Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 01, 1889, FIRST PART, Image 2

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;s Many! nunfortmi
Without HisIicense.
Bt Drove Dozens of Law-AMding
t Hen Out of (Business.
Simple Bestau-Quit
4ng band of Time pushed
through events and things
e .cyrJosure of the refused
men-aJbout-town iras the City
the curflew bell ranc ont a. deep-
tincdoosfi. -Much deDrives them.
a'jxnrerftw. atjency of the right to
in.liquor to aperspns of even temperate
labitsr - ,--J
SWhtheTlMtHTck of brilliancy from
ihejgilded "jointfcithlglistening bewilder
ment of theibig mirroJs, the cordial how-de-do'of
the mixer, and the last cannibal sand
wich&a'dlisappeared, it was realized that a
newera',had?"aawned upon Pittsburg, and
atithe'GoTernor of North Carolina might
welLbave revised lis famous remark, so as
to have .said to the guzzler .of Pittsburg:
'It's along -walk netween drinks."
STudge"White'8 rulings, coupled with the
fact,-that George "Washington was in
augurated a century ago, caused the saloons
to'reap'many dollars on this, their eve of
"stepping down and out"
,Upon entering a saloon, to which license
had been refused, the proprietor's thoughts
fgthe morrow and his disconsolate face
jroughtjto mind the refrain, "Listen to My
"reporters listened to majy-aHale. and
uired what the afrcftaid people's in-
eiCJCgaiyrto carrying on busi-
Hilger, of Smithfield street, was
an spoken to, and he attributed
of his finally securing a license
,'er's talk on a technical point of
h directly suited his case. He,
mid: "That amounts to nothing,
not believe there is any recourse
.-etail men. Acting upon the advice
Court last year, I spent -nearly $1,000
itting my place of business; but here I
"ithout license; and 11 barrels of
-mhandl I will close at 12 to-night,
developments. I will not run a
learned, shortly after, that Mr.
ce of business had been secured
'el Duquesne Company, which
it for rooms and other pur
baps enlarging it by adding a
:ies to the height of the hotel.
m,of Smithfield street, didn't
ordjo the reporter, and was
'await results. However,
said he would not carry on
ifter last night,
in, whose reputation is un
'specific solacer" for crest-
nd the overworked brain of
d he would stay where he
hings as philosophically as
s!will continue his restau-
ickeisen. Many others who
IJSJj'keno" on the Number
, "sbut they were unde
vhat they would do, and
st shutter was closed pnJ
a silent mutteriof dis-
which harm"uized with
ihTTOinlgtt bell, as iU
2r' of licenses were both
lecidedly important, though to
'ully disappointing, message
Connell, Esq., the Pittsburg
back from Judge White
, when the lawyer re-
erday morning. He had
cial mission to see the
. a rehearing for one of his
back decidedly worsted.
rney JtfcConnell says:
i was in the best of spirits
sly quartered at the Hotel
tic City. He told me that
rmndaor some place ont
erhaps stay two or three
approached him with the
and asked him to consider
iearing, when he straight-
.ui the-'iaoit -emphatic terms
tionstobe made being some high stools to
set in front of the counters, which will be
converted into lunch counters.
Jacob Keller This is the wind-up. There is
no appeal from it, and the situation Is not
not worth discussion.
John Hermann I have almost completed
picking, and will be ready to go aboard for
Salt Elver in the morning. They dldn'tgive ns
mnch time to dispose of stock; but it's about-as
well. When a man is to be hung lie doesn't
want the operation lone drawn out.
'Twas very quiet at Chartiers. Schinde
hitte and Lamb were prettv well prepared
for the inevitable .weeks before the edict
was pronounced, and Al Young is a veri
table Hark Tapley, whom no disappoint
ment can down. He was celebrating Wash
ington's inaugural, and at an early hour
flung the Stars and Stripes to the breeze.
There is now no oasis between the south
end of the Smithfield street bridge and
Beaver county. In olden times it was
found necessary on sonre of the
popular steamers on the Mississippi river,
to place thebar in the center of the boat, as
she couldn't be trimmed if the crowd got
too much to. either end. and was in 'danger
of taking a header or sterner, according as
the crowd gravitated fore and alt It is
suggested that some of the fortunate 93 who
got license in this city will be compelled to
put extra stories on their houses to accom
modate more bars, and that elevators Till
not be necessary as a stimulus to get people
upstairs on such days as yesterday.
Chief Brown, of the Department of Pub
lic Safety, said he did not anticipate that
saloonkeepers generally would refuse to
close for good at midnight, and thought
most of them would begin emptying their
places (as they did) by 11:30 p. m", as there
was a stimulus to obey the law, in the fact
that many of them hoped to get rehearings,
and if that failed to be more fortunate next
vear. ".Then you see the penalty for in
fraction is so serious that no prudent man
would take the .risk." He expected that
nearly all would acquiesce as cheerfully as
their temperaments would allow. -
They Must Have a 74 Coat Bate for
Digging, Coal or Kottiiig.
Some Trouble Expected in -the Soildiag
Trades Line To-Dftj.
Saloons Aroand the Point nnd the Diamond
Closed Before Midnight shatters Up to
Come Down No More.
Down around the Point last night saloons
closed about midnight Up around ,rthe
Diamond, Officer Alex. Bovardjeported
the eight Saloons on his beajwhtch were re
fused license, all closody"tight at 20 to 10
minutes to lSp'jclock, their usual hour for
closing. AKrag the lower end ot Grant
street all Wquor stores were closed by 12
sharp, jf
Thenr were three reasons why the unli
censjfi saloons in these localities did not
take the advantage of keening open unusu-
iStlly late on the last night of their legal ex
istence: First, the Centennial fireworks,
lasting until 11:30, kept the men out of the
saloons a greater part or the night Second,
the resolution passed at Monday's meeting
of retail liquor dealers to close all saloons
on Tuesday night from 16 to 30
minutes earlier than usual, in
order to stand well in the eyes of the public
while petitions are pending for rehearings
in the license cases. Third, a suspicion
that the police had been instructed to raid
all saloons open after midnight The police,
however, deny that they had any such in
structions. On the whole there was less disorder than
usual last night in the territory described.
Of course some hilarity was only natural
around the door of a saloon at the expense
of the keeper, as he put up his shutters,
realizing that they could not be taken down
again. But the reporter only observed one
such instance where the police had to dis
perse the crowd.
..iU.he no rehearings. Icare
deredi every case before me, and I
alljtime that no rehearings will
;in: any case, My ultimatum is
Tease, which I consider res ad-
djwill not, Tinder any circum-i
nsider any decision. I am now
are, and you may say what I
anvone whom you may see in
with'; saloon keepers were necessar-
"asShey were so busy either hand-
jfreshments 6r superintending the
thaTAhey had no time for tears,
vasionally one would be found
th would twitch when asked how
the prospect
-eat day to work off the surplus
h, and there are a considerable
went out of business yesterday
little more than fixtures left
lies are those who have ex-
v on their hands, leases of
may not be urgently de-
ther business; but these un-
ot kick against the pricks,
fact that it doesn't promise
exersise. One of these is A.
, No.4!, Carson street, South
d he had been figuring on his
ldit wonld ioot up between
Ileror the Pllysee, on Fifth
"There is nothing left but to
to"fiL X suppose my fixtures
rft dead loss.
snnett, Smithfield street, smil-
that he hadn't any doubt that
A jjjhis building, and as to the
.emea to wihk iney wozua not
A Frelfibt Incline the Main Canse or Mt.
Waiblncton'aNo table DeTelopraent 300
IleaTHy-Inden Wagons a Dny.
"A city set on a bill cannot be hid," it is
said; but there is a considerable portion of
Pittsburg sufficient to make a respectable
city, were it by itself that has been so
nearly hidden during the past IS years,
that its gas lamps on Grand view avenue are
often mistaken by strangers for stars in the
firmament That section is Mt "Washing
ton a portion of the city that, despite its
muddy roads, has thriven and become popu
lous to an extent only known by those who 1
live up there. And it has been brought
about by the erection' of the freight incline
of the Monongahela.Company, an institu
tion that for a considerable time after build
ing, did 'not earn enough money to pay for
ftsel and lubricating oiL
Mr. Bichard Hamilton, who conducts
operations at the lower env, states that at
present between 200 and 300 heavily laden
wagons pass np daily, ann the number is
constantly growing. Yesterday being a
holiday, it was expected there would be no
business of consequence, ,so a gang of work
men was put on to replace the floor of one
of the platforms. The throng, however,
was nearly as great as usual, and the one
car left was kept at work all day. The
men, however, worked steadily, as the car
passed up and down carrying them and
their material from top to bottom constant
ly. The plane is now paying expenses, and
does not now draw on the passenger side for
Trade has so grown on the Mount that it
could not be supported were it not for the
freight plane. Before it was built a ton
was a heavy load for two good horses to
draw up the hill. Now they take a three
ton load on the plane and; once at the top,
can go to any point necessary to reach.
The necessity for better transportation has
impelled the Castle Shannon Eailway Com
pany also to cast about, and a freight plane
will be built by it, and, it is supposed,
eventually extended into an electric railway
from the top of the hill. The tunnel through
which the traffic of the road comes to the
city is owned by Mr. James M. Bailey, and
the road is growing restive oven the royalty
charged for its use furnishing a strong in
centive to the building of a freight plane
over the summit of the hill to connect with
the road on the other side. Preparations
for the building have been commenced.
"unoflhe same street, did not
jpmion as to' the general situa
jHwit affected him. Held
IuiBg sietaHrast,in cenn-
.Unnjtrfe wdj.MlAU.J tfthLTt,
A Case on the SontluldeThat Mltht be Bent
to Delaware for Ponlsbment.
About 10 o'clock last night a woman
whose condition was pitiful appeareoVat the
Twenty-eighth ward station, supported by
two young ladies. She stated, that she de
sired to make an Information against her
husband, Andrew , Plach, who is employed
in one ot the mills, for assault and battery.
The story obtained from the woman nnd
the two girls was that last night the hus
band went to his house on South Ninth
street, and, finding his wife in the act of
chastising one ot the children, he assaulted
her and beat her until the blood ran out of
ears. The husband then picked up one of
children, and started from -the house. The
wife followed him, imploring him to give
up the child, when the husband, grasping
her by the hair again assaulted her, and
left her laying on the sidewalk, in an in
sensible condition.
Some neighbors picked the woman np,
and carried her into the house, and restored
her to her senses. Mrs Flach stated that
she was afraid to go home, as her husband
might come back and renew the assault
The Sergeant iaforiaed her that nothing
could be done for her, as the Police Judge
was not present ,
KUaBdt'a Dasab Walter Gone.
Although Judge White is reported to be
cruising on the ocean towards the Bermuda
islands, Tiii orders arc strictly complied
with in many instances. One evidence of
this fact is that Billy Xnhlaadt has pulled,
the donb waiter est of his burooa, which
has bees the vehiele of npply for the mem
bers of tke Xiotas Clab.
Totj stVtay WW-keirW cigars
A strike of miners of "Western Pennsyl
vania will be inaugurated to-day, and
almost 5,000 men in the railroad district
will be idle pending a settlement of the
wage question. At the last and rather
peculiar conference between the operators'
and miners, it was decided to accept their
terms, for the year, which was 71 J ctnta for
mining from May 1 to November 1, and
7Gi cents from November 1 to May 1.
This was what President IfcBride, of the
National Progressive Union advised, but
the members of his organization refused to
accept it The Knights of Labor who were I
present at the meeting agreed to work at
those terms, but protested against it The
NstionahProgressive Union, it will be re
membered, refused to have anything to do
with the scale, and President Conway, of
subdivision 4, comprising the Western
Pennsylvania coal fields, called a conven
tion of miners irrespective of organizations
to discuss the matter.
This convention was held yesterday after
noon at Buppel's Hall, on Smithfield street
President Conway was in the chair and
Alvin O. Patterson was secretary. There
were 32 delegates present, the majority of
whom were N. P. U. men, but some were
K. of L. and spjcStCCrglTCized men.
JEfie question of the price for mining from
Slay 1 was discussed at length. One of the
prominent speakers was Vice President
Davis, who is President McBride's right
bower. He took an entirely different stand
from Mr. McBride and told the men that
they could secure a 71-cent rate for the year
if they took a stand for it He spoke for an
hour and made a verv favorable imcression.
After the matter was discussed at length it
was decided to demand 74 cents per ton for
mining in the railroad pits of Western
Pennsylvania for the year beginning to-day.
This is 2) cents per ton more than
the rate advised by President Mo
Bride. A vote on the question was
taken, and resulted in 30 for and 2 against
the proposition. This means a strike, as
the operators have already agreed to pay
only 71 cents per ton for the summer
months. A committee, composed of James
Cole, John McGuire, William Collins and
John D. Conway, was appointedto wait on
the operators toAlay, and induce them, if
possible, to pay the scale decided upon.
This committee represents. President Con
way says, about 5,000 miners in Western
Pennsylvania, while the committee that
fixed the scale a week or two ago were
Knigbtsof Labor and only represented 350
miners. He claims that the Knights of La
bor have not more than 500 members on the
railroad district Of Western Pennsylvania.
It was said that ex-Congressman W. L.
Gcott would likely pay the price, as he has
some contracts to filL It was also stated
that an attempt is being made at his mines
in Illinois to pull the men's wages down
12i per cent This has caused a strike, and
if the contracts can be filled here Mr. Scott
will not suffer. He is trying, it is stated, to
work a strike here and compel the men in
Illinois to accept the reduction.
Archy Gordon, one of the leading mem
bers bf the N". P. U, from Crenshaw, -Jefferson
county, was a delegate" to' the conven
tion. In conversation with a DISPATCH
reporter Mr. Gordon denied the statements
made by John Costello- and published In
this paper on Sunday. He -says the Ten
nessee miners are not all native born. He
says that in Sparta, White county, there are
not one in fen native born Tennesseeans. He
has been to several places in the State and
says the majority of the miners are Scotch
Sereral Scale la tbtf Balldlne Lines to Go
Into Effect To-Day Ominous Signs lor
Some of Them.
To-day several important scales- in the
building trades line will go into effect if the
employers will grant the terms. The lead
ing ones are the painters and carpenters and
joiners. Unless the terms are granted a
strike will undoubtedly occur, as the men
are well organized.
During the past few weeks an organiza
tion.was formed to take the place of the
Builders' League. Its formationwas kept
very quiet, but yesterday a reporter for this
paper learned that the new association was
the "United Building Trades Union." ,Ihe
constitution says that the objects of
the union shall be to centralize
the united efforts and experience of the var
ious societies engaged in the erection or al
teration of buildings.
Section 4 states that "this U. B. T. U.
will do no work on a, building unless it is
to be a union job from the foundation up.
from the footing course to completion of the
building, and that we will have -nothing
but union made material used in the erec
tion of all buildings."
Another section says: "Experienced
workmen knowing of modern appliances,
hoisting machines or scaffolding being in
secure or unfit to do the work on any build
ing on which they may be working shall
report the same to-the contractor and Build
ing Inspector; if they-fail to see the same
secure all workmen shall strike the job un
til the same be made secure."
Another section states: "Shenld the news
papers publish any news to the detriment of
our unions, the President or Secretary shall
have power to.deny the same over their sig
nature. This section gives the officers the power to
deny anything that is published that does
not meet with their approval, whether it is
true or not They may deny that the above
sectionbare in their constitution, but they
were all copied from the book which was
furnished by one of th leading members.
A member of the Brotherhood of Carpen-j
fava tiroa ,Min laif.pv.ninn And caiil1 " YU a 1
met last sight and decided to insist on the
payment of our wage scale. It provides a
minimum rate of $2 75 for nine hours'
work, instead of 2 60, the amount that has
been paid all year. We will fight for this,
and propose to win. There are a number of
carpenters who are not receiving enough
wages, and we will compel them to pay tie
price or stop all building this spring."
spect to George WWgln's memory Taad"
at best it can aJeet ly seven mea
and about eight boys; but Mr. Marvin,,
who did not know of the meetings and con
ferences, objects to being compelled to drive
his army of non-union employes into the
ranks of the Knights, when tfiey are op
posed to it Thirty of them were formerly
Knights, but when the assembly disbanded
they left, as they state, 'forever, and al
though they have been told to j6inifthey
see fit, they refused to do so.
Mr. Marvin says they never ask a man,
his creed, his politics, or whether be, is a
Knight or sot, but whether he can do the
work he claims he can do. Fitness is all
that is required. The, firm pays union
wages and runs on union hours, and if over
time is made, day or night, the men are paid
for it t
The question is nofone of wages or hours,
but whether Mr. Marvin shall compel his
men to join the union. He does not see
how lie can do this, and trusts that the pub
lic will approve his course.
The followintr letter was sent to J. O.
Brown, Chief of the Department of Public
Safety, yesterday: '
The Knights of Labor have declared a. strike
at our factory to-day. We wish to instruct
your men on that beat to assist our foreman to
night in case they should want our night men
to come out S. S. Marvin & Co.
No attempt to interfere with the men was
made last night, and the police assistance
was not called for.
No Farther Trouble of the Mill, and 150
Men Are Now at Work.
The situation at the Allegheny Bessemer
Steel Company's works has not changed
any during the past two days. The only
interesting incidents of the day was that 32
of the Italians who were brought
up on Monday left the works at
about 2 o'clock yesterday morning
and came to this city. A German
.employment agent brought out six more
newtnen on the 9 o'clock train and placed
them at work in the steel works yards.
The next new men that arrived came out on
the 2:47 p. St train, and were taken to the
steel works by the deputies. With what
men they got i on Monday and yesterday
and counting what left yesterday morning,
leaves about 150 or 175 men in the works.
There were three attempts to blow some
steel, but from all accounts it appears that
the steel is not very good and will not do
for rails.
The strikers are getting very indignant at
the report being circulated about town, in
regard to a railroad tie that was placed on
the railroad track last Tuesday evening, and
being found by two young men.the names of
whom are Bobert K. Winnett and John
Graff, who stated that while on their way
home from an entertainment held in Du
quesne on that (Tuesday) evening, they had
found a tie on the railroad, about 300 yards
above Cochran station. The yonng men
tell a very straightforward story and say if
anything more is wanted they will furnish
the testimony of the two young ladies
that were with them. A( 9 o'clock last
night a locomotive was employed in taking
out the cars that the Italians have been un
loading. Deputy Sheriff Williams who is in charge
was seen and said that everything was ex
traordinarily quiet and that the strikers
have offered no resistance whatever to the
new men who are coming in on almost every
Provisions to the amount of $300 worth
were received and placed Jrf a storeroom, op
posite the corner ot the steel works, for the
A number of strikers were interviewed
and every one seemed confident that they
would win the fight, but that it would take
time to do it
Sheriff McCandless in speaking to a Dis
patch reporter last evening, said they
had made three heats and he did not expect
any trouble.
Ns. t of the Uiion
Veteran legion's Dedication!
Other Observances of the Tnangaral Day
Held at Sight.
JHr. 8.S. Marvin's bide of That Story
Labor SIBcakles.
The trouble atMarvin'a cracker bakery
between the workingmen and the Knights
of Labor, seems -to have been magnified.
Mr. Crawford, who has been in charge of
the packing department for 12 years, says
the men were informed by Mr. Marvin thy
could join the Union if they desired to do
so. They held a meeting, appointed a com
mittee to confer "with the Knights. They
asked what their does were and received
the answer, "there was nothing against
thesl," but that all hands, union and non
union, would be enrolled at 92 per capital
The committee reported back. to the mm,
atid toted teat unlaw the deaand was oe,
pllei with.JBftkers'.AswDiWy wdnld erdtr
a strike a 7:30 Mosdav night
Marvin's employes decided to reject the
prepesiiiefi and la eoaaequMoe the strike
waieniMwd. Itwawrwt&etja
The Pleasant Valley XIno Wilt Bob More
Khpldly In a Short Time.
The cars on the Pleasant Valley street car
line will be moved by electricity as so'on as
the system can be put in operation. Work
was commenced yesterday on the erection of
poles to hold the wires. They will be light
iron poles, and a number of them were
erected yesterday on Sandusky street, Alle
gheny. The directors of the road say they must
have rapid transit and by the use of elec
tricity wiir be 'enabled to transport passen
gers from the Pittsburg Postoffice to the ter
minis of the road in 20 minutes, which is
balf the time taken by the present system.
Some new and elegant cars will be placed
on the line and the old cars will be aban
The old vet was in his glory last night,
and he had his wife, children and relatives
with him at the dedication of the new hall
of Encampment No. 1, Union Veteian Le
gion, No. 77 Sixth avenue. Colonel Com
manding F. C. Dorrington presided and.
General Pearson, in addition to making the
opening speech, introduced the other speak
ers and was master of ceremonies'
generally. It .is needless to tell those
who know General Pearson that
he chased dull care away by making his
auditors roar with laughter from timo to
time. The organization has one of the fin
est and most capacious halls in the city, in
fact two of them, but the rear one is sub-let
to a number of secret societies who meet
every night in the week. The library is be
ginning to fill up and war histories so far
The veterans meet at any time they feel
like it, either to transact business or to fight
their battles over again, arid they testify to
a vast amount of enjoyment therein, and
ask for no help from the public. The ob
jects of the association were fully set forth
by the speakers. General Pearson detailed
its history, telling ho w Encampment No. 1
had been .formed in this city
Then Philadelphia heard of it and took out
a charter for a similar organization, and
from the germ in this city the "Veteran
Legion has spread from State to State, until
the North is dotted by such organizations as
the firmanent is with stars. Said he:
There were 5,375 Dattles and skirmishes fought
during the war, and every old soldier fought
and bled in each of them. Ladies, you onebt
to. be here some night and hear them lie. Some
were wounded in every battle of the war, and
allowing that a man shed one drop of blood in
each battle, he lost 5,875 drops of blood,
and yet they -are able-bodied. I have
been elected twice commander because
I am the most truthfnl man in thef organiza
tion! I want some other man elected to give
him a chance to learn to tell the truth, while
we keep green the memory ot the dead like
othersoldler organizations, we are mainly de
Voted to taking care ot the interest of living
soldiers, and since our organization in 18&i, we
have paid our way and have never asked the
pnbllo for a dollar. When we can't pay we
will start a dime inusenm and Mayor Callow
has promised to give a trick show. ,
A quartet then sang "Annie Laurie,"
and subsequently filled in the gaps between
each speech.
Inspector General Chapman, of Bradford,
told how he came to this city to seenre some
women organizers to build up a Woman's
Belief Corps in Bradford. He is a member
of a profession that cannot lie is an Imnest
lawyer like Pearson.
He Thinks One Man Power Is Better Than a
Board of Managers.
II E. Eigbee, State Superintendent of
Orphan Schools, and ex-Senator J. M.
Greer, State Inspector, were in the city last
evening on their way to Butler, when they
will inspect the school.at that place to-day.
They spent yesterday at Dunbar-and Mon
day at Uniantown-. In regard to the bill
introduced into the Legislature to abolish
the superintendency of the schools and
create a board of managers, Mr. Hiebee
says he is opposed to it He does not think
a board could judiciously exercise the power
vested in one man.
A Nice Utile Concert to Re-awaken the
Convicts' Patriotism.
The prisoners at the Western Peniten
tiary had a little celebration in honor of
George Washington yesterday, as well as
the people in the outside world. The Welsh
choir, composed of 30 young ladies and gen
tlemen, and the Snperior Cornet Baud vis
ited the big building at Riverside in the
afternoon, and gave a concert lor. the bene
fit of the inmates.
The -ogramme was made up entirely of
fiatriotic airs, and .was carried out excel
Over 10 Arrests a Day, Including Snndnjs.
for the Pnst Month.
The new Police Committee of Allegheny
Councils will meet this evening. Mayor's
Clerk Hnnneshagen will present his month
ly report, whioh was completed last even
ing. It will show that there -were 302
arrests during the month, and the receipts
were $1,287.60.
Of the number of arrests 145 were for dis
orderly conduct and 72 were for drunken
ness. This is an unusually good report as
far as receipts are concerned.
They CoBcIaded to Mettle n Lktle Argument
With Tfcelr Flits.
About 1 o'clock Yyesterday afternoon
Officer Smith, of the Southside, discovered
Jack Harris, AntboWBurke, Albert Aller
ton and Richard Higgins engaged in a1
regular prize fight onthe river bank, at the
foot of South Thirteenth street. 'The men
bad got into an argument in a saloon, and
concluded to settle it with their fists. .They
were arrested.
gutting Into practice.
AXegakr Wh IvMeatly Waktette Ta
tho Yellow Row by StiVra '
( Matt Mooney, who wore a regular army
uniform, was arrested at the eoraeof Trv
ttmuad $eeond am about 11 01
'Jhs siildislBSt Ljhto sLuiMaklHM St lh M ma Jh js mv
mw sjgsii n jfiraxiHiiag uujto us
tbe revolver at a i
to shoot turn. The pri
i1iM iitsw amya-
General Harry White, Judge of the court
of Indiana county, referred to our complex
system of government, which until lately
had been considered an experiment, but
100 years of Constitutional rule,
marked by the greatest progress ever
made, have made it a model, for
the builders of civilization. While he
thinks the war of 1861-65 will be the last
ever fought in the United States, those
years will ever be an epoch in history.
While with the young the Civil War is a
tradition, with gray,headed veterans it is a
memory, and no ceremony is vain, no time
misspent ihat gives proper direction to
right-thought and effort The cause of the
movement in 1861 was not kn6wn by the
masses of the South- Mcst of the people
there were like the rebel sergeant who had
Judge Jeremiah B. Black in charge as a
prisoner at .Harper's I"erry. When asked
in judge ijiack;s presence, by some
of h'is comrades what the war
was about, the Sergeant replied: "They say
the war is for our rights. I don't know
whether I've got mine or not, but if I
haven't, d d.if I don't want them."
While the masses of the Qouth were ac
quainted with their State governments, they
knew nothing more of the General Govern
ment than that it delivered the mails to
them once a week. If the war had done
nothing more than teach the South the
functions and principles of the General
Government, the accomplishment would
have been of Immense value. In the North
it was different. The people here understood
why the contest was waged on their part
In conclusion General White opposed the
commercial speculation that proposed the
removal of Libby prison to the shores of
Lake Michigan. He thought the memories
that cluster about it on the James river
would not follow it to Lake Michigan.
John H. Kerr, -Esq., regarded the day an
appropriate one for the, dedication of the
hall as it assisted to preserve the memory of
another grand event, the inauguration of
the Union's first President Turning to the
portraits of Washington, Lincoln and
Grant, hanging in the rear of the presiding
officer's chair, Mr, Kerr epitomized the
merits of each in fitting terms. He said:
"If we do praise ourselves overmuch, you
will forgive us when you remember that we
meet over the office ol a gas company,"
In winding up, or rather running down,
Mr. Kerr stated that the great figure of the
Civil War was the private soldier who
periled his life on the scant promise of only
possible renown and for a mere pittance.
Jndge Slagle referred to the formation of
two parties at the close of the devolution,
one the Federal, contending for a strong
central government, and the other (he Na
tional Republican, which now is known as
the Democratic, which was jealous of cen
tralized power, urging its distribution among
the States. Washington was the wonder of
the world and is still (the wonder
of Europe. His rejection of a crown after
his glorious services, a crown which would
have been freely given him by the nation,
was up to that time the grandest spectacle
ever witnessed by the world, but the vol
untary surrender of unconquerable power
by a million of trained soldiers, with arms
in their hands, at 4 the close of
our Civil War, relapsing quietly Into
a million peaceable private citizens,
was a spectacle equally grand with Wash
ington's refusal of the crown.
Jndge Thomas Ewing referred to three
periods in Which this country each time
passed through a great crisis. At the close
of the Bevolution anarchy stared it in the
face. The evil was averted by the adoption
of tho Constitution of 1787j framed by men
greater than whom none ever existed iq the
history of the world. The second was
caused by the growth of the slave power
hand of the doctrine of State's righte, and
was appeased by peaceable methods, and the
third was met by these veterans in the Civil
War, who, after establishing the national
life, separated and lost themselves in the
qniet of citizenship. . ,( ,'"
Colonel A. B. Hay stated that'll 'anyone
wanted to know why it was necessary to
maintain these soldiers' organizations, Jie
wonld reply that it was because the loyal
people ot the country hadailed ta do their
duty by them had not done what they
promised to do when these veterans went
out ta meet privation and death in 1861. .He
could not understand how General White
came to develop so maeh lore for Libby
Prison after having gone to so much freftUe
in digging out of it oae upon a time.
The attendance was so large that it filled
the hall and ante-chamber and overflowed
far down tta irway and'eveh tbaa a large
rfiwd i lft toftue it Maid Jiot bir
what wa nii. It seecsed as tboachthe
TOO members of the Legion hd brought all
ratMiws aa awnaiaiMnia wis
Right Kev. K. Pfcetaa Addresses tfco 6e
They Ara EMertained fat Bmh ef
WasMactes's InaaHratIea.
The Columbus Club presented a very in
teresting programme to its' guests from the'
Washington centenary' inauguration cele
bration at the elnbrooms on Smithfield
street last night, and those who had the
privilege of being present will 'certainly re
tain a very pleasant memory of the affair.
The Haydn Quartet contributed several
appropriate songs; Messrs. Eudolph Henney
and Curtis Baffin rendered two delightful
zither duets', and Mr. J. E. O'Donnell re
cited "The Blacksmith's Story."
Mr. Jeremiah Dunlevy, President of the
club, was in the chair. The rooms were
handsomely decorated, and an apparently
old oil painting of General Washington oc
cupied a conspicuous place in front of the
fireplace. .
Several very interesting addresses were
made. Mr. P. P. Smith, a club .member,
made ihe opening speech. He was suc
ceeded by the Kev. A. Bussell Nevins, C.
8. P., of New York, who discoursed upon
the subject, "Catholics and Patriotism."
The Her. Father A. A. Lambing read a
historical paper,, which recalled thefacts of
General Washington's inauguration.
Afterthe guests had listened to all this,
Mr. F. P. Smith asked the Bt Bev. B.
Phelan'. 'Bishop Coadjutor, to make a few
remarks in honor of the occasion. That
distinguished gentleman smilingly com
plied, as follows:
Ladies and gentlemen: Tou have been fa
vored with so many fine speeches, treating of so
many subjects, that it is really impossible for
me to add anything which could he more inter
esting than what you have beard already. You
have listened to historical facts whose com
memoration we are celebrating this evening,
and you have received some wholesome advice
from one of the presiding speakers as to what
is jour right and your duty. I heard
just now a comparative mention made
of General Washington and Napoleon X,
or General Bonaparte. Both were great gen
erals, though I suppose that from a soldier's
standpoint Napoleon would be considered the
greater. Both bronght honor, glory and dis
tinction upon their respective countries. Both
started from the lowest ranks, and energet
ically pursued their course to the nignest
honors a grateful country and an appreciative
people coma wen Destow upon mem.
Bat now let us look at the motives, at the
prompting spirits of the two men. Iris true
Napoleon loved his country dearly: but he did
not love it in the same. spirit that Washington
loved his country. Napoleon loved France for
his own sake; he loved it as far as it afforded
him the means of satisfying the greedy thirst
of his own nerfinnal ambition.
In this Washington differed from him,
loved his country, but he also loved bis fellow
citizens. He loved his country, and he con
sidered his ambition to be the servant of that
country. He loved his fellow citizens, and he
feltlthis honored duty to serve them. He did
not want to be their ruler, but their adviser.
The. people of America did not fully realize a
Republican Government at the time when
Washington fought in the Revolutionary War.
In fact they offered him the crown as the mon
arch of the nation. But be, unselfish as he was,
declined it
That gentlemen, that act of the great Presi
dent shonld be a jrnlding star to a number of
our politicians of to-day. I am not here to ac
cuse anybody, hut we all know that there a
number of men Sn high responsible positions at
the head of qur Government who often forget
tbat they are the servants of the people of
theirconntry. Tbey make their positions the
footstool of their own selfish desires and am
bitions. I have no fear that; the people of to
day will forget themselves so far as to allow
themselved to be governed by a despot But
watch and pray tbat it may never come to that
Ask God Almighty to prevent this country
from ever being anything else than a republic,
a land of free and liberty-loving people.
Formed the Climax of the Pittsburg Centen
nial Celebration.
The fireworks display which wound np
the Centennial celebration last night took
place from flats on the Allegheny river be
tween the Sixth and Seventh street bridges,
and was witnessed by many thousands of
The wharves on both sides of the river
were lined with people and the bridges
were packed solid, so that traffic was entire
ly stopped. The displa v itself las ted for an
hour or more, during which time the sky
was kept continuously aglow. Bockets,
bombshells and everything' else known in
the pyrotechnic art helped to make up the
programme. When the set portrait of
Washington was fired, the cheers that arose
from the crowds on each side of the river
could have been heard for squares raway.
The. display closed with ar. aerial flight of
COO rockets.
Black Horse Hill on Penn avenue, near
Neville street, was a beacon of light that
shown for a great distance last night, as a
result of the fireworks display of the East
End inaugural celebration, for an hour
and a naif the apex of the hill was a sheet
of flame from which emanated rockets, bal
loons of fire, bombshells, rosettes, etc., in
numerable. Alarge crowd wa3 assembled
on Penn avenue and Neville street, though
the display was visible from the greater
pari of East Liberty
Among the large set pieces that were put
off were figures of Washington on horse
back, welcome, the American eagle, the
dates April 30, 1789, and April 30, 1889,
and the words good night, the latter piece
concluding the entertainment
Celebrate the Inauguration of Washing-ton
In Allegheny.
The officers and members of Davis Camp,
Sons of Veterans, gave a full dress recep
tion at the Cyclorama in Allegheny, last
evening, celebrating the one hundredth an
niversary of the inauguration of the first
President of the United States.
The hall was handsomely decorated, and
at one end was a fine art painting of George
Washington. It was made by-Geo. C,
Lambdin in 1847, from the original paint1
ing by Stewart, and is one of six in exist
ence at present. The picture is the prop
erty of Mr. Gill, of Beymcr Bros., and was
loaned to Davis Camp for the occasion.
The grand march began, at 9:30 o'clock,
and was led by 3Ir. L. H. B. Foulk. The
Beception Committee was composed of
Messrs. L. H. Beno Poulk, Chas. S. Babst,
James W. Carson and John A. Irwin.
v ami MHWiwi m Mt amy m rm tmtr
I JU.ViiE.;-Jlt & &ssHUkVHglB .Hfcsssi. ..-. j.Hsisa a --U. , t 1 tMar
raaESMMIij mab
Held a Reception at Their Hall oa South
Eighteenth Street.
The members of St Mark's Guild cele-"
brated the Centennial Inauguration of Gen
eral Washington last night in their hall on
South Eighteenth street, by giving a grand
Exquisite decorations graced the walls of
the hall profusely. The evening's pro
gramme consisted of a large number of
vocal selections, which were followed by
various games, affording the guests an even
ing of amusement
Washington Knocks Oat Caunr.
The Washington Colored Literary Soci
ety, of Lawrenceville, met last night in a
hall on Thirty-first street, and debated the
question: "Resolved, That Washington was
a greater man than Csssar." Thomas John
son represented tire affirmative, and John
Brown the negative side of the question.
The judge awarded the debate in favor of
Washington. '
The Leeal Orator Ealeglzes the Absent Ose
a Dead Karnest.
A grand Centennial concert and recent
tion, in honor of the Centennial of the
'Washington iusgaration, was given at
Lafayette Hall last evening by Pittsburg
Patriarchy No. 33,-6; U.O.of XF. Aboufr
GOO persons were present, including the
best of the colored soektf.ef the two cities.
An excellent pre wane was presented and
an enjoyable eveaiag spent.
Aa address by tfce Hob. William Mo
Kinky .was sebedaled, bat Mr. MeKInley
not bolagaWe teW present, his apology
wm pretttttel by aJm Jot.- In Mt re
marks Mr. Jn JapMtd Mn Meihlor
as the prater of Qommntt. theanin advocate
of -proT itmrntTmrnf Horn ef the
Til Kiypifl LIKK
Qt the Ewftabfe Natural G CosssnT ta
bfi Haluhsd br Jly IS Smrt
The.Bqaitable Natwsl Gas Cessfswy, at
Piiisbwg, is rapidly fintefaiBg jt new pipe
line from the Northern Marraysville gas,
field fo Pittsburg. This will be oae of the.
largest lines in tho country. The eatke
distaaee will ba laid with 24-iaea sad 34
ineh Cast iron pipe. Two miles ef pipe have
been laid from the wells' aad the company
is also commending at the foot of Tenth
The corporation has now a oapital of
$1,000,000. Mr. B, B. Brown, one of t
originators of ihe old Pud Gas Company, of
Allegheny county, is the President Beabea
Miller, of Miller, Metealf & Parkte, i
Treasurer, and W. H. Alldred is Secretary-
Mr. W, D, Hartapee It the engineer oi tae
company. The primary object of thecom
pany'a organization is to supply all the
manufacturers along the Allegheny river.
They own from 2,000 to 3,000 acres of first-
rate eas terntorv in. the Northern MHrrays-
villa field, and from their prospects the
comuanrfeel, assured that they will get a
-great deal of gas by the time the line ia
The main line to-the city will be ready by
July 15, and it will take 15,000 tone of oast
iron to manufacture all the pipe required.
None of the contracts of the pipe have beea
awarded to Pittsburg firms. The reason for
this is alleged to be that there is no firm in
this city able io turn oat such heavy cast
iron pipe.
A Local Association for This City Was
Formed Last Evening.
A meeting of the students of Cornell Col
lege was held last night at the Hotel Du
quesne, and a focal association formed.
There were 22 names put on the membership
rol. President Adams, of the college, was
present and made an address. After the
meeting a banquet was served by mine host
Witherow. '
The following were the officers elected:
President, T. S. White; Vice President;
Joseph Thorp; Treasurer, W. J. Shfras.
Foreign Money Orders.
Tfhe report of the business done in the
money order department of the postoffice, for
the past quarter shows the total receipts and
disbursements to be $178,450 92. There were
issued $3,777 18 for British money orders;
$1,553 70 for Italy, The German orders
paid were $1,699 60 and the British $660 67.
nm i s s. i .i.s ssm
jdb. 'vjym
. JSttft gtfBE1
In the Ltoea .iDepartaae:
to extra qnalityi at the p
Sheetta, 99 .inches wide
sever saw aa jEOodJatthl
stitched border PiUow''
two sixes; at
II Ta'ano
Tho IHnsIe Festival.
The sale of season tickets for the great
musio festival will begin this morning at 9
o'clock at Hamilton's musio store. The
saving of 40 per cent, made by purchasing
season tickets, insures a very general de
mand for them. Subscriptions for private
boxes will be secured for a week yet
Be Flourished a Knife.
John BZrauth and John Hopper were ar
rested in Kessler's saloon, on Smithfield
street, last night The first named was
flourishing a knife and wanted to cut somebody.
Mellor fe Hoene.
We can furnish you with the best piano.?
and organs made, and can give you the best
and easiest terms of payment We have
been established since 1831 (nearly 60 years),
and, being the oldest musio firm in the oity,
we have had more experience than any
other house. Persons buying from us can
be satisfied they are getting the full worth
of their money, as the pianos and organs
we sell are the best made in the United
States. Send for circulars and full particu
lars of our easy payment-plan.
tvt 77 Pifth avenue, Pittsburg,
Shams to match at IE 15
Some extra?weigsit'
bleached, 2 jix&LjgrlAi
with these, 30 dozensjpl
S3 25 a dozen. 'J Extra? wt
Napkins, Jslie,'at J2 afo'i
Neat patterns ririvTO-ini
Damasks at 85c." ',
New patterns in Cream
wear well and longat 11
New Hemstitched Dam
Napkins to match,-1 allsii
Velocipedes aad Tricycles.
Five sizes for boys from 4 to 12 years.
Three sizes for girls rom 4 to 15 years, at
Lauer's Toy House, 620 Liberty1 st
Lace curtains New designs and extra
good values this week in qualities from $1
to $7 50 a pair. Hnous & Hacke.
Ali, the leading brands of imported
cigars, wholesale and retail, ,
G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97Pifth Ave.
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
Coughs lead to the great enemy consumption.
A stitch in time often saves life Itself.
f .' CENTS.
Pillow Case Linens th
are so easy to make upwi-
Bight adjoining the
Goods, Linen Lawns. Cat
ty. Mulls, Nainsooks all
thin cottons are here;
Figured Swisses; thenr!-
broideries, not only In,
edges, but in the wide br
Flouncings new patter
stitched Flouncings
has the latest in Black.
Black Fish Nets tha:
mand;'also the latest
ered Nets and Crepe Lis
This week Special is
partment. New Challie
under price, tod. This I.
the newest la any. and, aL
teriais. as a look, will show. . ,,
. sss
la Silks Some Black, 81 UctG? madam
are pure Silk and very handsom.vJTh?
Dlrectolre 'patterns in Black liracideS.
and also la colorsC
All Short lengths of India Hilts, tl'2B qn:
at 50o a yard useful and soluble for;
NewLouisine Silks, hewJPIali
I 3
1 Armtice Bihuff
Hooks and Buttons, all prices.
y !
Give you a good shape, besides betes
very comfortable- 1
10c, 15e, 26c and 50c per pair.
Sarah Silks, new
Wash Silks for Blouse V, 'aUts. ,
The Cloak Boom ha (celvedj
new ready-to-wear Buij i, ia ni m, Bnk,Clti
Cashmere, Mohair, Sa jieaad GmgteaSl
A large assortment ol to ported 'jFreeesi
-Jersey Waists and Blouse Wxls : arela sseest
to-day, exclusive styles and colorjafu
Wash Dress Goods Satlnes sad . Glnj hay
the Henrietta-fast Black 8:ittoe,fafr wh't
figures,' only to be had here;WeJfFrenc
Satinesat 26c; the new coloring faffiSScao
Satfnes at 12c and 9c; the WTebseldsred
Scotch Ginghams at 30c Bargain User set now
for buyers lathis department VIK) '
Busy days ia the MiUteeryHeosa Flownf
and Ribbons, Hats and Boaaesv, CaQskea.'a
Hats asjoaasd them or trtmss saw rosy sV
rect the latest shapes all the time.
Over la the Curtain Room more aew.Xae
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street '
strietly port (pap Joioe, in pints and
qaarts' for fa&'jrrase. aaw chare ptrpeeea.
b18-Wf;-" ' Llfcwty sadlHo!
Btfcvstt. t
ia eases of
r Mtw
Curtains, also Qftallla Portieres, lsucolstsegs'
that harmonize perfectly with sew
asd Wan Papers. Bamboo Portieres
Printed Java Bedroom Cartatosv
variety of Sash Curtain MaterisJs
1 is VJ
Silks, Bordered Swiss asd Flatfastdne
Scrims. EvsrytalBg fa tha way oflCo
Poles sad Flat am.
Spriac wetghta ia- Underwear 7
" 3G&
NataralWo AQ Balk" astfjJUst at
BsJBrlBjffn, sec to ftaest. j afcr
Parasols siad SaaUsasveclM,
maay; petfcaps meet te.be seen
imm. " p iii .linn., m mv mmmmmmnmmiit