Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Exhausted Murrysville
"Well Drilled Deeper.
Changing the Stuffed-Up Hole to a
Producer of 700 Pounds.
'Description of the Immense Steel Pipe Line
About to be Laid. "
' The Philadelphia Natural Gas Company
yesterday accomplished what they regard as
a treat feat It was nothing less than the
successful revival of an old gas well at
Murrysville. The well had been re-bored
and completed shortly after noon at a depth
of 1,582 feet It cane in with a pressure of
700 pounds, equal to that of the new well
which was lately drilled in Bellevernon.
The old well was 1,350 feet deep, and it had
gradually filled up with sand and pebbles,
which caused a great decline in pressure.
It was then that the company commenced to
experiment upon drilling deeper for another
vein of gas.
As a general thing similar attempts hare
usually proved unsuccessful. In some
cases salt water was struck between the two
gas sands, which utterly ruined the well.
"Where niiro glycerine was employed the
whole well was shattered, and scarcely
ever has a satisfactory result been accom
"On this account," said a gentleman con
nected with the Philadelphia Company
yesterday, "this is of great importance. It
proves that the old story abont gas giving
out and declining wells being worthless is
simply a fable. The Murrysville gas field
is just as good to-day as it was some years
ago. If some of the wells show a trivial de
cline in pressure, it is simply
because they are clogged op.
Jfow, the fact that a very high
pressure has been obtained again in this
well is sufficient evidence that the same
thing can be done with other wells and
there is no necessity of abandoning a well
simply because its pressure decreases. To
drill a new one costs about 3,000 or $4,000,
while an additional drilling of 250 or 300 1
feet entails an expense of $100 at the
"What is the object of the Philadelphia
Company in laying a steel pipe line to
Murrysville, instead of cast iron as" has
been done heretofore?" asked the reporter.
"There are a number of reasons for that,"
replied the official. "One consideration is
expense. A steel pipe of 36 inches in
diameter is about $10,000 cheaper per mile
than a cast iron pipe of the same diameter.
Then again it saves labor and does not re
quire such a large amount of leading.
"To give a proper idea of this steel pipe,
which is the first one that has ever been used
for a similar purpose, a detailed description
might be interesting. It will be 34,000 feet
long, and it takes 2,000 tops of one-fourth-inch
steel to manufacture it Cast iron pipe
lines' are composed of 12-foot sections, while
the sections bflnis pipe"will be 24 feet Ionf .
This fact explains why it is that a great
deal of labor is saved, because it takes about
as man v men to lower a 24-foot section into
a trench as it would take to place a 12-foot
"But it is claimed that on account of the
riveting your steel pipe can easier leak,
and will therefore not be so serviceable as
an iron pipe?"
'"That is a mistake. Boilers are made out
of steel. They are riveted, and I should
think that a leak in a boiler is as likely to
occnr as a leak in one of the sections of the
gas line. Each section is similar in ap
pearance and construction to a boiler, and
there is no douot it will do as good ser
vice." The Philadelphia Company is sow laying
the line at the rate of 500 teet a day.
It was also learned at the office of the
Philadelphia Company that it has now
been definitely decided to lay a new line
from Bellevernon. The work on that line,
however, will not be commenced until Gen
eral Superintendent T. A. Gillespie returns
from Europe, where he is now sojourning.
It was reported yesterday that Oliver
Bros. & Phillips and the Bepublic Iron
Company intended to cnt loose from the
Philadelphia Natural Gas Company and
pipe their own gas. Mr. H. W. Oliver,
Jr., the senior member of the firm of Oliver
Bros. & Phillips, was seen by a DISPATCH
reporter; but he declined to talk on the
subject He said he would neither affirm
xtor deny any reports.
It is also stated that the Jefferson Natural
Gas Company, of which Hon. B. F. Jones
is a leading member, intend to supply some
of the Sonthside iron mills with fuel from
their "Washington county wells. They are
layirg pipes into the city and may be ready
for business in a short time. An effort was
made to see Mr. Jones last evening, but he
was ill and did not care to talk on business
The Protestant Home for Incurables Had a
Reception Yesterday.
The annual reception at the Protestant
Home for Incurables, in Lawrenceville,
took place yesterday. About 1,000 people
were there during the afternoon, and the
rooms which are generally set apart to re
ceive the presents and donations that are
usually so liberally tendered to the institu
tion were filled to their utmost capacity.
This year the gifts were extraordinarilv
rich. Large baskets and hampers of afl
.kinds of useful articles for tbe inmates, and
checks ol very respectable amounts, had
sound their way into the place, and there
was an air of 'general rejoicing manifest
among all who -are interested in the success
and welfare of the institution.
The inmates are at present only composed
of lemales, but the residence formerly occu
pied by Miss Holmes is now being altered
for the accommodation of men also, and in
a short time the male department will be
ready to receive patients.
ft Father Smith Warns Mother to Guard
Their Daashters.
Bev. Father Smith, one of the Passionist
Fathers, preached an eloquent and sensa
tional sermon in St Paul's Cathedral last
evening. There were none but women
present, although tbe sermon was especially
directed to the young girls of the congrega
tion. The reverend gentleman denounced all
young girls who went to round dances, and
. especially those who went without escorts.
He was "especially severe on the young
women wbo stood on street coreers talking
' to men. He also took a turn at those who
sat alone in rooms with "their best young
man." He warned mothers to keep sn eye
on their daughters and see that they aid not
- associate with improper young men. He
advised them to sit in the same room with
their daughters when young men called to
see ue utter.
Many matters of Much and Little Moment
Tersely Trented.
None look shabby because they wish. .
Pleasaut showers, If one has an umbrella.
District Attobnst PoAtee went .East
last night.
B. B. Hates got lost in New York. . The
wonder is he was ever found.
He is an unlucky fisherman who catches
nothing but a cold and a scold.
No wonder the heavens wept, the Allies were
swiped again, and by the baby of the family.
Miss Maudie rather went back to first prin
ciples when she said herCbawles was monkey.
Blessed is he that can by any means call a
smile to the face tbat is too familiar with tears.
John Traqessoe, of Allentown, was fined
25 and costs for keeping his shop open on Bun
day. Boulangek threatens to write a religions
novel. It will probably treat of the flight into
Cheap tailors have ruined the rushing
striped trouser business, and the check has
An ingot fell on George McEllwaln's foot at
Carnegie'B Thirty-third street mill and
crushed it
The City of Paris Is going to be the fastest
ocean steamer this summer. This is as it
should be.
A Central Traction casting fell on the
ankle of the 7-year-old daughter of Matthew
Marker and broke it
Dox't go around telling people what you are
going to do. You may not do it and explana
tions are always awkward.
Martbt Kane was severely burned by an
explosion of "tlnjro" at the Lucy Furnace. He
is SO years old and married.
Eighteen new members were admitted and
20 new names proposed at the monthly meet
ing of the Tariff Club last night.
They say politeness costs nothing, but it
must cost a great deal for one woman to kiss
another who wears a handsomer bonnet.
The small hoy made it lively for two organ
grinders in the West End yesterday. A police
Sergeant finally locked up the musicians.
A pobtion of the breeches worn by George
Washington are on exhibition in Chicago.
The name of the girl's bull dogisn't mentioned.
John Keaens had an arm broken while
coupling cars in the Pittsburg, Virginia and
Cbarleston Railroad yards on the Sonthside
Mrs. Kline, a weak-minded old lady, wan
dered away from her daughter's home. No. 34
Spring alley, yesterday, and has not yet been
heard from.
Scratch a sarcastic person and you will
find an egotist; Scratch sn egotist and you
will find a fool. Scratch a fool and you will
find nothing.
It is said the drivers of ice wagons are nearly
all suffering with rheumatism. This probably
explains why they carry such a small piece of
ice to tbe door.
William Enqle, a laborer at tho Linden
SteelWorks, bad his face badly burned by a
flash of natural gas from one of tbe furnaces
yesterday afternoon.
Belt A Locewood says in 25 years a woman
will be President lot this great country. What
an embarrast-ing thing it will be to pose as the
first man of the land.
The bids for the proposed Power Hall for tbe
Exposition were considered yesterday. They
were all in excess of what was expected, rang
ing from $90,000 to 120.003.
They are wise who avoid the fashionable
steamers with their sardine packiLg, for more
modest lines with jrre&ter freedom and comfort,
during tbe mad rush for Europe.
A double set of new harness was stolen
from Stelnhausen's store in the East End yes
terday, later James Cussick was arrested
with the harness in his possession.
Chaei.es E. Miller, head clerk at the
Monongahela House, left last evening for
Philadelphia, where he will in future be found
smiling over the Lafayette Hotel register.
Mr. T. R. Thomas, chief claim clerk-in the
general freight office of tbe Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company, in this, city, has been ap
pointed commercial atrent for the company,
with headquarters at Wheeling.
Mb. W. H. Boentkager, manager of Car
negie's Twenty-ninth street mill, left last night
for New York City with his wife and family,
whence they sail in a day or two for Germany
and the continent for an extended tour.
In the same boat Oliver Wendell Holmes
says he doesn't know whether he has taken
more pleasure in removing limbs as a doctor
than in constructing feet as a poet. His pa
tients and his readers are in just abont that
same fix.
Miss Annie Hoff, of Troy Hill, Allegheny,
was yesterday married to Mr. John Wierkman,
of Buffalo. The Rev. Father Mollinger per
formed the ceremony. Mr. Wierkman is the
proorietor and editor of the Buffalo Aurora, a
Catholic paper of that city.
Mes. Vice President Morton wore a
pleasant smile at the Centennial ball. President
Harrison was clad in gloom, and fresh Bnss
was wrapped up in himself, while many sol
diers were there in undress uniform. No
wonder Mrs. Grundy was shocked.
With the beginning of the swimming season,
the usual sad accident will soon occur, viz.:
An idiot who can't swim gratis a man who can,
and they both drown, or still worse, he will
drown a gin who ought to know better than to
trust herself with a puerile dude.
The Finance Committee of the Allegheny
Poor Board met last night and approved the
monthly reports which will be presented at a
meeting of the board 'this afternoon. The
steward's report sbows that there are 250 in
mates in the home, a decrease of 17 compared
with last month's report.
Benedick Why do you call yourself Bene
dick if you aren't married, and if you are
married, and earning but 10 a Week, you
snould properly be called Denis. Love is all
right, but what becomes of it when poverty
kicks in tbe front door. Go to Oklahoma,blutf
a cowboy, and leave a weeping girl who will
soon forget you and marry a man who has
brains enough to support her.
She la Charged With Having- Robbed Her
Employers for Two Tears.
James Todd, a stepson of John H. Hamp
ton, Esq., living at No. 127 JTorth avenue,
Allegheny, and J. J. Pettit, of 77 Fayette
street, last evening brought a young servant
girl to the Allegheny Mayor's Office, claim
ing that she has been stealing valuable arti
cles for two years past. The girl gave her
name as Susan Lowrey, and she came to
this country from Ireland a few years ago.
The arrest was intended to frighten the girl
into making a confession as to what she had
done with the stolen goods. ,
The girl had been employed as a domestic
at Mr. Todd's residence for six months,
when she left under a cloud. Dnring her
stay in tbe house a number of valuable ar
ticles of jewelry, fancy scarfs, tidies, bed
spreads and other articles had been missed.
Also a purse containing about $10. The
girl was suspected and discharged.
Last evening Mr. . Pettit visited Mr.
Todd, and, in the course of conversation.the
matter was mentioned. When the name of
tbe 'girl was mentioned Mr. Pettit
stated that she had been employod at his
house for 16 months and that durin? her
stay there a number of articles had disap
peared. The two men decided to search for
the girl and found her at No. 13 Allegheny
avenue. She had two trunks packed, and
said she intended to leave lor New York to
morrow. An effort was made to induce the girl to
tell where the stolen goods were secreted,
but she told some very conflicting stories,
and was brought to the lockup, as stated.
An information will probably be made
against the girl to-day" and her trunks will
be searched.
Curious Exchange of Names In the Marriage
License Office.
Dr. Douglass yesterday afternoon per
formed three marriage ceremonies inrapid
succession, in tbe marriage license office.
The first couple were Michael Denneth and
Miss Lina Muesslg, a good looking young
couple from Allegheny. Following were
Nicholas Miller' and Miss Mary Fear, and
Reuben Fear and Miss Ellen Bayland, all
of Elizabeth township.
The bride of the -second conple and tbe
groom of the third, conple were brother and -sister.
The three pairs went out together in
a happy mood ana Dr. Douglass followed,
also made' happy by three good fees. ,
a public; inquiry
Is Desired by Window.Glas3 Work
ers' Officials in the Hatter of
Persons Pound Guilty of violating trie Lav
Are to he Prosecuted., .
The arrival of the Jeannette window
glass blowers, wbo are alleged to have been
brought here under contract, has caused
quite a stir in labor circles. All organiza
tions seem anxious to have the matter in
vestigated, and if the law lias been violated
in any way to punish the guilty persons.
It has been stated tbat the first lot of men,
26 in number, destined for Jeannette, came
here by order of President Campbell, as
they could not cross tbe water -and secure
positions unless they beld traveling cards
issued by tbe "Window Glass Workers' As
sociation. It was also stated that any pre
ceptory could issue the necessary cards and
tbat this had been done.
President Campbell is absent from the
city, but before his departure, as stated in
this paper, he admitted that he knew that
the ioreign glass workers were coming over.
He denied, however, that any law had been
violated. The importation, or arrival, of
more foreign glass workers who are now at
Jeannette has stirred the matter up again,
and the Central Trades Council of Western
Pennsylvania has begun an investigation,
as stated yesterday.
Some very damaging reports are being
circulated both against the workers' associ
ation and the employers. It- is said that
the intention is to eventually make the
Jeannette establishment a non-union factory.
The Window Glass Workers' Association
deny in very emphatic terms that they have
violated any law, and demand a pnblic in
vestigation, as the following from their Sec
retary indicates:
PrrrsBtJEO, Pa., May 2.
To Trades Council of Western Pennsylvania:
Gentlemen Under the resolution passed
at a regular meeting of L.A. 300 on April 28,
1889, in answer to your communication I beg
lieve to inform you that J. M. Kelley, editor of
the Commoner -and Glass Worker, is author
ized in our behalf to state in relation to the
alleged importation of foreign glass workers by
the officers and members of this assembly, that
we are. willing to submit to a thorough investi
gation under the following couditlonsf
First That tbe investigation be held at tbe"
hall of L. A. 300, 1505 Carson street, at such
time as may suit both parties.
Second That the investigation be open and
that the reporters of the dally press be pres
ent. Third That every witness examined shall be
placed under oath.
Fourth That tbe case be tried by a court of
five union men, two to be chosen by the Ex
ecutive Board of the Central Trades Council;
two by L. A 800, the four to select the fifth
Fifth If any officer of It A 300 is found
guilty of aiding in tbe violation of tbe labor
contract law, tnat tbe Central Trades Council
pledges itself to enter legal proceedings before
the United States Commissioner against said
parties found guilty, and if said parties are
found not guilty tbat the Central Trades Coun
cil pledges itself to make public retraction of
tbe charges entered. Respectfully yuuis,
G. L. Cake, Secretary.
The Hint Glass Trade Remarkably Good
and bat Few Furnaces are Idle.
Secretary Dillon, of the American Flint
Glass Workers' Union, yesterday issued his
quarterly report to the local unions. The
financial condition is very satisfactory, and
shows tbat the organization is flourishing.
The receipts for the quarter ending March
31 amounted to $27,408, and tbe total re
ceipts for three-quarters of the fiscal year
were 581,453. There Is no doubt but that
by the time of the summer stoppage the,
yearly receipts will amount to over $100,000.
The report says:
This sbows tbe wonderful recuperative power
of the American flints, after tbe expensive lock
out of last spring. Large as this sum appears,
the members look upon this as a profitable in
vestment Tbe annual average for each mem
ber will at this rate amount to about $17, and
there is no doubt but what the annual sum is
more than repaid to tbe members by a firmer
level of wages.
Tbe exact membership of the union Is 6.955.
an increase since the last report. There are
only 100 non-union men in the trade. The ap-
Srentices number 285. the unemployed 65s.
bis Is less than 10 per cent of the membership,
although tbe glass business Is not in a very
flourishing condition. Of the 200 flint glass fur
naces represented in the union, 37 furnaces are
idle, or nearly 30 ner cent. New members to
the number M 169 were initiated during tbe
quarter, forty-six members are still locked
out. Tbe total membership in Pittsburg is
1,130, of which 221, or about 15 per cent, are out
of employment. Out of 42 furnaces 37 are re
ported in blast up to March 31, and 5 out of
blast in Pittsburg.
Thirty-one secretaries report the trade eitber
splendid, cood. light stock, or encouraging
prospects, while 20 report stock heavy and dull
trade. A large number or locals make no re
port concerning tbe condition of trade. Re
ferring to the condition of trade, Secretary
Dillon writes tbat a depression seems to exist
in tbe business,for some unaccountable reason,
but feels thaVsuch a depression cannot con
tinue for a lengthy period in tbe general trade.
The press branch while dull in some sections,
sbows activity in otber parts of the country.
The eastern branch is more active than at the
issuing of tbe previous report last January.
Tbo chimney branch resembles tbe condition
of tbe press branch. Tbe .cutting, engraving
and mold making branches are very active.
Bottle branch generally is dull. Paste mold de
partment has improved since the previous re
port, and the shade branch is dull,"
Almost All tho Dingers In this District Want
tbe 74-Cent Rate.
The railroad miners' strike is still on and
President Conway says almost 5,000 miners
in Western Pennsylvania are out. The
strikers are both K. of L. men and IT. P. TJ.
men. The operators, it is said, expect assist
ance from the K. of L., but Mr. Conway
does not believe they can aid them in any
way. The fight isfor a straight 74-cent
rate for mining and.it willlikely be granted,
the leaders sa'y, before many days.
The following telegram indicating the
feeling of the diggers on' the matter was re
ceived from Mansfield Valley last night:
Tbe coal miners of the Panhandle and Char
tiers "Valley Railroads held a mass meeting at
Fritz grove here lastnicht. A number of the
labor advocates from Pittsburg were present to
induce tbe men to strike for last year's wages.
It was decided to strike unless the 74-cent rate
is granted. About 20 mines employing fully
1,000 men were represented.
More Pots Are la Operation This Week
Than "Were Ronnlngljast Week.
The official published report of tbe con
dition ot tbe window glass trade shows that
there are 254 idle pots in the country and
1,076 are operating. This is an increase of
.operating pots compared with last week's
report. Surndell Pros., of Baltimore, have
let out one of their 8-pot furnaces, the men
having been engaged to go to Jeannette.
Another effort will be made to start the
tank furnace at Chambers & McEee's fac
tory on May 16, and more than the required
number of skilled men necessary to run it
have been employed. If the tank is not a
success it is stated that operations will be
resumed at the Pittsburg plant of the firm.
Members of tbe A. F. G. W. U. Baldto Have
Taken Strikers' Places.
It is announced that some flint glass
workers are taking the places of the strik
ing green glass blowers at Bridgton, If. J.
President Smith, of the A. F, G, W. TJl,
yesterday, sent a telegram to District
Master Workman John Coffey to the effect
that the union will do all in their power to
prevent' thls,-and offered to go to the. works,
himself and assist in stopping, if. possible,
all members of his organization from taking
the places of the striken.
Secretary Dillon in speaking of the matter
' iBjirjraBDg
said he .knew nothing posltive.oeneeniing
tbe alleged course of the flint workers, but
that their disgraceful conduct will, receive
proper attention.'
Only the Stone Masons and a Few Hod Car.
, .rfej-s Are Now.Idle.
The strike in the building trades was not
as general as was expected. the car
penters are at work.their terms having been
conceded by their employers, but the stone
masons are out. SSmeof the hod carriers are
also idle, but it is believed, the trouble will
be settled within the next few days.
Contractor E. A. Knox, who is putting np
the new buildings on the site oi the Willey
disaster, at Wood and Diamond streets,said
yesterday that not more than 400 stonema
sons are ont in the county. .He added:
Our work has not been stopped, for we put
apprentices to work, and. I am superintending
tbe job. The contractors will positively not
pay tbe advance demanded, and we think we
can win tbe strike by holding ont for a few
days. The building this spring will not be re
tarded by the strike, as every trouble in the
wage question has been satisfactorily settled.
witn nut lew exceptions.
All the large buildings in course of erec
tion seem to be going np as.usual, and the
strike, it it can be called a strike, will not
seriously affect anv of the'work..
Contractor C. G. Dixon says there is no J
Biunt; uu uuy ui lub jous lunii ue nas ana
that the main trouble seems to be with the
stone masons. He says tbat a few hod car
riers, plasterers and masons are on a strike,
including the plasterers on the Carnegie
Library building. This strike was caused
by an objection to the foreman, who is not a
union man. The union, however, refuses
to make him a member for some reason, al
though he is" willing to join.
Mr. Dixon says' that wages are higher this
year than during the past few years, and:
mat contracts ior Duuuings are being taken
at for 15 to 20 per cent less.
There is .but little money, if any, for con
tractors at the present' wages, and it is a
mystery to some contractors how others can.-)
take jobs at tbe prices tbey do. One case in
point is where the highest bid for the erec
tion of a bnilding was $85,000, and others
witmu fuigvuu ut mat amount, wane an Alle
gheny contractor took the job at $43,000.
The other contractors cannot understand
how he can do the work if he" is compelled
to pay the same wages as they do.
The Locked Oat Men at Dnqaesae Deceive a
Lot of Provisions.
The strikers at the Allegheny Bessemer
Steel Works, at Duquesne, were greatly en
couraged last evening when the 7
h o'clock train arrived. It was composed of
three coaches which contained 450 men
from the Homestead Steel Works, wbo.are
in sympathy with the strikers. Of this
number fully 300 carried provisions for the
strikers' storerooms.' Some carried sacks of
flour, others ham, sugar, etc. ,,
When the men left the train fully 1,000'
people congregated around, the station. The
sympathizers were accompanied by two
drum corps and a brass band, and immedi
ately upon leaving the train formed in line
and' were abont to march to the storeroom
when Sheriff McCandless arrived on the
scene and ordered tbe bands to stop playing,
and the men were. told to disperse.
Chief Marshal George, Sarver asked if
they conld not follow the Stan and Stripes
and proceed to the storeroom. The per
mission was granted, on condition that they
proceed to Oliver station and take the next
train for home. The goods were deposited,
aDd no trouble of any kind occurred.
The strikers are very much encouraged
over the. condition of'affairs, and believe
they will win the strike.
An emnlovment atrent. P. Geister. ae-
companied by eight men, lonr Germans and
four Italians, arrived on the 4 o'clock train.
The men were asked not to go to work in
the mill, and one of them refused. He was
furnished with car fare to take bim to the
ciity, but betore the train arrived be was
pursuaded to' go to work. He returned the
money to the strikers and entered the milL
Sheriff McCandless returned to. the .city,
on tbe evening train. He does not believe
there will be any trouble at the works,ns the
strikers are very orderly. The mill is still
in charge of the deputies.
It was reported yesterday that Andrew
Carnegie had contributed $1,000 and Captain
W. B. Jones $500 for the support of the
suiters, Dut tnis is emphatically denied by
the officials ol the company.
Indorsed tbe Bakers."
The Salesmen's, Boilermakers', Painters'
Cigarmakers' and Teamsters' Assemblies of
the K. of L unanimoasly indorsed the
action ot United' Bakers' Assembly 7247, in
striking at Marvin's crackery factory, and
pledged their moral and material support
until such time as S. S. Marvin & Co. 'ar
lange an amicable settlement with the
Labor Notes.
The Reunion Committee of the American
Flint Glass Workers' Union will meet at Steu
beuville next Snnday afternoon.
The new scale of wages of Typographical
Union No. 7 and L. A. 1630, K. of L., has been
presented. It is the same as is in force at pres
ent The engraving trade is very dull at present
BIpley t Co. are on half time, and Duncan &
King's factories are- doing very little in tbat
line. Brico & Co. are working full.
A Rumor Tbat the Firm of Jos. Walton fc
Co. Had Dissolved.
A rumor reached town last night from
West Elizabeth that Captain I. N. Bunton
and Joseph Walton, of the great coal firm
of Jos. Walton & Co., were to dissolve
partnership. This statement was based
upon the fact tbat a number of employes of
the firm at the Saw Mill mines and in the
store at West Elizabeth were discharged.
Captain Bunton, in an interview at his
Fast End residence last night, denied that
there was any truth in the rumor as far as
dissolution of the firm was concerned. Be
said that these men had only been dis
charged because the ' present condition of
the coal trade necessitated that step, there
being no work for them.
The A. O. H. B. or E. Will Tarn Oat at
Ilnzelwood Next Snnday.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians, Board
of Erin, will take part in a parade Sunday
next at'Hazelwood,"in honor of the blessing
of a banner belonging to Division Ho. 9,
of that place. William Bochford has been
chosen Chief Marshal. A long list of aids
has been appointed. They will meet at the
Baltimore and Ohio depot, foot of Grant
street, at 12:15 p. M., and take train to
Hazelwood. The music for the parade will
be furnished by the Hibernian Military
Band. Too Much Beauty.
Katie Schneider, a domestic at the house
of Mrs. Johnston, No. 175 Fifth ayenue,
almost ended her existence by taking a
large dose of belladonna night before last
She wanted to brighten her eyes and beau
tify her complexion, bnt was not used to
the.decoctbn. Upon retiring, she took an
unusually large .amount, and had it not
been for tbe "" prompt efforts of Dr. Bren
cheroff she would probably not have sur
vived. Mast Bave Cheaper Light.
At a meeting of the Allegheny Gas Com
mittee, held last evening,, a resolution re
lating to the electric lights in the parks was
read. It was stated that electricity cost
$2,000 a year more than gas, and it was de
cided to ask the electric company to reauce
their bill, and if they .fail to do so to 'return
to the use ot gas. A special committee was
appointed to confer with" the light company"
on'the matter.
Peaes' Soap secures a beautiful complexion;"
Happy Chilflren Present Beautifal
Pictnresi in.OldCity Hall. -
It Was Given for ChaVity and Aids the
Helping Hand. Society.
Old City Hall never was more crowded by
swell so'cietypeople than last night. Mr.
McCallister wasn't there, bnt the consistent
Pittsburg "400" was assembled to aid
the "Helping Hand" Society in its benefit
for the working girls.
Celebrating a "May Day in Merrie
.England" was the order of ..the evening, and
the young participants gave a most pleasing
imitation Of the way things are done by the
festive girls and boys, subjects of Victoria.
'The different committees were composed of
most all the prominent society people in tbe
two cities, and their children entertained
the audience by very graceful dancing and
picturesque costumes. The officers in charge
of the affair were: President, Miss
Kate McKnight; Vice Presidents, Mjss
Caruthers and Miss Park; Treasurer, Miss
Iiawrence; Secretary, Miss C. L. Wilson.
Under the direct training of Mrs. Slack
Dayis the diminutive dancers acquitted
themselves like so many fairies, and the
richness of their costumes, regardless of ex
pense, made the event asuperfine ''hurrah."
Among the people who were flitting about
as entertainers and assistants were: Miss
Chalfant, Miss Snydam, Miss Guthrie, Mrs.
C. I. McKee, Miss L. M. Bobinson, Miss
Anne Phillips, Miss A. Bobinson, Miss
Niel Stewart, Mrs. F. G. Kay, Mr. Frank
Bobinson, Mrs. Park Painter, Mrs. Henry
Darlington, Mrs'. James Chambers, Mrs.
Walter McCord, Mrs. E. W. Patterson,
Mrs..W. B, Sewell, Mrs. John Harper, Jr.
The first dance on the programme was
called "Buttercups and Daisies," ia which
28 beautifully attired girls and boys sang
and danced charmingly. Tbe children
were dressed in short skirts with an em
broidered yoke and baby waist The ma
terial was of white mull. A belt and sash
of bright silk was fastened around the waist
The skirts were adorned with buttercups
and daisies, and the large sun hats of half
the merry dancers had. trimmings of daisies
and the other half buttercups. F,oran
opening chorus they sang:
Buttercups and daisies; oh, the pretty
Coming In the springtime to tell of happy
When the trees are leafless, while tbe ground
is bare.
Buttercups and daisies spring up every
where. They were heartily applauded by the
admirers, which they well merited.
The second dance on the bill was tbe
"Maypole." The traditional stories aad
"I'm to be Queen of the May" songs of the
joyous springtime celebration ia England;
which you read about in the second reader,
were never more faithfully enacted than by
these petite little ones in gay, bewildering
costumes, enhanced by iridiscent lights
thrown from a magic lantern. Tbe Castanet
dance was done by Gertie Kiefer, Marie
Bose, Josephine Grey, Jeannie Kearnes
and Edna Little.
The little ladies were dressed most be
witchiugly in Italian costumes, and their
depiction of "sunny" dancers was delight
Switzerland was represented by ten pretty
young gins wno aancea tne Alpine tung
with as mnch alacrity and grace as the na
tive girls climb the dangerous mountains.
Master Perry Keller and sister Gertie
'very truthfullv flung the "Highland
'Fling," and their costumes were in accord
ance with the Bagpipers of Bonnie Scotland.
.What brought forth great applause was
'the Bussian- dance. Thirty"- .temporary ihb1"
.jects.of.the Czar gaily tripped about to the
tune of "Czublitzsk'yVComolin."
The last and most'pleasing' dance was the
"Minuet" Mrs. W...K. Sewell superintend
ed it, and those who took part were as fol
lows: Anna.Scail'e, Charlie Patterson, Aniey
Watson, JohnBicketsonj.Bebecca Darling
ton, Ollie McClintock, Mabel McCord,
a..m.a lf.ltn.f.1. 1.TC. U.lnfa. TOa.....
McCord, Agnes Dickson, Alex. Chambers,
Marguerite Singer, Eugene Messier, Lizzie
Chambers, Dallas Byers, Fanny Oliver,
t Harry Bobinson, Mary Swearingen, Willie
The little ladies and gentlemen dressed in
the costumes of colonial davs, looked and
acted like the fair women and gallant men
which figured as "societyiswells" a century
ago. Gernert & Guenther furnished the music
accompaniment. There were numerous
booths to which the audience after tbe en
tertainment was allured by the lovely fe
male attendants. Lemonade, pincushions,
and flowers were served at prices to suit the
size of any persons pocketbook, no matter
how large.
All charitable people are particularly re
quested to attend .the festival to-morrow
evening, and, as one oi the young ladies
said, "bring every person yon know."
Booth Si Fllnn and W. J. Dana Will Build
, the Blc Projected Sewers;
The Department of Awards granted con
tracts for sewersyesterday as "follows: Sewer
inLarkins' alley to P. O'Donnell; .sewers
on Carey alley, Fifth and Anderson streets,
to Olt Bros.; Bame on Center avenue and
Meyran street to P. O'Dotfnell; sewers on
Bayard and Neville streets to James Mc
Knight; same on Howe, Holden and
O'Hara and Summerlea streets to L. Sloan.
Booth & Flinn secured the contract to
build the 4, 4, 5 ami 5-feot brick and
stone sewer on Butler street, from Filth
avenue to a point 200 feet below Penn ave
nue, and W. J. Dnnn will put down tbe 3,
3i, 4, 1 and &j oot brick and stone sewers
on Haigbt street.Irom Stanton avenue to the
Allegheny river. t '
With the exception of the last two sewers
there were plenty, of bidders, and their
figures differed widely.
Colonel. Andrews Is Opposed to a Small as
Well as a Large One.
Colonel James Andrews, of the Tehuan
tepec Ship Bailway Company, left last
evening for-New'York. While waiting for
his train at the station in speaking of the
proposed new canal between Pittsburg and
Erie, he said;
"I do not favor the idea and think it
would be cheaper and better to builda free
freight, railroad between' tbe two points, to.
be owned and operated by the State. There
has been no changes in the canals within the
past 25 years. The rates then were the same
as they are now, while freight rates on rail
roads have decreased 40 per cent "In every
case where there is a railroad, running near
a cabal it will be found that the .former 'is
getting the bnlk ot the business. This Is
what wonld happen to the proposed jianal if
the State wonld run it"
Tbo Inspector to Come To-Dny.
, James Flaherty, the successor of James
Ginity as derrick rigger on the new post
office building; denied, yesterday that he had
ever worked for Mr. Ginity; as had' been
stated bv that gentleman. The Inspector of
f Government Buildings from Washington is
expected to-day to investigate the worfc done
on the building. ,
Tbe Cantata Rntb.
At Liberty Hall on .Penn avenne the Se-.
wickley M. E. Church-Cantata Society ren
dered the cantata of' "Euth" last night for
the benefit ol th'o Leader-Exposition fund.
Mr.' J; H.. Bosensteel acted as director. The; I
1011 j m A m Jt.itf Al -fc J sIjh. AaHHtiAfeAaii
iin hm id wuvfucuf uuu mo jrctivf tutu w i
proved a great success. 1
Vla'dghtirof spareom
'A. Corions Attack on iboTronble sooje Bfras
Oat at the Arsenal Haadreds ef Nests
Destroyed la a-Few Moments.
Tne English sparrow, though r.nof so de-,1
structive in the United States as the.En
glfsh rabbit has proven itself to be in Aus
tralia, appears to be a ' sufficient; pest
to give the lovers of song birds and cleanli
ness mnch uneaciness. Almost every resl
dent of the suburbs who lias eyes to see has
a complaint to file againstthe importation
in regard to its having driven away a favor
ite pair of robins or committed some depra
dation or other.
Some people who own fine; houses have
come to" the conclusion, that the sparrow
must be exterminated, or ianoy cornices and
trailing vines must go, as the bird is capa
ble of getting up more litter and doing more
defacement than would a pig if he made
his home' in tbe cornice. Major McKee,
commandant at the Allegheny Arsenal,, ex
hausted his stock of patience a few even
ings since and decided that .some sparrows
must go: One of the buildings is densely
covered with theVirgmia creeper,.and be
came a favorite with the pests. They had
built hundreds, perhaps thousands, of nests
on every "projection and in every interstice
tbat could be utilized, until "the palls,
resembled vine-clad adobe. Major Mc
Kee waited until the sparrows fere
neatly tucked up in their little
beds and then ordered that a stream of
water be turned on the bnilding trom a
large hose. The slaughter beggared de
scription and next morning the debris, con
sisting of dead birds, thousands of eggs and
nest material, made a full wagon load, i
It is possible that the birds might be ex
terminated by poison in places where poul
try is not kept, but some people think, as
the Celt did of flies, that they are not "aislly
desaiyed," and may be experts in toxicology.
Allegheny Couocllmen Will Take an East
era Trip at the City's ExpeAse.
At a meeting of, the Allegheny Street and
Sewer Committee last night it was decided
to clean the sewers, and a sub-committee
was appointed to advertise for bids. A
petition from the Ohio Biver Connecting
Bailroad to cross Preble and McClure ave
nues at a grade of 18 feet above the level of
the streets was referred to a special com
mittee. The contract for grading, paving and curb
ing Mill street was awarded to' McKaugher
& Co. for $930 90, and for the grading, pav
ing and curbing of Grant avenue to Fred
Gwinner for $11,656 30. An ordinance
changing tbe grade of Federal street from
the Suspension bridge. to Ohio street was re
ferred to a sub-committee.
Before the meeting adjourned Mr. Hart
man suggested that there shonld be an im
provement in the paving of the streets, and
moved' that the committee visit Eastern
cities and secure ideas on the matter. Mr.
Hunter objected, claiming that it would
merely be a junketing trip, and amended
the motion providing that members pay
their own expenses. The amendment was
lost, and the original motion was carried.
The committee will leave on the Eastern
trip on Saturday, the 11th inst.
The Strike at Marvin's Cracker Bakery.
The present labor tronble at onr establish
ment is not ono abont wages, hours of em
ployment, ornon-nnionorumon hands. We
pay tbe scale of wages demanded; we ob
serve the hours fixed by the union -and em
ploy men who have fitness, withont regard
to their being nnion or non-union men.
This we positively affirm.
Of the 19 men and boys who are now ont
by order of the Knights of Labor, 16 of
them commenced in our establishment as
boys, and we know they regard it as a hard
ship to be in enforced idleness.
We employ when running full. 300 hands.
and some ef them have been in our employ
since we engaged in business; while scores
oi them have been steadily at work and on
our pay rolls for 14 years", 12 years. 8 years
and so on. This, certainly 'ought to satisfy I
the public tbat we treat our employes fairly
and honorably.
We do most seriously object to any organ
-ized effort to compel us to' force these old
hands almost members of onr family into
any association labor or otherwise, and we
have declined to do so.
They have been privileged to unite with
tbe Knights of Labor if they desire, and
such affiliation will not in the slightest de
gree affect their standing with us. But
when, uninfluenced, they decide they will
not go into any labor organization, we can
not conceive what right anyone has to de
mand of us tbat they should be forced.
Should tbe men out return to work they
will gladly be placed- in their old positions.
We bear no ill will against labor organiza
tions and every one of our employes will
bear willing testimony to this fact Those
out of employment now are idle,not because
of any desire" so to be, but because they are
required to obey tbe mandate of the leaders
of labor organization.
We repeat that it is an ontrage to ask any
manufacturer to compel his workmen to
unite with labor or any other society, and
have but one word in conclusion.
We. shall continue to make good bread
and crackers, as good as were ever turned
ont in America. We shall continue to use
as good materials, and try to please our
thousands of natrons, and have onlv to re-
. mind the public that -tbe employes making
these popular goods all receive union wages
and work union honrs, to insure their ask
ing at all times for and receiving nothing
but our celebrated brancs of bread and
crackers none better few equals to-day in
Surely the reputation we have in the line
of cracker and bread baking, achieved after
nearly half a century of earnest toil, is not
to be injured by one of these latter day Un
reasonable demands of organized labor.
We do not believe tbat the public from
which we have heretofore received such a
generous support (not only in one but
many States of the Union), will be swerved
from .a liberal support ot our firm in the
future, and we do sincerelvbelieve tbat the
Knights will yet discover their -error in this
trouble and permit our men to return to
work and go on unmolested, peacefully and
happily as they have for more than two
score years. S. S. Marvin & Co.,
Cracker and Bread Bakers.
Pittsbueg, May 1, 1889.
203 and U05 Market St.
Call on them for wire window and door
screens, which are apreventative against flies
and dust, also for iron fencing of every de
scription. EOD
Black Goods Some specially desirable
lichiweieht. summer, fabrics, silk and
camel's hair grenadines, side bands, friesse-
ana Drocade euects; entirely new designs
this season. Hugos & Eacke.
La Pekla del FirilAni are a high grade
Key West cigar, manufactured for those
smokers who can appreciate Havana tobacco
,in its natural condition.
G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Filth Aye,
Wash Goods at Less Than Bemnnnt Prices.
See the ginghams and satines just put on
sale. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
B.& B.
Challis, yard wide, handsome French
printings on American cloths, go at 10 cents
to-day. Booos & Bum. .
Don't Miss the Special 6a lo ,
Of velvet carpets and Smyrna rugs at Ed
ward Groetzinger's1-627 and 629 Penn ave
nue, this week.
Dr. R. G. Moore, Specialist,
In treatment of nervous and chronic dis
eases 34 Arch st Allegheny Pa.
Smoke the, best La Perla del Fnmar clear;
.uttvui nMy west cigars, uarcoior .jc i
GJW- ScHMtDTte, 95 and 97 Fifth Aye.J
UatA L Vfkw X7 A -f - . rtLhAA Jflsf
. i m ropaTioB.
The Yenng People's Societies of tnoUnked
Presbyterian Cbareh Listen to Sesse
Afcle DlscaittoH.
The convention of the Young Teople's
Societies of the United Presbyterian Church
was held in the Fourth Church, Allegheny,
yesterday.. At the morning session Bey.
Moorhonse gave an interesting address on
"iible Study." Then followed various
reports of the work done..
"In the afternoon Dr. Moorhead continued
hisletures on "Bible Study." He advised
the voddz how to read the book, and awak-
f ened;considerable zeal in this much neglected"
Eev. B. G. Ferguson delivered an address
on "How CanToung Eeople Equip Them
selves for Christian Work:"
The Eev. F. E. Clark, organizer and
President oi the United Societies of Chris
tian Endeavor, explained the aimsand work
ings ol the organization.
Bev.J. T. McCrdrv spoke on "United
Tresbyterianism and "Our Young People."
The qnestion box. contained a number of
practical questions concerning the societies.
In the evening the subject of Bev. Clark's
address was, "The Best Way to Organize the
Christian Force of the Yonng People of the
"Resolutions were passed thanking the in
structors and speakers. A summary showed
that 607 delegates representing 39 presby
teries and 181 congregations .from 12 States,
were present. .
The convention closed with a consecration
meeting conducted by Bev. B. W. Har
shaw, of Steubenville. Over 100 persons
took part The singing was furnished by
various church choirs.
Their Summer Bats.
The headgear of" the sanitary police for
summer was decided upon yesterday, and
will consist of a light-coloTed straw hat of
derby shape. The patrol wagon men will
also wear a derby straw, while the police
officers will wear the same hat as worn last
year. .
SIS for S10.
We are giving away fl8 men's suits for
$10 to-day and to-morrow. These suits are
of this season's make, and of our own man
ufacture. You can take your choice of. 75
different patterns, cut in sacks and one,
three and four-button cutaways, long or
short roll, just as yon prefer. Materials in
these suits are cheviots, worsteds, diagonals,
cassimeres, Bannockburn tweeds, blarneys
and serges. You will never have'aa oppor
tunity to buy stylish and well-made cloth
ing as low as you can buy from us to-day
and to-morrow. We must sell our goods.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
Make no Mistake
In buying your furniture, go to the manu
facturer, and save money. There is only
one in the twin cities and their goods and
S rices defy competition. Thereiore go to
I. Seibert & Co., cor. Lacock and Hope
streets, near railroad bridge, Allegheny.
Tnxedu and. Lenox Salts,
The favorite summer outing costumes. The
onlv complete assortment in the city in our
ladies' suit department.
Jos. Hobite & Co.'s
' , Penn Avenue Stores.
Cherry Finish Baby Carriages,
Fine, bright, glazed surface; does not soil
and is always bright. Carriages of this
finish from $10 to $30. Also extras for re
pairs at Lauer's Toy House, 620 Liberty st.
B. & B.
Black silk remnants and dress lengths at
the remnant sale to-day.
All-black embroidered China silks,
suitable for mourning wear, 24 in. wide,
$1 25 a yard. HUGHS & Hacke.
i Short Lengths of India Silks 50 Cents
A yard. Theseare fine quality and good
styles, but are short lengths. Must be sold.
Jos. Hoeke & Co.'s
Pens Avenue Stores.
Special Bargains.
300 nieces of dress ginghams, fast colors,
at 8J4 cents, 12 yards for$l, at H. J. Lynch's,
438 and 440 Market' street. "wrsa
Best $1 50 per doz. cabinet photos in the
citv. Prompt deliVery. Lies' popular gal
lery, 10 and 12 Sixth st -aiwrs
The greatest handkerchief bargains ever
offered, this week at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
Cask paid for old gold and silver
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave.
G.W. Schmidt will sell you one quart
of 1880 Pure Bye Export Whisky for $L
95 and 97 Filth Ave., City.
. of approaching disease
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
Coughs lead to the ereat enemy consumption.
A stitch in time often saves life itself.
rr IB
Hooks and Buttons, all prices.
, '-'' CORSETS
Give you a good shaDe, besides being
, " '"very comfortable-
j j HOSE,
-' .
10c",'15c,2Sc and 50c per pair. '
xog Federal Street,
:-v- , ttt'
- - 'Allegheny.
- t
- A,sS9-irwTJ
A CfifMITTll AT Wfii?
Tbo HHteao Hoiks Srad Representatives taii
8t. Ideals.
The heirs of ike HWssa.estate expeet 'tt
secure t50,eO;W sew etay. InlttSHaai
nah Hillman, a maiden lady, died intestate,
leaving 100 acre ia St. uiair county, oppo- .
site St Louis, aad 15 aem of land ia the.
city. Her estate was talaed at f3,GOO,0e9.
Since then the Jasdia Si. Lom has been,,
improved, and is covered with, business
houses, churches, machine s&ept, etc., now
valued at $30,000,000.
The heirs claim that e owners of the
ground cannot show Jee4s ferlt, and-fa
many instances have taxdeeds.witheat ever
having secured quit, claims, aad they base
their hope of success on this faet -".
The. heirs have met on t&ree oeMieas ia
Burkhart's Hall, Allegfceay.-,aad,. .have
iormed an association to figki.&rtheir
rights. H.M. Dowelli President -. . . .
Yesterday Attorney W J. CrateVWill.
iam Patterson, who has been eolleeuBJrftee.
ticiony lor 20 years, and William HOlww,
with power of attorney, left for St-LwX0
look- nn the property. When they mara a
definite line of action will be mapped ioai.-,.
j.uere are quite a nnmDer ol heirs so Hsjtm
can ne ascertained.
The - Same Grade Can's be Bought
Wholesale la the East at This Price.'
By taking the whole liock of one of tka
best manufacturers we got the goods at V
figure tnat will allow us a very small mar
gin "to sell them at $1 per yard. '"'
They are worth Zl 50 everywhere van'd''
cheap at that figure. ' ":
Ten thousand yards, with borders to
match all patterns, will be placed on-salev
to-morrow. .1
These patterns will not be duplicated
and such an opportunity may never occur?
again. . . J2"
They will sell at sight. Come soon 'if
yon. want one. ' ; "'
ErrwAKD Gboetzetgeb, '"
627 and 629 Penn avenue. ' '
Ladles Are the Best Judges
On all matters connected with tbe toilet They
have decided that Sozodont is what they wiLLi
have. "When a woman will, she will. you.mayv
aepena on t; ana wnea sue won't, sae won ti
there's an end on't" This accounts forth
popularity of Sozodont
Thursday, ' Friday and SatSrdstj
The greatest show of Printed French!
' rAtf
lies everseenln Pittsburg hundreds of pieces!
and styles dark and light colors. That.big -;
table in tbe center of the storo displays "Vi;
splendidly. Hundreds of yards catting
everyday. Don't miss this ChaQis show.
- The new India Sflkv'all' tfte.mortfashto
ble shades Empire and Directoiro
just the goods you want for summer costumes!
not SI nor SI 25 a yard, but at 63c
Only about 3,000 yards all told, at 65c ft won't
be a long story.
Black Silk Grenadines SI quality ask for
them at 75o'at Black Silk Department and you
can get them; Satin Striped at SI a yard.
Parasols from Jo to U0. Each day mates
them more Interesting more
chance for that
. "JVr:
sun to shine out hot
The SI SO Parasols are ;
very stylish. The Detachable Handle
sols the newest idea.
More Dress Goods at unheard-of low prlceif-
that is, for the kind of Dress Goods' we show.!
you. French looms make them; air-wool, and '
fine at that; 50c some; some 75c; soma JL Then
tor this week, alO-piece lot at 25c-'the nicest
style fabric ever sold at this low price) -'
In Black Dress Goods there is arwonderfol
variety of new weaves. Tho 50c counter lot
were SI when we bought them; but 'here they
are Just 50c VV
In tbe Cloak Room we have hundreds of ;
Spring Jackets colors; vest front styles in twojjp
colors of Broadcloth-also the loose front shape;
the Directoire, with large re vers; the ever-pop-; .
ular snug-fitting Jackets, In. Broadcloth' and -V
Titi-Trtnila than th T-ti9Tr- In rru9mf writra T
....w....w, ...v ..... .....w.v, ... 'v.HU,nU.I,
and fancy stripes.
We haven't any $25 for Jackets, but wejhayol
them from $5 up to $25 andean suit you la atjto
and size.
Children's Suit and Cloak Boom on seeendS
Tuxedo and Lenox Baits, the great specialty
for summerwear. We're sole agents' for West-'
era Pennsylvania.
Ribbons and Millinery The newest is alwaysj
to be seen here especially ia this springtime!
f ?enn Avenue stores
i i 7J1m
wiWfc- j
f?s-' U'
II I 1P1 IB Hi i llll