!pss" FS F ! -l". The Dispatch has a Special Courier with tbe Oklahoma Boom ers. He will enter the New Canaan with them to-day; and will graphically furnish all readers with events as OKU- jtheyofCnr. FORTY-FOURTH TEAR, NOTHING TO oei " Not Even Water Can be Secured v by the Thirsty Thousands in Oklahoma. s HOSTS OF OTHER TROUBLES. A Railroad Wreck and Some Shootins Make Matters Lively." WRANGLING OYER TOWN LOT CLAIMS. The Opening of the Territory at Noon Mon day Was n. Farce Many Persons Were in Biding: in Advance All of tho Cbolce Land Wat Claimed Before the Uonr Government Employes Implicated In tbe Deal Only One Murder In the Vicinity of Gntbric Tho Booming City of King fisher Official Reports Sent to Wash-incton. ' The Territory of Oklahoma is one sea of trouble. The disputes over land claims are but a small part of the difficulties. Some of the boomers have to sleep in the open air without a blanket. It is almost impossible to secure even water to drink. Open charges are made that the Territory was filled by men in the interest of speculators in advance of the time of opening. All of ' the town sites and chojee claims were thns secured. The worst tales of bloodshed are so far unconfirmed. But one man has been killed near Guthrie. rsrxciAi. telegbam to the DisrATcn.l Guthrie, April 23. A railroad wreck occurred early this morning eight miles be , low this point. At first all sorts of sensa tional stories were circulated as to the num ber of killed and injured. Two freicht trains had collided, and the passengers who were on the caboose cars jumped in time to save themselves. The locomotives were badly damaged. The accident is said to have been due to the negligence of the night operator at this place. As this is a single track road all trains are blocked. The settlers at the point retired last night- without a quarreL All during the night the click of the hammer could be heard on all sides of the town. This morning at 2 o'clock the homesteaders began to assemble at the land offices and at 5 o'clock there . were 3,000 men waiting in line to make fil ings for claims. A Source of Annoyance. Great annoyance is caused by the railroad ulingto deliver freight. Tentavsbipped from Kansas City ten days ago haveiot ar rived yet. A large number of boomers slept, or rather tried to obtain rest last night, out on the ground without as much ts a blanket to protect them from the damn. Another annoying yiact is the scarcity of water. There is a creek running through the town, but the water is red and blackish. There is a large water tank at the station, and some of the settlers paid 25 cents for a pail ot water at this reservoir. The noon hour for opening the territory was a farce. The brush and ravines were fall of men when the time came to settle on the land. Much dissatisfaction exists here on account of this fact, and no doubt in some cases the charge is true that 'certain men interested in real estate and other speculative schemes 'had men concealedhere to squat on lots the moment the sun marked 12 o'clock. Complaints Are tone and Load. Another cause for complaint is that Gov ernment employes have filed claims and taken town lots in direct violation of the law. There are as yet no telegraphic facili ties at this point for the convenience of the commercial world. There is an office here, bnt strict orders 'are in force to take nothing except railroad matter. Deputy Marshal J. G- Varnnm, who has just arrived here, says that Martin Colbart, a wealthy citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, was killed in a quarrel over a claim by a man named Noland. About 14 miles west of Oklahoma City a man was found dead on a claim. Another man who gave his name as Martin was sitting about 20 yards from the dead man taking things coolly and quietly. Upon being questioned as to the cause of the shooting, he informed the deputy that he had, a few moments before noon on x Monday, left his wife and children on the t, r - other side of the river, and, arriving on his claim, had some difficulty with the man whom he shot in self-defense. About three miles west of Guthrie there was a duel be tween a man who had been sleeping in the brush,for the last two or three weeks and another man who came through on the first train. It is said that the man who.had been hiding in order to jump the claim V ordered his rival off, and, on his refusal to go, leveled a "Winchester and fired three bullets into his body. Some Ratber Exciting Scenes. j iOverin the new town of Noble Deputy Z, Martin says the scenes were the most ex citing. Texas cowboys and Chickasawa hllfbreeds mounted all of the ponies that conldiBeSfound and started on a dead run with'Winchesters in their hands. Their horses were urged to the greatest possible speed and took equal interest in the chase. These men were employed by a wealthy Texan colony, and within a few hours after noon they had the town government organ ised. - L. L. Howe was elected Mayor, Albert t? Bennie is the United States Commissioner. The town has a population of 15,000 people. j , Some of its prominent citizens are S. J.Gar- vin, G. W. Kimbling, James Bennie, "W. M. Howard, Isaac Precitt, Adam Beatty and Hugh Campor. The military has an easy job looking alter Guthrie. Not a , single disturbance except town lot wrang ling has yet occurred. Some of the boomers here have organized v a town to be called "West Guthrie. It is a question though whether they can do this ileFaUy ftoat satisfying lour, or five cn-"- testants for this claim and several boomers had already squatted on different portions of it The Only Murder Near Guthrie. About 5 o'clock in the evening, a pistol report across the Cottonwood creek, west of the denot, outside of the town site reserve, attracted attention. In a moment a man on horseback went west over the hill at a break-neck speed. Two deputy United States marshals went over, but were told that nothing had ocean ed. A correspond ent got a boat and crossed the stream, how ever, to investigate. In the bushes were collected half a dozen men. On the ground and beside a half made grave was stretched all that was left of S. T. Compis. A ball from a revolver had passed entirely through his breast, com ing out of the back. He lived half an hour after being shot and was dead when the re porter reached him. Efforts were made to conceal the body, and only an assurance of the strictest confidence allowed.the reporter there, and then he did not reveal his busi ness. The face was at once recognized as that of a man who had eaten dinner with the scribe. Then Compis said he and his partner had entered Guthrie on ponies. All the lots were gone and they swam the Cottonwood and had staked a claim. As they were driving the last stakes, a fellow was discov ered in the bushes on the bank of the creek. It Was a Disputed Claim. This man said he had already staked his claim. Compis and his partner offered to divide. To this the fellow objected and warned them he would shoot before he would divide. Compis did not believe this threat, and as he leftsthe meal tent ha said he should sleep on that claim. Half an hour afterward Compis was shot by the first claimant as he stood by his pony, bridle in hard. His murderer got away before Compis companion could realize what had been done. 'Believing secrecy the easiest way out, Compis' partner dragged the dying man into the bushes and said no one had been hurt. He would not give his name and the peculiarity of the situation pre vented a searching inquiry. The dead man was about 30 years old and had black hair and eyes. Compis' companion took possession of the murderer's outfit of a wagon and two horses. The man will never return, as he knew his shot was fatal. The body was buried in the bushes. This was the only murder near Guthrie. A BOOMING CITY. Kingfisher is Already a Place of Impor tnnce No Bloodshed In That- Sec tion of the Territory Two Young Lady Settlers. rSFCCIAI. TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCII.l Ft. Reno, April 23. An Indian courier is just in from Kingfisher, with the details of the settlement of the Territory in that vi cinity. So tar there has been no bloodshed, and the disputes are confined to wordy quar rels concerning town lots and choice home steads. There are about a half dozen claim ants for each of the more desirable town lots. The streets are already named. Chicago avenue is halt a mile long. The offices of the Bock Island Bailroad, the Cannon Ball stage line, and other corporations are in one building; which is in a canvas tent 10 feet by 12. The first arrival at King fisher was "W. B. Guthrie, from Custer county, Nebraska. He rode a slim, bay mare, and covered the 25 miles in one hour and three quarters. Not 20 feet behind him was "W. C. Yocum, of Harper, Kan. The two rode side by side the whole way. "W. JH. Donley, of Harper, and Jerry Netter, of Leoti, came just behind. They were alter town Jots. Almost every Kingfisher man wears a six-shooter and wears it where he can get it very easily, but all are good humored, and matters will probably be settled by law. The town is spreading over the whole sec tion. Two young ladies named Gillette took a claim just this tide of the north line. The men stare them a show and their claim is not disputed. They were in an open buggy with a sorrel mule, and a tent dang ling behind. A man named Hoper has a lot here and his sign reads: "Keep off this claim; 1 have a gun." This evening the ladies were on hand and strolling about as spectators. A few gamblers have arrived and two lawyers' signs are up. DISGUSTED SETTLERS Who Are Crowded Out of Oklahoma Will Invndc tbe Cherokee Strip. Arkansas Crrr, April 23. A meeting of Oklahoma boomers despairing of se curing claims in the territory was held in the Opera House here this evening. There was a very large and enthusiastic attendance. Speeches were made announcing the manner in which Oklahoma was settled. It was freely declared that the large bodies of men posed as United States marshals in order to get into tbe country and selected the best claims and that this was unfair to law-abiding settlers. They came to secure homes and as they could not get them in Oklahoma they were going to have them in the Cherokee strip. About 500 men in Arkansas City to-night have pledged themselves to go over to-morrow to the Cherokee strip and stake claims and let the consequences be what they may. HAIL KODTES FOR OKLAHOMA. Official Keports Indicate That Everything Is In Good Shape. "Washington, April 23. Second As sistant Postmaster Genera! "Whitfield has under consideration the establishment of several Star mail routes through Oklahoma. It is expected one or more will be decided upon to-morrow. The Secretary of tiife Iu terior to-day -received telegraphic reports from department inspectors stationed at Guthrie, Oklahoma and Arkansas City, Kan. The former says: Everything is qniet here. A good class of people in charge of affairs. Guthrie Land Office in full operation. Kingfisher will open about Thursday. The people will accept the town site quietly and await legislation to per feet their titles. There is absolutely no ground for administrative uneasiness. A public meet ing here to-night as orderly and conservative In character as It would be in Mew York. A BRAVE REVENUE AGENT. Heavy Hani of Illicit Distillers Made In Kentucky. ISFZCIAt. TELEGRAM TO TH1 DI6FATCH.1 Louisville, April 23. News has reached here that Bevenue Agent Ed M. Brown, at the head of a force of 11 men, has reached Prestonburg, in Floyd county. His band was a de tachment of the strong party sent out three weeks since on the great raid against the mountain moonshiners. Agent Brown and his men arrived at Prestonburg from a long and successful journey through the wildest part of the mountains. They took 28 prisoners, destroyed 14 illicit dis tilleries and threw out about 8,000 gallons of mash and GOO gallons of whisky. They traveled through Magoffin, Knott.Breathttt, Perry, Setcher and Pike counties. lie Used to Smoke Cigarettes. Rockland, Me., April 23. "Willie F. Welch, aged 12, died this morning from im moderate cigarette- smoking, affecting his brain and nerves, causing death. f for IWfattg TOPE LEO'S LETTER. The Wishes of the Holy See In Relation to the New University at Washington It is Called a Most Praise worthy Undertaking. Baltimore, April 23. The Catholic Mirror to-morrow will publish the follow ing brief addressed to the American Bishops by Pope Leo XIII., setting forth the grants and wishes of the Holy See in relation to the Catholic College at "Washington: The earnestness with which you apply your selves to the preservation of Catholic piety, to promote the interests of your dioceses, and especially to supply safeguards by which pro vision is made for the proper training of clergy men and young laymen in sound doctrine in every branch of scienco. sacred and profane, gives us cause of great joy. Therefore very welcome were your letters sent to us toward the close of last year, in which you state the commenced work of the great Ljcenm or University at Washington, which you were promoting, had so far pro gressed that all things are now ready for the teaching of theology this year and we joyously accept your university laws and statutes which you submitted to onr authority and judgment. In which matter we judge your purpose most praisen orthy, that j ou have resolved to set up in the centennial year of the establishment of the ecclesiastical hierarchy there a monument and popular memorial of that auspi cious event hy founding the university. Therefore, anxious to satisfy forth with your just desires, we intrusted your university laws brought for examination and recognition to the most eminent Cardinals of the propoganda, that they might give us their judgment concerning tbem. Now, their opinions having been laid before us, gladly your request we sanction by these letters the statutes and laws of your university, and we give to tbe same tbeproper rigbts of a full and regular university. Therefore we grant power to yonr university to promote students whose knowledge shall have been tested to academic degrees and to the degree of doctorship in theology, philoso phy and canon law. and in otber sciences in which it Is customary to confer degrees and doctorship when, in coming years, the teaching of tbem shall have been established in your university. HARRISON A HAYES. Mr. McMnnes Thinks the President Has Started ont Badly Ho Cannot Un derstand Quay The Break With Sherman a Surprise. 1FKOM A STAFF COERESFOXDEXT. Harrisburg, April 23. James Mc Manes was quietly moving about the House to-day to infuse new life into the judicial salary bill providing for an aggregate in crease of about $150,000 a year to the Su preme Court and other Judges. Mr. Mc Manes found aTittle time to talk politics while not busy interviewing members in the interest of his pet scheme. He did not talk like one particularly enamored of the national administration. He said: Harrison has started out badly, and we will have another Hayes administration. I am out of politics myself, bnt I want recognition for my friends according to the service I have rendered the party. I was to see Quay in Washington recently, and he treated me a little pettishly, I thought. I may bave been mistaken, though, as you cannot always read tbe minds of people correctly. I cannot fully understand Quay. I asked him about the sug gested appointment of Fields as postmaster of Philadelphia, and he said he thought tbe Post master General should havo the selection of a postmaster for that city. Senator Cameron, he said, agreed with him in according Wanamaker that privilege, but the understanding between them (Cameron and Qnay) was that a selection should be made that was satisfactory to both. I have read the statement that Qnay is very Indignant because Senator Sherman captured the United States Solicitorsbipfrom.Pennsvl- "Vanla. If he has broken with Sherman ttls very singular, as he stuck very closely to the Ohio Senator'at Chicago. In fact, he held me to Sherman when there was a strong disposi tion in the delegation to break away from his support for President. RAKE COINS LOST. Thieves Make a RlchHa.ul nt Allentown A Nnnlsmatist Bobbed. rSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO TDK DISPATCH.l Allentown, April 23. One of the most daring robberies on record in this section was perpetrated last evening at the resi dence of Jacob G. Beichard, a well-known sporting man, on the Allentown and Beth lehem turnpike, just beyond the city limits. The robbers were successful in taking away articles valued at nearly 54,000, the major portiou of which was in cash. To-day Mr. and Mrs. Beichard left home at noon to come to town to witness the Knights of the Golden Eagle demonstra tion. At a quarter past 8 this evening they started for home. When they came to the rear of the house Mrs. Beichard saw that something was wrong. She feared someone was in the house and she fainted. Mr. Beichard drew his revolver, struck a light and entered the house. Ashe came into the sitting room he saw a man leap bodily through the fly-net door and disappear in the darkness. Mr. Beichard followed, but failed to find the mau. On returning to the house he fonnd everything in confusion from cellar to attic. Every drawer w as ransacked and the contents emptied on the floor. In Mr. Beichard's room is where the thieves made their biggest haul. An an tique walnut cabinet where large sums of money were kept was broken open. Mr. Beichard was a numismatist, whose collec tion was perhaps the most complete and valu able in these parts, and in which he took great pride. The entire collection was stolen, together with about 5700 in silver, 5000 in gold and about 5300 in greenbacks, four gold watches valued at over $300, a number of other articles of jewelry and four revolvers. HIGHER PRICES BUT THE SAME WAGES. The Alleged Effect ot Tariff Legislation in Sweden, as Reported. "Washington, April 23. Mr. Eufus Magee, the United States Minister to Swe den, says: "There has been a de'erease both in quality and quantity of agricultural products during 1888, while prices are higher than in ten years preceding that of 1888." The enhanced price, Mr. Magee says, is due to the tariff laws enacted. Minister Magee says that he has made con siderable inquiry with regard to the effect of these laws upon the prices of food sup plied and labor. The result, he says, shows that food supplies have been increased in price for 20 to 50 per cent. "There has been," adds the report, "no corresponding benefit. Wages have not in creased or employment been more general. The increased cost of living, with no pro portionate increase in price of labor, has enforced the greatest economy with the people, a people whose habits of daily life so tar as expenditure goes were as low as subsistence could be reduced apparently. Now the more puzzling problem is, how will tne poorer class meet this additional charge. It can only be by consuming less, and this means an increase of the poor" THE STANDARD'S LITTLE OFFER. It Wonld Like to Bay Up the Peerless OH Refinery. v rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Findlat, April 23. The Peerless Oil Befinery, of this city, which has been re fining Ohio petroleum for the past two years, and is one of the.three independent refineries in this field, has received a proposition from tbe Standard Oil Company to buy out the plant at a fair price. "Whether the Peerless people will accept the figure offered cannot be ascertainedto night. PITTSBURG, ' WEDNESDAY," APRIL 24, 1889. A LIAR AND A COWARD Is What General Hastings is Called by Captain Armes, Under Oath. THE DEFENDANT ON THE STAND Tells His Side of the Story in a Cool, Calm, and Concise Manner. HE DOESN'T REFLECT ON GEN. BEAVER, Bat Be Declares the Adjutant General is by Ko Means . a Gentleman. Captain Armes, on the stand in his own defense in his court martial, exonerates Governor Heaver from the charges that the Captain's snubbing during the inaugura tion parade was due to the Governor's in terference. Adjutant General Hastings doesn't escape so easily. He is called a liar and a coward by the Captain, who tells his story of the snubbing and the assault on Governor Bearer in an otherwise calm and cool way, ISFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Washington, April 23. "General Hastings is a liar and a coward." So said Captain Armes in Jus statement to the court-martial to-day, referring to the Ad jutant General of Pennsylvania. The story ot the Captain is interesting in that it shows General Hastings to have had a more prom inent part in the occurrences which led up to the oourt-martial than has heretofore ap peared, and also in that he denies for the first time that he intended to pull Governor Beaver's nose. Following is au abstract of his statement: ? "During the month of January, whije General Barnum, of New York, was in this city, he asked me to find quarters for his troops, and offered me an appointment on his staff. I declined, as I expected an ap pointment from General Beaver. Several days passed, and not hearing from Governor Beaver, I tendered my services' to the Gov ernor by letter. On the 13th of February I received an appointment on Governor Beaver's staff, signed Adjutant General Hastings. I accepted February 16 by let ter. Mv letter of acceptance bore my name in print at the top of the page, and there I could be no mistake m the name. nis influence at headquarters. "About the 19th or 20th of February I took one or two gentlemen to headquarters, and several were appointed upon my recom mendation. Some time later, while at head quarters, General Hastings came up to me and informed me my appointment was a mistake. I said: 'This in very peculiar, General; some one has induced you to take my name from the list.' He replied that this was not the case'. I asked him to ex plain, and he declined to talk any further about it. I returned to my office and wrote him a letter asking why my name did not appear in the published list of aids. This letter was inclosed in an envelope antidver tising envelope concerning some claims in Mexico which bore the address: 'Hell in Texas.' He seemed to take offense at this." Captain Armes testified further that Gen eral Hastings replied to this letter by simply informing him that His appointment was a mistake. Some days afterward, when Gov ernor Beaver was in the city, 'witness called upon him, and in the presence of General Hastings asked him if he had received a telegram from General Hastings regarding the correction of the mistake. HOW 1HE CAPTAIN WAS SNUBBED. Governor Beaver replied he had heard nothing, whereupon General Hastings whispered something to him. Then Gover nor Beaver said: "Captain Armes, the commissions are all out and the aids ap pointed and you had better ride in General Barnum's division. T will send you a com mission when I return to Harrisburg." After some further conversation, General Hastincrs flew into a rage and ordered wit ness out of the door. For this conduct he afterward apologized. Captain Armes said he afterward received an appointment to ride in the parade in a position near the President's party. While riding peaceably along in the procession Colonel Gibson rode up to him in a gait be tween a walk and gallop and said: "You must get out of this procession." In re sponse to witness' query as to what the trouble was, Colonel Gibson replied that Captain Armes had no business in'the pa rade. Colonel Gibson then took hold of Captain Armes' cape, and Captain Bourke rode up and grasped his bridle-rein, both being very violent in their manner, and, without giving him time to explain, handed him over to the police, and he was put out of the parade. NOT LIKE SOBER SOLDIERS. Captain Armes testified that he still be lived that Colonel Gibson and Captain Bourke acted in adrunken and disorderly manner,and he believed it simply because it was hardly credible that two officers of the regular army could act in such a violent and uncalled for manner if they were sober. Captain Armes stated his'case to the conrt clearly and concisely, and during the recital his manner was calm, dignified and placid. He read to the court his letter to Governor Beaver, heretofore published. Not receiv ing any reply to his letter, witness called upon Governor Beaver ten days later, at the Biggs House. When General Beaver came in he extended his hand to witness and greeted him. Governor Beaver told him he had decided not to send him a commission, as he had agreed to. Governor Beaver de clined to apologize for Captain Armes' mis- treatment iu mc puruue, una reiusea to say anything further in the matter, and moved off. "I then reached up my hand, as he started off," continued "Coptain Armes, "to detain him. He took this as an insult, and I was taken hold of by Hewes, the hotel police man. Upon being released I walked qui etly out of the hotel, and went about my business." THE APPEAL FOE" MERCY. Captain Armes recited his correspondence with the Inspectol General relative to the investigation of charges against him, and his subsequent summons before the court martial. He also read to the court his let ter to Governor Beaver asking him to re quest that further proceedings in the court martial be stopped. "I did not make this appeal, as has been stated, on behalf of my family." explained Captain Armes. "I never pleaded to escape from anv merited punishment on account of myjamily. During the time I was trying to g"et restored to the army I never asked my wife to say a single word in iny behalf. The court will notice that in none of my let ters have I reflected upon Governor Beaver. I do reflect upon General Hastings. In my letter to Governor Beaver, you notice I say 'General Hastings is not a gentlemen.' I further state here that General Hastings is a liar and a coward." s Judge Hubbell, counsel for the defense, rested nis case here and proceeded with his plea. In the course of a history of his career Captain Armes revealed the nature of the secret testimony given by Colonel Swords and Sergeant at Arms Canaday. In effect it was that Armes was one of ten picked men, sworn to secrecy, who were to act as a special bodyguard of the President. His orders were secret, and even Governor Bearer did not know about them. NO LONGER A HAYEN. Canada Passes the Law Refusing a Refago to American "Boodlcrs Tho Retro- -nciive Clause Stricken Out A Lone Debnto on the Measure. Ottawa, Ont., April 23. Prof. "Wel don's extradition bill came up for a second reading. Mr. "Weldon pointed out that in view of Canada's peculiar geographical po sition the necessity for a change in the ex isting treaty, nearly 50 years old, was very urgent. Canada, he declared, was there fore compelled to seek relief from the pres ent system. The border counties of tbe do minion were haunted by American crim inals. In addition, the bill would cover the case of American boodlers who came north'to flaunt their ill-gotten gains, thus corrupting the morals of Canadian business men. "What he desired was a statutory order, rather than a treaty, whereby Canada an nounced to all nations her willingness to hand over fugitives from justice. Extra dition treaties are a menace to the peace of nations at times. Ho referred to the fa mous Winslow extradition case of 12 years ago, when the relations between England and the United States were' strained. He could not imagine that Parliament was giving anything away in passing the law. It would, however, purge the soil of a dangerous element and cleanse what could be only regarded just" now as Augean stable. He appealed to the House to sup port the bill for patriotic motives. The measure, he explained, would be applied to all countries whether Canada had an extra dition treaty with them or not. , Mr. Leveruemoved an amendment that the retroactive clause be struck out. He said itwas not desirable to deliver np Amer ican visitors wTio had settled up the amount of their defalcations after reaching Canada, the majority of whom were now leading re spectable lives. Colonel Tisdale, Hon. Pe ter Mitchell and Hon. David Mills sup ported the amendment, which was adopted. Another clause was also adopted." It pro vides that the Government to which an offender is surrendered mustgiveaguarantee that the prisoner will only be tried tor the offense tor which he is extradited. Fraud committed by bankers and corporation em ployes was also added !o the schedule of offenses. The bill was then read the third time and passed. A STANDARD SCOOP. Tho Octopns Adds Another Limb to Its Huge Frame Tho St. Louis Gas Trust Swallowed Up A Piece of Prop erty Valued at 93,230, 000 Swallowed Up. rSriCIAL TELEGHAM TO THE DISFJLTCn.l St. Louis, April 23. The Standard Oil Company has added another gigantic monopoly to its list. During the past few days it has purchased the St. Louis Gas Trust for 95,250,000, and has now full con trol of the gas business of St Louis. The negotiations were carried on throueh H. H. Holliss & Co., of New York. W. H. Thompson, the President of the trust, strenuously denies that the purchasers are the United Gas Improvement Company of Philadelphia, but notwithstanding this there is little doubt they are purchasers, In the company are John D. Bockefeller, W. W. Gibbs, W. G. Warden and others who are not only among the principal owners of the Philadelphia trust, bnt equally inter ested in the Standard Oil Company. In other words, the, gas interest of St. Louis, when the sale is effected, will be consoli dated and pass under the control of the gigantic corporation referred to above. By thia-salo-435O,00CUwiU-be-paid to the present owners of the Laclede Gas Com pany for their plant and franchise, and $520, 000 to the owners of the trust. This is based on a calculation of 25,000 shares of Laclede at $140 a share, and 60,000 trust certificates at $87 50 each. This will aggregate $875,000, which will be released from present invest ment. Trust certificates were to be paid for either at the Bank of Commerce of St. Louis, or at the office of the Central Trust Company of New York, upon presenting the certificates at either of these places, in the followine manner: Ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid May 15, 10 per cent June 1, 30 per cent June 15 and 50 percent July 1. The purchasers, after clos ing the deals by which they become owners of the Laclede and the gas" trust, will bond the consolidated corporations at $10,000,000, and holders of the trust certificates, stock owners in the Laclede, will be given the privilege of taking these bonds at their par value, with a bonns of 12 per cent, in pre ferred stock. Otherwise they will be paid in cash, on the terms mentioned above. A I0UNG GIRL'S LARK. She is Sent to Jnil for Stopping a Long; Island Railroad Train. NEW York, April 23. Sixteen-year-old Ida wood was arraigned before Justice Kav anagh in the Long Island City Police Court yesterday on a charge of attempted suicide. On Thursday morning of last week she laid herself on the track in front of an approaching passenger train on -the Manhattan Beach branch of the Loi)g Island Bailroad, .near the Myrtle avenue crossing, in Bidgewood. She did not get off the track until the engineer stopped the train. When she did get off, the train proceeded on its way. On the retnrn of the train, ahont a half an hour later, she did the same thing. Miss Wood said she merely put her ear to .the track to hear the noise ot the approach ing train. She was sentenced to 60 days in the county jaiH It was made pretty clear thatvshe had no idea of committing suicide. A NEW SUNDAY LAW. The Vnnderbilt Railroads to Cut Down Sabbath-Day Freights. ISrEClAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCB.t New York, April 23. All the Vander bilt roads east of Chicago will on May 1 abandon a great proportion of tbeir Sunday freight trains. Even next Sunday fewer trains than- usual will be run. "For a year past," said President Chauncey M. Depew,' u-uigut, jut. isurueuus . vanueruut uas been urging the change. It is not possible, of course, for us to stop all Sunday freights. There are certain kinds of freight which must be moved. "We expect to reduce the number of men employed in the Sunday traffic by from 33 to 50'per cent." Mr. Depew said the chauge would affect all the Yanderbilt roads east of Chieago. BR0DIE ECLIPSED. ASboemnker Jnuips Off the Brooklyn Bridge and Is Arrested. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.l New York, April 23. Patrick Carroll, a young Irish shoemaker, whose parents re side in Astoria, jumped Irom the Brooklyn bridge about 6.30 o'clock this evening. Earlier in the day, "while in Bridge Jumper Prodie's" " saloon, he had declared that he would accomplish the feat. He was under the influence of liquor. After his fall he began swimming about in the river, but told the tug men he wanted to drown. They dragged him out and left him on the dock. After the police found him he was taken io a hospital and wasjiJSj nouueeu umujureu. biitiuii xa uuuur arrcau His leap was from a higher point than Brodie's. New Boats Put In Commission. Washington, April 23. The new gun boat Yorktown at League Island, was put in commission to-day, and the Adams was commissioned at Mare Island yesterday. BOULMfiEE IS BUST Getting Ready for His Enforced Trip From Brussels to London. HE WILL TRAVEL IN PINE STILE. The Hidden Financial Bureau Will Still be Well Supplied. LORD SALISBURY AIRS HIS IDEAS. He Eidicnlea the Very Thought of Home Sale for the Irish People. Bonlanger will to-day go from Brussels to London. He will journey by special steamer and train and be accompanied by his friends. It Js stated that his finances will continue to meet all demands for campaign purposes. Premier Salisbury has expressed his views on the political situation in Great Britain. Mr. Chamberlain has written a sarcastic reply tcLord Randolph Churchill. BY CABLE TO THE DISFATCH.2 Brussels, April 23. Copyright. General Bonlanger has been overwhelmed with business iu the last day or two es pecially and-has rarely had time to feel un happy. When your correspondent saw him this afternoon he had been engaged for hours reading and answering telegrams and letters of condolence upon the action of the Belgian Government, which has been se cretly bullied into giving him notice to quit. Boulanger's face showed that the work had not been enlivening. To-morrow the General and his friends must exchange pleasant Brussels for noisy London. They contemplate with horror the prospect of a sea passage. Boulanger, Bochefort, Turquet, in fact all except Dil lon, are very bad sailors. The weather re ports from Ostend are appaling. A gale is blowing and the waves are said to be mount ainous. By 1 o'clock to-morrow there will not be enough dignity left among the whole party to impress the youngest of the snig gering mob of male and female visitors at Dover, whose great and daily delight is to weather on the pier and watch the woe begone travelers land from the cross-channel steamers. All the trains from Paris have to-day brought contingents of Boulangists, among them the Duchess D'Uses and the Marquis de Vallarde, tbe latter bearing the agreeable news that he had so arranged matters that the financial machine would run as smoothly in London as in Paris or Brussels. The Duchess looked livelier than the rest, espe cially after learning that Mme. de Bonne main was so ill that she would not be able to accompany the General to London. Bon langer and his party will embark at Ostend at 9 to-morrow morning and should reach Dover about 1. As they will probably not be in any con dition to enjoy a meal while on the bound, ing billows, a half hour has been prudently reserved for lunch at Dover, London being reached at 3:15. Bonlanger will travel in royal style, for Sir Edward Watkin, Presi dent of the Southeastern Bailroad, a shrewd worshiper of rising suns, has placed a spe cial steamer and a special train at the Gen eral's disposalvand will accept no payment. There is some talk of farewell demonstra tions here,.but Boulanger says he would rather go away quietly. LORD SALISBURY TALKS. Ireland Has No Slore Right to Home Rnle Tbaa Connty Cornwall. London, April 23. Lord Salisbury de livered an address at Bristol to-day. He spoke of the growth of the Primrose League, which, he said, was marvelous. The league, he declared", was of transcendental value in the solution of any current politi cal question, as it was a noble instrument with which to blend the classes and the masses. He hoped that ere long the Gov ernment would settle the troubles which were menacing the internal peace of the na tion. The Government was confronted with a combination of political opposition with predatory .greed such as no Government had ever faced before. The Government relied upon the continued confidence of the coun try to enable it to overcome this combination. Continuing, Lord Salisbury ridiculed the agitation in favor of home rule in Ireland. He declared that the county of Cornwall, by its distinct racial origin, its language, its tradition, and its history, bad as much claim for a separate Parliament as Ireland. The nationality argument was insincere. It was more fruitful of sophistry and clap trap, and more barren of solid sense than anything that was ever before the country. It would sacrifice the first interests of in dustry and commerce to a mere empty senti-i ment. The Unionists were confronted with two phalanxes, one political, the other criminal, both converging to a common end, and that is to make the execntion of the law in Ire laud impossible. It was a miserable specta cle to see members of Parliament standing up to defend embezzlement and fraudt The Unionists, conscious of their high calling, ought not to allow personal considerations to enter into electoral questions. They should not poach on each other's grounds, but should combine in support of the man most likely to win. CHAMBERLAIN TO CHURCHILL. Tho Liberal Unionist Comes Bnck at the t Young Tory Lord. London, April 23. Mr. Joseph Cham berlain has written a reply to the letter ad dressed to him by Lord B.indolph Church ill in which he says: "I will endeavor in all humility to profit by your advice. Al though I fear the task of reconciliating our conflicting views and interests is not made easier by your communications." In regard to future" action he says the Conservatives and Liberal-Unionists ought to make it a point to canvas and ascertain their relative force in Birmingham and after ward to submit their differences to arbi tra tion. THE GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE. Minnesota Farmers Alarmed Over tbe Re appearance of a Dreaded Scourge. St. Paul, Minn., April 23. The farmers of Minnesota are threatened with another grasshopper pestilence. The scourge has appeared in Otter Tail couuty, and the State authorities have set about wiping it out, as it was successfully done last year. The first thing done will be to plow the land wherever tbe eggs are found. It is estimated that there are about 5,000 acres on the Perham prairie which will re quire this treatment. Last year nothing was done until the hoppers hatched, when a reward of SI a bushel was paid for catching them. Over 17,000 bushels were caught. Parasites arc very numerous wherever eggs are to be found, and it is hoped they Till fulfill their mission, which entomologists say is to kill tHo hop pers and destroy their eggs. The Clether all prairie, which is about 30 miles this side of Perham, which was affected last year, will also be plowed. J -i - A RICH HARVEST DREAD YELLQ.W JACK. The Fever Said to Have Snrely Appeared nt "-anford, Florida Jacksonville Excited by the Report Ar. rangements for a Quar antine If Necessary. "Washington, April 23. Surgeon Gen eral Hamilton, ot the Marine Hospital Ser vice, was informed to-day by the President of the Board of Health of Sanford, Fla., that a case of yellow fever existed in that city. Dr. Hamilton says every precaution has been taken to prevent the spread of the disease, and no danger is apprehended. A special to The Dispatch from Jack sonville says: At a late hour no further details have been received of tbe supposed case of yellow fever at Sanford, 150 miles south of us. There is a mass of conflicting rumors, nd the current foundation for the report seems to be that there was a sudden death there early this morning, but I cannot learn whether male or female, but think it was the latter a Mrs, Dumont, wife of a baker. Much to the disappointment of people here no report.was received to-night from Dr. Daniel. The house and other people in it have been isolated, and every precaution taken to prevent spread of dis ease if it is genuine fever. Authorities here are alert and watching closely over the interests of this city. They are in telegraphic communication with Dr. Daniel. The moment that it is necessary a cast-iron quarantine will be placed here, as every move has been made to that end. Citi zens here display little excitement over ru mors, as all are confident of the ability of our health authorities to keep the city safe. Groups of people are on the streets discus sing many wild and conflicting rumors that prevail, but there seems to be an utter ab sence of any panicky feeling. President Neal Mitchell, of the County Board of Health, savs that they are watching things closely and will protect the city at all haz ards, and that no risks will be run. Great excitement is reported at Sanford. The steamer leaving here daily for Sanford is still at the dock and will not leave until all is pronounced safe at Sanford. Jackson ville is in .grand sanitary condition, and the health officials are fully alive to their re sponsibilities. Surgeons Hutton and Posey both investigated the city last week and made most favorable report, the latter say ing that he would stake his reputation on our healthfulness this season. AT SANTOS AND BIO. There Have Been 18G Deaths From Yellow Fever In 4 Days. Baltimore, April 23. Health Commis sioner Stuart of this city to-day received a dispatch from- Surgeon General Hamilton of the Marine Hospital service, United States Navy, notifying him that at Santos and Bio, two ports from which" tbe coffee importers of this city received almost all of their coffee, the yellow fever is raging with greater virulence than ever before. The doctors of Bio have become so much alarmed at the prospective loss of commece of the country that they now call the disease nccesso pernissioso, hoping that the new name will ally the fears of foreign corres pondents. At the time of the report from Bio there had. been 186 deaths from yellow fever in four days. WHEN A CRIPPLE IS CRIPPLED. Commissioner Tanner Renders Another Im portant Pension Decision. "Washington, April 23. Corporal Tan ner, the Commissioner of Pensions, to-day rendered an important decision, in passing upon the application of John AVebb, late "private Company D, Indiana cavalry, for an increase of pension from S24 to $30 per month. Webb is receiving the foruer rate of pension for varicose veins of the left leg, and asked for the increase on the ground that a disability in the foot now exists. Referring to the increase asked for the Commissioner says, in his opinion, that it was not the intention of Congress, in using the words "total disability," to debar claim ants for pension from the benefits of the act until the hand, loot, arm or leg is a worth less incumbrance in motion and completely useless for any purposes whatever. Here after, he says, total disability shall be held to exist when the affected member, by reason of wound, injury or disease, is useless in the performance of ordinary manual labor. A LONESOME VOYAGE. Otto Falke, onaWnger,Starts From Bangor for New Orleans in a Small Boat. Bangor, Me., April 23. Three weeks ago Otto Falke, of New York, made a heavy wager with a iriend that he would make the voyage from Bangor to New Orleans in an open boat and alone. A few days since, he purchased a trim row boat, 14 feet long, and at 9 o'clock this morning Falke boarded his craft, carrying along with him a few packages of provisions and some nautical instruments. He pushed offand, with a fair wind and swift current, was soon out of sight down the Penobscot on bis way to New Orleans. The only stops which Falke has thus far decided upon will be at Bockland, 60 miles down the bay, and at New York. SHE LOST HER HAIR. Lightning Plays a Queer Freak With a West Virginia Woman. JBPaekebsburg, W. Va., April 23. A strange electrical freak occurred near Eliza beth, Wjrt county, a day or two ago. A heavy thunder storm pessed over the resi dence of Mr. S. P. Barnes. A terrific flash of lightning followed, striking tbe house and scattering the building in every direction. Mrs. Barnes was stand ing in the middle of the floor at the time with a glass jar of canned fruit in berhand. Tbe jar was broken and scattered and the woman's hair burned close to her head; still neither Mrs. Barnes nor her two children, both of whom were present, were otherwise injured. A QUEER ACCIDENT. How a. Carpet Tack Caused a Detroit Woman to Lose lief Eyesight. Detroit, April 23. Mrs. Oliver C. Bloom loses both of her eyes in a curious way. "While taking np a carpet she en deavored to pry out a tack with a table knife. The spring of the knife blade threw the tack up with such force that the point entered Mrs. Bloom's eyeball, and the aqueous humor ran out. The eye was finally taken out, but it had been allowed to remain too long, ar.d Mrs. Bloom's other eve became affected. Yesterdav that eye also was taken out. Her husband is a letter THfTUGHT THEY WERE WHITE CAPS. Princes of the Orient Worship tbo San on nn Indiana htreet, Mt. Vernon, Ind., April 23. Great ex citement was caused here to-day by a body of masked men, who marched up Main street, formed in a crescent on the Public Square and bowed in the dust, presumably worshiping the sun. Many colored people thought they were White Caps, and left the town. Investiga tion revealed the fact that they were the Princes of the Orient celebrating the Feast of the Famine, or Koor Day. Next Tuesday's Official Satnte. "Washington, April 23. The Secretary of "War has ordered the commanding officers at all military posts to fire a nationalsalute of 38 guns on April 30, the centenary of the inauguration of "Washington. Win ha reaped by-all -whet advertise to Tbe Dispatch. It reaches every home and is read hy everybody. It yon are la business let the public know it through TUB Dispatch. THREE CENTS A Wi'iAU OF ICE Among tHutifnl Scenery Found by L&Jjnsdale in Hi3 SEARCH FO&ph NORTH POLE. The Largest and Jtost Wonderful Double Waterfall in the World. A TRIP NEYER TO BE FORGOTTEN. His Lordship Crosses Seyeral Mountain Baages Under Difficulties. Lord Lonsdale has reached San Francisco on his return from a trip in search of the North Pole. He didn't find the Pole, but he did have some exciting experiences and saw some beautiful scenery, His own story of his trip is an interesting one. He reached 75 north latitude. rSFZCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBI DISPATCH.I San Francisco, April 23. Lord Lons dale arrived here to-day from Kodiak, and gave full details of his extraordinary voyage to 75 north, and his overland trip across Alaska. He looks in fine condition, and bears no traces of the hardships he en dured. He declared that he penetrated to Bank's Land, in latitude 75, discovered a Niagara of ice 200 feet high, and found that all maps of the Arctic are wrong. Schwatka's so-called military map of Alaska, he says, is a farce, as few of the passes and ravines are indicated. He found little game anywhere, and his hunting ex peditions were failures. Lord Lonsdale reached the Great Slavs lake ia June, last year, and went around it in boats, suffering great hardships. His only white - companion was "William McEwen, a Hudson Bay Company's cook. On Hay river he found one of the com pany's steamers, put on to carry freight up the MeKenzie river. Of this part of his trip his lordship said: LONSDALE'S OWN STORT. "While on the Hay river I saw the most beautiful waterfall in the world. ,It is a horseshoe in shape, and has a sheer fall of 200 feet, with another fall above it. It is about 1 miles wide at the top and 1 miles wide at the bottom. It is more beautiful than Niagara, although there is not the same weight of water. Words cannot describe its magnificence, as great block after block of ice, and icaberg after iceberg come whirling over and down into the abyss below. I went to Peel river in a steamer, and there got a boat and eight natives and started for the Arctic Ocean. It was with tbe greatest difficulty. I could get Indians to go with me, as they were terribly afraid of tbe Esquimaux, who up there are called Huskeys. These Hnskeys seem to be a race by themselves. Instead of being small of stature and dark, as in the case with Esquimaux generally, they are big and talf." These Esquimaux tried to intimidate Lord Lonsdale, but he refused to be frightened by their pretended attempts to stab him, and they ended by becoming his sworn friends. In August, with their help, he arrived at Melville. Island, the farthest north ' ha reached from this point. A LONG WALK FOR A LORD. Lonsdale determined to walk to the Yukon river, acros3 the mountains, a dis ance of SO miles. He reached the Yukon, and floated down the Ajuko, where there is a Bussian missionary's station. The river was then closed, so he determined to strika' of! overland for Katami, opposite Kodiak. He says of this trip: "During the journey we encountered many difficulties, and it was bitterly cold, the lowest the thermometer reached being 64 degrees below zero. It was worst after walking and running all day to have to lie in the snow to sleep. There was no wood to warm our clothing, and we had the great est difficulty in crossing the mountains. The people said it was impossible; that 12 men had died in trying. I started with. 9 sleds and 69 dogs. At the foot of the mountains tbe Indians refused to cross, and tried to desert in the night. I took one of them by the neck and made him go before, and I" walked after him. I took all their rifles and snoweboes, put them in my shed and saton it. At3 o'clock in the morning, when they got up to aban don me in tbe dark, they were surprised to find me before them. AH EXCITING EXPERIENCE. "I started at 6 o'clock that morning in the dark, and had to cross two ranges, the highest of which was 5,200 feet. The cold was intense, and terrible storms would come up at times. When I got across I had only 29 dogs left, all the others having frozen to death. Seven Indians were missing and five sleds. After waiting two days I set out to look for the missing men, and found them in a terrible condition. All the dogs were dead. I brought the men down safe and sound, only their hands and feet being frozen. I waited at Katami until the 16th of March, when the Alaska Company sent a letter to me. Then I waited for the steamer Bertha, on which I have just ar rived." In conclusion, Lord Lonsdale said he did not think anything would be made out of the Yukon mines. There was gold, but onlv in small quantities. The miners were suffering greatly. ME BRIGADE IN NEW YORK". Where the Companies Will be Quartered and When They Will Return. rraOM A STAFF COBKZSPOVDEXT.l Hareisburg, April 23. W. W. Green land, Quartermaster of the Second brigade, has telegraphed General Hastings that the " brigade band, the Tenth, Eighteenth, Fif teenth and Fifth regiments, and Battery B. will be a uartered in New York at the Govern ment bnilding, at tbe corner of Green' and Houston streets. Tho Fourteenth and Six teenth will be quartered in Florence HalL He declares the quarters excellent, and has ar ranged for meals In tbe buildings. Colonel Hawkins, of tbe Tentb, Colonel .Burcbneld, of tho Fifth, and Captain Hunt, ot Battery B, telegraph that they will torn ont a fnll force, with four days' rations. The brigade will leave New York on Tuesday night. Anti-New York Trip Maneuvers: rTIUr A STAFF CORBXSPO.SUE.NT. Harrisburg, April 23. Tbe general appro priation bill will probably come up in the House to-morrow, and if it does the opponents of tbe New York junket will attempt tor kilt the Item for the expense ot the New York trip. Failing in that, their next move will be Jo at tempt to prevent tho adjournment on Monday,. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, that will b8-necessary If tbe Legislature carries out the Intention of the majority. All of Tbem Favored. rrBOJt A STATF COBBXSrOXPEtT.-I Harrisburg, April 23. All tho appropria tion bills for Allegheny county that have passed the House were this evening. -reported by Sen ator Newmyer, from the Appropriations Com mittee, with an affirmative recommendation. Goes to- the Governor. rFBOK A STAFF COBBE8F0XDETT 1 Harrisbubg. April 23. - Representative Bentley's hill creating the office of recorder In cities other than those of tbe first and second class passed flnal reading In thos7nTw,td 'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers