T?Tri?5 fcy'tK? " ;.- " - ' . "w- ure prr:tr.Rv m,l .' J...i.wi 5i!nm.mj-) i iw .' miwwwjmiJJ m i Minn uma i. i .. n i . , , j i. i mp i .j . -yjp1 uMgwaa WW-U Jt-".' - m gww: wv-: s&wr mmfmw ----.- r r ". p?' R, ' HSHE WAS ABDUCTED H!W '1 a By Actors, left in an Asylum, anct Had a Strange Experience. P BEFORE- BECOMING AK HEIRESS. k. A Birthmark and EesemWance May Pay j Julia Mitchell $80,000. YAEIOUSITEMS OP IKTEBEST IN CODBTS The contest over the estate of Thomas -Sheehan, of Sharpsburg, was taken np in 'Orphans Court, before Judge Hawkins, yesterday. The case was opened by placing Ann Sheehan, -widow of the deceased, on the stand. She first testified that her hus band died in 18S7, and his estate was Talced at between $60,000 and $80,000. She was . left a widow and married Sheehan in 1S52. She had a daughter to Thomas Sheehan in 1855; this child was remoTed and given into the care ot Mr. Sheehan's brother, who lived at Saltsburg. This family was named Gibbons. The Gibbons family afterwards moved West, taking the child with them. Sir. Sheehan had. in 1861, tried to find his daughter, but failed, and the witness never caw the child until after her husband's death, when the claimant called, and .she identified her by a birthmark and her close resemblance , to the deceased. j Dr. J. K. Robinson, of Sharpsburg; testified . that he had known Thomas Sheehan for many ' Tears. He examined the claimant and found on her a birthmark such as described by Mrs. Kheehan. The claimant bore a very strong re semblance to the deceased. Julia Mary Mitchell, the claimant, was the next -witness. She is about 35 years old, with a peculiar Celtic cast of features. Her story was that, when a child, she lived in the "West with a family called Gibbons. She was given by them to some family, but was not kept Ions. One day vhile playing on the street she was accosted by two men who promised her candy. X)ne ot the men took her to a place where steps wentnpahilL She was taken into theThouso. and given in charge of a woman. The people went by the name of Harrison. They were actors. The family FINALLY DESEETED DEE, and an actor named McClery took charge of her add took her to St. Louis, and placed her in an orphans' home, from which place'she was taken by Mrs. Mitchell, of New Castle. In lSS7shereadof the death of Mr. Sheehan and of his peculiar life, and she concluded that she was the lost daughter, and came on and joined her mother. In the afternoon Miss Mitchell was put through a rather severe cross-examination, but she answered in a straightforward manner, and did not vary in the least from her rather re markable story. Mrs. Frances Laugher, a daughter of Mrs. Sheehan by her first marriage, testified that her father's name was Best; and while she was yet a child her mother gave birth to a daugh ter. This was after her father's death: Lncretia Churchfleld, of New Castle, testi fied to the child being brought to New Castle by Mrs. Mitchell. William Churchfield, of New Castle, testified the same as bis wife. -Miss Mary Laugher, a granddaughter of Mrs. Sheehan, testified that her grandmother had told her of the lost child and of the birthmark on the missing girl's person. Mrs. Mary Kelly, daugnter of Mrs. Sheehan, testified that she at one timesaid to her mother that there was no nse of Mr. Sheehan working so hard, as his money would go to outside rela tives, and her mother had told her that there was a daughter, and that she had seen her in the market house. That was the first knowl s. edg the witness ever had of there being a daughter. ' Mrs. Kate Beach, of Sharpsburg, knew Mr. Sheehan for a number of years. She had a conversation with Mrs. Sheehan one day, and she told her of the missing daughter, and said she would know her by the birthmark. Mrs. Sheehan had also told her of seeing the child in the market house. HE TOLD OP THIS JJATJGHTEB. Mrs. Patrick Haggerty, ot Sharpsburg, knew Sheehan for 25 years. She had a conversation with Mrs. Sheehan and she told her the same story as related by the previous witness. The witness stated that the claimant resembled the deceased very much about the eyes and mouth, and also in disposition. She had had a talk with the man now deceased, and he had told her that he had a daughter who would inherit bisTiuoney. She afterward heard that the child" wai in,an orphan' asylum. "Witness re lated a. conveWon she had with Mrs. Shee han in which tWIStter told her of a dream about her missing daughter, who. she dreamed, was working in a tailoring establishment. . ".Mary Lutz, of New Castle, testified about .Mr. Mitchell bringing the child to New Castle in 1865. The witness had a talk with the girl at the time, and ths story she told in court in the morning corresponded with the story told her at that time. She saw the birthmark on the girl's person in 1870. Miss Mitchell, the claimant, was recalled by the defense, and asked concerning her abduc tion by the actors, and she replied the same as tn her testimony in chief. Kev. Father George S. Grace, pastor of St. Joseph's E. C Church of Sharpsburg, was Sheehan's pastor from 1S75 until he died. He testified that there was a very strong resem blance between the claimant and the deceased, not only in appearance, but also in her walk. J. Haggerty and J. G. Stitz, of Sharpsburg, who bad known Thomas Sheehan for many years, testified to the strong resemblance be tween the claimant and the deceased, not only in looks, but in general manner. The case will be taken np on Wednesday rooming. The claimant has some additional strong testimony to offers The case will prob ably last three days, and is attracting general attention among attorneys. To-Morrovr'a Trial Lists. Common Fleas No. 1 Commonwealth vs Dall- ; Morrison Bros. Ifrlend' vs Pitts- Ganler vs Calhoon: garnishee; Harding vs L Incline Plane Co, : ; Frailer vs Story etaL: Co. Knhlnsnn jt n rr v jurper ci ai. : jteese vs i;iaric Common Pleas .No. S-Mc3Ullan vs Gil Allan: Xlnsteri Co. vs Burzlng: same vs Delph: Linton Co. vs Shlebler; D. Bslrd Machine Co. vt hteen et al. ; Spang & Co. vs Kauffleld. Criminal Court-Commonwealth vs Josephine Sowan et al., Frank Comerrord. John Shay et al. S. Levy, L. Goldttlne, John Bagley, B. F. Crowe, Carrie Kodolf, T. J. Owen, CalXuetta, M. t "VV. Oliver, Joseph rink. - Silting! From Jnstice. To-sat being a legal holiday, no Courts will be held, and the Court House win not be -ienecL decree in divorce was granted yesterday he suit of Mrs. Mary Howard against xt F. Howard. t suit of Josph.and Frank Heyman t George Weidlnger and Henry Soeier, ote. Is on trial before Judge Stowe. tE suit of Patrick Murray against the City Pittsburg for damages to property, caused . an overflow of surface drainage, is on trial jefore Jndge Slagle. fjons BHAT and Robert Lutz are on trial in Criminal Court on the charge of the larceny of inui ,a watch and chain ana ring, from J. J. aEfiinger, of Wylie avenue. t xneyer; Blakelyvs JJellls & CO.; I vs Sutton; Kaiser vs Flaceus; I I burgs Mutely vs Eagen; I Wellington vs Wood, I JMortnrop; Straus vs Troy Hit I Snyder et al. vs Kalney; ' Smith & Miller vs Herd A sso:bx suit oi jeremian enniton againstiuiian "JtiBeckert, Charles Scgan, constable, and Alder rlxaan John Burns, for damages, for the alleged t Jillegal sale of a mule, is on trial. jfpflir the suit of Joseph A., "William A, George J W. and Carrie Stone against the borough of fr-vlMcKeesport, for damages resulting from the la grading of a street, is on trial before Judge ..HEwing. 5 Judge A.CHESOX, of the United States Dis- Jtrict Court, yesterday confirmed the report of ithe Commissioner, distributing 11500, the 'funds arising from the sale of the steamer -.Mayflower. Atxbsxct by consent was taken yesterday if or the plaintiffs in the suit of Thomas "L, 33ames K. and Annie White against the P. 3McK A Y. B B. Company, for-damages for fright of way, -Owxif McGowxw. for Illegal liquor selling, '.was yesterday fined J550 and sentthree moiitbs -. jto the workhouse. L. Gamble, of the Tbirty- 'filCCS .jfslxth ward, pleaaea cuutyto Keeping agam- j..',bltng house and was fined 100 and costs, & Evas Davis yesterday received a verdict Wior $300 damages in his suit against Jacob Schumacher. Davis ten through a hole to the 'cellar in the saloon ot Schumacher, on Smith- Illeld street, while the flooring was being re paired, receiving severe injuries. Thomas RoBlssoif yesterday obtained a t of habeas corpus to bring into court his two children. Hose and Carrie Robinson, aged 4Ind 2,years, who are in charge of Thomas &nat4ien urots, iu su.aii omanman street, rww-' r mbbj Wednesday a 1 . 4. i ' 4 .s :i O:-,-.. 1C r 'fday Henry Rnpp Mia Oculu- '?'.'. '- sre" convicted of 'cmbeolingthatuni'.i.'V:! f vs, entTira ti" Company, of Anrori ,.tt , w tr.r e" r for sentence. Rupp,,who had ben recommenaeo, by the Jury, to the me.rcy of the court, was re leased oh" (he payment of costs. Uilgan was sentenced two years to the .workhouse. LIVING 0B DEAD. The Strange Case of Wilhelralna Slahl, Which Pozzlea the Phyalclaas. Chicago, April 29. -Much excitement exists among the people of 'Jefferson Park, asaborDof Chicago, regarding the strange case of handsome young Miss Wilhelmina Stahl, who, it is said, was to have been married in July to a "United States Army physician at Ft, Sheridan. The Stahl family are among the new comers in the village, consisting of a mother and two daughters. One of the latter came from Germany a few years ago, and by clerking in one of the commercial houses in Chicago, gained sufficient means to bring her mother and sister across the ocean about a year ago. This sister, Wilhelmina Stahl, has been likewise engaged in business in the city during the past year, until about three weeks ago, when she became somewhat in disposed. A physician's services were not deemed necessary, until about'ten days be fore her death, when Doctors Fonda and Moore were summoned. Sr. Moore pro nounced the girl beyond medical aid. The ailment appears to have been rheumatism o'f the heart. Thursday the end came. Arrangements' for the funeral were perfected to take place on Sunday at 1 P. M. Many ot the neigh bors assembled at that hour in tire residence. The body of the deceased had been placed in the coffin. Just before the services began the mother and sister expressed doubts as to whether death had actually ensued. The ap pearance of the body seemed to give them some warrant for their conclusion. There was no evidence of decomposition, and none of the usual rigor and stiffness were ap parent. Besides this, there appeared color in the face, and a contour to the body that raised in their minds a serious doubt as to 'the extinction of all life. The ceremonies were suspended for a con siderable time until the physicians could make an examination, not to verify their own convictions but to satisfy the friends and relatives. The several tests were made as prescribed by medical science, all of which seemed conclusive save as to one, which the physicians are Irank in saying is very unusual, although not indicating the existence of life. An examination of -the body showed to some of the witnesses what is called evidences of some "rigor mortis" a slight movement of the muscles, which usually ceases within' at most 12 hours alter death. "Upon the physicians' advice, still firm in their own convictions of the correctness of their tests and conclusions, the funeral cer emonies were suspended and the body taken from the coffin and placed upon the couch. No time has as yet been fixed for the funeral services, and the relatives are caring for the body with every appliance at hand to resus citate it To-day the watch was still beius kept up and no change had become manifest in the appearance of the corpse. All sorts of ru mors: are current as coming from the at tendant that indications of returning ani mation have been detected, etc, but they cannot be verified.! The girl's husband, that-was-to-be, has been An attendant at the bier during all this strange, sad period. He Saw the. Wreck. Manager Clifford, a theatrical man, saw the wreck at Hamilton, day before yesterday. He said one poor fellow was' so wedged in that he could not get out, and he cried piteously to be shot while the fire was burning him. Another man had. his bead cut off, and one had an arm pulled oat of the socket. An Appeal f6r Assistance. The man who is charitable to himself will listen to the mute appeal for assistance made by his Stomach, or his .liver, in the shape of divers dyspeptic qualms and uneasy sensa tions in the regions of the gland that secretes his bile. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, my dear sir, or madam as the case may be is what yon require. Hiisten to use If you are troubled with heartburn, wind in the stomach, or note that your skin or the whites of your eyes are taking a sallow hue. C W. SCHMIDT, 95 and 97 15 ft h Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. The largest holder of fine old Bye and Bourbon whiskies in- the United States offers in bond 'or tax paid the following goods. ETE. Gibson, MelvaJe. Honticello, Dougherty, Jit. Vernon, Hannisville, Overholt, Guck enheimer, Hermitage, Moss, Large and G. W. S. -BOURBON. W. H. McBraycr, Old Crow, Hermitage, Bond & Iiiliiard, O. F. C. Carlisle, Hume.x Mellwood and Nelson. Telephone Num ber 66& - A Great Success. Our sale of the consolidated stocks of three large clothing manufacturers is- a great success. It's jnst as we predicted when we said it would cause great excite ment, cor. Grant and Diamond sts. Remem ber, this large stock isbeing sold at 62 cents on the dollar, and is divided into three big bar gain lots 810 suits, $12 suits and $15 suits. These goods were sent to us with the under standing that they were to be sold at once, and we have marked the prices for a speedy sale at 62 cents on the dollar. Good clothing was never sold so cheap. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. We Celebrate the Say. Store closed all day open to-morrow. Come and see the special new lots of bar gain dress goods and silks. 1 Jos. Hobite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, No Colored Chromos, i Butfine: reliable, artistic photographs, which will not fade, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Ele vator. Children always welcome. Prices lowest B.fcB. Stores open to-day as usual. See the fine all-wool, double-width foule at 30c. Great est dress goods offer ever made. Silks at half price. Boggs & Btjhl. ALL the leading brands of imported Champagnes sold by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave., City. Colobed photo for framing given away opening week with every dozen cabinets at Hendricks & Co.'s new photo parlors, 68 Federal street, Allegheny. xufsu Ton Tako Elevntor. Walter Hlsted's new studio now open, 35 Fifth ave. Pay a little more for your photos and get a good picture. Histed, the only first-class photographer in the city. W. Histed, 35 Fifth ave. -E. HISTED, 41 Fifth ave. The Public Come to Pittsburg When they want fine, artistie photos of themselves or little ones. Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Cabinets $1 per dozen. Velocipedes and Tricycles. JTive Bizes for boys from i to 12 years. Three sizes for girls Irom 4 to 15 years, at Laner's Toy House, 620 Liberty at La Math.de imported cigars from $10 to $40 per hundred. G. W. Schmtdt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. Make no mistake In buying your furniture, go to the manu facturer, and save money. There is only one in the twin cities and their goods and prices defy competition. Therefore go to M. SciSert SS Co., cor. Lacock and Hope streets, sear railroad bridge, Allegheny. Casotets, $1 per doses. '"Proof shown. Hendricks & Co.' sew. .pbeio parlors 68 Aiiegneny, - xursi kiu kbrecb. AUKacur. -- xuxbu- i Base. a. i&ra wooa iQnrtu- n27.fcUB.TTa .i . - , .rix&m 3Ri.. -. x ' ",.. . ' -- - -....-- .--....,.. iV -.',,- vsmm il'. !M5 i , I The Chicago, 'Reek usland and Pocrao K, tvHvmniHi -,-..... . ,. ht- . - n.....hiMM( im.ikr ., The Chicago, Roctm'and and Pacifio'has' issued in circular formVa ruling, important to wire nail manufacturers. Buling No. 69, April 10, providing rating ifor nails, wire, in boxes or kegs, should be changed to read as follows: Nails, wire, in packages, packed in kegs and boxes, also In bulk in boxes, second class. .Shipments of wire nails in bulk in kegs should be rated as "iron nails or spikes, in kegs at actual weight, bnt net less than 108 pounds per keg. Commercial AgentfHall, of this road, reports that Pittsburgers should have no complaints to make about business. Last week he shipped over his line -15 cars of freight. His tonnage for January showed an increase of 4,000,000 pounds for the same month last year. So far this year the tonnage of the roads Is not up to last season, bat the rates are firmer and higher and the revenues larger. Mr. Hall says the railroad men who say business is dull are too lazy to work. He can find plenty of shipments, bnt he doesn't want the earth. THE WATER FaLLIHG The Coal Shipment Will Possibly Reach 4,000,060 Bushels, The water had reached 11 feet yester day afternoon but soon began to fall It is estimated by river men that the coal ship ment will reach between 8,000,000 and 4,000,000 bushels. . The Acorn, Belle McGowan, Ed Roberts, Convoy, Geo. Sbiras, Jr., Ark, Lioness and Little Bill left in the morning with full tows. The J. C. Risher and some other boats will fol low to-day if there irsufflclent water. - The KatleStockdale arrived yesterday morn ing and left for Cincinnati again in the af ter noon. A Popular Chief Clerk Going. Mr. Charles E. Miller, chief clerk of the Monongahela House, has accepted a clerkship in the Hotel Lafayette, of Philadelphia, and he will leave for that city on-Friday. Mr. Miller has been connected witb the Monongahela House for six years, and is deservedly popular. Mr. Anderson tried to induce him to stay: but. like the Methodist preacher, he feels that the spirit has called him to the Quaker City. The Sonlrrel Hill Bond. Part of the much-talked-of Squirrel Hill electric road will be built this summer, so says one interested. About 575,000 will be expended. The part to be built will extend from the cor-1 ner ot Boauet street and Filth avecne to. the junction of Murray avenue and Forbes street. A syndicate Is buying property along the route. NOT TOO LATE. Miss Draver, aged sixteen years, daughter of Mr. Wm. H. Drayer, a well known shoe dealer, had been afflicted with Club Foot fourteen years, causing great distress and annoyance to herself and family. There was sucha contrac tion of the mnscles that she couldnot straighten her limb, and although she wore the usual high heel shoe, it was impossible for her to bring her heel to the ground when walking. After suffering on in this condition for four teen years, she consulted one of the surgeons of the Polypathic Surgical Institute, and was convinced that it was sot too late to be cured, An operation was performed, and the deformity entirely removed, and although it is now three years since the operation, her cure has remained permanent. She walksperfectly, and has no further use for a high heel shoe. Her father says: "For the benefit of others I hereby certify that the foregoing statement concerning my daughter's condition is true and correct. M H. DRAYER." They treat suc cessfully, Tumors. Deformities and Chronio diseases. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A. jr., 2 to and 7 to 9 P. u. Remember, consultation is free to all. POLYPATHIC SURGICAL IN STITUTE, 420 Penn avenue. apl5-78-D 15 DOCTORS FAILED To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered on for 13 years. The aches and pains which she experienced in almost every part of ner body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting pains across the small of her back and lower part of her body was almost unbearable. In fact she suffered with all those diseases and conditions peculiar to women. For three months her mind was unbalanced, and for months she was confined to her bed. She be came very weak and emaciated, so that she only weighed 93 pounds. 'No one expected her to live, .much less get entirely cored. After receiving three months' treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti tute, 823 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of her disease, sbe says: v "I never want any one to suffer as I have for the past IS years. The condition of my case was mncn worse tnan nas Deen aescriDea, ana i am oniy too giaa to testny to my complete plete Dys- cure by the doctors of the Catarrh and cepsla Institute. "MRS. THOMAS HATTON, Pntnant, Pa." The above lady physician can be consulted by ladles suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. The medicines used are positively curative, and are so prepared as to allow the patient to use the treatment herself. They treat successfully Catarrh, Rheumatism. Dys pepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female 'Diseases. Office hours, 10 A. n. to 4 r. M., and 6 to 8 P. v. Sundays, 12 to 4 v. v. Consultation free to all. - ap26-D SON1STALLI & BIS1, IMPORTERS AND dealers in wines, liquors and French c or is for family use. Sole agents for San Gab riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a spec alty se22-bl3K-TT8 MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training, Poor Books Learned in'ono reading.' Mind wandering; enred. Every child and adult greatly benefitted Great Inducements to Correspondence Classes, Ftospectns, Kith opinions of Dr. Wm. A.Hani. raonn, ins woriaumea ctpecunst in Daniel Rrcenleaf Thompson, the neat Psrehot OEut, J.M.BnckIeT,I).D.,ediforofthe Chnttian AOcocaU, N. T.. lUchard Proctor, the Scientist, Hnns.JndcGGibson.JudahP.Benlauitn,and others, sent pottre by ' Prof. A.LOISETTB, 837 Fifth Ave., ft. Y. mhl-66-TUF"" tJ". DTuiMOTTi. nnttftrtri. S3 Stxth. Street, rittstiiirar. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted J?. Terym defect of sight. Field and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes. 'Barometers. Thermometers, etc. ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order; iuiu niuraiitea. ,uways on nana large and complete stoc ck. ja8-TTSSU Established 1S49. FBANK J. Telephone Call 1075, O-TJGKEIIT, Contractor and Manufacturer of BANK. pKFICE. RTORE AND CHURCH ;i& ktoke A FIXTURES, Doors, Watnscoating, Ceillng-and Hard Wood Work of every, description, for building and decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and Furnitare of Special Designs. Drawiees and Estimates furnished on application- Office and factory. Nos, 68 and 70- Seventh avenue, Pitts-' , Jt-a, , jiara wooa lumper, sct-uw-tx NAllIi-.Tii r.n.v Apt JO -5i?vy53 ymmoney.rMr. -t r - naps yoiTar-e different fromtlother lolks, but we don't .believe it You want your money to. buy the most it possibly can x This holds good in medi cine. But remember that the wise man puts quality ahead of quantity. "Paine's Celery Compound is in as large a botde as any other dollar medicine, and' with as small a dose; we know it contains more of that health-giving power you need this Spring. Made from the choicest medicinal plants, prepared in accordance with the best sci entific knowledge, a little of this medicine invigorates youf run-down system. Bene fit usually is seen from the first dose. Of course if you suffer from long-standing rheumatism, blood poisoning, or nervous prostration, you can't be cured in a day. But we will guarantee our medi cine to cure these diseases if directions are faithfully fol lowed. Use Paine's Celery Com pound and. regain your vigor, your vitality, your energy, your health. At Druggists. fz,oo per bottle. Six for $5.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. THE CL0UGH AND WARREN COMBINATION ORGANS, With Bcrlbner's patent Qualifying Tubes. THE TONE SO PIPE-LIKE As to deceive the most critical ear. In use at Presbyterian church, Crafton, Pa. Methodist church, Toronto, O. United Presbyterian church, Mt. Washing, ton. M. E. church, Homestead, Pa. Lutheran church, Butler, Pa. , The'new M. E. church. West End, city. Prices no higher than ordinary organs, rang ing from $100 up. Call and see our special Student's Upright Piano at $190. Write for Catalogue. -- (HAMILTON BUILDING,) 91 and 93 FIFTH AVENUE, ap30-75-TuS PITTSBURG, PA. Almeria and Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, JOJBTf DEBB Sfc CO., 60S LIBERTY STREET. noS-TTS VEff flLV 5. -O I HHflVliEQsl Those who haye never yet taken a stroll through our gTeat departments to do so. U1U no nave Bgrauucr uismay buau ab prcacui, ouu ugi u.u. u j uu- cious purchases of our Eastern buyers enable us to offer such, self-evident BAItGAINB, FOR znSTSTJUSrCIEI: Dm cctc awn dii i nu cuamc 5? waiea wie. 5125 to LACE CURTAINS, aU of our own thing you ever CACU PIIDTAIMCia eoless variety. Nice Dotted Swiss Curtains 25o per yard. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Was never more complete than it is this ' season. It is an apotheosis of chaste beauty. We hare EIBBONS of every shade, width, material and price. SPECIALS IN DRAPERY NETS. Drapery Nets are the rage this season, and we are fully prepared for it. - These goods come by many different names, and we have them all. There are La Tosca Nets, Point d'Esprit, Chantilly Plouncings, Russian Nets, e'tc, etc We keep only the latest pat terns, and we guarantee all the goods to give satisfaction to the wearers. Gome in and lqok at them. Then turn your attention to the narrow and medium Chantilly, Spanish Guipure and Hand-run Spanish Laces, the beautiful hand-made Medioi and Torchon Laces in every width" and quality, the new Valenciennes and Oriental Laces, Point de Gate and Point de Gene. " , HslIIID O-XiCTVESI Our Kid Glove Department is by no means a small one, but we would call your atten tion to the many newspring shade in Kid Gloves. We have' them all, as well as plain black. A lull line of Silk aud Lisle Gloves. BEADED WRAPS AND JACKETS '. " In bewildering Varie'ty and af the lowst conceivable prices. FEESH 1MPORTA- TIONS EVERY -DAY. lSei 510 TO 514 MARKET.;,! . viv AnvKTir y-raxTf! nvR.-ri sinvrs. v -Ti4js.rsr"f r-.; arzae-.ym PMMEAIfA:SpfEcKr: -&'-'. Spcrilees One Montk".MM.;Hum- bert's Statement Ouredjby Cine Magnetic Treatment 1 By Dr. Smyfo, at. 502 Penn Ave. ) Mk George Humbert, who resides at Pe trolUCityin Butler county. Pa., has .been a gref sufferer for the past 11 years. Everypart of h)rbodyseemed-,to be diseased. Shesuf feret Intense pain in the head and through her lunp and shoulders; every joint in her body wa4.ore and painful; she was depressed, weak and despondent; she was very nervous' and woid start at the least noise and excitement conpetely prostrated her; she became hoarse and est her voice entirely and for one month beftre.sbe applied to Dr. Smith she was un. abletq speak above a whisper. Mrs. Humbert triei several doctors and took a large variety of proprietary medicines, but to no purpose. Whoi she applied to Dr. Smith she had given upbl hope, but tho doctor encouraged her and salohe could help her. Dr. Smith gave her onf nagnetlc treatment of not moro than ten mioites and restored her voice so she could talkas well as ever, and at the same time cured all tie rest of her ailments, and she returned to fcr home a well woman. This cure was per formed without a dose of medicine; all the do or did was to apply his hands to the afflicted pars. Pitrlck Ryan has been afflicted with rheu maism for the past eight months, and was un abli to do any work whatever. His right arm wif 10 swollen and painful that be could not rale his hand to his head. He applied to Dr. Smth. and received one magnetlo treatment ant was cured perfectly. Mrs. Emma Seely hat been a great sufferer from piles for 13 yirs. She applied to Dr. Smith and was per manently cured in one week. Old Mr. Judd wis thrown from his wagon and received an in lay to his back that made him a cripple for 11 nimtlis. He was not able to walk without cinches. He applied to Dr. Smith and was pVmanently cured by one magnetic treatment Sores and hundreds of cures equally asin tresting could be given if we bad the time and sbce. We wantto say right here that the slclc aid afflicted will never .have another oppor tunity like the present to be made well. Dr. Smith cures all tormsof.female.com paints. He also treats and cures cancers in i es time and with less pain than, by any , her known method. ' Dr. Smith is permanently located at 502 Penn ,-enue, where everybody can go from 9 a.m. il 7 p. ji. The doctor consults free and cures ,'ter all other means fail. He treats every inn of disease Known to humanity. "Goto p2 Penn avenue and consult him if you wish L get well. Letters of inquiry must contain tvo stamps. FCT "TJP" SCIENTIFIC Hi ? L-L2L OPTICIAN, Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka pye Glass. No chain required. Eureka npse piaues nttea to otuer eye glasses. I Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All ina ct lenses ground and spectacles made on the premises. ' 808 PENlT AVENUE. PITTS. Seventeenth, and Chestnut, Philadelphia. jdel-bS-rrs BEST BRANDS OF -WHISKY PROM S2 TO t6 PER GALLON. BY F. ANDRIESSEN, 0 & 42 OHIO STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. apl7-TTS Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Arti ficial Eyes, Medical Batteries, All American and European Patented Eye Glass and Specta cle frames. Glasses perfectly ad asted. KORNBLUM, OPTICIAN NO. BO FIFTH AVENUE. Telephone No. 1686. ap7-8S-DSu !a!S'Wt'jM,'a IB8a&,lr Pw We Do Not Ask Our regular customers to visit us. They will come without an invi tation, because they'know that we always keep the latest" novel ties at prices -unapproachable by our competitors, but Never ?io: importation, and every pattern unlike any. saw before, from 75c to $10 a pair. BZI3D G-IiO"VjESI AVE. ap80-TTS8U X4?Jf ' AND 21Jm m -i For Between Seasons. We have a large range o quaji ties in super-weight Merino, Nat ural Wool, Balbriggan and Silk Shirts and Drawers,- ranging from 50c each up. We start a- special bargain to-day in Men's Unlaundried plaited front Shirts at 50c each, our regular. 75c. shirt, to-close; sizes 15 j to 17 inches. Our Men's new Flannel Shirts are beginning to arrive. Also, twd lines of real Scotch Cheviot Shirtsj beautiful patterns, stripes and checks, at $2 each, just received. Men's fancy Percale Shirts, with two collars and one pair cuffs sep arate, at $2 each. Boys' fancy Percale Shirts and Waists, blouse and regular style. Ladies' Scotch and Silk Flannel Blouse Waists. Tennis Sashes and Belts. Gentlemen's Hew Neckwear.' Band Bows, Tecks and Four-in-Hand Ties. " Spring Gloves Lisle, Silk, Kid and Crape, for walking and driving. Store open Saturday evenings till 9 "o'clock. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH jLTENTTE. ap30-s OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODS. bpeclalty Correct fitting ot lenses and frames. All styles of SDectacles and Eve- Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own. xactory ana workmen are our inducements. WM. E. STJERM, Optician, H4 SMITHFIELD ST..PITTSBUBG, PA. fe22-27TTS The Light-Weights. Have you seen the Wana maker Overgarments for Spring? A series of prices and degrees of luxury. Note the one, controlling item about them all.. They're all stylish! It'll help you to a speedier choice and an easier, to know that , Every price at Wanamaker's buys the latest style! No need to magnify Spring buits this season! Uur ready- made have an argument past the common in' the beauty of designs of the materials. Re liable as ever and handsomer than ever. Aren't you glad to hear that lighter colors are going to bring your clothing into closer harmony with the sunny days? We'll cap them all Wanamaker's low prices. Wanamaker with & Brown, Sixth street and Fenn avenue. Nearly 1,000 styles to select from to make-to-order. ap28-s MARTINSBUEG, PA MR. It F.-BUKKE, Druggist Dear Sir Having sufferea many years with Brlght's disease, ana trying all kinds of pre scriptions and patent medicines, I beard of Pratt's Aromatic Geneva Gin, and tbe flrst bot tle I took gave me more reUef tnan all tbe otber medicines put together. I can highly recom mend it, WM. THOMPSON. Jos. Fleming. Bole Wholesale and Retail Agent In Pittsburg, 84 Market street TTS P A.TIE IN" G? S - O. J). LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. . 131 Fifth avenue, above amithfield, next Leader oBlce. (No..delay.) Established 20 years.' se29-hiu DOCTOR WHITTIER .814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBDKG. FA., As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From SBKPVNO FEE UNTIL CURED and mental diseases, physical decay; nervous debility, lack of lacKoi mem irgr, ambition and hope. Impaired mem cry, disordered sight seir-dlstrust basniuinesa dlzztnef a. sleeDlessness. Dlranles. eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage,' permanently, safely and privately cured. BtOOD AND SKIN rfr blotches, falling balr, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured tor. life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derange U ill lirtn 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment pmmpt relief and real cures. ' Dr. WhltUer's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense, principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hoars 9jUM.to8p.it. Snndtr. MA. It, to IP. jr. only. DB, WHITHER, 814 Penn areas, PitsUburg, Pat- apaiJi-DftOTk . i mm hi UNDERWEAR IjarE-. T.-if -IrMrMF- - i. srir -u; I o' the Clothing buyers of going on at KAUFMANNS. mod neighbors there, and the business of the meeting under headway. The object of this customers is to attend the Men's and Boys' fine Clothing recently closed out by. KAUFMANNS' at a great sacrifice to the manufacturers. Your own. judgment is TO PROTEST your failure to take advantage to buy fine spring Clothing its regular values Your especial attention is called to the 'I Men's elegant Dress Suits at made Pants at $3, the Boys' Boys' short-pant Suits at ?? mrAAvti-t hi ,rri? tttiII nmAii equaled only by that caused last week. And, this will be is considered that every one and truly worth from 33 to KAUFMANNS' bought the are now selling them on the TheActionoftheLiceoseConEl will desire the lion's share of this fortunate deal, while t they themselves will be satisfied with their usual 'veros, . modest percentage. In conjunction with this extraordinary 4 offer a great Shoe sale is To Take Pldcd at KAUFMANNS', and it will be well worth your while to attend it Here are some of the bargains: 900 pairs Men's good Calf Shoes, in lace, button and congress styles, at 1 50. 650 pairs Men's improved English Waukenohast Shoes at only ,$2 50. 475 pairs Men's genuine French" Calf seamless Dress Shoes at only 3. 1,200 pairs Lacies . first-class Pebble Goat Shoes at only $1 25. 500 piairs Ladies celebrated Walk Well Shoes at only $1 98. 65 : T - j; 1 - r -rr;j a ;t-i- ei . 1 . V pairs .uauies une vur. xviu, If you want any of these bargains you had better come I KAUFMANNS TO-DAY. . or as soon as possible, otherwise you may get left out in the 1 cold. But, read on. KAUFMANNS' Furnishing Goods' department, too, is presenting its array of attractions. Spring Underwear now has the call, and. KAUFMANNS' are prepared to meet any demand. Fine Balbriggan striped; Undershirts and Drawers at 39c, or 75c per suit Real French Balbriggan plain Undershirts and Drawers at 49c. 200 dozen Men's seamless brown Cotton Half Hose at 10c a pair. 125 dozen Men's Half Hose at 19c a pair. Nobody should fail to see these bargains at KAUFMANNS'r Fifth avenue and Smithfield street. BE SURE DRUNKENNESS Or ihe Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup or coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it: Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy pure, whether tbe patient is a moderate drinker or an aleonolle wreck. Thonsands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who havo taken Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their own free will. IT JfEVKK FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. ForsalebyA.J.Eankln, Sixth and Penn ave..Flttstrarg; E. Holden & Co.. 63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by Oeo. A. Kellr & Co.. Pittburgk Fa. oe-58-ns 18 tho MOST ELEGANT TOILET SOAP in-, T3ar:s woiwjij. Of all Druggists, but bttcare of imitations.' MEDICAL. WHAT IS MONEY WITHOUT HEALTH. Health,' Energy and Strength, secured by using AHORANDA WAFERS. These wafers are gua&astzxd srscmo and the only reliable and safe remedy for the permanent cure of Impoteney, no matter how long standing, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use tlttriiAlnrtnlineco. SleeolissneM. Mental Becres ton. Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death.Frematnrt Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Hamming Sreanu, Premature Decay of Vital Power, caused by over exertion of the brain,- self-abuse or over indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes for $1.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Six boxes is the complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we wil give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO SEFUNfl THE HONEY if the wafers do not benefit or eZect a permanent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Tor sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING k SON, 412 Market Street, Pitts burgh, Pa,, P. 0. Box -3T. to wbea all .neiwimmf. cation should be addressed.- i - piha-Ba . l-naH Itiwfi 'tiJMMffu I; ' ' "SV'.T9? .-v jflB MEETING Pittsburg and Allegheny is now You'll find your friends and unusually lame gathering;- sale of the 5ioo.ooo worth c of this golden opportunity at from one-half to two-thirds . ' j5i2. the Men's nobby custom- long-pant Suits at $8, and'thc embraced in this sale. These;, ra t A"irM f TTiT1 f fnn Tinil nlb by " fe no matter of surprise when it , of these garments is honestly ' 50 per cent above their prices. goods ridiculously cheap, andj same basis. Their patrons" "1 ucuuic ouues, at ooiy $z 50 7 :-"-!f! fine French Balbriggan fancy w AND COME ? 1 JIEDICAL. P!ifrMMI know thyself: OS A Sclentlno and Standard Popular Medical Tnatite 0 the Errors of Youth, PrematureDedlne.Nervoaa and Physical lability, impurities oi the Blood, iTSTbi if 1 1 f liiliJ i I fj Kcsaltinjtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Sxceaaee or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim for Work, Business, the Married or Social RelstlOBJr- Avotd unskilful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. BeautlM" binding embossed, full gilt. Price, only tl.CO by. mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus trative Prospectus Free. If yon apply ndwv The distinguished author, Wm. B. Parker, it. D, re ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEBAL, from the National Medical Ateeialea, for the PRIZE E8SAY en NERVOUS tmi PHYSICALDEBILITY. Sr.ParkeraadaeerMt of Assistant Physicians may be consulted. cob&' dentlally, by mall or In person, at-the easelot THE PEABODY MEDICAJ, INSTITUXK. No. 4 Bulfinch. St., Boston, JHaeo. h whom all, orders for books or letters for aiWssr seoald te directed as above; ffH ' . , ialS-Tnyaawk HARE'S REMEDY For ment Checks the woifWes In thrjSj ciays, ana cures m nve days. Mwa si w-iri J. FLEMmtl-a DnOSTOtiil Ja5.29-TTSsn 4iaAIarketstreS; MFNONIVj FA POSITJVK.CT vt 1 WT nr r MAAtiuwiA-" X UT "-"'". ruUB0BB otwmF a?3Mfc immt ., -tv AGAINil ssj JHr' I f 1 11 1 J I 1 1 I ne8. WeakneejSMtKf Body & Mind, Lack of Strength, Vigor a!!. velopment, caused by Errors, Eseeu.esmmgkJ.4 Vati v nf Vvr 11 fn 1 vwim n1 rfOAM llsMMsllbsssfe (sealedj free. a.ddre EB1E MEljlCAln .J Buaalo. N. Y. deS5--i(H.afc yAVxmwms.mmiHm! "isor V1 t3rtTIroTSBlX ifCN.isr mtytrm riMMlMf I StroSS .r Mnfi -about Steauh SmI4 TrMUMMH irww HgSTH C849PwkMMrtw.. de13 -ErMtrfc Sntilnifle- faH parUculaei far lt. wmiWi raTr Sri..u. ma.o. r4 1r?SSVf I MW. F. a run"" mmmmttf wmmiim - ar -'jfc