Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 17, 1889, Image 5

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Assistant Secretary Announces Three
Very Important Rulings.
A Michigan Man Gets One for Being Hurt
While Getting in His Bunk.
Washixgtojt, April 16. Assistant Sec
retary Bussey to-day rendered three pension
decisions, iii which is involved the impor
tant qnestion of when may and when mar
not a soldier be considered "in the line of
duty?" The first case is that of W. H.
Brokcnshaw, late of Company H, Twenty
ninth Michigan Volnnteers, who applied,
for an invalid pension. The basis of this
claim was an injury to the left side, incurred
in the service at -Jackson, Mich., abont
March 20, 1865, said injury having
been "caused by three soldiers
jumping on claimant while he was climbing
into his bunk, crushing the ribs of the left
side, just below the heart" The-claimwas
rejected by Commissioner Black upon the
ground that "claimant was not injured in
the line of duty." Assistant Secretary
Bussev, in his decision to-day, overrules the
former decision, and directs that Broken
shaw's name be placed upon the pension
rolls, rating his disability in accordance
with law. He savs:
In the original Ammerman decision (recently
reversed), as in tbe preceding case of Harring
ton, tbe department declined to recojrnlie the
doctrine of contributory negligence as an ele
ment in the line of duty, and failed, therefore, to
notice either the guiltiness or the innocence of
tbe injured party. It Is immemorial and true
doctrine of the common law that "the plalutiff
lias no remedy, if his negligence, many decree,
contributed to the accident" of wnich he com
plains, and whereby he suffered injury; but the
converse of this doctrine is equally true, viz:
that, if the negligence of the other party was
of the injury, then the injured party may re
cover. As now correctly held by the depart
ment, Ammerman was "in his proper place,
ready to perform such duty as he might be
called upon to do." and was guiltless of any
act contributory to it. inasmuch as 'the Injury
alleged as tbe ground of pension happened to
him without any fault or neglect on his part."
and hence, he was entitled to a remedy for the
result. That which, in this particular, was
true of Ammerman. seems to have been true,
vith increased emphasis, of Brokensbaw, the
claimant in the pending motion. Brokenshaw
was clearly In the line of duty not passive
only, but active duty inasmuch as he was in
the act of "climbing into his bunk," tbe place
it customary rest, which it was his duty to
ue and which was provided for him by the
regulations of the service when ho received
tbe alleged injury; the said injury, though not
a necessary result, was, as to claimant,
an unavoidable incident of tbe service, it
having been caused, without any provocation
on his part, by "three soldiers, names unknown,
i" limping on him "while be was climbing into his
rank." He was thus in no degree a contribu
tor to his own injury, but was merely the help
less recipient ot an irresistible assault. His
title to remedy is plain, but it does not lie
against bis assailants. It lies in the system of
pensions pro ided for disability incurred in the
service and line of duty. He was "in his proper
place, ready to perform such duty as he might
be called upon to do," and tbe mjurynlleged as
tbe ground of pension happened to him "with
out any fault or neglect on bis part." The doc
trine which tbe department now avows is a
fundamental rule of justice, and the applica
tion of it to tbe claimant In this as in all simi
lar cases, seems to be required by the true
Spirit andtntent of the pension sjstem.
Another case is that of C. H, Sedgwick,
late midshipman United States steamer
"Santee" and United States steamer "Con
stitution." The claimant in this case was
injured by a kick from a comrade on board
ship. He was at the time, to use his own
language, "twitting and teasing" his com
rade, who, becoming incensed thereat, ad
ministered to him the kick from which his
disability resulte'. The Assistant Secre
tary in this case sustains a former decision
rejecting the application, and adds:
Here it is apparent that the claimant not
only contributed directly to produce the cause
of his injury, but that he was engaged at the
time in a manner that was manifestly in
violation of tbe rules and regulations of the
service, and subversive of discipline and good
order, and the injury resulting from such con
duct on his part was unquestionably not in
curred in the line of duty.
The third case is that of Elizabeth Hull,
widow of "William Hull, a soldier who died
in a military prison at Nashville, of in
flammation of the pleura, contracted in the
prison. The soldier, it appears from the
evidence, was arrested and confined in the
prison for being absent from bis company
and regiment without permission. In this
case Mr. Bussey says:
To entitle a widow to a pension, the wound,
the injury or tbe disease which caused the bus
band's death must have been connected, as a
result, with the compliance by him with tbe re
quirements of military duty. Such connection
betn een the fatal disease and the service did
not exist In this case.
The former decision is adhered to.
For Easter, at The Feople'a Store,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of this
week. The wonderful conceits in Parisian
makes of bonnets and hats are largely rep
resented. Campbell & Dick,
K mw 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth avenue.
Easter Morning.
Don't fail to get one of these beautiful
Easter souvenirs given to each purchaser of
lib. tea, 2 lbs. coffee or 1 lb. baking powdtr
at all our stores, commencing to-day and
every day this week.
Great Atlaktic akd Pacific Tea Co.,
31 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg.
1703 Carson street, Pittsburg.
4314 Butler street, Pittsburg,
6127 Penn avenue, Pittsburg.
126 Federal street, Allegheny.
HTO 126 Fifth avenue, McKeesport.
EnglUh Tennis Blazers,
Flannel shirts, cheviot shirks, woven outing
shirts, cricketing and tennis suits, belts and
caps, fancy stripes and Pittsburg Cricket
Club colors. Jos. .HoBifE &Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Piano Lamps With Rose,
Lily, wild flower and lovely 'sfyles of silk
shades in great variety at E. P. Roberts &
Sons', corner Fifth avenue and Market
streets, -vrp
LVTR flTTTtTATICR T.ntii now .....
Snd extra good values in Cluny's -and tam-
3ur lace curuiius. uuuus cz HACKE.
Don't Foil
To get "Easter Morning" panel; at all the
stores of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Co. this week. jiwp
- Band Mirrors Reduced 25 Per Cent,
Until removal next week, at
Haedy & Hayes, Jewelers,
533 Smithneld st.
Bush Ribbons and Ready.to-Wear Sashes,
With fringed ends, in ribbon department
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Silks Ombre striped Moire Francaise for
skirts and combination, worth 52, our price
$1 25 a yard. HUGCS & Hacke.
Great India Silk offer for Easter a large
wt new, regular 85 cent Indias at 65 cents.
Boggs & Buhl.
, J"A Matilde imported cigars from 510 to
40 per hundred. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth ave.
JIEE onr nc,r London four-in-hand scarfs.
James H. Aixxjf & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
A Prisoner Brought Clear From Dakota on
R Charge of Harder.
"Weston, W. Va., April 16. There were
nearly a thousand people at the depot here
last evening to witness the arrival of
Richard Dowell, the man brought from
Grand Forks, Dak., where he was arrested
two weeks ago on tbe supposition that he
was'tbe murderer of John R. and Edward
"West, who were shot and killed while re
turning from church December 23, 1875.
-Dowell was convicted, but escaped from
jail. A large posse of special officers had
been sworn in to prevent disorder, and
these kept the crowd at a considerable dis
tance from the train, but as soon as the
prisoner appeared there were scores of
shouts that he was not the man.
The prisoner was taken to jail, where the
officers were followed by the entire popu
lation of the town. At the jail the prisoner
stated his name was James Shelton, and a
native of Tennessee; that he had gone to
Dakota six vears ago, and that hehadnever
heard of the'murder until accused of it. He
will probably be released.
Royal Worcester for Weddings.
There is a grace of form, beauty of outline
and dejicacy of coloring embodiediin Wor
cester that no other ware possesses. How
very appropriate it is for a bridal gift, and
how natural it is to go to E. P. Roberts &
Sons' stores to make your selection. They
carry a wonderlul stock of these goods.
Easier DXoralnff
Is the most beautiful panel ever presented
as a souvenir. Presented all of "this week
to each purchaser of 1 pound tea, 2" pounds
coffee, or 1 pound baking powder, at all our
Geeat Atlantic an'd Pacific Tea Co.
Bring Yonr Wife
To the Easter millinery opening at The
People's Store, beginning Thursday, April
18, and continuing Friday and Saturday
not only bring her, but buy her a new
bonnet. The Paris hats are irresistible.
Campbell & Dick,
W 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave.
For Real Bargains
In diamonds, watches and silverware, go to
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Special low
prices in fine parlor clocks and bronzes to
match. It will pay you to call this week
and see the immense stock of goods just re
ceived at 295 Fifth ave. vrrsu
Oar Marked-Down Sales
Are causing much comment. If you want
anything in tbe fancy goods line don't fail
to call now. Reduced prices hold only till
removal next week, at
Haedy & Hayes, Jewelers,
WS 533 Smithneld st.
All the Newest Shapes In Children's Caps,
French and fine drawn work. Also the new
sun bonnets, in zephyr department.
Penn Avenue Stores.
91. Seibert & Co.
For all kinds of furniture, the best and
cheapest. Call at the large furniture fac
tory, Lecock and Hope streets, near railroad
bridge, Allegheny. n
YoarJEaster Bonnet
Should be selected from the elegant line of
Paris makes on view at our grand millinery
opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The People's Store.
Campbell & Dick,
MW 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave.
Fairly Started Onr threat Sale of Elder
Down Qallts,
Best values for best goods Fiench satine
and satin covers best sizes new patterns.
See them now.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Raster Opening.
To-day, Thursday and Friday. Ladies'
Suit Parlor. Latest styles of Spring suits,
House Robes and Wrappers.
Parcels & Jones, 29 Fifth avenue.
Don't Fail
To get "Easter" Morning" panel; at all the
stores of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Co. this week. mwf
B. fcB.
See our great display or ladies suits S10
to 575.
Special attractions in Easter goods.
Boggs & Buhl.
50 pieces, 22 in. wide, printed India
silks, choice patterns and colors, at 69c a
yard. Hugus & Hacke.
The family trade supplied with choice
old wines and liquors at G. W. Schmidt's,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Cloak Depaetment We have just
opened an elegant line of vest front jackets,
all sizes and colors, at S12 50 each, the hand
somest garment shown this season at the
price. Hugus & Hacke.
ALL the latest novelties in men's fine
neckwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100
Fifth ave.
Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Tfsine. iteildenes.
C William James Pittsburg
( Annie Hand! Pittsburg
j Klh Gongaware Westmoreland connty
Maggie J. l.udwlck McKeesport
jl'eler Green... MUivale boron gh
Mary Good Pittsburg
(John Lehman Allegheny
i Lizzie Fischer Allegheny
(William H. Falkenstein Allegheny
5 Mary Lebzelter Allegheny
(David Hani cl Betuhoover borough
(Amelia Eckliard . Pittsburg
. You Need It Now
To impart strength and to give a feeling of
health and vigor throughout tbe system, there
is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla, It
seems peculiarly adapted to overcome that tired
feeling caused by change of season, climate or
life, and while it tones and sustains the system,
it purines and renovates tbe blood. We earn
estly urge the large army or clerks, book
keepers, school teachers, housewives, oper
atives and all others who have been closely
confined during the winter and who need a
good spring medicine, to try Hood's Sarsapa
rilla note. It will do you, good.
"Every spring for years I have made it a
practice to take from three to fire bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. because I know it purifies
the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system
of all impurities. That languid feeling, some
times called 'spring fever,' will never visit the
system that has been properly cared for by this
never-falling remedy." W. H. Lawbexce,
Editor Agricultural Epitomise, Indianapolis.
'Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. 81: six for $5. Prepared
only by (X L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
MARIE LANDERS, the Hair Artist,nd
have your hair dressed in the New Dlrectolre
style. Also examine her imported shampoo pre
paration, which is the very latest and best for
home use. Remember 25 Fifth ave., Hugus
fc Hacke building, upstairs. Take Sperber's
elevator. apT-wsu
First size Chas. Downing, per barrel, 83 75.
Early Gem, Viek's Extra Early, Dakota Red,
82 25 per barrel. Second size 60c per barrel
less. Order early at these prices.
fel9-MWF 03 Smitufield St.
Assets . 89071,69335.
Insurance. Co. of Worth America.
Loues adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONES. M Fourth avenue. w-s2-D
Dr. Sopbv E. Fettvrcll, Dentist.
On and after April 1, office, room 407
Penn building.
WILLOOK JONES-On Tuesday, April 18,
1SS9, at the residence of the bride's father, by
Rev. Geo. T. Pnrves, D. D., Alice, daughter
of B. F. Jones, Esq., to Wn-LtAM Walter
ALBITZ-On Monday, April 15, 18S9, at I
o'clock, Mrs. Henrietta, wife of Christopher
Albitz, aged SO years, 11 months and 15 days.
Funeral front ber late residence, S3 Union
alloy, Southside, on Webnesdat at 1 p. M.
Friends ot the family are respectfully invited
to attend,
ARNOLD On Monday, at 10.55 o'clock P. M.,
Sarah J wife of Thomas J. Arnold, aged 63
years and 10 days.
Dearest mother thou hast left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God that hast bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Yet again we hope to meet thee.
When the day of life is fled:
But in heaven with joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tears arc shed.
Funeral from residence, 233 Pearl street. Six
teenth ward, Thursday, April 18, at 2 o'clock
p. M. Friends of the family aro respectfully in
vited to attend.
St. Louts papers please copy. 2
CORROON On Monday, April 15. 1SS9, at 7
p. it., Thomas Corroon, in the 60th year of
his age.
Funeral from his late residence, corner of
Warden and Wabash avenues. Thirty-sixth
warL. on Wednesday at 2.30 r.M. Friends
of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
CROOKB-Suddenly. Anril 15. 1SS9. Erank-lin-P.
Crooks, son of Margaret and the late
A. J. Crooks, in the SSth year of his age.
Funeral services from his late residence, S9 Al
pine avenue, Allegheny, Wednesday, April
17, at 2 P. M. Friends of the family are Invited
o att end. 2
DOUGHERTY-Mondav, Anril 15, 18S9, at
1030 p. M., Mrs. Ellen Doudheety, aged 71
Funeral from tbe residence of her son-in-law,
Patrick Connolly, 32 Ovcrhill street, at
8.30 a. M. High mass at St. Bridget's at 9 a.
DOWNEY-On Monday. April 15, 1889. at 10
A. x., Mrs. Ella Downey, wife of Laurence
.Downey, aged Za years a months.
Funeral from her late residence. No. 118
Twenty-fifth street, Southside, Wednesday,
April 17, at 2 p. ii. Friends of the family are
respectfully Invited to attend. 2
T)TTR5?T-lnn Tnpsdav. Anril lfl. at 430 A. M-.
John Durst, in his 42d year.
Members of Magdala Lodge 991, I. O. O. F.;
Homestead Lodge 479, K. of P., and Homestead
Lodge, German Order of Harugarl, 431, and
friends of the family and members of sister
lodges are respectfully invited to attend the
funeral from his late residence, Homestead,
Fa., on Thursday, April 18, at 2 o'clock p. m.
EICHOLZ-On Monday, April 15, 18S9. at 1
p. it., Conrad W. Eicholz. aged SO years 3
months 18 days.
Funeral on Wednesday, at 130 p. at., from
his late residence. No. 109 Twenty-first street,
Southside, Pittsburg, Pa. Friends and mem
bers of Peter Fritz Lodge No. 486. 1. O. O. J1.,
and Wllhelin Tell Lodge No. 1786, K. of H., are
invited to attend. 2
FAUSETT On Anril 15, at 6:15 A. St., Agnes,
daughter of Mrs. Annie Fausett. aged 19 years.
Funeral from residence of her mother on
Fifth street, Braddock, Wednesday, April
17, at 2 p. M. Interment private at a later hour.
GREAVES-On Tuesday. April 16. 18S9, at
305 A. Jr., James T. Greaves, aged 8 years
and 6 months.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend the funeral from his mother's resi
dence. No. 315 Pennsylvania avenue, Allegheny,
on April 17, at 130 p. v. Interment private at
a later hour.
GEORGE On Tuesday, April 16. 1SS9,
Edith, infant daughter of James and Carrie
Funeral services at the residence. No. 1
Koerner avenue, Allegheny, on (Wednesday
afternoon, April 17, at 3 o'clock. Interment
HUGUS On Tuesday morning, April 16. 1SS9,
at 1 o'clock, Daniel Huous, in his 61st year.
Fnneral services at his late residence, No. 407
Liberty street, on Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment private. 2
KURZ On Monday, April 15, at 130 p. H.,
Christian Henry, son of the late John Fred
erick and Rosenna Rebecca Kurz,aged21 years
7jnonths 7 days.
Funeral takes place on Wednesday horn
ing at 10 o'clock, trom the residence, No. 122
South Eleventh street. Friends of tbe family
are respectfully invited to attend. 2
KEEFER On Tuesday. April 16. 1889.KATIE,
daughter of Soltzer and Aulonla Keefer, aged
29 years.
Funeral services at St. Augustine's Church
on Thursday, April 18, 1889, at 9 o'clock.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. 2
KANAAN On Monday. April 15, 1889, at 5 p.
M., Maggie, wife of William Kanaan, aged 41
Funeral from her late residence, 333 Main
street, on Wednesday at 230 p. m. Friends
of the family are respectfully Invited to at
tend. 2
MACKEY On Monday, April 15.at7J.0P'
jr., Mary A. Mackey, in the 67th year of her
Funeral services at the residence of her sis
ter, Mrs. C. C. Myler, No. 857 Edwin street.
East End, on Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment private at a later hour. 2
McKEON At the parents' residence. No. 4
Bayard street, Allegheny, on Monday, April 15.
1SS9, at 7 p. it- Willie J., son of Thomas and
Margaret McKeon, aged 19 years 1 month.
Services at 2 p. m. to-morrow afternoon.
NAURER On Tuesday, April ID, 1889. at 730
p. jr., Julia Kkagler, wife of Nicholas
Naurer, aged 35 years 11 months 18 dajs.
Funeral from her late residence, 1921 Larkin's
aley, Southside, on Friday at 2 r. m. Friends
of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
NE1LLIE On Tuesday. April 16, at noon,
RobeetNeillie, aged 71 years.
Funeral from bis late residence. No. 8 Isa
bella street, on Thursday. April 18, at 2 p. jr.
Friends of the family and Company G, One
Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, are respectfully Invited to attend.
OMOHUNDRO-On Monday. April 15, 1889,
atlA. H., Sidney F. Omohundro, in his 47th
year, at his residence, 266 Meyran avenue,
Funeral services at Oakland M. E. Church,
Forbes street, on Wednesday afternoon,
April 17, 1889, at 3 o'clock. Interment private.
Cincinnati and Erie papers please copy.
PRICE On Tuesday. April 16. 18S9, at y A.
M., DAVID L., son of G. A. and Sadie Price,
aged 6 months.
Funeral from the residence of his parents,
91 Locust street, Pittsburg, on Wednesday
at 230i". m.
8CANL0N On Monday, April 15, 1889, at 830
o'clock a. 3t., Delia, wifo of Patrick Scan
ion, and daughter of John J. O'Donnell of Sec
ond avenue, in the 30th year of her age.
Funeral from herhustiand's residence. Rail
road street, between Forty-eighth and Forty
ninth streots, on Wednesday at 830 a. it.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. 2
THOMAS April 15, 1S89, at his residence,
347JLigouier street, Sixteanth ward. Thomas
M. Thomas, aged 73 years 8 months 12 days.
Funeral service on Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Friends ot the family are re
spectfully Invited to attend the funeral. 2
WHSON On Tuesday. April 16, 1S89, at 4
a. m.. Marion V. Wilson, widow of the late
Robert L. Wilson aged 62 years.
Funeral services from her late residence,
Freedom, Pa., on Thursdat at U30. The
funeral will arrive at the Federal street depot
at 225, city time. Interment private at Union
dale Cemetery.
(Successors to Meyer, Arnold fc Co., Llm-,1
Office and residence, Detenu avenue. Tel
epbone connection. mylO-h53-uwF
No. 6 Seventh Street.
Telephone 11E3.
undertakers andEmbalmers and Livery B tables,
r0. biz urant sireci, near sum avenue.
At tbe old stand fine carriages for shopping or
parties or opera at the most reasonable prices.
'i elephone 2ZS. mh!-9S-wsu
A. 3f. & J. B. MURDOCH,
Telephone ia. ceo-fl-iriYT
We take great pleasure in announcing
that we have about completed a transform a
tion of the building we moved into, and
can now show as handsome n
As can be found, and with a stock of goo g,
worthy of this city of Pittsburg.
We extend a cordial invitation to the
public to lavor us with a visit.
We promise not to importune you to buy.
Look for our new big clock on sidewalk.
Ladies' Dressers.
Taken for future delivery.
We recommend this Dresser as a desirable
piece of furniture for furnishing with brass
and Iron beds.
P. C. Schoeneck,
N. B. Cataloeue mailed on receipt of 50c
and 6c for postage. apl4-wsu
China Mattings.
We Believe our spring dis
play of these cool, clean,
cheap and comfortable cover
ings for the floor in summer,
to be the largest ever made
in Pittsburg. Tons upon
tons in more than
are stacked up in our storage
basement no old soldiers in
the lot all this season's im
portation and offered at
closest importers' prices,
wholesale and retail, with
special prices by the roll.
This spring's choicest nov
of finest grass and wonder
fully close and even quality,
upon which are scattered ele
gant and unique designs of
grass embroidery of various
colors, is a most novel and
effective fabric for friezes and
dados in wall decoration, and
for screens, as well as for
floor coverings. Mattings by
the roll at the extraordinarily
low price of
S3 5o
fHLr ' i t K
II i TJa3 i - ifrff IB
Fretich Pattern Bonnets
and Hats.
April 1 8 and 19.
All Are Cordially Invited.
Mourning Millinery a Specially.
No. 407 Market St.
170 CAEDS. Bpl4-124-xwsn
All who intend buying Easter Cards,
Booklets or Novelties of any kind will do
well to look at oJr stock. It is the most
complete in the city, and our prices aver
age 50 per cent below regular values.
In Easter Cards we have the newest
'designs, together with a beautiful line ol
Hand-Fainted (Jard.
Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals.
You will find in .our book corner a
general assortment of Bibles, Prayer
Books and Hymnals. The Bibjes are
with and without references; prices from
35c to $o.
The Oxford teachers' editions are in
four sizes, and about 20 styles and prices.
Scholars as well as teachers find this
edition very useful in Bible study. In
our collection are several unusually choice
Bibles, printed on India paper, sewed
with silk, kid lined and bound in the best
flexible morocco.
Prayer Books and Hymnals are mostly
in the popular combination sets. In
these there is also a wide range of prices.
Many will -be' chosen -as a most appro
priate Easter gift.
Continues all week. New attractions
Onr Souvenir on this occasion will be a
spray of artificial lilies.
AH ot our departments will have their
special attractions, but we single out for
your particular attention:
Easter Cards and Hovel ties,
Cloaks and Wraps,
Infants' Outfits,
Art Embroidery,
Hosiery and
Parasols, Laces and Embroideries, Dress
Trimmings, Ladies' and Children's Hand
kerchiefs, Gentlemen's and Boys' Furnish
ing Goods, and last, Housefurnishing
Fleishman & Go's.
504,506 and 508 Market st.
TlJs Trade Mark Is on Our Windows and
in Each Hat.
Vers De Societe.
'Try one of Paulson's Fine Stiff Hats,
From $3 to $4 in price;
They'll wear you well,
That's why they sell
They're Nobby, Neat and Nice."
Chronicle Telegraph.
Tbe latest Sprint; Styles of our Beautiful and
Irtlstlc Silk Hats and Derbvs. from tbe best
European and American makers, are also now
ready. In Soft and Sans Bond Hats, for travel
ing and semi-dress, we nave, as is acknowl
edged by everyone, the largest and most com
plete assortment ever shown in Pittsburg. -
441 wood Street.
N. R We iron all Silk Hats FREE OF
CHARQE. no difference where purchased.
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithneld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
wm. em?i&8,
SPEING DKESS GOODS New, usefui and effective dress fabrics in stripes, brocades, checks and mixtures at 16cil8c and 20c handsoi
colors in 36-inch English Cashmeres, specially good values, at 25c Large line striped plaids, checks and fancy weaves, substantial fabrics and 1
36 and 40-inch Suitings in stvles equal to the best imported goods. Special assortment plaids and stripes in colors and black and white for comb
wool Colored Cashmeres at $1)6. At 60c, 65c and 75o a yard Colored Wool Henriettas, Colored Serges, Bordered Suitings, French "Wool Stripes
An elegant display of High Art Novelties.
BLACK DBESS GOODS Exceptional values in All-"Wool Black Cashmeres, 45c,
50c, 62c and 75c; superior qualities and finish, 90c, 51 and ?1 25. Onr 46-inch Henrietta
Cloths, 50c, 65e, 75c and fl, are unequalled bargains. Serges, Drap DeAlmas, Albatross
and fancy weaves in great variety at low prices. Nun's Veilings, plain and pressed
SILKS We have the best values ever offered in Black Gross Grain Silks from 50c,
65c, 76c up. Note especially the 24-ineh wide xat $1, 51 25 and ft 60 a yard. "Very
superior qualities for the prices at 51 75 to 53 a yard. Black Satin Bhadames, Surahs,
Armures, Marveilleaux, Barathei- s and a variety of fancy weaves at special prices. New
lines Strined and Plain Sarahs. Plain and Printed India Silks and Modes.
CABPETS AND CTJBTAINS This is the busy month in this department. Our stock is all fresh and styles new. Special values In Bndy B
the line at 81. Tapestry Brussels, large assortment, 60c, 65o and 75c. New patterns in Ingrains. Hall and Stair Carpets, Mattinzs, Kujrs and Mats of
all widths at correct figures. Turcoman and Chenille Curtains S3 50 a pair up. See the specialties at 55, 56 and 53. Silk and Oriental Curtains and 1
by the yard. Unsurpassed bargains in Lace Curtains. Our specialties are from 51 to 55 a pair excellent values up to 520 a pair.
Do not neglect the Spring Wraps and Overgarments. Finest Cloak Boom in the city filled with New Jackets; Plain, Striped and Mixed Stockl.
Colors; Cape Newmarkets. Beaded Capes, 53 to 520. Silk and Cashmere Mantles, Fichus, etc Suits for Ladies, Misses and Children at very low prices
Now open and ready for yonr inspection, beautiful lines of New Parasols and Sunshades. New Neckwear in the latest atyles: Collars and Caffs,
men's and boys' wear.
We cordially solicit a personal inspection of the novelties opening daily in the above departments, M well as the many others we regret onr i
mention, assuring the same cordial attention whether baying or not.
ISTSamples sent by mail when-requested. Mail orders promptly executed.
willi-Ajm: s:e:m::p:l.:
But the judgment that c
many years of ezperienc
us to anticipate so well ;
and your purse. Are yot
start out Easter morning.
Suit and Overcoat and tot
with a new Hat1? "We are pr'
to serve you with a oomple
liable make and newest pat
For the lfttle fellows from t
years old we aro showing' the
son's novelties in TCTTT St
and the prices are too
to justify the most skit
mother making any suits r.
self. In KNEE PANTS Su.
we have a specially large assor
ment and the ease with "which th
are being sold is the best evidenc
of proper styles and low prices.
HATS in complete variety of the
newest spring shades and blocks.
Tailors, (Miers ai Hatters,
161, 163 Federal St., Allegheny.
Kid Gloves bearing imitations of
our Lacing Hooks are offered for
The genuine Foster Glove Hooks
do not catch in Fringe, Laces, &c,
nor accidentally unfasten.
All Gloves with genuine Foster
Lacings are stamped
JDcmand than and tee that you get them.
' Manufacturers.
ts every demand for simplicity, accuracy,
economy of time and material, and ease of
comprehension. It is adapted to all irregular!
tlesf Torm, and is unaff sated by fashion. No
ronttlnR. No recasting
School of dress cutting at 644 Penn avenue.
Open evenings. M. A. DAVIS.
Total Assets, January 1, 1887 J2,301,8o8 68
QO FOURTH AVE., Pittsburg, F.
! Telephone 760. jal60-W
Also, but warp uasnmeres at 51, sola everywnere at 51 20.
05FOpen Sa-
For wearing, lonj,
hiding from yotr what
always fairest
That will bring you
back from you a tittle
duced with all faithful ec
Our eagerness is to hi
tomers. The way to that -from
the house-top, and be
Our Spring Clothing, fr
fashioned, and cheapest for 1
. Let dealers sell what the,
who seek the dependable and
style into our good quality tha
That's the story. Choose a
of the list for getting your trade
Sixth St. anc
15, 1889.
styles, at 6c, 8c, 10c and 12c up to finest Scotch Zeph
Challies, 5c, 6c, np. New American Satines, 10c,
finish to a silk, 20c to 35c. White Goods, new pattern
SPBING MILLINERY We are fully prepared for
is full up with the latest atyles in Hats and Bonnets, newe
of every kind and width. Grand display of Flowers in
etc Trimmed Hats added daily. Ton cannot fall to bt
No charge for trimming Hats and Bonnets bought ot us.