i I 'Amtiwr Mammoth .-Tax Dispatch ot Sunday next -will consist of Twxjtty Pages. 'New feature trill he " added. A fascinating serial by a popular young American author will begin in next Sunday' Three-part, 20-paco issue. . PORTX-rOUTlTH TEAS. 11 Foreign Brewers Make a Cut in Prices to Cover Pittsburg License Losses. THE LOCAL PRODUCERS (Are Serious in a Movement to Sell 2fo More Liquor to Picnic Parties. AFEAID irS AGAINST THE BEOOKS LAW tSensatlo.ial Rnmors About Judge White's Future an the Bench The Conntr Con troller Apportions the Exact Amount of Liquor License Foes Among Cities, Boroughs, tho County and Stnte The Pony Express Problem Constitutional Amendment Cnmpnlcn News Tho Great Question at Other Points of tho Country. Pittsburg brewers are worried over a cut 'in prices the foreign producers of beer have made in order to hold their trade in this city in spite of the refusal of licenses. Such a cut will have to be met by the local producers, so that cheap beverages may be the result. The point has been raised that the Brooks law rulings by Judge "White will prevent brew ers selling to picnic parties this sum mer. That will produce a sensation if en forced, and some large firms threaten to Mick to the letter of the law. In the mean time the brewers are making rapid progress in the campaign against Constitutional amendment. The regular weekly meeting of the AUe 'gheny County Brewers' Association was held yesterday afternoon in their hall on Fourth avenue. There was a full attend ance, every member of the association be ing present. The President, "William Eber hart, of Eberhart & Ober, occupied the chair, and John "Walter, of the same firm, was the Secretary. No special business was transacted, but a number of important points of news were developed in the usual interchange of notes and views. The Anti-Prohibition Campaign Commit tee reported rapid progress, and the mem bers of the association were much pleased with the details of the report. The litera ture to be mailed to voters is now in shape to be sent out, but the members of the com mjttr&nk it would not be good policy to ' ice it in the hands of voters too early. iev have decided not to mail the pam lets and ballots until after Hay 20. This JI give the people who receive them not lite one month to decide the question, e J-lUe .wiMftbe-short and sharp. "Very jew speakers will be sent out. If the latter part of the programme was left to the asso ciation the majority of the members would vote against it. The money the speakers would require, a great many of the brewers claim, could be used to better advantage in literature. The committee will allow the Anti-Prohibition Society to carry on the work with speakers. No Picnic Beer. The association is considering the question of whether it will be wisest to sell beer to picnic parties as usual this summer, or to discontinue the practice. A great many of the brewers will refuse to sell, upon the ground that it is violating the spirit of the license law. Others claim it is not, and the matter will be submitted to legal counsel for an opinion. Among the largest brewers who will refuse to sell to picnics are Frau enheim & Yilsack, of the Iron City Brew ery. They have decided not to run any risk, notwithstanding what action the as sociation may take upon the mat ter. The other brewers who will re--'fuse to sell to picnics will do so because they believe they would be violat ing Judge "White's interpretation of the Brooks law governing brewers, who are not permitted to sell to consumers. If Pitts burg brewers will not sell to them, and if foreign beer is entirely shut out of this market, the action will have the effect of wiping out the annual picnics of the Ger man singing societies and other organiza tions, where beer is a great item. A Cut in Prices. Another fact developed during the meet ing was that the foreign brewers have be gun cutting on the prices of the amber colored fluid, in order to hold their trade in this city, which has been partially paralyzed by the License Court. It was stated at the meeting that the Cincinnati and St. Louis breweries are now quoting rates of $6 per barrel on their beer delivered in this city. This is a cut of $1 per barrel within the past two weeks. The home brewers are apprehensive that the foreign breweries will -get the trade, and they will theiefore do what they can to prevent it Several of those at the meeting said they reasoned that if the foreign beer would continue to be sold in Pittsburg and Allegheny it would be a violation of the law, according to the CRISIS BEE i:- opinions and rulings of Judge "White. The ". k ilatter stated that any brewer selling to an . unlicensed saloon would be guilty of ,'" Violating the lair, d if convicted, would haveliis license re voked. They say the rule will also work the- other way. If a licensed house buys from 'an unlicensed brewery, the former will also be in danger of having their licenses revoked. The home brewers claim Judge "White will not recognize the license of any foreign manufacturer, and they will call the J matter toJui attention. If the foreign brewers do reduce the price from 7, $7 60 and $8 per barrel, the Pitts burg producers will have to meet the cut or lose the business. The large decrease in the number of saloons will cause aJarge falling off in their receipts, and they cannot afford to lose more by reducing the price of their product. As one of them stated to The Dispatch reporter yesterday: 5 "If we cannot seir.our beer to the 140 saloons in Pittsburg aad Allegheny, I would like to know where we can sell it?" Reply to 'Sqalre XesITr. After the meeting 3r. EJ. Trauenneim said: ' "Ye did nothing ie-day.feat conduct a .lot of routine business-tad talk on a num ber, of matters that iwekU set interest Is the public I see by this morning's Dis patch that A. H., Leslie almost acknqwli4 edges that they are licked. They say, they, hare not much money, and -there is, a feel ing of apathy among them, .If they were on the popular side they could get all the money they want. Mr. Leslie's talk is like a dying wail. He knows he is licked, and is timid about saying so." At the meeting to-day there were any number of expressions of opinion as to the campaign "outlook. Rvery man in the asso ciation is just as confident that the pro hibitory amendment will be defeated by a large majority as they are of living nntil that time. JUDGE WHITE TO GO. Rumors That lie Will Not be on tbo Bench Much Longer Effect of His License Conn Rulings on tho Judges' Salary Bill. rFKOM A STATP COBKZSPOHDIXT.l Habbisbubg, May 2. Messre. Lane and McManes, with ex-Representative McGowan and 'Mercantile Appraiser Martin, have been here to-day in the interest of the Judges'.salary bill, which was too far down on the calendar to be reached to-night. It will come up to-morrow, and the Philadel phia leaders are confident of its passage then. They claim to have gained 12 votes for the measure and are not concerned about the result. The Allegheney members were labored with but without result. All the members of the delegation could not be seen to night, but those who were seen said the Al legheny members presented a solid front. against the bill. It might have been differ ent had not JndgeWhite slaughtered the Allegheny saloons as he did. There is a rumor here, not very well de fined, that something is abont to drop in Judge White''s case. Only one member of the Allegheny county delegation knew" any thing about it, and he, as soon as he discov ered there" was any talk, left the House and was inaccessible during the remainder of the evening. According to one account this gentleman said something was about to drop. According to 'another he declared Jndge "White wonld not be on the bench for another six months. This may mean much or nothing. It is likely it is merely an echo of the wrath of the liquor men of Al legheny county. Judge "White is now at Atlantic City, and is ere long going to the Bermudas. SELLING OCT SALOONS. Eighteen Enforced Sales Already Advertised by Constables. As yet there are only-three executions is sued against unlicensed saloon keepers and wholesalers. "The constables will .have mnch to attend to," said one connected with the Sheriff's office to a Dispatch reporter yesterday, "and until judgment is secured nothing will come into our office or appear on the records which will be of interest to you or your readers." Subsequently it was found that in the more prominent aldermen's offices con stables' sale bills have been drawn up for 15 saloons in the heart of town so far. John S. Bobb, Esq., yesterday filed the writs of certioraris in the cases of the bot tlers who were refused license, which he in tends taking to the Supreme Court. All that remains now is to forward a certified copy of the record to the Supreme Court and await-their pleasure to hea the matr. ter. - Mr. Robb'.infty go to Philadelphia and seek immediate trial In the.Snpreme Court Mrs. Yetta Browarsky, the wife and agent of Hyman Browarsky, yesterday filed an answer to the suit brought against her husband by the John Kauffman Brewing Company. The suit was to recover $150,the value of a quantity of beer alleged to have been shipped to Browarsky to sell as their agent- Mrs. Browarsky, in the answer, states that the plaintiff is a foreign corpora tion, and under the act. of Assembly is not authorized to sell in this State, and that her husband was not their agent The beer shipped to her husband, she claims, was not sold, but instead she and her husband went about the city and gave it away as samples for the purpose of introducing the beer of the plaintiff) as had been agreed upon. "Under the law, they could not have sold it for the company. THE PONY. EXPRES8. How Can it be Suppressed Under the Brooks License Lairf Another problem now confronts ('hose who wish to enforce the Brooks liquor law, and that is, "How are you going to suppress the peddler, or the pony expressman?" These men have, it is said, or at least some of them have, been doing a rushing business in rushing the growler in the rural districts, and the thirsty denizens of "Washington and Greene counties in particular are said to be able to explain the mode of opera tions. It is said that a quart bottle of whisky of almost any kind is a legal tender for $1 in those counties, "and the peddlers, while not holding themselves out as liquor dealers, will furnish anything patrons want, from a cambric needle to a wagon wheel, and it is said they can make from $2 to $3 a gallon carrying whisky. A fair article can be had by the barrel at $2 a gallon, which sells readily at $1 a quart, so that were the roads 0 bad that a team could only haul a barrel, it could earn from $20 to $40 a day on a full cargo of one barrel. Numerous efforts have been made to sup press these peripatetic smugglers, but with out effect as they are supported by a rather wiae expanse oi senumeni in me rural dis tricts, and "even people who blow prohibi tion with one breath are known to utilize the p. e. m. when a little wine is needed for the stomach's sake, .snake bites and other hu man infirmities. THE LICENSE PEES. Exact Amounts to be Apportioned to City, County and Boroughs. A statement was prepared yesterday by the County Treasurer of the money received from the issuing of the licenses that were granted by Judge "White. The total amount received from all the licenses in the county was $97,925. Of this $46,500 was for the 93 retail licenses in Pittsburg. The city's share is $18,600, the county gets the same, and $9,300 goes to the State.' Nineteen thousand five hundred dollars was for the 39 licenses" in Allegheny City; $7,800 goes io the city, the same to the countv. and $3,900 to the State. The 35 retail licenses in the boroughs j rougm f9,wv, ui wmcu fi,vM goes to the boroughs, $1,050 to the county and $1,050 to me oiaie. The 21 licenses n the townships brought $1',575. $787 50 going to the townships and 5393 75 each to the county and State. The. wholesale dealers, brewers, distillers, etc., in the whole county numbering 56, produced 25,100, all of which goes to the State. CIDER WORSE THAN WHISKY. The Maryland Legislators Asked to Include Applrjnlco Among Intoxicants. rfTECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THX PISrATCH.t Baxtimoee, May 2. The Maryland State Temperance Alliance, now in session, spent nearly two hours to-day discussing the cider question. In those counties of the State in yhYch.loflal. option prevails "cider clnbs ifisweW d, and -to these the temper- I anc!BplSteeott; A resolution was there fore ' offedfeang.Ke- Legislature .to enact such laws ae will bring cidetwithin the cate gory of strong drinks!" The Baltimore delegates bfjeeted to this resolution on the ground 'that cider in its untermented state was a palatable drink, andntlrely harmless. Thereupon Bev. C. Hi-Fitzwllliams, of Dorchester county, said 'that he had once disguised, himself and visited the places where cider was dealt out, and found its effects were every .bit as in toxicating as wnisEy. juiomer aeiegaie said cider was more deadly,- and bas done more harm than whisky or brandy. The resolution was then adopted. THE C0DET EEEED, So Say Allegheny Citizens, in the Granting of Liquor Licenses. A meeting of cituens of Lower Allegheny was held last evening, in the hall of the Ninth ward school house. It was well at- tended, and the following report of the reso lution committee was presented and adopted : Whebsas, But two houses have been grant. ed licenses in the Ninth ward, and none In the Eleventh ward, where a number of our best citizens who, applied (having ample accommo dation) were refused license, thus either cast ing a reflection upon them, or determining tho non-necessity for more public bouses. Resolved, that in onr opinion the Court has gravely erred (to the injury of worthy appli cants, who have their money honestly invested in a legally recognized business) in this: a ne cessity exists for the granting of additional licenses for public accommodation which were refused. Resolved, That by the action of the Court in refusing a license to the McClure House, on the Now Brichton road,in the Eleventh ward, and the Eartman Hotel, in the Ninth' ward, and other houses of good repute and known capacity, the citizens and traveling pub lic will suffer great inconvenience, for without ana pub- these houses where and how will travelers be accommodated in onr wards; they cannot be: it is cruel to them and unjust to us to compel them to go elsewhere. But such Is the ex pressed action of our court through its Judges, and we do not alone find fault with Judge White; the court is composed of a number of Judges, and the refusal of licenses Is the action of the Court It is with surprise and sorrow that we read in the public press what purports to be Judge White's ultimatum. "I say now and for all time, no rehearings will be granted in any case, and will not under any circum stances reconsider my decision." MOST NOT SELIi ON SUNDAY. .Fifty-Four Sending Saloon Keepers to HaTe Their Licenses Revoked. rtrxcux. telegram to tub dispatch,! Beading, May 2. The Committee on Safety threw a bombshell this afternoon into the camp of the saloon men who haye been selling on Sunday. Detective Lyon, em ployed by the society, has already informed on 14, and has the names of 40 additional liquor men whom he charges with having sold rum on Sunday, all of whom the so ciety will promptly proceed against to com pel the Court to revoke all of the 54 licenses, for which $500 each has just been paid. The list includes leading hotels and subur ban places. The society is composed of 50 leading business men in the city and county who have ample means to push all these cases and compel the court under the evidence at hand to remove all the licenses. Strangers were sent here from Philadelphia to visit the Snnday saloons and purchase liquor. In two Sundays they said they visited 54 places and bought drinks, spending from 65 cents to $1 in each place. Detective Lyon, in serving subpoenas, was assaulted twice by women with broom sticks. THE. AMENDMENT CAMPAIGN. Writing Up Registry List, Temperance meetings and an Arrest. The County Commissioners and Controller yesterday awarded the contract for writing tip the new registry list to John M. Kirk wood, at 9 cents per 100 lines. The bids ranged from 9 cents to 30 cents per 100 lines. The cost of the book will be about $100, and not $5,000, as stated byacotemporary. The list is for the Constitutional amendment election. The Commissioners say new ballot boxes will not be necessary for the special election. The ballots have not been received yet from Harrisburg. 7W1U J. McConnell closed bis Constitu tional amendment meetings last night in Riverside M. E. Church, Allegheny, and on Saturday night will speak for the W. C. T. XL, at Salisbury Hall, Southside. Sunday afternoon be goes to Braddock, and in the evening delivers a temperance lecture in the Bingham Street Church. Probably as a result ot the reduction of license there was but one prisoner on the whole Southside last night, and she was a woman, Mary Krale, who was locked up in the Twenty-eighth ward station house charged with disorderly conduct THE LIQUOR MEN WON. A High License Bill 'Defeated In tho Oils sourl Legislature. rSFXCIAt. TELZORAM TO THE SlgTATCR.l Jbfpehson Citt, May 2. The saloon party secured a big victory here to-day. Three months ago the temperance people and high license people made a combina tion for the purpose of pushing a high li cense bill through, the Legislature. Public sentiment indorsed the movement, and a measure known as the Deering bill was in troduced and two weeks ago passed the Lower House. The bill provided that $2,500 should be paid for a license, instead of $500 as now. It was sent to the Senate, and the general opinion was that it wonld pass. The liquor interest however, was -active, and in the preliminary skirmish showed a strong hand. To-day the bill was put on its final passage, and was defeated 17 nays, 9 ayes. The sa loon men are happy and the other side cor respondingly gloomy. FOUND GUILTY THREE TIMES, Bnt Nevertheless a Convicted Murderer Walks Ont of Jail a Free Man. SPECIAL TXIXOBAU TO TBI DISPATCH.! Turn?", May 2. At Bucyrus yesterday Thomas Hottelling walked forth from jail a free man. His has been a strange experi ence.' Several years ago "William Jones was murdered and his body placed on the railway track. Hottelling was suspected of the crime, arrested, indicted and found guilty of murder in the first degree. Before he was sentenced to be hanged the higher court granted him a new trial. He was again found .guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Again the courts re versed the matter, and two months ago he was found guilty of manslaughter, ana sen tenced to the penitentiary for 20 years, For tie third time the higher courts stepped in and granted him a new trial. "When the case was called yesterday the prosecutor nolled it, for though he was sure Hottelling was guilty, be was not able to procure the particular kind of testimony to suit the higher courts, and so dropped it The trials iave cost the county several thousand dollars. Net Satisfied With the Brooks Law, (SPECIAL TXLXGRAH TO THX DISFATCH.l GEEEirvTLLB, May 3. Hon. Samuel Griffith delivered an address on prohibition at Laird's Opera House to-night to a large audience. He asserted that a license law which bore so many different constructions! over the "State , should not disgrace the statute boek; " . " pittsbueg, Friday, hat 3, 1889. HITTING AfHAMISP Tlio Civil Service Reform Society Holds Its Annual Meeting. COEVflS AS A CADSTIC CRITIC. He Accuses the Administration of Viola ting Its Pledges. -- CLARES0N HIS ESPECIAL, H0RR0B. Bishop Potter Congratulated Because it Bis Centen nial Sermon. The civil service reformers are still un-l satisfied. At the meeting of the association in New York last night an address from George "William Curtis was read. In it the' administration wasaccused-of favoring tne spoils system despite pledges to the con-' trary. The Postoffice and Pension Depart ments were particularly scored. Mr. Curtis was re-elected President, and a number of prominent men chosen for other offices.- rSrECLU. TELEQKXHTO TBS DISPATCH. NEWYOBK,May2i The annual meet ing of the Civil Service Beform' Association was.held this evening. In the absence of Mr. Curtis, the "President, who is still housed at his tome in Staten Island by I lameness, uorman a. .Eaton presiueo. Among others present were Ira Bursley, Everett P. "Wheeler, A. R. McDonough, Edward Cary, Horace "White, Charles "W. "Watson, Archdeacon Alexander Mackay Smith, and "William Potts, Secretary, At the request ot the Executive Commit tee of the association Mr. Curtis had pre pared an address, which was read by the Secretary. The address was mainly di rected to an "analysis of the immediate situ ation, and it was a close review of the action and attitude of the new administration, so far asthe former is in evidence and the lat ter has been thereby revealed, in what has become public, Bince'the 4th of March. HIS LITTLE ANALYSIS. In: making this analysis Mr. Curtis con fined himself strictly to the Bepublican au thorities, in the first place as regards the -pledges and promises made before the ad ministration took office, and in the second place as to the history of what has occurred and the manifestations of feeling evoked in party circles thereby. Mr. Curtis said: Our inquiry is simply how fully dnnngthe first two months of the administration has the President illustrated what he declared to be bis sincere purpose of advancing the reform, and how strictly has the party held him to an honorable observance of its own voluntary, pledges before the election. Then followed the picture of what had been the attitude of the members of the Be publican party in Congress and of members of Congress since the adjournment On the latter point Mr. Curtis said: The strict observance of that spirit and pur- poso of reform by the partv at large Mated bv the occupation of washlnet 3 is 11IUS- host of party office seekers and their unceasing assault upon the President for place, and by the Instance of a notorious Congressional lobbyist, who was pressed for appointment to an important position in the Postoffice Depart ment by one of the most promi nent and influential of the party clubs. These are not solitaryases; they are examples of the general manner in which members of Congress and the various party associations and active membersof.tha party prove the sincerity of the platform pledges and the party resolution' to' reform the civil service. ANxTHTKQ AGBEED TOOK. It is in strict conformity with the executive course thus far that it is announced that the Secretary of the' Treasury has decided that when a State delegation in Congress has agreed upon a slate it will be adopted without delay. The Secretary Of the -Interior also IsreDOrted to have said that he is "willing and anxious to) see ine UEmucmu buxueu out anu meir places filled by good Bepuolicans," and be declines to explain the remark. The Commissioner of Pensions, In a public speech in the presence of the Secretary of the Navy, stated with creat applause that the President told him that In the conduct of his office he should remember the limitations of the law, but that he must treat the boys liberally. In the Postoffice Department the great patronage department of the Government the President's advice to the Commissioner of Pen sions has been followed with unfaltering vigor. The fourth-class postmasters, of whom there are more than 60,000, whose offices, under the spoils. system, are uniformly disseminated local centers of party politics, are removed as fast as the necessary official details will permit A cyclone of chabge rages In this department. Ability, energy, zeal, fidelity in the service do not avail acalust the demand for spoils. The appointment of the First Assistant Post master General, who conducts the removals, was in itself an earnest that this demand would be heeded, and it is not surprising that the im mense and incessant changes in the minor postofflces are stated to have been sometime made at the rate ot 1,000a week, or one in three minutes- It will not be alleged that this gen eral and ceaseless sweep Is required by tho welfare of the service. It is not denied that It is simple political prescripton. One of the strongest of the chief Bepublican organs says frankly: "The administration proposes, with out cant or false pretense, to taKe the offices without making trumped-up libellous charges against Democratic office holders." It was nevertheless the solemn declaration of the party ot administration that "the spirit and the purpose of the reform should be observed in all executive appointments." TBE PEARSON CASE. Mr. Curtis then called attention io the ex treme importance of the case of the New York postoffice. which has been for manv years by general consent the example of what a reformed service should he, and in the most unmistakable terms condemned the action of the administration as false to its pledges, most unjust to Mr, Pearson and detrimental to the public service. Besolu tions denouncing the spoils system were adopted, as was also the following: Besolved, That the thanks of this associa tion be and they hereby are tendered" to the Bight Beverend H. C. Potter for his Just and earnest statement of the duty of the President in reference to the exercise by him of the power of appointment to office, contained in the sermon delivered in St Paul's, Church on the Centennial anniversary of the inaugura tion of Qeorge Washington. The following officers were elected: Presi dent Qeorge "William Curtis Vice Presi dents, Johp Jay, Carl Schurz, Francis 0. Barlow, Orlando B. Jotter, William J!. Dodge, D. Willis James, Oswald Ottendor ier, Horace E. Deming; Executive Commit tee, Everett P. Wheeler, Silas W. Burt, Edward-Carey, Charles Collins, George Walton Green, Walter Howe, A- E. Mc Donough. George Haven Putnam. ThenW .Roosevelt, Alexander MacKay-Smith, Will iam.H. Thompson, Horace White, X1. W. Whitridge, Anson-Phelps Stokes and Will iam L. Irenholm. ' ANOTHER PAILUBE'INIEON. An Extensive Concern Id Connecticut Forced to Suspend Operations. Meriden, Conn., May 2. The Meriden Malleable Iron Company, one of the big concerns of Meriden, is financially em barrassed owing to several recent failures of Western houses whose, notes this company' held. The foundries are shut down. The directors and prominent stockholders held a meeting this "afternoon. The management presented atatement showing liabilities of $180,000 and assets, $280,000. .The only embarrassment' was from a lack of ready eash to meet notes, of which $12,000 have recently oome back unpaid, owing to' tne iauureoi neayy creauore. it wui prob- BDl bly be decided Jo reorganise ilhe Gosapaay- ad put it On a solid fisaawal bask. ' ' J '- ". ' -" ;- a '", a&i :-".-. THE DEAI C.0PXETED. CuIcuko's Three Big KolMng Hills Are Now Under One Management New Coke Fields InPonnsy I vaSa.Are to be. Developed OtBerPlansi . fSrECIAL TBLEQBAX TO THE IJISPATCIt.3 Chicago, May 2. The stockholders of. !the North. Chicago Boiling Mill Company and' of the Union Steel Company .to-day consummated the deal whereby the two companies are consolidated. The capital stock of the new company was placed at $25,000,000, and certificates to that, effect were filed with the Recorder and in the office of the Secretary of State1 at' Springfield. It is believed'that at the di rectors meeting, which was held immedi ately after the stockholders meeting, that officers of the new company were elected, and that O. W. Potter was made President und Henry A. Gray, formerly Secretary of the Union. Steel Company, Secretary. The o'fficers. however, deny that any election took place. y The new corporation has purchased the entire' plant ot the Joliet Steel Company, and the three great concerns will run here after under one management, though it is understood that each maintains its separate Corporate existence. The new' corporation Is the largest in. the State, but its controlling lntfiTMt. -fire handled by very few " men. It is also believed thatso far as workingmen are con cerned the change will be a great advantage, the output being increased and more .mills being in active operation., The Joliet works were' started to-day after a long period of idleness and the work" of ,the Union Com pany will, .it is said, be now run at full The South Chicago mills, because of their improved machinery, will continue to man ufacture steels rails while the othermill will be devoted to other products. The North Chicago Company controls large coke fields in Pennsylvania which have never been opened, and the Jol iet Company has also operated fields there which now will be' tributary to the new company, and with its splendid fa cilities for the mining and shipping of iron, as well as for milling it, the new company, it is held, should not only make a better but a cheaper product than in the country. THSEE STEIKEBS SHOT. A ji Desperate Gang of Foreign Laborers -'Fired on by Constables Three of the Men Wounded More Trouble .;. Likely to Occur. 'fSriCIAL TXZJEaBAtt TO THE DISPATCH.! Beading, May 2. A volley of a dozen or more rifle shots "was fired into a desperate gang of foreign railroad laborers on strike near Orwigsburg this afternoon. One Ital ian was badly wounded and" two other; slightly. All day long the rioters held high carnival.' In fact, the trouble commenced yesterday when the Hungarians and Ital ians were refused an advance of wages from $1 10 to. $1 25, as they bad demanded. They were employed grading the new road through the coal regions' from the Schuyl kill to the Lehigh. Nearly 100 men on Contractor Kern's section quit work, and, armed with pickhandles.cart whips and clubs, they marched out determined to com pel every mn of the. 400 on the grade to quit irork and join the strike. Gaynor & Lee's men were first attacked and driven into the ranks of the strikers. The' rioters then marched to Contractor Pickert'8 section. With a great noise they rallied along the cut with a dozen stalwart big-whiskered Italians leading. The strikers .were warned off bv the boss in chartra - hut TthVyJailed to heed. They were told" there -were armed constables among the men. At this the Italians attacked the boss with clubs, and were about beating him to death when the posse among Pickert's men seized their Winchester rifles, hidden away in the cut, and fired away. The leader of the gang was the only man shot at, the others having fired in the air. lhe leader dropped, badly wounded. The. others fell back, but the wounded man was carried tothe shanties. "The Sheriff, with' 20 men, then arrived and arrested ten of the ringleaders, which for a time quieted the mob. At last accounts more trouble was still feared. ' A MISSING PAIMASTEE. He Disnppears and Leaves n Mnn-of-Wnr ( .Entirely Without Funds. B FECIAL TELEGRAM TO TICE DISPATCH.! New Yoke, May 2. The United States man-of-war Essex arrived in this port a week ago last Wednesday after a three years' cruise on the China station. Since last Friday the officers and crew of the Essex have been unable to do any celebrating Owing to the disappearance of their paymaster, H. B. Smith, who went ashore on Thursday .afternoon. His leave was up Friday night at 9 o'clock, bnt he did not return to his ship, nor has anything been heard of nim since Friday morning. Smith's clerk savs the paymaster drew $1,200 from the sub-Treasury "on Thursday, afternoon with which to pay off some of the Essex's crew. Thursday night Smith ..was at tbeGilsey House, leaving his money in the hotel safe. On Friday morning he drew the money from the safe, and. a little later he was seen with a man whom he introduced to a friend as Mr. Ferguson. About noon he left the hotel, and has not been heard from since. Pay Agent Foster, of Washington, has advertised for him asT follows: Mr. Ferguson, who was Been at the Gilsey House on Thursday evening, April 25, with Pay master Smith, is earnestly requested to send his address at once to 346 Broadway, room 18. Smith's mother is in ' the city and is greatly worried about her son's disappearance. His wife is expected to arrive from San Francisco to-day. On board the Essex Smith's accounts are said to be in excellent shape, and the impres sion prevails that the missing paymaster has been celebrating a little too ardentlv. The case bas been reported to the depart ment at Washington. CLAEKSON KEEPS AT W0BK. His Little Az Still Swinging Among Demo cratic Postmnsterst rSPECIAL TELIQBAlI TO TBS DISPATCH. I "Washington, May 2. Again Mr. Clarks'oQ wielded. the executioner's ax alone to-day, Mr, Wanamaker- not having re turned from Centennial scenes. He decapi tated 157 Democrats, and elevated as many Republicans' to office. Twenty-eight were appointed for Pennsylvania, as follows: , Edward H. Stahl, Abbottstown: W. H. Glass, AllensvillejJ. H. Jones, Amberson Valley: Q. M. Smith, Beaver Springs; w. H.- Bordner, Bethel; W.H. Tyson, Big Run; A.R,Cbap!n, Brockwayville: Christopher Rose, Christy's Park; J. B. Mlckley, Copley: Benjamin F. Pitts, Grant; John Browor, Herndon; Benton W. Camp, Herrick; Samuel Klingensmith, Bites; Marcus Richard, Jacksvllle; F. P.; Beck, Low hill; W. E, Dale. Madeira; Filmore F. Bnshcy, Menallen; W.H. Stonebreaker, Mills Creek; Benjamin Heflelflnger, MK Etna: Daniel K. Ginger, Newbnrytownl Levi B. Oswald, New Tripoli; W. F. House. Pleasantville; T. B. Eckman, Riverside; H.U. Seldomridge. Routh ville; W. B. Koontz, Seven Valley: L Stlgel man, Bhlvesmantown; Daniel LKnox, Tio nesta, and John irGrumm, Windsor. A Suicide Because of Melancholia. Boston. May 2. Paul A. Metcalf. need '22, a native of Sandusky; O., where his 'll' - ' t .. J s parents resiqe, commuted saiciae tms morning in Somerville. He was found lying in the yard in the He had bew.sfisMsg fro) ' ' ,: .'' --' ' " le rear of thehouse.. from aelanlielia. QUE OF THE EffiSL ADnpiicate of Washington's Carriage j&uii in on tne luuiiona ,i .-, TH&BEAL SIM0N-PDEE ARTICLE. s It Was Old Enough to Have Belonged, to the First President, but HE USED IT UP0N.ONLT ONE OCCASION. The F owell Family cf Philadelphia Wert Its Oriziaal Owner The New' York Centennial Committee cither was imposed upon or imposedwill f ully upon the people who witnessed the civic parade. An old vehicle purporting to be one of General Washington's own was a fraud.. It was a duplicate of a Washington coach, but never belonged to the first Presi dent of the United States. Geqrge Wash ington -once rode init, but never owned, it rSFECIAL TELEOEAJTTO TUX DISPATCH.l Philadelphia, May 2. The hundreds of thousands who witnessed the civic and, industrial parade in 21 ew York, yesterday cheered an old-time, yellow-painted coach that occupied a conspicuous place in the line. It had a high seat for the driver, and in the rear a rumble for a liveried "tiger," just as many modern coaches have. It "was claimed by the committee that it was the old coach of General Washington,, aud to add to the realism of the show, wax figures of General Washington and Mrs. Washing ton sat in the ancient vehicle. But it was not "Waahlngtoa's coach at all. The only connection between the coach inline and the real Washington,, vehicle was that the two were exactly similar, were madebythe same man, and were imported from England at the same time. In fact the coach that the enthusiastic multitude cheered in New York was the coach of the old Powell family, of Philadelphia. The Powell estate was located in West Philadelphia. The old mansion made way some years ago for the improvement along Powelltoh avenue, and the estate was cut up into building lots, on whichsow stand new and handsome honses. THE DUPLICATE VEHICLE. For many years there was stored in the Dunlap carriage factory, on Fifth and'But tonwood streets, an old chaise that popular tradition declared to have been the property of General George Washington. It was painted yellow and lined with leather, and curious relic hunters would constantly visit it and cut strips from the cushions as keep-. saces. jut. jonn nougnton, ot wanamaker & Brown, .16 or 18 years ago conceived the idea of using the carriage as an advertise ment, and on the occasion of Washington's, birthday ha hired it He secured the six black horsy that hauled President Lincoln, through tbo city, and with a band ahead, drove in a public parade, distributing hand bills. During the Centennial year it was the in tention. of the firm to purchase the coach and have it suspended in the light well of Oak Hall as an attraction for patriotic cus tomers. The price set on' it by the gentle man in whose possession it wasj.was$350 Borne-doubt had-beva cast-onrtftfgeiraftienejsN of the:, relic. Tn pursuing inquiries Mr. Houghton learned. that the carriage BELONGED TOJCHE POWELL FAMILY. The only surviving member of the family who was in a position to throw light on the truth or falsity of the claimi'was Mrs. Mary Powell, then living in Newport, E. I. He wrote to a friend in Newport and asked him to see Mrs. Powell. In a short time a long letter came to Mr. Houghton from Mrs. Powell, which resulted in breaking off all negotiations for the pur chase of the alleged Washington coach. Mrs. Powell in her letter, declares that the chaise in question had never been the prop erty of Washington. She said it was one of Xwo that were imported from England be fore the Revolutionary War. The maker accompanied them, One of these vehicles was for the Powell family and the other was, for General Washington. The Washingtons' coach, Mrs. Powell, said, was taken to Virginia, and some years after the death of the President, was broken up. The spokes of the wheels and other portions were distributed as relics among the firstfamilies of "Virginia, and many of them are prized to-day. The hammer cloth was given to an Episcopal church jn Vlr ginia.as au altar covering, and so far as Mrs. Powell knew, was still used. As to the Powell coach, the writer said that WASHINGTOir OHLT USED IX OSCE, the occasion being when he was conveyed irom unnst unurcn to ine x-oweii mansion, in West Philadelphia, where he dined. When the family ceased to use the coach it was stored in the Dunlap factory, and there remained. "There is no doubt," said Mr. Houghton to-dav, "that it was the Powell coach that was drawn in the parade in New York yes terday. When I got the letter from Mrs. Powell we abandoned our efiorts to. bny it It was sold to an enterprising showman who exhibited it as Washington's coach during the Centennial, and photos of it were sold to the curious at 25 cents each. I suppose it remained idle until the New York commit tee got hold of it and thought they had made a big find."" INDIANA MINERS 0JUIT W0BE. They Hold it Secret Convention to Forma late a Plan of Procedure. Bbazil, Ind., May 2. The block coal miners of this district, 2,000 in number, quit work to-day because of a disagreement with the operators over a yearly scale rate. A delegate meeting was held nere to-day and the result has been -kept from the pub lic. It is known, however, that the dele gates entered the convention instructed to refuse the operators' offer, with the excep tion of the Nickel Plate, Chicago and Jumbo mines. About one-third of the block miners of the district work in these mines, but' the yote instructing the dele gates was very small and rather evenly divided. It is generally understood among the "miners that a strike is. on. The operators oiler 70 cents, but the miners have not yet committed themselves to any price. Ofi 1,000 bituminous miners less than 100 are at work, though their difference is within 2 cents of adjustment ONLY ONE LIFE LOST. The Stories of Rioting; .In Mexico Were Decidedly Exaggerated. City of Mexico, Mayl The dispatches lent out from Texas purporting to give de tails of the rioting at Siloa and Guanajuato are gross exaggerations. The prefect of Siloa- was assassinated yesterday and his was the only life lost in the entire affair. The authorities have restored order and to day everything is quiet. Not Even-Local Option In Michigan. Lansing, May 2. The Senate to-day passed' the capital punishment billand it; now onlv require, the Governor's signature to, become a law. The local option bill was defeated. ,A psycholog 28 SHOOTING AT SCABft Nsgroes Who Took the Places of Strikers v 'Attacked by the Old Men One of the ., j. Former Fired and Received a Toller laRetnrn. -ttPICIlL TXXXeaAX TOTHE DISPATCH. UltlOiHOWir, May 2.r-Since the'Stewart Iron Company-locked out their employes at their works, near here,- on; February 1, there have' been several vain attempts made by the men fo drive; away the new men the company have had digging coal to supply fuel for the boilers. Ten men are working at present, among them two colored men named John Williams and' Robert Jackson, who live in Uniontown. The men haye been considerably irritated of late.because the company refuses to treat with them in any- way, plainly showing their determination to get rid of all the old crowd of workmen who have kept up al most continuous agitation and. trouble, and they have apparently resolved to use des perate efforts to, bring the company to terms. When the two colored men were nearing the works at daybreak this morning, on their way to work, they .were assailed by 13 of the old workmen, in a piece of woods, and, without any parleying were murderous ly assaulted'with clubs and stones. Will iams, who carried a revolver, shot at one of.the assailants after receiving a blow from ' a eino, nut am not nit mm. lietore ne conld fire again, one of his assailants shot him, the ball making'a flesh wound in his left arm. , The other man was. unarmed, and both. re ceived severe wounds before they broke away toward the works, followed by a part ing volley from the woods. The colored men recognized all their assailants, and have issued warrants for their arrest The colored men were not deterred by the as sault" from doing, their day's work. MAI HAY BEEN TOO PAST. Washington Authorities Think Superintend eat Malono Blast Carry Ont Contracts. IGPEOAL TELZQBAK TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington; May 2. A letter has been received at the office of the supervising architect from W. J. Brennan, Esq., attor ney for John Holland, stating that Super intendent Malone is violating the contract between M. A. McGowan, contractor for the stone ' work of the build ing, and Mr. Holland, who has the contract for delivering stone from the railroad to the Government" building. The assumption is thatMr. Malone is so anxious to supplant Democrats with Republicans that he will not allow a little obstacle like a contract to stand in the way. Mr. Brennan stated in . his letter that he believed the Government had recognized the contract with Holland, and inquiry by the correspondent Of xhe .dis patch elicited the information that this is the fact and the law clerk of the office 'gave the opinion that Mr. Holland couldn't be interfered with except by action of the highest authorities ot the department The law officer of the architect's office also ventured the opinion that under the ar rangement between Contractor McGowan and the authorities' of the department, the resident Superintendent could not remove certain master workmen on the building, and that Ginity, the dismissed rigger, was one of these- Chief Clerk McLean said that' while Mr: Malone had dismissed Ginity his action had cot yet been approved, and would not be, at least, not before the re turn of Supervising Architect Windrim, who has been absent for some days. The chief clerk this afternoon ordered that in quiry be made at once into, the Holland matter. ."' NO TIMR;P0B.ANAECHTi Red Flags and Black Allovred No Placo Daring the Centennial. tSFECIAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 NewYokk, May 2. Adolph Kraemer is a stout German upholsterer, and lives on the fourth floor of 425 East One Hundred and Seventh, street. He is a Socialist In 404 of the same street lives a friend of his, Frank Howorka, a Bohemian, who works on the Bobemiawpaper, Slat Lidu (The Voice of the People). He also is a Socialist On -Monday they stretched a line across the street from Hraemer's rooms to the house opposite, and on this threebig fla'fis were fastened, The one in the middle was an American flag, while on one side a black and on the other a red one was floating in the morning breeze. In the middle of the fire escape was fastened a picture ot. the seven Anarchists hanged at Chicago. On a black field a white gallows conld be seen be hind one of the window panes, while above it were the words, "The 11th of November, 1887." A similar arrangement had been put up at Hqworka's place, with the excep tion of the three gigantic flags. People gathered in-front of the two houses and began hooting and yelling. Cries were heard such as, "Te;r down those rags." In the afternoon the police were notified. Two detectives called' upon Mrs. Kraemer and demanded the removal of the objectionable draperies. The young woman would not take them down. Violent demonstrations were made by crowds of people around each place that day and the next, until two de tectives at one house and a number of neighbors at the other forcibly entered and removed the objectionable decorations. MAN AND M0NEI MISSING. One Canal Company nnd Two Churches Aro Monrnlng Their Lost Boodle. Sandwich, Mass., May 2. The com munity here is considerably stirred up over the mysterioas'disappea'ranceot Mr. Samuel Fessenden, Treasurer of the Cape Cod Company, who left town about two weeks" ago, since which time nothing is' known' here concerning his hereabouts. He was also treasurer of the Unitarian Church, and at the time he went away had- in his possession all the funds belonging to the Episcopal Church. , The money of tne uape god uanai Corn- pany is all gone and a essenden has left be-, bind him a large number of unpaid bills and notes which are not provided for. Search is now being made for him, but so far it has been unsuccessful. His family has also dis appeared mysteriously and no one here knows where they are. BISHOP POTTER MISUNDERSTOOD. He Meant to Make No Attack Upon the President or His Party. (SPECIAL TILIOBAM TO THX DISPATCH. I New Yoek, May 2. In my address in St Paul's Church, Bishop Potter said last evening to a reporter of The Dispatch, there was certainly on my part no intention of affackingthePresident,theadministrationor Republican party, as certain public men profess to believe. Some time hereafter, if it should seem expedient, I will make such explanation as may seem necessary over my signature. I have not had time to read ail the comments that have been made in the newspapers-fh the' matter. That is all. "As to the alleged rumor that I objected to Archbishop Corrigan's taking part in the proceedings and pronouncing the benedic tion on Tuesday, it is all nonsense. Arch bishop Corrigan aud I are on the best of term's, and I esteem him highly.' A Riot Feared. F. L. Bobbins, proprietor' of the coal mines at Willow Grove, on the Panhandle road, yesterday asked Sheriff McCandless to be at the works this morn ing. The men are on a strike for the 74-oent rate-for mining, and U is said that a riot mar occur.'' Sheriff XcCaadleu says he will go dewm; " I THlDSPATCSof SoBdaywrit wftl eeetafe the opening chapters -of A SEW stost from ' the. pen of Sidset Lusica, entitles "Mbia jiosrnosis." It will he In the best style of.that author faarNand original Tela of romantis. , 'I'M RTrav n"Errrn.c- -; v,. s.K "' w--;r ' ' i M&& AS IEEPEES.' W2 HoriibIfcp-& Mes Practiced-ii.tlw, ChifctfV ;-ne Asykm. '.T UNFORTUNATE BEATEN TO DEATHS The Terrible State-of if airs Discovered fcyl. a Reporter, WHO FEIGNED INSANITY ET A MANNER That Caased Alleged: Experts to Eraacssea Him Vt ' terry Incurable. The Coroner has commenced an investiga tion into the case of Robert Burns, who was killed. by ill treatment in the Chicago In sane Asylum. The reporter who. discovered the facts by feigning lunacy was on the ground. He unfolded a tale of hideous aaet revolting cruelty. When., the reporter's friends secured his release from the asylum the Superintendent and physicians declared he was incurably insane. Chicago, May 2. Coroner Hertx and jury to-day began .an investigation, into tke-: cause of death of Ro bert B urns, a patient ta .' the insane asylum at Jefferson. Attendants. . Richardson, Crogan and Pecha, who are.' '. charged with beating him to death, were present The dead man's widow and her . brother testified .that Burns was in good,. health when he was sent to the asylum, andU that the only abrasion on his body was oa one of his legs, which had been injured. ., The most damaging testimony was that of -Charles Beck, a reporter who successfully played the insanity dodge and was admitted to the asylum, where he was an eye-witness to much of the brutal treatment which re duced Burns in ten days from a strong man to a complete physical wreck;, resulting is ' his death. the host bevoltxng .csueltt. The story was one of the most revolting -and heartless cruelty. The witness. detailed at great length the repeated acts of brutal ity -which the three accused attendants in-, Aided npon the unfortunate manv He de clared that the patient was not unruly, but seemed dazed and incapable of understand ing what was wanted of him. Reck said that npon their arrival at the . asylum they were given cold baths, then he . ' and Burns were) left shivering in a coldj " -room for 15 minutes, then after examination by the doctors, the attendants took charge of. them. Burns was ordered to sit on a bench. He seemed not to understand and did not do so, whereupon he. was violently thrown down upon it ' Rising, in a dazed and helpless war, at-( tendant Richardson kicked, him violently in the abdomen. Burns again: arose and tried to walk away, when Riehaxdsoa caught him by the collar and threw, him to the:floor. And so the brutality continued, the three attendants, Richardson, Crogan and Pecha, each taking part in it, kicking the helpless lunatic in the side and stomach, striking and cutting and bruising his face with their fists. ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF. .They undertook to dress his wounded. leg, jerking him-about roughly and causing him excruciating agony, meantime continuing their blows. When this was done Crogaa picked no one eJ Burns' shoes. ancLtakin? .it hylnSTOer. beatthe'bnfotttfmtte patieet ; over tne neaa witn tne heel ot it, cutting great gashes and. covering the unfortunate victim with his own blood. By this time he was in a semi-comatose condition and was fast losing consciousness. He was then jerked ont of 'his seat.which was covered with blood that had run down ' from his head. That night the witness and Burns were put into the same cell. Burns was ordered to remove his clothes, but sot complying, was slapped and cuffed. Finally the attendants stripped him, and J fliim "Rlhai(lnn Vinlrail liim it. iha altjn '-J men, knocking him across the cot At - ftnntlipi- timA tliA wifnpoa ttid lift litmrA &a sound of blows ia Burns' cell, and cries T . Am Mm.. l.aiin o ........I vm?..... ..a A A - UUUI JkJU.ua UUMUg oeci4 JiiiauK. Xlr- tendants Schnllert Crogan and Richardson were there. Then a mop and a pail of water were brought, and the door was closed and locked. TOO INSANE TO BE BELEASED. The attendants evidently came to the con clusion that the witness was too inquisitive, and he was removed to another part of the bnilding. The reporter came out of the asylum at the end of ten days. Burns was then reduced to a skeleton, and was a sal low, hollow-eyed idiot. The reporter told how, when friesda secured his release, Dr. Kiernan, the super intendent of the asylnm, shoot his head ominously and advised against it He de clared the reporter to be incurably-insane; that he knew this because he hadwatched the case very closely. Dr. Schubert, of the staff, concurred in this opinion. A recess was then taken' by the Coroner. I Superintendent- Kiernan, of the) insane asylum, is having a troublous time as the result of Robert Burn's' death there at the hands of his attendants. He was summoned to appear before the Coroner to testify in the inquest He was also notified that the grand jury would visit the asylnm this afternoon, to look into the condition of affairs there. He elected to remain at the' asylum to meet the more angustbody. .NO RIYALS TOLERATED. Another Jealous Lover Shoots His Sweet- : bran and Then Perforates HlatselC Lexington, Kt., May 2. Last Biglit Louis Morion and Miss Lizzie Hayes, both. -of this place, attended a ball in Independ ence Hall, this town. Morton objected to Miss Hayes dancing; with his rival, and she ignored his protest whereupon he swore vengeance against both parties.' After ' the terpsichorean gayeties were at an ead Morton, started to accompany his fickle sweetheartto her borne, and while in the street again upbraided her for her conduct at the ball. It seems she was not in a very repentant mood, and young Morton, mad with jealousy and hatred, drew his pistol and ere the unsuspecting maiden could di vine his diabolical, purpose, fired three shots at her one ball striking her in the breast, Inflicting a probably fatal wound. Thinking thct he had accomplished his design the would-be murderer now turned his deadly weapon against himself and a lone shot terminated his guilty career: About one year ago Morton made an bb- . successful attempt to assassinate Redfora Crabtree. because Crabtrre was trvimr to: wean the affections of Miss Hayes from him." SOUTHERNERS IS NEW X0BE TtiMV TTnlil a V.itr1v At f pniff-i! Had BrtHtast Ijte " ,....., ., Honse Warming. New York, May 2. The "formal op-Jfg Ine of the new and sumptuously appelate.- x t.ma nf 41,- CnnfTiflvn f3,i..V If? fvtlfjt lUv - 1 ... m ".'$ tooK place to-nignt. xnere was a gaa. Aj banquet and reception, -a.il tne oouiaesi people Ol proiuiueut, oiuoi uno nrc ji-rj Centennial eeieorauon, were preseai, ia ad dition to a long list of New York ofisJala and prominent men. ' t At the banonet at which the FresMeat'! John C. Calhoun presided, the toast l'ht " was entirely informal; Addresses'' were 'f made by a number of Geverne-rs awl otlw, t" . notables of the Seathera States, ike wlal." H pal one being by Geveraer Serdw", irf Gw.V" "i gia. . . . . ;.i 4i m rfi 'aft &, Sa. A. itfjr- .. . v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers