Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 20, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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-rill. . . I 777" I 7. 7. 7 ... I r , T I . omT,.-r ,v . . I mnn m , TT rt-ix mi, . tttit I vnm . coTf.nn nr.r TITTiam" ' TTVT A 011 '
Hh MAM- fflR ANN g0 a DijiAL Aaju a bJiAD, i 1AA UJN lJKAYJiL. - L JJUiOi m a oawM
Thousands of Boomers Engaged
in a Fierce Struggle With
the Elements.
Jhe Military Ordered to the Front by
President Harrison.
Scenes and Incident of tbo Onward March
of the Pilgrims Rumors of More Flght
Inc and Bloodshed on the Border Ex
Concressman Wearer AmongThose Who
Will Take Up Claims Gambling and
General Lawlessness PrcraH Gangs of
Robber Preparing for Raids on Stages
and Settlers The Liquor Regulations.
Despite all obstacles the Oklahoma
boomers are pressing forward toward their
promised land. Desperadoes are plentiful
and several affrays have already occurred.
Some of the pilgrims have been drowned in
attempting to ford the swollen streams. It
is reported that another bloody conflict has
taken place on the border. President Har
rison has instructed General Merritt to take
command and enforce order. Some troops
have already been ordered to the front from
Fort Leavenworth.
. Arkansas Cut, April 19. A detach
ment of troopers from Fort Reno arrived
this morning and will join Captain Hayes
at the Ponca reservation to-morrow after
noon. The sergeant in charge savs that a
gang of desperadoes from No Man's Land
are camped in the Arrapahoe and Cheyenne,
reservation, near the western border of
Oklahoma. They propose to invade the
Territory next Monday !and seize all the
claims they can legally hold.
Every man of them is armed to the teeth
and is "thoroughly prepared for any sort of
emergency. It is suspected that the real ob
ject of this gang, which has terrorized
Northern Texas for years, is murder and
plunder. It is believed that instead of
seeking to claim land they will dash through
the Territorv on their fleet ponies, and plun
der stages and iettlers who are beyond the
protection of the United States Marshals.
Marshal Tom Needles this afternoon dis
patched a courier to their camp for the pur
pose of finding out who they are, and if the
investigation pro es that any of them are
wanted by the authorities he will send out
an armed posse and disperse tbem. The
conflict between the rival factions of gam
blers at Purcell is getting hotter. Last
night Tom Boades. a shell worker, who be
longs to the outsiders, met Ed AVilliams, a
faro dealer, near the depot
The two men, without exchanging a word,
drcwtheir six-shooters and blazed away at
each other until their guns were empty.
Then they drew knives to finish the combat,
but belore they could grapple the Indian
policemen had them covered with Winches
ters. They were locked in the old Chicka
saw jail.
The shooting attracted a big crowd of
people, among whom were representatives
of both the gambling factions. In less time
than it can be told a dozen side fights were
in progress. Pistols were in sight on every
hand and the row threatened to become
riSTOLS nr plenty.
Several shots were fired by drunken
boomers and returned by a gambler. The
police took a bold stand when they saw the
temper of the mob, by threatening to empty
their Winchester, right and left without re
gard to consequeuces. This had a salutary
effect and belore long the fighting ceased,
and the crowd dispersed. Hostili ties are
liable to be renewed at any moment, how
ever, for the feeling between the two factions
is so bitter that nothing but blood will sat
isfy either."
Boomers have been drawn into the con
flict Many of them who are pennilesshave
practically hired out to the leaders of both
bides to fight whenever commanded to do
so. They are camped in the prairie lots all
, around the depot where the outside gamblers
ply their business, and the first shot that is
fired will bring them out, fully armed and
ready to earn their salaries A courier rider
who came in from the Cherokee strip this
evening reported that the boomers were
making excellent progress. Last nightthev
camped onthe north bankof Willow Springs
and to-night they will pitch their tents near
the south line of the Ponca reservation.
To-morrow night they will be in sight of the
land lor which they have endured so many
hardships and there will remain until the
bugle sounds the signal for the general
Then will begin a race unparalleled in
history. Every train arriving here leaves
hundreds of men who are all bound for the
promised land. They are camping on the
prairies, living in "tents, or in fact in any
place they can find lest and shelter. The
hotels cannot accommodate one-tenth of
them. The Arkansas and Walnut rivers
are rising rapidly. The Walnut has gone
up ten feet since morning. The pleasure
steamer Belle, on the Walnut, moored at
her wharf, was washed loose and sunk.
Nothing but the smoke stack can be seen.
A special brought by courier to South
Haven savs: Pawnee Bill's colony, con
sisting of 300 wagons, left Hunnewell yester
day and is now water bound at the Salt
Fork of the Arkansas, 20 milcssouth of that
city in the Territory. While attempting to
ford the swollen and turbulent stream a
man named Frither and his horses were
drowned in full view of the frightened
colonists, who were unable to render him
any assistance.
The sad acefdent demonstrated that ford
ing was out of the question, and the whole
colony is now engaged in the construction
of a liuge raft, upon whkh they hope to
float over to the other side with their teams
and outfits. This afternoon a train of 485
vehicles, containing colonists bound for
Oklahoma from Salt Lake "Valley, Utah,
and points in Colorado, passed six miles
west on the southern journey.
It is reported that yesterday evening
while crossing the strip a fight "took place
between cattle men and boomers, and that
four men were killed and that the trouble is
not vet over. The rumor cannot be con
firmed, as some people who are supposed to
know of the trouble deny it and areas
dumb as oysters when the matter is
This morning at Chilico station 500 Texas
cattle were let loose on the prairie. A train
of boomers was passing at the time. The
cattle stampeded the cattle hitched to the
wagons. The latter were mixed with the
Texas cattle, and during the confusion that
ensued a man named Wilson, from Sterl-
ing. Neb., in trving to preserve his outfit
from the enraged cattle, was stamped under
foot and badly injured.
Ex-Congrebsman J. B. Weaver, of Iowa,
who labored so hard to have the Territory
opened, is one of those who will take up
claims in Oklahoma. He intends to settle
near Guthrie.
,A'dispatch from Leavenworth says: All
thertroops at this garrison, including part
v-j, - ,-- , Him me eicepuuii uiuuc
company of infantry, are "under arms and
following General Merritt and his aide,
Lieutenant Dodge, into Oklahoma at an
hour's notice. General Merritt and aide
are now on their way to the Territory, the
General with unlimited discretionary pow
ers. The troops detailed for this service
from this point consist of four companies of
infantry, only a small garrison guard and
the company of gardeners being left.
The infantry company mentioned as ex
cepted is under orders to leave for Newport
Barracks, Ky. The order to move was re
ceived at noon to-day. The four companies
filled four Santa Fe coaches and their
equipment as many baggage cars. The re
inforcements will reach the Territory and
be ready foi service before Oklahoma is
opened tb the settlers.
The Boomers In the Vicinity of Caldwell
Are Pushing Forward as Fast a Pos
sibleThe Railroads in Despnlr
Grand Army Badges Plcntilul.
Caldweix, Kan., April 19. One
thousand camp fires glimmered along the
Old Eeno stage trail last night, from Cald
well to Pond creek. To-day 1,000 canvass
covered wagons are slowly moving along
the trail. The day was favorable, and not
withstanding the late heavy rains the trail,
which is almost identical with the old
Caldwell and Fort Keno stage trail, was in
very good condition.
The most popular outfit is a strong canvas-covered
Studebaker, drawn by two
large, stout horses, and the horses of the
boomers are all looking in good condition.
Some large wagons have four, or even six
horses. Some settlers are seated, and carry
whole camp outfits behind their saddles.
Some are crossing the strip in buggies. One
old turnout is a high, old-fashioned buggy,
drawn by two shaggy yellow horses, with a
colt hitched by its halter and a black cow
tied behind.
The driver is a woman, and she drove
with one hand, while the other supported a
little child. A shocky-headed youngster of
10 followed behind, stopping now and then
to wade in the water that fills the buffalo
wallows and peltins the old cow with clods.
The woman was a Kansas -widow, seeking a
home in the "promised land."
Four large horses pull a large frame room
like a traveling photographer's outfit, upon
which in large letters reads "The great war
show." From the great number of old
soldiers who are among the colonists, it
would seem that it should do a good busi
ness. It seems as if half the men on the
trail wear Grand Army badges.
Most of the wagon boomers got out of
Caldwell yesterday and this morning.
There were about 4,000 of them. Many of
them have little or no money, but almost all
are well equipped for camp life. There are
still manv men in the town that will go
down to-day and to-morrow, on the train to
Pond creek and trusting on the stage to get
them to Kingfisher or Lisbon, the name
which the new postoffice will give to the
Salt Fork, Pond creek and all the other
streams in the strip, it is thought, can be
forded, although every one is very high.
All is doubt about the chances of fording
the Cimmaron, and a wagon left Caldwell
last night bearing a large boat with which
the owners expect to start a ferry.
The rush of people who will try to take
the Eock Island route between to-day and
Monday will be so great that the Eock
Island almost despairs of being able to ac
commodate them. One colony of 600 will
leave Wichita to-morrow by this road
General Manager Parker, General Passen
ger Agent Sebastian and Kansas City Pas
senger Agent Moffat, of the Eock Island,
were in the city this morning and visited
Pond creek.
Mr. Sebastian, as soon as he heard of the
possible trouble at Pond Creek, telegraphed
to Wichita that the road wonld furnish free
transportation to teams and wagons if tickets
were sold to the owners, travelers to pro
vide their own transportation from Pond
Manager Green, of the Stage line, "Can
non Ball Green," a he is known through
out the Southwest, is buying all the horses
to be had here and in the neighboring
county. He shipped 26 to Pond creek this
morning. Fourteen stages, in addition to
those used by the old Fort Eeno line, which
are at Pond creek, were shipped from Wel
lington to-day.
Captain Jack Crawford, the Scout, Tells of
the New Territory Lnw and Order!
Will PrcTnll in the End The
Indians Will be Civilized.
Toungsto-wn, O., April 19. Captain
Jack Crawford, who was a Government
scont, and is familiar with the Western
country, Where he spent many years, is here
calling on friends. On being asked what he
thought of the Oklahoma country, Captain
Crawford said:
"Alter reading the statement made by
Lieutenant John M. Carson my opinion may
not have much weight, but I coincide with
him regarding the amount of land to be
opened being insufficient to supply all who
go there. But these people are not going
out th'ere to locate land. Nine-tenths of
them are going out to build a city and nu
meious towns in Oklahoma and the sur
rounding country. So far as the land is con
cerned it is equal to any land out of doors in
the richness of its soil, and the climate is all
that could be desired. Thousands of acres
of land that are considered without fertility
will produce excellent crops and an abun
dance of fruits."
"Will the old boomers drive the new
comers off?"
"That is all bosh. You might as well ask
me if John B. Gongh is alive and advertised
to lecture here to-night. I could draw his
crowd and leave him to talk to empty seats.
Why, the newcomers will outnumber the
old 10 to 1, and will be prepared to defend
themselves as American citizens, and all
the killing that will take place will be the
slaughter of a few outlaws from the border
who have been enabled to terrorize a few
people in some scantily settled county, but
who will get killed off in Oklahoma as quick
as thev turn up. Because a man wears a
"biled" shirt and a cutaway coat is no reason
why he shonld be called a cowardly tender
foot. "Nineteen out of 20 of the people going
out there to-day are law-abiding, peaceful
citizens, remembering at all times that they
are in the jurisdiction of the United States
and protected by its laws. Oklahoma is
open to-day for all Tdnds and classes of
business men, from the Italian peanut ven
der to a bank cashier, and from a bootblack
to a electric railroad conductor. Besides
the boom is not altogether tor Oklahoma.
It is a Western boom and the biggest ever
inaugurated. Tens of thousands of men
lull of energy and perseverance are going
to Oklahoma, and from there will scatter
over the great Southwest, and despite the
fact that many are predicting the return of
three-fonrjlis of them, I do not believe that
one-tPsVn of them will return, but will settle
and become prosperous in that country.
"I know whereof I speak, for I was one
of the first seven, who, despite the hostile
Indians, went in and stayed in the Black
Hills country, which was then untrodden
by the foot of a white man. Papers talked
then as they do now, but look at that coun
try to-day with a popular, prosperous people
seeking admission to statehood.
"Another thing, the railroad runs right
into Oklahoma, while it took several years
after the Black Hills became rich and pros
perous before a railroad was secured. In a
few words Oklahoma is an established fact,
and where monopolists and cattle kings
have enriched themselves for years, the land
is good enough for the honest farmer and
poor ranchman who wants a share of it on
-which to support his family.
"Every foot of land now held by the
Indians and better suited to white men will
be thrown open sooner or later, and like the
Pueblos of New Mexico the Indians will
gradually settle dpwn and work for their
living by cultivating and tilling the soil.
In my humble judgment the Oklahoma
boom is the. greatest Indian civilizex of the
nineteenth century."
GencrnI Merritt Directed to Maintain Lair
and Order In Oklahoma President Har
rison's Instructions The Liquor
Regulations to be Enforced.
Washington, April 19. The following
order, supposed to have resulted from the
Cabinet meeting this afternoon, has just
been sent by telegraph to the Commanding
General Division of the Missouri at Chi
cago: Adjutant General's Office, t
Washington. April 19, 1889. s
By direction of the Major General, the fol
lowing is communicated: The President directs
that General Merritt act in conjunction with
the Marshals of the United States Courts hav
ing jurisdiction in the country opened to set
tlement under the President's recent procla
mation, to preserve the peace, and noon the
requisition of such Marshals or their duly au
thorized deputies use the troops under his
command to aid tbem In executing warrants,
making arrests and quelling any riots or
breaches of the peace that may occur. He will
use his influence to promote peace and good
order, and Will take every proper measure to
avoid any conflict -of arms between or with the
He will also see that the laws relating to the
introduction of ardent spirits into the Indian
Territory are enforced. A careful enforcement
of these provisions will do very much to pro
mote good order.
J. O. Kelton,
Assistant Adjutant General.
George B. Clark, of St. Louis, revenue
agent in charge of the districts of Missouri
and Illinois, has received instructions from
Commissioner Mason to proceed to Oklaho
ma territory and take charge of the Govern
ment interests there as far as internal rev
enue constructions and collections, are con
cerned. The United States Marshal and the
military -will co-operate with the internal
revenue agent in enforcing the law.
It is anticipated a large amount of liquor
will be carried into the new country and
attempts be made to sell it without license.
It is also thought the newcomers will not
obey the law prohibiting the sale of liquors
to the Indians. This law will be rigidly
enforced, as it is a well-known fact that an
Indian full of "Kentucky distilled" con
siders no right sacred or human lives of any
consequence. Trouble is expected from this
Some Slip Into the Territory, and One Cap
tured After a Struggle.
Pubcell, L T., April 19. The Chief
Deputy Marshal, with a posse, has all the
afternoon been engaged in hunting boomers
in the Oklahoma land opposite the city.
They return ed at 4 o'clock with one party and
have now corraled in the woods and ravines
a party of 300. Intelligence has also been
received here that an engagement took
place between a party of boomers and the
deputies, in which several persons were
The boomers, who were mostly Texans,
it is said, were attacked in a barricade of
logs and stones by the deputies, and com
menced firing. The volleys were returned
with spirit for some time, but tbe boomers
surrendered after some had been wounded.
Fears That the Charleston May Not be All
That Is Expected.
"Washington-, April 19. The new
cruiser Charleston was to have started from
San Francisco on her trial trip, to-day. The
intention was to take her as far South as
San Diego, in order that water might be
found of sufficient depth to permit of high
speed. There is some anxiety
felt at the Navy Department as
to the result of the Charleston's
trial, as thelrequirement in the msUter.of-
norse power is very severe, u naer tne con
tract's stipulation the engines must show
7,000 indicated horse power for four con
secutive hours, which is expected to result
in over 18 knots speed.
Reports have reached the department
that the celebrated Japanese cruiser, Nan
jawakan, which formed the pattern for the
Charleston, succeeded in reaching this
speed for a short distance, only after she
had been given IB separate trials, but it is
hoped that the Charleston is an improve
ment upon her prototype.
A Larger Wardroom Found Necessary on
the New Gunbont Torktown.
Washington, April 19. As the work
of fitting out and furnishing the new gun
boat York town progresses, it is found that
the accommodations for the wardroom are
so limited that it will probably be necessary
to sacrifice to their needs a part of the
commodious quarters set apart for the use
of the captain.
This work can be done at the navy yard,
and without putting the vessel out of com
mission. The Garment Cutters.
An effort is being made to organize the
garment cutters and trimmers of this city
into If. T. A. 531, K. of L. This organiza
tion is strong in the Fast, but has no repre
sentatives here. An organizer is in the
city and expects to do good work.
Collecting Testimony.
Hugh B. Gardner, one of the counsel of
the Westinghouse company in the Fdison
suit now pending, arrived in the city yes
terday. He said they were busy taking
testimony, and hopes to see the suit decided
in May. He thinks his side has a sure thing
of it
Great Easter bale.
To-day our great Easter sale of fine cloth
ing takes place. Every department, from
the men's suits down to the furnishing
goods, is packed with Easter bargains.
Make hav while the sun shines and visit us
to-day. $50,000 worth of clothing will be
sacrificed, as we want to make this sale the
most successful of the season. Free with
every 'boy's suit sale come and get one a
Parisian self-winding top or a "bag of fun."
The ereatest novelties for the boys yet in
vented. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court House.
But them now andsave money I 200 dozen
ladies', misses' and boys' waists in flannel,
jersey, silk striped, etc., will be placed on
sale in Kaufmanns' cloak department to
day at remarkably low prices. These waists
will be very popular this spring and sum-
Here's the Latest.
The People's Store are selling surah Bilks
for 60c a yard. No such bargain can be had
elsewhere. Campbell & Dick,
83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave.
The celebrated XXX 1835 pure rye
whisky, the finest in the United States, can
always be had at C. W. Schmidt's, 95 and
97 Fifth avenue.
It takes but little money to dress in style,
ladies, if you will but attend Kaufmanns'
great special Easter sale of ladies' beaded
wraps to-day. The largest assortment, the
latest and prettiest styles and a big saving
of money will behe attractions.
Kaufmanns' Cloak Department.
Captain E. A. Hunt's lecture to-night
at Curry University promises to be one of
tbe most instructive lectures of tbe season,
and will beespecially interesting to civil and
mechanical engineers.
rich contributes in to-morrow's Dispatch
another of hit fascinating fairy tales for the
little ones, thowing the dangers thai follow in
, the wale of too great curiosity.
And Made to Explain the Cause of
Their Absence Prom the House.
The Dignity of the Lower Branch of the
Legislature Preserved.
The Plain Title Often the faisti Eal&ry Bill by
Hon. Henry HalL
Although yesterday was Good Friday and
many members of the House of Kepresenta
tives were inclined to celebrate the holiday
by abstaining from work; the Sneaker
couldn't see it that way, and he therefore
sent out Sergeants at Arms to bring in the
members who didn't answer to the roll call.
Hon. Henry Hall shows that the proposed
Judges' salary bill would cause an increased
expenditure to the State of over fl,000,000,
and doesn't hesitate to call the measure
some pretty hard names.
rrnoii a staff comiEsroXDEXT.
Haebisbueg, April 19. For an hour
and a half this afternoon the doors of the
House of Representatives were locked and
guarded by the Sergeants at Arms and
doorkeepers. Ninety-six members during
that time sat under the frown of the Speaker,
and tried to feel pleasant The Speaker did
not feel half as angry, during the greater
part of the time, as he tried to look, but the
dignity and discipline of the House had to
be preserved. He was there to preserve it,
and he succeeded admirably.
The old members took the matter rather
coolly, but the newer ones were very much
perturbed, A roll call had disclosed the
absence of a quorum, and they were kept
close prisoners while the Sergeant at Arms
hunted around town for enough absentees
to do business. The majority did not know
just what could be done with the offenders,
and visions of awfil penalties floated be
fore their eyes for a time, as they awaited
developments. The bearing of the old
timers restored confidence, and they chatted
together and some even essayed to sing, but
singing was soon barred.
A timely-discovery.
Two bills on final passage had been dis
posed of, when a motion to adjourn until
Monday, made by Mr. Connell, of Philadel
phia, and a roll call demanded by Mr. Hall,
of Mercer, disclosed the fact that there was
uo quorum. Then it was that the doors
were locked and a call of the House ordered.
It disclosed the presence of 9G members, just
seven short of a quorum. A list of those
absent with leave was then made out, and a
list of those absent without leave. The lat
ter were placed in a warrant, and the Ser
geant at Arms went out to make arrests.
During these proceedings Messrs. Laf
ferty and Weaver, of Allegheny, and Mr.
Haves, of Venaniro. entered bv a rear
window. A little later Mr. Kobison, of
Allegheny, entered through the window
leading into the smoking room, and Messrs.
Willet and Bobbins, of Bucks, and Mr.
hitely, of Erie, were breught in by the
Sergeant at Arms. These three gentlemen
were brought to the bar of the House and
asked to explain. Mr. Willet said he had
eaten a hearty dinner and was verv drowsy
after it. He was also troubled with neural
gia. Mr. Bobbins explained that he bad
to leave town and had failed. Mr. Whitely
had been confined to his room by illness for
tvro days, andVas on his way to the House
for the first time, when met by the Sergeant
at Arms.
Mr. Carey, of Luzerne, was moving that
the gentleman be imprisoned on bread and
water for 90 days, when the Speaker called
him to order, and told him his funny re
marks might be made later. Then Mr.
Hays advanced to the bar of the House and
told the Speaker he understood he was on
the little list of the Sergeant at Arms. His
statement was verified, and his explanation
was that he had gone with his father, a
friend of General Cameron, to the latter,
and had stayed longer than he expected to.
He was excused.
Mr. Brooks then called attention to the
presence of Mr. Bobison, and asked if he
was not to be brought to the bar of the
House. The Speaker replied that every
gentleman on the list of the Sergeant-at-Arms
must be excused by the House before
he could participate in any of its proceed
Mr. Bobison advanced and explained
that he had sat down to read a paper after
dinner, and having lorgotten this morning
to wind bis watch, it had ruu dawn, leaving
him oblivious to the flight of time. He was
excused by the House, and Messrs. Lafferty
and Weaver were introduced. They con
fessed that they had gone out to a seat in
the park to enjoy the weather. They were
excused, and the fact being now officially
developed that the House had a quorum,
business was resumed.
Chairman Dearden, of the Appropriations
Committee, was one of the objectors this
morning to leaves of absence, and this after
noon he was one of those who forsook Har
risburg for home without leave. The House
on Monday will probably make him aware
of this before excusing him. Simpson.
An attempt was made before adjournment
for supper to have all remaining on the
Sergeant-at-arm's list excused, but Mr.
Wherry objected that this would be unfair
to the members who had been brought be
fore the"bar. The House thought so too.
Among those downon the programme for
an apology to the House are Messrs. Bul
ger, Lemon, Jones, White, Shiras and Nes
bit, of Allegheny. Mr. .Tones remained in
the House until it was almost time for the
alternoon train to leave for Pittsburg. Here
mained to second his vote on adjournment,
and was confident when he left that the
house would adjourn. He wasn't aware
that the call of the roll was simply designed
to show the lack of a quorum for the pur
pose of teaching the members a lesson for
the remaining days of the session, and will
be much surprised to learn of his predica
ment, -y
One of the absentees was Finley, who'
was only sworn in to-day."
Passed Second Reading-.
Habbisbtjbo, April 19. Among the
bills that passed .second reading in the
House to-day were those making appropria
tions to the Morganza Reform School, $91,
000, and the Mercyand Western Hospitals,
and one making an appropriation of $27,200
to purchase the William Penn farm, and
providing for an investigation of the chari
table and correctional institutions of the
State. .
Pay for the New York Junket. '
Haebisbueg, April 19. A bill appro
priating $12,000 to pay for the subsistence of
the National Guard at the centennial in
New York was read in the House for the
first time to-day, In accordance with an or
der providing on its final passing Tuesday
The Capitol Fence Must Go.
Haebisbueg, April 19. The House, at
its morning session to-day, discussed the
Capitol fence removal bill at length, and
passed it through second reading by a vote
of 85 to 60.
Strong Language Used In Speaking of the
Jadgcs' Salary BUI Hon. Henry
ilall Objects to PaylngFIrst-Class
Money for Thlrd-Clnss Men.
Haebisbueg, April 19. Hon. Henry
Hall made a fierce attack to-night on the
Judges' salary bill, which he characterized
as a steal and a salary grab. The bill pro
poses to increase the salaries of the Chtef
Justice of the Supreme Court from $8,500
to $10,000, and of Supreme Court justi ces
from $8,000 to $9,000. It increases the sala
ries of Philadelphia judges from $7,000 to
$9,000; of Allegheny county judges from
$6,000 to $9,000: of Dauphin county judges
from $5,000 to $7,000, and of Common Pleas
judges through the State and judges of
separate Orphans courts from $4,000 to
Mr. Hall had figured on what the bill
would cost the State for the unexpired terms
of the present judges, and fonnd the total
amount to be $1,104,500. The increase in
Philadelphia would be $194,000; in Alle
gheny county, $96,000; in Dauphin county,
$14,000, and in the rest of the State, $686,
000. Mr. Hall declared the bill increased
the salaries of the country judges merely to
catch votes for the increase in salary of the
city judges. He also said the judges of the
State got very good salaries, and if ' they
could make more practicing law they were
at liberty to resign. He objected to deify
ing them, and declared them as a rule to be
only third-class men quicklymodilying it,
however, to represent them as very ordinary
Mr. Hall called attention to the fact that
the bill had been amended in the Judiciary
General Committee of the House to repeal
all existing judicial salary acts. In spite of
the Constitutional prohibition of increases
of salaries during terms of office, the repeal
of all laws would leave none, and therefore
it might be held that the .other ConstHu
tional mandate of adequate compensation
would permit an increase of all judicial
salaries under the bill, in spite of the fact
that there is an implied contract with the
people that judges shall receive only the
salaries of the offices as they were at the
time ot election. The beneficiaries of the
act, he 'said, would constrne it andfix their
own salaries, and it looked to him very
much as though the judicial ermine in this
matter was being dragged in the mire.
Alter he had concluded, Captain Clay, in
the absence of the gentleman in charge of
bill, had it postponed for the present Mr.
Morrison, of Lawrence, wanted it indefi
nitely postponed, but Mrk Keyser threat
ened to call'the yeas and nays, which would
have developed no quorum tor a second time
to-day, and he withdrew it
Legislators Develop FIrst-Clasa Variety
Performance Talent.
Haebisbueg, April 19. Mr. Fow, of
Philadelphia, this morning "put up a job"
in his own inimitable way, and it worked
like this: The bill to appropriate money to
print a history of the celebration at Phila
delphia of the Centennial of the adoption of
the Constitution of the United States was
about to come up, and when it came Mr.
Fow arose and inquired: "Has this any
thing to do with George Washington?"
Then Chairman Dearden fired at Mr. Fow
the counter inquiry: "Who was George
Washington?" Quick as a flash came a
chorus, led by Mr. Fow; "First in war,
first in peace, and first in the hearts of his
countrymen, and then "Ba, da, da, da, da,
da, da," da," went a regular breakdown of
Legislative feet
This was the second celebration of just
that kind, led by the same gentleman, but
the first wasn't a circumstance to the second
in point of enthusiasm and interest.
Representative Bnrdlck Refuses Polntblanh;
to be Rattled.
Haebisbueg, April 19. Representative
Burdick, of McKean county, quite captured
the House to-day when he occupied the
chair of the Speaker for more than an hour.
Whenever Speaker Boyer calls a member
from the floor to the chair the House relaxes
and tries to guy the Speaker pro tern, and
rattle him. The House this mornine was in
a particularly jovial mood, bnt Mr. Bur
dick held it well in hand, was prompt in
his decisions, refused to be rattled, insisted
on order, and pushed business at a remark
ably rapid pace. t
It was generally remarked "after the close
of tbe session that theSpeaker himself could
not have improved on the gentleman from
Ho Asks Democratic Offlco Holders to Re
sign In St. Louis.
Congressman Kiedringhaus, of St. Louis,
passed through the city last evening for
Washington. His colleague, Frank, badly
needs him there to assist in distributing the
Missouri patronages
Mr. Kiedringhaus said he had asked the
port and revenue collectors in St. Louis to
resign at the request of the President, but
they refused. He now proposes to have
them ousted as soon as he reaches Washing
ton, but Ben will have to be consulted first.
The break ot the new Congressman made
the St. Louis politicians smile.
He Ate Poisonous Weeds
Willie McCleery, a 10-year-old boy, who
lives in Beltzhoover borough, ate some
poisonous weeds while out in the woods yes
terday. He came home very sick, and a
physician had to be called, who expressed
grave doubts as to the probability of the
boy's recovery.
Little Beauties! 200 infants' elegant
ly embroidered, long cashmere cloaks, in
cream and many other newshades and tints,
will be offered at the wondrously low price
of $1 98 to-day.
Kaufmanns' Cloak Depaetment.
Let Us See thoBarKnln.SIIk.
Here it is ladies, real surah 50c, all colors,
which will neither pull nor slip. We have
just closed out a big factory.
Campbell & Dick,
The People's Store,
83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth avenue.
Easter neckwear, at James H. Aiken &
Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
Carry University Free Lectures.
Subject to-night, "Testing Machines and
Tensile Strength of Structural Materials,"
by Captain E A. Hunt.
Enameled Easter Stick Pins.
Don't miss them. Price, $1 75,
sale only at
Haedt & Hates, Jewelers,
MWS 533 Smithfield st
Walnut bedroom suits, tbe greatest va
riety and at all prices at M. Seibert & Co.'s
large furniture works, Lacock and Hope
streets, Allegheny, near railroad bridge.
Easter Opening;.
Ladies' suit parlor, to-day. See the
pretty mohair challies suits, skirts ready
made, waists made to order.
Pabcels & Jones, 29 Fifth ave.
300 more dozen of those children's lace
caps at only lie to-day, at Kaufmanns'
Cloak Department.
morrows Dispatch, describes the oriental
magnificence of the bathrooms of Mrs. W. K.
Vanderbilt, Robert Garrett, Whttelaw JZeid
and others.
New York Are Wrestling Witfc
Another Small-Sized Row on the Hands
of the Centennial Committee.
K Cat-Down Necessary in tbe Number of Xta ia
the Great Parade.
The railroads entering Hew Tork are
preparing to accommodate the centennial
rush. The immense traffic is going to be
hard to handle in the narrow limits of three
days. Several societies will hold prelim
inary celebrations. The committee has an
other tow on hand, this time with a veter
an's organization. In making its estimates
on attendance of the military no account is
taken of the Pennsylvania troops, as it is
not known vet what thev will do.
New Tobk, April 19. The problem of
transporting the enormous extra travel dur
ing centennial days has been of late a sub
ject frequently discussed in the offices of
tbe railroad companies. Such a problem as
the present one has never before been pre
sented in this city. The Philadel
phia Centennial of 1876 taxed
the railroads for months, but it is
calculated that no three consecutive days of
the Philadelphia centennial put such a
strain upon the passenger accommodations
of the' railroads as they will have to endure
during tbe last two days of this month and the
first day of next. The reason is that the people
at large avoided the opening of the Phila
delphia centennial on account ot the ex
pected great rush, and distributed the travel
more or less evenly over a number of
months. In our centennial everybody that
expects to see it will have to get here
within three days, and the jam will be
something frightful.
Every railroad which has a terminus
here is
yet there are great differences in the esti
mates the different companies place upon
the amount of centennial travel. This has
been estimated by some as high as 800,000
extra passengers for all the roads. By
others tbe estimate is made as low as 300,
000. Still, it is confidently stated the rail
roads will be fully able to meet the emer
gency. On most of the roads the plan adopted
will be not to pnt on extra scheduled trains.
but to mate as many sections to eacn regu
lar train as the occasion demands. A few
railroads will run a large number of
special excursion trains. The Cin
cinnati Society, of which General
Washington was President, will hold
a preliminary celebration on Saturday,
April 27. A commemorative banquet will
be held at the rooms of the Lawyers' Club,
at which the venerable ex-Secretary, Ham
ilton Fish, the President General of the
Society, will preside. There will be tha
usual 13 toasts. On Sunday commemora
tive services will be held in St. Paul's
The latest row that the committee is in
volved in is with the Independent Army
and Navy Association. This is an organi
zation modeled after the Grand Army of the
Republic, but composed of both Union and
Confederate soldiers. It is not a very big as
sociation, bnt has post3 in Colorado as well as
New Tork. The commander is Colonel
Albert Fish. Night before last Junior
Vice Commander George G. Delaney and
Charles Ulrich, of Phil Sheridan Post No.
1, called on Colonel Cruger and asked
for a place in the civic parade. Colonel
Crnger replied that there was no room for
them. The delegates were incensed, and
left without a word. Vice Commander
Delaney declares that the refusal was be
cause Confederate soldiers were among the
members of the association. He says his
organization was denied a place in the
parade last memorial day for the same rea
son. General Bntterfield has extended the time
of apolicationfor places in the civic parade
to April 21, provided that applications be
then accompanied by full details and
sketches of tbe floats to be entered. No float
can bear more than four horses. As the
parade now stands, it will probably take all
day to pass any given point.
At the meeting of the committee -of ar
rangements of fifty, having charge of the
participation of the Irish-American and
Catholic societies in the parade, General
McMahon was elected Marshal of the
division composed of these societies. The
united societies will parade over 20,000
men. General Bntterfield reported that,
according to the application sfiled with him,
there would be 101,000 men in the parade.
The committee thought it desirable to con
fine the parade to a smaller number of men,
and passed a resolution authorizing General
Bntterfield to reduce the representation of
different organisations, pro rata, to such
number as he deemed could pass a given
point wiiuiu u rcuMJunuic uuiil ui wiiie.
The following are expected to take part
in the military parade on April 30:
West Point cadets, 400 strong, head of
column. State troops In this order: Delaware,
750 men; New Jersey, 3,700; Georgia, 35; Con
necticut 600: Massachusetts, 1,500, includ
ing the Ancient and Honorable Ar
tillerr; Maryland, 500: South Carolina, 350;
New Hampshire,ll,000; VirEinia,500; New York,
12,000; North Carolina, 150: Rhode Island. 450;
Vermont 750; Kentucky, 450; Ohio, 3,500; Lou
isiana, 400; Mississippi. 60: Michigan, 400;
District of Columbia. X); Florida, 200; West
Virginia, 500. In addition there will be 1,000
United States regulars and 1,000 sailors and
marines lrom the navy.
In the above estimates the Pennsylvania
troops are omitted, as there is some uncer
tainty about them.
Dlmes, Pennies and Nickels Each Have
Their Day on the Street Car.
Philadelphia North American.:
"You haven't five pennies, have you?"
asked a conductor on a Sixth street car yes
terday as a passenger banded his fare up.
The passenger answered in the negative
and took the nickel given him in return for
his dime. A few minutes afterward .the
conductor stopped the car and ran into a
restaurant to secure some change. When
he returned he began to talk of the scarcity
of small change.
"I've scarcely seen a penny for the day,"
said he. All the fares have' been paid in
large money. You never noticed a queer
thing "about change, did you? Well, I have.
It's this. Small change of the same de
nomination seems to travel together. Some
day's I'll be over-run with dimes, another
day with nickels, aud a third day with pen
nies. They seem to like each others com
pany. There's another queer thing I've
noticed. On the day on which I have so
many pennies that I don't know what I will
do with them I don't seem to need a single
one. But just as soon as I run short I'm
sure to need 'em. We use a. good many
pennies now on account of the sale of ex
change tickets,"
G. W.iSchmidt will sell you one quart
of 1880 pure rye export whisky for $1. 95
and 97 Fifth avenue, citv.
P A I HTSTIc V " described by one of its
rALlUlCHHI, vrofessors, U the subject
of an article in to-morroufs DISPATCH. Borne
facts are given as to the lines of life, love and
marriage, together imth some general rules for
determining character by the hand.
tttaiJtA43&i!A.ioAi&(Mi J.t.a-A.'S....tis-ii Ttititftisfilf-ffilltsslTlsfTlfri Jtf - w j , -Al-.ifc.. 1 - ,.s&iH
The Labor Leaders Who Stomped for Har
rison Are Not Recognized Now Jare"
Olny Go to England.
Eccles Bobinson, one of the most promi
nent labor leaders of this city, will leave to
day and locate permanently in Cali
fornia. He took a prominent part
in the last Piesidental campaign,
doing good work in Indiana.
He has no complaints to make, but says that
the labor leaders who took the stump for
Harrison and Morton were not fairly treated
in the distribution of offices. Of course all
of tbem were paid for their services, but he
thinks they were entitled to some considera
tion when the offices were distributed.
"There is a feeling," said he, "among
those who took a part in the last campaign,
that their work has not been fullv recog
nized by tEeBepnblican"party. ifot one of
them have received an invitation
to accept an office of any kind.
Of course I do notwantanything and would
not accept a position under the Govern
ment, but there are others, Chas. H. Lith
man, James Campbell, John Jarrett and
others did good work. None of them will
likely receive anything except Jar
rett I have received positive
information that he will receive the Con
sulship to England. This is the only posi
tion he desired, and he is virtually appoint
ed. I do not want anything, and do not
want to be considered as a kicker. I
stumped Indiana for Harrison, and was
paid for my services, but I think that the
labor leaders who worked for him shonld be
In speaking of the resignation of Presi
dent Campbell, of the Window Glass
Workers' Association, Mr. Bobinson said:
"If Campbell resigns it will be a loss that
will be irreparable to L. A. 300. He is the
most level-headed labor leader in the Uni
ted States."
A Highwayman Stopped J. H. Wormier on
Forbes Street Wednesday Night.
J. H. Wormser, of the firm of Wormser
& Co., while driving home about 12 o'clock
Wednesday night had a narrow escape from
being held up by a highwayman. At the
corner of Second and Sylvan avenues his
horse was stopped by a man with a mask
on his face. Pointing a revolver at Mr.
Wormser, the man demanded his money.
This was refnsed, and the higwayman fired
two shots in the air.
The shooting attracted the attention of
William Johnston, who lives near by, and
he ran to the assistance of Mr. Wormser.
Upon seeing Johnston the man ran up on
the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad tracks
and disappeared in the darkness. Mr.
Wormser immediately drove tp the Four
teenth ward station, where he described the
Sergeant McElhany aud Lieutenant Fitz
gerald arrested a man about 7 o'clock last
evening who answered the description given
by Mr. Wormser. He was locked up in
the Fourteenth ward station honse. He
gave the name of William Bowen, and said
he was lrom Brownsville, Pa. He was
identified by Mr. Wormser, who will ap
pear against him this morning.
Canses a Honse to be Wrecked and a Man
to be Seriously Injured.
About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon there
was an explosion in a stone quarry located
at Wood's Bun station, from which the
stone for the new railroad bridge across the
Ohio is being taken. The men were prepar
ing for a blast, when a premature explosion
occurred, and the rocks were sent whirling
in every direction.
Two heavy pieces of stone went through
a house nearby, the inmates having a very
narrow escape. The house was badly
wrecked. Daniel Pinwell, one of the Alle
gheny health inspectors, who was at the
quarry when the explosion occurred, had
both his legs badly injured.
The rocks were thrown for two squares.
The explosion caused considerable excite
The Pullman Co. Will Build 16 Cars for the
Cable Koad on t ho Hill.
Charles Pullman, of the Pullman Com
pany, passed through the city last evening
bound for Chicago. Mr. Pullman stated
that he had secured the contract to build 16
cars for the Wylie avenue cable road. He
also expects to be asked to bid for the
Pleasant Valley electric cars. The Pull
man Company is building a number of two
story summer cars for various cable roads,
but the Pittsburg companies will evidently
stick to the present style all the year around.
Mr. Pullman added that the growth of
cable and electic roads has been marvelous.
They are crowded with orders, and at pres
ent are making 250 cars. He thinks the
electric road on level ground will some day
supersede the cable lines.
The Firemen Kept Busy Answering; Alarms
for Small Blazes.
The Fast End had three small fires yes
terday afternoon. The first was at 120,
caused by a shed taking fire from a burning
brush heap in the rear of James Dixon's
property. No. 371 Hiland avenue.
An alarm from box 258 at 4:45 was
caused by a lamp explosion in the residence
of Elias Crook, on Park avenue, as
noticed in tbe reported fatal injury of a
child elsewhere. '
Shortly after 5 o'clock box 237 was
sounded for a slight blaze in the packing
room of H. P. Kuhn's glassware store, on
Frankstown avenue.
All the fires were extinguished with
slight loss.
Two Boys Are Arrested on the Sontbslde for
Robbing- a Showcase.
A lot of penknives were stolen from the
music store of J. D. Biebling, on Carson
street, Southside. A gentleman who was in
the store at 11 o'clock yesterday morning
alleges that he saw Bert McCrea and Hun
ter Drake enter the store, and, while one of
them engaged in a conversation with Mr.
Biebling, the other filled his pockets with
penknives. ,
They got away before Biebling could get
hold of them. He made an information
against them afterwards, and both were ar
rested. They will have a hearing next
A Kallroud Conference, i
W. O. Hugnart, President and General
Manazer of the Grand Bapids and Indiana
road, was in the cjty yesterday conferring
with Pennsylvania Company officials. The
road is an important feeder of the Pennsyl
vania lines.
A Fatal Drop.
Martin Flagherty fell from a building on
which he was making repairs, at the rear
of St. Augustine's Church, yesterday, to
the ground, a distance of 30 feet He sus
tained internal injuries, which will proba
bly result fatally. He was taken to his
home, No. 2 Liberty street
the subject of an interesting illustrated article
in to-morroufs Dispatch, in which is described
the work done and the manner n which it is
COOK On Saturday morning, April 20, 1889,
at 12.40, Hannah P. Cook.
Funeral from tbe residence of her son-in-law,
W. H. Scroggins, No. 277 East street Alle
gheny, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
r icniu ui mo uuuijr sub respecTiUiiy mntea
to attend.
xne LaDor Leaden Wbo stoinpea icr usr- r -- n
Giving a Notable Case and Its Local M
Significance --.' s
Unquestionably one ot the best knowa
men in the citr, says the Cincinnati Com
mercial Gazette, is Mr. John J. Tudor,
whose portrait is presented in this oolumnA
"For six or seven years," said Mr. Tudor,
"my health was quite bad. When Hayes
was nominated for President I went to In
dianapolis to a Grand Army reunion held
in that city. It rained very harJ, and every
one was soaking wet. Having to return
home in damp clothing, I got a severe cold.
It hung on and other colds seemed to ba,
heaped upon it I got into a state of real"
misery. I was restless at night and couldn't
sleep, or only by fits and starts. When I lay
down, it felt'as if some one had grasped mo
by the neck. That was because my throat
was clogged up with mucous which I could
feel dropping down from the back part of
my nose. I got up tired out much mors
tired than when I went to bed.
John J, Tudor, 130 West Fourth and 13! Vine
"During tbe greater part of the day I had a
slow fever all through me, and a constant dull,
heavy feeling, so that I felt utterly miserable.
"My vision." he continued, "was often
blurred, and if 1 would stoop down to pick up
anything it seemed as if everything grew dark,
but with flashes through tbe darkness liko
shooting stars, and I would become deathly
sick at my stomach. I was subject also to gid
diness. 1 bad no appetite at all. I could not
taste nor smell food. I cuuld not distinguish
tea from coffee nor beet from pork, except by
sight. It was all the same to me what I ate. '
I bad no desire for anything and left the
table disgusted and unsatisfied. Thertf
was pain in my forehead and
"best and a very queer feelinz or pain in the
back of my head and neck. My nose was com
pletely stopped and without smell. I did not.
tor years breathe through my nostrils, but only
through my mouth. There was a constant
noise in my ears like steam blowing off. My
eyes were sticky and burned as if sand or wild
hairs were in tbem. There was always a
tickling sensation in my throat which caused
me to cough, especially at nlzht, and that kept,
mo awake. In the morning f. woqld raise a"
great deal of phlegm, which gagged me. and
even made me sick at my stomach. Thestonii
acb, by the way. was always irritable and easily
upset; I bad cramps every day and the slightest
hing would gag me and lead to vomiting.
"Well, I tried doctors and medicines every-;
thing that came along; but found no relief.
Finally I read in the newspapers about. Dr.
Blair.and his associates', bnt I did not decide to.
go to him at once. I waited and read a number;
of cases treated by bun, and at length con
cluded I wonld try him. Honestly I had" bnt
little hope. And I am overjoyed that my ex
pectations were disappointed. I began to Im
prove at once under his treatment. Words
can't describe (his change in my feelings. My
appetite is excellent. I eat three full and sat
isfactory meals every day, and I assure you that
I can now tell tea and coffee apart with my
eyes shut. I can now stoop down and remain
bent for ten minutes at a time, and I have fre
quently tried it without any dizziness or blur
red vision or sick stomach. My nose is clear
and tbeair goes freely through jt Best of all.
I sleep as soon as I go to bed, and sleep sonndly
until morning, and get up renewed and re
freshed. The freedom from those ills I bava
enumerated has made me like another man,
and life is now not a misery but 2 joy."
Mr. Tudor can usually be found at bis place
of business, 199 West Fourth street In tbe
afternoon, and at 194 Vine street after 2 o'clock:
v. St. He will cheerfully verify this statement
And Indicating the Local Bearing of tbo
Above Interview.
In reproducing the interview above given?
from a Cincinnati paper a few words indi
cating its local significance may be added.
The physicians referred to have settled la"
Pittsburg, and are permanently located at
No. 66 Sixth avenue, where they treat ca
tarrhal troubles and affections of the eye, ear,
throat and lnngs. That their offices are per
manent ones can be evinced in no better way.
than by the fact that their lease of tbe commo
dious buildinc referred to is for one year. In
deed none of tbe leases and contracts made by
these gentlemen in Pittsburg are for less than
a year. They locate in Pittsburg to practice
tbeir profession here regularly and perma
nently. So far as the regularity of their practice is
concerned, there conld be no higher Indorse
ments than those with which they are pro
vided. Dr. Copeland is a graduate of Bellevao
Hospital Medical College, in New York City;
was president of his class In that famous insti
tution, and, after thorough hospital training
and experience, devoted bis time and attention.
to the specialtlines of practice named In the
Dr. Blair, after receiving his diploma as an
M. D., spent several years in New York in per
fecting himself in the special practice to which
he expected to devote bis lire. Alterward, as
a member of the New York Polyclinic, he bad
access to and gave bis services in many of the
larcer hospitals in that city.
This thorongb, painstaking and patient prep
aration told wonderfully in after years. Set
tling in tbe Central States, bis practice grew
in a remarkably short space of time, and in
Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukee and Indianapo
lis the results of bis work, noticed again and"
again by the daily press, have given him an
enviable reputation. .
These facts briefly, and no doubt very im
perfectly given, constitute tbe basis of th
claims tor public recognition that tbese gen
tlemen make Inawordrtbey set forth this
patient and recular preparation in the schools
of medicine recognized by the laws and In
telligence ol the country, special preparation,
training and experience in hospital and in-
flrmary practice, followed by years of suc
cessful, practice of tbese specialties in Urge
It may be said, by way of emphasizing what
has already been stated, tbat in coming to.
Pittsburg tbese gentlemen have not sought to
evade or disregard any of the local regulations
or laws concerning medical practice. Present
ing tbeir diplomas to tbe faculty of the West
ern Pennsylvania Medical College they sub
mitted to the regular examination, given ac-
coroingto law, to an applicants irom oner
States who desire to practice in this. The
examination, which, by tbe way, is a searching;
one. they passed with credit,and their diplomas
bear tbe formal indorsement of the Dean and
facnlty of the Western Pennsylvania Medical
One word more, which it is desired to make
very emphatic, and the writer is through. Drs.
Blair and Copeland do not come to Pittsburg
as the pioneers of modern medical science, nor
ao tbey seek to depreciate the qualification or
skill or others, nor do tbey claim to perform
miracles or exercise sorcery or work by magic.
Theirs is not a wonder working business. - Ic
is simply tbe practice of their profession in
those special lines for which they have spent
years in thoroughly preparing themselves, and
in which experience has shown that they are
potably If not wonderfully successful.
Are located permanently at
Where tbey treatwitti success all curable cases?
Office hours 9 to 11 A. jr.; 3 to 5 P. ic; 7 taV
P.M. (Sunday Included). ;i.
Specialties CATABBH. and ALL DE
Consultation. SI 00. Address alt m aQ to
apH-lW-Tussu 66 Sixth avePimburg, Pa.
1 apH-109-Tussu 66 Sixth ave Pimbnrg, Pa. ZM
f 4BH