Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 30, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Vol. 44, No. St Entered it Pittsburg Postomce,
November It, 1837, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 69 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dally edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending April
Copies per Issue.
Average circulation of the Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for March, 1SS9,
Coplts per Issue.
DAU.T Dispatch. One Year....... 00
DAH.T Dispatch, Per Quarter ,. SCO
Daily Dispatch. One Month
Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, one
year ...... 10 00
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter. 2 M
Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, -one
month .". 90
EUKDAY Dispatch, onejear .. 50
Weekly Dispatch, one year 1 3
The Daily Dispatch li delivered by carriers at
IS cents per week, orincludlngtheBundayedition,
at 30 cents per week.
The country to-day celebrates the inaugu
ration of the first President under its pres
ent form of government. It has heretofore
properly commemorated the act which gave
it an independent national existence and
the victories by which it won the independ
ence that it asserted. Thirteen years
after the national birth came the
formal inauguration of the Constitution
which converted rattier loosely-bonnd to
gether confederrion into a compact and
homogeneous unon.
The commemoration exercises which are
being held in various parts of the country,
besides the central and main celebration at
New York, will sufficiently direct attention
to the manners, customs and leading person
ages of the era which brought our nation
into being and gave it a system of funda
mental law; but the aspects of the Centen
nial which, in some quarters seem to be
lost sight of, but which cannot be too deeply
impressed on the public mind, are the fun
damental ideas on "which the Government,
inaugurated one hundred years ago to-day,
was founded, and by which it nas attained
its remarkable place among the nations.
If there was any one idea, on which more
than all others, the fathers of the country
founded this Government, if was that of
equality. Kot merely a political and legal
equality was guaranteed by the Constitution,
but equal opportunities for education, ad
vancement and the acquisition of property.
This was manifest iu the principles of legis
lation bearing on taxation, the titles and
transfer of land, and the creation and oper
ation of the public highways. As Daniel
"Webster pointed out fifty years ago, it was
perceived that the essence of lepnblican
government consisted in making the masses
the property holders, and in the entire
abolition of privileged classes in com
merce and industry as much as in legisla
. tion and politics.
This makes the anniversary a proper time
v to inquire whether that principle has been
closely adhered to. There is no doubt that
its general observance has permitted the re-
suits in the creation of a powerful, intelli
gent and prosperous democracy such as the
world never saw before. The successful
operation of democratic principles should
make us vigilant in the inquiry
whether at the end of the century
there is any departure from them. If priv
ileges have been created in the acquisition
of wealth; if there any are assertions of aris
tocracy in connection with the celebration;
or if the results of legislation in the later
era have been to bnild up great for
tunes for a few at the cost of the many, this
is the time to perceive the departure from
the original standard and to enter upon their
The faithful maintenance of the principles
crystalized into our Constitution a century
ago will keep the country free, intelligent
and prosperous. The danger to the per
, manence of our Constitution lies in the ease
with which its fundamental ideas can be
forgotten, ignored or nullified.
The falling wall epidemic struck Altoona
yesterday. The loss of life by the falling of
a wall of the theater building there was not
very heavy, one young man being the only
victim; but the event is enough to emphasize
the lesson that the utmost safety is reauired
for all structures. It is one of the significant
features of this casualty that, like the build
ing in this city which cost a score of lives, it
was indorsed by the experts as perfectly Bafe.
After such an indorsement it was extremely
unreasonable for the wall to tumble into
ruins; but the perverse and insensate bricks
and mortar appear to be developing the
' quality of disregarding expert opinion, and
. obeying, in preference, the law of gravita
, tion.
There is rather too much force for the
" comfort of sincere Bepnbli cans, who believe
that party pledges should be carried out, in
the contrast between promise and perform'
i ance presented by some of the opposition
' papers, in the citation side by side of the
two following extracts:
Only the interest of Mr. J. T. Loving. Rich
K nnhllf! RMTflrA mnnrt Vft
Jshonld snsnrest remor- Sib Superintendent
Jt .1 frrtm nffl r tfM. Vl,lrrwt,q- rsfaMl M
t, Cdent Barrtton't Letter this office your letter of
of Acceptance. the 11th Inst., asking
,fi uie reasons lor your
service, and in reply
wouia state inat ino
action was taken in
consequence of no fault
on your part, or lor
reasons affecting in any
way your character or
standing as a citizen.
The reasons for your
letirement were of a
political nature. Very
j.L. Bell,
General Superintend
ent Railway Mall
'"President Cleveland's reform policy was
.reduced to a nullity by his subordinates;
and the most active in that work were his
subordinates in the Postoffice Department.
Is General Harrison to undergo the same
experience of having his public pledges
falsified by the men whom he has appointed
to office? Have our Presidents a lack of
str mina, or is the trouble in the evanescent
nature of campaign pledges?
he,society of Washington City is earn-
the reputation of being the most frivo-
intheworlov kt-" ina mat mowa
i Tun ' nsileTcircles at the
Ca t . .. ,e '' isvaristocratie
&-ry -e i t . unpleasant to
KsHsk t
Y W.t
note that young women at Washington
seem to have no time, no thought, nor re
spect for aught but the frothiest diversions.
Their accomplishments are classed accord
ing to the standard of the Anglomauiac In
their eyes it is more important to step in
and out of a carriage gracefully than to be
good; more desirable to rattle off the latest
English slang than to discuss reasonable
matters with understanding.
For instance, we are gravely informed by
a Washington correspondent that the daught
ter of a certain Cabinet officer is obtaining
a great reputation for wit and smartness,
and mainly it appears on the ground that
she hag a naive way of saying "Don't you
know" that is the envy of all the other
Washington belles. She acquired it in
England during her visit last year, and
uses it frequently in her speech. The object
of her lite was obtained when she had
learned to say "Don't you know" naively!
This girl's mother probably never heard of
'''Don't you know," in her young days, and
had some holier and higher aspirations than
to attain the consummate quality of naive
ness. Why do not the mothers of these foolish
young Washington women check them in
their silly canter along the Botten Bow of
Washington's anomalous aristocracy? If
the girls had been taken iu time, a few ap
plications of the maternal slipper might
have returned them to the ranks of respected
and self-respecting womanhood.
The Pennsylvania militia seem bound to
cover themselves with fame, if not glory, on
their military trips , to cities outside the
State. Their feat in suppressing some
offensively anglomaniac displays of the
British flag yesterday is the achievement ot
their Centennial campaign.
In one case the display of the Union Jack
above the Stars and Stripes appears to have
been a mere inadvertenee in decoration; and
it was promptly corrected when attention
was called to it In the other case it seems
to have been an example of persistently
rabid foreign allegiance. Such a display of
defiance was peculiarly silly on such an
occasion. It was calculated to provoke a
mob; but we must respectfully urge upon
our citizen soldiery that it is not their busi
ness to furnish the mobs.
If we are not mistaken the State militia
is organized and supported for the purpose
of maintaining a force that will in time of
need protect the laws and liberties of the
people of the nation that was founded a
hundred years ago, against foreign or do
mestic foes. One of the most indisputable
liberties guaranteed by the Constitution
which we are celebrating is that a man's
house is inviolable except to properly au
thorized officers of the law. Would it not
have been a better way1 to celebrate the
event if our soldiers had, after politely call
ing attention to the error, omitted to charge
on the private domicile of the bloody
Britisher, and respected his legal right to
make an arrant and offensively partisan
donkey of himself?
The provocation to disorder was, of course,
a good deal greater than the disorder actu
ally indulged in. If some other crowd had
torn down the unduly displayed foreign
flag we should perceive no necessity of wast
ing words over it. But while there is
ground for sympathy with the act, we think
that the discipline of the Pennsylvania sol
diers should make them careful to respect
the law, especially while on foreign and
pacific campaigns.
We are interested, and not altogether dis
satisfied to learn from statements in the
Chicago Newt that Senator Wolcott, the
new Senator from Colorado, is very much
disgusted with the functions allotted to a
United States Senator by .the rules of-prao-tical
politics. The Senator went to Wash
ington under the impression that he. would
be called upon to exercise his highest abili
ties iu the consideration and discussion of
legislation and governmental policy. But
a short experience has revealed to him that
ne is expected to dance attendance on the
departments and pull wires with the Execu
tive, iu order to satisfy the demands of the
office seekers who claim the right to his
time, which he thinks belongs to the nation.
This is the sort of thing against which Sen
ator Wolcott is on the point of rebellion.
It will be seen that Senator Wolcott's
complaint is the complement, as it were, of
that which was put forth by our own Mat
thew Stanley, a few weeks ago, before
he gave voice to his personal injuries.
Quay objected to the ceaseless impor
tunities of the office seekers who
bombard his doors before breakfast and keep
it up till midnight; Wolcott rebels at the
errands which he has to run for the office
seekers when he ought to be pondering af
fairs of State, We have not understood
that Quay is particularly impressed by the
importance or beauty of Senatorial oratory
in debating legislation; and Wolcott has
shown no sign of discovering his great
est dissatisfaction when other fellows are
more successful in getting their fists into
the grab-bag. These are points of diver
gence; but the point of unison is that the
pressure of office-holders on them is demor
alizing and disgusting.
When we get such views as these from
Senators Quay and Wolcott what may we
not expect iu the way of reinforcements to
the reform ranks? If anything could be
taken for granted from the recent elections
of this team of party leaders, it would be
that they are guaranteed sound in limb and
wind of Republicanism, and free irom any
taint of mugwumpery. If eight weeks of
the spoils bnsiness has disgusted them with
the operations of machine politics, we do
not see why the whole Senate should not
presently be turned into reformers with
the exception of Ingalls, who is incorrigible.
We shall await with pleasure the emula
tion between Senators Wolcott and Quay at
the next session, as to which of them shall
be foremost in the presentation of measures
for relieving Senators from the pressure of
In noticing the commencement of a suit
by the coal-shipping firm of Biddle, Dean
& Co. against the New York, Lake Erie and
'Western Bailway, under the inter-State
Commerce law, the local report states that
it is the same case which that firm brought
before the Inter-State Commerce Commis
sion and which was decided against it. The
statement of the case reads more like the
one which the firm brought before the Com
mission, and which was decided in its favor,
but in which damages were refused because
the Commission did not'eonsider itself con
stitutionally empowed to award damages.
This view makes it necessary for any com
plainant who considers himselt peenniarily
damaged to resort to the courts. It is the
result of the failure of the Commission to
carry out the intention of the faw in pro
viding a tribunal where damages .dis
criminations may be promptly and eco
nomically obtained. 'The law has' been
amended to meet the objections of the Com
mission; but we 'have not heard of any
reparation awarded by that body as yet.
.THE people who went to Oklahoma with
the intention of growing up with the coun
try perceive that the operation is not all
they had fondly imagined it when they dis
cover that it includes planting them.
The report that there is a suicide club at
Minneapolis of five members, three of whom
have taken themselves out of the world, one
of whom has resigned and the last is waiting
for a good chance to kill himself, is an evi
dence of what immense possibilities there
are of idiocy. Bnt there is room for doubt
whether the big fools iu this case are the
members of the alleged club or the people
who repeat the palpable fake. -
The naval parade appears to have gone
off with eclat, notwithstanding that "we
Centennial people" were unable to make
the President leave Governor Green's house
exactly at nine o'clock.
If the ebullition of our local soldiery in
filtering upon private property to tear down
a British flag displayed above the national
colors is held to be a case for discipline the
Government whose standard went down in
the fray has afforded us a precedent for the
discipline. It would be in accordance with
the English rule to reduce the soldiers to
the ranks or put them on other punishments
and then to promote them to higher places
than bfefore.
Count Heebeet Bismarck puts the
seal of secresy on the Samoan conference;
but it remains to be seen whether he can
prevent American politicians from talking
to the correspondents.
THE statement from New York that the
complications of May moving, at the same
time that the celebration is going on, have
been avoided by making the first four days
of the week a legal holiday, contains a sug
gestionof value to thisState. Itindicates that
the greater miseries of an April moving day
might be omitted if our Legislature would
only take it into its head to make April
Fools' Day a legal holiday.
In this era of pictures of the Father of
His Country let us hope that the publishers
of the portraits will make their efforts bear
some relation of similarity to the original.
The statement that a man was nearly
lynched in Oklahoma the other day for tak
ing a bath in the small stream from which
the drinking supply of the colony had to be
drawn, indicates the abnormal condition of
affairs in the new States. It may soon be
come fashionable for the Oklahoma settlers
who make their pile to come East and take
a bath iu whisky.
The promises of fine weather for the New
York celebration began yesterday to assume
the aspect of the promises held out by the
platform of a political party.
The charge against ex-President Cleve
land that he has started a literary bureau iu
his interest indicates that if it is true he
will work out his own punishment. The
men who seek the goal of their ambition by
the aid of literary bureaus always get left
outside the distance flag.
It is pleasant to learn that, after to
morrow, removals in the railway mail
service, "for political reasons," will be out
of date.
The strikers -at Duquesne are showing a
disposition, when squarely confronted with
the issue, to recognize that they must re
spect the Jaw. So long as they do that, they
will hold the sympathy of the public with
With Senator Sherman in Europe this
summer,there are hopes that thePennsylva
nia aspirants to office may be happy yet.
Of course the bill for the improvement of
the country roads sleeps the sleep of the
just in the pigeon holes of the Legislature.
There is a lack ot political and other cap
ital, for the statesmen, in that measure.
The attempt to raise funds for a statue of
Schumann, at Zwickau, his native place, has
miserably failed; as have recent efforts simi
larly to honor Weber and Hummel.
The Matthew Arnold fund now amounts to
7,000. 1,000 of it having come from America.
Six hundred guineas will procure a bust for
Westminster Abbey, and the remainder will be
given to Mrs. Arnold.
COMMISSIONER of Pensions Ianneb left
Washington last evening for Canandaigua, N.
Y., where he will to-day attend the funeral of
L. P. Thompson, of New York. Mr. Thompson
was a comrade of the Commissioner in the late
The report that the Berlin court will adopt
the dress of Frederick L (1701) is confirmed.
Emperor William will wear that dress at the
visit of the King of Italy and tho Czar. The
costume consists of knee breeches, buckle
shoes, a- sword, a three-cornered hat, and a
At the request of Governo-Bobert L. Tay
lor, of Tennessee, Mr. Georgb W. Chllds has
consented to loan to the Scotch-Irish Congress
the narp of Thomas Moore, now to be seen at
the Philadelphia Ledger office. The instru
ment will be on exhibition at Columbia, where
the congress will assemble on May 8.
While the Queen-Regent of Spam was enter
taining Queen Victoria at San Sebastian, by an
odd coincidence the Duchess ot Madrid was
extending a similar courtesy to Princess Louis
of Bavaria at Viareggio, The Duchess is wife
of Don Carlos, and, in Legitimist eves, rightful
Queen of Spain, and the Princess is a direct
descendant of Charles L,and would probably
be Qnecn of England to-day were it not for the
act of Settlement.
Pooe old Dhuleep Singh is evidently, hard
up. He has written to the Queen, asking her
to give him the famous Koh-i-noor diamond or
its market value in ready cash. He wants the
money to use in India against the peace and in
tegrity of the Empire, a circumstance which,
coupled with the fact that the gem doesn't be
long to him any more than to a score of other
Sikhs, makes his request seem uncommonly
cool. The son of thePunJaubLionis in a pretty
bad war.
Cabdinai, Gibbons will leave Baltimore
this afternoon for New Orleans in President
Mayer's private car. Among those who will
accompanytbe Cardinal are Major John D.
Kelley, of New York; Bishop Kaln, of Wheel
ing, W. Va., and Rev. Messrs. Boland and
Caugbrcy. They will remain in Cincinnati one
day tb see Bishop Elder. Bishop-elect Jensens
will receive the pallium May 8. On May 12 the
Cardinal will leave New Orleans for the Hot
Springs, N. C, and will reach Baltimore on
May 17.
"No one," says a Manchester Courier writer,
"need be surprised if Lord Londonderry presses
his resignation of the Lord Lieutenancy of Ire
land. I happen to know that the noble Marquis
contemplated this step as long ago as the sum
mer of 1837, and he may fairly urge that he has
now satisfied the demands of patriotism. Lord
Londonderry is In full accord with the Irish
policy of the Government, and it will be re
membered that, in his speech at Belfast last
autumn, he described Mr. Balfour's adminis
tration in the highest terms of eulogy. But his
private affairs make it difficult for him to bo
constantly on the other side of the Channel, and
Lady Londonderry has, made no secret of her
wish to return to England."
Estimated Public Debt Decrease.
Washington, April aR. It1 Is estimated at
the Treasury Department that there has been a
decrease of 11,500,009 in the public debt Since
April L.
Two New Doraettlca A Tip to Bonrdlna:
House Keepera Odd Notes About Men
and Tblagi. '
She was a new cook, brand new. and last
Sunday was her first day. The lady of the
house wished to goto church, 'but was rather
afraid to leave the new cook to prepare the
dinner. The cook protested, however, that she
was perfectly competent t6 prepare the dinner.
So, her mistress dressed for church, but before
starting went into the kitchen and gave the
oook soma directions about preparing the
"You know," she said, "how to prepare
The cook replied, "yes,"
Before leaving the kitchen the lady said, "be
sure not to forget the radishes." Then she
went to church with her mind easy as to the
When the lady returned Irom church she
went into the kitchen to see how the dinner
was getting along. The presiding genius of
the room seemed to be a trifle confused; her
face was red, her hair was touzzled", and the
dishes were scattered about on tbeVable in
great confusion. Things had not gone alto
gether right, It was evident She took the lid
off one pot and saw something stewing in it
that she did not recognize. "What's this!"
she asked. "The asparagus, mum," the cook
replied. "Why, Jane, it looks more like aspar
agus stalks," the lady said. "Oh, I cut off
them green tops," tho cook replied.
Then began a terrible investigation. In one
pot the lady found the radishes stewed to a
pulpy condition, the meat had been thoroughly
dried to a crisp in the oven, and in fact there
was not a vegetable or anything for dinner that,
could possibly be eaten, and the master of the
house said that he thought it would be better
for bis wife to stay at home from church and
superintend the cooking in future until the
cook knew something about her business.
A new nurse girl is likely to be more embar.
rassing than a new cook;
The new girl had brought the baby down for
its mother to take it for a walk, but had for
gotten to put on a wrap which the cold weath
er seemed to render necessary.
"Bridget" said the lady to the servant, "go
upstairs and put the sacque on the baby."
The nutse girl started up to the nursery with
the child in her arms, and stayed np there for
such a long time that the lady became some
what alarmed, and followed her to the nursery,
where she found the very green girl trying to
tie a burlap coffee bag around the child.
"What are you doing, Bridgetf said the
"Sure, Pm trying to pnt the sack on the
child," the girl replied.
"That isn't the sacque I meant," said the
"Well, it is the only one I could find, ma'am."
And sure enough it took quite a long while
for that lady to explain to the very geen girl
that a coffee sack is hardly the proper thing In
which to wrap a tender, well-bred youngster of
a year old.
A certain lady who keeps a rather fash
ionable boarding house in this city, is troubled
with ten boarders no less than ten, who
possess enormous appetites. Everybody that
knows a boarding house can realize that ten
boarders with large appetites are very hard
upon the profit of the concern. She tried,
like a thorough business woman, all sorts of
methods to check these ungodly appetites, but
with no avail.
One day she happened to tell her family doc
tor of these ten hungry men and how they wor
ried her; and he, said immediately: "Why, I
can give you an easy remedy for that."
She told him that she would be very much
obliged to him for any help that he could give
her on the subject, and moreover said that it
would be worth a great deal of money to her.
"Well," said he, "next week bake a lot of
lemon pies and see that those ten boarders get
their share of pie."
"Is that all jour prescription, doctor t" said
the lady.
"Yes, ma'am," he replied; "and you will find
it is quite enough."
Bo the next week she baked a number of
lemon pies, and she saw to it that the ten
boarders were helped twice to pie 6n the first
day. After that she noticed gradually that
their appetites fell away, and at the end of that
week there was an unmistakable diminution in
the bill for. provisions required for that board
ing house.
The lemon pie diet was continued until the
boarding house became as profitable as it had
previously been unprofitable. It is not within
my power to say exactly how the lemon pie
acts upon the averaee boarder; but it is cer
tainly a fact that in this case the lemon pies
produced what no other system of dieting
could accomplish. This recipe maybe of use
to some of the down-trodden boarding house
mistresses in this city.
What was said recently in this column about
a gentleman who keeps a railroad restaurant
at Charlotte, N. C, seems to have been amply
deserved. Yesterday a gentleman stopped me
to say that he thoroughly indorsed all that was
said concerning the good qualities of this ex
traordinary restaurant keeper. He said that
when he stopped there some time ago he was
treated with most wonderful liberality; the
landlord pressed him to eat more, and filled his
pockets with fruit when he left the table. He
said that if ever he were again within 100 miles
of Charlotte he certainly would try to get a
dinner at the railroad restaurant there.
It is becoming the fashion in Pittsburg for
ladies to wear combs when they have their hair
dressed high. The combs are, in some cases,
made of gold studded with diamonds and other
precious stones, but in all cases the combs are
of some use, for they holdup the hair, lam
told, and serve very much as a relief to the
head when the amount ot hair is great. A few
days ago 1 saw one of these combs which must
certainly have cost 1500 or 600. The diamonds
in it were very large and brilliant. Itse.emsto
me that this comb was very liable to be stolen
very easily by a smart thief, but perhaps there
was some fastening urtder the hair which held
the comb in place. As it appeared there
seemed to be nothing to prevent an expert
thief s taking the comb out of the hair without
the wearer's knowledge.
It struck me the other day as being very cu
rious that none of the celebrated artists of the
pictorial journals of New York have been able
to catch at all properly the peculiar
face of the junior Senator from
this State. In neither Puck nor
Judge have 1 seen a portrait of Quay that
could be possibly recognized. It is a, fact, no
doubt, that Senator Quay has a peculiar face,
but it ought not to be impossible for the artists
of such prominent journals to get something
like a fair idea of its outline. At present their
efforts are worthless even as caricatures, in
that they do not bear the slightest resemblance
to the subject.
A wealthy gentleman of New York, who is
obliged by the poor state of his health to spend
a great deal of his time in hotels, has origin
ated a rather clever scheme for brightening up
his room wherever he stays. He particularly
detests the bare appearance of the walls in the
average hotel bedroom, and so he has fallen
into the way of buying a number of cheaply
framed olographs and chromos. With these
he covers the entire bare space of the walls,
and at least the effect to the oeholder Is more
cheerful than it would be without them. More
over he changes the picture every two weeks,
so that theynever become stale or tiresome, as
such pictures are likely to prove.
A Trntlifnl California l'nper.
From the Korrlstown Herald.
A California paper tells of a man in that
State raising a beet with which he fed two
horses and three cows four days. The Cali
fornia paper wouldn't He about a little thing
like that; and it refrained from adding that a
piece of wood entangled in the bottom of the
beet was torn from the roof of a Chinese dwel
ling, for fear its readers might discredit the
whole story.
The Antl-Snndny Train Mora Grows.
Boston, April S9L The heads of departments
on the Boston and Maine Bailroad have been
ordered to allow no work on Sundays, except
such as Is required to run the regularly adver
tised trains or to make repairs rendered neces
sary by accidents Saturday night or Sunday.
They'll Srallo nnrt Look Pleasant.
From the X ew York Tribune J v
As the Governor of North Carolina and the
Governor of South Carolina are to be in the
same hotel during the Centennial celebration,
they will probably have a good deal to' say to
each other.
A New Move Made By tbe Man Who Fere
tetla Rain or Snow.
Washington. April 29. The Chief Signal
Officer has issued tbe following, Instructions to
the Indications officials:
In view of the great importance of long-time
weather predictions to tbe business Interests or
the country. It Is hereby directed that on and
after Slay I, 1869, the Indications officials shall
make, whenever practicable, a general prediction
showing tbe condition of the weather two or three
days In advance. The Chief Signal Officer is aware
that unsettled weather conditions not infrequent
ly obtain tbrongbont the country to such an ex
tent as to preclude the possibility ol successful
predictions, even for 13 or 24 hours In advance, so
that this class of long-time predictions will be
confined to such occasions nnd such sections of
ine country as irom peculiar ana persistent
meteorological conditions seem to assure success
ful forecasts. -
These predictions will not be too much In detail,
but wilt clearly setforth the section of the country
for which they are Intended and the days of the
week which they will cover. The use of such
terms as "warmer" or "cooler" should bo re
placed, as a rule, by "warm," "cold," mod
erately cold, " etc. In making these long-time
forecasts the language should be varied according
to the necessities of the occasion, but should al
ways be In such form as to convey clearly to the
general pnbllo the opinions of the Indications
official, and also the degree of posltiveness that
attaches to his opinions.
These predictions will be furnished at the
same time as the regular detailed indications,
but they will not appear regularly, so that their
non appearance will signify nothing more than
that the Indications official aid not think it
judicious to make an advanced prediction.
The Material for Their Suita a Purely
American Product.
HABTFORD, April 29. As "Washington and
Adams at their inaugural in 1789 ware cloth
made in Hartford, as a piece, of commendable
sentiment President if arrison and Vice Presi
dent Morton are to do likewise. The idea
originated in tbe mind of H. L. James, of Bock
vllle, Conn., who saw an item in the Couran
about the "Congress Brown" that the first
President and his political consort donned on
the auspicious occasion in New York 100 years
Through Bmator Hawley the Bockvllle mills
representative communicated with the nation's
first officials, and they both answered that they
would be delighted to avail themselves of fol
lowing their remote predecessors,butsugeested
that black instead of brown cloth be substi
tuted. The cloth was finished on March 16. and the
suit made from it was worn to-day. The Har
rison and Morton cloth is thoroughly a protec
tion product. It was made from yarn made to
order in this country the order being to
furnish as good as could be made, and so tbe
foundation is American yarn. Then the com
pany took tbe yarn and wove into cloth on its
machinery, all of which is American-made. It
is called black worsted diagonal, and is pro
nounced as good a piece of cloth as was ever
made in this country or any other. A red,
white and blue listing patriotically marks the
The Sad Experlcnco of a Girl Who Eloped
With a Temperance Exhorter.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
New Yobk, April 29. Miss Lizzie Yeung
eloped on January 7 from her home in Flush
ing with Temperance Exhorter McCombs.
They were married in Corona. She has just
returned, home. She says her husband took
her to New York about a mouth ago, and they
lived at 883 First avenue. He eamedno money
and she had to work to support him and her
self. He refused to allow her to visit her
home. Last Monday, however, she beard tbat
her mother was very sick, and she went home.
Then she learned, she says, that two days be
fore be had gone to her mother's house and
obtained all the jewelry and clothing which she
had left behind when she eloped.
She returned to New York and, she says,
found in his pocketbook- pawn tickets for the
articles. On Tuesday she asked him if she
could call on her mother, and be told her If she
went she could stay. She did go, and she says
she will never live with him again, and will
discard his name. She appears to be heart
The Gallant Captain Tendered a Pleasant
Reception In Baltimore.
Baltimore, April 29. The popular recep
tion to Captain Mnrrell and the officers of tbe
Missouri, at tbe Corn and Flour Exchange, was
held this afternoon. Business on 'Change was
suspended after 12157. H., and tbe doors were
thrown open to the public, at 2, o'clock. Cap
tain Murrell, accompanied by the officers of
the ship, was met at the door by Mayor La
trobe and Charles D. Fisher, President of the
Board of Trade, and escorted down a long ave
nue ot cheerine people to the raised platform.
Tbe windows at the south end of the room and
the rostrum were tastefully draped with Brit
ish and American flags, commingling in grace
ful folds.
There were a great many ladles present, and
their bright costumes added brilliancy to the
scene. An address of welcome was delivered,
and Captain Murrell, after responding, shook
hands with the ladies.
Washington n a Poet.
A young lady upon whom tbe great Wash
ington in bis youth looked with somewhat
tender approval was Miss Cary. To her he
wrote his only poem, the MS. of whiih now re
poses In the State Department at Washington.
Tbe following is an exact copy pf this poem,
punctuation, capitals and all:
Ob Ye Gods why should my Poor, Resistless Heart
Stand to approve thy Might and Power.
At Last surrender to Cupids feather'd Dart
And now lays Bleeding every Hour
For her that's Pit jiess of my grief and Woes
And will not on me Pity take
I'le sleep amongst my most inveterate Foes
And with gladness never wish to wake
In deluding sleeplngs let my Eyelids close
That In an enraptured Dream I may
In a soft lulling sleep and gentle repose
.Possess those Joys denied by Day.
A Pointer for Young Men.
From tbe Norrlstown Herald. 1
On the day of his recent marriage the Chinese
Emperor presented his mother-in law 51,600,000
in cash and $750,000 worth of silks and satins.
Some men know how to get on the right side ot
their mothers-in-law. The young Emperor of
China will never hear a lecture from his wife's
mother when becomes home from apolitical
caucus in a semi-paralyzed condition. Young
men about to marry shbuld imitate the example
of the Emperor of China.
An Open Question.
From tbe Chicago Times.
The Illinois Legislature is to be in session an
other month. The way of Providence con
tinues to be mysterious. Tbis is on the basis
tbat be has some cognizance of the Illinois Leg.
Islature. The Question Is open for discussion.
No Snrplns Baggage.
From the Chicago Inter-Ocean.
A Paris paper remarks the arrival of an
American whose outfit was: "Five hundred
thousand francs, a red necktie and a pair of
bottle-green gloves." He evidently bad no
surplus baggage in the shape of bralnsl
Undertaking a Great Task.
From the Mew lork Tribune. J
One of tbe members of the Centennial Com
mittee is at work On a catalogue of tbe kicks
consequent upon the great celebration. The
work will be in ten volumes the size of Web
ster's Unabridged Dictionary.
Tbomns J. Byrne.
Thomas J. Byrne, one of the youngest and most
efficient train dispatchers in tbe city, died yester
day morning at the residence of his mother, cor
ner Fulton and Hazel streets. For some time he
had been suffering with a number of complaints,
superludneed by overwork at tbe key. Several
times be rallied and It was thought he would pull
through, but his constitution was too weak and
he became resigned to his fate. Surrounded by
his brothers and sisters and the motherho ten
derly nursed blm, his "30"'came, borne by a
white-robed angel, and his soul went out on its
heavenlT night.
Mr. Byrne Is a brother of John Byrne, one of
the best tnown commercial operators in the city.
He learned telegraphy In tbe dispatcher's office of
the Ft, Wayne road in Allegheny, and about four
years ago was placed In charge of the Union depot
office. He was transferred to Allegheny about 19
mbnths ago and In a short time his energetic dis
position secured him tbe position or dispatcher.
The funeral will take place to-morrow.
Henry J. Abel. .
The funeral or Henry J. Abel, son pf Mr. Ed
ward Abel, of the German National Bank, who
died at the family residence on Center avenue
Saturday, will take place this morning MRaai the
Churcffof the Holy Trinity at B.tto'cIoeR:
Ahnl was onlv 28 vears of nre. and hia riemlLt la'
source of regret to a large circle of friends, v,b
Tnonrn his loss. Ha bad been knfrHnofAv aflTi
Sears with spinal disease, and his heroic fortatudl'
urlng that tbae showed his true Christian tplrltrv
Variety at the Bijou Alone In Londoa' art
Other Floys.
The audience at the Bijou was very Iarge,but
thst was not tbe remarkable thlngabont it, so
much as the class of people to be found in it
The Howard Athenaeum Company is a vaude
ville organization, and it was somewhat odd to
note how many fashionable bonnets there were
In the parquet last night Undoubtedly the
curiosltyot the fair sex. has been exeited by
this inn6vation of a variety performance pure
and simple at a nrst-class theater.
There is not the slightest reason why every
body that loves uniq ue things, grace,musc and
laughter, should not spend a mighty pleasant
evening with the Howard Athenteum Com
pany. For grr je and marvelous skill in rarely
learned art of dancing, little Ida Heath is a
young woman, nay a mere child in years, who
can do more with ber nimble limbs tban most
of the wiry veteran premieres danseuses that
come jumping along the circuit on their toe
tips. Moreover, her techntgue, if the
word may be used, is itself a marvel. Little
Ida does not sacrifice to it the cuteness of ber
gentle age. She passes from costume to
costume with great speed, and concludes her
work with a pas seul as a ballerina that is a
whirling maze of picturesque movement.
Everybody knows tbe Irwin sisters, but tbey
have never appeared here in a more humorous
skit than tbat which enabled them to explain
some of tbe subtle beauties of "Home Rule."
The speech of Flora Irwin on the rights of
man, we think it was, seemed to tickle the
better part of humanity in tbe audience
amazinglv. Then the acrobatic powers of the
CInquevalli troupe, and tbe surprising accom
plishments of Ctnquevalli himself, made their
feats a great deal more entertaining than they
usually are.
It is hard to say which was the most enjoy
able, the musical or tbe clowning part of tbe
contribution by Messrs. Wood and Sheppard.
They play on an amazing number of instru
ments, and Mr. Wood is a quiet, juicy come
dian, who can make an audience roar with a
wink of bis eye. Quite An extraordinary
novelty to most people was the curious
"nappy family" of cats, rats, mice and canaries
which Leonl Clark puts through a variety of
evolutions. Still more pleasant and pretty is
the control which Mile. Tina shows over a
flock of pigeons, whd are acrobats and
aeronauts of no little skill. Monsieur Cas
cabel changes his attire with bewildering fre
quency and speed.
It is worth while adding, as can be done with
perfect truth, that there Is not one word or act
in tbe whole performance that is the least bit
offensive to the most scrupulous taste.
Grand Opera House.
"Alone in London" is a sensational melo
drama which has been seen in Pittsburg sev
eral times during the past four or five years.
It was presented last night at the Grand
Opera House by a company of average ability
to a fair-sized house. The performance was
forthebenefltof the employes of the theater,
Who will probably realize quite a neat sum.
Miss Ada Dwyer took the leading role, that
of Nan, the flower girl. The character is by
far the best In the play, and Miss Dwyer's con
ceptlon cf it was pleasing and intelligent, Mr.
C. C. Craig, as Richard Redcliff, was a
mediocre and conventional villain. Miss Madge
Carr was quite clever as Tom CMckwick, and
Miss Marian Strickland made a good
.Mr. Maloney, her rich brogue
and her vivacious manners being
true to life. Tbe work of the rest of tbe cast
hardly calls for special mention. The scenery,
which heretofore has been the greatest feature
of tbis play, bears the marks of age and rough
usage ana is not particularly imposing. JT tar
the best scene was that,in the third act, repre
senting the river Thames, where a very good
eueci was proauceuwimoni ineaiaoi atanjc
Those who delight in a play in which there are
plenty of villainous plots, which are always
thwarted at exactly the right time, a great
many exciting scenes and hairbreadth escapes,
all ending happily for tbe good and disastrously
for tbe wicked, will find "Alone in London"
exactly to their taste.
Harris' Theater.
A far greater puzzle than "Pigs in Clover,"
or any of its score of imitators, is the question.
How long will "Uncle Tom's Cabin" continne
to draw as large crowds as very few other
theatrical attractions cant That it hasn't wom
out its welcome in Pittsburg a glance over the
two packed houses at Harris' yesterday suffici
ently demonstrated. The present performance
is well worthy of the patronage it will receive.
All of tbe characters are well taken, the
scenery is good, and some of tbe features are
far above tbe average. For instance, seldom
is such an Uncle Tom seen as that of the favor
ite old-time minstrel. Milt Barlow, and Harry
Webber's Maria, Carrie Dillon Webber's
Topty, and little Ethel Clifford's Eva are pic
tures worth seeing. The jubilee singing is ex
cellent. "Uncle. Tom" will be given at every
performance tbe rest of the week, day and
Academy of Maslc
It would be an extremely idle task to paint
such a lily as Harry Kernell's Variety Com
pany. The reputation it has borne has always
been good, and this visit to the Academy of
Music will not change the popular verdict.
From Harry Kernell down the performers are
first-class, and bie audiences may be expected
all tbe week. The afterpiece is unusually
Dramntlc Notes.
These will be an extra matinee performance
attheBljou of the Boston AthenSBum Com
pany this afternoon.
The Casino Museum has a lot of new curl
riosltles, and a stage variety performance that
makes a good return for 10 cents.
Pitoi". Htjelbuet, with his wonderful
trained horses, will reappear on Wednesday
evening at the Grand Central Blnk, and will
perform afternoons and evenings for the rest of
the week.
The engagement of the Boston Ideals at the
Opera House next week will be fraught with
good things musically, and among them will be
Zelle De Lussan's creation of tbe role of Mar
guerite in Gounod's "Faust." "Faust" on
Monday evening will also introduce a new
tenor. Chevalier Edward Scovel. The reper
toire as arranged for the week is as follows:
Monday, "Faust," Tuesday. "Barber of Se
ville;" Wednesday matinee, "Martha;" Wednes
day night, "Carmen?' Thursday, first, time in
America. Leonard Wales' "Lion of Peruf
Friday. "Barber of Seville;" Saturdav mati
nee, "Lion of Peru;" Saturday evening grand
farewell to America of Mile. De Lussan.
The Humiliation of Being a. Prisoner
Break a Thief's Heart.
Oxford, Conn., April 29. Clark Lewis, the
town ne'er-do-well, was arrested on the 4th in
stant, charged with stealing a horse blanket
from a neighbor, and, not being able to prove
that he found the blanket in Cotton Hollow,
several miles away, he was found guilty and
sent to New Haven Jail. The prisoner left at
home a wife and children. Tbe town officials,
not being willing to support tbem during tbe
enforced absence of Lewis, made application to
the County Commissioners for his release,
which was granted. Lewis came home this
week, a changed and altered man.
He had never been in jail before, and his in
carceration sn preyed on his mind that he died
yesterday. Tho town doctor says, literally of a
broken heart. It has now become clear that
Lewis's story was true. A hired man of the
neighbor who lost the blanket secretly took bis
employer's horse and equippage and visited
a house In Cotton Hollow, near by which the
blanket was found. When the hired man re
turned he missed the robe from tbe wagon but
dared not confess tbe truth for fear of being
Cllnchem, clnchem, and Bob one night
Sailed off on a f ullman car;
Galled on rails of Bessemer bright
Into a city afar.
'Where are you from and what Is yout will?"
Ben Harrison asked the three.
e are office hunters from Boodlevllle
And lots of boodle have we;
Give us a chance and you shall see, "
i Bald Cllnchem,
Harrison laughed and caroled a song
And winked at 'Ltje In the rear.
And 'Llle turned on the hose full strong
From a wash tub standing near, .
Tlllthe air was blue, the curses flew
From the throats of adamant gall;
Then Harrison loosed the kicker, too.
And It kicked them to the wall,
Kicked and kicked the boodlers all,
And Bob.
Now, Cllnchem and Clnchem are any mob
That hungers and thirsts for place.
Whose Adas Achates Is doughty Bob,
And all are a dire disgrace.
You've only to hustle and set aboard,
If the wonderful sight you'd see.
Of Harrison squelching the Boodlevllle horde
That pine for the spoils that be.
As pined and hankered the boodlers three:
And Bob.
Eugtnt field in tw Chicago Seal,
Jumped Four- Stories to Ber Death
New Yokk; April 29. Betsy McAuley. a
servant girl In the family of Edward Gamier,
got drunk this afternoon. She took a pint of
whisky home with her and drank it up before
midnight. Then she piled up two baby car
nages, a crib and a straw bed in the corridor.
poured kerosene over them and set Sre to them.
Mr. Gamier discovered the bonfire, and after a
Sharp tussle extinguished it He called a po
liceman to arrest the girl. Betsy bombarded
tbe officer with teakettles and china when be
tried to enter her room. Then she jumped out
of the window, four stories up. She suffered
several fractures and severe internal injuries
from tuff fall, and will probably die.
A Dozen Women Hurt In a Panic.
The music accompanying Barnum's parade In
Jersey City to-day frightened two dray horses
and tbey ran away. A general panic resulted.
Mrs. Bridget Badlean fell and broke her leg.
Mrs. Mary Doherty tumbled over Mrs, Badlean
and fractured her arm. Mamie Doahne and
Lizzie Garry, little girls, had their arms broken.
A dozen or more women fainted and were more
or less battered in the general melee.
Sixteen Stowaways on One Steamer.
The steamship St. Bonaus, from Liverpool,
brought 16 stowaways into port this morn
ing. All of them were under 17 years of age
and of Irish parentage. The Captain of the
St. Bonaus said that he could not understand
how the boys got aboard tbe steamer unless
they secreted themselves in the hold when the
cargo was being put on board. One of the boys
had only one shoe, and his Dare foot was cov
ered with blisters. He said that he had been
forced to shovel coal in the engine room, and
that some hot coals had fallen on his.f ooc All
tbe boys were in a terrible condition.' Pending
an investigation Into tbe circumstance attend
ing the arrival of the stowaways by tbe Col
lector, three Custom House officers are guard
ing the boys on the steamer. The British Con
sul will also be notified of the case.
Washington's Pew at St. Paul's.
The most popular Centennial relic in the city
to-day bas been Washington's pew in St. Paul's
Church. An nnbroken procession of tourists
passed in and out of tbe church doors, from 8
o'clock this morning until dark. General
Washington's pew Is a plain and modest one in
the northern side aisle of the church, half way
from the pulpit to the obolr. The red cushions
and foot rests of 100 years ago, now faded by
time, were in the pew.
A Monument for a Spoils System Victim.
A movement to erect a monument to the late
Postmaster, Henry G.Pearson, has been or
ganized here. William Potts, treasurer of tbe
fund, began receiving contributions to-day.
Tho promoters of the plan believe that Mr.
Pearson was a martyr in the cause of public
duty. They feel that he wore out his life in
doing work which his enemies in Washington
indlreotly forced upon him by refusing to give
him the necessary number of assistants. The
men who have organized the presentmovement
say in their requests for contributions that Mr.
Pearson was a victim of the spoils system.
Rid His Wile of a Bad Bargain.
Peter Beth, a carpet weaver, jumped from
the roof ot a four-story building into a crowded
street near tbe Bowery this morning. Death
was instantaneous, Beth got drunk early yes
terday morning and remained drunk all last
evenlnc. This morning his wife locked .him
out of their rooms and told him through the
keyhole that she would not live with him
longer. Then he killed himself.
Sir. Acker's Little Joke.
Henry C. Acker, a hotel keeper and a prom
inent politician in East Norwich, tried to mur
der his wife last night. They quarreled over
the supper table. Acker left for the ostensi
ble purpose of visiting another neighbor. He
got his shotgun, returned to the dining room,
and without a word shot Mrs. Acker as she sat.
Many small shot entered her face and breast.
Her right arm was so badly mutilated that am
putation was necessary. Acker is in jaiL He
says he merely wished to frighten bis wife by
shooting over her bead, but that his hand
$50,000 FOR A BOOK",
One Hundred Thousand Dollars Refused for
n Hebrew Bible.
From the Bulletin de l'Imprlmerle.2
What was the highest price ever given for
any book? We may venture to say that we
know of one for which a sum of 250,000 francs
(10,000) was paid by its present owner, the
German Government That book is a missal,
formerly given by Pope Leo X. to King Henry
VHL of England, along with a parchment con
ferring on that sovereign the right of assuming
the title of "Defender of the Faitb,"borne ever
since by English monarchs. Charles 11. made a
present of the missal to the ancestor of tbe fa
mous Duke of Hamilton, whose extensive and
valuable library was sold some years ago by
Messrs. Sotbeby, Wilkinson and Hodge, of
The book which secured the highest offer
was a Hebrew Bible, in the possession of the
Vatican. In 1512 tbe Hebrews of Venice proposed
to Pope Julius H. to buy the Bible, and to pay
for it its weight in gold. It was so heav that
it required two men to carry it. Indeed, it
weighed 325 pounds, thus representing the
value of 500,000 francs (20,000). Though being
muchprcssed for money, in order to keep up
the "Holy League" against King Louis XlL of
France, Julias H. declined to part with the
A Western Mnu Discovers Wherein Legisla
tures DInke Foolaof Themselves.
Washington, April 29. W. A. Cuddy, who
was chaplain of the Legislative Assembly of
Arizona, which has just adjourned, has sent tb
tbe Treasury Department, for deposit in tbe
conscience fund, tbe sum of 22 So, being a part
of the salary paid him as chaplain. His motive
for this action is explained by him as follqws:
"I cannot see that it is right for the rulers to
take the people's money and pay it out to some
hypocrite to stand up before a Legislative body
and pray for pay."
He also states that he once acted as clerk of
the Legislature, and received for his services
510; but while performing this (duty he was
also employed in whisky celling. He thinks
that he should return the $610, and would do
so, he says, but for the fact that he has not
KOt it.
Growing Up With the Country.
From tbe Chicago Tribune.!
Several of the fellows who went to Oklahoma
with tbe intention of growing up with the
country have been alasl already planted.
A Meadville widow whose husband died 17
years ago bas received $8 conscience money
anonymously irom Cleveland, J5 of the sum be
ing interest.
AT West Chester Judge Waddell affirmed
the will of Ella E. Sharpies;, written on a scrap
of paper, which bequeathed $30,000 to her
guardian. Dr. H. Fronefield. -
A Wabrsn cotjntt man has a large New
foundland dog that he would like to sell at a
cheap figure, as it costs a great deal to feed
him. He eats nothing but sponge cake.
Bil:lBrtce, of Tioga county, has a white
cat 19 years old. Bbe is a good mouser, but very
particular about what she eats. Before eating
a mouse she removes the skin as carefully as
the most skilled hunter could do it.
SAit Smith, of Wyoming, saw a queer ani
mal up a tree. He tired 11 shots and at last
succeeded In bringing it down. It Was a 20
pound black woodchuck. Sam says this is the
first woodchuck be has ever seen In a tree.
A man out in Center county has what his
neighbors call "telescopic eyes." He can dis
tinguish colors, recognize friends and see very
distinctly at great distances. He told the time
recently by a town clock which was two miles
Hirah Rich, ot Northampton county, was
closing the door of his granary when he noticed
that something prevented it from shotting
tightly. On examination he found a large
blacksnake firmly wedged between the door
and the jamb. Tbe snake was dead.
Geoeoe Bosqebs, of Butler county, has a
dog of more than usual sagacity. The other
day, after milking, Mr. Bodgers, being called
away to"soaie other work, neglected to pat tho
milk under cover. A severe storm arose; and
the dog, who was near, seeing that the milk
was in danger ot being spoiled by the rale,
drank it up. Mr. Rodger, however, did not
appreciate the sagacity of the-dog, as he gave
him a severe beating;
cukichjs cmnrn atwmS
A poeket typewriter' weighs foaronaeee
-A Frwehasas asakss pulp irosa feee5
leaves. a
Wheeling. W. Ta., has tie worii'g
largest nail plant. J
An enterprising oitizea of JohMtewa,
N. J- Is applying for a pension, a divorce ad a
Several Caro (Mich.) gentlemen reeeatly
sawa large rat carry a bea's egg on its back;
They say that it twisted its tail around the egg
and carried it safely until it was hit with a
Woman flogging exists: M a puniest
ment in the Transvaal. All tbe South African
press is violently opposed to it, but only re
cently a woman was sentenced to receive li
lashes for using obseeae laeguage.
There is a colored man in Qaitmas
county, Georgia, who has a tea Baaed David,
one named Jacob, one named Napoleon, one
named Christopher Columbus, one named Fer
dinand and one named James Monree.
Charles Wilson, of Cedar Key, J3-. i
19 years of age. M feet in height, and weijlM
28S pounds. He has two brothers one 17 years
old, 6 feet tall and weighing ISO ponfldo, sad tee
other 18 years old, and already a giant. .
A capitulation of considerable -
has been tbat of London to French
art. ThMiew rage ia described as fast a-i -nous.
There bas never yet been a taoehm v
French landscape in the National Gallery. " v
A man in Eothschild, Neb., dressed
himself in a shroud and laid himself carefaHy '.
into a coffin, which he had purchased. In tale
position he went to sleep. When his friends
discovered him, some hours later, he was dead.'
William White, of Bartow county
Georgia, has an old French coin that here-;
ceivedfortwo gallons of whisky, a few days
after the battle of New Orleans, There Is bo
date on it, but by tracing out tbe historical
characters it la found ta be 160 years of age.
It is not often that such a little matter
as three minutes stand between a man and the
penitentiary. Yet that was the ease in Toledo
the other day, when it was shown that a theft
was committed just that period before sunset,
and hence was petty larceny and not a bur
glary. Great ia the ingenuity ot the Toledo
lawyer. $ v .
A local paper says that at a church party
recently held in McDonougb, Chenango county,
N. Y., 40 young women were put np at auction
and sold to the highest bidder! A hayseed be
lieved the sale was bona fide, and put up all his
cash, 7 49 on tbe prettiest woman bid off. It
took considerable persuasion to convince hira
that be could not remove bis purchase to the
paternal ranch.
The little town of Newark, in Cali
fornia, has some good young men. They roda
a drunken and abusive husband and father,
named Chase, out of town on a rail, and then
quartered the wife and children in tbe princi
pal hotel until they bad raised money enough
to send them to Louisville, Ky., where tsq ,
wife's parents reside. v
A severe hailstorm, followed by a heavy
fall of rain. Is reported from Murray county,
Georgia. The falling bail, by cold and force,
benumbed the fish in Sugar creek. Thefol-.
lowing rain washed the helpless fish out ot the,
creek, leaving thousands of them high and
dry. Citizens ot surrounding country gathered
hundreds of pounds each of the fish for table
Last week a man named Hagan, while
at work in his field In Scriren county, Georgia,
found a gold coin about the size of a silver bait
dollar, round, but not sear as. thick. On ana
side was the profile of a man, and the inscrip
tion "Josephus L D. G. Port. et. Alg. Rex.',
and bearing the date ot 1772; on the reverse
side was a coat ot arms, surmounted by at
crown. This coin was evidently lost during the
Revolutionary War.or.it may be, is a stray
piece ot some bidden treasure.
Aphasia inlT most extraordinary form,
is at present under treatment by Dr. Charcot.'
A Frenchman, aged 60, learned English
through living 17 years in North America, and
then Spanish after his marriage with a Spanish
woman. He lost his command of these lan
guages In the Inverse order. First be was una
ble to speak Spanish, then English went from, t
him. and lastly his native tongue, French. Tbe
affliction was ascribed to the softening of the
third left lobe of the brain, and by a method
leal practice in conversation he regained his
normal ability, recovering the languages in the
order of Frencn, English and Spanish. V.
5.n old-fashioned housewife in a Cafi
ton. Pa,, farm house will never permit her hue
band to be without at least one black sheep in
his flock. She ha got a notion that it IsTiOtjtS'
healthy to wear stockings with any kind of dye
In the wool, and as she dislikes to wear whltu
hosiery, all her stockings are made out ot
natural black wool. She cards the wool Into
rolls by hand, just as people did three or four
generations ago, spins the rolls herself, and
knits her own stockings. Once a tree fell on
her only black sbeep and killed it, and her bus
band had to hustle around and find another.
It took him three days and miles of travel, but
ne nnauy came across a black ewe lamb 13
miles away and bought it.
J.J. F.Blackshear, of Dublin, Ga., had
a very singular incident with a moccasin the
other day. He was 'down on the side ot the
branch near his house, when he discovered his
snakeship beside a deep embankment and in a
narrow part of a ditch leading to the branch.
Having a long handled spadein his hand he dc
elded to cat his head off and jabbed the spade
at it, which went into the sand about a foot
deeper than be calculated upon, and Mr.
Blackshearlost bis balance and fell in on the
enemy. There was a general scuffLnggf log on,
during which Mr. Blackshear was endeavorm;;
to get up, and finally succeeded alter turning
over. He then began to try tbe embankment,
which proved too much for him for some time,
falling back on the snake for the first two "or
three efforts. His pants were badly torn, in
tbe struggle, and his knees slightly bruised,
but be does not think it was done by the snake.
Bussian Fashion Note. The Czar has re
turned to St. Petersburg and changed his winter
suit of boiler Iron for a light spring suit of cast
steel. Washington Pose.
Society Note. The accomplished Hiss
Lulu Grady. late of Wichita, is making a short
stay with friends from St. Louis, in the red wagon
in the hollow over north of the creek. r
Boards have arrived for the new Sweden
borglan church on Mary Ann street. It is ex
pected the structure will be finished Tuesday.
Dead Horse Is booming. New lark Tribune. '
Friend I suppose you write when the
spirit mores? Poet Well, yes, that's about the
way with me. I write when the soecter moves.
The specter?" "Yes; the specter of want.j'
Yankee Blade.
Boarder (cracking an egg) Well I de
clare! Walter (exdtedly)-What is it? Boarder
Why. this egg hat a double yelk Walter Pooh!
that's ndthln' gen'lman't ylstlddy had a chtck
inr. JUtrait lYtrPrtt. ' .
Mrs. N. Peck So you thought I was an
angel once, did you? Mr. IN. Feck Yep." Mrs.
N. Peck And you don't think so now, eh? Mr.
X. Peck Nope. I ttlllllre In hopes that yon may
be, though. Terre Haute hrprtti.
NervousUIu Gentleman Don tyouthink;s"x
It's dangerous for so many people to getln'tae
ferryboat at one time? Waterman Dangerous;
sir? Kot a bit on It. Why, they all paid their
money stars' they started. Funny FoUu, 4ci$ ,
Dead Horse Opera Horse Third tent
from the Squatter office bn the west-Artlitla
variety performance every evenlngl Popular
prices! All firearms must be checked with the
doorkeeper. Come one. come all!
A New Breed of Hens. Blobson Do
yourhens belong to the Maud breed; Popinjay?
Popinjay No, sir, they are Leghorns, lyhydid
you think they belonged to the Mani breed
ha, ha!
Blobson Beeanse they are all the-tlme coming
Into my garden. Burlington Free Fresi.
A bear strayed into Dead Horse Saturdays
night, and in trying to get at a barrel of pork inl
the tall or Judge Slocum'a wagon on Aroora..
street, turned over tbe whole outfit. The Jude
got tangled np In tbe wagon cover and came um
being smothered. Mrs- Judge siocnm uauga
ankle sprained. The dogs finally ran w w
oi town.
O, Susanna,
nan'l Tfin r.rr far me.
I'm going to Oklahoma with a tVInches4e,ir5r
and loo pounds or tnnnnjM. u, gratia ,
with a 12-!nehJiade. a slugshot,twolaary rS- 5
Tolvers, 43 caliber; two derrtngerf3ajite ofK
brass knuckles, a sandbag, a dirk? a heMMeC
Cincinnati whisky, - -iaBfi&l
The country for to see. StSSSB -
-Chicago Trune&
Philanthropist Here, here; ite?&at;t
What are you doing to your little brother? -Boy-Alo'tdolu'notnln'.
& &
"Wbv dots he err to then?" . jh'-
''Cause 1 looked his candy awayfroa hlm."
"But didn't yon have some oaay, too?"
"Ym. bat I ate it all up." i
"But that gives you no rikt te rob yor.lMle
brotser." 3e
Tes it does. I'm a SeeieUtt.' ' ToMo ?Omst
mtrotaL -i&Fti.-