' r"V." v.'"' -"2- -rf & ?TO.grv. .; ' " :- ' J?S '. -T'r '..-.''"' ''J'Sif '- V.- y? THE PITTSBTTKG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, APETCi 28, i889. V-v i-v m 1HE MUSIC WOKLD. rSSome Timely flints for the Listen- ins; Public to ronaer uver. ilTHB COMIKG MUSICAL TREATS, And Suggestions That Will Enable All to Fully Appreciate litem. ETENTS AXD GOSSIP OP THE WEEK Manaeers, singers and players hundreds of them, here and elsewhere have long been working in preparation lor the various important musical events to take place in Pittsburg during the approaching May, a month quite unprecedented in our musical history. The prospective performers have been doing all they can to make ready a number of the greatest works ever written, some of them yet unheard of here. What are the prospective listeners doing? They don't have to do anything. They can, if they wish, go to any or all of these rich concerts, enjoy the singing and play ing as it oome's, go home and forget all about it, except, perhaps, the names of the great foreign singers. They have had a pleasant evening, worth the money they paid for it, and are content. That is all well enough, as far as it goes. But every one of those listeners might have doubled the pleasure of the moment and made those concerts permanent additions to his fond or profitable experience, if he had only prepared himself for his part of listener as be required the performers' to hare prepared themselves for their parts. Every person who intends to hear the great musical works of the coming month will reap a rich return trom cacn moment spent neiore hand In gaining information about the com poser, his life, style, rank and relation to the development of the art; About the work itself in relation to others of the same composer, or of the same class, subject, form, themes, man ner of treatment and public history; about tbe performers, their past careers and their posi tion in the world of art information, in snort, upon any and all points connected with the work to be heard. Any addition to that stock of information makes a corresponding increase in tbe listener's personal interest in tbe per formance, puts him in a more receptive atti tude and furnishes him with new possibilities of enjoyment and intelligent appreciation. If tne listeners thus prepare themselves the extraordinary musical opportunities of the coming month will result m benefits to tbe community much greater and more abiding than would be possible otherwise. No doubt the greatest work to be heard next month is Beethoven's Choral Symphony. In deed, tbe opinion is widely held that this last and greatest ot the "Immortal Nine" is abso lutely the greatest musical work ever written. Hans von Bulow, for instance, would seem to be of this opinion, as he told a reporter the other day that the reason of his giving the Ninth Symphony twice in succession at one of his recent concerts at home, was not that it took the two hearings to appreciate it, but that he did not deem any otber composition worthy of a place on the same programme with It. Tbe first performance in Pittsburg of this unapproachable master piece will be an event of genuine importance. It is the' introduction of the chorus in the finale that makes the plainest distinction be tween the Ninth Symphony and its predeces sors. Beethoven bad already tried the same plan on a smaller scale in his Choral Fantasia. It was one of his own daring Innovations, for , which there was no precedent; Mendelssohn is among the very few who have succesfully fol lowed the example, as in his "Lobgesatig." In this great finale Beethoven at last found a suit able place tor Schiller's "Ode to Joy," which he first intended to compose SO years before, when a laa ot 22, at Bonn, and which had kept soming up in one shape or another ever since. The Seventh ana Eighth Symphonies had been . composed in 1812, 11 years before the ninth was completed. Bnt even at that time he had the latter in mind, and,had settled on D minor as its key. The striking theme of the Scherzo ap pears in the sketch books as early as 1815: but the beginning of serious work on the symphony was In 1817, when large portions of tbe first .movement were sketched. These sketches con tinue In 1818, along with those -of the gigantic sonata in B flat (on. 106): in connection with these two prodigious works is the scheme for a companion symphony which was to be choral in both adagio and finale. The symphony was in terrupted by the composition of the ereat Mass in D, the two last piano sonatas and tbe Overture in C (Wctbo des Hauses). Then in November, 1S22, receiving an offer of $250 from the Philhar monic Society, of London, for a MS symphony to-be delivered the following March, he set to work upon its composition in earnest. He was -so absorbed in the great symphony as to be careless of all his surroundings, missing his meals, rushing in and out without his hat, etc At length, after much revising, he wrote to London on September 8, 1823, that tbe copyist had finished the score, though the work of It was not nntil 1824 (after the work had been performed at "Vienna and dedicated to tbe Elng of Prussia) that the London society received its MS copy, endorsed in Beethoven's hand, "cesebneben fuerdiePbilharmonische Gesells chaft in London." It is characteristic of Beethoven that, sot withstanding all his sketching, working over and revising in tbe process of composition, when once be bad finished nothing could in duce bim to alter a note. So Scblndler tells us. When Sonntag and TJngher protested against tbe nnsingable passages in the Ninth Svm phony and besought him to brine them within tbe compass, of their voices, "Nein undimmer nein," was the dry answer. The first performance of the work, at the -Karntnerthor Theater, Vieiina, May 7. 182, was turned Into a great ovation to the master, all the creater because Beethoven, fancying himself slighted for Rossini's then fashionable airs, had been on the point of having the sym phony and the mass in D first produced in Berlin from which intention he had been dis suaded by a largely signed memorial from the music-loving aristocracy of Vienna. Schindler , gives this picture of the occasion: "The glori ous Symphony seemed to act upon the immense mass of human beings that thronged the building in every part like ambrosial nectar. They became intoxicated with delight; and when the refrain was caucht up by the choir, Seid umschlungen Millionen,' a shout of joy rent the air, completely drowning tbe singers and the instrument!. But there stood tbe master in tbe midst, absorbed and sunk within himself. His face turned toward the orchestra he saw nothing, and his entire deafness prevented his hearing either the sounds he had created or the roaring tumult It bad inspired. Fraeuleln TJngher, the con tralto, turned bim gently round, and then what a sight met his astonished gaze a multitude transported with joy. Almost all were stand ing, and the creater number melted to tears, now for the first time fully realizing the extent of Beethoven's calamity." The first of tbe two operatic concerts an nounced by Signer G. Gilli and his pupils took , place last Friday evening in the presence of a goodly audience of friends and relatives, that comfortably filled the cozy Pittsburg Club Theater. The programme was as follows, PAST I. "IlTrovatore," Act I Verdi Basso. Mr. Joseph II. Eelman Ferrando Sonrano, Miss bchoolt Leonora .Baritone. Mr. K. A. Ammon ContediLuua Tenor, Mr. U. Gilll Manrlco And lUlechorui . l'npils Continued Part or Second Act. ' . Mezzo soprano, MIuKllnc Azncena Tenor, Mr. j. GI11I Manrlco - r abt n. Norms,"........... Bellini -Soprano Miss Battigan iorma Mezzo Soprano Miss Ecker .....Adalclsa pabt m. " Lncla dl Lammennoor,' act n. Donizetti llaeso Mr. Jos. II. Kelman Bide, the Bent Jtarltone Mr. F. A. Amnion Henry Tenore Mr. Tlios. 8. Henderson Arthur Mezzo Soprano Miss Watson Alice iroorano Miss Keane Lucia lienor air. u. om EOjcar Fall chorus.....-;. l'npils Accompanied by Miss Keahard and Mr. M. rorrltt, Mr. H. V. Ecker, Director. It is stated that only pne Miss Keane of the young ladies and gentlemen has been under Sig. Gllll's tuition for more than a few months and that most ot them had no previous instruction. It would be manifestly improper to apply any lofty critical standard to tbo per formance of pupils under these conditions, though a pointed query may be made as to the Propriety and wisdom of causing beginners in singing to appear before tbe public In roles associated with the greatest stars of the musical firmament. Under all the circumstances most of the young atnirants acquitted themselves with all reasonable credit in struggling against heavy odds. Mis Agnes Keane ibowed considerable talent, both vocal and histrionic, and had suf ncient self-possession to make lair use of her resources. Miss Kattigan's energetic acting and the voices of Miss Ecker and; Miss Schook are also entiti., ... ..... .f.tA. t,nit nAt.i.. - 2Lt t m Beemed far enough advanced in vocal X2? s.iwarrant placing her In such a role. A?JJhe "f contingent. Mr. jr. A. Ammon e? wrdf praise for the comparative V,ex.2L..5cet J?1 8'nglngand acting; this the mors since he had .? ? . .i.vi;.. ....... '-....nf a ..,,"?""""? ""J "V". .,... . o.wiiiir Diea oi umess insnnrs eniencv toward ti.. , v...i- i.. marred the otherwlsn pnrr vt-.,-, I and spirited work of 81c Gilli himself in the leading roles. The piano accompaniments by Miss Reahard were worthy of very high praise; what may be termed the "accompanying in stinct" Is not often found in a more marked degree. The chores yielded a large body of tone and song with much spirit though not always in tune. Crotchets and Quavcra. The Alpine Quartet are to sing at a concert in the Presbyterian Church, at Hulton, Pa., next Thursday evening. The musical critic of the London Times gets $2,260 a year, and an, allowance of 1 SO tor every concert he attends. Mr. Fnller Maitland, the biographer of Schumann, has received' the ap- pointment, Mb. G'kobqk Russell Craig left yesterday for a further period of European, musical study covering several years and as many dif ferent citjes and teachers as his fancy may dic tate. Bon voyage! The cantata of "Ruth" will be repeated at East Liberty next Thursday evening for the benefit of the Exposition fund by the same performers that gave it last week at Sewickley except that the part otJfaomi will be taken by Miss Irene Sample. Mb. C. D. Cabteb has set the date of his in tended pupils' concert for May 9. The occasion will be signalized by the first appearance of Mr.Carter'snewmale chorus, the OrphousClub, and by piano solos from Mr. Beverldgo Web ster, of late rarely heard in concert. The sale of season tickets for the May Fes tival begins next Thursday at Hamilton's, Over 40 per cent may be saved by buying a sea son ticket for $12 SO, $S and 5, respectively, as against seven single tickets for S3, g! or Si. By the way, wouldn't It be well tosettbe "Wagner N:bt'f f or Wednesday, May 22, that being the anniversary of the great composer's birth ? Mb. Leoitabd H. Wales has been off with tbe Boston Ideals overseeing the rehearsals for his new opera, "The Lion of Peru," which will be given by that troupe on two evenings of next week probably Wednesdav andFriday at the Grand Opera House. The Ideals have lost Mr. Neuendorf and his gifted wife. Januschowsky; so Mile, de Lnssan will open the week as Mar guerite, and Mr. Ad Liesegang will wave the baton. The benefit concert to be given to-morrow (Monday) evening at the Central Rink. Penn avenue, in aid of the family of the late Richard Prosier, musical superintendent of public schools, promises to be worthy of its deserving object, as witness the list of performers: Children's chorus of S00 voices,asslsted by Miss Belle Tomer, Miss Edith Harris, Dr. W. T. English, Mr. E. Sermltt, Mr. D. J. Davies, Zitterbart Amateur Quintet, Philharmonic So ciety, Alpine Quartet, Normal School Class, Second M. P. Church Cboir.Prosser Glee Club, Richardson Quartet. Allen School. Apollo Quintet. Accompanists. Mr. John Fritchard, Miss Ida Burgy, Mr. Geo. T. Marshall, Mr. Sam Brown. Directors, Messrs. E. Rinehart, D. J. Davies, Meth. Lewir, T. F. Kirk. Gilxobe's "Jubilee" matinee and evening concert, at the Fifth Avenne Music Hall, next Thursday, are, ot course, the prime events of the week. The advance sale has been remark ably large and there is every prospect that the big hall will be filled to greet the popular leader, with his redoubtable band and brilliant soloists. At the matinee the band will play ar rangements of Beethoven's "Leonora," Over ture (No. 3), Liszt's Twelfth Rhapsodic, Rubin stein's Valse Caprice, Mendelssohn's "Scotch" Symphony (two movements) and various popu lar numbers, including Gllmpre's own national anthem "Columbia," with cannonade accom paniment, lime. Stone-Barton, Miss Campbell, Messrs. Danckwardt and Whitney will be the soloists of the afternoon. In the evening panlnl will sing; the band will contribute Wagner's "Tannhaeuser" Overture, selections from Meyerbeer's "Le Prophete," an adapta tion of Weber's Concertstueck, and otbjr se lections of a lighter type, again closing with the "Columbia" cannonade. This is what Mr. George H. Wilson says in tbe Boston Traveler of the part taken in the Handel and Haydn Society's Easter perform ance of "St. Paul" by Mr. and Mis. George Henschel, who are to bo here with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Mozart Club May 15 and 16: "Mr. Henschel's singing and de claiming, especially in the recitative beginning "O wherefore do ye these things," was magnifi cent in breadth and expression. He is unde niably the most satisfying singer now in the country. Mrs. Henschel sang "Jerusalem" exquisitely; her's is exactly the style and man ner for it. In all other portions, while some were physically slight, her conception and vocalization quite atoned," Mr. Hen schel is famous also as a composer and conductor; an all round artistic personality with whom Pittsburg will be glad to get ac quainted. Tbe remarkably gitted pair are heard to especial advantage in their own song Tecitals;tbey sing turn about and then together, Mr. Henschel accompanying throughout. The result is mi entertainment of peculiar charm, quite iui generis. Both Of them excel in the rendition of lieder, though in all varieties of style and sentiment. Why could not such a recital be given on one of tbe afternoons they spend in Pittsburg next monthT There are many who now wish it could; everybody would fall in line, if assured of the delightful treat in store. THORNTON' BROS., 12S Federal Street, Allecbeny. The above popular drygoods firm is repre sented at every large auction drygoods sale in the Eastern market. Mr. Jo'hn Thorn ton, Jr., is now in New York awaiting the most important sale of the season. Mer chants, as well as enstomers, can look out for some surprises this week. Monday are offered 100 pieces 40-inch, all wool, summer tricots, all new shades, at 25c, and 40-inch black Henriettas at 39c, 49c, 69c, 79c and 89c, all one-third under value. A Quiet Little Chat. ' A short distance from the postoffiee cor ner two gentlemen were seen conversing in a quiet way in regard to the elegant manner in which Dicksoa, the tailor, 65 Fifth ave nue, corner Wood street, second floor, reno vates, repairs and alters gentlemen's wear ing apparel. Don't forget Dickson. Tele phone 1558. Excursion to New York to .Centennial Anni versary of Inauguration of Gen. Washing ton. The B. & O. E. R. will sell excursion tickets to 2Jew Tork on April 27 to 30. in clusive, at rate of $13 32, round trip. Tickets good for return passage until May 6, inclusive. AXiL the leading brands of imported Champagnes sold by G. W. Schmidt. 95 and 97 Fifth Ave., City. Sateens 10 yards for 51; 200 pieces American sateens, desirable patterus,choice colorings; regular 12c quality. MWFSu HUGCS & HACKE. Pearson's galleries will be open all day Tuesday for business. 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st,, Allegheny. Axii the leading brands of imported cigars, wholesale and retail. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. Fine Trouserings." For a good-fitting pair leave yonr order at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street. wsu Don't SIlss tbe Special Sale Of velvet carpets and Smyrna rugs at Ed ward Groetzinger's, 627 and 629 Penn ave nue, this week. In the Spring Nearly everybody needs a good medicine. The impurities which have accumulated in the blood duringtbe cold months, must be expelled or when the mild days come, and the effect of bracing air is lost, the body is liable to be over come by debility or some serious disease. The remarkable success achieved by Hood's Sarsa parilla, and the many words of praise it has re ceived, make it worthy your confidence. We J asKyouio givetuismeaicinea trial. "We are sure it will do you good. "We have used Hood's Sarsaparilla for sev eral years, and feel proud to recommend it as an excellent spring medicine or to be used at all times as a blood purifier. For children as well as grown people we consider it the best. We set aside one bottle for our boy to take in the spring. He is nine years old and has enjoyed good health ever since we began giving it to him. We are seldom without it." B. F. Gboveb, Rochester. N. H. N. B. IX you have made up your mind to get I Hood's Sarsaparilla do not take any other. I Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbvall druggists. SI; six for S Prepared only by a t HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar 'See our line of"69"c p'rlnte3Indla silk; an elegant assortment; newest colorings. jtwfsu Hugos & Hacke. Histed, the famous yonng photographer, is making the finest photos ever seen in the city. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday. Kama, Beildcnee, (Charles Zlmmer PitUbnrr lEmmaT. Stewart ......rittsburg (Joseph Broder. .' Pittsburg J Hannah Sweeny 1'lttsburg c John lrelffer. Pittsburg J Ellen Dmnphy Pittsburg (Thomas McCann Pittsburg Maggie Hannan, Pittsburg ( William P. Schwartz Homestead ) Caroline E. Bennlnger Homestead ( Kobert Hanger Pittsburg Elizabeth Eeser Pittsburg (Adolph Lelst. Allegheny City tldaWIeler Allegheny City J John Shepherd ..Pittsbarg IVloletaUaU Pittsburg ( Frank C. S to ret McKeesport (Emma J. Broeky McKeesport J John Burgart Allexheny jtty ) Lizzie lchorn. Allegheny City I Charles 15. Cassell Pittsburg 1 Katie M. Christ Allegheny City Elmer Sutton Butler county Nettle Gillespie Pittsburg (JohnCookS Brown's station 1 Salens Grant rittsburg ( Franz Gross .Tarentnm Pauline En tier. Tarentum 5 Henry Kessler Pittsburg 1 Anna Dehmer Pittsburg ( JohnE. Grelner .'. Tarentum i Mary Hetlcr Tarentum ( Amos D. Kays .Turtle Creek J Maggie Gibbons Turtle Creek ( Benjamin Kebholtz Pittsburg I KumgundaSounners Pittsburg (Daniel Gallagher Pittsburg Amelia Pcld Pittsburg (John A. Hutchinson McKeesport JMIldraK. Douglas McKeesport ( John jTasslnger Pittsburg Boslna Schmidt Pittsburg MARRIED. ' ANDERSON BAXTER On Monday, April 22. 1889, by the Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton, 61 West Forty-sixth street, New York City, at his residence, John L. Anderson, son of the late Mr. David Anderson, Cowstrandburn, Scotland, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. David Baxter, Alloa, Scotland. SPEER FERGUSON On Thursday, April 23, 1SS9, by Rev. W. C. Burchard, Mr. Fbakk H. Speee, of Pittsbcrg, and Miss ANNA S. Ferguson, of Allegheny City. SIMPSON COFFIN Thursday evening, April 25, 1889, by the Rev. E. J. Balsley, of Williamsport, Pa., Marietta, daughter of the late Thomas T. Coffin, to William J. Simp son. DIED. ABEL On Saturday. April 27, 18S9. at 1:10 o'clock p. Jr., Henry J., eldest son of Edward and Maria Abel, aged 23 years. Funeral from the residence of his parents. No. 161 Center avenue, on Tuesday morning, April 30, 1889. Services at Holy Trinity Church, Center avenue and Fulton street,at 830 o'clock. Friends of the family respectfully invited to attend. BURCHFIELD-On Thursday. April 25; at 10:40 p. m Edwin Buechfield, at his residence, Findlay township, in the 75th year of his age. Funeral on Sunday, April 28, at 3 P. K. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 GALLAGHER-Friday, April 28, 1889, at 11:45, Mrs. Sarah Gallagher, wife of Wm. Gallagher, In 55th year other age, at her resi dence. No. 10 High street. Funeral Monday, 29th; high mass at St. Paul's Cathedral at 8:30 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 HAMMOND On Friday afternoon, April 26, 1SE9, at 3 o'clock, James M. Hammond, in the 62d year of his age. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon at ISO o'clock at his late residence, Pine Creek station. West Penn Railroad. Interment at Ghlondale Cemetery at a later hour. MORTON On Baturday, April 27. 1889, at loao a. m William H. Morton, aged 47 years 9 months. Funeral from his late residence, 5709 Rlppey street, East End, on Monday, Apri 29. at 2 p. jr. Friends of the family are respectfully in vlted to attend. 2 NEWMAN-On Friday. April 26, 18S9, John, son of Peter P. and the late Annie G. Newman, agea o years, j. xnouin. Funeral from the residence of his grand father, James Kane Ammon, on Sixth avenue. Homestead, Pa., on Sunday afternoon. Services at St. Mary Magdalene's Church. 2 REED Suddenly on Thursday, April 25, 1SS9, James B. Reed, of McKeesoort. Funeral from his late residence on Ninth avenue on Sunday, 2Sth, at 2 p. m. Interment fit Versailles Cemetery. 2 STIMMEL AtWilkinsburg,Pa, on Satnr day. April 27, 1889, at 8 A. M., Mrs. HARRIET SCIMMEL, in her 48th year. Funeral services at her late residence, Water street, Wllkinsburg, on Monday, April 29, at 2f.il Interment at Hebron Cemetery. JAMES M. FTJLLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-wrsu w. H. DEVOUE &BO, Undertakers and Emtoalmers and Llverr Stable. W M4flMnttu .uaVlftl. At the old stand nne carriages for shopping or 4.1 v vuuiauksubth uca. nuui ainnup. parties or opera at tne most reasonable o rices. Telephone 22. mnis-gs-wsn JOHN L. TREXLER fc CO., Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Livery and Boarding Stables. Nos. 378 and SS0 Beaver ave. Residence. 681 Preble Allegheny City, Telephone 8116. mh23-HThsu Tutt's Pills will save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes, iney prevent Sick Headache, cause the food to assimilate and nourish the body, give keen appetite, and Develop Mesh- and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25c per box.: Sold Everywhere. MLLE. E. DREYER. NO. 644 PENN AVENUE. DHPORTEK OF FRENCH MILLINERY, Trimmed Bonnets and round Hats. Mourning a Specialty. mhlB-79-su BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood St. READ OUR PRICES FORjTHIS WEEK. CURTAIN POLES, BRASS TRIMMINGS IN BLACK WALNUT. Cherry and ash 5 feet long, only 21c Children's high chairs, wood seat, only 60c. Children's high chairs, cane, seat with table, only 95c Beautiful towel racks, plush faced, only ?1. Elegant wall pockets, decorated fronts, only SI. 50 different styles, 8x10 frames, 25c, 60c SL 50 different styles artotypes in elegant frames, only $2. ,5 feet easels in ebony and cherry, only SL Pastels in oak, gilt and nickel frames, only $125. Square black walnut stands, only SL Bronze lava statues, worth double the money, 81 to n 60. A large assortment Gents' Bags from SI to S4 50. Traveling baskets, work baskets and lunch baskets, 25o to SI 60. 112 piece decorated dinner set, only $8 50. 6 piece decorated tea set, only S3 60. Croquet sets (8 in box), worth 51 50, only SL Genuine Mexican hammocks, only SI 25. Bovs' sail boats, 15c 25c, 50c Children's Iron rakes, hoes and shovels, only Boys' Iron velocipedes, S3 50 to SS. Boys' painted wheelbarrows, 25c to 95c Full line of boys' wagons and carts, 25o to S3. We can save you from $2 to $5 on a baby car riage and warrant it. A nice rattan carriage, upholstered, with parasol top, sold everywhere for S8, our price SS. Rattan carriage, lined with silk plush, satin parasol, laco edge, only $12 60. We are headquarters on house furnishing goods. Call and examine our stock. Goods ellvered In any part of the city free of charge H. Gs HAYDEN U QO. 406 and 408 Wood St anzs-wsn . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, RUSTIC ROCKERS. LAWN SETTEES. PORCH ROCKERS. We are headquarters for the original BEDFORD ROCKER. P. C. Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. ap28-wsu OPPOSITE WOOD. -AND- Beautified ! Another wing has been added to HIMMELRICH'S IMMENSE SHOE HOUSE. Four Elegant. Denned Apartments Facing Diamond Square Forms the Link, with this Additional Seating Ca pacity and most Modern Ap pliances in classing the Many Departments, we Usher the New Edifice in Full Bloom, asking the same Cordial Sup port that a Generous People have Sustained, Elevating to the Highest Standard of MODERN FOOTWEAR. 430-436 MARKET ST. 916 Main Street, Braddock. ap29su J EXTRAORDINARY LOW SALEOF HAIR Ij GOODS FOR ONE 'WEEK ONLY nil length switches worth JO. reduced to S3. Don't miss this opportunity. Ladles, you all know MISS MARIE LAND ERS, the Hair Artiste, 25 Fifth ave, Hugus & Hacke building, upstairs. Take Sperbcr's el evator. ap27-wsu, GRAND VALUES -IS- li-:- -FOR- Ladies, Misses and Children. Our assortment Is very complete, our styles all new, the finish and fit perfect. Inspect this large line, every grade and prices the lowest. We also manufacture to order anything in this line. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. A beautiful new and stylish line; all the nov elties, as well as staple lines. We lead In low prices for superior goods. Infants' Outfitting Dspartment. Ready-made and to order. This department could not be more complete, and styles, workmanship and fit are unexcelled. Our low prices for these excellent goods can not be approached. An examination will con vince. BARGAINS IK AlTdEPABTMENTS, Hosiery, Gloves. Underwear, Men's Furnlsh ines. Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Notions, Trim mings, Infants' Caps and Bonnets, etc. Open till 9 p. a. Saturday. K i CAMPBELL & SONS, ' PENN. BUILDING. 710 PENN AVENUE. 710 Between Seventh and Eighth sts. ap28-TUFSuy WM.GR ABO WSKT Hat Bleacher. We have added to our spring samples many new and pleasing styles in Hats and Bonnets; combined with our strictly first-class work and prompt return of goods, we cive entire satis faction to our many customers. Renovating Ladles' Straw Hats has grown fashionable, simply because we return your old-fashioned Hat Uke new, and save you from $2 to $3. The time Is here. You need a new stylish Hat Hunt up your or your children's Hats and. your Plumes .and Tips to bo cleaned or dyed. Always place your order with a reliable house and you will be' pleased A Remember our number and old business stand of WM. GRABOWSKY, 707 Penrv avenue,-opp. Penn Building, ttiUQ-BU- cbsgsjgfl Lbsv-4V EHLARGED 18 naerwear NEW ADVERMSEMENTS. IN OUR POPULAR BRAND OldHonesty Will be found a combination not always to be had. A Pine Quality of PLUG- TOBAC CO at a Reasonable Price. Look for the red Httn tag on each plug. - If yon are looking for a FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE -IK- Chewing Tobacco DON'T FAIL TO GIVE OLD HONESTY A FAIR TRIAL. Ask your dealer for it. Don't take any other. JNO. FINZER & BROS., LOUISVILLE, KY. mh2-35-S3 KID GLOVES. CAUTION! Ed Gloves bearing imitations of our Lacing Hooks are offered for sale. The genuine Foster Glove Hooks do not catch in Fringe, Laces, fca, nor accidentally unfasten. All Gloves with genuine Foster Lacings are stamped FOSTER'S PATENTS. Demand them and tee that you get them. BBWARB OF IMITATIONS. FOSTER, PAUL X 'CO., Manufacturers, VV .' .-k . St.- - mhSl-55-wsu T ADIES SHOULD INVESTIGATE MfflB, Kelloi's Fref ch Tailor Systei of dress cutting. Tbe only system in America that cuts tbe Worth bias dart, front, back, sleeves and skirts, without refitting. Lessons not limited. School open day and evening, 6 PENN AVENUE. ap21 Of Da(Tb1 Sweet Peas, Chrysanthemums, Hawthorn Blossoms, Forget-Me-Nots, Foliage of every variety, Crab Apple Blossoms, -Apple Blossoms, Hyacinths, Lilacs .Wheat, Cornflowers, Grasses, etc., in short sprays and long m'ontures. OUR TRIMMED HAT RUSH. Has been greater than we ever expected, but we are still prepared to meet any demands,, and will allow no work to go ont spoiled or incomplete. We keep in stock every good shape in Hats, ready trimmed. rN.TJNTEIMMED HATS we have an immense stock, filling 12 immense tables and two showcases. All the scarce and desirable shapes in Black and Colored fine Straw and Lace Hats. We are overwhelmed with inquiries, from far and near, for our own shape, the "SUCCESS," which is pronounced the most becoming shape of the season. We have all those olose-fitting, stylish Turbans, in black and colors, bat at lower prices than is asked in stores claiming them as exclusive styles. s-A-szh: KUBBOisrs. Surah Sashes, fonr yards long, with deep, knotted fringe, in all colors'. Nine-inch Pure Silk Watered Sash Eibbons, with wide satin edge, 95c, worth $1 60. More of those wide striped .Satin and Gros Grain Sashes, in Pink, light Blue", Car dinal and Cream, at 25c. The biggest bargains ever offered in Sash Eibbons. Lyon's new style Detachable, Long-handled Umbrellas at bargain prices. German Gloria LONG Silver-handled Umbrellas, 26-inches, paragon frame, at $1 50, $1 75 and ?2. Unusual attractions in HANDKERCHIEFS. Full line DRAPERY NETS and PLOUNOIHGS, all new styles and patterns. " Magnificent assortment of OEANTILLY LACES, all widths. Splendid line of HEMSTITCHED EMBROIDERIES, wide and narrow. Special line of PILLOW SHAMS, trimmed with inserting and edging, from $1 75 to $3 per pair. Compare our prices in above and see whether you cannpt save money by purchasing from us. E0An immense line oi BEADED WBAPS and JACKETS at greatly reduced prices. 6genbavir$ 510 TO 514 MARKET ST. NEW ADTER.TISE3CESTS. $)) 0fr EI We don't want to depend upon your appetite for something: start ling to obtain your trade, bnt upon your good judgment and our relia ble goods. For that reason we tell you precisely -what we can do, and expect no deductions for exagge rations found prevalent in other advert Isementa No matter whether a Suit or Overcoat for a man, boy or child, we make ft a special point to have all garments WELL MADE. Something that will wear better than it looks, in preference to look ing better than it will wear, that will not only please you when you piok it out of the assortmenfbut will prove its cheapness by its durability. Our Hat department is managed on the same plan, and the assort ment of the season's novelties is complete the prices low. & . Tailors, CIotMersaniHatteR, M 161, 163 Federal St., Allegheny. ap2S-WT3u MT. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va., (SISTERS OF THE VISITATION.l A. school of more than national reputation, offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed ucation of young ladies in all departments. Li brary of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical, chemical and astronomical apparatus. .Musical department specially noted. Corps of piano teachers trained by a leadtngprofessor from Conservatory of Stutgart. Vocal culture according to the method of the old Italian mas. ters. Location unsurpassed for beauty and health. Ten acres of pleasure grounds. Board excel lent. For catalogues and references to patrons In all the principal cities, address Se9-q6-SU THE DIRECTRESS. DESKS A SPECIALTY. The Most Complete Stock in the city. BED ROCK PRICES. We also manufacture this wonderful combination Easy CHalr. ' STEVENS CHAIR CO. No. S SIXTH ST., JalO-su PITTSBURG, PA A I 'ytaSlMS WE HAYE FLOWERS all varieties with which we can supply you at a moment's notice. Not withstanding that Flowers are scarce this year, and that many stores make you wait two or three weeks to fill your order, we can give, you anything you want in this line at a moment's notice. Here are some of the kinds we have in stock: AND 27 FIFTH AVE. apag-rrsea hbw ADYZXTiszaanrTs. CjtUBPBtttSliM. DOES ADVERTISING PAY?: And which of Pittsburg's Newspapers is the . - Best Advertising '.Medium? Two difficult .questions to answer. Nevertheless we shall at tempt to find the correct answers, and this is how we propose to go about it: FROM MAY i TO MAY 15 we shall present to all purchasers who of purchase a clipping of our papers, handsome .souvenirs, graded in value according to amount of purchase. With all purchases of over $1 and below $3 we will present one of the following, viz: - Tha Homes of Oar Favorite Poets, 12 beautiful pictures. Webster'a "Handy Dictionary, illustrated. A Box of Papeteirfe, containing 24 sheets of writing paper and 24 envelopes. A Cake of Pears' Soap China Cup and Saucer. Decorated Dish, Oil Cruet Shaving Cup. Amber Hug. Japanese Vase; Sponge Basket Broiler. Dust Past. Shopping Basket. To our little friends who purchase over $1 and less than $3 we will present one of the following articles, viz: A. DolL A Drum. -A Toy Sideboard or Bureau. A Picture Book. A. Scholar' Companion, containing ruler, lead pineil, slate pencil, penholder and pen. With all purchases over $3 and under $5 we will present ' one of the following articles, viz: A Leather Book Cover. An extra fine Box of Papeterie. One pound of Menier'a Fine Chocolaie. A Bottle of Pine Perfumery. A Cake of Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap. An Album. A copy of the Holy Bible, complete. A copy of the New Testament Decorated Cnp and Sancer. Fine Shaving Cup. Fine Japanese Vase. Majolica Jug. To our little friends who purchase over $3 and less than $5 , we will present one of the following articles, viz: A fine Doll. A large Drum. A nice Game. ' A very handsome Picture Book. A pretty little ParasoL - With all purchases over $5 and under $10 we will pre1 , sent one of the following articles, viz: A Fine Stylographio Pen. " An extra fins Bible. . PictnresQae Washington, a beautifully illustrated book about the Capital.. A Croquet Set A Hammock- For the Little Folks we-have Dolls, Drama, Picture Books, Toys, Games, etaj With all purchases over $10 and under $20 we will pre sent one of the following articles, viz: Dore's Bible Gallery. Europe Illustrated. Ben Hur, by Lew Wallace. A Magnificent Bible.' Prayer Book aud A handsome Hammock, ' A China Jug. A Clothes A large Drum or a Dressed DolL With all purchases over following articles, viz: . A Cross Perfection Fountain Pen. A Leroy W. Fairchild Gold Pea. A complete Lawn Tennis Set A fine Croquet Set A Velocipede. An extra fine Hammock, well ventilated ior summer use. A fine Gilt-edge Bible. Aigood Gloria Umbrella, Paragon frame, silver mounted. With all purchases over following articles, viz: A fine refrigerator. ' A fine Water Filter. A fine Meat Safe. A three-gallon Ice Cream Freezer. " ' ' ' A Baby Carriage. A fine Hanging Lamp. A fine Yase Lamp. tp We may add to this list from time to time.,3 The above souvenirs will be placed on exhibition in our Show Windows on May 1. , ?,1 We will positively not present a souvenir unless at time k of purchase a clipping containing our advertisement is handed1 HJ to us. We must insist upon this, as we propose to keep a 3 record of the whole matter. purchases are under $1. APTEB We may, or may not, publish the result of our experiment That is a matter for after consideration. The following paa pers are included in this experiment: Dispatch, Times, Post, Freheits Freund, Volksblatt and w'ZE'EiErxrsr 1 - Sunday Dispatch, Sunday Leader, Sunday Traveler,, East End Bulletin, Labor Tribune, The Trades' Journal, , Reform and Sontageblatt, Presbyterian Banner, United Presto byterian, Methodist Recorder, Workman, Opera House Programme, Bijou Programme; Academy of Music Programme. FLEISHMAN&CO.'Si New Department . Stores, 504-506-508 Market P. S. Watch for our Rosebud Opening in-May. fiJ - -i. .-. ,V': 4. 'a - :M will send or bring to us at time advertisement from one of the jf Hymnal,. 2 vols. A Nickel Lamp. '?: Hamper. Fine Japanese Va.; A B&bjr Hammock. $20 we will present one of the M $50 we will present one of the ) No souvenir will be given when -MLA.1T 15 Telegraph, Leader, Press,S Beobachter. isstjbs. Christian Advocate, Catholic Street, Pittaburg, Pjui