V' UlI'LV i 'li ftk lAUCO 1 L . '- . , x .v rt rT, IO- W- X pi r o - 0 n o 2 O a 2 ni PI U) tn ro w Jk- cn 9i JUETF &EAB, "B ilASfl NX- wd Strikes New Blockading streets, - FACE TRAVEL arrenders to the ien andxWom'eiii lENTEMIiE BEACHED li of tho ETent Looked Forward to by stbam for Many M.onths Even the feather Joins in to Slake It a Success ialf a Million Stranger Within the Into A Milltarr Parade of 53,000 Irn Nearly a million People See the ihow Commemorative Exerclsei at St. Vwl's and the Sob-Treasury The Ban let and Toasts by Famous SIcn Close le Day. ust such another day as yesterday New .rfc will scarcely -witness for years to me. The city was taken possession of by a army of 50,000 soldiers, regulars and home guards," and a mammoth parade t the largest if not the chief feature of the One Hundreth, Anniversary of the Inaugu ration of George "Washington as the first Preaaent'of the United States. Certain it U that more talk resulted over the military than any other item on the day' s pro gramme. TK.SGS43C TO Till DISPXTCn.1 NEW XOEK, April 30. It was another blizzard. Once again the streets were block aded, the surface travel was stopped, the elejated roads were glutted, busi ness was suspended, and the city sur rendered to the downpour. This time it was a human blizzard, a storm of men and women. JJnst as a year and a month ago four storms met over this then hapless city and expended their combined fury upon our Utreets, so to-day the tracks of the four grinds of heaven- were followed by rushing Houses of men, women -and children, who 'rnetwithin our city limits. Just as last this particular neighborhood was VI ont by the furious disturbance, so few streets in the heart of the city led the shock of this second tempest Greatest drifts were la Broadway and noe. There the personified flakes kedjp from the curb high against ngs, the masses of BInck Hamas Hall over the enormous stands to rdrifts that walled in the sitfie parks, little drifts thousands of private nerous trucks placed at ' the high stoops of rth these ani- id hail duc e houses, wsvimd ewalks of k pall -. ered, i 'every towling m urtajto f -H MJP 1- i ' w They wrei of unusual severity, yet they gave no hint of Tho Fearfal Downpour that was lo follow. Other scurries and whirls of the black particles came out from the, depots up town and across .the river at breakfast time, and by 9 o'clock the four fearful cjrcling galea that whirled 760,000 human flakes into .Broadway and Filth avenue were blowing their mightiest. At that time there' was no cross-town street that did reserve as a vehicle for thehnr'rying atoms Hhat were 'to bank themselves on either side of the long line of march 6f the (great military .p'arade of the actual centen jaryof Washington's 'inauguration and the formation ot National Government The police'and their men agree that there) (wert at least Valf a million strangers in' town to-day. That gave the city a tem porary population of 2,350,000, persons to day, for to the 1,600,000 resident population must' be added the 250,000 who come to town every dav in the Tear except Sun days, and who were more than represented by the Influx From the Near Suburbs. , That- is to. say, that if any who usually came spent the Say at home there were more than enough-others to take their places. Broadway and fifth avenue were jammed by sightseers to-day, as no New York streets were crowded before. The crowding began at 8 o'clock, and there was no diminution of it until after dark. It is estimated that, with the people standing eight deep on both sides of the 5-miIe route, the crowd must have numbered 457,600 persons, in rough figures. To these must be added the 90,000 persons on the big and little reviewing stands, which makes a sum of 547,600 souls; and then again, these must be swelled by the persons who crowded upon the 4,000 trucks in the side streets. At an average of 25 persons to each track and that is mod eratethis adds 100,000 more to the over whelming multitude, and produces a total of 647,600.spectators of the parade, without including the enormous number that viewed it from the windows, doorways and roofs. At Iienst a Million Spectators. If this estimate is over-larce because it gives only a foot to each person to stand in, it is equally wrong the other way in count ing the people as standing eight rows deep. As a matter of fact, they have stood Irom 10 to 15 rows deep. It is not wild guessing to say that a million persons saw to-day's parade. One feature of the amazing spectacles one huge block of the immense and solid cube of people will live in the minds of all who saw it so long as they live. For some reason the police permitted the people to get into the roadway of Pitta, avenue above Madison square, and presently they blocked the great thoroughfare solidly. The police themselves, accustomed as they are to crowds, were amazed afNthe wonderful scene this produced. A. Most Impressive Sight. The sight was most impressive. From Madison square to Thirty-eighth street, or perhaps a block or more higher up town, Hurray Hill rises higher above the general level of the town. TJp that eminence Fifth avenue looked like a vast human gutter a trough bottomed and sided with humanity. The people packed the stoops, and rose in curving lines up the stoops at the sides. Far as the sight reached, their heads and htte formed a new and upper pavement of the avenue. Some mounted police were sent to disperse them from the roadway. They rode to the face of the mass of people at Twenty eighth street, but made no impression on the solid multitude. They did not try. They were not brntal. They simply rode up against the wall of mankind and then were stopped, and they ordered the people to scatter. , The people were not obdurate. They were helpless. They couldn't move. After that, when the procession reached that point, an other body of 40 odd mounted men suc ceeded better. It scarcely would be be lieved. The Day Marred by Brutality. It sounds incredible that a day of nation al thanksgiving should be marred bo brut ally. But the fact is certain that the second squad did by violence what the others failed to do. They proclaimed war. Forming their ranks into a wedge, with the point to ward, the people, they spurred their horses and pressed ahead. Into the crowd they went, disregarding the shrieks of the women and children, ie- I soring those who fainted and fell, heeding not at all those "whose feet, at least, they trod upon. It was an act and scene that strong, men cannot talk abont without trembling with excitement. Fortunately, there was some succor near. Mrs. Faran Stevens, whose house is at the southeast corner of Twenty-eighth street and Fifth avenue, saw the scene, and, opening her door, took in 100 of the women and children -who were hurt and frightened and had fainted. She gave them food and drink as w$lL Bow the Overflow Enjoyed Itself. So much for the massing of the people. There was an overflow of those who could not see the parade. They made Sixth ave nue, Lexington avenue and Third and Fourth avenues lively with a sort of Fourth of July' festivity. They were in their best clothes, and were happy and smiling. Lov ers hung on lovers' arms, and mothers and children went hand in hand. Householders and matrons from probably half the States of the Union were in the throngs, staring honestly and without self-consciousness or shame-facedness at the wonders of the great city. Therewas little drunkenness. There were few horse cars. The elevated trains were packed. The day had opened under heavy clouds, and' there was blowing a fresh wind that made the soldiers complain long after the sun came out, whenever they had to stand in the shade. At 11 o'clock the sun broke its cloud bonds and deluged the air with golden lining. Even the Harrison hoodoo, that has marred every ceremony he has taken part in since he became Presi dent, was overcome by -New York's luck, so that' it was altogether a glad day. The ribbons, red white and blue, of which The Dispatch spoke yesterday, became more man ever tne teature or tne celebra tion, xens ot tncusanus w women wore them. One such bow-knot beautified a woman. One such bow redeemed ill-fitting gownS- and freshened seedy ones. Tens ot thonsands of them illuminated the crowds. The Men AM Decorate Themselves. Then the men and boys bought medals and pins and huhe them on their coats. kA rthattbey too reflected the festival spirit ot laeuar." j-iiamirauge impulse OI manKmd to decorate itself which leads to the hundreds ot semi-military organizations and uniformed clubs we have in town, shown out in the rash for .the medals 'that the curb stone peddlers -sold. Possibly each man felt that to wear one of those bits of metal connected him with the formal and mili tary programme of the day. On Sixth avenue the small thread and needle stores were selling centennial corsets, the queerest oateoae of the holiday erase: There were $&rg8s stays, ,ali trbBseed with red.-.wfeite.BBd blue ribbe-as sad Itttle ms l i.-1'J' ' i).M i i someof the rustic matrons and the sparkle in their-eris; as they shade the streets, were due to theifonsciousness that under their gowns they wore these glorious yet .sacred, garments? Jhere' must be a pride that goes with' jeweled garters, though the awful 'mysterfefof;the -sun worshippers were not' sb sacred as that. Then, why may not some'' of the igladnesson the street to-day be1 traceable to these gorgeous inner vestJ menti, as 'gaudy as the feather girls of South Pacific maidens. One -of the Forma or Pride. Eiide takes queer form in times of popu lar (excitement. "Witness a sign strung across a house In South Fifth avenue: , WE. THE PEOPLE ' - -' 'op SOUTH. FIFTH AVENUE ABE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON , JUST AS PROUD. Thewording-of that is peculiar, but the ffiffifffl'yfcKBBGljk llHSlk?! 'fflsssHH jzWS' W'llBsssm&Vaiwf THE GBAHD PABADB OEITEEAIi SCHOFIELD AKD STAFF AT IHE HEAD OF THE MILITAET. sentiment is as elevating .and .creditable, as any that is expressed in any form on tho upper and swell Fifth avenue.. Under this head it is worth noting that the inrther one gets from upper Fifth avenue the more general and profuse is the decoration, of the houses. A NOTABLE PBOCESSION Wends lis Way From the Fifth Avenue Ho tel to Old St. Paul's Church Presi dent, Ex-Prealilcnt and Other Important Persons Present. The formal celebration of the Centennial opened with the ringing- of the bells in all the churches that had them. There were services in many churches, notably in the Episcopalian and the Hutch Reformed. The old Hutch Church which now worships at Twenty-ninth streeLand Filth avenue sounded its thanksgiving with a bell cast in Amsterdam in 1731. The Dutch Church was the loyal one in the dark days of the Revolution; the Epis copal Church was a Tory body. It necessa rily was so, for its clergy had to take their orders from England, and most of them came from there. .George Washington -was a church man, however, and that is why he went to St. Paul's 100 years ago, and" we held special exercises there to-day. . BU J'aul's Church. The Episcopalians are as jubilant to-day as if thev were in good odor in thiscityiin 1789, wh'ich they were not. They say that in this country their membership has in creased far beyond the proportionate in crease of the population, ,and that in this city in the last five years their gain has been more than 31 per cent against an aver age gain of 3 per cent by all the other Protestant sects. A Most Notable Array. This morning a .notable procession went fromthe Fifth Avenue Hotel to old St. Paul's, at Vesey street and Broadway. In it were the President, Vice President, Su preme Court Justices, Governor Hill, Mayor Grant, Grover Cleveland, Rutherford B. Hayes, Senators Evarts and Hiscock, the Cabinet, Secretaries, the Bishops of New York, Long Island, Iowa -and Tennessee. Mrs. Harrison, Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Jones, .Senator John Sherman.Geheral Sherman, . Senator Jtngalls, ex-Senator Bayard, and many others. The omnipresent committeemen were there, of course. It had been, said that the church service was the only feature at which El bridge T. Gerry would not speak. But he didigeak, all the same. He made' the re sponses,. He Is Invincible, The' church was'-resplendently decorated wits Bjftgs.anQ.nowers. uniquejaaongjau FHTSBtrnGr" WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1889. 13-starred flfef the last century side by Bide with the royal standard of France; emblems pf the combined forces that over threw the irksome English rule. over our people. Appropriate. Pews Occupied. The President sat .in George "Washing-, ton's :pew, which is still preserved ia tbtr iiHurcn. The Governomt, in the pew that once, was .Governor Clintons.. Ihe most . ,J. t . i-y .1 i i . -A!H M!.tK fclfnwa4 a prescribecTfcrmuta was the address oFk Bishop Henry O. Potter, who1 preached oe cause the then Bishop of New'.Xort did so 100 yean ago. Bishop Potter, talked to President Harrison after a mainer that'will be variously judged by Tariou persons. It hai not yet occurred to anyone else to adopt the tone he did before the President. He sailed into.practical politics and patronage grabbing, right and left. He said ft wotifd be interesting buf impossible to fancy the first 'President confronted "by ;a modern "praotical" politician. "The loathing, the Outraged majesty with which he would have bade such a creatureto be gone," the gotfd Bishop pictured as most impressive. After ward he -attacked the Democrats, coining ihe idea that "Washingtonian dignity had degenerated into Jefferponian simplicity, r which was only.anothei name for "Jackson-ianvilgarity,-'; ' " ' '' ; A Glorious Service of Bonjr. There was glorious Singing in the church by Miss Bella Watson and Miss Clara B. Leek, sopranos; Miss Tuttle and Miss Bach man, altos, and some trained male voices. The distinguished guests had been taken to their pews by Trinity vestrymen "whose names are to a surprising extent reflected in the names pf downtown streets, viz.: Pell, Clarkson, Jav, Leroy, Morris and Van Cortlandt. From the church the people moved to the platform built on the porch of the sub treasury building, the site of Federal Hall, on whose balcony Washington took the oath as President. Wall street was packed with people, and so was Broad street as far 'as the stock exchange entrance. There was a lesser crowd in Nassau street. Police in great force kept order around the temporary platform. Artillerymen were on duty on the outskirts of the dense mass -of people. The Free Masons had brought down the Bible on which General Wash ington took the oath, and in its. plush en velope it rested on. a table once owned by Washington. There was a chair of Wash ington's there alsor for President Harrison to occupy. Had Giover Cleveland been President he could not have sat in it. AN IMPOSING SCENE. The Most Notable Men In the United Stntes Attend the Commemorative. Exer cises Tho Reviewing- Stand and the Immensity of the Parade. The procession to the sub-Treasury was very Jate. The platform was crowded when the great men came at 1020 o'clock, save for the seats reserved for them. ThePresi dent, the ex-President, and the ex-defacto President sat -well forward, Witt Messrs. Gerry, Hamilton, the elder Mr. Fish, Chief Justice Fuller and a t$w of his colleagues, and Mr. Depew, the orator of the occasion. The clergymen made an imposing appear ance. Archbishop Corrigan wore his purple beretta, his purple delmati, a long robe reaching to the ground, and his golden pectoral cross and chain; the Bev. Dr. Storrs wore the black gown in which he preaches. Dr. Eliphalet .Potter and the Bishop of Iowa were in .partial canonical attire. Governor Hill did not go there. There-was great applause when President Harrison was recognized, and Grover Cleve lanairas afterward the center of a crpwd of pereypsapxions to grasp -his hand. v'.tfii Coraemmorntlvo Exercises. DrSS9rs offered a prayer, which was couchecTin a tone half ot thanksgiving and half of petition. Clarence W. Bowen read the poem written at Danvers, Mass., by John Greenleaf "Whittter. After that Mr. Chauncey'M. Depew spoke for 25 minutes, and the President followed in a short ad dress, which was concluded by the benedic tion, pronounced by Archbishop Corrigan. The President had difficulty in finding his voice at the outset, but presently he made himself heard clearly "by all on tie platform. The greatestmilitary parade ever seen in America except on the assembling of the troops in Washington at the close of "the war was "under way when the 'literary exer cises began. Then the President, "Vice President, Mayor Grant, Messrs. Cleveland and Hayes in a Word, all the notables ex cept Governor Hill, who was at the head of his troops were driven to the reviewing stand in Madison Square. They drove up the line of march in uearly a dozen car riages, and passed miles of soldiers and Grand Army men who ere drawr. up along the curbing. Arranecjaent of the Itevlew lae'Stand. The. decorations of the reviewing stand were wretched. Ihe President and the others occupied a bow-shaped platform pro lectins: from the stand. This was badlr: decorated, the most conspicuous, ornament j pemganaKea noyot tne same lineage is the tipsy soldiers oa the absurd arsh at TweBty-axth street Tbo President ttayejl until nearly the end, from 1 o'cloe'i. Th" juuuuaiuu mm J., JJHSMH ,lHr. reviewing steB4JHiWaryi7ioel. ItAtgfattee- 62,000 than 60,000, and the line was twice as lone as the'ronte. a matter of 11 miles in all. Nearly .every State in the Union was.rep resented, and with surprising numbers, the Pacific States being the most notable ab sentees. For five hours and a half the sol I. piers' marched. For bo many hours the air 01 .oroaaway was cnargea witn stirring inusic, with the regular' tread of hoofs ana shoes, the rattle of gun carriages, the clink of sabers, and the eorceonsiand kaleideo- Seme 'at the Sub-Treaiury Building. scopio panorama of colors. For nearly six hours the people stood in solid ranks along tho line of, march, and the soldiers were hemmed in by these living walls and saw the multitude towering far above their heads in the windows, on the balconies and on the roof edges. Tired Soldiers tho Best Marchers. Cheering was continuous. Fancy the fatigue of the "marching men! And. the greater fatigue of the standing multitude! There went to bed to-night, more almost ut terly exhaustad men, women and children thaever slept in the brisk sea-laden night air de metropolis. Itsbv Tscruel, but it is a fact that one commanW of a military body in the line told The Dispatch reporter that soldiers march best when they are tired. "Before that they are uneven and unnertain in their ranks and step, but .once tired as we were after our long waiting to-day, they easily fall into the long 30-inch swing of the route step, and keep it up as long as we (ten 1 1 1 a mr vim hbm I! mt. .1 ! It man, 11&.C bu uiaujr uiucuiucs. J.uai is tne marching that the spectators admire. It is when the men are tired that the people cheer them." This was a notable and proud city organi zation. "Do you let your merf drink?" the officer was asked. "Not until noon, and then only a little water. Much water makes them sick; alco hol makes them drunk, and all drinking is Very bad. "While we wait, if a man needs to lea ve the ranks we send a guard with him to see that he does not drink, even water." That was the rule with that nrp.irn ration but there were others from other States which fairly mobbed the down town beer saloons while waiting in Nassau and Church streets for the order to fall in the great par ade. MBS. HAREISONvS DAY, The President's Wife Witnesses the Parade from Sir. Morton's House Where Bhe Dined and With Whom ' ft "- -Bfc, , C' ' U.UV .!7 UH)iyG Mrs. Harrison saw the parade from the balcony of Mr. Morton's house, at 85 Fifth avenue. The balcony extends under both front parlor windows, and was draped with a great flag. Before the parade came along, early in the morning, carriages began to stop at the door with guests. Mrs. Stuyve Bant Fish was among the first to arrive. The other 'guests were Allan Thorndyke Rice, Mri. Governor Beaver, of Pennsylva nia; Mrs. Governor Green, of New Jersev; John Jay, Mrs. Senator Piatt, and Mr. Stuyyesant Fish. Mr. Fish arrived after the parade had well started. long before the first strains of music were heard, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Harrison en tered the balcony through the parlor win dow, and took chairs near each other, the other guests grouping around, them. The Earlor was charmingly decorated with owers, chiefly Marechal Neil roses and violets. Flags hnng over the windows, anu uver me muies on tne oaicony. When the carriages with the President and hisparty came Dy in review, the gen tlemen in each carriage in turn raised their hatswhen opposite the house, and the ladies inclined, their heads in acknowledgment. Tbey disappeared and reappeared' on the balcony several times during tho parade, but stuck to it pretty closely until 2o'clock, when lunch was served for the -party in the big dining room. After lunch Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Morton reappeared with some of the guests, but withdrew about 4:30 o'clock. At 7 o'clock Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Morton dined alone together. At 8:30 o'clock they took their carriage" ..in Fifth avenue, nnd drove to . the Metropolitan Opera House. The President, who had returned to Mr. Morton's after the parade, had cone to the dinner earlier. He was buttoned to the chin in his gray overcoat, and wore a black low-crowned soft felt hat, crnshed to his head in the crown. Mr. Morton and a member of the Entertainment Committe ac companied him. A PITTSlJUKG SOLDIER PAINTS. He Was Carried to the Hospital bat Was Soon oa Deck Again. ISFXCMI. TELIGItAM TO THE PISFATCIT.l New Yoke, April 30. William Roenig, a member ot one of the Pittsburg com panies, was overcome by- fatigue and fell in a fainting condition. His comrades car ried him on a stretcher to a store at 15 West Twenty-seventh street, and he was afterward taken to the. New York Hospital in an am bulance. In an hour he rallied and went, with the aid of his comrades, to their head quarters. HOT WITHOUT ACCIDENT. Major Patterson, of Frceport, Das His Leg Broken br Fallinff From His Horsp. New York, April 30. While the Penn sylvania militia were marching up Broad way, Major Frederick Patterson, of Free port, Pa., of the Secvid Brigade, N. G. P., was thrown from ' orse and had his rjglit leg broken. .' THEP01yEOF L07K A Highly Accompli Faith to Wed tb od Lady Changes Her .Man She Adores. ISFICIAI. TZLEQ : to TniDisrjiTCH.i Texabkaxa, A IK., April 30. The power of love wasjdii nlayed here to-day un- der unnsuaTci'-timst; (ices; Henry a. Bin- nige, of Bvnsin -hai Ala., came here a few mouU-s SCO no 'engaged in the drug' business, He, met Miss Kay Marx, a mem ber of 'cne.-ol. tap .wealthiest , Hebrew fami-lfesi&--,Statey Miss Marx was engaged td marry'a'jinUeman of her own faith liv lfisui ParisyTex., and their engagement lad Been. polished. i The appbrance of Sinnige upset all this. HeSndifiss Marx met and a clear case of mutusplove at first sight was the result. liiisVMarx renounced her religion and former lover. jdespite the strenuous oddo- ,Rion of her family embraced the Catholio iib, ana isei mgai was united to me man of her es)JM,..4, She i very jHautifal ,ad irli 3SL J?t I ft H mm issssHEcffiiy' ' J sS jismiZmBnmHZJ J fTffirc V5?Wsm-!siS5v-JM MILES OF MILITAET. 50,000 Soldiers March Through Kew York for Six Hoiirs. CEOWDEDIIKB OAMBD SAEDINES, Arid. -Kept ; Going so Rapidly That Passed the Reviewing Stand. All PEMSTLYANIA SHOWS UP FHELT. A Ecese Forked of a Blending of the Peaceful With the, WarUle. The most impressive' feature of the New (Yort Centennial was fie "military parade, because it was . the. most extensive .one. Eleven miles, of uniformed men were so closely packed and so hastily trotted along, that they passed a given point in 5 hours. New York, of conrse, led the parade in numbers, "but was closely followed by Penn sylvania's 8,000 men. IsmCIAL TXIXOBiU TO THX DI3PATCH.1 NkwYoek, April 30. There were many remarkable points abont to-day's, the great est of our country's military parade. In the first place, the city never was so clean on such an.occasion. Not. all the thanks are due to Street &iCS w-,Cm&yff n. It was the two days' rain, that freshenedtne greets and made their stones shine. Bat thev'qick marching was the wonder of all who sawlL It will be the wonder of all military .men who.read of it and saw it anon. It has been said that, to march 7,000 men past a given point in an hour was considered wonderful. The Dispatch reporters and others counted the bodies to-day as they swept along the avenne and "Broadway, and invariably they were going at the rate of 9,500 an hour sometimes a few less, some times a few more, but' always at that average rate. After they marched breast to shoul der nearly always ihe ranks stretched across the wide street from curb to curb, often with 22 men in each rank. The aver age number, side by side, was 18. MIOHIT CLOSE TVOBK. The regular army were wonderfully close together. The knees of the West Point cadets fitted into the bends of the fellows' legs ahead of them. Thus 11 miles of men wereable to walk over ty miles of streets in 5 hours. It was a beneficient accom--plishment, proud for the men, comforting to the people on the stands, valuable to the men and women on foot. The very first man in the great procession was a stalwart, broad-chested one of im posing height and evident great strength. He walked with the officer in' command of the first platoon of police. All the thousands looKed at him, lor he was in civilian dress. The million wondered who he was. He was a reporter of The Dispatch jdstinfrom Oklahoma and No Man's Land. Other Dispatch reporters were on the stands, in the' crowds, in the windows, on the roofs, and among the troops at rest at Lower Broadway and the down-town side streets. Major General Schofield, at the head of the troops of the regular army, was splendid and gorgeous, commanding and almost royal in appearance. His new, shiny blue and glistening, gold, his" SPLESTIID PBESEKCE ASS FIGT7BE, and his beautiful horse all combined to bring him constant applause. He is not a Winfield Scott nor a Hancock. They were majestic. Bnt he cuts a fine figure, never theless. His staff made a splendid picture, also. Two thousand or more regulars fol lowed him. First came the cavalry and then the infantry, and after these the "West Point cadets in their gray and white dress and with their wonderful step. There were four crack marching bodies in the parade tha West Pointers, the Cadets, the Seventh" New York and tne Michigan Military Academy prize winners. Each had their admirers and partisans. The contest. it is thought, lay between the Federal Cadets and the Seventh Begiment. It should not be forgotten, however, that the Brooklyn Twenty-third won miles of cheering for its beautiful marching. The artillery and light batteries of the regulars, with their polished steel cannons and heavy jolting carriages, made a grand showing. Then came the marines, the naval 'prentice boys and the sailor men, all in blue, and all flinging their white canvas legging tq.and fro beneath them like tho feet of a giant caterpillar. The cadets did well, looked finely and WOlf GEEAT APF1ATSE. The jack tars bowled and lumbered and swayed along very amusingly but who ever laughed at sailors? Who, that has not a tender heart for them and a.little touch of sentiment when they are seen or men tioned? After the regulars came the home guard, as they are called the militiamen of the National Guard of the various States, placed in the order in which the States gained entrance to the Union. They made the dazzling, the picturesque and pretty part of the great show the part the ladies liked. Each State's quota was led by its commander-in-chief,the Governor of the. State. Delaware a peacock blue band ex cited admiration. , doyernor Beaver, impressive, crippled by the loss of his left leg, and lashed to his horse, led the 8,000 .men of Pennsylvania, the practical working'turnout of the State's full force. He was in civilian dress. So -were most of the Governors, though their stan omceis were resplendent. The 8,000 Pennsylvanians carried all the impediments of marching troops, that is 'to say, their knapsacks, blankets, haversacks, canteens, cupsand cartridge boxes. ' A BUST AND TUtED LOT. It must hive been a sorry day for them, for they were bn the road all yesterday and crowded the elevated trains up to .daylight, but they looked happy. General Hastings, who is nationally admired, was looking his best as the practical head of the troops. Then came New Jersey's men, with Gov ernor Green in command. His men made a magnificent appearance. Pennsylvania had come in cober State uniforms, but the Jer sey men. wore their -differine- legimentals, some of which .were gorgeous. Delaware had 760 men, Pennsylvania 8,000, New Jersey 3,700. Georgia sent only 35 men, Governor Gordon and his staff. Connecti cut should be proud of her men. The Gov ernor's foot guards, with their grenadier nats, red coats ana Dtm oreecnes, were lady winners, and the Zouaves were very "scrumplous," as they might say them selves. There were 600 of these animated wooden nutmegs in the line. Then came the old Bay State, led by her Governor and her 200-year-old Ancient and Honorable Artillery, in their varying styles of dress, for they are not dressed alike. There were, 1,500 men of Massachusetts here, among them a pair of corps" of cadets, one in white, and one in red, that won great ad miration. ' EACH DELEGATION, FULL. The band of the 500 Marylanders played "Hail to the Chief." The sober blue New Hampshire quota of 1,090 men. la three regiments', was a eoatrlbution like that of Pennsylvania, of oil the soldiers of the State. The Governor ef North Carolina, John, P. Richardson, proadJy commanded 80 saea. mk, mmkh war mc.isjBsm .. mm wmoniorj er, Hl'4Twsi44fifW: rjt& yN:'. - what one said to the other the other: could not hear. Fitzhugh Lee, of princely presence and noble Southern lineage, was cheered to the echo from the Bowling Green to Central Park. Stout, broad, bearded; soldierly by instinct and training, glorious in his uni form, he was the proudest of -the Governors, our own not excepted. He led 500 cavalry men and artillerymen. Then came the wonderfnl showing of the 'Empire State. Ninety per cent ofher men were in line. 'They numbered 12,000, in 4 brigades, 18 regiments. 1 battalion and 5 batteries. They .were led by 1,000 officers. "Some had conje from Buffalo, some from Ugdensburg, some from Malone. AIL the force except the sick and other excHaed men were behind the bay horse that Governor Hillrode, THE SECOND HOUSE HE EVER BODE, or at least the second occasion of his riding as Commander-in-Chief of our State Army and Navy.' He wore' 'citizen's dress. His staff, with General Porter as his proud at tendant, looked finely, and so did Brigidier General Louis. Fitzgerald, whose staff wore white breeches of the most immaculate freshness. The Seventh brought out 1,021 out ot its quota of 1,075 men. The Brooklyn men "were not as warmly greeted by our cit izen's as they, deserved, but the Twenty third marched so well as to wring applause from all. After these bodies came the men of North Carolina, Rhode Island and Ohio.3,050 Btrongj Louisiana, Illinois, Missouri, Mich igan, Florida, Texas, the District of Colum bia, the Loyal Legion and the Grand Army. There were 11,000 Grand Army men in the ranks. The Belknap Bifles, of Texas, all in white, were warmly greeted. InalljJhere were 38,000 men in military uniform in the line. The down-town streets were held by the troops in waiting durinjr the most of the day. All the region below Chambers street on one side and Beekman on the other was filled with men in-uniform. Thousands noon thonsands who could not ;"flba the parade itself walked past these troops ana admired tnem. a cuiicrraLY bmotjed pictttbe. All over the sfrejt'-.th.e scene, formed a curious blending of peace'rj. and warlike pictures. Drummer .boys sat p$heir drums in the middle of Nassau street, while long lines of stacked drums blockedthe road. The men of the country regiments irom New York State who wereon Nassau sttSft be sieged the beer saloons and restaui.vits, while the "Virginia men, mainly on tfeir big, lumbering horses, sat patiently half Ciii. day behind their gallant leader, .Fitzhugh Lee. Near the . Bowling Green the tall, raw-boned New Hampshire men stood look ing on with wonder; while the janitors' wives and children literally filled the air with flying quotation tapes. This is a new trick these people had dis covered. They took an ordinary coil of tape, such as is used in tickers, and they pulled the inner end out, after which the coil unwound itself In a long, crinkled stream ef paper. These snake-like white ribbons issued from hundreds of windows, caught upon thousands of wires and scores of tall poles, so that presently the air was all a flutter with these narrow bands and the streets, became immensely more pictur esque. On Church street the Seventy-first, Sev entieth, Eightieth. Ninetieth, Twenty-second and Sixty-ninth regiments were at rest all just as neat and trim and proud as soldier men could be. The Seventh, as usual, was full of fun and frolic. MUST HAVE THEIB POT. Companies of. the men kept visiting the Sixty-ninth and cheering them. They would pack the sidewalks around Colonel Cavauaugh, who sat on horseback, and after asking each other "ffho is Colonel Cav anausrh. would veil in unison. "First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his I countrymen," in the singular concerted way they have. They also asked what the Sixty-ninth was, and then solemnly an nounced that it was the bulwark of the nation. The Seventh boys like the Sixty ninth. The two commands are joined by more than brotherly affection. 'It was the middle of the afternoon when the last of these time-stayed regiments got under way and swung into a rapid gait be tween the solid walls of human bejngs along the noisy and brilliant route. G0EMAN THfe CfiMJNG MAIT. Washington Democrats Think Ihe Olarviand Senator Will Succeed Barnnm- rSriCIALTILIOEAJt TO THE PISPATCn.! V, Washington, April 30. The death of Chairman Barnum, of the Democratic Na tional Committee, naturally leads at once to speculation as to his successor. " As there will be no important work for the committee for sometime to come, it is the opinion of many Democrats that it would "be well to defer the election of a new chairman Indefi nitely, as the secretary can transact .all present business. The weight of opinion seems to favor Sen ator Gorman as the shrewdest all-around man among the Democratic managers, and one whose methods are most similar to those of Senator Quay. Among the rank and file of.the Democrats around the hotels this evening, a quiet hope is expressed that Gor man may be matched against Quay in the contest of 1892. Certainly Hon. William L. Scott will not be the Chairman if the sentiment of this rank and file prevail gen erallyt as the opinion is fairly unanimous that a man who was so wild as Scott in his guesses in regard to Democratic success last fall would not be a safe captain for another campaign. Colonel Calvin S, Brice is ruled out .for a similar reason, and because his foolish methods are asserted to be responsi ble, in a great measure, for the defeat of the party. Democrats here freely predict that the pressure in Gorman'-e favor will be so great that the committee will be forced to elect him. 8TAETLED Bl A TRAGEDY,- A Parmer Suicides and His Wile Is Mur dered by Bis Sons. ' te, ISricLU. XELXCBAU TO TH1 DISPATCHiif ' Somerset, April 30. The community was startled this morning by the discovery of another horrible tragedy. At an early hour Jacob D. Sbaulis, a wealthy farmer 60 years of age, who lived in Jefferson town ship, eight miles from' this place, was found dead hanging to a tree back of his residence. Lying in the barnyard, a few feet away, was his young wife, shot through the body and fatally wounded. Detective T. J. Pickine hurried to the scene, and after an investi gation arrested David and George Shaulis, sons of the old man and stepsons of Mrs. Shaulis. They were brought to Somerset and lodged in jail charged with the crime. It is alleged that the old man committed suicide first and then David, his son. attempted to kill his. stepmotner, wno is only zo years ot age, to prevent her inheriting the estate, the two boys hoping by this means to secure the property themselves. LIKE THE SABBATH-DAY. The City of Washington' Obierres the HoU. day Religiously. Washington, April 30. The observ ance of to-day as a holiday was general in this city. All the public, buildings and banks remained closed the entire day. Special thanksgiving services we're held in nearly alt the churches, and the general aspeet of the street suggested the Sabbath Centennial. A Message Kress the Pepe. Vienna, April 30. The Pope hag sent a dHpateh boeiewiag. his bleselagupoathe CftsheWe CesereM here. La his Masosas the ZPiMJ?Jiy:eeMJyitthel '.. U.-X fc?.'W.!7' ISSSStMC- ..!. S& JHREJMoi Wild, Wierd SloVies of the Clo u Hours of the Great BillS s3 W HTITAT10B8 The Beautiful formed CHAMPAGNE GI ifc. ls Hw Folico Were Final!? Fo rncteet Strange tales cono (ennial ball at Ni light It h asserted both men and worn in the early hours of pagne was given away to all who would tab finally-forced to int said to have been ejec was Stuyvesant Fish The Town was at t The Town was at) And tho Town noii Since Era had herall;') never before And men now rare ill Sector street, And men now swear m Bine, And hearts may break fir nbmmery's saks , From Bay to City Line. I rsKCUL TXLXGKAK TO TTH DlSATCH.l New Yobk, April 30. Last night's ball is the talk of the town to-day. Whether the astounding reports of what happened at that ball were exaggerated or not it is not easy to say, but if they were not it is cer tain that there never was a French ball irt town so disorderly and unlicensed as the great assembly became after the sapper room was opened. There were too many stories and they were to nearly alike for there to be much exaggeration about them. In the first place the affair was mismer aged. After a person' surrendered hi ticket at the door no one else demanded his check or other proof of his right to be there. ThertfTrerend-checks on the ticket tikers They boasted in "fte hearing of ojthe they were letting ffifefejygnjfc &" " and in great numbers. Two ' br correspondents walked into the t being asked for their tickets. TOO LABOE A CBOWD. The consequence of this state was such a tremendous jam that mate of 10,000 persons in the build, too low. Dancing was almost imj even after the supper-room was c At that time a few couples, const changing, waltzed in a little clearing i center-of the densely crowded floor. There was no improper dancir improprieties were committed w' and women got drunk. They' sometimes shocking. The .three full champagne bottles, about much has been said, will be ei torions when people undent came of them. They were giv cnlars are distributed on the st Some men who went to t ask for a glass of champagne quart magnums handed'thei get dutx( the way in order tf come- Presently ail about seen men, each with a qua bottle in one hand and a gli pouring in and drinking d greed and idiocy would pern HEAPS Car BBOKEN The boys and lads got s?t When the artillery men cam ard, rustic movements a laughter, and the intoxicatf their empty champagne botf coslonally "dropping a few tc jagged flinter son the floor, heaps of broken glass were many of the men had been sr beautiful room was being g intoapiepen. 1 Ihe ladies with the most cr mncensearmenia ever seen' had to pick their way ov them pressecT:lassti.of tney did so ven.wno wei their faces. Insults "oXi offered to them, and that wa it, for their dresses were torn ar bruised in some instances. T were often accidental. ' Tipsy men, tripping on f times caught the slender fil' a lady's shoulder and tore ' on the long trains and rip. Lace handkerchiefs, giov things littered the floor, women became intoxicate selves so far as to rest ir attitudes upon the stairs. EVEN. FISH WA The police stopped tht o'clock, an officer standing Later still, the police; c.' room, with some force. Pish was1 among those wh of the room. There is s much trouble in the co that reached to it took tl and' there were men who moving from ontr-'peintaroni.. point in the other part of thell an hour and a half to get to the and now there are many lbhd'co'it persons who could not ' getth"' after they reached the counters:' Earlier in the eveningibefore any of this confusion theyfice santpusnmg, reacmng, scram' of men. Small wonder that so hats and coats. Perhaps it wonderful that the police are lost their tempers, and to have' their night stick?jwhen the drunk this line became good nature:! ly; hi. Altogether it seems that' ThejDi was right in calling it the ballSot turyior more reasons than beca size; ' THE STOBjr-SWEPr PAfj- Trro More American Sailors SI the Waves Forever. San Ebanctsco, April 3a ship Gaelic arrived to-day fro' Japan, bringing advices to Ay ing high weather in thebaroor, Sunday, April 14, the chieCc men left the American bark J low to gd on board the. Unite ship Omaha. The boat caps: and the chief officer' and drowned. - On the same day. a .v. vailed on the west coast of Jaj 20 junks were wrecked in the of Kanaishi Kaga. Four live, to have 'been lost, and several missing. . IAED LUCF0RSPi Camittaa Justice Descends' 1 Tws Welt KnowmTcii Montreal, April 30.pG. lips, ex-manager for Johnfci. Andy Maloney, a Montreal'sp committed for .tklfbrinnlaWia ing themselveg oTT WOFworth belonging to" st Jsiisilujfinn. Beinholtz, a travsMjss'ssksmar took the jewelry teStVtreal, s Phillip. JWeWrhsm u3 aVdl-U ! TiVSsVt, ssssSBissSE 7 WilliHIIDET' i'ipcijjP I jt&rraV' - ir 7U.- .IB esiii RT tiiatii ex , beca &h'eTmo in two a k. xne C T11 . jrlVre. Am- led fey these g limVelf. ,ms cau lass nignt, She Hall, WW-r SJEkVA hlMlyt'HWtM.Tfce jrreoaiMiatWHive.i Ssfr55'' ferrtM.1 IWSsTH rwonMrenn if! sftuaMoa of tfce TatiesS: vti . r iy" i'Jg"' .'"'' tiK"giro,gii'a'"wn1n-gi ww t BSXoW "" ' JJJJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers