Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 19, 1889, FIRST PART, Page 4, Image 4

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ViAe - Sir
r , i
fU Bifpfelj.
VoL 44. No. TL Entered at Pittsburg Foatomce,
November 14, 1SSZ, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 89 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms andfcunllshiiig: House 76,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dally edition of
The Ditpa.uk far alx moatha ending April
Copies per Issue.
Average circulation of the Bandar edition
Of Tbs Dispatch for March. 1SS9,
Copies per Issne.
DAILY DIETATCH. One-Tear. ....I S 00
Daily Dispatch, Pec Quarter.... 2 00
Dailt Dispatch. One Manth.. TO
Dailt Dispatch. Including Sunday, one
year...... 10 00
Dailt Dispatch; Including Sunday, per
quarter.. ...-.. .......... 2 SO
Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
uonth ........ a........... .... ....... no
Euitdat Distatch. one jcar.. ..... ........ 2 SO
Weeklt Dispatch, one year.. is
The Dailt Dispatch la delivered by carriers at
U cents per week, or Including the Sunday edition,
at 20 cents per wee fc.
POSTAGE Alt persona who iup.1 the
Sunday laane of The Dispatch to friends
ahould bear In mind the fact that the poat-
bes thereon la Two (2) Cents. All double
and triple number copies ol The Dispatch
require a, 2-cent stamp to Insure prompt
The local brewers, in a resolution pub
lished elsewhere, hnrl back the insinuation
that their beer is adulterated, and challenge
public investigation on the subject. Their
appeal to the growing demand for their beer
as an evidence of its parity ought to be a
good argument; but unfortunately the large
sale of adulterated food articles of late indi
cates the possibility that the natural infer
ence of a, diminished demand for adulterated
stuff will not always work, for instance,
regular beer drinkers will testify to the ex
cessive element of froth in their beerjbut the
sale keeps up just the same.
Nevertheless the brewers' challenge seems
to be a fair one. If, as they appear to do,
they intend to guarantee the purity of the
product ofthe entire brewery interest of
Allegheny county, they only add to the
facility which any one who thinks that he
can refute their position will enjoj. It would
certainly be interesting to the public and
profitable to the brewers who tarn out a
genuine article to have a fair and exhaust
ive test of all the beer sold in this market,
and a public statement of its ingredients.
We have had plenty o! statements of the
remarkable elements contained in the beer of
commerce. The opportunity to determine
how much truth there is in them seems a
good one.
It seems almost incredible that at the
close of the nineteenth century, there can
be, as reported, trade interests in England
so selfish and stupid as to oppose the inter
national effort to suppress the African slave
trade. This opposition is said to be based
on the fear that their sales of goods to
the Arab slave traders will be interfered
with. It would seem natural that even the
inspiration of enlightened selfishness should
show that trade with peaceful Africans
would take immensely greater proportions
than trade with a continent devastated and
harried by the slave hunters. But this
short-sighted greed has always tried to
block the great reforms of the world. To a
certain element in commerce the dime that
can be got at once looks larger than the
dollar that can be obtained in the future,
and to get it all considerations of philan
thropy, humanity or justice are ignored. It
was that stupid trade spirit that tried to
arrest the anti-slavery agitation, and that
to-day is ready to draw profits from alliance
with monopolies and corporate injustice.
Its appearance in England is only another
proof that the commercial sentiment still
exists which is ready to make money out of
human suffering and to profit by turning a
blind eye toward the most gigantic crimes.
It is 8tped to be a subject of gratification
to the people of this country that the steam
ship line, of which the new and fast steam
ers, the City of Paris and the City of New
York, are the crack vessels, is largely
owned by. American capital. It is settled
beyond dispute that the Inman Line, which
has put these two steamers into commis
sion, though nominally a foreign company,
is really owned and controlled by leading
American capitalists.
But there is undoubtedly force in the con
tention that this legitimate gratification is
largely allayed by the further fact that the
navigation laws, which are supposed to en
courage an American mercantile navy,
prevent the owners of these steamers from
sailing and operating them under the
American flag. It is a singular illustra
tion of the effect of these laws that they not
only make American capitalists buy foreign
built steamers, but force them to sail these
steamers under foreign flags. If there
should be a war, these steamers would be
controlled by another jower, and might evenn
be used against the country in which they
are owned.
The additional understanding that the
real owners of these steamers are among the
leading Protectionists of the country, only
heightens the anomaly. It seems as though
the policy of protection might be more in
telligently applied than in laws which
make American capital reinforce' the mer
cantile navies of other powers.
For a long time a number of Chicago
papers have complained of the inefficiency
of the police force oi that city. Important
police officers were suspended by the Mayor
who has just retired, and now resignations
and removals are generally changing the
personnel of the force. But apparently
nobody in Chicago has discovered the true
source of the inefi,;iency of the police de
partment. Perhaps the remarks of Police
Captain Aldricb, of Chicago, will make the
matter clear.
Captain Aldricb, in accounting for his
resignation from the police department, told
a reporter that he was a Republican and
would not stay under a Democratic admin
istration if he could. "I am not one of
those fellows," said he, "who fight one way
and beg another. 'To the victors belong the
spoils.' Had I been on the other side fight
ing as hard as I have for the Republicans I
shonld expect to be rewarded. Now, it is
fair that I get out and give the others a
There is the key to the inefficiency and
rottenness of Chicago's 'police force. Cap
tain Aldrich calmly confesses that he has
been devoting his best energies and his lime,
for both of which the city paid him a s alary,
to campaigning in the interest of the Re
publican party. The Chicago police have
so well attended to politics that they have
had very little time for guarding the public
and arresting criminals. Murderers have
been allowed to escape while the patrolmen
made themselves solid in "der ward."
Everyone iu the department, from the rank
and file to the highest ofcer,hns been more
careful to make his party strong than to
keep life and property safe in Chicago. The
consequence is that Chicago has the name
of being one of the most lawless cities in
this union.
What is Chicago going to do about it?
One set of political heeler called policemen
is being turned out of office; will another
set of a different political stripe take their
places? That is the question. And Pitts
burg will not do amiss to study it also. Po
licemen ought to serve the public, not a po
litical party. It would Be a great blessing
if the police department Vere to be man
aged in accordance with the latest civil
service reform rules. When a police force
becomes merely a part of a political ma
chine its usefulness is almost annihilated.
Governor Beaver's testimony at the
Armes court martial puts ,a rather new
phase on that already remarkable case.
First, as to the original cause of the trouble,
the Governor explains that.Captain Armes
was given a place in the inaugural
procession, under the Impression that
he was General Ames. The error be
ing discovered, Captain Armes was
ejected from the procession; and thence
came the tale of Ilium's woes, horrid war
and the last extremity of nose-pulling.
This, it must be said, looks like rather hard
lines for the gallant Captain. Are noble
warriors to be denied the privileges of pa
rade and subjected to the publio con
tumely of being ejected from the line of
military display on account of having a su
perfluous "r" in their names?
The Governor's evidence as to the insult
offered to the Gubernatorial nose Jater on,
also invests the subject with a new light
He does not testify that his nose was pulled.
On the contrary, he says that he felt his
antagonist's hand brush across his face, and
concluding that indignity was intended,
promptly went into action with his crutches.
But does not the doubt as to whether the
Governor's nose was actually and soundly
tweaked somewhat cloud the necessity of
extreme discipline in the Captain's case?
Looking at it in a State light, does the dig
nity of Pennsylvania require that a soldier
who has already undergone ejection from a
parade-because his name contained more
letters than the Governor thought it did,
call for expulsion or other severe measures,
for a simple and futile dalliance with the
facial features of our State Executive? On
this statement of the case, might not honors
or dishonors be considered easy, and the
military heartburnings be permitted to die
It looks as if the Governor, should he de
sire his late assailant to suffer the full pen
alties of military law, will have to amend
his testimony and confess that the Executive
nose suffered from a really severe nip.
The anxious publio will draw a long
breath of satisfaction on receiving from
Colonel Elliott P. Shepard an assurance on
the foreign mission question. The hope of
a rural Ohio paper that the Colonel's admir
ing country should not be deprived of bis
services abroad, evokes from the Colonel a
declaration that he will not be taken away
from his duties in this nation. "We will
not take any office either at home or abroad,"
says the Colonel in the Mail and Express.
He goes on to say that "we" have been named
for almost every office in the gift of the
President, bu$ firmly announces that "we"
will not have-lt. This Is proof positive of
the Colonel's earnest desire to remain fully
in accord with the aots and decisions of the
The journalism of the country will be
deeply touched at the determination of the
eminently cood Colonel not to desert it.
Without Colonel Shepard, life in the Ameri
can newspaper world would be almost a
desert, with only Murat Hal stead left as an
oasis. But with the Colonel left to us,
journalists will always have food for humor
and, at the same time, will possess a re
markable example of the harmony which
exists between Phariseeism and the service
of Mammon.
But is not the Colonel's firm determin
ation not to be misled into the acceptance of
any foreign or domestic post, slightly tinged
with the same consideration that led the
proverbial boy to decline to eat his supper?
There is a good deal of satisfaction for the
public in the fact that the Sugar Trust has
caught a Tartar in its endeavors to control
the market for raw sugar. In addition to
its policy of squeezing the last possible cent
out of the consumers of its refined product,
it has tried to add to its profits by bearing
the prices which are paid for the raw ma
terial. tLast year it was successful in this
policy, and this year it tried to repeat the
game by refusing to pay more than 33
cents. This price the sellers of sugar, gener
ally refused, and while outside refineries
bought some at an advance upon the prices
offered by the trust, the contest between the
trust and the producers of sugar was pro
tracted. The trust now wakes up to dis
cover that some one on the outside has
stepped in and bought almost the entire
stock at an advance. The market is cor
nered, and the trust must pay the price
that the speculators propose to exact or else
go without its. supply for the coming season.
There is a good deal of poetic justice in
this disclosure that the cornerers and fore
stallers have suddenly reached the point
where they themselves are cornered and
forestalled. Such things ought to be im
possible, with the slightest respect to the
laws of trade. But when one conspiracy
has succeeded in establishing a conntrol of
the refined trade it is healthy to find that
some one else has cornered the raw sugar
market, and will make the trust schemers
pay dearly for their supply. Having dug a
pit for the public, the Sugar Trust obtains a
slight measure of the justice due it by falling
into the pit itself.
The public must pay the cost of these
corners and manipulations in the long run;
but it will be some compensation to it to
perceive that those who started out to do the
biting have got badly bitten themselves.
The commercial bodies of Philadelphia
are engaged in a struggle which very closely
parallels some that Pittsburg has embarked
in. It has been found that the elevators
dependent on the Pennsylvania Railroad
could not compete with those of other ports
on accountof unfavorablerailroad rates; and a
belt line has been proposed which shall admit
competiog'railroads to "those elevators, all
along the Delaware river. This project has1
'been indorsed bv manv of the leadinc com.
mercial bodies of ' Philadelphia, for the
obvious reason that to admit railroad com
petition to all the wharves would naturally
enhance the shipping interests. But the
railroad interest has. interposed, and being
very powerful iu Philadelphia has forced,
at least one of these commercial bodies, to
swallow its formal resolutions.
Upon every theory of public right ia the
construction of railroads, the project of
bringing railroad competition to the wharves i
and elevators of Philadelphia would stand
on an indisputable foundation. It rests on
the same basis as the idea of a belt line, pre
sented by the Junction and Marginal rail
roads for Pittsburg, or as that of .increasing
railroad competition by building the South
Penn Railroad. But the Pennsylvania
Railroad's idea that its title to Philadelphia
is exclusive, is rather stronger than its other
idea of a complete ownership of the Stats of
Pennsylvania. It is, therefore, probable
that the owners of wharves and elevators in
Philadelphia who think they ought to have
the privilege of increasing their business by
enhanced railroad competition will find
that their rights, and what they are able to
are, are two very different things.
When the business men of Philadelphia
are ready to join hands with the rest of the
State in making constitutional rights supe
rior to corporate edicts, the era when projects
beneficial to the publio can be choked off, in
the interest of monopoly, will be suddenly
The publio attention a prominent young
member of the sou-of-his-father's class is
attracting by newspaper enterprises, libel
suits and senatorial aspirations, may yet
make it necessary for some one to firmly de
clare that this Government is not run by the
tin of Russell Harrison & Father.
The foreign glass-blowers were brought
here by contract with their employers; they
were imported by the labor union officers;
and no one knows how they were brought
here. This is the sum total of the authori
tative and exclusive information, up to the
present time. Prom this the public is able
to tie to about one or two points. The for
eign blowers are here; their labor is wanted
and they will throw no one out of employ
ment. Beyond this there seems to be a'tol
erably well-founded impression that the im
ported labor law is a barren and innocuous
Connecticut demonstrated yesterday
that it couldhanir its wife murderers. This
will be likely to discourage the sport of
shooting wives and? the occupation of lobby
ing in the Legislature to get the murdereroff
from punishment. Other States will please
go and do likewise.
It is said that England's Chancellor of
the Exchequer proposes to make up the
deficit of 2,000,000 in the annual budget by
imposing a duty of one-fourteenth of a penny
upon every gallon of beer consumed in the
British Empire. There may be a recoil in
this proposition. A tax upon beer has over
thrown several previous English Cabinets.
John Bull will rebel sooner at a tax upon his
beer than for an infringement upon the
.liberties of the. Irish people.
' Pebhats "no importance is attached to
that Lima oil story on the exchanges," as
some of the reports allege, but we notice
that prices have taken a tumble of about.6
cents since it. was made public
Thebe is a solid chunk of truth in the
Chicago SVioune's recent remark, that, "of
all the editors whom the President ought to
compliment and reward, the rejected Hal
stead is the only one still exercising the
privilege of free speech." It is also worthy
of notice that, among the editors whom the
President omitted to compliment and re
ward, the editor of the Chicago Tribune is
exercising the privilege of speaking right
out in meeting.
Boulanoee has been elected a few times
more in Prance; but since he elected himself
to go to Belgium he does not seem likely to
overturn any governments by the multi
plicity of his electoral victories.
The fashion papers, which now have de
partments exclusively devoted to pet dogs,
announce that dogs will be worn larger next
week than this, including setters, grey
hounds and collies. Nothing is said about
the fashion in husbands, -which, perhaps,
may suggest an explanation for the decrease
of matrimony. The ladies mnst find great
difficulty in getting husbands to match their
It ia reassuring to learn that one man in
the Pennsylvania Legislature is able io deny
the charge that he went to the depot to see
Senator Quay. The others are discreetly
The decision of Acting Secretary Bussy,
that a soldier who was drowned while bath
ing died in the lineot duty, causes an outcry
from the Democratic editors. The idea that
bathing can be ! the line of duty is
calculated to arouse extreme surprise among
the average Democratic politicians. Bath
ing in Bourbon view, must be ranked as
luxurious and futile dalliance.
In the hands of Mayors as entirely inde
pendent as Grant and Gleason the ax is
mightier than the letter-writing pen of the
predecessor of one of them.
It required the authority of the "United
States Supreme Court to put a quietus upon
Adam Badeau by deciding that he cannot
draw pay for two offices at once. Now if
some equally authoritative tribunal will de
cide that he shall not draw pay for one office
at once, the needs of the occasion will be
AoEicuLTUEAii activities have already
commenced on the Oklahoma border. The
boomers are raising Cain very industri
ously. '
It is stated that the surplus of the United
States Treasury, which was 5103,000,000 last
year, will not, at the close of the present
fiscal year, amount to half that sum. It is
evident that an able-bodied Congress proved
adequate to solve the surplus problem by
dint of industrious and wholesale appropria
Pennsylvania Gets Only Tito New Post
masters on Thursday.
bpeclal Telegram to The Dispatch.
WASnnfGTOir, April 18. The absence of
Postmaster General Wanamaker to-day cut
short the list of beheaded Democrats, as there
were only 89 In all appointed, and only two of
them lor Pennsylvania, which were George
Kise, at East Prospect, and W. Olerviier. at
Long Level.
The following were appointed for West Vir
ginia: W. R. Aukrom. Center Point; W. H.
Harris, Glen East; R. A. Rlggs, Grayson; 8. H
Legg, Oak Hill, and William fsuter, at Wooa
land. Anxious to Hear Something.
from the Chicago later-Ocean. 3
Just ask Governor Hill or General Palmer
whattbe wild. waves are-saying about ,Groyer
Cleveland and 1S9Z They both hare their ears'
WaMW feWMMW. i J
Prospects In Oklahoma Lydla's SllentLova
Two Hearts United Whiffs of Lienor,
A lkttib from Mr. Lydlck, the young Pitts
burg attorney who, with a friend, started for
Oklahoma a week or two ago, was shown to me
yesterday. Mr. Lydlck describes the scene on
the borders of Oklahoma1 very brightly, and
seems to be cheerful, because there is a pros
pect of considerable bloodshed and litigation.
Bays be; "I hope to. be able to attend to the
litigation and abstain from bloodshed on my
own part."
When he was young and soft of heart,
"With Lydla he rellta love. ,
He loved her beaaty and her art;
Bat Lydla he never told,
He was not bold.
"When he grew np to nan's estate
With Lydl h stayed in love,
Bought bouquets at a wholesale rate
tor ber, All heart's delight,
Aye, every night.
Still when he came to middle age
Ha loved fair Lydla no leu.
His 111 o, was bat a single page
Writ o'er and o'er with li'f
And nothing else.
Bat Time, alas, was not so kind
To him as to falrLydla
A fact you'4 better bear in mind
Life's short, so says the song.
Bat art is long!
And on the tombstone o'er his head
The legend runs: "Fair Lydla come
To charmmy eye when you are dead!"
In the parquet I'll alt
borne call It pit.
Two old ladies have lived with a friend of
mine in the East for many years. They are,
taken singly and apart, charming old ladies.
Together they are not so lovely, fori regret to
say that they fight They are both related by
blood to my Mend, and ha has generously
placed his house in New York at their disposal
as a home.
A day or two ago my friend was here, and I
asked him how his two old aunts were getting
"Beauttf ullj !" he replied. "They never have
any spats now. The peace and quiet of the
house now is almost alarming."
"How did you effect this revolution!"
"Well I went to Aunt A and told her that
I hoped that she would be patient and forbear
ing toward Aunt B.,as Aunt B.'s mind was fall
ing fast that her age was making her childish
and so on. Aunt A. promised to be very in
dulgent to poor Aunt B and she kept her
word. Then I went to Aunt B. and told her
that she must really be centle and considerate
toward Aunt A, because she was growing
senile and didn't know what she said or did
half the time. Aunt B. agreed with alacrity
and has been mindful of her promise. Conse
quence Is the two old ladles are in an ideal
state of content and harmony all the time.
Each imagines that she is the keeper of ths
A man of singularly sleepy appearance came
in from a rather remote corner of Allegheny
county dnringthe recent license court hearings
to consult a well-known attorney of this city.
He had had a license and wanted It renewed.
The lawyer asked the saloon keeper a few
questions as to the way he had conducted his
boose, whether he had broken the license law
in any particular, and woundup with the ques
tion's "Have you ever sold to minors t"
''res," replied the liquor man, complacently.
"Is It generally known that . you have sold to
minors f"
"Falxl dere aln',t nobody but miners 'most
at come to my plat's I"
"Do you Ijnow what I mean by minors T"
asked the bewildered attorney.
"Men as works at der mines, in coorsel"
The worthy Economltes do not mean to come
Into collision with the liquor laws, if they can
help it Tbey have locked up their cellars in
Economy until the State shall have decided for
or against prohibition. The wine made by the
Economltes ia highly valued by those who know
its sterling qualities and purity for the use of
invalids, and several persons who have made
the journey to Economy lately to got some of
it have come back empty-handed.
Tb,e cellars are even closed to the Economltes
themselves, Mr. Henrici's orders are that no
wine shall be sold Or given away until after the
June election. "
Mb. WhttexawReid, the newly-appointed
Minister to France, took tbeoath of office at
the Department of State yesterday.
Rubinstein will celebrate his jubilee on
July 23. It was in 1839 that ho made his first
public appearance at a benefit concert In
Seobetaby Tbaoy of the Navy is a man of
wide reading and fond of quotation. He has a
fine library and has a special partiality to Eng
lish classics.
Geohoe Wilmam C otitis has been a pris
oner In bis Staten Island residence since last
summer, when he snrained his leg. He is im
proving, and expects to be able to walk in a
month or so.
The Prince of Wales now practices upon
the banjo, or "California harp," as it Is styled
in his district, with creat persistency, and the
Czar is hard at work upon one of the lower
wind instruments.
Alan Aethcr, son of the late ex-President
is not desirous of any political office. He In
tends to devote his time to business, and will
settle permanently, in New Yoifc. He is not
engaged to be married ana his intimate friends
are his former classmates at Princeton.
Clinton P. Febbt, who not very long
ago had his nose bitten by his wife In Paris,
is the nephew of ex-Governor Ferry, of Wash
ington Territorry, and the prospective first
Governor of the new State. He has two
adopted daughters, one of whom, MayBucka
low Ferry, is sole hstrcs; of his first wife, and
is worth 40,000.
Chahles Savabt, who was known as one
of the most eccentric citizens of Bangor, Me.,
died Wednesday of pneumonia. The greater
part of Mr. Bavary's life was passed in New
York, where he was a member of the Now
York Stock Exchange, and was known as "The
Mathematician of Wall streot" Mr. Savary
was at one time worth about a million. Nearly
all of this was swept away from him on Black
Friday. He soon after left the Exchange.
For years past he has lived in Bangor a lonely
Majob John Cobdington Kinney, of
Hartford, commander of the Governor's Foot
Guards of Connecticut and the Commissioner
from Connecticut to the Centennial, has a
unique war record. He was a lieutenant in the
Thirteenth Connecticut He was the first to
learn flag signalling, and was specially dotalle'd
to Admiral Farragut's fleet In Mts operations
around Mobile. In the action dnring which
Farragut was lashed to the mast Lieutenant
Kinney iras also lash etl to the mast far above
the deck and the Admiral's bead. To him Ad
miral Farragut issued his orders, and in the
midst of whistling bullets and exploding shells,
Lieutenant Kinney waved his flags, conveying
the Admiral's orders to all pirts of the fleet
' Mrs. Flush Bran.
Mri. Hugh Bean, the mother of Ed. L. Bean,
ono of the proprietors of the Anderson Hotel, died
at her home lu Wellsvllle yesterday. Mrs. Bean
was about SO years old, and was well known In
this city, where she lived for a long time. She
had charge of the old American House on Water
street and the Bed Lion Hotel, when these were
the leading public houses of Pittsburg. Airs.
Bean was an excellent Christian lady, much given
to acts of charity. She was the mother of 12 chil
dren, eight of wnom are still living. Mrs Capt.
McKlnnle, of tbe Anderson. Is one of her daugh
ters. Her eight children were at Mrt. Bean's bed
side when she died.
Mrs. W. H. L, Wallace.
OTTAWA, ILL., April 18.-Mrs. W. H. h. Wal
lace, the widow of General W. H. L. "Wallace,
who was killed at Bhlloh, and tbe eldest danghter
of the late Judge T. Lyle Dickey, died at her resi
dence In this city last night from paralysis, after
an Illness of several months. She will be burled
at the family cemetery to-morrow afternoon at 4
B. Cavagnnn.
CnJClSNATL April 18. B. Cavagana, widely
known to all "business men of Clnclnnitl, died last
night aged 90. He has lived in Cincinnati 60
years and nearly all or tbat time was In business
at the same place, on Fifth street near Walnut.
We Knew it AIIJMong.
From the Chicago TImes.3 . ,,
President Harrison, we are' proud to say, Is
keeping the ablest of us editors at home.
. . :,.4 s p - I - " I ' . ..V .1 . ,J
APRIL 19, 1889
Old English Belief KegardlngEggs Qnalnt
nud Beautlinl Ceremonies Among: the
Germans and Italians Origin of ths
Practice or Painting Egg Shells,
Whence came the Easter eggsT Well," It Is
not easy to say precisely, for some sort of a
feast of the eggs of which the display In shop
windows this year Is the lineal descendant
seems to have existed about as long as the busi
ness record of the hen Itself, but our observ
ance, of coarse, comes directly from England,
along with the Easter bonnet.
At Easter let your clothes be new,
Or else be sure you will It rue,
says the old English couplet In allusion to the
common belief tnat failure to wear new clothes
on the day bought Is-bad luck. But the Easter
egg lsfai way older than anything English,
and much older than Christianity. Hebrews
have the egs la their Passover to symbolize the
bird Zlz. It is said that the Egyptians used It
away in the dusty past to represent the renova
tion of mankind after the deluge, and one
learned pundit says tbat the custom of making
presents of, eggs at Easter can be traced up to
the theology and philosophy of the Persians,
Gauls, Greeks, Romans and so on, among all of
whom an egg was an emblem of tie universe;
but no matter about that
Superstitions About Eggs.
The Easter egg Itself has .occupied a large
place in the greatest of Christian church festi
vals in Europe, and England and the Continent
yet have many curious customs conneoted
with it as well as some'superstitions. Because
it contained the mysterious germ of future life
the egg was naturally given a special signifi
cance in connection with the Feast of the Resur
rection, bat its prominence in a popular way
was no doubt largely due to material causes.
Eggs were sometimes forbidden during Lent
and a literal feast of them would be natural at
Easter, and then it is to be remembered tbat
just at this season eggs are especially plenty,
and a free use of them for food and presents
comes easily. So the staining of the shells red
ia said to typify the blood of Christ bat It is
possible that this was an afterthought sug
gested by the coloring of the presents to make
them more acceptable. But in any case the
church regarded the egg seriously, for the rit
ual of Paul the Fifth for use In Great Britain
had this:
Bless, O Lord 1 yre beseech Thee, this Thy creat
ure or egirs, that It may be a wholesome suste
nance to Thy faithful servants, eating it In thank,
fulness to Ihee, on account of the resurrection of
the Lord.
Easter Presents in Germany.
All bat the very modern Easter eggs are ver
itable productions of the hen, and concerning
their ornamentation it maybe remarked that
an old and easy way to make a neat thing Is by
heating the egg In water, then writing words or
drawing a design on it with a tallow pencil; and
then putting it in dye. The parts covered with
tallow are left white, and so a rather remark
able looking result Is reached easily. In Ger
many, however, a print is sometimes used for
the Easter present Instead of the eggs them
selves. Iu one old thing of the kind three hens
are represented holding up a basket containing
three eggs which have representations illus
trative of the resurrection. Over the center
egg the Aenus,Dei, with a chalice symbolizing
Faith, while the other eggs bear the emblem of
Charity and Hope. Under all comes a rhyme
nuivu may ue translated tnus:
All good things are three;
Therefore I present you three Easter eggs,
faith and Hope with Charity.
Never lose from the heart
Faith la the church, hope In God
And love Him to thy death.
Blessing; Eggs In Church.
A religious and social observance In Italr Is
described by one old writer thus: "On Easter
eve and Easter day all the heads of families
send great chargers full of hard eggs to the
church to get them blessed, which the priests
perform by saying several appointed prayers
and making great signs of the cross over them
and sprinkling them with holy water. The
palest, having finished the ceremony, demands
how many eggs there be in every basin. These
blessed eggs have the virtue of sanctifying the
entrails of the body, and are to be the first fat
or fleshy nourishment they take after the ab
stinence of Lent The Italians do not only ab
stain from flesh during Lent, but also from
eggs, cheese, butter and all white meats. As
soon as the eggs are blessed every one carries
his portion home and causeth a large table to
be set in the best room in the house, which
they cover with their best linen, all bestrewed
with flowers, and put around it a dozen dishes
of meat and the great charger of eggs in the
midst Sometimes there are no less than 20
dozens in the samo charger, neatly laid to
gether in the form of a pyramid. The table
continues In the same posture, covered, all the
Easter week, and all those who come to visit
thenvin that time are invited to eat an Easter
egg with them, which tbey must not refuse."
Sport tor Small Boys.
Easter" eggs have sometimes been used to toss
like a ball in play, but the great sport with
them is knocking them together to see which
would break. Tnls has been very popular, es
pecially in England, although It has perhaps
entirely disappeared now. The play came
chiefly Easter Monday, although it was some
times continued for many days, the boys pre
pared by getting as many eggs as possible, and
played by simply striking them together. One
was inevitably broken, the winner stood np to
strike with the next Doy, and so on until ho
whose egg broke not at all took the whole lot
In this, the egg which broke another was called
"a cock of one," and so on until it might be
"cock of a dozen" or more, and of course be
came highly prized. As this breaking was In
evitably accompanied by eating the wrecks
and the eggs were all boiled hard. It Is to be
hoped that the sport somehow provided more
sxercise for the boys than appears on the face
of things.
Face Egzera In England.
A popular name for the Easter egg in some
parts of England is "pace egg" a corruption
of "Pasque egg," and they are given to boys
and beggers who go about after tbem and are
called "pace eggers." The old custom Is said
to hold to this day in some of the out of the
wAy nooics, ana nero is tne Deginning oi one oi
the songs tbey sing in their rounds:
Here's two or three Jolly boys, all of one mind,
We have come a pace egging and hope you'll
prove kind;
I hope you'll prove kind with your eggs andstrong
And we'll come no more near you until the next
It Costs $235 a Week to Satisfy the
Appetite of Mrs. Langtry.
New Yobk, April 18. The secret of Mrs.
'Langtry's beauty is out at last It is all in
what she eats, as Is shown by a lawsnlt she
now has on her hands. GustavBrocbe, French
chef, undertook to cater to her tastes a couple
of months ago for the modest considera
tion of $15 a day, and he soon dis
covered that he had a bigger contract
on his hands than he had imagined.
His arrangement as he understood it, was that
he was to supply what was necessary for the
table of her household out of his 815, and he
was told that his own profits for bis services
would be $5 a day at least He found the Lily
hard to please, and when anything jlld not suit
ber bad to get what was ordered and thus lost
The result was that when the end of the week
came around the chef figured np his accounts
In this way: For his own professional services
at their lowest value, S33; paid to "help. $7: paid
in cash for groceries, $29 82: due to fish dealers,
28; due to the marketman for game, meat and
vegetables, 5125 80; total, S225 7L Under his
contract tbe amount coming to him was tl05,
or 20 less than he needed for his butcher's
bill alone. Ho spoke to the Jersey Lily on the
subject but the only satisfaction sho
gave him was to say that she consid--ered
him too expensive, and that be would
have to leave and take his (105. He appealed
to Mr. Gobhard, and tbatgentleman threatened
to kick him out Finally Broche applied for a
Summons against Mrs. Langtry, but with great
adroitness she eluded service oy going to Bos
ton. Not to be outwitted the chef last evening
servsd a summons on ber through ber man
servant and notified her by mail. So ths mat
ter stands to date, and future developments
are anxiously awaited. -
Helping Ireland's Causo Along.
Xom the New York Press. 1
The bailiffs and stewards of the Irish estates
are really Gladstone's allies. Every cruelty
strengthens his bands and swells the chorus of
his adherents. Evictions are no doubt doomed
In the near future; but the custom dies hard,
and tbe Irish tenants must suffer still awhile,
though their very sufferings will hasten their
A Liberal Offer.
East Palestine BevclUCi
The fishing season is open and several parties
have already gono out The editor of this
paper would like to go on one expedition, and
if some one -rwlll find -the conveyance he will
trvtrffriralahbait - ' H
Tim Campbell Makes a Squeal,
xnxw" Yoasr bubxao- srxciALs. 1 .
HEW Yobk. April 18. Ex-Congressman Tim
othy J. Campbell has sued John E. Brodsky,
Johnny 'Brian's lieutenant in the notorious
Eighth district for (3,100, The papers were
served late last nlgbt Mr. Campbell contracted
with Mr. Brodsky a few days before the No
vember election for enough votes to return
him to Congress. The consideration was the
$9,100 which Mr. Campbell now wishes to get
back. Mr. Brodsky failed to deliver the goods
on election day. Mr. Campbell's tickets were
not even bunched by the Brodsky workers in
thsElghth, be claims, and John Henry McCar
thy, Tammany's candidate for Congress, got a
tremendous majority. The opinion of theboys
in the Eighth is strong against Mr. Campbell's
case, because he "squeals on being steered
against a brace game."
Sals of Secretary Traev'a Stnd.
The Marshland stud of Secretary Tracy was
closed out at auction to-day. Abble, a 12-year-old
bay mare, sold for 5,900. Loretta brought
fl,000; Cavalier, $1,500; Blush, daughter of Ken
tucky Wilkes, SB,100; Wanatab. J8.200i Delta,
(4,600; Audacity, a 3-year-old Ally, $2,000.
An Edgar Allen Foe Relic Sold.
Edgar Allen Foe's cottage and grounds at
Fordbam were sold this noon, at the real
estate exchange, to William Fearing GUI, for
(3,487 60. The building is Irregular In plan, the
dimensions being approximately 20 and 30 feet
It Is solidly built and la good repair. Poe first
occupied the honse in the summer of 1846. His
wife Virginia died there some ten months
later. In the small sitting room of the Ford
ham cottage Poe wrote "Annabel Lee," "The
Bells," and "Literati of New York."
Colonel Dudley Score a Point.
The Supreme Court to-day denied the appli
cation of the Evening Post to strike out the
complaint of Colonel W. W. Dudley in the
famous "Blocks-of-five" libel suit Lawrence
Godkin, counsel for the J?ott, made this appli
cation some days ago, btcause Colonel Dudley,
when examined before a commission in Wash
ington, some weeks ago, declined to answer
questions as to the authenticity of the letters
upon which the Indiana, authorities sought to
indict him. In denying the motion Judge
Beach said the argument that the questions
upon the subject of handwriting which Colonel
Dudley refused to answer were relevant could
not ba true, as at the time of the examination
there was no such issue. Therefusalof the-Porf
counsel to permit the letter produced before
the Commissioner to be annexed to and re
turned with the commission disposes of the
point of handwriting, because without the
document all evidence regarding it would be
stricken out The Post published the letter,
which materially differed from the one before
the Commissioner. Even if substantially simi
lar, the letter couldonly be admissible under
a plea for mitigation of damages.
Mrs. Friend Wants to Get Out.
The lawyer of Mrs. Olive E. Friend, of Elec
tric sugar fame, asked the Recorder to-day to
reduce her ball, which Is S7.00O. He said that
Mrs. Friend bad lost ber health in the Tombs
already, and was growing worse dally. The Re
corder consented to think about it, and took
the papers.
The Anarchists Coming to Life.
The Anarchists here have taken a fresh
start They have organized a new Agitators'
Club, which will publish an anarchistic pamph
let every month. The club has already dis
tributed many thousand copies of a blasphem
ous four-page tract entitled: "An Address to
American Workmen; or, the Answer to the
Lord's Prayer Anticipated." a pamphlet en
titled: "A Hundred Years a Republic," will be
published this week.
A Bride Suicides Because of Jealousy.
Mrs. Elsie Kavanagh, of Newark, a bride of
six weeks, swallowed two doses of parts green
to-day. She will probably die before morning.
Mrs. Kavanagh has quarreled with her bus
band ever since she married him. She thought
he flirted with Newark shop girls.
Title to a Fortane Dependent on tho Solu
tion of tbe Question.
Brooklyn, April IS. There is a suit pend
ng in the Supreme Court ia which the title to
(200,000 worth of property depends upon which
of two boys, who were drowned together, died
first Tbey were the sons of Osmin Atkins,
who resides at Mfddletown, Conn., ana were
drowned In December, 1881, while skating.
The property consists of real estate In tho
Twenty-sixth ward of Brooklyn, which Os
min Atkins deeded to bis brother, Thomas
J. Atkins, who also is wealthy and lives
In Middletown.. Osmin Atkins died, and then
Thomas made known the fact that Osmin bad
conveyed the property to him in trust for his
(Osmin's) wife and two sons providing tbat If
they 'lived to be 21 years of age it should be
deeded to them, subject to their mother's right
of dowry, and that if they died before reach
ing the age of 21 years it was to go to their
mother. Sbortly after this the boys' mother
died, leaving the two boys and a brother, Frank
R. Knowlton, of Illinois, surviving ber.
Tbe dispute now going on is between Thomas
Atkins and Frank Knowlton, both of whom
claim the estate. Knowlton claims tbat tbe
property all belongs to him as tbe maternal
uncle of tbe boys, who Inherited the title from
their mother, while Mr. Atkins claims the prop
erty as the paternal uncle of tbe boys. Even
should this be so, counsel for Knowlton claims
that he would Inherit half the property, because
the question would then arise whether one of
the boys died before the other. In case tbat
were so, the one who survived tbe other would
Inherit his share of the estate and that share
would be divided between the uncles.
It is claimed that Osmin, the younger boy,
fell through the ice first and tbat Bertie
attempted to rescue him and was also drowned.
On the strength of this and other circum
stances, it is claimed that Bertie survived
Osmin at least a few seconds, which Is suffi
cient to establish the fact that he Inherited his
brother Osmin's share of the estate.
The matter Is now pending before a referee,
and Judge Cullen has issued a commission to
take tbe testimony of Jerome H. Markbam,
now residing in Colorado, who saw the boys
drowned, regarding what he knows as to which
of the boys fell Into tbe water first and which
was first drowned.
Milvraakee Acquisitiveness.
From the Chicago News.j
A Milwaukee man fell into a river and was
nearly drowned, but when he had been pulled
ashore it was found that he bad caught a fish
in bis moutb.T A man with sucha talent for
acquiring things ought to scrapeup a big for
tune in short order.
Chicago Inter-Ocean: The man who visits
Oklahoma without an accident policy is short
sighted. Chicago News: It is probable that the first
crop m Oklahoma will bo a bountiful one and
win consist mainly of mortgages harvested by
Eastcrn men of capital.
Fbovidence Journal: It is getting to be a
very serious question If Oklahoma Is big
enough to hold all the people who are stand
ing about the borders trying to get into it
Omaha See: If the adventurer, fortune
hunter and desperado wero weeded out of the
Oklahoma boomers the United States would
need very few soldiers to keep the handful of
bona fide settlers out of the promised land.
ST. Louis Globe-Democrat: To nearly every
able-bodied citizen In tbe West and to many In
the East: We are abundantly supplied with
Oklahoma correspondents, and shall not need
any more until about 50 per cent -of those al
ready at the front are killed off.
Milwaukee TFbcontin; Milwaukee will
furnish her quota of pilgrims to Oklahoma In
search of great riches easily gained. Not many
months hence Oklahoma will be furnishing her
quota of pilgrims to Milwaukee in search of a
comfortable and sure livelihood in return fur
honest days' work.
Memphis valoncAe. "What fools these
mortals bar' could not be more aptly applied.
Ia nearly every case tbe boomers are leaving;
better lands than those they will find In Indian.
Territory. There is not a State in the South
which does not furnish a better opportunity to
those who are as much in earnest as those who
are going to Oklahoma seem to.be.
The Cimarton may rise and roar.
The mud may gather and tbe rains may pour.
Bat we're going for the Land o Promise shore.
In opening Oklahoma;
In hundred thousands were rushing along,
Some of us good men gone very wrong.
And this Js. tbe bowl ana burden of our song:
m "O, Oklahoma!" - s
- M - -New rorkBwt;
One of Chicago's new Aldermen is 6
feet 4 inches high.
John T. Price, confined in a Colorado
penitentiary for horse stealing, has fallen heir
to 5100,000. Ho formerly lived at ClrclevUle, O.
A Chicago negro put in an hour in a
cold storage room to see if It was what it
.claimed to be. His frozen nose and ears are
proofs that it was.
An electric fire engine is a new invention.
It can be started at foil speed. Is much lighter
than the steam fire engine, and possesses vari
ous other advantages.
"TJnxawatawny," Is the way the name
of that lively Jefferson county borough, Punx
sutawney, appears after It has been carried to
Kentucky by telegraph and printed in a Louis
ville paper.
John Shane had bis red mustache dyed
a beautiful black in a Cincinnati barbershop
two months ago, but now he has none at all.
His lips were poisoned and are being slowly
eaten away.
Edward E. Iilttell, of Oaas county,
MicK, is 100 years old, has been three times a
widower, is the father of 23 and counts his de
scendants by the hundred. Ho is as hearty and
as active as a man of 60. He served in the. war
of 1812.
The annual brass band contest in tbe
northern counties of Jbngland is about to be
gin. Hundreds of brass bands will compete.
The worklngmen of Yorxsbtre and Lancashire
practice steadily during their leisure hours,
and make immense efforts to win the jsrlzes,
In an opinion written by the Chief
Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court It was
decided that a municipal corporation in that
State has the power to'compel liquor selltn
engaging In the saloon business within two
miles of the corporate limits to pay a license
The oldest war horse is not dead, after
all. Itls alive at the age of 34 and is owned by
A. W. Barrett, of SteartsvUIe, Ind. This ani
mal Is a mare, mown as "Old Fly." She went
into the war In July, 1861, and served until Sep.
tember, 1864. She waa in several big battles)
and numerous skirmishes.
While Parmer Yan Dyke, of Muncr
Hill J, near Willi amsport was ploughing a few
days ago be dropped bis pocketbook contain
ing (600. It fell Into tbe furrow, and on tho
next trip he made around the field it was
plowed under. Since the discovery of Ms loss
the distracted farmer has been replo wing the
Held over and over In the hope of turning up
his lost property, but up to the present time he
has not been successful.
Dennysvilie, way down on the Eastern
Maine coast is one of those "old towns with a
history." The town has no debt; the village
has not had a dwelling house, barn, store,
church or school house destroyed by fire for
more than 80 years, and at the late town meet
ing Peter E. Vase. Esq., was re-elected Select
man and Treasurer, after a service of 27 years
in the former and 23 years in the latter position.
During al these years no person but Mr. Vose
had ever written a word or made a figure ia
any town book (excepting the Town Clerk'
book) or drawn an order.
There is in Port Valley, Ga.f in the per
son of little Dellie Harris, aged IS months, the
greatest prodigy of the present day. She not
only talks and articulates well, but knows the
infant catechism by heart; also the county She
was bomnn (Crawford), the town she Uvea in.
the county site, the names of the President
and Vice-President, the Governor and tbe
mayor of Fort Valley; can count up to 50, and
says the alphabet with great rapidity. Beside
all this, she is bright In many other things
which any one would doubt did they not see
and bear her talk.
An old man whose hair was as white as
snow and who looked as if he had been per
sonally acquainted with George Washington,
accompanied by a blooming female companion
who had seen 63 winters pass over her head,
walked up to 'Squire P. N. Rountree. at Nash
ville. 111., and asked him if hs was a Justice of
the Peace. 'Upon his answering In tbe affirma
tive, ho said they wanted to get spliced, and
they wanted the jab dons immediately, which
was promptly done. Tbe groom was Mr. Wm.
A. Aldricb, aged 70, and the blushing brlds
Was Mrs. Catharine Hartllne, who is just 02.
They were as bappy as two young docks when
the ceremony waa concluded, and went their
way rejoicing. Their home Is In Ashley.
The New Haven men who endeavored!
to have the Legislature prescribe by law the
weight of bread made an unconscious effort to
revive some of the early laws of the colony. In
the code of laws ordered printed by tbe Gen
eral Court of New Haven. October, 1665. It
was ordered that each baker have a distinctive
mark for his bread ana the weight of the bread
was defined. There Is only one copy of these
laws now in Connecticut That Is In the Btate
Library, and 1- times its weight In gold was
paid for It The code remained in force 100
years. These early laws were founded on
Scripture, and the little volume contains many
references to tbe Bible. Death was the penalty
for witchcraft. Sabbath breaking, blasphemy,
the worship ft false gods and other offenses.
The pillory and the branding iron were among
tbe instruments of punishment
While a Frenchman name Pommes was
digging a well at Gainesville, Tex-, he found
tbe bones, vertebra: and ribs of an animal, and
toward the end of the remains. 17 rattles, ths
largest six inches across. Attracted by tbe
strange find, the neighbors gathered, and the
work of unearthing the monster was prose
cuted with vizor. After laying bare 19 feet of
the remains of the monster, imagine their con
sternation at nnaing tne sgeieton oi a man in
the stomach of the skeleton of the snake. The
remains of the man and serpent so far as tbe
serpent has been exhumed, are as perfect as
when first denuded of flesh, and were doubtless
coved by lime and gravel soon after death.
Dear the bones of the man's right hand Is a
rude stone hatchet, which a local geologist of
some repute says is the handiwork of paleo
lithic man.
Trjejargest jiair of black bass ever
caught in Missouri, waters or in any waters of
the Upjted States, in fact, were caught by J.
W.Peters and Son, of St Louis, in Peter's
Lake, Pemiscot county, Mo on March 3 last
They weighed 11 pounds and 12 ounces and U
pounds and 10 ounces, respectively, seven days
after tbey were taken from the water. The
larger fish was was 23 inches in length from
the lower lip to the extreme end of the tall,
and 1&3 Inches In circumference at the largest
portion of the body. It was at least three
pounds heavier than any one specimen of black
baas ever caught in the United States before.
The heads' of these monsters of the black bass
school have been beautifully mounted in ele
gant frames and were given to Captain H. C.
Wesr, tbe Fish Commissioner of Missouri, who
in turn will present one to President Harrison
and the other to ex-President Cleveland.: They
will be exhibited In a Broadway show window
for three weeks.
The man who lost his shadow was being
looked for by our able detectives. Puck.
The critic is the barber of letters. He
lets his own face go, and lives by shaving other
men. Puck.
Sylvanus We can not use your joke
about the brakeman being the non-conductor of
the lightning express. Go to thunder! Pus.
Equally dangerous "Have you ever beest
through the St. Lawrence rapids?"
"No; but I married my third wire list week.'
Mr. N. Peck I never spoke cross to raj
wife but once.
Thompson Quite remarkable, that. x
Mr. N. Peck Not so very. See this scarf Tort
Haute Exprett.
Philadelphia art dealer-i"Live in New
York, eh?" New Yorktr (proudly) "I am sa
Alderman In that city, sir." "OI James, show
the gentleman our new stock of birroom vlv
tures." Philadelphia Record.
"O. for the colden, aee of letters!" said 5
the comic editor. t'The. past contains all, the Ji
replied Cynlcust "and that Is why you print only
sixteen century Jests, I presume!" liarvet
Needless regrets Jawkins (sadly)
"And so Chatty and bis wife have been separated
for a year. What a pity It Is that they eannotbe
Hogg-"Why, bless your soul, they are?"
Judge. .?
Brother Toa " Why do you let that little
cad pay you so much attention? I told you he waa
nothing but a frlpplsh dndel" J
Miss Curllnghsm Heavens, Tom, I thought
you said British duke I and I've about promised
to marry him. Judge.
"Por shame, William, io cobs home to
your wife so late. Last night It was 12, and now
it U actually zo'elockln the morning." Well
well, my darling, don't be angry. Supposing I
had come home early It would have-been 2a?clock
now just the same."-Scranon. Truth.
Not his "decliuing years." "You say
you have no confidence In yourself. What do you
mean? I don't understand you."
"I have no assurance whatever. 1 once held the
ofice of treasurer ofscorporaUo fee seven years
because 1 didn't have the courage to (testae' ns '
eleetle setfon aersu. t !yifv'
TlatlTilfff - . - . ...!
HHiv JttflfWll1irflirifrllsa1r-' f 'lJ:flaaoM''aiSilTiT1iTnf ili fMtfMfMJS
i,iii,1a8iMa!saaWliaTsssaB tPji.S''isssgs-ssTl
. (sr - ' -