Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 25, 1889, Image 1
iV (1 k Si - . 7- N The DisrATcn has a U IvLft1 Special Courier with the Oklahoma Boom- ' ers. He will enter the New m aBB Canaan with them to-day, U 1 1 M A and will graphically tarnish llUIlIri all readers with events as they occur. irOKTY-rOUHTH YEAIL in hois m. Thousands of Desperate Boomers Who Were Crowded Out of Oklahoma Will RAID THE CHEROKEE STRIP. The Indians "Will Protest Against This Move on ' Their Territory. PIGHTS OYER TOWN SITES. Disgusted Settlers Are Loud in Their Attacks Upon Govern ment Officials. FfiAUD IN FILING LAND CLAIMS. The Country Was Filled With Alleged United States .Marshals in Advance of the Opening flour. 3IDCH OF THE SOIL KEAELT USELESS The evacuation of Oklahoma has begun. There are thousands who were unable to find suitable homes. These have left in disgust. Many are preparing to invade the Cherokee strip, and some have already done so. This will cause trouble with the Indians. The denunciations of the Government offi cials are loud and bitter. The choice terri tory was all staked off in advance by per sons under the gnise of United States deputy marshals. Much of the land left is said to be unfit for farming purposes. ISI-rCIAI. TTLXGRAJI TO THE DISPATCIM Arkansas Citt, April 24. The excite ment is now confined almost entirely to the town sites. The farmers who got in first have taken possession of their claims and have gone to work. ,Ihe vast expanse of greensward is broken in every direction, and ploughs are busy turning sods even in forbidden ground. Many of the settlers who did not get claims in Oklahoma settled in the Cherokee strip and on Chickasaw lands, and the Indians are disposed to re cent this Intrusion. The bulletins in front of the telegraph offices at the Union depot this morning in dicated that all the early morning trains from Oklahoma were two hours late. The cause of this delay was apparent when a train of 14 crowded coaches arrived with re turning boomers. A more disgusted set of men could not be found in the United States. They were from Iowa, Nehraskaand Illinois. A Very Much Disgusted G ranter. "I went to Lead ville," said one gray whiskered farmer, "with the intention of making a fortune, and I was laid out. I really thought there was something in this Oklahoma business, but I tell you it's a fraud. The whole country was staked off and claimed a, week ago." There were over 300 boomers on the north bound train that left Arkansas City last night, and 200 more were compelled to wait for the next train. A large number of re turning boomers dropped out at various stations in Kansas. Edward Gliven, at the head of 35 Illinois settlers, was leading them back home. He said; "We were on the first train that arrived in Guthrie on Monday afternoon. "We were not looking for town lots, but farm lands in the river bottoms. ""We found the soil red and like brick dust. Xou couldn't grow turnips on it. It was about 80 per cent poorer than the farms we left The greater part of the country looks like an immense brick kiln. Look at these shoes," and he exhibited a pair cov ered with fine red dust. "That'a the kind of land Oklahoma is." r The Disappointed Boomers. Most of the boomers returning to-day had staked ont claims, hut refused to settle on them and bring on their families. The most disappointed of the returning boomers were the Iowans. "It's lucky we took some money with us so that we could get back," said one. "I didn't get a claim, and I wouldn't take one if I could." Congressman John C. Tarnsey, who come on thin morning's train, said that when the train lett Arkansas City there was scarcely breathing space. He was of the opinion that every train for the next week would bring lack disgusted boomers. The major ity of those who have means will remain here, but the poorer class will be obliged to return to their old homes or find new ones in other localities. A reporter met on the heights at Purcell this morning a man named Barnes, who had forded the Canadian river the night before with a heavy wagon and a yoke of oxen, crossing from Oklahoma into the Chickasaw nation. He said that he had driven all the way from Texas across the Panhandle country to find'' the land of which he had heard so much. Turned Back Toward Texas. He had succeeded in getting a claim, and after he found what it was worth he vacated in favor of another man, and was on his TOy back to the Lone Star State. A num ber of claims have been deserted in various parts of the country and wagons by the score can be seen on the back trail. One of them seen between "Oklahoma City and Guthrie had displayed that familiar word -ijusiea." Many of the disannninted boomers have dtciaed to take up claims in the Indian "" Elands. Some trill ;' ln CJiArnVoo jjstrip, others will go down into the Chicka Tsaw country. That country is leing rapid- i1?'-settled.,lp ty white mea who naTe mar" "lied"Indian wives and" became citizens. SSP11 not 3nart section now of any value that is not homesteaded. A great many claims of no value whatever have also been taken, Kot half the claims have yet been filed at either of the land offices established at Guthrie or Lisbon. Homesteaders have de cided to make actnal occupation and im provement the test validity of their claims, and within the next month there will be a great rush to the land offices to file claims. That is if there is any disposition to remain here. A Feeling of DcspondencT Prevails. At present there is a ieeling of despond ency among the emigrants. Oklahoma soil is thin and poor, they say, and ploughing reveals the lack of the essential agricultural qualities which the rolling surface of the ground and Its verdure has so well con cealed. The ground when turned up is light and sandy, of a character to be blown away by the high winds which prevail here. It is said to be too dry for hay, and a grow ing knowledge of all these facts, combined with the certainty that no crop can be raised this year, has caused the boomer's soul to sink. White men are also admitted to Chicka saw lands by paying an annual head right or lease for the privilege of tilling the soil. The country is as much superior to Okla homa as is the Cherokee outlet. The great complaint now is that the poorest land in the Indian Territory should be selected to open for settlement. Despite this disappointment, many con tests for land are threatened. An interest ing case has arisen where two men arrived in the same quarter section not five minutes apart. The first arrival claimed possession by privilege. The second made improve ments, and claimed it was the improvements which perfected the right of title. This case will be a precedent for hundreds of others. Even Conch's Claim Is Contested. As illustrating the ingratitude of a re public, it may be mentioned that contests are already filed against the claim of Cap tain Couch, the old boomer leader, on the curious ground that he disqualified himself by entering the territory years ago in a boomer expedition. General "Weaver, a persistent advocate of the opening of Okla homa in Congress, has his claim contested, and has been accused of attempting to take the people by the throat The boomer leaders are no worse off than their followers, who are lying around Pur cell, and who were outridden and outrun by men who have taken the fruit of their years of sacrifice. The new-comers at Guthrie are peaceably inclined, but they may yet show their indignation over the action of the Government officials. There is now an organized crowd which to-morrow will put a squatter upon the lot of every man who ante-dated 12 o'clock noon on the 22d. They have been at work securing the names of these people and have now the exact locations. In the fore noon 100 lots, all choice ones, will be jumped at one time, while the jumpers 'will be backed by 20 people. Threats of Force Made. Should resistance be made then force will be used. Be it understood that Guthrie is a city of 6,000 people, with no streets. The outlying claimants have been crossing near the center of the town, and have been staking out and improving their claims Jn the so-called streets and alleys. The result of all this is that the speculators have a black eye. The lots sold the first day were the only ones upon which any money was made, and but a few of them. The order of the city is almost perfect, and is surprising to the large majority who predicted violent scenes. Rumors of blood shed have been numerous and many have found their way into print, but not a single rumor has been confirmed as yet. The land office was crowded all day, and did a rush ing business from 8 A. II. to 4 P. If,, but everything passed off quietly. INYADIM THE STEIP. Thousands of Settlers Start for the Lnnd ot the Cherokees Bitter Feeling-Against the Government Officials The Indians Will Object. Chicago, April 24. A Dally A'eiM special from Diamond Bar Banche, Ind. T., says: The occupation of the Cherokee strip has begun along the whole line. A much active-harder nut to crack than was any of the Oklahoma booms is now presented to the Government The Cherokee strip, which is now in process of being gobbled, com prises nearly 8,000,000 acres, being thus four times .as large as Oklahoma, and it tar transcends the latter in beauty and fertility. The excitement in Arkansas City over the prospective full seizure of the strip is in tense.. The crowds of fugitives from the famine, thirst, frost and heat of Guthrie are swellineas each train on the all but paral yzed railroad comes in. The fiercest resent ment is breathed against the Government for the outrageously unfair manner in which the country was thrown open. The Whole Government Condemned. The whole Federal machinery from the President down to the last deputy is pas sionately condemned. Six residents of Ar kansas City went out on the strip yesterday and staked claims. Some invaded the Chillicco Indian school reservation and were ordered off by the superintendent They moved their stakes to a neighboring spot off the school land, there to remain as the forerunners of a horde of invaders to day. The Cherokees are aroused to the situa tion. Patten, the Chairman of their Land Commission, passed through Arkansas City this moraine on his way to Washington to urgently protest against the invasion that he regards as inevitable. Patten said that the Cherokee nation was unanimously op posed to parting with the strip. The present proposition ot $1 25 an acre was no inducement The Indians, he said, had too little land left and the Cherokees had pooled issues with the Poncas Kansas, Nezparces and Chickasaws, who are also menaced to resist the last decision of the outlet Starting for the Strip. At 10 o'clock this morning there left Arkansas City 40 mounted men, who, with unnumbered others following, are deterhT ined to locate on the strip. The cavalcade scattered by decrees as the landscape to the right and ieft allured the homeseekers. It may be believed that hundreds of the re turning pilgrims are bearing north ward with plans laid for location on the strip, and that many to-night are camping this side of Salt Fork upon what they will claim for their homes. The soldiery assigned to patrol the Chero kee outlet under Captain Jack Hayes have not yet returned Irom the south border, where they accompanied the main body of the boomers bound for Oklahoma. Hayes' command, however, is expected in Camp Price, near Arkansas City, at any hour. It will be the duty of the soldiers to clear the strip, and turmoil is bound to ensue. The people, .except for their present ex citement, seem disposed to be law-abiding. A conservative opinion is that while they will claim land in the strip as redress for the wrongs sufferel in Oklahoma, they won't offer any organized resistance. It is plain, however; that something must be done, and done quickly, to relieve the pres sure of the homeless throngs. flje .Mimjg M$m. BUILT IN A DAY. Oklahoma City Staked Oat Wb.en.tho. Boom- ers .Arrived on the Field How the Settlers Will Live-One Man Who Was Not Hilled. Oklahoma City, April 24.--Oklahoina City, like Guthrie, was built in a day, or, properly speaking, was claimed in an hour, excepting that portion which was captured before time by those appointed to go down and execute the law. The Deputy United States Marshals laid out the town Sunday night and-Monday morning. They covered the supposed choice sites with tents. When the train from the south arrived about 1 o'clock, consisting of 23 cars, con taining about 2,000 people, about 700 had been at work. The rater comers were sim ply struck with amazement. They did not repeat the wild rush at Guthrie, as they were too much astounded to run. They mechanically walked over to the town site, took what the Government officials had kindly left, not wanting, and. went on out two miles, staking town lots. Not So Bad as at Gnthrle. Water at Oklahoma is plenty. There is not the same suffering as at Guthrie, and, in fact, there is a lack of dirt and dust As at Gnthrie, the days are hot, the nights cold and food hard to obtain. Now that freight can be obtained building in both cities is going on rapidly. Building in Lisbon will be much slower, owing to the long freightage by wagon, but this will prove an advantage rather than otherwise, as it will be a means or liveli hood for hundreds who are here moneyless but have their teams. The settler will thus derive his revenue the first year. Work has already commenced at break ing the sod, and the condition at this time being favorable there will be enough vege tables raised for home consumption, while the horses will have their corn fodder to carry them through the winter. There will be no famine, although there will be much suffering, and there cannot help being isolated cases of such dire necessity that the liberal people of Missouri and Kansas will be called upon to render aid. Railroad People at Work. The present population will not be kept up, for disappointment will lead many to return north. The Pan Handle people, knowing this country, have agents at both Oklahoma and Guthrie, where they are scattering Texas literature broadcast, and they have something to offer. As yet Mis souri and Kansas have done- nothing to catch the overflow. Stories of violence and murder will go out from here based upon Blight evidence and i hearsay. The detailed report of the killing of ayoungCyland at Guthrie, pub lished in thi evening's papers, is the blood thirsty achievement of those Eastern corre spondents who, comfortably housed in Arkansas City, have depicted the horrors as well as the romantic incidents of Okla homa territory. The man whose name was given was not killed, a mob of infuriated citizens did not kill the murderer, and there was no other trouble than that existing in fevered im aginations. OFFICIALS ARE SATISFIED. Tho Reports From General Mcrrltt Are of n Peaceful Character. Washington, April 24. The following telegram was received at the War Depart ment this afternoon: CHICAGO, April 24, 18S9. To Adjutant General United States Army, Wash ington, D. C: Tho following telegram, dated Oklahoma station, yesterday, is respectfully repeated: "Reports from Kingfisher, Guthrie and Purcell state that everything progressed yesterday in a quiet and orderly manner, with no serious fraction or disturbance of any kind, as the re ports indicate that from 10,000 to 12,000 people in the Territory. Captain McArthur, at Guthrie, reports about 3,000 there, and Cap tain Hall, at Kingfisher, about the same num ber there, and there are from 3,000 to 4,000 in this vicinity and between here and Purcell. Lieutenant Dodge, of my staff, whom I ordered to Purcell on duty, returned last nieht about 8 o'clock and reported everything moving in sat isfactory shape and the incoming settlers cheerful and well disposed. This may be said to be the condition of af fairs in all sections of the country. In my opinion quite a number of people have been de terred from entering the country owing to the exaggerated reports as to numbers coming in and the difficulties of getting here. However, from reports from Forts Sill, Reno and else where, I am satisfied the arrangements per fected will prevent Serious trouble of any kind. W. Meeeitt, Brigadier General. r George Crook; Major Ueneral Commanding. DEIYEN TO DEATH. A 'Husband's Story of the Suicide of His "Tonne and Beautiful Wife. Little Bock, April 24. W. H-McDan-iel was to have been examined at Warren to-day, as suspicion pointed to him having murdered his wife who, he said, committed suicide lastThursday, but a special to-night says that McDaniel waived examination and was committed to jail to await the action ofthe grand jury. He says that his wife, a beautiful young woman, blew her brains ont He had been jealous of her for some time and accusing her of inconstancy, and the bitter feeling existing between the two was well known. The day Mrs. McDaniel was killed they had a quarrel and tbe wife started to go to her father's home. Her husband persuaded her to retnrn to his home, when he again made bitter accusations. As he states, driven to frenzy by his harsh and cruel language, the poor girl seized a loaded pis tol from a shelf and pointed it at her un feeling husband as if to about avenge her self on him, then turned the muzzle to her own head, pulled thetrigger and fell to the floor a corpse. This is the story as related bv the husband. THE BALAKCE IS AGAINST US. The Annual Report of tbe Exports and Im ports of merchandise. Washington, April 24. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, in his monthly statement to the Secretary of the Treasury, reports that the exports- of merchandise from the United States during the 12 months ended March 31, 188!, as compared with similar exports during the correspond ing period of the preceding year, were as follows: Twelve months ended March 31, 1889, 1723,757,838, against $694,158,815 in 1888. The imports were: Twelve months, ended March 31, 1889, (733,531,195, against $723,228,144 in 1888. AN ELECTION TBAGEDY. Revolvers Used With Effect at a Liquor Llcenai Election In Virginia. LtnchbtjbIv VA., April 24. A report came to-night i. cm Bickley's Mills that at Crigsby'a preciijt, in Hazlewood district, while an election on the liquor license question was progressing, William Por fer walked up to Swin Howell, revolver in hand, saying: "I'm going to shoot you," and fired,, before Howell made any attempt to draw his pistol. Howell received a shot in the left breast, but it is thought he will recover. Porter was shot three times, under the left arm, in the left side, and in the back, and expired in a few min utes. Civilizing the Africans. London, April 24. Dispatches from West Africa say that a British expedition has destroyed the chief town of the Wendell v?rA, a 4YiA flnlvmDv frA nnJ uil.r'' """i w ;" iiw u ideas 3,wu siayes. PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1889. CONQUERED AT LAST. A Bough Sea Does What the French Ministry Have Tried in Yain. BOULANGER ON THE OCEAN WAVE. The Noted Exile Left Brussels in Dismal Silence, hut Was' WAEMLI WELCOMED IH LONDON TOWN. A Number of Close Friehis Accompanied Elm on His Enforced Journey. General Boulanger it in London. He left Brnssels in the early morning without any ajpmonstration. The sea voyage was decidedly rough, and the General was finally forced from the deck. A number of French detectives were at Dover to wit ness his landing. The reception at London was somewhat mixed, but the cheers pre dominated. TOT CAULS TO THE DISPATCH. London, April 24. Copyright Your correspondent arrived in Louden with Gen eral Boulanger and his party at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon, the joumeyrom Brussels having been performed exactly according to schedule. The General went to bed early last night, and by midnight was fast asleep. He rose shortly after 5 o'clock and per formed his toilet with unusual care. Quite oblivious of the disarranging action of a stormy sea, his valet had placed ready for him his very best morning coat and waistcoat, his quietest pattern of trousers, his squarest-toed boots and a lovely blue tcarf and a silver pin, all of. which were duly put each in its proper place. Then the General took bis cafeaulait, received various friends and dictated to his secretaries. There was an entire absence of cheerfulness, and the General himself looked bilious and dejected. At 650 the General put on a tight-fitting blue cloth overcoat, a pair of new brown tan gloves, donned a tall silk hat, and remarked gloomily that he was ready. NOT VERY ENTHUSIASTIC. At the railroad depot there were about '50 persons present, including reporters, and 150 policemen were strategically posted in view of any disturbances, to create which no, Brussels citizen worthy of name would get up and go abroad at such an unholy hour. The General was accompanied by Comte Dillon, Captain Guiraud, Baron Verly, Turquet, Millevoye, Feuillant and Mon ton. The whole party were unable to raise one smile among them and not a single cheer re lieved the depression, as the train moved out of the depot at 6:43. Senator Naquet met the party on their arrival at Ostend at 8:50, and piloted them to the steamer, which was heaving and bumping so suggestively that Boulanger sighed and his friends gazed anx iously toward the entrance to the narrow harbor. Outside the whitecapped waves could be seen. Not more than a couple of hundred persons witnessed the embarkation and these were even sadder than those in Brus sels. The boat cast off the pier at 9 o'clock and fen minutes later was pitching rand tossing and showing her paddles to" the ter rified crowd of Frenchmen, most of whom rushed into the saloons. BOULANGEB'S BRAVE ATTEMPT. Boulanger bravely remained on deck for a while, despite the occasional showers of rain, but long before the heights of Dun kirk loomed into view and the steamer turned for a straight run across the channel Neptune claimed his prey and the great man went below and nursed his agony to himself. The steamer's crew described the passage as a fair one, but to an unseasoned Frenchman the howling wind, the smart showers of rain and hail, and the big waves which frequently broke over the decks seemed anything but fair. Not until we were nearlng Dover, when tbe sun shone forth warmly for the first time, did General Boulanger venture on deck again. He looked hollow-eyed and distraught, but his overcoat was smartly buttoned up, the silk hat wedged tightly on his head and the square-toed boots beauti fully shiny. We brought up alongside the Dover pier at 1:15. A small crowd made up chiefly of French detectives, newspaper pen and municipal and railroad officials witnessed the arrival. but there was no enthusiasm and only one ghost-like attempt at a cheer. As soon as Boulanger set foot ashore the reporters made a hungry rush for him, but he walked sadly and silently to his saloon carriage, took the furthest corner and remained there. DILLON INTERVIEWED. Count Dillon, however, made himself agreeable to the reporters.and unblushingly assured them that the passage had been smooth, and that the General had not been seasick. The lie was entirely uncalled for, and bore its refutation in the steamer's sat urated decks, salt-encrusted smoke stack, aud the pale yellow complexions of the passengers. While tbe tram was on the pier, General Boulanger wrote a telegram to Countess Dillon in Paris. It contained only two words, "Nous Arrives." Presumably Count Dillon was too busy to telegraph to his wife, or is less thoughtful than his chief. The telegram wasrnanded to a complete stranger to take to the cable office, and the General forgot to pay for it The train started for London without any demonstration save a sepulchral groan which probably came from the throat of one of the detectives. As thetrain neared Lon don, the sua became obscured and we steamed into, the Charing Cross station through a yellow fog' On the platform there was another crowd of pressmen, but not a single notability, English or foreign. HIS GREETING IN LONDON. One big man fought his way to Boulan ger's side and grabbed his hand as an old comrade in arms. Boulanger did n6t recog nize his welcomer and did not relish his familiarity, to which, however, he had to submit A pleasanter infliction followed in the shape of the presentation of carnation bouquets by two ladies past the blushing age. They wouldn't tell their names and Bou langer. did not know them, but be softly whispered "Thank's," gazed straight into their eyes and suinmoned to his worried face the most winning'smile he could command at the moment (Then he dropped oue of the bouquets and frowned at his awkwardness. , Meanwhile the big crowd inside the depot had been yelling "Vive Boulanger" and cheering lustily. There was an occasional groan, but the vast majority of the people, among whom were many Frenchmen, were unmistakably Boulanglsts. The police had made no preparations to regulate the crowd and Boulanger'sopen carriage drawn by two fine bays had considerable difficulty in get ting into the street Outside quite 3,000 men and women had assembled, and the windows and roof tops commanding a' view were crowded. MORE CHEESING THAN HISSING. Boulanger's reception was mixed, bnt the cheering was far stronger than tbe hissing and groaning. Boulanger bowed automat- cany, ana only once aid his face show real ileasure. That was when a bit? fat French. man veiled out: "A has Ferrv. le -Tonkl-1 nois. ,Tha carriage got clear of the crowd after leaving Charing Cross, and there was no demonstration until the Bristol Hotel was reached. There a small crowd gr&aned, but the hostile demonstration was drowned in cheers of welcome. By this lime the fog had been followed by a strange darkening "of the atmosphere; a phenomenon at which Boulanger looked troubled. Ail the sfcnnn had thfi ans lighted and the hotel was ablaze with electric lights r u s "'were midnight. One dropping of the bouquet and strange darkness are by many looked upon as omens, and they are being much talked about to-night. The whole party are too exhausted by their journey to transact business to-night, But there rill be a conference, perhaps a recep tion, and possibly a speech to-morrow. This evening Boulanger dined with Dil lon, Naquet, Turquet and Captain Feuil lant, and went to bed earlr. Within a couple of hours after his arrival all was normally quiet, and the only loungers in front the hotel were a couple of "French de fectives. DUDLEY-IS SOKE. Ho Cannot Get tbe Presldentat Ear He Says Harrison Is Too Cowardly v to Meet Him Publicly f or Privately. rSnCIAX. TBLEOBJUt TO THE DISrATCTti Anderson, Ind., April 24. Sam Van pelt, a prominent citizen of this place and an old soldier, is an applicant for a position as Indian Agent at one of the frontier posts. Mr. Vanpelt was a soldier in the late war, and was a member of Colonel W. W. Dudley's regiment. Vanpelt is a pen sioner, and draws $17 per month on the ground- of deafness. Since he has been seized with the desire to become an Indian Agent he has written to Colonel Dudley and asked that distinguished boodler to assist Mm. In f eply to the letter Mr. Dud ley sent back the following: Washington, D. C. Mr &EAK Bait Yours received. 1 need not tell you that it would be very gratifying to me to see you get the Indian agency, knowing as I do your special fitness for tbe place and your faithful service to your country in the hour of her sorest need. But 1 am Borry to say that I will be unable to reifder you any assistance whatever with $he -President He has lost his backbone, and is too cowardly to be seen con sulting with me, for tne simple reason that the Copperheads and rebels of Indiana have trumped up a lot of charges against me. He seems entirely oblivious to the fact that it was through my efforts that Indiana was saved to, him ' In eoncluding.thls remarkableletterDud ley again regrets his inability to get the Presidental ear so as to help his old friend "Sam." INF0EMATI0N OF YALUE. The War Department Will Watch tho Move meats of Militia at the Centennial. Washington, April 24. The gathering of a large portion of the militia of the coun try in New York on April 30, for the cen tennial celebration, is expected to furnish the War Department information that will be of value in the event of an emergency arising requiring the presence of troops for actualmilitary service. Captain D. M. Taylor, on duty in the office of the Secretary of War, has been detailed to go to New York to watch the movements of the militia with a view of ascertaining the best means for the rapid concentration of troops. Captain Taylor calculates that it will take the soldiers who intend to participate in the celebration 16 hours, on the average, to reach their desti nation. The conditions for securing infor mation in rregard to the concentration of troops are believed to be particularly good at this time, owing to the fact that the movements of the soldiers will not be spas modic, but will be regular and under defin ite military instructions. Useful informa tion U also expected to be gleaned as to the best mode of handling troops in narrow streets aud in the presence of large crowds. THEI CAN BTAND IT. ; The Connecticnt Mutual Not Swamped by Thief Moore's Grab. ISFECXU. TELIOBAM TO TILE DISPATCH. Indianapolis, April 24. The commit tee of experts sent by the policy holders of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company to investigate the condition of the company are home again after three weeks of toil on the books at Hartford. Mr. Har ris says that they fonnd the officers willing to assist in the investigation. They fur nished all papers, books and documents that were needed. The committee has sent out no statement nor made any reports, but is preparing one that win De niea witn tne Auditor of State the last of this week. In this report the committee will state that the company is solvent, and that the bonds and stock owned by the company are worth more now than they were in January last. The committee found Joseph A Moore's shortage to be about $7,000 more than the company's books showed, but this was accounted for by rents and small amounts that Moore had picked up and pocketed and of which the company never heard. EFFECT OF A ST0EJT. Two Firemen Killed and Several Others In jured byFaIllng-Wn.il.. Atlanta, April 24. One of the heav iest rain and hail storms ever known here began to fall at 4:30 this afternoon. It was a veritable cloudburst At the time it be gan to fall the members ot the fire depart ment were inside the Jackson building, which burned Sunday, and the walls of which were still standing. Fire had broken out among the debris, and the men were there to put it out. The storm burst suddenly, and before they could get out the wall fell in upon them, killing John Leach and Henry Howell and injuring others. Leach's body was found in a short time, but Howell's has not been. Buildings were damaged in different parts of the city. LITTLE CHEEB FOE MINERS. A General Scale Kot Looked For and Sec tional Strikes Expected. SPECIAL TELEQRAJI TO THE DISFATCB.l Coltmbus, O., April 24. Officers of the Miners' Progressive Union express the opinion that a general scale of mining prices for Pennsylvania and Ohio will not be fixed, as the toraier is opposed to a re daction and the latter is willing to accept the operators' terms, The Executive Board of the Ohio district will be called toeether soon by President Chris Evans, and a plan of action will he mapped ont for the miners of this State. Officers of the Miners' Union fear that the next year will be one of hard ships for both miners and operators, as sec tional strikes will be inevitable when the present agreement expires May 1. DIDN'T WANT PB0HIBITI0N. Official Returns From Massachusetts Show B Majority of 44,499 for TJqnor. Boston, April 24. Betnrns have now been received from all cities and towns jof tbe vote for and against the prohibitory amendment The total vote lor the amend ment is 88,396; against, 133,195, showing a majority against the amendment of 44,499. Smallpox, la Bnflalo. Buffalo, April 24. Smallpox has broken out in this city in a Polish fasaily, YELLOW JACK'S PREY Is Burled in the Florida Forest by the Dim Light of Lanterns. SANFOKD'S CITIZENS ELEEING. The Sayor Proclaims a Quarantine and the City is Isolated. , SUBGEON GENEEAL HAMILTON TALKS. Ha Says That a Yellow Ftrer Epidemic Thla Summer Is Kot Unlikely. Sanford, Fla., has yielded up its first vic tim to the yellow fever. The citizens are endeavoring to stamp out the disease, and tbe Mayor has ordered aquarantine. Sur geon General Hamilton has left for the scene. He thinks that a yellow fever epi demio this summer is probable, but says that if the cases are not concealed the Na tional Board of Health are ready to meet the disease, and are prepared to van quish it rSrXCIAI. TXLXOBJUI TO THZ DISF.S.TC8.1 Jacksonville, April 24. Sanford is fully alive to the situation, and her people will stamp out the pestilence if energy and work will do it Mayor Evans, of that city, has issued the following: It having been determined by Dr. It. P. Daniel, President ot the State Board of Health, that a sporadic case of yellow fever has existed in our city, and to prevent a spread of the disease outside the premises'and to allay the fears of the timid, I do hereby order that a strict quarantine be placed around the build ing of C. Demont, where the case of pro nounced yellow fever occurred, and that every store, shop or place of business of any kind (except drugstores and telegraph offices) be closed oetween the hours of 5 r. M. and 7:30 a. if. each day, and that all assemblages in churches, schools, theaters or ot any character is hereby, until further notice, prohibited. It is further ordered that every citizen shall at once put bis premises in a perfect sanitary condition and disinfect their yards and out houses; all congregating on the streets should be avoided, and the passing to and fro on the .streets at night is forbidden. All good citizens are called upon to assist me in enforcing the measures. BTJBIED AT NIGHT. A committee of citizens was appointed by the Mayor to enforce sanitary measures and guard the premises where tbe lady died. Telegrams from Sanford report the situa tion unchanged.' There are no new cases, but the officials are vigilant and guarding every point. C. Demont, husband of the victim, kept a bakery, restaurant and hotel in his new brick building on Main street There were nine in his family when she was taken sick some eight days ago. It is said that during this time there were many tran sient boarders also. These others, however, were isolated immediately on the death of Mrs. Demont and are guarded. Mrs. De mont was buried at 2 o'clock Tuesday morn ing by the dim light of two lanterns, the body being interred way out in the woods, far from any habitation. It was a most dismal and melancholy spectacle. Sanford is now isolated, no boats touching at the wharf or trains entering the city. A large exodus,- began Tuesday,, and many hundreds left the city for St Augustine and this city. The County Board of Health held a meeting this afternoon, but decided not to put on quarantine until the State of ficers recommended it A report states to night that Surgeon General Hamilton was coming down here to confer with our offi cials. It created a most favorable impres sion. No excitement exists here, and all business is going on as usual. THE SURGEON GENEEAL'S OPINION. ' A dispatch from Washington gives an in terview witn Surgeon General Hamilton concerning the case of yellow fever reported at Sanford Fla., and the possibility of a spread ot the disease or a recurrence'of the epidemic of last year. Said Dr. Hamilton: I learned of the appearance of yell6w fever at Sanford from two sources yesterday: from a special ieent who had been traversing the State since the snbsidence of the plague of 1888, and from Dr. R. P. Daniel, President of the State Board of Health. This fact shows that there will be no attempt made to conceal the presence of tbe disease, as was done last J rear, and such being the case the danger is argely reduced. The fear and panic excited by the knowledge that the true condition of af fairs is being sunpressed do much more harm in my judgment than the fever Itself. I should not be surprised if there were a con- ger chiefly lies in those towns and cities which slderabln number of cases this year. The dan- escaned the nlaeue last year. In the daces that were visited then, there is a large propor tion of acclimated residents who have had tbe fever and are therefore safe, who can remain to nurse and care for those who are sick, that the disease may comparatively be easily con trolled. BEADY FOB THE ENEMY. We are much better prepared than ever before to manage an outbreak of the fever, should it occur. Camp Ferry is in such condition that it can be put in operation in 24 hours. But it will be much better If we do not have to fit up a refugees' camp. To do this would tend to create a panic in surrounding towns, and that is tbe most difficult thing for us to control. Already I have received messages of inquiry showing an alarmed stato of public feel ing, for which there is no fonndation. Ever since the outbreak of 18S8 ended this office has kept a close sanitary surveillance over Florida, tracing every report of the existence of feverr and this case at Sanford is tbe only one I have heard ot from a reliable source. Since tbe epidemic of last year Florida has organized, a State Board of Health by Legislative enact ment providingheavy penalties for violations of tbe regulations of the board, and those regu lations which were promulgated on the 6th of tbis month are admirably adapted for carrying out the purposes of tbe act. The board is made effective by tbe imposition of a tax, the receipts from which are set apart as a fnnd to be used for public health purposes of the State. SAFETY LIES IN PUBLICITY. Sanford, the seat of the present outbreak, is about 100 miles almost directly east of Tampa, in Central Florida. lean readily account for the presence Of tbe disease there. It is only six miles from Enterprise, across the lake, where the fever raged last year, and there was unin terrupted intercourse between the places. After the fever was subdned an attempt was made at disinfecting the place, but it was not thorough by any means, nothinglike tbe house-to-house inspection and destruction of infected material carried on at Jacksonville by this de partment. But after the Government ceased to pay for tbe articles de stroyed, tbe destruction ceased; the people would not eive up their property unless paid for it, and in a great measure the iniection stopped. Sanford was visited by the yellow fever in 1887, when there were 160 cases there, the .presence of which was concealed from tbe authorities. That is tbe thing most to be feared a suppression of the facts. If publication can only De secured, apprehension and terrorare allayed and tbe greater part ot the difficulty in controlling the disease Is over come. Surgeon General Hamilton left Washing ton this evening for Jacksonville to confer with the State Board of Health in regard to measures for preventing the introduction or spread ot contagious diseases. SUGAE FOE THE SALT. The Saginaw Scheme Off to Baa; the 810,009,000 Trust Boodle. NetvYobk, April 24. Among the pas sengers on the North German Lloyd steamer Saale, which sailed for Bremen to-day, was Wellington B Burt, of Saginaw, Mich., President of the Michigan Salt Association, who, it is alleged, has gone abroad to secure $10,000,000 which has been guaranteed by a British syndicate of capitalists toward the formation of an American salt trust, k RICH HARVEST A SUICIDE CLUB. One Member Has to Die by His Own Hands Each Tear John Keens? Is the Last Victim Only One Member Left. IEFXCiAl teliqf.am to tits disfatcb.1 Bbidgepoet, Conn, April 24. John Keenzy, who committed snicide on Monday by shooting himself with a rifle, was the third member of the Suicide Club who has lived up to the rites of the order by com mitting suicide. The club was formed three years ago in Keenzy 's saloon and consisted of five mem bers, It was agreed that annual meetings should be held at which, by ballot, it should be decided which one should commit sui cide within the next year. Henry Jensen, the President of the Suicide Club, pnt him self out of the world by his own hands two years ago. The next member to commit suicide was William Weckel. a sign painter, who cut his throat The friends of the surviving members began to look upon the matter as serious, and urged them to give up their mad scheme. Two refused, but a third acceded to tbe wiihes of his friends and resigned. Tbe others called him a coward and said he resigned because he knew he would be the next member selected to die. Since the death of President Jensen John Keenzy has filled that office. There is only one member of the original combination left, and he cannot resign because there is no one left to accept his resignation. His friends are urging him to refrain from holding'an annual meeting for fear he may, in the absence ot all tbe other members, cast a ballot condemning himself to die. The last surviving member, however, hopes to Initiate new members into the order before it becomes extinct. BACK FB0M THE CHINA SEAS. The United States Steamers Brooklyn and Essex Arrive In New York. fSFZCIAJ, TXLXOZAK TO TBX DISPATCH.! New- Yobk, April 24. When a big full rigged ship with old-fashioned, single-top sails hove in sight at sunrise this morning away off in the southeast, the skippers of the tugboats lying near Sandy Hook light ship scented a prize. It was the old United States steamer Brooklyn returning from a three years' cruise on the Asiatio station, and under sail, for her machinery became disabled a month ago. The Brooklyn was towed in and anchored near the Yantic off the foot of Twenty-third street North river. She has a crew of 320 men fill told and she mounts 14 guns. The Brooklyn had scarcely come to an anchor when the United States steam bark Essex arrived; she also had been away for about three years, and in Asiatic waters, too. Commander Theodore F. Jewell, her Captain, reports that she left Gibraltar on March 23, and Madeira, where she coaled up, four days later. The navy yard tug Catalpa will take several sick sailors ashore from the Essex to-day. She mounts six guns and carries a crew of 165 men all told. If possible both vessels will be overhauled sufficiently to take part in Monday's naval pageant TO NAME THE G0TEKN0E. A Legislative Committee Investigating tho West Virginia Gubernatorial Election. SrSCIAL TZLIORAM TO TILS DISPATCH.! Chableston, W. Va., April 24. The political fires, which have been quietly smoldering for some, time, have broken out afresh and will burn quite" brightly fora while. The joint committee of Legislature to investigate into and report on the Guber natorial contest arrived here last night and met this afternoon. The Democrats have three members and the Bepublicans two. W. L. Kee was chosen Chairman of the committee and Joseph Sprigg Secretary. Both are Democrats. Some of the best legal talent in the State is engaged on each side. The motion of the Republican counsel to quash the proceedings was overruled. The taking of depositions has taken up the time since the adjournment of the Legis lature, and the committee will have a long session. They will begin work in earnest to-morrow. . The County Commissioners of Kanawha county were to-day enjoined from making a second canvass of votes in. this county, a3 they had intended doing. W0EK FOE THE SHEEIFFS. A Writ of Attachment That Will be Bather Difficult to Serve. rSFXCIAI, TILEQEAK TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Columbus, O., April 24. The Sheriff to-day received for service a writ of attach- L ment issued from the Superior Court of Cin- cinati.-., tuav win jjivuivb wore tuaa iue ordinary run of attachment suits. It was brought in that court by Edward Hart, re ceiver 'of the American Bapid Telegraph Company, for the collection of the sum of $225,000 and interest from April 13 last, from the United Lines Telegraph Company. The latter company owns lines of telegraph extending from the Ohio line, near Eaton, through Eaton, Columbus, Newark and Coshocton, to Steubenville, and thence to Pittsburg; The attachment is to he made on all the property of the company in sight, including the poles, wires, office effects, instruments, etc. The line of wires pass through the en tire counties. This will cause the service of the writ to become quite a laborious job, as the Sheriff will be obliged to go over the county to find the exact number of poles, miles of wire, instruments, batteries, etc., within his bailiwick and take charge of all the loose and portable property he may find. OBJECT TO HALE PAT. Fanny Davenport's Actors Bring Snlt to Re cover Their Fall Weekly Stipend. rSPXCIAI. TII.IOKAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Minneapolis, April 24. Two of the members of Fanny Davenport's "LaTosca" Company have, begun suits against her, each claiming $5,000 damages. They are Arthur A. Lotto and Jean H. Williams. At various times since the company has been out the present season it has happened that in places where Miss Davenport was scheduled for a week's engagement, on ac count of illness or for other reasons, she played one-half of the time; and in such in stance when the envelopes of the company wonld come around at the end of the week they would contain half pay, or the salary only for the time the company was playiog. Lotto and Williams both objected, and last week refused to accept their envelopes un less the full amount of their salaries of the week were inclo;ed. Trouble ensued, and the above suit is the result BEMEMBEEED HIS KEEPEES. A Wealthy Ex-Convict Leaves Handsome Forlnnrs to Prison Officials. rsrXCIAt. TELXaKAM TO THB DISPATCH. Winnipeg, April 24. A man named James Munroe, who died two weeks ago in England, has willed $250,000 as follows: Warden Bendson, of the Stony Mountain Penitentiary, $100,000; Bev. Canon Mathe son, of St John's College, $50,000; H. Vivian, barrister, $50,000. Munroe was an old settler, having worked for Stobart, Sons & Co., in the Stony Mountain Penitentiary, once for theft and once for lorgery. He was released one year ago. He Jiad a wife and family in England, and on reaching Jhat country made another will, which was er aignea, ana consequently is oi bo ns' Will be reaped by all '"ho advertise inTHE Despatch. It reaches every boaewanq is read By eTerybody. It yon are In business let the public know it through THIS DISPATCH. THREE GENTS JUDGE A Petition Addn Wholesale ers and Boti ASKING FOR They State to the Court That a Monop oly Has Been Created BI LICENSING 0NLI A FATOEED TEW Jndgo EvrlngEefnses to Approve the Bonds men of tbe Coaneilmanlc SaloosfKeepers Until They Present Certificates of Their Resignation In tbe MunlclpalLeglslatnre The Retail Liquor Sealers Are Grow Ins; Hopeless What They Say About It Prominent Lawyers Take Both Tlews of the Judicial Question Tho Arguments In Coart To-Day. A forcibly written petition will be pre sented Judge Magee to-day on behalf of the wholesale liquor dealers, brewers and bottlers. It asks for rehearing of their license applications. Able connsel will ap pear. The retail dealers' misfortunes do not. appear to have the same element of hope. They will hold a general meeting to-day. Judge Ewing yesterday rejected the bonds men of several well-known saloon keepers. He will not approve the bonds of those who are members of City Councils nntil they furnish satisfactory evidence of their resig nation in the local Legislature. This morning Josiah Cohen, Esq., and John Ferguson, Esq., attorneys for the) wholesale liquor dealers, brewers and bot tlers, will apply to Jndge Magee, in the Court of Quarter sessions, for rehearings on license applications. They will present the following document: " To the Honorable, tbe Judges of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions or Allegheny County: The undersigned citizens of the said county respectfully and earnestly represent that fa their opinion the Court gravely erred Inmanym--stances in refusing licenses to wholesale dealers in liquor, and In limiting the number of licenses in the mantr and to the extraordinary degree indicated by the learned judge who presided over the license court at the present terra. Giving due consideration to the large poDula tion of thi3 connty. and the immense import ance of Pittsburg as a center of trade and commerce, it seems to U3 that it is unwise and improvident to practically extinguish the Im mense wholesale trade in articles of commerce which the law hitherto and now protects and encoarages, and which has heretofore been, law f ully recognized and encouraged as both legitimate and profitable. The limitation of licenses to a very few individuals; and the practical confiscation of the property of others invested In tbe legal commerce of liquors, can be productive of neither public nor private good. Moreover the actnal and direct CREATION OF A MONOPOLY for a favored few does marked injustice to the many whose business and civil rights are or should be equally respected and protected. The law restraining and recognizing the sale of liquors Is not a prohibitory law. On the con trary it is a license law which shall be adminis tered for the benefit of citizens Generally and. not for the personal gain and advantage of few Individuals. Without comment as to any individuals who have been granted a share in the monopoly that has been created by the Court to the advantage of a few citizens, N we beg to say that a large number have been denied the right to carry on their legitimate business who are the equals In all respects to those who have been granted exclusive privi leges. Wholesale dealers with large capital and long established business, with honest records and excellent reputations, have, by an arbitrary discretion, been deprived of their oc cupation and business, ana indirectly of their property. But a few days remain of tbe current license year, and it is idle to talk of the sale or reason aole disposal of their prop so as to avoid ruinous lass. If It Is at all proper to give any licenses, or if the law Is to be regarded aaa license and not a prohibitory law, then as a matter of justice, and for reasons of public in terest and economy, all substantial business houses heretofore conducting a legitimate wholesale trade should be treated alike. NOT ONLY LOCAL TBADE. No narrow and doubtful ideas should be In voked to defeat the law, and to justify an ar bitrary inequality and injustice. Nor is it wise to destroy a wholesale trade whose extent and. benefits have greatly added to the prosperity of Pittsburg. If the whole liquor trade is to be made a special monopoly, the result wHlnot be beneficial to our city, either morally or pe cuniarily. The trade will find Its place beyond State lines; tbe supply of liquors will not be lessened; the cause of morality will not be pro moted, but the county will lose a large revenue and the burdens of the people be increased to make up the deficit. It should be borne in mind that the whole sale business is not created, and does not exist for local purposes only, but largely to supply a, foreign demand. A very large proportion of wholesale trade comes from many States, and the limitation of that trade at tbis city, or the granting of its advantages to a favored class, and thereby creating a monopoly, can only work injury to other less fortunate individuals and loss to our city. THE SPECIFIC BEQUESTS. We, therefore, pray the Court to reconsider the applications for-llcense heretofore filed or renewed, and to grant licenses to many estab lisbed houses, whose standing, integrity and well-earned good reputation among the busi ness men of the county entitle them to fair treatment and tbe just protection of the law, not as it may be at some other time, but as It now is upon the statute books of our Common wealth. We respectfully submit that under the law regulating wholesale licenses, each applicant belns willing and able to comply with the re quirements of the law is, as a matter of legal right, entitled to such license, and tbe granting or refusing thereof is not a matter of mere dis cretion. We submit further that brewers (selling their product only fn original packages) and bottlers (doing a wholesale business only) have at least the same substantial legal right to a license as such wholesale dealers. This petition is signed by T. D. Casey, J. C. Buflfum, Harry Darlington, Chas. Hook,' Fuhrer, Mrs. Pollard and many other well known wbolesule dealers, brewers and bot tlers. So much does not depend upon, ther character or number of names as upon the reasons upon which the rehearings are granted. THEIB LEGAL GIANTS. The committee representing the wholesale: dealers, brewers and bottlers, viz., Messrs. T. D. Casey, J. Walnwright, J". O. Buffura and John Fleming, were in consultation for several hours yesterday afternoon with Attorney Cohen. He drew np the petition, for them. If OBBOrtunitv offers ithia mens. Ml NEXT, PiHIm by Dea1.vrew- 9tfjr: Bl5tA w " GifaVVA TIL REHEvplkv Ming it wm be hacked up by arguawato, U i m