, t ?r 7f ?S (J S" HIP r jterrifio. "The" 'occasion was a memorable one, and the enthusiasm unbounded. The hall was most elaborately and fitting ly decorated. The colors of "the club, the American flag itself, coTered the walls and bung between the heavy pillars in graceful folds. A PICTUKEXJP the heko of Tort Donelson and Appamatox was placed at the head of the long line of tables. Pretty flowers lent the exquisite charm of beauty and fragrance to mate the dining room attractive. Plants from the tropics and chains of spruce clothed in the green iverdure of spring, added materially in making the picture beautiful and pleasing. ffhe Chinese umbrellas, which twirled so Jdexteronsly in the hands of members, have on more than one occasion caught the crowds and given the club a national repu tation, were suspended from the ceiling. Before the doors were opened a reception was held in the parlors ot the hotel. The members of the club and visitors were intro duced to the invited guests. McKinley, . Quayund Goff were already well known to most of those present- Senator Plumb, of Kansas, in build not unlike General Hast ings, of Pennsylvania, soon made himselt popular with "everybody. Senator Dela xnater and State Chairman Andrews min gled among old friends and enjoyed them selves. Behind a screen of large exotic plants .promptly at, 7 o'clock the Grand Army Orchestra started a lively air. The guests filed out of the parlors, and, headed by Senator Plumb and H. D. "W. English, closely followed by Senator Quay and Presi dent Harry Paul, marched in order to their places assigned. TAKEN mm TOAST. A Report of ibe Manner In Which the Patriotic Sentiments of the E renins Were Treated Orators ofNn- tlonnl Renown Join in the Responses. The first toast was "Our Guests Present," by Congressman Dalzell, delivered in his usual happy manner. He paid more than one glowing tribute to the memory of Grant, and he work of the Republican party was not forgotten at his hands. ' "When General Hastings arose to respond to the toast, "Grant, Citizen, Soldier and President," there was a perfect storm of applause. Majestic in bearing and in a deep rotund voice he said: I am grateful to meet the members of the Amencns Club face to faccfor the first time' to-night. The student of American history will learn in his hnmble life, in the eloquence of his life and in the true nobility of his nature an organization worthy of his love and commemoration. Every soldier that carried' a -gun, every crutch and empty sleeve, every soldier's widow is en twined with the memory of U.S. Grant. His memory does not suffer by comparison. Wash ington was the man who breathed into the in fant Republic, and it began to live; Lincoln God bless the memory of Lincoln shed luster on his name as the President during the war. Sherman, Logan, Bbendan and Reynolds only added to the luster of IT. B- Grant. To turn from war to the science of Statecraft, Grant was equal to them all. He plucked victory from defeat, and wept for those who laid down their lives for their country. While we speak to-night for Grant may we not turn to the sol diers that went to the war and came not back. They sleep to-night under Southern skies, or beneath the waters of swift-flowing Western rivers. Let us not forget the soldier who has gone before. THE MOTTO OF THE TIMES. Grant said. "Let us have peace," and to-night We swell the chorus: "Peace on earth, and good will to men." Let me say that the current of relations between George Washington andTJ. S. Grant -are very light. When Washington w as called from the army to the Presidency, he said: "I had hoped to lire in peace: but I will accept this call as the call of my country." When Grant, tired out with the battles of the war, longed for peace, the Republican party called him to civil life, and be accepted. The Republican party found on the towpath of an Ohio canal a barefoot boy, and, needinga President, they brought ont James A. Garfield and placed him alongside of Washington and Lincoln. Let us hope that the party of Harrison and Morton and Matthew Stanley Quay loud ap plause has come home to stay. In conclusion let us hope that the Republican party will al ways be composed of the common people, living m a common tie of brotherhood. At the ending of Hastings" speech there were loud calls for Quay. In a shrill, squeaky voice, the Little Napoleon arose, and said : My friends. I came here to-r'ghtnot to speak or instruct you, but as a member of the Ameri cus Club. If you seek an orator you mustlook elsewhere for him. Congressman Dalzell, in an eloquent speech, introduced "Governor" Nathan B. Goff, of West Virginia, who has been kept out of the Governorship of his native State after he had been honestly elected. In clear, distinct tones General Goff be gan his reply to thetoast,"TheK"ew South," as follows: OST THE 2TEW. SOUTH. 'The new. South, which I love, is progressing, fed consequently the new South is Republi can. The old South believed in slavery, was ttert, disliked the hum of the factory. There fore the old South was listless, Democratic. The new South votes tbe Republican ticket; the old South does the counting. The North, South, East and West are all deeply interested in this fate, because jour firesides are regu latedbyit. Why not have a national election law? Why not have Federal supervision at tbe polls? Why not strike down this proud aristocracy thatas baffled you for years7 It despises everything you love. And If the great Worth stand by and permit its organization to be strengthened, I tell you verily that finally It will be harder on you. Voters who were not cermitted to vote should be counted when we come to consider the ratio of representation. When the Isorth determines this fraud must stop, it will stop. The new South loves the name of Grant. It cherishes tbe fame of tbe silent soldier. Tbe people of the United States never honored Grant as he did tbem. We crowned him with tbe victorious wreath, but still we have not re paid him. We never can repay that great soldier who fought for the Government be loved so dearly. He seized the tiger of rebel lion by tbe throat and strangled her in tbe Southern jungles. The new South has her men that wore tbe blue. A voice: "That is one of them." "An bumble one," was the quick rejoinder of Mr. Goff. Let me tell you the men who served with Grant honored him. Revolutions never go backward, and tbe men who have come up out of the darkness of slavery into the light and freedom of liberty know fall well that Democ racy cursed tbe one period and the Republican party blessed tbe other. Tbe Republican party has punned the Constitution of our fathers. In tbe new South they love it also, because it has given us tbe grandest system of human education. They lore it also because that party has given us law. Our rock-ribbed hill sides have been pierced, and the waters of commercial life hare flowed freely. NEW PITTSBUEGS ALSO. Tbe Republican party has also founded in West Virginia a number of diminutive Pitts burgs. We all know that this city and the valley of the Ohio is the glory and pride of civilized skilled labor. The Republican party has washed the blots on our national escutcheon and made us a nation of freemen. Whatever there is that Is good is found within the ranks of the Repub lican party. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, was next in troduced. He said: I am both fortunate and unfortunate. I am what my old friend. Dr. Leak, would call a supplv. An Ohio man, you see, was set down to reply to this toast of the Republican admin istration. I don't know of a man, however, who I would rather serve than Mr Butter worth. This occasion sems to have been cot ten up to do honor to Ohio men. Grant was born in Ohio, and on my rich t Is another Ohio man who could have been President if he had sot forgotten himself. The new administration is only 60 davs old. I know all about it. I know what it is going to do. because I know what the party wants it to do. And it Is going to administer the govern ment through Republican lieutenants lor the benefit of the American people, not f orelcners. It was a law of the Romans that no soldier could pass the Rubicon until be had laid aside thelnsiirnlaofhisrank. But Abraham Lincoln lmewthatthe South ern Democrats coulcin't tell the truth, and when the war was over a Republican adminis tration invited the army to Washington, and there occurred a great parade. Thatarmy had it In its power to unfrock Presidents, but the Republic never was as safe as on that day. THE BROADEST LOYALTY. I say to you that loyalty to the Republican administration is loyalty to the Republican party, and loyalty ts that party is loyalty to a Republican Government. There are doubting Thomases in the Republican ranks; in fact, the party is very much like the giddy girl re proached by her 'pastor, who replied: "Just wait until I get to camp meeting. I will make it snow." For some time the party had been badly rattled, but they pulled together finally, and turned tbe Democrats out. We carried tbe election, and they despair. Next year Republican States cut loose, or worse than that, mugwump. Then the South wakes up and says we will bold on longer. If for four years we could have a Republican administration throughout there would be no more solid South. This is an anniversary close to another one. It is a good time, therefore, for counsel. There is Alexandria. When Braddock started from that citv 131 years ago, for Fort Duquesne Pittsburg was not known. Alexandria was then the leading city of the South; but what is she to-day, and how won derfully has Pittsburs, grown. These two cities represent the poles of tvto influences that have their effect on communities. The one under Republicanism has developed, the other under Democracy has degenerated and lost its pres tige. I call on you, fellow citizens, to stand by the party that has made j on, and I ask you to drink with me to the greatness and reputation of Pittsburg. MAJOB M'KTSXEY'S SPEECH. "When the Napoleonic countenance of Major McKinley, of Ohio, ap peared above the tables the ap planse was long and loud, and there were frequent cries for McKinley, the next President- In responding to the toast, '"The Republican Party," Mr. McKtnley said: The Republican party is S3 years old to-day. It has accomplished more for humanity than any other party before. I ask you to read tbe platform the party first made, and I feel sure jou will be a better Republican. There is not a principle in that platform, except one, that has not been carried out in principle. Tbe platform said that slavery must go, and from that day slavery was doomed. It promised the people a homestead lw. and tbe great Northwest was opened to settlers. The party said that Union was indissoluble and must be maintained, and it was preserved through the blood of many patriots. It also declared that Kansas should come into the Union free, and it did. That platform said also that the Union Pacific railroad should be built, and New Torlr now lies within six days of San Francisco. This administration ought to write on the statutes of tbe United States the verdict of last November. Then there is another thing that it ought to do. that Is that the administra tion ought to make it possible for a man to casta ballot, and have it counted, and I don't care what it costs. We are only asking for what we ought to have. We are only asking what Grant and Lee agreed to at Appomatox. More we will not ask, and more we will nut add. This agitation will not stop until politi cal and civil equality will not be mere cold con stitutional formalities, but a living birthright. FOBGIVENESS IS ONE THING. Our foes are all forgiven, but the work your brave bands have finished shall never be un done. Sleep sweetly through the ages, dust of the gallant boys. I would rather see tbe Re publicans overwhelmed tban we shouldturn our backs to our black allies. Tell me they have not earned their citizenship. I tell you they have poured ont their life-blood to attain it. The administration is not going back on the negro. I am sure Senator Plumb andMr.Dal zell will support me in my statements. General Grant brought them to tbe Republican party. If it hadn't been for the party there never would bavo been a Grant. He turned out to be a good fellow even if he did come from Ohio. Applause. If it hadn't been for tbe Re publican party we wouldn't have had a Sher man, and he was born in Ohio. Why Quay was born so near tbe line that he doesn't know on which side, and I don't believe be cares. We wouldn't have had a Sheridan or a Govern ment worth baring, if it wasn't for tbe Repub lican party. It was the Republican party that made the Government. To the letters of regret, also, there should be an allusion, though tbelacK of both time and space at the hour of finishing the above report necessitates brevity at this point. Colonel Fred Grant's letter plainly told how well he would like to have been present to take part in the celebration of his father's birthday, but added that he couldn't. How ever, there was the promise that the Aus trian Mission should, during the present administration, be kept open to tbe "boys" of the Americus Club. Then there was this one from the White House: Executive Massiox, J Washington. J Mr. H. D. W. English, Pittsburj:, Pa. My Dear Sir The President directs mo to acknowledge the receipt of the card of invita tion to be present at tbe third annual dinner of the Americus Republican Club on the even ing of the 27th instant, in honor of -the sixty seventh anniversary of the birth of General U. S. Grant. Appreciating the courtesy he sincerely regrets that the pressure of public duties will not permit him to be present on that occasion. Verv truly yours. E. W. Halfoud, Private Secretary. April 18. 1889. Vice President Morton, John. Sherman, Bed field Proctor, Secretary Tracy, Governor Hovey, Robert T. Lincoln, Senators Alli son, Sawyer, Hale, Hawley and Spooner likewise 'sent formal regrets, as did also Governor Poraker. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Rendy Reading. Axx wholesale drygoods bouses in Pittsburg will be closed on Tuesday. Frank WnrrESEi.ii was among the throng going to New York last night, Hoher J. Lecds ay, of Carnegie, Phipps& Co., left last evening for New York. An East End man who received a license was offered 20,000 for it, but refused tho offer. The Press Club and its friends anticipate a great treat in the lecture of George Kennan, Monday evening. It is stated that T. R. Morris, the Woods' Run druggist, will likely be appointed Consul to Cardiff, Wales. Ax. Peterson, the gentlemanly ticket seller at the Union station, and wife, left last even ing for Dayton, O., on a visit to their parents. Saitoei. O'Bbien, employed at Painter's mill. West End, had his arms burned yesterday by a splash of metaL Dr. Gangloff attended him. W. H. Bbown's Sons' sunply store, near Saltzburg, was burned accidentally at an early bnur yesterday morning, entailing a loss of $20,000. A uttle waif, something near 3 months old, was nncermoniously left by its unknown mother, Friday, at tbe Woman's Christian Home. 929 Penn avenue, MBS. MART Lanqdon, an old lady living on Collins avenue. East End, iell down a flight of stairs yesterday, dislocating ber right shoulder and receiving internal Injuries. Before Alderman Doughty 'yesterday 'a number of men were each fined S3 and costs for obstructing the tracks of the Citizens' Traction Company by turning to the left with their teams instead of to the right. The Emerson Branch, W. C. T. U., will dis cuss tbe prohibitory amendment to-morrow night in the Centenary Church, corner of Wy He and Kirkpatrlck streets. Rev. Wallace and S. B. Charters will address the meeting. Patrick Ryan was arrested yesterday on a charge ef assault and battery preferred by Oscar Hofmann. The prosecutor claims that tbe defendant threw a bucket of dirty water on his wife as she was walking along Forty second street on Easter. . Several druggists have been sued before Alderman Foley.of Woods' Run, for unlawfully using bottles of the Bottlers' Union a second time. One of tbem. W. H. Beech, of Fifth avenue, says, it's an outrage, as there was no criminal Intent in the case whatever. Unduom Persoxiski is charged by Eliza beth Kirsb, before Alderman Doughty, with malicious mischief. She claims he has damaged her property on Cedar street, in the Sixteenth ward, and also that he keep" a earage dog. Tbe defendant was held in 300 bail for a hearing. The Ninth Union Temperance meeting will be held in the Grand Opera House this evening, commencing at 7:15. Captain J. K. Barbourwill conduct the meeting. Will A Sunday, or tbe Allegheny Baseball Club, and WillJ. McConnell, another Allegheny boy and and a noted orator, will speak to the people en tbe temperance question. Charles Downey's sa!6on at Duquesne was not closed by order of the Sheriff, but by Mr. Downey's own orders, as he desired to do every thing possible to prevent an outbreak during the strike. A correction of the misunderstand ing is due to Mr. Downey, who stands well in the esteem of all bis neighbors. JDk. S. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. e&sa THE A MOUTHFUL OF OIL. The Standard Gobbles a Slice of the Washington Co. Territpry, AND PATS $100,000 FOE THE MEAL. Colonel E. H. Brer, the Scout, Figures in This latest Deal. HIS CAEEEE IN PETROLEUM CIRCLES Right in the wake of the Standard Oil Company's general gobble of the Ohio oil field, and the subsequent refining of the fluid, as exclusively published in The Dis patch recently, comes the more important fact, locally, that its monopolistic hand is grasping the "Washington county field also. Quiet as it has been kept information of great issue regarding the pending transac tions came-from reliable sources last even ing, which fully proves that the Standard is aiming to control all available oil territory in this immediate region. The Washington field, as is well known, has been so far exempt from the manipula tions of the "sure thing" company; hut it now appears, open and 'above hoard, that the aspiration of the organization is to acquire the greatest and purest oil field ever discovered. Joe Craig, that shrewd Napo leon in oil, has invested very heavily in this Washington field, and in such invest ment, along with other independent pro ducers, it has caused the Standard much trepidation for fear of the damaging compe tition and had results which the Washing ton oil have and will cause the great and only "cinch." For this reason THEY TVANT IT, and at any, price. It is safe and sure to assert right here that the Standard has virtually got a portion ot the field at a magnificent price for the sellers; the only procedure yet to be is signing the papers. Everybody in the oil business knows Colonel E. H. Dyer, the veteran scout, pro ducer, oil property man and half million aire. He is at the head of a syndicate deep ly interested in(the Washington field, com prising such people as C M. Heed, John Galloway and Captain Grace. This com pany of independent producers are lessees of 1,100 acres of valuable territory in the Washington belt, which extends out of the county, and includes the Mt. Morris sec tion, in Greene county. Among these es tates is what is known as the Knox farm, containing 180 acres, with a daily produc tion of about 900 barrels. This tract is the first grab the Standard will have made, at the specified sum of 5160,000. In the Bradford district, producing oil property sells at from $1,400 to 1,500 per barrel of production; that is, to be more specific, should the flow of wells on the farm amount to ten barrels a week, the price per barrel would be held at ten times $1,400, or $15,000. In other words "barrels" mean "acres." THE MONET IN THE DEAL. Some Washington oil land sells as high as $700 per barrel; but other territory has been bought as low as $200, afterward real izing for the purchasers, by a discreet "use of the drill, a manifold profit on the invest ment. For instance, the Knox farm was leased for $4,000 by Colonel Dyer et al., and now is re-leased to the Standard at the sum above stated. This farm is situated right in the heart of the most productive oil portion of Wash ington county, ,and adjoins several cele brated tracts, in which the derrick and drill have caused millions of money to flow into the pockets of the man who "called the turn" on the fickle fluid. Colonel Dyer, who is so prominently iden tified with this deal, is the pioneer pro ducer, and Christopher Columbus of Wash ington county's new oil world. He is from way down in Maine and, as far back as 1873, predicted that there was petroleum to be had from the bowels of the above territory. At that time he broached the matter to a number of men with means about here; hut, meeting with no financial encouragement, returned to his home down East. After accumulating auamountof money upwards of $20,000 he, with hope based on conviction, came back to this undiscovered held, where barrels and barrels of greasy gold were awaiting the magic touch of the driller's wand. No premonition impelled him to do this; hut the good practical knowledge acquired in other fields told him that a new Mecca in petroleum was at hand, and so it has most forcibly materialized. IX WAS QUITE RECENTLY. Five years ago he put down the first drill on the Smith farm, with subsequent happy results of remunerative production and development of the now famous Washington oil field, which crude com mands a higher premium than any other oil produced. Although not so extensive at present as some possessions of the Standard, it has been an almost invincible barrier, and a source of great uneasiness to the monopoly, who, to obviate any serious detriment to their interests, are quietly conniving to confiscate the whole held, if possible. However, this scheme is not thought feasible by some, and one in par ticular who may be mentioned as against it is Joe Craig. When he learned yesterday afternoon of the deal about to be consum mated, he figurativelv threw up both hands in astonishment, and rather intimated that someone was playing into the Standard's hand a trump which should consistently be held until tbe last card was played. Be that as it may, it is very plausible to assert, from facts learned, that the big com pany is playing its characteristic game of "getting everything to be got," daunted neither by monetary consideration nor ap parent invulnerable circumstances,by which to serve its purposes and increase its power. HE.HAD LOOKED FOE IT. An oil man identified with the business for many years, when questioned about the news of the Standard's latest move, said: "I have been anticipating this very thing on the part of the Standard. Their efforts are now to control everything, absolutely, in petroleum, and if possible to kill specu lation in it on the exchanges. The schemes to which this organization resort to estab lish an end are beyond everybody and evervthinc. "Do I think this will effect the market? Heavens, no I There is no market id effect. For all the schoolboy hurrah that goes on the exchange daily it amounts to nothing more than car fare. No one is realizing anything, and the market is all a farce, so far as a legitimate living is to be made out of it," When a Standard Oil employe was asked about the deal, he with the usual close-oyster style of the Standard people, purported to know nothing about the matter. How ever, after a few indirect questions, he ad mitted that he could not say a word without jeopardizing himself, and intimated that the reporter was right, and there would be more to follow; "but," he added, "don't you quote me, because I am known all over the field, and, should they see it, I would get "fired." You understand my position?" A Coming Reunion. Pittsburg Association of Stationary "En gineers, No. 3, of Pennsylvania, N. A. S. E., will hold their third annual reunion on Decoration Day, at Idlewild Grove, in the Ligonier Valley, where they were last year. The arrangements have all been mnde, invi tations are out, and the affair promises to he a greater success than any of "the previous f " 4bHV WVUIUIIIVVO wi n I ifllllLTJrlllTjIJ Til consist oi ueorge Bhaw, pavid McGary, wuuu .tuajljl, vuui aj, acini uuu frca . r. J1 JHABjy. PITTSBTIEIG- DISPATCH,, THE MILITIA DEPARTS. The Boys In Blue Are Now In New York They Depart Amidst Cheers and En thaslnsra From Their Friends. The platform of tbe Union station has seen some pretty noisy and happy crowds; but it has seldom had the pleasure of wit nessing such a hurrah as that which marked the departure of the local militia for New York last night. The Eighteenth and Fourteenth Begiments, with Battery B acting as a kind of escort, took their de parture in true Pennsylvania militia style, and, to their credit, it may he said that they took nothing else. From early in the afternoon until 9 o'clock the platform resounded with the heavy tramp ot marching feet. The first to arrive was three companies of the Fifteenth Begiment, They, left in special cars on the 4:30 train. Tbe balance of the regiment went out about 7:30 o'clock. Lieutenant "Westcont and a detachment of six men who had lett the train to purchase supplies were surprised when they returned to find that the train had departed. They kicked around for a long time, and were finally sent out about 9 o'clock. . Battery B with 74 men, under the com mand of Captain Hunt and Lieutenants Brown, Shepherd and Kimmel, appeared upon the scene about 7 o'clock and went out on the first section of the Eastern ex press, at 7:15 o'clock. Colonel Hawkins, of the Tenth Begiment; came in with three companies and was joined by the balance of his batallion, who arrived from the surrounding country towns. The Tenth Begiment left on a special train about 7:45 o'clock. The next to appear was the Fourteenth, minus Senior Surgeon McCandless, who is detained at Duquesne, owing to the im pending trouble. The regiment was in command of Colonel P. D. Perchmont, and was accompanied' to the station by Colonel Glenn. The Fourteenth had out nearly a full regiment. They occupied seven coaches and one sleeping car, and leit a few min utes past 9 o'clock. They boarded the cars at the head of Smithfield street, and were run thronght the Union station yard with only a few minutes' stop. Several of the members of the regiment who got off to secure liquid refreshment, had (o board the train of the Eighteenth Begiment, which followed them. The Eighteenth preceded their departure with a short street parade through the lower part of the city. As usual, they pre sented a handsome, soldierly appearance, and the marching of the men was excellent. Everybody was enthusiastic, and the rain did not appear to have the least affect on the spirits of the men. The regiment turned out 470 men, under the command of Colonel N. M. Smith. The other staff officers were Lieutenant Colonel Butledge, Major I. C. Kay, Adjutant Charles Reese and Quartermaster Brown. Dr. Brumbaugh was senior surgeon, in the absence of W. T. English. Tbe Fifth Begiment, from Erie and vi cinity, arrived in the city about midnight, and left at 3:15 o'clock this morning for the metropolis. The Second Brigade Band will leave to night. There were probably 2,000 people alto gether who left for New York last evening. There were 6 extra trains, containing 32 extra cars. Almost one-half as many more are expected to go out to-day. CAUGHT AT LAST. F. fc W. Train Robbers Rnn Down in Kit tnnnlns; by Detectives. Detective Thomas Bhall, of the Pittsburg and "Western road, assisted by Detectives Sheppard and Stiveson, yesterday arrested Thomas Davis, Sr., Thomas Davis, Jr., Samuel Davis and Patrick "Walch, of Kit tanning, charged with robbing Pittsburg and "Western cars. On February -2 and 3 three Baltimore and Ohio cars containing golds valued between $5,000 and $6,000 were rifled. The goods were consigned to ten consignees, principally in this city, Spang", Chaltant & Co. being one of them. Detective Bhall began to work on the case, and last week searched the house of James McGill, of Herrs Island. He found enough goods to fill a wagon, and a hole in the cellar where other articles had evidently been concealed. McGill disclaimed all knowledge of the theft and blamed his wife. Through a driver the goods were traced to Kittaning. Detective Bhall stated the goods were stolen by a brother of McGill's wife. The detectives found in the barns of Thomas Davis, Sr., and Thomas Davis, Jr., two wagon loads of plunder. Alter a lively chase Thomas Davis, tbe son, was captured, and the Others were easily lodged in jail. The officers got the names of 45 persons to whom the Davises had sold goods for less than their cost. They were brought to Pittsburg Inst night. ONE COUNCILMAN SHORT. George Schnd, of Allegheny, Declines to Serve From tho Eighth Word. George Schad, the Eighth ward, Alle gheny, saloon keeper, who was refused a license on the ground that he isa Council man, denies that he is a member of the Al legheny Councils. He had been a member of the Common branch for years, but de clined to run for re-election. His friends insisted that he become a candidate for a seat in the Select branch, and, although he would hot allow the use of his name, he was put up and elected. "When Councils organized for the year Mr. Schad declined to accept the position, and has not been qualified. He is, there fore, not a member of Councils, and believes a great injustice has been done him. 10KG AM) SHORT OF IT. A Very Little Hnsbnnd Falls Oat With a Terr Big Helpmoer. Mrs. MaryCiirtningham is charged before Alderman Foley, of "Woods' Bun, with as sault and battery upon her husband, Eziekiel Cunningham. The husband is a very small man, and his wife weighs proba bly 200 pounds, or a little over twice as much as the prosecutor. "With this advan tage in size, tc, the husband says his wife assumes unnecessary prerogatives, whereby he is made painfully aware of her strength. The hearing will be held on Thursday. TO GO TO GETTYSBURG. The Slcmbers of tbe monument Committee Will Leave May 20. At the quarterly meeting of the Ninth Begiment, Pennsylvania Beserve Associa tion, last night, the Chairman of the Mon ument Committee reported that the monu ment of the regiment on the battlefield of Gettysburg would be ready for dedication on May 21 and 22. The majority oi the members will attend. They will be furn ished tree transportation. It is the intention to have the organization leave this city at 8 o'clock Monday morning, May 20. Charged With False Fretense. A charge of false pretense was entered yesterday against L. Korner, before Alder man Doughty, by A. Schuster. Schuster keeps a drygoods store at No. 4063 Butler street Several -days since a young man claiming to represent the establishment of Edwin Wills & Co., New York City, sold him a bill of goods amounting to $36 73. The prosecutor has discovered that he had been taken in. A hearing will be held Tuesday. The Wrong Focket Watched. Benjamin Davidson is charged before Alderman Cassidy with the larceny of a silver watch valued at $10, by W. "W. "Wattles. The watch is owned by "W. E. Bell, who left it at the prosecutor's store for repairs, and it is alleged Davidson secured it by mistake and refuses to return it, Mb. Andeew" McMinn, of McMInn ville, Allegheny county, has been blind in his right eye from cataract for a year, re turned to his home yesterday restored to sight through an operation performed by jjt, Bauicri evx jcbbu ave. SOKAY, XaPBIL 28, QUIET AT DUQUESNE. Sheriff McCandless Ready for Busi ness, Bat Expects no Trouble. THE STRIKERS PAID YESTERDAY. Heavy Fines Imposed on Three 3Ten for Contempt of Conrt. SOME TERI UGLT RUMORS ARE AFLOAT Sheriff McCandless went up to Duquesne yesterday to superintend the paying offof the strikers. The men were very orderly and walked up' to the window'and accepted their envelopes without attempting to create any disturbance. In speaking of the strike last evening upon his return to the city, the Sheriff said: "I do not anticipate any trouble, hut have made ample preparations in case of an outbreak. My headquarters for the next few days, or until the trouble is ended, will be at the Hotel Dnquesne, where I can be reached at any time bf telegrauh or telephone. A special train is at my service and 1 can take a force of men to the scene at any hour. All the deputy sheriffs have been notified to be ready to leave at a moment's warning. I have taken these precautions, but I do not think it will be necessary, as there will not likely beany trouble. I went with the men when they received their pay this afternoon and all appeared to be perfectly satisfied. Steam is being kept up at the mill, hut no woiic is being done." BEPORTED PEOM DUQUESNE. Tbs Dispatch correspondent, at Du quesne, sent the following account, of the situation last night: Tbe only new feature in the situation is that the crowds of strikers who congregated upon tbe streets since the strike begun was noticea bly less. This was due partly to the inclemency of the weather. No new developments were expected during the day, and it was generally accepted no further efforts would be made to bring in new men before Sunday or Monday This would give the owners an opportunity to pay off the men. Accordingly, yesterday afternoon the men were paid off at the company's premises. The men were refused admittance to the company's office in the yard, and were compelled to re ceive their money from the windows of the en gine bouse in the corner of the grounds. It was an orderly crowd that patiently awaited their time there in the rain, after having waded through six or eight inches of sticky mud. There were some complaints of mistakes, one man receiving 14 04 for 14 days' work: another only 4 for a week's work. The mistakes were acknowledge to have been made unintention ally, and the men quietly dispersed to their homes or places of boarding after receiving their money. The most interesting incident of the day was during the morning when two constables from Homestead appeared. It was with gratification that the strikers learned that they bad in their possession a warrant for the arrest of John Gil hooly, the acknowledged leader of the non union men. They wanted him on a charge of desertion, made by his wife, and an attachment for a board bill. The constables were allowed to entertbe inclosure and take their man with out any remonstrance on the part of the em ployers. HO INCEEASED FORCES. "With the exception of a man, John Dyer, who came ont with Engineer Cassidy the other day, the number of workmen in the yards re mains unchanged. Dyer became tired of his confinement and came out over tbe fence. He told those outside he had asked permission to leave, but had been refused, so be watched for an opportunity and took his departure over the fence. , 'The burning of G. W. Fawcett's store Fri day night bas put a rather serious phase upon the side of the strikers. This store had been supplying the men within tbe works with pro visions since tbe strike began, the Dnqnesne pesple having ref nsed to supply any provisions, whatever. Borne underhand intimations were made against the strikers, but It" was only with reluctance that any one could be induced to express this opinion. The strikers talk more freely. One man said: "Of course it will be laid to the strikers. There has been a charge of incendiarism made. Xlknow it looks bad, and will burt us, but we are going to put on a brave face. However, the strikers feel that their cause is just, and tbe people are with them." Steps have been taken toward holding a meet ing, and one will likely be held to-day, when tbe situation will be thoroughly discussed, and whatever steps seem plausible will be taken. The indignation over the fate of Critchlow, Dunn and McCrory knows no bounds. Some propose to appeal the case, for they claim that there is indisputable evidence of the 11 Huns being furnished with weapons, Reports that-20 more deputy sheriffs had ar rived were circulated during the afternoon, but the number was just three, who came out on tbe 2.45 F. M. train. This slow increase of deputies is taken as ah Indication of tbe arrival of more new men. By bringing out two or three at a time the strikers will be thrown off their guard. Yesterday was the most gloomy day since the strike begun. No concessions are likely to be made by either side. Suspicion as to the origin of the firo which was directed against tbe strikers, although without grounds, tends to weaken their cause. Whether the strikers succeed in securing their demands depends much upon what snpport tbey receive from other mills. The decisive moment seems likely to be reached within a day or two. X DREAEY ASPECT. At a late hour last night the town presented a dismal aspect. The streets were almost de serted and only a few loiterers at the pool were out. It was authoritatively learned that a number of blankets and mattresses were taken Into the steel works at a late hour. This, of coarse, to furnish accommodation to more denutles. Everything seemed favorable for bringing in new men, which, it seems to be generally believed, will be done by Monday morning. William Dunn, Sylvester Critchlow and John McCrory, charged with contempt of court, in refusing to obey the injunction of tho court in ordering the strikers to dis perse, had a hearing before Judge Ewing this morning. The defendants' counsel read affidavits to the effect that they had not violated the law or- disturbed the peace. Sheriff McCandless testified that he had warned the men not to assemble around the works or they would suffer. Judge Ewing, in giving his decision, said: It is clear to me rhat these men do not under stand their rights. It is a mob and unlawful assembly when men collect in crowds so as to intimidate men, even if there was not a hand raised or a threat made. Itis the duty of the peace officers to promptly disperse all snch crowds and not attempt to fraternize with them. Tbe riots of 1S77 should teach us a lesson in that regard, and each of these workingmen should know that it is to their best interests not to bave riots, for-a rich man can take care of himself, but a poor man cannot, always. I am sorry to say that ,. some rich men violate the law, and I only wish tbey could come before us properly. Riots are very injurious, and each poor workingman in this county is now, in rent and taxes, helping to pay the debt of 3.000,000 put upon the county by the riots of 1877. John Dunn, you are guilty ot contempt of court, and I fine you $500 and in dofault thereof you stand committed until further order of Court. John McCrory, vou are also guilty of contempt and I tine you 5100 and in default to stand committed. Bylvester Critchlow, I fine you $25 and in default to stand committed. Dunn was ordered to go to jail by his counsel and not pay the fine, and so was McCrory, which they expect to do. Critch low will probably pay his fine. Yesterday afternoon several men, sup posed to be friends of the strikers, canvassed the hardware and drug stores at Turtle Creek in search of dynamite cartridges. There were none fo beJhadin the 'place, and the people went in search of them elsewhere. Their excuse for the using of dynamite was "for blasting." ' Muttered threats are said to have been made, however, in connection with Duquesne. A Labor Man Caned. Mr. Arthur B. Smythe, of the Marble, "Slate and Tilelayers' Union, was surprised by his friends last Thursday evening. The members of the union called at his home, on Lombard street, and presented him with 'a fine gold-headed cane. Mr. Smythe re ceived the present and made a neat speech. Street Car Men Sleet. Local Assembly No. 6003, K. of L., com posed of street car men, met at midnight at i-their hall oa Beaver avenue, Allegheny. 1889. Master "Workman Boss, of D. A. 3, wa8 present and delivered an address. There wa no trouble on hand, and at the close of the meeting Mr. Boss stated that only routine business had been transacted. A Denial From Master Workman Boas. The publication in a labor journal and in some of the daily papers to the effect that the milk producers are not eligible to mem bership in the K. of L., has caused consid erable indignation on the part of Master "Workman Boss, of D. A. 3. He is credited with saying that the men are not eligible, and repudiates the statement. He says he has not yet been spoken to on the subject, but that if the producers want to come in they will be received Souglfers and Catchers' Grievances. A committee of roughers and catchers met on the Southsidetlast night, demanding rec ognition by the Amalgamated Association, which will be presented at the meeting this afternoon. They claim that the programmes containing suggestions for next year's scale were "shoved out too soon," and was done to prevent them from laying their griev ances before the members of the association. A Imrce Coal Contract. The contract for supplying the Detroit Gas Company with 16,000 tons of coal was awarded to two Pittsburg concerns. The Youghiogheny and Ashtabula Coal Company received the contract for one-half of the amount needed and the "West Newton Com pany got the otber half. The contract price is $2 16 per ton for run of the mine coal, which ia somewhat lower than the rate last year. X.nbor Notes. President J ames Campbeil, of the "Win dow Glass Workers' Union, will leave this evening for a tour of the Western factones. Yestebbat was payday at Homestead, Jones & Langhlins' and several other works, and the men responded liberally to the call for aid from the Duquesne strikers. Glendon Lodoe, 61 the Amalgamated As sociation, yesterday received two weeks' pay from the lodge. Tbey are the strikers at DII wortb, Porter & Co.'s mill, and bave been out for ten months and have not lost one man. TBE IMUGURAIi FEST1Y1TIES. rroBrnmme of the Ceremonies to be Held In the East End Toendny. The General Committee on the "Washing ton Inauguration Centennial celebration in the East End met last night. The Pitts burg Driving Park has been secured for the display of fireworks. The Committee on Guns reported that they wonld secure two six-pound guns from tne arsenal for firing the salute. The following is the programme for e day's festivities: 9.30 A. if., services in all tbe East End churches. V20 p. M., salute of 13 guns, repre senting the 13 States of Washington's time, from Black Horse Hill. Tbe salute will be tbe starting signal for the parade. It will move from North Hiland to Stewart street, counter march to South HlUnd, to Walnut street, to Shady avenue to Penn avenue, to Frankstown avenue, to .Lincoln avenue, to the Pittsburg Driving Park. The mass meeting at the park will commence at 2.30. Rev. B. P. Hammond will open the meeting with prayer. "Hail Columbia" will be sang by the children. An inaugural and historical address will be de livered by the Rev. C. V. "Wilson. 'The Star Spangled Banner" will then be sung by the school children, followed bv an address from W. C. Moreland, Esq. "Then and Now," a poem, will be read by J. W. Pope, succeeded by the song,"Red,Whlte and Blue,"by the schools, "Marching Through Georgia" will be played by the Altoona Band, and an address made by J. J. Millerv "America" will be sung by the chil dren, after which George Finlev will make an address on the "Progress of East Liberty." The song "My Country 'Tis of Thee," by the whole audience, will conclude the programme. GET A PLATE OR A FINE. That Is tho Alternntire Presented to nil Owners of City Vehicles. It will be of importance to many owners to know. that this is the last week of grace for the payment ot vehicle license at' the City Treasurer's office. After to-morrow a week, any person using the streets ot the city with a vehicle, either for burden or pleasure, without a license plate thereon, will be liable to arrest on sight and pun ished by a fine of $10 and costs and the price of the vehicle plate. Vehicle Officer Bengough has districted the city, and will place a special officer in each district with instructions to see that the law is fully complied with, and he re quests that this specific notice be given in order that persons who have not yet secured their plates may do so at once and escape the annoyance and expense sure to follow a neglect to conform with the requirements of the ordinance. Caution is also given to persons who have secured license plates to attach them to their vehicles at once, as a failure to do so makes them as liable under the ordinance to fine and costs as if they had failed to secure their plates. BONDS ALL APPR0TED. A Rumor of Judge White's Return to the City Yesterday. It was rnmored yesterday that Jndge "White had returned home. He was not around the Court House, however. During the afternoon Judge Ewing reconvened the License Court for the purpose of approving the bonds that had been filed in place of tbe ones that were rejected. All were approved with the exception of the case of B. T. Carothers, of McKeesport, who has not yet filed a bond in place of the rejected one. Clerk of Courts McGunnegle yesterday commencel to issue the licenses, and of the retail ones, all were taken out but 44. Only a few of the wholesale ones have yet been taken out. It is desired to finish" up the work on Monday, Tuesday being a holiday, and the 'officials desiring to clean up the matter before then. Tbe First ward liquor dealers yesterday formed a strong organization. Tbey, will try to get license rehearings. After that the licensed members will protect them selves against unlicensed dealers. PROHIBITION ADDRESSES. The Programme of the W. C. T. V. for This Afternoon and Evening. A. C. Rankin will speak to the working men for the "W. C. T. U. at the Moorhead Hall this evening.. Homer L. Castle will speak at the same place in the afternoon. Jn the evening he will talk in Glenwood. Mrs. Bailev will address a meeting at Salis bury Hall this afternoon, and in tbe even ing'she will speak at the Bingham Street M. E. Church. All Abont a Black-and-Tan. A bearing was had before Alderman Cas sidy yesterday in which Harry Morgan was charged with the larceny of a black-and-tan dog, valued at $50, bv Annie F. Johnston. Tbe dog had been given to the defendant's son, and the prosecutorvlearned Mr. Morgan intended to sell it, to which she objected. The difficulty was amicably adjusted, and the case was dismissed. New Officers of the A. P. A. Gustave AdolphXodge No. 33, A. P. A., of the Southside, elected the following offi cers last night: "W. M.. Hartman Scbroe der; "W. D. M., Henry Eossert; Recording Secretary, C. Brubach; Financial Secre tary, H. 'Werner; Assistant Financial Sec retary, Theodore Stubenbords; Trustee, L. Krueger, Ji.-; Representative to Grand Lodge, J. Dietz. The Charge la Embezzlement. An information was made before Alder man Cassidy yesterday by H. M. Nurse, of the Union Installment Companv. against Charles Yinger for embezzlement. The prose cutor alleges the defendant secured $96 25 worth of goods, for which he refnsei to pay. Bail was given for a hearing to-morrow. , iHisted, the famous yonng photographer, Is baking the fiawt photos eyer seen la, the vw bots haying welts May be Called by Agent O'Brien 'to Continnea Cruelty Case. ALLEGHENY'S INSTANCE EEVIYED By an Official Who Seems Determined to fellow It to the End. WERE THE BOTS THREATENED, ALSO? Eddie Giffin, one of the boys prominently mentioned in the alleged abuses at the Protestant Home for Boys on Anderson street, Allegheny, has received notice to vacate the house. Several days ago he got a letter from the Secretary of the institution, requesting him to vacate the premises as his company was no longer desired. He has been given until Mayltomake up his mind where to go. If he returns to the house he will be put out. Two other boys, who were prominently mentioned in the affair, and one of whom first brought the matter to the attention of the Humane Society, will leave on Tues day, on account of the treatment received. The managers of the Humane Society TV1M. MEET TUESDAY afternoon in their rooms in the Penn build ing to receive the report of Agent O'Brien, and instruct him what to do. Agent O'Brien is getting evidence, and has a pile of manuscript containing un sworn testimony in his office. He says if there is no influence brought to bear upon the boys' to prevent them from testifying there will be some interesting facts brought to light. Among other things will be an allegation made by one of tbe large boys who savs he happened to hear one in author ity make what was considered by them to be a serious threat. He says that after the management had been exonerated last Monday night one of them said to a number of the boys: "Yon made it hot for me last week, now I will make it hot for yon this week." "While speaking of the matter yesterday, Agent O'Brien said: "I do not know any other thing for the society to do but to go ahead. Notwithstanding the action of the Board of Managers of the home in exoner ating the Superintendent, the EVIDENCES OP SEVERITY are so palpable that we cannot get over them. If the management made the threat, to make it hot for the boys, as has been al leged, then there will be a continuation of the alleged abuses. "This would not be the first timeboys have been inbumanly treated in snch insti tutions. I got evidence in one case where a boy was thrown out of the second story window about one year ago, and had to sleep in the Allegheny lockup that night. "It has been stated in the papers that if the society pushes the case it will injure us. The people that are setting up this cry do not contribute 1 to maiutain the organiza tion, and it is not at all likely that they have been authorized to speak for those that do. Our duty in the matter is clear, and I do not think it will injure us in the least. The bine and black marks on the bodies of the small boys were not put there by them selves." ADFRECHTS ELITE GALLERY. Rivals Attempt to Use Its Name to Boost Their Business. The high reputation of Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, at 516 Market street, is shown by the fact that rivals in the business are at tempting to use the name to advertise them selves. Certain persons who were employed by Mr. Aufrecht as subordinates for a brief teriod,advertise that they had conducted the Elite for five years. This statement is wholly Incorrect.as Mr. Aufrecht has always personally managed his gallery, and now operates tbe camera himself and gives per sonal attention to all work done in his estab lishment. ' Mr. Aufrecht is not only a first-class ar tist himself, known throughout this country and even in Europe for his artistio skill, taste and experience, but he has recently employed a number of the most competent artists to take charge of the different depart ments of his extensive business. At the Elite the finest work known to the photog rapher's art is turned out at marvelonsly cheap rates considering its light quality. It is lasting, and is guaranteed never to fade. An important feature of the methods employed at the Elite is the fact that no defective work is permitted to leave the place, and to this end sittings are given and insisted upon until not merelv the patron, but the proprietor is satisfied. Children are always welcome. An elevator is accessible and every facility is offered for the comfort and convenience of patrons. All are cordially welcomed at the Elite, Ho. 516 Market street. All for That Blessed Baby. To-morrow morning at 9 o'clock we com mence a 10-day reduction sale of infants' wear. Mother Hubbard cloaks, embroidered top and bottom, during this sale, at $1 75, regular price, $3; nice cloaks, 99c, $1 25, $2 to $10; cambric slips, 15c, 19c, 25c to $1; fine robes, 75c to $6; cambric chemise, 10c, worth 20c; cambric and embroidered flan nel skirts, 35u to $3; zephyr sacks, chemise and bands, 25c up; bootees, 9c; mull em broidered bonnets, 5c to $1; cashmere and silk bonnets, 49c, worth 75c; bibs, 3c up; rubber diapers, 15c "We have just opened a new line of children's dresses in calico, gingham and seersucker, all sizes, from 8c to $3; .white cambric dresses, 2 to 16 years, 15c to $5: ladies' calico wrappers, OOc'to $1; fine batiste wrappers, $1 75 up; Jerseys, 50c to $5; corsets, 19c to $3; cambric nurse aprons, 10c; pink, blue and cream jersey ribbed vests, 15c; blonse waists, 75c to $3; regular $1 kid gloves, 50c; boys' calico waists, 15c; Star laundried waists, 69c, worth $1; our double reinforced gents' un laundried shirt, pleated bosom, 48c, beats them all; Demet flannel shirts, 49c, worth 75c. Loots Bogahneb's Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. THEUE IS ONE CARPET HOUSE In Pittsburg That Don't Depend on New York Anctlons For an opportunity to offer bargains to its customers. "We refer to Edward Groetzinger, 627 and 629 Penn avenue, who buys in such large quantities both at home and abroad, as to be able to offer better bargains all the year around than New York auction houses can do in staple grades. If a stranger to our house yon may doubt the above, and if you do, just step in this 'week and see the immense stock of best velvet carpets we are running out at $1 a yard. The same goods are sold at $1 50 per yard everywhere, and considered cheap at that. Edward Groetzisoer, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. KLEBEB. & BEO. LEAD AS USUAL. .. Wonderful Sales. The Messrs. Kleber & Bro. certainlyhave the cream of the music trade, for no one at all posted in mnsical matters will risk buy ing a piano or organ anywhere else. "What piano can compare with the great Steinway, Conover or Opera pianos, or the wonderful Vocalion church organs or Bordett organs? Kleber & Bro's prices are lower than those of other dealers and their terms of payment easier and warranty longer. The general public put more trust inKlebers' say so and their honorable dealings than in any one's else. Theirs is the boss mnsio store in this city; "Walter Histed's Society Gallery now open. 35 Fifth ave. Entrance by elevator. UeKee, the Jeweler, Has Removed To 420 Smithfield street, one floor below Diamond street. Give him a call; he can save you money. A complete new and much larger stock, than ever before dXaawsets, iwnrew, BUTWwjwe, etc. MAKSHELL? the cah grocxx. Will Save Too Blooey. We wish to make a general apolotrvtes our dnt-of-towp customers for delays which -have occurred in shipping their goods dur ing the last three weeks. Owing to confu sion incidental to the enlarging of our store, it was simply Impossible to keeD up with our orders. Although we are not yet fixed up, we have things in shape that this delay will not occur In the future. Having doubled tbe capacity of our stores, weieel as thouzh we were let loose from a straight jacket, for, before, we had scarcely room to move. "We now have the largest floor space of any retail grocer in Western Pennsyl vahia. "We have twice as many clerks, run mora delivery wagons and sell three times as many goods as any other retail grocer. "We guarantee; our weights, measures, prices and quality of goods in short, we gnarantea perfect satisfaction. If anyone is not satis fied, we will take back- the goods without expense to him. 4 Our great bargains in California e vapor- .. ated fruits are immensely popular. "We sold' one-half ton ot prunelles in one week, and have one ton left. Bnt our price 4 Bis-, V 25c did it. We can still offer California nectarines, 4 lbs., 25c; Calif, egg plums. 3n Bis., 25c; Calif, prunes, 3 lbs., 25c; Calif, j1 apricots (good), 3 lbs., 25c; Calif, evjo. T"t pears, 2 lbs., 25c; Calif, silver prunes, --J per S.; Calif, apricots (fancy), 15c per B. These prices are 50 per cent less than whole-j. sale prices. The fruits are the best. After) deducting freight and the cost of putting., them on the market, there is nothing left. ,for the man who grew them. Bnt agricul ture is the foundation of society, so theyg say, and, as usual, the fonndation is bnrieo-. away ont of sight. fJ ' Come and see our handsome fruit and tea windows, and come in and get a cup of tea?' If you don't like the tea when you drink it," don'tbuyit. aS Send for weekly price list and order by' mail. Orders amounting to $10, without ?: counting sugar, packed and shipped free oft ' charge to any point within 200 miles. " Give me a trial I will save yon money. "" Marshell, 79 and 81 Ohio st., cor. Sandusky, , Allegheny. Oar Slay Mntlc Festival. Mr. Locke, the manager, and Anton Seidl, the Director of onr approaching . Music Festival at the new Exposition Hall, anxious to make the affair a brilliant suc cess in every detail, have engaged Mile, Aus der Ohe, the grea,t pianist, and, as ia all their public concerts heretofore, a splen; did Steinway concert grand piano. They" . , say that Pittsburg shall not be behind any r of the other great cities in the way ot hav ing the best of everything. Gllmore'sBand Versos Piano.. Patrick S. Gilmore, the leader of the,, famous Gilmore Band, which will perform'' here next week, always nses a piano in his .. concerts, and realizing the difficulty of such an instrument showing off to any sort of., advantage beside a large orchestra, Mr. Gilmore critically examined the pianos of all the first-clasi makers and decided that only the Steinway could fill the bill. He' has, therefore, been nsing none but Stein way's in his public concerts. Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Speclnltv. Personal attention given to watchwork a complete new stock oi diamonds, watches, ifwelry, clocks, silverware, etc. Jamei MaKee, Jeweler, 420 Smithfield street, formerly 13 Fifth ave. Very low prices. Bargains in second-hand carriages and buggies of every description. Largest stock in the city. Thos. S. CNeii & Co., 5821-5825 Penn ave., E. E. , Ladies take Angostura Bitters generally -, when they feel low spirited. It brighten t them np. - WE HAVE PUTisjjls, Forth our best efforts to secure a spring stock Jjpf of Dress Fabrics at prices that will save,yoat money, and admit at a selection ot choice andry ' artistio weaves In zzz FOREIGir DRESS GOODS. Silk values unsurpassed. Best qualities of Black Dress Silks. Surahs, Failles and Printed Indias. Short lengths of plain and fancy Silks at bargain prices. t An Immense variety of new weaves in BLACK DRESS FABRICS. Silk warp specialties from SI and up. Black Henriettas, 65c, 75c and JL i EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. Trimmings and Buttons I Underwear. Hosiery, t to match Uress uoocs. uorsets ana uioves. .j Ladies' and Children's Suits. Side Band Noveltie. nice Quality Frenos) Suitings, J12, S15 and $18. Handsome trimmed suits. P5, $20, S2S. : Two toned suits, $15, $18, $25. Black cashmere suits, $12,- $15 to $20. t '- Black Henrietta suits, $16, $18, $20. 'Jl Latest styles for Children and Misses' Cloth.1 "" Suits, nraid trimmed, $Z and up. Cashmere Suits, metallic trimmings, $4 anS -, np. "We are selling jaunty lace sleeve and bead -grenadier mantalette at 53 50. Full-beaded, silk-lined mantalette specialtiet , at $3, $4. $5 to $25. - ' Faille silk, lace and bead or braid sQk-llneo mantles, $9, $10, 1 15 at d 520. - - BIBER I EABTDN, 605 AND 507 MARKET ST. 3 apl3-TTSSU LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROT 'j. Has been a pronounced favorite with everyone.' familiar witn tne cnarming story, x no popular Fanntlerov Sashes are more in demand thaa ever. We have an elegant assortment in all colors for Ladles, Misses and unudrea. THE LATEST NOVELTY. Ladies' Blouse Sets in fine black and white Mulls, handsomely trimmed in fancy tinsel braidings. OTJR GLOVE DEPARTMENT Has been made more attractive by a full Una of Silk Gloves and Mitts for summer wear. , Fine Eons Silk Mitts for evening wear a spe cialty. Kid moves nttea ana guaianwou. Complete stoats ot FANCY HOSIERY AND FINE MtJSLIXJ UNDERWEAR. . li.ki. .v nt COTS&tSVlM Amons out rcuuio nuv - :, , i-- recommend "Her Majesty's," "A1011!?.."?! sis'sa;BttasSffi a. new P" "' JJ""."", "VhlSnT of 34 iacuon. uor uiuug touuj, ... -r--"r ;z-iZiZ1 perienced fitter, aff..rds convenience for ladWl -SPECIAL-Corsets made to order. orders receive prompt attention. jt 11 riNE- FURHl$H,Ng& Jy Sm aoics in BIZ PEN tr-Tkfta NME BQBUBGf V fcfil w 1 --.. - T I I iL ' ' , tt s I. , ... ' - grmmmtmmm -- -jJiei'iti'-iiiiTiiiiiiiiliii 'ill 'i nil jfrgJiftBtfgiiiyiiMg t