KKMsswKKKsSsWsKKaWKsWBKKSsWKtKs tfff -MK -Pg .- .. '. -;F"y . , v T- TTF , - ' - -"' . ,-. . ... v t ,- - , j - ;, --. . -- .v K. v? .... ' THE PITTSBURG DESPATCH,' . "WEDNESDAY; MAX 1,. 1889.. '. . .-;; to 3' a." ' : " DMK D HIS DEATH. JwbWiiaeranth, a Former Well- . iKnown Coal Merchant, Dies, mam HIMSELF HIGH OK A TREE HMT the Bad Surprise, Half Expected and v,v Lowr Breaded. Came. ajfs "ifk. TTITH HIS AGGRIEVED WIDOW f4 The strongest kind of temperance sermon to given the people living on Nunnery Hill Allegheny, yesterday a former -well-to-dOitusiness men of the Northside, who hid almost reached his three score and ten, after' losing all his property and business, septrated from his wife in Ms old age on account of drink, and then ended his exist ence by hanging himself to the topmost branch of an oak tree, within the shadows of nassive granite shafts and monuments in a cemetery. It is Seldom that a picture iss5 vividly portrayed by example. Alout 930 o'clock yesterday morning some boys, while passing through Black lane,' near the Catholic cemetery, saw an object "hanging from one of the limbs of a tree in the old Marshall woods. They were going to plar baseball, and one them threw a stont at the object, thinking it was a dummy scarecrow. Upon drawing nearer they discovered it to be a man's body, al though it was so high they could not touch it with a bat. They immediately ran wit of thswbjdsand gave the alarm. "Word was ielenhMied to the Mayor's office, Allegheny, d'pttrol wagon 2fo. 2 was sent up to the place1, ' TTATm TO GET HOI DOWN. Officers Donaldson, Kerr and Temme found, the body hanging to a tree that had been blcwn upon and lorked with another tree. It was so high that the officers could notreach it, and they had to climb the tree to get the body down. In doing so, Officer Temme made a misstep and fell to the ground, a distance of 10 feet. He was unin jured, however. After considerable trouble the body was cut dowiC It was found that the man hadvidently crawled out upon the limb, and after fixing the rope about his throa't, jumped off, breaking his neck. There were two ropes used. One of them was about three-quarters of an inch thick, while the other was an ordinary bell cord. Each was about two yards long. The large rope was tight, while the other was slack, but fixed in such a manner that in case the first named broke the other would catch him and do the work. To prevent the noose ot the large rope slipping, he had unwound two of the strands and passed the noose through them. The knot was so fixed that it caught him tinder the cheek bone, and made a large hole in the neck. Upon being cut down, the body was taken to Herman & Ebbert's undertaking rooms on Ohio street, where it remained unidenti fied until after 2 o'clock, when a young man came in and said it was old Jacob "Wildermuth, a former well-known coal merchant of the Eighth ward. About 15 years ago he had a prosperous business, and was considered well fixed in life. He began to drink, however, and in a few years he had lost most of his property. He braced up for-awhile, but afterward began to drink harder than ever. DOWIT BT SURE DEGEEES. -TTcTras forced to- close out his business, 1 and the little money he received was also soon spent. He then began teaming, with Ms own horse and wagon, and gradually went down until he became a common laborint? hand. For a Ion? time he worked .for John Huckenstein, the contractor, and I rfi for H. Simen, at the corner of Aider- 1 son and .Robinson streets. On account ot his habits his wife left him some time ago, and refused to allow him to come home until he reformed. She lives with' her son, John Ik Morris, the plumber, on Cemetery avenue, near the scene of the tragedy. She had not been made aware of the suicide of her husband until a Dis patch reporter informed her of the fact. She was greatly overcome by the news, but said she had expected it To the reporter she said: "I have not seen my husband since the latter part of last -week. I had told him a number of times before this that he need not come home until he promised to quit drinking." He has been bumming around for a long time, sleeping out doors at nights; but on account ot his drunkenness I would have nothing to do with him. We were well off once; but he drank away everything he had. He was also an influ ential member of a number of societies, among them the Bed Men; but he dropped out of them. S002TEB IHAK EXPECTED. "I rather expected he would commit sui cide, as he had told me so; but did not ' think it would come so soon. Last winter we tound some poison on his person, and asked him what he intended doing with it. He would not give a straight answer, and said he was going to poison rats. I had already rented a house, and was going to take him back upon trial." (Wildermuth was last seen at Elliott's greenhouse, where he applied for work Sat urday morning. Upon turning away, it is supposed he immediately procured the rope, and,, going into the woods, hung himself. The body looked as if it had been up sev eral days. He had all his clothes, includ ing his overcoat, on when he committed the deed, and wore a red handkerchief around his neck. The body was first discovered by Ad Culp, of No. 39 East Jefferson street. .Wildermuth left a son, Jacob F., living at No. 41 Killbuck street, who did not hear of the tragic death until notified by his mother. They will take charge of the re mains. lDeess Laces Tne best line of chantilly find guipure flouncings yet shown, also some specially desirable new designs in drapery nets, opened this week. arwrsu hugus & hacke. i st Make no Mistake In buying your furniture, go to the manu facturer, and save money. There is only one In the twin cities and. their goods and prices defy competition. Therefore go to rM. Seibert & Co., cor. Lacock and Hope streets, near railroad bridge, Allegheny. The Brooks High License Law Does not prevent us from selling yon a gen- tiine'lgin watch for $6. Nor does it inter fere witn onr special low prices for diamonds and-silverware, at Hanch's jewelry store, 2To. 295 Fifth are. Established 1853. WTSU tTos carriage repairs and painting we lave the cleanest and best factory in TVest- ( . ern'Pennsylvania, as our place is free from ' sulphur and smoke, which are very in- ' jurfoui to varnish while drying. - Thos. 8. O'Neil & Co., 5821-5825 Penn ave., E. E. Besi 51 60 per doz. cabinet photos in the city.i 'Prompt delivery. Lies' popular gal , lerjvlO and 12 Sixth st. mwfs , ft; .Sprine Overcoats. Kne stock ready-made overcoats at Pit giira's.&i'Wood street. WBn ,- rXotiivUl find at.Gr.v7. Schmidt's the aldest and thefihest Pennsylvania Pnre Eye ' "Whiskies and Kentucky Sour and fiweet -MashTVMskies. S5 and 97 Fifth Ae. '. Dr. 8. G. Moore, Specialist, , Xn treatment of nervous and chronic dis l&MJrM Arci ft, . JtUhy, , ' KLEIN'S SILVER AGE. A Card. It is a fact that more unblushing frauds ars daily perpetrated on the central public in the name of whiskies than any other mer chandise in the market. The confidence bestowed on me by the public I keenly ap preciate, and as always, heretofore, will in the future not betray that trust It is not an easy matter to have reputable physicians and managers of hospitals indorse anyone particular brand of 'whisky, yet thev have done so since the merits of Klein's ''Silver Age" became known to them, for the sick room it has no competitor. It stands alone for its delicate and delightful flavor. It is pnre and old, free from all impurities. My stock of 'other well-known Pennsylvania rye whiskies of all ages is complete. My S rices are as reasonable as any in the State, y wines of all foreign and domestic kinds are well and carefully selected. No house can show you better brandies, gins, or in fact any other imported liquors than I can. The price -for "Silver Age" continues to be $1 50 per full quart. Old Gibson, Finch or Guckenheimer at $1 "per quart, or 6 quarts for $5. A fine sherry or sweet Cali fornia wine at 50c per quart' and upward. Send for a complete price list and catalogue, or call at 32 Federal street, Allegheny, where a glance at onr establishment will convince yon of the truth of my statement, Eespectfully, jiwt Max Klein. TAYLOR & DEAN, 303 and 205 Market St. Call on them for wire window and door screens, which are a preventative against flies and dust, also for iron fencing of every de scription. EOD Saddle and Driving Hones. I have for sale at the stable nof James Kerr, 525 Penn avenue, a lot of extra good Kentucky saddle and harness horses; also, a large lot of mules which must be closed out this week. Call and see them before buying. C. D. Mitchell. Lajvn Swings, S00 Lbs. New portable, self-acting; will hold 2, 4 or 6 children at one time, and is guaranteed to sustain 800 lbs., at Lauer's Toy .House, 620 Liberty st. Special Notice Elegant combination dress patterns, em broidered and lace trimmed, our own exclu sive styles, reduced from $10, $45 and $50 to uniform price, $30 each to close. mwtsu Hugus & Hacks. The family trade supplied with choice old wines and liquors at G. "W. Schmidt's, -95 and 97 Fifth Ave., City. Ton Take Elevator. Walter Histed's new studio now open, 35 Fifth ave. Pay a little more for your photos and get a good picture. Histedj the only first-class photographer in the city. W. HisiED, 35 Fifth ave. E. Histed, 41 Fifth ave. Fob travelers it is a necessity the genu ine Brown's Ginger, Fred. Brown, Phila delphia, 1822. Get it at your druggists. Neglect your hair and you lose it Par ker's Hair Balsam renews growth and color. Parker's Ginger Tonic strengthens the weak. MEETINGS. VTOTICB TO STOCKHOLDERS OF J. Smoky City Building and Loan Associa tion At the annual meeting held May 4 an amendment to by-laws increasing weekly dues will be voted upon. ap26-SS-Trs S. F. PATTERSON. President. XOT1CE5. pOMMERCIAL MEN TAKE NOTICE A mimed gentleman who can furnish un surpassed references and bond is open for an engagement at a moderate salary. Is highly versed in accounting, commercial law and mathematics; also a fluent speaker, experi enced stenographer, and fine, rapid penman. Correspondence solicited. H.B.REED, myl-43 Care Box 633. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Margaretba Schusler, deceased, late of Pitts burg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. HENRY SCHUSLER, JOHN SCHUSLER. ap246-w ESTATE OF 'GERHARD 8TRATMAN, deceased. Executors' notice. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Gerhard Stratman, late of the Fourth ward. City of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to JAS. STRATMAN, JOHN STRATMAN, Executors, mylT-w 446 Liberty ave Pittsburg. Pa. RESORTS. THE OCEAN HOUSE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Now open under old management. f e22-31-MWF J. A. REXD. THE CH ALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVEDT'O THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. apl&Sl-D E. ROBERTS fc SON& SiEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS. I BEDFORD. PENNA. ading mountain resort. Water unequaled. Hotel newly furnished. Opens June 8. Write for circular. L. B, DOTY, Manager. ap7-87-D PROPOSALS. Office of ! Controller of Allegheny Coukty, PITTSBURG, PA., April 29, 1SS9. Proposals for MaMng Registry Lists. HEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- n CEIVED at this office until 3 o'clock p. m., May 2, 1SS9, for making correct copies ot the Registry Lists of the several election districts ol Allegheny county. Proposals will be by the 100 lines. Amount of lines 110,000 more or less. Proposals will be addressed to .the County Commissioners marked "Proposals forRegistry Lists" and must be accompanied with a bond in the sum of S20CL For further information inquire at the office of the County Commissioners. The Commissioners reserve the rieht to re ject any or aU bids. J0SIAH BPEER, ap30-96 County Controller. HOTEL KEEPERS' TAKE NOTICE. Flrstdass opening in new hotel In city of 6,1)00; only one other hotel in the city. Address ap30-59-Tuwsu hotet; Dispatch Office. WILL ARRIVE .MAY 2 AT THE EXPO SITION Driving Park, 20 head of extra fine Kentucky horses, among them some extra fine roadsters and saddlers of especially fine quality, with all the various Kentucky saddle raits and harness combined. The owner, J. C. Twyman, a responsible horseman gl Lexing ton, Ky., refers to Jas. A. McNally and Porter & Donaldson, of this city, and invites those in need of anything in his line to inspect stock. myl-35 TO BRICKMAKERS. A fine deposit of brick clay for sale, situated near Undercliff station, on Pittsburg and West ern R. R. Apply to JAMES W. CAMPBELL, ap26-71-WS 231 Fortieth st., Pittsburg. )IANOS,- ORGAN& a HAMILTON, 81 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap80-7tl) 1 -K UNKENHE1MER. ARCHITECT, OS Smlthfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelta FreundBaHdla&seeoBd floor. mhat-SO-Mwr B3DUrplay advertisements one dollar per tquare for one insertion., Classified advertise menU on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inter-- tion, and none taken Jor lets than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. Fori the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have' been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The Dis patch. rrrrsBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3569 Butler street EMU O. oTUCKET, 2Mb. street and Penn ave. E. G. 6TUCKEY & CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton st. N. STUKXLY. Fifth Avenue Market Home. EAST END. J. W.WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER 4SHEIBLEK,5thav. dtAlwoodst EOUTBSIDX. JACOB SPOHN. mo. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. H.M. McBBIDE, Federal and Ohio street. FRED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS&SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. 7. BTEVEKSON, Arch and Jackson street! THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bearer ares. PERKY M. GLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny ve. WANTED. Stole Helo. WANTED-A GOOD BARBER IMMEDIATE LY, 38 GRANT AVE., Mlllvale, Bennett, ra. myi-:4 WANTED-10 EXPERIENCED PAPER BOX makers at J. WRIGLEY'S, 208 Robinson st, Allegheny. iayl-31 WANTED - TINNER ALSO BOY WITH some experience. Apply, E. B. TVEUB, 718 Firth avenue. myl-47 WANTED-F1RST-CLASS BARBER AT 177 Federal st., Allegheny; single man pre ferred. W. K. JONES. myl-48 WANTED -2 FIRST-CLASS COAT-MAKERS. Apply immediately to W. J. HUSTON 4 CO.. EastLiverpoolO. ap30-77 WANTED-5 FIEST-CLASS HOUSE painters. Apply to WM. F. DERBAUM, 8C5 Carson St., S. S., city. myl-41 "TXTAN TED-COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER V V Jind typewriter: none but experienced man need apply. A. D., Dispatch office. myl-30 WANTED-FOR THE 8EASON-A CARPEN TER accustomed to making and hanelng wire screens. Apply at 374 EDWIN ST., E. E.' ap30-37 WANTED-AGENT8 IN EVERY TOWN TO sell "Boss Bitters;" can make f 18 to (24 per week. PITTSBURG BITTERS CO., 84 Fifth aye. p28-U9 WANTED-S GOOD MEN TO SELL GOODS fromwasron: salary to right men. Apply toT. J. RODGERS, 633 Smlthfield sL, second floor. myl-42 T7ANTED-B1LL CLERK-MUST BE COE VV RECT and quick; familiar with hardware or water, gas and steam goods. H. X. Si., Dis patch office. myl-22 -TTJANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN TO VV sell Dr. O'Keefe's pills; steady work; can make 12 to 118 per week. DR. O'KEEFE & CO., 34 Fifth ave. ap28-119 T7-ANTED-BY A PHILADELPHIA CLOTH-" VV ING house, an experienced salesman for Pa. and Ohio. Address L. 8. ELIEL, 1613 N. 15th St., Philadelphia. mal-27 TXrANTED - ELOCUTION TEACHER - A V V young man wishes private lessons in elocu tion; to a competent teacher liberal compensation. Address DAVID, Dispatch office. myl-25 TTTJANTED-HEATER.BOUGHER, CATCHER, VV 'pair-heater, doubler and matcher for small double sheet mill. Apply, SCOTTDALE IRON & STEEL CO., L1M., Scottdale, Pa. mal-23 -nfJANTED-MAN WITH SOME BUSINESS VV ability, and acquainted in two cities, to collect, deliver, etc: $13 weekly. NEW YORK M'F'G. CO., 62 Fourth ave., upstairs. myl-32 -TTTA.NTED-S'VVEDES TO CANVASS FOR THE VV new Swedish Bible; Indorsed and approved of by all the Swedish clergy. Apply at once for terms and outflts to r. J. i'ljEAlLNtti CO, Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. ap27-49 YTTAN TED-IMMEDIATELY. ONE PRACT1- VV CALspikemaker; three feeders on Carey spike machine and three feeders for roll point; onlv exoerienced men need acolv. D1AM I1UBU STATE1RON CO., Wilmington, Del. myl-26 -TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY A GOOD VV marble cutter and a fint-class marble polisher. Address, stating lowest rges will work for, no time for correspondence, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie. Pa. aplS-56 VTJANTED-A FrEST-CLASS BOOT AND VV shoe salesman to take Charlie Hall's route in Pa.;only thosewho have an extenslveacqualnt ance and can command a large trade in that sec tion need apply. EDMUNDS & MAYO, Boston. ap2S-14S WANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND granite salesmen: must have experience in this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience. DUNNING MARBLE AND GBANITECO., Erie, Pa. mhM-78 -TTJANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY: S75 PER VV month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance: full particulars and sample case free, we mean just what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. fel8-3-D THXANTED-AGENT3 F0B OUR NEW PA W TENT fireproof safes; sizes 28XI8xl8;welght 500 lbs.: retail price $35; others In proportion; highest award (silver medal) Centennial Exposi tion 1883; rare chance; permanent business: our prices lowest: we are not in the safe pool; exclu sive territory given. At,rii.t HAi is uo., Clncln natl. O. apS-72-WS Female Help. WANTED-A GERMAN GIRL FOR GENER AL housework. Inquire S3 WATSON ST. myl-39 TTTANTED-PROTESTANT GIRL FOR GEN VV ERAL housework in family of three at Khurtrslde. Annlv tn Nil. ftttfi to NO. S426 WALNUT STREET, comer of C Copeland, on Thursday. myl-45 Male and Female Hero. WANTED-A BUTLER, 6 FARM HANDS, 2 men for hotel, woman cook, 17 per week: 200 house clrls, 40 for hotels: 60 cooks and cham bermaids for small families, S3 60 to fl per week: nurse Kiris, 2 colored. IIEEHAU'S AGENCY, 545 Grant St. ap29-D Situations. -rrrANTED-POSITION AS FOREMAN OP VV pattern shop: good recommendations. Ad dress PATTERN MAKER, Dispatch office. ap30-45 WANTED A POSITION AS FOREMAN mason by one who understands his business thoroughly. Address MASON, Dispatch office. ap30-49 WANTKD-SITUATION-BY BOOKKEEPER who Id well up in the duties of cost clerk, and has been used to general office work: wages moderate; can be well recommended. Address A. B., Dispatch office. ap2S-GS WANTED-SITUATION Bl A RELIABLE, steady-working yoone man: wishes a posi tion as a warehouseman or to drive a delivery wagon: knows both cities thoroughly; best of ref erence. Address B. C, Dispatch office. myl-4t) Partners. WANTED -AN ENERGETIC PARTNER with about fLODO capital to engage In a well established publication; large field; to a practical man a rare opportunity. Address LIT ERARY, Dispatch office. myl-23 -TTJANTED-A PARTNER FOR AN ESTAB- VV L1SHED city newspaper; one who has bad experience In writing Pittsburg matters, or so- llcltlnir advertising preferred u. ror an interview V. E. M., Dispatch address, with real name, office. myl-10 .TTTANTED-A FARTNK-S5,C00 WILL BUY A IT hair interest m one oi tne largest ana om established and paying businesses of Its kind In Western Pennsylvania, lo'cated In heart of busi ness center In Pittsburg: trade the most reflnrd and elegant: business strictly cash; the price Is nothing compared to business done and profits re ceived therefrom: only those who are wMllng to become helpmates and mean strictly basinets need apply for particulars to CASH BUS., Dispatch office. myl-W , Financial. TUTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PEOMFT YV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BA1LEX, 181 Jiounn avenue, iei. jot. Ial9-81 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON P1TTSBUEG, Allegheny or suburban lmproed real estate. In sums or 8500 to 820,000 at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 Wood St. ap27-7-MW8 WANTED-TO BORROW 10.000 ON PATENT valued at (100,000: now in successful use; lustpateuted: 8 per cent fo right party. Address VAliuABLELNVENTION, Dispatch office. apXP63 WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,009. IN AMOUNTS of f3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at sands per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2G-D w ANTED-TO LOAN $200,000 ON MORT GAGES: fiuu ana npwara at s per cent: 5500,000 at Hi per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. TRENCH, 123 Fourth avenue. OC3I-eS4-D WANTED-HOUSES TO KENT, BENTS TO collect, mortgages on city and suburban property at 4X. Sand 6per cent: property selected and bought or sold on lowest commlsilon: call for new" property list for April. J. DKKMITT, 407 Grant st. aDl4-61-D -TrrANTED-MOHTGAGES-i;1.0e0,000TOLOAN V V. on city and suburban properties at 4)4, Sand 6 per cent, and en. larms in Allegheny andaoja cent counties at S per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania 1. MiPENJSOCK A SON, 103 Foarth avenue. ,. p7-fU WANTEB.. TlBnncial. TUTANTED -MORTGAGES - LARGE OR .W small. W. wlTTISH,, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. " api-HM) YTT-ANTED-TO LOAN,- MONEY AT X AND W 5 percent. GEO. JOHNSTON, Aitent ,62 Fourth ave. myl-40)' WANTED-TO LOAN KOOWO ON BOND AND mortgage. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, (2 Fonrthare. myl-40 WANTED-MOBTGAGES ON PROPERTY IK either cltv: lowest rates of Interest. SPEN CER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mh23-7 ANTED-MOBTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4)i, 5 ana o per eeui. BING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-P gra: AEBING -TTT-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN W in Bums to suit at 4& 5 and 6 percent. ALLE8 & BAILEY, 164,Fonrtn ave. Tel. 167. ap!9-14 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over W.CCO; 4 uer cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.,- KFourth avenue. mh2-a22-D Miscellaneous. -TT7-ANTED-SEE AD. AUCTION SAL OF VV East End lots. W. A. HEKRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ap30-33-myl.3;6,U WANTEU-BMALL SECOND-HAND lathe, foot or power, less, man 88 between enters. Address BOX 3, Renfrew, Butler CO., Pa. i -ate price. P-84 WANTED-MOTHERS TO BRING THEIR Children to AUFRECHT'S ELITE GAL LERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg; cabinets only II per doz. ; proof shown; elevator. myl-ai WANTED-LEARN THE ART OF GENTLE MEN'S garment cutting; n trying on re quired; nleht sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, fto 9 P.M., 614 Wood et. URL1NO & SON. apS-68 TTT-ANTED-UUSTOMERS FOR CASH BAR- VV GAINS Elgin, sllverine.watcnes. o,, w Eleln-irold ladies' watches. S20. K3, tax nickel clocks 75 cts.: 1817 Rogers' knives and forSs,fl76 jer sot. JOHN MITSCH, Jeweler. 130 Federal St. apl3-jnvrsn WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H.Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and sliver, that ho can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TEKHEYDEN, si) Smlthfield St. nou-srwrsu FOE SALE-IMPBOVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-CORNER WYL1E AVENUE AND Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of Brooms and finished attic: lot 20180 feet; low price and easy terms. In nuire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. defi-193-ws FOR SALE-FOURTH AVE. AND ROSS8T. magulflcent brick dwelling 10 rooms, vesti bule, halls, bath. w. c, slate mantels, both gases, cemented cellar, largo range: all modern conveniences: bargain. ALLES.& BAILEY. 1S4 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. ap27-45 East End Residences. FORSALE-THENEW HOUSES AT COLTART Square. Oakland, are for sale by W. A. HEB RON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Superin tendent on the premises. apa-8S-W8 FOR SALE-S1.600 WILL BUY A NICE SIX ROOM residence on paved St., near Cable line and P. R. R.; rents for $1450 per month; come quick and examine. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station Bt.. E. E. myl-17-wp FOR SALE-So,600-MELLON STREET, COR NER property: substantial modern style frame dwelling; 10 rooms, hall, bath, all modern conveniences: lot 50x120; convenient to cable lines or Liberty station, P. fi. E, : a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap30-41 FOB SALE-8HADYSIDE HOME-CONVENIENT to Roup Station and cable cars, con taining 9 elegantlypapered rooms, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen and hall on first floor; bath, laundry, natural gas: all latest Improved conve niences; large lot: this beautiful place is in one orthe most desirable locations in East End, and will be sold cheap. Call soon and see this bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ap30-51 Hozeiwood Residences. IpOR SALE-SYLVAN AVE., NEAR CORNER ; of Hazelwood ave., Hazelwood, fine 2-story frame dwelling of 9 rooms and finished attic large reception hall, slate mantels. Inside shutters, nat. and art. gas, bath, w. 0., laundry, slate roof; house all in good condition throughout and in perfect order; complete sewer connections; fine view; location best In the suburb; first-class resi dences immediately surrounding; lot 60x120. with beautlfal shade trees thereon. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap30-42-myl,2, 4,7,9, 11 Suburban Residences. F OR SALE AT IN GRAM-HOUSE OF SIX rooms; lot 100x160 ft. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. myf-40 FOR SALE-AT IN GRAM-FRAME HOUSE OF six rooms: natural gas; lot 50x150 ft, : easy payments. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. myl-40 FOR SALE BELLEFIELD RESIDENCE, near Fifth ave. cable cars, beautiful 2-story and attic dwelling of 9 rooms, elegantly papered and painted, recentlon haU, hardwood mantels and cabinets, bath, w. c, natural gas, an other conveniences; fine lot; call at office and see photo. BLACK & BAIRD, 35 Fourth ave. ap30-5O FOR SALE TWO ACRES OF LAND, WITH fine house, 7 largo rooms, fruit and shade trees, grapery, etc., sprlnghouse, water in kitchen; stable, chicken house,. etc. : a beautiful place, sit uate at Howard station. P. V. C. R. K., near Homestead: a great bargain if sold soon; by O.R. TOUDY, Real Estate, Insurance and Steamship Agent. 1721 Carson St.. Southslde. ' Would proba bly take other property In exchange. ap28-130 FOR SALE COUNTRY HOM E AT FATRO AKS. P., Ft, W. & C.R. R., embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which is dwelling of 11 rooms, ice house, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings:' land is covered with bearing fruittrees and large shaoe trees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and illuminated with ras at reasonable expense; premises are connected with R. R. by board walk, and aro unsurpassed in beanty and healthfulness of location; will be sold quite low. J. M. STONER, 22 Bakewell Building apl9-36-MWF FOR SALE-LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE-EAST .END LOTS AT AUCTION, May 11; see ad. In other column. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80JFourthave. ap30-38-myl,3,6,ll T710R SALE-LARGE LOT 89 FT. FRONT. JC Hastings et,, near Ton-ens station; best lo catlontpi St., E. E. cation; price fttU. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station ap26-67-MW FOR SALE-50 BUILDING LOTS-AUCTION saleon Iteattyand.Enclld street?; see ad. In other column. W. A. HEKRON & SONS, 80 Fourtn ave. apSO-38-myl, 3, 6, 11 FOR SALE - ON PAVED BTREET-ONE large lot, 60x120. Rlppeyst.. near all cable and railroad stations; sewers and street Improve ments paid: low price. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. ap26-S7-MW TTIOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA X? TION. P. K. it., convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from (406 to tGOO. Inquire ofl). O. NEGLEY, 6108 Penn ave., East End; no28-y78 FOR SALE-S150 PER ACttE-18 ACRES AD JOINING city Hue, near Lincoln ave., E.E., 30 minutes from E. Liberty station; suitable for gardening or dairy farm; good orchard, water, etc.; must be sold at once; a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap30-66-WF FOR SALE-2 FIRST-CLASS LOTS 60x119 each; Margaretta St.. K square from Neglcy ave nue, adjoining property all handsomely Im proved; nothing but good bouses can be. built In this neighborhood: price only o per foot front. MELLtfN BEOS., 6349 Station St., E. E. myl-17-wr FORSALE BAUM STREET, EAST END, EL EGANT lots 50x120 to 20-foot alley; every lot has sewer connection; flagstone sidewalk and stone curbs: location unsurpassed: scnools and churches convenient; within five minutes of cable lines or P. B. H.. and at prices as low as are asked for lots In unimproved localities. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agt., 512&mlthneld st, apK-80-MWr TTyH SALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NAT'L Wllkinsnnrg, all welUituated and very desirable; aisoat i".;ewooa; lor persons wisning urge lots for lu. money, they have quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the rtliole valley: they-wm be 601d free of taxes for 1889 on very easy terms. Apply at the BANK, fe27-fl--W6 Suburban Lou. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOODPARK.-WILKINS-BITBG-Lots, 40x120. J. B. COOPER & CO., 117 Fourth ave. . ap27-78 FOR SALE-AT INGRAM STATION, 59x160 ft. lots, 100x220 ft. lots, 'A acre lots, K acre lots, 1, 2, X, 4, 5. 6. 7, i 9 and 10 acre lots. GEO. J 0HN8T0N, agent,62 Fourth ave myl-40 FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK, W1LKINS BURG Lots, 40x120 and 40x240, on your own terms; these are tbe most desirable 'lots on the market. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ' ap27-78 FOB SALE-200 FINE BUILDING LOTS ON Lincoln avenue, borough of West Bellevue, only 5 minutes' walk from Avalon station, P., Ft. W. & C. R. R.i and 10 minutes' ride from city, on line of projected electric toad; price from f200 to $400 each; terms, (25 cash, halnnce in monthly payments, without interest. 81AKBING i LYON, im Fourth avenue. ,ap25-l2 FOB SALE-LOTS, LOTS. LOTS, LOTS Maplewood Park. Wllklnsburg. elegant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240; J150 to (400; 10 to $20 down, balance l, $2 and $3 per week; thene are the most desirable lots on the market; 56 trains each way dally: they are bound to double in value within the next 90 daysi J. K. COOPER ' CO., 107 Fourth ave., or on the grounds every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday from 3 to 6 p. M. ap27-78 Farms. -TOOR SALE-AT IN GBAM-EIGHT ACRES beautifully-located ground; fruit and shade trees In abundance: this is tne garden spot or tue Chartlers valley. GEO, Fourth ave. JOHNSTON, Agt, (3 T710R SALE-AT WALLS STATION. P. E.,tt.. JD 125 acres,, fine house, large barn, splendid or- cuaru, omDuiiuiuKB. leiiccu, mgniy uaproreu gas, coaianaumesione: springs; vut,wu; lor iei aaysoniy.- tuu. nniiaH, lwuraotiueei, xii burg.. ''New LUt,."-- '-,, 'ti ; P- W i ' I FOR SALE-LOTS. -: City Lota. . FOB BALE-LOTS ON. WYLIE, WEBSTER and Bedford aves. GEO. JOHNSTON, agent, 62 Fourth ave. myi-iu FOB SALE-LOTS-I HAVE A NUMBER OF lots on Carson st. and other streets; almost anylocality; Tery cheap; terms easy; by O.K. TOCDY, Real Estate, Insurance and Steamship Agent, 1721 Carson St., Southslde. ap28-130 F lOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, IN Dickson nlin. Thlrtv-thlrd st. 20 and 25 ft. hv IfWi nn n lOX rn aki Vai yi n 7fVt aonli nvt very easy payments: title guaranteed; special In ducements to those building at once. See plan and get full information from THOS..MCCAtTKEY, &09 Butler st. Office open evenings; telephone, 5514. ap30-69-W Allcghcnv Lots. FOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE Al) LINDEN avenues and Lombard street; Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUG HER, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-9S-D FOB SALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL INGS or manufactory, 128 feet front on 8trawberryiane,hy loofeet, near Preble ave;, Ninth ward, Allegheny; casytenns, WM. A. 61PE. S3 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. ' ap30-C0-JTWB nUscellaneona. FOR SALE-PROMISING INVESTMENTS AT Sea Girt and 8pring Lake, N. J., to party or parties with money: see this paper to-morrow or address SAM'L B. HUE, At., Philadelphia. ap3-73-MWF . FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents. Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic Cltv. N. J. ap5-9-p. FOR SALE-DU6INESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE SALOON AND HOTEL TUR NISHMENT.complete; rooms; good lease; terms cash ; can give possession Immediately. Ad dress 8. M. WILSON. St. Charles Hotel. Stenben Vllle, O. ap30-6 1? IOB SALE A FIRST-OLASS SALOON the N. C. B. K. depot; price 81,500; cause of selling Is to dissolve partnership. Address HOWARD & LUBY, 401 N. Caivsrt street, Baltimore, Md. myl-ls FOR SALE-CIGAR STOKE "WHOLESALE and retail: will be sold cheap: central loca tion; a first-class chance for the right party; room in building to manulacture; retall'business will over pay expenses; reasons for selling, proprie tor Is leaving the city. Address B., Dispatch of fice. ap27-13 IT'OH SALE SEVERAL FINE GROCERY JD stores In Allegheny and Pittsburg at low prices; drug stores, cigar stored, bakeries, con fectioneries, boarding houses, shoe stores, print ing office, coal works, gents' furnishing store, hotels; aU good business openings. SHEPABD & CO.. 54 Fifth ave. ap9 Business Stands. T710R SALE-OB TO LET-ST. JAMES HOTEL. J Warren, Ohio, opposite depot: all trains ou P., Y. A. R. K. stop lor dinner and supper; large barandpoolroom; ;io irnlshed in best manner: oob- sesslon at any time. Address ST. JAMES HOTEL. BS810Q a ap30-64 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec JM)B SALE-CHEAP-A GOOD WORK HOBSE: ! single or double, at 34 ALLEGHENY AVE CE, near Bebecca street, Allegheny City. myl-62 FOB SALE-VERY STYLISH CARRIAGE team, young and sound, bright bays, -well matched, excellent travelers, single or double: It you want a team that you can be proud of and are as good as they look, come and see them at Oak Lawn' Farm, New Brighton, Pa. J. B. DODD3. myl-14-TTF Machinery and Dletals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, from '4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. jfs. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. . Ja3-92-StWT FOR SALE-28X48 COKL1SS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen in operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete; capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 153 First ave. aul-p32-MWF FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 74xl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc.; two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky 8 ts. . Allegheny. jal7-MWT. TO LET. Cltv Residence. TO LET-VERY FINE HOUSE OF 10 BOOMS; all modern Improvements; 97 Center avenue. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. myl-40 TO LET-THAT FINE RICK DWELLING house of 10 rooms. No, 55 Colwellst.; rent free until June 1. Inquire of J. BOSS, St.. ,iames Motel, or on me premises, apKS TO LET-COTTAGE HOUSE ON MT. WASH INGTON, cor. Gray and Dllworth streets: has ten rooms, large lot: Is supplied with natural gas and city water; will be divided to suit two tenants. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO. 'S OFFICE, 10 and 12 Wood st, ap20-17 TO LEl'-A BRICK DWELLING OF SIX rooms and finished mansard, on line of traction road now building; house supplied with range, hot and cold bath. w. c, natural gas, etc. ; rent, 822 per month: water free. Inquire on premises, WYLIE AV., 1 square beyond Kirk Patrick st. myl-oG Allegheny Residences. TO LET THE ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE No. 17 Monterey street, near the parks, Al legheny: all modern improvements. GEO. JOHN STON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. myl-40 Suburban Residences. TO-LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-OB FOE SALE-A 10 ROOM DWELL ING house, one .'acre ground, shade and fruittrees, and all 'modern conveniences; the most healthful place in the county; six miles up WestFenn K. K. : 3 minutes' walk from station. For particulars inquire S. MUSGRAVE. No. 44 Fourth street. ap28-22-HWTSu Apartments. TO LET-ONE FLOOR OF CHOICE APART MENTS for light housekeeping with gas. water and use of bath. Apply to J.i en. Apply oi.v.jhv.khuv'o iIOBBOl snoestore, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. myl-21 .Offices. Desk Boom, fcc TO LET-CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OF FICES, large and small, on second and third floors! also nlcATodce rooms, onnoslte Clti r Hall. Inquire T. MELLON & SONS BANK, 512Bmlth- fleld st. apS-81 Business Stands. TO LET-STOREROOM AND CELLAR, 504 Smlthfield St. Inquire ON PREMISES. ap30-61 TO LET-BOOM 20X40, WITH POWER; ground floor: entrance on street. Apply to PITTSBURG BKAS3 CO., Isabella and Sandusky eta., Allegheny. ap28-30 TO LET-HOUSE .OF 11 ROOMS-NO. 955 Penn aveuue; good location for first-class boarding house, or furnished rooms. GEO. JOHMSTON, Agt., 62Fonrthave. myl-40 TO LET-STORE BOOJI, ON CORNER PENN and Third street; best business stand in city; some unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. In quire of S. MUSGBOVE, 44 Fourth street. ap28-21-jrwpsu TO LET-THE EMPIRE HOTEL. AT MASSH LUN, Ohio, for term of years; none but responsible parties need apply; inclose stamp for Bartlculars, Address M. 11. KING, JIasslllon, hlo. ap27-96-D TO LETFOUR LAEGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, 'with power (about 8,000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works, Grant avenue, Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of ME. FEED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-MVs Special. mo LET-OUB "TOLET" LIST, AS HEBETO- X FORE Issued from our offlcc, Is now pub lished every Wedncsday(wlthout expense to land lords) In The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. aDS-gS-MTwlT PERSONAL. P'ERSONAL-BOOKS WANTEU-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. ' fe20 ."PERSONAL-WHY tkqUBLE YOUR WIFE, X mother or daughters in reDalrlne and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trfie by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st.;uyiond floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring styles now rcadv.' Telephone 1558. mbS TIEBSONAL- MAY 1ST. 1839 -GREETING; JT Tothethous inds of men, women and children. who suner wltlr either headache, backache, dys pepsia, catarrtr, rheumatism, neuralgia, scrofula,. other weaknesses from whatever cause, Ta-va-zon Specific Eecfedies are unequaled. They positively cure when ill other means falU By their use dis eases disappear like dew before tbe midday sun; indorsed y the leading physicians of Europe and America are pure, safe and reliable for all dis eases tbit flesh Is heir to. See sworn home testi mony al DR. GRIFFITH CHEMICAL CO., SOI Grant st., cor. Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Cut this out. myl-53 diouu poisony oia sores, aiscuarges. etc., ana n OAfl C. WHITE, .Building Cortractor, 71 Diamond street, Second door above Smlthfield, Pittsburg. fel4-7-irmr EEESH BUTTEK RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO: K. STEVENSON CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, rJHXTK AVENUE., jftMtxwr 0PFICIAL-PITTS8URG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe report of viewers on tbe damages caused by the grading ot Natrona .alley, from Stanton avenue, to Fifty-second street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIQELOW. Chief of Department of Fublio Worts. PrrrSBrrEa, April 25, 1889. ap25-0 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iy reports of viewers on the openings ' of Fifty-first street, from Butler street to tbe Alle gheny rlvei, and Center avenne, from Aiken avenue to Hiland avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas -within ten (10) days from date. E.-M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Publio Works. Pittsburg, April 25, 1889. ap25-C0 Citt Treasurer b office, Municipal Hall, Smlthfield street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents of the cityof Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc., must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Mondayln March, 1888, will he placed In the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee ot 50 cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday In May, 186U will be snb- iect to a penalty doable the amount of the icense, to be recovered before tne proper legal authorities c said city. The old metal plate of last year mnst.be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Bates of license: Each one-norse vehicle, SO 00; each two-horse vehicle, 10 00; each four-horse vehicle, $12 00: each four horse hack, 315 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two,horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J.r.DENNISTON, fel4-70-D Citv Treasurer. PITTSBURG, PA.. April 22, 1889. - SEALED PKUPUSALS WILL BJS ttJV CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until Thursday, May 2, A.D. 18S9,at 2 p. Tf., for the following, viz.: SEW'EKS. Larkms alley, from "South Twenty-fourth street to a point about 150 feet eastwardly, 12 inch pipe. Carey alley, from end of present sewer near east line of South Twenty-ninth street, for a distance of 450 feet westwardly; 12 and 15-inch Meyran street, from crown between Louisa and Bates streets, to Louisa street: 15-inchjpipe. Butler street extension, River avenue, Ever ett street, private property of John Berlin, Pennsylvania Railroad, Julius Voetter, ct at Penn avenne and Denniston avenne, from Fifth avenne to Shakespeare street; 4 to 5 feet brick and stone. Denniston avenne, from Fifth avenue to Shakespeare street: 20 and 24-inch pipe. Fifth street, from Liberty avenue to the Al legheny river; 18 inch-pipe. Haights street andprivate properties of Mrs. S.J.Sargent, John H. McKelvy, Wm. Ward, Pennsylvania Insurance Company, A. V. R. R., M.F.Scalfe and others, from Stanton avenue to Allegheny river, 3 and S feet brick and stone. Center avenne. from Graham street to Col lege street; 15-inch pipe. Stanton avenue, Viola alley and private property of Henry Janson and Mellon Bros., xrom west side of Hiland avenne to Negley run; 18, 20 and 21-inch pipe. Herrdn avenue, from east side of Anderson Street to Center avenne; 20 and 21-Inch pipe. Summerlea street, Holden street, Howe and O'Hara streets, from Ellsworth avenue to Shady avenne; 3 feet brick and stone 20 and 24-inch pipe. Bayard and Neville streets, from Craig street to an ontlet at or near tunnel of the Junction Railroad, north of Center avenne; 20 and 21 Inch pipe. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Proposals must be accompanied by a bond,, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E.M. B1GELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. ap22-27 SEALED PROPOSALS W1XL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until the 8th day of May, A. D.r 1889, at 2 F. If., for laying water pipe on the following streets: 10,600 feet 4-lncb, Negley avenue, from Penn avenne to Bryant street, 120 feet 4-lncb, Rose street, from ' Crove street to Concord alley. 820 feet 4-inch, Concord alley, from Ueed street to Rose street. 250 feet 4-incb, Morris street, from Carolina 1,700 feet 6-inch. Grazier street; from Home wood avenue to city line. 750 feet 6-inch, Grazier street, from Mnrtland avenue to Dallas avenue. 600 feet 6-lncb, Bog.net street, from Fifth ave nue north. 280 feet 6-Inch, Holmes street) from end of pipe to Fifty-second street. 600 feet 6-rnch, Holmes street, from Fifty second street to McCandless avenue. 600 feet 6-inch, Holmes street, from Fifty third street to Fifty-fourth street. 500 feet 6-inch. Farragut street, from Stanton avenne north. 930 feet 6-incb, Euclid avenue, from Center avenue to Mignonette street. 1,200 feet 6-inch, Amber street, from Baum street to Penn avenue. L100 feet 6-inch, Webster avenne, from Thirty-third street to Clarissa street. 265 feet 6-inch, Ivy street, from Walnut street to Howe street. 2,100 feet 6-inch, Margaretta street, from Hi land avenne to'Clearview street. 650 feet 6-inch, Gross street, from Cypress street to Liberty avenue. 250 feet 6-incb. Smallman street, from Thirty sixth street to Thirty-seventh street. 700 feet 6-inch, Lilac street, from end of pipe to Ellsworth avenue. 600 feet 6-incfi, Lenora street, from Shetland street to Joseph street. 150 feet 6-inch, Ivanhoe street, from Magee street east, 1,000 feet 6-Inch, Park avenue, from Rowan avenne north. 600 feet 6-inch, Thompson street, from Shet land street to King street 1,500 feet 6-incb, Dallas avenne, from Pe t avenne south. ' 600 feet 6-incb, Conklmg street, from W le avenne to Webster avenue. ' 400 feet 6-incb, Millwood street, from Finland street east. 600 feet 6-inch, Sweeney alley, from Enoch street south. ' 450 feet 6-incb, Breckinridge street; from Morgan street east. 615feet 6-inch, Forrester'street; from Kaer Cher avenne west 215 feet 6-incb, Kaercher avenne, from Bige low street to Forrester street 250 feet 6-Inch, Jones avenue, from Twenty ninth street cast 300 feet 6-incb, Finland street, from Milwood street to Brereton avenne. 800 feet 6-incb, Brereton avenue, from Fin land street east . 500 feet 6-Inch, Ben Venne place, from Mil vale avenue west 1,000 feet 6-inch: Susquehanna street from Homewood avenne to Dunfermline street 650 feet 6-incb, Kelly street, from Homewood avenue to Sterrett street. 650 feet 6-incb, Bennett street, from Home wood avenue to Lang avenne. 310feet6-incb, Clawson street; from Grazier street to Susquehanna street 600 feet 6-inch, Evaline avenne, from Liberty avenue to Harriett street. 275 feet 6-incb, Edwin street, from- Adler street north. L375 feet 8-inch, Forty-ninth street, from Butler street to north side of A. V. R. R. 12,000 feet, more or less, 30 inch on Hiland avenne, from Reservoir to Bryant street. Bryant street, from Hiland avenne to St Clair street St Clair street, from Bryant street to Baum, street Baum street, from St Clair street to Negley avenue. Negley avenue, from Baum street to Roup street x -Soup street, from Negley avenne to Ells worth avenue. 8,000 feet, more or less. 16-inch on Penn ave nue, from Point Breeze to a. point east of Lang avenue. ' v 100 tons pig lead equal toPenna..refined lead. Hauling 4,010 tons, more orless. water pipe. FIRE HYDRANTS. " 100. more or less: sinele fire hydrants.- 7u, more or less, double fire hydrants. GATE VALVES. 40, more orless, 4-inch gate valves. 100, more orless, 6-inch gate valves. 10, more or less, 8-inch gate valves. 6, more or less, 10-inch gate valves. -10, more orless, 12-inch gate valves. 10, more orless, IWnch gate valves. 15, more or less, 20-inch gate valves. 16, more orless, 21-inch gate valves. 11, more or less, 30-inch eate valves. FERRULES. 00, more or less, K-incb. 800. more orless, -mch. 200, more or less, -inch. 100, more orless, 1-inch. 25 reels, more or less, best American hemp packing. 10 bales, more or less.best white cotton waste. 500 pounds, more or less, best pnre sheet gum packing, 200 pounds, more or Ua, best square gum packing. 200 pounds, 'more or less, best 2 and 3-ply can vas packing: MISCELLANEOUS CASTINGS. 250. more or 1 ess, gate boxes. 100, more or less, plug boxes. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made and all, other Information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. f Each nronosal mnst he accomnanled hvv bond'in double the amount of the estimated. cost, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. (The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids; , . E.M.BIGELOW. chief oi ueparwaeot of rottio works. J&i aftsr-9 omcui-pTrTSiraG. WW AWiwiimmmn. eg-wft OTlC""lS HERJfiBY GIVEN THAT "the reports ot .the viewers on tea con struction ot sewers on Sheridan street, from BtatJon to Hoev'ekr street; Rodman street; from Hiland avenue1 to 8heridan street: Na trona alley, from Fifty-fourth f to Fifty-third streets, and Hoeveler street from Hiland avonnn to Collins avnnnn- have been annroved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is niea in we toon 01 LommoH new within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Publio Works. PlTTSnUEO, April 25, 1889. ap2SS0 TY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the duplicates for March and September installments of City, Special and Sub-District School Taxes for the year 1389 have been placed in my bands for collection-by. the Board of Assessors authorised to assesa the same.. First Installment of City Taxes payable in March or April, second installment payable In April or September. Fiva pdr cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with first; installment in month of March, but no discount is allowed on first installment. Business Tax and Water Rents payable In month of June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes on Hay 1, on July I for' Busi ness Tax and Water Rents, and October.lfor second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you Intend paying your taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in March and April, until 8 o'clock P. M. J. F, DENNISTON, mhlMOO-D City Treasurer. AMUSEMENTS. VT A V IN ATJGTJRAT10N OF THE J.YI.tt.1 NEW EXPOSITION BUILDING, ' FESTIVAL . FIVE EVENING AND TWO AFTERNOON CONCEBTS1 TUESDAY EVENING, MA Y 21 1 SALE OF -HAMILTON'S " MUSIC STORE. SEASONJTICKETS, TO-MORROW, THURSDAY, 9 a. m. J9-TIcket for Single Concerts, S3, $2, SI and 50c. according to location. Season Tickets, $12 50, f8 and to, according to location. Private Boxes, seating six, S100 for the season. The celebrated Steinway Grand Piano used at tbe Festival Concerts. myl-D W YORK PHLLHAEIONIC CLUB, .Assisted by Miss Elizabeth Norcross, . OLD CITY HALL, Monday Evening.May 6,1889. Tickets for sale at H. KLEEER ABRO.'S, Wood st Price L 75 cts and 60 cts eacb. Music students half price to any part of tbe house. No extra charge for reserved seats. myl-20-wan B ATTERY B ARMORY- THURSDAY, MAY 2, MATINEE AND NIGHT. GILMORE'S MAMMOTH JdIEeE FESTIVALS. Battery of Artillery, Anvil Brigade. 8 Great Artists. 2 Programmes. Prices. Matinee: Admission, 75c; children, 60c; Reserved. JL Night admission, JL No ex tra charge for reserved. Seats on sale at Klebers' Music Store. Take Fifth avenue Cable Cars. ap29-22 BIJOU THEATER Special Matinee To-dav at 2. THE HOWARD ATHENITJM STAR SPECIALTY COMPANY. Next week Frank Mayo in Davy Crockett ap30-119 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every Evening, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, ALONE IN LONDON. WeetMay 6 Boston Ideals. ap23-16 73 ASEBALL TO-DAY". RECREATION PARK. League Championship Game. CLEVELAND vs ALLEGHENY. Train at 330. Game at 3:45. ap29-9-irw ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY tight, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrdav, HARRY KERNELI8 NEW SPECIALTY COMPANY. ap23-S6 GRAND CENTRAL RINK TO-NIGHT. PROF. HURLBURT'S . Wonderful HORSES, DOGS AND PONIES. Four Nights More. Matinees Thursday, Friday and Saturday. myl-33 A 31 AY DAY DANCE FOR THE BENE FIT of the Helping Hand Society at Old City Hall, Thursday and Friday May 2 and 3, at 7:30 P.M. Tickets L For sale In advance at H. W. Watts & Co.'s, and George K. Stevenson 4Co.'s. ap28-97-D THE PUBLIO SHOULD KNOW THAT the National Italian Orchestra Is now ready to-furnish music for all occasions. Ad dress G. D. .GIORGIO. Manager, 564 Grant st, city. ap2g-85 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE, Clifton Avenue, Tenth Ward, -Allegheny, luflay Afleraoon, May 6. 1889, At 2 o'clock; on the premises. One handsome six-room dwelling, lot 50x175 feet: a most desir able home. One nice little four-room house, good cellar, lot 21x100; will be sold at a bar gain. One two-story house, very complete in every detail, beautlfal lot and choice location. Those looking for complete homc3 In tbe pret tiest snbnrb of Allegheny, and on easy pay ments, should not neglect this opportunity. It will be a rare chance to get just what yon want. Several cheap houses on other streets. The special feature of this sale will be some 30 lots, some of tbem (and only a few left front on Glifton avenue. These are large and fine. A few on Highland avenue, commanding a mag nificent view of Allegheny and the Ohio river. All tastes can be suited. Values ranging from 300 to SX500. All these properties are lo cated between the'PIeasant Valley and electric lines and close to the new incline. Fare to Fifth avenne, fonr cents. Terms very easy. Come, and you will not be disappointed. JAMES W. DRAPE, Auctioneer. apSO-57 BY W. A. HERRON &S0NS. AUCTION SALE 50 BUILDING LOtS One-Half Square from Hiland and Stanton Avenues, ON, BEATTx: AND EUCLID STREETS, NINETEENTH WARD, On the premises; 8ATURDAY, May 11, 1889, at 3 o'clock P. m. We will sell the plot as a whole or in lots to suit Their location is un surpassed, high and well drained, sewerage complete; near Penn avenne cable line or 10 minutes from East Liberty station, P. R. R. Price low. Terms easy; made known at sale. W,. A. Herron & Sons, 80 FOURTH AVENUE. HENRY AUCTIONCO,, Auctioneers. ap27.76-27myl.3,o,U n J Beautiful Sewlckley residence, cor. Logan and Thorn st, only 4' minutes from station, THURSDAY, May 2, 1880. at 4 o'ciocfe P. M., on tbe premises, a gooa snDstanuai irame dwell ing of 8 large rooms, handsomely papered and painted, bath, b. and c water, slate roof, cistern, both gases, all other conveniences necessary to; make a' complete home; lot 115x153 feet cov ered with choice fruit and shrubbery; house open for inspection; terms nne-third cash, bal ance to snit BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave.-ap2S-135-MWTh PUBLIO SALE-MAY 1, 1859, ON FARM of Mrs. Robt Woods, Noblestown plank road, Oreentree borough, Allegheny Co.. Pa. (Near Craf ton station.) One registered Ho, stein ball, 3 Alderney cows, in milk, 4 HoItein cows, In milk, 6 Hoktein heifers. 3 horses, 1 barouche. Sae MAT 1, 1889, at 13. o'olook x. Terms to suit purchaser. , . L.H;WALTJEia,AMeBw.l 4 ajuan wJiwuJsA, , , . hsjv Reduced Renti TO ZJEHM S'$.- This "Rent List" fa published. only 'laj LUC A UMUUlg 13JUWl WIWJ "MIMW day, without expense to landlords, by , ' SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO, 99 Fourth Avenue ' Real Estate Agents. Established 1878. Renting and Collecting a Specialty. STOBE BOOJIS. ETC. Cor. 8trawberry and Cherry- alleys, 1 E., thlrt floor, ansa, with power, fcoo yr. S3 and Klnth st, 1 B-, fourth door, 38x25, bo gases, sa yr. Second ave., 199, storeroom and cellar, 3S0yr. Penn ave., 9 and 11. 3-sty B. warehouse, 80 H. K boiler engine, etc., tXCCOyr. Liberty St., 947, 3-sty. brick warehouse, ROOOyr. Sixth St 24, elegant larxe store room, on 2d floor. sky light In center, large windows front and rear, giving abundance or light, handsoaK stairway from the front: $800 yr. Liberty ave., near 8th, 2nd floor, 20x110; elevator, SLOOOyr. Grant St 113. storeroom, $20. West Carson St, S. S., 718, store, 5 R., 5 mo. Lowry and Clark, A.C. store, 28x40.71$., $325 vr,. Lo-rfrySt., A. 0., store, 20x40, 7B., f300yr. Western Ave, 287 rear, 2 B.. 18x20 ea po yr. Second ave., near Soho, 3 acres; B. E. siding; riverfront; heds, offices, etc $1,200 yr. Wood St.. 204 and 206, 2d floor wareroom. 30x90, with 2 offices and elevator, moderate 'rent to good tenant Liberty St., 1239, 3-sty store. 20x30. 4 B., S35mcv Hazelwood, 2-sty store and 3 K., fl2 mo. 1M Forty-eighth st, storeroom and 2 K., (18 mow OFFICES. Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor front 2 elegant large of fices, modern front windows, both gases, mar ble mantels, folding doors: excellent place ror Insurance offlee.,moderate rent to good tenant Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water. nt and art gas. Inside w. c. moderate rent to good tenant. Fourth ave.. 101, 2d floor front two large con necting offles, nat. gas, (25 mo, Fifth ave. & Wood st; offices, single and In suite In the new 8 story "Eisner Building;" Fifth ave. entrance; Crane elevator, steam heat janitor services, etc.; floor plans can be seen at this office. Tenn Building, "Penn ave., near Seventh it, offices, single or In suite In the elegant news stoiv bulldlnar. 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services: rents exceptionally low. Floor plans can be seen at this office. Sixth ave., above Smithfleld st.. 1 office in 3d floor, rear, good light both gases free, $27Syr. Penn ave., SOS, lit floor, 2 K. tsooyr. Fourth ave., 132, 2 K. 1st floor. $600 yr . .' Wood St., 3H-206, 1st floor, IB. JJoderate rent to good tenant. Water St.. 143, front office. 2d floor. 15x20. $175 yr. Water St, 143, front office, 2d floor, 15 ft so. tlWyr. Fifth ave., 183, opp. Court House, 1 office, 24 floor, nat. gas and water, (250 yr. Penn are., 811, two connecting parlors, famished, both gases, 2d floor, $360 yr. Western ave., 282; Allegheny, large parlor, good light SXOyr. P1TTBBTJBG DWELLINGS. Fifth ave., 838, 2-sty, 9 R-, mod. imp., bath, range, etc., etc.. $40 mo. - - Boqnet near Wllmot 2-sty, mansard, 12 R-. IK acre ground, carriage house, etc., mod. Imp..' $600 yr. Center ave.. 95, 2-sty, 7 B. side yard, mod. con., 35 per mo. Lot 44 feet fronton Center ave.' KicehomeandlDinlnutesrromCourtUouse. , Forbes, 333, 2-sty, 8 It. mod. Imp.. 10 minutes ' from Court House. $J8 mo. Liberty st, 1239, 3-sty, store, 20x30. 4 B:. $30 mo. Center ave.. 216, 2-sty., 8B.,$K 33 mo., mod.lmp. front and rear ytrds. Bldgest, nearThlrty-thirdst, 2-sty; 8B.,$20mo' Center ave., 372. 2-sty. 7 K $18 mo. Craig St., cor. Center ave., 2-sty, SB., mod. Imp. $-23 mo. 304 Webster ave"., 3IL. 1st floor, $18 mo. 660 Webster ave., 2-sty, 5 R., $15 mo. 582 Webster ave.. 2-sty. 5 B., $15 mo. 566 Webster ave., 2-sty, 5JB., $15 mo. i!orty-lgnthstrstoroom-mt'lBiv-$mo. Camp and Herron sts., Z-sty, 4 K., $lb 50 mo. " Mornlngside sts., A. V. B. B., 7 K.. attic 1L. river view, mod. Imp., $20 mo. .Nat. gas ana water Tree. Lawn st near Forbes. 2-sty, SB., $15 mo. Church St.. 113. 2stT. (K.. cpllxr. IIS mo. 4742 Corday St.. Bloomflefd. 4 B., $11 mo. Foward ave 22d wd, 2-sty., 3B., $3 mo. Grant St, 113. 2sty, SB., $30 mo. Bldgest, n?ir Thirty-third, 2-sty, SB., $13 mo.' ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. Ellsworth streets 3-sty, SB., mod. imp.. $20mcv j urajiBKuer, ao, 2-sty, &.B., moa. imp.. 91s DumA, 463 Beaver ave.f 2a floor, TO., 2 attics, $15 mo. V? .' vuarucn s, 2-sty. n., f la mo. Lowry and Clark., store B., cellar. 7 B., $27 do. Lowrr. TrovHllL store. 7 B.. 825 mo. wSk Spring Hill, 10 acres vineyard and4B., $600 Jt fct Madlaon arc, 213K, second floor, 2B., $9 mo. - ' iuauisoa are., ivk z-sty. 4 K sis. Gerst alley. 102, 2 B. first floor, 7 mo. TtPtl ,t.. .1 JR. ftrt ffrtW i Hi TT.rt Iten St., 7, 3 B. second floor, $5 50 mo. & EAST END DWELLINGS. Ellsworth ave., 572S. 2 sty and mansard, S R . mod. lmp.,-Iot 70x100, stable, carriage house, etc.. $450yr. Segley ave., frame dwelling, 14 R., all mod. Imp... finely finished, stable, carriage house, green house, outhouses, etc.. $1,303 yr. , Boquet near Wllmot 2-sty, mansard, 12 K., IV acres ground, carriage house, mcxVlmp., )SOi Fifth ave., cor. Emerson, 2-sty.jlt, mod. Imp., delightful home. $J50 yr.; on cable line. ' - j. Frankstown ave., 412. 2-sty., SB., mod. Imp., (Bfl'J mo. Neville st, 1st from Fifth ave., 8 B., large lot fruit and shade trees, $300 yr. Grazier St., 7006, near Dallas sta., 5B-, $20 mo. Qreensburg Plte, 4 B., 1J4 acres ground, oroHsrd, etc., $s mo. SOTJTHSIDE DWELLINGS. 2203 Janest. -sty,5B.. $20mo. McLean are.. MtOUverInclrae,new,SB.,fl3mo, West Carson st, 716, store B.and 5 B., $35 mo. 255 Washington ave.. ZKhward, near Twelfth st. incline, Mt Oliver, new 2-sty, SB., $lSmo. 259 Washington ave., same as above, new 3 rty, SB., both gases and water, 18 mo. B. & O. B. K. DWELLINGS. ' Glenwood. Blair st, 2-sty, 4 B., $13 mo. Hazelwood, 23d wd.. Flower ave. and KllbuclS sts., 2-sty, 5K-, ball, $13 mo. Same as above, 1 2-sty frame dwellings, t B. eacb, rent 10 mo. each. Same as above, 2-sty store and 3 B.. $12 mo. Hazelwood, near Brown sti. saline ave near iiazeiwooa ave.. aa waro, z-stv. a a., staota on lot and 3 acres of ground, with fruit trees, etc.. mod. imp., $360 yr. Hazelwood. near sta., 2-sty, 7 R., haU, cells mod.lmp.,J300yr. Forward av., 22 wd., 2-sty., 3 E., $S mo. Glenwood, Mansion St., 6, 2-stySK., $20 m. P., FT. W. C B. B. DWELLINGS. Sewicklev. Graham, near Peebles st. comoleteir furnished, IOB. frame Qneen Anne dwelHnf , TVA.U WllUf .Ula US.V.9 K.VMUU. " u . ,,.1. w- K and shaae trees, near station, moderate rent to good tenant, .' Sewicklev, cor. Thorn and Little st.. 2-sf AS B., ' ' occupied by W. B. Treadwell, $20 mo. .- Serrlckley, Centennial, near Nevln, 2-sty, 8 B., KacrelotfHOyr. Sewlckley, cor. Thorn and Little sis., new 2-sty, mansard, IOB.. mod. Imp.. excellent location,' moderate rent to good tenant West Bellevne, Orchard ue.. near Chestriut st. Avalon sta., 2-sty, 7 roomed furnished house, $14 ' mo. Same, unfurnished, p mo. Sewlckley, Thorn st, 8 K., formerly occupied by - A. Baldwin. $35moi Same, with carpets, blinds now In house, $15. STABLES. South Diamond, near Unioaave., A. C, stabii., 4 stalls, fHOyr. . LASDLORDS!3 In order to secure the benefits of. tK! J method ,of reaching tenants jrjthont'aA. I pense to you, please have a rnemorarfS p dum ot vour houses at onr office P. M. each f uesda. , black .fe; 99 FOURTH AENU- T..:i,.. ,-SS , cstaDusnea K $ -? V-'ft'.' nsti 'tf ilj T- ; ' S?tl ? J: ' M &&-.