fTf -'Mr' f EP BT DIWHE HEALING. A Kuinber of Persons Testify to Some Eecent Wonderful Cures AT BETHANY H011E ANNIVERSARY. What Doctors Could Not Do, a Higher Power Has Accomplished. THE KEW BELIEF IS BEABIKG FEUIT The third anniversary of the founding of Bethany Home, on Center avenue, was celebrated yesterday by the advocates of and believers in divine healing. A more cultured and intelligent audience could scarcely have been found anywhere than the one that comfortably filled the spacious parlors of Miss Mary Moorhead's former home yesterday afternoon, and there was also a large attendance at the meeting in the evening. Hiss Moorhead in a short talk reviewed the history of the work done in the past three years; of the number who had regained health and strength through a strong belief in the doctrine that Jesus is able to heal the body as veil as redeem the soul. In fact tome of the most marvelous cares have been accom plished. She explained that their ideas are based entirely on the Bible, and their teach ings do not differ from those of christian churches, except that they go a little farther. They have been badly misrepresented at times, and confused with the sect known as the Christian Scientists, but this is a great mistake. The latter class believe in the influence of the mind over the body, while the advocates of Divine healinc place their entire dependence in God's hands. It is their phenomenal taith that assists in the cure. A. CUBE 1AST 'WEEK. It was quite noticeable that there were manv in the audience who gave evidence of disease. There was the faint, hectic flush, the sure precursorof consumption, and other infallible signs that could not be doubted. Manv present had been healed of the most dangerous diseases, and they spoke of their experiences freely. Some of these have .. already appeared in The Dispatch, but there are others of more recent date. The greater part of the afternoon was devoted to giving testimony. The latest case, that is truly an anomaly to the uninitiated, is that of George A. Under, a young theological student. He told his story as follows: I bad been studying hard, and from overwork was stricken down a weik ago with wbat the doctors called cpileptite of the brain. At times I was in delirium and attacked with fearful convulsions of both body and brain. The phy sicians said that It would be at least two months before I could recover, and a week ago sent me, against my will, to a city hospital. I was attended by "The King's Daughters." who labored with me. 1 was a believer myself, and held that Christ is the greatest of all Dealers, and I was willing to entrust myself In His hands. In my lucid intervals I protested against my confinement in the hospital, and in sisted on being taken to the Bethany Home. Friends prajed for me, and instantaneously I was healed. A week ago the doctors doubted if I would ever get well, or even have the use of my brain to-day. but as I stand here a living testimony to what has been down, how can any man who sees me doubt that I am not well. Plenty of you know what my condition was a week ago. After the meeting a Dispatch reporter questioned Mr. Linder about his illness. "If you don't believe I am all right," he playfully added, '"suppose you and I have a boxing match, and we will soon see who is the better man." TWO WOMEK CUBED. Miss Kuth Beynolds, one of the pro fessional visitors, told of the case of Miss fP Burns, of Wellsville, who had been itly cured at the home. She regretted Miss Burjs was not present to speak lerself. Hiss Burns had suffered for 11 -s from a complication of internal dis s, and her constitution had been so un ined that there was little hope for her lecoverj-. Becently she had anroffer of 'this alternative, to go to some hospital in the city or to the Bethany Home. She concluded to try the latter, and went there to live. She entered earn estly into the designs of the institution, and with the help of her own prayers 'and the appeals of friends is now said to be thor oughly welL Her system is no longer racked with pain and disease, and at present she is enjoying excellent health. This care also was effected in remarkably qnick time. Miss Dunn, of New York, gave her ex perience. It has already bedn printed. Within the past few weeks Mrs. Smith, who lives near the home, has been cared of a most distressing catarrh. The unfortunate lady had tried many remedies without re lief! and finally had withdrawn from society entirely. She attended one of the nsual meetings, entered into the spiritof the work. and now says she is well. All the disagree able features of catarrh have disappeared, and the lady is happy and enthusiastic. BEJIARKABLE CASES. Mrs. Lewis, who was slowly dying with consumption, bnt now claims to be all right and she looks it gave her experi ence. She, too, las been cured recently, and gives promise of living for many years to come. Mr. Golden, a young man, told how he bad suffered with epileptic fits for eight years, and one year ago entered the home. To the reporter afterward he said that he had not taken a drop of medicine since and he was fast recovering his pristine vigor. Once in a great while, he says, he has a con vuHdn when his system is run down or when he becomes excited, bnt he feels sure that the Good Father will heal him if he conld give himself np completely. He is greatly encouraged and the raritv of the attacks confirms him in his belief that he is nearly well. At the evening meeting the audience was as large as in the afternoon, and the exer cises were similar. A number testified to the healing powers of the Savior. THE TOBACCO HABIT CUBED. Mr. Hanna, a well-known business man. ' who has been a sufferer for years and tried the best doctors in vain, had a remarkable experience as well as cure. He had gone to Dunbar with a friend to recuperate in the mountains, when he was taken ill with an old disease. During the night he says he heard ia voice telling him to read the sev- "' enty-fburth psalm, and he did. f Almost immediately, he claims, his faith took hold, and he has Been a well man since. '" "W. P. Bobinsoa told how he had gotten rid of heart disease by believing, and an- s other man who is subject to the quinsy re flated bow he warded off the-disease when he felt it coming on, in a similar manner. A lady had been afflicted with consump tion for ten years, and she testified that she has been helped immensely since she began to believe six months ago. Mr. Beynolds said he had tried often to give up the tobacco habit, which was affecting his heart, but he couldn't of his own strength. At last he called on God to assist him, and he hasn't had any desire to smoke or chew since the event occurred. Plenty of experiences of this kind were related. Pastor Morrow and Miss Moor head are beginning to see the fruits of their labors and are greatly encouraged. HOKSFOKD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Makes an Invigorating Drink With water and sugar only. Delicious. Hundreds of Dress Goods Remnants On 6ale now; prices low enough to make a qnick sale on them. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Bm'c 90m the Special Sale Of velvet c&rpeteaBd Smyrna rags at Ed ward Groetiinger's, 627 and 629 Penn ave Lnne." this week. " 3' l bEE onr line of eye nnaiea i.nuia biik: ft& elegant asse-rtaefit; newest colorings. rxrcf-sa iiuevfl a blavxjl. I A PEETTI EDIFICE la What the Now Cumberland Presbyterian Cnnrch Will He. A committee of the congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church laid the corner stone to their new edifice ou the cor ner of Congress street and "Wylie avenne yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. There were no public exercises. The new church wiirbe one of the prettiest in the city. It will be built of pressed brick, with red mor tar and trimmed with stone and terra cotta, and will have a seating capacity of 500 people. Adjoining the church in the rear will be the pastor's residence, con forming with the architecture of the church. The committees of the congregation repre sented at the laying of the corner stone were composed of the following named ladies and gentlemen: Miss Vloletta Buchanan, Mr. John M. Blair, Mr. Henry Carter, Mr. David Steen, Mr. Thos. Elliott, Mr. Alex Black, Mr. G. K. Smith, Mr. E. W. Morrow. Mr. a A. Buchanan, Mrs. Mary Brown. Miss Kate Mink. Mr. Thaddeus Buch anan, Miss Dee Carter, Miss Pearl Patterson, Miss Gertrude Stoark, Mr. G. RadeBauch, Mr. Lewis Morrow, Mrs. A. M. Bryan, Mrs. Justine Davitt and Mrs. Allen Patterson. KOAD IMPROVEMENTS. The Pennsylvania and Panbandlo Patting; Down More Tracks. The Panhandle road will soon be double tracked as far as Mingo Junction, The new viaduct at Baecoon will be finished in a month, and widening of the Dinsmore tun nel to lay another track is almost com pleted. The Pennsylvania Railroad officials are thinking of cutting away the tunnel at Badebangh, near Greensburg, to put down another track. Their intention is to have four tracks to Derry, and beyond that point to Altoona they are already laid. The tunnel may be cut away this summer. KIiEIX'S SILVER AGE. A Card. It is a fact that more unblushing frauds are daily perpetrated on the general public in the name of whiskies than any other mer chandise in the market. The confidence bestowed on me by the public I keenly ap preciate, and as always, heretofore, will in the future not betray that trust. It h not an easy matter to have reputable physicians and managers of hospitals indorse any one particular brand of whisky, yet they'have done so since the merits of Klein's "Silver Age" became known to them. For the sick room it has no competitor. It stands alone for its delicate and delightful flavor. It is pure and old, free from all impurities. My stock of other well-known Pennsylvania rye whiskies of all ages is complete. My prices are as reasonable as any in the State. My wines of all foreign and domestic kinds are well and carefully selected. No house can show you better brandies, gins, or in fact any other imported liquors than I can. The price for ."Silver Age" continues to be $1 50 per full quart Old Gibson, Finch or Guckenbeimer at $1 per quart, or 6, quarts for $5. A fine sherry or sweet Cali fornia wine at 50c per quart and upward. Send for a complete price list and catalogue, or call at 82 Federal street, Allegheny, where a glance at oar establishment will convince you of the truthof my statement, Bespectfully, mot Max KLEnr. PIANOS. ORGANS. Mellor & Hoene. "We can furnish you with the best pianos and organs made, and can give you the best and easiest terms of payment. "We have been established sihee 1831 (nearly 60 years), and, being the oldest music firm in the city, we have had more experience than any other house. Persons baying from us can be satisfied they are getting the full worth of their money, as the pianos and, organs we sell are the "-best made in the United States. Send for circulars and full particu lars of oar easy payment plan. "Melloe & Hoene, WP 77 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. G. W. SCHMIDT, 95 nnd 97 Fifth Avenne, Pittsburg, Fa. The. largest bolder of fine old Bye and Bourbon whiskies in the "United States offers in bond or tax paicLthe following goods. EYE. Gibson, Melvale. Honticello. Dougherty, Mt. Vernon, Hannisville, Overholt, Guck enheimer, Hermitage, Moss, Large and G. "W. S. BOURBON. W. H. McBrayer, Old Crow, Hermitage, Bond & Lilliard, O. F. C. Carlisle, Hume, Mellwood and Nelson. Telephone Num ber 666. . 918 for 9IO. "We are giving away $18 men's suits for $10 to-day and to-morrow. These suits are this season's make, and of our own man ufacture. You can take your choice of 75 different patterns, cut in sack and one, three and four-button cutaways, long or short roll, just as you prefer. Materials in these suits are cheviots, worsteds, diago nals, cassimeres, Bannockburn tweeds, blar neys and serges. You will never have an opportunity to buy stylish and well-made clothing as low as you can bny from us to morrow. "We must sell our goods. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. The Brook High License Law Does not prevent us from selling yon a gen uine Elgin watch for $6. Nor does it inter fere with our special low prices for diamonds andsilverware, at Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth ave. Established 1853. WFSU Children's Tuxedo Dresses. Full assortment of colors and sixes in children's suit department. JOS. HOBKE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. B.&B. Come to ! art department for remnants fancy silk, stamped goods, etc., at bargain prices to-day "remnant day." BOGGS &BUHL, Iianer'f Jointed Bod For baby carriages, easily adjusted and firmly fixed to shade Irom lront, rear and either side exclusively with Lauer's car riages, 620 Liberty st. , Summer Style In Men's Washable Scarfs. Dozens and dozens now in stock F. C. & F., latest shapes and colorings; also onr own importations of London styles in men's for. nishing department Jos. -Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Walt nnd be Happy. In purchasing furniture, go where yon can get the best goods for the least money, and you can do this by walking a short distance irom onr principal retail streets, to the man ufacturing establishment of II. Seibert & Co., cor. Lacock and Hope streets, near rail road bridge, Allegheny. d ' Parasols, SI 50 to 910 Each, The largest assortment we have ever shown, many rare novelties. Jos. Horne&Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. r B.&B. Surah silks hundreds of shades rem nants and dress lengths, at the remnant sale to-day. Boggs & Buhl. SO REMNANTS of table linen from 1 to 3i yards In length, bleached, half bleached and turkey red, greatly rednced to close. arwrsu Hugus & Hacke. 9o 7 l-2c 7 l-2e Saline. GInebnms. Seersuckers. The prices have made a rush this week don't wait too long good goods cheap al-. ways sell fast, Jos. Horne & Co.'s Perm Avenue Stores. THE' CENTRAL CIRCLE Of the Chantaaqna Llterarv Society Held a Meeting; Xast Ntffhr. v The Central Circle of the Chautauqua Literary Society held their monthly'xneet iug last evening in the lecture room of the X. M. C. A. building, on Seventh street. A very interesting programme Of musical selections was rendered by a number of friends of the circle. Miss Anna Warden performed a piano solo from Chopin, Miss Iiulu Orcutt sang the well-known, song "Cherette," and Miss Kitiie Collins rendered another vocal solo, "Come to Me." The closing feature of the programme was a very interesting talk on "Zoology," by Dr. B. C. Jillson, formerly of the Pittsburg Central High School. The last meeting of the circle for this year will be held in June. THE! WAST ilOEE MONET. The Mononeohcln. Navigation Company Not Satisfied. The award by the viewers in the condem nation proceedings of the Government re garding lock and dam No. 7, $209,393 52, does not give satisfaction to the corporators, being about $11,000, less than the lowest es timate of value they put upon it- The viewers split the difference as nearly in two as possible. One of the directors was seen and he said that at the proper time an appeal would be taken, but h declined to discuss the matter in detail. 818 for $10. "We are giving away $18 men's suits for $10 to-day and to-morrow. These suits are of this season's make, and of our own manu facture. Ton can take your choice of 75 different patterns, cut in sacks and one, three and four.button cutaways, lone or short roll, just as you prefer. Materials in these suits are cheviots, worsteds, diagonals. cassimeres, Bannockburn tweeds, blarneys and serges. You will never have an oppor tunity to buy stylish and well-made cloth ing as low' as you can buy from us to-day and to-morrow. We must sell our goods. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. AXL the leading brands of imported cigars, wholesale and retail. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. Go to Lies' popular photo palleryfor your pictures. Best finish and lowest "prices, 10 and 12 Sixth st MWFS Don't Miss tho Special Sale Of velvet carpets and Smyrna rugs at Ed ward Groetzinger's, 627 and 629 Penn ave nue, this week. Jnst Opened. New beaded and silk wraps, jerseys and shawls, at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Mar ket street. wfsu Beautiful gray kid, ruede and silk gloves at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. AUCTION SALES. ANOTHER CARLOAD OP FINE MISSOURI HORSES At Public Sale. The undersigned have boucht another car load of finely bred horses in Calloway county, Mo., a county noted for its production of fine roadsters and saddlers, rivaling any other county in Missouri, Tennessee or Kentucky, and will offer the lot at Public Sale at their sta ble to the rear ot Town Hall, Washington, Pa., formerly occupied by Kelly & Martin on TUESDAY, MAY 7, 18S9, At 10 o'clock a h. Included in this lot will be 12 good Saddle and Harness Combination Horses, one Match Team ot Fine Black Driving Mares, also good saddlers. This team ia 5 years old, 15K hands higb and weigh 1,100. One of them took second premium at St. Louis, Ma, last fall in competition with Kentucky's best saddlers, and together they took second premium at same show for best match team. This is a grand team, both mares, having good podlfrreeB, which will be given ontfaytof sale. Also smalL children's pony, well broken. One 5-year-old Pennington Horse, 16 hands high, brown, shows 3-minutegalt to harness trotting and Sx gait to saddle, single footing. AVhile special mention Is made of the above, the whole car load are good ones, embracing a number of ex cellent Carriage, Family, Driving and Saddle horses, the choicest lot ever offered in Washing ton, Pa., and must be seen to be fully appreci ated. Terms made known on day of rile. CHARTERS &RCi3ERS. A. "W. CUMMINS. J . J. P. CHARLTON, Anctloneers. mya58 AUCTION SALE, Clifton Avenue, Tenth Ward, Allegheny, Hay Aflernoon; May 6, 1889. At 2 o'clock, on the premises. One handsome Six-room dwelling, lot 50x175 feet; a most desir able home. One nice little four-room house, good cellar, lot 24x100; will be sold at a bar gain. One two-story honse, very complete in every detail, beautiful lot and choice location. Those looking for complete homes in the pret tiest suburb of Allegheny, and on easy pay ments, should not neglect this opportunity. It will be a rare chance to get just what you want. Several cheap houses on other streets. The special feature of this sale will be some 30 lots, some of them (and only a few left) front on Clifton avenue. These are large and fine. A fewou Highland avenue, commanding a mag nificent view of Allegheny and the Ohio river. All tastes can be suited. Values ranging from J300 to 81,500. All these properties are lo cated between the Pleasant Valley and electric lines and close to the new incline. Fare to Fifth avenue, four cents. Terms very easy. Come, and you will not be disappointed. JAMES W. DHAPE, Auctioneer. ap5U57 BY W. A, HEREON t SONS. AUCTION SALE 50 BUILDING LOTS, One-Half Square fromHHand and Stanton Avenues, ON BEATTY AND EUCLID STREETS, NINETEENTH WARD, On the premises, BATURDAY, May U, 1SS9, atS o'clock P. H. We will sell the plot as a whole or in lots to suit. Their location is un surpassed, high and well drained, .sewerage complete; near Penn avenue cable line or 10 minutes from East Liberty station, P. R. R. Price low. Terms easy; made known at sale. W. A. Herron &Sons, SO FOURTH AVENUE. HENRY AUCTION COM Auctioneers. ap27-76-27myl,3,6,ll A UCT10N SALE-FRIDAY MORNING, May 8, at 811 Market St., commencing 10 o'clock; fine body and Wilton velvets, mo quets, body and tapestry Brussels and Ingrain carpets for rooms, balls and stairs; the bal ance of tho consignment of fine parlor suits and chamber suits which have sot been dis posed of owing to the holiday coming on our regular sales day, and thus kept buyers from attending: the goods as before advertised are extremely high class and fashionable; also, stoves, notions, machines, wringers, china, glass and delf ware, tea, groceries, fancy goods lamp, refrigerators, pictures, linoleum, etc HENRY AUCTION CO., LDL, my2-96 Auctioneers. RESORTS. THE OCEAN HOUSE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Now open under old management. fe22-3I-MWF J. A. REID. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Bait water baths In the house. Elevator. aplWl-D E.ftOBERTS&SON& SiEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS, I BEDFORD. PENNA ading mountain resort. Water unequaled. Hotel newly furnisheuV Toerge's Orchestra. Opens June 8. Write for circular. ap7-87.p L. B. DOTY. Manager. FORSALE. . Ten Per Pent Investment. 40,000, Four minutes' walk from Court Honse, 14 new brick dwellings, ail in first-class condition; corner. property; good reasons for selling: must be sold at once. fcUMUEL Y. BLACK: & CO.. ap27-56-TTFS ' W Fourth ave. Ms-Display a&vertitemetUt one dollar per square for one insertion. tJlatsifled advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cente per line or each inser tion, aid none taken Jar leu than fifty cents. , THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH branch Offices. - For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Wants For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 0 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Till DIS PATCH. PrXTSBUKQ. THO JiAS MCCAFFREY, 3&A Butler street. EMILG. STDCKET, Hth street and Fennave. E. G. STUCKEY4CO., Wylle ave. and Fultonst N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market House. EAST END. J. VT. WALLACE, i2Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SHElBLER,5thay. & At wood It. SOCTBSrOE. JACOB 8POHN. No. 2 Canon street CHAS. BCHWAEM, 1707 Carson street. AELEGHENY. A. J. K AEKCHEU, 69 Federal street. H. J. McBBIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EG GEES. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEU3 & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENEY, Western and Irwin avei. G. TV. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver ares. PERKY M, OLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny ayes. WANTED. Malo Beln. WA2JKJ-?COATMAKEKSat'-J-MUNN'S, 3817 Butler street. myS-21 WANTED-2 BAUBEKS AT NO. 141 BEAVKB AVE., Allegheny; good wages to the right men. myS-61 TTTANTED - A SECOND-HAND BAKER. VV Inquire of C J. KUENZIG, MansflelaVal ley. Fa. myS-19 -TTJANTED A .FIRST-CLASS MARBEK vV single man preferred. No. S3 CHESTNUT ST., Allegheny. my3-63 WANTBO-AT ONCE, CARRIAGE PAIM .,,. & Apply to P. TV. SAWEHT & CO., S917 to S923 Pen u ave. my3-59 WANTED EXPERIENCED CAR CAR- PENTER. Apply to OAK RIDGE COAL Apply to not Try st. CO., Fourth ave. an my2-M XTJANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH A YEAR'S TV experience, or one to learn the drug bnti ness. Apply H7 WYLIE AVq. my3-M VTJ-ANTED-EXPEBIEN CED VV TISTS: steadv emnlovmi CRAYON Alt- employment. ELECTRIU PHOTO COPYING CO., 10 and U Sixth st, my3-20 tTTANTED-THEEEOR FOURYODNU MEN TV of Intelligence and good address; also a few bright newsboys. P. F. COLLIER, 1036 Penn ave. my3-31 -TTTANTED-BILL CLERK-MUST BE COR- tt tusus: ana quick; familiar with hardware or water, gas and steam goods, H. X B.. Uis- myl-22 pavca omce. WANTED-SHrPPING CLERK-MUST BE A young man well recommended, whe can speak both English and German. Address FORBES, box 870, Pittsburg P. O. my2-68 WANTKD-HEATER.BOUGHER, CATCHER, pair-heater, doubler and matcher for small double sheet mill. Apply, SCOTTDALE IKON & SI EEL CO., LIM., gcottdale, Pa. ma 1-23 WANTED-SWEDESTO CANVASS FOR THE new Swedish Bible; Indorsed and approved ofbvalltbe Swedish clersv. Apply at onceior terms and outfits to P.J.FL KMING & CO., 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg, fa. apZ7-49 T7"ANTED-IMMEDIATELY, ONE PRACT1 VV CALsplkemaker; three feeders on Carey spike machine and three feeders for roll point; only experienced men need apply. DIAMOND STiTElHON co., Wilmington, Del. myl-28 WANTED-AT BT. LOUIS-HOUSE PAINT ERS can find steady work and good wages by applvlng to the MASTER PAINTERS' EX CHANGE, 208f N. Fourth st. - E. B. Matthews, President; Hunt P. Wilson, Secretary. my3-60 w AN TED -IMMEDIATELY -A GOOD polisher. Address, stating lowest wages will work tor. no time for correspondence, 'DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie. Pa. apI3-58 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BOOT AND shoe salesman to take Charlie Hall's route In Pa. ;only those who have an extensive acquaint ance and can command a large trade in that sec tion need apply. EDMUNDS MAYO, Boston. ap28-lS TTTANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND V granite salesmen; must have experience in this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience. DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie. Pa. mh28-78 -TTTANTED-ABENTS ON SALARY; t7SPER VV month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; full particulars and sample case tree, we mean Just what we say.-. Address bTANDABD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. felS-S-o Female Help. w ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED WAIST MA- K. CaUatt)SUPJiJN AVE. my3-2t TTTANTED-A CHAMBERMAID WITH GOOD TV references. Inquire 203 BDJGE AVE,, Alle- gbeny City. my3-ra WANTED-GIKL FOR GENERAL HOUBE WORS. J. B. HEARD, 19 Bertha sU Mt. Washington. my3-l7 WANTED-A GOOD GIRL; GERMAN PRE FERRED, to take care of children. Apply at 116 SHEFFIELD STREET, Allegheny. my&8 TTANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERI- VV EN ced milliner for short distance from city. Apply to J. D. BERND & CO., 815. 817 Liberty sf. my3-52 WANTED-A GOOD RELIABLE NURSE TO take charge of one child. Apply at once at 3d door from corner Penn and Fifth aves., on FIFTH AVE., East End. my3-14 WANTED-ALL LADIES WHO HAVE FINE furniture needing repairing, refinlshlngor upuoistering to go uireci to neaaquariers; teie- pnoue jo-o. ji&uun Aunaa, a ana $ ater street. myl-94 Male and tcinule Helo. "TTANTED-A BUTLER, 8 FARM HANDS, S VV men for hotel, woman cook, 7 per week; 200 house girls, 40 for hotels: 60 cooks and cham bermaids for small families, S3 50 to 14 per week: nurse girls, 2 colored. MEEHAN'S AGENCY, 848 Grant st. ap29-X Situations. WAN1ED-S1TUATION BY A YOUNG MAN, Hollander, speaking English', French and German; is willing to work in city or country. R. R., Dispatch office. my3-32 TTrANTED-POSITION AS 8TENOGEAPHER, VV by young man; speed of 100 words guaran teed: would do general office work; small salary to commence. Address STENOGRAPHER. Dis patch office. myS-39 Partners. W: ANTED-A PARTNEK-85, 000 WILL BUY A half Interest In one of the largest and best established and paying businesses of its kind In ivlvanla. located In heart of busi ness center In Pittsburg: trade the most refined and elegant; business strictly cash; the price is nothing compared to business done and profits re ceived therefrom; only those who are willing to become helpmates and mean strictly business need apply for particulars to CASH BUS., Dispatch uuicc i myi-43 Financial. MORTGAGES - LARGE OB TITANTED VV small. ED. Pittsburg. Wli'llSH, 410 Grant street, apZ4-47-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN either city : lowest rates of interest. SPEN CER & GLOSSES. 419 Bmlthfleld st. mbO-7 WANTED-MORTGAQES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K,4 and 6 per cent. GRAERLNG & LYON, J3S Fourth ave. apS-el-D "TIJANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV In Bums to suit at itf, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tef. 167. apl9-14 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over S4. 000; 4M per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., S2 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-I TTANTED-BENTo COLLECTED PROMPT- TV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. tal-81 -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-WE ABE PRE YV PARED to make loans of (500 to to00,000 on mortgages on city or oountry property. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. my2-Sl-D ' WANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H percent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at t and 6 per cent. BLACK A BAUU), 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-D fTTANTED-TO LOAN S3M.0O0 ON MORT- VV GAGES; $100 and npward at 8 tier cent; (500,000 at V( per cent on residences or business lerry; aiso in aujoiumg counties, b. ti. , 125 Fourth avenue. ocM-eM-D -TTJANTED-HOUSES TO BENT.JtENTB TO I v coueci, moni property at 4&, S anc YV collect, mortgages on city and suburban operty at i, a ana o per cent; propeni percent; property selected owest commission: call Tor and bought or sold on lowest commission: new property list for April. J. DERMTIT, 407 Grant st. , SD14-61-D XHTANTED-MORTGAGES-ll, 000, 000TO LOAN YV on city and snbnrban properties at 4U,5and 6 per cent, and on farms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned oat of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNO0K 4 bON, 105 Fourth avenne, ,ep7-ftt Miscellaneous. -TTTANTED-CUSTOMERS FOR CASH BAR- VV GAINS-EIgln, sllvtrlne watches. S5, 17, S3; Elgin gold ladles' watches, CO, S23, t&rnlckei Clocks 75 ctsit 1847 Rogers' knives and forks, SI 75 pers4t. JOHN 10TSCH, Jeweler, 130 .Federal it, apis-JtwxBa ' EB. Miscellaneous. "TTTAKTED-SEE AD. AUCTION SALTS OF VV East End lots. W. A. HEKltON A SONS, 80 Fourth nve. apsu-dS-myl, 5,6,11 "TXTANTEII-FIXT BE3 FOK A HAB COM- .lei,. Aiivwer arlnnmAn. early, at8aTHJEDAE.. Pittsburg. my3-o V T PEETE: staf , WANTED MOTE KH3 TO BltlNO THE1B Children to AUFUECHT'iitEL.lTE OA.U LKRY, SIS Market St., Pittsburs-; cabinets only tl perdoz.; proofshown; elevator. myl-51 "ITTANTED- EVERYBODY TO .READ W Fronde's treat Irish novel. "The Two Chlers of Dunboy," complete In "Onco a Week," 3 pages, 30 cents; the largest paper In the world. ffnll-ttA. nt.) Saturday, fto 9 P.M., 814 Wood st. UBLlNt Ss SON. apW-68 , XTT-ANTED- TTU-intYnonY TO KNOW THAT W H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sen as low as ine lowest; reiucumw wwww HENKY TEKHEYDEN, 830 bmlthfleld st. noU-uwrsu WANTED IMPORTANT TO SALOON keepers There is no trouble with license In Chicago; tho brewers attend to it, enter bonds and bring license, payable every four months, to customers; have some good saloons for sale; in vite correspondence will honestly answer ques tions. PH. KAISCH, 137 larrabee, Chicago. my3-5S . FOtt SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residence. JriOR SALE-GOOD 7-KOOM BB1CK HOUSE ! Dcvillicrs St., close to AVylie are. and Court ouse;lot24Mxl04;f.!.500: on easy terms. TV. W. MCNEILL & liUO., 105 Fourth ave. my2-8i -T7OK SALE-CARSON ST., NEAR TWENTV JD FIRST, 3-story brick house, 12 rooms, side porches, greenhouse, etc.: lot 80x120. G. J, J3LEICHNER, Real Estate, 238 Carson St. myj-15 FOR 8ALE-(W)-8 PER CENT NET INVEST MENT: Harrison st. near Forty-ninth St., two 2-story frame dwellings: rent for f390 per yearr lot 22xl0u; terms reasonable. SAMUEL. W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. myS-H-FSTu nat End Residences. TCKJR SALE-ARE YOU SATISFIED TVITH A? the house you rent or own? if not. see the finely built residences in Col tart square, Oakland. W. A.BERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ap20-S4-TUF FOR SALE-tl.COO WILL BUY A .NICE SIX ROOM residence on paved St., near Cable line and jP. R. R.; rents for S14S0 per month: come qack and examine. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station St., E. E. myl-17-WP in conveniences: lot 50x120; convenient to cable lines or Liberty station, P. R. R.: a bargain. SAMUEL w. black & CO., 99 Fourth ave, ap30-4l FOR SALE-ON SHADY LANE, WITHIN S minutes' walk of the proposed electric road, about 6 acres with amodern frame dwelling of 7 rooms, stable, orchard of select bearing fruit trees, grapery with a fine lawn: the owner wish ing to remove, will sell much below the current Srlcesln the neighborhood. HENRY AWEAVEB CO., 92 Fourth ave. my3-S5 FOB SALE-W.500-EASY TERMS, SHERIDAN avenue, near East Liberty station and cables; new Queen Anneframe dwelling of 7 rooms,attlc reception halt, bath, porches, slate mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range, marble-top station ary washstands. Inside w, c. hot and cold water, both gates, large lot, n, v;.. uu. ttuu bum naKL. REED B. COYLE & CO., Aoi a uurm avenue. my- Suburban Residences. TTIOR SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND, WITH A! fine house, 7 large rooms, fruit and shade trees, grapery,etc.,springhouse, water in kitchen; stable, chicken house, etc.; a beautiful place, sit uate at Howard station. P. V. 4 C. R. R., near Homestead; a great bargain If sold soon: by O.R. 10UDY. Real Estate, Insurance and Steamship Agent, 1721 Carson St., Southslde. Would proba blytake other property In exchange. ap28-l30 FOB SALE-COUNTRY HOM E AT FAIKOAKS. P., Ft. W.4 C.R. R . embracing between 4 and S acres of land on which is dwelling of 11 rooms, ice house, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings; land is covered with bearing fruit trees and large shaoe trees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and Illuminated with gas at reasonable expense; premises are connected with R. R. by board walk, and are unsurpassed in beauty and healthfulness of location; will be sold quite low. J. M. STONER, 22 Bakewell Building. aDl9-36-MWP FOR SALE-LOTS. Cltr Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS-1 HAVE A lots on Carson st. and other NUMBER OF lots on Carson st. and other streets; almost any locality: vervchean: terms casv: bv O.R TOUDY, Real Estate, Insurance and Steamship Agent, 1721 Carson St., Southslde. ap2S-130 East End Lots. FOR BALE-EAST END LOTS AT AUCTION, May 11: see ad. in other column. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ap30-33-myl,3,6,U "COB BALE-SO BUILDING LOTS AUCTION X! sale on Beatty and Euclid streets; see ad. In l,w7 other column, HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ap30-3S-myl,3,6,ll TTiOR SAtE-8300 WILL BUY A BEAUTIFUL JU and well located lot 74x175. on Falrmount avenue. z sauares from ca rable line. MELLON BROS., 63- )mh otauon bu, x &. ap24-3S-rsu FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, I'. R. B . convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed;!) rice ranging from (408 to fSOO. Inquire of D. O. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End? no2S-y78 FOR SALE-1450 PER ACBE-18 ACRES AD JOINING city line, near Lincoln ave.. E.E., 80 minutes from K, Liberty station; suitable for gardening or dairy farm; good orchard, water. ra, water, SAMUEL etc.: mutt dc sold at once: a bargain. W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap30-66-WP FOR SALE-2 FIRST-CLASS LOTS 60x119 each; Margaretta st.. X square Irom Neglev ave nue, adjoining property all handsomely lm- provea; noming dui gooa nouses can De omit in mis neignoornooa: price oniy i MELLON BROS., 6319 Station si irlce only fW per foot front. II., JC. .E. myl-17-wr XPORSALE-BAUM STREET, EAST END, EL JD EGANT lots 60x120 to 20-foot alley; every lot has sewer connection; flagstone sidewalk and stone rurbs: location unsurpassed: scnools and churches convenient within five minutes or cable lines or P. R. R., and at prices as low as are asked for lots In unimproved localities. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agt., 812 bmlthfleld st. apiS-SO-jiwr AUeshcnv Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McNAUGHER, 43 N. Dlamondst. mh7-98-D Snbnrban Lots. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOODPARK.WILKINS-BURG-Lots, 40x120. J. R. COOPER & CO., 117 Fourth ave. ap27-78 FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK, W1LKINS-RURG-Lots, 40x120 and 40x240, on your own terms: these are the most desirable lots on the market. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap27-7S FOR SALE-20O- FINE BUILDING LOTS ON Lincoln avenne, borough of West Bellevue, only S minutes' walk from Avalon station. P., Ft. W. & O. R. R., and 10 minutes' ride from city, on line of projected electric road; price from 200 to (400 each; terms, 5 cash, balance in monthly isymenis. without interest. WKAJSiJiau & ON, 133 Fourth avenue. ap2S-12 FOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS. LOTS, LOTS Maplewood Park, WilMniburg. elegant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240; 150 to (400: $10 to 120 down, balance (L 12 and S3 per week: theso are the most desirable lots on the market: 68 trains each way dally; they are bound to double in value within the next M days. J. R COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave., or on the grounds every Tues days Thursday and Saturday from 3 to r. M. ap27-78 FOR SALE AT LESS THAN COST OF THE house, US acres of superior land adjoining Monongahela City; coal, limestone, springs, fenced, highly lmproved;'6 acres in fruit; a new, large brick mansion of 14 rooms, marble mantels throughout, Inside shutters, bathroom, cellars, everything complete and modern style: cost 813, 000; large frame bank barn; also fine horse and cow stables, smoke honse, spring house, outbuild ings: I mile from railroad station and town: only 112,000, on time; must be seen to be appreciated. ED. W1TTI3H, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. Fa., "newllst." my3 Farms. TiWR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FARM UNDER LAID with coking coal, right on railroad And near station. Inquire of JAJ ave., Pittsburg. L. ORR, 140 firth my2-73 FOR SALE-FARM OF 132 ACRES IN A GOOD neighborhood, near to railroad station, schools, churches, etc., underlaid with coal and in a good gas-producing territory; there are a number of large producing wells on. all the ad joining farms; dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings, orchard, etc. : this farm will be sold cheap, as the owner is moving West. ALEXAN DER & LEE, SIS Wood St., Pittsburg. myJ-2.MF Miscellaneous. ,, FOB SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS, RIGHT AT station, in Bellevue and Allegheny and In East End, by JAMES L. OBB, 110 Fifth ave,, Pittsburg. my2-73 FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath bouses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City. N?J. . ap5-9-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business , Chnnccs. FOR BALE-SALOON AND HOTEL FUR NI8HHENT complete; 22 rooms; good lease; terms cash ; can give possession Immediately. Ad dress 8. M. W1LBON, St. Charles HoteL Steuben vllle, O. ap30-e FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS SALOON doing a ftrst-clast business; half block from the N. C. B. B, depot; price 11,500; cause of selling i't9Holve partnership. Address HOWARD & liuui. 401N. Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. OR 8ALE GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR ladv that ran new fnmhnnt 11.000: neat little confectionery and Ice cream business, KOO: bakery. W th hnTH anit w..Ati SJTVlt ,ti,M .rail Vfn1..' .100 bullae chances. 'SHEFAKD ft CO., H Fifth' WAS FOR SALE BUSINBSS. ,'Buinesi- Stands. - TTWB SAEE-I'IiANING MILL AND LUMBER J? yard: located in a llTely town In Ohio, 85 miles from Cleveland and 100 miles from Pittsburg. on the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad and the. uaiocanai,surrounaea Dyaricn larming section; building new and machinery in first-class order; good established trade ror14 years; poor health the only reason for selling. For further particu lars inquire at US WASHlJiUTOi AVE.. Alle gheny City. ,. mT2-78 FOtt SALE-ailSCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Lire Stock. fcc TJlOBSALE-A PINESADDLKAiiD DRIVING X? Corse; will be sold cheap for want or use. Can be seen at TH pa. COLLINS' Sale Stables, Mans field Valley, Pa. my J-12 FOlt SALE-HOESES JUST AKU1VED AT Exposition Driving Park; 50 head extra flno driving, business and saddle horses. Inquire for J AS. MOKKOWK. my 3-41 TTK)K SALE-2 GOOD HORSES. 6 YEAKS OLD, JL1 well broken to harness; will not seareat any thing; will be sold cheap for want of use. JTor particulars call at E. GBOETZINGEB'S, 617 to S3 fenn avenue. mysHS FOB SALE-VEET STYLISH CAKRIAGE team, young and sonnd, bright bays, well matched, excellent travelers, slncle or double: it I- you wanta team that you can be proud of and are kuvu i uicj iuuk, corns ami see wem at uak Lawn Farm, New Brighton, Pa. J. B. DODU3. myl-14-WT FORSALE-HORSESr-WlLL ARRIVE MAY 2, at the Exposition Driving Park, 20 head ot extra fine Kentucky horses, among them some extraflne roadsters and saddlers of especially fine quality, with all the varlocs Kentucky-saddle gaits and harness combined. The owner, J. C. XWYMAN, a responsible horseman, of Lexing ton, Ky., refers to Jas. A. McNally and Porter & Donaldson, of this city, and invites those in need of anything In his line to inspect stock. my2-70 Machinery nnd Metals. F OR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND JL. UU11CI9, Oil BUCtAUU BllCO ACJlh IU BbWA, 11UIU 4 to 100 h. n. tall refitted: rood as new. at lowest rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. MSFarkway. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWT P IOR SALE 2SXS i iRLISS ENGINE; ONLY seen in operation: nrlce run a year; can on application; also a new Strange Co. ttave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 in 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A MCCORMICK. 150 First ave. , aul-p32-MW)' T OB SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7Kxl2-inch double enrine. double drum: others Krsre and smalL with slnzle or double friction drums; wire and manila rupe. centrifugal pumps, etc.; two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with nywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. LacockandSandusky sts.. Allegheny. Ial7-MWT TO LET. CItv Kcsldences. TO LET-THAT FINE BRICK DWELLING house of 10 rooms. No 5i Col well st.: rent free until Juno L Inquire of J. A. BOSS, St. James Hotel, or on the premises. ap29-23 TO LET-COTTAGE HOUSE ON MT- WASH INGTON, cor. Gray and Dilworth streets: has ten rooms, large lot; Is supplied with natural gas and city water; will be divided to suit two tenants. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO. 'S OFFICE, 10 and 12 Wood st. apS17 Allegheny Residences. NICE 7-KOOM BRICK HOUSE. ALL nnOLET- I co lezheni conveniences: ctatan rent: Second ward. Al legheny: street cars bandy, W. W. MCNEILL & 15 HO., 105 Fourth ave. mywo gnbnrbon Residences. TO LET-(99)-IN SEWICKLET-THE BRICK residence of James Adair, Broad street, one square from station; completely furnished; im mediate possession. SAMUEL W.BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. my3-27 TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station; Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mb.9-83 TO LET-OR FOR SALE-A 10 ROOM DWELL ING house, one ."acre ground, shade and fruit trees, and all modern conveniences; the most healthful place in the county; six miles np nen reon n. k.; Amiuuies' waiK irom siauon. For particulars Inquire S, MUSGRAVE, No. 44 ouriu street. apZ5-22-MWTEU Apartmenls. friO LET-SOME FINE UNFURNISHED JL andS-room flats for housekeeping: nat. two store rooms. Inaulre on premises. 44 FOURTJ ST. my3-18-MSSu Farms. TO LET-NICE FARM ON RAILROAD AND near station. Inquire of J AMES L. ORB. 140 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. my2-7I Offices," Desk Room. fcc rpc LET-CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OF FICES, large and small, on second and third floors: also nice lodge rooms. oPDOslte Cltr Hall Inquire T. MELLON & SONS BANK, 812 Smith field st. ap2S-81 Bnslnesn Stands. TO LET-STORE ROOM, ON CORNER PENN andlhlrd street: best business stand In city j some unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. In quire of S. MDSGROVE, 44 Fourth street. ap28-:l-HWF8a mo LET-THE EMPIRE HOTEL. AT MAS8IL- JrUWlx, vull iut term ut jvais. uuuc uui responsible parties need apply; inclose stamp for particulars. Address M. a, iixnu, juassiuon, Ohio. ap27-96-D Special. mO LET-OUR "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO X. FORE issued from our office, Is now pub lished every Wcdnesday(wlthout expense to land lords! In Itie Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. ap3-88-MTwTJ PERSONAL.. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTEO-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth ILCOOl let us know: we will buy one as cnlckly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-23 SEESONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean your old clothes, when it can he done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now read iav. 'telephone 1338. REWARDS. EEWARD-TA-VA-ZONI-NATURE'SPRICE-LESS gift to suffering humanity: for all ali ments; visit GRIFFIIH'S PHARMACY. 301 Grant, cor. Third avenue, Pittsburg, and secure a bottle: you will be well rewarded for your visit; also a bottle of that sovereign remedy Ta-va-zon Lung Cough Syrup, a most potent and unfailing cure for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. my3-C7 LOST. LOST -BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND Ninth St., pocketbook, containing consider able amountof money and checks. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at DISPATCH OFFICE. ' my3-64 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until the 8th day of .May, A. D., 18i9, at 2 p. jr., for laying water pipe on the following streets: 10,600 feet 4-lncb, Negley avenue, from Penn avenue to Bryant street. 120 feet 4-Incb, Rose street, from Grove Street to Concord alley. 320 feet 4-lncb, Concord alley, from Reed street to Rose street. 250 feet 4-inch, Morris street, from Carolina 1,700 feet 6-lncb, Grazier street, from Home wood ayenue to city line. 750 feet 6-inch, Grazier street, from Murtland avenne to Dallas avenue. 600 feet 6-inch, Boquet street, from Fifth ave nue north. 2S0 feet 6-lncb, Holmes street, from end of pipe to Fifty-second street. ' 600 feet 6-inch, Holmes street, from Fifty second street to McCandless avenue. 600 ijeet 6-inch, Holmes street, from Fifty, third street to Fifty-fourth street. 00 feet 6-inch, Farragut street, from Stanton avenue north 930 feet 6-incb, Euclid avenue, from Center avenne to Mignonette street. 1,200 feet 6-incb, Amber street, from Baum street to Penn avenue. L10O feet 6-Inch, Webster avenue, from Thirty-third street to Clarissa street 265 feet 6-Inch, Ivy street, from Walnut street to Howb str&cliB 2,100 feet 6-incb, Margaretta street, Irom Hi land avenue to Clearview street. 550 feet 6-inch, Gross street, from Cypress street to Liberty avenne. 250 feet 6-mcb. Smallman street, from Thirty sixth street to Thirty-seventh street. 700 feet 6-incb, Lilac street, from end of pipe to Ellsworth avenue. 600 feet 6-incb, Lenora street, from Shetland street to Josepn street. 150 feet 6-inch, Ivanhoe street, from Magee BtrGfit CSLStL 1,000 feet 6-Inch, Park avenue, from Rowan avenne north.- 600 feet 6-inch, Thompson street, from Shet land street to King street. 1,600 feet o-lnch, Dallas avenue, from Penn avenne south. 600 feet 6-incb. Conkling street, from Wylle avenne to Webster avenne. . 400 feet 6-incb, Millwood street, from Finland street east. 600 feerG-incb, Sweeney alley, from Enoch street soutb. 450 feet. 6-incb, Breckinridge, street, from Morgan street east. 515 feet 6-mcb, Forrester street, from Kaer cher avenue west 215 feet 6-incb, Kaercher avenue, from Blge low street to Forrester street. 250 feet 6-Inch, Jones avenue, from Twenty ninth street cast. S00 feet 6-inch, Finland street, from Milwood street to Brercton avenue. 300 feet 6-incb rereton ayenue, from Fin land street cast. 600 feet 6-lnch, Ben Venue place, from Mil vale avenue west, 1,000 feet 6-incb. Susquehanna street, from Home wood avenue- to Dunfermline street. 060 feet 6-lrich. Kellv street from Hotnewood ayenue to Sterrett street,, . , -v- - OFFICIAL PITTSSUXG. 860 feet 6-lncb, Bennett street, from Hoae--wood avenna to Lan? avenne. A 310 feet S-inch. Clawson street, from Grazier- street to onsqnenanna street. 600 feet 6-inch. E valine avenue, from Liberty avenue to Harriett street. . 275 feet 6-inch, Edwin street, from Adler street north. L375 feet 8-lnch, Forty-ninth street, from Bntler street to north side of A. V. K. B. 12,000 feet, more or less, 30 inch on j Biland avenue, from Reservoir to Bryant street. Bryant street, from Hiland avenna to St. Clair street. St. Clair street, from Bryant street to Baum street. Baum street, from St. Clair street toNegley avenne. Negley avenue, from Baum street to Roup street. Roup street, from Ifegley avenue to Ens worth avenue. 3,000 feet, more or less. 16-luca on Penn ave nne, from oint Breeze to a point east of Lang; avenue. 100 tons pie lead equal toPenna, refined lead. Hauling 4,010 tons, more or less, water pipe. FIRE HYDRANTS. 100, more or less, single fire hydrants. 75, more or less, double fire hydrants. GATE VALVES. 4a mora or less. 4-lnch gate valves. 100, more or less, 6-inch Rate valves. 10, more or less, 8-inch gate valves. 5, more or less, 10-inch gate valves. 10, more or less, 12-Inch gate valves. 10, more or less, 16-inch gate valves. 15, more or less, 20-Inch gato valve. 16, more or less, 24-inch gate valves. U, more or less, 30-ln ch gate valves. FERRULES. 600, more or less, K-lncb. 300. more or less, -inch. 200, more or less, fi-inch. luu, more or less, j-incn. 25 reels, more or less, best American hemp 10 bales, more or less, best white cotton waste. ouu pounas, more or less, oest pure sheet gum packing. 200 pounds, more or less, best square gum packing. 200 pounds, more or less, best 2 and 3-ply can vas packing. MISCELLANEOUS CASTINGa 250. more or less, gate boxes. 100, more or less, plug boxes. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made and all other information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. Each proposal must be accompanied by a. bond in double the amount of the estimated cost, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bias. E. M. BTGELO W. Chief of Department of Public Works. j ap27-3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the report of viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Natrona alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg. April 25, 1889. ap25-60 -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll reports of viewers on the openings ot Fifty-first street,from Butierstreet to the Alle gheny rivei, and Center avenue, from Aiken avenue to Hiland avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg, April 23, 1889. ap25-60 Office of -I Department of P ratio Safety, Bureau of Fire. Pittsbttro. Pa. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL .BE RE O CE1VED at the office of the City Control ler until MONDAY. May 13, 1889, at 2 p. m., for repairs of engine houses Nos. 2 and 6. Plans and specifications can tie seen at the office of F. C. Saner, Architect, comer Sixth and Liberty streets. - N Bonds in double the amount of bids must ac company each proposal, "said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. t J. O. BROWN, Myl-60 Chief Department Public Safety. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the reports of the viewers on tho "con struction ot sewers on Sheridan street, from Station to Hoeveier street; Rodman streett from Hiland avenue to Sheridan street; Na trona alley, from Fifty-fourth to Fifty-third streets, and Hoeveier street from Hiland avenue to Collins avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is Hied in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg. Ann! 25, 1889. ap25-C0 ' SEPARATE-AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until May 13, 1SS9, at 2 P. jr., for altering and repairing No. 7 Police Station. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount ot each bid will be required; said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN. IChief of the Department of Public Safety. mj3-68 AMUSEMENTS. MAY INAUGURATION OF THE NEW EXPOSITION BUILDING. FESTIVAL. FIVE EVENING AND TWO AFTERNOON CONCERTS,1 TUESDAY EVENING, MAY '21s SALE OF -HAMILTON'S MUSIO STORE. SEASON TICKETS NOW IN PROGRESS. 43-Tlcket for Single Concerts, $3, $2, SI and 60c. according to location. Season Tickets, 812 60, S3 and S5, according to location. Private Boxes, seating six, 100 for the seaton. i i The celebrated Steinway Grand Piano used at the Festival Concerts. my3-s M Y01 PfflLHARMONIC CLUB, Miss Elizabeth Norcross, OLD CITY HALL. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 6. 1889. Tickets for sale at H. KXEBER&BRO.'S, Wood st Price SI. 75 cts and 60 cts each. Mosic students half price to any part ot tho. nonse. o extra cnarge lor reserved seats. myl-20 GRAND OPERA HOUSE- ' Every Evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, ALONE IN LONDON. Week May 6 Boston Ideals. ap2S-16 B UOU THEATER- THE HOWARD ATHENJEUMSTAB SPECIALTY COMPANY. Next week Frank Mayo in Davy Crockett my3 TT ARRY WfLXTAMB' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday Saturday, HARRY KERNELIS NEW SPECIALTY COMPANY. ap2&66 and GRAND CENTRAL RINK TO-NIGHT. PROF. HURLBURTS Wonderful HORSES, DOGS AND PONIES. Four Nights More. Matinees Thursday, Friday and Saturday.' myl-33 IRAND ORGAN RECITAL ON FRI IT DAY eveninir. Mav 10. 1889. under the auspices of the Musical and Literary Society oi au reicrs .uvangeucai lutneran unurcn, in their new building, cor. Station st and Col lins ave., E.E. Tickets, 60c. Reserved seats 23c extra. my2-o7 A MAY DAY DANCE FOR THE BENE FIT of the Helping Hand Society at Old City Hall, Thursday and Friday May 2 and 3, at 7.30 P. if. Tickets SL For sale In advance at H. W. Watts & Co.'s, and George K. Stevenson iCa's. ap28-97-D THE PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW THAT the National Italian Orchestra Is now ready to furnish music for all occasions. Ad dress G. D. GIORGIO, Manager, 554 Grant st. city. ap85 A E. LINKENHE1MER, ' ARCHITECT, 6(5 SIthfle4d street. PiMsbanr. Pa. Fre&eiti jjrrettrBaJItefcseeeftdlleer. sautse-xwr J MEBTDKW. T-raWN" VETHBAS LBGKWf. ATTSHV U TION Members wffi meet at heaglgM.' ten. Sixth avenne, on SATURDAY" AJ XBft NOON next at 1 o'clock: to attead faaetat services of Comrade W. Gibson Millr, late Adjutant Sixty-first P. V. SerrieeeatFintM. P. Church, Fifth avenne. F. O. DORRTNGTON, a OL G EO. B. CHALMERS, Adjutant MAT2;lSW. Vj myg-38 . DIVIDENDS. LAWEKSCltBAirBrOFPlTTSBraO. I PrrrsBtiBO, pAMayLi8e.t, DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRBcS TORS of this bank have this day declared & dividend of THREE PER CENT on th capital stock ontof the profits of the last sec months, payable an demand. my2-2-D JOHN HOERR, Cashier. LEGAL NOTICB8. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCBRX My wife, Margaret Gilchrist, havlnz left my bed and board without jnst cause, I, alter this date, refuse to pay any bill contrast' ed by her. my3-22 JAS. M. GILCHRIST. ESTATEOFHENRYROBINSON.DECD Letters of administration on the abevs estate having been granted to-the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re S nested to make payment, and those having; alms to present tho same, without delay, to DAVID ROBINSON, Admint'r, West View,, Allegheny co. Pa., or his utt.'y, f ATtSTTAT.T, BROWN. 157 Fourth ava, Pittsburgh , mh29-6-J , SOTKZES. pOMMERCIAL MEN TJ OMMERCIAL MEN TAKE NOTICE A married eentleman who can furnish un surpassed references and bond is open for aa. engagement at a moderate salary. Is highly versed in accounting, commercial law and mathematics; also a fluent speaker, experi enced stenographer, and fine, rapid penn an. Correspondence solicited. H.D. REED, Care Box CS& L myl-U mHE BONDS OF THE PITTSBURG AND WEST END PASSENGER RAILWAY CO., due this date, after which interest ceases, will be paid on presentation at the City Saving Bank, of Pittsburg, Pa. JOHN C. RETLLY, President Pittsburg, May L 1889. mj3-69 AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at a special election to be held Juno 18, 18S9. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuar.ee of Article XVHI of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this Commonwealth. Section L Beit resolved by th e Senate and Honse ot Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment- is pro posed to tho Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with, the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Constitution to be designated as Article XIX, as follows: ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keepingforsale of. intoxicating liquor, to boused as a beverage. is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punish" able as shall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale, ot intoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a beverage may be allowed in such manner, only as may be prescribed by law. The Gen eral Assembly shall, at the first session suc ceeding the adoption of this article of the Con stitution, enact laws with adequate penalties for its enforcement A true copy of the Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE, mhl5-100-F Secretary of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at a special election to be held June 18, 1889. Published by order of the Secre- itary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article A.Y.U101 me uonsutuuon. 'Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section L Be it resolved by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met That the following Is proposed as an amend ment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fa. accordance with the pro visions of the eighteenth article thereof. Strike OTitfronfSecTlOn one. of article eiffht the four qualifications for voters which reads as follows: "If twenty-two years of age or upwards, ha shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month, before the election," so that the section which, reads as follows: "Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First He Shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second. He shall hve resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, tben six months) immediately preceding tho election. Third. He shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at leasttwo months immediately preceding the election. Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up wards, he shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been as sessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election," shall be amended, so as to read as follows: Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, Sossessing the following qualifications, shall e entitled to vote at the polling place of the election uistrict oi wmenne snauat tnetlme ho a resident and not elsewhere: First, He shall have been a citizen of tho United States at least thirty days. ' Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall hare removed therefrom and returned, tben six months) Immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at least thirty days Immediately preceding the elec tion. The legislature, at the session thereof next after the adoption of this section, shall, and from time to time thereafter may, enact laws to properly enforce this provision. Fourth. Every male citizen ot the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a citi zen for thirty days and an inhabitant ot this State one year nextpreceding an election, ex cept at municipal elections, and for the lass thirty days a resident of the election district ia which he may offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the election district ot which he shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or here after may be elected by the people: Provided. That in time of war no elector in the actual military service of the State or of the United States, in the army or navy thereof, shall be deprived, of his vote by reason of his absence from suchjelection district; and the legislature shall have power to provide the manner la which and the time and place at which such, absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of 'their votes in the election difl tnct in which they respectively reside. Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a resi dence by reason of his presence or absence while employed In theservioe of the United States or the State, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the State or of the high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary ot learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established." A true cony of the joint resolution. CHARLES W,SrONE, mhli-l-r Secretaryof the Commonwealth 32 Lots at (100 each. 12 Lots at $200 each. 7 Lots at $300 each. 10 Lots at $500 each. These are large lots fronting on 50-feet streets, one of "which Is being paved; and are marked at low prices to sell themselves. Situated in Thirty-second ward, 10 minutes' walk from incline water and gas; good neighborhood; fare 3 cents; monthly tickets $1 25. I will be on the groaad every Saturday from 1 to 5 o'clock. Terms to suit S. UIFFIN, Fourth ave. and Bmlthfleld. apo-ie-FS )IAN03, ORGANS. a HAMILTON", 91 AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE, i. Pittsburg. Pa. apaMs-B? if"i TYUNCAN C WHITE, Building Contractor, si 71 Diamond street . ' . ' Second door above SaltaHeM, - " Pittsburg. feW-Tonr ERESH BUTTER ? RECEIVED DAILY av msn. K. KTEVElswrvw m - . .f GROCERIES AND TABLB BlUCA'cOty sixth AYiann. iMi-jnrv t -.3 .. ''1 in iitl.. .-.. Si MwemM