js far IT'S A. SPLENDID MEDIUM. "YVAuVTS Of any kind can best be satisfied by advertisiCR in the columns of Tnn Dis. PATCH. FORTT-rOURTH TEAK. US A Of theWaUnd Beautiful Cen ' ' tennjal-Drap Ends in a Blaze fir Glory. . THE CENTURY'S CLIMAX Is Illustrated 1) the Brawn and Sinew f This 4 Highly NEW Y0BK-H1S A JAG Off. BedNoses Eyery where, Some Caused by the Sun, and Some Due to the Flowing Bowl. HAERISOff EEVIEWS THE PARADE, ind is Saluted by 3,500 Schoolboys, Who March With a Precision Which Shames the Teterans. MAGNIFICENT TABLEAUX OH FLOATS The Centennial is over. New Yorkers, who bare a reputation for being bustlers, are tired oat and sigh lor rest. The last Scene was the grandest, and has never been equaled in this or any other country, for it illustrated the Institutions of this great na tion, the acknowledged leader of the world. The civic parade was magnificent, the spectators were legion, and the reviewing stand was occupied by the giants of the nation. The story of the day is eloquently told below. rSFZCUX TTIXGllASt TO TOT DISPATCH.1 Sew Yobk, Hay 1. To-day we gave the third act of 'the grand Centennial drama. The bands whose music shook the air early in the morning were the "orchestra, the hundreds of thousands of "human beings crowding the streets were the audience, the miles and miles of paraders forming far uptown were the play ers, the metropolis was the theater. The story of the list act of "the "beautiful and inspiring play was a tale of our cen tury's strides in industry and art, and the climax represented the mighty numbers and power of the people. And the people were the players. They had seen their navy and their army move across the stage, and now they donned their costumes andbjcame them selves the illustrators of the inish ofthe plot. Looking back over the whole joyous and perfectly successful spectacle itis seen that the first act by the navy and tin second by the soldiers were only grand fron the stand point of a peaceful nation. The would not have amounted to much in oneof what we call the effete monarchies. B t the third act of the play, the festival of the people. was something no other nationpould have illustrated. , Ked Noses Predomlna, "When the curtains of the day.j died away to display the great stage ail or liantwith rning, the the snnlicht of a prime scrim: scene of the day before haq not been the same, alone the chanced. All the settings wci 'Abe great private Dozes pus u. parks and before the rich folks' Jiuses were once again packed with waitinglpcctators, snd the upper tiers of window and roofs were again sought by others. I the folks who had no seats, bnt had to a the route now shortened to four a not so numerous as on Tuesday.. d along s, were Khe peo- rile were tired nhvsicallv tired id tired ct sightseeing. Not above 700,00. persons took the places of the full milli i of the day before, lots of yesterday's spectators i :re new-comers, and they could be as planly dis tinguished as if they were labeled. All the new arrivals looked white and palla, while those who had been taking in tie whole show were sunburned. This was so 4 such a - degree that the hundreds of thousands of red noses along the streets and on the stands suggested a population o hard drinkers. New York Had a Jag On. "" As the slang of the day puts it, he city - i t .seemed to have had'"a beautiful jg on." Buming red noses and -peeling noes and noses varnished with new coats of ta were the portion of the women as well as tb men. As for the actual drinking by the Septen nial' multitude it did not become ea essive until to-day. Then it was wonderfn to be hold. There never were so many leling, rocky, thick-fingered, blear-eyed foks in New York since the days when the putch were extending the suburbs by swjpping rum for real estate with the Indian! The Bowervwas a-sight to see this afternon on account of the unsteadiness of itspedes trians. ' ( It was just about 10 o'clock win the .President arnveo. wiui rice Vnrtjin nnrl others at the grand Madison Sauare. ,He was dresses each previous day, but his appears! cited both comment and comp: seemed so tired and unnaturally p; was loudly and emphatically cheer Cleveland and Harrison "When Grover Cleveland came ji J. Hamnden "Rnlh in a carriage, lo land general cheering followed 1he carril hs it trolled between the lines of spf When he stooped at the grand st cheering outran him and spent itsel . Karaon. feS jrcaaeat sbid at hs on n ex- ass ii he all He H the lines beyond. Mr. Cleveland lifted his hat at each restrencthening of the applause. President Harrison stoodabove him bowing to him and smiling. When all the notables were on the stand they included Mayor Grant, General Sherman, Senator John Sherman, Secretaries "Wiudom, Husk, Noble, Wanamaker and Miller, B. B. Hayes, General J. W. Hosted, Elliott F. Shepard and General Abram Dally. All were distinguished with varying degrees of popular approval, especially old General Dally. When Mayor Grant came to the stand it was in his new relation as Chairman of a committee formed of the heads of the differ ent civic bodies in the parade, all wearing yellow sashes except the Mayor. They met on Broadway, and while the others stood facing the stand the Mayor advanced bear ing a silver cylinder in his hand, and pre sented it to President Harrison with a few formal remarks. A Pathetic Incident. After the procession was under way, all eyes were turned from it to a trio of men Crossing Broadway. Two were supporting the third, who was so old and so decrepit that be was carried rather than supported. He was the ancient Dally, of whom New Yorkers have read on every such occasion as this since anyone can remember. Beach ing the front of the reviewing stand, he handed a letter up to President Harrison. It was altogether pathetic the letter, the scene and the natural thoughts both gave rise to. The letter rehearsed how he and the other surviving veterans of the "War of 1812, who had asked for grand stand tickets had got fonr seats on some other stand, had torn them up, and then had asked permission to ride in the procession in a carriage, and had been refused. "What General Harrison said when he read the letter nobody has reported, but he seemed to 'say: "Come right up and take my place if you can't get any other." That was the translation of his manner. And sure enough oid General Dally did go up and sit by the President amid cheering that honored any who indulged in it Long after ward there was more cheering. It was when the great concourse of people saw the Presi dent talking to the old General. A Wonderful Parade. Three parts of the industrial parade were very notable. Indeed there was nothing to compare with them in the opinion of many spectators during the three days of great spectacles. These three features were the marching of the boys of our pnblic schools, the bewildering and artistic floats contrib uted by the German Americans and the hearty, whole-souled enthusiasm of those citizens themselves. The first body of note was the dudish bat talion of students of Columbia College. In bearing, in dress, in the enormous size of the canes they carried and the height of the collars they wore, no other men in either parade approached them. They wore white gaiters and reached from curb to curb. Very different were the""Country boys study ing medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, who came next They were of good mettle, none the less. But hark? Hear the cheering. It sounds at first like the noise on a distant sea beach in a storm. It grows louder. It is ap proaching rapidly. Tens of thousands of throats are carrying loud applause rapidly along Fifth avenue toward the President. Every one is curious to know what provokes sueh excessive ardent applause. A Sight to Make the Heart Throb. In another two or three minutes the mys tery ended. The prettiest sight New York eyer saw was about to burst upon the Presi dent's vision. The boys of the public schools were approaching, 3,200 strong, in lines as close as those of the "West Pointers the day before, with 18, 20, 22 or 25 in each file. As 7,000 persons were passing the President in an hour the boys remained the sensation for 30 minutes. On and on they came, chins up, breasts forward, little feet swinging in unison, eyes as bright as jet, heads prond, happy light heeled and brave hearted. On and on they marched, looking neither to the right nor to the left, but smiles here and there in the ranks where the plaudits struck sensitive souls a splendid, noble troop of eight great battalions of cosmopolitan New York boys the judges, merchants, soldiers, beaux and leaders of the city that is to come, that Andrew Green thinks will be a greater London. In age the boys ranaged from 10 to 16 years. All were neatly attired and marched under 'derby hats. Their lines were held as straight as the rows of desks in their school houses. In every way theirs was a superb exhibition of the rigid discipline of our school system. Marched Better Than Teterans. Trained like little soldiers every day with in the schoolhouse walls, they looked like little soldiers in their parade. Every na tionality that contributes its quota to our population was represented in their ranks. The women were in ecstacies over them. The President wreathed his face in smiles as he looked at them. He was so delighted with the unexpected and beautiful display that he caused a note to be written and sent to the reporters in which he said that he considered this exhibition superior to any made by the troops yesterday. "Vice Presi dent Morton stood beaming by his side, and General Sherman was so pleased that during the 30 minutes the boys took in passing he kept nodding and smiling and commending them to the President. The Grand Army men on the platform said that the boys marched better than the veterans, and that they were more thrilled with the sight of these fine little fellows than by anything they saw to-day. Some one on the reviewing platform was so moved by the scene that be called out, '.'What be comes of the Anarchists' now?" And late last night all over the city the beauty and moral splendor of this scene was the main and proudest .topic of household conversa tion. An Effective Movement. The boys did one very effective thing that nobody else thought to do. As each line approached the reviewing stand it turned and came obliquely into the presence of the President. "While everybody else was cheering, while the delight of all the hun dreds of thousandsof faces made them radiant, while the air was electrified with the transports of the general pleasure, the little boys, with the instinctive self-command of New Yorkers, kept their faces im mobile. Never veterans of Prance were better schooled. The captains saluted with a saber move ment of their, canes. They had to do so with their left hand. This was a' left-handed parade. The consequence of moving the great industrial procession over a reversed line of march laid out for the military men of the day before was that every marching man .brought his left side toward the"Presi dent, and had to salute with his left hand. Ireland and Germany to tho Fore. The rear ranks of the Tammany men attracted attention by a disinclination to! ft '& -I J x .. . salute the President. They were brought to their politeness by commands from the crowd and tardily they lifted their hats. Then came the Hibernians wearing hats that told the fashions o distant epochs as do the Centennial curiosities in the museum strange, weird, wonderful hats, such as make St. Patrick's Day something to talk f about. Last of dl came the squadrons and beau tiful floats of the Germans. It was indeed a great day for our Teutonic fellow citizens a day in which they endeared themselves .to every New Y&ker. By their numbers, by their fine appearance, bv their intense enthusiasm and self-sacrifice they exhibited their loyalty to the spirit of this holiday which has been no moie than equaled by our native-born citizens. High credit, then, to Steinway, to Keppler, to Emil Schaeffer and Colonel Seifert, and to every marching man and artist of them all. New York is Tired Out. Elsewhere their scores of moving tableaux are described. It is enough to say here that never has New York seen any sight of the kind to be compared with this. In truth, PLOAT BEPBESENTING PAIBY TALE3 this city has seldom given expression to jubilation by means of these street tableaux. The long lines of rapidly moving platforms crowded with living figures, with workmen at their labor, with lovely women in the at tire of goddesses, made a brilliant, opulent and never-to-be-forgotten show. It was moved along too fast. It was too bewilder ing. But to come to the end, three days is too much of such festivities. The people were tired, the President was tired, the marching men were tired, our eyes, our minds, our nerves were tired. There is proof of this in a thousand matters, some of which have been referred to; but the strongest proof came when (because the President had to hurry away to catch a train after about 25, 000 men had passed him) the rest broke ranks.and vanished like fog banks before a hot sun, too tired to finish what little re mained of the gigantic celebration. THECrOPABABE.., J Eighty Thousand Men In Lino Beautiful and Striking Tableaux Pennsylvania's Float George and Martha Es corted by German Knighte. The great civic parade started promptly at 10 o'clock, headed by Chief Marshal Gen eral Daniel Butterfield, preceded by a de tail of mounted police, and followed by a staff of aides representing each State. There were 80,000 men in line, comprising regular soldiers and sailors, veterans, State military organizations, collegians, school children, secret societies, singing societies, mechanics, firemen, and societies composed 1 HUMBOLDT FLOAT EEPBESESTTING SCIENCE. of English, Irish, Scotch, Italian, Swiss and German-Americans. The tableaux were remarkable in design and magnificent in construction. The first represented the reading of the Declaration of Independence by John Nixon, in State House yard, Philadelphia, July 8, 1776, followed by a float representing "Washing ton crossing the Delaware, with its guard of several hundred cadets in uniform. Then came 3,500 school children, escorting- their center tableau ot "Washington at Valley Forge, winter of 1777 and 1778," It repre sented the winter quarters" at Valley Forge, the meeting of General Washington with Baron Steuben and sick and wounded sol diers. . Then came tableaux representing "Wash ington saying farewell to his officers; "Wash ington resigning his commission, and his in auguration as President. Pennsylvania Shows Up Well. The Sons of Veterans, 1,000 in num ber, followed, guarding tableaux repre senting New York, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The New York tableau was the discovery of the Hudson "by Hendrik Hudson, 1614, and consisted of a boatload of Dutch sailors and voyagers. Massacnuseits was designated by the anchoring of the Mayflower at Plymouth, 1620. The efforts of Lord DeLa "War to Christianize and edu cate the Indians formed the pictorial sub ject of the Delaware tableau. A. D. 1627. Maryland's Catholic settlement by Calvert, 1633, and the religious freedom guaranteed to Protestants, was the subject of the Miry land tableau, and Penn's treaty with the In dians that of the Pennsylvania tableau. Separated irom these by a band and a dWn- tiou of 600 members ot the United Order of Foresters, was a" tableau of Georgia, 1732,' ', k'-c't -it JL?'. J?STx o PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, HAT 2, - 1889. the last colony settled before the Bevolu tion. Oglethorpe and his little band of Scotch, Irish and English Non-conformists, were well depicted. A Swiss .organization presented two tableaux Helvetia, with 22 living female figures, representing the Cantons of the Swiss Bepublie, and an Alpine crag with chamois, and the historic group of Tell de fying Gessler. The division was concluded by the first Hungarian Scheutzen Bund. The Labor Division. First came 300 shipjoiners, with -vessels on trucks, and men working at their con struction. Then ?ame floats bearing plas terers, cloak and suit workmen, painters, marble cutters, plumbers and gas fitters and carpenters and joiners, all engaged in prac tical illustration of their handicrafts and escorted by largq delegations of theirfeilow workmen. Abont 7,500 men were in the division. The Italian delegations escorted two floats representing Columbus and "Washington, discoverer and father, and Italy and Ameri ca. , The industries with which the German- American cittzens are chiefly identified, were represented bv living figures. German poetry, music and art were represented part--: ly by yvlng figures, and partly by tableaux, and allegorical designs. Many of the latter are by Keppler, the others being by Operti de Glim and various other artists. In the first float, by Lauber, German im migration to this country 100 years ago, was contrasted in an amusing fashion with similar immigration to-day. The next showed the German heroes of the Revolu tion, DeK.alb,Steuben and others. The next represented the "Emigration Caused by the Bevolution in Europe in 1848." It con tained living models of the famous men who were driven from Germany on account of their liberal ideas and their sympathies with the masses in the general uprising that signalized that era. George and Martha. Next n order was a float which was loudly applauded. On it was "Washington's carriage, on the inside of which were figures gazing out of the windows representing George and Martha "Washington. The car riage was escorted by German Knights ou horseback. Another tableau of great beauty and ar- I tistic merit was one representing tne achievements of Germany in science. Von Humboldt was4e.Jeading fcaturasia tils'; gruup, waicn 11113 uesignea uy ueunmo, Another represented Music, with "Wagner surrounded by the Bhine daughters, Sieg freid, Die "Walkure, etc. A second float in this tableau was devoted to operatio music, and bore figures of Beethoven, Mozart,Mey erbeer and others. The remaining tableaux were also of great beauty and significance. They included the printing press of 100 years ago, and public enlightenment, Arion, the patron saint of the singing society, a rehearsal for a rural concert, Sacdhus, an infant school, a Christ mas tree, the turnverein, Arminus, con queror of the Boman legions, civil en(jneer ing, fresco painting, a piano industry, ar tistic forging and hammering, bakers' in dustry, brewing industry. King Gambnnus, cooking and pastry baking, butchers' in- dustry, mowing and Teaming, shoemaking industry, furniture industry, basket in dustry, Columbia and Germania, besides as many more or less striking in appearance. A model of "the Brooklyn bridge stood for Germany's part bt the mechanical arts of the country, J, A. Boebling having been a German engineer. Prince Carnival. The tableau representing Prince Carnival was 30 feet long, 8 feet wide and 18 feet high. A number of colossal champagne bottles, feix feet high, with an enormous glass poised upon their corks, stood in the middle of the float For decorations there were miniature musical instruments and groups of merry makers, dancers and mask ers. The Liederkranz float was in the formof a rock, with caverns and a water scene at the base. Lorelei sits at the top and plays a harp while a young man comes out of one ot the cayes in a boat and sings about "Woe to tne Jtympns. utner singers also ap pear. About midway was one of Washington's coaches, drawn by Tour horses, ahd specially escorted by 1,500 colored men forming the vvtuicu vtuni;u.i wjuiui.ttct;. J.I1C Olitji, mntn JteRimeni, tamous lor its gallantry during the late war, came in for a large share of the applause that was awarded this section of the parade, i THE PEESIDENT GOES HOME. , Be and HIi Cabinet Return to Their Official Duties at Washington, New Yoek, May L At 5 p. m. the Presidental party, consisting of President. Harrison, Secretary WintSonj, wile and .wo daughters; Secretary Proctor, Colonel Barr, Colonel John M. Wilson, Walker Blaine, Private Secretary Halford, Secretary Tracy, Continvedion 'Sixth JPaye, -,i j 1 ) b &ct ,&.-, ? ' STILL TSEY ARRIVE. Another Squad of English Glass Workers Appears at Jeannette. GETTING ACQUAINTED RAPIDLY. They Did Hot Enow Each Other When They Landed, but Aretfow hanging together like beothebs. All Of Them Keep Quiet, bnt Other People Do Some Lively Talking. One more detachment of English glass worker has arrived at Jeannette. At Philadelphia they "claimed that they were not even acquainted, but their actions now tell a different Btory. All are skilled work men in their J ine. They are very guarded .in their conversation. The American workmen at Jeannette, however, express their opinions very freely. rrnoiiA stait cobbespondent. Jeanketxe, May 1. Ten more bloomin' Hiuglish glass blowers arrived at Jeannette last evening, ostensibly to work in Cham bers & McKee'sbignewwindowglass plant. They got into Pittsburg some time in the afternoon, and abont 530 P. m. started for Jeannette. The men about the depot re ported that there were -at least 20 in the party, but so far as conld he learned late last evening only ten men, one woman and two children reached Jeannette. There ports from Philadelphia said that 20 landed altogether, and they will probably reach tne new glass town to-day. ' About a weekrago a party of six more ar rived. With the first batch of 25 and the last two lots' there are now in Jeannette 41 English glass workers who, it is strongly presumed, have been hired under contract. When they landed in Philadelphia they claimed not to know each other, but any man who could have seen them playing cards together last night and calling each other by the most familiar names, would soon be convinced that they were old friends. How many more are to come the fates and the proprietors of the glasshouse can tell; but both uniformly are silent. TISK OUT OP "WATEB. The last party came from Philadelphia over the Pennsylvania road. When they reached the Union depot they acted like a lot offish out of water. "'Where can we be booked to Jeannette?!' they asked train men. "Jimmy, get a third-class ticket," said one to a companion; but he soon dis covered that not much distinction is made in tickets in America. No one, ap parently, was with them, but the men seemed to act as if some hidden hand was guiding them. They appeared to be well supplied with tin trunks and luggage, but not a great deal of money. The woman in the party yesterday was the first one to arrive, and she, was the wife of one of the men. Most of them are mar ried, and they talk freely of sending or their wives later on. A Dispatch scribe reached Jeannette about 10 o'clock last nlghn'aaoT'arterffliveVae'nciriniie darkness with country mud, and coming within an ace several times of falling into holes or rolling over an embankment, finally got out on to the road under a natural gas jet i After some further skirmishing the men were located. Five of them were found in Mrs. Coburn's boarding house having a friendly game. It was now about 1030 P. 21., and they were laughing and talking over the cards. The reporter sized them up through an open window with a curious crowd outside. They appeared to range in age from 35 to 40 years, and seemed to pos sess considerable intelligence. Ail. SEJMiED "WOEKMEN. A few of them bore red marks on their necks, evidently from burns they had re ceived, but otherwise they were fine, stal wart men. They are all skilled workmen, and understand the working of the tank system of making window glass thoroughly. A strong effort was made to pump some of the men, but they would not bite. They were very guarded in what they had to say, and nothing would draw them out. It was plain to be seen that they were well posted by somebody. ' It wasn't long before they retired and there was nothing left to do but to gather some of the things thev had dropped to the citizens. They all cfaim to be union men and hold that they are members of the in ternational union. They speak of their cards, but, strange to relate, nobody in Jeannette has ever seen them. If they have them they certainly guard them as closely as they do their tongues. Those in the town who have met the foreign blowers speak of them as a very decent class of people, but they wonder where the thing will end. One man said: i There are plenty of laborers in Jeannette hunting work who can't pet it, but here are 41 strange Englishmen who have no trouble in securing jobs. They arrive one day, recuper ate the next and go to work on the following morning in Chambers and McKee's window glass plant. SOME PEKTETENT PACTS. The general impression here is that some thing is decidedly wrong. Here is a char acteristic interview from one of the Ameri can workmen on the ground; Otcourse I haven't had an opportunity to meet the ten who arrived to-day, but I know most of the 31, and some of them qnito welL I must say for them that they are a Hue-looking set of fellows, and understand the workings ot the tank system. I watched the crowd to day as they walked from the train to the boarding bouse, and none of them looked like men blessed with any too much money. They were BnaDuiiy uresaeu ana uian'C appear like well paid foreign workmen, as they claimed to bo. I know when the first lot arrived they hadn't money enough to pay the expressage on their baggage to have it hauled from the depot They went to board with Mrs. Cob urn. "She charged them to a week, and It ja a singular fact that she handed their bills over to the Western Land and Improvement Company for payment. The supposition is that Chambers and McKeo looked atter the men through the company as a medium. The first week the men were here they didn't have a copper. I treated one to a glass of beer and he apologized because he couldn't return the compliment. He said he would havo plenty of money after Saturday. Sure enough, be bad, and was liberal with it, too. I explained to this man the contract laws in force in tbis country, but he feigned ignor ance. He said they bad never heard of the law, and came here of their own accord. They had paid their fares themselves. "In England, he explained, that be got I2i a, month, but they expected to make 40, or nearly S200, here a month. He had been called a scab by some of the Americans, and this hurt his leelings. He asked me to stand by him and pnt a- good word in for the- party with the people. A DIBECT VIOLATION. I rather pitied the fellow, though I a,m thor oughly convinced, from all I have seen-and. learned of him, that the entire party is under contract; and they came into the country in direct violation of the im migration laws. Another one of the first batch told me that he had heard of the plant here three months before he thought qf com ing over, and his desire to lire In America and earn better wasps Is what induced him tn nnw the water. He bad worked in an English glass. UUU9B tvuu vra.9 conTerssini wiin me tan K sys tem. Strangers weTe excluded, and only two American glass buyers erer got is, and they only saw part of the works. ."-The window glass plant at Jeannette is closely guarded, and an outsider couldn't get in for love or money. After the men had rested for a few days they went to work inside. It was given out that they are only laboring, but It didn't take them long to discovertbat the stock was noi; high enough, and since then thev have been making it higher. I asked ona of the men why it is that the owners arn an secret about everything. He replied that some of thema- cmnery used in making the glass is so nne mat it canbardlyDe touched with the hand, and the proprietors are afraid that some prejudiced person might enter and destroy some of the delicate machinery without being discovered. The men will not say what they are working at inside, and no one on the outside can sur mise anything else but that they are putting on the finishing touches. The same man explained to me bow the glass is rolled and slided. In fact I could soon see that thev all imrlprstood their busi ness. These men say that the tank plant here will be the finest In the world when complete, and they think it will be a decided success if the gas will produce heat enough. They seem to be a little doubtful on this point, bnt hope for the best. It is expected the window glass works will be started in two weeks. The town Is dead and everybody is waiting for these glass plants to start The Western Land and Improvement Company discharged 2 laborers to-day because they hadn't anv more Wortc for them to do. The fact is that there are plenty of men hero suffering, but waiting in hopes, while these Englishmen get to work as soon as they arrive. ASTEONO PBESTTMPTIOIT. The presumption is strong among the people of the town that this is to be a scab institution. Not only will the men hired be scabs, hut it is hinted by many that the proprietors will cut loose -from all tho manufacturing associa tions and rnn their works all the year around. The glass men usually agree to shut down for a periodyduring the summer, but I have it pretty straight that Chambers Ss McKee have no such intentions. American blowers will not work during the hot period, but the firm thinks that their English allies will stand by them and the glass disciples of Uncle Sam can go to the wall. With the tank system it is supposed they intend to monopolize the trade and drive all the other window glass workers out of the business for a time at least. Here is another fact that seems' strange about this whole business. The Jeannette Planing Mill Company is waiting for the works to start up before 'they will commence to build 100 houses, the plans for which have already been made. The people believe these houses are intended for as many En glish families and the American workman is to be debarred. The citizens here feel bitter against the foreigners and the firm, and they are posi tive that if an investigation were made it could be shown that the contract laws have been violated. . Israel. BOSTON GETS IT. The PIttsbnre Idea Travels Her Licensed Saloons Cat Down 75 Per Cent Sporting Besorts Closed A Howl in Culture's City. rSFECIAI. TXLXQBAM TO TUB D1SPATCB.1 Bostoit. May 1. Boston is anything but a paradise to sporting men just at present. To-day the pnncipal sporting places in the city have been closed, and admirers of sports in general have been unable, to ex change the gossip of the day at their old haunts. The new license law went into effect to-day, and Boston's supply of mm is curtailed nearly 75 per cent. Instead of 2,636 licenses which were issued last year only 780 have been granted this year. The sporting fraternity are the greatest sufferers from the cut down, and to-night they are forced to seek pastures new. Mike J31easpn, Ed. McAyoy, Geo. Bosmer and LarryKillen locked their doors at 11 o'clock last night,and have not since opened them. All day the friends of the unsuccess ful applicants 'for licenses have thronged police headquarters, and the board of police have been talked to death. Ernest efforts are being made to have the privilege of selling liquor extended and the Legislature will be appealed to if the board of police refuse to take action. NO EEDTJCTI0N TO BE ACCEPTED. Illinois Miners Are Unanimous in Deciding to Quit First. Steeatoe, III., May 1. At a conven tion of the miners of the North ern district of Illinois, held here to-day, a resolution was unanimonsly adopted refusing to accept a reduc tion of 10 cents per' ton for mining during the coming year, as offered by the operators. Delegates were present from every mining point in the district. A resolution was also adopted directing the district officer to call a national conven tion of all the miners in the bituminous coal fields, as far as the competition reaches, and that there be no work in the districts until such convention is called. Machine men and day laborers who are pro ducing coal will also go out pending the settlement of the difficulties. ' IT HETEE FAILS. TheDIdn't-Knowlt-Was-Jioaded Revolver Gets Another Victim. J rSriCIAI, TILIOBJLMTO THI DISPATCH. 1 Peoeia, May 1. A sensational acci dental shooting occurred here this evening. Miss Jessie Beoning, a well-known young lady, was in the real estate office of William Scott. , They were in a rear room when Miss Boening picked up a revolver which was supposed to be un loaded. She snapped it several times, and then turned it toward herself with the re mark: "I wonder if I can shoot myself." She pulled the trigger again, there was a loud report, and she fell mortally wounded. GALLANT SOUTHRONS. They Throw Kisses at the Chorus, Tell Fire and Are Promptly Fired. rSFXCIAX. TELEGUAJI TO THE DISPATOS. New YOEK, May 1. Just as the curtain Was descending on the first act of "Nadjy" at the Casino, to-night, two well dressed Southerners, who had seats in the parquet near the stage, arose together and kissed their hands to the actresses in the chorus. Then one turned toward the audience and shouted "Fire!" The chief usher ordered the strangers to leaye, and Manager Aronson called in a policeman, who took them out of the theater. They had been drinking. IELL0W FETEE OX THE OCEAN. An Epidemic Breaks Oat on Board One of ibe Lloyd Steamships. London, May 1. Lloyd's agent at Ber lin reports that the Weser has yellow fever on board, several officers and 28 men being ill and three having died. The North German Lloyd steamer Weser, Captain von Schuckmann, sailed from Balti more April 17 for Bremen. ' THE QUAfiANTINE EAISED. Sanford Is Said to be la the Most Perfect Sanitary Condition. Sanfobd, Fla., May L All quaran tine restrictions were ordered-raised to-day by Dr. Porter, though tLelr regular term would extend to May 8, such action being justified by the, prompt precautions taken and the good sanitary condition of the-town. The former, inmates ofthe Demon House are suu sept m.camp.Ly. -. f AP' KICKING MB SPOILS. Maryland's Republican Lengue Denoaaees President Harrison's Policy AH (be Fault of a Congressaan-A Decidedly Objections ble Appalftf ment. fSPXCUL TBLIQJLUiTO TBX DISPATCH. 1 Fbedeeick, JId., May 1. There was the biggest kind of a rowat.the convention" of the MarylandState"League of "Eepubli can clubs held here to-'day. Trouble had been brewing in the Republican ranks ever since the inauguration of President Harri- sonowing to the bitter antagonism of the two factions of the. party, both of whom de manded recognition from the administra tion. That wing ofthe party led by Con gressman McComas seemed to have had the pull all along, and the Young Men's- Be publican Club of Baltimore, which was left out in the cold, has been kicking vigorously. The President has been rigorously de nounced for not providing for the faithful, and when last week it was announced that Calvin Gorman, a brother of Senator Gor man, had, after being dismissed from the service, been reappointed to even a better position than he formerly held, there was a howl all along the line. The bitterest things were said of the administration, and only an opportunity was wanting to make the dissatisfaction public. It came to-day, when the league of clubs met in convention here. Almost the first resolution offered was ope condemning the President for ap pointing Senaior Gorman's brother an in spector of the Treasury. It was presented by the Howard county delegates, who rep resent the home of Senator Gorman. The excitement it occasioned was tre mendous, and the debate lasted fully two hours, some bitter personalities were in dulged in, the President being roundly cen sured for making the appointment. Jtsy tne hardest kind of work the President's cham pions succeeded in having the resolution toned down a little, when it went through with a rnsh. Even in its present shape it is decidedly uncomplimentary to the Exec utive. . GEAND ABMI MEN 3IAD At the Story That Cojonel Drake Pinned HI Badge on General Gordon's Breast. rSPECIAl. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York, May 1. The Commander-in-chief of the Grand Army, of the Bepublie, Major William, Warner, of Kansas City, was the chief guest at a reception and camp fire in the Harlem Biver Parlf this after noon and evening. The Grand Army posts of New York City, Brooklyn, and Kings, Queens and Richmond counties were repre sented. About 2,000 veterans were present. Colonel D. V. Quick, Chairman of the Reception Committee, read an article from a morning paper which stated that Colonel Drake, of Drake's Zouaves, Elizabeth, met Governor Gordon, whom he fought against in the war, and took off his Grand Army badge and pinned it on Governor Gordon's breast. His staff followed his example, and, taking off their badges, pinned them on the breasts of Governor Gordon's staff Hisses and. groans were heard on all sides. Post Department Commander Burrows, of New Jersey, sprang to his feet. "I am thunderstruck," he said. "Any man who disgraces the Grand Army badge in that manner is not fit to be called a comrade. In 48 hours irom now I will have this mat ter investigated, and it 1 find that the arti cle read is true, he shall be court martialed and expelled from the Grand Army." Colonel Quick said: "No citizen, how ever loyal he may have been, can in honor wear that badge, much less one that fought against us. Any man who, for the sake of notoriety and mock sentimentality, would pin a Grand Army badg&on a man who iought against the Union is unworthy to be a member of the order and does not know its first principles." THE S0DTH WIDE AWAKE. Her Cotton Men Will Seek Foreign Fields and Clrcnmveat the Jnto Trust. rSFECIAI. TELEGEAlt TO TUB. OISPATCH.1 Atjgusta, Ga., May 1. The Southern Cotton Manufacturers' Association has per manently organized to-day by the election of H. H. Hickman, of Augusta, President About 50 mills in Georgia, North and South Carolina, Alabama Tennessee and Louisi ana were represented. Augusta was selected as the central headquarters, and the officers will be located here, where statistics will be gathered for information of the members of the association. National Government aid will be invoked to extend the cotton goods trade id South America and Mexico. By invitation ofthe association, delegates from the Farmers' Alliance of Georgia and South Carolina were present to discuss the absorbing question of using cotton bagging for jute bagging. A committee appointed from the alliance and the associations to confer npon the cotton bagging subject re ported that cotton bagging would be manu factured yard for yard at the same or less cost than jute bagging. The farmers are delighted at the action of the association, and think they have scored a victory against the Jute Bagging Trust. Several manufact urers say they will make cotton bagging for I the farmers just as cheap if not cheaper than jute Daggwg. THE SAME PEICE ALL ABOUND. Saloon Keepers In All Cities in the State Most Pay S500 lor a License. r87XCIAIi TELEGRAM TO TBX DISPATCH. Philadelphia, May 1. The Supreme Court on Monday affirmed, in a per curiam opinion, the judgment ofthe Common Pleas Court of Luzerne county in the case of the Commonwealth ex rel Zirnhelt vs Smoulter. The decision in this case eslaolished that in Wilkesbarre and all other cities whose pop ulation makes them cities of the third class, unJer the classification made by the act of May 23 1874, the license fee for retail venders of liquor is $500. At the time the Brooks bill was passed, the act of 1876 was in force, dividing cities into five classes, and the act of 1887, dividing them into seven classes, was upon the eve of passage. Both of these acts have since been declared unconstitutional, so that the provision of the Brooks bill that the licensed venders in cities below the third class shall pay only a fee of $300 has become inoperative. This afternoon the same question arose in a Crawford county case, in which Joseph Hoenig was the licensee. The Chief Jus tice shortened the argument of Hoenig's counsel by calling attention to the delivery of the opinion in the Zirnhelt case deciding the same point - i . , , . GOUNOD ENGAGED. The Eminent Composer Signs a Contract for 75 Concerts. . 1SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! St. Louis, May 1. Benjamin F. Marx and Louis Nathan, of this city, have made a contract with Gounod, the composer, for a tour of this conutry nextseason. The con tract calls for 75 concerts, and Gounod is guaranteed $250 a performance. Mr. Marx is a wealthy young Hebrew, and Mr. Nathan is a dramatist and his wife a prom inent vocalist; ANnmber of Embryo Congressmen. Empoeia, Kan., May 1. The Fourth Congressional District Convention (Bepub lican), to nominate a successor to the Hon. Thomas Ryan, met here to-day and effected a preliminary organization! There are ten candidates, and the. convention will preba- bly be In session several days, ES aped The a:! aayeruseln Dispatch. It : reaches r home and ? rf.' read by everybody: It u are in business let the He know It through The Kf P v .Cy- '7. BEE CESTS -A A-iiSfj, smrafc Bold Ben Butler Says Farragnt w the Hero of Hetf Orleans. , " -.V ALL- WEBB BBAYE MBIT THESE," With the Sole Exception- of One High Officer Who Ban Away. y HE 0NLI HELD- THE CAPTUBED CMI And Gorerned it In Such Way" and Manner as HI. , tory Eai Settled, Another idol shattered. Ben Butler says he is not the hero of New Orleans. Here moves the laurel wreath from his own brow and places it on the tomb of the brave Far ragnt. He also pays his respects to ono high officer who showed the white feather, but docs not mention-names. A graphic description of the sea fight is also given by the eloquent old war horse.. israelii. TEXXGBAU TO THZ DI3PATCH.I BosiON.May 1. For27 years Benjamin?. Butler has heard his praises sounded as the Hero of New Orleans, and to-night, on the wnl be reaped by Hfwho anniversary oi nis landing ou tneievee in o. the Crescent Cityr he disclaimed any credit - V for his deeds, and gave all the praise to !l Admiral'Farragut. - Surrounded by his bosom friends, the members of the Butler Club, who had gath ered to honor the doughty warrior, the . ' General told in graphic language1" ' tho story of the memorable struggle11,, for the possession of the Missis-; sissippi, and modestly laid down the laurel ' wreath which a grateful Bepublie had - laid npon his brow. The old man" has lost much of the vigor which has until recent J5. years made him conspicuous among tlfe ? great men of the country, but his keen in- ' , tellect seems to retain that wonderful power '" f to-grasp all the salient points in any sub- - ject he considers, and his tongue .gives ut- terance to the thought with the. same'forci- , ble, commanding, brilliant speech that has' ,f" . placed him in the front rank of orators. j, ''' - THE swoed and the pen. The gathering to-night was made notable hv tlia Yirpana nf fTanaml "Rntlpr anil of Mr. Charle3 A. Dana. The doughty warrior 3 and the donffhtv editor were riven arousinsr J&lr, reception, and their words were eagerly awaited. Congressmen Morse, Greenhalge and O'Neil and James Parton, General Butler's historian, were among those .pres ent. Colonel Noah A. Plympton was the presiding officer. General Butler was the r first speaker, and when he had finishedliia panegyric of Admiral Farragnt he' wait cheered to the echo. Among other things , he said: I have taken some minutes of your time to renew your remembrance of this glorious vic tory of Farragnt and his brave officers and sail ors heroes an save one, a nign omcer wno ran away, so the exception proves tho rule so that, by the testimony of an eye witness then within some COO yards of the fort when the Hartford passed it, and who saw the facts as I have described tbem, it may be fixed who was the sole hero or the capture of New Or leans, and should be so recognized for all thns and by all men. For myself I (Jaim only thae I held, preserved and governed that city in such waytrmiioMiner as history cai settled, .- I cannot discuss here and now. BatlY- . leave to say that after a quarter of a century's. reflection since., and the knowledge which y j ought to come Irom acquaintance irita i public affairs, if it were to happen again, I could do it twice as well as I did then, because with what I now - . know of sedition and treason. I should maKo ' the little finger of Rheoboam heavier than the . - J whole hand of Solomon. I have left myself - ' hardly time for greeting. Friends all. I wet- SI come you with every sensiDillty ot myneart . I feel that we have a common bond which,, J whatever maybe our differences in other re- tv spects, win draw us together. Because true iovoi! or country is stronger tnan party ties. A WOEKT OF AET. General Butler's description of the seal fight was a work of art. He said: At 3 o'clock In the morning the order was ' given to ascend the river at eight mUesanTi hour, giving but aDout lour overland, a snail's pace when exposed to cross fire. As soon as ho was discovered the forts opened upon him with, all the enemy's mm?, afloat or ashore. Firo . raft upon fire raft was sent down upon tho' neet. one Doing pusaeu oy ms reoex lronciau rram Manassas upon the bow of the- Hartford, setting nre to all her lor-. ward sails and rigging. The whole scepa was lighted up as If for an lllumlna- ted parade. His ship on tire, the whole artil-. , lery of the fort pouring shot and shell upon his disabled vessel, see the dauntless sailor on his quarter deck issuing an order beard above all the din: "Cease tiring! call away the firs ' brigade and put out that Are! Call away that cutter, clap on that Are raft and send her down the riverf' Farragnt meantime standing quiet ly supervising his orders exposed to the whole fire of both forts. The fire pnt out, his order was given: "Guns on the port side; Are on tho embrasure and, casements! drive the enemy from their gunsf' and THE GALLANT OLD HAETFOBD, with smoking, half burnt sails, steams onward past the fort with a dash for victory, and New Orleans is ours. If anyone failed to see in this the most gallant and most glorious achieve- nients ot naval warfare it must be because of " the impotency of my description. As the fleet was passing the forts it was attacked by the armed vessels of the enemy, led by the Confed erate ironclad ram Manassas. Sbe was prompt ly sunk, and the rest of the fleet Tere either driven ashore, sunk, or fled up the river. Before this attack it had been arranged be tween the commander of the co-operating forces that if the fleet failed to pass the forts a force should be landed from the Gulf side of Fort St. Phillip if landing it could be called where all the sod was covered with water, and an assault made on the fort from the land side, and thus the city taken. As soon as the fort was passed Farragnt sent Captain Boggs around the forts on the Gulf side to meet the land forces, and they were conducted up to the quarantine station, where, holding the hanl- of the river, thev cnt off the boats from New Orleans and the third day" they surrend-,,! erea. THE GUEST OF FRANCE. m Perry Belmont Gets Leave of-Absenee to Attend the Paris Exposition. Washington, May 1. The State De partment has granted to Mr. Perry Bel- ' mont, United States Minister to Spain,; leave oi absence for the purpose of attenoV ing the opening ceremonies of the Paris t Exposition, to which he has been officially invited by the French Government. Mr. Belmont was Chairman of the House y Committee on Foreign Affairs which re-. ported the bill accepting tne invitation to the accompanying report he referrec 9 pointedly to the political sigmncanco ofthe occasion. In his cable message asc- ing leave of absence for the purpose Indi cated, Mr. Belmont states his intention to t-Ptnm tn Madrid after the ceremonies tol nwiBiT. and aTinw nroner courtesies to St ator Palmer, his successor. ,.? i A GE00M OF LONG STANDING.? For tho Eighth Time He tends a BlasMsg Bride WltU the Silken Cord. v-" ISriCIAL TIL2GBAM TO TBX DIS PATCH. 1. Ft. Waxnb, Ind., May L A wedding. of more than ordinary interest was per formed here to-day by 'Squire France. The"' groom, Aurelia Payne, is past 80, while the' bride. Miss Alice Coleman, is scarce! v 19 -1 years of age. Mr. Payne has an enviable'-? t .rfai w a iaH Airint Timae n a kwIa) m!v wives, was divorced from the sev6nth,fand now tne eighth, a Dioomlngmaidj 1 peacefully in his aipwiwicti i ,-fe. M iS&iSRttiwaaaki ox- . .1 ii-SrfiSR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers