Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 28, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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VOL 41, So. 80. Entered st Pittsburg Postofflce,
November H, 18S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
Hews Rooms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dally edition of
The Dispatch for alz months ending April
Copies per Issue.
Arerace circulation of the Sunday edition
ef The Dispatch for March, 1SS9,
Copies per issue.
Datlt UisrATCH. One Year 18 00
Daily Dispatch; Per Quarter 2 00
Datlt Dispatch. One Month 70
Daily DisrATCH, Including Sunday, one
rear 10 00
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter. .
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month 80
Euxsat Dispatch, oneyear - JS0
eekly Dispatch, oneyear. 1 3
The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at
35 cents per week, or lncludln g the bunds y edition.
at 3) cents per week.
Voluntary contributors should leep copies of
articles. Jf compensation t desired the price
expected must be named. The courtesy of re
turning rejected manuscripts tnll be extended
vdien stamps for that purpose are enclosed, but
the Editor of Ins Dispatch trill under no
circumstances be responsible for the care of un
tolicitcd manuscripts.
This Issue of THE DISPATCH contnlns
SO paces, made op of THREE PARTS,
failure on the part of Carriers, Agents,
Newsdealers or Newsboys to supply pa
irons with n Complete Xumber should be
promptly reported to this office.
All persons sending copies of this Issue
through the malls should remember that the
postage thereon Is TWO CENTS.
"When President Boberts was last in
Pittsburg, he preached the gospel of rigid
economy, but was pleased to say that no re
duction of wages wss intended.
The earnings of his company scarcely
show a necessity for this rigid economy in
"wages for labor. The net earnings for the
first three months of 18S9 are $206,000 more
than for the same period last rear. The
surplus last year, after paying dividends,
was over four millions. This year's rate
of increase promises the very liberal
surplus of $5,000,000. This showing makes
it certain that the Pennsylvania Railroad
can afford just rates to "Western Pennsylva
nia and liberal wages to its employes.
This surplus after the dividend is all exacted
Horn our own State.by holding np rates upon
passenger and freight traffic while reducing
to points beyond the State. The property
of the company, outside of Pennsylvania,
pays nothing, but on the contrary fails to
meet its fixed charges.
We cannot but believe that the directors
of this great corporation will take up the
subject oi its relations to the community,
and change its policy. The engineering and
train service of a railway may be admirably
managed, and yet these much more impor
tant departments fail to receive proper at
tention. The reduction from 80 cents to
65 cenls per ton upon muck bar and pig
iron between Pittsburg and the Valleys, an
nounced in our columns on Thursday, is a
step in the right direction and will be grate
fully appreciated. The company has only
to go forward and revise other tariffs in a
similar spirit to change the general feeling
against it into one of firm support and
friendship. Now that the heated disenssion
has cooled for a time, we urge the company
to embrace this opportunity of removing all
causesfor complaint.
The coke rates, the ore rates and the di
vision of through rates upon Pittsburg's
products can now be considered and placed
on a basis which will render future dissatis
faction impossible. "We read the signs of
f the times awry if "Western Pennsylvania is
not very soon to be gratified by further an
nouncements tending to bind together the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company and this
The preparations lor the May Music Fes
tival are making good the promises that
have been made of grand programmes ade
quately performed to Pittsburg audiences
which, for the first time, will enjoy the
musical treat in a building of adequate and
permanent character. Besides the "Wagner
and Beethoven programmes the latter in
cluding the Ninth Symphony the perform
ance of St. Saen's "Deluge" will give a
wide range of classical works. It is worthy
of pnblio notice that the purchase of season
tickets will effect a saving of forty per cent
on the cost of the same seats purchased sin
gly, and those intending to enjoy the pleas
ures of the Festival will do .wisely to im
prove the sale which opens this week. "We
are also glad to note that the festival will
depart from the usual custom of high-priced
teats, by ofiering for sale each night over
1,000 seats at a dollar each, and nearly 500
at half a dollar. This will enable those to
whom the higher prices would be an obsta
cle to enjoy the musical treat at slight ex
It is amusing to learn that, juston the eve
of the New York centennial, a fresh fight
has broken out which engages the Centen
nial Committee of New York in hostilities
with New Jersey. It is said that Mr. Stuy
vesant Fish, perhaps because he found that
the supremacy of his committee was over
thrown in New York, has extended its
aggressions to foreign countries, and tried
to assert its authority in New York, by
ordering Governor Green that the President
must leave Elizabethport at exactly 9
o'clock in the morning, and promising, if
the behest is not obeyed, that the President
shall not go to Governor Green's house at
It is instructive to be informed that "Gov
ernor Green is a man whose blood is of the
bluest," and consequently his blood boiled
at this threat. "If his blood had been of the
ordinary red kind it might only have sim
mered, or perhaps not boiled at alL But
the azure-blooded Green at once boiled over
with a reply to the committee, in which he
bid defiance to the centennial lightning
and rivaled Falstaff in declaring that he
would do nothing under compulsion.
The awe-stricken country will hold its
"breath while contemplating the quarrels of
the aristocratic Fishes and the blne
b'.oodcd Greens. That is, it will hold its
breath as long as it can to prevent laughter
at the show the aristocracy is making of
It is interesting to observe that a church
in Chicago ;is being torn up by the question
which really threatens to vex organized re
ligion more than any of the problems
mooted in "Robert Elsmere." Trinity
Episcopal Church, of that ciy, is reported
to be a very successful, and not altogether
unfashionable, organization alleged to
exist for religious purposes. It contains
rather more than the usual share of the
wealth 'which contributes liberally to its
expenses. Notwithstanding these pleasant
features of the church situation, it is now
brought to the Terge of rupture, by the
question whether it shall be run in accord
ance with the principles of religion which
it professes, or for the pleasure and delecta
tion of the wealthy people who furnish the
money to keep it up.
Probably it is all the rector's fault, as a
large share of the wealth of the church is
understood to claim. An active, earnest
and able clergyman is naturally desired in
such a church. The Eev. Mr. Osborne
seemed to combine these desirable qualities;
but he also proved, on experience, to possess
the undesirable one of believing that the
declarations of Scripture with regard to
bringing the solace of religion and charity to
the poor, the hungry and even the unwashed,
were to be literally applied. He not only
worked among the poor himself but he
sought to bring them into his church. He
seemed to think that in the building con
secrated to the service of God the working
man was the equal of the millionaire. He
committed the indiscretion of telling the
workingmen 60, and brought the outraged
spirit of Dives to open insurrection by pro
posing that he should permit Lazarus to
sit side by side with him in worshiping the
Maker of both. This seemed to make it
necessary to assert the power of money in
the church, and while the majority ot the
church members sustained the pastor the
holders of the purse shut off the supplies.
The earnest and injudicious rector has re
signed. This is another assertion of the principle
which has been stated once or twice before
that a church must belong to those who pay
for it. Possibly the principle is true; but
in view of the inspired declaration that "no
man can serve two masters," it might be well
for people who imagine that their money
owns the church to reflect on the inability
of tbe edifice to belong both to God and
themselves at one and the same time.
The sharp discipline administered by
Judge Ewing, yesterday, to three of the Du
qnesne strikers for disregarding the injunc
tion of the Court, should warn the strikers
of the necessity of keeping their actions
within the law. There was a denial made
on the part of the men arraigned, that they
had been engaged in intimidating acts; but
nnless the reports which come from the
strikers, as well as the testimony presented
on behalf of the company has wofully be
lied them, the mainstay of the strikers has
been the threat of force if new hands were
used to start the mill.
Judge E wing's words in imposing the
fines expressed concisely the premises oi one
of the vital questions that threatens the per
manence of our self-government. The idea
that mob law, or the resort to force, can be
used to settle industrial questions, has al
ready inflicted great calamities on this com
munity. It is destructive of the law and
order which affords labor its greatest secu
rity. It is necessary that the laws must be
obeyed. The men have their legal rights;
but they must respect the legal rights of
others, even at the cost of hardships to them
selves. Judge Ewing's declaration that the
rich violate the laws as well as the poor,and his
wish that he could get the rich who do so
before him, imply his recognition of the
vital fact that such violations have no slight
share in producing wages disputes and
social divisions like that which has pro
duced this case. But, like every thought
ful man, he sees that the task of enforcing
the laws upon powerful transgressors will
be hopeless if they are to be trampled under
foot by the very class in whose interests they
should be maintained.
The Duquesne strike is a signal example
of the stupid collision of force, and the dan
gers involved in the resort to strikes. But
what are we to do with men who are unable,
under present conditions, to perceive any
better way of maintaining their wages or
securing a living for themselves and fam
M. Deroulede's article on the League of
Patriots, which appears in this issue, is In
teresting as a statement of that remark
able movement by" one of its parti
sans; but it is more interesting for its re
markable exhibition of peculiarly Gaelic
First, M. Deroulede describes the rise of
the League, modestly setting forth that the
idea originated in Lis own brain, that he
presided over the birth of that organization.
He then exhibits a decided French method
by narrating how he bound the League to
the Boulangistt cause a year ago, by order
ing the majority of the board who belonged
to Ferry's party to go out, and declaring
that the minority "shall still constitute the
League of Patriots."
The article is replete with the French
fondness for getting around stubborn facts
with fine phrase. The League was not for
war; but it desired to regain Alsace by "an
independent attitude." It is a foul slan
der that the Boulangist party wants to over
throw the republic. But it is going to have
"a republic without Parliamentism." How
Alsace is going to be recovered without
war, and in what respect a republic with
out representative government will differ
from a dictatorship, M. Deroulede does not
try to explain.
But whatever fine phrases may be able to
effect in French politics, it is not likely
that they can save a party whose leader at
the first note of personal danger seeks the
safety of foreign lands.
The attack recently made upon the fidel
ity of Boger A. Pryor to the Southern Con
federacy presents a peculiar phase of
Southern political opinion. There is little
doubt that General Pryor was faithful to
the Confederacy up to the closing hour of
the Rebellion. The best evidence of it is
found in the fact that no whisper of the
charges now made against him was ever,
heard until he took the recent step which
the Southern politicians regard as unfaith
ful to present Democratic supremacy in the
General Pryor recently declared his opin
ion that an intelligent study of the pro
tective policy would break np the solid
South. This constitutes his real treason to
the Confederacy, and is what has caused the
attacks upon him. By stigmatizing General
Pryor as a traitor, after his residence in the
North has led him to concede the policy of
breaking up the political tyranny which now
rules the South, the Southerners have dis
closed their true estimate of the signifi
cance of the solid Democracy in the South.
Tbe "Solid South" is tbe real survival and
perpetuation of the Southern Confederacy.
;It may be treason tothe Xost Cause to
recognize the benefits of the protection
policy in dividing the political solidity of
the Southern States, but it is very good
loyalty to the whole nation.
It does seem as if there is some force in
the claim that the poor authorities of Pitts
burg have transgressed their province aJ
little in objecting to the landing of a crip
pled and idiotic girl from Germany, whose
father, a workingman of Allegheny, has
paid her passage and proposes to support
her. Besides the obvions hardship in de
claring that a citizen of this country shall
not have the privilege of maintaining his
dependent offspring here, is it not outside
the functions of the Pittsburg Department
of Charities to say who shall or shall not
reside in .Allegheny?
Thk State Senate fractured its precedents
all to pieces yesterday, in holding a Satur
day's session; and the regular rule of idle
ness having been broken over, it developed
the novel quality of rushing through a large
amount of business in a short time.
The statement that the residents oi Hon
olulu, in the Sandwich Islands, are sup
plied with a good telephone system at a
cost of $20 each per year, indicates that
some of the jokes which this country has
indulged in, at the expense of the small
Pacific Ocean realm, have been decidedly
misplaced. The contrast between the con
trol of the telephone system by the Govern
ment in Honolulu and the control of the
municipal Government by the telephone
systems in this country, seems to indicate
that the joke is on this side of the Pacific.
Politic al wire pullers are not generally
very commendable personages, but they
sometimes have a decided utility as appears
from the abilitv which Mayor Grant, of
New York, showed in pulling the wires off
of the telegraph poles.
It is stated that some of the Birmingham,
Ala., Eepnblicans, who recently resolved
to throw the negro overboard, have since
approached Messrs. Bruce and Lynch, the
colored leaders, and asked their aid in se
curing the offices that the white Republi
cans are after. This seems clearly intended
to demonstrate what small-sized animahi
the Southern Republicans must be, who
throw overboard the only allies on whose
faith he could depend.
Some of theOPhilistines who have under
gone a course of Wagnerian opera are cer
tain that the America's cup is very safe.
They know by experience that the Valkyrie
is exceeding slow.
The use which Mr. Piatt, of New
York, makes of his having been granted an
office in the Treasury Department at Wash
ington, by a circular in which he informs
national banks of the fact, and advises
them to send their currency to the depart
ment by hfs company, Is the most modern
instance of the old proverb about letting a
camel get his nose inside of the tent, and
seeing his whole body follow it.
If this April weather should extend over
Into next week the managers of the New
York celebration will be likely to feel that
their show is made the victim of fate as well
as of foolishness.
The statement of Congressman Foran,
of Cleveland, that he was offered $25,000 to
sell himself to the Republican managers in
the last campaign, shows the great mistake
he made in failing to accept the offer.
After he had stumped for that consideration
about one week, he could have bought him
self back for about $250. and got off with
the balance as clear profit.
United States Mabshajj Needles,
of Oklahoma Territory, seems to be firmly
convinced that the principle to govern his
office is: to the victors belong the spoils of
the land office.
President Habbisox recently re
marked to three very importunate Missouri
Congressmen that "We have all been talk
ing too much." It is to be observed that
the President makes the application of this
remark unlimited by the word "all," which
should not be without significance to our
own Matthew Stanley Quay.
Smallpox in Oklahoma threatens to aid
in turning the boom into a boomerang.
Colonel Dudley's reported assertion
that the President has lost his backbone,
may be taken as an implication that Dud
ley is the President's missing backbone.
If this is so, General Harrison is to
be congratulated upon having got rid of
a rather crooked vertebral column.
John D. Rockefeller is said to have an
income of 20,000,000 a year,
Vebmont's Gettysburg Monument is to be
surmounted by a heroic bronze statue of Gen
eral Stannard, the work of Karl Gerhardt. It
is ready to be put up,
Ellen Tekbt takes a lively interest In prl
vate theatricals. She is one of the few people
in tbe world who can afford to.
A WEIA-Kxows publisher in New York has
offered "Ward McAllister a handsome sum to
write a volume of social reminiscences.
The Bight Rev. J. Murray, Bishop of Malt
land, New South Wales, is In this country. He
will leave for a visit to Ireland and Rome next
Assistant Secbetaby Tichenob has been
designated to act as Becretary ot the Treasury
during tbe absence of Secretary Wlndom In
New York.
Secbetaby and Mrs. Noble left Washington
at 11:10 yesterday morning for New York. The
Secretary is not expected to return until the
conclusion of the Centennial ceremonies.
Secbetaby or Wae Pboctob very seldom
uses a pen to sign mhls name. He has had a
stamp made and when mail hour arrives a mes
senger stands before him and stamps letters,
orders and even requisitions for money with a
facsimile of "Redfleld Proctor." When the
Secretary writes to the President, however, he
signs his own name.
Ex-Peesident Cleveland wrote this on a
slip of paper and sent It to an inquiring New
York reporter: "I am constantly bothered with
questions in regard to country places already
secured or to be secured by myself or Mrs.
Cleveland. We have no country place except
Oak View; we want none and are not on the
lookout for one, and we would not take one as
a gift."
Chief Justice Fulleb and Judge Harlan
are almost always together, and are dally seen
walking to and from the Capitol, in Washing
ton. Judge Field and Judge Bradley are very
close friends, and are at each others' houses
frequently. Judge Blatchford and Judge
Lamar walk or drive in company every pleasant
afternoon. Judge Miller, In his walks or
drives, "goes it alone," but he is the friend
of every justice, and his society Is gladly
welcomed by any of them at all times.
Where Titles Are Cheap and Plenty.
Trout the Palatkl Herald.
Yesterday we made it our business to keep a
record of the number ot men in our town hold
ing some sort of title, and in less than three
hours tbe figures showed up six generals, IS
colonels, 8 majors, 19 captains, 93 Judges. 9 doc
iorsand;only 12 privates, and they were do-
zeatea candidates lor oince. - -j -i i
Senntor Quay To-day-Dnd Novels Plenty
A Short Love Story Gossip of All
It happened that I had a good chance to study
Senator M. S. Quay yesterday, as he traveled
Into town from his flowery retreat at Beaver.
By the way Beaver's orchards, which are in
numerable, have made the town gorgeous the
last week or so. Well, Mr. Quay does not yet
show the good effects of Beaver's comparative
ly calm and office seekerless atmosphere. He
looks, and is beyond all question, not in robust
Perhaps It is quite natural that it should be
so, but no one can help noticing that it makes a
wonderful difference in Senator Quay's aopear
ance whether he is bustling in a campaign or
enjoying tbe fruits of one. I remember sitting
next to Senator Quay at the Union depot res
taurant one Sunday morning in the middle of
September last at breakfast. Probably the
Senator was eating railroad fare for the same
reason that I was because there was no chance
ot getting a breakfast elsewhere. The Senator
does not like being- interviewed as well as
he ought to, seeing what abundant opportunity
be has now for indulging in the luxury, and he
thought that morning that I only spoke to him
to obtain an opening wedge for an extunded
cross-examination. Helooked desperately worn
and troubled, and his appearance was awfully
untidy. No doubt the stains of along night
journey on tbe cars, combined with the effects
of a tiresome ocean voyage, were equally
visible on me. Anyhow, I had not ibe least
desire to attempt to extract any news from Mr.
Yesterday, in contrast to my last memory of
him, Mr. Qnay was very neatly dressed in an
iron gray suit, and so extremely natty and per
fect in his dress, from the soft, wideawake hat
to his polished shoes, that one could not help
remarking that peace and quiet were beginning
to De reflected in the Senator's outer garb.
The demand for novels of the most filthy de
scription seems to be growing, and the supply
is certainly ample. The latest work of this
class Is merely a rehash of a disgusting scan
dal, in which a notorious actress and a man
,who has since been duly rewarded for his sin,
distinguished themselves about a decade ago.
The story was much better told in the newspa
pers at the time, and of course without the
suggestive grossness of the "fair" author of the
It is not surprising that the author has with
held her name.
The room was dark, the maiden rose
To fetch a match, she said
But he persuaded her to stay
And make a match instead.
As A sporting editor was taking tbe score at
one of the Chlcago-Plttsburg ball games this
week, a foul tip glanced back into the report
ers' box and bit him on the head. It dinted his
hat and raised a bump on his skull, besides
raising a laugh at his expense. When ho got
home his wife saw the dint in his hat and In
quired the cause. He told her and exhibited
the lump on the side of his head. Very indig
nant and horrified she exclaimed: "The player
came up and apologized for doing such a
dreadful thing, didn't he T"
What sporting editor has not yet stopced
laughing at the idea of a baseball player apolo
gizing to anyone for any act of his.
It was a noticeable thing that very few
young attorneys represented liquor men in the
recent struggle for licenses. I asked a young
member of the bar yesterday why this was so.
Said he: "I did not take a single license ap
plication, because I knew very few licenses
would be granted, and that there was a good
chance of my client being among the refused.
If a client of mine had been refused he would
have surely blamed the bad result upon my
youth and supposed Incompetency. He would
have gone about among his friends saying that
he would have gotten a license if he had em
ployed an older attorney. I saw a case of this
sort a week or two ago. A clever young at
torney took a damage case which had a very
poor foundation, and the verdict was adverse.
The client has been saying all over town since
then that it was his youthful lawyer's fault
that he had lost his case. Ho has given itito
an older attorney to obtain for it a new trial.
Luckily the costs will teach that gentleman
some sense before be gets a second defeat in
STEPPUf o up Fifth avenue yesterday at a
pretty rapid gait Horace Phillips struck me as
having a full right to his title of the "Hustler."
But he was a very disgusted man yesterday.
"It's such vile weather as this that makes me
mad," said Mr. Phillips. "It's all very well to
win two games out of three, but here to-day we
were expecting to get our money back when
the rain turns the ball grounds into a mudhole
and a game's ont of the question. We shall not
make the 8.000 or $10,000 we expected to on the
series, and It's hard luck."
But the "Hustler" is tolerably happy In his
firm belief that his team this year is as strong
as any in the field.
. r
Pbojt the way the private boxes for the May
Festival have,sold I am under the impression
that the great event is going to be a tremen
dous financial as well as artistic success.
There is no doubt about tbe fact that those
who want to get good seats or any seats at alb
had better apply for them as soon as possible
after tbe sale begins at Hamilton's on Monday
next. It will be good policy to buy the season
tickets, too, fori hear thatspoculators are pre
paring to buy seats for the latter days of the
festival, and the prices are pretty sure to reach
high figures. HEPBUBif Johns.
A Conscience Contribution of $2,000.
Washin qton, April 57. The Secretary of
the Treasury has received a conscience con
tribution of over $2,000 from Charles W. Harts
horne, of Taunton, Mass., being the amount
due from the estate of bis father.
James M. Hammond.
This prominent citizen of Etna died of conges
tion of the brain on Friday, at his home In the
borough of which he was twice elected Burgess,
and In whose Council he had also served as a
strong advocate, for years of a progressive public
Improvement policy. Mr. Hammond was a con
tractor and bullder.-and lived for a number of
years In Manchester,. Allegheny, where he was
well and favorably known. During the struggle
to make Kansas a free-soil State Mr. Hammond
took an active part In the movement to expel the
border ruffians and was a trusted follower of John
Brown, of Oesawnttomle- Soon after Kansas
adopted a free Constitution, Mr. Hammond re
turned to his father's home In Ohio. Being
radical Abolitionists, the Hammonas Identified
themselves with the "underground railways" and
were driven out of Ohio. Ihe whole family went
to Kansas. After returning from the war, in
which he was wounded, James settled in Alle
gheny and later moved to Etna. He was 62 years
old. He will be burled In Uniondale Cemetery to
day. Custer Post, a. A. it., will have charge of
the ceremonies.
Frederick Angnstua Porter Barnard.
HEW YOBS; April 27. President Barnard, of
Columbia College, died at 4 o'clock this after
noon. He had been 111 for some time. Frederick
Augustus Porter Barnard had been President of
Columbia College since 1861. He was born in
Sheffield, Mass., in 1809, graduated from Yale in
1818, and the following vear became a tutor in
that institution. Subsequently be was a teacher
In deaf and dumb asylums at Hartford and New
York. He -was Professor of Mathematics in the
University of Alabama from 1837 to 1318, and after
ward Professor of Chemistry in the same college
until 1854. Next he was ProfessororMathematlcs
and then President of tho University of Missis
sippi. He was United States Commissioner to the
Paris Exposition in 1877 and 1878. He published
many scientific works, Jtnd was President ot the
.American Association for the Advancement of
Science. He was also a member of various
learned societies, and especially distinguished for
his wide knowledge of astronomy.
J. S. Gill. '
BELLArax, April 17. -J. S. Gill, the well-known
potmaker, and owner ot the Gill Pot Works, died
at hit home in this city at an eariy nour this morn
ing. Mr. Gill was well known among the glass
manufacturers of the country, having for many
years been an active stocxnoiaer or the Belmont
lass Works.
Gordon Rosenthal.
Special Telegram to The Dlsnatch.
FINDLAY. April 27. Ctordon Bosenthal, the
leading Hebrew of our city, and a wealthy cloth
ier, died suddenly to-day of heart disease, aged H
years. The deceased was widely known in Ohio.
George Hlgglnson.
BOSTON, April Z!, Mr. George Hlgglnson,
founder of tbe well-known banking firm of r,ee.
Hlgglnson & Co., died this morning, altera brief
Illness, from pneumonia. .
Auaust William Tori Bernsth.
BEBLijr,April.37, Herr-August William Yon
' Bernnth, a noted German politician, Is dead.
That Hemlnds me ofan'Anecdote Man Gen
erally One to be Avoided.
James Payn In the Forum.
The raconteur is often described as a conver
sationalist, which, however, he either may be
or may not be. The man who is always saying;
"That reminds me of an anecdote," and pro
ceeds to tell it, is generally one to be avoided.
But a story that is short and well told and
apropos is always welcome; and though not the
salt of conversation, seasons it very agreeably.
I have known excellent talkers of this kind,and
when they have been good listeners, they were,
to use an old-fashioned term, the best of "com
pany;" but it Is a drawback to many of these
story tellers that they are Inclined to mono
logue. Excited by applause, they endeavor to
cap their own anecdote (a most unnatural pro
ceeding) by another, perhaps a very Inferior
one. Indeed, it is quite amazing how often
even a well-practiced raconteur Is destitute of
the sense of proportion, and does not under
stand the dlfferce between what Is moderately
and what la very good.
The true conversationalist possesses this
sense in perfection. He is delicate and saga
cious in the manner he bandies those with
whom he la brought Into contact, as In his own
behavior. He pursuades the diffident, if they
are worth hearing, to speak of their own sub
jects; he dexterously stops the bore; he imper
ceptibly steers the bark of conversation from
tho shallow and the rapid, from the froth of
Smalltalk and from the breakers of argument.
Yet no one knows that he is tbe pilot. The
gift no doubt, is born with him, and, like most
other natural gifts, can be improved by prac
tice far more than is generally imagined. On
the other hand, it can be almost utterly lost
through disuse. An Ariel can never, of course,
become a Caliban; but I have known more
than one bright spirit, through dull surround
ings, to lower to tbe common level, till at last
it has seemed to "sympathize with clay." So
far as I am concerned, alas, they might all be
clay or dust.
Governor Alger Says It Is Coming from
Wnehinston Territory.
Chicago, April 27. Qovurnor Russell Alger,
who was at the Grand Pacific Hotel to-day, on
his way West, said the Nlcaraguan canal -project
would be, in a measure at least, the solu
tion of tbe problem of the future lumber sup
ply of the United States.
"Very few people appreciate the extent and
superiority of the Washington Territory flr,"
he said, "and the only reason It is not now
brought East is the necessarily high freight
rates by rail. Some ot it now nnds its way to
New York by vessel, but the voyage is a long
one. For several years, appreciating the fact
that Michigan and Wisconsin pine lands were
being rapidly exhausted, I have had my eye
open for new fields, and three years ago I visited
the Washington region, making a personal ex
amination of the field. I think I am a fair
judge of timber, and I don't hesitate in pro
nouncing tbe product of these regions in every
way superior to our Northern pine, and other
countries recognize the fact. While I was in
Tacoma I saw nine vessels bound for England,
Germany and China loading at the wharves.
If the canal isbullt, an enormous lumber traffic
by water will spring no, and it will possibly
come just at the time we need it most."
He was asked when bethought the present
fields East would be exhausted.
"In one way," be said, "that is hard to say.
In Michigan many owners have not good facili
ties for cutting the timber, while others are
rapidly clearing fields and moving to new ones,
but, judged by tbe output last year, it cannot
last more than eight years. In Wisconsin I
presume it is the same. We already leelthe
effects of the slope timber," continued General
Alger, "In our own business. Fourteen years
ago we supplied almost wholly the ship build
ing firms of New England and the East with
spars and masts. Our trade In this direction
has grown less and less, until at present we
have altogether lost it. They all come from
Washington Territory, which supplies better
ones than we ever did."
The G. A. E. Will Aid the Iioyal Legion to
Raise the Necessary Funds.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
PnntA.DELPHiA, April 27. The project ot
establishing in this city a free war library and
museum originated with the Loyal Legion, an
association of tbe commissioned officers who
served during the war. The proposition was
that if the State contributed $50,000 the Loyal
Legion would secure subscriptions of $100,000
toward the institution, and. a bill was
presented Ju tbe Legislature embodying
this idea, and contingently appropriat
ing the $59,000. As soon as tbe bill
was brought up an assault was made on it on
the ground that the Loyal Xegion was an aris
tocratic body, not representative of the men
who carried muskets and did the big fighting,
and that the projected museum should be un
der the control of organizations with a more
general membership. An amendment was
offered including the Grand Army of the Re
public in tbe establishment of tbe library and
museum, and tho Loyal Legion was consulted
as to whether they would accept this amend
ment. The Legion promptly accepted, and
the bill was passed and now awaits the Gov
ernor's action.
When the enterprise was first mooted the
Loyal Legion was ready to go ont and get the
$100,000 necessary to make the $50,000 available,
but the work will now be divided pro rata, and
the Grand Army will be given its share of the
money to raise. Most of tbe members of the
Loyal Legion are members of the Grand Army.
There are some of them who do not think the
chances of the museum getting into existence
have been helped by the amendment to the
bill, and that the requisite amount of money
wonld have been raised more rapidly by the
smaller than the larger body. There is much
delicacy In speaking of the matter, bowever.
He Hns Proved His Mettle and Hns Been
Appointed a Uulted States Marshal.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
LomsviLLE, April 27. Drury K. Bnrcbette,
of Lawrence county, has been appointed by
President Harrison United States Marshal of
Kentucky. As his chief deputy Mr. Burcbette
has chosen the Rev. C. J. Howes, formerly of
PalntsvlUe, but for some years pastor of a
Methodist church in this city. Mr. Howes has
resigned the charge of bis church and quali
fied as a United States Deputy Marshal. His
chief duty will be to assist in tho capture of
moonshiners in Eastern Kentucky, a difficult
and dangerous pursuit.
Mr. Howes, although for many years a min
ister, has given undoubted evidence of his
courage and muscular power. About ten years
ago a crowd of toughs disturbed one of his
meetings by throwing stones at the bnilding.
When he beard the missiles pattering against
tbe walls Mr. Howes, who was in the middle of
bis sermon, stopped short, announced that the
exercises were over until next Sunday and
stepped out ot the pulpit. He walked quietly
down.thc aisle. When he reached tbe door he
tbiewhis coat off and rushed outside. The
gang, composed of about a dozen persons, was
standing 50 teet away. Air. Howes was upon
them in a moment. He seized the surprised
leader by tbe neck with one hand, and with the
other fist planted a blow upon his temple that
made him see stars and tumble over In a heap.
Jumping over him Mr.Howes grabbed another,
and dealing him a half dozen kicks and blows
burled blm to one side. The members of the
gang were so surprised that they offered but
little resistance and took toflig1it,not escaping,
however, before half a dozen were soundly
A Bear Climbs Into a Country School House
and Causes a Panic
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
BAKBOrasniXE, April 27. Miss Sarah Jar
vis teaches the Mt, Welcome school in the
northeastern part of the county, 12 miles from
here. Last Friday evening there was the usual
spelling match at Miss Jarvis' school. The
building in hlch she teaches Is or boards, with
several windows coming down within two feet
of tbe ground. The match bad been of more
than usual interest, the strength of the two
sides being pretty nearly equal.
One of tho pupils had just spelled such a long
and difficult word that the others bad applaud
ed. As the noise ceased there was a scratching
sound at one of the windows in the rear of the
bouse. Miss Jarvis herself ran toward the
window to see what was the matter. Before
she reached it a large, black, hairy head was
thrust Into the aperture, and she plainly recog
nized a black bear. Tbe pupils, too, saw the
animal. There was a rush and stampede at
once. All rushed for the door, and In a mo
ment went out of tbe room, and trooping along
tbe road which runs In front of the school
bouse. Miss Tarvis is a brave woman, and she re
tained her coolness. She took care of the
younger children and kept the crowd together.
When she saw that they were not followed by
the bear her alarm subsided. A farmer was
summoned, and killed the bear lu the midst of
a feast of spelling books.
Mark Ttvnln's Care for Warts.
From the Chicago Tribune. 1 .
Mark Twain's cure for warts Is simple, but
severe-) He prescribes burning them out with,
hotnsedles. Incase tbe band is thickly cor
eredjwith these excrescences why not save
timet and suffering by chopping tbe entire
me Aeroff with a meat axf
Specimen Compositions by FnpIIs of the
Wllklnsburg School for Mutes Diffi
culty of Instructing; Those Who Cannot
Hear Oklahoma's History, by Deaf and
Dumb Authors.
To tbe Editor of The Dispatch:
I send you two short productions on Okla
homa, written by our deaf pupils. They are
entirely uncorrected, and are fair specimens of
the language of the eighth year class.
It Is utterly impossible for those not ac
quainted with the deat to understand the diffi
culties that beset them in their attempts to
master the English language, or to appreciate
their efforts at composing. It must beVcon
stantly borne in mind that everything these
young people know has been learned during
their1 few years In school. They began at 8
years of age tfith no" language whatever, and
the first three or four years were devoted to
laying a foundation. "Hearing children have
this foundation laid, and the superstructure
more than half completed before they enter
school. They have heard the words which
make up every-day language in all of its pecu
liar .constructions repeated a thousand times,
and they acquire the use of it imperceptibly.
They have the dally and hourly example of
speech, and it is no wonder that they profit
by it.
Tbe deaf have no such example, and at the
beginning of the school period are-only infants
picking up their first words. Can these words,
framed into simple sentences, be repeated a i
sufficient number of times without losing their
freshness to have them fastened In the learner's
mind as nails in a sure placet Yes, certainly,
If the teacher is a miracle of patience and in
genuity. Repetition, conjoined with variety,
is the avowed secret ot learning anything well.
The hearing child has the advantage of this
combination in all of Its pleasing diversity, but
this cannot be said, of the deat. The latter is
confined to the slow and tedious mediums of
writing and the manual alphabet. Tbe tempta
tion to hurry over the ground too fast Is almost
too great for tbe teacher to resist, although be
Is fully aware that such a course will endanger
the future prospects of his pupil.
Let everyone who is disposed to criticise the
language of the deaf, or to wonder at their in
abilityto use idiomatic English with more
smootlsiess, imagine himself going through life
with his fingers in his cars. He would learn
every word by sight instead of by hearing, and
should the sudden inclination to drop his
fingers for a moment take hold upon blm. be
would get no more meaning from the spoken
word cat than he would from the greatest jaw
breaker In the language of Russia.
In schools for tbe deaf language is made a
daily and hourly specialty, but even with such
constant attention tbere are so many crooks
ana twists in tne .bngiisn tongue tnat some
very important points are passed over without
the thorough drill necessary, if the learner Is
expected to master the language and make It
his vernacular.
Is ltnot a wonder that the deaf, handicapped
as they are, make as much progress as they do?
Linnaeus Roberts,
Teacher Western Pennsylvania Institution for
the Deaf and Dumb.
WlLKINSBtTBO, April 27.
Story About Oklahoma.
Some years ago, many people asked the TJ.
S. Congress to let them move into Oklahoma,
but the Congress did not let them do, so. The
President of the TJ. S. sent many soldiers to
this country. Many people had often been
moved into this country, but tbe soldiers
often Sent them away. Last Monday, Mr.
President Harrison told them who wanted to
move into this country, should be allowed to
go and make the settlements In Oklahoma.
The law is not against them to move into it.
After the President told tbe people to go to
get some acres of land without paying
money many people moved near it and waited
until the President told them. Last Monday
there was a great crowd In Oklahoma, and tbe
people quarreled with tbe other people and
sometimes killed them.
Tbe population of Oslaboma is growing very
rapidly and is upwards of fifteen thousand.
Oklahoma will soon become the state which
belongs to the U. S. Tbe climate of Okla
homa is delightful and healthful. During the
following winter, it is not too cold but it is
pleasant and the soil is fertile.
Albert E. Germs.
Another Version.
Oklahoma is a new country. The people
never lived there, but the Indians lived tbere.
There are many forests in It Many people
came tbere and wanted to get the land. They
often disputed about it and sometimes they
shot together. At last our President allowed
them to come to Oklahoma and get the land.
They now fell down the trees and cultivate tbe
ground very nicely. They begin to build many
houses. Tho Indians live in Indian Territory
near there and are very afraid that the people
will drive them away. Mr. Springer expects
that Oklahoma will become a State about in
two years. The Indians are half civilized and
tbey work on farm, manufacturing, etc They
manage very well. They are very friendly to
the white people. Ida Heist.
Tbe Sad Story Told by a Little Rosy
Cheeked Girl.
Kansas Citt, April 27. A little, rosy
cheeked cirl, having a shipping tag tied to the
buttonhole, arrived at tbe Union depot this
morning. She was Rena Dawson, of Maysvllle,
Ky 8 years of age, on her way to ber aunt's in
San Francisco. When asked why she was going
so far alone she said: "Papa's got anewmamma
now. She doesn't like Rente, and papa said
auntie would take good care of me, just like
poor mamma."
One hundred years have come and gone
Since Georgle took the chair ;
And Just a little over four
oinc&uruvuiuai oak uicio.
But Grover now is in the soup ;
And Georgle, where Is he?
Fresh In the mind of every man
In this land of the free.
Wht should we say that George Washington
never told a lie when we have only one Instance
of his ever having told the truth?
A dog's skin is not tanned by its own bark.
If you're going to Oklahoma,
Be sure to take your gun,
And when the other fellow shoots,
E U N.
On tbe tree, just overhead,
Hung an apple, rosy red,
Get It Charlie, " Grade said.
But as I tried, I fell Instead.
As Adam did from Grace.
Mrs. Yotjnglove My dear, what do yon
think of my spring bonnet ; isn't it a perfect
dream, and only cost ?40, too?
Mr. YocNdLOVX-It is very pretty, sweetness,
but hereafter you must take something that will
make you sleep like a top.
MBS. Y.-Wby?
Mb. Y. Because your dreams come too high for
my pocKet.
Nettie Is this fellow, Ward McAllister, a
tennis champlou?
Tennyson No. of course not. -What put that
ldevln your head?
Mettle-Ob. 1 just thought he might be, because
he's so familiar with balls and rackets.
Miss Manhattan Mr. McAllister, do you
like fish?
Mr. McAllister-No Indeed I don't.
Miss Manhattan Oh, I don't mean Stnyveiant.
I mean shad.
MB. Yobkt Mr. Pitts, why is it that your
largest natural gas company Is named after that
dead city. Philadelphia?
Mr. Pltti-Because you'll find its liveliest Part
Before I married her she stood In a store;
A drygbods store, I believe.
And when I think of that woman, my wife,
A sigh I am sure to heave.
For every evening when I go home,
To eat my meal of hash,
She cries as she did in those days of old;
That one little word-cash.
I stand In tbe old gray weather,
in the white and silvery rtln;
The great trees huddle together
And sway with tbe windy strain.
I dream or the purple glory
Of the roseate mountain height,
Of the sweet-to-rem ember story
Of a distant and dear delight.
The rain keeps constantly raining.
And tbe sky is cold and gray.
And the wind In the trees keeps complaining
That summer has passed away;
Bat the gray and the cold are haunted
By a' beauty akin to pain
UT the sense of sometelas; wanted
That never wiu come again.
A Circus Struck by a Whirlwind.
rmew Tons bureau srxciAi.s.1
New York; April 27 There was a circus at
Washington, if. J., to-day. Circuses don't stop
there very often, so tbe whole townnrned our
to see this one, notwithstanding the wind and
rain. Between 7 ind 8 o'clock in the evening,
while tbe citizens of Washington were passing
from the sideshows to the big tent containing
tbe menagerie and the ring, a tornado struck
them. The teats collapsed in a whirlwind. All
the lights were extinguished, and pandemo
nium broke loose. Tbe people who bad al
ready passed into the big tent fought for escape
from the wreck. Many who tried to cut them
selves free with knives succeededonlyin slash
ing themselves and their neighbors. Just as
the last Washingtontans were hauled out of
tbe ruins, sombne yelled that tbe animals were
loose. Then everyone ran off belter skelter
Into the darkness without waiting to take bis
hearings. All sorts of accidents resulted.
Some plunged into deep gullies filled with
water, some .tumbled against trees and fences.
Scores were injured, but no one vefy severely.
Within half an hour the storm cleared up so
that the lost Wasblrgtonlans could see to go
home. The circus lost about $7,000 through the
Tbe Whltueys and Endlcotts Sail.
Ex-Secretary Whitney and Mrs.WhItney, ex
Secretary W. C. Endlcott and Mrs. Endlcott,
sailed for Europe to-day on the steamship
Fanernl of Blllinrdlst Frey.
The funeral of Albert M. Frey. the billiard
expert, tookplace this mornlngf rom St. Francis
Xavier's Church. Among the pall bearers were
several of Frey's old professional antagonists.
Tbe pallbearers were J. L. Malone, Charles
Manning, Joseph King. Harry Mount, William
H. Crane, of the "Henrietta" company, and
Fred Ashen
Buffalo BUI on the Peep Bine Sea.
"Buffalo Bill" and his show started for Lon
don to-day on the steamship Persian Monarch.
The work of getting the buffalos and horses on
board of tbe big ship was begun at 720 o'clock
this morning. The buffalos and horses left the
Jersey City stock yards, where they have been
kept, at sunrise in charge of the cowboys. It
took very nearly three hours to get them all on
board. "Buffalo Bill" expects to take his show
to Germany eventually, although be thinks the
Paris Exposition will be bis big oyster. His
company has 200 members.
Youngest Prisoners In the Tombs.
Lorenzo Hasslnger and Willie Lutz, accused
of causing little Tobias Hippers' death by stuff
ing dirt in his mouth, are about the youngest
prisoners who have ever been confined In tbe
Tomos on a serious charge. Lutz Is hardly 10
years old, and Hassinger is only a few months
older. Lutz is a pretty little fellow, with big
blue eyes and fluffy blonde hair. Both of the
boys wept nearly all their first night at the
Tombs. To-day, however, they seemed to be
pretty well contented with their quarters.
They are kept entirely apart from other crimi
nals. Hasslnger still says that be bad no band
in the persecution of little Tobias Hipper.
Lutz confessed that be rubbed filth into To
bias' face, but denies that be stuffed anything
into his mouth.
Ought to Have Some Effect.
Grover Cleveland wrote bis name to-day In &
book which John Joseph McBride, ot Buffalo,
Is preparing to give to the Hon. W. E. Glad
stone on his 80th birthday. Tbe book will
eventually contain the signatures of 4,000
prominent Americans who advocate home rule
for Ireland. President Harrison has signed,
as have Levi P. Morton, John Sherman and
William M. Evarts. Tbere are also the signa
tures of Archbishops Ryan and Corrlgan and
Cardinal Gibbons. David B. Hill and the
members of the State Senate and Legislature
have also united in the testimonial.
An Ex-Plttsbnrg Cleroymao Who Was Or
dained 50 Years Ago.
Baltimore, April 27. The feast of St. Paul
of the Cross, tbe founder of tbe order of the
Passionists, which will take place to-morrow.
Is the fiftieth anniversary of the ordination to
the priesthood of the Rev. Father James
Hbffyngott, of St. Joseph's Monastery, on the
Fredenck road. Tbe event will be celebrated
by appropriate exercises, and a large number of
clergy from abroad will be present.
Father Hoff yngott's life has been an eventful
and interesting one. He is a native of Bavaria
where hewas born May 13.1813. His parents were
Hebrews and he was given the name ot Moses.
At 18 he crossed the Alps into Italy ana was
there admitted to tbe Catholic Church and bap
tized June 24, 1S33. He sought and obtained ad
mission to tbe order of the Passionists IS
months afterward and was ordained to the
priesthood March 16, 1839. In 1842 he was sent
as a missionary to Bulgaria, where he labored
for ten years, suffering innumerable privations
and hardships under the oersecntlotis of the
followers of Islam. In 1832 be returned to
Italy, where be remained five years. At tbe
end of that time he came to Pittsburg, Pa.
After 13 years there he came to St. Joseph's
Father Hoffyngott is tbe oldest member of
his order in America. In 1884 be celebrated the
semi-centennial anniversary of his admission.
He is a small man physically, but, despite his
age, he Is still quite active.
The Remarkable and Unpleasant Adventure
of a Berks Coanty Woman.
Reading, April 27. This morning Mrs. John
Davis, residing in Cumru township, about two
miles from this city, went into her flower
garden to arrange for tbe protection of her
young plants from the drenching rain. Lifting
an earthen pot, which had been turned upside
down, from the ground, the was horrified to
find curled up underneath It a nest of at least
a dozen reptiles of different varieties. In her
fright she dropped the pot on the wriggling
mass, when a large blacksnake, measuring 5
feet 7 inches in length, sprang out, and raplcMy
coiling Itself around ber right arm actually
broke it, at the same time forcing tbe blood
from the ends of her fingers.
In her agony she cried for help, and a son
coming to her assistance cut the snake in two
with his pocket knife, when it relinquished its
grip, and a short time afterward was numbered
with the reptiles that had been. Five of the
other snakes were killed, but a number of them
escaped. The woman is prostrated as much
from the shock her nervous system sustained
as from the injuries to ber arm, and fears are
entertained that sbe will lose ber reason.
A Like as Two Fens.
From the Courier-Journal.j
It bas been found that over 180 members of
Parliament are simply the agents ot railroads
and similar corporations. Tbe American voter
who has been ashamed of our Congress may
find a bit of comfort in this fact.
It's the Hogs That Trouble Him.
From tbe New York Herald.;
It is not the pigs in clover that trouble Presi
dent Harrison so much as the desperate cnoru
of the hogs to get in tbe trough.
A Carbon county man has had 184 boils dur
ing tbe past winter and it is said that he Is still
good natnred.
Mike Cttbert, of Potter county, is 8 years
old and bas never yet been out of the township
where he was horn.
A MINiSTEit who lives at Mercer, says he will
wed the woman unanimously indorsed by his
congregation. The chances are that he will die'
a bachelor.
'Ir you want to see tbe best pig in the
county, call on me." This is tbe way a Cameron
county man advertises the fact that he has
some likely young swine to dispose of.
Henby RIOQ, of Delaware oounty, caught a
trout that weighed five pounds. He was greatly
delighted until he discovered that the boys bad
filled the fish' up with Shot before it was
A farmer in Huntingdon county caught an
owl and put it in his barn to ngbf his rooster.
The owl fought, and the rooster did tbe best be
could, but when the battle was over the rooster
was dead.
B. F. Haia, of Croyle, claims to be the cham
pion tie-maker, having hewed 276 ties In two
days and a half, or about 3,853 feet surface. He
says If anyone can do tfetter he would like to
hear from htm.
A New Brighton young man will be 21
years ot age next August, and desires greatly
to have a flourishing moustache by that ttee.
His fellow-workmen told him that Unseed oil
and Japan were good to raise a beard, aad
every morning his upper Hp. to tolekly oasJod
niHi Hn sani
nrruinna rnwninrsA'rinT5Q5S?.f
UU.U1UUU VWIVIuailUilu, rtf
Syracuse ice dealers have started an ice;
Hundreds of jelly fish of a new species
were driven ashore by a recent storm on the
Oregon coast.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ledbetter, who died re
cently near Washington, Ind was the mother
of 21 children,
A, citizen of Akron, O., has applied to
tbe police to arrest Satan for hanging about
his house o" nights.
The once fighting Modoc Indians have
become industrious fanners In the past 12
years, and half of them have professed Christi
anity. Six hundred and forty-nine converts
were recently received Into membership of
colored church In Baltimore? tbe Central Meth
odist Episcopal.
Do not envy the driver of an ice wagon
bis cool place in summer. In four months last
season 42 drivers in New York City werd-at-tacked
with rheumatism.
Another case of fiading an egg within
an egg is reported from Hanover. Pa. Instan
ces of this kind are becoming so common that
they are scarcely worth reporting. - '
The, longest train that has been heardof
for some time was one whichpassed ove'ftha"
Delaware. LfTckawanna and Western Railroad, -composed
of 113 open and 3 box cars.
Mrs. Betta McKee, who was found, in
tbe Madison county, Indiana, asylum, has been
returned to Clinton county,) Ohio, to answer
the charge of having stolen ten horses and
other property. .
The Maineicecropis estimated a 1 1,171;
000 tons, a small yield. Of this theKennebeo
houses, which have a capacity of 1,181,000 tons,
have but 846,000. The Penobscot crop is put at
25,000 tons and the coast crop at 100,000.
Mrs. Sarah Mallory died at Long Pine,
Neb., recently, at tbe advanced age of 108
years. She was the daughter of Colonel
Wright, of revolutionary fame, and the widow
of Major Mallory, who was a private in the
war of 1776.
In an obscure street on the extreme west
side of New York City there is a dealer in shoes
who bears tbe proud name of McAllister. By
a strange coincidence tbe number of his bouse
is 400. "McAllister's 400" Is tbe sign above
the doorway.
Compressed vegetable parchment is be
ing experimented with for bearings on Prussian
railways. An emulsion of water and oik any
of the mineral oils. Is used as lubricant. The
parchment soon becomes impregnated with oil,
and is able to go a lung time without a renewal
of lubrication. Superiority to metal is claimed
for it.
Vancouver, B. C, is the youngest city
of the Dominion and tbe western terminus of
the great Canadian transcontinental route. It
is but three years old and one year from Its
birth it was totally destroyed by fire; but like
Chicago It sprung from the blackened ashes of
ruin, and to day It Is a thriving city of 13,000
There will be exhibited at the Texas
Spring Palace, which is to be built at Fort
Worth, a gigantic map of the Lone Star State.
The women of Texas are making the map ou
canvas,, and the name of each of the 264 coun
ties will be worked "with some beautiful
product made in the county." One county,
Tom Green, Is larger than tbe States of Massa
chusetts and Connecticut combined.
In Sir John Sinclair's "Code of Health
and Longevity" are to be found the biographies
of Thomas Parr, died at 152; of the Countess of
Desmond, who made the journey from Bristol
to London after she had passed her 140th year,
and of Peter Zortan, a Hungarian born in 1537
and died in 1TJ3. aged 185 years. The Scotch
bishop, Kentlgern, :beatlfleil under tbe name
Of St. Mango, also lived to the ageot 185.
On the evening of May 20, 1766. the
citizens of Boston celebrated the repeal of the
stamp act by hanging 108 lanterns in the Old
Liberty Tree on Essex street. One of the lan
terns, which, according to its inscription, was
hung on "the west bough, opposite Frog lane."
has been in the Hunneman family ever since,
and has just been presented to the Bostonlan
Society by the widow and children of tbe late
Joseph H. Hunneman, of Roxbury.
Since the death of M. ChevrenI, at the
age of nearly 103, there bas heen renewed Inter
est In the statistics of longevity and a greater
disposition to give credence to the stories of
persons who have survived for a century or
more. Chicago comes to the front with a cer-,
tlfloate returned to the Registrar of Altai
Statistics March 30. ot the death of Daniel
Bnrke. aged 114 years, and a local cotemporary
tells a still more wonderful tale ot four mem
bers of an Ohio family, all living, whose ages
aggregate 440 years.
When the famous old grasshopper
weather vane fell from the Faneuil Hall spire,
the ojher day, it was found to contain a number
of pieces ot paper, a lot of oakum, a Chinese
coin with "E. Vlnal" stamped on Its face, a
3-cent silver piece dated 18o2, and a niece of
copper roughly inscribed "Boston 1852." The "
grasshopper will soon be put in its old place,
and will contain specimens of all the coins of
1888, the names of the present members of the
Boton city government, and copies of Boston
It was long thought that blood oranges i
were produced by grafting an orange tree with s
a pomegranate slip, but it is now said that
tbere Is not tbe slightest foundation for this ;
belief. The blood orange, which is merely a t
variety of the sweet orange obtained by culti
vation, was first raised by the Spanish garden
ers in tbe Philippine Islands.;When it was first
seen In Europe it created a sensation among
tbe superstitious, who saw all sorts of disasters
foretold by the bloody fruit. In the last cen
tury blood orange trees brought exceedingly
large prices.
A discovery of considerable interest to
antiquarians was made yesterday by a force of
men engaged in making excavations for sewer
connections In East Liverpool, O. At a dis
tance of about ten feet below the surface they
came upon a stone about tbe size of a saucer.
It was smooth upon the upper surface and bore
the following in plainly legible characters:
"1790: A. Azdell: Camp Rett." In addition to
this, tbere is carved upon the stone a rude
representation of a human face, which the now
long dead artist may have Intended to repre
sent the moun. It is evident that some other
writing was placed upon the stone, but it can
not now be deciphered.
John Harklns, of Boston, ordered a $20
suit of clothes, to be delivered C. O. D. When
the clothes were delivered Harklns gave the
boy a $50 bill inpayment. As the boy was go
ing, Harklns suggested that the bill be put
into an envelope for greater safety. Tbe boy
banded the bill to him and he apparently put
it into an envelope. When the envelope was
opened by the tailor it contained a Si bin.
Harklns was arrested, charged with bavins
substituted tbe SI for the 5-50 bill, and was con
victed of larceny bt tbe clothes. When he was
brought up to be sentenced bis council moved
for a new trial on tbe ground that the prisoner
was not guilty of larceny, as he did not steal
tbe clothes: it was not larceny ot tbe money,
as he did not steal it; it could hardly be false
pretenses, as be actually paid the money to the
tailor's agent, who gave ft back to him. Sen
tence was suspenaeo.
"There's a beautiful specimen of chas-.
log." crleda Jeweler, as bewatched a,polieH
man's pursuit of a window tmuheT.-JeictterU
Everything bas its nse in this world.
Even the fly that persistently refuses to be caught
teaches the bald-headed mas patience. Somcr
vilU Journal.
At the Opera. "Wilkinsby's 'Wife "Why
do they call the prima donna the diva, George?
TVilkinsby 1 don. t know, unless she Isn't airala,
tojuinp Into tne high C.Xunssy,s Wtesly.
Mr. Grabbitte Just think. de3r, I
nicked ud a nickel In the street this afternoon I
Hi. Grabblttc-Ies. and as it was muddy, you.
must have spoiled a pair of ?2 gloves. 2 opics,
Mrs. Slimdiet, the landlady Excuse me?
Mr. Dashaway, I notice you have aroppcu "i"
mi of eh rm tmrr ii-nt. Dsshsway Thank
-nn ma.n, Vnl HI nurrtim B18 if I repUCB It
on my plate, for (he added eadlyllneedlt.'rJfeat
lorn sun. -'&
Mr. Ketrospect This is the age ofjproj
ilrs Ketrospeet-Nonsense! I resd or the deathi
itrtnm. it.,nitri min nearly every aayt&out IT
never hear of any celebrated men belngborn
take the places of those wno j-'-s-wj;;
Adequate "Words on Tap. Mrs.tJirrx3
I'm going to commence house ueauuig wjay; w-j .
U- fin TffAlt - P.
Mrs.Jinr WelLIwisn you would swearlTour
"phonograph fall and send ltup to the house for moC
to turn on occasionauj nucuu ircunys;gei x
much for me. WUlyou?-TerraIfotrt hxprut;.
Knew "What to Order. "James,' saidfthe ;
Tillage Jeweler, "are there any weddings to taker
place In the nelghoorhood soon?" t r
' There are two to come off next week, ' said the
clerk. ... i.
And tbe Jeweler sat down stones and wrote sn
nntarrartwo doxenplckle eastern with nrlvilega
M.f .-W.w4n-yf nfffifTn fnT-n-iitTttitnrr tflfS With-'
wttA... . niitfms TVA..-- - - -
movpai. w.n- .iwww, j
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