Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 20, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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AndCIiartiers Bonds Are Sat
isfactorily Placed.
To a Joint Meeting of Charliers and
Philadelphia Directors.
Though Some of Them Are Taken ly Pitts
burgers With Faith.
The directors of the Chartiers Valley and
the Philadelphia Gas Companies held a
joint meeting yesterday to ratify the bonds
issued by the Chartiers Valley. The meet
ing was entirely informal, and the business
was soon transacted. The indebtedness of
the Chartiers Valley has been newly bonded
to the amount of 1,000,000, and the bonds
have been taken principally by Philadel
phia bankers, though some of them were
placed in Pittsburg, in round numbers,
about 5300,000.
The action of the sub-committees from
the two companies was harmonious, and the
present relations will be continued, the
Philadelphia paying the Chartiers Valley
stockholders a certain proportion of its
profits for the privilege of operating the
latter company's lines and wells.
Mr. J. P. Ilslev. representing the Eastern
syndicate of bankers, was present at the
meeting. Mr. Ilsley, in an interview at the
Duquesne last night, said:
AX extzet's opinion.
"The Philadelphia bankers are satisfied
that natural gas is not going to give out for
years to come, and alter this fact had been
demonstrated to them, they had no hesi
tancy about assuming the bonded indebted
ness of the Chartiers Valley Company.
Host of the 51,000,000 issued in bonds was
taken by Eastern bankers.
"I spent a few days examining the gas
territory about here some time ago. I
visited the various fields, and, in a short
time, was convinced that there is plenty of
gas and there is no danger of it giving out
The climax of the gas business is yet to
come. I am not a geologist, but I feel posi
tive that there are rich stores of it in the
earth. I have noticed that when God gives
anything to man He is not niggardly in His
gifts. This is evidenced by the vast coal
and oil fields. "We have been using Penn
sylvania oil for a long time, and there is
still some oil left. The same thing can be
said ot natural gas.
. "The Philadelphia Company to-day has
more gas than ever before. The demand is
increasing, but the supply seems inexhaust
ible. Money, therefore, put into gas is
bound to be a safe investment.
"The Chartiers Valley Company hasspent
a good deal of money in laying pipes, devel
oping fields, etc. I think, with its indebt
edness bonded, the company is sure to make
money in the future. The bankers I repre
sent arc perfectly satisfied to take the
bonds, and the contracts were talked oyer
MrT Schmertz was very happy when the
transaction had been completed. He re
gretted that Pittsburgers did not appreciate
the advantages which gas gives them, and
that they had so little faith in the supply
holding out. "When Mr. Hsley was in the
city looking into the gas interests Mr.
"" Schmertz said he was afraid bis report to
the syndicate of bankers might be adverse;
but when it appeared he was agreeably sur
prised. It was much more favorable than
he ever dreamed it possibly might be, and
increased his faith in the gas business. Mr.
Schmertz thought it wasn't right for Pitts
burgers to jump at every straw to show that
the supply of gas is failing. He admitted
that the supply was often taxed to the limit
on cold days when the mills were working;
but they were continually putting new wells
on the lines, and trying to remedy this evil.
Two mill Workern Prostrated nnd Hnd to
Be Removed to Their Homes.
The sudden and intense heat yesterday
was severely felt in all the mills along the
Penn avenue district. In many cases the
men were compelled to cease work. Rich
ard Johnson, one of the oldest employes or
Carnegie's Thirty-third street mill, was
overcome and had to be removed to his
home in the Seventeenth ward. His condi
tion is very serious. John Keeve, em
ployed at Shoenberger's mill, was also over
come by the heat.
The men state that if the warm weather
continues they will have to adopt the rules
resorted to in the summer period; that ot
doubling up on heats.
About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon an
old man named Burtley, 'who resides on
Bunnell street, was found lying in the rear
of t the First German United Evangelical
Protestant Church, corner of Church alley
and Ohio street, Allegheny. The man was
in an unconscious condition, and it was sup
posed that he was suffering from the effect
of the heat. He was removed to his home
in a patrol wagon.
C C Ilax Nominated bv the Fourth Ward
Republicans for Council.
The Republicans of the Fourth ward,
Allegheny, met last night lor the purpose
of nominating a successor in Allegheny
Common Council to the late Peter "Walter,
Jr. John Fielding was chosen Chairman
and Hugh Kennedy Secretary. Mr. C. C.
Hax was unanimously nominated. A
motion was passed giving him the support
of the Republicans of the ward.
A committee composed of Messrs. John C.
Hetzel, "William Kennedy, Andrew Lysle,
W. S. Stauffer and Adam Henry, wss ap
pointed to draft resolutions upon the death
of Mr. "Walter.
The election will take place on Thursday,
the 25th inst.
lie Is Reported to Have Robbed Others
Besides the Opera Singer. I
The police officials yesterday received a
letter from Alderman Davis of .Wheeling,
who stated that he bad seen the item ,n the
newspapers about "William Sheridan's arrest
here for the robbery of a number of Lydia
Thompson's company, and he took occasion
to state that Sheridan was known at "Wheel
ing as a professional thief and burglar, and
had recently been arrested there for robbing
a man named Kelly of $40, but wass
charged because Kelly refused to proeecuteT
In connection with Sheridan's case, Miss
Iiou Reddcrn, of the Lydia Thompson Com
panv, acting under advice of Detective
Coulson.will enter suit to-day against Sheri
dan, and he will be rearrested as soon as his
present sentence expires.
An Alleged Bluebeard Arrested.
"William Collier was committed to jail
yesterday, in default of $500 bail, for a hear
ing before Alderman Porter on Monday, to
answers charge of beating his wife, Mary
Slnny Mnttcrs of Mnch nnd Little Moment
Tcrselr Treated.
A vassktg remark "So Jong."
Tried by Are A rejected suitor.
A gkave charge Earth to earth.
An Instrument of torture A piano.
En vt is the seat of all jealousy, malice and
The thermometer now occupies a high posi
tion In the public mind.
The girl with bated breath must have been
trying to hook someone.
He is clever one who can steal aweigh with
out dropping in a nickel.
"Git thar, Eli," seems to constitute the en
tire moral code of some people.
Agent Dean is looking into a case of ex
treme destitution In Lawrenceville.
Some are so busy hoarding dollars they never
think how much time they are spending.
War haven't the boys the nerve to introduce
the sweet, soothing briar pipe on the strsetT
Street loafing was epidemic yesterday, and
for the first time they songht the shady side.
"Seek and ye shall fina" Is encouraging, but
incomplete. Kind whatT find it, or find noth
ing. Miss Eastend, who betrayed a spark of in
sanity, must have given her silly lover dead
The first man who appears an the street with
a woolen shirt and straw hat is going to be
The man who prays "Save me from my
friends." will require a microscope to find them
some day.
"When rich men read their obituaries they
must wonder why in the world they went to the
wrong place.
It pays to advertise Emma Abbott is worth
$4,000,000, and she can't sing a true note, and
she knows it.
AN irate Prohibitionist says there is no dif
ference between rye and corn whisky. There is,
however, a grain ol difference.
For laaies only Slight tournnres are per
missible on the street, but tbe honse and even
ing costume must be perfectly flat.
George CumerntIs held in $1,000 bail for
assaulting Louis Rosa anil his 14-year-old
daughter. All the parties are Italians.
The Sons of Temperance, at 63 Ohio street,
Allegheny, will hold an old-fashioned gospel
temperance meeting on Sunday evening.
Stenographer Fdiawood, of the License
Court, says the names of the successful appli
cants will not likely be given out until next
"Waet Whitman says: "One cannot say
mnch about women." Perhaps not, but one of
Walt's books, at least; shows he kept up a deal
of thinkin.
Captain Shanafelt wishes the announce
ment to be made that, throngh his influence,
Mrs. John O. Fairbairn, of Milwaukee, has se
cured her pension of $2,700.
Professor M. E. Coolet, of Ann Arbor
University, and ten engineering students are
in the city inspecting mills. They are stopping
at the Seventh Avenue Hotel.
Wanamaker is undecided whether to paint
the letter boxes red or green. Paint 'em green
for goodness sake, thus preferring the unities
from the sickly green stamp on up.
The greatest evils are indulged in unwit
tingly, unintentionally. A sort of sleepy,
dreamy, daily drift, and there you are. right in
the stew, boys, and never meant it at alL
Scientists are alarmed that eight men have
already been killed by football in England this
season. They are probably alarmed at tbe
length of time it will take to thin them out at
that rate.
That country 'Squire who has achieved un
pleasant notoriety by thrashing a drummer
for trifling with his daughter, is merely paying
the penaltv of having a daughter who consents
to be trifled with.
At 2 o'clock George Wendell, a man from
Cincinnati, walked into Central station and fell
unconscious. Dr. Oldshue called it tremens,
and George said he bad been sick. He will be
disposed of to-day.
Untversaeist services will be held on Sun
day morning. April 2S. at Imnenal Hall, on
New Grant street and Seventh avenue, under
the auspices of the Pennsylvania State Con
vention. All are invited.
Bass fishing in Erie will soon be superb, and
Pennsylvania tront have not been so plenty for
years. Altogether the lot of man is not so
hard, providing he can getaway into the proper
neck o' woods lor a few days.
Three children named Smith, whose parents
live on Fingal street, Duquesne Heights, were
poisoned by eating berries which they found
crowing on tbe roadside. Tbe children are
from 2 to 5 years old. They , ill likely ail re
cover. L. J. Mil-lee alleges that George Faust, a
waiter in his restaurant, had embezzled about
5125. Miller captured Faust's bank book, and
ascertained the latter (who received but $1 per
wctk) had been putting from $15 to $20 per
week in bank. Faust sned Miller for larceny
in taking his book and Miller was placed
under bail, but his waiter is in jail.
What's the use of prophesying every day
the same thing o'er, when it becomes a tire
some chestnut, a weary chestnut and no more.
Hereafter when we say weather, or suggest
the name of Wig, you bad better read the
verses, for they will be something big. Noth
ing will be said of climate, until a weatber
change flies up; we will nse tbe best of judg
ment, and our muse, it now dries up.
After groping around in a maze of nnintel
ligible English, a Pittsburg correspondent gets
this off in a Cincinnati paper: "The Exposition
bmlding rises slowly into shape and beauty, a
long struggle courageously pushed to success:
a slow growth, and not one of those enterprises
which leap full-armed and complete into being
at tbe stroke of a great generosity, or bloom
suddenly in the light of a great enthusiasm."
He might have added, "or busts precipitately
under a too great pressure."
He came in through the door.
With a smile full of guile.
And he said I have some more.
If you will pay: "A Roundelay."
The ed. he gave a glance.
At tbe verse, with a corse.
Then he made the poet dance
With despair, pulled his hair.
Then he broke him right in two,
And he thumped, and he bumped,
Till tbe poet sad did rne
That awful day, "around he lay."
While Looking for a Minor Position He Got
a Large Pension.
A telegram from "Washington, published
in The Dispatch yesterday morning, an
nounced that T. S. Dabney, of this city, had
been granted a pension ot 550 per month,
with arrearages amounting to about $5,000.
The gentleman in question is Major Dab
ney, who was at one time connected with
the St Charles Hotel, but who is now a
confirmed invalid.
During the Cleveland administration, he
says, he filed his application for a pension;
but a cousin of his, who was in the Medical
Bureau, had the papers held back.
"When Harrison was elected Dabney ap
plied for a position as watchman in one of
the departments at "Washington. He went
to the capital, and was prosecuting his
claims for the position, when he was re
warded with the pension.
May Restore His Reason.
An interesting medical operation was per
formed at the City Poor.Farm a few days
ago. The skull of a man named "Woods,
who was injured three years ago by being
struck on the head with an iron bar by a
young man named Hanlon, was trepanned.
Woods was rendered insane by the blow.
He may recover his reason, if the operation
is successful.
Officer O'Neal the Best Mnn.
Phillip Edward was arrested by Officer
O'Neal last evening, charged with disor
derly conduct. It is alleged by the officer
thatEdwards went into Morehead & Mc
Lean's mill and started a fight with John
Conrad, a puddler. He was locked up ia
the Fourteenth ward station.
Db. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office. 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
morrow's Dispatch, describes the oriental
magnificence of the bathrooms of Mrs. W. K.
Vanderbilt, Robert Garrett, Whilclaw Reid
and others.
All the,' leading brands of imported
champagne sold by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and
97 Fifth avenue.
Tresident Campbell, of the Window
Workers, Tries to Quit.
Pinkerton Detectives Hired to Avoid Trou
ble at Duquesne.
President James Campbell, of the AVin
dow Glass "Workers' Association, has been
making a determined effort to resign his po
sition. He presented a resignation to the
council, dated March 23, which was consid
ered at the meeting on the following Mon
day. As soon as it was read it was thrown
into the waste basket. It was not thought
necessary to take any action on the matter,
as the members heard it read and none ot
them were willing to accept it
Mr. Campbell was absent from the city at
the time, and upon hearing the result,
promptly prepared another resignation. He
then sent out a call for a meeting of the
assembly, and made it a "red letter" .call.
This means that all members shou)d attend
as an important matter would be considered.
There was a full attendance, and the res
ignation was read, but was not discussed.
The question was called, and not a vote was
cast in favor ot accepting it.
just the kevekse.
A report was circulated yesterday that an
attempt was being made to force Mr. Camp
bell out of the organization on account of
the part he took in the importation of the
foreign glassworkers that arrived in this
city last Saturday.
This is denied by the officials of the
Glassworkers' "Union, who say that the sub
ject was not mentioned si any of the meet
ings of the association. t(
When a Dispatch reporter called at the
office of the Window Glnss "Workers' Union
yesterday, he was cordially received, but
President Campbell had nothing to say re
garding his resignation. He would neither
say that he had or had not resigned. He
said: "You can say that I have, or that I
have not, and I will not contradict the
statement." While he was being questioned
Secretary George Cake said he would talk
on the subject, and President Campbell re
mained silent while he spoke; Mr. Cake
"Mr. Campbell resigned his position last
month. The resignation was dated March
23, and was handed to me by his son ou
March 25. He was absent from the city at
the time on business for the organization. I
had to present it to the council; but it was
promptly thrown away. When Mr. Camp
bell returned to the city and learned the re
sult of the matter, he promptly issued a 'red
letter' call for a meeting of the assembly for
last Friday night. At this meeting he
again presented his resignation, and it was
unanimously rejected. There is no trouble
in our organization."
Mr. Campbell heard the above, and as he
did not contradict any statement made, he
certainly sanctioned all that was said.
When Secretary Cake concluded his re
marks, Mr. Campbell said:
"If our trade had been like some trades,
we could have turned in cornhuskers, coke
drawers, street car drivers and other work
men, and would have done so, as men were
needed. We have control of apprentices,
and, it we have made a mistake, it is
nobodv's business, as we alone will suffer."
"Did you not have a hand in the importa
tion of the foreign glass workers?" inter
rupted the reporter.
''If we could, have put pumpkin huskers
to work making window glass we would
have sent them to Jeannette. I will not
say that I had anything to do with
the importation of the foreign glass
workers; but will say that men are
needed in this country, and there
are not enough to fill the positions. The
public can draw their own inference from
my remarks. The intimation that I had
anything to do with tbe importation of these
men had nothing to do with my resignation.
It was presented before it was known here
that foreigners were coming here to work.
The matter was never mentioned to me.
"I need a rest, as I have worked hard
since I have become President of this union.
There is no trouble in the country. There
is not a blacksheep factory on 'this side of
the water. If there was, I would not ask
the members to accept my resignation. The
union is
and I ask to retire from the Presidency. I
will now remain in charge, as they have re
fused so positively to accept my resigna
tion." At this moment a telegram was received
from Bowling Green, stating that the glass
factory there had burned down, and asking
it the men conld obtain positions else
where. Mr. Campbell said at once that places
could be found for all of the men thrown out
of employment. The idle men will be no
tified to-day where they can secure work.
The subject was then changed to tank
furnaces, and the statement of ex-President
Isaac (Jline, the predecessor of Mr. Camp
bell, that they were a failure, was men
tioned. He emphatically denied the state
ment, and said:
"I have here a report of the condition of
affairs in Belgium. There are 17 tanks in
operation there, which is an increase of five
since I was there a year ago.
"They would not build new tanks if they
were not a success. In England one firm
has 14 tanks. A 60-pot tank furnace in
Europe will produce more glass than the
72-pot tank at Jeannette, because they
work seven days a week in Europe,
and the glass workers here will not
work from 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon
until 1 o'clock Monday morning. The tank
-furnace system cannot be any more of a
failure than the manufacture of glass in
pots. In 1887 a company of 'experts' lo
cated a factory at Ft. Scott and failed."
This was a stab, evidently, at ex-President
Cline, who was a member of the com
pany. A meeting of L. A. 300 was held last
night, but no special business was trans
acted. Of course tbe condition of affairs
was discussed, but nothing was done.
It was learned at the close of the meeting
that a week or two ago a proposition had
been made to withdraw from the Universal
Federation of Window Glass Workers. At
the last meeting a resolution was adopted to
the effect that such action would be injuri
ous to the organization.
They Aim to Suppress Tronble at Ihe Alle
gheny Bessemer Steel Works All the
Men AreXovr Oat on a Strike.
A number of Pinkerton detectives landed'
at Duquesne early yesterday morning and
took charge of the works of the Allegheny
Bessemer Steel Company. The men who
were working at once came out on a strike
and the mill is closed.
The men in the converting, blooming and
rail mill departments have been on a strike
for a week, while the blacksmiths, ma
chinists, engineers and others have been at
work. All came out yesterday when i was
learned that an attempt was to be made to
intimidate the men.
The millmen are not organized, but claim
they were not "black sheep," and want the
same wages as are paid at other steel rail
mills. One of the workmen, in speaking of
the trouble yesterday, said:
We started the mill eight weeks ago, and
thought the company would treat us right.
ns cta.v wairis and not by the ton.
We came to tho conclusion that
we wanted justice' that is. the same
wages as are paid at the Edgar
Thomson. We quit last Monday and asked the
superintendent to pay by the ton. The men
knew that when they were making ! 50 per
day and turning out from 175 to 225 tons, they
could make double that amount if the Car
negie scale was paid. We wanted to appoint
one man from each department to arrange a
scale, but Superintendent Treat refused
to see us except as individuals. We then sent
men individually, but tbev were not received.
We were told that we could all go to work at
the old wages, but none of tbe men will accept
these 'terms. There will be no work done at
the mill unless tbe detectives are taken away.
A comparison of wages as given by
workers from the Edgar Thomson and the
Allegheny mills, the men making over 100
tons at both mills, is appended:
Per 100 By the
tons at day at
Carnegie's. Duquesne.
Metal and spiegle chargers.Jl 31 SI 80
Coke chargers.!. 120 180
Blowers .7 2 22 3 80
First regulator 1 51 2 00
Second regulator 1 16 2 00
Cupaloman 2 54 3 50
Uupalo helper 1 50 2 00
Cupaloman spiegle 2 01 2 25
Vessel ciuderman 151 150
Vesselmen...., 2 50 3 60
First helper to vessehnen... 1 68 2 50
Second helper to vesselnien. 1 37 2 00
Bottom maker 1 80 2 50
Bottom maker helper 1 45 1 80
Scrap wheeler 1 25 1 65
Ladleliner 171 2 50
Ladle liner helper 1 10 1 60
Pourer 2 50 3 00
Pitmen 1 98 2 50
Slopper carriers 187 1 50
Sloppcr maker 65 2 00
It will'be seen that the wages paid at the
Edgar Thomson works, where the men are
paid by the ton, is greater than at the Du
quesne plant.
The men at Duquesne want the tonnage
system, but the refusal of the company to
pay the same scale as is in force at the Brad
dock mill did not cause the strike. Fore
man Edwards tried to brine about a settle
ment between the firm and men, and for
this he was discharged. The men demand
his reinstatement and a satisfactory settle
ment of the wage question. Until this is
done the works will remain idle.
The Salesmen Say That All Clothing Stores
Rlnst Close oa Time.
A special meeting of Salesmen's Assem
bly 4907. K. of Ii., was held last night to
take action on the charges of infraction of
agreement by a Smithfield street clothing
firm, near Diamond street.
It is alleged that that firm have kept
their stores open during the past week later
than 6 o'clock, which is a violation o'f the
agreement entered into, and that the pro
prietor conducts the night business without
the aid ot his clerks.
At the meeting last night a committee of
three was appointed to wait on him and try
to remedy the matter; but, should they fail,
it is likely trouble will ensue, as their in
structions give them power to call a meeting
and declare a strike.
The "Worthy Foreman Will Come.
Master Workman Boss, of D. A. 3, K. of
Ii., received a letter yesterday stating that
the new Worthy Foreman of the order,
Morris L. Wheat, of Iowa, will be in the
city for the first time next month. He will
address meetings in this section on May 14,
15, 16 and 17. General Lecturer Ralph
Beumont may accompany him.
A Railroad Mnn Alleges That Shippers Are
More Dishonest Than Shipping Lines
History to Prove It.
A visiting railroad man said yesterday:
"Wherever I go I always find complaining
shippers. In Buffalo they say that the
Grand Trunk is discriminating against them
in favor of Chicago, and here in Pittsburg
it is the Pennsylvania that is favoring the
Windy City at the expense of the City of
Gas. A fewyears ago the Chicago shippers
were kicking like steers. They claimed
rates were maintained iu and about their
own territories, but other cities paid, much
lower rates than they.
"It is a singular" fact that tew of the
roads in the country are paying dividends.
The railroad man who can satisfy all the
shippers along his line is a fit subject for a
lunatic asylum. I never saw such a body
of kickers as shippers are, and it seems to
me they would not be satisfied, even if the
roads carried their freight fornothing. The
people should remember that the railroads
have developed the country, and are en
titled to their share of the increase in
wealth. I remember when land along "the
Ohio river was hardly worth a cent. The
owners prayed for railroads, and they got
them. Their lands became valuable, and
now they are complaining about the roads.
They even growl when they have to pav
fare to ride on a train.
"There is a good deal of quibbling about
the amendments to the inter-State law, and
I must admit that the roads are keeping it
up to scare the shipper. The roans that
question the legality of making propor
tionable rates know they are away oft" ia
their judgment. The Pennsylvania Com
pany and Pittsburg and Western, in restor
ing the Texas differentials, testified by
their actions to this fact
"The tendency is growing to hamper the
shipper as much as possible, and it is true
the latter classes are thoroughly frightened.
The inter-State law has made them wonder
fully honest of late; but I don't know how
long it will last. I must say that if the
railroads in the past had been as tricky as
the shippers, the majority of them would
be paying fine dividends to-day.
"The .railroads suspected the shippers of
resorting to culpable methods; but they had
no idea of the enormity of what they were
cheated out of until the Inspection Bureau
raised the lid, and the sunshine penetrated
the darkness beneath. Tbe inter-State law
and the bureau have rectified these evils,
to a large extent. It is now almost impos
sible to misdescribe or underweigh eastern
How tho Election of tho Dnlzell Republican
Club Resulted.
The. annual election of officers of the Dal
zell Republican Club was held at the club
room, in Swissvale, Thursday night, and
resulted in the election of J. K. Aikins,
President; Hon. John Dalzell, First Vice
President; J. M. Moffatt, Second Vice
President; A. L. Sailor, Third Vice Presi
dent; R. P. McCurdy, Secretary; R. P.
Duff, Treasurer, and George Addy, "W. A.
Schoyer, E. D. Marsh and Fred W. Ed
wards as members of the Executive Com
mittee for two years.
The meeting was largely attended and
considerable interest was taken in the
selection of officers, several slates being
broken. The meeting lasted until 1030 P.
21., a'fter which the members sat down to a
snmptuous spread; the good things opened
up the wit, and a very pleasant time was
spent in speech making, singing, etc. The
club now has a membership of 150, a com
fortable and neatly-appointed club room,
and is an assured success.
The club will be presented with a hand
some banner by the ladies of Swissvale and'
vicinity on the second Thursday in May.
Tho Litlaallon Ends.
The suit of A. M. Watson, Esq., against
S. S. Brown for the possession of a landing
near Jack's Run has been settled. Mr
Brown is to reconvey Mr. Watson the entire
3,000 feet of landing. Mr. "Watson was
suing for damages, but is satisfied to regain
possession of the landing.
Did He Steal n Silver Watch?
Detective Eichenlaub arrested Oscar
Hartman last night in Allegheny, charging
him with having stolen a silver watch from
Henry Biernian, of 236 Sandusky street.
Lenten discourses to to-morrow's Dispatch,
and discusses the honesty of religious dissent
in all ages.
Commemorative Union Services Held
in St. Andrew's EpiscopaL
Of the Much. Discussed Doctrine of Chris
tian Unity Given.
The much discussed doctrine of Christian
unity was practically supported in St. An
drew's Episcopal Church, on Ninth street,
yesterday afternoon. The services were in
commemoration of the three hours of agony
suffered by Christ on the cross. The open
ing prayers were offered by Rev. Mr.
Thompson, of St. James' Episcopal Church.
Then Rev. Dr. White, of St. Andrew's,
made a few introductory remarks, in which
he said that the afternoon services were in
practical demonstration of the doctrine of
Christian unity. The gathering together of
ministers from almost every Protestant de
nomination, and their common worship of
the great Jesus, who died on the cross many
centuries ago, would do more toward bring
ing His followers together than any other
possible means. These services tended to
show that the spirit of unity is common
among Christians, and during the afternoon
they were literally "together at the foot of
the cross."
The seven'J'sentenses uttered by Jesus
while on the cross furnished texts for the
short addresses made.
Rev. Dr. E. P. Cowan, of the Third Pres
byterian Church, took as his text the words,
"Father! forgive them, they know not what
they do." He spoke of the great pardon
asked by Jesus for those who were crucify
ing Him, and drew the lesson that this
pardon is still as freely extended.
Rev. Dr. McMillan, of the Second U. P.
Church, Allegheny, chose as his text the
words, "Verily I say to thee, to-day shalt
thou be with me in Paradise."
Rev. Dr. Felton, of Christ M. E. Church,,
spoke upon the words, "My God, My God,
why hast Thou forsaken me?" He depicted
Christ's great agony when he uttered these
words and His boundless love for the people
of this world, for whom He suffered.
Rev. Dr. Meech, rector of Christ Episco
pal Church, Allegheny, chose as his text
the two words "I thirst." His address was
very interesting, and of a high literary tone.
"It is finished" was the text of Rev.
Howard B. Grose, of the Fourth Avenue
Baptist Church. He spoke of Christ meek
ly bowing His head and dying, the great
battle just finished, and the victory won by
Christ over Satan man's redemption ful
filled by Christ's death.
The third saying, "Behold thy mother,"
was treated upon by Rev. Dr. Sproul, of the
Reformed Presbyterian Church. He spoke
of Christ's great love for His mother, and
her agony as she knelt at the foot of the
Rev. Mr. Mackay, of St Peter's, spoke
upon His last words on the cross: "Father,
unto Thy hands I commend my spirit."
The climax of the divine tragedy and the
tremendous sacrifice made by Christ fur
nished the material for his eloquent dis
course. Rev. Mr. Wightman, assistant minister of
St. Andrew's Church, lead in the conclud
ing prayers.
Rev. Mr. Maxwell, of.the Trinity Church,
concluded the services with prayers and a
The musical part of the service was well
Several of tbe most beautiful portions of
the oratorios, "Calvary," by Spohr, and
"The Crucifixion," by Stainer, were
rendered with fine effect and feeling. The
choir was composed of Mrs. Mellon, soprano;
Mrs. Fox, alto; W. H. Stephens, tenor, and
Samuel Amberson, bass, ilr.li. C. Webster
was director and organist.
The church was well filled, and the con
gregation was composed of members of the
churches whose pastors took part in the
Good Friday was also generally observed
yesterday. All the Catholic and'Episcopal
churches of the two cities held special
services. A great many of the railroad
offices, court rooms, banks and other places
were closed.
Tbe Mayor, Controller, ct al, Talk of a
Loss of $250,000 to the City.
A special telegram from Harrisburg last
night said: Governor Beaver to-day received
telegrams from Mayor McCallin, Controller
Morrow, City Attorney Moreland, Superin
tendent Bigelow and Delinquent Tax Col
lector Ford, remonstrating against Senator
Newmyer's bill for the renewal of munici
pal liens every five years. The bill, though
it passed the Senate some time ago and the
House vesterday, hadnot reached the Gov
ernor to-day. When it does, he will give a
hearing to all interested persons.
It is claimed Pittsburg will lose $250,000
on Penn avenue improvements in renewing
liens, if the bill becomes a law. On Mon
day a motion will be made in the House to
recall the bill from the Governor.
Mrs. E. W. Gormley, a Lender in the
Crnsade, to Make an Address.
The open-air meeting at the corner of
Ross and High streets, Sunday afternoon, at
3 o'clock, will be addressed by Mrs. E. W.
Gormlev, of W. C. T. U. crusade fame, who
has just returned after an absence of some
time from the city. The meeting will be
conducted by Andrew Bryce. All Chris
tian workers are invited to co-operate.
The temperance meeting at Washington
Hall, Beaver avenue, Allegheny, Sundav
afternoon, will be addressed dv Benson M.
Lewis. His subject will be rHome versus
Saloon." '
Great Easter Sale.
To-day our great Easter sale of fine cloth
ing takes place. Every department, lrom
the men's suits down to the furnishing
goods, is packed with Easter 'bargains.
Make hay while the sun shines and visit us
to-day. $50,000 worth of clothing will be
sacrificed, as we want to make this sale the
most successful of tbe season. Free with
every boy's suit sale come and get one a
Parisian self-windine topor a "baeof fun."
The greatest novelties for the boys vet in
vented. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court House.
KotFlctlon, but a Straight Fact.
With us to say a thing is to do it. Our
offer to sell to-day for 25 to 33 per cent less
money any goods advertised by competing
nouses, is; the truth and nothing but the
truth, all contradictions of high-priced deal
ers notwithstanding. Kaufmanns',
Fifth avenue and Smithfield street.
Grent Easter Sale.
To-day our great Easter sale of fine cloth
ing takes place. Every department, from
the men's suits down to the furnishing
goods, is packed with Easter bargains.
Make hav while the sun shines and visit us
to-day. $50,000 worth of clothing will be
sacrificed, as we want to make this sale the
most successful of the season. Free with
every boy's suit sale come and get one a
Parisian self-winuing top or a"bag of fun."
The greatest novelties tor the boys yet in
vented. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court House.
A ITT 1 A n tomorrow's Dispatch, discour.
U Ul If ftj ses on horse racing, and condemns
it imlrong terms, holding that it is a barbarous
sport, without even the-re'deeming features of
The Dealers Claim That It is Wearing tbo
End and Victory is Within Beach
Dairymen Are to Join Them.
The milk dealers held another meeting
.last night in Imperial Hall. Apart from
completing the routine business incidental
to tbe establishment of their organization,
they discussed their position in regard to
the Shippers' Union and the Chartiers
Creamery Company in a very lively man
ner. A number of them claimed that the ex
citing time in the milk war was nearly over.
Said one:
"The farmers are gradually awakening to
tho fact that their arrangement with Mr.
Reed is not going to bring them such a
price for their milk as they anticipated,
and, inasmuch as we are showing the ship
pers that we" are in earnest and mean to do
the square thing by them, they are coming
to the conclusion that they had better come
back to us. I am ready to prophesy that
next Monday will be the last of the present
contract with the shippers."
Regarding the move Mr. Reed made to
supply the grocers at wholesale prices, Mr.
Johnson, of Allegheny, said as far as he
had been able to learn the retailers were not
anxious to accept the Chartiers Creamery
Company's proposition because it sounded
too much like the promise of the natural
gas companies a fewyears ago. They
offered gas for nothing to the people then in,
order to charge them an exorbitant price
Vice President Hemingray, who acted as
Chairman last night, stated that some of
the local dairymen had promised him to
join their union, and a motion was after
ward made to ask them to be present at the
next meeting, which is to be held on
A gentleman connected with the Char
tiers Creamery Company informed a reporter
yesterday they were satisfied that the ship
pers meant to stick to them and not go back
to the dealers. He claimed, also that three
new shippers joined the union yesterday,
and that the organization is constantly
"We have sent some agents among the
grocers," he said, "and the other retailers
also, and from the present outlook, it seems
that we shall be able to find a ready market
among them in a few days."
' Boys Flay With Fire.
Some mischievous boys set fire last night
to a leak in the pipes of the Pittsburg Gas
Company on Cassett street. Eleventh ward,
and for more than an hour the street was all"
ablaze for a distance of half a square.
Wondrous In Quality of Sound, Power and
Resonance The Choice of the World's
Great Artist, Hans Von Bolow,
A choice which is not only prima facie
evidence of the soul there is in this great
man, but also of the merits of this great
piano, he having selected it from all others
as meeting the requirements for his exceed
ingly limited number of performances dur
ing his present American trip. But how
could he do otherwise? The instrument's
reputation and standing is of no mushroom
growth; it has received the indorsements of
artists, professional and amateur musicians,
in an unbroken chain of testimonials for
more than half a century, to which can be
added thousands from among our own com
munity, apd to-day the Knabe piano stands
the world over without a peer; and to those
who desire an instrument for purely artistic
and intelligent reasons, and which is be
yond a few paltry dollars and cents rea
sons, we say go to Hamilton's elegant par
lors, Nos. 91 and 93 Fifth avenue, Pitts
burg, Pa., where a full line of them is
displayed, and at prices no higher than is
usually asked elsewhere for inferior instru
ments.. If you want an organ get an Estey.
Hamilton doesn't ask extravagant prices
for anything, and vou can get them on con
venient payments, u you preier.
Fine Lot of Musical Goods,
H. Kleber & Bro., No. 50G Wood street,
have just received the finest lot of violins,
guitars and mandolins ever brought to this
city. The prices of their many violins.
range lrom 51 tosiuu, guitars lrom 4 to 585,
mandolins from $8 to $75. These instruments
are offered at lower prices than ever before.
Klebers' specialties are the celebrated
Washburn guitars, mandolins and zithers,
which are now the leading instruments in
this country. The Washburns are fully
warranted and are the cheapest first-class in
struments in the market. We desire also to
call attention to the new Arion guitars,
which can be had at the extremely low price
of $10. These instruments are made of beau
tiful American wood and are fully war
ranted. Call and examine these lovely
goods. Ths
Tills Makes 50 Cents .Look Big.
Put it into a yard of our bargain surah
silk, the best goods for the money we ever
offered in the People's Store.
Campbell & Dick,
83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth avenue.
Hand Mirrors Reduced 25 Fer Cent,
Until removal next week, at
Habdy & Hayes, Jewelers,
MWS 533 Smithheld st.
Not Fiction, bat a Straight Fact.
With us to say a thing is to do it Our
offer to sell to-day for 25 to 33 per cent less
money auy goods advertised by competing
houses, is the truth and nothing but the
truth, all contradictions of high-priced deal
ers notwithstanding. Kattpmanns',
Fifth avenue and Smithfield street.
LA Pebla del Fumae are a high grade
Key West cigar, manufactured for those
smokers who can appreciate Havana tobzeco
in its natural condition. Sold from ?G 50 to
$12 per 100. G. "W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fitth ave.
Maintaining Our Position,
As the people's friend, we offer the bargain
of the season.viz: 200 pieces real surah silk,
all colors, 50 cents a yard. The ladies have
only to see them and buy.
Campbell & Dick,
83. 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave.
We Mean What We Say.
We positively will sell to-day at from 25
to 33 per cent les3 money, any goods adver
tised by competing houses. Bring us their
adverti&ementsand convince yourself. Don't
be misled by contradictory statements of
jealous rivals. Kaufmanns',
Fifth avenue and Smithfield street.
New Stock of Easter Novelties.
Cards and books opened to-day. Store
will be open until 9 o'clock this evening.
48 Fifth avenue.
All kinds at extremely low prices at M.
Seibert & Co.'s large furniture works, La
cock and Hope streets, near railroad bridge,
Allegheny. D
Come To-Dny.
Very handsome portieres, $2 50 a pair.
Lace curtains, 05c 75c, $1, $1 25, $1 50 up.
Carpets all prices and styles.
Geo. W. Snaman, '
tts 136 Federal st, Allegheny.
Fob parlor, bedroom, dining or kitchen
furniture call on Dain & Daschbach, 111
Smithfield street. Prices guaranteed to be
the lowest in the city for first-class goods.
Easier puff scarfs at James H. Aiken &
Co.'s, 100 Fifth ye.
Best, bargains in finest quadruple plated
table ware, knives, forks and spoons at
Steinmann's, 107 Federal st. "wrssu
tinues his cruise among the Lesser Antilles, the
home of the Lotus Eaters, and describes the
manners and customs of the people.
The Concluding Evidence That She Is, and
the Opening Evidence That She Isn't
Continuing the Inquiry.
The inquiry- into the sanity of Daisy
Hutchinson was resumed yesterday before
Attorney Shoemaker, master. Mary Clark
testified to living on Robinson street, Alle
gheny, opposite where Miss Hutchinson
lived, and that one night about a month
ago she was called on to stay with Miss
Hutchinson, who was laboring under the
delusion that some one had murdered her
sister and placed her body in a trunk in one
of the upstairs rooms.
Dr. T. W. McNeil, who has charge of St
Francis' Hospital, testified to having
seen Daisy Hutchinson while in the insane
department of the hospital and afterward in
the general ward. He thought she was suf
fering from acute melancholia, or bistro
mania. He "thought that, as she might be
cured, she was a fit subject for treatment,
but did not think it necessary that she
should be locked up, but that there should
be a gnardian to look after her interests.
Nellie Morgan told of the breaking up of
Miss Hutchinson's house, and said Miss
Hutchinson had often talked of it before.
Tbe petitioners here rested their case, and
the defense opened by placing Sister Leo,
who has charge of the insane department at
St. Francis' Hospital, on the stand. Sister
Leo had charge of Miss Hutchinson all the
lime she was in that department and
watched her very closely, and, in her
opinion, she was not insane.
Sister Saraphina, who is Mother Superior
and in charge of St. Francis' Hospital, saw
Miss Hutchinson nearly every day she was
in the insane department, and, in her
opinion, she was perfectly sane. On Satur
day night two parties called on her and
wanted her to have the patient ready on
Sunday morning at 6:30, as they wanted to
take her to the Frankfort Asylum; but she
Dr. S. N. Benham testified that Miss
Hutchinson has called at his office every
day for a week, and that he had long con
versations with her. His opinion was that
there was nothing wrong with her mentally.
The hearing will be continued Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Sanitarium and Water Cure. The only
Eastern institution in which mud baths are
given. Steam-heating and electric lights.
Baths, massage and electricity by trained
manipulators. Address John S. Marshall,
M. D., Green Spring, O.
The use of Angostura Bitters excites the
appetite and keeps the digestive organs in
The Main Line.
See this great play at Harris' Theater a
marvelous production. d
tributes to to-morrow's Dispatch an interest
ing interview with Dr. Robert Collyer, the
famous Unitarian divine, in which the latter
gives his views on prohibition, woman svffrage
and other timely topics.
Forth our best efforts to secure a spring stock
of Dress Fabrics at prices that will save yon
money, and admit of a selection ot choice and
artistic weaves in
Silk values unsurpassed. Best qualities of
Black Dress Silks. Surahs, Failles and Printed
Indias. Short lengths of plain and fancy Silks
at bargain prices.
An immense variety of new weaves in B LA Civ
DRESS FABRICS. Silk warp specialties from
1 and up. Black Henriettas, 65c, 75c and $L
Trimmings and Buttons I Underwear, Hosiery,
to match Dress Goods. Corsets and Gloves.,
Ladies' and Children's Suits. "
Side Band Novelties, nice Quality French
Suitings, 512, $15 and SIS.
Handsome trimmed suits. $15, $20, $23.
Two toned suits, $15, SIS, $25.
Black cashmere suits, $12, S15 to $20.
Black Henrietta snits, S16, $18, 20.
Latest styles for Children and Misses' Cloth
Suits, braid trimmed. $2 and up.
Cashmere Suits, metallic trimmings, $4 and
We are selling Jaunty lace sleeve and beach
grenadier mantalette at $3 50.
Fall-beaded, silk-lined mantalette specialties
at 83, $4, $5 to $25.
Faille silk, lace and bead or braid silk-lined
mantles, $9, $10, tl5 and $20.
Ladies' and Children's
In all the newest shades. Come
and get a pair to match your new
dress. We fit every'pair and guar
antee them.
To have your new dress look neat
you should call and have a pair of
our Corsets fitted. We carry only
reliable makes, and have a con
venient fitting zoom and an ex
perienced fitter.
We have all the latest novelties
in Fancy Hose, and a full line of
the celebrated Onyx Fast Black,
warranted not to color the feet
Also a choice line of Handker
chiefs, Collars and Cuffs, Ruchings,
Fans, Umbrellas, Loid Fauntleroy
Collar and Cuff Sets, Windsor Ties,
Mull Ties, Black Lace Scarfs and
.612 Penn Avenue.
ap20-7.Thssn '
FerryiTlIIe Electric Itond Said to bo Coins
to tho Pleasant Valley.
A report was published yesterday after
noon that the Perrysville Electric Railway
was abont to pass into the hands of the
Pleasant Valley Railway Company; that
the sale had been agreed upon, and that
payment would be made in cash and in
stock ana bonds of tbe Pleasant Valley line.
A number of people known to be interested
in the properties were solicited for informa
tion, but they all relused to talk except
William A. Stone, Esq.,who denounced
the publication as highly improper and on
the mere suggestion of a rumor. As County
Recorder Graham was present and assented
to Mr. Stone's view, it was useless to try the
pump on him separately.
A stockholder in the Perrysville .Electric
Railway Company is quoted as saying that,
whilethe sale has not been finally made,
negotiations to that end are pending, and a
man interested in the Pleasant Valley line
is reported to have said that the sale has
been agreed upon, but that no consideration
has yet been passed. These street railway
deals are beginning to come about almost as
frequently as Pittsburg murders and sui
cides. Trnauta Glad to Go Home.
Officer Kinney, of Youngstown, O., yes
terday took James Duggan and Patsy
Curtin from the Allegheny county jail and
sent them to their parents at Youngstown.
The two boys had run away from home and
were arrested here for trespassing on rail
roads, receiving ten days each.
PALMISTRY " d'cribedby one of iU
L a JJIMIO 111 1 ) professors, is the subject of
an article in to-morrous Dispatch. Some
facts are given as to the lines of life, love and
marriage, together with some general rules fot
determining character by the hand.
A great success and due to tbe fact that our
stock of goods in this department has been
most carefully selected, including the latest
Paris and New York styles, and also the best
efforts of our own work-room.
Children's Trimmed bats m great variety
also, a large assortment of novelties in Un
trimmed Hats and Bonnets, in tbe newest
shapes, for Ladies and Children. All the new
things in Ribbons and flowers and trimming
Parasols and Sun Umbrellas 81 50 to SIC 00
each. Special assortment of English club
handled Sunshades. Parasols for Children.
In the Cloak Room, extraordinary large
assortment of Spring Wnps add Mantles and
Jackets and handsome Long garments, in
stylish cloths.
Children's White confirmation Units, al
sizes, new styles ready, in Children's Suit De
partment Largest Dress Goods stock in entirely new
weaves and color combinations.
Some $30 00 French Pattern Robes at $23 00
this week very choice styles.
A special large assortment of 60-inch Suit
ings in English styles, checked plaids and neat
stripes, at $1 25 a yard. These are very fin
New Ombre Striped Suitings, fine quality, at'
$1 a yard.
Summer shades in Gloriosa, the new silk and
wool fabric, light and shimmery, an ideal dress
50-inch plain and fancy woolen Suitings, only
50 cents a yard new spring colorings.
A great trade doing in both our Silk De
partmentsblack and colors. The largest as
sortment to choose from here; all the latest
novelties. Great values in Indias and Sarahs;
also, in fancy striped Gros-Grains and
Black Grenadines New styles In brocaded
and satin stripe effects.
Special attractions in Men's Furnishings.
Spring Novelties in Neckwear. Sprinjc
weights in Underwear, in Merino, Balbrlggan,
Wool, Pure Silk. Our perf ect-flttmg J. H. t
Co. Shirts are the best to buy. Men and Boys'
Flannel Shirts now ready best goods only,
special low prices.
New assortment of patterns in Boys' "Stir"
Shirtwaists. "
celebrated Bedford Springs is now .pnt ud
only in quart and balf-callon bottles and sold
in cases ot 2 dor. and 4 doz. in any quantity b
apl8-ws Corner Liberty and Ninth its.
strictly purs grape juice, in pints and
quarts for family use and church purposes.
For sale by the case or slnele bottle bv
JNU. A RENSHAW fc CO, Family Grocers.
aplS-WS Liberty and Ninth sts.