Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 28, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 19, Image 19

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' E.
Eesest H. Heixbichs.
rwEinsjr toe th disfatch.i
OBEBT had fin
ished his education
at the old school in
the Tillage, rhere
his father and
mother lived, and
he was now of an age
when a healthy and
strong hoy vrith a
true spirit of devel
oping manhood and
independence wants
to learn a trade. Tbe
village in which the
boy's parents lived
was but a small one,
and outside of the
tailor and the shoe
maker there were no
tradesmen living there. All the rest
of the men, Robert's father among
them, were farmers. Now, Kobert
did not like the life of a farmer. It
was too quiet and too much like slavery to
him. Xbt that he despised a farmer, how
ever. He was a good son and he loved his
father dearly. But Eobert was of an enter
prising, active disposition, and the unevent
ful existence of a farmer did not suit his
restless character.
"When his school time was over, therefore,
he resolved to learn a trade. He did not
know which one he would like best. He
meant to find that out after while. So one
beautiiul morning he packed his valise
"with the most necessary things a man wants
when he goes on a long journey; then he
went to his father and mother and bid them
"Where are you going, Eobert?" both
exclaimed with" astonishment, as they saw
the young man standing before them,
equipped for a journey.
"I am going away to learn a trade," he
replied. "This place is too small for me.
and there is nothing to do here for a boy as
I am. I am going into the city for a couple
of years, where I can learn a trade and
make a name and fortune for myself."
The old people saw that Ibeir son was de
termined and they thought it better to let
him have his own way. Sothey wished him
God speed and good luck and told him not
to forgetjhis ..parents and come back after
some time."' Eobert promised that and then
he departed.
He had traveled for many a day and many
a month, but still he had not found the
business he liked. He had been working
with several masters, but somehow or other
Eobert grew tired of his job and left. One
day he was sitting on the bank of a beauti
ful lake and noticed a boat gliding over the
smooth surface of the waters. There was a
man sitting in the boat who was feathering
the oars in a leisurely manner, while the
boat continued to float noiselessly along.
Eobert looked at the man and his boat lor
a long time, when he murmured to him
self: "Well, now, rowing must be the most
pleasant thing in the world. The man
seems to enjoy the fun amazingly. I won
der whether he would allow me to have a
row wi'h him. I will call him and hear
' what he has to say."
He shouted out and beckoned the man in
the boat toward him. "When the owner of
the boat heard Eobert he came ashore and
invited him to accompany him. "While the
oars were dipping the water and the boat
-"was quietly moving along over the beauti
ful lake Eobert told the man all about him
self. "So you did not like to be a farmer; what
. would you like to do then ? Have vou not
been able to find a trade suitable at all?"
".No, sir," replied tbe young man. "I
have not been able to find a job that I
would like. "What I have to complain of
most, is that everything seems to be hard
work and I don't like that. I would be
glad to learn anything where I had the op
portunity to make a lot of money without
any trouble and exertion. But hard work
I do not like, it makes me tired so quick."
"Oh! oh!" said the boatman, "that is
the way you feel about the matter. You
are lazy, I should say. Look here, my boy,
any trade is a good one, if you only work at
it hard enough, and with an earnest inten
tion to make a success. All work is equally
ennobling to the man who labors honestly
and diligently. Now I think it will be a
very good thing for you if I give you a les
Bon that will be of service to you for all
your life." The boatman had no more than
uttered these words when Eobert suddenly
noticed that the boat 'began to roll
and to pitch. The young man anxiously
grasped at the side of his seat to prevent
himself from falling into the water. But
the motion of the boat increased more and
more. The waves ran over each other and
rolled up mountain high. It was too much
for Eobert; he could not hold himself any
longer, for an immense wave came with ter
rific force against the side of the boat. It
turned over, and the young man fell into
tbe lake. Soon the waters swallowed him
up, and they closed in over him like a lid
on a-Ix)i.
Unconsciousness overcame him imme
diately after he fell into the water, but he
7nf :Jr
; awoce again and to his utter astonishment
'-' found himself on dry land. It was a pecu-
liar place, the young man thought. The
" ground was hard and rocky, but still there
. i were lots of trees growing everywhere. A
' beautifnLUght shone over all the land, but
.- v where itcsme from Eobert could not imag
ine. The sky above was as bine as the
fazure heavens that expanded over the bean--4tiful
fields around his native village. But
lie could not see a sun or a moon, or even a
- star, above him. The young man was be
wildered. He stood and looked at his sur
roundings as if he were enchanted or dream
ing,, Suddenly he was awakened from his rev
erie by' the approach ot three men all
dresseainred clothes, with black turbans
on their .heads. Neither of them spoke a
word. They walked straight np to Eobert,
and while one of them took hold of him by
the neck the others caught him by the legs.
Then they carried him away, and all the re
sistance and expostulation on tbe young
prisoner s part vas in vain. J.ue uiree men
held him as tightly as if his limbs were
screwed in a rise, and did not stop until
they came to a large building. This struct
ure was or wood, but in front stood a very
com Viable chair, in which Eobert noticed
the boatman with whom he had been rowing
on the UVe not long ago. He lifted his
hand to the three men andrthey stood still
before him.
'ioir nut th tlntiKir down!" he aim.
xnandtd ot the three in red, and when Eob
(ert stood on the ground the man in the chair
Ibeckoned him to come forward.
K'Toung man," he said, "you have told
IBP that VOU do nntl;lr"uvM-lr Iml run nre
I&nd of lots of money. ToS'shall have just
what you' want, and I hope you will enjoy
After he had spoken he made another sign
to the three in red, and again they took
hold of him and carried him away. None
of them ever spoke to him. They continued
their walk quietlv, hut at it good pace. At
last they arrived at a broad river, where
they found a boat moored. The three men
carried Eobert into the boat, then they
pnshed offatid in a few moments were glid
ing over the waters.
"Where are you taking me to?" inquired
the young men ol the three mysterious look
ing boatmen, but they did not take the
slightest notice of his question. They con
tinued rowing as if they had not heard any
thing. "If you do not tell me where we are going
I will jump into the water and drown my
self!" shouted Eobert, and he got up to get
ready for a leap into the river, but before
he could accomplish anything one of the
oarsmen caught him by the neck, threw
him into the bottom of the boat and tied
him to one of the seats. He realized now
I I.
that he had better keep quiet and resign
himself to his fate. About half an hour
elapsed, when suddenly the boat stopped.
The three men pulled their oars into the
boat One of them unloosened Eobert, then
the three took hold of him and lifted him
ont of the boat on to shore. The next min
ute they pushed off again and Eobert was
left alone.
He looked around and found that he was
standing on solid gold. At first he could
hardly believe his eyes. He stooped down
and examined the ground. "True enough!"
he exclaimed, "all pure gold!"
Then he went along to see whether it was
everywhere the same. The result of his in
vestigation proved this: Eobert was on
an island about two miles square, composed
of solid gold. The surface was as smooth
as a table. Not a tree grew anywhere. In
fact Eobert saw nothing but the sky above
him. gold beneath him. He walked some
what farther into the island when he came
to a house, which was built of golden coins
of all the countries of the world. He
noticed the corner beams were all made out
$50 gold pieces. The walls were made of
English sovereigns, the window sills of
German 20-mark pieces and the sashes of
10 and 20 francs. The roof consisted of
golden shingles and the panes in tbe win
dows were of transparent gold. Eobert was
amazed. He opened tbe door of the house.
In the first room he ound a table, chairs
sofa, all made out of golden coins from Eus
sia, Spain and Italy. Then he walked into
another room. Here was a table of gold
again, covered with the most delicious
viands, venison,vegetables, in fact anything
to please the most dainty palate. Wines
and other liqnors of various kinds and
brands were there, from ginger ale to the
best champagne. All these things were
real. There was no gold on them, although
thev were on golden dishes.
""Well, now 1" cried Eobert, "this is not
so bad. I guess I will try these things."
Then he sat down and enjoyed himself in
true epicurean style. When he was thor
oughly satisfied he got up and examined
the rest of the house. He found gold every
where; in every room and cupboard, noth
ing but gold. Even the bed was golden,
and he found it pretty hard to lie on.
Eobert, for a day or two, thought himself
in Paradise. He had plenty to eat and
good things to eat and be had loads of
money. What else did he want ?
After a week, however, he became already
tired of his life. He had nobody to talk to.
He had nothing to spend the time with,
and eating be could not always be at. To
occupy himself he began one day to walk
around the island and see how many steps
it would take. But that soon became
monotonous, too. Then he remained in his
house. He. now counted how many gold
coins there were in each corner beam of the
house. But that did not take him long,
and again he had nothing to do. He racked
his brains to think of something to occupy
himself with. At night, while lavine on
the hard bed, he could not sleep, because he
had eaten too much. In the morning he
got np wretched and miserable. After a
month he was almost crazy, ana he resolved
to jump into the water which surrounded
tbe island. So he did. But as soon as he
made a jump into the water the waves re
ceded, and Eobert lit with his back on the
hard bottom of the sea. He hurt himself
awfully, and as he could not drown him
self, he went limping back to his golden
"Oh, that I were back home again," he
cried one day. "I would work with my
father on the farm as hard as any laboring
No sooner had he said so than the boat
man of the lake stood before him.
"Well, how do you like a life of ease
with lots of money? I suppose you are
happy now?"
"No; not at all," replied Eobert. "I wish
I had something-to do to spend my time. I
do not care a fig for all the gold in tbe
"All right, my fine man, come along with
me and I will give you a job."
He took the young man back to the river,
where a boat awaited them. They rowed
back to the conotry where the boatman
lived. Arrived there he said to Eobert:
"Now, I will see whether vou are really
fond of work. If you are I will reward you
well. Come along. We have had a battle
here, and there are 1,000 bodies lying near
here on a battlefield. If yon will promise
me to bury them all, I will make you not
only a rich but also a happy man."
Eobert promised, and he went at once to
work on tne battlefield to dig graves for the
fallen warriors. It took him a long time to
do it, and it was hard work, but still he was
more satisfied with himself now than he was
when he lived on the golden island.
When ills task was accomplished, the old
boatman shook Eobert joyfully by the hand.
"All right, my boy, now come with me and
receive your reward." He led him to the
boat in which they first rowed together on
the lake, and in a few seconds thev were
back again on the smooth waters. Eobert
did not know how it had happened, and he
did not care. When the boat got ashore,
the boatman gave Eooert three trees.
"When you get home plant them in your
father's garden. They will all bloom and
hear fruit. One will give you happiness,
the other long life and the third competency.
That is all a man wants in this life."
Then the boatman disappeared, and
Eobert went home, where he planted the
three trees, and fonnd everything as he had
been promised.
Beauty In a Blush.
Boston Courier.
A natural blush showing itself through a
clear complexion is like tbe tint on the pe
tals of the moss rose, something that cannot
be imitated by art, and at the same time one
of the most beautiful things in nature. And
yet there are young women who write to
story papers asking lor a cure for blushing I
Charming Lakes and Historic Isles
Captivate a Word Painter.
flow a Dispatch. Contributor Secured a Tip
From a Countryman.
Xxllaenet, Ieeland, April IB. There
is a curious similitude between the outlook
of great minds, and one peculiarity in the
outlook from the peaks of high mountains.
The great mind elevates all lesser minds,
facts and objects to the noble heights of its
own generous comprehensiveness and abne
gation; while the higher one ascends a
mountain, in proportion, more lofty do
lesser surrounding peaks, and the more in
significant does your own gained ascent, ap
pear. The reverse of this, in descent, is as
true of mountains as with mind and men.
I had no just conception of the grim and
mighty cliffs of Carrantuohill when with
the sky I was above them; but in the long
descent to the valley of Coom-a-dhuv, which
brought me on the Killarney side of the
Macgillicuddy Eeeks, for the first time a
sense of awe possessed me. Their base skirts
the western shore of the Upper Lake. Any
where along this the towering mass rises al
most perpendicularly 3,400 feet overshadow
ing the island-dotted lake. The black crags
here and there push through the white com
mingled clouds and snow, giving at times
an appalling sense of apprehension lest the
next glance you give they may topple down
upon you; and this grewsome feeling is in
tensified as now and then glimpses are
caught of Carrantuohill's accompanying
peaks which appear and disappear through
the changing mists above.
Opposite, to the east, the scene is almost
duplicated across the lake. Mangarton
Mountain, upward of 2,700 feet, and Tore
Mountain, over 1,700 high, neither capped
by snow, but the peaks of each similarly
wreathed in fleecy clouds, loom and glower
from their heights, or show dark and for
bidding escarpments above billowy swells of
forests, reaching from the valleys below.
Exactly between these two noble groups
lies Upper Lake Killarney, like a sapphire
set round with emerald whose edges are
peaked with reliefs of cameo in black and
white. After a wide detour I crossed the
little Owenreach river, a boisterous singing
vagrant here, and climbed across hill and
heather, finally reaching the great highway
called the "Prince of Wales route," leading
from Glengariff to Killarney, where this
magnificent road first turns tne mountain
side, giving the tourist by long-car, or legs,
the first view of the surpassing panorama
which at one sweep comprehends the great
mountains on either side and tbe witching
lakes between. This is certainly the most
entrancing view at Killarney; it is by all
odds the most entrancing prospect in Ire
land; and I do not believe a more beautiful
sight can be found in the whole world.
While sitting upon a ledge of rocks he
side the highway, resting in tbe sweet April
day and dreamfully contemplating the scene
before me, I was pleasantly disturbed to
afterward first know by actual experience
the substantial rewards of a vagrant's life in
a tourist land. The long car, filled with
tourists and a small mountain of hampers
piled above the "well" between the hanging
side seats, lumbered up the southern ascent
from Kenmare, and came to its customary
halt to enable tourists to enjoy the nnsual
prospect. Among the passengers were a
couple of Etonian under-graduates and an
English milord and milady with their chil
dren and servants, all of whom were in an
aggressive-defensive attitude of silent scorn
toward an innocent pair from our own loved
land. The latter were a little bald, nut
headed gentleman with a bent, poddy body,
suggesting a polished pebble set in the end
of a banana, and his good, honest American
wife, twice his height and four times his
girth. The man was the embodiment of
nervous activity and enthusiasm; the
woman of adipose and repose: and both.
having dulv paid their "booking," were
placidly oblivious of the ethical injuries
they had inflicted all the way from Cork
upon their fellow-travelers.
Everybody alighted hut the calm Amer
ican woman. In serene composure she
watched her side of the long-car settle nearly
to the ground; but she kept her seat.
"Come down, Maw, do," urged the little
man, bringing into instant use a pair of
field-glasses, each tube of which was as large
as the "Lone Fisherman's" stage telescope.
"Maw, this is wonderful, wonderful, won
derfull" At the sound of these last three words
milord winced, milady elevated her eye
brows, the Etonians readjusted their eye
glasses, and the servants looked dignified
and grave.
"No; guess I'll let well enough alone,"
murmured the little man's large wife.
"Maw, this is wonderful, wonderful, won
derful!" repeated the American, sweeping
the scene with his glasses, filling the En
glish delegation with another series of shud
derings and backing into me as he spoke.
"You'll step on that man there. Paw, if
you don't use your eyes," cautioned the
wife from the long-car.
"Bless me, yes; wonderful, wonderful,
wonderfnl! Peasantry right here in the
mountings. See here, Pat," he continued,
addressing me, "you good-for-nothing dyna
mite Irishmen do'n't deserve this wonderful
kentry, darned if you dol"
"Thrue for yez, yer honor," I replied
"See that, Maw?" with a wink to his
wife. Thinks I'm one o' tbeni high rollers.
Well, well, well! Pat, here's a a guess
its a half crown, or something 'r other.
There, now, brace up. Go to my country.
Get a clean shirt. Be a a well, 'git
there!' "
"God bliss yer honor!" I responded,
thanking him heartily. "May the top o"
yer head never folly yer hair!"
"Maw! sav, Maw? Did you hear that?
Irish wit, by Golly! Well, well, well!
Wonderful, wondenul, wonderful! Live
long 'round here, Pat?"
"Indade did L .For ages."
The English contingent winced; the
worthy man gave me another shilling; and
his good wife from the tilting long-car
wished the little man "wouldn't make such
a fuss over every poor creature in Ireland,"
"Well, well, Pat, what's the name o that
"Carrantuohill's the same."
"Some sort of er story er legion
about it, I s'pose?" .
"Divil doubt that, sor. But wan stud
there at first. St. Patrick was carin' lor
two hills. So one fine mornin' another stud
beside it."
"Wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful 1" ex
claimed the American, writing the same
down on a business-card as big as his hand,
while his traveling companions writhed
again. "And that further one?"
"Tore, sor. Tore bekase that's a wild
boar, and ye'll find 'em there this hlissed
minute with tusks 'on 'em the length o'
yer arm, sor."
"Goodness gracious! But that is wonder
ful. Maw, did you hear that? And that
mounting over there, Pat?"
"Mangarton, i-or."
"Jess so. Kinder Dutch, hain't it
S'pose some Dutchman settled there, long
while ago, eh? Wonderful how these
things stick to places!"
He had me there, and I should have.'
rocen aown entirely it milord, witn a loud
gunaw in wnicn tne undergraduates join
had not ascended tbe car, and with Jul
suppressed snorts and indignation, ordred
the drireT to proceed. This took mvifittle
friend from me on the ran; but aiftr his
able-bodied wife had dragged. hini liW the
ground to his seat on the long car, and held
him in it by one arm, he turned and, ges
ticulating enthusiastically with the other
and the field glasses, yelled from the rapidly
disappearing vehicle: "Come ,to my hotel,
Pat. Don't know the name. Best one,
anyhow. Want to know more about this
wonderful kentrv. Make it all right.
Darned if I don't!"
I should recommend to all tourists who
intend visiting Killarney, to come to this
rezion as did the kind little man and his
calm big wife by railway from Cork to
Bantry and Glengariff, and thence bv long
car through Kenmare, over one of the finest
roads in Great Britain. For over ten m.les
of this highway, from the point where I sat
and exchanged Irish information for En
glish silver, the entire three lakes are for a
time wholly in view; all their grandest scen
ery is thus enjoyed; and much of that which
is entrancing in detail is possible of idle
and pleasant inspection. This is true of no
other accessible and leisurely traveled way
in the vicinity of Killarney. It is not eveh
possible from the peak of Carrantuohill, as
this is too remote from much that is exquis
itely beautiful requiring closer study.
It is not a half hour's leisurely row from
end to end ot Upper Lake Killarney. Yet
half a month could be well expended enjov
ing its beauties and grandeur. Completely
distinct from Middle and Lower Lakes in
the character of its scenery, the wildest
grandeur surrounds it, and yet the most ex
quisite and tender beauties are nestled in
its bosom and along its winsome shores.
The 12 islands within it are almost, without
exception, nests of verdure. On every side
mountains pierce the clouds. Between
these and the shores there maybe seen every
manner of conformation of land, rock, run
ning stream and softening forest, creatable
by imagination or securable by human sight.
One cannot tire of it. Passing
from Upper Lake into Long Eange,
which carries its waters to the
north into its two companion lakes,
the world-famous Eagle's nest rises almost
perpendicularly 1,700 feet. Its base is
spread with the richest foliage; but its
grand facades and jutting cliffs are bare.
Here tbe eagle breeds and wheeling screams
above these glens of untellable beauty; and
here is undoubtedly the most wonderful
echo in the world. Buglers accompany
tourists to wake the silvery notes; Crocker
records six perfect answers; and my own
boatman's vocal call, a curiosity in itself,
came back to us in surprising repetitions
and wondrous sweetness.
The chief characteristic of the Lower Lake
is simple and tranquil beauty. While un
doubtedly as fascinating in this respect as
any bther sheet of water in Great Britain,
nowhere does the element of grandeur enter
into it. Its nearest approach is at its south
ern entrance at Glena. The mountain range
extending northwest along the western rim
of the lake here reaches closest to the shore,
shutting in lovingly the bav and glen with
a mountain-glen of surpassing loveliness.
Around the witching peninsula and sweep
ing into the southeast is another bay of
transcendent beauty, above whose shores
upon a little knoll", though quite hidden
within the dense forest foliage of the Her
bert demesne, is Muckross Abbey. Sacred
are its memories, enchanting its surround
ings, and incalculable the prose and poetic
descriptions which the beautiful old ruin
has evoked. This is equally true of "sweet
Innisfallen" island, nestling like a bird of
emerald plumage within the "blue waters,
midway between the eastern and western
shores. There are no such oak and ash
trees, hollies and evergreens in all Ireland
as upon this enchanted islet. Here were
written the celebrated "Annals of Innis
fallen," now in the Bodliean Library, and
the ruins of its once famous abbey are scat
ted everywhere "beneath its gigantic ever
greens and flowering shrubs.
From the summit of the grim old castle
ruin a delightful outlook can he had; but
the chief interest in the place lies jn the
fact that the once almost impregnable place
was the last in Munster to surrender, and
that needlessly, in 1652, when 5,'000 Mun
ster men laid down their arms because of
an old prophecy that the place could not be
taken until ships of war an impossible
thing should surround it General Lud
low provided boats holding 120 men each to
reconnoiter by water for a convenient land
ing place, and npon seeing these and the
suppositious fulfillment ot the prophecy,
the besieged incontinently surrendered.
a long, tortuous vallev, threaded by the
torrent-like river Loe. which expands into
several weird lakes, above all of which
tower fierce and forbidding crags; a score of
water-falls and cascades, any one of which
are superior in beauty to our famed Minne
haha; countless mountain ascents, and in
numerable witching glens and valleys, not
to speak of the dirty little town of Killarney
itself, are all to visit and enioy; and there
can be no bound set to time thus needed.
But there are two or three qualities in the
charm of Killarney of which I have seen no
mention, and which, to me, seem to com
prise that indescribable, intangible some
thing which holds the world-traveler to this
spot as his first and last idolatry in nature.
One of these is the ever present films of
cloud ceaselessly stretching their witching
reaches across mountains and mingling with
the forest undulations themselves. Let the
upper skies be never so clear and radiant,
these soft and ghostly painters are e verat work
weaving their tender spells. Another is
a rare and infinite contrast, though ever
blended seeming, in all the marvelous foliage
of this sylvan spot And still anoth
er cannot be told. It is alone felt. It is
the heart throb that the soul gives back to
nature in her sweetest form and mood; not
derness between a loving nature and the nature-loved.
These are the" true witch-wands
of Killarney, which even in a dumb, yet
sure, way make the tongue of the sodden
peasant eloquent in the true Irish bull he
utters musingly:
"Killarney 'indade! Faith there's none
like it but itself!"
Edgar L. Wakeman.
Story of a Drummer's Courtship and Its
Unbnppy Ending.
Savannah News. J
A wealthy gentleman of Jefferson county,
who can truthfully boast of being the pos
sessor of as pretty a daughter as can be
found in a day's journey, was very much
carried away with a clashing young com
mercial tourist who had been attentive to
the young lady for some time. He re
marked that he was a real nice fellow, and
gave all tho encouragement a young man
wanted. Now, the drnmmer had been using
all his wits to stand in with the old man,
and had kept him well supplied with chew
ing gum, presumably to make the tie of
friendship more adhesive. Things moved
along smoothly until a week or so ago,
when the young'lady gave her admirer the
mitten. The old gentleman, a few days
later, received from his drummer friend a
bill for chewing gum to the amount of 55.
Twelve Million Children Being Tansht tho
Evil Results of Drink.'
St. Louts Globe-Democrat. 3
Twelve millions of children are reported
to be under instruction in public schools on
the influence of alcohol and other stimu
lants as well as narcotics. Total abstinence
is favored in all cases hy this instruction,
andthere is no doubt but the next genera
tion will come forward with, a prejudice
against drinking habits. All the New
JBngland States, with New York, Pennsyl-
vauf uu A.unuic, us nejl&S WU OOUIU
ern and three or four Western States,
have laws compelling temperance educa
tion. The Territories, also, are controlled by a
United States law to the same effect. This
"work is slower-than prohibition,, but it is
surer auiu saier.
Georges Ohnet, perhaps the most popular
of French novelists, has just published a
powerful story which invades the realm of
religion and deals with -materialism from
the standpoint of fiction. Dr. Eameau, the
hero, is an atheist, who is at last brought to
he a Christian by the recoil of his own ma
terialistic ideas by their disastrous work
ing out in his own family.
The Doctor falls in love withji charming
girl who is a Eonian Catholic. They are
married. The years pass. He robs her of
her faith; and she retorts by robbing him of
his honor. Her frailty is known by an old
physician intimate alike with husband and
wife, who reproaches her for her departure
from virtue.
"It is he," cries she, "who is responsible
for my shame. How can he call it a crime
for me to yield to the forces of the senses
he who believes only in matter? For him
human beings are guided only by their in
stincts. He put them on a, level with a
brute. By what should I be held back?
By the sentiment of duty? But this senti
ment is conscience, and conscience is the
soul. You know well he does not believe
in it. My ears ring now with his sneers at
my poor 'mind full of superstition, as he
calls it, when I have attempted to defend
my faith. He has broken down all the bar
riers that would have restrained me. The
commandments of my God prescribed fidel
ity and respect; he has declared that no God
exists and the heavens are. empty. My
motherinstructed me from infancy that one
must be pure and good in this life in order
to be recompensed in eternity; he has
proven to me that nothing remains after
"Ah, madam," interjects the physician,
"remember how your husband idolizes
She meets this thrust with another out
burst: "What does he love in me? He enjoys
possession of me because I am young. He
is a materialist, and his passion is only for
matter; nothing could be more abject, more
vulgar and outrageous, than this desire.
He would none of my dreams; he repulsed
all my ideals. He wanted a wife as he
wanted a dinner no more nor less and he
took me. He has disgusted me, and there
fore I repeat, not hy hazard but deliber
ately, not to defend myself but to accuse
him, that he is the cause of all."
Thus does fiction assail materialism. Are
not its blows well directed? If there be no
God, if the soul is a myth, if immortality is
a fable, if conscience is a rhetorical flour
ish, why, then, was not that weeping cul
prit right? If we are as the beasts that per
ish, why curb our animal instincts and de
sires? The maxim of the epicurean school,
Cum vivimus vivamus (let us live while
we live) is the soundest, the only philoso
phy. Virtue is an empty name. The only
tie between man and man and between man
and woman is the tie of inclination. Eelax
this and everything falls to pieces. Just as
soon as Dr. Eameau saw this, and felt it in
his own experience, he drew out of his athe
ism as one might draw out of a quicksand,
and made haste to regain the solid ground
of faith, hope and charity. 'Tis a suggestive
Questions for Philosophers.
Skeptics are fond of asking questions.
Well, it is easier to ask them than to auswer
them. But why should not Christians play
Yankee, too?
See here, you philosophers, tell us now, if
the Bible is the work of impostors, how
were a huddle of ignorant fishermen able to
extemporize the character of Jesus Christ,
and to formulate a religion which surpasses
all others? If the New Testament can be
found in .Eschylus and Epictetus and Con
fucius and Buddha, how is it that they did
not produce the New Testament, and so save
us the necessity of reproducing it? Where
does Christianity get its transforming power?
How does the faith of Jeans make Paul the
Apostle out of Saul the persecutor, and a
saint out of a Magdalen, and a Christian
out of John Newton, tbe slave trader, and
a hero of benevolence out of Jerry McAuley,
the converted river thief?
Oh. playing Yankee is rare sport! When
the philosophers have answered these ques
tions, we wui U5& some more.
The World Moving.
Galileo was right; the world does move.
A railroad is to be built from Jerusalem to
Jaffa, on the Mediterranean, 31 miles dis
tance, the ancient port of the Jewish Capi- I
iol n .1 41.A In.inn til... mP .1. .. AnJn .
tai, uuu hue louuiug pmtc ui tuc vcuara
with which the temple was constructed.
A Jerusalem Jew, Joseph Nabon by
name, who is an Ottoman subject, has ob
tained from the Sultan a charter for this
purpose. The charter holds good for 71
years. The estimated cost of construction
is ?250,000. So then hereafter civilization
is to be domesticated in Palestine. The
nineteenth century will arrive in those parts
when the first locomotive puffs into Jeru
salem. Idens Must be on Time.
A distinguished writer, in an article on
"Success in Life," maintains that success is
largely an affair of right emphasis. At
tend: Some people find fault because a few
have so much influence in politics, in busi
ness, in society, and even in church. They
seem to forget that it is inevitable, and ap
plies even in childhood and youth. In
every school and on every playground a
fen dictate the policy, and lead in fun and
hard work, in thought and action, because
of the emphasis they place upon what they
say and do. It is skill in emphasis that
usually determines success. If it is known
how dnyone emphasizes life, it is easy to
estimate the probabilities of success.
Emphasis in life is much like emphasis
in reading. The first principle iu each case
is to emphasize ideas, not words. There is
a radical difference between the two.
Superintendent GeorgeHowlandrof Chi
cago, read "Evangeline" to one of the gram
mar schools of that city one Friday after
noon a vear ago and I chanced to be nresent
when the pupils read their compositions on
the reading. A bright little foreign boy
wrote: "I thought so great a man would
read very loud, but he didn't. I thought
he would emphasize it lots, but he never
emphasized a word; but oh, my, didn't he
picture the story, though 1 I shall see it as
long as I live." This is a vivid illustration
of emphasis, upon ideas rather than words.
This principle holds iu life. Success de
pends upon magnifying essentials. Some
people tire us in their talk because they
dwell upon minor details about which we
care nothing, while others fascinate us by
giving the pith of a story so that we do not
wish a word omitted.
This is a land and age of progress. A
morning paper is of little valne in the evening.-
No one reads tbe paper to see what
the weather has been. An old story is
termed a "chestnut," and tbe world has no
use for it. The world pays a premium for
ideas, but they must be "on time;" A
man's life must show on the face -of it that
every word and act tells, and that he has
not done the best he will ever do.
Bonntllnl Nature.'
It is a noteworthy and blessed fact that
all the elemental and essential forces in na
ture are bountiful. Whoever had occasion
to complain of a scant supply of sunshine ?
Or of its poor quality unless he strained it
through the atmosphere of a city where
bituminous coal is burned ? Where are the
lungs which are deprived of their just quota
of pure air unless self-deprived by ignor
ance and stupidity? Whose are the lips
that have never known the taste of water,
and an abundance of it? "God civeth to
all liberally,, and upraideth not4" And tbe
abundance of these elements is equaled by
their quietude and unpretentious useful
ness. The sunshine comes to nature and
human nature and says: "Here I am, ready
and eager, to vitalize you." The air comes
and says: "Just open your month and
throw back your shoulders so. Now swal
lowl" The water comes and says: "Art
thouathirst? art thou travel-stained? T
bring thee refreshment and cleansing."
Beautiful types of the intellectual and
spiritual world Suggestive symbols of the
abundance and usefulness of thousands of
quiet and unpretentious lives! "Oldlzaak
Walton," exclaims a charming master of
English, "with his fishingrod and his quaint
conceits. Is read to-day, while hundreds of
blustering orators, who made a great stir in
the world while Izaak was quietly fishing,
are as unknown as the buried grandees of
Nineveh. Charles Lamb and Cowper and
Coleridge and Hawthorne and Washington
Irving are exerting an influence to-day
upon every school boy's mind, while their
cotemporaries in Parliament and Congress
and on the stump, who could
stamp and rave and tear passion to
tatters, must be sought for with a magnify
ing glass. What a quiet, unpretentions
meal that was in the upperroom, and yet no
royal feast ever exerted such an influence
or will be commemorated so long! The call
which Peter and John heard and obeyed,
"Follow Me," was very quietly uttered and
quietly heeded, but the destinies of the
world apparently hung" upon that call and
that acceptance. Eobert Eaikes was a
humble, common place man, but his Sun
day school has done more to transform and
strengthen the church than all the eloquent
sermons ot the last centurv. Thank God
for these quiet influences which are at the
same time so potent!
Original Snssestions.
Preachers sometimes confuse those whom
they should confirm. Be simple, be direct, be
short to-day. Imitate that wise chaplain who,
during the civil war, used to preach to the regi
ment with his watch in his hand, lest he should
forget time in the contemplation of eternity.
Abe you doing anything to make the world
better, wiser, happier? IX not, why not? The
drones need no reinforcement. Idleness Is tbe
most successful recruiting sergeant in the
world. The workers art) always crying out for
recruits too often without response. Among
them there is room and a function. Stand up
and be counted.
The devil tempts most men, but idle men
tempt the devil.
What is eccentric in one country Is not ec
centric in another. Eccentricity is a matter of
latitude and longitude. To be quite correct
one would need to take his bearings and carry
with him a book of costumes and customs.gprad
uated according to the distance from the first
Selected Thonsbts.
When I can just remember, each night
before my mother put me to bed, I re
peated on my knees before her the Lord's
Prayer and tbe Apostle's Creed: rach morning
kneeling in bed 1 put up my little hands in
prayer. These lessons I am now conscious have
been of more value than all I have ever learned
from my preceptors and compeers. John Ran
dolph. What Is self-denial? Is it sackcloth on the
loinsT Is it a wooden block for a pillow? Is it
lentil pottage for the daily meal? Is it a crypt
or kennel for one's lodging? Ah. no; in all this
flesh-pinching there is often a self-pleasing.
But when the temper is up, to rule the spirit,
and over a "manly revenge" to let Christian
magnanimity triumph this is sell-denial.
Jama Hamilton.
The restless merchant, he that loves to
His brain in wealth, and lays his soul to sleep
On bags of bullion, see3 the immortal crown,
And fain would mount, but ingots keep him
Lobs Rochester, a short time before his
death, gave it in charge to me to tell an ac
quaintance for whose welfare he was much
concerned, that "even if no state of existence
were to succeed tbe present, yet ail the pleas
ures that he had ever known in sin would have
been dearly bought witn half the tortures that
he felt in the recollection of them." Bishop
What would I not give to call back to
earth my mother but for one day, on my knees
to ask her pardon tor all those little asperities
of temper, which from time to time have given
her gentle spirit naln. Ob. my friend, cultivate
filial leelings Cftariej Lamb.
A nameless man amidst a crowd that thronged
the daily mart.
Let fall a word of hope and love unstudied from
. the heart;
A whisper on the tumult thrown a transitory
It raised a brother from the dust, it saved a
soul from death.
O germl O f ountl O word of lovel O thought at
random castl
Ye were but little at the first, but mighty at
the last.
Charlet Mackay,
A Chinamnn Commits Harl-Kari and Girls
Dlcke Fun of Els Sknll.
Chicago Times.
Ah Love was the first Chinaman to break
the United States hari-kari law, and he
committed the offense in Chicago in the
summer of 1873. TJnrequitted love led to the
rash act. Ah loved a white girl to whom he
was engaged, but shortly before the nuptials
were to take place she experienced a sudden
change of heart and returned Ah Love's
letters and presents. Among the latter was
a bottle of perfumery, a set of chop-sticks, a
Chinese fiddle and a box of dried lizards im
ported at great expense from China, and
numerous other trinkets.
The body was spirited away to Ensh Med
ical College, where the students catelully
studied his system and drew lots for choice
cuts from bis remains, the head falling to
the share of a student who is now an M. D.
with an office in the Chicago Opera House
block. On a small black, wooden pedestal
in this office stands a ghastly, grinning
skull, all that's left of poor Ah Love. The
skull is much given to grinning.
Not long ago the doctor loaned his treas
ure to a female college and the girls proved
themselves capable of the most shocking
vandalism imaginable. They scribbled
poetry, cruel flings at Ah Love's unfor
tunate love affair, on his skull, and did
other mean things. For instance, across the
chin bone is written: "These are the lips
that Sullivan kissed."
At the back of the head near the base is
"Woman's love Is a bitter fruit
And however he bite it or. sips.
There's many a man wbo has lived to curse
The taste of the fruit on his lips."
Directly under this verse is the ironical
exclamation "Poor man!"
Just over the left ear is a stanza taken
from Moore's "LastEose of Summer:"
"When true hearts wither
And fond ones are flown,
Oh. who would inhabit
This bleak would alone?"
The girls were evidently well acquainted
with Ah's experience ou the stage for the
sknll was plentifully sprinkled with "Alas!
Poor Yonck," and :,I knew him well, Hor
atio." But the cruelest stab of all was the
last, a jerky little verse of six lines:
"Ah Love, you ought
Not to have shot
That sing into your shell;
Your immortal soul
Slid through tt)e hole
And went well, none can tell."
Astonishingly Heavy Weight of the Attire
Worn by Ladles.
New York Graphic!
Some girls I know have been weighing
their clothes and the result is startling.
Nobody-would .suppose to look at the deli
cate little flowers that they could trot
around under such a burden. A fur
trimmed cloak came to 6 pounds, a recep
tion dress, trimmed in jet, mounted to 8
pounds, and a little snip of a dolman that
did not keep its owner warm anvwhere
weighed 3 pounds and cost $40. it was
very pretty, and its jeweled passementerie"
was the source of its beauty and Its weight.
Of course the moral thing would be to
lie, and say tbe weight of these garments
made them ugly, but then every woman
would know better, and as long as she ad
mires jet effects shewill torture herself as a
decent master would not oppress a slave
carrying it. There are cloaks, charming
ones, gotten up for wintryest weather, that
weigh very little; some French honses have
made a specialty of them, but they are
pretty generally-left to th appreciation of
old ladies and invalids.
A CollectiOu of EnisnaM Huts for
Home CracMm.
Address communications for this department
to E. R. Chadboubit. Lewiston, Maine.
I'm a curious little curled-up imp,
My back isllke a bow;
And, tho' I've neither legs nor feet,
I'm always on the go.
In wagon and in carriage
I'm always to be found;
I never walk npon tbe earth.
Bat burrow in tbe ground.
I haven't an ounce of sense.
Of wit I've not a pound.
But with knowledge and intelligence
I always do abound.
In everything I have a place.
At beginning and at ending;
And, tho' Lam a little elf.
There's much on me depending.
Without my help none would be gay.
Brave knights would be less knightly.
And every little winsome sprite
Be sure to be less sprightly.
Without my help the grave would rave.
And ghosts in hosts appear.
Bald-beaded gents, sedate and grave,
Wlgless, be filled with fear
To lose their wigs and goggles, too;
Bat, much: more to be dreaded.
The gay, the grave, the girls and gents
Would surely be beheaded.
I've told you all I dare to tell
Witbout to you confessing
My name in full, which, you will find.
Is only got by guessing.
568 phonetic chaeade.
As I went out among the men,
1 saw a hoy whose name was ; ,
And while I stood and watched them hay,
I saw a bird, it was ;
I also saw a pretty wren
Come out and linger with tbe .
I turned my steps to the forest, where
Among the hazel Tsaw a ;
And close to the border I did espy
A large and beautiful field of .
But night was coming, I had to run
To reach my home ere tbe setting .
Now put together all these things
And a noted man before you springs.
An old king, a beautiful princess and a page
were imprisoned in a high tower to which there
was but one opening, a window ISO feet from
the ground. The only means of escape was af
forded by a rope which passed over a pulley
fixed to tbe outside of the tower and on each
end of which hung a basket. Whenever one
basket was at the window tbe other was on the
ground below the tower. The rope itself was
inclosed in such a way that a person in one of
tbe baskets could neither help himsef by means
of it nor receive help from tbe other prisoners.
In short, the only jray the baskets could be
used was by placing the heavier weight in the
one than in the other.
Now. the old king weighed 195 pounds, the
princess 103 pounds, the page 90 pounds, and
thev found in tbe tower an iron chain weigh
ing 75 pounds. The weight in the descending
basket could not exceed that In tbe ascending
basket by more than 15 pounds without causing
a descent so rapid as to be dangerous to a hu
man being, although such a speed would of
course not injure the chalj. Furthermore,
only two persons, or one person and the chain,
could be placed in tbe same basket at the same
How did the party manage to escape, and
take the chain with them? J. H. Fezandie.
Still on, peal on, O trump of his renown,
Whose sword carved out his pathway to a
Dark night, pale noon, were clouded by his
And future ages hand bis glory down.
By her own telling England honors one.
Chief among chieftains, unapproached alone;
His triumphs dwarf and shadow all beside;
Shall jay or linnet glow with eagle's priae.
But one there was whose most ambitious
mood "
Saw nothing but his country's highest good;
Ah, how shall one wbo has not unng to soar,
Bing his great name, that lives forever more?
571 AN dDDITT.
I have no tongue, ar.d yet I tail:.
Though first my nurds are few;
I have no feet, I cannot walk.
Yet run I can and do.
In figures I am posted well;
I'll point them out; their names I'll tell.
My face you often on it gaze:
My hands I often upward raise.
In truth I never lifted one
But what I told you when 'twas done.
F. a W.
1. To draw by influence of a moral kind. 2.
Among the Italians, an assemblage of build
ings which represents an agreeable scene tq the
eye. 3. Clasping. 4. To Shed light or bright
ness on. 5. A Latin name. 6. Harsh exami
ners or judges. 7. One of tbe osseons fishes.
573 dissection.
In History seek a famous Greek
Divide in three his name.
The head, tbe heart and nether part,
Will read each way the same.
The latter two combined hy you
Will name a niistic stone.
That forth the gravest measures gave
When Sol's beams on ic shone.
The first will make a turbaned sheik
At titles, I'm a fright,
And otten think a Den should rank
Between a Bey and Knight.
W. WrLsoN.
C A 8 T ! E
Centrals Easter Services.
560 Oc, roc, rock, brock, brick.
Btfl Pansy, pans, pan, pa, p.
6 135
15 124
663 Beast, best: negro, nero; world, wold;
turnkey, Turkey; Leander, leader.
A D J U R E D.
The Awfal I,le Told by Bridget and Its
Amusing Siqoel.
Boston Cor. Chicago Tribune. 1
A lady on Mount Vernon street told her
newly-acqnired Irish maid the other day
to say she was not at home in case anyone
called. One visitor did come, and she is re
sponsible for the story.
"Is Mrs. Blank in?" she said, when the
door was opened in restxinse to her ring.
"No, ma'am," replied Bridget stonilv.
"She's not at home, and may God forgive
the awful lie I'm tellin ye."
"Whereupon she slammed tbe door in the
visitor's face, and that was the end of it.
A purely Veeetable
i Compound that expels
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system. Removes blotch
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Vl Fl If U f" II stuTertnefrora tis efc
IT 1. Af k HM fecu of youthful
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No setulble surgeon will attempt the per
formance of an operation Involving human
UfeMn a room secluded from the proper amount
of light A practitioner will not attempt tne
diagnosis of a complicated disease unless he
can see the sufferer and make an examination
'upon which to base his opinion relative to the
treatment necessary to bring about restoration
of health.
Notwithstanding the impropriety of such
action there seems to be a great deal of doctor
ing done in the dark:
It needs no illustrations to demonstrate that
gross Ignorance has caused many fatal mis
takes in the treatment of diseases by those
who profess to be learned in tbe art of healing:
In many diseases several organs are more or
less implicated and what seems a Primary ail
ment may be one quite remote. For instance.
a severe headache may have its origin m a dis
turbed stomach. On tbe other hand, sickness
at the stomach may be caused by a blow on the
head. Tbe seat of typhoid fever is in tbe up
per part of the bowels, but most of its worst
symptoms are often in tbe brain.
Symptoms of disease, as well as diseases
themselves, are oftentimes followers or con
comitants of some unsuspected organlo disease
and this is peenbarly true of lung, liver, brain
and heart diseases In genera, for it is now
known that they are the result of kidney dis
ease, tihlch shows Its presence in some such in
direct manner.
Several years ago a gentleman became con
vinced of the truth of this and through his
efforts the world has been warned of kidney
disease and as a result ol continued effort
specific known as Warner's Safe Cure
was discovered, the general use of which has
shown it to be of inestimable benefit in all
cases where kidney treatment Is desirable or
When consumption is threatened see to It
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ly inquired into and if tbey are found diseased,
cure them by an immediate use of "Warner's
Safe Cure and the symptoms of lung decay
will rapidly disappear.
There are too many instances already re
corded of the terrible results produced by a
lack of knowledge concerning the cause of
disease, and human life is of too much im
portance to be foolishly sacrificed to bigotry or
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bon At Brvta. Aeeept
a thr .Ail Bill la bum
board bnxM- ttlak wt stnrwt m s '
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vsitKiiwi suit - Au& cor janesv
lttttr.hr wtimi null. IAsUM -
aUMESwsuluTBMiUem. KuuPiDer.
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For men! ChecJtr the worn cases In thrt :
uajs, sou cures in nve a ays. rnce II (ft, at
know thyself; jnr
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