:TTW5F '' Pv 4 - 'i v v:'3:-h j i ,? ov v- - 1 ;--THE ' EETTSBOBQ' DISPATCH, STMDAT, 15j JW1, i- .' , . 4 LEAGUE OF PATBIOTS. UPflnl TlArnnipdfi Gives an interesting jp History of the Organization, IMKGIKG FOK LOST PROVINCES. 'The Past, Present and Future of Boulanger and Boulangism. WflY ALL PEAXCE IDOLIZES HIM JCOEEESrOXDEXCX OF THE DISPATCH. Pabis, April 19. The Iieagne of Patriots was founded for the purpose of vindicating the national honor of France. There are hours in the life of a people when apathy and snpmeness may justly be regarded as criminal. On all sides France is menaced by the subservient tools of Bismarck, while at home high functionaries cringe before the "Man of Blood and Iron." A citizen who can gaze with indifference on such sycophants, or view with unconcern the dismemberment of his country, is little bet- ter than a traitor. The 1eague may be said to be the out come of a patriotic movement on a pnblic j.1 occasion. The story of its foundation is both curious and instructive. During one ' of those gymnastic fetes that take place at , St. Germain-enLaye, near Paris, where the "LiberatoroftheTerritory" died and hashis statnc, Mme. Thiers offered a large flag to the 1G Associated Gymnastic Societies at that time belonging to the Department oi the Seine. This offer was made on Septem ber 25, 18S0. Twenty months later, when the Government had had full time for re flection, the societies met at the Keiser Gymnasium, in Paris, for the purpose of receiving the ensign so graciously offered by the widow of Prance's First President The proceedings on that occasion were ex tremely interesting, not so much on account of the large crowd that pathered to witness the ceremony, as from the rank and charac ter or those who prominently figured in it The Senate and the Chamber were ofEciallv represented. M. Felix Faure, Deputy.took the Chair. By his side sat M. Henri Mar tin, Senator and member of the French Academy; M. Edouard Turquet, Deputy, and other gentlemen of distinction. The flag presented by Mme. Thiers was the national tricolor, quartered in the center by a square badge of green silk as a sign of hope. riilflNO THE FLAME. It came my turn to address the meeting. I did so with all the warmth that a sense of duty imposes on one who has suffered in his country's cause. To show that I have never swerved from the ground I then took up, I shall give a short extract from my speech, which took a half hour in delivery. I said: For the last 12 years the country has been livlnc-in a state of dependency bordering on servitude. I know what excuse those have to five who consent to such Indignity. France, they allege, is not ready. Ready for what pray? For war? And who. except those who forge a political weapon ont of the very surrender of our hearts, speaks of war? But that France is ripe for an independent attitude, who doubts? I say that those Mho assert the contrary mis represent and travesty the feelings of the coun try. If bravery has its intemperance, which is called rashness, excessive prudence also has another epithet which I shall avdid qualifying before such true Frenchmen as you. In the (sixteenth century a patriot, who was as impa tient of a foreign yoke as we are, said 1he one thing necessary is that all Frenchmen throughout France should rouse, rally and act in concert" -Let us take him for a guide. And you, gentlemen, with your numerous societies so closely united, be you the first link of a like French league, a J,earue of Patriots lean find no better name for the thing. Let all existing societies whose object is the devel opment of the moral, intellectual ana physical forces of the nation group themselves around you and your adherents. Let each give his mite and so help to organize and number those who are of one mind with us. Let us open j .grand rcristcr wherein those volunteers of pa- xnousm isnaii enruu lueir names, xtei us, in ' short, establish a federation of national good will, a federation which shall be outside and above politics. In the prosecution of this new design, I would have you ever to bear in mind three things. I would have you to propagate that patnotic spirit which fosters an ardent love for our mother country; that military spirit which condnces to patience and braverv In her defense; and that national spirit which, while it generates a right appreciation of France's best interests, prevents the waste of our energies in pettv squabbles at home and the squandering of them for humanitarian purposes abroad. Let us be what we are, true Frenchmen, and nothing else. As for the 'brotherhood of nations, we shall talk about that some future day, when Cam restores to us "what he has taken. THE -LEAGUE FOEMED. Now mark the sequel. Mr. Edmond Turquet, one of the deputies on the plat form, took up this abstract idea of mine, ,and gave to it a real, practical shape. He was well known to the crowd as one who had been seriously wounded during the war, and who had France's welfare upper most in his heart He stated that the Gym nastic Societies of the Seine were about to start for Rheims, and that something less vngue than the expression of a wish, some thing more tangible and substantial in form should be given them to lay before their comrades on reaching that city. His pro posal, therefore, was to the effect that such a league as I had hinted should there and then be founded, called "The League of Patriots." He further proposed, amid en thusiastic cheers, that out great national historian, M. Henri Martin, should be called to the chair as president of the new federation; andt that, instead of voting, everybody present should be invited to enter his name on a register by way of spontane ously confirming M. Martin's election. This was done. The aged historian -consented to place himself at the head oi the national movement Before the meeting separated the League was an accomplished fact Tables and registers were brought in. As I noticed jnst at that moment some hes itation the part of the ladies to come for ward, I rose and said: Yes, we entreat every one to sign m favor of the League. And more especially do we appeal Vo the w omen of France. For it Is the mothers who make the sons. Ladies, upon you now de volves even a more effectual mission than to tend the wounded. Yon must give heart to our future soldiers. .Nor need you dread to have them too brave. Once under fire, the cour ageous are in no greater peril than the timor ous. There was no more hesitancy. At the top of the first blank page I wrote the chal lenge: "Who goes there?" and the pass word: "France!" After which the registers were covered with sir-natures. In this way the League of Patriots was tf' first started on Mav 18.1882. Since that X . day we have lived and worked in the hope ' that the Treaty of Frankfort would be re vised and Alsace-Lorraine restored to France. At that early period of our career Gambetta was the living incarnation of the "country's desires. He, too, had his eye axed in the direction of Strasburg. - , GAMBETTA XSD ALSACE. I remember a story which, while it adds fresh luster to Gambetta's name, aptly illus trates our own attitude from the beginning. The great orator, after his mother's death, fell into what seemed likely to become an incurable melancholy. It so happened that a friend one day, while Gambetta was deep er tharfusnal in his dark mood, pointed to a picture of a young female figure that hung on the wall of the statesman's modest apart ment in the Kue Saint-Didier, and said to him, "You must now live and act for herl" "I will," cried Gambetta, with tears in his eyes; and from that day forward he appeared to have recovered his pristine energy. The picture symbolized "Alsace." But soon, too isoon. alas! Gambetta. in Tfrhom centered our best hopes, fell ill and died. He died, as he bad lived, with his gaze fixed on the frontier, a frontier mutil ated ftnrl ilicmimilieMil fnr- iiict n man t "Vho suffers the amputation of a limb at the wiu ui iuc surgeon continues to eei sensa- ,;muu m me void or the missing memoer, so Alsace-Lorraine, though torn from France, ?iras doubly missed. -not merelvlecause the feother country felt the same blood in her us, out oecause the severed member re- sponded to thehrill which passed through the body itself. " The League, while cherishing the memory of one too early removed from the scene of his earthly glory, topk up the flag which Gambetta let fall, and held it aloft as he had done. Its first concern was to encourage by every means in its power the physical improvement of the youth of the country. Actiye, out-of-door exercise helps young men in every way. It makes them strong and lealthy, it enables them to throw off mental depression, and it brings them together in social brotherly union. The effects of town life, enervated habits, and over-civilization generally, have a tendency to weaken the vouths of great cities. After the war of 187&-1871, an effort was made to reform all this. iFEAKCE TAKES DP THE CET. A systematic movement iry set on foot, which has since'taken deep root in France. Gymnastic societies sprang np in all parts of the country, and, at the moment of the foundation ot the League of Patriots, had already done great good. They were de veloping the rising generation, and fitting them to become soldiers in defence of their country. Many of the boys in the lycees where cramming still remains supreme were longing for the time when their studies should be at an end, in order to take part in the uhvsical contests of these societies. Every year their numbers increased. There were only 16 gymnastic associations in the department ot the Seine when the League began its propaganda in 1882; there are now 66. Recreation grounds have been opened everywhere. Muscular culture has, in fact, become quite the rage; not that physical culture which breeds animalism, but a phy sical culture subordinate to the essentials of perfect manhood. Even the girls at school now have their female professor of gymnas tics. If this movement continues and the League does all it can to promote it France, in a few years, will be able to point with pride to a race of active and manly youths second to none among the other na tion! of Furope. The League was also instrumental in bringing about those annual prize shooting contests which now take place all over France and even in Algeria. It led the way, and the French National Rifle Asso ciation, with its now innumerable and ex pert marksmen, may be considered as owing its existence to the money and enterprise of the League. As early as February, 1884, the Presidents of the different French-shoot-ing societies meet in the hall of the League, on which occasion they voted unanimously in favor of a shooting contest open to all comers. The League carried on also by other means its good work of promoting patriotic and military education. It had recourse to the book, the sons, and the newspaper. Its sole official organ, the Drapeau, was brimful of essays, pictures and poems that breathed the purest civism. I traveled all over France, visiting every town and village. After months of toil and hundreds of lect ures, I contrived to bring about the first fete of the Associated Gymnasts of the Seine in 1883. It took the League two years to con solidate this work. THE EISE OF BOULANGEE. The League, it -will be seen, had all along carefully abstained from mixing up its name in party politics. French politics have al ways been subject to the effect of periodical currents, and the duty of every patriot who tries to keep aloof from parties is to recog nize these and turn them to the best advant age for the cood of his conntry. The last of these popular movements died out with Gambetta, and calmness prevailed until the advent ot General Boulanger. In a very" few months, however, his star mounted the zenith of the political horizon. His name was on every tongue. "Wherever one went -the cry of "Vive Boulangerl" predominated. Mobs at political meetings, boys and girls escaping from school, working men in wine shops, laborers in the fields, all expressed their feelings in acclamation ot the popular favorite. And what was the meaning of this univer sal cry? It was the protest of the multi tude against the "no progress" party of the Chambers, a yell of indignation at official corruption, the death knell of dealers in decorations, the shibboleth of reform arid political honesty. Those in power had dis gusted the country with Parliamentary government, xne uovernment had shown its impotence at home, its effacement abroad. It had ruined and disorganized tho conntry. Its sole preoccupation had been religious persecution. General Bou langer was only popular because the Parlia ment was unpopular. The popularity he had gained ought to have been its own. A reform policy could alone put an end to the disturbed state of the country. The Gov ernment precipitated a crisis and hastened its own downfall. In order to set aside his influence, which was paramount, the powers that were sent the General to Clermont Ferrand, as though such a course would "have any ultimate effect on his plans. The fact is the Government had all along under estimated his influence. It then sought to crush him on the puerile pretext of his in fringing a disciplinary regulation which, as everybody knows, is more honored in the breach than in the observance. THE GENEBAL A -WOEEEK. The General had won his spurs at the head of the War Department by no vain show. He set himself to the task of contenting the soldier, and great generalship is closely allied to a carefnl consideration of such de tails. 2Jo other Minister oi War had raised the morale of the troops in so short a time. He had fairly electrified the army. Xo sooner had he made np his mind to a re form than he carried it out, without a mo ment's delav. And that is what a soldier likes. And that is what the country likes, too. While he was at the head of the army, the arsenals turned out 1,000 Lebel rifles a day, whereas the average since then has not exceeded 300. He was simply following up a defensive policy. As he said in the Cham ber: "The. Frenchman who declared war would be a madman; but the Frenchmen who did not strain every nerve to be able to meet it would be a miscreant!" His one ruling object was to be prepared in case of attack, not to provoke conflict Beyond this he was a peaceful man, as all who knowhim personally are convinced. His advent to power would not necessarily mean personal rnle. He is a tried Republican. When, therefore, in June, 1887, a few black sheep in our midst spread the rumor that the League was plotting with General Boulanger the overthrow of the Republic to clear the way for him to a dictatorship, I called a general meeting and did all I could to avert a schism. I reminded them that the League had all along espoused the cause of General Boulanger because it was that of the nation, and that it was a mistake to abandon him because the tainted partisans of Ferry and Floquethad turned their backs upon him. Any attempt on their part, I added, to restrict the right of universal suffrage was chimerical and Tain; and, far from wishing to restrict that right myself, I was only too willing to extend it to all the members of the League. And I concluded by saying: "How many among, you here are with me, and how many against?" Twenty-one members of the Board there upon arose, while 18 kept their seats. As at this juncture a split was inevitable, I said: "The 18 who are for meshall still constitute the League of Patriots, let them remain. The 21 who have risen against me belong to Ferry's party, let them go outj" And they went THE FIEST TEOTJBLE. A great outcry was raised in all the Op portunist prints, but the truth is that few of our rank and file deserted ns at this critical moment A third of the officers belonging to the sub-committee went over with arms and baggage to the enemy, with our bag gage especially, for many of the dissidents when they parted with us, did not on that account consider themselves bound to part also with our pecuniary receipts. Some even went the length to issue fresh circulars with our old heading! Among the most venimous of the news papers belonging to the Parliamentary rab ble that assailed us at the time was Gam betta's fiepublique Francaise, the great patriot's former organ, now fallen into such hands as those of Joseph Reimch, a despic able fellow who has done his best to disgust me with Israelites forever. But the League held tip , under showers of insult and calumny; its numbers increased daily, keep ing pacewith thoaily increasing "number of General "Boulanger's" electors und ad herents. Qnite recently afresh outcry was raised against us a propos of the Atchinoff inci dent We were denounced as traitors. The cry came, not from, the street, not from the people, but from Parliament We were to be called to account not they. Here was France and the Republic a prey to disorder and shame; a Parliament without principle, Ministers without authority, a State with out direction, the mother country forgotten, and the national will despised. It is easy to see that all this noise against the League by those in power is not the fruit of the Sagallo affair alone. The real cause is General Boulanger. Perhaps the new Ministry, which rather piques itself on its energy, thought that by ransacking the drawers and cupboards of the League's of fice, it might come into possession of some secret documents that would damage Gen eral Boulanger's cause in the eyes of the people. But it was egregiously mistaken. boulakgee's rfffrEfi. And here again is a proof of the General's power. It is shown by the fact that he is the cause of all the effervescence. Every thing done in France to-day is done for him. But anything the Government may now try to do to save itself is in vain. The country is downright sick of parliamentary bungling. It is anxious for a change of some sort All parties are thoroughly con vinced of this. In the opinion of the coun try elector things can hardly be worse than they now are, and they might be a great deal better. The whole current of popular feeling has set in the direction of a revision. It is useless to blink the fact It is useless to try and breast the stream. The present Parliament, which is rotten to the core, will be hnrled to its doom, irresistibly. From the force of attraction exerted over the masses by General Boulanger, from the hatred of what exists, from a felt need of reform, and from many other motives, the country is manifesting its will to emerge from the present muddle; and the League of Fatnots, unless it belied its name and proved recreant to its trust, was bound to throw in its fate with that of thepopular leader. Sup pressed, as it now is, it will be resuscitated under a new name. CALM BUT MENACING. From what we have said it will be seen that we were the forerunners and promoters of the movement, and that we have re mained faithful to onr cause in thus reso lutely guiding the currents of public opin ion, and adopting, for the welfare of the country and the salvation of the Bepublic, the programme set down by General Bou langer, who now heads the National party. The man who looms greatest in the public mind shall always be our leader, be cause he Has the masses oy nis siae. an a conntry where universal suffrage is recog nized as the supreme arbiter, the real traiters are those who act in opposition to the national will. General Boulanger stands calm bnt menacing, with one hand on his sword, like a true soldier, and the other pointing, like a true patriot, to the un known futtfre, while his adherents shout: "Bevisionl BevisionI" Jnst as the League issued spontaneously from the patriotic breasts of a vastxrowd-assembled to receive a flag seven years agD, so the National par ty, with General Boulanger at its head, sprang into being from the hearts of an en tire people. It is a party free from conflict ing groups and corrupt malpractices: a par ty opposed to cringing and truckling; a partv whose whole care will be to secure honest labor with dignified peace. We want a Republic to which the people will rally, a Bepnblic without Parliamentism. No party has a rightto modify the form of gov ernment That right belongs to the people alone, and the people will not be slow to use it Paul Debouxede, President of the League of Patriots. BARGAINS IN THE DARK. Bomo'of the Fnrniy Incidents at nn Auction Sale of Unclaimed Express Packnitesr Much for Little In Cases. Last year 600 articles were not claimed at the Pittsburg office of the Adams Express Company. These were sold at auction by D. F. Henry & Co., yesterday between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Most of the goods were open and could be seen, only a few packages being entirely closed. There fore, there was not so much fun as usual among the purchasers who generally must bpy without any idea of the contents of the package. t Still there were a few of these "pigs in the poke." Lively bidding on a threatening-looking package sent its price up to 125. A curious crowd surrounded the purchaser as he tore off the paper. There was a cigar box, and upon lifting the lid, two bottles of medicine were found. Then there was the insignificant-looking package. A boy was allowed to have it for 20 cents. It proved to be a cornet worth ?15. One man adopted the policy of bidding on all packages which were heavy. He was laughed at and nobody bid against him, for it was generally seen that the packages were iron. He got them at 5 cents each. At the close of the sale he had about 525 worth of brasses, copper, iron and steel. A lady paid 60 cents for a box whichheld a toy table, child's wagon and baby car riage. They could not have been bought at retail for 53. Another woman handed over 30 cents for a little box which she found to contain a silver-plated fishing reel and tackle. Her husband will have to pay her $5 for it, she said. A handsome trunk brought 4. It held a complete gentlemen's outfit, including a full dress suit of broadcloth, a flute, a meer schaum pipe, a Bible, and chess. Only one part of the trunk was missing. That wa3 the bachelor owner. A silver-plated castor went for $1 25, and a bran new Singer sewing machine for (3. BOUTHSIDE EEADEKS. They Want a Fnblic Library on Their Side of tho River. A public library scheme is now on foot on the Southside. Several prominent citizens are talking of calling a public meeting at winch a committee could be appointed to act in the matter. The plan is to have a committee learn'by letter or personal communication whether there is any truth in the statement that An drew Carnegie's public library for Pitts burg will be built on the branch system. If so, the Southside wants one of the branches. If not, then they propose to get a library of their own by public agitation. The Horrors of.lt The Happy Bride Why, mamma, what are you crying for? Everything is so lovely, and everybody's been so good to me! Come and look at my presents, dearl The Wise Mamma It's the presents I'm thinking of! Every family with a regiment of unmarried girls has sent you the most. horribly expensive things and now theyUf all be getting married, and you and Charles will have to scrape and starve to give ach of them something handsomer still! Q?res- r ents! O, Angelina! why didn't you 36pe? JfUCK. ml r- A'UTTLEjHOKSETALE Yiews of Bonner, C. J. Hamlin and Col, Bruce on tho Trotter. A GLORIOUS FUTURE BEFORE IT. Seasons Why Thoroughbred Blood Improves the Trotter. TEOTHSG FASTER HOW THAN ETEE tW KITTEN FOB THE EISTATCH.1 Mr. David Bonner is one of the bestlpost ed men on trotting horses in the country. He has made a study of them for more than 20 years. He can tell the record and pedi gree of any prominent trotter without a mo ment's hesitation, and can, to use his own words, "talk horeaTTglf long- He is the ex-President of the Gentlemen's Driving Club of New York, is a frequent judge at home shows of trotting stock, and owns a few very good trotters. He chatted pleas- antly about the future olyhe trotting horse recently and drew glowing pictures, -He said: 'rhefutrgib.of the trotting horse is bound to be great"3iThe interest taken is increas ing more and more, especially in the West and Southwest There, was a time when New York State was'the center for the trot-ting-horse. , But for the reason that our roads are so poor and hard the interest has decreased considerably. It has re vived somewhat of late years, and if we could succeed in obtaining a drive way in Central Park it would en hance the value of the trotter here considerably. We hope to get that drive soon. The aim of .all breeders is to pro duce the world beater, Breeders in this State have given a great deal of attention to this for some time, and now Kentucky and California have fallen into line. Kentucky is now one of the greatest trotting horse States. The reason of breeders wanting to produce the world beater is because the horse making the best time is worth so much more, and if they can produce one or. two fast horses the value of all their stock is in creased a great deal. It is only for the past 20 years that attention has been given to this subject, and only perhaps for ten years that any success has been shown. Dexter was not the result of any thought as to what strain would mingle and produce speed, but the majority of other fast ones have been. COULDN'T STAT. "Years ago the horses were just as fast as they are now for a short distance, but they could not stay any distance and could not repeat I am a great admirer of the Hambletonian and American Starr cross, and think they have produced the best trotters of to-day. Some time ago I was talking to a breeder about finely bred norses. He laughed at the idea of making such a study, and said that he wanted the horse that would make the best showing in three heats. I replied -that the horse I would pick as being finely bred would come very near being his fastest I have always been an admirer an Hambletonian, and knew Mr. Bysdyk very well. He accepted advice I gave him about the horse and made him a great success. I was first attracted to Hambletonian because he was by Abdullah. George Wilkes was the first horse to give Hambletonian a reputation outside his county." "What strains do you like best to produce the fastest trotters?" "Hambletonian, American Star, Mam brino Chief and Pilot, Jr. A combination of these strains is sure to produce speed. For. instance, Maud S is by a Hambletonian horse, and her dam is by Pilot, Jr. She is the greatest mare yet produced. Jay-Eye-See has a record second to that of Maud S. He is by a son of Hambletonian and his dam was a Star mare. Phallas, the greatest stallion seen on a track, was by Dictator, by Pilot, Jr., and his dam was a Mambrinq Chief mare. Some claim that a little Clav blood mixed with these strains is valuable. This is proved by Electioneer, one of the greatest sires of young stock." "About thoroughbred blood in the trotter, Mr. Bonner?" VALTJE OP THOEOTJGHBEED BLOOD, "A great deal of discussion has been go ing on among trotting horse owners and breeders as to the value of thoroughbred blood in the trotter. By the watch, the two greatest performers up to date, Maud S and Jay-Eye-See Maud S 2K)85 and Jay-Eye-See 2:10 are nearly related to tho thorough bred. The grandams of each were thorough bred mares. The animal to beat the present record must in my opinion, have as much throughbred blood as Maud S. Horses must have the thoroughbred blood to ena ble them to continue" the speed for a mile. The horses of 25 years ago were unable to continue their speed for lack of thorough bred blood. Those who are opposed to the thoroughbred blood in the trotter forget that Rysdyk's Hambletonian was the grandson of the thoroughbred horse Mam brino. "Do you believe in working and training yearlings and 2-year-old horses as some ownersjdo?" "I do not There is an old saying that 'Early maturity means early decay.' I aon i ininn nara worn snoula be given to a. horse until it is four or five years old. No yearling record beater has ever developed into a great horse. The great campaigners among trotters came slowly and developed speed when near maturity. Dexter did very little until he was 6 years old. Goldsmith Maid trotted first at the age oi 8 years. She made her fastest time when she was 17 years old and repeated at the age of 19. Maud S trotted in 2:17 when & years old and has gradually cut down her time since then. Now and then we find an exceptional case of a youngster that was trained before the bones, sinews and muscles have de veloped, doing fair work afterward, but not often." "What prospect is there of Maud S's time being beaten? "I don't see anything that approaches her time near enough to cause any alarm for the Queen being deposed. Guy trotted the fastest mile last year 2:12. After getting down to that time it is very hard to knock off a quarter ot a second. When Maud S was owned by Mr. Vanderbilt she trotted at Cleveland in 2:09. The next vear she trotted in 2.-09J for Mr. Bobert Bonner, and the following year- in 2.-08X- She was foaled in 1874 and this year is 15 years old. She is very good just now, and may do some very good work in tho coming sea son." MB. HAMLIN LIKES A BEAUTT. Mr. C. J. Hamlin, of Buffalo, owns one of the largest farms for trotting horses in the country. It is called, the Village Farm, and on it are about 600 horses, among them be ing Miambrino Chief, said to be the hand somest horse in the world, Almont, Jr., Hereward and several other good ones. Mr. Hamlin says his ambition is to produce the handsomest horse in the world. He said: "I believe that breeders should take into consideration beauty as well as speed and stamina when they are studying the breed ing problem. They would produce horses that would bring much better prices than they now receive. Supposing a man has a horse that can move in 2:15, it does not mat ter how homely or ungainly he is, he will always bring a good price, because he can move so fast Now, if a, gentleman drives this horse on the road all the pleas ure he can get is for about four minutes a horse cannot go at a fast rate for a longer time than that then for the remain- der of the drive he- has to sit behind an awkward, nngainly looking animal. A breeder will get a horse that has any good speed in him vervrarelv. Prrliimhs r?ll have20 animals that cannot go well before KtiA tvilt fret nna errrA ...... rrl Z .T uv....6-. -- kuvuvuc. J.UCJT HITS vCOm- paratively valueless because they are ,not good looking. I claim that if the horses are not fast they will fetch good prices, because thev are eood lookintr. and n man tnV rgreatdeal of pleasure in driving ahand- sosae nurse, j. want to produce the perfect horse, abd nothing Jiut a ,horse that js per fect from the tip ofthirnoseVtothe'eridof his tail will satisfy me. Mambrino Chief is, I think, tho handsomest vet produced. He has taken prizes in all the shows in which he has been entered, but I have soma youngsters that I think will beat Mambrino Chief for good looks when they have thor oughly matured and filled out'well." COL. BEUCE FATOBS THOEOUOHBEEDS. ' "I am in favor of the thoroughbred blood in the trotter," said Col. S. D.Bruce, editor of the Turf, Field and Far?n. "I believe that if the thoroughbred was handled prop erly he would trot as well as the trotting horse. Maud S is one of the great argu ments brought forward to prove the benefits of the thoroughbred blood in the trotter. Hergranddam was a thoroughbred mare. Sallie Bussell was by Boston. Boston was the sire of Lexington and The Count, two most celebrated thoroughbreds. Look at Jay-Eye-See, with a record of 2:10. His granddam was a thoroughbred. He is by Dictator, he by Hambletonian, dam Clara by American " Starr. Hambletonian and American Starr were both by thoroughbred 'sires American Starr pras a sonpf Duroc, lie uj isoponeu uiuuieu, uuiu- uy -u.cu, that raced witHtEclipse on Long Island in 1823. The dam of Jay?Eye-See was Twi light, and his granddam by Lexington Daylight, so you see how much of 'the thor oughbred bloodlie has. The thoroughbred blood gives thehorse staying qualities. I maintain that if you get too far from tho thoroughbred the horseloses his staying qual ities. He may have speed for a short dis tance, but is unable to maintain it long, and loses all his ambition to race. It is perfectly natural for tho. thoroughbred to race. This you can see by watching him during nis l races, ana by watcnmgtne yearlings Deioru they have eveFbeen put on a race course. Why, often in the paddocks three young sters will have scrub races by themselves. By breeding these horses with the trotters, this liking for racing, great speed, staying powers and high spirits are developed, that makes them trot in 2:10 and repeat almost Bysdyk's Hambletonian, one of the great est, it not the greatest, sires the country has had, is nearly related to the thoroughbred. He was by Abdallah, by Mambrino. Mam brino was a thoroughbred, being by im ported Messenger, dam imported Sonrcrout Hambletonian was the sire of Dexter, 2:17; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 220, and 38 more from 2:20 to 2:30. A SUCCESSFUL SIEE. "He is also the sire of Electioneer, one of the most successful sires in Governor Stan ford's Palo Alto farm in California. Gover nor Stanford is a believer in the thorough bred, and his successes show that his con fidence was not misplaced. Ansel, a bay horse with a record of 2.20, is by Elec tioneer, dam Annette, a thoroughbred by Lexington. Lexington is the sire of the dams of Nora Temple, 2:27; Temple, 230; Lady Prewett, 2.30, and ByBdyk, sire of Clingstone, 2:14. Whips, a bay horse, record 2:17, is by Electioneer, first dam Lizzie Whipps, by Enquirer, a thorough bred, second dam by Vandal. Enquirer was by imported Lexington. Lizzie Whipps was one of the gamest mares on the running turf. Piedmont, a chestnut horse, with a record of 2:17, traces back to the thorough breds Mambrino, imported Paymaster, im ported Messenger, imported Diomed and others. He is credited with 15 contested raifes and 41 heats better than 230. He was one of the fastest, gamest and most re liable horses of his day. Dame Winnie, the dam of Palo Alto, 220, and Gertrude Bussell, 2.23, was sired by Planet Her first dam was Liz Mardis, a thoroughbred, by imported Glencoe. Planet was by im ported Trustee, dam Nina, by Boston. "Simol, the wonder of California in the trotting world, was by Electioneer, dam Wax, and she by General Benton, dam Waxy, by Lexington, the thoroughbred. General Benton traces back to imported Messenger and other thoroughbreds. Colum bine, the dam of Antelo, 2:1GJ, and Ante volo, 2:19J, was by A. W. Bichmond, first dam Columbia, a thoroughbred, by imported Bonnie Scotland, and she traces back to Fashion, that beat Boston in 1842. COMING TEOTTEES. "A. W. Bichmond, the sire of Columbine, is by Blackbird, a thoroughbred by Camden, a son of Sharp, by American Eclipse. Ex chequer, a full brother to Planet, is the sire of several good trotters, among them being Bigoletto, 2:29i; Lucile, 221. These are only a few of the instances where by using the thoroughbred judiciously some very speedy animals have been produced. Gov ernor Stanford has several thoroughbred mares from which he hopes to get some good trotters. Among them are Piney Lewis, by Longfellow, by imported Leamington (she is the dam of Piney by Electioneer, a trot ter); Planetia, by Planet; Bivulet, by Bi voll (she is the dam of Bachel, by Elec tioneer), and others. "There are several other breeders in this country who have studied this question for a number of years and who are now reaping the benefit of these studies by producing fast horses. More fast trotters are produced now than ever there were before, and the trotting turi is in a very healthy condition. There are more fast norses now than there ever were before, and to all appearances next season will see many very fast miles trotted off. American trotting horses are now get ting to be in good demand in Europe. Every year several are sent to Italy and France, and now the Englishmen are begin ning to appreciate the pleasure ot driving behind a fast horse. Trotting is truly a gentleman's sport, and more gentlemen are keening good horses every year. Yon see, a great many like horses, but all cannot afford to keep the' thoroughbred and to see him race. It costs a small fortune to run a racing stable, but many can keep one or two trotters, and enjoy very much jogging along behind them on the road. I think the trot ter has a great future before it, and will grow more popular each year. I should not lie surprised to see several trot very close to Maud S's time next season, and very soon the Queen will have to look to herself if she still wishes to hold her title." FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY Uo Honford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. H. T. TtmnEB, Kasson, Minn., says: "I have found it very beneficial in nervous de bility, from any cause, and for indigestion." 30,000 SMYRNA RUGS At Prices Ranging from S3 to 87 SO Each Best Qualities Made, We will offer 20,000 Smyrna rugs, in four sizes, at above prices, commencing to-mor,-row morning. These goods are selling at from 50 to 100 per cent higher every day in this city. The above is a large stock, but 'it will soon dwindle away at our prices. You will purchase whether you need them for present use or not, if the goods are examined. Edwaed Gboetzingeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Though pure and simple, and so mild. It might be used by any child, Yet Bozodont's so swift and sure That mouth and teeth with wondrous speed From tartar and from taint are freed Till they become sweet, white and pure. WFSn Foe a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with Walter Anderson. 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English, suitings and bcotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su Never Too Late to Mend. Mend what? you will say. Why, your old clothes, to be sure, and Dickson, the tailor, of 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st, sec ond floor, is the man who make's old clothes look like new for a trifle. Telephone 1558. La Peela DEL Fumae are a high grade Key We cigar, manufactured for those smokers ,wno can appreciate Havana tobacco in its natural condition. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth Ave. Go to Pearson's galleries, where you will always find customers, which is a good sign that his photos are the best to get Try him and see. 96 Fifth, ave. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. 'WFSU - - '- , How tho, VaJnlr of Old Master Is Deter jnined Scarcity Not Jtterit tho Criterion A Local Artist! Composition Local Art Notes. -Th. .VsliVof "oia masters" and other rMepaintingsis.4etermlned almost solely by their Comparative abundance orscarclty, and seldom or never is it due altogether to the merits of the works. Like diamonds, the number of pictures of a certain school or by a particular artist, is limited, and their price is fixed by the competition of those persons who desire to possess some thing which their neighbors have not got and cannot get. In the minds of many collectors pretty much the same value attaches to an old picture as to an old coin, and it arises from the same circumstance, viz: that they are perhaps tho only ones of the kind in existence. This valuing of a picture simply as a curiosity has nothing whatever to do with a love of art, and a person may possess quite a rare collec tion, gathered in such a spirit and still he Is as Ignorant of art as a ward politician of the higher mathematics. That many owners of fine art works are far from appreciating their value from the standpoint of intrinsic merit is beyond Question: of thft Tnarlrnt vnlrtn thpv arfl no doubt perfeotly well informed, as they have most liKelV Dald thn Til-tan in nnnn rnmnfltitlan. but wherein the superiority as works of art lays is often beyond their comprehension. Ex cept that they may pride themselves upon their possessions, and indulge in the vulgar pleasure of sayingjhis Is mine, these people derive abso lutely noTienent from their ownership of the most valued products of genius and talent, but they placo themselves as an insurmountable barrier between these gems of art and the more numerous and intelligent class of persons who could more fully appreciate them, but who are not wealthy enough to compete for their pos session. In all tbi3 there is no wish to deplore the fact that great works brins; high prices. The higher the better, provided the money goes to the men who produce themwhich is by no means inva riably the case. Pictures generally acquire their greatest value long after they have passed out of the possession of the man who created them, and not infrequently after he has died in want, perhaps of starvation, and then they are locked up in private collections and hidden from the eyes of the world. There are many pictures, mostly the productions of modern painters, which would sell for good round sums on their merits alone without their having tho names of well known artists attached to them, and these are the works which sensible people of wealth should buy, as their value is their own and is not due to any chance or circum stance in connection with their his tory or production and, moreover, they exhibit more art and more truth and they will generally do more to- educate and renne the taste than those which are valued mainly as curiosities or rarities. In selecting pictures for a private collection some intelli gence should be exercised, and only those pur chased the merits of which are thoroughly ap preciated, while a nice disenmination is made between those which are valuable on-account of their general excellence and thoso which are chiefly recommended by some technical quality which fewpersons understand, or through some historical association which has been all but for gotten. The best and highest use which can be made of "old masters" and other paintings doi sassing special characteristics Is in Illustrating the history and progress of art, and in o'der thattheir usefulness in thl3 direction inuy bo availed of to the fullest extent they should be gathered into public museums and galleries where they will at all times be accessible to those who wish to study them and make notes mental or otherwise, of their distinguishing characteristics. To those who appreciate art works and who take pleasure in tuefifcontem plation, not the smallest part of the Incentive to form a valuable collection shonld be the de sire to encourage artist3 and further the Inter ests of the art which yields them so much en joyment and the most effective method of do ing this is by patronizing living artists, partic ularly those around home, whenever their work is of such merit as to deserve recognl tion. A Clever rotating. For beauty of composition and arrangement of lines, combined with a clever painting of detail, particularly In foliage, in a, style which makes truth and fidelity to nature a prlmo ob ject, the works of Mr. George Hetzel are not excelled by any artist In this part of the world, and the one at present on view at Gillespie's is a very fair specimen of his style of execu tion. Mr. Hetzel often paints a more striking picture than this one, but for quiet merit truthfulness to nature and pleasantness of character this picture will hold its own with most works of the same class and not lose anvi thing by comparison. To paint water, and. do it well, requires a great deal of skill. Thede pictlng of a stream rnnning toward the specta tor necessitates the solving of some difficult problems in prospective, but when the water Is running the other way still greater knowledge I-""" "- J ..... . mj .UlUUQ WHO Will take the trouble to consider the extreme Arltr of landscape pictures Jn which the viowiJ taken looking down Btream, ad then reflect that It Is only because of the difficulty of so palntins; them that they are not more common. Freauentlv thn very best and most desirable effects are found looking down a ravine, but artists often hesi tate before attempting to paint water running away from them. If after what has been said there are those who do not yet realize the mag nitude of the task let them take paper anil pencil, and standing at the head or a flght of stairs, endeavor to draw the steps leading downward from them, and when repeated aS tempts have only resulted la complete failure they will have some faint conception of th2 ". SL Painting the running stream, bese which that of depicting the stairway wopJdhfi comparatively easy. Such Is the task whir Mr. Hetzel set himself in this pictr-'re and if ho has failed of complete success trlere is littla cause for wonder. The slight f?.ult observab o Art Notes. A vert clever work of a decorative stvie of composition is that by Wm. McGrath, entitled "A Bacchic Dance," a fine etching of which, exl Boyd't. 7 S S- KlDa ? eS " The art of stenciling b by no means a mod ern invention, and it tas been related of the ?uSarJaUt5Ma, that beInS nnal write his name, a thba plate with the letters cut into n'n?.IS?IWM f or nl3 convenience in attaS" ing his shr-jature to public documents. Amonq the objects of historical Interest at the Centennial Art Exhibition In New York there are no less than eight portraits of Wash ington, in addition to numerous busts and a portrait of General and Mrs. Washington taken together There are also a large number o WashingTon'scotemporaries,as well as other relics of the time not possessed ot artistic valne. The picture entitled "Late Afternoon, Near Washington," by E. A. Poole, which has been exhibited in Boyd's window, is of much the same character as those heretofore shown by that artist and it indicates very clearly that he is possessed of a thorough understandine of what a picture ought to be. Mr. Poole's works are artistic in a high degree, andyet they are pf such subjects as many painters would pass by without ever recognizing their valuablo picturesque qualities. It there are any persons who admire a picture constructed according to some sort of mathe matical rule, which hnilrit It nn ..,. .u. , , M9 M, uufcji BIUC3 alike, they will surely appreciate this quality in the etching entitled Tho Kinc's Hirrhwa .1 most impartial in the distribution of his favors and evidently thinks that n drawing trees there should bo as many marks on one side as on the other, and that a picture is well bal anced when there are an equal number of trees on each side of the center. A 'Weli. painted picture of a bit of Holland farm scenery, easily recognizable as the work ofMr-D.B. Walkley, has occupied a place In Mayer's window during the past week. Tall Lombardy poplars raise their lofty crests' above a clump of trees of lower and more spreading growth, which partially hide a clus ter of picturesque buildings. The foreground is barren of interest and the eye naturally turns toward the trees and buildings, near nhlrli mm. raetU Ami... . j . V . ,,, "-"" -..," uro joiroaucea, lend ing lite .and animation to the scene. This is a small but a complete picture, of a simple though-pleasing style of composition, quiet and subdued in color, while at the same time showing the cheerfulness and brightness of daylight In the handling of the sky and dis tance the attisthis been very successful in in dicating character without showing too much evidence of labor, which is a desirable quality in works of this nature, as their greatest charm lies in simplicity of form and freedom of exe cution. Horrid Tortnre. This is often felt In every joint and muscle of the body by tnms, by people who, experiencing the earliest twinges of rheumatism, neglect to arrest the malady, as they may easily do, with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a professionally authenticated remedy for the agonizing com plaint. Recollect that rheumatism unchecked often lasts a lifetime, or abruptly terminates it when the malady attacks tho heart The Bit ters also remedies chills and fever, dyspepsia and Uver complaint You will find at G. W. Schmidt's the oldest and thefinest Pennsylvania Pnre Eyi Whiskies and Kentucky Sour and Swtet Mash Whiskies. 95 and 97 Fifth ATe, , 3 NEW ABTKRTISE8ENTS CLOSING OUT r -- D. TAYLOR & C0.'S STOCK 1AMPS, GLASSWARE, VASES, BISQUE, TOILET, TEA AND DINNER SETS, RP.WALLAOE&CO.'S, 211 Wood Street, 102 and 104 Third Avenue, Between Second and Third Avev ATHOUGHTFUL PERSON When about making purchases will naturally say to him self, Where can I get the best goods for the least money? Such a person needs the advice of a house having the reputa tion for fair dealing and good goods at moderate prices. Such a business house as we -claim oursito be. A person in making constant purchases, such as is usually the case in our business, must have a house to deal with that thev can place full ancT implicit confidence in, relying wholly on the proprietors for fair dealing, good goods and moderate prices. Now, having fully set forth the foundation upon which the superstructure of this business house is built, we will enumerate in brief a few of our many attractions for replenishing and beautifying your homes'. Q .&-IR, IP IE T 1 All grades and prices. Straw Mattings as low as $4 00 -per roll. "There are some special bargains in this department, $ such as odd pairs of Lace Curtains, remnants of Carpets, etc, that are worth the money to see. . t3D ROOM FURNITURE, See our bargains in $50 Walnut "Suits! See our styles; of $20 Antique Suits! See our $170 Quarter Sawed Oak Suits! See all our goods before purchasing elsewhere, and if you don't rate us as we say above, we do not ask a repeti tion of your favors. : We have a line of DESK and WARDROBE FOLD- -ING BEDS that have neither weights nor springs. Special t attention should be given to the purchase of a Folding Bed, Oar Parlor Furniture Department We have tried very hard to keep up to the demand in this department, but are a little back. Hope to catch up in about another week. The unprecedented large demand, for our own make of goods, covered in any material, at the pleasure of the buyer, they not being: compelled to buy shop-worn, or poor quality expectations. We have yet an elegant selection of goods 'in the muslin ready for the outer covering, which can be made up at about a week's notice; also a large variety of odd pieces too numerous to mention. OUR BABY Are exceptionally fine for the rsicycie wneeis. THE ICE CHESTS Al REFRIGERATORS Commencing now, are something every family should have. , We make the assertion that enough is saved during the sum mer to keep up the payments on any of our goods, to say nothing of the many comforts derived therefrom. Still doing a large business ing Machine, which is sold for ) HOPPER BROS. & CO, "THE PIONEERS 307 WOOD Open Saturday until 10 o'clock P. M. Telephone 2fo. 534. FINE saddlery: Thla cut represents one of those beautif ul Via. Anyone contemplating the purchase ot a v vmw nj .ud uMutjg id Bwiuj uouuuiauv, ui uc9 Ig-fttflgT trad QBA nTlfih nerer been sold for less than $35 to J40. Do not miss this chance. Remember at ""' (Ache's Harness and Trunk HMse,0000!0 of coverings, has exceeded our CARRIAGES I money, No extra charge fori in our Famous Davis Sewv a price that sells on sight, - ( II LOW PRICES, STREET. 307J apig "! 2To. 426 Wo&& StredX single harnesses which, we win sell this week tot i new harness will do-well to s,Ta themselree 31 I 1 m ,.-.- 4 a i i ! jl. I f m mi JWH jjh I I mf w in . ,, . . - . , .. , 1- -. -.-