" w $ THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH,. RIDAT, APRIL 19,- 1889. ?- , e-AREALESTATESGAEE U;-If, All. the Liquor Stores 'Should be Closed up after June 18, HOW ABOUT THE EMPTY SALOOKS? Depressing Effect on the Market Feared hy Landlords' Agents, BUT OTHERS SUIT WILL KOT MATTER "If the prohibitory amendment to the Constitution should be adopted on June 18, would the simultaneous vacation cf from 600 to 1,000 liquor storerooms in ?ittsburg and Allegheny affect the real estate mar ket?" This question was put to several well known real estate agents by a Dispatch reporter yesterday. A member of the firm of 'William A. Her- ron & Sons, replied: "1 do not thins: that the throwing of sa many vacant storerooms upon the market will have any material effect upon real estate. The business part of this city has no room for saloons. Every inch is needed ior storerooms, and as soon as a room is offered for rent it will be taken up immediately. The rent may be lower, but the value of the property will be in creased rather than decreased, as many peo ple will not buy property that is near a sa loon. Some will not rent a room for that purpose. "Saloon keepers pay the highest rent," continued the gentleman, "and many times SO per cent to 30 per cent is realized upon the investment. With a storeroom devoted to other business, only 5 per cent or 6 per cent will be realized at the commencement, but, when once a business is established, the firm rarely vacates the room, and in time the investment will pay as weU as a saloon. THESE TVTLL BE DIFFICULTY. "In the suburbs of the cities it may prove a difficult matter to rent the room imme diately, but the value of the surrounding property will be increased. It made but little change at the time the Brooks law went into eflect, when almost as many saloons were closed by reason of a refusal of licenses." A member of another firm, who requested that his name would not be used, said: "I think that the value of real estate will be decreased. A saloon building pays higher rent than any other business. A Fifth ave nue saloon pays $8,000 rent, while if any other business was carried on in the room only about 52,500 rent could be obtained. Decreasing the rEtcrns of an investment de creases the value, and the throwing of 1,000 or more vacant rooms upon the market can not but lower the rents, and by lowering the rents lower the value of real estate. "Many of the former saloons are now occu pied as restaurants and candy stores. The occupant is paying only a nominal rent and it is a part of the agreement that he will have to move if a better occupant can be found. They are waiting to see if a license is granted them this year, and if not they will likely have to move, and thus throw more real estate upon the market The adoption of the amendment will, I think, have a depressing effect upon the market and the value of property will be lowered." TWO AUTHOEITIES QUOTED. Entirely opposite to this are the views of Sir. H. A. "Weaver, of H. A. Weaver & Co. He holds as his opinion that the market will not be affected. He savs: "Any storeroom in the triangle from Eleventh street down to the rivers will be eagerly seized upon and rented as soon as the room is vacated. The value of real estate will not depreciate and a house will be as valuable, if not more so, than when it was occupied as a saloon. As the houses will be vacated in an unrentable sea son of the year it may prove difficult for the time being to rent the house, but on the whole it will not lower the value oX real es tate." Jas. W. Drape says: "Throw 100 va cant houses' upon the market at one time with no demand for them and common sense will show you that the market will be affected. Then throw 1,000 vacant store rooms upon the market and it will have the same result In some sections of the cities it will have no more effect than lowering the rents of some of the houses, but in others these storerooms may remain vacant for a long time. All this will be a loss. The market will recover asthe city increases in size, but for the time being there wiU be a decided effect upon the market This change will only bring out more promin ently the change produced by the Brooks law, and more vacant houses will be found than is imagined just at present" EASTER CHIPS Given Aim; to Every Purchaser nt Thomp- on' New Tork Grocery. Each package contains four beautiful colors, enough to dye SO eggs. A chance to secure the following bargains: 4 cans Good Tomatoes (3 Si. cans)... 25o 4 cans Sugar Corn 25c 4 cans Good Peas. 25c 5 cans Blackberries................. 25c 6 lbs Turkev Prunes..... .25c 5 lbs French Prunes. 25c 4 lbs Evaporated Sliced Apples 25c 4 lbs Evaporated Apricots 25c 5 Ihs "Er-ftnorftted Peaches . 25c 3 lbs .Large California Plums 25cv 3:4 lbs .Evaporated iuacKoerries zoc 5 packages Corn Starch 25c 1 3 packages Fruit Puddine 25c 8 lbs Large Lump Starch 25c 12 boxes Bag Blue .'.. 25c 5 boxes Concentrated Lye.. ......... 25c 4 quarts Navy Beans 25c 5 lbs English Currants 25c Z lbs Large Eaisins 25c 4 Bottles Ketehup 25c 12 bars Good Scrubbing Soap 25c Ivory Soap, per bar................... 4c Star Soap, per bar 4c Lenox Soap 4c Boasted coffee, per lb., 22c, 25c and 28c. English breakfast, Xounjr Hyson, Oolong and Japan Teas at 18, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 cents per lb. Goods delivered free to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the city will " prepay freight on all orders of $10, $15, $20 and upward. Send for catalogue. M. K. Thompson, 301 Market street, corner Third avenue. To-Dny and To-Morrow Are the days of our great Easter sale of fine clothing: We would request purchasers to call to-day, as the rush will be so great to morrow as to inconvenience some. As a special Easter gift to the boys, we will give free with every boy's suit sale either a "bag of fun" or a Parisian self-winding top, the greatest novelties of the age. See our men's $10 and $12 suits, made from fine im ported. Globe cassimeres, Scotch cheviots and French diagonals. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Cable Dye Fast Black Stockinet The Best In cotton and lisle thread, 25c to $1 00 a pair. JOS. HOKNE & CO. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. Easter Morning Is the most beautiful panel ever presented as a souvenir. Presented all of this week to each purchaser of ljpound tea, 2 pounds coffee, or 1 pound baking powder, at all our stores. Geeat Atlantic and PAcmc Tea Co. srwr Royal Worcester for Weddings. There is a grace of form, beauty of outline and delicacy cf coloring embodied in Wor cester that no other ware .possesses. How very appropriate it is for a bridal Si't, and how natural it is to go toE.P. Boberts & Sons' stores to make your selection. They carry a wonderful stock of these goods. See our Easter neckwear. -: 'JAWS H. Aiken & Co., 100 Jtttk ave. I A HEW POINT. Colonel J. N. Scboonraaker Tells Why the Coke Freight Rate to Chicago, Com plained or by Carnegie, Was Hade Lair. Colonel J. N. Schoonmaker spent some time at the Union depot last evening wait ing for the Chicago steel magnates, Messrs. Potter and Morris. An attempt was made to draw him out on the subject of freight rates to Chicsgo, but he was very loth to talk about it at first Finally he said: "It is surprising how anxious some peo ple become about the interests of the public when their own Interests are affected. There are two sides to the question. At one time the coke from the Beynoldsville field was taken to Buffalo over the Buffalo, Bocbester and Pittsburg road and delivered to the Grand Trunk. The latter road, running through Canada, delivered coke in Chicago 30 cents per ton cheaper than the initial liries here. Something had to be done to meet tbis difference, or it was necessary for the coke men to give up the Chicago market entirely. The railroads then made the present rates. "which made it possible for us to compete with the Beynoldsville district" A RAIN OF COLORS. Programme of the Firework In Pittsburg on the SSlh last. In the display of fireworks to be given in Pittsburg on tho nieht of April 30, in honor of the Washington Centennial, there will be two very large set pieces especially ar ranged for the occasion. One will be a portrait of Washington 15 feet square; the other, an emblem of April 30, 1789, display ing the American shield draped with flags, with motto: "April SO, 1789." Then will follow a programme lasting for an hour and a half, including 40 pieces of 18-inch bombshells, assorted; ten pieces of 24-inch shells, assorted, grand illumination in the national colors; 60 pieces of four pound rockets, assorted; five devil flights; five brilliant fountain batteries; five electric meteor fountains; five exhibition mines of stars; five saucissons; five electric bat teries, extra large; four red, white and bine bouquets. The display will conclude with an aerial bouquet This flight exhibits millions of stars, serpents and gold rain, thrown to a height of 500 feet, showing all the colors in pyrotechnic art, and terminating with a na tional salute fired from mortars. The amount originally appropriated for the fireworks was $700, bnt the programme as arranged will be much more expensive The committee will make an effort to give a display that will eclipse any previous ef fort in Pittsburg. TIMES ARE TOO HARD. The B., H, fc P. Road Will Not Soon he Extended to'PIttsburg. W. B. Baldwin, Vice President of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg road, formerly manager of the Fort Wayne road, was in the city yesterday to attend a wed ding. When asked how soon his road would be extended to Pittsburg he replied: "I don't know. That was the original in tention, but the immediate prospects of an extension, much as we would like it, are not bright The times are too hard. Few of the railroads are making any money. The inter-State law is very strict now, and some of the railroad men may get into trouble when business is dulL I am glad the law was made more stripgent Since we must have such laws they ought to be rigidlv en forced." George R. Spline's Fnneral At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon Be v. Dr. Maxwell, of the Trinity Episcopal Church, performed ihe funeral service over the re mains of the late George B, Splane, where upon the coffin, attended by eight pall bearers, was taken to the Allegheny Ceme tery and placed in the receiving vault It will not be put into its last resting place until Mrs. Splane is able to attend the cere mony. The floral tributes offered by the Masonic Lodge, to which Mr. Splane belonged, by the members of Post 3, G. A. B,., and by the numerous friends of the deceased were very handsome. Dislocated the Stamp. Thomas Maloney, a resident of Sharps bnrg, was taken to the St Franciscus Hos pital yesterday, suffering from a dislocated arm. The accident was caused by a tall from a stepladder. Part of the arm was amputated last year, and it was the stump that was dislocated. White Salts for Easter. Magnificent line in all sizes 'for ladies, misses and children, from the lowest prices upward. Campbell & Dick, 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth avenue. IN OUR, CLOAK ROOM. See the Beat ed Silk Wraps New TowDay, Handsome: also, the black net and lace wraps, entirely new. Come to-day if yon can. Jos. Hobne & Co. '3 Penn Avenue Stores. Those who are not acquainted with the various makes and styles of furniture should always deal with a firm that have but one price, and who can be relied upon as carry ing the very latest designs. Such a firm is Dain & Daschbach,lll Smithfield st Easter Books and Cards. Largest and choicest assortment at all prices, all in good taste. Jos. Eichbatjm &Ca, 48 Fifth avenue. WAiNtrr bedroom suits, the greatest va riety and at all prices at M. Seibert & Co.'s large furniture works, Lscock and Hope streets, Allegheny, near railroad bridge. D Pretty Coats and Jackets for Children, Also, whjte suits, all sizes prices will suit you, too. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Onyx Stainless Black Hose, Very best values for ladies, misses and boys, all sizes and grades. Hobne & Waed's, 41 Fifth ave. Visit onr cloak department for all the newest styles of ladies' spring and sum mer overgarments. Hughs & Hacke. MVfFSU. La Matilde imported cigars from $10 to $40 per hundred. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hunch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. "wrsu LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE MY WIFE, ROSE STAHL, HAS left my lied and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby notify all persons not to trust her on my account, for I wilt not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by her alter this date. N1CILOS STAHL. Aran. 17, 1889. apl7.11 ESTATE OF HENRY ROBINSON, DEtfD Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to DAVID ROBINSON, Admint'r, West View, Allegheny co. Pa., or his att'y, MARSHALL BROWN. 157 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. mh29r E. L1NKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT, 645 Smithfield street Pittsburg, Pa. Frelhelts Preund Building, second floor. mh24-80-HWF tauncan a, white, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street, " SeesBd door above Smithfield; Jia-DUplail advertisement one dollar per square Jot one insertion. Classified advertise ment on thix page such a Wanted, for Bale, To Let, ete ten cent per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cent. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning:: Advertisements an to be prepaid except when advertisers already have accounts with TBI Dls patch. prrrsBUEQ. THOMAS McCAFFRKY, S5& Butler street. KMIL O. STUCKEY, nth street and i enn are. E. G. STUCKEYACO., Wjlle ave. and Fulton St. M. KTOXELY, Filth Avenue Market House, XASTEiro. J. "W. WALLACE, till Penn avenne. OAKLAWD. MCALLISTER ft SHEXBLEIt, Sth av. 4 AtWOOd St. BocrnsiDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. BCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. HcBBIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBEDH. EGOEK3. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EUGEK3 & SON, Ohio and Cheitnnt its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. O. TV. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRYM. OLEIM. Kebcceaand Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Helsv. XTTANTED-A GOOD BUTCHER-APPLY AT VV once to JOS. L. EBNEU, No. 850 Main St., Braadocfc. Pa. spl9-f 4 -VTr-ANTED-rjOACHMAN WHO CAN FUB VV N1SH good references. Address X A., Dispatch office. apliMS WANTED-BOT OF 15 OK IStYEAKS TO work In a grocery. Apply at J. H. FRI DAY'S, 222 Wylle are. apl-l VTrjANTKU-J GOOD TIN ROOFERS AT Mc W CATJLEY BROS. Sixth ave.. Homestead, Pu ; good wages to good workers. apliMS "TTXA.NTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE YV painters: apply at once. THOS. S. O'NEIL A CO., &CI-S825 Penn are., E. E. apls-4 WANTED-A GOOD BARBER; ONE THAT can speak German preferred. NO. 107 SOUTH CANAL ST., Allegheny fit). apl9-17 WANTED-JOURNEYMAN BARBER-ALSO an apprentice. Call or address CHAS. HE1L, No. if Fourteenth St., & S., city. aplS-96 WANTED-A NO. 1 MEAT COOK FOR lnnch counter: call at once. J. 8WAGER ft BON, East Diamond and Ohio itreet, Allegheny. WANTED-A BRIGHT OFFICE BOY-AGE about sixteen years: muit be good penman: none bnt right kind need apply. Address BOX 931, city. aplg-a WANTED C0ATMAKEK3 - NONE BUT rood handi need aDDlr: rood nrlces and boarding low, lngton. Pa. . - ... - . ..-"-:.... . Aaaress . j..iaji;juuu', wain- apl7-iS WANTED-A GOOD TINNER-MUST BE good on standing seam roofing; alio on gen eral job work. Address J. W. MCDONALD, Deny Station, Pa. apU-37 w ANTED-A BOY TO DO GARDENING AND keep a small place in order: German pre- nail place in order; German BOOUET AND WILMOT I ierrea. Apply cuyui.1 aiiu wuijuux bits.. uauana, rciUDnrg pie- -TT7-ANTED A GOOD BARBER; SINGLE TV man; state wares with boarding and washing-. Address FRANK ALLERTON, No. 8 South Jefferson St., New Castle, Pa. aplV-22 WANTED-A GOOD VEST MAKER, BY THE piece or by the week: good prices: steaay work all the year around. Call on O. S. KOUNT, merchant tailor, Vf llklniburg. Pa. aplB-4 TrjLSTEl-2 DRESS GOODS AND 1 DOMES VV TIC salesmen; parties speaking Gennat preferred; good salaries to the right parties. DOUGLAS ft MACK1E, 154 Federal st. ap!9-41 WANTED-A STOUT BOY, 16 TO 18 YEARS of age; one acquainted with the plumber's supply business, and willing to work; none other wanted. Address SUPPLIES, Dispatch office. spu-iw ANTED-SALESMEN SELLING COUNTRY stoves, who can add largely to their income by carrying a tingle sample basket. Addreu with particulars. BUCKEYEBAUEETCO., Cleveland, 0. . ap!9-7 -T7-ANTED-A GOOD, ACTIVE YOUNG MAN YY for office work and collecting; must be a good mathematician: state age and salary ex pected; a bond of Jo, 000 required. S. P., Dispatch office. apl9-18 -fTTA N 1 E D IMMEDIATELY A GOOD YY marble cutter and a first-class marble ?ollsher. Address, stating lowest wages will work or. no time for correspondence, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie. Pa. apI3-58 WANTED-WE HAVEAVACANCTFORAN intelligent man of good address to solicit orders from private families: permanent position; small salary and liberal commission to start. UNION CREDIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. , apl9-33-rsu -TTT- ANTE D-AN EXPERIEN CED SHOE VV stockman by a wholesale house; one who understands thoroughly keeping stock and who can pack goods; answer, stating salary expected, to BOX 671 city. To the right man a permanent position will be given. apl9-70 WANTED-X FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND granlto salesmen; must have experience in this line; one for the city or Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience. DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mhSS-78 WANTED BOOK AGENTS OF EXPER IENCE In every county In Western Penna. and West Va.; good commission and exclusive control on a work of unusual merit. WM. F. MAXON. Gen'l Agent, roomSMcOance block, Liberty and Seventh ave., PltUbarg.Pa. apll-2-D WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; (75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell onr goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample esse free, re mean "lust what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. felS-J-D WANTED-AGENTS TO HANDLE THE NEW patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; great est novelty ever produced; eraseslnk in two sec onds; no abrasion of paper; 00 to 500 per cent Sroflt; one agent's sales amounted to SS30 In six ays, another $32 la two hours; territory abso lutely free; salary to good men; no ladles need answer. Forterms and full particulars address J. W. SKINNER ft CO., Onalaaka, Wis. aplM Female HelD. "TITAN TED-TWO WAIST MAKERS;628PENN YY AVE., second floor. apUVIS WANTED CASHIER YOUNG LADY; must have experience; wages ts a week. Address CASHIER, Dispatch office. apl8-39 WANTED-ONE GOOD GIRL FOB LAUN DRY work and one dishwasher. Apply at HERZBERGER'S RESTAURANT, VH Liberty st., city. Also girl for private family. apl9-44 WANTED-2 YOUNG LADIES TO GO IN country, fluent talkers and taking ways, to solicit orders for household specialties on pay ments: right parties good salary given. Address X. Y., Dispatch office. apl9-3&-FSu WANTED-A LADY OF SOME EXFEEI ence in photography; most speak German and English and furnish first-class references; none other need apply, between 12 and 1 o'clock at 82 OHIO STREET, Allegheny. aplS-57 -TTTANTED-LADY AGENT8 TWO NEW V v inventions ior lames spring, summer wear outsell everything; pay (100 monthly; these, with our bnstle-sklrts. rubber goods, hose supporters, etc., make best business known. Address, with stamp, E. H. CAMPBELL ft CO., 484 Randolph St., VOicago. apio- STale and Female Help. WANTED A YOUNG MAN OF EXPE RIENCE to assist a butcher, 10 farm hands, cooks and chambermaids for families S3 50 to (4 per week: 203 house girls, 40 for hotels and boarding bouses, S colored girls. MEEHAN'S AGENCY? 515 Grant sts aplS-D Partners. TTTANTED-A FIHST-CLABS PHYSICIAN, VY with (5.000 cash, to take a half Interest in an office business in Plttsbnrg that is paylnganet profit of (20,000 a year. Address X Y. Z.. Dis patch office. apl8-68 Situations. WANTED-A SITUATION AS MANAGER of a drugstore by a registered pharmacist or to buy astere In Pittsburg or vicinity. MEDICUS, Dispatch office. aolS-5 WANTED-A SITUATION AS COACHMAN and groom: understands care of horses, harness and carriages; good driver. Address P. J., Dispatch office. apl-ig -fTTANTED-SITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN, VV 23 years of age, in real estate or Insurance office; willing to taae moderate salary for sake of experience. Address W., Dispatch office. apl7-92-wr Boarders and Lodgers. W1TANTED-BOARDERS-INGLESIDE, COR. YY Rebecca And Penn ave.. East End; large grounds, fruit and shade trees, stable, etc; cable cars pass house. aplD-jr FinancIaL TJtTANTED-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MORT- VA7-2. VW MUM ..U U pI CCRtl (500,000 at H per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining counties. S. H. iza s ounu avenue, ocai-es4-D TTrANTED-HOUSES TO BENT, RENTS TO YY collect, mortgages on city and subnrban property at H, 5 and 6 per cent; property selected andbougbt or sold on lowest commission: call for new property list for April. J. DERMITT, 407 Grantst. SD18-1 -TTANTED-MOBTGAGES-(L 060,060 TO LOAN Y Y on city and suburban properties at H, 8 and (percent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 par cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. L M, PES.KO0K 4 BON, He rowan avswa. - " p7.kl4 WANTED. Financial. WANTED-TaOBTGAGES ON JHOPERTTT IN either city: lowest rates of Interest. SPEN CER ft GLOSSER, 41 Smithfield St. mbtJ-7 TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN W In sums to suit, at 4, 8 and per cent. GBAEBING ft LYON, 1 Fourth ave. apS-el-P WANTED TO LOAN (BOO TO (500, 000 IN SUMS to suit; no delay in securing the money, SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO. , W Fourth ave. apH-80-rrrg TTTANTED-MOBTG AGES-MONEY TO LOAN YV In sums to suit at iff, 5 and (percent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 1M Fourth are. Tel. 187. aplt-14 WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP EBTY. over S4.O00; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 82 Fourth avenne. mh2-a22-D YSTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- W LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY; 184 Fourth avenue, Tif7' XTTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON FABM VY 1NG, city and suburban properties or col lateral. ED. WITT13H, 410 Grant street, Pitts burg, Pa. apll-18-P WANTED-TO LOAN ON BOND ANDMOBT GAGE, (1,500 for three years. Address, with description and location of property offered, J., Dispatch office. apl7-57-WT WA ANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS TO nit rnratiT fll'tlrn' ttma nit At lowest rates; negotiating mortgages a specialty. D. P. THOMAS ft CO., 408 Grant St. apMMOD WANTED-TO IN VEST (5, 000 TO (3,000 IN AN established business In this city: the best of reference given and expected: aU communica tions confidential. Address CO, P.O. box 837. apl9-53 WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and npward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4 per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 8 per cent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 85 1 ourth avenue. $eH-0X-D Miscellaneous. YTTANTED SECOND-HAND SIX-POCKET YV nool table, at S. DELP'S, 502 Liberty st. aplH-42 WANTED-STUDENTS OF SHORTHAND desiring to acquire expert speed to call for full particulars at MARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCUOO L, 412 Wood St. apl7-77 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THEY can get cabinets for st per doz. of them selves or little ones at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY. 518 Market St., Pittsburg; elevator; family groups and crayons a specialty. apl9-39 WANTEDEVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H.Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERBEYDEN, 830 Smithfield St. noll-MWTSu -fTTA-STED CUSTOMERS FOB CASH BAR- TV UA1NS Elgin, suvennewatenes. S3, S7, a Elgin gold ladles' watches, (3). (23, (23; nickel clocks 75 cts. 1 1847 Rogers' knives and forks, (l 8 per set. JOHN MITSCU, Jeweelr. 130 Federal St. apls-MWrsn FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residence. FOR BALE-S1.8C0-NO. 1811 MERRIMANS alley, Southslde, lot 18x80; good 2-story frame bouse; rents for (18. sd19-58 F)R bALE-LOT 45X80. WITH 2 (-STORY brick houses, on Second ave , about 200 feet east of Try st. I. J. WILSON. 149 Fourth ave apl9-57 TJIORSALE ONLY81.BCOFOR8-ROOM HOUSE, X? nearly new, with lot 20x100 ft., on Soho st. (paved), near Center ave. SFENCERftGLOSSER, 419 Smithfield St. ap-27 FOR SALE ON CONGRESS ST.-BRICK dwelling, S rooms, finished attic, etc. : also frame dwelling: of 8 rooms, attic, etc., on Elm it. ; lot 20x90 to TJm St. ALLES ft BAILEY, 184 Fourth ave. Telephone 187. apl9-13 TJ'OR SALE-CORNER CONGRESS ST., AND JP Franklin st. ; brick dwelling, 9 rooms: finish ed attic; both gases, etc.; brick stable;lot 84 ft. on Congress St., 88 feet vacant: bargain. ALLES ft BAILEY, 184 Fourth ave. TeL 167. ap!9-13 FOR BALE-HOUSE AND LOT, 629 FIFTH ave., at auction, estate of John Schwelnstet ter, deceased: sale on premises Thursday, April 18, at 2 o'clock: lot 40x100: excellent brick bouse, six rooms, attle and cellar; lmmedlatepossesslon: open daliv for Inspection from 1 till 6 o'clock; terms (2,000 cash In ten days, balance to suit buyer; a grand chance to get a nice, cheery, com fortable home. A. LEGGATE ft SON, Auction eers, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. apl2-41 FOR SALE A MAGNIFICENT BLUFF street residence, overlooking the Mononga hela river; containing 8 elegant large and hand somely papered rooms, bath, large closets, range, b. and c.water, inside w, c, wasbstands, both gases, slate mantels; all the modern conveniences; a de sirable neighborhood; this "property will be sold cheap If taken at once: Immediate possession. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. apl3-85-13, IS, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23,24,25,28, 27 East End Residences. FOR SALE-(3,500 GENUINE BARGAIN; house and lot 25x130 feet, East End: 4 min utes' walk from cable cars and P. R.R.; frame bouse 7 rooms: sets back from street: will rent for 830 a month, L J. WILSON, 149 Fourth ave. , ;; apl9-87 FOR SALE WE HAVE A NICE BRICK bouse, with lot 28x100 feet, on Ward St., Oak land, for which the owner wants cash; any person having the money and wanting a small home in Oakland should see this. SPENCER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield st. apl7-31 OR SALE AN ELEGANT EAST END RESI DENCE, contiguous to Penn avenue and rail road; large and ample grounds with forest shade trees: abundance of fruit, grapevines, shrubbery; copious flow of pure water, etc.. etc. JAS, W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. apl7-76 FOR SALE-A HANDSOME EAST JEND stone residence, carriage porch, hard wood staircase and reception ball, tower, laundry, bath, 10 elegant large rooms; all the latest lm- Iiroved conveniences; asphalt paved street: good ocatlon and near P. R. B. For farther particulars call at office BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. aplS-78- FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL ROUP STREET residence, containing nine elegantly papered rooms, four of which are on first floor (parlor, library, dining room. kltcben)hall, bath, laundry, natural gas, all modern conveniences, large lot. This tine borne Is one of the most desirable locations In the East End convenient to P. B. B. and Fifth avenue cable cars and will be sold cheap as owner is leaving the city. BLACK ft BAUtD, 95 Fourth ave. apl9-26-TWTFS Allegheny Residences. TJIOB SALE-STOCKTON AVE.-ALLEGHENY 1? CITY residence, lot 28x240 ft. to Park way, with 3-story brick dwelling. See W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. aplB-80-MWT TTiOR SALE-A NEAT DWELLING JUST X finished, with lot 20x202, on the McArthur's plan, near the Perrysvllle electric cars and head of Charles street; price low and terms easy: A.J. PENTECOST, 418 Grant St. aplS-75 FOE SALE-A FINK RESIDENCE PROPERTY on the Parks, Allegheny: 10 spacious rooms, with lavatory and hall; other modern appliances; everything In the most perfect order; this Is a beautiful property and will bear the closest ex amination. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. apl7-75-wrg T7OR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS JD adjoining residence of Tfaos. M. Marshall, on Marshall ave.. Tenth ward, Allegheny City, 2 mlnntes' walk from electric cars; magnificent view 15 miles down Ohlorlver, up Chartlers creek, etc.: long time as desired for payment. THOS. M. MARSHALL, Jr., U7 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. apl7-56-WT Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, AT (2,800, located on Holmes street. Wllklnsburg; new frame house, six rooms; lot 83x132 feet. W. A. HERROK&SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. apl2-.a-TUF T70R SALE-BUMMER COTTAGE AT POINT J? Chautauqua, N. Y.: handsome Swiss cotuge, 9 rooms, grates, nice grounds, boat house, bath, etc. : S3, 10. Apply to J. A. DALY. (19 West ave., Rochester, N. Y. apl4-2 p: R SALE-NEW HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS, well finished: lot 128x122 feet; locution first- class, on Rebecca street, Wllklnsburg, near sta tion : an excellent b orde : price only ti 000. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. apU-22-Tur FOBBALE-COUNTBY HOME AT FAIBOAKS. P..FL W.ft C.B. R., embracing between 4 and 8 acres of land on which Is dwelling of 11 rooms, ice house, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings; land is covered with bearing fruit trees and large shade trees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and illuminated with gas at reasonable expense; premises are connected with R. B. by board walk, and are unsurpassed in beauty and healthfulness of location; will be sold quite low. J.M. STONEB, 22 Bakewell BuUdlng. ap39-36-MWT FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lota. FIB SALE WE ARE NOW OFFERING A very cheap lot, 24x100, rinince street, one minute from Homewood station; (550. MELLON BROS., 6343 Station St., E. E. apl9-59-MF FIR SALE-FATRMOUNT AVENUE. X ELE gant lots: 25x176 each: only ( minutes from Penn avenue cable line: Nineteenth ward; Srlce (800 each. MELLON BROS., 63 Station St., E. apl9-60-MI TTIOR BALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS. ST A JD TION, P. R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed ;p rice ranging from (406 to (SCO. Inquire of DTc. NEGLEY, 6108 Penn aveV, East End. no28-y78 v TH)R BALE-ON HERRON AVE., THIB J TEENTHward, one square from cable line, building lots, 20 feet front, from (350 npward; this is a desirable location, and wilt Improve rap- JU1T 1U Tkiuei iivruis cmj( n. A. U-EiltKln OS SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. api2-s-rur FIB SALE LOTS 1 LOTS 1-3 CHOICE LOTS on Frankstown ave., Brushton station. Bank of Commerceaddltlon plan; each 40x140 feet to 24 foot alley; terms. (M down and (iff a month; cheapest lots in the market. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield st. apl3-80-Tur T7OB SALE 100x300 AND 200x400 FEET-FINE JD Shadystde building sites in the most desirable section, surrounded by large and elegant resi dences; we have a few of the most desirable sites In that part of the East End for sale, and will take pleasure in waiting noon any intending purchas- I era and furnish full particulars confidentially. I . vv, sabwoxmi a vii an soma ave., nws burg. sjU-74 FOR. SALE-LOTS. City Lota. FIB SALE-LOT ON MURIEL ST.. 8. B., Pittsburg, 58x144 feet, with brick dwelling. L J. WILSON, 149 Fourth ave. ap!7-88-WT TJ1OBSALE-H2S0 FOB ALL (A GOOD CHANCH A? to speculate): 14 loU;26xl00 each; near Brere ton ave., between Twenty-eighth and Thirty-third streets; can be retailed at (975 to (450 each; a bar gain SAMUEL W. BLACK ft Co., 99 Fourth ave. apl7-33-wrs Allegbcnv Lots. FOR BALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McNAUGHEB, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-o Suburban Lot. FOB8ALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS-CHAR TIERS: McGunnegle plan of lots. Fnll in formation of W. W. MCNEILL ftr BRO , 106 Fourth ave. apI3-54 TjWR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, BUILDING X? lots eligibly located, 84x150 feet each, foronly (550: none better In the market at the price and lo cation. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. apl2-2Z-Tnr FOR SALE BUILDING SITES-FREE EX CUBSION to sale at Dnquesne Park, Perrys vllle avenue. Saturday at 2 r. M.: get on at Alle gheny postofflce: terms easy. Plans from A.J, PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. apl7-32 FOB SALE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES at auction on Saturday at 2 o'clock: free ex cursion; Perrysvllleavenue on the terminus of the electric railway: lota 50x140; terms easy; plans on the premises. Particulars from A. J. PENTE COST, 4,3 Grant st. apI7-J2 Furms. F IOE BALE 54 ACEES GOOD LAND-8 miles from Allegheny Cltv. on railroad: nouse. barn, orchard. sprlngs,outbulldtng, at low price; largest a selection in tnecute. t-u nuiiaii,ii Uranttt.Pltttburg. apl9-D FJB SALE RANCH IN COLEMAN COUNTY, lexas; 1,600 acres; good rences, pastures and farm: 850 sheep. 75 cattle, etc.: near railroad; rich soil: fine climate; (10,800. Address O. B. CARSON, 181 North ave., Allegheny. ap!8-88 STJsceTlaneoaa. F IOR SALE-PROMISING INVESTMENTS AT Sea Hlrt and Snrlnr Lake. N. J., to partr or parties with money: see this paper to-morrow or address BAM'L B. HUEY, At., Philadelphia. ap3-7t-irww FOR BALE-ATLANTIC CITY.N.J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS ft CO., real estate agents. Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic Cltv. N.J. ap5-9-P FOR SALE-BCSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-ON BUTLER ST., CONFECTION ERY and lee cream stand, doing a goodbnsl ness. Full particulars No. 218 FORTY-FOURTH SP. apl9-49 TTKIR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS SMALL HOTEL A? and barroom, complete furniture and bar fix tures, opposite wharf andPanbandle depot. Until nrst of May Inquire JOHN KLEV13, proprie tor, 113) Water street. Wheeling, W. Va.. ap!9-21-D T7OK SALE SEVERAL FINE GROCERY A stores in Allegheny and Plttsbnrg at low Firicci; drug stores, cigar stores, bakeries, con ectloneiies, boarding houses, shoe stores, print ing office, coal works, gents' furnishing store, hotels; ail good business openings. SHKPARD ft CO., 54 Fifth ave. ap9 TflOR BALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED GKO JL1 CERY and drygoods business. The leasehold consists of two large, airy, brick storerooms, ad Joining and connected with each other, the corner store being used for a grocery, produce and gen eral supply store in connection with warehouse attached: the second room being occupied by the drygoods, notions, trimmings, etc department. The stock la new and saleable: the location estab lished: trade good and cash: In ract a sound busi ness: reasons for selling,. Illness of owner and peremptory injunction by physician to quit bns ness. For fulf particulars call on ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa. apl7-30 Business stands. F: R SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY ON LIB ERTY, near Sixth St. : one of the best loca tions in the city; lot 20x112 feet to an alley: large brick building. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. aplS-30-MWT FIRS ALE-A FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS PROP ERTY on Ohio St., Allegheny, In the best part of the street; the property Is In fee simple, good building and a very desirable property. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenne. apl7-8-wr FOR BALE-THAT VALUABLE BUSINESS property corner of Fifth ave. and High St., being 3 storerooms on Firth ave. and 2 brick houses on High St.: lot 65 rt. on High and 58 ft. front on Fifth ave. SPENCER ft GLOSSER. 419 Smithfield st. apl9-27 TTIOR 8ALE-A BUSINESS PROPERTY ON JD Ohio St., Allegheny City (In fee simple); will sell at less than value. If applied for soon; this is an opportunity that does not often offer, as nearly all of the property on that street Is on lease ground. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenne. apl9-28 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery sua Bletals. . FIR SALE REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS st the lowest cash prices or on the Installment plan. A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood st. apl7-77 FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; aU sixes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p. ; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 b. p. 23-25 Park way. J . S. Y O UN G, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF FOB 8ALE-23X43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen in operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 150 First ave. aul-p32-irwr FOB SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; one 7Kxl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc; two 28x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor, Lscock and Sandusky sts. , Allegheny. Jal7-Mwr Miscellaneous. TTiOR SALE RHODES ft WAGNER'S CLOS C ING out sale of confectionery, fixtures, tools, etc, at 77 Federal st., Allegheny, wlU be resumed on Saturday, 20th Inst,, at 10 o'clock, and be con tinued dally until disposed of. There are a great variety of goods of Interest to manufacturing con fectioners. A, LEGGATE ft SON, Auctioneers. apl9-58 FOR SALE-FURNITURE, HORSE, BUGGIES, etc., 629 Fifth avenne, at auction. FRIDAY, April 19, at 2 o'clock. There are lace curtains, Brussels carpets, secretary, wardrobes, marble top dressing bureau, washstand and tables, bedsteads, mattresses, sola, hair seat and cane seat chairs, lounge, clocks, hatrack, pictures, aquarium, plants, two superior leather top buggles,.nearly new, driving mare, several dozen stonemason tools, cement, harness, etc., etc. A. LEGGATE ft SON. Auctioneers. apl2-a PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a Ubrary worth (1,000, let ns know: we will bay one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK eTORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. too PERSONAL-FRENCH COURSE, CONVERSA TION, literature, etc , either private or in class, by an experienced French gentleman, late ly arrived from Paris; special conversation les sons for travelers to Paris. Address PROFESSOR, Dlspstch office. apl0-52 SERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In reoalring and clean your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Firth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1538. mh8 AMUSEMENTS. p RAND OPERA BOUSE E. D. WILT Lessee and Manager. All Week, Wednesday .and Saturday Matinees. FALL OF0TLANTA; THE IRISH SPY. Mr.G.M.CONNELL AS BARNEY THE SPY. Miss LILLIAN BUKKHART and a host of local talent. Benefit Post 63, G. A. B., Relief Fund. . Week April 22 Kellar, The Magadan. apl5-15 ptRAND OPERA HOUSE EXTRA Easter Week, April 22, THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAGICIAN. KELLAR, In his Snperb New Entertainment "MIRACLES OF TO-DAY." Spanish Students, the Steens, and ten others, Beats now on sale. apl9-53 H ARRIS' THEATER. One Week. Commencing Monday, April 15. ADA GRAY, In EAST- LYNNE.: April 22 MAIN LINK apl5.18-MWF STARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY 1 TO-NIGHT, atinees Tuesday. Thursday and Satnrday. MAY HOWARD'S BIG BURLESQUE CO. 7Great Ooniedians 20 Handsome Ladies 3 Card Monte. ap!2-o2 B JJOTJ THEATER CHANGE OF WLL. THE LYDIA THOMPSON BURLESQUE COMPANY in "COLUMBUS." Next week The Hanlons in "Voyage En Snisse." apl&92 BA8EBALI1 TO-DAY RECREATION PABK. SYRACUSE STARS ALLEGHENIES. Gamea.t3.3e. AamtolonaScU, aplM6 TO LET. -t- Allesheny Residences. mO LET-GOOD S-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NO. X 35 Locust st., Allegheny City, all modern improvements; rent low to a good tenant. C. H. LOVE, 98 Fourth avenue apl9-28 TO LET A LARGE BRICK DWELLING ON Stockton avenue, near Federal street, Alle Shenyi 14 rooms, natural gas, etc, etc JAS. W . RAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. apl7-74 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE, HALL AND 7 rooms: grained, sewerage; No. 198 Fulton St., Allegheny: 823 per mo. J. M.8TONEK, No. 23 Bakewell Building, cor. Grant and Diamond-apl8-81-nwr Suburban Residence. mO LET-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE ON B. A X O. R. R.. but a lew minutes' ride from city, good house 10 rooms, late improvements, large yard ; rent only (450 per year. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. apl3-8S-I3,16,19,28 TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable, etc, near Patterson station, P. C ft Y. R. B.. and Crafton, P. C. ft St. L. R. R. In quire or B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton. Pa., orad dressf.C. BIG OERT. Rochester, Pa. mh21-68 TO LET-MY .HOUSE, THIRTEEN BOOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh98 ADartmenla- TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED BOOMS FOB housekeeping, some four-room flats, two storerooms. or particulars Inquire on premises. 44 FOURTH STREET. apI9S-19,21,22724,2S,2 mo LET-CHOICE APARTMENTS FOR LIGHT A. honsekeepii ilng, with gas. water and bath: on airs. Apply at J. G. MORROW'S 289 Ohio si. Allegheny, apl9-9 Hue of street cars. SHOE STORE, 289 Farms. TO LET-FARM, VERY CHEAP. A NICE farm near the city, about 58 acres, dwelling and outbuildings, large orchard, small fruit, etc : vnnri nlaee for oalrv or Irnlt farm: will rent verr low to a careful tenant: Immediate possession. JAB. w. uoArii a tu., vax ounu avenue, rins burg. apl9-30 Offices. Dek Room. tie. TO LET LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and all of third floor of Mellon's building, opposite City Hall, Smithfield street: good light; reasonable rent. InqulreatT. MEL LON ft EON'S BANK. 513 and 514 Smithfield street. rnh31-78-uwr TO LET GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK building, corner Wood and Diamond street fonr offices at low rent; one single oHce, 15x20, and two connecting offices, 20x28 and 15x18; one single office. 11x15: all snlendidlv lighted: finished in modern style; all newly painted and papered ; pos session at once. iuuev-09-A ytnatni,a fStnnffsu T 10 LET-STOBEROOMS-ON CORNER PENN and Third street. 44 Fourth street. 85 Robin son street, Allegheny; good business stands: rent low; some nniurnisnea rooms Inaulre at 44 FOURTH STREET. apM-lUS-MWTSU TO LET-OB FOB SALE-A TWO-STORY brick bouse. No. 830 Second avenue; store room and five rooms: suitable for a srrocery or oth er store' to agood tenant rent low. Inquire of henry B. EW1NG, Attorney at Law, i j-ounn ave. apl7-83 Special. mO LET-OUB TO LET" LIST, ASHERETO X FORE Issued from our office, is now pub lished every Wednesdayfwlthout expense to land lordslin The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. ap3-88-MTWTT REWARDS. REWABD-THE TRUTH! "WE SUFFERED untold agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon ren edles cured ns when all other means had failed. Mrs. Rev. Lot Lake, Mrs. Wm. G. Cover, Youngs town, O.; Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes street, John S. Fahey, Tallapoosa, Ga. : Thomas Brown, S. 8.; Michael Hlnes-in Wylle ave., and then sands of others. We invite the worst rases from whatever cause, bee testimonials at GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY, Third and Grant, Plttsbnrg. Pa. apl9-61 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE BEAUTIFUL BEWICK LEY residence, cor. Logan and Thorn St., only 4 mlnntes from station, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889. at 4 o'clock p. M., on the prem ises, a good substantial frame dwelling of 8 large rooms, handsomely papered and painted, hath. h. and c. water, slate roof, cistern, both gasses, all other conveniences necessary to make a complete home; lotllSxl53 feet, covered with choice Irnlt and shrubbery; house open for inspection: terms, one-third cash, balance to suit. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. apl9-25-19,23,25,28,27 A' T AUCTION FRIDAY MORNING, . April 19. at 10 o clock, at the rooms No. 311 Market st,: Elegant body Tornssels, Wilton velvets, mo queta and ingrain carpets, linoleum, curtains, shades, mirrors, pictures, clocks, decorat ed dinner, tea and toilet ware, lamps, ornaments, bedding, notions, fine glass door refrigerator, stores, laundry and kitchen goods, stepladders, , Singer sew ing machine, cabinets, chamber suits, ward robes, chairs, tables, rockers, sideboards, hall racks, bookcases, cheffoniers,dressers,bureaus, washstands, lounges, conch, folding beds, fine parlor salts of all kinds, buffet, etc. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., aplS-55 Auctioneers. MASTER'S SALE IN PARflTION-BY virtue of my appointment and an order ot the court of Common Pleas No. 2 ofAlle- fheny county, at No. 434, October term, 1888, will expose to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, April 20, at 2 r. SL, the following lots of ground. All those three- certain lots or pieces of ground situate in the borough of Mansfield, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Fronting on Main street, formerly the Nobles town plank road, one hundred feet (100 ft.), and extending hack, preserving the same width, one hundred and fifty feet (ISO fkj, between lots numbers three and six (Nos. 3 and 6) in Mary Sheridan's plan of lots hereinafter men tioned; also a certain lot fronting fifty feet (60 ft,) on Jane street, and extending back one hundred and fifty feet (160 ft.) to line of lot number four (So. 4) In said plan, said ground being rots numbers four, fire and ten (Nos. 4,(5 and 10) In said plan of lots laid out by Mary Sheridan in said borough, said plan being re corded In Plan Book, volume two (2), page sixty-nine (69), in the Recorder's Office of Alle Sbeny county, being property of Edward Flood, .eceased. Terms of sale: Ten (10) per cent of the pur chase money to be paid on day of sale; balance cash on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed. EDWARD F. HAYES, - JOHNH.RONEY, Master In Partition. 127 Fifth avenne, HUGHEY 4 BENNETT, 160 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa-, ap!9-P9 Solicitors for Plaintiff. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR AHMOR-DECK MA TERIAL, etix, for monitor "Terror." March 28, 1888. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for Armor-Deck Material," etc., will be received at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Navy Department, Washington, D.C., until 11 o'clock A. m., April 20, 1889, and publicly opened Immediately thereafter, to furnish and deliver, at the Navy Yard, Brook lyn, New York, about 85,000 pounds of plate, shape, and rivet material for completing armor dock and building hatch coamings and tiunns of the monitor "Terror." Blank proposals, with specifications and description of the above, can be obtained upon application to the Bureau, or to the General Storekeeper at the Navy Yard. New York. Tie bids decided by lot. The Department reserves the right to re ject any proposal not deemed advantageous to the Government. JAMES FULTON, Pay master General. U. S. Navy. mh29-7-y Office of Department of Charities, Pn-rSBUBO. April 15, 1S89. ( SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until Friday, April 26, 1889. at 2 o'clock p. M., for furnishing 800 barrels straight family flour, 20 barrels graham floor, 40.000 pounds brown middlings, 50.000 pounds bran, 10,000 pounds oil meal, 10,000 pounds screenings, 6,000 pounds kiln dried corn meal. To be delivered at City Farm; flour in seamless sacks. Blanks, bonds and all Information furnished at the office of Chief of Department, 177 Fourth avenue. Bonds in double the amonnt of the bids must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R, O. ELLIOTT, aplS-U Chief of Department of Chanties. McKEEdtORT, PA-April 17, 1889. VrC-TICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED Jl proposals will be received at the oKce of the borough clerk nntil Tuesday, April 30, 1889, at 4 F. m., for the furnishing of all material (except castings) and labor for the construction of the following sewers, viz: One of 12 in. diam eter in Mulberry alley -from Fourth to Fifth avenues, one of 15 in. diameter in Berlin street from Ninth avenue southwardly to a point near Eleventh avenue and one of 15 in. diameter in Grant street from Logan alley to Evans ave nne, thence In Evans avenue 24 in. diameter to Jenny Llnd Street. Plans and specifications of the above work can be seen, and blanks for bidding and all in formation can be had at the Engineer's office on and after April 23. Each proposal must bo accompanied by a bond in double the amount of the proposal and probated before a Notary of the Public and unless this is strictly adhered to the proposal will not bo considered. The Committee on Sewers reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GEORGE BOSSART, ap!7-9-TWF Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR PAINTING OFFICE OT COUNTT CONTROLI.Z3, PrrrsBTTRG, April 16. 1888. ( Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 8 o'clock p. it. WEDNESDAY, April 24, 1898, for painting the following county biidsZOS No. 8 and 7, Ball or eeki No. 3, , 8, 9, 10, XL, PROPOSALS. 12 and 13, Chartlers creek; Nos. 4, 5 and 6, Deer creek; No. 1, Deer creek (Little);No. LKellev's run; Nos. 2 and 5, Lowrles' mn;Nos.2and3, ' Montour run; No. 4, Miller's run; No. 2, Plney fork; No. 1, Pine run; No. L Pillow's run; No. 5, Pine creek: Nos. 2 and 4. Kobinvm's run; Nos. 1 and 2. Robinson's run (south branch); Nos. L 2 and 3, Robinson's run (north branch); No. 3, Sawmill run; No. t, Sawmill run (Little); Nos. 4 and 6, Sewickley creek (No. 4 being a Joint county bridge); No. 1, Squaw run; No. 6, Turtle creek. Bidders must bid for eachTrrldge separately, and may in addition bid for the lot as a whole. Bidders must visit and examine bridges be-v fore submitting a bid. , Bids to be addressed to the County Commis sioners and Indorsed "Proposals for Palntlngf each proposal to be accompanied by a bidder's bond, with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of not 1ss than 60 per cent of the whole amount of the bid. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall siveiSond. with two sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the contract, for the faithful performance of said contract. Specifications can be seen and Information obtained at the office of the County Engineer after THURSDAY. April 18, 1889. JOSIAH SPEER, County Controller. aplS-80 PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGESUPERSTURCTURE. AND Masonry. Office of Cotjkty Cojttroler, PnTSBUBO.TA. April 18. 18S9. J Sealed proposals will be received until t o'clock p. Mt, Wednesday, April 24. 1888, at the) office of the County Controller, for the super structure and masonry of one wrought Iron pin-connected truss and six plate-girder, high way bridges, and for construction or one stone arch bridpe.loeated as follows No.L Over Miller's run, at Collins' MUL Low truss bridge, 55 feet center to center of end pins, 2 trusses each 7 feet high and divided into 5 panels; to have vertical end posts. Live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; statlo load, 610 pounds per lineal foot. No. 2. Over Street's run, Hays's tatlon (skew bridge.) Plate-girder bridge, 38 feet clear span, 41 feet extreme length. Depth, of girder. 48 inches. Live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; statlo load, 640 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have 10 floor beams spaced 4 feet i inches center to center. Present superstructure to be removed by, and to be tbeproperty of. contractor fornew superstructure; this to be removed as soon as notice Is given by masonry contractor that he is ready to proceed with foundations. No. 3. Over Bailey's run, Robert- Bailey'f (skew bridge). Plate-girder bridge, 23 feet clear span, 31 feet extreme length. Depth or girder, 23 Inches. Live load, 1.700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 625 pounds per lineal foot. ' No. 4. Over Montour run, at Scott's, Plate-girder bodge, 47 feet clear span, 50 feet extreme length. Depth of girder, 60 inches. Lire load, 1,700 ponnds per lineal foot; statlo load, 660 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to, , have three Intermediate floor beams. No. 5. Over Plum creek, Armstrong'STun. Plate-girder bridge, 30 feet clear span, S3 feet extreme length. Depth of girder. 28 inches. Live load, i,"P0 pounds per lineal footf static load, 630 pounds per lineal foot. No. 6. Over Saw Mill run, at Fair Haven (skew bridge). Plate-girder bridge, 30 feet clear span, 83 feet extreme length. Depth of girder. 28 inches. Lire load, L700 pounds per lineal foot; statlo loads, 630 ponnds per lineal foot. No. 7. Over Little Sewickley creek, at A. Kaufman's. Stone arch bridge, SO feet span. Segmental arch. No. 8. Over Potato Garden run, Marshall's oldmllL Plate-girder bridge, 23 feet clear span, 31 feet extreme length. Depth of girder, 28 inches. . Live load, 1,700 ponnds per lineal foot; static load, 625 pounds per lineal foot. (Also for repairs to masonry of bridges over Lowries run, at Courtney's mill, and Piney Fork, at McGowan'a) Clear width of all bridges to be 17 feet. AR bridges to have wrought iron floor beams; these beams (except where sizes are shown on plans) to be proportioned to carry a distributed live load of at least ten tons. All girder bridges to hare (unless otherwise specified) two inter mediate transverse floor beams. Plank floor ing on girders (unless otherwise specified) to fit down close on top flanges or girder, and to project outside of flanges 3 inches. All bridge timber (except wheel-guards) to be sound white oak; wheel-guards to be sound straight grained pine. Deck-girder bridges to be provided with heavy wrougbt-iron protection railing. Rail ing stanchions to be securely connected with Iron girder, and not attached to wooden floor. All iron to be good bridge iron and to com Ely with specifications. Workmanship to be rst-class and conform to specifications. Bridge contractors should examine the sites for themselves to ascertain their peculiarities, the extent of false work required and facilities; for transportation, etc, before bidding. MASONRY. The approximate quantity of masonry is about 2,400 cubic yards, and must be of good quality and conform to specifications. Bids to be by the cubic yard in place, price to include excavation, pumping; shoring, coffer dams, etc. Stone to be sound and durable, and to be ap proved by the County Engineer. Contractors must visit the sites of proposed bridges before submitting a bid. The county will furnish the cement loaded on cars at any railroad depot in the cities of Pittsburg or Allegheny, the contractor to pay the freight. All bids must be addressed to the County Commissioners and indorsed. "Proposals for Bridge Superstructure," or "Bridge Masonry," as the case may be; each proposal to be ac companied by a bidder's bond, with two suffi cient sureties, in the sum of not less than 50 Ser cent of the whole amount of the bid. Idder must bid for each bridge separately, and may. In addition, bid for the lot as a whole. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. The party to whom the contract Is awarded, shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the contract, for the faithful performance of the said contract. Specifications and forms of bond can be, obtained at the office of Chas. Davis,. Eaq., County Engineer, after Thursday. April 18, 1889. JOSIAH 8PER, County Controller, Office of the Couhty Controlikb, PlTTSBTTBG. PA., April 18. I8S9. NOTICE TO CEMENT DEALERS Sealed proposals will be received at this office until S o'clock P. M. WEDNESDAY, April 24, 1889, for furnishing the cement neces sary for the construction and repair of connty structures for the ensuing season. Any of the following brand&of cement will be considered: Norton's Cement, New York and Rosendale Cement and Hoffman's Cement. Amount needed, about 2,000 barrels; Bids must be by the barrel, loaded on cars at any depot In the cities of Plttsbnrg or Alle gheny that the County Engineer may direct. Each proposal to be accompanied by a bond In the sum of $1,500, executed by the holder as principal and two sufficient and responsible persons as sureties. The party to whom the contract Is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in. double the amount of contract, foribe faithful performance of said contract. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. For further information Inquire at the office of the County Engineer. JOSIAH SPEER, apI8-44 Connty Controller. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Office of IF " I 3U0SAFZTTV I FlBE, r L, April U, 1889. J S WILL BE RE Department or Public BtTKKAtT or FIRE, T3wn& si Mni T3 a A . 11 10DU&U. AA. AU1 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Control ler until mvnij&i., .aprii 22, uxsn, atar. jl, for the repairing, painting, cribbing and clean ing dirt at No. 10 engine house. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office ot F. C. Sauer. architect, rooms Nos. 9 and 10, northwest corner of Sixth and Liberty streets. . Bonds in double the amount of bids must a company each proposal; said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. apl2-84o Continued on Tenth and Twelfth Pages. BUSINESS CHANGES. ' Bro waaviiAE, Pa., March 9. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, partners in the coal business under the name and stvle of the Climax Coal Company, in the Fourth Pool of the Mononga hela river, in Fayette county, Penna., was this day dissolved by the purchase by Thomas Neel of the entire interest of J. S. Neel in the same. All debts of the said partnership will be paid bv Thomas NeeL who has authority to collect ail outstanding indebtedness due and to be come due to the Climax Coal Company. Thomas Neel and Sons wiU continue the coal business at the same place. J. S.NEEL, mhI3-B2-wr THOMAS NEEE 32 Lots at 100 each. 12 Lwts at $200 each. 7 Lots at $300 each. 10 Lots at 9500 each. These are large lots fronting on 50-feet streets, one of which is being paved; and are marked at low prices to sell themselves. Situated in Thirty-second ward, 10 minutes' walk from hKllnej water and gas; good neighborhood; fare 3 cents; monthly tickets SI 25. I will be on the greasd every Saturday from 1 to 6 o'clock. Terras to ult. 8. UIFFIN, Fourth aye. aadSlk414, apMS-ra