"- -, - -.- . i S C THE PITTSBBBG -- DISPATCH," "WEDNESDAY, APEIL 2 1889; 7$i M?:7, FEATOES OF TEADE. Seed and Agricultural Implements Moving Out Freely. PLOWS AND HARROWS IK DEMAND. "Woolen Goods Tery Active for the First Quarter of the Tear. IMPORTED CLOTHS LEAD DOMESTIC Office of PnrsBCKG Dispatch, 1 TTJESDAT. April 23, 1SS9. The seed tradeovas slow opening up this season, being two weeks behind its average time. The trade was not fully on until the middle of March. Since then all lost ground has been recovered, and trade cives no signs thus far of falling off. A leading dealer in garden and field seeds and agri cultural implements thus puts the situa tion: "Our trade this spring lias been better than any former season, and we are not over half through flith ths spring's business. Prospects for a good harvest are so promis ing that the trade in agricultural imple ments has received a great stimulus in the past few weeks. I do not remember when demand for plows and harrows was so active as it is at the present time. I have already sold this spring S00 spring tooth harrows, manulactured at Auburn. N. Y., winch were only introduced here last season, and orders are still coming in freely. Our seed trade has been far bej ond calculations. Orders for field seeds have come to us from ca-t of the moun tains, as well as fiom all parts of Pittsburg's natural territory through Western Pennsyl vania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia." The Seed Outlook. Prices of seeds have been steady most of the season. Clover has been unusuallv high. Timo thy seed has fluctuated most. At present it Ebovs an upward tendency. The trade in cloi er and timothy is now less in the hands of seedsmen than it as in former years. Whole sale grocers of late years have been encroach ing nioie and more upon thisdepartment of the trade. Whatecr depression exists in country pro duce trade and it must be admitted that this lias been a poor season in this line, both to the fanner and the middleman the demand for the herewith to pmduce ne w crops, and the implements needed by the acrlcultunsts, was never better at this stage of the came than now It is to be hoped that they ho sow it maj be, "in teats may in autumn time "come again rejoicing bringing their sheaves with them.' In this faith and hope the farmers of Pittsburg's territory are evidently laying in bountiful supplies. Woolenn nnd Other Goods. Our jobbers of woolens are agreed in the statement that the hrst quarter of the year showed an increased volume of business over the corresponding period of last year, which was a better season than the one which pre ceded it. For some reason, which dealers do not attemnt to explain, April shows an unex pected decline. The falling off in the jobbing trade has come a few weeks ahead of its customary time. The jobber should still be at his busiest ac cording to past experiences. But if there should be no improvement between now and Mav Day, the first four months of 18S9 will ho a "fair standoff to the same period for 18SS, which was a- good jear for the trade. An eqnal volume of goods has already been placed by Pittsburg jabbers. Foreign goods manage to keep the lead by a small majority. The domestic article i gaming with certain classes because of its bright colors. In plain worsted goods imported wtKilcns manage to Lcep the lead in this mar ket, notwithstanding heavy duties amounting in some lines to T5 per cent. A consignment of Lnglish cloths received not long since through our Custom House, by one of xur jobbers, amonmeu to ST.OuO of which 3,000 went into the coffers of Uncle Sam. And jet, with this heavy tax, the same jobber sajs that considera bly more than one-half of the woolen gooas he handles are imported. In goods that are at tractive to the c c the domestic is ahead of the imported. The imported goods, however, have received more of the time, oatience and work that is demanded to bring the highest results lor real elegance and wear. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Ulnrkct at the lut Liberty Mock Ynrtls. Office of Pittsbcrg Dispatch, 1 TUISDAY. April 23, 1S89. J Cattle Receipts, 310 head; shipments, 260 head; market dull at unchanged prices; no cattle shipped to 2s ew York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 900 head: shipment's. TOO head; market slow: Philadelphias, fo 005 10; ptgs and Yorkers, So OCg-o 10; 2 cars of hogs shinped to New York to-day. biroEi" Receipts, 4,400 head: shipments, 4.000 head: market slow and 1620c off from Monday. By Tclecraph. Kansas Citt Cattle Receipts. 4.132 head; shipments. 779 head; market weakcr.cxcept for fat con s and heifers and stockers and feeding steers; good to choice corn-fed, t4 00 4 25; com mon to medium, S3 00jj3 PC; stockers and feed ing steers. S2 003 60: cows, S175S325. Hogs Receipts, 10,"39head; shipments. 319 head; weak and&gloc lower mostlj 10c lower: good to choice. SI 42KQ4 o!i: common to medium, S-i 25 4 40. Sheep RecciDts. f02 head: no ship ments: strong and 10c higher; good to choice muttons, $4 Sogl 7a: common to medium, 2 50 100. St. Lours Cattle Receipts. 300 head; ship ments, none; market strong; choice heavy native steers, S3 90S 4 40: fair to good do. S3 00 4 ft): stockers and feeder-, fair to good, 42 10 3 10: rangers, corn-fed. S2 75fi3 50: grass-fed. 52 0o2 85. Hogs Receipts. e,000 head; shipment-. 400 head: market easy; choice heavy and butchers' selections. S4 604 75: packing, medium to prime, S4 50K4 65: light CTad-. ordinary to best, S4 COfll 75. Sheep Receipts, 800 head: shipments none; market stead; fair to choice. S3 004 CO. New Yoek Bqeves Receipts, 270 head, all for exportation; no trading in beef cattle; finncr lor dressed lecf at GgTc-for city slaugh tered, and at S'jfj-jjfc for Western; Exports to-day KG beeves and 4,700 quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts. 2,700 head; slow but firm at 53 755 00 per 100 pounds" for clipped sheep; 54 2-i4j5 75 fur un-liorn do; S4 7oo 75 for clipped -. iarlings. Sa 507 53 for nnsnorn do, and 54 007 00 per head for spring lambs. Hogs Receipts, b,000 head: none offered alive; nominally steady at S3 205 50; none for sale. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 3,000 head: shipments. 4,000 bead: market steady; beeves S4 CO; steers. IS S0I 25; stockers aJid feeders. S2 503 00; cows, bulls and mixed. SI 033 15; Texas steers, S3 30 3 9a Hogs Receipts. 12.CO0 head; shipment-, (,.300 head: market steady; mixed. S4 CO U S2,: heavy. SI 53g4 80: light, S4 704 95: skips Si 504 40. Sheen Receipts, COOUhead; shipments. 2.C00 head; market strung: natives. 53 TV" 3 40; Western cornfed, S4 9WJ35 30; lambs, 54 755 00. IStrrFAi-o Cattle slow, tending lower: re ceipts. 10 loads through: no --ale. Sheep and lambs No frc-h receipts; stock held oer mostly common stock, for w inch littln demand at weak pricc-u Hogs No-fresh receipts; mar ket slow and weak to 5c off. 0nCIJ"I"ATI Hogs easier; common and light, SI OOl'SO; packing and butchers', S4 05 d'i 85; receipts, 2,000 head; shipments, 1,450 head. IVoot Market. Philadelphia The wool market is quiet and iniohangcd. St. Louis Arrivals continue light and the market is quiet, but steady and unchanged. NEW Yobk Wool quiet and weak: domestic fleece. SMKtec; pulled, 2339c; Texas, 142Sa IJostox The movement in all kinds of wool during the past week have been moderate. The nuiie general suspension of business on Mon day added to the effect of the general dullness Sales have been confined to small lots, and in this way previous prices have been realized, bnt to move large lines concessions in prices would have to be made. Oh-oaiid Pennsylvania fleeces lme been sold at 32c for X and 3.1(gS4cor XX. In Michigan fleeces there have been sales of X at 2P30c, although some strictly choice w ool is held higher. Combing and delaine fleeces are miet and firm. Territory and other unw sued wu 'Is are in fair demand, and Tor flneSGgOOc Will be paid and for medium and fine medium 0" 33c, clean. Pulled wools are m steady de mand, with salesof super at 3037cand extra at2fJE30c Foreign wools are held firm and meet with good demand. Drysoodn Marki t. Nfw Yoke, April 23. A holiday feeling over shadows the bnslness in drygoods. Jobbers are doing little more than making an active distri bution of flags, decoration prints and buntings, though bargain offerings are not neglected, with agents there are some clearing-up jobs and a good deal of inquiry for tall goods. The market for cotton goods has a firmer tendency, with a reaction setting In from the abnormal! v low prices of woolen fabrics Some flannel dress goods have advanced 5 per cent, and agents have advanced 4-4 brown cottons Jc a yard. MEETS BY WIRE. WUcnt Weak nnd "Lower The July Option Breaks the Record Corn "famblcs Oats Barely Hold Advanced Ground Hoc Products Slnmpy. Chicago During most of the sessioivtc-day a dull and heavy feeling prevailed in wheat, and prices again touched a lower point than reached in the recent decline. In fact, the prices at which July wheat sold to-day were lower than July wheat has sold in April for many years with the exception of the early part of April last year, when July- sold as low as76Kc. Th e opening was easy and prices Hc lower for July, and after selling within narrow range prices further declined lc. rallied c and closed J4c lower than yesterday. May opened about lc lower, sold off lc more and closed c lower. It was the sharp break in May and June which helpea to take July with them. Foreign mar ket advices were unfavorable and domestic markets wero lower. Corn ruled quiet the greater part of the ses sion, fluctuations being narrow and the feeling steady. -The market opened at yesterday's closing prices, fluctuated frequently within Kc range and closed a shade lower than yesterday. Oats were fairly active early, but later be came quiet, fluctuations being confined to a range of Jc:the close was at about yesterday s figures. i Trading in mess pork was active and the feel ing was weak; prices declined 3540c on the whole range, and the market closed quiet at inside figures. A quiet and dull feeling prevailed in lard; nrices ruled 5Kc lower and the market closed easy. " Rather more was dome in short ribs and the feeling was weak during the greater portion of the day; prices 1012Kc lower, and the market closed qmet at inside figures. 1 he leading lutures ranged as rollows: Wheat No. 2 May, SieSlKesOS100 June-81esi4SSO-xe80Kc; July. 79(37K77K 7&c: ear, 75?iol75ic. Conx-No. 2 .".lav. 34V34;fi83!634Js'c; June, 34J-s(S3534V34c: July,33.k35c OATS No. 2 Mav.' imic: June, 22 2c: ulv.2323&2S423ic. Mess Pork, per bbl. Mav, Sll 7511 o 11 3511 42K: June. Sll 82M11 85U 45 11 47; July, Sll 92K11 95U a!SU oO. -: Ljlko. tier 100 fts. Mav. Sfi S7ij;ffiG SO: June. Sfi 87M-6 906 S2Km 85: July, 6 956 95 6 S7K 87J bHoar RIBS, per 100 lbs May. So 955 97 5 S35 87K: June, $8 02S6 00; July, St 10b 10 66 00 02K. lasn quotations were as follows: riour nomi nally unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 79S0c; No. 3 spring wheat, 69c for poor; No. 2 red. 79 S0c No. 2 corn. 34J434Kc No. 2 oats, tSTJjJc. No. 2 rye. 40c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 55. Prime timothy seed. SI 351 36. Mess pork, per barrek Sll 40 11 45. Lard, per 100 lbs S6 806 S2K- Short ribs sides tioose). S5 STICKS 95. Drv salted shoulders (boxed). $5 255 50. Short clear siae jnoxeaj, so sa635. sugars unt loat, SJ93ic; granulated, 8c; standard A, 8. Receipts Flour, 13.000 barrels; wheat, 17,000 bushels: corn, 163,000 bushels; oats. 141,000 bushels: rye. 2,000 bushels: barlev, 17,000 bush els. Shipments Flour. 23,000 barrels; wheat, 27.000 bushels; corn. 43,000 bushels: oats. 121. 000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley, 17,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weaker but not qnotably lower. Eggs steady atl010J4c New York Flour heavy, irregnlar and mod erately active. Wheat Spot moderately active and lc lower: options JlJc lower. Rye quiet. Barley and barley malt quiet. Corn Spot active and steady; options dnll and VKc higher on May. He lower on other months. Oats Spot easier and moderately active: op tions Jfe'eC higher. Hay firm and quiet. Hops firm and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady and 510 points down; closed quiet; sales, 31, 500 bags, including May. 16 6o16.75c; June, 16.7516.b0c: Julv, 16.90ai6.95c: August, 17.00 17.05c; September. 17.10 17.20c; October, 17.15 17.20c; November, 17.25c; December, 17.25 17.30c: spot Rio steady; fair cargoes lS5c Sugar Raw firmer: fair refining, Cc bid; centrifugals, 96 test, c bid: refined firm at VJ&AH higher, in good demand. Molasses Foreign strong; 50 test, 29c; New Orleans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil stronger; crude, 42c; yel low, 5052c for best. Tallow easy. Rosin quiet and steady. Turoentine quiet and steady at 46c Eggs quiet and steads; Western, 12s 12"4c; receipts. 9.500 packages. Pork firm; old mes, S12 5012 75: new mess $13 5013 75: extra prime, S12 50. Cut meats quiet: pickled bellies, 67c: pickled bams 10104c; pickled shoulders, 5c; middles dull; short clear, SO 70. Lard depressed and lower; sales western steam, S7 1507 17K; city, SO 70; May, S7117 2a closing at S712bid; June. $7 15 bid; July S7 17 25Jclosing at S7 19; August, S7 22: September, 57 30, closing at S7 25. Butter easy and in moderate demand: Western dairy, ll20c;do creamerv, 1826c: Elgms, 27c; Cheese dull and steady; Western, 610c St. Louis Flour dull. Wheat lower: trad ing very much lighter, as there were no free offerings and the only demand come from shorts, all of which made a very narrow mar ket; outside advices were depressing, and at the close Mav was 1c and the others c below1 estcrdav; No. 2 red, cash. 81c asked; Mav, 816b2c, closing at 80cbid: June. 77771c, closing at 76c asked; Julv, 7475Jc, closing at 74JJ74jc; August, 74575c, closing at 74c bid. Com firm for the near options, with a good demand for May that advanced it from 30K30 c to 3Kc: No. 2. mixed, cash, 30J 30Jjc; Mav, 30K."M302Jc, closed at 30c asked: July. 32kg32c closing at 32c; Au gust 33J4C, closing at 33J4c asked; September, 33Ji33(;c Oats higher: No. 2 cash, 24c; May, 23'gr: June closed at 23c bid. Rye No. 2, 4l42c. Barley Little doing. Flax seed quotable at SI 45. Provisions flat. PinLADELrniA Flour weak and unsettled. Wheat quiet. Corn Spot and April advanced Klc.with fair inquiry for both export and local consumption. No speculation and prices futures beyond this month nominal. Oats Car lotsjeasier; futures quiet but steady. Provisions in lair jobbing demand. Butter steady; Penn sylvania creamery, extra, 2b27c; do prints extra, 29c. Eggs weaker; Pennsylvania firsts Cincinnati Flour dull. Wheat dull; No. 2 Ted. 8586 receipts. 1,500: shipments, none. Corn quiet: No. 2 mixed, 36c. Oats weak; No. 2 mixed, 26c. Rve barely steady; No, 2, 50c. Pork easier at S12 25. Lard weaker: current make. SO C5. Bulk meats and bacon quiet and unchanged. Butter steady. Sugar strong and fiigher; hard refined. 8Jj9"Sc; New Orleans, 77Jg. Eggs and cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat weak; cash.77Kc; May, 77J: July, 77c Corn steady; No: 3, 33C34c. Oats dull; No. 2 white. 272Sc R.ve easy; No. 1, 42Vc. Barley eas; No. 2,66c Provisions eay. Pork, Sll 3& Lard. S6 85. Cheese steady; Cheddars, 10llc Baltimore Provisions quiet and steadv. Mess pork, old, $13 50; new $13 75. Butter quiet and firm; Western packed. 1820c; best roll, 15017c; creamery, 244827c Eggs dull and weak at lie Coffee dull and easy; Rio, fair, 18lSc Toledo Clover seed very dull; cash and April, $1 Co. Receipts 17 bags; shipments, 4b6 bags EPISCOPAL TESTRY ELtCTIOJiS. The Names of the New Trustees of the Most Important Churches. The annual elections for vestrymen in the Episcopal churches of the two cities took place yesterday and resulted as follows: bt- Peter's William Metcalf, Henry Smith, C. C. Dickej, J. Stuart Brown. George bSUaltnpc, William Hilpln. H. J. McComb. -A. Isortliop. Thomas s. Blair. II. Il.bmlthand C. H. lebbctts. bt. Andrew's F. It. iirnnot, J. B. Jackson, W. Ij. McClintocfc, William .Unlllns, 11. M. Tin die, K. B. Alsop, J. 1". Henderson, A. St. Cavltt. George A. Gormly. F. b. Blssell and bamuel Harocr Trluity Church Henry G. Hale, Thomas C. Jenkins A. V. fainter, TA 1111am H. blncer. It. K. Brown. A. II. Smith. Steplifn C McCandless H. L. Mason. J. B. llunlevr, . T. llravo. Colonel A. S. M, ilorjcan, John H. Shoenbcrjter, C. M. GonnlevanUB. Bakewcll. Calvary Cliurrh, Kast End Samuel Martin, Rob ert Brace, b. T. Dudley, M. J Braden, Jtenbcn .Miller, M. A. Woodward, George M. T. Taj lor, Joseph W. Brown and K. M. Fergnson. St. James corner Penn avenue and Sixteenth street K. B.Urunot.J. B. Jsckson.J.A. Jacksun, Ueorjre H. bcott. William Lockhart, WlUIamMc Uann, G. W. Sllnneineir. Emmanuel (Tlinrch, corner North and Allegheny atenucs. Alleehtny Thomas Turner, H. H. -mltli, John McCIurg, 1111am Jackson, H, A. Tanner. Kobert Musrravc, Ldward U. Taylor. Bichard Howe. Clarence H. bwearingen, fcamuel Doubt, W alter H. Jarboe and Henry J. Ford. bt. John's-C. V. Price. Ur. F.G. Gardner. Dr. J. W. McFarland, C R. Miller, lohn Kenworthy, A. II. CuiUns and U. W. Verneit Eminannel P. F Church, Allegheny Thomas Turner, John McClurg, William Jackson, H. a. Tanner, Kobert Mnsgrave, Bdward B. Tavlor, Clarence H. bwcaringen, bamuel Doubt, Walter S. Jarboe, Klcusrd Hull, Henry H. Siultli, U.J. Ford. Church of the Good bhepberd. Hazelwood George C. Unrpwln. J. Bakewcll Phillips C K. Chamberla'lu, J.C Cor, John Smith, Kobert C .Cornelius Kobert Garland. HE ACCEPTED THE CALL. Hov. Joscphua Chenney n the Succcasor of cx-Fnther Scully. Rev. Josephus Cheaney, D. D., sometimes called "the little Texas giant," has settled in Pittsburg. He has accepted the call of the Messiah Baptist Church, the pulpit of which was so suddenly vacated by F. C Scully, the ex-pnest. The call is only temporary, but will be made permanent after June 18 if preacher and con gregation are satisfied with each other. The congregation has returned to the Baptist fold. Baeey's Teicophekotjs prevents the hair from falling out, makes it thick, soft, glossy, abundant. "W A CAUSELESS SCARE. Empty Saloons Wanted for Business Purposes ancf Dwellings. A MYSTERY OP LIBRARY HALL, InTolriug an' Alleged Movement to Obtain Control of the Stock. SWEITZER AND PEBTZELS OOCKED OUT "There is no danger that the buildings that will be vacated by those saloon keep ers who failed to get licenses will remain empty very long," remarked a real estate dealer yesterday. "Some of them can read ily be converted into first-class business houses, adapted to almost any kind of re tail trade, and others, with slight changes, can be converted into comfortable dwell ings, thus meeting one of the most pressing wants ot the city, and it both cases bringing as high a rental as they have been paying." There is a small cloud on the horizon of the Mercantile Hall Company, but what it por tends whether a storm or an April shower must be left to developments to determine. The company ha; never paid a dividend, and this seems to be the handle that is being worked by some person or persons, at present unknown, with a view, presumably. of getting control of the stock, but for what purpose is another mystery, but it may not be amiss to say that the real estate boom may not be far from the bottom of it. Several of the stockholders havo quite recently been importuned, orally and in writing, to sell, but at what figure has not transpired. A few facts, gleaned from a reliable source, may throw light on the subject. The total incumbrance on the building, including mortgages and stoclc, is. in round numbers, 5297,000. The value of the building and ground is variously estimated at from 300.000 to $100,000. At the minimum fig ure $300,000 would pay off the entire indebted ness, leaving a handsome balance tu the com pany. The movement to acquire possession of this valuable property by surreptitiously buy ing up the stock has the flavor of a job. and it would be well enough for the stockholders to Inqnire into the matter and ascertain, if possi ble, just what it means, and if it should turn out to be in the nature of a gobble they should take prompt action to protect their interests. Some of the heavy dealers in rye and barley on the local Exchange looked blue yesterday in consequence of the small number of saloons that were granted licenses. One of them said: "The temperance agitation has ruined the local market for rye and barley. There is no demand for them, and no quotations. Several dealers with large stocks on hand will lose con siderable money. Beer, barley and rye must stand or fall together. Just now they are all in the soup." A Liberty street commission merchant said the knocking out of so many saloons bad depressed sweitzer cheese, bologna sausage and pretzels; those agreeable adjuncts of a glass of foaming lager. 'There is danger that the abundance and cheapness of money will lead to wild and ex travagant speculation," remarked a Wood street banker yesterday. "All of our panics were preceded by this kind of craze. It pos sesses all the allurements of gamblimr, and so absorbs its devotees that they throw judgment to the winds and act from impulse, taking risks which, under other circumstances, they could not be induced to consider for a moment. Of course, a few individuals make colossal for tunes, but the great majority of those who go into this game of chance come out mined in morals as well as fortune. Having had some experience in this direction, my advice is to avoid speculation as a rock upon which countless thousands have split. Far better it is "to be reasonably certain of small gains, which, if kept up, will certainly lead on to tortnne, than to risk everything on the turn of a card or the casting of a die, for that is about what speculation amounts to. Of course 1 do not include in this characterization that large class of securities, some of them local, that have a substantial backing such as gas, electric, traction and a few others for they represent a certain fixed value at which they are c;enerally marketable. But the wild schemes concocted by unprincipled adven turers, that start off with a hurrah, corners in the necessaries of life, which oppress the poor. Western land booms, and others of a similar character, I warn all to be shy of. It is a good rule for a man to engage in nothing that he can't thoroughly understand and have a voice in its management. lie can't do this in the speculative market." The reference by Councils of the Diamond street widening scheme to a competent official for examination as to practicabdity,cost,etc,be fore beginning the work, meets the approval of all who are interested in the project. Said a gen tleman yesterday: ""While I am in favor of im proving the street, and have bought property there with that end in view, Lam glad that the whole matter is to be thoroughly investieated before anything is done. This will be more satisfactory than to go into it blindly,not know ing where we will come out. The cost once as certained, and the practicability and necessity of the work indorsed by authority that will command respect, the first and most important step will have been taken. The rest will be plain sailing." CONSERVATIVE BROKERS. ThoT Are Not Disposed to Push Thines in the Stock "tlnrkct. There were no surprises in the stock market yesterday, trading being confined to about half a dozen issues, of which the sales aggregated a trifle over 1,000 shares. The market was rather dumpish at the opening, but it braced up a little as the day wore on. The gaspers, as on the previous day, were strong, but the demand was not so pronounced, and they closed at a fractional decline from the best prices. Elec tric tvas weak and neglected. It was vainly offered at K but bidders would not go above 58. The-Tractions were strong, Central selling up to S0& .-tnd Citizens' to 7 Switch and Signal was fractionally lower, at 25, as was also Pittsburg and Western preferred. La Ndria was weak and active. 300 shares changing hands t at lli and !?. Trading was on a conservative basis, there being no prcsing demand for any thlnz and no nn due anxiety to sell. The con tinued weakness of Electric is attributed to pending litication, causing buyers to hold back until the difficulties are settled. MOHNING. AFTEKXOOV. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Chartiers Val. Gas Co. 54 53 JH GIJ reoplc'sl'ipeageUas 16Ji Is l'cnuaUvanlaGa W 22 IMiiladelphlaCo 2h 42 42?f Wheeling Gas Co M 31ii 31 zih Tuna Oil Co 63 CentralTractlon a) 30Jf 30 sojf Citizens' Traction 75 7 75 .... inttsburjr Traction.... SZ S3- rieasantValleyK.lt... 170 J75 lilts. & t cstern 11. K. n I. 4; W. K. K. pref.... 19 MX 18& .... Consignee Mining Co. . 2uc .... I.aoriaMlnIr.K Co... 1 1 W estlnchoubc Electric 53 5S 58 59M U. iwltch&SIsrnalCo. 20tf 25 Westtng'se AirlS. Co 120 Westlug'sc 11. Co. lltr. 04 .... .... .... Sales at the first call were 200 shares of La Noria at IK, 100 at li, 50 Philadelphia Gas at 43, 140 Central Traction at 30, 10 Switch and Sigual at 25K. 50 at 25 and 25 Citizens' Traction at bL. At the afternoon call 10 shares of Chartiers Gas sold at 61, 15 Central Traction at 3oW. 10 Philadelphia Gas at 42, 40 at 42. 200 Pitts burg and Western preferred at 1 200 at 18 and 15 Switch and Signal at 25. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 149,012 shares. Including: Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 3,000; Lonisville and Nashville, 12.500-, Northwestern, 7,100; St Paul, 10,400; Beading, 33,600; Union Pacific, 8,400. A GOOD BUSINESS. Tho Local Banks Unny Taking: in and Pny Iue Out Jloney. The local hanks, with not more than one or two exceptions, had a good run of business yesterday, depositing being large and discount ing of fair volume at the customary rates of 56 pet cent. This reflects a growing improve ment of business in commercial and manufac ing lines. The Clearing House exchanges were $2,457,872 5S and the balances $546,1)54 71. Said a prominent financier : This Is a good time to go into business, money being abundant and cheap, and if there is not a great expansion be fore the reason is over I shall feel very much disappointed." j money on can uoew i orx yesteraay was at - (oz per cent; last loan, ij; closed o'i at2K- Prime mercantile paper, 46. Sterling exchange dnll but steadv at S4 80 for 60-day bills and H 88 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bro.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U.S.4s. reg .. 8 faiM1 U. 8. 4is. coups . 108, OS U.S.4i?rcK.... 'SSIJSS U. S. 4s, coups l29i129X Bid. Currency, C per cent. 1895 ree 121 Currency, 6 per cent. 1896 ree. 1" Currency, 6pcrcent, 1897 rejr 17 Currency, 6 per cent, 1898 reg 129X Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 rcg " Government and State bonds are firm and quiet. New York Bank clearings to-day, $122, 369,023: balances, $6,921,510. Boston Bank clearings to-day, $20,913,002; balances, $1,647,835, Money per cent. BAirraiOBE Bank clearings to-day, 81,723, 723; balances, $219,919. Philadelphia Bank clearings to-day, $11, 870,174; balances, $1,458,592. Chicaoo Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $10,056,000. Londou The amount of bullion gone Into the bank ot England on balance to-day is 40,000. Pabis Rentes, 87f 50c for the account. A BETTER MARKET. Oil Opens Awnv Down bnt Recovers Lost Ground, Closing; Stronp. When the oil market opened yesterday at ?c below the close of the previous day, the bulls acknowledged themselves to be in the soup, bnt declared they would make it interesting before the fight was over. And they may, for it was the opinion of a number of thf shrewdest operators that the break had spent its force, and that there was every indication of a rally. Tune alone can determine the valuo of this opinion. The market opened at 81c, and soon sold down to 81c, reacted a little and dropped to 81"c It then recovered and sold up to 82c, from which it broke to 79Kc. but almost Instantly reacted to 808C, and ttien to 81Kc and cloaed at 81c a recovery of 2 cents fiom the lowest of the day, affording a good opportunity for scalping, and encouraging the longs to hope for better things to-day. A broker said: "The market was weaker here than in New York, where it did not sell under 80c I think prices touched bottom to-day, and that there is a reasonable prospect of a rally of 2 or 3 cents. I do not look for a boom so long as the value of the Lima stuff is in doubt, but I think the conditions justify a stronger mar ket." A. B. McGrew & Co. quote puts 8C"c; calls, 82&C the lollowing are the closing quotations: Opened 81K Lowest 79M Highest. 82 Closed 81" Kuns 69.Uo2 Averages 45,208 bhipments 107,31s Averages 72,040 Charters 38,858 Averages 32,203 Clearances 3,578,000 Oil City sales- 1,806,000 Oil city opened 82, closed 81. " THE NEWS REACHES NEW I0RK. An Article in tho Snn Tells Why Oil Has Taken n Drop. New York,, April 23. The Sun of this even ing has this: "The oil market on the Consoli dated Exchange has been in a semi-panicky state all day, owing to the conflicting rumors in circulation regarding the utilization of Lima oil for illuminating purposes. Since lastWednes day National Transit certificates have declined 10 cents from 00 to SO, without any change in the commercial or statistical situation that justified the loss. It is known that the Stand ard Oil Company has purchased millions of dollars worth of Ohio oil property, and is about to construct a pipeline from the Ohio to the Pennsylvania field. This Is regarded as signifi cant. "It is asserted that they can refine the Ohio article at a price that can compete with the Pennsylvania product. If it is true the trade will be revolutionized." An Oil Suit. Franklin, April 23. The papers in a suit that will prove of great interest to oil men have been prepared and will be served as soon as possible. During the Luclnda oil excitement, four weeks ago, ,an operator named Willets leased the farm of George Clark and paid a bonus of $2,500. A well was drilled and the farm was discovered to be no good as oil terri tory, and worth about $800 for f anuine pnr Doses, and the plaintiff sues to recover the bonus money paid, on the ground that tbe land was represented to him to be on the "belt." and first-class oil territory. Should this case be decided in favor of tbe plaintiff. It is said many similar suits "will follow, as at least a Quarter of a million dollars was expended uring the Luclnda excitement, one-half of which was paid out as bonus money. The Lu clnda territory has proved a dead failure. A large number of wells in different stages of drilling have' suspended operations and tbe black flag has been displaved on the derricks. Other Oil Markets. On. Cttt. April 23. National transit cer tificates opened at 82Jc; highest, 82c; low est, 79Jc; closed, 81c Bradford. April 23. National transit cer tificates opened atS2Vc; closed at 81c; highest, 82-vJc: lowest. 79&C Titustille, April 23. National transit cer tificates, opened at 82c: highest, 82Jc; low est, 79c: closed, 81Jsc New York, April 23. Petroleum opened weak, but after a sharp decline rallied and moved up to 82c Another break then oc curred, on which the price dropped to 80c and was followed bv a rally, on which the market closed firm at 81c Sales. 4,089,000 barrels. REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS. Four New Houses on WjIIe Avenne Chanse Hands Other Deals. Allis & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for Thomas Griffin to Patrick Harper tour brick dwellings of five rooms each and improve ment", lot 40x112 feet, at 787 and 789 Wjlie ave nue, for 85.500. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenne, sold a mortgage for $500 on property on Frazier street. Fourteenth ward. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Herman Gotsch lot No. 10 in the Wattcrs' plan, on Amnada streer, Brushton, being 25x 127 feet, f oi $400 cash. They also placed a mort gage of $2,700 for one year, at 6 per cent, on a property at Roup Station. LONDON GIVES THE CUE To the Wall Street StockTrnders, whoBear the Market Nearly Everything Weak, Closlnc nfthe Lowest Prices Bonds Active. New York, April 23. The trading in the stock market to-day was the smallest for any full day for weeks, and the fluctuations were od the same limited scale; and although there was a drooping tendency throughout the greater portion of the day the changes in quotations were entirely insignificant. The lower London market gave the cuo for the tem per of the local market to-day, and while there was little disposition shown by the foreigners to trade, what business was done for their ac count was mostly selling of their specialties. Louisville and Nashville vias weak for'the first time in many days. Commission people were doing little or nothing, and the bears wero encouraged -to attack a few of the leaders which sqenied most vulnerable, and they grew bolder as the nay -Rore along. The highest prices were generally made in the first half hour and the lowest in the last. The move ments even among the specialties were not so marked as usual of late, although Tennessee Coal was specially weak toward the close. Tbe opening was made on a moderate volume of business, but prices were from 14 to per cent lower than last, evening's figures, while the great bulk of the trading was confined to a half dozen stocks. Atchison and Tennessee Coal and afterward Cotton Oil and Lead Trusts were specially weak in tbe early dealings, while Consolidated Gas was the strong point in the list. Tbe activity soon died away, and a slight rally occurred toward 11 o'clock, but in the dullness which followed there was no movement except here and there, and such changes as did occur were invariably iu the di rection of lower figures. In the afternoonlhicago Gas developed marked strength a'nd again crossed SO, but to ward delivery hour the downward tendency in the general list became more pronounced and Reading was attacked with force and driven down materially, while the trading in the stock became very active for the time being. St. Paul and Tennessee Coal afterward joined the downward movement, and rumors of ail kinds1 in regard to the situation in the West were circulated, bringingdown Burlington and Rock Island also. The weakness in the last hour was most pro nounced, and the market finally closed weak though dnll at about the lowest prices of tbe day. In tbe unlisted department there was an active business In Cotton Oil, Sugar Trusts, Lead Trusts and Pipe Line certificates, though the only movement was in Cotton Oil. Bruns wlcK was dull and steadv, closing at 21& The general list closed lower in all except a few In stances. Tennessee lost 2, Reading lli, Hock Island and St. Paul I per cent. Railroad bonds were again in active demand, and the business done was not only larger In the aggregate than on any day for the past two weeks, bnt tbe number of issues traded in showed a marked increase, and out of a total day's business of $2,616,000 the West Shore 4s furnished $300,000, Chesapeake and Ohio 5s $176,000. Texas Pacific flrsta $154,000 and the Reading 4s $130,000. The market was in marked contrast to tbe share speculation, also in its strong tone, and almost everything traded in is higher this evening. The most Important ad vances are St. Paul extensions, 2 to 126. and GalvestomHarrisburg and San Antonio seconds 2Vtol07. The following table snows tbe prices of active stocks on tho New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney Js Stephenson, members of "New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: cios-Open- High- Low- lng lnr. est. est. Blrta. Am. Cotton Oil 55K 54S4 Atch.. lop. & B. F.... W 42 41Jf 41S Canadian Racine ?H Canada Southern....... 52M 52K 62! 52 Central or .New Jersey. 96H W'4 6H MX CentraiFacmc H Chesapeake 4 Ohio ... 17X 17$ 17 17 C., Bur. & Qumcy..... 91 93J 83 , , c, am. at. raui.... 65 63"; eH wi C, JMl.&St. P.. pr....l0J'l 105'4 W4H 104K C..KOCKLAP 922 92S 82 82U C, St. L. & l-ltts "6'4 O., St. L. & PIUS. pf. 1 C.. St. P., M, & 0 33 C, bt. P., JI. 4 O.. pr. 81 C.& Northwestern.... 106)i 1065 I05M 105X C. A .Northwestern, pf.138 138 13 136) C C. C.&1 68 63 C5' 63 Col. Coal A Iron 23 .23 VM. 23 Col. 4 Hocking Val .. 188 18 18V liH Del.. L. &W... I37J4 137U 130M IMh Del. & Hudson 134 134X Wi 114 DenverftlttoO !" Denver & Rio O., pr. tti E.T., Va. &Oa 9 9 9 9 E.T.,Va. &Oa.. Istpr 67Jf E. T.. Va. & Ga. 2d pf. 21 Illinois Central 112., Lake Krle It Western.. ISHS l8"i 18l I8i Lake Erie & West. pr.. 5SX 58SJ 58 57 H Lake Shore & M. S 1024 1024 102 VX. Louisville AHasbvllle. 66 WIS 65K UK Michigan Central S6,'j S6,S 85H &X Mobiles Ohio hi'a Mo., K. &Texa Kii 12 12J ! Missouri Pacific. 70H 70 70! 70M New York Central 107X 107X 107J4 307 ". Y.. L. E. & W 28 28V4 23 274 H. Y., L. E.&i.nref 69M MX 6X 6994 N. Y., C. &St. L 17 N.Y.. C.&St. L. pf. 70 X.Y.. C. 8t.L.2dnf 40 .Yi,.E 43?, 43!4 'Vi 42V i. V., O. AW 165? Norfolk Western 1514 Norfolk A Western, of. 49", 491$ r49? 49 Northern Pacific..- 25 Xortnern Pacific pref. 605f 608 ,C0?i GO. Ohio& Mississippi..... 22tf 22 22Vj 22V Oregon Improvement 43 Oregon Transcon 31 31M 30 3Ctf PacfflcMall 35"4 Peo. Dec. & Evans 22! Phlladel. & Heading.. tiK 4oii UK U Pullman Palace Car...l8S 1884 183)4 1M!4 Klchmond & W. P. T 25 Kichmond&W.P.T.pf 79J 79Jf 78K 7i? 1st. Paul Duluth 31 St. Paul S Duluth pr. ".... 85 St. p.. Minn. A .Man... 83H 23 93X 9334 St. L. & San Fran 23)4 St. L. & San Fran pf.. 59M 59 50 SH bt. L. A San i'.lst pr. ill Texas Pacific 21! 215 20-M 20V UnionPaclflc 69 5UJ E9iJ sojj Wabash 13V 34 134 13S Wabash preferred XH 27X 263 28J6 Western Union S3'4 fS So1 85!, Wheeling & L. K 68H 68M etli K'A Boston Stocks. Afoh JK-Tivt 17 till wis.centrat.com... ley: Wis. Central pf.... SS AllouezM'gCo(new) 1 Calumet A Hecta....2l0 Franklin 9'4 Osceola 9 Pewabic (new) 3!4 Oulncv 43 Bell 'telephone 237 Boston Land 6 Water Power 6)4 A.JtT. LandOr't7s.l064 Atch. & Top.lt. K... 414 Boston A Albany.. .215 c. a. &y 93 Eastern it. li. 6s 125 Flint A rereM 26 FUntAPereM. nrd. 97 K.C. St. J.&C.fi. 7S.J20 Mexican Cen. com.. 12Ji A. Y. Aewne... 43 '. Y.ifiewEni! 7s.l26t Old Colony 172H Kutland preferred.. 40 Tamarack 108 San Diego Tlii Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Js'ew York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania liallroad 54!4 S4X Hearting Kallroad 22 1-18 22! Bu3alo, Pittsburg and Western 11 12 Lehigh Valley 53! 5454' Lehigh Navigation .". 51K U.Co.'s New Jersey 2324 .... Xonhern Pacific 2W4 28 Northern Pacific preferred Wh eo Iilinlnc Stocks. New Yobk. April 23. Amador. 100: Aspen, 1050; Bodie, 125; Caledonia. B. H., 300; Consoli dated California and Virginia, 812: Deadvcood, T., 100; Eureka Consolidated, 175; El Cnsto, 165; Gould & Curry, 295; Hale & Norcross, 460; Horn Silver, 130: Mexican, 550; Jlono, 110; Mutual, 140; Ophir, 550; Savage, 530; Sierra Nevada. 380: Standard. 100: Union Consolidated, 537; Yellow Jacket. 325; Small Hopes, 100. OfT for Paris. Mr. T. A. Gillespie, general superin tendent of the Philadelphia Company, and Mr. A. L. McKaifr, general agent of the Fuel Gas and Electric'' Engineering Com pany, left for New York last night. They will embark on a French steamer to-day for Havre, and visit the Pari3 Exposition and Europe generally. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, AVheu she was a Child, she ciied for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children.sho gave them Castoria. ap9-77-MWFSu BUTTER, : BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE Chartiers Creamery Co Warehouse and General Offices, 6(6 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1426. riTTSBTJBG-, PA. Factories throughout' "Western Pennsylvania. t For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhl8-arwT The Deer Creek and Susque hanna R. R. Co. First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gold Bonds. PRINCIPAL DUE 1919. INTEREST PAYA BLE JULY 1 AND JANUARY 1, IN BALTIMORE. MERCANTILE TRUST AND DEPOSIT CO., OF BALTIMORE. TRUSTEE. Issue, SCO0.000. Principal and interest guar anteed by tbe Maryland Central Railway Co. This bond is a first mortgage on 10 miles of road now under construction from Belalr, Md., connecting with the Maryland Central Railway Co., to Stafford. Md. The Maryland Central Railway Co., Baltimore to Delta, Pa. (45 miles), was reorganized in December, 1888, and is now on a sound financial basis, doing a prosperous business. The York aud Peach Bottom Railroad Co., York, Pa., to Peach Bottom (40 miles), lias been acquired by the Maryland Central Rail way Co., making a system of 101 miles, which will be operated by the Maryland Central Rail way Co. We recommend these bonds as a desirable in vestment, nnd offer a limltedamotint for sale at 95 per cent and accrued Interest, subject to ad vance in price.' REA BROS. & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 423 WOOD STREET,' PITTSBURG, PA. ap9-72-D DOMESTIC -IAEKETS. Strawberries Drifting Lower Egj3 and Batter Quiet. TIIOPICAL FKDIT IN GOOD DEMAND. Hay and Oats Weak Shell Corn Strong Flour Descending. SUGAES UP ALL ALONG THE LHJf! Office of pittsbubo dispatch, ? TUESDAT, April 23, 1889. J Country Prodnce Jobbing Pricei. The lull which usually follows Easter is here. A leading jobber of butter, egss and cheese said to-day: "Our trade was never better than last week at that time of tbe year, and we looked for a quiet time this week. On Friday and Saturday-all bands were busy shoving out stuff. Now we are having a needed rest." Eggs are slow at He as the outside. Strawberries are coming in freely from tbe Southwest by way of Chicago, and are lower. New cabbage Is also in good supply from Southern sources. Tropi cal fruits are active. Creamery butter grows easier a9 grazing improves and lower prices cannot be far away. Potatoes are slow and likely to remain so. as the new crop from the South grows more and more plentiful in mar kets. Buttee Creamery. Elgin, 2829c: Ohio do, 2526c; fresh. dairy packed, 2021c; country rolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 2$29c. BEANS $1 751 00. Beeswax 2830c "j"; ft for choice; low grade, 1820c. , Cider Sand refined, 6 50427 0; common, $3 604 00; crab cider, SS 008 60 1 barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c 1 gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1212Kc; Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, ll12c. Dried Peas SI 251 S3 ft bushel; split do, rrl3J4c V ft- Eoos 10llc -p dozen for strictly fresh: goose eggs, 56c V dozen; duck eggs, 18c ) dozen. FRUITS Apples, $1 E02 60 "P barrel; evap orated raspberries, 23c f) ft; cranberries, $45 $ barrel, 60cSl 00 per bushel; strawberries, 25035c a quarr. Feathers Extra live geese. 50060c; No. 1 do., 4043c; mixed lots, 3035c "j ft. Honey New crop. 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c. Hominy S2 652 75 fl barrel. Potatoes Potatoes. 3035c f? bushel; $3 75 4 00 for Jersey sweets; seed sweets, J2 59 2 jo. Poultry Live chickens, 75S80c " pair; dressed chickens, l&15c f ft; turkeys, 1820c dressed, p ft; ducks, live. 8085c fl pair; dressed, 1314c ft ft; geese. 1015c ft ft. Seeds Clover.choice, 62 fts to bushel, 85 60 ft bushel; clover.large English, 62 fts.S6 00: clover, Alsike, SS 50; clover, white, $0 00: timotby, choicp. 45 fts. $1 65; bluo grass; extra clean, 14 fts, 90c: blue grass, fancy. 14 ft. 1 00: orchard grass, 14 fts, U 65; red top, 14 fts, SI 25; millet, 50 fts, SI 00: Germah millet, 60 fts, SI 50; Hun garian grass, 60 fts, SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 f) bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 45c: city rendered. 55Kc Tropical Fruits Lemoni,fancv.$3 50iS4 00 ft box; common lemons, S2 755,3 25 fl box: Mes sina oranges, S3 004 00 ft box: Florida orangey S4 505 00 fl box; Valencia oranges, fancy. S3 50 7 00 fl case: bananas, S2 50, firsts: SI 50, good seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 50 fl hundred; new tigs. t)10c f) pound: dates, 5M 6Hc fl pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbaces, S3 504 00 f! hundred: new cabbage, S3 003 50 fl crate; onions. SI 001 25 fl barrel; onion sets, fancy "Eries. S2 503 00; Jersevs, S2 002 50; turnips, 4000c fl barrel. Grocerlea. Sugars have again advanced c all along the ltne. Advices from New York to our jobbers here indicate an unusually short supply of raw sugars. It is claimed that refiners of sugar will not be able to fix prtces as the Sugar Trust did a year ago. but will soon be forced to go into the world's markets' and pay the regular rates for raws. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c: choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c, Maracaibo. 2223c; Mocha, 30K31c; Santps, 1922: Caracas coffee. 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 21c; high grades, 262Sc; old Government Java, bulk, 323c; Maracaibo, 27"428)c Santos, 22243; peaberrv. 27c; peaberry Santos. 2224c: choice Rio, -25KC; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Vc; ordinary, 2l4c SpicesJ whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; casia, 8S9c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg; 7080c Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c: Ohio. 120, 8Jc: headlight, 150. 8K water white, lOJc: globe, 12c; eiaine, 15c; carnadine, HJic; royaline. 14c. bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugarsyrup, 3033c; strict ly prime, 333dc; new maple syrup, SOc N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choioe, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-rarb in , 53Jc: bi-carb, assorted packages. 5JJE6c; sal soda in kegs, ljic: do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight; 9c;stearine,per set, 8Kc: paraffine, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6Ji 7c; prime. 5JJ6Vc; Louisiana, j6c. Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 6j7c; g!os3 starch, 5JJ7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: Caifornia Muscatels, 51 85; Valencia, new, 67c: Ondara Valencia, 7USc; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4ibc; Turkey prunes, new, 405c: French prnnes, 813c: Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12J 10c; new dates, 5K86e; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel. Lc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, .evaporated, 6!46Jc: apricots, Califor nea, evaporated. lo18c: peaches, evaporated, pared, 22323c: peaches California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c: cherries, pitted, 212c; cherries, imputed, 5Sc; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Wc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012c. Sugars Cubes. 9J49c; powdered, 94 95c;granulated,8c; confectioners' A.8K8c: standard A. 8c: soft whites. 868Vc: eilow, choice. 7Sc; yellow, good. 7"475c; yeli low. fair. 7c: yellow, dark, 74c Pickles Medium, bbls. (L200), S4 50; me diums, hal f bbls. (600). $2 7-5. Salt-IS o. 1 fl bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, fl bbl. $1 05; dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl. 51 0; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack3, S2 bO, Higgln's Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30 1 90; 2ds. SI 301 35; extra peaches. SI 601 90; pie peaches, OUc; finest coin, SI-Oil 1 50; Hfd. Co. com, 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c: marrowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas,. 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, 52 75; damson plnms, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, S2 50; do greengages. S2 00; do egg plums, S2 00; extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50; strawberries, SI 10: gooseberries, $1 201 30: tomatoes, 82S2c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, bOc; suc cotash. 2-ft cans, noakert, 99c; do green, 2fts, SI 2ol 50; corn beef, 2-fi cans, 31 75; 14-ft cans S13 50; baked beans. SI 4001 4o; lobster, 1 ft. SI 751 80: mackeel. i-ft cans,, broiled. SI 50: sardines, domestic. s, S4 154 50; sardines, domestic, s, S8 268 CO: sardines. Imported, li, Sll 50U 50; sardines, imported, Us, $18 00; sardines, -mustard, S4 00. sardines, spiced, $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, J36 fl bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess. $10; extra No. 1 roackcrcl.shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed. S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4cJB ft.; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring Round shore. S5 00 fl bbl.; split, S7 00; lake. $2 50 fl 100-ft. half bbl. White tish, $7 SI 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, S3 50 fl half bbl. linnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Ireland halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel. J5 barrel, S2 00; f barrel. $1 10. Buckwheat Flour 223ic fl ft. OATMEAL SB 3036 60 fl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flour nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at tbo Grain Ex change, 33 jars.. By Pittsburg, Ft, Wayne and Chicago, 8 cars of oats, 5 of bay, 1 of ear Corn, 2 of barley, 1 of feed, 1 of .floor, 1 of middlings. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of hay, 6 of oats. 1 of s. corn, Ipf middlings. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of hay, 2 of wheat. 1 of rye. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of oats. There were no sales on call. Hay and oats show weakening tendencies. Shell corn is the firm factor of cereal markets. Our quotations in flour are again reduced to a level correspoudlng to prices at which jobbers have been selling for a day or two back. Tbe best patents are delivered here in carload lots at less than S6 from Minneapolis. Bears are hav ing -the lead In wheat and flour markets the world over. WHEAT Jobbing prices No. 2 red, tW95c No. 3 red, 8588c. Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4142c: hieh mixed ear. 3738c; No. 1 veifow, shelled, 38 89c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 38S9: high mixed, shelled, 3S3SKc; mixed, shelled, 3536c. OATS No. 2 white. 3131Kc: extra. No. 3, 3030Kc; No.3 white, 29i9Kc; No. 2 mixed. 27028c. Rye No. 1 Western, 7075c; No. 2, 5558c Barley No. 1 Canada. 9598c: No. 2 Cana da. 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore. 7380c: -.. Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents' S5 758 00: spring patents. 58 006 25; winter straight, S5 0005 25; clear winter. 54 755 00; M raiglit XXXX bakers', 54 251 60. Rye flour. S3 503 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 515 00 16 00 fl ton: brown middlings, 512 0012 60; winter wheat bran, $13 0013 50; chop feed, S15 0016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, 514 60014 75; No, 1 do. $14 0014 25; No. 2 do. 512 0013 00; loose from wagon, 518 0020 00: No. 1 upland prairie. 510 0010 25; No. 2. $8 008 50; packing do. S350650. Straw Oats. 58 008 25; wheat and rye straw, 57 607 508 00. ProTUIons. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Kc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small, Uc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Kc:sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar cured dried beef Sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, HXc bacon shoulders, bacon dear sides, 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c. Mess pork, heavy, 514 00: mess pors, famirr, 514 50. Lard Refilled in tierces: 7c; half barrels, 7J4c: 60-ft tubs, 7e; 20-ft pails. 7c; 50 ft tin cans, 7Kc:3-ft tin pails, 8c;5-ft tin palla, 7c: 10-ft tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 5c. Fresh pork links. 9c. Pigs feet, half barrel, 54 00; quarter barrel, 51 90. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to550 fts, 5KC: 650 to 650 fts 6Vc: 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, Sc fl ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, Oc. Fresh pork loins, 9c Metal Markets, New York Pig iron quiet. Copper dull and heavy; lake, April. 513 50. Lead steady; do mestic, 53 65. Tin quiet and firm; Straits, 120 85. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia,, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively cn,red by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favoriis Liver Pills. They act slowly, bu; surely, do not gripe, and tneir enect is lasting; me iacc is wey nave no equal. Small dose: Dig results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c, at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary, Five bottles SL The HOP PILL CO., New London, Ct. Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped, rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 60c nol-afWT ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO, CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This Is now conceded to be the best in the market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL- LhJiSCE at the Pure Food .Exposition, now be. ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY XN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QU ALITT, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roastea oeei. REMEMBER, mha-MWF FOR SALE BY FLEISHMAN & CO. 504 TO 508 MARKET ST. ap21-ai-MWF bTEAMElW AND EXCURSIONS. HAMKUKG-A.MLK1CAN PACKET CO.-EX-PKLiiS service between .New York. South ampton and Hamburg by the new twin-screw steamers of 10,000 tons and 12,500 horse power. Past time to London and the Continent, steam ers unexcelled for sarety.speed and enmfoct. Regular service: Kverv Thursday from Jiew York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris and Hamburg:. Ihrongh tickets to London and Paris. jLxcellent fare. Kates extremely low. Apply to the General office. No. 37Broadwav. dew York. K. J. COBT1S. Manager; C. B. K1CHAED & CO., General Passage Office, 61 Broadwar, New York: MAX SCUAUBEKO CO.. 5C7femlth- field St.. Pittsburg. mh3-27-WF ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA. Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. Prepaid Intermediate", S3U. Steerage. $19. Passengers bv this route are saved the ex pense and inconvenience attending transfer to Liverpool or from New York. J. J. MCCORMICK, or A. D. SCORER & SON, Pittsbunr. mhl5-9D.jlWF ANCHOR LINE. Atlantic Express Service. LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "CITY OF HOME," rrom .NewYork, WEUNESUAY, May J, May 23. June 28, JulyZl. Largest and finest passenger steamer afloat. Saloon passage, too to S100; second-class, S3u. Glasgow service. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londonderry, Liver pool 950 and 60. Second-class, f30. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers' circular letters or credit and drafts for any amount Issued at lowest current rats. Por books of tours,- tickets or further luforma tea AtXrtvto HKNDEKSON BKOTHEKS, N. Y., or 3. J. McCUltMICK, Fourth ana bmlthfield: A. I). SCOKElia SON. 'IS. Smltb field St.. Pittsburg; W. bEMPLE. Jr., 1G3 iedcraist., Alleehcnr. noS-lss-Mwr NORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent. Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. Ss.Saale.Apr. 21. 1 PM I Ss.FuIdaMay4,8.S0A3r Ss.Eras,Apr. 27, 3-20P M I Ss.Lahn,May 8, 11 AM S". Trave. May 1, 7 A M I Ss.Elbe. Mav 11,2 P M First Cabin, Winter rates, from $100 upward. MAXSCHAMBERQ & CO.. Agents, Pitts burg, Pa. OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71-D -1UNARD LINE. NEW YOKK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QTJEENS TOWN, KB.OM PlElt 40 NORTH B1VEB. FAST EXPREsillAIL SERVICE. Bothnia, Apr. 24. 1 P M iUmbrls Mav 11,2:30 p M Etrurla, Apr. 27. J p M Servla, May 18. 8AM Aurania, May 4, 8:AM Botliula.MiyE,ll:aASI Gallia, May 8, 11 A n SEtrurta, May 25, 3 m tThis steamer will notcarry steerage. SThcse steamers carry first-class passengers only Cabin passage. 60, ?S0 and (ICo; Intermediate, ta. Steerigc tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. ' VERNON U. BKOW N & CO., General Agents, 4 Bonling Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. Fourth ave. and smitllfield sL, Pittsburg. ap22-D State Line To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passago f 33 to 850. according to location of stateroom. Excursion (6 to HO. Steerage to and from Europe at Loir est Rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN St CO., General Agents, SI Broadway, NewYor. J. J. McCORMICK, Agent, Pittsborg. Pa. ianl2-D THE LARGEST FACTORY" I ,IN THE WOHLD. JT foFff r qceeos 100.060 &T J&STjr p0Ulins PEa ow r SOLO EVEBIWHEBE AVOID IMITATIONS "-- JOSEPH HORNE CO.; Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.t Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week la SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, , SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rS3-D WHOLESALE HOUSE. iw&iwm, 512 AND SI4 SMITHFIELD STREET, qM XITTa"BTJIiGf. FJL. Transact a General MM Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letter of Credit, for use of travelers,.atid Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, - Available In all patts of the world. Also tans Credits IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-l-j.WT THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL . . - . S'200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HODBE, Prest JAMiS P. SPEER, Vice Presfc mh22-93-l JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.. jiyl ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums' of SLOCO and upward. AppI at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. , mhl-34-D No. 121 Fourth avenuei llKOIvERH FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH. BROKER IN ifietirolettim: k Oil bought and sold on margin. deJT-21-Dsu WHITNEY & STEPHEXS0S, Bl FOURTH AVENUE.. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS M TJIROUGII MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & COL, NEWYORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an2S-x78 MEDICAL DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENT AVENUE. PITTSBURG. PA- As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established an J most prominent physician in the city, devoting, special attention to all chronic diseases. From Sur8NUPhLUNIILUUKhU Mr"nni lr ana mental diseases, nhvslcal INLn V UUO decay, nervous debility, lackot energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory. disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failinirnowers. organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, saieiy anu privately curea. BLOOD AND SKIN SSS&5 blotches, falling hair, bone pains, -glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat. ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood nolsons thoroughly eradicated from thesystcm- IIR1MARV kidney and bladder derange U (I I linil I 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painiui symptoms receive searcning treatment; nromnt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-lonr. extensive exDerienco insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation tree. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If hre. Office hours 0 A. M. to 8 p. M. Sundiy. 10 a.m. to I P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 830 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31-ssuk WHAT IS MONEY WITHOUT- HEALTH; Health, Energy and Strength secured by niina AMORANDA WAFERS. These wafers are q GfAKAXTKiD sFscinc and the only reliable and safe remedy for the permanent cure of Impotency, no matter how long standing, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the usa alcohol or tobacco. Sleeplessness, Mental Depress ion, Softening of tho Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Prematura Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harrassing Dreamt, Premature Decay of Vital Power, caused by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or ovei indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes for 61.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, Six boxes is the complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY if the wafers Jo not benefit or effect, permanent cure. Prepared only by tho BOSTON MEDICAIi INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON. 412 Market Street. Pit's burgh, Pa, P. 0. Box 37. to whom all communi cation should be addressed. mh3I-DSu DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICES. 901 PENN AVE., PITTSBURG, PA. All forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Co? pidestiai. and SCIESTIFIO Medication are treated at this Dispensary with, "a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member ot the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is tbe oldest and most expe ripnrprt Rpr.riAi.iST in the citv. Snecial atten n i"S5?Sr Jts3 tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive M causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondencv, etc.: also Cancers, Old Srres. Fits, Plies Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin, Blood. Lungs, Urinary Organs 'etc. Consultation free and strictly confiden tial. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. it.; Sun days 2 to i P. if. only. Call at office "ot address H. K. LAKJS.il. D.. M. R. C. P.S..or EL J. Lake, m. D. sel-lSl-wwrvvk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, A L.U5I VIUUH. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fall particulars In pamphlet sent free. The ffennlne GraT'i Specltle sold by drorglst" only ttr yeiiow wrapper, rnre. fl per nackasre. or six for S3, or bv malt on rpcelnt of nrlce. bv addrp- ft9 ng THE OKAY MClllL'lNK CO . Buffalo. N. V 3i 301a in 1 ncsnnrsr hTN.. hui.i.a.h. pathap .SmlthfleUl and Liberty sts. apI2-a CHICHESTER'S tNGLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS 2S c-::: viazzss esact. OridnaL btt. oalr rrala and rtuaotspiuioriue. rervrjsil. . At for Ckithater't InjlUKi 4Si2mmd BriniL la rd ma. uliia lxe. MCAictlwllli b.aa ri!i. "boa. At Urucct. Aerept no other. All rills is nutc boftnt boxes, plak snappers, ars dmgT oasafitcrrelt. Ewf 4. (sump) tor prilculsrs and 'Bcllcrfor Ladle," , Irtlcr. bT v tn n mail. SO linn ...1. iiftoal4BIFSboiaTsLKlthtin. KuMfiDtr. thichMtcr chemical CoHadjm SqPliUfuPa. deS-ai-ttrpanwlc TO WF4K'liPMiraffrteKfrOTnt-rf ' " nS ftHHflrorii.eajiT(lt?c9.T. lo-tt eontsinlnr fail pirtleulan for home can, free oi chare. Address, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moedus, Csma. bTk AArfl JB)SJ T avl lT ssunsl A ValsmK1jm avsklssK hblAtfSl ' X-UOO-CJLD3UWS ffWi j lmontl -a fl 1 s. - M ' - l&tlhii&&&X i.".ai...v:.'ii.iiaLiS 4Ms?'''J-feAi!z4 'iJw.'fer iilt . HftiilHIM