Vl& t nW- ;- . ' v ' ' "THE PITTSBUJKer " PlBirAXUil, MtlLUA.X, j9JfUL " 2Cy JLeBW , , jwffiUy jy '"' -ir-' - jr1 i, - I- t - ' 1 1 i ' i- 1 1 S3II7I II A I . VH N (II ft JUAJiiUiliS J5I YU&ri. MINI,! A Jltlr IjPj UP P. balances, 8h749.4S2 MoneyK Per cent. Stock Exchange. 67 Fourth avenue: 1 I .i I i fFull Eeturns of the Week's Transac j tions at Liberty Yards. : HEAVY EECEIPTS OP CATTLE f jBronght Sluggish Markets and a Seduction of Prices. SHEEP AND HOGS DKIFTING DOWN Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 " ' THURSDAY, April 25, 18S9. J With returns all in, it appears that re lceipts of cattle for local trade are well up to S00 head more than, last -week. The run this -week is the largest since the middle of January, when 2,218 were reported. The heavy run thlsweek upset all calculations of dealers, and markets were badly demoralized. Prices vrere off all along the line. Good smooth butcher stock, vreighlne 1.100 to 1.300 pounds, suffered least from the depression. Thin stackers and coarse heavy cattle suffered most. With 500 head above the wants of our local trade, it Is plain that somebody had to come down. Stock raisers through this section are not willing to invest In stockers and feeders at present prices of cattle, unless at very low rates. In the far West, where crazing Is abundant, there Is not so muck risk in buying stockers. In this section, where lands andfeed are high and cattle have been very low of late, there is little encouragement to stork fanners to lay in a supply ot thin stockers in the hope of putting enough tallow on their ribs to win a profit by fall. Calves held up fairly well to last week's prices until to-day, when a break occurred by reason of too liberal receipts. The total run this week has "been 1,600 head, the largest this season. Prices dropped this morning below 4c. Advices from New York are that cattle mar kets there are sluggish at lower prices. This advice had its influence in depressing markets here. While lcal receipts this week are the largest since January, through are the smallest. Through receipts in that month were fully double the run of this week. IlOffS. The drift of markets has been downward Since Monday. This in face of a light run. Prices are off 10c to-day as compared with rul ing rates for the first three days of the week. The situation is the same at Chicago. The range there for packing hogs is $4 504 80. A representative of one of our leadingpork pack ing firms who has just returned from Cincin nati reports that the provision trade there is exceedingly dnl.. The downward drift of hogs, in his view, is in accordance with the eternal fitness of things, since they have been rela tively too high all the past season. There is very little, if any, margin left to pork packers at present price of hogs. It is only on special cuts that anything is left to the packer lor his labor and capital invested. Said au old timer in the cracking trade: "Hogs have been on an average SI per hundred higher than tbey should have been all the past winter, in order that we could have had a fair profit in our business. We could generally do better by buying at Chicago than at Liberty, where we would have preferred to get our stock. But with the best we could do in buy ing there is little left for our labor and capital invested unless provisions should take a de cided turn upward. Of this there are at this time no signs in sight." Sheep and Lambs. With receipts 3.430 larger than last week, and nearly 6,000 larger than the week before, mar kets were lower and sluggish. Dealers report a reduction of He from last week's prices. Prime Iambs suffered least from the depression ot markets. Thin lambs suffered most. Following is the report of transactions at the East Liberty yards for the week: RECEIPTS. CATTLE. HOGS. SHEEP Thro'. Local. Thursday 100 1C l.sfiu 1,350 JFTidav 1,080 10 I.925 330 featnrday. 1,160 SIO 2.7T5 1,640 Sunday 200 1,300 5,61) 8,030 Monday 100 30 l.OoO 1,210 Tuesday 30 500 97,, 4,070 "Wednesday 40 10 5,325 S80 Tout "TOO 1,800 17,535 18,500 LastweeV 3,6 1,340 17,400 15,070 Tbnrsday 1771 i1 6 1,127 Friday. .... 6 476 so Mturday 234 SS7 Monday 1,400 3,794 5,747 Tuesday 333 548 ,5SJ "Wednesdar 21 234 1,042 Total - 1,772 5,433 12,049 Last week. 1,331 6.579 10,002 By Telegraph. Nett Yobk Beeves Receipts, 700 head, all for city slaughterers direct; no trading in beef cattle; dull for dressed Deef at G7c per pound for ordinary to prime sides; shipments to-day were L1H) beeves and 2,600 quarters of beef. To day's cable advices from London and Liverpool quote American refrigerator beef lower at scant 7Jc per pound. Sheep Receipts, 7,800 bead, and 3,000 were carried over yesterday; fairly steady for good sheep; weak for yearlings and easier for spring lambs; unshorn sheep sold at H 755 65 per 100 pounds; clipped do at $3 405 00; unshorn yearlings, 85 007 O0;clipped do, M 605 50; spring lambs, 3 00g6 00 Der head, with a few Jersey lambs up to 56 507 00: dressed'mutton slow at79cperpound:dressed yearlings, S10c. Hogs Receipts, 2,400 head; no trading in live boss; reported dull at the nominal range of $5 105 4a Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts. L966 head; shipments, none: heavy shipping steers slow,; but steady; medium weight dressed beef steers steady to a shade stronger; cows, stockers and feeding steers steady to strong; good to choice corn-red, $4 004 25; common to medium, $3 00 63 90; stockers and feeding steers, $2 003 60; cows. $1 753 25. Hogs Receipts, 4,914 head; shipments, 2,959 bead: acme and 67c higher; good to choice. 4 454 50: common to medium, $4 254 4a Sheep Receipts, 1,160 headtshipmentt, 600 head: good to choice. S4 25 4 To: common to medium. 2 504 00. CliICAGO Cattle Receints. 10,600 bead: shipments 6000 bead: market steadier; beeves $4 304 50; steers. S3 404 50; stockers and feeders, $2 503 60; cows, bulls and mixed. S3 15; Texas steers, $3 003 9a Hoes Receipts. 15,000 head; shipments 4,000 head; market steadv to s tronc: mixed. $4 454 67ft heavy, $4 404 67: light, J4 76. Sheen Re ceipts, 6.000 bead; shipments, 2.000 head; market slow, 15 to 20c lower; natives. $3 505 00: "West ern comfed, S3 755 00; Texans, S3 254 35; lambs, H 756 CO. St. Lours Cattle Receipts. 1,300 bead; ship ments, L400 bead; market steady; choice heavy native steers. S3 S0JS4 40: fair to good do, S3 O0J 3 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 10 8 00: rangers, corn-fed. S2 "OfflS 50: grass-fed. II 902 Sa Hogs Receipts. 5,100 head; ship ments, 2,900 bead: market lower; choice heavy and bntchers' selections. S4 5004 60; pacEing, medium to prime, S4 3004 55: light gades. ordinary to best, $4 454 55. Sheep eceipts, 300 head: shipments, 1,000 head; mar ket steady; fair to choice, S3 004 3a Baltimore Beef cattle Market slow alues liSlLc lower; best beeves. 443-10c; generally rated, first quality, 8J4c; medium, 88Jc; ordinary thin steers, oxen and cows. 2 2c: most of the sales were from S4C; receipts, LS36 head: sales. 605 bead. The receints of sheep and Iambs were 8,615 head; quotations. Sheep, 25c: lambs, 6M8c Buffalo Cattle steady; receipts. 85 loads through: so sale. Sheep and lambs Receipts; 1 load, through; 16 loads sale: 16 loads held over; steady: good sheep, S4 505 00: good lambs. $5 506 Oa Hogs Receipts, 27 loads through; 16 loads sale; dull and 10c lower; me diums and Yorkers, S4 90. CurcnnrATl Hogs in moderate demand and lower; common and light, $4 004 60: packing and bntchers', S4 504 65; receipts, 2,050 head; shipments, 740 bead. Srygoods Market. KettYoek, April 23. The drygoods market was without new feature. There were, how ever, some fair-sized transactions in staple cot ton goods and in f nil dress goods. Filiinc In orders by mall come to the hands of agents with a fair degree -of regularity. A good feel ing is prevailing and a good tone in the market continued. f Diet al Markets. NEtrA'ftmr Tnr Iron omet: American. S15 00 17 VL Copper stagnant. Lead firmer; domes tic, S3 65. Tfnlowen Straits. 20 70. Whisky Market. Finished-goods arc in fair demand at SI 03. .' When bibrvai t,i- mn Tir Castnria- S " nen she was a itmm h .r!nd for Castoria- -2J!en 'he bec"e Miss, she clung to Castoria, mii en he had CMdren,she ctb them Castoria. ap9-77-arwTtt r.j' Wheat Active nnd Hlgheron Good Local Buylnsr Corn Hakes a Small Spurt Oats About Steady Hoy Prod ducts Unsettled. Chicago. April25. The firmness which was -exhibited in the wheat market yesterday was more f utlv developed to-day, and prices show a further improvement, but the full advance was not sustained. June was advanced c over yesterday's closing, and closed Ic higher. Jnly opened o higher, fluctuated within small range for some time and then advanced c more, receded c, and closed Jc higher than yesterday. At the opening there were pretty fair off er ings of May wheat, but June took the lead in the advance and May followed. The trading was mainly of a local character, the outside business not being on as large a scale as yester day. The buying was credited largely to the short Interest, with some buying no doubt for investment. The selling was done chiefly by parties who had bought at the lower prices for a reaction, and not by any large longs. A fair degree of activity was manifested in corn and transactions'were at slightly higher prices. Themarket opened at yesterday's closing prices, was steady for a time, then ad vanccd Jfc, ruled steady and closed He higher than yesterday. In oats a larger business was transacted in the way of buying May and selling June at a premium of Jc, but the amount of new busi ness was small. A stronger feeling developed early and prices advanced c, but increased offerings caused a recession and the close was steady. A. fairly active trade was reported in mess pork, and prices fluctuated considerably within a moderate range. Opening sales were made at 5c advance, and the demand to fill orders was sufficient to further improve prices 10c Later the market weakened, offerings were in creased, and prices declined 1215c Toward the close the market was steadier and closed at about outside figures. More was doing in lard, and the feeling was stronger. Prices ruled about 2c higher, and the market closed steady. A fairly active trade was reported inshort rib sides, and the market was steadier. Prices more favorable to sellers.. The leading futures ranged as follows: Corn- June. 9!T? OATS No. 2 May, 22V222222Vc: June. 23i23$2323c; July, 23&23fe23j 23Xc. Mess Pork, per bbl. May. Sll 40U 50 11 3511 50; June. Sll 5511 60U 45U 60; July, fll 57KH 67K11 52X011 05. LARD, per 100 fts. May. S6 S06 856 80 6 SO; June. $6 876 876 85b S7f; July. S6 92K 92H6 906 90. Short Ribs, per 100 as. May, S5 87K5 95 5 B7K5 95; June. $5 97KB 005 976 00; July. Sfl 02K6 07K6 02X6 07& Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 soring wheat. b0Slc; No. 3 spring wheat, 7279c; No. 2 red, 80 Slc No. 2 corn. 34Jfc- 10. 2 oats, 22Jc.No. 2 rye. 40)c. No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 56. Prime timothy seed. SI 311 35. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 5a Lard, per 100 lbs. S6 826 S5. Short ribs sides (loose). S5 906 (JO. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S5 255 5a Short clear sides (boxed), S6 256 SI. Sugars Cut loaf, 9K9Jc; granulated. 8c; standard A, 8c. Receipts Flour, 9.000 barrels; wheat, 11,000 bushels: corn, 142,000 bushels; oats. 88,000 bushels: rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, 18,000 bosh els. Shipments Flour, 32,000 barrels; wheat, 22.000 bushels; corn. 72,000 bushels; oats, 71, 000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 6,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weaker, but not quotably lower. Eggs weak at IOQIOXc New York Flour dull and weak. Wheat Spot dull and firmer; options dull and yt c higher. Rye dull. Barley and barley malt quiet. Corn Spot firmer and quiet; options fairly active and stronger. Oats Spot firm and quiet; options steady and dull. Hay steady. Hops firm and quiet. Coffee Options opened barely steady and 1015 points down; closed steady at 15Q20 points down; sales, 61,200 bags, including April, i6.5016.55c: May, 16.4516.55c; June. 16.5516.65c: July. 16.65 16.70c: August, 16.8016 85c; September. 16.90 17.00c; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes. lSJc Sugar Raw firm, sparingly onered; fair refining, 6 7-16c; centrifugals, 98 ' test, TKc; refined firm; good demand. Molasses Foreign firm; 50 test, 29c: NewJOrleans quiet; open kettle, good to fancy, 2S42c. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow more active, city at 4c Rosin quiet. Tumentine dull: offered at 4oic Egirs weaker and quiet; western,' 12c; receipts, 7.113 packages. Pork steady. Lard dull' and barely steady; sales, western steam. S7 157 2a closing at S7 15: city, 56 70; May, 57 107 12, closing at 57 11; June, 57 1407 16; July $7 177 19, closing at $7 19; August, 57 21; Septemher, 57 257 26. Butter weak and in moderate demand; western dairy, ll20c; do creamery, 1725c; El gins, 26c Cheese unsettled and dulk St. Louis Flour quiet and easy: XXX, 2 50 3 00; family, S3 153 25; choice. S3 403 SO; fancy, S3 934 05; extra f ancv, S4 154 25; pat ents, SI 504 65. Wheat better; there was less pressure to sell and better demand, as cables were better and all other markets stronger, but trading was light, and no interesting or new feature turned up: late In the session consid erable wheat came out for sale, and the price declined, though the close was KVc above yesterday; May was dull and neglected most of the session: No. 2 red, cash, 80c; May, 79J 79c, closing at TOJc; Juno. 76K77c, closing at 76&c bid; Julv. 7475c, Closing at 75c bid; August 7474Kc. closing at 74Jcbid. Corn firm: May advanced Kc with tairlv active trading; No. 2 cash, 305c; May, 3O30Jc closing at 30c; June, SIKc, closing at 3IV?c. Oats hieher: No. 2 cash, 23KcHId:Mav. 23&C bid; June, 24c Rye dull and easy; No.2,41 42c Barley No market. Flaxseed quotable at 11 40. motion oagging in gooa aemnna; 1- pouna, o?fec; -pouna, iu( c Iron cotton ties, $1 lu. provisions ouii. CTKcniir ATI Flour in light demand. Wheat dull and neglected; No. 2 red. 8485c; receipts. 100 bushels; shipments, 2,000 bushels. Com firm: No. 2 mixed, 36c Oats heavy; No. 2 mixed, 26c Re easier; No. 2, 4S50c Pork quiet at $12 25. Lard firm, with a good de mand; current make. SO 62. Bulk meats and bacon quiet. Butter quiet. Sugar strong. Eggs firm. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour steadv. Wheat firm; casb,78c; May, 78c; July, 79Kc Corn quiet; No. 3, 34c Oats dull; No. 2 white, 27&C Rye quiet; No. L 42c Barley dull; No. 2, 56Kc Provisions steady. Pork, Sll 45. Lard, JS 85. Cheese steady: Cheddars, lOQllc Bai.ttmobe Provisions quiet and un changed. Butter quiet and about steady: West ern packed, 182oc; best roll, 15lSc: creamery, 2427c Eggs dull and steady at lie Coffee quiet and easy; Rio fair, 1B1Ac. Philad EIPHIA Flour weak. Wheat firmer. Corn firm. Oats Carlots dull and a shade weaker. Toledo Clover seed dull; cash and April, S4 0a Receipts, SS bags; shipments, 156 bags. PITTSBURG IRON. The Waee Question Has a Depressing Ef fect Upon the Market. There has been no material change in the market since last week. Both makers and con sumers are proceeding on a conservative basis, the former manifesting no anxiety to sell at present prices and the latter buying sparingly as needed. It is expected that the -situation will remain about as it is until after the settle ment of thewage question In June. FIG IRON Neutral Gray forge, $14 50, cash; wtite and mottled, 114 0014 50. cash; all ore mill. S15 7516 0a cash: No. 1 foundry, S17 2517 50, cash; No. 2 foundry, Sitt 00, cash; No. 2 charcoal foundrv. $21 0021 50, cash: cold blast charcoal, S25 0028 00, cash; Bessemer iron, $16 7517 00. cash. Feero-Makoauese "Eighty per cent, $55 00 56 00: speigel-eisen, $28 0028 50 for 20 per cent cash. Mastjfactured Iron Bars, SI 751 80, 60 days, 2 per cent off: skelp, grooved, $1 801 85; sheared. SI 952 00. Muck Bab 20 sa Billets Bessemer steel, $27 00 cash; nail slabs, $27 7528 00; domestic bloom and rail ends, S19 0G19 SO. Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, $185, CO days; 2 per cent off for cash. Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam, gas and water pipe; black, to lU-inch, 55 per . 11 . -1ft t .a WI. - - 1 1 I ing, 37K Jer net foot; 2-inch tubing, ISe; boiler tdbes. 62K. and oil well casing. CO per cent off large lots. Merchaitt Steel Tool, 8c; crucible spring, 4c: crucible machinery, 5c; open hearth machinery. 2c Rail Fastenings Spikes, 2.20c per pound, 30 days; splice bars, 1.801 85c per pound; square nut trackbolts, 2.752.85c, and hexagon nnt.2.90 62.95c f. o. b. Pittsburg. Old Rails American tees, $24 0024 50; steel do. $18 50 for short, $19 60 for long. Steel Rails Heavy sections. $2829 cash. Scrap Iron No.l wrought, S2121 25 per n et ton; cast scrap, S15 6016: wrought turplngs. $13 14. net: cast borings, $1213, gross: car axles, tio 0025 50, net; old car wheel, $19 0019 50, gross; rail ends, $19 6020 00; bloom do, $19 50, cash. Skelp Iron Grooved sizes, tl 65, cash; sheered, 2c Wool Market, St. Louis Wool in good demand and steady; prices are unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 May. 81681VS0X80Kc; June. 81Ji82Ji81K8lVc: July, 7M79K0 7Siie!79(.e: vear. 76S76"?a7&576e. -No. 2 May. 3434K34KTc; 3535K34K35c: July. 353i3oKe!35; Real Estate Business Wonderfully Active for the Season. THE PUBLIC PAKE AGITATION. Outsiders Hustling the Syndicate for Dia mond Street Property. BR0KJ2RS CONTEMPLATING A BEST The slight lull in the real estate market is sot greater than was expected to follow the April moving. All of the dealers spoken to yesterday on the subject said business was better and the prospect more encourag ing than at the same time last year. So long as there is an abundance ot idle money at cheap rates there is no danger that houses and lots will go a-begging. The de mand for business property is'as urgent as at any previous time this season. The public park agitation is beginning to receive its regular summer airing. Like the poor, it is alwajswith us. Said a prominent gentleman yesterday: "I am in favor ot more breathing spots; they are as necessary to health as to physical enjoyment But they should be located in ail cases where they can be accessible to the toiling thousands, who have made Pittsburg what it is one of the greatest Industrial centers in the world. Their comfort and convenience should be looked to above every other consideration. The rich can take care of themselves. Distance is no object to them, as tbey have carriages to rid in. The most of them spend the summer in the country, or at the seaside or in Europe, so they will in no particular need of breaking, spots. But not so with the toilers. They are tied to the city the year rouncu The location of parks, there fore, should have exclusive reference to the industrial element of our population. As there is no available ground for a large central park there should be a number of small ones dis tributed through the city so as to be available to residents in all sections. In fact? each ward should have a park. There Is no Insuperable obstacle to this, as ground could be secured If only the right steps were taken. I have no suggestions to offer on this point at this time. This matter is of such paramount importance that I hope the agitation will not be allowed to die out until everything needed in this direc tion shall have been secured." Outsiders are so sanguine of the improve ment of Diamond street tbat they are giving the syndicate quite a hustle for property on that thoroughfare. One ot them made a bid yesterday on a lot between Smitbfield and Wood, on which there is a small building, and will probably get it, as hut a small difference as to price remains to be settled. The amount of money Involved is not far from $50,000. The big vault for the Fidelity Company has been completed except painting, which will be deferred until the building is finished. It Is the greatest thing of the kind in the city, and one of the greatest in America. Several bank ers in New York and Boston have been in the city within the past few days to examine it,and were deeply impressed with its magnitude and importance as a receptacle for valuables. Some of the leading local experts in the use of dyna mite were called In Xo examine the vault and give an opinion as to its safety. They all readily acknowledged that it was superior to any of the arts or tricks known to them. It is understood that the plant for the manufacture of these vaults will be located in Pittsburg. The probability is that the Pittsburg Ex change will be closed from to-morrow noon un til Wednesday, to give tne memuers annuo ant opportunity to participate in the "Vashing ton centennial proceedings. Iu the present state of stock and oil trading this would be about the best thing that could be done, as it would give the brokers time to count Up their profits and losses and prepare for the new deal that is on the way. The question will be set tled at a meeting to be held to-morrow. A New York broker has posted up the fol lowing pertinent points ot advice as to stock dealings, which will turn out more successful in the long range than 99 per cent, of the aver age "tips:" Buy stocks on declines it is not a time to sell them. Sell when stocks have had a rise, and the market is strong and every one wants to Day. Do not buy then. Do not listen to street points on this kind of a market. Sell after a rise on a strong market. Buy after a decline on a weak market. By pursuing this course in his own dealings the broker has amassed a comfortable fortune. TJIE COLD WAVE FLAG Still. Displayed at the Stock Exchange Brokers Not on Tradlns Terms. The cold wave signal was again displayed at the opening of the Stock Exchange yesterday morning, and efforts to warm uo the brokers were fruitless, only one sale being made, which saved the board fromanotbergoosc egg. There was a little more warmth In the room in the afternoon, when fine stocks were traded in to the extent of 925 shares. Practically the same relations subsisted between holders and buyers as on the day before, the former regarding an advance as almost certain and the latter hop ing to get concessions by waiting. Both sides were obstinate in maintaining their views, and used very little diplomacy to smooth away the differences. Prices showed no important changes from the day before The prospect is that the market will remain about as it is until after the holidays next week, when there will be a decided movement in some direction up or down the former being the most likely. The close was atabout medium figures, none of the issues showing any particular strength or weakness. 'Bids, offers and sales follow: , MOBNTXO. AP-TER3JOON. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. City Ipsurance. nfi Urldgewater uu Chanters Val. Gas Co. Klttannlng O. N. O... .Nat. Gas Co. ofW.Va l'ennsvlvanla Gas Philadelphia Co Wheellnr Gas Co Tuna OUGo aslilmrton Oil go.... Central Traction. ....... Citizens Traction 1'leasant Valley K.E... PI tts., CIn. . ht.U K. K. Pitts. A Western K. It. 1. .W R. It. nref.... 40 51 54 .... E4X 65 , 59 62 " "&x "ii n S3 8! S2 63 6S 75 S "bbK S1W "30i 3M( .-; J5 .... 15X .... 11 10 10 m 19 Ui 19 IH ""is '"in "iv Mtf 60 58 59X 25 .... JXli .... 1M3 120f 119 119X 64 j Consignee Mining Co. l.lIona aiininc a... V estlnghonse Electric U. Switch SUrnal Co. Wcstlng'se Air U. Co.. W pfitintr'se B. Co. IhT. The only sale at the morning call was of 100 shares Pittsburg and Western, preferred at 19. The afternoon sales were 60 shares of Philadel phia Gas at 4 460 at 42U, 200 Wheeling at 32, 100 La Noria at 1J, 100 Airbrake at 119Ji and 15 at 1193. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 218,973 shares, including: Atchison, 12,700: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 4,800; KrietlO.100; Louisville and Nashville. 2,000; Missouri Baclflc 3,500; Northwestern, 9,400; Oregon Transcontinental, 6,706; Reading, 22,. 600; Richmond and West Point, 12,700; St. Paul, 9.170; Texas Pacific, 9,200; Union Pacific, 9,800; Wabash Pacific, 3,000. B0THING TO COMPLAIN OP. The Situation nt the Banks Denotes a Healthy Bifsinea Condition. The local .money market" was fairly active in all lines of business yesterday, checking being a feature. A moderate amount of paper was discounted at the usual rates. The Clearing House exchanges were 2.346,642 02 and tbe bal ances S547,GO0 68. Said a Fifth avenue cashier: "We are doing better than at the Bame time last year. The averages are larger. There is no boom, but business is in a healthy condition. Some people who expected too much express disappointment; but everybody else is In good spirits. Even iron manulacturers smile oc casionally that their condition is no worse. I know'of nothing to complain of." Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 to 2 per cent: last loan, 2JJ; closed, offered at 2K. Prime mercantile paper, 406. Sterling exchange dull but firm at 54 87 for 60-day bills and H 8SJ for demand. Government Bonds. u.s. 48. rcg ..'. vxHtamn u. s. 4H&, coups ios,yaio3i u. a. 4s. rcg.... ....' lKiamv V- S. 4S, coup 129)j12S-i Bid. Currency, e per cent, 1895 res ...in Currency, S per cent, 1896 reg. 124 Currency, 6 per cent, 1897 reg 127 Currency, 6 per cent, 1898 reg lax Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 reg 132 Government and State bonds are steady and quiet New Yobk Bank clearings to-day, J109. 164,820; balances, ,600J231. Boston Bank clearings to-day, J13,765,4ll; balances, 81,749, 4S2 Money K Pe ceut Philadelphia Bank clearings to-day, $11, 005,491; balances, $1,269,958. Baltimore Bank clearings to-day, 11,640,- ; Daianccs. $aa,vti. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $10,242,000. St. Louis-rClearlngs, $2,003,655; balances, $402,009. London Tbe amount of bullion gone into the bank of England on balance to-day la 5,000. The bullion in the Bank of England de creased 64,000 during tbe past week. The pro portion of tbe Bank of England's reserve to lia bility is now 4ZS6 per cent. Pakis Rentes, 87f 15c for the account The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows an increase of 3,825,O00f gold and 750,000f silver. OIL MOTES DP. An Active Market Closes Two Cents Higher Than tbe Opening.' The oil market opened up strong yesterday at 83, sold up to 65 broke to S3, rallied to 8 declined a fraction, reacted to 81, sold down to 8 and finally, at the last moment, made a spurt to 85X, 2 cents above the opening, where It closed. There was good trading and a bullish feeling at all the Exchanges. A broker said: "The market would not have reached so high a point here had it not been for tbe exaction of an extravagant premium on oil to make clearances with. This snap judgment sort of business is a two-edged sword that cuts both ways, as was shown some time ago when oil was in the nineties." Another broker said: "If carrying is easy to-morrow and oil fairly plenty, it is probable that prices will seek a lower level. It looks to me as if the top of tbe present spurt has been about reached." Jennings' No. 6 on the Baerlein farm. Brush creek, vtas drilled 18 feet in the sand and packed, and was making about six barrels an hour. The Brennen and Hite well, west of the Jennings, on the Boner farm, was In the sand and showing for 200 barrels. FEATURES OF TUE MARKET. Opened 83)Lowest S3 Highest 85X Closed &JK Barrels. Buns ,7.... 55,551 Average 46.110 Shipments 102,202 Average . 73.S83 Charters Average. 32,166 Clearances 3,175,000 Jiefined. Sew York 6.85. Itsflued, London, 6i. Keflned, Antwerp. 16. New York closed 85H. Dradrord closed 85. Oil City closed 86.. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote puts at SSKc; calls. 88c Other Oil markets. Odl Citt, April 25. National transit cer tificates opened at 83c; highest, 86c; low est. 83c; closed, B5c. Bradford, April 25, National transit cer tificates opened atS3c; closed at 85c;highest, 85c; lowest, 83c TtrusYILLE, April 25. National transit cer tificates' opened at 83c; highest, 85Jc) low est, 83c: closed, 85c. New Yore, April 25. Petroleum opened firm, but soon became strong on urgent buying orders from the West, where certificates were very scarce. The offerings were light, and the Western orders forced the market steadily up to 85c A reaction then occurred, but was fol lowed by a spurt on covering ot shorts, and the market closed strong at85c. Sales, 2,819,000 barrels. , LANDS AND HOUSES. The Latest Transactions in City and Sub urbsGood Prices Paid. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for Mrs. Annie D. Hill to Mrs. Jennie M.Dicken son a residence site at Edgewood station,Penn sylvania Railroad, 125x250 feet, adjoining Mr. A. T.Rowan's residence on Maple street, for $2,500. The purchaser will build at once. Xashell Rankin, No. 67 Fourth avenue,sold for Benjamin Short 6 acres and 65 perches of ground near Stoop's Ferry station, Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, to Mrs. Lucinda P. Fozerfor$700. r John F. Baxter sold to Elizabeth A. Dodson lot No. 90 in the Bank of Commerce addition,at Brushton, fronting 40 feet on Kelly street and extending back 137 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $600. The purchaser intends building. Reed R Coyle 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for Jas. P. Speer a lot on Ward streetOakland. Size-22xl65, tor $1,000 cash. Alles & Baile v, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for T. Grlffen lot 20x90 feet, corner Wylleavenue and Wandlees street, for $800 cash. The Dilworth mansion, at Shadyside, with nine acres of, ground, was sold to S. Jarvis Adams at a price not clven, but understood to be somewhere near $60,000. The Fifth avenue front, 250 feet deep, was reserved. " L. O. Fraaer sold for George Wright, Jr., lot 20x85 feet, on the northeast side of Main street, near Penu avenue. Sixteenth ward, to Mrs. Mary Wolf, for $925 cash. He also placed a $1,200 mortgage on Fifteenth ward property f oi two years at 6 per cent. GAINS ALL ABOUflD. . Wall Street Surprised by a Boom in Stocks American Securities Strong In Lon don The Entire- List Closes Strong; and Higher. New York, April 25. The stock market to day was more active and decidedly stronger than at any time during the past two weeks, and while the aggregate of the business ,done was not very large tbe gains at the close of business are universal and material. The im provement In the temper of the speculation was somewhat of a surprise to the local traders, who had expected nothing but dullness and stagnation until after the coming holidays, but the Impetus came from the other side, where the firmness displayed by the American securities, and the unusual ease of money in London, have generated a strong speculative sentiment on American stocks. The buying orders from London were very large, and were variously estimated up to 50,000 shares, and the London favorites were the leaders in the mar ket LouisviUo and Nashville was specially promi nent, thongh the foreigners took lines of Reading, Union Pacific, Norfolk and Western preferred and some others. The statement of President Hughltt of tbe Northwestern in re gard to the earliness of the crops iu the West and the harmony existing among tbe members of tbe State Association did much to bring the Western stocks to the front, and the South westerns later became active and Richmond and West Point, Missouri Pacific and Texas Pacific which have lain almost dormant for some time advanced materially on a largely in creased business. f Among the specialties' there were a few marked movements and Pullman again became remarkable for its strength, though the ship ment of a block of stock to the other side re cently has favored a small floating supi ly on the street Erie was another stock which was called into life by the foreign purchasers and the transactions in tbe stocks of that company were larger for to-day than for two weeks past together. The opening figures were among the active shares from if to per cent higher than last evenings prices which tempted considerable selling to realize, while the Chi cago speculators and the local -bears resisted tbe-upward tendency with some effect in the early trading, forcing off from to J$ per cent The unusually heavy demand, however, was too much for them and prices began to advance after the first half hour. Later dullness set iu as the first demand was satisfied, and the bears -drew off to see bow far It would go, but while the fluctuations were small there was no weakness anywhere appa rent and m the afternoon the upward move ment was resumed. This frightened the bears into covering to somo extent, and several stocks which have been dull of late sprang in to promi nence and advanced materially. The best E rices were generally reached toward delivery ouP, but there was no marked recession after that time, and the market finally closed active and firm at about tbe highest figures. The securities in tbe unlisted department were somewhat neglected, and tbe movements were confined to tbe smallest fractions, and Brunswick was a shade lower at 20J. With the single exception of Memphis and Charleston, which retired 4 per cent, the entire list Is higher to-night Oregon Improvement pre ferred rose 3M, Pullman 2. Louisville and Nashville 13, Manitoba Burlington and Quincy and Texas Pacific BJ each. Lake Shore, Erie preferred, .Missouri Pacific, Rich mond and West Point and Union Pacific 1 per cent each, and the others fractional amounts. Tbe impetus given to tbe speculation was shown most f orciblyin the dealings in railroad bonds, and the business of the day extended to a very large number of issues and aggregated for all issues $3,378,000. of which Texas Pacific 2ds contributed $688,000. the Ists $157,000 and Richmond and West Point trnst 6s $162,000. The market was firm to strong all tbe way out and tbe active bonds mentioned with tbe Green Bay incomes were the features. The improve ment extended to all portions of the list The most Important gains were (Brooklyn Elevated IstsXto llOVf. Houston and Texas 2nd re ceipts 2 to 120, Cedar Falls and Minneapolis lsts 3 to 70, Rochester and Pittsburg consols 2 to 117, Manitoba 4s 2 to 90. Toledo and Mt Pleasant 6s 4 to 96, and Green Bay Incomes 3 to 22. The following table snows tne prices of active stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for Thk Despatch by Whit- nev & PtenhpinRrm. members- of iev York Open ing. ,. 55H HIm esk Low est An. Cotton 1)11 Atcn.. Top. & a. F.. Canadian Pacific , Canada Honthprn Central orNew Jersey. 96 Central faclDc , 34 35 17X 94$ M 105K 83 34J 17 93 65! 105 92X O., Bur. A Qulncv. .'..". 93 n fn j oV i,,i u. .4. -. . .. o., Juii'.&stk, pr.'.' C.. KOCKLAP 5 ,105 . 82,T c., st. i. &pm.-pr. C.. St. P.. M. A O... C., St. P.. II. A o pr. 92 C Northwestern.. ..IPS C. A northwestern, ptl384 t. C C & I.. Col. A Hocking Val .. 18 Del.. L. AW... 137 Del. A Hudson 136X DenverAKloQ Denver A Bio G., or... H E.T., Vs. AUa.. E.T..Va.&Ga.. Xstpr .... E.T.. Va. AGa.2dpf. .... Illinois Cemral 113M Lake Erie A Western.. H Lake Erie A Weat pr,. 58M Lake Shore AM. S 103 Louisville A Nashville. 67 MoblleA Ohio Mo., H. ATexas WH Missouri Pacific 70W Nework Central 107 A. Y.. L. E. A W 2S . Y., I,. E. A W.nref 70 ? ., C. ASt. L 1754 5"-3f-.P. ASt. L. pf. N.Y.. C. ASt.Ij.2d pf 40)4 W.YAJJ..E 43 . X.. O. A W 165? Jiorfolk A Western.... 16 Norfolk A Western, pf. 52 Northern Pacific Nortnern Pacific prcf. 61! Ohio A Mississippi... . 22s Oregon Improvement 49 Oregon Transcon 31H PacificMall 37 Peo. Dec. A Evans 24 Phlladel. A Heading.. 44 Pullman-Palace Car...lS9 Itichmond A W. P. T.. 26 Klchmond AW.P.T.pf 7S St. Pnl Doluth M St. Paul A Dnlnth pf. St. p., Minn. A Man... 89 X BCL. A San Fran 23 St. L. A San Fran pf.. 59H Texas Paclflo 20 UnlonPaclfic 60, Wabash IVi Wabash preferred 28H Western Union S3W Wheenng A L. E..... 68 Ex-dlrldend. 92 1065 im 137 USK 92 105 138H 136 136 46 44M 113 im 5SK 103 677. i;5i -OH 107 17 40H 43)4 16 16 62 ei" 221 49 l 36 249a 44H 1S9X 26 79 31 97H MX 14 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. PennavlTAnlft nntlrnftd MV 54 22 H 12 3K Reading KaUroad 22 9-16 Huflalo, Pittsburg and Western UH Lehigh Valley 53 Lehigh Navigation 5l Central TmnanorfjitlAn r.n . 17 , Philadelphia and Erie 0 u.v;o. 'smew jersey za Northern Pacific 2JS Northern Pacific preferred 61)4 1 Boston Stocks. Atch. A Toe. 1st 7a. 116 Rutland preferred.. 39 Wls.Central.com... 17 Wis. Central pf.... 37 AJlonezM'gCotnew) 1 Calumet A HecU....20W FranKlln.t 9M Osceola 9 Fewablo (new) 34 Quincy 46 Bell Telephone 234 Boston Land 6) Water Power '7 A. A T. Land Gr' 1 7s. 107 Atch. ATop. a. K... H Boston A Albany.. .215 llosion A Maine 1S5 C.. B. A 91), Clun. San. A Cleve. 24 Eastern B. B 80 Eastern ft It 8 125 FllntAPereM. nfd. 96 K.CSt. J. A C.B. 7i.l21 ii. Y. ANewEng... 43)4 N. Y.ANewEng 7s.l26 Ogd.AL.Cham.com. 5 Tamarack 103 Ban Diego 33 Old Colony 1725 Mining Stocks. New Yobk. April 25. Mining quotations closed: Amador, 100: Aspen, 1075: Bodle, 140; Caledonia, B. H 300; Consolidated California and Virginia, 800; Deadwood, T 100; ElCristo, HO; Eureka Consolidated, 250; Gould fc Curry, 285; Hale Sc Norcross, 460; Homestake. 650; Horn Silver, 125; Iron Silver. 300; Mexican, 650; Mono, 150; Mutual. 145; Opbir, 562; Savage, SCO; Sierra Nevada. 390: Standard, 100; Small Hopes 100; Sullivan, 125; Union Consolidated, 662; Yellow Jacket, 35a THE MATTER CLINCHED. Judge Ewlng Settles tbe Craig Street Con trnctFInuliy. Judge Ewing, yesterday, made an order in pursuance of his decision a few days ago in the equity case of William Mazet against the Board of Awards, the City of Pittsburg and Booth &. Flinn, contractors, with refer ence to the paving of Craig street He ordered that a decree be made declaring the contract to be illegal, null and void, and that an injunction, as requested, be issued to restrain its fulfillment ATTACHING WAGES. A-Point of Law as to tbe Relations Between States. A compulsory non-suit was entered against the plaintiff, yesterday, in the suit of Frank Sweeny against W. W. Hunter. Tbe case was an action to recover money that bad been attached in West Virginia as the wages of Sweeny, who worked on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for a funeral bill alleged to have been due Hunter. The suit was brought on the ground that it was unconstitutional to attach wages in an other State, so that a resident of Pennsylvania could not get the benefit of the exemption law, when the money attached had been earned in this State. Ne exemption law is in existence in West Virginia. The case was non-suited by Judge Ewing, but will probably be appealed. To-Dht' Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Park et al vs Double day; McBride et al vs Walker Brewing Co.; Mosely vs Eagen; McEnight vs American Building and Loan Association; Commonwealth vs Dallmeyer; Wellington vs Wood, garnishee; Shulton vs Beckert; Benke vs Patton et al; Mur ray vs city of Pittsburg, Blakely vs Nellis & Co.: Morrison Bros, vs Sutton; Kaiser vs Flaccus; Friend vs city of Pittsburg; Reamer vs Mar shall et al. Common Pleas No. 2 Davis vs Schumacker; Schlechert vs Hopgood et al; Stone et al vs Mc Keesport Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Thomas Halloway, J. R. Mullett John Shay et al, E. S. Levy, L. Gimble, John Bagley, B. F. Crone. Partnership Troubles. A bill In equity was filed yesterday by Henry Frommer against Henry Landon. The bill says tbat the two entered into partnership in the carpenter and contracting business, and it is claimed, Frommer put in $900, while Landon Eutin nothing. The defendant it is alleged, as collected sums due tbe firm, however, amounting to upward of $5,000 in excess of his proportionate share. Frommer wants the part nership dissolved and Landon ordered to pay over wnatls due and an account to be taken of the affairs of tbe firm. Ex-Sheriff Fined. A verdict for the plaintiff, with- 6J cents damages, was rendered yesterday in the suit of Jacob Wessell against Henry Levy, ex-Sheriff Gray and Deputy Sheriff Ricbey for damages for an alleged illegal levy and sale. Legal Tender. Peter A. Kaiser filed a libel in divorce yesterday against bis wife, Philomena Kaiser. He alleges unchastity. A yerdict for $2,012 72 was rendered yester day in the suit of Spencer & Liddell against Berger & Williams, an action on account H. B. Hereon, Esq., was appointed com missioner yesterday in the divorce case of Archy J. Stonerod against Elizabeth Stonerod. A suit In ejectment to recover a piece of property on Boylq street, Allegheny, was filed against Edward Lyle and wife by H. T. Mc Gready yesterday In tbe suit of James P., John M William IT. and Benjamin Gartside and Elizabeth Neale against the Pittsburg Junction Railroad, for damages for property taken for a right of way, a verdict was rendered yesterday for $3,750 for the plaintiffs. 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, 0PITO?t!lBXJKG, FJL. Transact a General BanHng Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available In all salts of the World. Alsoissue Credits IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-91-srwT THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. - . - . 8300,800 08. DISCOTJNTS DAHiY- EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEER?Vice Prest, mh22-93-D JOHN F. STEEL, Cashier. T.IL1&S0EMIL DOMESTIC MARKETS, Choice Apples on the Boom--Tropical fruit Growing Fjrm. CBEAMERYBUTTERDOWH ATELQLN Shell Corn the Only Strong Factor In the Line of Cereals. COFFEE STEADY, SUGAR TEEI FIEM office ok FrrrsBTBG Dispatch, J TllUBSDAY. April 25, 1889. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Cboice apples are moving out freely at prices beyond anything since last fall. There is also an improved demand for tropical fruit. Florida oranges are out of this market There Is a bet ter Inquiry for eggs than for a few days past. Some dealers report sales of nearby st6ck at llc The Elgin Butter Board reduced cream ery lc per pound on Monday, and our quota tions are reduced tbat amount. Ohio creamery is unchanged. A jobber who received 8a tubs to-day reports that it all disappeared as fast as it could be handled. Limbnrgae cheese is off. Sweitzer is slow. Domestic cheeses bold their own, but no more. The new crop of cheese will be due about May day. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 27Q28C: Ohio dor 2526c; fresh dairy packed. 2021c; country rolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter. BEANS SI 7501 90. Beeswax 2830c fl ft for choice; lowgrade. 1820c. Cider Sand refined, $8 50Q7 50; common, $3 504 00: crab elder, tS 003 50 ? barrel; cider-vinegar. 1012c gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 12012c; Limburger, 910c; domestic Sweitzer cheese, UK12c Dried Peas 51 251 35 i) bushel; split do, 2fc3Kc ?? ft- Eoas 10Hc f) dozen for strictly fresh: Sooso eggs, 65c V dozen: duck eggs, 18c fl ozen. Fkutts Apples. $2 003 W f) barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c fl ft; cranberries, J4Q5 Jt barrel, 50cSl 00 per bushel; strawberries, 25035c a quart. Feathers Extra live geese. 5080c; No. 1 do., 40f5c: mixed lots, 3035c ft. Honey Now crop. 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c. Homint 82 652 75 $ barrel. Potatoes Potatoes. 3035c bushel; S3 75 4 00 for Jersey sweets; seed sweets, $2 50 Pouitbt Live chickens, 7580c ? pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c ft; drawn. 14 15c ft ft; turkeys, lS20c dressed. $1 ft; ducks, live, 6070c 1 pair; dressed, 1314c 1 ft; geese, live, $1 O0l 2o f) pair. Seeds Clover.cholce, 62 fts to bushel, Jo 60 1 bushel; clover.large English, 62 fts,S6 00; clover, Alsike, 8 50; clover, white, $9 00: timothy, choice. 45 fts, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c: bine grass, fancy. 14 fts, SI 00; orchard grass, 11 fts, SI 65; red top, 14 fts. SI 25: millet, 50 fts, SI CO; German millet, 60 fts, SI 50; Hun garian grass, 60 fts, SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 ?1 bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered. 55Kc Tbopioal FBTJITS Lemons, f3ncy, S3 60ffi) 5 60 $ box; Messina oranges, S3 005 00 H box; Valencia oranges, fancy. S3 60 7 00 1 case: bananas, S2 60, firsts; SI 50, good seconds, 1 buncb; cocoanuts, S4 004 50 hundred; new rigs, 910c fJ pound: dates, Bhi 6Xc V pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, S3 604 00 fl hundred: new cabbage, S3 003 60 f) crate; onions. Si 001 25 fl barrel; onion Bets, fancy .Eries. 82 503 00; Jersevs, S2 002 50; turnips, 4060c fl barrel. Groceries. , At New York yesterday granulated sugar sold at 8c In 100-barrel lots. The drift of mar kets is strongly upward, notwithstanding late advances. Coffee is fairly steady. Roasted coffee should be higher, to correspond with the price of green. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c: old Government Java, 27c, Maracalbo. 2223c; Mocha, 30K31c; Santos, 1922K: Caracas coffee. 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 21623c; La guayra, 2122c. Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 32K33c;Maracaibo,2728c, sautos, 2224c; peaberry. 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25kr; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Uc; ordinary, 2lKc. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c: pepner. 19c; nutmeg; 70080c; Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio. '120, 8Kcr headlight, 150. 8Jc: water white, 10o: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, llc; royaline, 14c. Sybups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup. 3338c;primesugar syrup, 3033c; strict ly prime, 33Q3oc: new maple syrup. 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb In kegs, 34c; bi-carb in Js, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc: do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c;stearine,per set, 8Kc: parafflne, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 63 7c; prime. 5Ji6ic; Louisiana, 66kc Stabch Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 6j7c; gloss starch, 57c. Foreign Fauns Layer raisins, 82 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: Caifornia Muscatels, 51 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8Xc; currants, new, 4ac Turkey prunes, new, 4$5c; French prunes, 8K13c: Salontca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, SO 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c do lvlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12i lbc; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orange peel. 12c Dried Fruits Apple, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6M6c: apricots, Califor nea, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitteo, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2i24kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries, 10012c. Sugars Cubes, 99Jfc; powdered, 9 9KC; granulated, 9c; confectioners' A. 88c: standard A. 8c: soft whites. 84Sc: yellow, choice. 7K8e yellow, good. 7c; yel low, fair. lc yellow, dark, 7Jic Pickles Medium, bbls. (L200), S4 50; me diums, half bbls. (600). S2 75. SALT N o. 1 f) bul, 95c: No. 1 ex, fl bbl. SI 05; dairy, V bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbU tl 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, 82 80, Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30 1 90; 2d!, SI 301 35; extra peaches. SI 601 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, SI O0l 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima beans, 81 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c: marrowfat peas, 81 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do, 52 75: damson plums. 95c; greepgages, SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, 82 50; do greengage. 82 00: do egg plums. S2 Oil; extra white cherries, 82 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, 81 401 50; strawberries. 81 10: gooseberries, 81 20l 30: tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, l:ft, SI 752 10; blackberries. b0c;suc cotab, 2-ft cans, ooaked, 99c; do green, 2fis, 81 25l 50; corn beef, 2-ft can, 81 75; 14-ft cans, $13 50; baked beans, 31 4001 4o; lobster, 1 ft. 81 751 80: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled. 81 GO: sardines, domestic i, 84 154 50; sardines, domestic Ks 88 258 50; sardines, imported, Ks, Sll 601J 50; sardines, imported, s, 818 00; sardines, mustard. 84 00. sardines, spiced, 84 25. Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 836 fl bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. 840; extra No. 1 niackerel.shore, S32; extra No. 1 do. messed, 836: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock. 4Kcj3 ft.; do medium, George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6$7Kc. Herring-J Round shore. $5 00 ft bbl.; split, 87 00; lake, 82 50 ft 100-fi. half bbl. White fish. 87 It 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 fl half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c ) ft. Ireland halibut, 13c 1 ft. Pickerel. barrel, 82 00; f barrel. 8L 10. Buckwheat Floub 223ic fl jb. Oatmeal 86 306 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No-1 winter strained, 5S60c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts .bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 25 ;ars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of corn, 3 of oats, i of hay, 4 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of hay, 1 of -bran, 5 of oats, 1 of s. corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3 cars of bay. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of oats, 2 of , hay. Sales'on call: One car sC corn, sample, 40c, track, B. O.; 1 car sample wheat, 03c. ele vator; 2 cars extra 3 w. oats, 29c, track, eleva tor; 1 car s. corn. 41c, track. The strong factor of cereal markets is shell corn, which is scarce. Our quotations on this are advanced. All else shows a downward drift, but prices are un changed. Markets, however, are in favor of buyers, and it is all that jobbers can do to hold flour up to quotations. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 96897c; No.3red,858Sc Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4142c: high mixed ear, S73Sc; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 40 41c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 39(340; blgb mixed, shelled, 38J39c: mixed, shelled, 86k37c - Oats No. 2 white, 8131e; extra. No. 3, 80f30Kc; No. 3 white, 2ftgac; No. 2 mixed. RYZ-No. 1 Western. 7075c: No. 2, 55S56& Barley No. 1 Canada. 9598c: No. 2 Cana da. 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 70S72c; Lake Shor'e, 7380c , Floub Jobbing prices, winter patents' 85 756 00: spring patents, 86 006 25; winter straight, (5 0096 26; clear winter, J4 7585 00: straight XXXX bakers', 84 254 60. Rye flour. 88 6083 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 815 00 16 00 ft ton: brown middlings. S12 0012 50; winter wbeat bran, 813 00013 50; chop feed, 815 001S 00. HAY-Baled timothy, choice, 814 60014 75; No. 1 do, 814 00814 25; No. 2 do. 812 0013 00; loose from wagon, S18 OO20 00; No. 1 upland Srairie, 810 0010 25; No. 2. 88 008 50; packing o.S550650. Straw Oats, S8 U0S 25; wheat and rye straw, 87 007 6088 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured bams, small, UHc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Mc: sugar- cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless. shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8Kc; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, HHc; bacon shoulders, TA bacon clear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, Kc: dry salt shoulders, 6Kc: dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess pork, heavyr 814 00: mess pork, family, 814 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7c: 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20-ft pails. 7Jc; 50 ft tin cans, TJic: 3-ft tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin paUs, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, 84 00; quarter barrel, 81 9a Dressed Bleat. Armour Sc. Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts, fMr 65U to 650 fts, 6c: 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, 8c ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6&C Fresh pork loins. 9c Spring Disorders Shattered nerves, tired brain. Impure blood, debilitated system, all are the natural out. come In the Spring. A medicine must be used, and nothing equals Fame's celery com pound. We let others praise us you cannot kelp believing a disin terested party. jrtgadier-Gcneral W. L. Greenleaf. Burling ton, Vt, writes : "I have used Fame's Celery Compound on several occasions, and always With benefit. Last spring, being very much ran down and debilltaWl, L commenced taHnglt. Two bottles made me feel like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine I do not know of Its equal." "I have used two bottles ot your Paine'3 Celery Compound, and It has given entire sat isfaction as an appetizer and blood purifier." T. L. Bebneb, Watertown, Dakota. Paine's Celery Compound Is prescribed by physicians, recommended by druggists, endorsed by ministers, praised by users, and guaranteed by the manufacturers, as a spring medicine which will do all thatls clalmedforlt. Use It thl3 spring, and see now quickly It tones you up. Purifies the Blood. Foil accounts of wonderful cores made by Paine's Celery Compound after other medicines and the best physicians nadfalled, sent free. There's nothing Use It. 81.00. Six for 85.00. Druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. DIAMOND DYES Tt&.'VL LACTATED FOOD V3& mhl7 153-Mr WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rRS-D TUI ONEY TO LOAH - On mortgages on improved real estate In sums of 81,000 and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-r No. 124 Fourth avenue. ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This Is now conceded to be tbe best in the market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have just secured tbe DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, ' SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER, mlil-MWjf BUTTER, :: BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Offices, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1126. riTTSBTJRG, PA Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhlS-HWT BROKER!-FINANCIAL. I A M I A Ii -At AX t I I 1 I 1 r?LJ WHITNEY & STEPHENS!), a FOURTH AVENUK. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN A CO, NEWYORK. . PASSPORTS PROCURED. J-173 r NEW ADVERTISEMFN The Deer-Creek ancU hanna R. R. Cc First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gc d PRINCIPAL DUE 1919. INTER1 BLE JULY 1 AND JANUi IN BALTIMORE. MERCANTILE TRUST AND DE OF BALTIMORE, TRUST Issue, JCOO.00Q. Principal and it anteed by the Maryland Central Rj This bond Is a first mortgage on road now under construction from connecting with the Maryland Cen- ' Co.. to Stafford. Md. The Marvi Railway Cq.. Baltimore to Delta. P: was reorganized In December, 1S8S. on a souna financial basis, doing a business. The York and Peach Bott Co., York, Pa to Peach Bottom (4 been acquired by the Maryland C way Co., making a system of 101 1 will be operated by the Maryland C way Co. We recommend these bonds as a vestment, and offer a limited amou 05 per cent and accrued interest, si vance in price. REA BROS. & CO., Bankers and 423 'WOOD STREET, PITTSBT. apD-72-p u 'aT 1 . t I k 1- '.iUV 'ud- -s MEDICAL. DOCTOf r whittii: 814 PEXN AVENUE. PITTSBI ' 1 As old residents know and back ft burg papers prove, is tbe oldest estr most prominent physician In tbe ci special attention to all chronic dise SSSSST NO FEE UNTIL ", i MPQni IQ ana meutal disear r., -. nLII VUUu decay, nervous del i energy, ambition and hope, imp ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, ei poverished blood, failmgpowers.or ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consi fitting the person for business, socii nage, permanently, safely and priv BLOOD AND SKIN SS .. 1 :i blotcbes, failing bair, bone pair swellings, ulcerations of tongue.mi ulcers, old sores, are cured for hi poisons thoroughly eradicated f ron IIDIMADV kidney and bladd Unllinn Timents, weak bacl tarrhal discharges, inflammation painful symptoms receive searching prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittler's life-long, extenslvi insures scientidc and reliable tr common-sense principles. Const Patients at a distance as carefully here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 p. 10A.3l.tolP. Jf.only. DE.WH . Penu avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-3 l r jfi tr 4. WHAT IS MONEY WITHOUT 5 ,v TH. 3 i-st Health, Energy and Strength seen AMORAHDA WAFERS. These w guahixtexd srscrriG and the only c safe remedy for the permanent cure o no matter how long standing, Nervoi Headache, Nervous Prostration causi alcohol or tobacco, Sleeplessness, Me" r i ion. Softening of the Brain resultint. 1 1 and leading to misery, decay and deai i Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoei Dream j, Premature Decay of Vital 1 by over exertion ot the brain, self-t indulgence. 73 cents per box or t $4.00, sent by mail prepaid on reo - . Six boxes is the complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we willv, give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY . if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTTIUTE. Tor sale only by; J0SEPH PLEMING "& SON. 412 Market Street. Pitts burgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 37. to whom all communis cation should be addressed. mh31-DSu 'KMOWTHYSELftJoV '"-' aczxrcaersi os A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Truths oa ineiOTOisoi loam, premature uecune,.Hervous and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, Resulting trom i'olly. Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim for Wort, Business, the Marked or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 30T) nazes. rovaI8vo. Beautiful Y binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 by mall, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Tho distinguished author, Win. H. Parker, 11. D- re. ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED lyiEDAU from the National Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or In person, at the efflce of THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston. Mas., to whcmail orders for books or letters for advice should ha directed as above. Jal5-TuTSuwk DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY, OFFICES. SOU PENN AVE- PITTSBURG, PA. All forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Cos. fidential and SciKMTivia Medication are treated at this Dispensary with a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most expo rienced Specialist in the city. Special atten tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretions of youth, eta, causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc: also Cancers, Old Sores. Fits, Piles, Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Blood. Lungs, Urinary Orgam, etc. Consultation free and strictly confiden tial. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. M.: Sun day. 2 to 4 P. 31. only. Call at office or address: S. K. LAKE.M. D.. M. R. C. P. S..orE. J. Trr li'H fcftl WB&m GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE 1 CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fnll particulars In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Gray's Specific sold by drucjrlsts only la yellow wrapper. Price, tl per package, or six for , or by mall J.. ...va rrceips oi price, ov aaaress ncr THE GRAY 1TRIIIHNV riv ufr.in v v bold In Pittsburg by S. 3. HOLLAND, corner k Smithfield and Liberty sts. apl2-&3 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL f-iL!.S &za g.j siAxzia siij. Orixhul, lwt otH pnln ni rrllabls cLU for mIa. JCm-ct Vmix. a iflis jot iUMiTri ngiuAl 1 Diamond Brand, ta red ne- uJUs bdid. mled wili hlarnw 7 two. At Drnffelatsu AMf: MO Athei. Ala nllls la n&at. board bozei. pint viiuui.ri . oveoanterfctt. 8n4 4& (mmpi) tor ItMlmr- et wtum mail. 1A AAA b LAWSIm AST bm4 them. KuuPancr. Chichester Chemical CovXadiMHSaFUk-PA.'- de28-2l-Tr7jrSTi'vTk TO WEAK fUf-ll I tuff B frosnt SB aiSJlKti of yootMal tr. If ecu of i7 manhood etc. ' an sin ran, wnx a7. kc WIU aenrt & &lu&hlM trr&tlwi immmmA com full parUcolan tor home core, ctm at hr9L AddrefK. PROf. F. C. FOWLER, HtewtUj, Cww l 4 H i