i . he1 l-H t- T S. IJ I JFiTPTtCl IIM ITHMTiMiTH i "DTTvnvITlTTRrS.;' VTYTWP A WP W 5 L8893 VJ T -CSi. FA STREET NOYELTY. fAn Empty -Business House on Liberty , Proves a Drawing Card. POINTS ON THE WAGE AGITATION.- Pittsttrg Steadily Forging Ahead in. the Race for Material Supremacy. . au DKOP IN OIL AND BOOM IN bTOCKS A -"to let" posted on the -door ot a good business house on Liberty street, near the foot of Smithfield, yesterday attracted con siderable attention on account of its rarity, such a thing being almost unknown in that locality. It is safe to say that it trill not remain empty many hours. If there is any. thine more urgently needed in PittsDurg than another, it is bnslness houses. The annual trace agitation of the iron workers has been put in motion, and is already proving a disturbing element in business. TaV. lug this for a text, a prominent gentleman said yesterday: This agitation is not only costly to the men, but harmful to the public It keeps everything unsettled for to or three months every year, with nothing substantial to show for it. I don't blame the men for trying to get a fair compensation for their services, for their work is bard and exacting, but I think they could adopt a better plan than that npon which they are now acting to accomplish their end. In my opinion the sliding scale of wages is the best remedy yet suggested to regulate the wage question, bnt it should be made so broad and clastic in Its provisions as to cover a series of J ears. It wonld render constant agitation unnecessary and secure satisfactory results to the workman, whose compensation would be based upon the market prices of the products of their toll. What could be fairer! Of course, this is not a new idea, but I think its impor tance has been overlooked. While always maintaining-that labor, which is t the bottom of our prosperity, should be sufficiently pro tected and liberally compensated, I seriously doubt if the right steps are being taken to elevate it to the dignity and importance which justly attach to it. It should betaken out of the sphere of perennial agitation and placed up on a basis which w ould remove it from the vicis situdes and dangers ot financial crisis and over production. I thinkatbe adoption of the sliding scale, under wise restrictions, and covering a series of years, would bring this about! There would then be no need for costly conventions every year and the mill owners would be shut out from using trumped np stories of depres sion of trade to intimidate their workmen." If anybody has a lot for sale, all 'he has to do to secure a customer for it is to let the fact be known. A week or t o ago a gentleman who owned a few acres just above Edgew ood, laid off a part of it in lots and advertised them for sale, through a well-known Fourth avenue agency. This brought forth a small army of purchasers and the prospects are that every lot will be taken before the end of the week. This is satisfactory evidence that there is no abatement in the demand for real estate. In addition to the large sums of money that are being disnursed by the city banks in the way of loans, investments in mortgages, etc., it is stated that considerable has been borrowed in New York recently by local manufacturers at a low rate of interest. This money has gone, or will go, into businesses of various kinds. In deed, some of the results of tins movement are already visible in the well filled stores, the in creased activity in nearly all branches of trade, the new buildings on almost every street, and the busy scenes evi rywhere that are the won der of stransers all of which goes to show tha Pittsburg is holding its own, and more, in the struggle for material supremacy. To occupy a position above Baltimore, Cincinnati and New Orleans is something to be proud of, but we will soon do better, and take precedence of St. Louis and San Francisco. Pittsburg has just fairly started on her career of conquest An old colored man who lives in an adjoining county has an eye to creature comforts as well as business. He recently obtained a pension for services in the Civil "War, and considerable back pay the whole amounting to several thousand dollars. He bought a honse and lot and pnt the rest of his money, excepting about S1Q, in bank. He invested all of his reserve capital in whisky, took it home, locked his house and was not seen for several days. When be emerged from his retirement he was in a very dilapidated condition. Meeting a neigh bor, he said: "I'll jis tell you all 'bout it, boss. Yon see I never had as much whisky as I could drink, and wben I got dat money I jis 'eluded to have one big spree. I put down $10 worth of whisky fast as I could. It tasted better than honey. Butl'se done now. I don't want no more. I'll never take another spree. I'se eh orn off." He has kept his word so far. STOCKS ON THE JUMP. A Stronc nnd Active Mnrkct. With Some Phenomenal Advances. Yesterday was a bull day at the Stock Ex change, most of the favorites being active and higher. Philadelphia Gas was boomed by a big well in the Bellevernon district, selling up to 40 here and 41 in New Vork, and closing firm at top prices. Chartlers Gas was another strong spot, scoring a sharp advance on favor able reports of the condition of the company. Electric was conspicuous for activity and strength, indicating a revival of the interest in the stock. Citizen's Traction was hid up to 72, but there was no anxiety to unload it at that price. The other tractions were dnll and firm: Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway stock made a phenomenal jump ot $25 per share; it wns offered at 160, bnt there was no pressure to selL Switch and Signal and La JToria were dull and neglected. The dealings amounted to 2,005 shares. Bids, offers and sales are appended: JIOEMJ.G. AFTEKXOOX. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. ritts. Pet-S.&M.Ex.. M0 Uridcewater Gas SO Chartlers Vnl. has Co. S3H 54 54 54J People's PlpeageGss.. is .... 16 .... rtllladelphlaCo 29 Z3!i 40'A 40X Pine Run Gas 85 .... Wtiecltnr U" Co 3s ZVi as 30 CentralTraction. T 14 2Ji, 54 ntliens' Traction 71H 7S .... 74 l'lttslrarjr iTactlon.... ) Pitts Western B. K. 10 .... 9f .... 1. JfU.B. Upref.... J854" K X .... Consignee Mining Co.. SOS .... 10 21 1-a-Norla Mlnluc Co... 2 .... IJjJ 2 W estlnrhoube Electric 60'f 614 61 61S V. fewlteh JtsIenalCo. 23 26 25), OJJt Wcstlnjr'seAlrB. Co.. llBi laOJjf j, Westlue'se B. Co. Hit 64 64M T llttsburgPlateOlass.. 160 Sales at the first call were 100 shares Phila delphia Gas at 39. 100 at 3 SO at 3 50 Char tiers at S3& 100 Switch and Signal at 25, 25 Pittsburg and Western preferred at 19,200 at 19l and 80 Electric at CO. In the afternoon 314 shares Philadelphia Gas sold at 4 410 at 40J. '& at 40-. 60 Pittsburg and "Western preferred at 19J, 200 Consigneeat 21 cents. 31 Switch and Signal at 25. 150 Elec tric at 61, and 50 Central Traction at 21. The total sales of stocks at New York yester dav were 220,427 shares, including: Atchison, 24.435; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 6.700: Nashville, 3,715; Oregon Transconti nental, 13.605; Beading, 8.S00; St. Paul, 11,675; Union Pacific, 4.400. A STEADY GROWTH. The Local Money Mnrkct Oat of the Rat for the brason. That there is an active movement in the local money market is proved by the large Clearing House reports of the past few days. Yester day the exchanges were $2,433,882 21 and the balances 5763.147 74. This indicates a greater revival of business than the city gets credit for There was a fair amount of paper offered for'discount, and the counter business waa above the average. Bankers expressed confi dence that they had seen the last of dull times for this season. , Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2JC to 3 per centjlast loan 2 closed offered at 2K. Prime mercantile paper. fK6. Sterling ex- , chauge dull but steady at $4 86J for 60-day 0111s. and M SS)i for oemanu. Government Honda, Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Bobinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: H- " "op JEgJS,, u.j. 45. rct 12s arax V. t. U. coup. J2 IS 1 - j Bid. Currency, e per cent, 1895 reK 12 Currency, 6 per cent. :83Srec...i. -. 122 Currency, 6 per cent, 1837 reg. ....... ,....13! Currency, 6 per cent, ltsDSreg.......! 129 Currency, (percent, ISSSirea- i.lSl Sales of G, 000 Coupon 4s and 2,000 Registered 4s at IS. New Yoek Cleanngs,'tl59,802.751Jbalances, $7,378,936. Boston Clearings, 17,017,063; balances, $1, 654,523; money, per cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,0aO,S78; balances, $31s,997. Philadelphia Clearings, $14,222,323; bal ances, 51,(34,121. Chicago Money firm and unchanged. Bank Clearings, $10,420,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,164,156; balances, $656,059. LoifDOK Bar sliver, 42 8-16d per.ounce. Pakis Rentes, 86f 92Kcfor the account. A CHANGE AT LAST. Oil Takes a Tumble nnd Opens Up New Possibilities. The break in the oil market yesterday of 1J cents was no surprise, as it had been looked for for some time. There was nothing to hold it up; therefore the only thing for It to do was to move down. It opened at 89Jc and held around that point for seteral hours, selling at 90c several times. During the first part of the last hour there were a rew sales at S9Jc. In the last 20 minutes the market began to weaken and broke near the close with sales at ESc, closing with a few small transactions at SSHc amid a babel of noises in strange contrast to the usual quiet of the room. . Commenting on the situation a broker said: "At last the break anticipated for some time his come, and is likelv to carry prices around 85c, near which point I look for the market to hold for some time, with oil plenty and rates for carrying advanced, which will induce those who have carried their oil down to unload and increase the short interest, putting things in shape for an improvement in the market later on." On the other hand, the bull element did not take the drop very much to heart, holding that the slump was necessarily of an 'ephemeral character, and that any spit of a buying move ment would result In regaining lost ground, and perhaps more. All seemed glad of the change, as, however it may turn out, It will bring about a uew deal. A. B. McSrew & Co. quote: Puts, S6Jc; calls, 8SKS9c Ihi following table, corrected uy l)e Witt 1)11 worth. broker in petroleum, etc. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows tne order of fluctuations, etc 1 Time. I Kid. I Ask. I Time. I Bid. I Ask. Opened 10.15 a. M.... 10.30 A. H.. 10:5A. II.... 110 A. X.... 11:154. M.. 11:30A. II.... 11:45a. M.... IM 12.15 P. M.... 12:30 F. II.... Sales 12.45 P. M.. 1:00 F. II.. 1:15 F. M. 1:30 r. M., 1:45 P. X 2:00 P. X.. 2:15 F. X.. 1.90 F. X., 2:45 r. X.. Closed K);s 89M 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 SO 90X 90 -89 89 81 89 89 83X 83 H 83H 0a SO 90 90 90 90 69 S9M 9 80 90 90 Ktl SO w Opened. 89c; alKhest, 90c; lowest. 83c: closrd, S3.'a- Barrels. Vttty runs 66,800 Averajre runs 44.940 Dally shlDmenW .- 98,777 Average shipments 70,235 llallv charter! 4,444 Average charters. ... .- 30.183 Clearances uh, 5S5.O0O New York closed at 8S!ic Oil City closed at 88c bradiord closed at 88SC Jew Von. retimed. 7c London, renned, 5HJ. Antwerp, renned, 16K& Other Oil Mnrketa. New Yore, April 16. Petroleum opened steady at 90c It became dull and remained near that figure until the last hour, when re ports of new production caused a sharp decline to bSc, and the market closed weak at Scc Sales, 002,000 barrels. Oil City. April 16. National transit cer tificates opened at 90c; highest, Wiia lowest, STJJc; closed, sSc Bbasfobc. April 16. National transit cer tificates opened at 90c; closed at S8c; highest, 90c: lower. 87Jc Titus tille. April 16. National transit cer tificates opened at 90c: highest, 9(c; lowest, S7Jc; closed 87c DICKERS GO ON. The Latest Transaction! in Renl Estate A Very Strong Market. W. C Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, sold for A, N. Martin to John T. Fox, a brick house of seven rooms, with lot 20x100 feet, located on Davis street. Thirteenth ward, for $3,000 cash, and placed a mortgage of $2,500 on Mlnersville property for five years at 6 per cent; also one on unimproved property in Shadyside of $12,000 for three years at 5 per cent. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to James A Holman the property No. 106 Fayette stteet, Allegheny City, being lot 20x60 feet, with a two story frame dwelling house thereon, for 51,05a They also sold to Joseph Holland for the People's Saving Bank, lot No. 179, in the Bank's plan, on Vine street, Soutbside. for $250. Reed B. Coyle L Co.. 131 Fourth avenue .sold for the Freehold Bank to EA.O. Nichols, four lots at Hoinewood station, Pennsylvania rail road, size of each, 25x135, for a price approxi mating $2,000. W. A Herron t Sons sold a lot on the north side of Howard street. Shad side, size 54x137 feet, for $2,500 cash; also lot lo. 14, in Anna U. Adams' plan, Breckenridge avenue. Thir teenth ward, for $175. Samuel W. Black fe Co.. 99 Fourth avenue, sold to B. Alcarn, for $3,300, a lot 110x116 feet on the west side of Iowa street. Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg. A fine residence will he erected on it in the near future. James W. Drape & Co. closed a negotiation for an interest in a manufacturing plant in the city for $15,000, and placed two mortgages on property near Etna, of $7,000 at 6 per cent. LOST THEIK GRIP. Stock Vnlncs Decline ni the Holldnys Ap proach A Tame Market, With Nar row Fluctuations Strong and Wenk Spots Bonds Dnll. New York, April 16. The stock market to day was excessively dull, and the fluctuations jn the general list were made within the nar rowest limits, reflecting only the humor of the moment of the trading element in whose hands the business done was concentrated. The holi idays are for the most part responsible for the growing dullness in the market, as to-day was an off day for the Jewish element, while Friday will be a full holiday here and in London, and the latter Exchange will also close on Monday and Satnrday. Under these circum stances no one feels like entering into any ex tended ventures in stocks. The traders of a bearish turn of mind had ont small lines of stocks in the early dealings, hut the market afterward took on a firm tone, and, while London had a few buying orders, there was no disposition to trade npon that fact, and, outside of a few saar.es which were subject to special influences ami made wide .fluctuations, there was no feature ot any kind to the market in any pait of the dar. There were some exaggerated rumors in re gard to the trouble between the Union and Northern Pacifies over the Oregon business, and it was said that the Union Pacific had noti fied the Navigation Company that it would abandon the lease if a small line of 150 miles were not turned over. The bears upon this hammered the stock, andityielded about four points, thongh upon a denial of the rumor a portion of the loss as recovered. Short Line was afterward attacked and lost a point or more. On the other hand, Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western, both common and pre ferred, rose sharply on the report of a large in crease in the earnings and that the next divi dend upon the preferred would be at an in creased rate. Philadelphia Gas also showed marked strength and rose about 6 per cent. First prices were generally lower, tho de clines from last evening's prices extending to per cent, and under the pressure of the traders further slight losses extending to per cent were sustained. A marked recovery accompanied by more animation was soon brought about, however, and the market then became intensely dull and the firm tone still prevailed while the Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western stocks made rapid advances. In the afternoon thCOregon stocks became weak and the general list sympathized somewhat,but there was no other movement until the last hour, when Philadelphia Gas came to the front. The market closed very dnll and steady at in significant and irrcgnlar changes for the day. The advances were: Philadelphia Gas 6, Mil waukee; Lake Shore and Western common 2J, and the "preferred 1. but the losses includ' Navigation 2 and Snort Line IK- Railroad bonds were very dnll.tlie sales of all issues aggregating only $1,04S,000, although there were dealings in au unusually large num ber of issues. The changes were upon the same limited scale, thongh tho market was firm, and most issues are small fractions higher. Northwestern debenture 5s rose 2H to 112Ja The following table shows tne prices ot active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit ney fc Stephenson, members of Jiew York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenne: Clos- Open- Hifth- l,ow- Ine nx. est. est. Bldi. Am. Cotton Oil. .. 5C4f .. . ,.. 56 Atch.. Top. .P.... 41 41 .40 4l3 Canadian 1'aciSe .... to Canada Southern. 221 1&H CM KH Central of .New Jersey. .... .... .... 88 Centrait'aclnc .. .... Chesapeake A Ohio.... 17 mt 17 . C, Bur.4Qulncy...j 64 94jJ 83V a. Mil. St. Paul.... 6554 65H 04ft C. Mll.ABt. P.. pr... .104)4 105 104)4 c'ltoefcLftl' 2i 82Jf 924 C, St. I, ft W - C.. St. L.. & Pitts, pt. S7 87 37 C, St. P.. M. AO...... KH S3 33X c, at. pm. ao.. pr. C ft Northwestern.. ..105), M5ft 105)1 C.4 northwestern, pf. ,. O.CC.&1 tSH 69)4. 09) Col. Coal 4 Iron 24 24 22,"J Col. A Hoofcln Yal Del., L. AW...... ISI 137 136 Del. & Hudson..... E.T., Va.AOa K.T..Va. AGs., lstpr K. T.. Va. A Oa. 2d pf. Illinois CeniraL .... Late Erie A Western Lake Erie A West. pr.. s$x 5SM 58 Lake Shore AM. S 103 103 103 Louisville A Nashville. 4!4 64V 64 Michigan Central...... 87)4 Mobile Ohio Mo.. K.ATexas Missouri Pacific 69V ''Ki 69X New ork Central , .... J. Y.. L. E. A V 28 28 28 M. X., C. A3t.li N. I., C. A St. L. pr. N.Y.. C. ASt.L.2d tif X.Y&X. E 42W .N. Y., O. A W Norfolk ft Western Morrolk & Western, pi Northern Pacific, .... &3f Nortncrn Pacific prcf. 61 OhloA-Mlsslsslppl... . 22X Oregon Improvement. 48 Oregon Transcon SIX l'ncincllall t Poo. Dec & Krans Phlladel. A Kcadine.. 5S Pullman Palace Car ..1825. Richmond A W. P. T.. 28 Klchmond A W.P.T.pl .... St. Paul A Duinth pr. St. P., Minn. A Man... AixC M.L. A San Fran 3K St. L. A San Kran pf.. 5bK St. L. An K.lst pf.. ... Texas Pacific 20 UnlouPaclfic 61 Wabash Wabash preferred Western Union 85 Wheeling A L. E. Xi 42 A2H 25V 25V 61 UH 224 22J 46 46 80K 4-i , 45 182JJ ' 182H 26), ZSX S5H 2314 59 20" 61H MS 233 50 S 20 60) 84W 66i 66 BOSTON STOCKS. Atchison Strong; Enough to Hold Up thoRest of tho Slnrket. Boston, April 16. Tho transactions on the stock market have been on a limited basis, bnt there has been an undertone of strength in Atchison, which held np the rest of the market, and the tone throughout was quite strong. Bonds also have been strong. Closing prices were: Ateh. A Toe. 1st 7s. 116 Atch. A Top. K. K. .. 41M Boston A Albany.. .214 Uoston ft Maine.. ...173 C 11. AO. S1H Clnn. San. A Clevc 24 KasternR. K 81 Eastern K. 1L Cs IV, KIlntAPereM. prd. 96 Little K. A Ft. S. 7s. 104 Mexican Gen. com.. 12 M. C., IstMort. bds. SOh . Y. ewKnc... 42i N. Y. AN. E.7S.... 126)4 Old Colony. 172H Rutland preferred.. 37 Wls.Central.com... 16 Wis. Central pr.... 31 Calnmet A Hecla....20S Franklin 9! Osceola 9 1'ewabic Cnew) 3! QuincT. 49 Bell lelepnone 231 Boston Land 6 Tamarack 108 San Diego nyi Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue Members New York Stock Ex chanfrc Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad UH 54 Reading Railroad 22 1-16 224 Buflalo, Pittsburg and Western UH KM Lehigh Vallev 53M 53Ji Lehigh Navigation 51)4 Central Transportation Co 17 .... Allegheny Valley bonds lllt .... Northern 1'aclflo 2SH 25 Northern Pacific preferred eOH ml Mining Stocks. New York. April 16. Mining quotations: Amador, 100: Aspen, 1.000; Caledonia, B. B., 290; Consolidated California and Virginia, 775; Commonwealth, 525; Deadwood, T., 100; 1 Cristo, 160; Gould & Curry, 210; Pale fe Nor cross, 405; Homestake. 750; Horn Silver, 130; Iron Silver 300; Mexican. 440; Mono, 110; Mutual, 120; Ontario, 3,350; Ophir. 512; Savage, 245; Sierra Nevada, 315; btandard, 125: Sullivan. 130; Union Consolidated, 410; Yellow Jacket, 35a Business Notes. The real estate market continues strong and active. There is considerable complaint of the scarcity of business bouses. TnE Pittsbnrg Plate Glass Company is re ported to have purchased the Ford City Plate Glass Works, paying therefor somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,000,000. The Finance and Executive Committees of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at their meeting yesterday decided that no divi dend would be declared at the meeting of the directors to-day. As a result of the opening of the Oklahoma Territory, one of the largest parties of cap italists that ever left Boston in a body started, yesterday afternoon on a special train of five sleeping coaches and a dining car. Their des tination is Denison, Tex., where the party, which numbers 125. propose to invest largely in real estate, on the assumption that Denison will become the Kansas City of the Southwest State Teading in stocks was lively outside as well as Inside the Exchange yesterday. Rea Bros. Company sold 25 shares Westmghonse Electric at 5SJ4, 100 shares Philadelphia Company at 3S and 100 shares Pittsburg and Western pre ferred at 1S John T. Patterson sold 200 shares Citizens' Traction at 71, 100 shares Westmg honse Electric at 5SK and 100 shares do. at 59& Robinson Bros, sola $16,000 McKeesport and Bellevernon first mortgage 63 at 105 and inter est. Whitney & Stephenson bought V 0 shares Westinghouse Electric at 5S and 100 shares Pittsburg and Western preferred at 19. Sproul t Lawrence sold 10 shares Switch and Signal at 24 and 100 shares Philadelphia Company at SS. C. L. McCntcbeon sold 400 shares Electric at 5SK and 50 shares do. at 59. Wool Markets. Philadelphia Wool quiet and prices unchanged. NEW Yoek. Wool quiet and easy. Domestic fleece, 3238c; pulled, 2339c: Texas. 1527c nietal Market. New Yobk Pig iron steadv Copper heavy and nominal: lake, April, S13 75. Lead easier; domestic, S3 65. Tin stronger, but dull; Straits. E20G0. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively eared by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and their effect is lasting: the fact is they have no equal. Small dose: big results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c, at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary, Five bottles SL The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL nop umnneni cures ana maKes cnapped rougn,. red skin soft and clear. 25 and 60c uol-: BUTTER, :: . BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE Chartlers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Officer 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1126. PITTSBURG, PA. - Factories throughout "Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. "Wholesale exclusively. nhlS-armr DOMESTIC "MARKETS. Expected Easter Advance, in Eggs Pails to Materialize. TROPICAL FRUIT. IN GOOD DEMAND. Oats Weaker, Corn Firmer, Flour Down at Source of Supply. SUGAB CONTINUES DBIFTING W Omra w Pittsbtjbo Dispatch, J .Tuesday. April 16, 1889. J Country .rroduco Jobbing Prices. There was an improvement in trade all along country produce lines to-day over anything for a week or two past. Apples aud potatoes are moving out freely, dealers being determined to close out old stock at somence. There is a disposition to clean up old stuff and prepare for the new. The hoped-for Easter boom in eggs comes not Prices have been low so long that dealers are well supplied, and a rise is no longer expected preparatory to Easter. There is an active demand for tropical fruits. Oranges and lemons have advanced in the East within a day or two. The. rise is duo here now and all signs point to higher prices. There is no let-up. as yet, to the active movement In bntter. This activity, however, cannot last much longer as con s will soon be llvlngin clover. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2829e: Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021c; country roll. 2023c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 2829e. Beaks Choice medium, 1 90; choice peas, $2 052 15. Beeswax 2830c fl ft for choice; low grade, 1820c Cider Sand refined, $6 07 fiO; common, 83 504 00; crab elder, tS-008 50 barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c ft gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212Kc; New York, fall make, 1212Mc; Llmburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1112c DriepPeas 91 25l 85$ bnsliel; split do, 23c1jlB.. Eggs IlgfllKc $ dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples. $1 E02 00 $ barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c $ ft; cranberries, $8 00 J? barrel, 2 402 50 per bushel; strawberries, 30c a quart. Feathers Extra live geese. 6060c; Ko.l do., 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c f) ft. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, IS QI5c Hominy S2 652 75 ?R barrel. Potatoes Potatoes. S035cfl bushel; J2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 2o3 50 for Jer- 86 V SWCCtS Poultry Live chickens, 75fflS0e pair; dressed chickens, 1315c ft Si; turkeys, 1820c dressed, 1 ft; ducks, live. S085c $1 pair; dressed. 1314c ft; geese. 1015c H ft. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $6 $1 bushel; clover.large English, 62 fts.?6 25: clover, Alsike, S8 50; clover, white, $9 00: timothy, choice. 45 fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, $1 00; blue grass, fancy. 14 fts, SI 20; orchard grass, 14 fts, 82 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 00; millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet, 50 fts, S2 00: Hun garian grass, 48 &3.S2 00; lawn grass, mixture of line grasses, 25c per ft. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 65Xc Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 50 4 00 $ box; common lemons, S2 75 $ box: Mes sina oranges $3 004 00 $ box; Florida oranges, S4 505 00 $ box; Valencia oranges, fancy. So 60 7 00 $ cise: bananas, S2 50, firsts; SI 50, good seconds, $ bunch: cocoanuts, S4 004 50 $ hundred; new figs, 910c ft pound: dales, 5 6c $1 pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages SI 502 00 i? hundred: new cabbage, S2 002 50 $1 crate; onions. 5075c 9 tiarrel; onion sets, fancy Eries. S3 253 50; Jersevs, S2 753 00; Western, S2 502 75; turnips, 2o 80c ft bushel. Groceries. Sugars have again advanced and the end is not yet. The expected rise in package coffee has not arrived, but cannot be delayed much longer In view of the green article and the firm ness of markets. Qreen Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c: choice Ilio, 2021c; prime Bio, '20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c, Maracalbo. 2223c; Mocha, 30K31c; Santos, 1922; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 3233Xc;Maracalbo,272SKc, Santos, 2224:; peaberrv, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25kc; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21Kc. bPlCES (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c; cassia,8fl pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 70680c Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c: Ohio. 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150. 8Hc: water white, 10Kc: globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, llc; royallne, 14c SYBors-tora syrups, axftkac; cnoire sugar dtum. 43c: mixed. 40t)42c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bPcarb In s, 5c; bi-carb, assortea packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, l?c: do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, fnll weight, 9c;stearine,per set, 8K parafflne, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6J4 7c; prime. 5-K6ic; Louisiana, b6J$c. march Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch, 5K7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, 2 25: Caifornia Muscatels, 51 85; Valencia, new, b7c; Ondara Valencia, 78c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4oc; Turkey prunes, new, 45f5c: French prunes, 8l3c: Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, S6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c do lvica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12U15c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12; lbc; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orange peel. 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6V6c; apricots, Califor nea, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches California, evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries. 1012c. SUOARS-Cubes. Sii9ic; powdered, 9K 9c;granulated 8&c; confectioners' A.88ic; standard A. 8c: soft whites. 8SKc: yellow; choice, 7K7c; yellow, good, 7K7c; yel low, fair, TJic: yellow, dark, 7c. Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), Si 50; me diums, half bbls. (600), $2 75. Salt No. 1 f bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, M bbl. SI 05; dairy, f bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, filbbl. SI 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 b0, Higgiu's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 SO 1 90; 2ds, SI 8C1 35; extra peaches, SI 601 90; pie peaches, Due; finest corn, SI 0U1 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 83c: string do do, 764J 85c; marrowfat peas. Si 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 5U; Bahama do, 52 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, $2 00; California pears, S2 50; do greengages. S2 00; do egg plums, S2 00; extra white cherries. S2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, Si 401 50; strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI 201 30: toniatoes; 82K92c; salmon, 1 ft, SI 752 10; blackberries. bOc; suc cotash. 2-ft cans, soaked. 99c; do green, 2&S, SI 2501, 50; corn beef, 2 ft cans. Si 75; 14-ft cans S13 50: baked beans. SI 401 4o; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans broiled. SI 50; sardines domestic s, J4 151 50; sardines, domestic, H. S8 25 &: sardines, imported, 48, Sll 50U 50; sardines, imported, Ms, 818 00; sardines, mustard, S4 00. sardines, spiced, S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 H bbl.; extra No. 1 do, incss. $40; extra No. 1 nnckcrel.shore, S32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $30: No. 2 shore trfackercl, $24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4Kc fl ft-; do medium, George's cod, oc; do large, 7c; boneless hike. In strips. 6c; do George's cod In block', 6ig7Jtfc Herring Ronnd shore. S5 00 f bbl.; split, $7 00; lake, S2 50 $ 100-ft. half bbL White fish, S7 5) 100-ft. half bbl. Lake tront, So 50 9 half bbL Kinnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft. Buckwheat Flour 225c sa a. Oatmeal S6 806 60 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6S60o fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grnln, Flour nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 89 cars. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7 cars of hay, 8 of oats, 3 of corn, 2 of straw. 1 of bran, 1 of wheat, 1 of barley, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Ft. "Wayne and Chicago, 8 cars of hay, 7 Of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of rye, 1 of flour, 1 of hay. Sales on call: One car sample wheat, 95c, spot; 2 cars h. m. s. corn, 89c, 10 days. P., C & St. It: 1 car 2 jr. e. corn, 41c 10 days, P. &-L..K. Oats are weaker on heavy receipts. Corn sbos the opposite drift Though supplies of oats are in excess of demand, choice grades are scarce. Retailers report a difficulty In securing a high grade of oats. While volume is excessive, quality falls below the average. Flour continues easy. Northwestern mills are f nrpishing flpur25cless than one week ago. No discoveries of lower rates at wholesale groceries could be traced. A drop, however, cannot be far away, if pres ent downward drift continues. WHEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9899c; No. 3 red, 8891c Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4142c: high mixed ear. 87633c: No. 1 yellow, shelled, 88 S9c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 3839; high mixed, Shelled, S737c; mixed, shelled, 8536c Oats No. 2 white, 82K33c; extra. No. 3, 8232c; .No. 3 white, 30Wc; No. 2 mixed, 2829c. RYE-No. 1 Western. 7075e: No. 2, 55g56c Barley No. 1 Canada, 95tOc; No. a Cana da. 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c;" Lake Shore, 73 80c h lour Jobbing prices, winter patents, W 006 25: spring patents, J6 256 50; winter raigbt, 85 255 50; clear winter. S4 755 00; straight XXXX bakers') $4 504 75. Rye flour. v4 00. . MlM-lTtnTl MMilllnrm flnA whlto SIS NVfti J6 00 y ton: brown middlings, S12 0012 60; winter wneat bran, J13 004513 60; chop ieeu, J15 00015 00. " Hay Baled ttmothy. choice, $15 50016 CO; No.ldo.$142514 50; No. 2 dp, $12 001300; loose from wacnn, $18 0020 00: No. 1 upland prairie, $10 0010 25; No. 2. $8 008 50; packing do. S0SOQO6O. Btraw Oau. SSU0825; wheat and rye straw,$7 00750800. ProTlilon. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Kc; sugar-cured hams, medium, He; sugar-cured hams, small, HKc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Kc:sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9fc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds 11K; bacon shoulders, TV; bacon clear sides, 8K-; bacon clear bellies &Xc: dry salt shoulders, 6Kc: dry salt clear sides, 7JJc Jleis pork, heavy, $14 00: mess pork, family, S14 50. Lard Refined in tierces, Tc; half barrels, 7c: 60-ft tubs 7Jc; 20-ft palls. 7c; 50 ft tin cans, 7c: 3-ft tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin pails, 7Jsc; 10-ft tin palls 7c Smoked sausage, long, ?c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel, SI 9a Dressed Bleat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 &s 5K": 550 to 650 fts 6Uc: 650 to 750 fts 6Mc Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs. 9c ffl ft. Hogs 6&C. Fresh pork loins 9c MABKETS BY "WIEE. Wheat Weaker Caused by Liverpool Ad vices and Rains in the Nortnjrvest Corn nnd Oats Stronger Hoc Products Steady. Chicago A good business was transacted in wheat early in the day, and after that the market ruled more quiet. The feeling de veloped was weaker and the advance of yester day was almost entirely lost.' The opening for July1 was 1g lower, and with only slight fluctuations declined o more, recovered e, again eased off, and closed aboutc lower than yesterday. The change in the market from the .strength denoted yesterday was surprising to many and attnbutcd to weak and lower Liver pool advices A rather liberal increase on ocean passage is noted, and general rains in Northwest, where rain has been needed. A moderate degree of activity was mani fested in corn early in the session, after which the pit became more quiet The feeling on the whole was better and slightly higher prices were establlshed,though the volume of business was only moderate and fluctuations confined to o range. The firmer tone was attributed by some to the strength in provisions The de mand was confined largely to "shorts" there being considerable selling of July and baying of May. Oats were traded in fairly, and prices covered a range of c. A steadier feeling developed, but prices did not get above yesterday's outside figures. The close was steady at iiHc above yesterday's Quite an active business was transacted in mess pork, and the market exhibited consider able strength. The market opened firm, and, with free buying, prices were advanced 27 30c Later the demand slackoned, and prices receded 1215c Toward the close the feeling was steadier, and prices rallied 1720c, and closed comparatively steadv. Only a fair trade was reported in lard, and the feeling was stronger. Prices were advanced 57kc per 100 pounds ad the market closed steady. An active trade was reported in short rib sides and the feeling was decidedly stronger. Prices were advanced 710c, and the advance was moderately well suppoited. The leading futures rancea as follows: Wheat-No. 2 May. 8S9i8SJiS7K88i4c; June. 88?S8KS7SSc; July, 82J&8244 81K82c; year, 7b787777Kc Corn No. 2 May, 34XMJ&S4K34Jc: June, iHJ4eJS(a3oSc; J my. 3aeissjiB3oia ffi ATS-No.2May, 24i24c: June, 2424 24K24Kc; July, Z4WfflJ- 1K24! 31ESS Jri ORK. ner bbl. Mav. $11 11 6011 95; June, Sll 7012 02KU 70 12 02M: July, $11 8012 10U S012 10. Lard, per 100 fts. May, $6 856 906 85 6 90; June, SO 87K6 956 87K6 9o; July, 0 95 437 00. Short Ribs, per 100 fts. May, S5 97K 6 07K5 97k6 07K: June $6 106 156 0 6 15; July. $6 106 22KS6 106 22 Cash quotations were as follows: nour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat 8714c; No.3sprint;wheat7475c;No.2red,87c No. 2 corn. 84J34Kc No.2oats 24Jic. No. 2 rye 43c Barley nominal. No. 1 naxseed.Sl 15. Prime timothy seed. $1 301 85. Mess pork, per barrel, $11 0001195. Lard, per 100 lbs. $8 8 Short ribs sides (loose). $6 056 10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $5 375 60. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 37K650. Sugars Cut loaf, 89Jc: granulated, 8Jc; Standard A, SJc Re ceipts Flour. 14.000 barrels; wbeat..ll,0OU bush els: corn, 233.000 bnshels; oats 129,000 bushels: rye, 4,000 bushels: barley, 4,000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour. 7,000 barrels; wheat 30.000 bush els; corn. 272,000 bnshels: oats 72,000 bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley. 10,000 bush els On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was active; fancy creamery. 2425c; choice to fine, 21e to 23o fine dairies, 20c to 23c; good to choice, 1518c Eggs firmer at 10c New York 'Flour steadier and active for export and home trade. Wheat Spot dull and c lower: options fairly active, and Jc lower. Barley dull. Barley malt quiet Corn Spot fairly active and firm; options & higher, strong and moderately active. Oats Spot firm: options steady and quiet Hay steady and quiet Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Op tions steady at 510 points up: sales, 27.250 bags including May, 16.5516.65c: June. ia00 16.65c: July, 16.75lB.80c: September. 17.05 17.10c: October and November. 17.15c; Decem ber, 17.1517.25e: January 17.20c; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, lSJfc Sugars Raw strong; fair refining, 6 6-166c; centrifugals, 96 test, 7 3-16c; sales 5,919 bags: centrifugals 96 test, 7 3-16c; 780 hogsheads English Islands 87 test, 6Kc; 81 bags. Molasses, sngar, 87 test 5c; refined firm, scarce and higher. Molasses Foreign firm; 60 test, 28c; sales, two car goes -Matanzas at 28c: New Orleans quiet; open kettle, good to fancy, 2842c Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil weak; crude, 42c; yellow, 49549c Tallow lower; city,4c Rosin quiet and easier; strained, common to good, SI 121 15. Turpentine lower and quiet; sales, 250 barrels at 45K47Kc, closing at 45c Eges active and firmer; western, ll12c; receipts, 9,809 packages Pork firm- Cutmeats slow; pickled bellies 67c; pickled hams 10 lOc; pickled shoulders 5. Lard higher and firm; moderate export demand; sales western steam. S7 147 25, closing as $7 25; city, SO 75; April, $7 25: May. $720, closing at$7 25 asked; June, $7 23: July, S7 31; August. $7 29457 30, closing at $7 S3; September, $7 37. Butter in moderate demand and about steady; western dairy, 1220c: do creamery, 1826c; Elgins, 27c Cbeeso quiet and stead: western, 8 10c St. Louis Flour unchanged. "Wheat lower, and shorts covered July pretty extensively; May declined lc. June p and Jnly c; cash No. 2 was held at May price without sales May closed at 84c; June. 83Vc; July, T!e and August 77c Corn steady but quiet: No. 2 cash and May closed at SO&c; July, 32c; Septem ber, 33c. Oats Cash lower to sell: 24c bid; May firm at 24M24c Rje None offered. Barley dull, no trading. Flaxseed quiet at $1 45. Bagging active at SK&WHc; iron cotton ties, $1 10. Provisions firmer. Cincinnati Flour in fair demand. Wheat dull; No. 2 red. 85c: receipts 2,200: shipments, 800. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 3535c Oats barely steady: No. 2 mixed, 27c Rie quiet and steady: No. 2, 50c Pork quiet at S12 60. Lard stronger at $6 67, current make. Bnlkmeats and bacon firmer. Butter steady. Sugar strong and higher; hard refined, 8 94c; New Orleans, 66c Eggs firm. Cheese steady. Philadelphia Flour Demand very slow and prices weak and unsettled. Wheat Of ferings of cash very light and prices ruled firm with a fair milling demand; futures neglected and nominal. Corn steady but quiet Oats Carlotsdnll and barely steady; futures dnll and unchanged. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm; cash. 82c; Mav, 82; July, 8&c Corn Arm; No. 3, 34c Oats steady; No. 2 white. 28 28Kc Rye Bteady; No. 1, 44c Barley dull; No. 2, 57c Provisions firm. Pork, $11 80. Lard. $6 85. Cheese1 steady; Cheddars 10011c Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Mess pork, $13 75. Butter firm; Western packed, 1820c; best roll, 15lbc: creamery, 262sc E'gs steady; Southern, HKc; Western, 12c Coffee steady; Rio fair, 18c Toledo Cloverseed dull: cash and April, $1 55; receipts, 83 bag'; shipments 655 bags Whisky markets. Finished goods sell readily at $1 03. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she ciiedfor Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children,she gave them Castoria. ap9-77-MWrau JilYir STOCK MAEKETS. Condition of the Market at tho Eaat liberty Stock Tarda, Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 Tuesday, April 16, 1889. J CATTLS Receipts 660 head: shipments 180 bead; market strong at yesterday's prices. No cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts 2,000 head: shipments 1.600 head; market fair; Philadelphias, $500510; pigs and Yorkers S5OO510t Three cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 3,400 head: shipments, 2,400 head; market slow at yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts 37 carloads for exportation. 33 carloads for city slaughterers direct; none for sale; dull feeling; dressed beef dull at 57c for sides Exports -600 beeves to London and 2,600 quarters of beef to Liverpool. Sheep Receipts, 2,300 bead, and 16 carloads' were carried over yesterday, mar ket extremely dull, and less than 2,000 changed hands, but prices were not quotably lower; common to prime unshorn sheep sold at $5 50 5 75 per 100 pounds: poor to prime clipped do at $3 504 bo; unshorn yearlings at S6 007 00: clipped do at $5 C05 75; spring lambs at S3 00 5 oO eacb. Hogs Receipts 2,200 bead; none offered alive; reported steady at the nominal jange of $5 155 45. KANSAS City Cattle Receipts. 4,351 head; shipments 1,073 head; market for dressed beet and shipping steers opened brisk and firm at yesterday's close, closing weak and 10c lower; cows steady to strong; stockers steady; feeding steers stronger; good to choice corn fed, $4 10 4 40; common to medium, S3 G04 00; stockers and feeding steers, $2 003 65: cows $1 753 25. Hogs Receipts, 6,961 head; shipments, 340 head: market steady to Veak; good to cbolce, $4 62 4 60; common to medium, $4 204 60. Sheep Receipts, 1,286 head: shipments 663 head: mar ket steady; good to choice muttons, $4 254 75: common to medium. $2 504 00. St. Louis Cattle Receipts 1,800 head; ship ments, none; market strong; choice native steers S44 50; fair to good do. $3 104 00; stockers and feeders fair to good. $2 10 3 25: rangers corn-fed. $2 803 70: grass fed. $2 003 00. Hogs Receipts 4,900 head; shipments, 400 head; market firm; choice heavy and butchers' selections S4 70(4 80; fiacking, medinm to prime, $1 504 65; Ight grades ordinary to best $4 fc04 75. Sheep Receipts, 400 head; shipments none; market strong; fair to choice, S3 005 00. Chicago Cattle Receipts 7,000 head: ship ments, 3,000 bead: marker slow and 10c lower: beeves, $4 404 60: steers $3 404 30: stockers and feeders. $2 4C3 70: cows, bulls and mixed, $1 703 10; Texans S3 403 80. Hogs Receipts 12.000 head; shipments 400 head; market 510c lower; mixed. $4 70490; heavy, 84.65 4 90: skips, S3 454 45. Sheen -Receipts 6.000 head;shipment8,l,000 head; market slow and 10c lower: natives. $4 005 60; Western corafed, 84 755 90; wooled Texans, $4 404 50; lambs $4 7505 90. Buffalo Cattle No fresh receipts; 120 head held oven market steady; mixed butch ers', $2 753 25. Sheep and lambs Market quiet; feeling steady; receipts none; 2,400 head held over. Hogs steady ; receipts none through; 800 head sale; mediums and Yorkers So 055 10. Cincinnati Hogs firm; common and light: $4 004 80; packing and butchers', $4 705 40. receipts 1.150 head; shipments, 1,200 head. Boston Wool Mnrker. Boston The movement in wool continues fair and sales are made mostly in lots suitable for immediate needs of manufacturers; sales of large lots are the exceptions In price there is no change to notice, but as usual, on a quiet market there is a weak tone Wool in good condition sells readily at current prices Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces sell at 32c for X, and 3334c for XX. Michigan X fleeces sell at 29 30c Combing aud delaine fleeces are in light stock, and No. 1 combing sells at SS40c, and fine delaine at 3335c In unwashed combing there have been sales at 2831c for one quarter and three-eighths blood. Territory and other unwashed wools are quiet and sell on the scoured basis previously reported. Pulled wools are strong. Foreign wool con tinues firm. Drysoods Mnrkct. New York. April 16. The Jobbing trade was fair. Demand at the hands of agents was moderate in the absence of Western mails as usual to Tuesdays Soft wool and flannel dress goods for fall were selllmr freely, and there; was Inquiry for staple cottons for future delivery. There is some clearing up of season able fabrics, but pilces are not materially shaded. The market continues unchanged. MBS. DR. CBOSSLBY, One of the Consulting Physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute at 323 Penn avenue Mr. John H. King, a well-known citizen ol Allegheny county, residing at Tarentum, has for a long time suffered from Catarrh. He had a hacking cougb, dizziness and pain over the eyes The tough, tenacious mucous In his head and throat was hard to raise, and gave him such a choked-up feeling. He took cold easily, and his throat often became sore Hav ing been unable to find any relief, he began treatment with the specialists for Catarrh at 323 Penn avenue. He says: "In testimony that I have been cured of Catarrh by. the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, I hereby sign my name. "JOHN H. KING." The above lady physician can be consulted by ladles suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. The medicines used are positively curative, and aro so prepared as to allow the patient to use the treatment herself. They treat successfully Catarrh. Rheumatism. Dys pepsia, Bronchitis Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female Diseases Offlco hours, 10 A. M. to 4 p. M., and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays 12 to 4 P. M. Consultation free to all. Removed to 323 Penn avenue April 1. mh28-D NOT TOO LATE. Miss llrayer. aged sixteen years, daughter of Mr. Wm. H. Drayer, a well known shoe dealer, had been afflicted with Club Foot fourteen years causing great distress and annoyance to herself and family. There was such a contrac tion of the muscles that she could not straighten her limb, and although she wore the usual high heel shoe, it was impossible for her to bring her heel to the ground wben walking. After suffering on in this condition for four teen years, she consulted one of the surgeons of the Polypathic Surgical Institute, and was convinced that it was NOT too late to be enred, An operation was performed, and the deformity entirely removed, and although it Is now three years since the operation, her euro has remained permanent She walksperfectly, and has no further use for a high heel shoe. Her father says: "For the benefit of others I hereby certify that the foregoing statement concerning my daughter's condition is true and correct WM. H. DRAYER." They treat suc cessfully, Tumors, Deformities and Chronic diseases Office hours 10 to 11:30 A. M-, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M. Remember, consultation is free to alL POLYPATHIC SURGICAL IN STITUTE, 420 Penn avenue. apl5-73-D The Deer Creek and Susque hanna R. R. Co. First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gold Bonds. PRINCIPAL DUE 1919. INTEREST PAYA BLE JULY 1 AND JANUARY 1, IN BALTIMORE. MERCANTILE TRUST AND DEPOSIT CO., OF BALTIMORE. TRUSTEE. isstfc, SCO0.0OO. Principal and interest ruar antced by the Maryland Central Railway Co. This bond is a first mortgage on 16 miles of road now under construction from Belair, Md., connecting with the Maryland Central Railway Co., to Stafford. Md. The Maryland Central Railway Co, Baltimore to Delta, Pa. (45 miles), was reorganized in December, 1888, and Is now on a sound financial basis, doing a prosperous business'Tbe York aud Peach Bottom Railroad Co, York, Pa to Peach Bottom (40 miles), has been acquired by the Maryland Central Rail way Co., making a system of 101 miles which will be operated by the Maryland Central Rail way Co. We recommend these bonds as a desirable in vestment and offer a limited amount for sale at 95 per cent and accrued interest, subject to ad vance in price. REA BROS. & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 423 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. ap9-72-D OFFICIALPITTSBUKG. No. 339J AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of Witberspoon street, from Chls lett street to Galatin street Section It-Bo it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and. enacted by the authority of the same, that the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed.to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, Wltherspoon street, from Chislett street to Galatin street at a width of 50 feet in accord ance wfth a plan on file in the Department of Public Works known as "plan of part of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards," approved November 14, 1887. The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Conncils of cities of the second class to provide for the Improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways sewers and sidewalks re quiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court provid ing for the assessment and collection of dam ages and benefits authorizing the use of pri vate property and providing forflling liens and regulating proceedings tbereon. and prohibit ing the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18th day of March. A. D. 1SS9. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. At test: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Coun cil. GEO. It HOLLIDAY, President of Com mon Council. Attest: GEO.BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. March 22, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLlN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMALER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 32, 13th day of April, 1889. apl&32 No. 33L1 A N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE A. opening of Railroad street, from Colum biastreet to Thirty-third street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsbnrg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Chief of tbe Department of Public Works De and Is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed ana opened within bO days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Rail road street, from Columbia street to Thirty third street at widths of 80, 32,40 and 60 feet, in accordance with plans on file in the Depart ment of Public Works known as plan of O'Haraville, Plan Book vol. 4, page 131 and the City District Plan. The damages caused there by and the benefits to pay the same to be as sessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvanla,entitled "An act au tborizlngand directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets lanes, alleys and public highways sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties granting appeals to Councils and Court providing for the assess ment and collection of damages and bene fit, authorizing tbe use of private prop erty, and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings tbereon, and pro hibiting the use of public streets without au thority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June. A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law m Councils this-18tb davof March, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. March 22, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLlN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 27. 12th dav of April, A. D. 1889. i.pl6-32 STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. HAMUUKG-AMKK1CA24 PACKET CO -EX-i'KESS service between Mew York. South ampton and Hamburg by tbe new twin-screw steamers of 10,000 tons and 12,500 horse power. Fast time to London and tbe Continent. Steam ers unexcelled for sarety.speed and comfort. Regular service: Everv Thursday from New York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris) and Hamburg. Through tickets to London and Paris. Excellent fare. Kates extremely low. Apply to the General office, No. S7 Broad way. New York. . J. CORTia, Manager: C. B. KlCHARD & CO., Ucneral l'.isiage Offlce. 61 Broadwar, Mew York: MAX BCUA11UEKU& CO., 5?7Smlth lield st. Plttsburjr. rah23-Z7-wy piUNAED LINE. " ' NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENS TOWN, FROM P1EK 40 NOETU BlyEK. FASTvEXPRESillAir. SERVICE. Servla. Apr. 20, 9 a m Oallla. May SHAM Bothnia, Apr. Jtlr MiUmbrla. May 1L 2:30 PM itruria, Apr. 27. 3 P M Servla, May 18. 8AM Auraula, Mays 8:J0 A u!Botbnia,May 22,11:30AM Cabin passage. GO, 30 and f 100; Intermediate. 35. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of kurope at very low rates. VERNON H. 11KOWN & CO., General Agents 4 Bowline Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent Fourth are. and SmltuSeld st, Pittsburg. apZ-84-D NORD DEUTBCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent Express Steamer Service twice a,week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. " Ss.Eider.Anl6. 6.30 A it I SsSaale.Apr.24.lPSC SsAUer. Apr. 17, 7 A M SsEms, Apr.27,3.30 Pit Ss.Werra.Apr.20, 9 AM I Trave. May lr7 AM First Cabin, Winter rates from $75 npwara. MAXSCHAMBERG & CO.. Agents Pitts burg. Pa. OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71-D ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, " LONDONDE3RBY and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA. Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. Prepaid Intermediate, 30. Steerage. S19. Passengers by this route are saved tbe ex pense and inconvenience attending transfer to Liverpool or from New York. j. J. Mccormick, or a. d. scorer & son. Plttsbure. mhl5-99-MWT ANCHOR LINE. Atlantic Express Service LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "CITY OF KOME," from NewYork, WEDNESDAY, May 1, May 29, June IB. July 24. Largest and finest passenger steamer afloat Saloon passage, KO to 8100: second-class $ GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver pool (oO and (SO. Second-class, fft. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount Issued at lowest current rats. For books of tours tickets or further lnforma- Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. N. Y., or 3. J. MCCUUMICK, Fourth ana bmlthflcld: A. D. SCOItEi:SON,15Smlthfleld st, Pittsbnrg; Vf. bEMPLE, Jr., ltj federal it., Alleglienr. no6-ise-srwr State Line To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 35 to $50. according to location of stateroom. Excursion S6S to BO. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., General Agents 51 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK. Ageni, Pittsburg. Pa. mhl2-D ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & tO, CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have Just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY. And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER, mhU-MWF fTVRAVEL TO EUROPE X WILL BE UNUSUALLY HEAVY this season. Secure berths early. We repre sent most popular lines xsell drafts, foreign coins etc., at New York rates and secure pass ports MAX SHAMBEBG & CO-mM7-'r7Su BO SfiUthflaJd fcj? ittsburg, Pa. WHOLESALE H0USL JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty. Sts.f Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in STTiKS, FLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, . . , ' SATEEN3, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest price aA " and see us. wholesaleIxclusiveLy fe22-rf-D SI2 AND 514 SM1THFIELD STREET, PITTdBURG, FA. Transact a General Banting Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters! of Credit, for use of travelers and Commer cial Credits IN STERLING, Available in all paits of the world. Alsolssuf Credits ! IN DOLLARS For nse in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-81-srsnr THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL, - - - - 8200,008 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMF.S P. SPEER. Vice Prest mh22-95-P JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. -till ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in Rims of 51,000 and upward. AppW at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK; mh4-34-r No. 121 Fourth avenue. UKOKEltS FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsu WH1TJVEY & STEPHESS0& 07 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS TOBOTJQH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN k CO, NEWYORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. ao28-x7S MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURB.PC, As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases From JHSr NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCDni IO ana mental diseases, physical IlLn V UUo decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, selfkiistrustbashfulness dizziness sleeplessness pimples eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN Ssr& blotches falling hair, bone pains glandular swellings ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat; ulcers old sores, are cured for life, aud blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from thesystem. IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange U n 1 1 1 rtn I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures Dr. whlttier's life-lone extensive experienca uiLi&soinii, insures scientinc and reliable treatment oaf- common-sense principles, uonsuitauon jree. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it here. Offlce hours 9 a. jr. to 8 e. m. Sundty,' 10 A. ir-to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 930 Penn avenne. Pittsburg. Pa. apiWlK-Psovk WHAT IS MONET WITHOOT HEALTH. Health, Energy and Strength secured by using AMORAHDA WAFERS. These wafers are a gcaraxtkd SFEcinc and the only reliable am safe remedy for the fcrmanent cure of Impoteney no matter how long standing. Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the ss4 alcohol or tobacco, Sleeplessness, Mental Depress ton, Softening of tho Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature. Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harrassing Dreamt, Prematura Decay of Vital Power, caused by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or ore? indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes for $1X0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, Six boxes is the complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we wilj give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY, if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL. INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEEH FLEMING & SON. 412 Market Street. Pitts burgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 37. to whom all communi; cation should be addressed. mh31-DSu DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY, i OFFICES. 900 PENN AVE- PITTSBURG, PA. AH forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Cos J-IDEXTIAI. and SCIEKTIWO Medication are treated at this Dispensiry with; a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the Royal College of Pbysiciau and Surgeons and is the oldest and most expe rienced Specialist in the city. Special atten tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretions of youth, etc causlng physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc.: also Cancers Old Sores Fits, Piles Rheumatism. and all diseases of the Skin. Blood. Lungs Urinary Organs etc Consultation free and strictly conndeiy tlaL Offlce hours 0 to i and 7 to 3 km.: Sun day. 2 to 4 P. 3t. only. Call at office or address S. K. LAKE.M- D., M. R, C. P.Sor E. J. LAKE, M. D. sel-134-jrWTWfc GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fnll particulars in pamphletjfl sent free. The genuine Uny'lB .. tv.MV aw.u UJ ... UK .. VlilJ 111 vellow wraoner. Price. Sl neri IB package. r six for $3. orbymall ing THE GKAT lIEDIt'INE Co. Buffalo, J. Y: mi rrrnnL in iirii-tr uv miurivsj soia inruisnurg Dya. a. nuLLA.au. corner Smithfield and Liberty sts. apI2-53 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ' NNYROYAL PILLS sis C2SS3 suxcira S2urc. OrretuL feat. mTt mala AD i rcUlile pLU tor sale. .Never Fall. THattionfl Brand. In rt?d nv lalUa bexv. K-rt lib blue rfb- bom At Drnrtlits. Aeeest- a t her. AlTnllla la vast board boxe. Disk wnrpet. r ft ilasm! om Counterfeit. Sort 4e. itarap; terfl fiutloalv and "Keiltrrar LadleV ! "- ry htur, by rttom auil. 10,000 tcctt. xmonlUfta LADIES whobaTtucdUtan. XmeFu?. Chichester Chemical CoHadlsonSq.rPhilPs.: dezs-zi-tvrsuwk TO WEAK I Iraffcrfpgftom tit fects ol youthful er-Tj ror. eaxlr decar. lOftM tnanhood , etc I wfll sena a TaJoAbie treatise (waled) containing iuu pvueunn vor oumo cure, uc nn thanre. Anums, PROF. F. C. FOWLER. MoodiM &m 7 JSj PE A. 1 ( MS.1 Wi -tp wsr i m x-uuo-u u 1 !J KV t?V-v Y