Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 26, 1889, Image 1

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The Dispatch of Sunday next will be
made up of
Many new features will be introduced, and all
thenews of the world- presented in attractive
form. Everybody is reading The Dispatch.
All of the Romance is Being
. ' Speedily Knocked Out of
Life In Oklahoma.
Tired Crowds Are Leaving on Every
Train, but Many Others Are
Guthrie SUU Continues to Be the Center of
Business Activity Arrangements Arc
Being; Blade to Organize a Municipal
Government The Railroads Are Utterly
Unable to Deliver Freight Considerable
Suffering Is the Result The Military
Will Protect the Cherokee Strip From
Invasion Practical Prohibition Has
Been the Rule in the Territory Thus Far.
A number of the eager boomers who
CnteredJ)klahoma are now j tut as eager in
getting out of it. Fresh recruits ore con
stantly coming in, however. Provisions
are scarce and the water supply continues to
be exceedingly limited. Guthrie is the
chief center of life and activity. The hopes
Of those who intended to settle in the Cher
okee strip will be rndely blasted. The
military forces have been instructed to pre
vent any move in this direction. Secretary
Noble states that he will investigate the
charges made against the Deputy Marshals
and other Government employes.
Guthbie, April 25. The crush on the
Santa Fe line is almost without parallel.
It is impossible to run trains, either freight
kor passenger, on schedule time. Every side
track between Pnrcell and 'Wichita is
Crowded with loaded cars, and the com
pany's warehouses are full to overflowing.
The depot here in Guthrie is the busiest
Spot in the whole Southwest. It .is filled
with trunks and all sorts of baggage, and
it is worth a man's life to loiter around it
when trains arrive. V
The crowd at the LandOffice is growing
larger every day, and the Receiver and
Commissioner have all the business they
can attend to. So far they have had few
disputes over claims to settle. A meeting
of. the lot holders was held in Government
Acre this morning. It was largely attend
ed, and it was resolved to have a survey'-of
the town site as early as possible for the
purpose of laying: streets.
The main thoroughfare of the townwlll
be Cleveland avenue, which will run past
the land office, and the street leading to the
depot will be called Harrison avenue. At
former meetings lot holders were- afraid to
leave their claims even for a minute, and
the business was largely controlled by an
element which has since left the Territory.
. It is thonght that the survey will cause
come trouble, because it cannot help inter
fering with the plans of several hundred
people who have staked their claims in the
most irregular fashion. Tents were thrown
tip hap-hazard without regard for alignment
or anything else, and no effort has been
made to improve them.
The city now extends fully five miles
back into the Territory, where eager lot
seekers run in search of claims, when they
found the choice locations taken up. To
day Guthrie is the business center of the
Territory. Every freight train is bringing
lumber and hundreds of carpenters are pre
paring to build houses' for merchants who
have come to settle permanently.
Gamblers Reaping a Harvest.
Gamblers are cutting a wide swath in
the town. They have an open field, and
they are reaping a rich harvest with .all
sorts of "sweating" games. The new chief
of police is Bill ford, an Iowa man, who
has a record for nerve and a straightforward
manner. Ford said to-day that he would
appoint 20 officers to patrol the lines be
tween the rows of tents, and that he would
give positive instructions to arrest and dis
arm every man caught carrying a revolver
The cause that has contributed much to
the maintenance of good order is the absence
of whisky. Not a drop of it has been put
on sale, and so far as can be determined but
little of it has been brought into the terri
tory. Thus far not a drunken man has
been seen. Captain MeArfhur, who is in
command at this point, is keeping a sharp
lookout for the stuff, and if he finds any
will destroy it.
The Cheeky Deputy Marshals.
The marshals forces are demoralized.
Two-thirds of the deputies who were .brought :
here to preserve order have done little be
sides squat on town lots which they staked
off before the crowds began to arrive Mon
day. Feeling runs high among the settlers
on account of the behavior of the depnty
Provisions continue scarce. One mani
yesterday sold 30 barrels of bread, 5 cent
loaves selling at 15 cents, or two for a
quarter. The supply ran out, and while
people were willing to pay the exorbitant
price, it.could not be had at all. Crackers
found a ready sale at 51 60 per pound.
A grocer announced that he had given
$50 for the privilege of breaking open the
car which contained bis stock. He soon
made it up. The water question continues
a serious one. Before the end of the week
wells will be sunk.
Despite the fact that every train takes out
large numbers of dissatisfied settlers, every
train brings in as many more, so there is
little change in ar.lual number here. The
two banks are doing a good business, and at
the postoffice things .are running more
Organizing a Municipal Government.
Congressman "Weaver, of Iowa, was here
lo-day and addressed a large crowd, advis
ing the settlers to organize and to provide
for local government at once. This after
noon the Committee on Public Order, con
ning of 28 settlers, representing as many
different States and Territories, held a meet
ing and appointed a corps of official survey
ors, who are. to survey and plot the town.
The laws of Kansas and the municipal
regulations of "Wichita were selected to pre
vail until a charter can be obtained. Judge
E. M. Clarke was appointed Provisional
Police Justice. The citizens of "West
Guthrie held an election yesterday James
Dooley, of Iowa, was elected Mayor, and a
full ticket, including Councilmen, was
At a few minutes past 8 o'clock this mora
ing, by actnal count, there were 425 men
in line at the land office, and at 93.5 a. m.
there were 223 men in line at the postoffice,
500 having already been waited on.
The Disgusted Boomers Ifot Allowed to Halt
tn the Cherokee Strip The Indians Are
In a Belligerent Wood Suicide
of One of the Settler.
Abkansas Citt, April 25. The refu
gees who left Oklahoma and who have
taken up quarters in the Cherokee outlet
are to be driven from their present stopping
places. Orders to that effect, have been
issued by General Merritt, and Captain
Hays expects to carry them out in a day or
two. There are fully 200 families camped
in wagons and tents along the line which
divides the outlet from the Territory of
Oklahoma, and stretched along lor several
miles this side of it ,
Nearly all of them are in a condition of
poverty, and but lew have the means and
less the disposition to move on. Nearly all
of them have expressed a determination to
remain in the strip until that country is open
to settlement. Captain Hays will carry out
the orders of General Merritt, and a great
deal of suffering; if not actual bloodshed, is
feared in consequence.
The Indians May Make Tronble.
Another danger which threatens these un
fortunate settlers is the probable rising of
the Ponca Indians, on whose reservation
most of them are located. It is understood
here that ihe Poncas held a war dance night
before last and resolved to dig up the
hatchet in case their lands are encroached
upon. The Ponca braves are not numerous,
but very well armed. The settlers are not
defenceless, as nearly -every man in the
outfit carries a rifle and revolver.
It is known that the Ponca Chieftain,
Standing Buffalo, has gone to "Washington
to protest against the occupancy of the
Cherokee lands by white settlers. It is pos
sible that the troops may be called upon to
defend the settlers from the Indians or the
Indians from the settlers before the trouble
is ended.
E very train passing through here to the
North is loaded with people going out of
Oklahoma territory in. a huge state of dis
gust. The inflowing tide is not so great &nd
it is evident that a reaction has set in. The
people were fleeine practically for their
lives. They had added to long periods of
privation the suffering of 17 hours without
food or protection from the cold. They had
left a howling mob' in Guthrie, baffled in its
efforts to join in the flight.
Ko Wonder They Left.
The cars are piled with fugitives, thirsty
and famine-stricken, and Arkansas City is
crowded as it was before the descent. Some
experiences are pitiful. A terrible storm
last night raised ihe miseries of Guthrie to
almost a horror. A violent wind arose as
the sun sank, and filled the air with the
stifling rcti alkali du6t thatstrws the plain.
A.deJLogaof ram succeeded, atid throughout
the night beat upon the'lbousands of shel
terless. At "Winfield, Kan., ah unknown man, ap
parently crazy, startled pedestrians this aft
ernoon by drawing a razor across his throat,
inflicting a slight gash. Later he shot
himself through the head and died
at 6 o'clock this evening. From
papers found on his person it was
learned that he was Silas B. Kennedy, from
Randolph county, Illinois. Two men in
the city to-day said that they had accompa
nied Kennedy from St. Iiouis to Guthrie,
and that all three had failed to get claims.
It is supposed that the dead man's mind
was deranged by his failure.
The first natural death in Oklahoma oc
curred in Oklahoma City yesterday. Thomas
O'Neill, a young unmarried man from Mar
shall, Mo.uied of a congestive chill. Many
cases of pnenmonia are reported.
Secretary Noble Will Investigate the Con
duct of Government Omclnls.
"Washington, April 25. Immediately
upon the receipt here of press reports that
Government officials and others temporarily
in Government employ in Oklahoma had
used their authority as such officials to secure
prior rights in lands in the Territory, in
disregard of the rights or others, the
President and Secretary Noble telegraphed
the special agents of the department now in
the Territory to make a thorough and
prompt investigation of the facts in the case,
and upon its completion to immediately
notify the Secretary of their .findings. A
report is expected during the week.
In speaking of the matter to-day Secre
tary Noble said that not the least shadow
of an injustice to settlers would be tolerated
for a moment, and that as soon as the facts
in the case could be ascertained, if officials
were found to have been implicated in any
attempted injustice or wrong doing, the
action of the Government in the matter
would be very prompt and decisive.
Some Rumors of Mnrder That Have Not
Vet Been Confirmed.
Lisbon, April 25. Bate last night a ne
gro came rushing into Marshal "Wyott's
camp. He said that four of his'companions
in a little colony ten miles southeast had
had a desperate fight with rival claimants,
and were reported shot. A depnty was sent
out to effect arrests and has notyet returned.
Two men are reported dead on their claims
fonr miles east, shot last nirht. The mps.
senger that came in wanted help to bury
them, .tie coma not give any particulars,
and the report has not been confirmed.
- leaving by the Thousands.
Pubcell, April 25. Thousands of dis
appointed home-seekers returning from
Oklahoma are obtaining aid from
the Indians in the Chicka
saw, Choctaw and Creek Nations.
Many of the Indians welcome the white
settlers, and some are said to favor an allot
ment in severalty of their entire reservation.
A Man Who Denies Some Statements That
Were Never Made.
New Toek, April 25. The following
was posted on the Consolidated Exchange
A Western oil producer who, within a day or
two, has sold about 15.000 acres of leased terri
tory to the Standard Company says that half of
all the Ohio and Indiana territory remains in
tbe hands of people who have nothing to do
with tbe Standard, and that the newspaper
talk about the company "having entire control
of the Ohio field to the exclusion ot outside re
finers and shippers is an absurdity. He says
also that his experience has taught him that
the imDortance of the Western Ohio and Tn.
diana fields has been greatly overestimated.
The Body of a Lnto Western Merchant
Stolen From, the Grave- and Held
for Ransom Tbe Thieves'
Manner of Giving the
r special nuaiLui to 7ns dispatch.!
Denveb, April 25. Nearly a year ago
James Greenway, one of Denver's promi
nent merchants, died after a brief illness,
leaving considerable property to his wife.
Since the death of her husband Mrs. Green
way has been accustomed to keen his grave
in good condition and decorate it with flow
ers. To-day Mrs. Greenway visited River
side Cemetery, and was devoting her usual
care to the flowers, when she noticed a
strange woman approaching.
Supposing the latter to be there on a mis
sion similar to her own Mrs. Greenway
paid slight attention to the stranger, and
would not have noticed her at all had the
latter not approached her and remained
closely eyeing her for full five minutes.
This unusual action indnced Mrs. Green
way to look up. As their eyes met the
stranger remarked: "What do you plant
flowers on that-grave for?"
"Because it. is the grave of my husband,"
was the subdued reply.
"Well, you need not plant any more
there, or give the grave any more attention,
as the body of your husband is not there."
"What do you mean?" nervously asked
Mrs. Greenway, growing apprehensive, and
casting a look of anxious inquiry at the
strange woman.
"I mean just what I say," was the cool
response. "Tbe remains of your husband
have been removed. If you consider them
worth a ransom I could secure their return,
providing you keep quiet, and conditional
upon no questions being asked." .
Thoroughly alarmed, Mrs. Greenway
called for help, when the strange woman
made way. An examination of the grave
showed that the body had been stolen and
is now being held for ransom.
Sensation in the PInmmervIlte Ballot Box
Theft Inquiry.
Little Rock, April 25. There was
something of a sensation in the Federal
court to-day when the grand jury marched
into open court with C. C. Beid, the young
attorney of Morrilton, and announced that
they had asked him questions about the
Plummerville ballot box theft which he re
fused to answer. The question was, "Did
O. T. Bentley have any conversation with
you in relation to or did he tell you any
thing about the theft of the Plummerville
ballot box."
In court Beid again refused to answer,
and Judge Caldwell asked him if he and
Bentley sustained the relation of client and
attorney to each other. This Beid refused
to answer. Judge Caldwell gave him until
to-morrow morning to answer one of the two
O. T. Bentley is a deputy sheriff of Con
way county and, according to "Warren Tay
lor s confession was one of the party of 22
who went from Morrillton to Plummerville
wilh the crowd that stole the box.
The federal grand jury indicted Bufus J.
Martin, David Highn'ight and Bobert
Anthony to-day charged with changing 31
ballots from John M. Clayton to C. B.
Breckenridge in the ballot box of "White
Biver township, "Woodruff county.
An Important, Politico-Religions Fight In.
the Canadian Co arts.
Monxbeal. April 25. The writ in tie
case of Ih'e Jesuits, agalrishSfdtJbf
-Toronto, wasrciurnea in court to-aay, ana
n appearance was filed by .the defendant.
Mr. Laflamme, who was Minister of Jus
tice under the Mackenzie regime, has been
retained by the defense. The first proceed
ing on the part of the defense will be the
taking of an exception to the form of the
complaint. It will be held that the statute
under which the Jesuits were " incorporated
is illegal and ultra vires, inasmuch as it is
beyond the power of the Quebec Legislature
under the British North America act to
enact such legislation, and furthermore,
that by said incorporation the local Legis
lature has recognized the authority of the
Pope, a foreign potentate, to interfere in
legislation ot the province and in counter
authority to that of Her Majestythe Queen.
It is thought probable that under the law
and before the French court, the exception
may be thrown out, in which case an appeal
will immediately be instituted and taken to
the privy council for final action.
The Defeated Candidate for; Congress In a
Missouri District In nn Ugly Scrape.
St. Louis, April 25. A C. Enbanks,-the
defeated Bepublican candidate for Congress
in the Third Missouri district, is in a very
ugly scrape. "When Harrison was elected he
set himself up as a dispenser of patronage in
his district, and proceeded to charge a fee
for signing petitions for office. He did a
thriving business for several months, then
the disappointed office seekers began to
kick and say naughty things" about a fellow
Bepublican who would charge for the in
fluence of his name. Eubanks defended him
self on the ground that "his campaign ex
penses were heavy.
The Bepublican Congressional Committee
took notice of the scandal to-day, and
called a meeting for an investigation on
May 7. Eubanks was invited to be present.
A New Jersey Girl Determined toWedtho
Man of Her Choice.
rsrzcxiL Tti.EaEAMTOTinrDisPATCH.1
NewYobk, April 25. Handsome Miss
Lily "Wild,.of Redbank, a daughter ofG."
H. "Wild, of that place, and granddaughter
of H." M. "Wild, the candy maker of this
city, eloped on Wednesday with J. Dey
Conover, a traveling salesman for a Michi
gan corset factory, who lives in the adjacent
village of Middletown. The latter is -a
widower with one child.
The girl's father objected and may make
trouble, but her brothers and mother fa
vored the match. .
He Is Extradited From Canada and Expects
to be Shot When He Gets Home.
Montbeal. April 25. The Minister of
Justice has'signed papers for ihe extradi
tion of Victor Emil Michea, a French de
serter, charged with having obtained 30,000
francs on a Government bond belonging to
a family at Valence, France. Instructions
have been given to send the offender back
to France within a very few days.
Michea is very much afraid that he will
be shot on his return to -French territory, as
he deserted from the army.
Another One Wants to Cross the Ocean .la a
Small Dory.
Boston", April 25. Another man who
wants to win fame and fortune by crossing
the Atlantio in a small dory is C. T. Rogers,
of Mansfield.
Mr. Sogers would like to race across with
Captain Andrews, dr start on the17th of
June for & solitarv Tjassapei N
Boulanger's French friends Fill His'
Apartment With Flowers.
The" General Will Do Nothing to Embar
rass the Government.
The Yotmsr Tory Males an Open Call Upon the -DiS--tlsjrnislied
General 3oulanger has completely recov
ered from "his seasickness. He anticipates,
no tronble from the English Government'
He has received a number of callers and
any quantity of flowers. The mostpromi
nent visitor was Lord Bandolph Churchill.
Tho radical clement has been bitter in at
tacking the General, but with little effect.
London, April 25. Copyright,.! I had
another opportunity this morning of judg
ing of Boulanger's marvelous recuperative,
powers. "When last seen yesterday evening
he was pale and haggard, and looked 10'
years more than his age. This mornine he
awoke fresh as a lark, and after his usual
coffee, had a prolonged business talk with
Naquet, Dillon, Tnrquet and Laisant.
Then he attacked a huge mass of corre-'
spondence and had got through witk it by.
11 o'clock, when your correspondent was,
ushered into his presence. The room was
full of flowers, and there" were a half dozen.
large bouquets tied in the French tri-color. I
xne Douquets were an sent, the uenerai
said, by friends in France.
"Boulanger, carefully dressed in a morn,--!
ing suit, with a carnation in his button
hole, looked quite young and spruce, and
full of Tim. He bad received, he said,
several visitors and many kindly letters,
but he would not mention names, as it1
might cause unpleasantness, as it did to a
certain Senator who once called upon him.
in Paris.
It was absurd to talk about his presence
embarrassing the British Government, lor
England was not a little neutral state like
Belgium, He had done his best to avoid
giving tronble in.Belginm, and would con
tinue that policy here. He was much,
because he knew the cheers were mainlv
English, but he did not court such demon
strations. Boulanger had been looking through the
editorials in the London newspapers, and
said he was satisfied with them. Her'hasH
certainly had few callers as yet, and the in
vitations so far received are not from the
best people. In diplomatic circles he will
be assuredly boycotted, and the radical
newspapers are urging all decent people to
have nothing to do with a man who in the
famous controversy with the Due D'Aumale
proved himself a liar and an ingrate,
But the denunciations of radical moralists
are not likely to have much effect 'upon
Boulanger position in London societv.
People remember that other famous French,
exile, Napoleon IH.J" Who -did iiot worship
ttuid witn siavisn aevouon. xwo persons,
both important in their way, called in the
course of the afternoon.
One, of whose visit the Boulangists will
make much, was Lord Bandolph Churchill.
His Lordship drove up in a private cab and
without any pretense of secrecy sent up his
card, and was of course instantly received.
He remained a half hour, and chatted gaily
with the General, but their talk was not
The other caller was Admiral Lord
Alcester, but his visit will not help Bou
langer, because he is cordially detested by
most Frenchmen as the man who com
manded the British fleet at the bombard
ment of Alexandria, thereby reducing to
ruins not only the town, but French
prestige in Egypt as well. The .same little
party dined together at the Bristol Hotel
last night, and toward the end of the repast
there was much hilarity.
He Took Money for Services to be Rendored
When Ho Became President.
Pabis, April 25. The Lix Neuvemie
Siecle says, that the Senate commission con
ducting the Boulanger trial has in its pos
session receipts signed by Boulanger for
money given to him in consideration of cer
tain services to be rendered by him in the
event of his becoming President. A state
official to-day testified that ' he had seen
similar documents.
It is -reported that the French Govern
ment will arrest any one found Jeaving the
country with letters for General Boulanger
on the ground that it is a breach of the
postal monopoly.
The Empress of Austria Is Not Crazy, but
Has the Neuralgia.
Vienna, April 25. The ..loend Pott
officially protests against the slanderous re
ports of the foreign press in regard to the
health of Empress Elizabeth. It asserts that
she has not suffered seriously, although
deeply afflicted at the untimely death of the
late Crown Prince Bndolf. J3he had a se
vere attack of neuralgia, bnt the trouble is
The Spanish Government Embarrassed by
the Catholic Congress.
Madeid, April 25. At the session of the
Catholic Congress here to-day Prof. Sanchez
Castro denounced "Italy's treatment of the
Papacy. His speech has caused the Spanish
Government considerable uneasiness. Be
fore the opening of the congress the pre
lates promised ( the Government here that
nothing would be said or done that might
irritate King Humbert.
They Think -Something Should be Done for
London, April 25. A Unionist confer
ence was held at Birmingham to-day. Res
olutions were adopted affirming that the
land question was the root of Irish discon
tent, and urging the Government to intro
duce into the House of Commons without
delay a measure to enable tenants to become
owners of the land.
Delegates to tbe Saraoau Conference.
London, April 25. It is officially an
nounced that Sir Edward Malet, the British
Ambassador at Berlin; Mr. Scott, the Brit
ish Minister at Berne, and Mr. Crowe have
been appointed delegates to the Samoan
England Congratnlates Harrison.
jjy.iuu.1, ijiiii u. xuo municipal au
thorities of New Castle-under-Lyme have
i voiea a special auuress oi congratulations to
President Harrison, whose ancestors weTe
xjiatives of that place. J
J&&3trsQK 1889.
Virginia and Tennessee Officials Having Any
Araonnt f Troable TUo Mayor and
"Three' Aldermen of One Town Ar
Tested An Understand.
Ins Reached.
BeistOI., Tenn., April 25. An agree
ment" has been effected that will prevent
any collision between Tennessee and Vir
ginia" officers on account of the undeter
mined location of the State line. On Tues
day the Virginia officers began summoning
a posse, every man being under a forfeit of
$20, to appear at the Goodson Town Hall'
at '7 o'clock "Wednesday morning. It was
understood that 4they were going to finish
the laying of. tEe water pipe on main
street by force ot arms. Sheriff Cart-wright
insisted that if it were necessary he would
Upholding theifirst man who" stuck a pick
in thatditch, Jbut as-he-was not crying for a
fuss all by'hlmself he sent runners to his
cbuntry to tell the boys of the fun that was
brewing, so that they could be on hand
Wednesday morning,
In the afternoon citizens held a meeting,
fully discussed the situation; and appointed
a committee, to advise with counsel, and if
possible make concessions in the interest of
peace. Subsequent to the meeting of this
committee, Colonel "W. D. Payne, who is
counsel for the State of Tennessee, agreed
that in order to remove obstructions and
prevent serious trouble, the pipe might be
atted up between Front and James streets,
it being understood that Sheriff Cart
wright snould arrest every one for whom
he had a process. It was further under
stood the Goodson, councilmen and a' repre
sentative of the Glamorgan county, were to
L make it convenient to be arrested if the at
tachments for contempt issued by Judge.
John P. Smith for laborers for whom the
sheriff has writs, should be arrested in the
ditches or elsewhere on Main street.
Yesterday morning countrymen, armed
with shotguns and pistols, gathered in every
direction, and when one of the leading law
yers for Virginia advised that men'be put
to work and Sheriff Cartwright he shot
down if he touched one of them, it looked as
if bloodshed were unavoidable, but
the Aldermanic Board repudiated
his advice, and two of them
came over and were arrested.
The Mayor and three Aldermen have been
arrested now: so while new workmen are
finishing and shaping up the construction
of the main street piping, the injunction
cases and processes for contempt will re
main in statu quo, to be fought in the
courts by all concerned for all they are
Pittsburg Capital Being Invested In In-
cllned Planes at Kansas City Jndgo
MelTon to bo Banaaetted by
tho Citizens.
Kansas Cut, April 25. Judge Thomas
Mellon, of Pittsburg, in company with his
grandson, "W. T. .Mellon, and Engineer
Samuel Deischer, arrived in the city to-day.
The. object of the visit is to inspect the work
on a great system of inclined planes, of
which Judge Mellon is the financial backer.
The company wat incorporated to-day with
an initial capital "stock of 8100,000. Plans
ore completed for the first plane, which will
be located on the Bluff, or overlooking the
Union depot, and will be 100 feet long, with
a grade of 45 feet to 100. Cars will accom
modate four loaded teams with a capacity of
20 tons, and will make the ascent in 1J
minutes. Judge Mellon visited the depot
this afternoon anexpreliseoTnlBaelf greatly
pleased with the "outlook, and with great
rnsh of bnslness in the vicinity! He esti
mates that the incline will carry 2,000 teams
a day and save a journey of several miles
around the bluff.
Mr. Diescher will be the superintending
engineer of the work, which is considered
one of the most important undertakings in
the city for years. Kansas City men first
conceived the project, but it was round neces
sary to resort tq Pittsburg capital to make it
an assured fact. Excavation will be 6om
menced May 1 and the work will be com
pleted in six months. Additional planes
will be built as there is demand for them.
The same plans in use in Pittsburg will be
carried out.
Judge Mellon will remain several days in
the city and will be banquetted by the lead
ing business men, who have greeted him
with the highest honor.
Sixteen Ladles Chosen lor the Centennial
Qandrille of Honor.
New- Yoek, April 25. The 16 ladies
who will dance in the quadrille of honor at
the centennial ball have at last been deter
mined upon, and, are as follows:
Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, Mrs. Levi
P. Morton, Mrs. Grorer Cleveland,
Mrs. Gracie King, Mrs. Alexander Van
Rensselaer, Mrs. W. Bayard Cntting, Mrs.
"William Astor, Miss.Cora Livingston, Mrs.
Newbold Morris, Mrs. Delbridge T. Gerry,
Miss Louisa Lee Schuyler, Mrs. Buchanan
"Winthrop, Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, Mrs.
"William Jay, Mrs. S. V. B. Cruger and
Mrs, Alexander S. Webb.
A Contractor Shoots a Colored Man for
Carrying Notes to His Daughter.
St. Joseph, Mo., April 25. Charles
Mowland, one of the most prominent con
tractors of this city, shot Louis Jackson,
colored, four times to-day, in the office of
the Chief of Police.
Jackson was under police protection on a
charge made by Mowland that Jackson car
ried notes to his daughter from an objection
able suitor. Jackson refused to tell who
gave him the note, and Mowland shot.
Armcs Court Martial Not Long
Coming to a Conclusion. -.
"Washington, April 25. The Armes
court martial at its meeting to-day read
over the record of -yesterday's proceedings
and went into secret session.
The result was an agreemant upon a ver
dict, and the court adjourned to await the
action of the Secretary of "War and the
President upon their findings.
But He Fears tho Inclement Weather and
Remains Indoors.
' Washington, April 25. Secretary
Blaine, who was indisposed yesterday, was
feeling muph better this morning,bnt owing
to the inclement weather he did not deem it
prudent to go to the State Department this"
For this reason the presentation of the
new British Minister to the President has
been deferred.
He Gets Fonr Years la tho Penitentiary for
Firing Upon the Police. -
Chesteetown, Md., April 25. The
trial of Captain- Cain, of the oyster boat
Robert N. McAllister, for firing on Captain
Charles -Kerr, commander of the State
Police Boat Helen M. Baughman, while in
the discharge of his official duties and for
firing on the Helen M, Baughman, was con
cluded here to-day. Judge Wlckes imposed
a sentence of four years in the .State peni
tentiary and a fine of $100.
" i
About to be Enlightened in the Ways
of the Civilized World by a
Railroads, Electric Lights, and
, MbdernImprofements
Dromedaries; Tallow Dips and Water Ditches Soon to
be Forgotten.
An American concern called the Persian
Company is' about to receive a report from
its messenger, Mr. Francis H. Clergue, who
returned yesterday from a tour of investi
gation through Persia. The company pro
poses to modernize.the land of the. Shah,
building railroads, sinking wells and put
ting in electric light plants there. Mr.
Clergue's account of the present primitive
manners of the Persians is interesting.
New Yoek, April 25. "When thelnman
Line steamer City of New York arrived a
her pier at 8 o'clock this morning, the first
passenger to leave her deck was a light
complexioned, busines3-like man, with a
brieht eye and confident air that became a
man who has been hobnobbing with Shahs
and Czars for some months past. He was
Mr. Francis H. Clergue, a Maine man,
from that liveliest of Maine cities, Bangor.
Mr. Clergue in appearance is oyer 35
years old. He has for some years repre
sented the interests of the Persian Com
pany, an American concern, organized- by
Eastern capitalists. This.company proposes
to revolutionize the state of affairs in Persia
by substituting modern railroads for camels,
dromedaries and horses, electric light for
tallow candles, artesian wells for primitive
ditches, and a national bank for the present
financial system, the basis of wh'icis the
towan, a coin worth about $1 50, which is
made up of 10 krans, worth nominally a
quarter, and actually only 15 cents.
It seems that one great "bar to progress in
Persia is her geographical position, with
Russia's jealous eye upon her from the
north, and England's ever-watchful against
Russian encroachments fixed on her from
the south. It is due to this unfortunate po
sition of Persia, between Russia and India,
that neither English nor Bussian capital
has found an advantageous field for invest
ment there.
When the present Shah, Nasir-El-Din,
perhaps the most advanced and enlightened
rule r that Persia has had, threw open the
waters of the Karum, the only navigable
river in Persia, to the commerce of the
world, Russia immediately took umbrage
at the action, and demanded important con
cessions in the way of territory on the north.
Persia yearned for the modern improve-'
ments of which she had heard so much, and
realizing that she could not grant privileges
to either England or Russia without getting
herself in serious trouble, she naturally
turned to America.'
. Three t, fonr years ago Prince Malcon
-Kh'an, the Persian Minister at London,
opened communication with certain Ameri
can capitalists who were soon interested in
the scheme oi modernizing Persia, with an
incidental prospect of big dividends in
view. A syndicate was soon formed, and
Mr. Clergue was sent to London to confer
with the Persian. Prince. Since then in-
f vestigations and negotiations have been
steadily in progress, and last November Mr.
Clergue left this country to look over the
opportunities for investment in Persia and
toveffect some definite understanding .with
the Shaw in his palace at Teheran, the Cap
ital. One of the first things that Mr. Clergue
ascertained in his travels through Persia
was the fact that one of the scarcest com
modities of the country was plain, every
day water. The cities are built on plains at
the base of mountain slopes that are very
long and gradual in their descent. Us these
Slains the sun beats so fiercely that, every
roppf water is dried up or sinks at once
through the porous soil to the rock beds
below. "Wherever sun and water meet vege
tation is instantaneous.
The Persian capitalist procures water in
this fashion. He digs a hole say 20 feet
deep, 'and then begins to scoop out a tunnel,
bringing out the dirt In baskets and dump
ing it at the mouth of the hole. After pro
ceeding say 50 feet, tbe work becomes slow
and expensive. Then the Persian hops up
on the surface again, .guesses where his tun
nel ends, sinks another Hole there, and con
tinues to bore on in the same laborious fash
ion. Gradual though the slope from tbe
mountain is, as the goal is neared the dig
ger finds he must descend perhaps 100 feet
to reach the level of his tunnel. Finally,
when success hasbeen achieved and water
trickles down his expensive tunnel,- he finds
a ready market for it among his fellow citi
zens, who pay him so much a week for any
amount daily, from a dipperful to the right
to allow the stream to run through a garden
for an hour or two.
The Persian company proposes to remedy
all this, and has obtained a charter from ihe
Shah which allows them to sink artesian
wells through the rock bed, which will
make the cost of obtaining water about one
tenth as much as by the present method.
For this privilege the company is to pay the
Shah 6 per' cent of the net profits.
Another innovation projected by the new
company is the furnishing of electric lights
to this benighted country. Now when the
Persian young man returns from his club
at night, or the honest workingman wants
to find his dromedary alter dark, a man
must go before with a candle to light the
way and anpther must follow with a stick
to keep the dogs out of the road. Electric
light privileges have already been obtained
from the Shah.
The railroad, for which a charter has
already been granted, will be about 600
miles in length, uniting Schusta on the
south with Resbt on the Caspian sea. Along
its line will be the cities of Kasyin, Teheran
and Iapahan, the former capital of Persia.
In establishing a national bank the Amer
ican syndicate will combine with Renter,
the German banker.
The great advantage of the contemplated
railroad line to Persia is apparent, when it
is stated that it will open direct communica
tion between Teheran and the great Trans
Siberian Railway, about to be built by
Russian capital. To-day all travel in
Persia must be done on the back of some
animal, except on the road irom Kasvin to
Teheran, about 100 miles in length, which
is the only road in the country where
wheels can be used.
Beside replacing ihe Kanaut system, as
the primitive method oi tunneling for
water is called in the native language, wells
will he sunk in the modern fashion in the
many parts of Persia where petroleum
Tbe changes promised by the Persian
Company are eagerly looked forward to by
the Persians, who are said to think-that the
improvements will be the redemption of
their country. Meantime', the English
minister, Sir Drummond "Wolfe, ana the
Russian representative at Teheran, trince
Dolgorouki, .watch the .inroad of American,
capital with equanimity as Ions a 'e
benefits expected to- accrue are not to the
advantage of either Russia or. Eaglsnd, .
Before returning home Mr. Clergue
visited St. Petersburg, where he is said to
have had an interview with the .Czar and
that fact has given rise to the. rumor that
Bussia had objected to the schemes of the
American sondicate. Mr. Clergue, while
refusing to say.anytbing 'about this Inter
view, says positively that the Czar has
offered no- objection . to the plans of the
Persian. Company, but rather looks upon
them with favor.
"When a suggestion was made (hat Bnssia
might contemplate gobbling up Persia, and
perhaps'wa'ftted!td"iiave the country like a
thanksgiving tnckey, .in the best- possible
shape, .Mr, ergne fipiy smiled, and
said such' an 'idea, was. not to be thought'
of. Mr. Clergue" declined to give out the
details of the" plans Of the Persian Com
pandor to mention the names of tbe men
wibo have put their money in it, at present.
He says the whole scheme, in all its par
ticulars, will be made pnblic in a short
time. The company has been, chartered by
the Maine Legislature, but the names of the
clerks in the company's office appear in
stead of those of its real incorporators.
Mr. Clergue returns to Europe next
month, after making his report to the
syndicate, and will proceed to Persia by the
way of St. Petersburg, where he will meet
the Shah of Persia during his visit to the
Czar. -Mr. Clergue leaves for "Washington
lie Says Someone Forged a Letter on Hlra
. His Heal Letter Given Oat Nearly
. as Bitter Ws the Alleged
"Washington, April 25. The following
alleged letter from Colonel "W. "W. Dudley
to Samuel Van Pelt, an old army comrade,
living in Anderson, Ind., was published
hereito-day.as a special dispatch from An
derson: Mt'Deab SAM Yours received. I need not
tell you that it would be very gratifying to me
to' see you get the Indian agency, knowing as I
do your special fitness for the place and your
service to the country m tbe hour1 of her sorest
need, but I am sorry to say-that I will be un
able to render you any assistance whatever
with the President. He has lost bis backbone,
and is too coward ty to be seen consulting with
me. for tbe simple reason that the copperheads
and rebels of Indiana have trumped up a lot of
chargesagainst me. He seems entirely obliv
ious to the fact that it was through my efforts
that Indiana was saved to him.
"When" the above was shown to Colonel
Dudley-he pronounced it a ''clear, cold
forgery;" said he had telegraphed to Van Pelt
as soon as he saw it in the paper tcday, de
manding that Van Pelt give out for publi
cation the letter which he actually wrote,
and added:-
I wrote only one. and I have nreserved a
copy. Here it is. While I don't care to have
my private letters published to the world, yet
there is nothing in this letter which I am
ashamed of, and while it was hastily written,
in confidence to an old friend, I would have no
objection to the President seeing it. I have
asked nothing from General Harrison, and
therefore have nothing to complain of. I wish
the administration every success, and would
not, if I could, embarrass it in any way. I am
out of politics and would not accept any public
office. I, have recently associated with me
Mr. Charles D. Ingersoll, of .New York, and
Jerome Carty, of Philadelphia, and have de
cided to devote my entire attention to the
practice.of law. I neither seea nor would ac
cept any public office.
Following is the letter:
Washington. D. C, April 15, 1S89.
D. S. Van Pelt, Esq., Anderson, Ind.t
Deab Old Sam Your Rood letter of the 28th'
of March I got in cood time, but it fonnd me
absent. I have recently returned from a trip
to the South, where I went on legal business
andbad a good time and a little rest from tbe
crowds of people who throng my office from
morning until night, and Irom the mountain of
letters which pile upon my desk everyday.
Your letter got into the pile, where I rescued
it to-night, and I hasten to say how mucbeooa
it has done me to hear from you again. There
is nothing I should like better than to do some
thing for yon, Sam, bnt I am afraid you greatly
overestimated my influence. Your old friend
Reed has placed his pension in my hands, and
I am working away at it to get it soon.
Perhaps there isnoonein the country who
has done so much for General Harrison during
the last 20 years, as I have; but because our
Democratic friends down in Indianapolis have
started the hue and cfy on me. Brother Ben
does not seem to feel that he can afford to rec
ognize me as an acquaintance, and conse
Suently I don't take dinner at the White
ouse, as might be expected. I-have not been
inside ths White Honse since Cleveland's In
auguration, a little over four ye&rg-ago, but I
will see If something can not be done a little
later on, and tell you what to do. If yousbould
not hear from me again, Sam, for the next two
months, don't be alarmed, for there will be Inst
as good chances two months hence and a little
better as there are now.
Give my kind regards to all the boys at An
derson, and remember me" always as your
friend, W. W. Dudley.
Tho Oldest Inhabitant Never
Knew Them
to be so Plenty.
"Washington, April 25. Never since
the institution of the Fish Commission, and
possibly never in the history of the Potomac
river, has there been such a run of fish of
all kinds, native to the stream, as this
spring. Fine shad are taken in great num
bers every day and just now the nets are
raised freighted to breaking with herring.
In the upper Potomac, bass fishing is ex
cellent, and this gamey fish is affording
great sport for the anglers.
. At the stations of the Fish Commission at
Fort "Washington and Havre de Grace.
millions of shad are secured every day, and
natcneu ior me siociung ot me nvers iriou
tary to the seaboard. "Uncounted millions
of the little fish will be distributed this
year. 'In other directions-the commission i3
almost equally busy.
The Board of Pardons Makes bat
Favorable Recommendation.
HAbbisbubg, April 25. The Board of
Pardons was not in a forgiving mood to-day.
Samuel P. "Williugan, connected with the
Shackamaxon bank embezzlement, was the
only man recommended for pardon. Bob
ert M. Geary, sentenced to 20 years in the
"Western Penitentiary for a series ot highway
robberies in Allegheny county, was refused
a pardon recommendation.
Charles Ebie, of Allegheny county, up
for selling liquor without license, and John
"Wilson, Allegheny county, felonious as
saul, also had their applications unfavor
ably considered; Action in the case of
Slattery and Coyle and Abraham M. Bow
ser were deferred.
A Decided Decrease In the Appointment of
fourth-Class Postmasters.
"Washington, April. 25. Only 117
fourth-class postmasters were appointed to
day, and none of these were in Pennsylva
nia and but two in "West Virginia, which
latter are; Elisha Mclntire, Elks Garden,'
M. T. Bartlett, Simpson.
The following were appointed in Eastern
Chic: C. R. Stewart, Brookfield; Frank
Strain, Burgh Hill; J. E. Hitchcock, De
lightful; Philo Gates, Gustavius; Lena A
Clark, Hartford; Carrie J. Law, Johnson
yille; Arthur Stubby, Tyrrell H1U.
An Ex-Congressman's Sadden Death.
"Washington, April .25. Ex-Congressman
B. J. Ellis, of Louisiana, died suddenly
in this city to-day,
Shirley Dare, author 6f "The Ugly Girl Pa
pers."has been engaged to write a series of ar ,
.tlcles.forjthe Sunday issue of Ths Despatch.
Tidies should watch for the Fiasx Pafeb '
which will appear Next Sunday;
Pretty Emma Bath Doo
One ,
the Most Fearful
Who Some Time Afterward Opens
Makes a Horrible Discovery.
-And Her Poor, Lotinc Father Is in Consequence IV
most a wwifli,
A peculiarly horrifying case of the burial .
of a person not yet dead is reported at Syra-'-cuse.
A pretty 17-yeor-old, German girl
was supposed to be dead and her own
father, the sexton of the cemetery, dug the
grave, which a few weeks later he opened
and was driven nearly insane by the awful'
discovery that his beloved daughter had
died a terrible death, in great agony, after
her interment.
L Stbactjse, N. Y., April 25. Edward
Rath, a German laborer, lives alone in a
half-tumbied-down shanty near the Erie,
canal. Up to March 22 he had as his only
companion his 17-year-old daughter Emma, .
a pretty and intelligent girl. About the -middle
of March Emma caught a cold,
which, after several days, settled on' her.
lungs. Her two sisters came home to assist
-the neighbors to care for the dying girl. On.
Friday, March 22, at about 4 o'clock ia the
morning, she ceased to breathe.
The body was left for about four hours,,
when Mrs. Francis Seahler and another'
neighbor dressed it for burial. They were
-wl.ll '
01 AIUJPS. e
surprised to find that the body was -warm. ja
of the remains. The funeral took place the -next
Sunday afternoon, and the bodyl' was
buried in the Giddes Cemetery.
Mr. Rath, who is employed as a laborer
by Alonzo E. Vrooman,- a mason, and. who
also is sexton of the Giddes Cemetery, dug
the grave himself. After the funeral the.
old man's children went to their various
homes and he remained alone in the shanty.
The loss of his daughter bore heavily
upon the old man's mind, and he spent
much of his leisure time with his neighbors,
.where the fact of the girl's body being warm
several hours after her breathing seemed to
have ceased, was talked over. The possi-'
bility of the girl being buried alive preyed
upon his mind so that without speaking of
his intention, he uncovered the grave last
week. The rough box containing his daugh
ter's coffin was opened and the lid taken
from the coffin.
No sooner was the glass uncovered than
the grief-stricken father was horrified to see
tbe body of the young girl turned over on
one side. He says that her hands were
clasped over her face and her brown hair
was tangled up over her eyes as though it
had been torn in dreadful agony. Mr.
Rath says that there were finger marks on
her face. He says that he was nearly par-,
alyzed with terror, and hastily replaced the
cover, shoveled the dirt back into the crave.
and ran from the place. The experience
has made him nearly insane.
The doctor who attended the girl- says
that he last saw her the evening before death
was supposed to have occurred. He then
left morphine for her to take, and did not
expect her to die so soon. The undertaker
wbo had charge of the funeral says' he is
positive that the yonng girl was dead, but
the woman who robed her for the grave
admits that the body was warm when she"'
performed that service.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Chorea)
DIscass tbe Qaestlon at Lengtb A
Noticeable Difference of Opinion
Manifested One Who Was
Not Tempted.
Philadelphia, April 25. The nine
teenth annual assembly of the "Woman's)
Foreign Missionary Society of the Presby
terian Church resumed its session this morn
ing, and after the opening devotional exer
cises a paper was read by Mrs. S. C. Per
kins, of this citv, on "Marriage and Mission
"Work." She said:
Arguments can be brought forward on both
sides as to whether it would be better for tbe
missionaries to go ont married or unmarried.
Not ail the wives of missionaries are true mis
sionaries wives. A single woman is frequently
sent out to do a specific work and sbe must re
member the solemn obligations under which,
shogoes to her field. She owes herself for at
east a term of years to tbat work. After that
is done she is free to do as she will with herself
and ber life. At the conclusion of tbe reading
of the paoer, tbe opinion of the missionaries
present was called for.
Mrs. Shedd, of Persia, who married be
fore going into the work, "Quite agreed
with Mrs. Perkins, and thought you ought
to be more careful in selecting your candi
dates. Send those with cultured minds,
who can stay alone for a few days. I do not
believe in sending very young girls. A
girl ought to have some experience and
know whether she can live alone or not"
Mrs. Tracy, of Indiana, said that she be
came engaged shortly after reaching her
mission field, but tbat she waited until she
had completed her specified term before
Miss Mary Fullerton, also of Indiana,,
said that she hadn't anything to say on the
subject, and created an audible smile by
adding that "she had not had any tempta- jB
tion." Mrs. Reading, missionary to Africa, -aj
thought tnat tne missionaries snonid pe old
enough to judge for themselves. Miss.
Davis, one of the missionaries to Japan,
who has done (rood work in that field, and
remained single so far, said she thought '
that Mrs. Perkins wai inst right.
Mrs. Dr. Blaikie, of Edinburgh, said thai "
they could not blame tbe young lady mis
sionaries for being lonely and accepting an
offer of marriage. Here any of the ladies,
distressed and tired after a tour among the
lowly, felt refreshed and brightened on re
turning to her home and husband and chil
dren. They should put themselves in the
position of the single lady missionaries.
Her daughter had gone out as tbe wife of a
missionary, and wrote with enthusiasm of
the work she found to do.
Eighty-Five Braves and Their OatStsT-
Ready to Sail This Afternoon.
New YOEKjApril 25. Eighty-five Siomx
Indians arrived hers last nitrht. over-the
Pennsylvania road, from the Pine Bidge'y
Indian Agency of the Ogallalla Sioux, inVt.
Dakota, on their way to the Paris Expos!-' J
tion with Buffalo Bill's ,rWild VTeti
show. They were all under the care -of
Major John Burke, Buffalo Bill's right-
band man. and interpreters Bronco Bill,
John Nelson and Buckskin Jack Russell. "
They went directly to the steamship Persian
Monarch, at the foot of West Twenty- ,
fourth street, which will sail to-morrrow
afternoon with the entire. "Wild "West Shovr
for Havre.
One of the main features of tb WI1J
"West at the Exposition will be the Treiici.
Canadian and Hudson Bay exMMfc.
5 ----- - -
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