R-J& , " THE In?TSB"DllG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, APBIL 28, 1889. f, ' "' ""' f "' "mI . 1 iUU I L IVAiNriyL- HRHHHH18ta Wm I' THIS BEATJTIFTJL SUBURB IfcT O "W" IE1 O JR S A. L E ' ' ., S ; I IVAUHOE. J .'; ::".::.J ?? && et B. 'PTTTSBTJKa- AlsTD IiAEE BEIB R A TT CROAJD. 15 LUsTTJTBS KIIDIE FBOM SHSITBCFIELX) STREET ERmQBf A. M:AG-NTiriCENT CHANCE TO OBTAIN A. HOME. ." , UNEXAMPLED INDUCEMENTS, UNRIVALED ADVANTAGES, UNAPPROACHED FACILITIES, together with the convenience, only IB minutes ride out, will make . Ivanhoe the best place for investing money in Allegheny County, : : OXER; IE,IOES ABEI HOOIC BOTTOM BEAXITZFTTIj BUELiDENTG- LOTS, 50, 100, $150, 200 BACH. FIEST. PA."Y1MHNT, 50o, 1, 1-50, 2. No Interest. No Taxes.. 00 GIVEN AWAY TO BUILDERS. OUR W.A.ir OIF BTJILIDIIsra- A. TO"W3T: ' Station Built. Board Sidewalks Laid. Streets Graded. Shade Trees Planted. 50 Lots Given' to Builders And a Yearly Pass Given to all Residents, and all Absolutely Free of Cost. s ' s .fli 'i'V THE INDUCEMENTS WE OFFER: A Plain, Practical Statement of What We Propose to Do You Can Depend Upon Exactly What We Say Here! ' Our Advertised Promises Are Fulfilled' to the Letter. W FIRST INDUCEMENT: 50 LOTS ABSOLUTELY GIVEN.AWAY! A. lot worth $200 will be (jiven to each of the first 50 persons trecting houses on our property, costing not less than $1,500, pro vided said house is finished before" January 1, 1890. SECOND INDUCEMENT: To all persons erecting houses before January 1, 1890, doing business in Tittsburg, we will furnish FREE a Yearly Ticket over the railroad. THIRD INDUCEMENT: Every street will be graded, and graded well, free of cost to pur chaser. FOURTH INDUCEMENT: BOARD SIDEWALKS, three feet wide and laid on stringers, will be laid on every street. FIFTH INDUCEMENT: Shade Trees, comprising all tlie best varieties indigenous to America, will be planted all along the streets. TJiis will beautify the place wonderfully. ALL DONE AT OUE OWN EXPENSE. For those who are unable to come to Tittsburg to select lots, 50 of our choicest lots positively reserved for MATT, ORDERS. As a matter of fact our cheapest lots are inferior, consequently '.we only wish to sell 'them to those who have an opportunity to ex : amine them andjttdgefor themselves. Dut, to all wishing $150 to $200 lots, who inclose $1 50 to $2 for first payment, we positively guarantee to give them the very choicest lots remaining tlien unsold, and still further guarantee that said lots shall be high and dry, need no grading and be as level as a table. I A house we build and sell on Monthly Payments about equal io'rent.'i .r - - 3H.fr- -, "- SPEOIAXj IsTOTIOE. Other firms, IMITATORS in our popular methods of selling property, have offered and are offering Lots for sale which they state are superior to ours. Personal advertising we do not admire nor will indulge in, BUT WE KNOW THE CHARACTER OF OUR PROPERTY and only ask an open and fair minded public to compare by a personal visit, before purchasing, our loca tion, situation, advantages and extraordinary inducements with that of any property offered in Allegheny county. Wo will abide the verdict. Do this before making any purchases. DESCRIPTION: Who has traveled the Pittsburg .and Lake Erie Railroad and failed to notice Montour Valley, beautifully situated almost in the arms of Pittsburg? Right in the center, ' on the highest portion of the valley, Ivanhoe is located. But 8 miles from Smithfield street. We- can say without exaggeration Ivanhoe is the most beautiful plot of ground about Pittsburg. Not flat, but gently - undulating, with excellent water, natural gas, perfect drainage, in fact everything to make a beautiful abiding place for ' yourself and little ones. Are you not considering the. . , : question of investing your savings? Now do not let the fact of having other uses for your r ... money deter you from investigating our 'N :;; place and methods of doing business. Our property will bear comparison with any about ;. ' Pittsburg. . We do not say it is better than any. A visit will prove just how beautiful it is. Now granting this : where will you make' the best investment with others, who . '- make no sidewalks, grade no streets, plant no shade trees, give r. no yearly tickets; nor give any property to those who by building benefit your and all adjacent property; who only wish to disppse of their lots, or with. this firm, who make all improvements, who earnestly push any enterprise tending to help the town and who assist in every way all who. are attempting to earn-avhome-' - - for themselves ? ' - .' "'' . - -3 - - 'h -h. I ' k,t; H - WOOD, HARMON & CO., 55 SMITHFIELD STEEBTf -. Otdoxl -bill 8 - OVC O-yrex4 "felxe F3?el3LeiijS zeiixLci TERMS o SAL' Streets 50 and 40 Feet Wide. SIZE OP LOTS, 25x100 FEET OR MORE TO ALLEY. Z&M PRICE, $50 TO $200 PER LOT. 50 cents to $2 first payment; only 50 'cents to $1 25 per week, with out interest and without taxes, until lot is paid for. All payments made above tlie regular weekly payments we give credit for an addU tional 10 per cent, virtually making a $100 lot cost only $90. FIRST METHOD: Upon first payment we execute a Bond for a Deed (Title bond) in duplicate, to be held by purchaser until lot is paid for, at which time we execute and deliver a Warrantee Deed, free from incumbrance, without further cost-to purchaser. SECOND METHOD: , Or, if customer prefer, at any time upon payment of $40 a'nd'. $2 50 extra for cost of recording mortgage, we will give a deed fof; general warrantee and take mortgage on premises for deferred pay ments. IL " SPECIAL NOTICE: - . fr - On all purchases of $100 or under,! per cent a week is the re- quired payment. On all purcJiases over $100 but two-thirds "of 1 per cent a week is required. TJiat is, it takes just 33 cents more per ' week to pay for two $100 lots than one. " : One $100 Lot, $1 per week; two $100 Lots, $1 33 per week."?' TJiis is done to enable a man of limited means to 'get 50 feetflL which we consider the proper size and no less. '? f ' WORKS. :M: We.have.1ust purchased a farm adjioininn our .mroverti.thresk acres of which lie both on the river and railroad. TJiese three'acrea wt jjusvnveiy uv tvsct uvu, j ur it rvuauiiuvic loiifllt Of time lO oe given to any suitable manufacturing establishment who will erect works tliereon, ' , Wia " 1H-' "-, '. A house we build anZsailjm Mentki-v Pmimmts abH eauml tirmt r 9 ,---- " .-" - "!-. t.-- ' -.,-.vit- J...V-. - -,;-J,. :-;- j : r .;-, ! '--, " &t - - . . .. . . ,S. if , M.n- '--,"-' -." - "r . -. iter --11 '"""" TiBeafittiijTf1'"'".1""'"" i niiirrr ii--rr --' n mM iii iHgaBatB!atWWBIBffST?BT!ff!Sr5ij ttm ' ' "' '-MBWHBBHBBBBPBBBBBBBBBWJJJJJJpi