wu Tk' SWf t,vrws r -'-AGg&rtz: .-- --- v-n asST i j ri w.fww ff w.- ,'jffiwwafc ,, ' ' i5v"-. . ' .?"w"WJflws.-'wir x THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, APEIL -25, 1889. .5 j r X Va MAEINGAHAKDFIGHT The Orphan School Syndicate Strag gling for Becognition. 'ANOTHER YICTORY FOE THE P. E. E. r vThe Senate to Concur in the Street Bail way Bill. COMPANY. BTOKES ARE BTILL LEGAL TFEOM X BTXTT COBBESPOirDEXT.l Haeeisbttko, -April 24. This afternoon the Appropriations Committee of the Senate had a boat with the hill providing an ap propriation (or the maintenance of the sol diers' orphan in accordance with the pro visions of the bill prepared by the G. A. R. commission. Several persons appeared before the com mittee in opposition to the Kauffman amend ment, which particularly specifies that no portion of the money shall be paid for the support of the orphans In any of the so. called syndicate schools at McAllisterville, Chester Springs, Mount Joy and Mercer. A strong effort is being made by the friends of these schools to induce the committee to strike out this amendment, which means the closing of the schools. Among those who appeared before the committee against the amendment were ez Bepresentative Stranahan, of Mercer; Thomas Sample, of Pittsburg; Dr. Ziegler, oiMt. Joy, physician to the school at that place, ana .Representative xienzier.oi u uu ata. There were also delegations from the localities of the four schools who presented arguments and testimony in their favor. It is a pretty difficult matter to gauge the sentiment of the committee, but it is un derstood" that the majority Javor the re moval of the orphans from the present schools and the placing of them in normal schools and other suitable institutions, where they will be removed from the influ ences of their present surroundings. The bill will be held in the committee awhile lor further consideration. There is said to be a probability of the bill providing for the continuance of the schools being so amended in the Senate as to remove the restrictions that are objectionable to the syndicate. SniFSOh. A TILT IN THE SENATE. Uentenant Governor DaTles Comes to Sena tor Hlnr' Support. rrEOM A ETATF COBBESPOJfDEJrT.J Habbisbubg, April 21. Senator Hines spoke against Kepresentative Hays' bill to permit oil companies to own stocks and bonds in other oil companies, but the Senate passed it finally, notwithstanding Senator Hines called it a Standard Oil measure. Senator Hines also fought hard to save the company store bill, but it lacked nine votes of enough. The objection urged against it by some of the speakers was that it merely forbade corporations to have company stores. and did not at lect private concerns, which might keep as many company stores as they had a mind to. Some gentlemen honestly believed the argument to be a valid one against the bill, while others found It very convenient to hide behind. Senator Hines jays a number of Sen ators wbo promised him they would vote for the bill voted against it. During the debate on the matter he told the Senate about a conver sation between himself and Senator Watres, In which the latter, who to-day opposed the bill, expressed himself warmly in favor of it. Senator Hines' revelation was stopped by a point of order, and President pro tem Grady, who was on the floor, showgd a disposition to rub it in on him if possible. Uentenant Gov ernor Davies, however, wouldn't let Senator .nines do jumped on Dy ettner senator Grady or Senator rv aires, kdu bib reproof ox renroof the former for denartinc from the merits of the bill to discuss the other Senator was very mild. The Uentenant Governor has no love for the President pro tem, and keens him oat or the chair as much as possible. He basn't permitted him to sign a bill this session, and Senator Grady feclsratber hurt that his name will not appear on a single law of the Commonwealth unless something happens between now and adjournment. The reason for the Lieutenant Governor's dislike of the President pro tem has never been ex plained, bat it didn't hurt Senator Hines to day. SCORING CARNEGIE. Sir. Wherry Pokei Fan at the Ship Canal Resolution. rr&oxA statt correspondent. j Haeeisbueg, April 24. Mr. Andrews offered a letter from Mr. Carnegie as a part of his remarks to-night in favor of the ship canal resolution introduced by Captain Bron,of Beaver. Mr. Carnegie in the letter agreed with a published statement of Mr. An drews that the canal was a solution of the anti-discnmination problem. After Mr. An drews had spoken, Captain Brown explained that the bill was merely for the appointment of a commission to assertain and report on the feasibility of a ship canal. Immediately Mr. Wherry took tho floor and said "This House can sea a joke as well as any one and cannot fail to see the sarcasm of the canny Scotchman. The gentleman from Crawford a convert to anti-discrimination. Good Lord, deliver us." The Speaker considered Mr. Wberrv per sonal and called him to order. Mr. Wherry came to order, and said if be bad said anything offensive he withdrew it. He welcomed, in sarcastic vein, Mr. Andrews as a convert to anti-discrimination, but warned him be conld not throw dirt in the eyes of the people. Mr. Jones opposed the bill because it would be 50 vcars before ocean vessels conld sail np the Ohio and to the lakes. Mr. Sravo ex plained that it wasn't tb o ocean they were after now. but the lakes and the product of the Northwest The resolution passed finally. The House adjournea after midnight. WMSEERS AND WIND. A Peculiar Mathematical Calculation Made by a State Leslalator. rntOST A STAFF COERERPOXDEKT.T Haeeisbueg, April 24. A mathemati cal legislator to-day figured out the follow ing: Giving ten minutes to the call of the roll on the final passage of each bill, and the House calendar to-day would require the Beading Clerk to make a steady call of over eight and a half hours, there being 53 bills on final passage. He will call out 10.312 names, and estimating that his jaw travels an inch every time, it will cover almost a quarter of a mile before it sinks to rest on the last name. Estimating again that the Beading Clerk's whiskers wave two inches at every call of a name, they would in the aggregate ware 21,624 inches, which, condensed into a series of (say) 60 waves, would create a breeze in the House that would put out the electric lights. THE SENATE WOULD SOT CONCUR. A Conference Comrailiea Appointed on the Street Railway DHL fFEOM X STAFF COJUtESPOXDEKTO Haeeisbueg, April 24. The Senate re fused to concur in the House amendment to the general street railway bill to-day, and a committee of conference was appointed con sisting of Senators Delamater, Smith and Wil son on the nirt of the Senate, and BeDresebta. tires Andrews, Kevser and Fow on the part of ue House. It was expected that this would be the course when the bill passed the House, and nobody was surprised. Tkey AH Want to Go. rrEox a etait coaaisroirprsT.J Haskisbtjeg, April 21 One hundred and seventy-flve members of the House having In dicated to the Centennial Committee their In &!2? H0 to New York, It doesn't look as . i,.? .tJ?e,resolution to be offered to-morrow ?-v. . " Hase meet Monday would score much of a success. We Won't Bay Penn' Farm. lErECIAL TELrcBAM TP THS DISrATCH.: , April 21. The House to-day 11 to purchase William Tenn's jBdefeated the b .J5LJ6Jl -" - I T3i3iaatk 1 ,-1 i a AGAIN THE PENSSI WINS. The Philadelphia Belt Sntlvray Project Knocked Oat by the regulators. rrBOlti ETATT COBSESrOXDXST.l Haekisbueg, April 24. A debate of interest on the. appropriations calendar to night occurred when Mr. Wherry tried to have restored to the? Philadelphia harbor improvement bill the proviso for the-belt rail way. Mr. Fow opposed' it, and the House re fusing to go into committee of tho whole for special amendment, Mr. Wherry suffered de feat. Mr. Fow made manv amuslne statements to the effect that the effort to put the proviso in the bill was merely an attempt of the -Baltimore and Ohio road to kill the measure. Its interests all lay in Baltimore, said Mr. Fow, declared himself not oonosed to a belt railway. free to all competitors, and it beine now too late in the session to bnng in any new bills, he was warmly in favor of treating the matter separately. This, is one more triumph for the Pennsylvania Railroad scored in this model Legislature. THE GENERAL REVENUE BILL PASSED. Its Operation Will Tax State Institutions Which Have Hitherto Escnprd. FF.OM X STAFF COERESPOXDEXT.l Haeeisbueg, April 24. The general revenue bill passed the Senate finally, to-day, and goes to the House for concurrence. There may be some trouble there concerning the striking out by the Senate of the Neff amendment permitting the subtraction of debts from money at interest in making assess ments. On third reading. Senator Tewmyer tried unsuccessfully to have slate companies in cluded among; those exempt from taxation. He and Senator Reyburu are the only Republicans who voted against the bill. Three democrats formed the remainder of the opposition. Sena tors Beyburn and Newmyer share the opinion that the tax on money at interest is not wholly just and may be attended with bad results. Auditor-General McCament says the pass age of the bill in its present shape permits the taxation of such institutions as the Dollar Savings Bank, of Pittsburg, which has hitherto escaped. HAfiUAL TRAINING ASSDRED. Colonel Bean Says Nothloe bnt Money Is Needed to Put it la Operation. rFBOM A STAFF COEKESrOVDEXT.J Haeeisbueg, April 24. The manual training bill introduced by Colonel Bean is acknowledged by him to be dead for the session, but he is not worrying about that, as h: shares the opinion that existing laws are ample, "Besides," he says, "a member from your county, Mr. Bobison, introduced a bill, which is now in the Senate, which briefly legalizes manual training is the public schools. I expressed my self to the Commission that a bill was unneces sary, but that if we could pass one to our own liking it would be that much gained. What we want now is to Increase the appropriation for the public schools from the 51,500,000 the Ap propriations Committee is willing to give us to 2,000,000. Then manual training will be an as sured fact. . MONEY FOR THE PEN. Some Objections Raised to the Proposed Appropriation for Improvements. IFEOM X STAFF COnBESPONT&NT.J Haeeisbueg, April 24. The Senate Ap propriations Committee made a favorable report to-night on the appropriation for salaries and maintenance of the Western Penitentiary. Some members of the com mittee objected to the appropriation for all improvements on the ground that there were not enough prisoners in the institution to justify it. Aftersome discussion of the matter consideration of it was temporarily postponed. PRODUCERS MAI ORGANIZE. Bat Milk Dealers Cannot Come Into the Knlcbts of Labor. Master Workman Boss, of D. A. 3, K. of L., is in favor of the formation of Assem blies of Milk Producers, as proposed by the latter recently and reported exclusively in The Dispatch. He says, however, that the dealers are not eligible to membership in the order, that is, they cannot form assemblies. Three-quarters of the members of any assembly must be either producers or wace-workers. No saloon-keepers, barkeepers, gamblers, bankers or brokers are eligible to member ship in the order either. The milk dealers, that is, the middle men, cannot come into the order. Mr. Boss said that several of the producers who were now anxious to join the Knights of Labor, had condemned the order years ago, but now are beginning to see the benefits of organization. No application has as yet been made tor a charter, nor will there be until alter the next meeting or two. A New Allegheny Scheme. Arthur Kennedy, Esq., and Walter Lyon, of Allegheny City, went to Harris burg last evening in regard to a new scheme of some kind on the Northside. What the scheme is neither of the gentle men would say. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday. jVame. Eesldence. Thomas J. Greaves Pittsburg Alice Lee Webster.., i'ittsburc t John Besberger , , Plttsbarr 1 Mary bhort Pitttburg j George B. lounc. Wert Deer township I Laura B. Fairfield "West Deer township J Nicholas Karmann Pittsburg lAaellJene Pittsburg (dona waters bcottdale t Bridget Eoddy Scottdale I Fred Leer , Allegheny I Alice M. Bowden Allegheny (Louis Carter Pittsburg (Carrie Jones Pittsburg I Fred bchlmmell Pittsburg ( Lizzie A Cassidy Allegheny (Oliver "Wall Pittsburg jMaryMcClafferty Pittsburg ( Marion Will Allegheny (Lizzie Dorsey Allegheny ( George "Wendel rlttkburg (bnsanna belwerth ........Pittsburg (Nicholas faorg Shaler township i Marie Konenwald Shaler township (George Flath Pittsburg Jllarj- E. Voskamp Pittsburg ( John L. Llnwood Allegheny ( Martha E. Lacock Allegheny ( Andrew Battler. Allegheny ( Anna JL Yund Allegheny ) Charles Catherwood..... West Deer township (MattleM. Coe "West Deer township (Valentine Plappcrt Baldwin township 3 Maggie Cox. Baldwlu township ( HenrvDutmev Allpphpnv Katie McCarthy Allegheny (IMUiam B. Gant Clrclerllle 1 Mabel Gray Turtle Creek uiuiam a. uant circieviiio Mabel Gray Turtle Creek Ilarrv J. PoDe Allcchenv Harry J. Pope Allegheny Kate Ferber.. Shaler tuwnshlo Kate Ferber.. Shaler township ( Robert S. Taylor Philadelphia J btclla Herbst bewlckley (Michael Gormley Braddock (Julia Power Braddock Frank H. Sneer Pittsburg IAHUA ? ICIJtIUUU, Allegheny I he Lady Who has fine Hair, and desires to pre- serve its color, abundance, and lustre, should use Ayer's Hair Vigor as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean and cool, and is by far the most exquisite toilet preparation in the market. B. M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill, Mo., says: "I have nsed Ayer's Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and regard it as the best hair preparation I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has used it for a long time with most satisfactory results." Mrs. S. A. Bock, of Anderson, Texas, writes : "At the age of 34, in Monroe, La., I had a severe attack of swamp, or malarial, fever. After 1 got well my hair commenced coming out, and so con- tinned "until it had well nigh all gone. I used several kinds of hair restorers, but they did no good. A friend gave ma a Dome 01 Avers iiair vigor, xseiore finishing the first bottle my hair began to grow, ana Dy ine time 1 usea bottles, I had a fine head of hair." Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BT V Dr. J. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masst 1 Perfumers, THE B0TTLERB MEET. They Want to Punish the Thieves Who Get Beer Bottles. The bottlers had a meeting yesterday afternoon in Einstein's new building on Sixth avenue. It was stated that the bottlers were making arrangements to move into Ohio and ship their goods from there into Pittsburg. When a. call was made at Joseph Ein stein's place he explicitly and emphatically denied that anything of the kind had been talked of. He said that the bottlers had simply met to make arrangements for hav ing a bill passed by the Legislature to make it a criminal offense for junkmen to buy or lift bottles from private families and sell them. The People' Store. No such carpets and no such "prices as we are offering at the big sale now on. Ths Campbell & Dice. MARRIED. WOOD-ST. JOHN-At New York, Tuesday afternoon. April 33, 1889, by Bev. D. Parker Morgan, Miss Geetrude, daughter of the late Newton St. John, of Mobile, Ala., to W. Dewees Wood. DIED. BBIGHT On Wednesday, April 24. at 6 10 a. m., Elmeb. E. BbiGJIT. aged 29 years and 5 months. Funeral from his late residence, Brecken ridge avenue, Tarentum, Pa., on Fbiday at 2 P. H. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. CEOWE-On Wednesday. April 24. at 8 o'clock a. sr., Joicr Cbowe. aged 40 years. Funeral from his late residence. Short alley, Fourteenth ward, on FRIDAY, April 28, at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends of tho family are re spectfully inrited to attend. FUHS At his residence. No 25 Toggart street, Allegheny, at 1:45 Tuesday morning, Apnl 23, 1889, Sebastian Funs, in his 39th year. Funeral will take place Thuesday aftee koon at 2 o'clock. Interment private. 2 FLANNERY On Wednesday. April 24. 18S9. at 3 o'clock p. m.. George A., youngest son of James J. and Hattie E. Flannery, aged 14 months 2 days. Funeral from residence of parents, 543 Grant street, on Fbiday aftebnoon, at 2,30 o'clock. 2 GALLAGHER On Wednesday, April 24, 1889, at 7.30 P. M., WILLIAM GAELAQHEB, aged 43 years. Funeral from his lata residence, Carson street, near Point Bridge. Thirty-fourth ward, on Fbiday, at 9 a.m. Friends of the family are respectf ully invited to attend. 2 HENSEL-On Tuesday, April 23, 1889, at 1-40 p. m., PiTTTXiP Hessel, in the 48th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 65 First street, Allegheny, on Thursday, at 2 P. m. Friendsof the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 LONGMORE On Tuesday morning, April 23, 1889, at 9 30 o'clock, JESSIE BLACKSTOCK, widow of the late James Longmore. Funeral services at the residence of her son in law, Thomas C. Carson, 189 Juniata street, Allegheny City, on Thubsday aftebnoojt. April 25, at 2 o'clock. Interment private at a later bonr. 2 MOORE-On Wednesday, April 21, 1889, at 3 15 p. jl, Cuahles P. Moore, in the 48th year of his age. Funeral will leave Homestead on Fbiday. April 28, at 1 P. St., on P., V. 4C.R.K. Car riages will meet train at Birmingham station at 123, will then proceed to Mount Lebanon Cemetery. Friends of the family are respect, fully invited to attend. 2 rPhiladelpbla papers please copy. MURPHY-On Wednesday, Apnl 2il8S9, at 6 a.m., ash Morfhy, mother of Tnomas Murphy. Funeral from, the residence of her son. Bates street. Fourteenth ward, city. -on Fbtbay, 20th mst, at 8:30 a. x. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. PETRIE On Tuesday evening, April 23, at 9 o'clock, Kate Eliza, yonngest daughter of Milton and Sadie B. Fetrie, aged 5 years and 8 months. Funeral services at the residence of the grandparents, No. 60 Fremont street, Alle gheny, on THUB9DAYAFTKBNOOirat 2 o'clock. Interment private. ROWE-On Wednesday, April 24, 1889, at 12.4.') l". M.. Ciiables B fourth son of Michael E. and Sadie McC, Rowe, aged 4 years. Funeral from family residence, 6U5 Rodman street. Nineteenth ward, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. SKEES At the family residence. No. 815 Webster avenue, on Wndnesday, April 24, 1889, at 9 a. jl. Laura Skees, youngest daugbtur of Edward and Amelia Skees, aged 18 months. Fueeralon Fbiday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend, WRIGLEY On Monday, April 22.WH.I.IAM S. Weigley, in his 22d year. Funeral from his late residence. 305 Federal street, on Fbiday at 2 p. u. WHITE On Wednesday evening, April 24, 1SS9, at 7.50, Ivel Lee, oldest dauchter of Ran. dolph and Annie E. White, aged 13 years, 1 week and 5 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 48 West Jefferson street, Allegheny, on Fki. day, at 2 p.m. Friends or the family are re spectf ully invited to attend. JA3IES ARCHIBALD & BRO.. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, 117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield St., next door to Central Hotel. Carriagesforfunerals,3. Carriages for operas, parties, io, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. my3-d60-TTa JOHN L. TREXLER & CO., Funeral Directors" and Embalmers, Livery and Boarding Stables. Nos. 378 and 3S0 Beaver ave. Residence. 6SiPreblo ave., Allegheny City. Telephone 8418. mh23-MThSu T) EPBESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN 1SCI ASSETS - . 9071,69633. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2q WESTERN- INSURANCE CO. OF PIT-TSBURG. Assets $118,50187 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIM1CK, President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President fe22-26-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. WM, SEMPU&U HANDSOME The rush of Spring Trade is inow pn and we have made ample arrangements to meet it successfully in eyerr department. Our stocks are full np wit f rices ucim -were juwer. 11 e can special aiienuon to our larsre XiLNJSIT ri,nlnr emhrnnini. Tnhln T.n.n. (Vnm nil k. Tomnn. r.n.;. S..1.1. rs. ; 203 Co 1-C; ?reT a Bleach Damasks, extra good values, 370, SOc. 60c, up. Note our Golden Flax at 50c, well worth 65c Full 72-inch Double Damasks at 75c 87 lie 81 and II 25 in lovely patterns. These are Grand Bargains. 8-4 Colored Fringed Table Cloths, all linen, 51; 10-4 at fl 25. All White and Colored BordVredFrineed Cloths ind Napkins in sets ?3 and up. White and Colored Napkins and Doylies; large Tines of Towels at 'all prices, with Special Bargains all through. Stamped TidiesTray and BldSo rd Covers, Embroidered Olotk, Tapestry and Plush Covers for Stands, Tables and Pianos. In this connection we mention large, lines "White Quilts, 65c. 75c. 93o, 1, 5p to finest sS5 ffiiSaSorteataaTr,?150, SheetingS and3?iUow CasinS8' a11 widths. Tickings, etc, at l,ow Prices. Eeady-made sheets, Vol iS Pillows and inTOt! dlyi txfvAjtt mings daily, - urS1 ? !?iSil w?!?artentple-te 5" lalest Nlties Standard Goods. Prices always the lowest. All 7oc. Sue. el ana ex io; oils Warns. EL Iforelties in RiMp Ttn.dn.o m t i.. coi. ah tit 1 o! a ti-;j. ka 1. .Enough to please every taste, veilings ana lots or lancy v Ginghams, 25c, 30c and 40c, wjn'f Cwn t rTTi 8SW i latest BtTJM "' Dress fabrics-correct stTles flt Low Pri'ces- See tho All-WooVCloth Suits, braided panels and Jacket, at S9-unequaled tJfS&& f Cl0th Jackets' Stockinette J-kets.Jerseyl.in.facyandsmockedyW "bSE UNDEEWEAEAHDHOSIEBY New Spring Unaerwear for Men and Boys, Ladies, Misses and Infants, in Gauz5, White and Fancy Merino. Plain and Strined Bal. bnggan in various weights and goods. The fast black ?'olyi" dye Hosiery foriadles, 25c up; all sla for Children and Men at Popular Prices? P ParasoUwdltoSlM.OUr CWpet m' Carpeb' :B8M8t, and Mattings. Xaca Curtains, Turcoman aad Chenillo Curtains and PortierM and Corfaia Materials. New S3"Samples sent when requested. Mall orders promptly filled. T ,fi -J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CARPETS. The Lowest Prices Ever Reached on Carpets. The extraordinarily low prices of last season were down to bed-rock, as we then thought But this season de velops even lower depths, not withstanding an upward reac tion in manufacturers' prices. Whoever before bought All-Wool Extra Super In grains at 55c per yard? Or Tapestry Brussels at 45c ? Or Body Brussels at 85c ? Or Velvets at 75c ? We have just reduced, a beautiful line of WILTONS to $1 40 per yard. We have the largest and most varied assortment of INGRAIN SQUARES ever offered in Pittsburg, many of which are reduced to cost, ranging fr6m $5 50 up. 0. McCLINTOCK '& CO., Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Bedding, 33 FIFTH AVENUE 33 ap20TTS SPECIAL : BARGAINS TRIMMING! MARKED BOWK TO OUT. CLOSE Tinsel Gimps marked from 50o to 25c, and from $1 50 to 25c. - Silk Cord Gimp, a good pattern, from 50o to 25c a yard. President Braid Gimp from 50c to 25c, and from $1 to 50c a yard, Bead Net and Cord Net Sleeves, $4 50 to 53 50, 55 to 53 50, 58 50 to It, 57 50 to 55, 513 60 to 59. President Braid Panels, $1 25 to 25c; sets to 25c, 50c, 51. Bead Sets at about half price. A few SHOULDER CAPES in Passe menterie and Bead Jet and Collars, nice for Dress or Wrap Trimmings, at greatly re duced prices. BLACK LACE FLOUNCING! BLACK DBAPERY NETS! A large line at specially low prices. Come to our Trimming Department for Trimmings of all kinds. We have the largest and best line in the city. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE ap23-r Tl It ANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS. 1VJL INa CO.. 417 Wood street, Pittsburcfa' Capital 250,000 00 Assets January 1, 1889 863.745 80 Directors Chas. W. Batchelor, President; John W. Chalfant, Vice President: A. E. W. Painter, Robt. Lea, M. W. Watson. John WI1, son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, A.M.Byers Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Fainter, John Thomp son. Wm. '1. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, As sistant Secretary; August Ammon, .General Aeent ja22-46-TTS MILLEDOEVTLLE, GA. JAMES E. MORRIS. Sole Agent, New York Deak Sib I believe Pratt's Aromatic Gene va Gin to be a most excellent and valuable medicine in all kidney troubles. Have sold i in large quantities for more than a year, and have received the most encouraging reports from those wbo have used it. I guarantee every bottle sold to benefit any one suffering with their kidneys and have never had a single per on request me to return the money paid for it. Yours respectfully, E. A BAYNE, Druggist. JOS. FLEMING, sole wholesale and retail agent in Pittsburg, 84 Market street jell-TTS APRIL 22, LINES OF NEW V'W''', Wreaths, Sprays, 1R7 arr 1fiQ Ti'WntirR.AT. , with lota of double fold plain and fancy weaves from IOo to 20o. Black Goods in Cashmeres. HenriettMftll-wnnl nrl .ilt ,.,. a ilr.. w' 1. . .- t -V- y , mw ittwsfeT ui LUivisi vnui tii ii uui uLiiLfim nuu .L iniua. juh iiii ui ait iaii liih ilpkl. hhtiptriotip 'Ti i f eaves for spring and summer at prices to sell quickly. Immense assortment of Wash Goods. Dress Ginghams, 6Wc, 8v lOo and 13c to fine' Scotch . Satines in American and French, lOo, 12o to 35o-lots of them. Challies from 5a to 6tfc up. Seersuckeh, Etoil ifords. etc. t --T-T" -''V "" nw.wj.MAxvaax. fumawiJjjii !. NEW ADTERTI8E9IEMT8. "The flowers that bloom in the Spring, tra-la-la," Give notice that we should all adapt our garments to the season. The grasses in the park, the leaves on the trees, all nature dons her favorite garb of green; even the tree-boxes (put on a fresh coat of emerald paint. That reminds us to remind you that we have for sale an excellent paint, manu factured right here in Pittsburg by the Iron City Color Company. We have also the paintbrushes. Every housekeeper knows that it does not pay to send to the painter for every little bit of work needed, especial ly just now, when the painters are very busy and very expensive. With our pre pared paints, neatly put up in tin cans, you can yourself give the window sills or the bath tub. or the tree-boxes a touch or two that will improve and make them sightly. We take plcasuie in recommending these paints. The prices for common colors will be 12c a pound, and for high colors, such as red, yellow, green and blue, loc a pound. These paints are put np in cans of various sizes, and will be sold as lollows, viz: Common High Colors. Colors. Pints - - - 23c 30c Quarts - - 40c 58c Half gallons 70c $1 05 Gallons - - $1 35 $2, 00 Here Are Some ffare Springtime "Reminders:" Flower Seeds at 3c a package. Vegetable Seeds at 3c a package. Grass Seeds at 20c a quart. . Garden Trowels, 7o each. Gardes Rakes, 20c each. Garden Hoes, 25c each. Garden Spades, 50o each. Garden Forks, 70c each. Garden Sets, 50c each. Waterinc Pots, 27c to 50c. Gas Tubing, 7c per foot. Rubber Hose, llo per foot. Hose Reels, 51 40 each. Water Coolers. 51 45 and upward. Jewett's Water Filters, 55 and upward. Ice Cream Freezers, 52 and upward. Meat Safes, 55 35 and upward. Refrigerators, 56 25 and upward. Hammocks, from 85c to 53 75. Fleishman & Go's. NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st. PITTSBTJEG, PA. ap2S-D ICE BEST ICE in the mar ket at lowest ruling prices. No advance in prices during the season to regular trade. In ordering from wagons see that they carry our trade mark, THE POLAR BEAR. I April ist principal Li rtfRm will Via m. WW4WW im ww w moved to our new building, 1 hirteenth and rike streeta Principal Office Telephone No. 703. East End Telephone No. 5058. Southside Telephone No. 605L Allegheny Telephone No. 3100. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ICE COMP'Y., Thirteenth and Pike streets. mh26-71-rrs DRUNKENNESS Or ths Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it: Is abso lutely harmless, and will esect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands or Drunkards have been made temperate men who hare taken ttolden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe ther quit drinking rrom their own free will. IT .NEVER KAILS. The system once impregnated with the Kpeclflc It becomes an utter Impossibility for tlie liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A.J.Rankin, Sixth and Fenn ave.. Pittsburg: E. Molden & Co., 6J . Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by Ueo. A. h.ellv & Co . l'lttsburg, Pa. ae27-5S-TT8 T ADIES SHOULD INVESTIGATE Mine, Moe's French Tailor Systei or dress cutting. The only system in America that cuts the Worth bias dart, front, back, sleeves and skirts, without refitting. Lessons not limited. School open day and evenlne. G PENN AVENUE. ' ap2l 1889. GOODS OPENING DAILY. of eTer7 description for Hats, Dress Trim- etc.; Gauzes, Xaces, etc., for Hat Trimmings. 100 Trimmed Hats and I stock filled .QrFDTHTFwri a T .TTmaTrnVNTV TA 4- XEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & B Thursday, April 25. No Time Like the. Present. If you expect to need, as you undoubtedly will, anything in the way of Summer Flannels and ' Flan nelettes For Shirts, Blouse ' Waists, Tennis Suits and Children's Dresses, there is no reason why you should "wait another day to provide yourself with them. Very likely your neigh' bor has almost her entire fam ily fitted already. We have been very busy in this depart ment for several weeks, and each day the demand for the goods is increasing. We have everything, you can possibly want or need the greatest variety at the best prices, 10c to 85c. Special bargains are the I2y2c Stripe, Check and Polka-spot English Flannel ette, 28 inches wide, fine, sub stantial goods; full variety of desirable colorings. At 20c we have an excellent line of Flannels specially adapted for shirtings. At 25c and 35c come the Fine Imported Unshrinkable Flannels, including some of the best values at the money we have ever seen. At 45c is a line of the same goods, but of still finer quality, certainly as pretty and desira ble as could possibly be shown. - Undoubtedly the greatest bargains of all are our 50c and 6ot All-wool, fine French, 33 inch Flannels. These goods have actually always sold, and are still sold, as bargains at 65c and j$c. They come in Black and Orange, Cardinal and Cream, Black and Gray, and many other pretty combina tions of wide and narrow stripes, beside dozens of differ ent fancy patterns, spots, etc. At fi5c we start and stop yon in our beautiful 83-lnehSIlk Stripe Tennis Flannels. A great variety of tbese, of course, and while many could be sold for more, none surely conld be sold nnder onr price. For rery tony goods yon want to take a look at our 75c and 85c Flannels. Yes. we bare them at that price. They would probably brine almost anythinc we chose to ask. but no use taking advantage of a good thing to extort money from the people. Have yon seen onr new detachable-handled Parasols? They are the latest contrivance of the parasol makers, and for convenience to travelers who wish to pack a nice shade in a trunk without fear of breaking it, there's nothing like it. Handle shows little, if any, mechanism. The only thine abont it which is not found on all fancy handles is a small nickel button, which is really an ornament. We hare told you of onr other Parasols. If the Curtain Department was neglected in the Dress Ooods rush, it has entirelyrecor ered. Yesterday was a busy day, and wa ex pect to see many such days during tbe week. Several specials for to-day in tho Curtain Boom: Guipure Lace Curtains, colored, 3 GO, worth 5. Ecru from $2 np. Every one a bargain. An extra wide Nottingham at S2 50. New Lace Bed Bets from Jl up. For the sesthetic Fine Algerian Stripe Por tieres 17 50 per pair. With a little genius and a tack hammer, yon can brighten np tbe furniture wonderfully. See our Upholstery Materials. Onr Hosiery Department, for completeness and values, certainly stands at the head. "Onyx' Fast Black is the best in the world. Boggs&Buhl, 115, 117, 119. 121 Federal Street, Allegheny. ap25-TTS WM, SAMPLE'S, Choicest Goods and new colors in Wool Cashmeres, 35c, 60c. 65c, . .1.- ... . .' rvv' Z' vC J - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "A LA" BAKING POWDER. XOMPARATIVE PURITY and STRENGTH ' -oy- PITTSBURG CLOTHING DEALERS GOVERNMENT TEST For Purity, Capitalistic Strength, Magnitude of Business and Well GUSKY'S (Bear on bard, Mr. Printer): II 'S- G Government test shows no ammonia, but square dealing, with a trace of "sand" and back-bone dust. Then comes the "swell" tailor (like unto them that do advertise: 'Breeches maker to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.") American, Scotch, Irish and French Woolens are unknown to them; everything is "English, ye know," and very "swell" (especially the swollen prices). A coat o arms (made reversible) goes with every sale. Six months' credit is given at io per cent per month.- We'U mark BreechesMake Government test shows some ammonia and alum, and strong traces; of "soft soap," ginger bread and pate de foie grass. Next we'll test the cheap made-to-order-while-you-wait tailors. No "English, ye know," about them; they're all "Americans" (as any one knows who look at their goods). Their styles are as loud as a Fourth o July celebration. No purity to be found in them; cotton worsteds, cotton, all-woolens, backed up by cheap, flashy trimmings, and tempting "speci mens"'in their windows are what they depend on. The amount of the; required little "deposit" (as an evidence of good faith) in nine cases oat of ten, is full value for the suit. For comparison, we'll mark CHEAP TAILORS ' Government test shows lots of ammonia, alum, aloes and "gall, with a trace of kerosene and caraway seeds. Here's a clothier whose coat tales are "tailor-made" suits for Jio. If he sells a $5 suit it is "tailor-made." Everything is "tailor-made." 'Sold an umbrella not long ago and actually told the buyer 'twas "tailor made." His overalls are "tailor-made," so are his hats. In fact, he's crazy on the 'tailor-made" nonsense. We'll mark him TAILOR-MADE, CRAZY Government test shows not and ammonia, but more paregoric and lime. We will now try the "Hurrah," "Great Sacrifice," "Bankrupt Sale' clothing "feller." He seldom does business under hi3 own namej 'twouldn't do. One half of the 50 or 60 per cent profit he charges, and gets, on his "mark-down" and "sacrifice" sales, goes, to the newspapers, to tempt more "suckers." He buys hard stuffs (mostly satinets) poorly .made Men's suits, that cost him 3, $4, $5, $6, 7, $8, $g and $10 t marks them all at from S15 to S30; advertises "50 per cent discount;' 'suits for io, worth $20," eta, etc., and pockets a cool 50 to 100 per cent He's teetotally bad, full of adulteration and impudence. We'll mark him thus: THE SACRIFICE SWINDLING ' CLOTHIER, Government test shows no ammonia in him; you can tell by hint bottom side up on a hot stove, same , thing in him but al-ka-he, with traces of fly-paper and glucose. The "hodge-podge" dealer in dry goods, spittoons, calico, cut glass, physic, embroidery, pills, stockings, molasses candy, hardware, Boys clothing, eta, begins the season by offering 25 per cent off on boys' clothing (could as easily give 50 per cent off). Of course everybody knows what this means nowadays; it's so transparent. Still he will con- tinue to advertise "boys $10 suits reduced to 7;" "J7 suits reduced to $5'," "H suits reduced to $3," and "$3 suits reduced to chaos," eta And wpmen (a few) will continue to swallow the stale bait, hook and alL His mark is Hodge-Podge, Haberdasher & Co Government test shows signsbf "signs," no alum, signs of al-ka-lie G-TTSIKrSrrS will continue to pursue the even, square, plumb tenor of their war, navV ing no heed to the gymnastic struggles themselves with Aciv&rtisine: What -AMD- uoing What They Advertise. ThePEOPLFSHYORITESTME . v ,300 to-400 Truth in Advertising m Mark 4 & CO.- much of anything in him: some alunt WHEN NEW. "WHEN AE IS KNOWS. as "baking" powder. Hardly any cream tartar, nothing- else but4 and general decay. of competitors, but contenting u Thev Can DojS jf i j? Market t street i..!. 4 -. m