.'3 : , - -ft - g" THE PZDTSBUEG DISPATCH, ' SATURDAY, ' APRIL 20, L889. THE INITIAL OHAME. Superintendent Patterson Notified by Windom and Yfindrin TO GET OUT FOR ME. M. L. MAIME. 'The Old Superintendent of the U. 5. Build ing Takes Hold Monday. EETIB1NG AXD 1XC0JI1SU MEN TALK "When a reporter of this paper -walked into the office of Supervising Architect J. V. Patterson, in the new Government building yesterday, Mr. Patterson, in an swer to the inquiry, "Is there anything new?" said: "Yes, there is. Head this letter." The note in question was from the Treas ury Department in "Washington, and read as follows: Sir: Your services as Snperlntendent of con struction of the Court House and Postoffice at Pittsburg, Fa., will not be required after the 2!d inst, and your compensation of $8 per day, including Sunday, will cease on said date, and I have to direct you to issue vouchers therefor to and including the 22d day of April, as re quired by vou according to instructions to Su perintendents. "When 3Ir. Patterson was asked what he had to say about his removal he stated: "Nothing whatever. I never sought the appointment: the appointment sought me, and I am ready to leave it at any moment. I have nothing to complain of. "While I have been here I tried to do my dutv to ward everybody, and I am satisfied that I have done the best I could. I knew this was coming, sooner or later; so I am not surprised. "Regarding Mr. ilalone's appointment I have nothing to say, either. I should think he is a good man for the position, and well able to fill it" EAPID PEOGEESS LATTERLY. Mr. Patterson has held the position for about 11 months. "When he took hold of the building the brick work of the first story was not quite completed. It took Colonel Xevins over a year to get from the foundation to the first floor, while six years were lost in getting the foundation to the street level. Mr. Patterson has bronght the building from the first floor to the fourth, and "he gave evidence on which to found hopes that the new Government Building was not to remain a mythical structure, by any means. The above is all explained by the faoi that M r. M. L. Malone, the well-known archi tect ot this city, has been reappointed super intendent of the work of construction at the new Government building. Mr. Malone had not received official notice of his ap pointment yesterday afternoon, but the let ters to Mr. Patterson were confirmed by telegrams from "Washington. The retiring superintendent received this notice yester day morning. There were two letters from the Treasury Department. One of them was from Secretary "Windom, notifying Mr. Patterson that he was dismissed. The other was from Supervising Architect "Windrim, notifying him to turn over the property of the Government to Mr. M. L. Malone. On Friday Mr. Patterson made a remark to one of the employes on the building that he would bet a glass of beer that his dis missal would be asked for in the morning. Upon going to his office yesterday, sure enough, the papers were there. WHAT JIB. MALONE SATS. Mr. Malone was seen about 4 o'clock. He Eaid: "I have not yet received any official notice of my appointment, and I would not like to say anything until I do. I suppose, though, that it's all right, and I am glad to get back to my old place. I was there for four years before, and I think that long be fore the present administration is over the postoffice will be built. "I do not Know how far the work has pro gressed, and therefore cannot furnish any idea about when it will be completed. I think that they are now going on the third story. Of the superficial work there is one complete story and an attic story in the center.and one attic story on the ends, to be built. In the center there is also to be con structed a tower, 250 feet high. I had the original appropriation for the erection of the building increased to 51,500,000. "Whether this will cover it now or not, I do not know." The appointment of Mr. Malone is the first to be made here under the new Federal administration. In speaking of who would follow Mr. Patterson in going out of office, Mr. Patrick Foley said yesterday: "I will bet a good bit that "Postmaster Larkin will be removed before May 15." There are about 30 men employed on the new Government building who will have to "walk the plank" with Mr. Patterson. Mr. Malone was the second superintend ent of the building, when he was removed by President Cleveland and Colonel K. T. Nevins appointed. Great Earner Sale. To-day our great Easter sale of fine cloth ing takes place. Every department, from the men's suits down to the furnishing goods, is packed with Easter bargains. Make har while the sun shines and visit us to-day. 550,000 worth of clothing will be sacrificed, as we want to make this sale the most successful of the season. Free with every boy's suit sale come and get one a Parisian self-winding tODor a "bag of fun." The greatest novelties for the boys yet in vented. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia mond sts., opp. the new Court House. LOWER yet! Another importation of those beautiful beaded wraps at $3 50 has jnst been received by Kaulmanns, and, for this day only, will be oflered at 52 98. The same class of goods retail elsewhere for 55. Buy one to-day for 52 98 at Kaufmanns' Cloak Department. New Mock of Easter Novelties. Cards and books opened to-day. Store will be open until 9 o'clock this evening. JOS. Eichbatjm & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. Seven1 dollars buys an Elgin or "Wal. tham stem wind watch worth 510. at J. P Steinmann's, 107 Federal st, Alleghenv. Iiot limited; call or send at once. TVTSSU Don't miss this bargain: Children's ging ham dresses, all sizes, latest patterns, at only 98c to-day. Kaufmanns' Cloak Department. New Stock of Enster Novelties. Cards and books opened to-day. Store will be open until 9 o'clock this evening. JOS. ElCHBAtTM &CO., 48 Fifth avenue. See the ladies' handsome silk-braided, smocked jerseys, which will be sold for only S3 to-day, at Kaufmanns' Cloak Depart ment, The Main Line. See this great play at Harris Theater a marvelous production. D Superior quality surah silk basques for ladies at only $6 50 to-day, at Kaulmanns. New tock of Eaater Novelties. Cards and books opened to-day. Store will be open until 9 o'clock this evening. Jos. Eichbaum & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. Easter neckwear, at James H. Aiken & Co.s, 100 Fifth ave. BEVERLY CRUMP, ITcrcol' Unties his cruise among the Lesser Antilles, the lutme of the Lotus Eaters, and describes the manners ana customs of the people. sarDlsplay advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with This Dis patch. rrrrsBuno. THOMAS MCCAFFltKY, 35o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, nth street and 1'enn ave. F. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wyllc ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST ESD. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fcnu avenue. OAKLAND. aiCALLISTEK&SHE115LER,5thav.&AlW00dst. SOUTnSIDK. JACOB SPOHN, Xo. I Carson street. C1IAS. SCHWAEM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEHCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBKIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FHEDH. EGGEltS. 17: Ohio street. F. 1L EGGEUS&SON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENUY, Western and Irwlnaves. G. tv. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. 1'EKKY M. G LE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. ainle IIclD. WAVIED - GOOD BARBER. 5824 1'ENN AVE., East End. ap20-33 -TTANTED-A FIKST-CLASS BAHHER. AP- V FLY at No. 4515 BUTLEK'STKEET, Pltts bure. HI150-25 -VT7"ANTEl-COACHMAN "WHO CAN FUR Y N1SH good references. Address X. A., Dispatch office. apl9-16 WAATK1I-CAKPENTERS-2 YOUNG MEN to do light work. TAYLOR & DEAN, 3B and S05 Market st. ap20-S3 WA N T E D-MOLDMAKEKS: TWO GOOD vise hands. bl'EClALTY GLASS CO., xsi Liverpool, u. ap.a-43 TT7-ANTED-2 CARPENTERS TO DO LIGHT work: voung men preferred. TAYLOR A DEAN, Market street. ap20-48 -rrTANTED-A OUNG MAN AS BOOK V KEEPER for a plumbing house. Address R. E. T., Dispatch office. ap20-91 WANTED-STOUT BOY ABOUT IS YEARS old to work with carpenter and make him self generally useful. Address CARPENTER, Dispatch office. ap3)-9S ANTED-MEN FOR CITY AND EVERY countv in the State; can make S20 to $30 per week. Apply at once NO. 4 FEDERAL ST.. Al legheny City. ap20-6 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to sell an article or merit to grocers In Al legheny and Flttsburg on commission. Apply to C. L., Dispatch office. ap0-44) TTfANTED-SWEDES AND EXPERIENCED Bible agents, to Introduce the new Swedish Bible In all Swedish settlements: big pay. E. GATELY' & CO., 22 V He ave. ap20-13 WANTED-A GOOD VEST MAKER, BY THE piece or by the week: good prices: steady work all the ear around. Call on D. S. KOUNT, merchant tailor, Wilkinsburg. 1'a. aplO-3 -TT7-ANTEO A GOOD -WHITE BARBER: T V single man: state wages with boarding and washing. Address FRANK ALLERTON, No. 8 South Jefferson St., Newcastle, Pa. apSO-SG -VT7-ANTED-OJEOR TWO GOOD MACHINE YV handsfor eash and door factorrand stair shop, also good stepper up. Apply COR. SEV ENTH AVE. AND GKANTsTREKT. ap20-12 WANTED-PIT CAR "WHEEL MOULDERS: steady work at good wages. Anply at our foundry. South Twelfth and Water els., bouth slde. OLIVER IRON AM) STEEL CO. ap20-92 WAMED-GOOD CANVASSING AGENTS: ?12to J18perweek; goods Just outsells on sight to gentlemen: apply at once. KAUFFMAN & MERCER, Red Lion Hotel, .Pittsburg, Pa. . apa-93 WASTE D-AT ONCE-GOOD MAN AT McKcesport, Homestead, East Liberty, Belle vucand Washington. Pa., to sell Hartraan fence. J. W. CAUGUEY & CO., room 4, 49 Fifth avenue. ap-89 -TTTANTED-AGENTS TO SELL A PATENT H ledger, advertising cards, fans, mem. books, rulers, etc.. to merchants; exclusive terri tory: big profits. MODEL LEDGER CO.. South Bend, Ind. apl6-53-EOD TTTANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING TV powder aud pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmen can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASHLRO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja2S-86-TTS "TT7"A N T E D IMMEDIATELY A good YV marble cutter and a nrst-class marble polisher. Address, stating lowest wages will work lor, no time for correspondence. DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie. Pa. ap!3-56 -TTTANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND V granite salesmen: must hae experience in this line: one for the city of Flttsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience. DUNNING MARBLE AIiU GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mh26-78 WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE 4 Sixth 6treet. Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, latest and best shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic etc, thoroughly taught for &5 per month: Instruction private for both sexes; open daily 9 A. M. to 9 r. M. aplS6-TTSSu WANTED BOOK AGEI.TS OF EXPER IENCE in every county in Western i'enna. and west Va.; good commission and exclusive control on a work of unusual merit. WM. F. MAXON. Gen'l Agent, room 23 McCance block. Liberty and Seventh ave., Pittsburg, Pa. apll-2-D WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; fT5 l'ER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance: full particulars and sample case free, we mean just what we6ay. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. Mass. fels-3-D -TTTANTED-SALESMEN we "WISH A FEW y V men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers In our line: Inclose 2-cent stamp: wages S3 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced for wages, advertising, .etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati Ohio. ap5-85-TTSSU -TTTANTED-AGENTS FOR OUR NEW PA- V TENT flreproor safes: sizes 23xi8xl8;welght BOO lbs.: retail price 35; others in proportion: highest award (silver medal) Centennial Exposi tion 1888; rare chance; permanent business: our prices lowest: we arc not in the safe pool; exclu sive territory given. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincin nati, o. ap3-72-ws WANTED-AGENTSTOHANDLETHE NEW patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: great est novelty ever produced; erases ink in two sec onds: no abrasion of paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to SG20 In six days, another ?32 in two hours; territory abso lutely free; salary to good men: no ladles need answer. Forterms and full particulars address J. W. SKINNER A CO., Onalaska, Wis. ap!9-$ Female Heln. -TT7-ANTED-NEAT AND RELIABLE GIRL YV for general housework in small family: references required. 277 "WESTERN AVENUE, Allegheny. ap!7-54-ws "TTT A N T E D-TEN GIRLS OF GOOD EX YV FER1ENCE as cracker packers; no other need apply. Call at THOS. R. HERD & CO.'S. 93 Beech street, Allegheny. ap20-49 Male and female ITcIn. w AN TED-CASH BOYS AND CASH GIRLS. xucisLiniAis e kjj. apju-14 "TTJANTED AGENTS IT TICKLES THE YV ladles. Address with 6tamp R. G. LEWIS, ChlHlcotbc Ohio. apl2-15 -TTT ANTED COOKS, CHAMBERMAIDS, YV dining room girls, 100 house girls German and colored girls, man and wife for dairy. French and German waiters, gardeners and farm hands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, COS Grant st. mh24-106-MThs TTTANTED A YOUNG MAN OF EXPE VV RIENCE to assist a butcher, lOfarm hands cook6 and chambermaids for families S3 SO to S 4per week: 200 house girls. 40 for hotels and boarding houses, 6 colored girls. MEEHAN'S AGENCY, MS Grant st. aplS-D Situations. XrA!JTE1-A SITUATION AS DRIVER IN A VI respectable family by a young man who understauds his business and all about horses best reference. Address DRIVER, Dispatch office for two days. ap20-87 -TTT-ANTEU-EY A YOUNG MAN OF10 YEARS' Y V experience a clerical or traveling position; well acquainted with Jobbing trade or W. Va., Eastern Ohio and W estero Pa, ; thorough knowl edge of bookkeeping and entering: quick at fig ures; employment more of an object than salary; references. Address E. W. F., Dispatch office. ap20-90 Partners. -rrrANTED-A FIRST-CLASS PHY'SICIAN. VV with fi, 000 cash, to take a hair Interest loan office business in Pittsburg that is paying a net proatof$J0,(Ka year. Address X. Y. z.. Dis patch office. aplS-M WANTED-rARTNER "WITH 3.000 COMPE TENT to take charge of a slate roofing de- panmeai; uunes csi&uusiieu at goou pronts. Applv to CUAS, S. CRAWFORD, 110 Diamond St., city. ap-220 WANTED -A PARTNER IN THE SLACK cooperage business; an old established con cern, and doing well: additional capital is needed to enlarge the premises and extend the busi ness; the new partner would be expected to take charge ol the office department; amount of capital wanted f5U,O00. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Flttsburg. - ap20-19-D Boarders and Lorieers. -TT7"ANTED-BOARDEKS-lNGLESIDE, COB. YV Rebecca and Penn ave.. East End; large grounds, rrult and shade trees, stable, etc. : cable cars pass house, apls-2 WANTED. Itooms, Houses, Etc -TTTANTED-SMALL FURNISHED ROOM. Y V with or without board, for gcntleman:mod- erate terms. Address, with description, ROOMS, Dispatch office. apiO-8 Flnnnrial. WANTED-MOKTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN cither city: lowest rates of Interest. SPEN CER & GLOSSER, 419 bmlthfield St. mh23-7 XVTANTEUM0UTG AGES-MONEYTO LOAN YV In sums to suit, at 4K, S and 6 per cent. GKAEB1NO & LYON. 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN YV lU6umsto suit at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 1C7. apl9-14 -TTTANTEl) MORTGAGES ON CITY PEOP YV ERTY. over S4.000; 4), per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVEK4CO., 82Fourth avenue. mh2-a2Z-D -rTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- YV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. laia-Sl WANTED-TO LOAN MONEV ON FARM ING, city and suburban properties or col lateral. ED. WITTISH. 410 Grant street, Pitts burg, Pa. apll-13-D TTTANTED PROPERTY OWNF.HS TO KNOW YV that we loan money at4, 5 and 6 per cent without delay. KEED B. COYLE CO., 131 Fourth ave. ap!3-76-TTSSu -TTT" ANTED 2M0ETGAGES IN ANY Y V amounts: AM to 6 per cent; city and country: , no delay. SAMUEL "W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. JalO-K-MThs WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts, at4'toG percent, accord ing to the size and kind of mortgage. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. SO Fourth ave. mh31-86-TTS -TT7-ANTED MORTGAGES-WE CAN LOAN YV In sums of fWO to J20,COO on Pittsburg, Alle gheny or suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. ap20-70-TT8 TTJANTED MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR V small amounts on improved city or Alle ghenv county property. alcCUNE & COULTER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 93 Fourth arc. ap20-7-s TTTANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS Y V of (3,00i) and upward, on city and suburban property, on A) per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK &. BAIRD, S3 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D TTTANTED-TO LOAN ?200,000 ON MORT- YV GAGES; S100 and upward at 6 per cent; 500,000 at 4H per cent on residences or business propeny; also in aajoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. OC31-C84-D TTTANTED HOUSES TO RENT, RENTS TO YV collect, mortgages on city and suburban property at 4H, 5 and 6 per cent; property selected and bought or sold on lowest commission: call for new property list lor AprlL J. DERMITT, 407 Grant st. anl3-61 WANTED-MOKTGAGES-fl,000,000TOLOAN on city and suburban properties at 4), 5and C per cent, and on tarms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll WANTED-A PRIVATE CAPITALIST IS prepared to make loans on real estate se curity, manufacturing or residence property, city or county, 5,000 to f5O,0O0 and over: attorney's and examiner's charges moderate; replies should give description and value of property and real name to secure attention: communications confi dential. S. P., box 1:6, postoffice, FittsDurg, Fa. ap20-21-D Miscellaneous. TTTANTED-IO PURCHASE A DRUGSTORE YV in Pittsburg or some suburban town. Ad dress OLEUM, Dispatch office. ap20-27 WANTED-STUDENTS OF SHORTHAND desiring to acquire expert speed to call for full particulars at MARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood st. apl7-77 TTTANTED-EVERYKODY TO KNOW THEY YV can get cabinets for fl per doz. of them selves or little ones at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY. 516 Market St., Pittsburg; elevator; family groups and crayons a specialty. ap!9-39 FOR SALE-IMPHOVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. FOE SALE-LOT 45x80. "WITH 2 3-STORY brick houses, on Second ave., about 200 feet east of Try st. I. J. WILSON. 149 Fourth ave. ap!9-57 FOR SALE ONLY $1, 800 FOR 6-ROOM HOUSE, nearly new, with lot 20x100 ft., on Soho st. (paved), near Center ave. SPENCER&GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. ap!9-Z7 . FOR SALE ON CONGRESS ST. BRICK dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic etc : also frame dwelling of 6 rooms, attic etc., on Elm st. : lot 20x90 to Elm St. ALLES & BAILEY", 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. apl9-13 FOR SALE CORNER CONGRESS ST., AND Franklin St.; brick dwelling, 9 rooms: finish ed attic: both gases, etc; brick stable; lot 54 ft. on Congress st., 36 feet vacant: bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-13 FOR SALE BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL LEGE, new brick houses rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house all late Improvements; lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. mhlO-2S-TT6Su ITlOR SALE CORNER WTfLlE AVENUE AND Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 20x80 reet: low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. de6-193-ws FOR SALE-ON TUNNEL ST., NEAR WY L1E avenue; lot 40x80 feet, with 2 large dwell ings; all renting for 90 per month; this property will now pay handsomely on the price asked anil enhance rapidly In the future. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue apl3-9-13.17,20.21.27,30 FORSALE-THE DWELLING AND TWO lots No. 219 Thirty-eighth street, above Butler street, Pittsburg. 7 roomsin dwelling, with good cellar, porches etc., and 2 large lots, 55x115 feet, to besoldat public sale TUESDAY AFTERNOON, April 30, at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect. Terms at sale or from J As. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Mortgages wanted. ap20-23-3rwrs FOR SALE A MAGNIFICENT BLUFF street residence overlooking the Mononga hela river, containing 8 elegant large and hand somely papered rooms, bath, large closets, range, h. and c. water, inside w. c, washstands, both gases, slate mantels; all the modern conveniences: a de sirable neighborhood; this property will be sold cheap If taken at once; immediate possession. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. apl3-85-13,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,25,26,27 East End Resiaences. FORSALE-THENEW HOUSES AT COLTART Square Oakland, are for sale by W. A. HER RON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Superin tendent on the premises. ap20-S5-ws FOR SALE f3,500 GENUINE BARGAIN; house and lot 25x130 feet, East End: 4 min utes' walk from cable cars and P. R. R.; frame house 7 rooms: sets back from street: will rent for fJO a month. I. J. WILSON, 119 Fourth ave. apl9-57 FOR SALE IN THE EAST END, NEAR Shadysldc station, a new modern brick dwelling of II rooms, with all the latest modern improvements: lot 50x245 ft. to a street; a very de sirable location. ALEXANDER & LEE 313 Wood St. ap20-71 FOR SALE DESIRABLE EAST END RESI DENCE, near Penn avenue cable line; lot I65x 100 feet, with large dwelling of 10 rooms; beantl- juny located on iteoecca st. gust paved), Twen- tleth ward: must be sold quiCK. . A. 11EKKON' & bONS. No. 80 Fourth ave, apl7-80-l?,20,25,28 I7OR SALE AN ELEGANT EAST END RES1 ; DENCE, contiguous to Penn avenue and rail road: large and ample grounds with forest shade trees: abundance ol fruit, grape vines, shrubbery; copious flow of pnre water, etc. etc JAS, W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. apl7-76 FORSALE-A NEW G-ROOM HOUSE IN THE East End: natural gas, marble mantels, ball, cemented cellar, perfectly dry; porches, nice level lot. pure water, etc, etc: price only $3,000 on montnly payments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ap20-19-D FOR SALE STOP RENTING YOU CAN BUY at cost a cosy 7-room residence, artistically papered through; reception hall, bay window, Sorches and large lot, 55x110; one-half square from legley ave.: best location; no trouble to show property. MELLON BROS .,6319 Station St., E. E. anI8-81-Tbs FOR SALE A HANDSOME EAST ."END stone residence, carriage porch, hard wood staircase and reception hall, tower, laundry, bath, 10 elegant large rooms; all the latest Im proved conveniences: asphalt paved street; good location and near P. R. R. For further particulars call at office BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave- apl6-78 FOR SALE-AT 17,000-A COMPLETE EAST End residence Oust finished): 9 large com plete rooms; well finished; pantry, laundry, bath, 2 w. c. : front and back stairway: both kinds of gas; lot 40x121 feet; on Suinmerlea s., one square from Ellsworth aye. : near steam and cable cars; terms made to suit purchasers. W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth aye. aplO-27-Tnwsn FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL ROUP STREET residence containing nine elegantly papered rooms, four of which are on first floor (parlor, library, dlnlngroom, kltcben)hall, bath, laundry, natural gas, all modern conveniences, large lot. Thlsfinebomelsoneof themostdeslrable locations In the East End convenient to P. R. R. and Firth avenuecable cars and will be sold cheap as owner is leaving the city. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave apl9-26-TWTFS Allegheny Residences. 98 Fourth ave. ap20-7-s TJWR SALE A. FINE RESIDENOE PROPERTY Jj on the Parks, Allegheny: 10 spacious rooms, with lavatory and hall: other modern appliances; everything in the most perfect order; this Is a beautiful property and will bear the closest ex amination. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave, Flttsburg. apl7-75-wrs FOE SALE AT A BARGAIN-A NEW HOUSE of handsome design with all modern Improve ments. McCIIntock ave., Allegheny, near new electric road, having C full-sized rooms finished attic hall, vestibule, inside shutters, large pantry, cedar, china and other large closets, elegant gas fixtures, slate mantels, electric bells, both gases, city water, laundry with stationary tubs, bath. Inside w.c. and stationary w.s.; furnaceln cellar; plumbing and drainage the best: house finely pa pered throughout: porches, slate roof, and lot 40x125. REED B. COYLE CO., Ul Fourth ave ap20-23 FOR SAI.E IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Alleuheny Resliences. J710R BALE-IN THE SEXTH WARD. ALLE- GUENY.2 frame nouses of 6 rooms each; large lots; convenient to street cars; price ipw. ALEX ANDER LEE, 313 Wood St. ap20-71 FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tion, lild well street, Alleghenv; low price; easy terms. JNO. H. M' CHEERY, 93 Fifth ave. ap9-46-TTS FOR SALE-A JJEAT DWELLING JUST finished, with lot 20x202, on the McArthur's plan, near the Perrysvllle electric cars and head of Charles street; price low and terms easy; A.J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. apl6-75 FOR SALE-NORTH CANAL ST., ALLEGHE NY, lot 110x284 feet, with a large and spacious residence: desirable location for a public institu tion or manufactory, or would sub-dlvlde to a great advantage. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. apl7-0-17,20,25,28 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-SUMMER COTTAGE AT POINT Chautauqua, N. Y.: handsome Swiss cottage, 8 rooms, grates, nice grounds, boat house bath, eic: fj.;4J. Apply to J. a. UAlyl.oia ll est ave., Rochester, n. x. apl4-2 FOR SALE-S75CASH, BALANCE (15 MONTH LY, buys new brick dwelling, 5 rooms, Eorches, gas, water, etc.; lot 18x100; price 2,100; llllan st., adjoining Beltzhoover borough. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apK-M FORSALE-OH EXCHANGEFOR CITY PROP ERTYA suburban residence and about VA acres of ground, with great quantity ot Irult and shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery; very fine water; 8 rooms in house, with hall, cellar, porches, etc., etc.: everything in prime order; a splendid property; close to railroad station, etc., cic. ias. v. uiiLL-i& ju., lajjounn avenue. Pittsburg. ap20-19-D FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. FOR SALE BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff St. mhlO-28-TTSSU I7OR SALE TWO BEAUTIFUL SITES ON THE Anchor Bank plan. Arday property, on Re becca St., Twentieth ward, Shadvslde; each 50x 135 feet: on easy terms. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. aplS-76-TTS FORSALE $4. 250 FOR ALL CAGOOD CHANCE to speculate): 14 lots;25xI00 each; near Brere ton ave, between Twenty-eighth and Thirty-third streets; can be retailed at tS7o to M50 each; a bar gain SAMUEL W. BLACK & Co., 99 Fourth ave ap!7-33-WFS Enst End Lots. F' IOR SALE-A PIECE OF GROUND ON NORTH Hiland avenue 175 feet front by 1221 feet deep: the best bargain at the East End to-day; terms to suit. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ap20-4 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE on North Uiland avenue, about 85 by nearly 700 feet; price below value and on easy terms. If desired. C. H. LOVE, 91 Fourth avenue. ap20-4 FOR SALE-2 ACRES OF GROUND IN THE East End: quite level, fronting on 2 streets; 4 minutes' walk from railroad station; a bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth aye. Pitts burg. ap20-21-D FOR SALE-GILT-EDGE BUILDING SITES. 60x120, Blppev street; paving, sewering and sidewalks all paid for; 2 squares from North in land avenne; very low prices. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. ap20-80 FOR SALE THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave, near inland; situation ntsurpassed: nne fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Pcnu ave., East End. Jal9-12-TTS FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed: price ranging from 406 to 600. Inquire ofD. C. NEULEY, 6106 Venn ave., East End. no2S-y78 FOR SALE-SPAHH PLACE LOTS ON SOUTH Jllland, Edwin and Spahr sts., near Penn. R. R. and both cable lines: these are the cheapest lots now In the market; taking location, etc, Into consideration. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ap20-4 FOR SALE LARGE BUILDING SITES Llnden avenue near Penn: no lot sold less than 100 feet front: finest elevation and view in the East End; convenient to P. R. R. and cable cars: only 30 per foot front. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. aP16-79-EOI FOR SALE DON'T DELAY, BUT ACT quickly, and secure one of those desirable building lots. Bank of Commerce addition plan, Brushton station: 60-root streets: good walks and no cltv taxes. Full Information (Tom JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield street. apl4-8I-W6Su FOR SALE THIRTEENTH WARD LOTS, Iowa street, 50 to 100 feet front, 125 feet in depth; best location on the hill; magnificent view of East Liberty valley; near Wylle ave. cable line; will enhance rapidly: price low. terms easy: see and be convinced. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue ap2O-l0O FOR SALE 103x300 AND 200x400 FEET-FINE Shadyslde building sites In the most desirable section, surrounded by large aud elegant resi dences: we have a few of the most desirable sites in that part of the East End for sale and will take pleasme In waiting npon any Intending purchas ers and furnish full particulars confidentially. JAS. W. DRAPE" & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pltts bnrg. apl7-74 Hazelwood Lou. FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT HAZELWOOD, on B. & O. R. R., 3 minutes' walk from sta tion; cheap; easy terms. I. J. WILSON, 149 Fourth ave. ap!7-70-wssu AHccticnv Lota. FORSALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUUHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-93-D FOR SALE-CHOICE- LARGE LOTS IN "Osgood Place" near street cars and schools; city water, natural and artificial gas, etc.: n neat handsome houses now on this plan, costing about 50,000: low prices and eisy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap6-86-s FOR SALE 12 ACRES OF LAND, NEAR head of Federal St., Allegheny, convenient to electric cars and Nunnery Hill incline plane. There is a fine speculation in thlsproperty to pur chase and lay out In building lots. Plans, etc., J AS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pitts burg. ap20-22-MW8 FOR SALE-A FINE LOT, 37X177 FEET, ON Perrysvllle avenue Allegheny, on line of electric cars, near the beautiful properties of Messrs. John Morton. Wm. B. More and others, and convenient to the new school house. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ap20-21-D Suburban Lots. F OR SALE LOT 320X122 ON FRANKLIN ST.. X? Wilkinsburg, near Btation. at very low price. MCCUNE& COULTER, Agents, 98Fourthave apjJ-j'S FOR SALE LOT 145x192, ONLOCUSTSTREET, Edgewood: fine building site; on easy terms. E. D. WINGENROTH, 100 Fourth ave.j ap!8-36-Tbs 1 FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS-CHAR TIERS: McGunncgle plan of lots. Full in formation of W. W. MCNEILL & BRO , 105 Fourth ave. apl8-54 FOR SALE-LOTS ATTOERENS, BRUSHTON, Wilkinsburg. Edgewood, Swlssvaleand Brin ton stations, P. R. R. : low prices and easy terms. McCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. ap20-7-S FOR SALE SUBURBAN LOTS-FIVE LARGE building lots at Emsworth, P., Ft. W. &. C R. R., 50x300 feet: convenient to station: price low: terms reasonable ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. ap20-71 FOR SALE LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NAT'L Bank of Commerce has a verv few lots left at Wilkinsburg, all well situated and very desirable; also at Edgewood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the whole valley: they will be sold free of taxes for 1889 on very easy terms. Apply at the BANK. fe27-fl-ws F 'OR SALE-TWENTY FINE I.V.VPI. Hllir.n. X? INGlotsln "Orchard Flan" Wilkinsburg, three minutes walk rrom the K. R. station, fruit trees on every lot, the driest, most level and finest building lota In the market, low t.t-rpa vnnti water etc. etc. "WU1 6eil on long easy payments and furnish money to parties who desire to build. Plans from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg, ap20-24-D FORSALE ABOUT8 ACKESOF BEAUTIFUL laying ground, about one-half of which is planted in the very finest variety of fruit, such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, etc.. In toe Sewlckley valley, near Shield's Station: the view is unsurpassed by any In the valley: price, 1,000 per acre; terms to suit; the price Is about one-hair what other property adjoining it can be bought for; when the present owner purchased this property It was his intention to build an ele gant mansion on It, but a change In his business necessitates his living away from the city Is the only reason for selling: to anyone wanting de lightful building site, or as an Investment, this Is unsurpassed. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ap20-4 Farms. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 12 ACRES OF ground near Wlldwood station, A. V. B, R.: price very low. McCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. ap20-7-S F OK SALE A SMALL FARM WITH STOCK and croDs In Armstrong countv. !n npn, nn. derlald with coal and lime; dwelling house, out- uuiiuiua, urcimru, wakci, xu acres in rye ana wheat; wlU sell the entire place with the stock, crop, Implements, barouche, buggy, wagon, etc., etc., for 1,500; a rare bargain. Terms etc. from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourtn avenue Pitts burg. ap20-19-D FOR SALE "DANDY" FARM 280 ACRES Elegant 10-room bouse fine barn, and all in good repair, mostly bottom land and fronts on railroad, about 25 miles from Pittsburg; price g 5,000: open for bids; Is called the best farm In caver county; also 80 acres, 4-room bouse barn, orchard, etc, 6 miles from Beaver Falls, for (2,600; easy payments. Send for new farm and ex. list. N. F. HUKST, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Pa. aoll-73-TJ-S FOR SALE-A VERY SUPERIOR GRAZING and stock farm, in Fauquier county, Vir ginia. 40 miles south oi Washington city, one mile trom Warrenton Junction, Virginia if. K. R. ; 1.008 acres: highly Improved, well watered, hand some residence with modern Improvements, stone grist mill, cattle house etc.; this valuable property will be sold as a whole or In two parts at a sacrifice Address A. N. BASTABLE. 27 West North ave., Baltimore. ap2-e6-lTESu. FOR SALE LOTS. Farms. F lOR 8ALE-2H ACRES, BRUNOT ISLAND, ninm wnra, Aiiegneny: central ana oet nnnfl.Uni. k on...,1.iAn & T.VIllZkTV. portion of Island; ti speculation. A. LEGGATE g SON", 31 Federal St., Allegheny, 'ap20-40 F IOR SALE 56 ACRES GOOD LAND-8 miles from Allen-henv (Mtv.nn railroad: house barn, orchard, springs, outbuilding, at low price: largest selection in the State. ED WITTISH. 41U Grant St., Pittsburg. ap!9-D FOR SALE-AT A GREAT BARGAlN-12,000 acres coal and timber land in West Virginia: timber consists of walnut, ponlar, ash, etc: coal 6 and 7 foot veins, cokelng coal; price 5 per acre. J. H. BKISTOR, Martlnsburg, V. Va. ap20-68 FOR SALE-AT A GREAT BARGAIN-10,000 acres choice coal and timber lands; timber consists of walnut, poplar, ash, oak, etc.; coal 4tf to 12 foot veins, on the Norfolk and Western R. R. extension ; price 10 per acre J. H. BHISTOR, Martlnsburg, W. Va. ap20-68 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-ATLANTIC C1TY.N.J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents. Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic Cltv. N. J. ap5-9-D FOR SALE VALUABLE COAL LANDS IN "West Vlrginla-2,300 acres of the choicest bituminous coal lands In "W. Va., 40 miles from Piedmont, on the W. Va. Central & P. K. R., which road winds through the tract for five miles; it has 7 veins or coal: the celebrated Jl-footveln, as fine a coal as is In the U.S. underlies every acre, and has been located by the diamond drill: for sale In whole or in part. Apply to FAIRFAX FOREST, M. & M. CO., P. O. Box 816, Baltimore Md. anl0-72-WS FOR SALEBY THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St.: Jl,20o-No. 5220 Keystone ave., lot 20x105, a cozy frame house, stone cellar, hall and 2 large rooms; possession at once: easy payments. Farm of 100 acres In South Buffalo township, Armstrong co., about 161 miles from Freeport, having a river frontage of 107 rods; good house of 5 rooms, barn and all necessary outbuildings, 2 acres of orchard; 70 acres under cultivation; plenty of n atcr: this farm will be sold at a sacrifice and on easy terms. See G. P. Ramsay on the farm. J2,450-Farm of 100 acres In Derry township, Westmoreland co., near Derry sta., P. R. R-: good orchard, plenty of water, good frame house and all necessary outbuildings. See Mrs. Fleming, the owner, on the premises. 650 On Shakespeare st. near Penn ave., E. E., lot 20x200 rt.;blg bargain; must be cash. fl,850-On Stanton ave., lot 40x120: good frame house of 6 rooms, porches front and rear, shade and fruit trees; terms to suit purchaser; must be sold in 10 days; worth 2,500. . 3.5O0-Cor. Yew and Mathilda sts., forlotl49J ft. Trotting on Yew St.; 00 rt. deep by ISZJi ft. rrontlng on alley In the rear: will divide up aud sell In lots 20x100 each and 500 each on very easy payments: splendid location to build, as ground Is perfectly level. 650 and ?750 each Four (4) lots 20x100 each on the corner of Flfty-thlid and Keystone sts.; one third cash, balance to suit purchaser: nice level lots. 3, 000-jfo. 4772 Liberty avenue lot 20x85 with a good two-story brick dwelling of hall, 6 rooms and finished attic; IL 300 cash, balance to suit. S1.600-OnRoss St., Wilkinsburg, near P. R. R. station, lot 135x148, new (2) two-story frame house shingle roof, of 4 rooms, porches, etc.; fl, 000 cash, balance in two years. 000 O'Hara, near Walnut, steam and cable cars, lot 46x100, with Eastern style frame cottage of eight rooms, porches, etc.; nicely laid out; terms to suit. 2, 330-On Millwood ave., near Thirty-third St., lot 20x163. good frame bouse of 5 rooms, rents for 18; and a trame house of two rooms, rents for 13; one-halt cash, balance to suit; see the owner, M. Crllley, on the premises. 400 each (2) Two lots. 22x107ft.. on Brereton ave. and Dickson St. : very easy payments. ir you want to sell or buy all kinds or property (farms, houses and lots) all over the two cities and county, call on THOMAS MCCAFFREY, No tary Public, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 3509 Butler st. Telephone 5514. Office open even ings. ap20-42 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE FEW REAL PROF ITABLE saloons of Cleveland, O. Address C. H. K., Dispatch office. apl7-44-Ths FOR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN COUNTY seat within 40 miles or Flttsburg, doing abusl ness of 30, 000 oervear; 111 health the only cause for selling. Inquire of J. A. NEWELL, care Arbuckles & Co., Liberty st. ap9-35-TTS FORSALE-A FIRST-CLASS SMALL HOTEL and barroom, complete furniture and bar fix tures, opposite wharfandPanhaudle depot. Until first of llay inquire JOHN KLEVES, proprie tor, 1120 Water street. Wheeling, W. Va. ap!9-21-D FORSALE-A HALF INTEREST IN AN ES TABLISHED manufacturing plant In the State of Indiana; to the right man this is a golden opportunity and will bear the closest investiga tion; capital required $3, OX. For particulars ad dress W. H. WALTEKV419 Smlthfield St. ap20-9 FORSALE AGROCERY STORE WITH GOOD, clean stock, fixtures, horses and wagons, in a manufacturing town on line of railroad and river, near the city; total Invoice value about il. 500: a good chance. Particulars from JAS. W. KAPECO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. ap20-19-D T7M)R SALE SEVERAL FINE GROCERY J? stores in Allegheny and Pittsburg at low prices; drug stores, cigar stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, boarding houses shoe .stores, print ing office, coal works, gents' furnishing store hotels; all good business openings. SUEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. ap9 FOR SALE THE f.15,000 INTEREST IN A manufacturing business advertised by us has been disposed of: our numerous correspondents will please accept of this announcement; we have other business openings of which we will be pleased to furnish full particulars: mortgages wanted. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. ap20-20 FORSALE-A GENERAL HARDWARE, house furnishing and builders' supply busi ness in one or the most prosperous manufacturing towns In Western Pennsylvania, on line of rail road; value or entire stock about 4,000; could be reduced to 3,000. This is an excellent opening. Ill health the only reason for selling. Fuller par ticulars rrom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. ap20-22-Itws FOR SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED GRO CERY' and drygoods business. The leasehold consists or two large airr, brick storerooms, ad joining and connected with each other, the corner store being used ror a grocery, produce and gen eral supply store In connection with warehouse attached; the second room being occupied by the drygoods, notions, trimmings, etc. department. The stock is new and saleable: the location estab lished: trade good and cash: In fact a souni busi ness; reasons for selling. Illness of owner and peremptory Injunction by physician to quit bus ness. For roll particulars call on ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa. apl7-30 Business Stands. FOR BALE-A LIBERrY STREET PROPERTY ror 15.000: worth 20.000 to-day and will in crease In value. C H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth ave nue. ap20-3 FOR SALE -2, 000 WILL BUY A TEN roomed house and basement and cellar in the best stand In Youngstown ror a saloon or boarding bouse. Call or address JAMES AH BROSE, No. 3 Pike street, Youngstown. O. ap20-67-EOD FOR SALE-THAT VALUABLE, BUSINESS property corner or Firth ave. and High St., being 3 storerooms on Fifth ave and 2 brick houses on High St.: lot 65 ft. on High and 58 rt. front on Fifth ave. SPENCER & GLOSSER. 419 Bmlthfield st. apl9-27 FOR SALE-A BUSINESS PROPERTY ON Ohio St., Allegheny City (In fee simple); will sell at less than value, Ir applied ror soon; this is an opportunity that docs not often offer, as nearly all of the property on that street Is on lease ground. C H. LOVE 93 Fourth avenne. apl9-23 FOR SALE-THE CHAUTAUQUA HOTEL property, all furnished; with a furnished cottage ofll rooms. 4 acres or ground. Icehouse, livery buildings, etc., etc, at Mayvllle head of Lake Chautauqua, opposite railroad station and steamboat landings; about 55 bedrooms, all large and cheerful, double parlors, large dining room and ordinary, large billiard room with 4 new style tables and complete equipment, excellent barroom with counter, beer cooler, mirrors, etc. Icehouse full or good ice; lamproom, barbershop with lavatory, commodious Kitchen with long range almost new, furnace and oven, pantries, china closets, good office with safe and desks, etc.: large music nail, etc., etc.; the entire furni ture, carpels, silverware, etc.. etc., are In good order; everything In readiness to open the hotel and commence business; wide piazzas on each floor stretch over the entire front affording a charming view of the lake and its beauties, and grounds ample and well laid out; large livery and outbuildings, etc., etc, the hotel Is one of the best on Lake Chautauqua and has always enjoyed liberal patronage; can be run all the year; as the owners do not wish to rent the property we have been authorized to offer It at public sale, on Tues day, May 7, at 2 o'clock p. m In our office, 129 Fourth avenne Pittsburg, and It will be allowed to go at less than one-half Its value, including the entire furnlshment, etc., etc.; possession given at once and terms to suit; further Information and particulars from a personal examination by one of our firm will be furnished at our office: arrange ments are made to allowprospectlve pnrchasers to examine the premises, etc. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. ap20-20 Mnnufacturlnc Sltesa FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE OF JO acres: price low; Salt Works statlln; front ing the Monongahela river and the B. & O. R. K. Full Information from W. A. HEKRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. apl7-80-17,20,25,28 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. kc T7OR SALE-GOOD. QUIET DRIVING HORSE, JTJ buggy and harness: will be sold cheap by owner ror want or use. Can be seen at BURNS & JAHN'S stable 549 Grant St. ap20-9S-TTS F OR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE FOR GOOD driving marethe trottlnc bred stallion Oher- lln. Jr. (vearllnel. by Oberlln. 2:24': he hv Hit. old, sire of Maud 8; dam of Oberlln, Jr., is Whalebone, 2:32,"$; by the sire of General Lee 2:29; hebyOseola. Address G. F. A., Dispatch office. ap20-78 miscellaneous. FOR SALE A GOOD 32-STRING ZITHER: will sell cneap. Address ZITHER, Dlspat-h office. ap20-83 FOR SALE-RHODES & WAGNER'S CLOS ING out sale or confectionery, fixtures, tools, etc, at 77 Federal st., Allegheny, will be resumed on Saturday, 20th Inst, , at 10 o'clock, and be con tinued dally until disposed of. There are a great variety of goods or Interest to manufacturing con fectlonera. A, LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneer!, apis-sa FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery nnrt Metals. FOR SALE REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS at the lowest cash prices or on the Installment plan. A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood St. ap!7-77 F IOR SALE 2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Hall enirlne 1 sintll dynamo and 21nmrjsand meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE & MCDONALD, Penn aye, cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-i63-rrs FOR SALE-IRON PLANER, 24-IN.X5FT.; Howe metal scales, vertical boiler, 44 In. x 8 ft. and smaller sizes; vertical and horizontal en gines: miscellaneous machinery. FAHEY A PFALLEK. Faber and Washington sts.. near Union depot. I ap24-v35X-TTS TO LET. Cltv Residences. mO LET-COTTAGE HOIISF. ON MT. WASH- JL 1NGTON, cor. Gray and Dllworth streets: has ten rooms, large lot; Is supplied with natural gas and city water; will he divided to suit two tenants. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.'S office, 10 and 12 wood st. ap20-17 East End Residence. TO LET-NO. 218 COLTART SQUARE. OAK LAND: new house 9 rooms, latest stvle thoroughly convenlenced; two squares rrom cable cars: location and surroundings first-class. W. A. HEREON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. i apl7-80-17, 20, 25,23 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-GOOD 8-ROOJ1 BRICK HOUSE, NO. 35 Locust St., Allegneny City, all modern Improvements; rent low to a good tenant. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue apl9-23 TO LET-GOOD 7-EOOM BRICK HOUSE, Klrkpatrlck are., Allegheny, laundry, bath, both gases, large yard: 26, no water tax. W. W MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. ap20-5 TO LET-A LARGE BRICK DWELLING ON Stockton avenue near Federal street, Alle heny: 14 rooms, natural gas, etc, etc. JAS. W. iRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. apl'-74 TO LET-ON K1HKFATKICS AVE, ALLE GHENY, good brick honse of six rooms and finished attic; both gases; bath, ball, w. c, etc.: no water rent. ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 Wood street. ap20-69-TuS Suburban Residence. TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable etc., near Patterson station, P. C. & Y. K. B.. and Crarton, P. C & St. L. R. K. In quire of B. F. SHAFFERS, Cratton, Fa., orad dress F. C. BIGGERT, Rochester. Pa. mh21-63 TO LET-(99)-IN SEWICKLEY, 7 MINUTES rrom station, new 2-story and mansard resi dence of 10 rooms, reception hall, bath and mod ern conveniences; very large yard; posesston Slayl. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. 1 apl9-MWS O LET-MY nOL'bE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel StatlonJFt. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock stieet, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-(99)-SEWICKLEY, 3 SQUARES rrom station, completely furnished Queen Anne frame residence 10 rooms, modern Imp.; 2 acres ground, fruit and shade trees: to good ten ant, moderate. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. aplS-53-Ths Forms. TO LET-THEBEST GARDEN FARM AT Mc KEE'S Rocks. Inquire No. 638 LIBERTY ST., Pittsburg. mh7-84-EOD TO LET-FARM, VERY CHEAP. A NICE farm near the city, about 56 acres, dwelling and outbuildings, large orchard, small fruit, etc.: f rood place for dairy or fruit farm: will rent very ow to a careful tenant: Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. apl9-S0 Offices. DeMk.lt.oom. "fcc TO L ET GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK building, corner Wood and Diamond streets four offices at low rent; one single office 15x20, and two connecting offices, 20x28 and 15x18; one single office 12x15; all splendidly lighted: finished In modern style; all newly painted and papered: pos session at once. mh30-88-o Business Stands. TO LET-OB FOR 8ALE-A TWO-STORY brick house No. 330 Second avenue: store room and five rooms: suitable for a grocery or oth er store: to a good tenant rent low. Inquire of HENRY B. EWING, Attorney at Law, 15? Fourth ave. apl7-63 TO LET-LOT OF GROUND, WITH LIME kiln: Southslde: 200x282. on Monongahela river: switch connertion P. & L. E. K. R, : con venient for coke ovens, board yard or manufact ory; will be leased for term of years, with privi lege of purchase. GEORGE C. BURGWIN. 150 Fourtn ave apl4-28-TTSSu TO LET-FOUR LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager or the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-MWS TO LET-ONE OF THE THREE NEW AND substantial six-story warehouses, now In course or erection on Seventh avenue corner of Cherry alley, having a depth of 124 feet to a 20-foot alley, "opening on.to Cherry;" well lighted, with all the latest conveniences and improvements: equipped with two elevators; good facilities for shipping In front and rear; a lease will be given for 5 years from September 1, 1889, to a responsi ble tenant, at a fair rent. Apply to E. B. MAHOOD, 921 Liberty street. ap20-97 PERSONAL. E R B O N A L BOOKS WANTEO-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth fLOOO, let us know: we will buy one as quiCHiy as uic ubiier. ui.ii.1 jjw.u. muuc. Seventh Ave. Hotel building. re20 PERSONAL FRENCH COURSE, CONVERSA TION, literature, etc., either private or In class, by an experienced French gentleman, late ly arrived from Paris; special conversation les sons ror travelers to Paris. Address PROFESSOR, Dispatch office. apl9-52 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done ror a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1553. mha LOST. I" OST-AT OK NEAR POSTOFFICE AN OLD J style seal. Suitable reward if left at OFFICE OF MONONGAHELA HOTEL. ap20-2S CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGETN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose by using the Kureka Garbage Burner. For illustrativo cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, . 63 East Diamond street, Je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny, Pa. AMUSEMENTS. pRAND OPERA HOUSE E. D. "WILT Lessee and Manager. All Week. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. FALL OF JTLAHTA; THE IRISH SPY. Mr.G.M. CONNELL AS BARNEY THE SPY. Miss LILLIAN BURKHART and a host of local talent. Benefit Post 88, G. A. K., Relief Fund. Week April 22 Kellar, The Magadan. apl5-15 SARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY-TO-NIGHT, inees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. MAY HOWARD'S BIG BURLESQUE CO. 7 Great Comedians 20 Handsome Ladles 3 Card Monte apl3-52 BIJOU THEATER Matinee To-day at 2. THE LYDIA THOMPSON BURLESQUE COMPANY in "COLUMBUS." Next week The Hanlons In "Voyage En Suisse." ap2092 BASEBALL TO-DAY-RECREATION PARK. SYRACUSE STARS vs. ALLEGHENIES. , Game at 3:30. Admission 25 cts. apl9-65 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Office of Department of Public c Safety, I ipril 11, 1889. J Bureau of Fibe, Pittsburg. Pa. Ad SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Control ler until MONDAY, April 22, 1SS9, at 2 P.M., for the repairing, painting, cribbing and clean ing dirt at No. 10 engine house. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office ot F. C. Saner, architect, rooms Nos. 9 and 10, northwest corner of Sixth and Liberty streets. Bonds in double the amonnt of bids must ac company each proposal; said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. apl2-SlD Continued on Tenth and Twelfth Pages. RESOR' 35T Atlantic City. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths In the house. Elevator. aplfr8I-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. -QEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS, 13 BEDFORD. PENNA. Leading mountain resort. Water nnequaled. Hotel newly furnished. Opens June 8. Write forclrcuUr. L. B, DOXY.-Manaeer. p7-87-D MEETINGS. -VTOTICE THERE WILL BE A MEETING FN of the citizens of the Sixth Ward at the Second M. P. Church, corner of Fifth avenne and Marion st, April 22, 1889, at 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of organizing a ward committee, having in view an effort in behalf of the pro hibition amendment. A full meeting is de sired. H. M. MCCANCE, ap!9-75 Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters testamentary on the estate of les Callery, deceased, late of Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned,to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known, without delay. J. D. CALLERY, WILLIAM V. GALLERY, Executors. ap!3-59-S ESTATE OF PETER WALTER, Jr., De- ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Peter Walter. Jr.. late of Allegheny City, State of Pennsylvania, de ceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known at once to Mrs. Alice Walter, at No. 61 Chestnut street. Allegheny City. Pa. MRS. ALICE WALTER, GEORGE L. WALTER, Administrators. apl83-a NOTICES. OFFICE OF J Treasurer of AxLEGirairr Coukty, April 1, lts89. J VTOTICE- In pursuance of the 21st section of an act relating to Allegheny county, approved the 1st day of. May, 1861, and of the amendments of the saldsection,approvedthe30th day of March, 1866, 1 do hereby give notice that tho dupli cates for the several wards, boroughs and town ships will be open and I will be prepared to re ceive the county. State and poor taxes for 1889 on and after the 1ST DAY OF MAY, 1SS9. Said taxes can be paid at this office until the 1st day of August with a deduction of 5 per cent for prompt payment to all persons paying the whole amount of their taxes. There will he no reduction allowed during the month of August. There will be 10 per cent added to all taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of September, 1889. WILLIAM HILL, apl-18-D Treasurer of Allegheny County. AUCTION SALES. 'BiErifrs SalEB. ABSTRACTS OF PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD BY ALEX. .(E. M'CANDLESS, ESQ, SHERIFF OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, ON MONDAY, MAY 6, 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., AT THE COURT HOUSE, CITY OF PITTSBURG. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Five hundred dollars of the price or sum at which the property shall be struck off, shall be paid to the Sheriff at tne time of the sale, or by Friday, May 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M., unless the purchase money shall be less than that sum, in which case only the pnrchase money shall he paid; otherwise the property will again on Friday, May 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the same place, be put np and sold at the expense and risk of tho person to whom it was struck off, who, in case of any deficiency in such re-sale, shall make good the same; in case of the sale being for a very large amount, will demand that 10 per cent of the purchase money bo paid in addition to the 5500. Estate of J. Heron Foster, deceased. Orphans' Court, L. F. 1 May, 1SS9. J71,80O 82- 100. J. A. Emery. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the City of Pittsburg, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on Fifth avenue (for merly Fifth street) at the corner of lot No. 413, in the general plan of Pittsburg, thence by said lot northwardly npon a line parallel with Wood street, the distance of 210 feet more or less to Virgin alley, thence by the same eastwardly, the distance of 30 feet, thence by aline par allel with Smlthfield street southwardly, the distance of 210 feet to said Fifth avenne; thence, by the same westwardly, the distance of SO feet to the place ot beginning, known as the Dispatch property, npon which are erected a five-story building with an iron front, fronting on Fifth avenue; a three-story brick building, fronting on Virgin alley, and a four-story brick building in the middle; subject, however, to a certain dower interest of Mrs. Jane D. Flee son, widow of Reece C. Fleeson, deceased, amounting to the sum of $5,875 70, the interest of which is payable to her during her llfo, and thereafter the principal thereof is payable to heirs of the said Reece C. Fleeson! deceased, and subject -to existing leases npon said prop erty. ALEX. JE. McCANDLESS, Sheriff, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) Pittsburg. April 18, 1889. ap20-52-s 71 A.BALFE; BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenne, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TT3 Walter J. osboubne. Richard bakeows. BARROWS & OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street: Telephone No. 812 se2-t5fl-TTSSu TT WILL CUKU JL IT WILL HEAL IT WD1L SAVE IT IS" SAFE COUGHS, SORE THROAT, MANY LIVES, FOR CHILDREN. KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, Price, 25 cents, at all druggists. -prepared BY- FLEMING BROa, PITTSBURG, PA. ja23-snVF D ,UNCAN C. WHITE, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smlthfield, Pittsburg. fel4-7-srvvT A E. UNKENHEIMEB, ARCHITECT, 645 Smlthfield street Pittsburg, Fa. FrelhelU FreundBaUdlBg, second floor. mfc&SOornT PROPOSALS. Office of Department of Cha'rtttes, ( f PrrTSBURG, April 15, 1889. ' SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE-. CEIVED at the office of the City Controller ' until Friday, Anril 26, 1889. at 2 o'clock P. M., for furnishing 800 barrels straight family flour, 20 barrels graham flour, 40.000 pounds brown middlings, 50.000 pounds bran, 10,000 pounds oil meal, 10,000 pounds screenings, 6,000 -pounds kiln dried 'corn meal. To be delivered at City Farm; flour in seamless sacks. Blanks, bonds and all information furnished at the office of Chief of Department. 177 Fourth avenue. Bonds in double tbe amount of tho bids must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be probated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tberight to reject any or all bids. R. C. TiLLIOTT. apl6-U Chief of Department of Chanties. "PROPOSALS FOR PAINTING OFFICE OF COUNTT COHTHOU.EB, 1 Pittsburg, April 16, 1889. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. jr.. WEDNESDAY, Anril 24, 1889, for painting the following county bridces: Nos. 3 and 7, Bull creek! Nos. L 3, 4. 8, 9. 10, H, 12 and 13, Chartiers creek; Nos. 4. 5 and 6. Deer creek; No. 1, Deer creek (Little);No. LKelley's -run; Nos. 2 and 5, Lowries' run; Nos. 2 and 3, Montour run; No. 4, Miller's run; No. 2, Piney fork; No. 1, Pine run; No. 1, Pillow's run; No. 5, Pine creek: Nos. 2 and 4. Robinson's run; Nos. 1 and 2. Robinson's rnn (south branch); Nos. L, 2 and 3, Robinson's run (north branch); No. 3. Sawmill run; No. 1, Sawmill run (Little); Nos. 4 and 5, Sewicklev creek (No. 4 being a. joint county bridge); No. L Squaw run; No. 6, Turtle creek. Bidders must bid for each bridge separately, and may in addition bid for the lot as a whole. Bidders must visit and examine bridges be fore submitting a bid. Bids to be addressed to the County Commis sioners and indorsed "Proposals for Painting:" each proposal to be accompanied by a bidder's! bond, with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of not less than 50 per cent of the whole amount of tbe bid. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the contract, for the f aithf nl performance of said contract. Specifications can be seen and information obtained at tbe office of the County Engineer after THURSDAY. April 18, 1S89. JOSLVH SPEER, County Controller. apl&SU - PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE SUPERSTURCTlfttE AND masonry. Office of County controller, PITTSBURG, Pa.. April 16. 18S9. ( Sealed proposals will be received until 8 o'clock P. M., Wednesday, Anril 24. 1889, at tho -office of the County Controller, for the super structure and masonry of one wrought Iron pin-connected truss and six plate-girder high way bridges, and for construction of one stone arch bridge, located as fellows' No. 1. Over Miller's run, at Collins' Mill. Low truss bridge, 55 feet center to center of end pins, 2 trusses each 7 feet high and divided into 5 panels; to have vertical end posts. Live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 640 pounds per lineal foot. No. 2. Over Street's run. Hays' station (skew7 bridge.) Plate-girder bridge, 38 feet clear span, 41 feet extreme length. Depth of girder, 4S inches. Live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static-' load, 610 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have 10 floor beams spaced 4 feet IK inches center to center. Present superstructure to be removed by. and to be the property of. contractor for new superstructure; this to be removed as sood as notice is given by masonry contractor that he is ready to proceed with foundations. No. 3. Over Bailey's run, Robert Bailey's (skew bridge). Plate-girder bridge, 23 feet clear span, 31 feet extreme length. Depth of girder, 28 Inches. Live load, 1.700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 625 pounds per lineal foot. No. 4. Over Montour run, at Scott's. Plate-girder bridge, 47 feet clear span, 50 feet extreme length. Depth of girder, 60 inches. Live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 6C0 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have three intermediate floor beams. No. 5. Over Plum creek. Armstrong's rnn. .-j Plate-girder bridge, 30 feet clear span, 33 feet extreme length. Depth of girder, 23 inches. Live load, L.7C0 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 630 pounds per lineal foot. No. 6. Over Saw Mill run, at Fair Haven (skew bridge). Plate-girder bridge, 30 feet clear span, 33 feet -extreme length. Depth of girder. 23 inches. Live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static loads, 630 pounds per lineal foot. No. 7. Over Little Sewlckley creek, at A. Kaufman's. .-; Stone arch bridge, 30 feet span. Segmental arch. No. 8. Over Potato Garden run, Marshall's old mill. Plate-girder bridge, 23 feet clear span. 31 feet extreme length. Depth of .glrflerr2 hioh, Live load, L700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 625 pounds per lineal foot. (Also for repairs to masonry of bridges over Lowries run. at Courtney's mill, and Piney Kork at MnfJnwan'H Clear width of aU bridges to be 17 feet. AU' bridges to have wrought Iron floor beams; these beams (except where sizes are shown on. , Jilans) to be proportioned to carry a distributed ire load of at least ten tons. All girder bridges to have (unless otherwise specified) two inter mediate transverse floor beams. Plank floor' ing on girders (unless otherwise specified) to fit down close on top flanges or girder, and to project outside of flanges 3 inches. AU bridge -timber (except wheel-guards) to be sound white oak; wheel-guards to be sound straight grained pine. Deck-girder bridges to be provided with heavy wrought-iron protection railing. Rail ing stanchions to be securely connected with iron girder, and not attached to wooden floor. All iron to be good bridge iron and to com ply with specifications. Workmanship to be nrst-class and conform to specifications. Bridge contractors should examine the sites , for themselves to ascertain their peculiarities, the extent of false workrequired and facilities for transportation, etc., before bidding. MASONRY. The approximate auantltv of masonry f about 2,400 cubic yards, and must be of good quality and conform to specifications. Bids tp be by the cubic yard in place, price to include excavation, pumping, shoring, coffer dams, etc. Stone to be sound and durable, and to be ap proved by the County Engineer. Contractors must visit the sites of proposed bridges before submitting a bid. The county will furnish the cement loaded on cars at any railroad depot in the cities of Pittsburg or Allegheny, the contractor to pay the freight. J All bids must be addressed to the Conntv Commissioners and indorsed. "Proposals for Bridge Superstructure." or "Bridge Masonry," as the case may be; each proposal to Tie ac companied by a bidder's bond, with two suffi cient sureties, in the sum of not less than 50 per cent of the whole amonnt of the bid. Bidders must bid for each bridge separately, and may, in addition, bid for the lot as a whole. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. The party to whom the contract is awarded, shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the contract, for tho faithful performance of the said contract. Specifications and forms of bond can be obtained at the office of Chas. Davis, Esq., County Engineer, after Thursday. April 13, 1SS9. JOSIAHBPEER. - County Controller. Office of the Cotwrr Contboi.i.eb, i Pittsburg. Pa.. April 16. 18S9. ( NOTICE TO CEMENT DEALERS Sealed proposals will be received at this office until i o'clock P. M. WEDNESDAY, April 24, 1889, for furnishing the cement neces sary for the construction and repair of county structures for tbe ensuing season. Any of the following brands of cement will be considered: Norton's Cement, New York, and Rosendale Cement and Hoffman's Cement. Amount needed, about 2,000 barrels. Bids must be by the barrel, loaded on cars at any depot in the cities of Pittsbur? or Alle gheny that the County Engineer may direct. Each proposal to be accompanied by a bond in the sum of 31,500, executed by the holder as principal and two sufficient and responsible persons as sureties. The party to whom the contract Is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties. In double the amount of contract, for the faithful performance of said contract. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject anv or all bids. For further information inquire at the office of tho County Engineer. JOSIAH SPEER, apl8-44 County Controller. .. CURTAINS. We make a specialty of cleaning and dveing . lace curtains: also dry cleaning Damask Turk- ish portiers and all kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dye Works,: M. MAY SONS & Co. ,.'v ap2-TTS 66 SIXTH AVE. 32 Lots at $100 each. 12 Lots at $200 each. y 1 Xots at $300 each. "" 10 Lots at 5500 each. These arelarBe"lotsfrontingon50.feetstreets,. -one of which is celng paved; and are marked at low prices to sell themselves. Situated in-Thir-ty-second ward. 10 minutes' walk from incline; water and gas; good neighborhood; fare 3 cents; monthly tickets SI 25. I will be on the ground " every Saturday from I to 5 o'clock. Terms to. ' snit. 8. GIFFIN, Fourth ave. and. Bxnltoaeld., apo-io-jra -- e I ? ..i. ,.. a.M& ' ' ' " ' r11"8 sstsisststaitiaBtitttmu. .