- -. . THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, THURSDAY, APRIL '25, 1889. v '! ' I MEAT ON THE HOOP. f Features of Live Stock Markets at vl - East Liberty Tarils. TOO LIBERAL SUPPLY OF CATTLE - And Sheep, Drovers "Will be Satisfied "to Come Out Even. 'HOGS IS IttiHT SUPPLY AND DEMAHD Office of Vittsbxjeo Dispatch, Wednesday. April 24, 1SS9.J Receipts of cattle this week have been larger than for months past. On Monday 80 cars were received andl51oads have been added since. The extra ran had a depressing influence on markets and prices are off from 15 to 25c as compared with last week. The following In substance was the Tiew of an old-time Liberty stockman concerning this week's cattle markets: Prices of heavy cattle suffered most In the decline because of unfavor able news from New York concerning this grade. The best selling stock were good butcher cattle ranging from 1,100 to 1,300 pounds. The supplies this week were well divided In accordance with the wants of trade. There were few heavy cat tle, but more than were wanted. A few loads of 1,400 to 1,650 pound steer were on hand, and, in a wholesale way, brought $1 25 to $4 35. The coarse grades of heavy cattle and common stockers suffered most from depres sion of markets. Light, thin stbckers have been very poor stock for selling quality this week. The low prices of full-grown cattle ap pear to deter stock raisers of this section from buying stockers and feeders unless they can be had at very low rates; in fact, at prices which are rninons to drovers. When cattle are up, stockers are active. In the present condition of markets there is a very poor demand for stockers, which will require long waiting and much feeding before they will bo ready for markets. AHerr's Island cattle dealer reports that markets there this week have been so slow that the dealer who comes out even is well off. Said he: "I paid $4 20 for cattle at Chicago, and the best I could get was Si 65 and even that was hard to get. I will be satisfied with my trade this week if I am not a loser." Calves wer in large snpplv at Liberty this week. Receipts have been 1,000 head and 300 are due to-morrow. Notwithstanding heavy run prices arc fairly maintained. Calves suffer least in the cattle decline from last week's prices. Slieep and Lambs. The supply was large, far too large for the demand, and prices are off a full Jc all along the line. Some dealers report a smaller de cline, but all admit a decline. Prime lambs came nearest holding their own. Common thin lambs, with the wool off, having neither flesh nor weight, are not wanted. Very few sheep or lambs are now coming to the market that are not clipped. A poor clipped lamb should be kept at home until flesh isput on to his bones before starting him out into the world. Some shippers who consigned to the Liberty markets tnis grade of lambs the past week, have learned the truth of this at a dear experience. Boss. Markets were fairly active at the beginning of the week at prices of last weec Though the run has been light the drift has been toward low prices. Markets are 10 cents off from Monday's prices. The range to-day is J4 90 to S5 10. At Chicago to-day, with a run of 14.000. the outside -price is $4 85. Packers report that hogs are still SI too high for the prices obtained for hog products. Short ribs touched their lowest point this season at Chicago, viz., $5 SO. May pork sold at S!l 30. At these figures it is claimed bv the packers that no margin is left to the trade in prices of hogs all the past season. BlcCnll &Vo.' Reyiew. McCall & Co. in their weekly review, say: The receipts of cattle were liberal; market slow at a shade lower prices on all grades ex cept good butchers weighing LOW) to l,2003bs, which sold up to last week's prices. "We quote following as ruling prices for the week: Prime, 1.300 to 1.G00 lbs, 54 154 40; good. 1,200 to 1.400 Jbs. S3 904 15; rough fat, 1.100 to 1.S0O Iks. J3 C53 80; good butcher grades, wciehmg 900 to LlOOtts. $3 C03 80: common to" fair, 900 to 1,000 lbs, S3 403 Go: nn sale for heavy .- trails: good light bulls, S2 503 00; fat cow-. 82 003 00: tresh cows and springers, 20 0058 40 00 per bead. The receipts of hogs on Monday were liberal, and the market active; all sold, closing weak. Yesterday and to-day the supply was light and the market anil; scarcely enouch to-day to make a market; demand easy. Sales $5 00 5 05; roughs, S3 504 25. Keoeipts of sheep Monday and Tuesday were heavy and the market slow at a decline of 15c to 25c per cwt from quotations reported in our last circular. To-day's receipts were light and the market unchanged. We quote as follows: Prime Ohio and Ind ana wethers, clipped, weighing here 110 to 120 fts, S4 404 50; good wethers, clipped, 90 to 100 as, S4 104 30; fair to good mixed, clipped, 85 to 90 fts, S3 754 10; common tp fair, clipped, 75 to SO lbs. S2 7o3 50: prime clipped lambs, 50 to 90 lbs, S4 604 90; good, 70 to 80 lbs, S4 25 4 60; common to fair, 50 to 65 fts, S3 604 15; real calves, 110 to 120 fts, S3 904 25; wool sheep not wanted. By Telegraph. New Yobk Beeves Receipts, 3.400 head, including 73 carloads for the market-77 carloads for exportation and 50 carloads for city slaugh terers direct; trade dragged and the market closed weak and lower; common to strictly prime steers sold at S3 504 75 per 100 pounds; bulls and dry cows at $2 153 40. Exports, 550 beeves and 4.760 quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts, 15,600 head; dull and lower for all except the best; nnshorn sheep sold at S5 006 00 per 100 pounds; clipped do at S4 CO 4 80; unshorn yearlings at S6 007 25; clipped do at $6 255 75: spring lambs at $4 00 6 50, each. Hogs Receipts, 8,500 head; nearly all lor slaughters direct; dull feeling; nominal value alive, 55 105 40. Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts. 4.670 head; shipments. 1.778 head1, market slow and weak; dressed beef and shipping steers 1015c lower; cows a shade lower; stockers and feeding steers steady: good to choice corn-fed, S4 003425; com mon to medium, S3 O03 90; stockers and feed ing steers. S2 003 60: cos, S175S325. Hogs Receipts, 10,491head;shipments,3,838 head; slow and o10c lower: good to choice. S4 37K 4 42$: common to medium,S4 254 35. Sheep Receipts, 84S head: shipments, 230 head: strong and active; good to choice muttons, S4 25 4 7a: common to medium, S2 504 00. CniCAGO Cattle Receipts. 12,000 head: shipments, 6.000 bead: market weak and lower; beeves 54 254 70; steers. S3 304 00; stockers and feeders, S2 503 65: cows, bulls and mixed. SI 70Q3 10; Texas steers, S3 COS 8 80. Hogs Receipts. 18,000 bead; shipments 4.400 head;market slow, 10c lower: mixed. S4 50 4 75; heavy, SI 404 70: light, S4 604 85: skips. S3 504 40. Sheen Receipts, 7.000 head; shipments, 3.500 head; market weak; natives, S4 9Dff5 40: Western cornf ed, 4 505 35; lambs, 5UgG00. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,200 head: shlp- ji ments, 400 bead: market steady; choice heavy native steers, S3 754 40; fair to good do, S3 O0S? 4 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 20 3 10: rangers, corn-fed. S2 70S3 40: grass-fed. 51 902 80. Hogs Receipts. 5,700 head; ship ments, 300 head: market lower; choice heavy and butchers' selections. S4 604 70: pacKing, medium to prime. $4 4004 55: light trades, ordinary to best, S4 5034 65. Sheep Receipts, 3,000 bead: shipments, none; market stead; fair to choice, S3 004 75. Cetcikitati Hogs lower; common and light, $4 004 75; packing and butchers', S4 60 4 SO; receipts, 4,290 head; shipments, 1,590 bead. , Drygooda Market. ,NewYobk, April 24. Business in drygoods was light to-day with jobbers and moderate with agents, though decoration materials w ere in active demand at the hands of both. The holiday feeling is rampant. Cotton goods are improving in tone, and there is a more confi dent feeling. There was no change in prices . to-day. Some cheap goods are still irregular in tone. Wool Market. ,V St. Lotjis Wool quiet but steady. About 130,000.000 feet of logs are on the landings in the Penobscot lumber regions, rep- resenting a value of nearly 81,400.000, and the ,- owners of these, as well as the manufacturers ' on the river, are anxious about getting the logs into the main streams. Rains are needed. During a local option election, yesterdav, at Minneapolis Va,, Joe Howell shotand KMei W. H. Porter, a DepntvUnitedStates Marshal. Before Porter died he shot Howell in the abdo- men. inflicting a wound which will probably prove fatal. The steamer Mariposa, Captain Hayward, lor San Francisco, returned to Auckland with the flax in her forehold on fire. The flames were quenched ad she proceeded lor her desti nation yesterday afternoon. The fire did little iasssui f.w 'Patrick Carroll, who jumped from the 'Brooklyn bridge on Tuesday, is out of danger. iHe.will probablv receive - ,, months' nn. Itence for his temerity. MAMETSBY WIRE. Wheat Steadier and Fractionally Higher on Improved Outside Trading Corn and Oats. About Hold Their Ground Hob Products Quiet. Chicago A good business was transacted in wheat to-day, and some operators re ported improved outside trading. The mar ket evidently is now considered on a safer basis for business, and operators, especially outside traders, have more confidence In the market at present prices and a larger and more general business is expected. The feeling developed was somewhat stronger. The opening was a shade better and sold about Jc above yesterday's closing; then de clined He for July, rallied Jgc, easedoff )c, and closed about iia higher than yesterday. May closed about s higher than yesterday, and June commanded Kc premium over May. Shorts covered freely, and some of the traders who have figured on the selling side for some time were credited with having taken on some long wheat for a reaction. There was only a moderate trade in corn fluctuations being within liic range, and values showed but little change from yester day. The prevailing feeling was firm, though no advance of consequence "was established. Oats were slow and easy, and without new features of importance, trading being lighter and governed entirely by local influences. The feeling was easy, but fluctuations slight. Hog products ruled lower during the early part of the session, but after the bulk of the offerings were disposed of the market tempor arily showed more steadiness and prices rallied slightly. Toward the close the market rnled easier again and prices receded to medium figures and closed rather quiet. The leading futures raneea as rollows: Wheat-No.2 May,bOVi8O68OS0c June. 80KSl80V;SOc; July, 7SJi"65S7 78Kc; ear, 7a7qc. Cobn No. 2 ilav, 34K34c; June, SiJi S5c: July,3535235S5c. OATS No. 2 May, V2Zlkc: June, 23c; SU 30011 42h4 11 -ziwan. so; June, 111 4Zu sou VX 11 45; July, SU 5011 60U 47011 X- Lied, per 100 fts. May. So b0C 82K6 SO 6 S2K; June, SO 858 853 856 65; July, 56 S7K66 K6 87&6 90. Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. May. S3 805 87K 5 605 85; June. S5 97K5 97K5 92K5 92 July. S6 006 02X66 006 00. Cash quotations were as lollows: Flour nomi nally unchangSd. No. 2 spring wheat,79JSOKc; No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red,79J bOc. No. 2 corn. 34c No. 2 oats, 24ic. No. 2 rye, 40c. No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 66. Prime timothy seed. SI 341 35. Mess pork, per barrel. $11 35 11 40. Lard, per 100 lbs. SS S06 82. Short ribs sides (loose). 15 855 95. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S5 255 50. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 25637. Sugars Cut loaf, 9KS92c; granulated. Sc; standard A, 8Jc. Receipts Flour, 18.000 barrels; wheat, 11,000 bushels: corn, 203,000 bushels; oats. 116,000 bushels; rye, 5,000 bushels; barley, 19,000 bush els. Shipments Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat. 23.000 bushels; corn. 340,000 bushels: oats. 98, 000 bushels; rye. 6,000 bushels; barley, 9,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weak; fancy creamerv, 2324e: choice to fine, 212c; fine dairies. 2023c: fair to good, 1518c Eggs steady atl010c New York Flour dull and heavy. Corn meal steady. Wheat Spot firmer and quiet; options more active; new months unchanged; July and later months c higher. Barley and barley malt quiet. Corn Spot steady and less active; options dull and steady. Oats Spot steady and dull; options firm and mod erately active. Hay quiet and firm. Hops quiet and firm. Coffee quiet; options opened barely steady and unchanged; closed barely steady at 5 points down; sales. 15,500 bags, including April, 16.70: Mav, 16.65Q16.70c; June. 16.75 16.80c: July, 16.80c: August, 17.00c; September. 17.1017.15c; Rio quiet; fair cargoes, lSc. Sugar Raw active and stronger; fair refining, 6 7-16c; centrifugals, 96 test, 7c bid: sale of 2,750 hogsheads; 65,800 mats and baes at 6Jc for Muscovado, 6c for molasses sugar, 5c for concrete, 5oc for centrifugals c i. f. and 5c for Manilla: refined firm and quiet. Molasses Foreign firm; sales, 1,250 hogsheads; New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow lower and depressed; sales. 100 hogshead city at 4Kc, closing at 4Jc. Rosin steady and quiet Tur pentine steady and quiet at 46c Egcs quiet and easier; Western, 12Vi12c; receipts, 5,372 packages. Fnrklower; old mess nominal; new mess, S13 0013 25; extra prime, S12 0012 25. Cut meats slow: pickled bellies, 6X7Jc: pickled hams, 1010xc; pickled shoulders. a 5c. Lard steady and dull: sales, western steam. S7 15: citv, SO 70; Mav, S7 117 13, closing at $7 U67 13: June, S7 157 17; Julv S7 1S7 20. August, S7 21(57 23: September, $7 26. closingat ST 257 26. Butter quiet and easier; Western dairy, ll20c: do creamerv, 1725c; EIgins,26c; Cheese quiet; Western, 8K10c St. Louis Flour dull and weak, hut un changed. Wheats-Trading was heavy in July which declined early on the large offerings' The feeling was weak any way, as other mar kets were off, the weatherfine after last night's rain and cables dull and lower. There was a rally from the early break, but again weakened off late, closing l-16c below yesterday, wh:le August and year were the same. May was hammered down, though strenuous efforts were made to sustain prices. No. 2 red, cash, 79JJC asked; May, 7980Vc,vclosing at "m& Jnnc. 7C76)f c, closing at 76Jc bid; July, 74?j 75c, closing at74Jic; August, 74745c closing at 74Kc bid; year, 73c, closing at 74Jc asked. Corn The market was weak early and declined Kc, but reacted and closed linn: No. 2, 30Jic; May, 3030c closing at 30Jc bid; June, 314c, closingat 31lic; July. 32c, closing at 32c bid; Angnst. 3333Hc, closing at 83Vc; September, 33Ji33Kc, closing at S3c. Oats better: No. 2 cash, 24c bid; May, 2323c; June, 23XC. Rye dull; No. 2, 43c Barley dull; sales Minnesota at 40c Provisions dull and lower. CiNCnrarATT Flour dulLWheat weak; No.2 red. 8485c: receipts, none; shipments, none, Corn firm: No. 2 mixed, S6c Oats active: No. 2mixed,26c RvedulIandlower;No.2,4Sffi50c Pork easier at S12 25. Lard barely steady; cur rent make. $6 62. Bulk meats and bacon steady. Eggs stronger. Cheese weaker. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm; cash.77?ic; May, 78c: July, 78c Corn dull; No. 3, 34c Oats dull; No. 2 white, 2728c Rye steady: No. L 42c Barley firm; No. 2, Sc Provisions unchanged. Pork, SU 35. Lard, $7 65. Cheese steady; Cheddars, 10llc Philadelphia Flour weak and unsettled. Wheat market neglected by both speculators and shippers, and options wholly nominal; car lots dull. Corn Carlots very strong with a good demand; nothing doing in futures. Oats Carlots dull: futures qniet, but steady. Baltimore Provisions dull and steady. Butter quiet and easy: Western packea. 18jJ20c; best roll, lil7c; creamery, 24$26c Eggs dull and easv at lie. Coffee dull and easy; Rio, fair, 18K18c. Toledo Clover seed dull; cash and April, SI 65. Receipts, 7 bags; shipments, 263 bags. LATK HEWS IN BRIEF. The street car strike in Vienna Is over. The Michigan Legislature is taking steps to restore the death penalty for murder. An explosion has occurredintheBrancepeth colliery, at Durham. Five persons were killed. Illinois has made it a misdemeanor for any but a Grand Army man to wear the G. A. R. button. The United States steamship Brooklyn has arrived at New York under sail, having broken her shaft. There is a strong probability that English capital will be furnished to complete the Pana ma canal. One'zme Taylor shotand killedNoel Thibo deaux in a family quarrel at Fabocher, La., Sunday morning. The steamship Citv of Paris has made the trip between Sandy Hook and Queenstown in 6 days, 5 hours and 55 minutes. There are rumors of a big tobacco trust f ormi g in St. Louis, to embrace all the lead ing manufacturers of the country. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Pacific Railroad yesterday the old Board of Directors was re-elected. W. F. Dulmage. Crown Timber Inspector, at Ratportacp. has disappeared, leaving a shortage in his accounts of $20,000. In the Carter-divorce suit at Chicago an at tempt is being made to prove that Mrs. Carter feigned insanity while at the sanitarium. James Hogan, 65 years old, committed sni cide In Chicago by jumping from the roof of a four-story building. He had been drinking. General Orland Smith, First Vice Presi dent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, states positively that he is not going to retire. Highway Commissioner B. R, Abbott, of Bloomington, who died last week from inhaling gas, is said to have overdrawn on the city treasury. The schooner Oriole, f or JerseV City, loaded with scrap iron, is ashore on Wreck Shoals. The Government steamer Verbena has made an unsuccessful attempt to float her. The President has pardoned Charles A. Warner, of Maryland, convicted of unlawfully carrying on the Business of a wholesale dealer in oleomargarine, and sentenced to pay a fine of S500. The merchants and manufacturers of Bal timore will present a handsome service of plate to Captain Murrell, of the Missouri, for his efforts in saving the passengers of the Danmarlc Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated 595,700, as follows: Coupon 4a, $200 at 129; reg istered - 4s, $11,500 at 129: 250.000 at 123; regis tered 4s, $134,000 at 108. All were accepted, except the 250,0001 per cents registered, at 12 A WIDENING BOOST. Another Outsider Who Believes in Improvement Invests in DIAMOND STREET PROPERTY. In East End Citizen Talks Abont His Bon in Troubled Oklahoma. WATEE FOE THIESTI WIIKINSBUEQ Another piece of Diamond street property changed hands yesterday, the consideration being $40,000, about 51,500 a front foot. The purchaser has no connection with the syndi cate which has been making heavy invest ments on that thoroughfare.but isan outsider, who believes the street should be improved and planked down his money in full faith that his expectations will be realized. Pipe for the "Wilkinsburg water works is being put down at the rate of about 1,000 feet per day, and it is expected that the main end of' the line will be completed to the reservoir by Saturday. From tSe ' res ervoir to the pumping station at "Wildwood is 7,000 feet Pipe laying on this section will begin next week and be pushed as rap idly as possible. As before stated, the "Wilkinsburg people expect a supply of water .by July 4.' The right of way for the entire line was secured by Mr. E. T. "Win-genroth.-in which he was very successful In se curing reasonable terms, thereby saving the company a considerable sum of money they had appropriated to this purpose. An East End gentleman, who has a son In Oklahoma hustling for town sites, said yester day; "I didn't want John to go, but he had the fever so badly that nothing could hold him back. I told him of the danger he would run, but he only laughed at my fears, and said he could take care of himself. I haven't beard from him for nearly a month, and I don't know whether he is alive or not. I shall be in great suspense until I hear from him or of him. As for myself, I would not endure the strain on brain and nerve that the boomers have under gone for the entire territory. I would not give up my little home in the East End for 1,000 acres there with all its attendant dangers and perplexities. Such wonderful scenes were never before witnessed in any part of the world. I know something about the settle ment of Kansas and Nebraska. It was done gradually. But Oklahoma was settled in a day. Its population is already almost large Enough to entitle it to admission as a State. The world affords no parallel to this remarkable movement." y The great industrial development through out the South continues to show an ever-increasing activity, and the attention of Northern capitalists is being turned Southward as never before. Among other movements on foot for the betterment of that section is one by New England capitalists to build a town at Fort Payne, Ala. The company has a capital of $4,000,000 and there are over 1,000 stockholders. Florence, Ala., which seven months ago had probably not over 2,500 inhabitants and com paratively f ow industrial enterprises, has, since the first of last September, been able, by the energy of its business men, to secure the loca tion there of 20 new factories, every one of which is either at work or else its buildings are under construction, the aggregate cash capital of theseplants being SI ,500,000, and the number of hands to. be employed upward of 5,000, while about 1.000 dwellings and business houses have been commenced since the first of Janu ary, and still greater progress is predicted. In every part of the South this remarkable ac tivity is seen. One of the most pleasing features of the business situation is the splendid condition of the growing crops, which arefiom two to four weeks ahead of last year in the West and South, and almost as forward in the country tributary toPittsburg. According toill re ports the condition of the Winter wheat could not be better. This and the ease of money should exert a powerfnl bullish influence on all the departments of trade. A GOOSE EGG. No Sales nt the Moraine Stock Call A Very Doll Day. Captain Barbour had small audiences at both of the stock calls yesterday. In the fore noon he pleaded with the brokers, almost with tears in his eves, to do something to save his reputation and his feelings, but the only re ward for his eloquence was a goose egir, Indi cating that he had not effected a single sale. He did a little better in the afternoon, as under his persuasive oratory two stocks were traded in to the extent of 210 shares. The reasons for the apathy were that there were no pressing orders either way, and that buyers and sellers were so far apart as to form a sort of bloody chasm, across which they could do nothing but scowl and glare at each other. There were no material changes in figures. Bids, offers and I sales follow: JtOBNDtG. ArTKlUrOOIT. Eld. .Asked. Hid. Asked. Pitts. Pet. S. AM. Ex 603 Fonrth Nat. Bank 12S Marine Nat. Bank.... 106 110 Mechanics Nat. Bank. 105' People's Nat. Bank.... ISO Boatman's Ins 35 .... Ben Kranklln Ins. Co. 45 SO City Insurance 35 .... 34 People's Ins. Co 40 Pitts. Gas Co Mf Bridpevrater Gas 40 40 50 Chartlers Yal. Gas Co. 53 Sili H M Ohio Valley Gas .... 35 Pennsylvania Gas 22 Pine Bun Gas 90 Philadelphia Co 4254 42 42K 42V Wheeling Gas Co 30;s 31) 30 31U Tuna Oil Co 6S Central Traction 30 30 30 3t Citizens' Traction 75 76 76Ji 76J Pittsburg Traction.... 82 Pleasant Valley K.R J75 200 Pitts. & Western K. K. .... 11 .... 11 1. & W. P. K. pref.... 19 .... 19 19J4 Consignee Mining Co. 20c .... 21c .... I.a Noria-MlnlcK Co... 1 Vi 1 1 SUvertonMlnlne Co.. .... l Westlnghonse Electric 58K &tU 58 59K U. Switch ASUnal Co. 25 isj? 2S 5)j Weatlng'se B. Co. lin. 64 .... 04 Sales at the last call were 16 shares Chartiers Gas at 54 65 at 54, and 130 Central Traction at30?f. The total sales of stocks at New York yester dav were 124,075 shares, including: Atchison. 8,000; Louisville and Nasbville. 6j800; North western, 4,300; Oregon Transcontinental, 5,700; Reading. 21,000; St. Paul. 8,200; Union Pacific, 6,600. M0KEI QD1ET. No Speclnl Fentnrea Developed nt the Local Financial Mnrrs. There was no special movement in local monetary circles yesterday. In fact, business was quite dull for Wednesday, discounting being slow and counter business of scarcely average proportions. Borrowing rates were unchanged at 56 on call and time. The supply of small notes was adequate to the demand. The Clearing House exchanges amounted to $2,541,803 38, and the balances ro $484,610 20. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 to 2KP cent: last loan, 2J; closed, offered 2K- Prime mercantile paper, 46. Sterling exchange dull but steady at $4 e6 for 60-day bills and $4 V& for demand. Government Bonds U.S. 48. re 108 IMOS U. S. 4HS. coups 108 ffllOS1, U.S. 4s. rcg - 129iai29Aj U. S. 4s, coups ..ias129J, Bid. Currency, 6 per cent. 1895 ree 121 Currency, 6 per cent. 1896 reg. 124 Currency, epercent, 1897 re 127 Currency, 6percent, IMBreg 129 Currency, 8 per cent, 1899 reg 122 Government and State bonds are firm and dull. New Yobk Bank clearings to-day, $106. 277.568; balances, $6,779,771. Boston Bank clearings to-day, $17,467,919; balances, $1,637,954, Money per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings to-day, $L69L 149: balances, $230,649. Philadelphia Bank clearings to-day, S10,-. 225,891; balances, $1,502,110. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $9,740,000. St. Louis Clearings, $2,485,179; balances, $459,292. Londos Tbe'amount of bullion gone into the bank ot England on balance to-day is 17,000. Bar silver, &lA& per ounce. Paeis Rentes, S7I iioc for the account. ' New Yobk: April 2t Mining quotatlorj ciesea: Amaaor, iw; .aspen, iuou; jtJuale,iJ Caledonia, B. H., 800; Consolidated California and Virginia, 800; Deadwood, T., 100; Eureka Consolidated, 210; El Cristo, 160; Hale & Nor cross. 470; Homes take, 700: Horn Silver, 125; Mexican, 650; Mono, 150; Mutual, 145; Ophir, 550; Plymouth, 1000; Savage. 300; Sierra N evada. 375: Standard, 100; Sullivan, 125; Union Consoli dated, 550; Yellow Jacket, SOU STK0NG AND ACTIVE. i The Oil Itlarkct Demonstrates That It Can't be Held Down. When the oil market opened yesterday thei e was considerable doubt and anxiety on both sides of the fence as to which way the cat would jump, and consequently .there was very little noise or excitement; but, as anticipated, a firm er tone soon set In and prices advanced hand somely, with good trading all along the line, several big blocks being dumped here and others in New York and Oil City. The result of the day's operations was to leave prices li cents higher than the opening, with a strong and confident feeling in some quarters of a farther appreciation to-day. It was generally thotfght the Rubicon of the spring slump had been crossed, and that, while anything like a boom was improbable with the Lima stuff hanging over the market, the pre diction of 70 cent oil had been shown to have nothing to rest on. Even the shorts admitted that they had no expectations of loading up under 80. Their views reflect the opinions ot some of the most prominent of the local dealers. The market opened at 813( and held therefor a short time, when It broke to 81. This was followed by a reaction which boosted the price to 82K, from which it soon broke to 81& ad vancing near the close to 83, the highest point reached. The boys then lost their grip and let the market go down to 82, at which It closed. A. B. McQrew & Co. quote puts 82c; calls, 84c. Features of the Market. Opened, 81; highest, $3; lowest, 81H; closed, Barrels. Dally runs 56,006 Average runs 45,244 Daily shipments 72,724 Average shipments , 72,078 Clearances 4,393,009 New York closed 82. OH Citv closed 82. Bradford closed 82. New York refined, 6&. London refined, 5). Antwerp refined, 16. Other OH Markets. Bradford, April 24. National transit cer tificates opened atSlUc; closed at 82c; highest, 83Kc; lowest, 81c. TrrusTiLLE. April 24. National transit cer tificates opened at 81'ic: highest, 83c; low est, 81c: closed, 82c On city. April 24. National transit cer tificates opened at 810; highest, SS'Ac; low est. 81c; closed, 82c Washington, Pa., April 24. The Beaver Refining Company, with a capacity of 5,000 gallons per day, has started a'refinery at Mor gan's crossing, a mile west of this place. New York, April 21. Petroleum opened steady at 8 and after a slight decline in the early trading became strong and advanced to S3K, then yielded slightly, closing firm at 82. Sales. 2,324,000 barrels. Cadiz, O., April 24, Joseph Post, of Salem. O.. has leased 100 acres of the Holiday farm, on which is located theBerea-Gritz Oil Company's well. He agrees to put down 3 test wells im mediately, and, if the results are satisfactory, he will putdown 11 more. EEAL ESTATE DEALS. Another Piece of Diamond Street Property Chance Hnnds Other Movements. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold for the Relter estate the property, Nos. 18 and 20 Diamond street, lot 26x80, with a four-story brick building, for a price approxi mating $40,000, which is about $1,500 per front foot L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold lor the Irwin estate four lots, each 22x100 feet, to an alley, situate on the corner of Home and Plumer streets, Seventeenth ward, to Henry J. Lang for $4,000, Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for Timothy Colwell four lots, corner Cypress and Gross streets, near Ben Venue station, Pennsylvania Railroad, having a total frontage of 101 feet by 162 deep to an alley, to Samuel Hall for $3,200 cash.. Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for the Freehold Bank to C. M. Corblt and John S. Boyd five lots at Homewood station, Pennsylvania Railroad, for a price approxi mating $2,500. AHes d; Bailey, 364 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage on property in Wilkinsburg for $900 for three years at 6 per cent. W. A. Herron fc-Sons sold lot No. 1 in the John L. Hoffman plan, at Edcewood station, Pennsylvania Railroad, size 80x137 feet, for $1,600. These lots are nicely located and with in one minuto's walk of the station. James W. Drape A: Co. placed mortgages of $3,300 omproperty in Shaler township and in Vest Bellevue, at 6 per cent: also an interest in a suburban property of $3,000; also placed 300 shares of The Novelty Steel Wheel Company at $50 per share. t Mellon Bros, sold to Bernard Haas lot No. 59, having a frontage on St. Clair street of 37 feet and 107.55 on Black street, in Mellon's orchard plan of lots, with a seven-room frame house thereon, for $3,700. J. C. Reilley. 77 Diamond street, sold for John Barton's heirs to J. E. Ferguson the old Barton homestead. Fifth avenue, near Barton street, for $60,000 cash, the lot being 187 feet on Fifth avenue by 526 feet. DULL BUT ITEM. Higher London Prices Keep the Stock Mnrket From Falling Into Desuetude A Strong Close nt the Best Figures of the Day. New York, April 24. The stock market continues to show a decreasing volume of busi ness, ana this was the dullest day in shares that we have had for some time. There was, how ever, a marked change in the temper of the dealings from those of yesterday and the weak ness all disappeared, and, although movements in the list were confined almost exclusively to the specialties, which are moved by influences peculiar to themselves, and which have no ef fect or bearing upon the rest of the list, there was a general upward tenuency, and with a few unimportant exceptions the entire list is frac tionally higher this evening. London prices came higher this morning.and were of material influence in making the tone of the local market, which opened generally slight fractions better than last evening's figures. The tone of the subsequent dealings was firm, and small fractional advances were made among the few active shares, notwith standing the opposition offered to an advance by the bear contingent This pressure was most conspicuous in Reading, and that stock was the only one showing 'any real activity during the day, and although it was forced down to the lowest price for a week past it could not be held there, and later it recovered and actually closed a fraction better, than last night The only marked movements were among the specialties, and Wabash led off with considera ble animation and a strong tone, but this was followed by a sudden drop in CIeveland,Colum bus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis of 1 per cent to 67, which was sympathized with by Big Four and Colorado Coal, although the last named afterward recovered. Aftet noon.when the bear pressure was removed, there was a further decrease In Ihe amount of business done, hut the upward tendency became more marked, and Memphis and Charleston became the special feature of the dealings and it moved up sliarply,its gain being 5per cent, to 70, while Manitoba, Philadelphia Gas and some others followed with smaller amounts. In the general list the fluctuations continued within the narrowest limits and seemed to possess no significance, whatever. In the un listed department the trusts were less active and made no movement of importance, and Brunswick was dull ana steady at 21K- The close was strong at the best prices of the day. Memphis and Charleston is up 5, Manitoba ii, Oregon Navigation 2Jg, Wabash preferred lR, Hocking Valley 1 per cent, and others frac tional amounts. Railroad bonds were again active and In good demand, although the total of the business done fell a little short of that yesterday, being $1,198,000. The advances Include Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianaiiolis con sols, Iron Mountain firsts 4 to 107, and Manitoba Dakota ixes 2 to 122. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Clos ing Bids. 55 -nit 49 ,!2 95H 3-Hi J1H 1MK ..Open ing. Am. Cotton OH 54M Atcn.. Top. & a. F.A-liit Canadian Pacific .'. Canadatlonthern S1H Central of New Jersey;, .... CentralFaclnc .... Chesapeake ft Ohio ... -17X C, Bur. A.Qalncy..... 923 a, Mil. 4 St. Paul..,. UH C, illl.&St. P.. pf....l04.' C, Kockl. &!... ...... 92 C St. h. & Pltti .; ... C St. L. &PHU.' pt CSl'f.'.M.tU 83X HlKll csl Low est 42 41X 17H 82 93 105 92)f S3 M 1044f 137 I -thwes tern...-. 103,4 lOiJi I65X nwestern. ci. 11 ,Uk I I A Iron i 22 1 .ocslng Yal .. 17 Ji MX .ISM J Del.. L. 4W. ma 137J4- 136 Del. & Hudson ,...131H 135K 134)4 DenverKlo Denver & Bio ., -pf. . ....- .... aj.,vnoi ' E.T.,Va.4Ga., istpf K.T.. Va. AGa. 2dpf. Lake Erie A Western.. ISM UK Lake Erie ft West. pr. . 88 58! Lake Shore A M. S 102Jf 1021? Louisville A Nashville. 69 66,1, Mobiles Ohio......... Mo.. K.ATexas Missouri Pacific 70J 70J4 Jfiv Vnrk rjintml 107 im ISii S3 102 68 102(4 66M 11 70X 1063 ' 28 69X 71 40 43 '16I4 18 MK V5 003 48 Jl is a 23 44 189 253 79 31 85 97W 23X es 1HH 203 60 14V 28 8SK 6X g. I.. L. J. A W..... W4 28J N . Y L. E. A W.nref 69 70i g. I., U. A St L 17J X x. I., U A St l. nr. JJ. Y.. C. A St.L. 24 pf 40 40 J. Y..O. AW - JtorfoIkA Western lorfolkA Western, pi. MX 50 Northern Pacific 2394 2554 Jfortnern Pacific prer. 60 61 Orejron Improvement 47 48 Oregon Transcon 30M K PaciflcMail Peo. Dec. AKvans Phlladel. A Heading.. UK UH Pullman Palace Car...lSS 189 Richmond A W. P. T.. 25 2S KIchmondAW.P.T.pf St Panl A Duluth St. Paul A Dnluth pf.. St p., Minn. AMan... Wi 97H StL. A8an Fran 23H 23 St. L. A San Fran pf. St. L. A San K.lit pf. Texas Pacific 20K 21 Union Pacific S9?J 60 Wabash 14)4 15 Wabash preferred 27 28K Western Union 8JJ( M Wheeling A l. E 682 66)J MX 60?, 30 g 433 188 2532 94 21V V C9X 1414 27 na Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia Vocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 87 fourth avenue. Members Hew York Stoct Ex change. "- BM. Asked. Pennsylvania KaUroad 54K 543 ReWlng KaUroad 22 3-18 23S Buflalo, Pittsburg and Western 11 Lehigh Valley 53M 53X Lehtgh .Navigation 5l Central Transportation Co 17 Philadelphia and Erie 29 Allegheny Valley bonds. 1 U2H U.Ob.'silew Jersey '. 220 Northern Pacific 2 25 northern Pacific preferred MX 61 Boston Atoh.ATon..lst7s. US Atoh. ATop.B. B... 4234 Boston A Albany.. .215 C..B.AQ .... 03 Clun. San. A Cleve. 24 Eastern K. K 80 Eastern ft It 6s.-.. ..125 Flint PereM. nfd. 97 Little K. A Ft. S. 7s.l07 . Y. sfiewKne... 42J X. Y.SHewEng 7S.126X Old Colony .....17214 Butlandcommon.... 34$ Stocks. Wis. Central, com... 18 , AllouezM'gCo(new) 1 Calumet A HecU.. ..209)4 Franlclln 9)4 Osceola , 9fc Pewablc (new) 3! Qulncr 46 Bell Telephone 235 Boston Land X Water Power 7H Tamarack 109 San Diego 23 EELIGI0N AND A CHILD. Differences on the Former Result In a Divi sion and Litigation Regarding the Latter Other Coartlugs. A hearing was had in the Orphans' Court yesterday on the petition for the' appoint ment of a guardian for Allie Hearn, a 12-year-old girl. The child has been living with Patrick O'Herron, on Seventeenth street Her sister tried to obtain possession of her, but O'Herron refused to give her up. Habeas corpus proceedings were instituted, but Judge Ewing returned the child to the custody of O'Herron. The sister then filed a petition in the Or phans' Court for the appointment of a guar dian. The result was the appointment of J. R. Nobbs, of the Twelfth ward, as guardian. He was instructed by the Court to place the child where she would be best cared for, using his own discretion. The quarrel over the child was the outcome of differences about religion. To-Dnj's Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Reynolds et al vs Craig; Heyman et al vs Weidinger: Spencer et alvsBerger; McCrudervs Kauffman & Bro.; Miller vs Johnston; Heckman vs Groet zinger: TJ. Baird Machine Co. vs Specialty Glass Co.; Park et al vs Doubleday; Straub vs Troy Hill Incline Plane Co.; Gaines vs Calhoon; McBrlde et al vs Walker Brewing Co.: Mosely vs Kagen; McKnight vs American Building and Loan Association; Commonwealth vs Doll meyer, executor; Wellington vs Wood, gar nishee. Common Pleas No. 2 Sweeny vs Hunter; Lacock vs Hampton Coal Co.; Davis vs Schu macher; Schebert vs Hopgooa et at Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Henry Rupp, GottHeb Gilgen, Thomas Halloway. Slfllngs From Justice. Owen McGowxir, of Homestead, yester day pleaded guilty to selling liquor without license and on Sunday. Mes. Lisetta BrHLXB, ot Troy Hill, Alle gheny, yesterday entered suit against Henry Arkeman, a neighbor, for $5,000 damages for slander. Catherine Howley yesterday received a verdict of $1,054 against the city of Pittsburg for damages to her property on Fifth avenue, caused by an overflow of water. Mes. Lena Schultz, of East Deer township, yeste' day entered suit against Albert and Mary Aritz for $2,000 damages for slander and aliena tion of herfiusband's affections. Henbt Rupp and Charles Gllgan were yes terday placed on trial in Criminal Court on a charge of embezzling $7,000 from the Crescent Brewing Company, of Ohio, whose agents they were in this city. THE County Commissioners -and Controller met yesterday and opened the bids- received for the material and construction of the eight county bridges that are to be erected this year. The bids were held over to be tabulated. In the suits of James B. Anderson and wife against William Fried, the Liberty street com mission merchant, verdicts were rendered yes terday, rebuking fast driving on Forbes street by giving Mrs. Anderson $27o and Mr. Anderson $160 damages. Architect Rutan and Mr. O'Reilly, repre senting the architects and contractors of the new Court House, yesterday made their final inspection of the building in company with the County Commissioners and engineer. Every thing was foundin good working order, andbut few details needed attending to. John N. Dawson yesterday filed with the County Commissioners a claim against the county for $150 for damages for injuries to a horse. The horse put his foot through a broken plank in the bridge over Bull creek, in Fawn township, and-was badly hurt This is the first claim of this kind that has been put in for over two years. Charters were filed in the Recorder's office yesterday for the Homestead Water Company and the Homestead Gaslight Com pany. The capital stock of each company is $600, divided into 60 shares. The directors for both companies are Arthur Kennedy, Charles W. Robison. Walter. Lyon, Henry Spoone and W. R. Sewell. Two more false arrest salts for SlO.OOtTeach were entered yesterdav against Officers Rich ard vVilson, James Wilson and Ted Johnston, of the Allegheny police force, as a result of the raid on Mrs. Bowors' house, at No. 85 Robinson street, on the information of Dr. E. B. Bennett Those entered yesterday were by John Sample and Isadore Bowers, the husband of Mrs. Bowers. MOST PA1 THE DOTY. Canadian Freight Cars Can No Longer be Smuggled Into the United States. Ottawa, Ont., April 24. The Minister of Customs was yesterday shown a dispatch from Washington paving reference to the proposed imposition of a duty on Canadian cars in use in the United States. He said he thought the statement that there are 3.000 cars -in constant use on United States roads must apply to cars which are kept constantly in the United States and not to those which pass in and out of that country. The practice is, when cars' are bought in Canada and taken into the United States, they are not returned, as they should be. Making them pay duty will put a stop to this practice, which has prevailed ior a long time. " a Fatal wmte cap joke. A Colored Man Pays for His Folly With Hit Life. Noefolk, Va., April 24. Last Sunday night a colored man named Dempsey was shot and killed on the farm of Isaac N. Easton, near Hickory Ground by another .colored man named Harding while playing the White Cap joke and forcing himself Into Hiding's house. at midnight. Harding was arrested, and "tried, but re leased, as it Was a clearly 'proven case of killing in self defense. ' Shoetness 'ot breath, with falling strength,, and wasting of flesh, accompanied by a constant congt. all Indicate lnngs more or less seriously affected, demanding treatment at once. 3y using rationally Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, the wont results may be either avoided or palliated. ma 107 K 28 H 1TO io" 43 DOMESTIC MARKETS. Fancy Apples Scarce and Firm Poultry More Plentiful. ' CEREAL SUPPLIES TOO LIBERAL. Flour Drifting Downward-Market in Faror of Gash Bayers. LUMBER PEOSPECTS KETER BETTER OrncE of Pittsbueo Dispatch, J Wednesday, April 24, 1S89. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. The egg market is slow, with lie as the out side price. Choice apples are growing scarce and moving upward. Poultry is in good sup ply. There is a light demand for dressed poul; try, the season being nearly over. The uniform testimony of produce men is that trade is un usually quiet We are now having the calm that usually follows. the activity of Easter week. Tropical fruits continue to move out freely. Old potatoes are slowas ever. Receipts of new stuff are steadily on the gain; the old is less and less in demand. While choice apples grow scarce and higher, the best potatoes give no signs of coming to an end. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 2829c: Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021c; country rolls. 2023cj Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 2829c BEANS $1 751 9a Beeswax 2830c ft & for choice; low grade, 1820c. Cider Sand refined! $6 50427 50; common, $3 504 00: crab cider, $3 008 50 1 barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c $) gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1212Kc; Limuurger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, lii12c. Dried Peas $1 251 S5 V bushel; split do, 2Jic W tt. Egos 10llc ft dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 55c V dozen; duck eggs, 18c ft dozen. Fruits Apples. $1 502 50 ft barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c ft B; cranberries, $45 .ft barrel, 50c$l 00 per bushel; strawberries, 2535c a quart. Feathers Extra live geese. 5060c; No. 1 do.. 4045c; mixed lots, 304235c ft lb. Honey New crop. 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Hominy 82 652 75 ft barrel. Potatoes Potatoes, 3035c ft bushel; $3 75 4 00 for Jersey sweets; seed sweets, $2 50 2 75. Poultry Live chickens, 75QS0C ft pair; undrawn chickens, 10l2c ft S; drawn, 14 15c f) ft; turkeys, 1820c dressed, ft ft: ducks, live, 6O70c ft pair; dressed, 1314c ft St; geese, live, $1 001 2o ft pair. Seeds Clover.choice, 62 Ss to bushel, $5 60 ft bushel j clover.large English, 62 fiis,$6 00: clover, Alsike, SS 50; clover, white, 89 00: timothy, choice. 45 As, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy. 14 fts, $1 00: orchard grass. 14 fts, SI 65; red top, 14 fts, $1 25; 'millet 50 Ills, $1 00; German millet, 50 lbs, $1 50; Hun garian grass, 50 fts, $1 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 ft bnshel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 45c: city rendered, 55Kc Tropical Frtjtts Lemons,fancv.$3 604 00 ft box; common lemons, $2 753 25 ft box: Mes sina oranges, $3 0O4 00 ft box: Florida oranges, 84 605 00 ft box; Valencia oranges, fancy. $5 50 7 00 ft case: bananas, $2 50, firsts; $1 60, good seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 60 ft hundred; new figs, 910c .ft pound: dates, 5it 6Kc ft pound. Veoetarles Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, $3 504 00 ft hundred: new cabbage, $3 003 60 ft crater onions, $1 001 25 ft barrel; onion sets, fancy Eries, $2 503 00; Jersevs, $2 0O2 50; turnips, 4060c ft barrel. Groceries. Sugar is again advanced 14c, and the end Is not yet Coffees are steady but unchanged. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c: old Government Java, 27c, Maracaibo. 2223c; Mocha, S0K31c; Santos, 1922J Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, .Rio, 2123c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk. 32K33Kc;Maracaibo,27K28Kc, Santos, 22243; peaberrv. 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25Wr; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21Kc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c: pepper. 19c; nutmesr, 70880c. Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c: Ohio. 120". 8Kc: headlight 15fa. SJc: water white, 10c: globe, 12c;' elalne, 15c; carnadine, HMc; royaline, 14c syrups corn syrups, a2c; choice sugar :nj0 sugar syrup, xpjmc; strict new maole svrun. 90c . O LASSES Fancv. 48c: choice. 46c: me dium, soc; mixeo, suixc Soda Bi-caxbin kegs, 3K-lc; bi-carb In ', 5c; bi-carb, assortea packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, c: do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight 8c; stearine.per set, 8Kc:paraffine, 116112c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6Ji 7c; prime. 56Vc; Louisiana, 66Xc Starch Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 5j7cj gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatels, $2 25: Caifornla Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, new, 67c: Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 4ioc; Turkey prunes, new, 4?i5c: French prunes, 8K13c: Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft, packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 12K15c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12J ldc; new dates, SK6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; .citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per lb. 13Q14c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6K6Kc: apricots, Califor nea, evaporated, lo18c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012Uc: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 58c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012c. , Sugars Cubes, 99Xc; powdered. 9 9c; granulated, 9c; confectioners' A. 8gic: Btandard A. 8c: soft whites. 88c. vellow, choice. 78jc; yellow, good, 77c; yel low, fair, 1K yellow, dark, TJic. Pickles Medium, bbls. (1200), $1 50; me diums, half bbls. (6001. $2 75. Salt No. 1 ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, dairy, ft bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal. Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks,' $2 I bbl. 81 05; bbl. $1 20; , Higgin's .CjureKa, io-i? s pocaets, 03 w. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 30 1 90; 2ds. $1 301 35', extra peaches. $1 001 90; pie peaches, 9oc; finest corn, $1 001 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l 00; Lima beans, $1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75(2 85c: marrowfat peas, $1 105)1 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50: Bahama do, $2 75; damson plums. 95c; greengages, $1 25: egg ,plums, $2 DO; California pears, S2 50; do greengages. $2 00: do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries. $2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90e; raspberries, $1 401 50; strawberries. $1 10: gooseberries, $1 20451 30: tomatoes, 82X92c; salmon, 1-&. $I752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked. 99c; do green, 26s, $1 2ol 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75; 14-ft cans, $13 50; baked beans. $1 40Q1 io; lobster, 1 ft, $1 751 80: mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 60:' sardines, domestic Mi, $4 1504 50; sardines, domestic, K". $8 258 50; sardines, imported, Ks, $11 50 U 50; sardines, imported, s, $18 00; sardines, mustard. $4 00. sardines, spiced, $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess. $40; extra No. I niackerel.shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed. $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4c ft ft.; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring Ronnd shore. $5 00 W bbl.; split $7 00; lake. $2 50 ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish. $7 38 100-B. half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 ft half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Ireland halibut, 13c ft ft. Pickerel. J barrel, $2 00; barrel. 81 10. Buckwheat Flour i'A&Sic f ft. OATMEAL-$8 S0tt.60 ft bbL Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6SQ60c f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change. 32 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars of hay, 5 of oats. 2 of barley, 4 of flour. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St Louis, 3 cars of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats, 3 of hay.' By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3 bars of bay2 of wheat lot feed and flour, I of flour. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car ot bay. Sales on calk One car sample timothy hay, $10, track; 5 cars of No. 1 timothy hay, $13 50, 10 days, 2 on track. Receipts in all cereal lines are too liberal for demand. Mar1 kets tend toward greater ea.se in almost every thing. For No. 2 red wheat of standard weight 96c was bid. The bulk of No,2 wheat coming to this market fails to come up to standard. Flour jobbers are credited with not a little cutting. Cash customers would probablv find a little 'shading on our quotations. Fancy spring patents can-be laid down herein carload lots in wood, at prices which would enable the wholesale grocer to sell at $6 if he was willing to work for glory. Some are selling very close to that figure if reports' are true. At this rate margins are welt nigh wiped out WkEAT-lobbing prices No. 2 jed,. 9697c: No.3red,8588c Corn No. 2 jrellqw ear, 41g42c: high mixed ear, 3738c? No, 1 yellow, shelled, 88 89c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 88K39; high mixed, shelled, S83Sc; mixed, shelled, 3536c Oats No. 2 white. 31g31c; extra. No. 3, SOfSOKc; No. 8 white, 2$828c; No. 2 mixed. RYE-No. LWestern. 7075c: No. 2, 5556c Barley No. 1 Canada. 950960;- No. 2 Cana da. 85gS8c; No. 3 Canada, 70g72c; Lake Shore, 7880c . - - l Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, $5 756 00: spring patents, $6 006 35; winter straight to O05 25; clear winter. 94 7505 00; straight XXXX bakers', $4 254 SOU Rye flour. $3 6083 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white. $15 00 16 00 ft ton: brown middlings, $12 0012 50: winter wheat bran, $13 00813 50; chop feed, 815 0016 00. ' HAY-Baled. timothy, choice, $14 60814 75; No. 1 do, $1100014 25; No. 2 do. $12 0013 00; loose from wagon, $18 0020 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 0010 25; No. 2. $3 008 60; packing do. $550660. Straw Oats. $8 008825; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 608 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small, llc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Jc: sugar cured shoulders, 8c; isugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, HKc; bacon shoulders, 7V; bacon clear sides, 8c; bacou clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7Jc Mess pork, heavy, $14 00: mess pork, family, $14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7c: 60-ft tubs, 7c; 20-ft pails. 7c; 50 ft tin cans, 7c: 3-ft tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin palls, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long 6c; large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel, $1 90. Dressed Bleat. Armour A Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 6Xc; 550 to 650 fts, 6Vc;650 to 750 fts,6Xc Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 9c - Lumber. Lumber is in good demand, with a brilliant outlook for the season's trade. Poplar Is fully 25 per cent higher than it was a year ago, owing to its growing popularity for inside finish. The demand for hard woods is fairly under head way. The fine building prospects assure, a season of great activity in all lumber lines. pine unplanid yard quotations. Clear boards, per M f52O053 0O Select common boards, per M 30 00 Common boards perM 20 00 Sheathing IS 00 Pine frame lumber per SI 23 C027 00 Shingles, No. L 13 in. per M 5 00 Shingles, No.2, 13 In. per M 375 Lath 100 PLANED. Clear boards, per M f 60 00 Surface boards 3O0033 0O. Clear, K-inch beaded celling 18 00 Partition boards, peril 55 00 Flooring, No. 1....A 30 00 Flooring, No. 2 25 Yellow pine flooring 30 O04OOO Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 25 09 Weather-boarding. Ji-lnch 20 00 HARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, 1 to 4 in $30 00340 00 Black walnut green, logrun 4S003OOO Back walnut dry, logrun 60 00(3)75 00 Cherry 63 00(375 00 Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 00(325 00 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In r.' 00(3)25 00 Dry white oak boards, lln 20 00325 00 WestVa. yellow pine, 1 Inch zooofeoo West Va. yellow pine, 1)4 Inch 25 00(2)3) 00 West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In 25 00030 00 Hickory, fetoafn 13 0025 00 Hemlock building lumber, peril 13 00 Bank rails 14 00 Boat studding 14 00 Coal car plank 20 00 BAUD WOODS JOBBING PRICES. Ash, 1 to4 In 25 OOaiO 00 Black walnut, green, log ran 45 00o0cn Black walnut dry. logrun 30 OOtcMS 00 Green white oak piank, 2 to 4 In 17 00(320 00 Dry white oak punk, 3to4in 18 03320 00 Dry white oak boards, 1 in 19 OOS20 00 West Va. yellow pine, lln 18 003) 00 West Va.. yellow pine, 14 in 18 00(122 00 WestVa. yellow poplar, H to lln 18 00(2125 00 Hickory, IK to 3 In 18 00322 00 Hemlock building timber: fUl 10 00312 00 Bnnk rail 14 00 Boat studding...: 14 00 Coal car plank 18 00 Sletal Maruetsw New York Pig iron steady. Copper nomi nal; lake, April, $13 50. Lead quiet and'steady; domestic, $3 65. Tin easier and brisker; Straits, $20 75. Whisky market. Finished goods at Chicago, $1 03; at St Louis, and Cincinnati $1 02. Demand active. Swm's Spbctfio curett me of malignant Blood Poison-after I had been treated in vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. S. not only cured the Blood Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which was caused by the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third ave., N. Y. Scrofula developed on my daughter swell ing and lumps on her neck. We gave her Swift's Specific, and the resnlt was wonder ful and the enre prompt 8.A. DiAbmond, Cleveland, Tenn. Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable remedy, and is the only medicine which per manently cures Scrofula, Blood Humors, Can cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for books on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailediree. The Swift Specific Co., Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. fel-7 tts The Deer Creek and Susque- hanna R. R. Co. First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gold Bonds. PRINCIPAL DUE 1919. INTEREST PAYA BLE JULV1 AND JANUARY!, , IN BALTIMORE. MERCANTILE TRU8T AND DEPOSIT CO., OF BALTIMORE. TRUSTEE. Issue, $300,000. Principal and interest ruar anteed by the Maryland Central Railway Co. This bond is a first mortgage on 16 miles of road now under construction from Belair, Md., connecting with the Maryland Central Railway Co., to Stafford. Md. The Maryland Central Ti.ll.n.. In H.1tln.n.a,n n.lfn D IJZ .!.. was reorganized In December. 1SSS, and is now on a sound financial basis, doing a prosperous business. The York and Peach Bottom Railroad Co.. York. Pa., to Peach Bottom (40 miles), has been acquired by the Maryland Central Rail way Co., making a system of 101 miles, which will be operated by the Maryland Central Rail way Co. We recommend these bondsas a desirable in vestment, and offer a limited amount for sale at 95 per cent and accrued interest, subject to ad vance in price. REA BROS. & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 423 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. ap9-72-D . Established 119. Telephone Call 107a. FRANK J. GTJCfKERT, Contractor and Manufacturer ot BANK, OFPICE, STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES. Doors, Walnscoating, Ceilings and Hard Wood Work of every description, for building and decorative. purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and Furniture of Special Designs, Drawings and Estimates furnished on application. Office and factory, Nos. 6S and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts burg, Pa. Hard wood lumber. n27-hlO0-TTS WHOLESALE HOUSfc. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week la SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVTOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesale"exclu'sively- fe22-r83-D M' ONEY TO LOAN On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of $1,000 and npward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-34-T No. 124 Fourth avenue. s4VPrsHPIr! PERFECT itnMiiinf Ma.Oil.1 mmlSE133M A purely Veeetable LCompound that expels fall bad humors from the system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-58 BROKERS FINANCIAL. WHITNEY & STEFHENSOft 87 FOURTH AVENUB. - ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THBOUdH MESSRS. DREXEU MORGAN A CO, NEWYORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. ap23-x79 tg0zjW'42muBjegwati4g&Mgiarmmeu&gegL III GOODS ael mm A Blood mm. DAYS MIRACLES KB. PASSER- - A Cripple of Three Years Standing Oared in Fifteen 'Minutes By Or. Smith, at 502 Fenn Ave. Dr. Smith Is performing some of the raosi wonderful cures ever witnessed in Pittsburg. Scores and hundreds of invalids who have hitherto been unable to find relief from their sufferings are being restored to health in largo, numbers through Dr. Smith's strange magnetic power. It is exceedingly interesting to sea and talk with the vast number of Invalids suf fering from all manner of complaints who are brought to the doctor for his favor able or unfavorable opinion of their diseases. It is also gratifying to observe the change that takes place In many of these seemingly helpless cases. Scores of invalids who are so weak and feeble that they have to be carried to the doc tor in chairs and on beds are restored to health ma short time. Some are cured by one, some by two magnetic treatments, while others re quire more. The following very interesting case was cured by our magnetic treatment: Mr. John M. Eakin, who resides at Eau Claire, Butler county. Pa., was a great sufferer for three years. He was carried to Drv Smith, at No. 502 Penn avenue, in a hopeless conditim. He could not walk or move without the aid of two canes, and for the past year he had not been able to bend over sufficiently to wash his face. He was suffering from what had. been pronounced by 12 eminent physicians as Esoas abcess. These physicians pronounced' Is case incurable, and told him that there was no belp for him. He then consulted Prof. Scott and Dudly Allen. iL D., of the Regular School of Medicine at Cleveland, O. These eminent medical men gave him no encourage mentas pus had, in their opinion, already formed. These are the statements given to Dr. Smith by Mr. Eakin when he came for treat ment After one magnetic treatment of about 15 minutes' duration, Mr. Eakin was able to bend over and pick np a pin from the floor' and was able to walk without pain and without the use of his canes. Mr. E. remained in the city several days after receiving the treatment and was able to go about the city from day to day without never a sense of pain, weariness or lameness. He returned to his home, at Eau, Claire last Saturday, and may be referred to. Mrs. Gough was cured of dyspepsia and rheu matism by four magnetic treatments. These cures were performed without a single dose-of medicine. Scores of cases equally as interest ing could be given if we had the time and space. Dr. Smith will deliver an illustrated lecture to ladles and gentlemen at the Grand Opera House next Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The lecture will be free and every body is Invited to attend. Dr. Smith cures all forms of female com plaints without the use of Instruments or ex posure of the person. He also cures piles and rupture without the use of the knife, or pain to the patient, nor detention from business. He treats and cures cancers in less time and with less pain than by any other known method. Dr. Smith is permanently located at 502 Penn avenue, where everybody can go. from 9 A. jr. till 7 p. 51. The doctor consults free and cures after all other means fail. He treats every form of disease known to humanity. Go to 502 Penn avenue and consult him if yon wish to get well. Letters of Inquiry must contain two stamps. D I ITP ILES: SVMPTOMS-Molrt. are; latenne Itchlac and atlnclnjc moct as cfhtt wori a merntthinrM If Al lowed to eaBtbrna tumors form and ITttllllR PII CQ ?rotrj.de,wlHl.rftem 1 1 UlllriU rlL.U.bIatd nd ileeratt. ateomut very sore. BAl.it's vkni- KENT stop UeltahUc and bleedlnr. he m Rtleerattoii,an41aaiMteaereiiiovetfcetii mors. 8wTa'OuTiiPT timid by drnggljM. or milled ft any address on receipt of prlee.SOeU.abcnt; 3bozes,fL2V Address letters. OX. SWATNE S05. PhllidUpMs. Pa. THE FREEHOLD BANK, .No. 410 Smithfield SW. CAPITAL. - - - - 8200,08800. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest mh22-95-P JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. ' CITY S AVINGS BANK, 8I3rlTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital, $100,000, with privilege of $500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited- Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. XAS. CALLERY. President W. J.BURNS ; .Vice President' JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh259-TTS MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG, FA., As old residents know and back files of Pitts-' burg papers prove, is the oldest established and, most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From 582? NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCDni 1 ana mental diseases, physical II Lit V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failingpowers,organioweak-' ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN SEZn&SZ blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular" swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat; ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.. 1 1 R I M A R V kidney and bladder derange UnillMn 1 1 menu, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, , prompt relief and real cures. Dr. whlttier's life-long, extensive experience. Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 P. Jk8undy, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. 'WHITTIER, 814, Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. ap9-31K-Dsnwk WHAT IS MONET WITHOUT HEALTH. Health, Energy and Strength secured by using flMOKAHDA WAFERS. These wafers are a' guaranteed SPECIFIC and the only reliable and safe remedy for the permanent cure of Impotencr, no matter how long standing. Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use alcohol or tobacco. Sleeplessness, Mental Depress ion, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Prematuri Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harrassinr Dreams', Prematura Decay of Vital Power.caused' by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes for (4.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Six boxes is the complete treatment and with, every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent, cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON. 412 Market Street. Pitts burgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 37. to whom all communi cation should be addressed. mh31-JSU HARE'S -REMEDY . For men! Checks the worst cases in three' days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE, -Ja5-29-TTSSu 412 Market street. . MEN ONLY a rosi-rivis cuke For LOST Or ralllnx' MANHOOD. Servous- vimi nM. Weakness of Body Mind. Lack of Strength, Vigor and De velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, c. Hook. a JUVV& Ui Oti.f-A1CEAT9UHIT. SDH JTnjOlS jnaill t sealed) free. Address KEIJS MEDICAL CO lunalo. N. Y. deS7-TTSwk WEfilfABYiSB ?BX& .80W T0A8T. "Jsli IxMrtteorMdManboodRMtoreiL Pre. r"lv0E mataralxelliieuiirimetlonal dim. fti- M k den eared kOAoki Stomach Medicines. VT D aJlj;ssJs4 Tread e sect freomappncatloa. Wl nUn-f "ISTH HaUsrtKaMtlmXtTk. de-15 gru-ark Tfl WEAKHEUs37&a&r I jTf ! W,"?? HMeeiT. lot manhood, etc. I wfflttnda valuable traatlM (sealed) eoatamhur foil parHealars for home core, tree of chara. iddress, PROF. .0. FOWLER, Msetfw, Cm 1 l-uofrStBsawt - . . ; rvmi 1: