Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 23, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Beally on the Onts and Kothina; at
All Able to Eeconcile Them.
How the Pennsylvania Senators, While Sot
Making Much Headway,
Washington, April 22. Ihe ill feel
ing which has been growing between the
Pennsylvania managers and the Ohio man
agers daring the last few days had its first
public manifestation last evening, when
Senator Quay expressed the opinion that
Senator Sherman had acted discreditably
and dishonorably, and need expect no more
favors from Pennsylvania. It was so unique
ti hear a Senator of the United States ac
cuse another Senator of dishonorable con
duct, and that other Senator John Sherman,
that when the accusation became talked
about nobody believed it Few believe it
this evening, as no confirmation of the mat
ter is published coming from Senator Quay,
and as Senator Sherman denies all the alle
gations against him which are attributed to
Quay. Nevertheless, there is no doubt
abont the authenticity of the allegations.
Senator Quay reiterated his statement this
evening to the correspondent of The Dis
patch, and clenched it with more emphatic
words than he had previously employed.
The cause of the rupture, in brief, is this:
Both Senators had candidates for Deputy
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and
Sherman persuaded Quay to withdraw his
candidate, upon agreeing to let Quay have
the office of Solicitor of Internal Eevenue,
for which place Sherman had presented the
name of Alphonso Hart, a few years ago
Lieutenant Governor ot Ohio Quay back
ing Frank Gilkeson, a prominent lawyer
and politician living at Bristol, near Phila
delphia. Quay went to his Beaverhome, assured
that Gilkeson would be appointed, and was
astonished to discover on his return last
week that Hart had been offered the place.
In view of the fact that Sherman's man
"Wilson had been appointed Deputy Com
missioner of Internal Bevenue, Quay nat
urally thought that Sherman was playing
his hand very high, and concluded to let
the public have the benefit of his wounded
feelings and Sherman's dishonored word.
To the correspondent ot The DISPATCH,
Senator Sherman this evening admitted the
agreement, but said he had nothing to do
with the appointment of Hart That was
accomplished by Butterworth and McKin
ley; that is, in so far as ihe matter had gone.
Hart had been tendered the place, but the
appointment was held back temporarily.
He disclaimed having taken any hand in
the matter.
Senator Quay declares that Sherman had
the whole thing under his control, and that
after the appointment of Wilson he asked
Sherman to withdraw Hart, and that Sen
ator Sherman refused.
"There is no way out of it for Sherman,"
was Senator Quay's ultimatum this even
ing, "and I am done with him. I think
this will also settle McKinley's candidacy
for the Speakership. If he" and Butter
worth did this thing they did it with a full
knowledge ot the agreement that had been
made with Sherman, and common decency
demanded that they should have acquiesced
in that compact But while their action
invites retaliation on its own account the
tact or allegation that npon them rests all
the responsibility doesn't excuse Senator
Sherman. He could have withdrawn Hart
The last thing a politician should do is to
violate a pledge to. a friend, and one who
does it is not to be trusted in anything. Oh,
no, Mr. Sherman could do nothing that will
regain for him my confidence."
Among those who are convinced of the
sincerity of the rupture between Quay and
Sherman the opinions are many and fre
quently curious. While the most ardent
lriends and admirers of the Pennsylvania
senator believe ne can make it very uncom
fortable for the administration, more disin
terested observers are inclined to think that
he will get the worst of the battle. A Penn
sylvania politician who has been here since
the inauguration, who is an experienced ob
server in such affairs, and who has kept a
keen eye upon all that has transpired be
tween the Pennsylvania Senators and the
administration, shook his head solemnly
when asked for his opinion of the situation.
"I have nothing to say for publication,'
said he, "but I will give you my private
view of the matter. Quay's situation re
minds me very mnch ot Conklinc's, just
previous to his retirement He thought he
wasbigcer than the Administration. He
had the entire machine of New York at his
back. 2so one was fighting him who was
the equal of Chris Magee in shrewdness and
influence, but when the politicians of New
York discovered that Conkling could not
control the patronage of the State, they
dropped him, and he never could control a
ward meeting afterward.
"Now let ns look at Pennsylvania and the
administration. Everybody knows there
has never been any love between Harrison
and. Cameron. Our senior Senator never
goes to -the White House without a protest
that is not always unspoken, and which is
often profane. Quay is not Harrison's kind
of man, but the President was disposed to
treat him with almost unlimited liberality
on account of his services as chairman of the
national committee. The action of Wana
maker in reeard to the Philadelphia nost-
mastersbip was the first note of independ- J
ence. it naa oeen neraiaea abroad that
Quay could get anything he asked; that
Harrison and Wanamaker were both as
clay in his hands, to be molded as he willed.
"The fact was Wanamaker was the ap
pointee of the Manufacturers' Clnb of Phila
delphia, and Quay was forced to accept him
against his judgment Wanamaker deter
mined to show that he was not ruled by
Quay and the President sustained him.
This caused the beginning of strained rela
tions between Quay and the administration,
and the strain has been increasing in ten
sion until it has almost reached the break
ing point
"The vote of Quay against the confirma
tion of Halstead was an act beyond the com
prehension of all his friends. The fact is it
was in accordance with an understanding
between him and Cameron, who was absent
at the time. I know this to be a fact That
vote not only determined the Repub
licans of the Ohio delegation to down
Quay, but it cooled to an icy temperature
all the warmth of friendship yet remaining
for Quay in the bosom of the President
Since that Ohio has got more than it did be
fore, and Pennsylvania has got practically
nothing. Look at the Pennsylvania ap
pointments. Every one of importance in
the departments has been made by Wana
maker, and without any recommendation
from the Pennsylvania Senators. Ha chose
Uazen for his third assistant Bell tor Su
perintendent of the Bailway Mail Service,
and stepped once into the Treasury Depart
ment and had Windrim appointed Super
vising Architect Adams, of Philadelphia,
appointed to a foreign mission, was also
more a Wanamaker than a Quay or Cam
eron appointment
"The fact is, the only appointment which
can bo said to belong to the Pennsylvania
Senators is that ot Granville Leach as Ap
praiser at Philadelphia. That is not mnch,
"? ,l ?r men who were supposed to carry
the administration in the hollow of their
hands? All other Pennsylvania appoint-
lor Hart, Leeds is ignored and Field will be
MMmfamtmmmamamiljimMUIimiimmim mnnmuamimmMvmikii MwmattmBmwmmmmMmtammmmMMaMm nnnwy mn iirttJiirMwiTmri 1 rniwrTriiiiiiKiiiTriiiiiiH 1 1 Tirwsnnr mn
appointed. If any energy is shown by the
anti-Quay element in Pittsourg Ford will
be postmaster and not McKean. I have
good reason to believe that President Har
rison only wants solid encouragement from
the other side to induce him to turn down
the Pennsylvania Senators as Conkling and
Piatt were turned down less than ten wars
ago. Quay and Cameron have assumed that
they should dictate all"Presidental appoint
ments, and Representatives like John
Dalzell have protested in the liveliest man
ner against this ultra assumption of bossism.
"Well, if the delegation in the House
have the nerve to assert themselves.and it all
tL. 1.!..ft a okwik 4a fti. Cwtnt TKaliA.a TTaT-
UiC lUJVCtB (.UUiC IAJ IUG 41UUV, .a.sw..uiv .
rison wonld be clad to strip Quay and f
Cameron of every vestige of patronage.
if he will only pull the trigger. You see,
the President, aside from everything else,
doesn't like the Pennsylvania Senators per
sonally. Their associations and tastes are
repulsive to his puritanic mind. Wana
maker is much more a man after his own
heart, and has more influence with the
President than the Senators combined.
"A sugeestion to Wanamaker that he
may succeed Cameron in the Senate would
doubtless be sufficient, if anything is
needed, to lead him to throw his weight in
the balance against the Senator, and Har
rison would gladly assist him.
"But these are side issues. The question
is as to the finality of the rupture between
Quay and Sherman. It looks to me as
though it would involve the whole adminis
tration and the loss of patronage, at least to
a great extent to the Pennsylvania Sena
Ho Sara That He Cannot See Why Quay
Should Talk So.
Washington, April 22. In reply to
Senator Quay's criticisms, which it is un
derstood were furnished by him in form
for the press, Senator Sherman said to-day:
I do not believe that Senator Quay made any
such comments as are here presented. I do un
derstand that he Is a little cross over the way
things have gone, bnt he has no reason to direct
his ill natnre at me, and I do not believe that
he has done so. I, in company with McKinley
and Butterworth, recommended Hart for As
sistant Attorney General, and after I
had left for my home Attorney Gen
eral Miller sold .them he could not
appoint him to an assistant's place, but could
cive him the position of Solicitor of Internal
Revenue. I understand that Quay says that
Butterworth and McKinley had promised him
that they would not Interfere with the Solici
torshipof Internal Revenue. If this is, so, I
aon't know it I never had a word of conversa
tion with Quay regarding this matter. The
only way out of it that I can see is for the
Attorney General to appoint Hart Assistant
Attorney uenerai ana give liuay s man tne
Solicitorship of Internal Bevenue.
Horrid Torture.
This is often felt in every joint and muscle of
the body by turns, by people who, experiencing
the earliest twinges of rheumatism, neglect to
arrest the malady, as they may easily do, with
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a professionally
authenticated remedy for the agonizing com
plaint. Recollect that rheumatism unchecked
often lasts a lifetime, or abruptly terminates it
when the malady attacks the heart. The Bit
ters also remedies cuius and lever, dyspepsia
and liver complaint
The Clongh Si Warren Combination Organ,
Which is well known to our musicians, and
which we have handled almost from the
establishing of our house, derives its name
Combinationfrom the application of "Scrib
ners' qualifying tubes," a patented device,
owned exclusively by the Clough & Warren
firm, attached to the sound board of the in
struments and made of the same material
(the finest pine lumber), through which the
tone after being produced by the reeds pass,
and is modified and magnified as to produce
a tone so near the quality of a pipe organ as
to deceive even a critical ear, and peculiarly
suited to use in churches and large rooms.
They have been used for years in onr com
munity, and in the past few days we have
supplied the Presbyterian Church at Crai
ton; Methodist Protestant Church, Toronto,
O.; United Presbyterian Cburcb,Mt Wash
ington; M. E. Church, Homestead, Pa.; En
glish Lutheran Church, Butler, Pa.; the
new M. E. Church, West End, city, and to
which we could add the names of hundreds
where they have been in use for years, and
which cannot be replaced by any other
organ. S. Hamilton, of 91 and 93 Fifth
avenne,is the exclusive agent for these high
crade organs, and has at "present an elegant
variety in choice chapel and parlor designs,
and wonld advise you to call and examine
them. The prices range from $100 up, no
higher than an ordinary instrument, and
on accommodating terms of payment if de
sired. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Kune. itesldencs.
( Dennis O'Learr...... Pittsburg
Mary O'Connor Pittsburg
(John UrbanAl Pittsburg
3 Mary Dieting Pittsburg
( Edward S. IngUs Allegheny
1 Kate Siylor. Allegheny
f Jacob Forrer PKUbnrg
Lizzie Sundircker Pittsburg
5 Andrew Gideon Pittsburg
Anna UuaUlch Pittsburg
(Edward h". Cummings Pittsburg
ILaonaCoyle Pittsburg
5 Wo. E. 'Woodwell Pittsburg
t Elizabeth Mnrthland Pittsburg
lVm. Moffltt Pittsburg
(EmmaKoenlg Pittsburg
(Jacob Henke Keserve township
J Catharine Znelch Allegheny
j Charles Roth Pittsburg
bnsannah Both Pittsburg
( Harvey D. Pearl Allegheny
( Emma K. Kroll Allegheny
(David Walter Pittsburg
) Jlnry McUahon Pittsburg
Will G. Lone New Cumberland, W. Va
I Mattie B. Thompson Parker's Lauding
( Wm. T. Keed McKeesport
i Emma Berkholder McKecsport
(Wm. W. Waltoner Ell rods
Margaret W. Wilson Ellrods
(Joseph Dues Allegheny
I Johanna Elener Allegheny
) John M. Heller, Jr Pittsburg
Elsie G. Mickey Pittsburg
( Samuel JlcCllnton Allegbenr
1 Alicia McElnea Allegheny
J John K. Thomas Pittsburg
1 Frances J. Griffiths Pittsburg
(Gustav A. Neppach Allegheny
I Marie Walff Alleglieny
(bamoel B. It. Little Pittsburg
bamuel B. K. Little Pittsburg
Sne M. Baumelster Pittsburg
Alexander A. bhaw Allegheny
Margaret McKay Allegheny
Charles Hater Allegheny
Anna A. Weltershausen Allegheny
f CUC U. C&UUiClCl. .... ...X lllSQUrg
(Alexander A. bhaw Allegheny
) Margaret AlcKar Alleehcnv
(Charles Hater Allegheny
Anna A. Weltersbausen Allegheny
(Adolph Bnrgert Pittsburg
AnnaTarr Pittsburg
jjosepn Simons nttsourg
Emma Young McKcesport
( Samuel T. KunVlcNorth Huntington Co-W-Va
I Annail. Murphy.. Aorth Huntington Co .Vf.Ya
5 John B. Bost Mifflin township
Kittle Schulz .-. Mifflin township
(George M. Devlnney Pittsburg
1 Annie M. Schilling Pittsburg
I Nlcolaus Llndmann Chartlers township
( Gertrude Barthclemy. Chartlers township
The Lady
Who has fine Hair, and desires to pre
serve its color, abundance, and lustre,
should use Ayer's Hair "Vigor as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean and
cool, and is by far the most exquisite
toilet preparation in the market.
B. M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill,
Mo., says : " I have used Ayer's Hair
Vigor in my family for a number of
years, and regard it as the best hair
preparation I know of. It keeps the
scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and
preserves the original color. My wife
has used it for a long time with most
satisfactory results."
Mrs. S. A. Bock, of Anderson, Texas,
writes: "At the age of 31, in Monroe,
La., I hade severe attack of swamp, or
malarial, -fever. After I got well my
hair commenced coming out, and so con
tinued until it had well nigh all gone.
I used several kinds of hair restorers,
but they did no good. A friend gave me
a bottle of Ayer's Hair "Vigor. Before
finishing the first bottle my hair began
to grow, and by the time I used three
bottles, I had a fine head of hair."
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Druggists and Perfumers.
Excursion to New York to Centennial Anni
versary of Innngaralton of Gen. Wash
ington. The B. & O. R. R, will sell excursion
tickets to New York on April 27 to 30,
inclusive, at rate of $13 32, round trip.
Tickets good for return passage until May
6, inclusive.
Repairs for Bnby Carriages.
Extra wheels, axles, springs, handles,
parasols, rods; also lace covers, afghans and
robes may be had at J. G. Lauer's Toy
House, 620 Liberty st Baby carriages our
New Wraps CameU'Hnlr, SHk
And Lace also the new solid bead shoulder
Silk Wraps at 8.50; another lot in to-day
uioax itoom. jos. moene s uo.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
All kinds at extremely low prices at M.
Seibert & Co.'s large furniture works, La
cock and Hope streets, near railroad bridge,
Allegheny.- D
Great Bargains In Trimmings.
A number of patterns at greatly reduced
prices, at Home & Ward's, 41 Filth aye.
Special One Case Armnre Cords,
At 50 cents, an excellent wearing fabric
Dress goods department
Penn Avenue Stores.
Dr. Sopor E. Feltwell, Dentist.'
On and after April 1, office, room 407
Penu building.
HENSON-LABBETT On Sunday April 21,
I8S9, at the residence of the bride's father, by
the Rev. Jas. G. Cameron, of St Mark's Epis
copal Church, Richard TIenson and Miss S.
J. Labbett, daughter ot
(.vy. AJAUUGbH, UVU.
1T rt T.1.UI. 1aK
of Pittsburg.
BEADLTNG At Bantaville, on Sunday,
April 21, 1SS9, at 1 05 P. 1L, ROBERT BEADLLKO,
innis .ULuyear.
Sleep, dear husband, take thy rest;
God calls thee home. He thought it best;
It was bard to part with thee,
But God's strong arm supported me.
Services at 2:30 P. tt., Tuesday, April 23, at
his late residence, Banksville. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. 2
CONNER On Monday, April 22, 1889, at
12:15 A. St., Rachel Dell, relict of the late
James W. Conner, in her 66th year.
Funeral services from her late residence. No.
96 Ward street Allegheny, on Wednesday at
2 p. m. Interment private.
HENLEIN On Sunday. April 21, at 9 P. M
Samuel Uenleln, aged 23 years.
Funeral services at the residence of his
brother-in-law, Wm. Herxoir, 275 Franklin
street Allegheny, on Tuesday at 2 r. m. Omit
JACKSON At the family residence. No. 167
Auburn street Twenty-first ward, on Monday,
April 22, 1889, at 7:15 p. jr., Bessie May, only
daughter of A. W. and Kate Jackson, In the
15th year of her age.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
MINSINGER On Monday, April 22, 18S9,
at 6:30 o'clock. John Minslnger. son of John
and Luveretta S. Mmsinger, aged 1 month.
Fnneralat 3 o'clock on Tuesday, April 23,
at residence, Prospect street Thirty-second
McSTEEN On Monday, April 22, at 4:30 A.
m., Patrick McSteex, in his 73d year.
Funeral from his late residence, Bedford
avenue, above Soraers street, on Tuesday,
April 23, at 2.30 p. M. Friends of the family are
respectf ully'lnvited tu attend.
TODD At Swissvale, Pa., Monday evening
at 6:15 o'clock, Margaret Todd, in the 67th
year of her age.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
WELSH On Monday, April 22, 1889, at 1230
A. M., Bernard Welsh, aged 68 years.
Funeral from his late residence. No. 128
Forty-fifth street on Wednesday, April 24,
at 8.30 A. M. Friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend. 2
117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below
Smithfield st, next door to Central Hotel.
. Carriages for funerals,S3. Carriages for operas,
parties, ic, at the lowest "rates. All new car
riages. Telephone communication. my3-d60-TT3
Assets $448,50187
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President
fe22-26-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
ASSETS - . I9J071.698 Si
Insurance Co. of Kortli America.
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-r
INS. CO., 417 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa
Capital S250,X)00
Assets January 1, 1889 363,745 80
Directors Chas. W. Batcbelor, President;
John W. Chalfant, Vice President; A E. W.
Painter, Robt Lea, M. W. Watson, John WiL
son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, AM.Byers
Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Painter, John Thomp
son. Wm. 1: Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, As
sistant Secretary; August Amnion. General
Agent. ja22-46-TTS
JAMES E. MORRIS, Sole Agent, New York
Deab Sib I believe Pratt's Aromatic Gene
ra Gin to be a most excellent and valuable
medicine in all kidney troubles. Have sold 1
in large qnantities for more than a year, and
have received the most encouraging reDorts
from those who have used it. I guarantee every
bottle sold to benefit any one suffering with
their kidneys and have never bad a single per
on request me to return the money paid for it.
Yours respectfully, E. A BAYNE, Druggist
JOS. FLEMING, sole wholesale and retail
agent in Pittsburg, 84 Market street.
Is the PUREST, BEST "" Cleanest
Of all Druggists, but beware of Imitations.
The nnh of Spring Trade is inow on and we have made ample arransements tomeet it successfully in every department. Onr stocks are full np wits' .Choicest Goods and
Prices never were lower. Ve call special attention to our large LINEN di.plav. embracing Table Linens from all the famous factories Scotch, German and Irish Loom Linens
20ci lA? . ' , a,m and Bleache,d Damasks, extra good values, 37ie, 50c. 60c, up. Note our Golden Flax at 50 c, well worth 65c. Full 72-inch Double Damasks at 75c. 87 14c 81
and ?1 25, in lovely patterns. These are Grand Bargains. 8-4 Colored Fringed Table Cloths, all linen, 51; 10-4 at Si 25. All White and Colored Bordered Fringed Cloths and
Ijapkins in sets, S3 and op. white and Colored .Napkins and Doylies; large linesof Towels at all prices, with Special Bargains all through. Stamped Tidies, Tray and Side board
Covers, Embroidered Cloth, Tapestry and Plush Covers for Stands, Tables and Pianos. In this connection mention large lines White Quilts, 65c. 75c, 93c, ?1, up to finest Mar
seilles. Colored Mitchelline Quilts, extra heavy, $1 C?, Sheetings and Pillow Casings, all widths, Tickings, etc., at Low Prices. Eeady-made Sheets, Bolsters, Pillows and
Mattresses. Special sizes made to order. . ij. jf,u.
MILLINERY The largest stock to be
mings ana iancy worK all widths ana colors,
daily. Our prices will please you.
0nimmeioPo4? w0ds DePartment replete with all the latest Novelties and Standard Goods. Prices always the lowest. All new colors in Wool Cashmeres, 35c. 50c. 65c.
75c, 90c, $1 and 51 25; Silk Warps, $L Novelties in Side Borders, fine variety of colors, 62Jfc; All-Wool Stripes and Plaids, 50o up to 52 50; the best assortment st 25o and 37 We.
Enough to please every taste, with ilot of double fold plain and fancy weaves from 10c to 20c. Black Goods in Cashmeres, Henriettas all-wool and silk warp Albatross Nuns'
Veilings and lots or fancy weaves for spring and summer at prices to sell quietly. Immense assortment of "Wash Goods. Dress Ginghams, 6J. 8c, 10c and 12Uc to fine Scotch
Ginghams, 25c, 30c and 40c. Satines in American and French, 10c, 12c to 35c lots of them. Challics from 5c to 6c up. Seersuckers, Etoil du Nords, etc.
IN CLOAK B.OOM--We show the latest styles of Dress Fabrics correct styles at Low Prices,
bargains. Black Silk Suits, 518, 520, 525 are excellent valne. Endless variety of Cloth Jackets
markets aud Children's Overgarments. Special lines beaded wraps, 53 50 to 520.
UNDEEWEAB AND HOSIERY-New Spring Underwear for Men and Boys, Ladies, Misses and Infants, ih Gauze, White and Fancy Merino. Plainand Striped Bal
in in various weights and goods. The fast black "onyx" dye Hosiery for Ladies, 25c up; all sizes for Children and Men at Popular Prices. . B"1"u
B-."T?xam!ne onr CarPet Room. Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Mattings. Lace Curtains, Turcoman and Chenille Curtains and Portieres and Curtain Materials. New
ols and umbrellas.
ESFSamples sent when requested. Mail orders promptly filled.
165, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, AltLEGHENY, PA.
The Lowest Prices Ever Reached
on Carpets.
The extraordinarily low
prices of last season were
down to bed-rock, as we then
thought But this season de
velops even lower depths, not
withstanding an upward reac
tion in manufacturers' prices,
Whoever before bought
All-Wool Extra Super In
grains at 55c per yard?
Or Tapestry Brussels at 45c ?
Or Body Brussels at 85c ?
Or Velvets at 75 c ?
We have just reduced a
beautiful line of WILTONS
to $1 40 per yard.
We have the largest and
most varied assortment of
ever offered in Pittsburg,
many of which are reduced
to cost, ranging from $5 50
& CO.,
Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Bedding,
Bankrupt Stock
138 Federal Street, Allegheny,
$65,000 WortJi of
Purchased from the Sheriff for
And are marJced down to 25c and
40c on the $1, to make a rapid
turn of the money.
6,000 yards Tapestry Carpets,
4,000 yards Body Brussels,
8,000 yards Ingrain purchased
at great auction sales in Ifetu
York and marked special to add
to this sale.
138 Federal Street, Allegheny.
Mae Kelloi's Frencli Tailor System
of dres? cutting. The only system in America
that cuts the Worth bias dart, front, back,
sleeves and skirts, without refitting. Lessons
not limited. School open day and evening.
641 PENN AVENUE. ap21
seen in this department.
Wealth of Flowers, Koses, Wreaths, Sprays,
In this category we include such articles
as have had their day, and which we will
sell at half-price, viz.:
Easter Cards and Novelties; Eggs, Bab
bits, Baskets and other Easter goods.
Diaries for 1889 only a few left now, and
these will be sold from one-quarter to one
third regular prices.
Jane' Hading Veiling at 48c; reduced
from 75c.
This includes all seasonable goods. These
we do not propose to sell below cost, nor
even at cost; but we .will sell them at such
moderate profits as are sure to win your cus
tom. Here are a few items:
French Woven Corsets, embroidered
busts, white and drab, at 50c.
Pour and Eve-Button Kid Gloves, em
broidered backs, 48c.
Wamsutta Muslin, per yard, 9e.
uniidren's Sailor and School Hats, 25c.
Children's Trimmed School Hats, 50c.
Braid for Dress Trimming, 25c per yard,
worth double.
Men's Night Shirts, beautifully em
broidered, 50c. Nothing like them in the
city under 75c.
Men's TJiilaundried White Shirts, 60e.
Boys' Shirtwaists at 25c, 38c,, 50c, 63o,
75c, 95c. 51 and $125.
Baby Carriages from $5 to $45.
House Purnishing Goods 25 per cent
cheaper than at any other establishment.
Under this heading we desire to call your
attention to articles not yet in season, but
which we sell at reduced prices in antici
pation of the season. You can buy them
cheaper now than you can a month hence,
besides having the first choice of our first
, Ice Cream Freezers.
Window Screens.
Lawn Tennis Games.
Athletic Suits for Men.
Books for Summer Beading.
Summer Hosiery and Underwear.
Men's Summer Neckwear.
Swiss Plouncings for Confirmation Dresses.
Fleishman & Go's.
504,506 and 508 Market st.
Tinsel Gimps marked from 50c to 25c,
and from 51 0 to 25c.
Silk Cord Gimp, a good pattern, from 50c
President Braid Gimp from 50c to 25c,
and from $1 to 50c a yard.
Bead Net and Cord Net Sleeves,
$4 50 to ?2 50, $5 to $3 50, $6 60 to $4,
57 50 to $5,. $13 50 to $9.
President Braid Panels. 51 25 to 25c:
sets to 25c, 50c, ?1.
Bead Sets at about half price.
menterie and Bead Jet and Collars, nice for
uress or v rap -iTimmings. at greatly re
duced prices.
A large line at specially low prices.
Come to our Trimming Department for
Trimmings ot all kinds. We have the
largest and best line in the city.
Trimmed Bonnets and round Hats.
Mourning a Specialty.
Straw Ilats and Bonnets, everv new flhane And shade: Rihhnn.i nf
etc.; Gauzes, Laces, etc., for Hat Trimmings. 100 Trimmed Hats ana stock filled
See the All-Wool Cloth Suits, braided panels aud Jacket, at $3 uneqnaled
Stockinette Jackets, Jerseys plain, iancy and smocked yoke. Spring New-
Tuesday, April 23.
Consists in giving the people
Misrepresentations and high
sounding terms either fall flat
or act by contrairies.
Without misrepresentation
or indulging in high-sounding
phrases, we announced our
second great Surah Silk Sale
to begin yesterday. At 50
cents we are selling a large lot
of double-warp Surahs which
we say, without hesitation, are
worth 75 cents.
Our stock of Silks gener
ally, while absolutely complete
and choice, we are sure in
cludes values which can be
found nowhere else at our
prices. Each piece is selected
for beauty, style and intrinsic
An instance Our offer of
the new La Impeatrice Suks
at 85 cents, which we claim is
fully worth $1 25.
Another A lot of regular
$1 25 Black Armure Royales
at go cents and $1.
One More Silk Plain
White Indias, 23 inches wide,
soft, lustr oils goods, at 50c.
Speaking of White Goods
suggests graduation costume
materials. Many have already
beeji bought; so far no demand
has been made for these goods
which -we could not satisfac
torily meet we have every
thing for that purpose.
10-inch all-wool fancy weaves, 75c;
40-lnch all-wool fancy figured, SI and SI 25u
33-incb, 35c; 38-inch, 50c; 46-lnch at 65c, 75c,
90c andSL '
40-lnch at SI; 40-inch at SI 25; 46-Inch at SI 23;
33-inch Cream Check Armure, 50c; 52-inch
Cream Flannels, 75c, $1 and SI 25; 40-inch Cream
Olinda Cords, SSc; 40-Inch all-wool, fancy
check, SSc; 40-inch fancy Cream Side Border,
SI 25; 40-lnch AlDatross, 60c. in Creams, Finks,
Greens and Blues; 40-inch pure Mohair Glace
Brilliantine, in Cream, at 45c (As Mohairs
are so popular this will surely receive favor.)
Returning to -novelties,would
like to mention a new French,
double width all-wool Plaids
covered with polk-dots, at
$i so. . m
Another is a new imported
all-wool Mixture, good line of
colors, at $i.
For Ladies' Cloaks and
Wraps, a nice line of S4inch
all-wool stripes and plaids,
latest color effects, $i 2S to $2.
At $1 A new double width
fine French Serge Suiting.
Mothers who want for their
boys a bicycle suit that will
"last;" Genjtlemen who want a
good strong hunting suit; we
haven't the 'suits made up, but
we have just the material you
need for the purpose.
At 75c A nice Mode Corduroy. At SI A flna
Imported Mode Corduroy. There are other
Corduroys, bat we have mentioned those you
are most likely to want jnst now. Besides the
Black Henrietta Satines, a new lot of India
miK ana Persian enects, and another of Hair
Line Brocade Grays at Satlne Department.
Our20oand 25c Satinc'a Include some fine
goods and some exceptional values.
Washable India Silks. Washable Toshlko
Silks. Our lines of Pearl Bnttons for Wash
Dresses cannot be excelled.
115. 117. 119, 121
Federal Street, Allegheny.
wm, zm?w$t
evprv (Tpu?rinfnir fni TT a rtHm rntm
For Purity, Capitalistic Strength, Magnitude
of Business and Truth in Advertising
Well Mark
vVvyfftfyyy $$y$fr
(Bear on hard, Mr. Printer):
Government test shows no ammonia, but square dealing, with atracs
"sand" and back-bone dust
Then comes the "swell" tailor (like unto them ,that do advertise:
"Breeches maker to H. R. H. the Prince "of Wales.") American, Scotch,
Irish and French Woolens are unknown to them; everything is "English,
ye know," and very "swell" (especially the swollen prices). A coat of
arms (made reversible) goes with every sale. Six months' credit is given
at 10 per cent per month. -
We'll mark
Government test shows some ammonia and alum, and strong traces
of "soft soap," ginger bread and pate de foie grass.
Next we'll test the cheap made-to-order-while-you-wait tailors. No
"English, ye know," about them; they're all "Americans" (as any one
knows who look at their goods). - Their styles are as loud as a Fourth of
July celebration. No purity to be found in them; cotton worsteds, cotton
all-woolens, backed up by cheap, flashy trimmings, and tempting "speci
mens" in their windows are what they depend on. The amount of the
required little "deposit" (as an evidence of good faith) in nine cases out
of ten, is full value for the suit.
For comparison, we'll mark
Government .test shows lots of ammonia, alum, aloes and "gall,'
with a trace of kerosene and caraway seeds.
Here's a clothier whose coat tales are "tailor-made" suits for $10.
If he sells a $$ suit it is "tailor-made." Everything is "tailor-made."
Sold an umbrella not long ago and actually told the buyer 'twas "tailor
made." His overalls are "tailor-made," so are his hats. In fact, he's
crazy on the "tailor-made" nonsense.
We'll mark him
Government test shows not much of anything in him ; some alum
and ammonia, but more paregoric and lime.
We will now try the "Hurrah," "Great Sacrifice," "B ankrupt Sale"
clothing "feller." He seldom does business under his own name;
'twouldn't do. One half of the 50 or 60 per cent profit he charges, and
gets, on his "mark-down" and "sacrifice" sales, goes to the newspapers,
to tempt more "suckers." He buys hard stuffs (mostly satinets) poorly
made Men's suits, that cost him 3, $4, I5, $6, $7, $8, $g and 10-
marks them all at from 15 to $30; advertises "50 per cent discount;"
''suits for gio, worth 20," etc., etc, and pockets a cool 50 to 100 per
cent He's teetotally bad, full of adulteration and impudence.
We'll mark him thus:
Government test shows no
bottom side up on a hot stove, same as "baking" powder. Hardly any
thing in him but al-ka-lie, with traces of fly-paper and glucose.
The "hodge-podge" dealer in dry goods, spittoons, calico, cut glass,
physic, embroidery, pills, stockings, molasses candy, hardware, Boys'
clothing, eta, begins the season by offering 25 per cent off on boys',
clothing (could as easily give 50 per cent off). Of course everybody
knows what this means nowadays; it's so transparent Still he will con
tinue to advertise'boys' 10 suits reduced to $7;" "f 7 suits reduced to
H'" "$S suits reduced to $3," and "$3 suits reduced to chaos," etc. And
women a few) will continue to swallow the stale bait, hook and all.
His mark is
Hodge-Podge, Haberdasher & Co.
Government tes,t shows signs
"signs," no alum, signs of al-ka-lie
will continue to pursue the even, square, plumb tenor of their way, pay
ing no neea to tne gymnastic struggles
themselves with
Aav&rtismer What
Doing What They Advertise.
300 to 400 Market street
faS-TTSS '
& CO,-
ammonia in him: you can tell bv hira
of cream tartar, nothing else but
and general decay.
or competitors, but contenting?:
Thev Can DnMl
. :