noon, 120. lsl2, 1SB, 3:42. 4.-0O. 4SS, 5a 5:14 5:4b. 9:12 P.M. P., MeK. 4Y.B. K.UEPABT-ForNew Haven, 5:30 A. U..3:30P. U. For West Newton. S130 A. lc, 3:30 and 65 r. M. For N ew Olaven, 7U0 A. Jt. Bandars, only. ,. (f AJCB1VX rroni aGlicjy'iiraiji. m zviw r U. From West NewtonMJW-'WA.M.,i:Bo F.i:. ForMeKeesport and Elizabeth, 5 JO A. If. 3:3( 4.-05, 535 P. M.. 17:10 A. M. From Elizabeth and McKeesport, MS A. 1C. 70. '10:00 A. 11.. 5:05 P. M. Dally. ISnndays only. E. HOLBROOK. General Snperlntendest. A. E. CLARK. General Passenger Agent, aty ticket office. 40lSmltbfleld street. BALTmORE AMU OHIO KA1LKUAD Schedule In effect November 9, 1883. For 11T..f In vtnn 1 f. RdflmnM Ph11Holnltl .mf New York, -11:30 a.m., and '100 p.m. ForWashV. xngion. Xi. ,uaiuinore, irmiaaeipuia sua new York, 17:00 a. iu. For Cnmberland. 77:00,, 11:30 a. m.. and "10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle. 17:00 and 110 a. m., 11:00, 140 and JOrtOp.nu" For Unlontown, 17 -KXI, 111:30 a.m., 1l)and "4:0Op.i" p. For Mt. Pleasant. 17rt and 111:30a. m,, tla and t4:00 P- m. For Washington, Pa.. "7:30, ; 1910 s. m.. 3:35. 150 and "S n. m. For Wheel ing, "7:30. t9:Wa.m, "33, 8:JU p. m. ForCln-. -j clnnatl and St. Lonls, "iaoa. nu. -3:30p.m. lor Colnrabns. 7d0a. m., 8d0 p. m. For Newark, 70, 19:20a. m., 3:3S. "810 p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, 19:30 a. m.. 3:35 and 8J0 p. m. Trains ar- 1 fl..... !. Vnr If Phtl.rl.fnhi. H.ltfmn.. .nrf Washington, "7:10 a. m. and 6:59 p. m. From- fef.3 Colnnihas, Cincinnati and uucago, "7:45a.m. ana 9:10 p. m. From Wheeling. :4S, 10:59 a. m.j 15:00, 9:10 p. m. Throngb sleeping cars to Balti more, wasningxonanauincinnaii. ?id pm (Saturday only). ConnellsvlUe ac. ar 8:39 am. Uallv. tOaUyexcept Sunday. SSunday only. The Pittsburg Transier Company will call for and check baggage Irom hotels and residences upon orders Ien at B.ftO. Ticket Office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. W. M. CLEMENTS, CHAS. O. SCULL. General Manazer. Gen. Pass. Act. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES, February 10, 1S, Central Standard Time. TKAINS UKPAKT As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 73! a. m dl23X dim d 7:45. except Satnrdxr. U9 E.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a. m dl2:3), d 10 aDd except aturday. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline. 5:45 a.m.;Clsve htnd, 6:li 735 a.m., 12:35 and d 11 KS p.m. : New Cas tle and Yonngstown. 7MB a. m.. 1230, 3:45p.m.;. Yonngstown snd Nlles, d 120 p. m.; MeadvlUe, Krlesnd AshUbnla, 73 a. m 12:3) p.m.; Nllea and Jamestown. 3:15 p. m.; liuslllon, 4:10 p. m.; Wheeling and Bellalre. :10x. m 12:35, t-J0b. m.; Beaver Kails. 40, 1K p. m S820 a. m.: Leets dale. 5:30 a.m. ALLEGHENY Kochester. 8:30 a. m.; Beayer Falls, 8:15, llrf a. m.: Enon. 3.-00 p.m.; Leets dale, 10:00, 11:43 a. m., 1X0, 4:30, 4:45. Zl30, 7.-Ca 9S9 p. m.; Conwsv, 10:3) p. m.; Jfatr Oaks, S 11:40 a, m.:Leet4sle, S 8:30 p. m. TBAlNSAURlVEUnlonstatlonfrom Chicago except Monday 10, ds:0n, d6:35 a-m., d TiH p. m; Toledo, except Monday lSO, d 615 a. m 7:23 S. m,, Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Yonngstown and' ew Castle, 9:10 a.m., 1:23, 7:33, 10:15 p. m.:NHej and YounMtown, d 7:35 p. ra.;CleTelsnd, d 5:50 s. tt.. 2:0, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Uellalre, J.-OJ a. m., 25, V.45 p. nr.: Erie and Ashtabula, 1:2V 10:15 p. m.; Masalllon. 10:00 a. ni.: Nlles and Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m., 1:10 p. m., S83p. m.: Leetsdale, 10:40 p. no. ARUIVE ALLEGHENY -From Enon, 8.00 a. in.: Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9-.W a. m.; Beavef Fills, 7:10 a.m., 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, f.O, 7:43 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 4:3a 6:3a 9:00 p. m.l Filif Oaks. S 3:53 a. m.; Leetsdale, S 65 p. m,: Beaver Falls. 8 8:25 p. m. H, Sunday only; d, dally; other trams, except Eandaj. fell . PANHANDLE K0UTE-N0V.1Z, 1S8S. UN1UN station. Central Standard Tin t. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 80 aud d 11:15 p. nu Drnnlson, 2:41 g. m. Chicago,. 8:10 p. nu SteubenviUc, 5:55 a. in. Washington. -M JS, 3:35a. m lJaS4S5 p.m. Bulger, 10:13 Held, 7:15, 110 s. m 8:3a d8'J5:U:4t p.su Mc Donalds, d 4:11. d 100 p. m. . From tbe, West, 1 1-JO, d 80, , m.. 3:05. d 53 n.m. UennljoL. 935a.m. Stenbenvllle. 5.-05 p.m. Wheellnjr, 1:W, 8:45 a. nv, 35. 56 p.m. Bnrgetts- ,i town, :um ui.,Dv.wa.ui. iTswiugtuaii-n, tvi, 9:53 a. ra 2:35, 6:20 p, ra. Mansfield, 5:33, 9.-09 a.ra.. 12:43 d(:J) and 10K p. a. Buljter, 1:40p.m. McDonalds, d 8:35 a. m d90p. m, d dally: S Sunday only: other trains, except Bnndav. P1TT3BUKO AND CASTLE SHAN NON B.R. Summer Time Table, en and after May J. 1S81, until farther notice, trains will ran as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard, time: Leaving Flttsbnrg-d0 a. m., 7:10 a. ra.. 8:00 a. m.. Visit a. m.. )ld0 a. m-, 1:40 p. m.. 3:40 p.. . 11:30 p. m. Arllngtou-5:40 a. m., 8:20a. m., 7:19 5'' a. 10., o;wa. m., wuvs. m., law p. b.i;ii,i,,i ji iup.ui,s:ivp, in., o.M p. m., i:ivp, m., iin p.m. Sunday trains, leaving FIttshurg 10 a.m..j ' l2:5un. m.. 2:Dm.. S:10 n. m.. 7:10n. m.. Ih&k ' p. m. Arlington 9:10a. m., 13 m., 10 p.m., 439 D.m.. 6:30 p. m.. 8.-00 D.m. (van UAH, mtst.'-. 3 ALLEGHENY VALLKr KAJLHOAU- ,1, Trains leave Unloa station (Buten StsW time): Kittannlng Ac 8:54 a. m.: Nlaosra Ezr. dally. 8:45 a. m uulton Ac.. 10:1L a. m.T Yllikw Camp Ac, 126 p. m.,- OU City and DaBrtsTE-press,:O0p.ra.:HnltfnAc..a.-8e.n.a.t KltttrsalBc Ac. 40 p.m.: Braeburn Ex.. Saw n. m.r KlM.-. Inr Ac.SaOn. m.j Braebara Ae.,J.-.sL:Bsi'. ten Ae., 7:W p. m,: Ksfftl hi AC, iw p. ui: miiiM fi., ssK' 8-iod. m.i Uulton Ac 9:45 n. in.: Brseinr ZT .t 11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12. niV fe and m. Fullman Steeping Can hetwsaV lm.n Nbun... rmm - -. r Flttstmrgaad Buaaio. K. M. UTLEY. (...( S. A.: 1)AVU MCAIiGOT 8S4L.84WC Z, T1ITT8BUBU AND wktxrs KA1J. WAf- i TraIni(Cet'l8tn'(Mlie) Leais. AW.j 0an Awvain.wMuu.....Hi Day Ex. Ak'n, ToL. Cl'B. Kaa am 1M am VS. m m in Bauer Aocomaodsttea..,.. ChleagO KXKess (dHr).... a an M New CaMfe awl 6KMT1I1 Xx yir !: ZelliBWJW atdrox6fKA., Butter AeeoBBedattM....... Taraasia eeassi asm set t Tx:.sti 1 il:i. v-. J r&- fA.. k