Tim y m . j ?j i r J.-; Vi 2' JTHE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THURSDAY; APRIL- 25, 1889. .- i.A favor of the grounds taken, by Attorneys Cohen, Ferguson, and possibly by Major A. T. Brown, all of whom were consulted by the committee, and who have since been studying up points of law in their defense. However, the court may simply take the papers to-day and fix a time for argument. Major Brown said yesterday that to get the matter belore the Supreme Court some action was of course necessary in the lower courts. It will depend upon what occurs there. He replied to reporters questions that he had heard it was the intention to take Brewer Darlington's case with the bottlers and others up to the Supreme Court eventually. Ar to the merits of the cases the attorney courteously declined to give an opinion for publication now. He had not completed his examination of the points raised and of course he would have to submit them to clients first. Lawyeis generally are divided on the possibility of the other judges granting re hearings. Some say that judicial courtesy will prevent Judges Ewing and Magee from interfering with the findings of Judge "White. "Whv," said one of the leading members of the bar, "a decision by Jndge "White in a license case is a judgment of the Court just as much as a sentence pro nounced in a criminal case, and all the other Judges combined cannot unite to change or set it aside without Judge "White's concurrence." A QUIET MEETIKG. "While the committee was holding the conference with Attorney Cohen yesterday atternoon about 30 of the unfortunate whole sale dealers and brewers held a meeting at No. 60 fourth avenue. They had simply rathered to hear the committee's report, and in the committee's absence only informal conversations took place. One of the men present was Charles Hook, the wholesale wine and liquor mer chants in the Seventeenth ward. He is one of the best known and most hiehly respected citizens of Lawrenceville. Last year he was in California when his license was granted. This year no person ever dreamed of his refusal, and it created a genuine sen sation. There has never been a remon strance against him. Mr. Fuhrer, a whole saler who built one of the finest busi ness houses in the Fifteenth ward, was also refused. He was at the meeting, too. These gentlemen say thev were refused for selling whisky by quarts and upwards in bottles. They still insist the Brooks law allows them to do this, and yet that was the sole reason Judge "White rejected them. Mr. Hook never sold a drop of beer. Both Messrs. Hook and Fuhrer call at tention to the fact that several well-known wholesale business dealers in the heart of the two cities, whose largest trade is in quart bottles, were granted licenses. They give names to back their assertions. RETAILERS HOPELESS. A General Meeting Called for To-Day Lawyers Are Afraid They Have No bhoiv for a Rehearing Some Inci dents. Secretary Kimmick, of the Betail liquor dealers' Association, has issued a call for a general meeting of saloon keepers, at 9:30 A. M. to-day, in G. A. B. Hall, No. 78 Fourth avenue, to discuss a matter of great importance. Of course this is the wholesale refusal of their licenses. Holding this circular in his hand yester day, James Delaney, the well-known saloon keeper on Market street, who was refused license, said: "I am not going to the meet ing. "What is the use? "We can do noth ing. Therefore, why keep up the excite ment?" Samuel Bing, the owner of a well-known resort on Sixth street, said: "I was refused a license, but I am not meeting with the other men. I accept the result I take my dose gracefully and will obey the law." Major A. M. Brown, who is attorney for some of the wholesale dealers, was asked yesterday by a reporter if retailers might get a rehearing also. He did not appear hopeful, and said the retailers were more subject to the searching examinations and -whim of the Court than the wholesalers. Charles C. Montooth and a number of other attorneys who had a large number of appli cations stated yesterday that they would make no appeal, as they did not see how an appeal for retailers could stand. Controller Brown, of Allegheny, says that by the decrease in the number of liquor licenses granted, the city would lose 7,800. Before the Brooks license law went into effect there were 420 saloons. Perhaps one of the greatest surprises in the whole affair was the granting of but one license to the Seventeenth ward. There were 26 applicants. The ward is the most popu lous in the city. It never had a bad reputa tion, that is for rowdyism or outlawry as a result of too many saloons. Some parts of the Eighteenth, Fifteenth and First wards, for instance, had far worse records in police courts. Yet each of these were granted two, three and five licenses each, while the Seventeenth ward was given but one saloon. KEW TROUBLES ARISE. The Bondsmen of Some Weil-Known Sa loon Keepers Are Rejected by Jndee E wine Hit Utterances About licenses. Judge Ewing reopened the License Court yesterday for the purpose of inspecting the bonds of the liquor dealers who had been granted a license. It was anticipated that some appeals would be made from the de cision of Judge "White, and quite a large crowd was on hand when the court was opened, bnt nothing of that kind occurred. Judge Ewing said: I will not entertain any applications for a re hearing. I simply speak for myself. I will not entertain any petition for a rehearing or are consideration. I would as soon think of inter fering in or rehearing a desertion or surety of the peace case that Judge "White bad dis posed of. Judge Ewing positively refused to allow one man to be on more thantwo bonds, and quite a number in the rejected list lost on this account. The Court also refused to ap prove the bonds of Messrs. John O'Neill, W. J. Bhulandt, M. C. Dwyer and James Getty, Jr., until they furnished a certificate 'showing that they Had resigned their seats in Councils. The following is the list of the dealers whose bondsmen were refused: George Retneman, First ward, one bonds man insufficient. Fred Saunders, First ward, one of his bonds men, Daniel Welgel. on too-many bonds. Lenz& Kleinsmlth, Third ward, bond not correct, both signatures on one line, and the bond a wholesale one. E. Rein eman. Third ward, John W. O'Brien, his bondsman, on too many bonds. Daniel Hacgerty, Tenth ward, H. Omert, his bondsman, on too manv bonds. Felix McKnight, Fourteenth ward, one bondsman's property mortgaged. Timothy Barrett. Nineteenth ward, one bondsman's property worth 9,000 and mort Raced for $10,000. A. C. Darrah. Third ward, Allegheny. Mary Klein not accepted as a bondsman. William Burdette, John 8. Snvder, Charles "WoUendale and Mrs. K. Weber, Fourth ward, Allegheny, bonds refused because Peter Wai ter. Jr now deceased, named as one of the bondsmen. James Tarphy, Fifth ward, Allegheny. Sam uel hholes not accepted as a bondsman. James Boyle, Tajlor Loyd. Soger P. Evans, Owen Mnrpby and Michael Ward, Homestead, bonds insufficient. James F.Ward, Braddock. Bonds insufficient. Robert C. Carothers, McKeesport, one bonds man insufficient. William Franey. Baldwin township, one bondsman insufficient. James Briggs ana William Thropp, ilifflin township, bondsmen insufficient. Judge Ewing stated that both Judge Ma cee and himself would go over the bonds of the wholesale dealers at such time as they could find in the clerk of courts' office. Allegheny's Special Election. The election for Common Council in the fourth ward, Allegheny, to fill the racancy caused by the death of Peter "Walter, Jr., . -will take place to-day. The candidates are C."C Hax, the tanner and ex-member of Select Council, and James Archibald. But little interest is being taken in the election. A DESPERATE COMBAT Between the Hired Men of Two Well Known East End Families. ONE IS NOW IN A DYING CONDITION. His Deposition Denies His Enemy's Story of Self-Defense. A I0TJ5 AFFAIR MAI- BE BACK OF IT Charles "Wilson may die from the effects of wounds inflicted upon him yesterday af ternoon by Andrew Heirer. The trouble occurred in the East End. Heizer is the hired man of Mrs. J. P. Scott, of "Wine biddle avenue, near Penn avenue. "Wilson is employed as coachman for Charles B. Mc Clean, of "Winehiddle avenue, near Liberty avenue. I At about 5 o'clock P. sr. Heizer called in at Mr. McClean's place to borrow an ax for the purpose of cutting some wood for Mrs. Scott. "Wilson was the only person in the yard and to him Heizer applied for the loan of the ax. "Wilson, it is said, re fused to comply with the request, saying the ax was a new one and he did not wish it injured. Heizer went home, but was again sent back bv Mrs. Scott with instructions to state that she would assume all responsibili ty, and that the ax would not be broken. "Wilson again refused, whereupon Heizer called him an "impudent cur." A TEKBIFIC COMBAT. "Wilson, it is said, then struck Heizer a powerful blow on the head with his fist, nearly felling him to the ground. ' Heizer staggered to the street and was closely fol lowed by "Wilson, whom Heizer said threat ened to kill him. "When Heizer reached the sidewalk he was struck again by "Wilson. Heizer then pulled out his pocket knife and plunged the large blade into "Wilson's abdo men. "Wilson sank to the ground and Heizer fled. Officers Boss and Gettes, with the assist ance of Captain Brophy, worked the case skillfully and captured Heizer in half an hour. He was caught in the Nineteenth ward and lodged in the Seventeenth ward station on a charge of felonious cutting, pre ferred by Captain Brophy. "Wilson was taken to St. Francis' Hos pital. His father was an Indian and his mother of Spanish birth. His wound is in a vital part of the stomach, very deep, and extending a distance of six inches. Alderman Porter was called to the hos pital late last night to take "Wilson's dying deposition. It reads as follows: A DYING MAN'S DENIAL. I, Charles Wilson, ot Wmebiddle avenue, city of Pittsburg, Pa., formerly of Cincinnati, O., aged 26 years, being of sound mind and be lieving that 1 am about to die from the effects of the wound inflicted by one Andrew Heizer, who cat and wounded me in the stomach with a knife while we were quarreling on Wine biddle avenue, Apnl 24. at S o'clock P. M. The quarrel commenced about an ax which the said Andrew Heizer v anted to borrow. I told him we had no ax. He called me a liar and commenced abnsing me with vile words. He started ont of the yard. I followed him and told him if he were not an old man I would smash him in the mouth. Then he turned on me and cut me with a knife, as I have said. i Sworn and subscribed to this April 24, 1SS9. "W. H. Fortes, Alderman. his Chakles x Wilson. Witness: mark R. A. BRornr. DR. SsTRAUH. Dr. Straub said the recovery of "Wilson was impossible. "Wilson lived on Grocery lane, Nineteenth ward. He is a very large and strong man. Heizer lives at No. 6 Peach alley. Allegheny. He is 48 years of age, married and has fonr grown daughters and a son. He served in Hie war on the Union side. His left arm is completely paralyzed. Heizer said that a few months since he lived in Bloomfield. "Wilson commenced paying attention to his daughters. Heizer refused to countenance the attention, and says that "Wilson has since borne him a spite. NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION. Several Buildings Burned at McKeesport Yesterday, Two Men Seriously Darned nnd Some Others Narrowly Escape In jury. The seven-story building known as Hotel Gustave and the six-story residence adjoin ing, at McKeesport, both owned by John Landmark, were destroyed by fire yesterday at noon. Natural gas exploded under a boiler in the basement of the hotel and scat tered the immense structure completely. Lundmark, who was sitting in the front door of the house, was blown 50 feet and was badly burned. The entire building was in flames in two minutes, and several male boarders, beside two women, were badly burned in escaping from the building with their lives. One woman jnmped out of a second story window. Chiei McAl lister, of the city fire department, was badly burned while in the burning build ings adjoining the hotel. Both of the large buildings, beside three smaller ones, burned. A stiff wind was blowing, and the city had a narrow escape .from a widespread conflagration. Lund mark lost $20,000 and has 511,000 insurance. Many people living in the vicinity were big losers by household goods being de stroyed in moving out of their homes during the time the element was raging. K0 PUBLIC KLCEPTI0N. A Notable Change In the Americas Clnb's Saturday Programme. The distinguished guests for the Americus Club banquet will arrive in the city Satur day morning. They will be taken sight seeing and return to their hotels at 2 o'clock for lunch. As the reception at the Seventh Avenue begins at 6 o'clock and the banquet at 7 o'clock there will be no time for a re ception at the club honse for the general public. Therefore it will be omitted. The number ot seats reserved for distin guished guests is larger this year than cus tomary, but it has been filled up. The time is necessarily limited by reason of the banquet taking place on Saturday night, yet there will be three hours allotted to toasts. The banquet will be brought to an end before 12 o'clock. SALT TRUST HERE. They Bold a Secret Sleeting In One of the Hotels. There was a secret meeting of the Salt Trust held in this city yesterday afternoon, of which P. B. Thurber, of New York, is President The gentleman arrived in the city yesterday ostensibly to attend another meet ing, but from facts 'learned his object was to confer with members of it in this city, and the general Salt Trust Such profound secrecy has been kept oi the fact that the reporter failed to elicit any inside develop ments or what was the nature of the pro ceedings. It was held at a prominent hotel late in the afternoon. ALDERMAN GALLAGHER GONE. He Dropped Dead at His West End Resi dence Early Lust Evening. Alderman Gallagher, of the Thirty-fourth ward, dropped dead at his home on "West Carson street, last evening between 8 and !) o'clock. 'Squire Gallagher had not been ailing and the cause of death is unknown. He was in his office yesterday as nsual. He was 45 years of age and leaves & wife and family. 'Squire Gallagher had been a resident of the' Thirty-fourth ward for 30 yeay He was Deputy Mayor under May- " . " " ""w- THE EX-CHIEFS CHECKERS. An Amusing Allegation as to What Caused the Raid on a Northslde Alleged Poker Room An Old Policeman Under Fire. Ex-Koundsman John Thompson, of the Allegheny police force, had, a bearing he fore Mayor Pearson last evening,on a charge of operating a gambling room in the bank building at the corner of Franklin street and Beaver avenue. The place was raided early Sunday morning by Chief of Police Kirschler and a posse of officers. Thomp son's attorney, for some reason, was not present last night and he conducted the case himself. Some very interesting evidence was brought out The witnesses seemed lo have forgotten a great deal, and what they did testify to they conld not state positively. The first witness was Mrs. Elizabeth Pad den. She testified that s'ne had a lease for all the rooms in the building, and rented them to whoever applied. The rooms where the gambling was alleged to have taken place were rented to r. club. Mrs. Fadden does not know who rented the rooms, or who paid the rent, but f tated positively that Thompson had no business transaction with her. She did not care who paid it, just so she got the money. Thompson then attempted to ask the wit ness some questions, saving that his attor- rney had not put in an appearance. There were a few hot words between His Honor and the defendant, when he was finally per mitted to conduct his own case. Mrs. Padden continued her testimony, and said there was still a balance of $5 due her for rent. She did not remember the" name of the club that rented the rooms. Joseph McAuliffe stated that a club had been formed, but a permanent organization had not been effected. There were eleven members. Thompson, he believed, had been engaged to take charge of the rooms for the club. Chief oi Police Kirschler told how he had made an information, on information re ceived, nnd had gone down to raid the room. "When he attempted to enter, he said, Thompson pushed him to one side, but he passed him and entered. He found a number of poker chips in the bed, where they had evidently been thrown when the players were apprised of the presence of the police. Mr. Thompson then remarked that the proceedings were irregular, claiming that the Chief had no right to break open his desk. John McCollum stated that he was pres ent when the raid was made. He said that ex-Chief Murphy had entered the room and offered to play a game of checkers with any man in the house. If he, won, the place would be raided, and if he lost, the place would not be disturbed. The game was Slayed, and Mr. Murphy was badly beaten, 'otwithstanding this, the witness con tinued, the place was raided anyhow. The witness volunteered the information that he thought this was an "unprincipled trick." Detective Murphy entered while the wit ness was giving his testimony, and was then placed on the stand. He admitted having played a game of checkers and lost, but said he had been sent down to investigate, and that the Chief had ordered the raid. Here Mr. Thompson said: "How did you get my 528 50 and the chips out of the drawer in the desk?" V "Broke it open, of course," said Detec tive Murphy, "as is customary in cases ot this kind, to seenre evidence." One witness, John Walknp, then testified to having purchased chips from Thompson and afterward had them cashed by Thomp son, the proceeds of a game of poker which he had played for money. On this the Mayor held Thompson in $500 bail for trial at court The bail was promptly furnished and Mr. Thompson retired by the side door, just in the nick of time, as a constable entered the front door with a warrant for his arrest for desertion, made by his wife before Alder man Brinker. Mr. Thompson has had a very eventful careerduring the past two years. He was an officer and held an important position under ex-Mayor "Wyman. Subsequently he was appointed on the police force oy Mayor Pearson. He was afterward discharged and went to Cleveland, where he was employed for a long time, returning to Allegheny a few months ago. EAST IjIBEBTTS GL0RI As It Will Shine on Washington's Centen nial Day. The" East End Centennial Celebration Committee met last night and authorized the committee on grounds to secure the Homewood Driving Park for the pnblic meeting, as the indications point to 10,000 people being present The parade will be composed of three grand divisions. The first division to be composed of all uni formed organizations; second and third divi sions of all organizations, with or without regalias or badges. The column will move promptly at 1:30 o'clock over the following route: North Hiland 'to Stewart street, counter march to South Hiland, to Walnut street, to bhady avenue, to Frankstown avenue, to Lin coln avenue, to place of meeting. All bands of musio will cease playing at turning point on countermarch and con tinue so until they reach the extreme left of third division. The column .will pass in re view on entering the grounds, each division commander and staff will form on the left of Chief Marshal, location permitting. A TRAIN DISPATCHER DIISG. Thomas J. Byrne, a WelUKnown Tonng Operator, Almost at His 30. Thomas J. Byrne, a well-known train dis patcher and telegraph operator of the Penn sylvania Company, is lying at bis home on Pulton street in a dying condition. He has been suffering for the past two months from a complication of diseases, the result of overwork. He was well known as the day operator in the baggage room of the Union station about three years ago. He was then promoted to the office of Superintendent Starr, in Allegheny, and a short time after ward was given the responsible position of dispatcher. He is the brother of John Byrne, one of the Dest Known operators in tne country, and now with the "Western Union Company in this city. HIS LIBERALITY DID IT. A Man Prrscnts Another With Jewelry, Which Lends to His Arrest. John Buck was lodged in jail last night by Detectives McTighel and Coulson as a suspicious character. They found a valise containing a lot of jewelry, such as gold watches, earrings, breast-pins, etc., and the detectives suppose the articles to come from a jewelry store which was robbed lately. The man was arrested in a peculiar way. He had given a lot of jewelry to a man named Patrick Brown, who was arrested as a tramp In Coraopolis last night Brown said that the jewelry had been given to him by Buck, and on his description of the man the detectives found Buck last night near the Union depot The case will be lnlly in vestigated to-day. New Competition to the Pacific. The Union Pacific Railroad Company nas at last made arrangements to receive Pittsburg freight, from date, for Tacoma, Seattle, Port Townsend and Victoria, 3. p., direct They wish shippers to route ship ments via Union Pacific Bailroad. Oregon Hailway and Navigation Company, and steamer from Portland. This- gives new competition with the Northern and Cana dian Pacific Bailroads. Handsome Invitations. The "Washington Inaugural Centennial Committee yesterday sent cut cards to the invited guests. The cards are vary beauti ful, containing the portraits of all the Pres idents of the United States from-'Washibg-ton to Harrison. " "' ' A BEALU BIG THING. Grocers, at Their Banquet, Learn and Teach Great Arithmetic, TALKING OP MILLIONS LIKE UNITS. A Glimpse of the Double Feast That Closed the Convention. WHAT THE! DID BEFORE THE! DINED In compliment to the Betail Merchants' Protective Association of Pennsylvania, the Pittsburg Association royally banqueted the members of the former at the Seventh Avenue Hotel last evening. There Were 250 covers laid, and the extreme good fellowship induced by partaking of an epicurean treat, surely made it an occasion for remembrance for the participants. Almost every county in the State had its representative, from Philadelphia to Erie, and the one prime object of this commipgling of merchants, both wholesale and retail, was the discussion of their interests and to put both on a perfect basis of protective organ ization. There were toasts and pleasantries galore, while the soothing sweetness of Toerge'a strains was a specific for indigestion, which no doubt would have resulted after the gas tronomic "gem" had been gotten "away with." A BIT Or TONOUE. After the chef had been paid a hearty compliment by the diminutive amount of debris sent to the kitchen', Major Montooth, to&stmaster, arose rather languidly with two lower buttons of his vest out of their customary position ot seenrity, and, In his infectious, humorous manner, informed the people present what they were there for: "Some come here to listen, others to talk; now let.ns proceed." The first toast ""Wholesalers," fell to the lot ot "W. K. Gillespie for a response. The gentleman made apologies for having a poor memory, so had to read from manuscript In substance he read: The wholesale grocery trade represents 25 per cent, of the mercantile business done In this city, and has a monefery representation of $20,000,000, with employees numbering 650 men. It has grown steadily with ' the population of Pittsburg, and is prospering under the release of the burdensome expenses of transportation and other contingencies which we have had to battle with in by-gone years. In distribution of merchandise we now reach beyond limits where once the tide of our commerce was ston- ped by competition, and our snpply is never icsa iue ueiuanu. m mis uueiurre are engaged some of the leading financiers and business men of our country. ' COMPETITION1, YET TTNITT. The speaker referred to the pioneers of the wholesale business who had gone, be fore, and admitted that there had been no phenomenal growth in it since Jhen, but pointed with pride at the financial worth and fearlessness in competition, though he added: "What we 'want, retailers, is unity, organization; with this we cannot fail, and the wholesalers want yon to trade with them, and in turn wish for yon unbounded success." 'Commercial Salesmen" was the next toast, and Major Montooth in a few prelim inary pleasantries compared a drummer and a lawyer very favorably together, so far as they had any relation with truth. Mr. Gaibraith responded to this, and he was a splendid representative of the typical travel ing man. He said: The commercial man is the connecting link between the wholesaler and retailer. Nearly 08 per cent of all the merchandise sold lit the United States is done throngb the aid of a trav eling salesman. Wide-awake retailers have found out that it is more beneficial to purchase this way than to lose time and money by travel ing themselves to select and purchase coods. For honesty and integrity the commercial man stands at the top ot the neap, f"Oht Oh! Dhl" and laughter. EXPOSITIONS I5IPOETED. S. S. Marvin responded to "Pittsburg's Exposition" something like this: Expositions are not of this century and birth. We find the first one was held in London as far back as 1761. Fiom that date they were taken up as educators for the people, and Napoleon I. organized one in France, which only con tained 110 exhibits. France continned them year after year, until now they have com pleted the greatest and most expensive one that the world ever saw. The Pittsburg Exposition scheme was born a little over three years ago, with a capital stock consisting of the back of an en velope and the stub of a lead pencil; but we have persevered and lived through adversity until we are all bnt assured of our great insti tution, which will serve as the greatest public benefactor and educator. Nothing but enter prise has done it; just the same as has built Pittsburg up to her standing as the great com mercial center she now is. we have our Ex position; bnt we still need money. Have we the enterprise? It is for you to think over, good people. NETV TOBK'S MILLIONAIRE. F. B. Thurber, the great millionaire gro cer of New York, expatiated at length upon "The Metropolis," and argued that selfish people living there didn't know anything abont the progress being made in outside cities, such as irmsburg, Chicago, Kansas City and Oklahoma, until they -once came out this way and saw for themselves. He complimented Pittsburg in high terms, saying the phenomenal growth since the war was astounding. He gave the retailers and wholesalers a quiet "roasting" for their indifference to 'progress and organi zation, and very potently intimated that there was a semblance of mountain moss still clinging to their backs. "Join hands," said he, "and prosperity will come along, like the running of a placid stream smooth and sure " Percy P. Smith honored "Pittsburg"with a very characteristic speech, in which he gave startling statistics, interspersed with his usual fund of funny "snaps," which season his conversation at any time. Between each toast music by the cele brated Haydn Quartet, which was a very pleasant divertisment Several other minor toasts were responded to, after which the toast master spoke ot the genial treatment of the hotel proprietors and bespoke in behalf of the guests hearty thanks. The whole body then, as one man, said "good night" no, "good morning" to each other, their pleasant lesuvmes enueu. . BUSINESS FINISHED UP. The Visiting; Grocers Act on Some Routine Matters and Then Elect Officers of the Association. Yesterday morning the State Betail Grocers' Association tried to resuscitate a resolution killed by them two years ago. It commits members of the association to buy no goods from manufacturers who per mit peddlers to handle their goods. The effort failed. In the afternoon the only question that was discussed was, "Are labor organizations against us in view of their attitude on the collection bill?" The sentiment was that the actions of the labor organizations in the past was against the grocer. A motion to reduce the per capita tax from SI to 60 cents wasadopted. The Board of Directors presented a resolution consoli- 'dating the per capita tax and the legislative tax funds. Secretary B. A. Stevenson declined to be a candidate for office again, and later in the afternoon a resolution was passed expressing the regret of the association in losing his services. Scranton was selected as the place for the next meeting, and the date fixed for the fourth Tuesday of April, 1890. The election of officers was ttfen held with the following result: President W. H. Tumbelston, Philadelphia First Vice President J. L. Calvert. Altoona Second Vice President, C. 8. Seamans. Scran ton; Third Vita President, S.B. CharteraPitte burgi Fourth Vice President, W. H. Schuman. PottsVille; Secretary. E. B. Reese, Pottsville: TreasurerAnds-ew Wlcht. Allegheny: Dlrec tors, J. A. Harbangh. T. H. Musebaum. H. C. Bunker. W. B. McKee, Thomas Cawidv. "'?? 77' Slhotin, W. H. Wilson, q! Faas. C. W. More, W. Sweeney and William Glasgow. , NOTES AND NOTIONS. Many Matters of Much and XJttle Moment Tersely Treated. Don't talk shop. Time flies Fly times. The good do not dye young! A WINDLASS A talkative girl. Avoid death and the penitentiary. In his cups The man with the hiccoughs. Irtakes a Chicago girl to cover the ground. A QiRL who jumps at the chance generally Mrs.lt The iron entered his soul when he stepped on a tack. A declining institution the dear girl who says "No!" When enthusiasm dies away, then the true grit is shown. The Oklahoma rustlers evidently took their claims for gran ted. Mrs. Hareison has a smaller hand than Mrs. Cleveland. Shake, Carrie. Strange that a man relieved of his office doesn't feel relieved Worth a cent. The man who succumbed to a heavy pres sure ought to have asked her to let go. Henby Ievino wants to be knighted. American actors are usually benighted. Don't talk inanely. There is a point you are driving at; hit it please, and go away. Two more society women intend to become actresses. The stage is paved with good inten tions. Summer tourists and tramps are now look ing around for a place to spend a few quiet weeks. Wisconsin university girls are learning carpentry. They should make excellent joiners. A Western paper wants to know why brains are disregarded. Somebody else must answer this. Vebilt the enp of Chicago's humiliation is full ana running over. Even the Pittsburgs can beat them. Should the Pittsburgs make a winning or two more their cup would be full to overflow ingwith beer. Cincinnati is raising a cry against the smoke nuisance. She should pay more atten tion to the cobwebs. The postmaster of Lancaster has a cask of brandy that was Imported in 1809. He has not yet been asked to resign. Division No. 20, A. O. H-.ield their annual ball in the Birmingham Turner Hall, on Jane street, Soutbside, last night The weather will be "rain and cooler," says the prophet with a grin. He who disbelieves a prophet surely is a man of sin. Miss Grace Fremont is seriously 111 at her home on Fremont street caused by nervous prostration resulting from overstudy. Toh Eg an, the telegraphic wae, hitit nearly when he said: Down to-day and down to-morrow. To-day we lose and to-morrow we lose. Honest, consistent hard work is a beautiful thing, but the reward is too distant, and even then it comes when it can no longer be enjoyed. The people of Minneapolis are meek and long suffering, and perhaps some of them are Christians, nevertheless they refuse to read St Paul. An alarm of Are from box 27 at i o'clock yesterday afternoon was caused by a blazing chimney at No. 4 Mellon's row, on Tunnel street New Tore Socialists have denounced the Constitution, but Uncle Sam smilingly offers them a corner lot in Oklahoma or a rope's end, just as usual. The school children of the Twenty-eighth ward gave a concert and entertainment in the school hail last night The programme con sisted of recitations and music The parties who jimmied tne door of A. A, Wilbrichs' shoe store. No. 541 Fifth avenue, went away pretty well heeled. They took with them about $200 worth of shoes. Thomas Malone, who was so strangely in jured by the top of a freight car being blown against him on West Carson street is still alive, bnt is not expected to recover. AT the Emory M, E. Church the East Liber ty branch of the Y. 31. C. A will give an Easter entertainment this evening. Excellent music and recitations have been arranged. "Well, Tom, I proposed." "What did she sayf" "She said yes." "Well, I must say you don't look happy." "I'm not. I asked her if. she preferred a single life, and she said yes.'- - This" evening and to-morrow evening a Sab bath school conference will be held at Biver sideM.E. Church, Allegheny. The speakers will be Bev.TV. G. Mead. Bev. J.B. Bisk. Miss Alice Hesley.Rev. A J.Asbe.Bev. O. A Emer son and Rev. W. F. Conner. A pure breeze from the broad Mononga hela came stealing gently adown the streets; dallied with him but for a moment and then sneaked on. redolent with whisky and onions, beer and pretzels, while a sulphurous perfume reigned supreme o'er ail. He had been refused a license. , "Yes," what an easy word to say. Yes, but it doesn't always pay. "Yes" is the favorite every day. Yes, but it leads the other way. "No," what a cold and chilling thought No, but the battles it has fought "No" marks a selfish earthly lot No, but with heavenly wisdom fraught The ridiculous sixteenth century custom of across the Sixth street bridge still continues. It is equal to the brilliant idea of giving each man on the Fifth avenue traction a ticket and obliging him to boldit in a silly and uncomfortable way until Oakland is reached, when the conductor kindly takes it away and gives it to some other unfortunate. L1YEEIMEN NEXT. They Are Making; Arrangements to Form a Trnst for Their Interests. The livery stable keeper on the South side held a meeting last night in the Miller Bros', undertaking rooms, on Carson street, for the purpose of disenssing the advisabil ity of forming an organization for their mutual protection. Mr. J.P. Beinhauerwas elected Chairman pro tern. All the men present refused to divulge anything about the objects of the proposed organization, but the fact leaked out, never theless, that they consider themselves im posed upon by the bridge companies, who ask them to pay toll for undertaking car riages: Another fact was stated that some of the livervmen charge each other too high prices for helping them out in a case of emergency. The liverymen expect, if they are or ganized into a union, tbey will not only be able to fix a better rate for the loan of their vehicles and horses, but they hope to bring some of the bridge companies into an ar rangement more satisfactory to them. Mr. Beinhaner said that he could not say anything yet, because all the liverymen in the city are to he asked to join the organiza tion. THE COKE TRADE BETTER. Nothing Settled Abont It, However, With out a Syndicate. The coke operators do not seem to be wor rying as much as they did a few weeks ago. Trade seems to be picking up a little; but noneof them have much to say on the sub ject. The only thing that will boom the coke trade is a syndicate; but it is almost impos sible to form an organization that will be satisfactory to all producers. Everyman in the trade is doing bnsinessNfor himself. DARLINGTON NON-COMMITTAL. The Brewer Likely to Appeal His Case nnd Resist Very Hard. It is reported that Mr. Harry Darlington will appeal hh case to the Supreme Court and that he will leave for Philadelphia to day. An-effort was made to see him last evening; bnt he positively declined to. be in terviewed or to say anything on the subject Mr. Damas Lutz also declined to talk on the subject, of licenses. He said he is per fectly satisfied, as he received all he de sired. An Ungrateful Guest. A man named Joseph G. Butler was ar ar- rested yesterday, as it is alleged that he' stole a snit of clothes from A. N. Miller. . who gave hfm a. night's lodging tbtf other night in his boat on rhe.MonoDganela river, . ., j ... at me toot oi urant bireec; A DECIDED SUCCESS. St. Paul's Cathedral Tea Party Was- Last Night's Attractive Event. ABODT $2,000 M THE CHURCH. The Bain Did Not Prevent a Large Crowd From. Attending. A GREAT LIST OP CLERICAL QUESTS The dreary, damp and cheerless weather outside, with the rain beating against the windows, was in strange contrast with the gay scene within Lafayette Hall last even ing. Beautiful women, resplendent with jewels and elegant costumes; gentle men in full dress, sparkling electric lights, candelabra, handsome decorations, etc., all lent a charm to make the picture one ot pleasure and warmth. The occasion was the tea party, given for the benefit f St. Paul's Cathedral. The heavy rain, in the early part of the evening, did not deterpeople from attending, and the affair was as great a success in point of num bers, in attendance, as any of its prede cessors. The hall was beautifully decorated, the festooning being especially fine. In the cen ter, on the south side and nearly opposite the entrance, stood the floral booth. It was a very bower of loveliness. The drapings were of orange and blue. The booth was decorated with ferns and bridal wreath, and festooned with evergreen. In the rear was a magnificent piano lamp, which shed its mellow rays over the fresh cut flowers, giving them many colors. amid the flowers, which stood on all sides, were magnificent bronze vessels, vases of Boyal "Worcester shire holding roses, hyacinths, jonquils, etc. The booth was in chaTge of Miss Annie Schmertz and Mrs. Dr. Oldshue, assisted by the Misses Barr and Phelan. The lemonade, or fancy booth, stood op posite the floral, and was trimmed with lemon and opal draperies. At the top of the middle arch in the front of the booth was a gilded horseshoe, upon which stood a white dove with outstretched wings. All kinds of fancy work was sold at moderate prices. Saddle bags, sachet bags, pin cushions, etc., were scattered about in great profusion. The many-colored candelehra threw a soft light over the booth and its fair inmates. The latter were Mrs. E. D. "Wingenroth,assisted by Mrs. Eugene Eiley, the Misses Agnes Hook, Alice and Mary McKeever. A large baby doll, dressed in pink and white satin, was'rafHed off atithis booth. The doll was contributed by Mrs. Benjamin Thaw. Toerge's Orchestra alternated with oper atic and dance mnsic. About 200 couples participated in the grand march. The dancing was continued until 1 o'clock this morning. In the large dining hall, on the second floor, there was another scene of rare beauty. Long tables groaning under the weight of the many good things to eat, the handsome silverware, the immaculate linen table cov erings and the rich chinaware, were tempt ing to the appetite. Crowd after crowd sat down to do justice to the viands, and the table service could not be betterr The white-aproned aids were unceasing in their efforts to satisfy eveetbody. The menu comprised everything that would tickle the palate of an epicure. The tables were in charge of the following-named ladies: Table No. L White ribbon In charge of Misses Stella Hogan and Annie Dnfiy. 'aids. Misses Gibbin, Malloy, Coffey, Marshall, Hart and Fettigan. Table No. 2 Pink ribbon In charge of Mrs. K Bafferty and Miss Annie Wilt; aids. Misses McConnack, Sullivan. Allen, Briley, Fetherson, Rafferty and Mrs. James Cochrane. Table No. 3 In charge of Mrs. J. B. Lar kin, Mrs. Colbert and Mrs. Murphy; aids, Misses Lynch, Colbert Diokson, McQee, Kelty and Brinkbam. Table No.4 Blue ribbon In charge of Mrs. Driscoll and Mrs. Horgan; aids, Mrs. Ferris, Mrs. Keefe, Mrs. Ward and the Misses. Dris coll, Keefe, Fitfield, Kennedy, McCarthy, Bynaue, Martin and Adler. table No. 6 Red ribbon In charge of Mrs. Burns; aids. Mrs. Broderick and Mrs. Sullivan, and the Misses Grace Kane, Bose Caufield, Mellon, Barry, McMeals, McAuliffe and Casser. The clergy present were: Fathers "Wall, Molineaux, Conway and student Murphy, of the Cathedral; McTighe. of St Malachi's; Sheedy, of St Mary's of Mercy; McDer mott, of the Holy Ghost College; Deecy and Devlin, of the Holy Cross Church, Cunningham, of Turtle Creek: Canevin, or St Paul's Orphan Asylum; "Ward, of St Bridget's; Briley, of St Kyrian's; Griffin, of St. John the Baptist's, and the Passionist Fathers Doyle, Nevids, Smith, Nyman, Hopper, Cullen and Hughes. It is estimated that about $2,000 will be realized by the party. This money will be used to pay for the renovation of the church. ADVICE FROM MARTIN. He Calls Down the Kongbers and Catchers and Tells Them What lo Do. Secretary Martin, of the Amalgamated Association, has at last declared himself on the important subject of wages now being discussed by the roughers and catchers. He says that a mistaken impression has got abroad through statements made by some of the men and published in this paper that President Weihe has ruled that "no mem ber of the Amalgamated Association, who is not directly employed and paid by the firm was eligible as delegate to the annnal convention." ' He says that no member will believe any such nonsense and savs: It the guide mill roughers intended to ask for a revision in the guide mill scale, so as to get an increase in wages, they should have submitted the question to convention through the programme as tbe Amalgamated Associa tion rnles provide. Every question of import ance, especially on wages, intended to be brought np in convention mus be submitted through the programme. This is done in order to protect the association andprevent members from springing questions for advances in wages without the knowledge and consent of tbe membership. As a further protection to the organization of tho wage question, the laws were changed last convention making it obligatory on a member or mem bers anticipating an advance in wages to first demand it of the company for which he or they work before it can be taken up in conven tion, and a tall lire to do this precludes tbe pos sibility of its consideration by convention. This refers to individual cases onlv and not to the general scale. As we' view it the claim of the gnide mill ronchers will come under this rule, so that should it fail of consideration by the convention the fanlt rests with themselves. Every safeguard has heen thrown around tbe wages question by tbe Amalgamated Associa tion, so as to preclude the possibility of a strike on questions not known to and sanctioned by the general organization. Beloved Children Gone. The 2-year-old child of Michael Bowe, the ticket examiner at1 the Union station, died yesterday morning of gastric fever, and Undertaker J. J. Flannery lost little George, his 14-nionths-old son, of pneu monia, yesterday afternoon. The People's Store. See our big offering of carpets from the great New York sale. Ths Campbell & Dick. M. Selbert Ss Co. For all kinds of furniture, the best and cheapest Call at the large furniture fac tory, Lacock and Hope streets, near railroad bridge, Allegheny. s Mss. GtnnrnT says: Do your houseclean V It. M lultui mm .. ........ KA. l.filt J,.!... 5 iu a wkuiu niajjcr, uvu MJ94, uumuijj 1 is, ic; snnDonnets, zoo: aprons, iswc. 1 t? Bee JHlYE, cor. Sixth and Liberty.1 THE DUQUESNE TROUBLE. A Number of Non-Dnlon Men Bald to beat Work and theBIg Steel Strike Is Possi bly at an End. The backbone of the strike at the Alle gheny Bessemer Steel Works is broken, if the report received from McKeesport late last night is correct The report states that 150 men from this city arrived at the mill yesterday afternoon and gained admission to the works bfore the strikers were aware of their presence. Another report Was received from Brad dock to the effect that the mill is partially in operation, the firm having blon two heats in the converting mill, turning ont about ten tons of steel. The rail mill is silent, no attempt baving been made to re snme operations inVthat department The report that the boss bricklayers, the master mechanic and the rollers have lefJhe mill is denied by an official of the company. The firm say they expect reinforcements to-day, and are laying plans tooperate the convert ing mill more extensively. They claim that when they get this de partment in good running order they will have no trouble in operating the other de partments of the works. All orders, how ever, have been cancelled, and the firm in tend to continue the fight The men do not, believe that the- strike will be won very easily. They have tne sympathy of the merchants and business men of the town of Duquesne. Substantial support has been guaranteed the strikers. A body of strikers, it is stated, is sta tioned around the works with instructions to induce all new comers to return. There is a great deal of excitement around the mill and in the town, hut no acts of vio lence were committed yesterday. Two brothers named Gilhooly, who came out with the strikers, are reported to have re turned to work. Thev evidently relented and disappeared, for they could not be found yesterday. Some of the men say they must have swam across the river to avoid coming in contact with the strikers. The following contradictory telegram was received from Duquesne last night: Everything has been quiet hereto-day ex cept that when the 2.45 F.x. train arrived three men got off at -Oliver's station, and were ac costed by the strikers, who wanted to know where they were going. The men replied "to chop wood." The strikers followed tbemup the railroad tracks and when tbey reached the gateway of the steel works they mads a break to get in, but were not successful. The strkers stopped them and after a parley two of them got in, but the third turned back. The tow men are now within the lnclosure. It is reported among the strikers that the Arm will make tee mill a non-nnion concern. At present there is very little prospect of the works resuming, as Superintendent Cvis and the mechanics who came out yesterday when the colored men went in are still ont Mr. Clark was seen to-day, but refused to say whether he Intended to bring more men up or not. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Allegheny Bessemer Steel Company held yesterday morning the old board and offi cers, consisting of E. L. Clark, President; H. P. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer; "Will iam G. Park, Bobert B. Brown and D. E.. Park, were re-elected. WE HAVE PUT Forth our best efforts to secure a spring stock of Dress Fabrics at prices that will save you money, and admit of a selection ot choice and artistic weaves in FOBEIGN DREES GOODS. Silk values unsurpassed. Best qualities of Black Dress Silks. Sarahs, Failles and Printed Indlas. Short lengths of plain and fancy Silks at bargain prices. An Immense variety of new weaves in BLACK DBESS FABRICS. Silk warp specialties from SI and up. Black Henriettas, 65c, 75c and 5L EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. Trimmings and Buttons I Underwear, Hosiery, to match Dress Goods. Corsets and Gloves. Ladles' and Children's Suits. Side Band Novelties nice Qnality .French Suitings, 512, J15 and 318. Handsome trimmed suits. 115, $20, $25. Two toned suits, 315, $18, 525. Black cashmere suits, $12, $15 to $20. Black Henrietta suits, $16, $18, $20. Latest styles for Children and Misses' Cloth Suits, braid trimmed, $2 and up. Cashmere Suits, metallic trimmings, $4 and up. We are selling jannty lace sleeve and beach grenadier mantalette at $3 50. Full-beaded, silk-lined mantalette specialties at $3, $4. $5 to $25. Faille silk, lace and bead or braid silk-lined mantles, $9, $10, tl5 and $20. BIBER 1 EABTDN; 505 AND 507 MARKET ST. apl3-rrssu NOVELTIES Fpn Ladies' and Children's WEAR. KID GLOVES In all the newest shades. Come and get a pair to match your new dress. "We fit every pair and guar antee them. CORSETS. To have your new dress look neat yon should- call and have a pair of our Corsets fitted. "We carry only reliable makes, and have a con venient fitting xoom and an ex perienced fitter. HOsliRY; "We have all the latest novelties in Fancy Hose, and a full line of the celebrated Onyx Fast Black, warranted not to color the leet Also a choice line of Handker chiefs, Collars and Cuffs, Bnchings, Fans, Umbrellas.'Loid Fanntleroy Collar and Cuff Sets, "Windsor Ties, Mull Ties, Black Lace Scarfs and Fichus. F. SCHOEHTHAL, " sssssj -ff j ss MWj ,A- r Sc t- k'6i2' Penn Avenue"., .s f'lL . ZZS&M .. " .. 4 !l i&tihiwsn, s-strfv&fflS' UBS. " ' SSamB&BSkrrr '.! AKTI-PROH1B1TI051STS Mf Will Appeal to the Bar Association to Hel ' Them Got of a Fix. The executive Committee of the Anti Prohibitionists held a meeting last night in Turner Hall on South Fourteenth street After the reports af some of the delegates had been heard and disposed of 'the chair man, Mr. Stork, requested the delegates to enter upon a general discussion. Mr. Becker at once took tbe floor, and, in the most definite and explicit terms a Ger man can use when he is angered, he crit icised the action of Judge "White in refus ing so many licenses. He said that the Jndge had not fulfilled the obligation of his office, because he had not treated the applicants impartially. Mr. Becker's statements were indorsed by everybody present, and the discussion concluded by the passing of a resolution to appoint a committee of three from the Exec utive Committee of tbe Association to draft a request to the Allegheny Bar Association for tne purpose of considering the advisa bility of examining into the qualifications, of Judge "White touching arbitrary refusals to grant license. This motion was adopted by acclamation," and the request is to tie presented on next Saturday afternoon. The committee also decided to hold maw meetings in the fnture tor the purpose of getting everybody interested in tie fight ' against prohibition. A resolution was also passed that dele gates of 45 societies or the Southside, who. are embodied in the Anti-Prohibition So- ' ciety take part in a parade on "Washington's Centennial Inauguration day. His Foot Sawed Ofl". Two boys employed at Oesterling & Langenheim's planing mill, on Anderson street, Allegheny, were playing yesterday afternoon when one. of them had his foot taken off by a circular saw. The boys were wrestling, when Otto Poeland fell on the machine and his foot was immediately' sawed off. He was taken to his home in the vicinity. The fashionable ladies' corrective tonic is Angostura Bitters, the world-renowned tonic. JOB. HDRNE k EC'S PENN AVENUE STORES. In the Cloak Boom large sizes in Wraps, la black. Camel's Hair and Silk, trimmed in lace and jet many of them, too. at easy prices. Jackets, still more to-day and the latest novel ties of the season in Cloth Newmarkets and Peasant Cloaks an oft told tale, perhaps, and yet unless you see this Cloak Boom stock you couldn't dream of such completeness and variety. New DIrectoire Salts, S15 also new' Cloth1, x " o"I! ' ' Suits at $10 In spite of the low prices, these are well-made suits, plain perhaps, bnt neat and serviceable no trouble to show the more elaborate ones,$25to$125,manybeingimported. If anything, too many Jerseys to choose from here; Blouse Waist stock the same state of things, so you won't be bothered with any lack of variety, In choosing. Black Surah Sllks-51. $135, $150-the top , sawyers among Surahs for finish and fineness 75c, the popular price and silk (it's 26 Inches wide at that) then the 50-cent quality, for this price is hard to eqnal. Shouldn't wonder if we sold more India Silks within the next 30 days than In any previous season; the prices are very taking; and the goods also; the $1 to $1 50 grades seem to please most The small price lots, SO and 43 cents, plain colors for Taney work, linings, the thin end of the price wedge to open the pocket books. , All the latest Spring Shades in the sew Armure Boyale Weave Silks at $1 a yardextra value: then the fancy color stripe Surahs, an endless variety. Don't miss seeing that great $1 Corset when at this full stocked Corset Department the special C. P. Corset at $150 is beautifully fin ished and perfect in shape. 100 items of Bargain Dress Goods: 100pleces,-,v all wool, double width; Plaids, Stripes and -Suiting Styles at 40 cents; also one ease of Armure Cords, choice colorings, at 50 cents; can't make a mistake, except by not seeing these. The Curtain Department was never as busy stock so complete the season. ' i ' I Hosiery stock is beating tne record on sales, - especially in the way of fast blacks; the Cable and Victoria dyes' are a perfect success. ,sg What the other departments hare to offerf you can best know byavlsttothem;ltcaV3 fail of being pleasant and profitable. JDB. HDRNE iEDjg;: .PENN AVENUE STORES:' '' tf ! te?'' V ' c j1 - f w ,"Sfi 1WsflsisssJssisl " r'lsssH
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